Tuesday, July 28, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 692 - 694


CHAPTERS 692 - 693


Jane Ronan looked up at the man holding her drunkenly and muttered, "I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming. Such a handsome man can only appear in a dream." 

She felt that she must be dreaming one of her more sexual dreams. She had been abandoned by her closest family, so God sent her an angel who was much more good looking than Christopher Greyson to save her. 

"Hey hey... you look so handsome. If you smile, don't put on a straight face, you will look better." Jane suddenly raised her hand and pinched his face. It was a dream anyway. In her dreams, she could do whatever she wanted. No one could do anything to her. 

She not only pinched his face, she also opened her mouth and talked to him! Edwin couldn't help but frown at the strong stench of alcohol. He really wanted to throw her by the road to suffer in the cold wind,.so that she would not drink like this in future. 

However, he did not care that she was pinching him. He held her tighter and asked in a low voice, "Do you have a place to go?" Edwin knew that she couldn't go back to her home, but he couldn't take her back with him, so he planned to send her to her friend or someone she could trust. 

"A place to go? Do you mean home?" Jane smiled miserably. "I was just kicked out by my family. I have no home and no family. No one wants me. I will only have myself to rely on in the future." 

Upon hearing her words, Edwin raised his brows even higher.

"My beloved mother doesn't want me, my father doesn't want me, my sister and my fiancé have a child together... They betrayed me together. Am I that much of a failure?" 

Jane thought that she was dreaming, so she just blabbered on about whatever came to her mind. Edwin still didn't say a word. He only knew that her name was Jane Ronan, the second daughter of the Ronan Family. 

Other than that, he didn't know much about her, so he was not clear about her character. "If you don't answer me, it just means you also think I'm a failure." As she spoke, she smiled, but her smile became more bitter. 

"Since I was young, I've been giving in to her, everything has been hers... She would choose the better looking clothes first, when there were snacks, she would taste it first. Only one of us could study abroad, and I let her have the chance, just because she is my sister. I'm willing to give it to her." 

Because she loved her family and sister, she hoped that her parents could rest assured and her sister could be happy, so she was willing to let her sister go. She was willing to do so, and she did not complain at all. 

"But today, she stole my fiance. My father said that I was useless, my mother wanted me to give way to her. I can give her anything, but my fiance?" 

"In fact, what really hurts me is not that my fiance was stolen away from me, but that I have been abandoned by my closest family. I am a useless abandoned child." 

"My father often beats and scolds my mother. My fiance f*cked my sister. You men are all trash." As she spoke, she gave Edwin a look of disgust. Although he looked handsome, he was also a man, so he was definitely trash.

As soon as she started talking, she couldn't stop, Edwin stood by the road with her in his arms, and listened to her drunken speech in the cold wind. After scolding him, she finally thought of the man who was holding her. 

She glanced at him and asked drunkenly, "By the way, what's your name? Who sent you here to comfort me? Do you also pity me? Let me tell you, I don't need you to pity me." 

"Why don't you say anything. Don't you have a name?" She didn't even give him a chance to answer. She added, "If you don't have a name, then i'll give you a name. You're... called... what's your name really?" 

She was so drunk that she couldn't think of a good name. She was anxious and said, "Tell me now, or I will drive you out of my dream." 

"Edwin Carter." Edwin gave her a simple answer, because he simply wanted to tell her, not because he was threatened by her. There were not many people in the world who would dare threaten the big boss of Shengtian Corporation. 

It was very hard for others to meet him. However, today he was listening to a drunkard talking nonsense. 

"Edwin Carter? You're Edwin Carter?" She said with a silly smile, " I've always liked the surname Carter, because my idol is also called Carter."

"Idol?" He raised his eyebrows and asked. "Prince Carter the Fourth! He is my Prince Charming. Have you seen his palace? Haven't you gone to London? I've been to London to look at the palace he lived in." 

Speaking of her Prince Charming, she was so excited that she forgot about everything else. She began to ramble on.

Edwin asked gloomily, "What do you like about this Prince Charming of yours?" 

"What do I like about him?" She thought for a moment and said, "He's dominant, especially when he wears his armor, and... why do you care about what I like?" 

Jane burped and continued, "I don't need to talk to an imaginary person like you. You won't understand even if I tell you. If there is a chance in the future, when I go to London again, I will try to dream of.you and take you out for a walk." 

"Dream?" She bantered with him for a long time. She.had just assumed he was an imaginary person.

Edwin suddenly felt a little angry. He loosened his hands and wanted to let her go. Even if she was not heavy, it was tiring to hold her for such a long time. 

However, as soon as he let her go, her body moved sideways and threatened to collapse to the ground again. He instinctively reached out his hand to hold her steady. 

At this moment, a sad thing happened. Jane began to vomit. Fortunately, she didn't eat dinner and didn't vomit much. 

But for Edwin, the germaphobe, it was absolutely unbearable. "You!" His face became dark, but he didn't know what to do with her, because she fell asleep in his arms and closed her eyes

"Young Master!!" When Uncle Watson finished dealing with the two rascals, he came back and saw what had happened. 

Good heavens! Someone was going to die today! He didn't dare to look. She vomited so much on the Young Master's body. 

The Young Master was notoriously germaphobic. It would not end well for this little girl. However, what stunned Uncle Watson even more was that the young master did not throw the girl away. 

Instead, he picked her up again and said, "Back to the hotel." Uncle Watson was in a state of shock. He stood still. Edwin looked back at him and said, "Drive back to the hotel." 

Uncle Watson was frightened and quickly replied, "Yes, yes, yes.." 

There were.so many strange things that happened that night. Was this man really their young master? The one who never meddled in other people's business? The one who was scared of germs?.


On the way back to the hotel, Uncle Watson looked at Edwin in the backseat from the rearview mirror. He wanted to say something several times but did not dare to. After all, if the young master wanted to do anything, it was not something he, a driver, could control. 

Besides, the young master was young and strong. It was reasonable for him to take the girl home. 

In more than half an hour, the car stopped outside the hotel. Edwin got out of the car with a frown and walked to the hotel with Jane Ronan in his arms. 

"Chairman Carter .." Seeing Edwin come back with a woman in his arms, Sienna Henry, who was waiting at the hotel, greeted him immediately. 

She was much more surprised than Uncle Watson. It was only half a day that she wasn't with Edwin, yet the chairman came back with a woman at night. This was something that they had never dared to think about in the past. 

"Get someone to prepare a set of clean female clothes and send them to my room." Edwin said coldly and walked to the elevator with a straight face. 

"Chairman .." Sienna wanted to say something, but Edwin had already entered the elevator. The elevator door closed and blocked her from him. She could not even see Edwin's back. 

Back in the room, Edwin went into the bathroom with Jane in his arms. Their clothes were all dirty and reeked of alcohol. They couldn't wear these clothes anymore, so they had to take a shower and change their clothes.

However, they were a man and a woman. There was no relationship between them. Of course he could not just take off her clothes. 

She couldn't sleep if she was in dirty clothes, she couldn't even take a bath. However, he couldn't be the one to take off her clothes and help her wash up. 

After thinking about it, he decided they would bathe together with their clothes on. He turned on the hot water and held her in his arms under the shower. After washing, Sienna came back with their clean clothes. 

Edwin said coldly, "Go to the room and change her clothes." Sienna came to Edwin's room. It was the room that Edwin had slept in. She looked around and found a woman she couldn't recognize, lying in Edwin's bed in wet clothes. 

It was Chairman Carter's bed. Siena lowered her eyelids and didn't dare to look around or change her expressions. She helped the woman change out of her wet clothes as fast as she could. 

"Chairman Carter it's done." After changing, Sienna went to the living room to report to him. 

"Get someone to come in and clean up." Edwin's tone was still cold and direct. He turned his.back to her and did not even look at her. 

"Chairman Carter, that woman... "

"That's my business." Before Sienna could finish her words, he interrupted her. 

He had a few special assistants loyal to him, who were his best assistants at work. He would listen to their suggestions in work, but his private life was his own business, he didn't want others to gossip about it. 

"I'll go and get the staff now." Sienna knew that she was prying, so she hurried off. 

The hotel staff quickly rushed to clean up the room and.change the bedding. When they left, Jane had already fallen asleep on the big bed that Edwin had slept on. 

Looking at her defenseless sleeping posture, Edwin frowned again with anger in his eyes. If he didn't catch up with her tonight, would she be lying on the bed with the two rascals now? Thinking of this, his eyes darkened. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. 

After getting through, he said, "I need you to look after someone for me. As long as she's in Kyoto, you have to ensure her safety." 

"Who on earth is this person who you want to protect, Chairman Carter?" It was a man's voice on the other side of the phone. He wanted to know too much. 

"You should know about the Ronan family who is quite close to the Greyson family. She's the second daughter of the Ronan family. If anything happens to her, I will come to you." Edwin said and hung up immediately. 

"So Sophie is your daughter, am I not your daughter then?" A woman's voice started to mutter... 

"Just because she is pregnant with a child of the Greyson family, you want to side with her and abandon me? Are you two really my parents?" 

"Is this what you use your daughter for? Haha... It's ridiculous."

"You don't want me anymore, then I don't want you all too in the future. Don't accuse me of being ungrateful in the future..." 

As soon as he hung up the phone, Edwin heard Jane's voice behind him. In her sleep, she was ranting about her family members in a low voice. 

Although she said that she didn't care, in fact, she cared about her family. If she really didn't care, she would not be dreaming about them, and she would not be so sad. 

Edwin walked over to her, pulled up the quilt to cover her, and sat on the bed. His eyes fell on her fair and clean face, and he couldn't turn his eyes away. 

What was the difference between her and other people? Why did he want to follow her? Why would he be so patient to listen to her ranting about other people? Why would he take her back to the hotel and let her sleep in his bed? 

Edwin couldn't figure it out, and he didn't intend to think about it anymore After sitting with her for a while and seeing that she didn't make any more noise, he went to the study next door and continued to work.

Because of the time difference and jet lag, he did not sleep the whole night. He dealt with his work until dawn, and then he went to the company for a meeting. 

When he returned to the hotel after the meeting, the woman who occupied his bed for the night had already left. She left nothing behind. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a little lost. 

This was the first time that Edwin saw Jane. He remembered this woman deeply, he remembered that she was drunk and scolded him and vomited on him. 

What about her? She didn't remember him at all. Maybe she really thought he was just an imaginary person who appeared beside her last night. She had a dream, and after she woke up from it, he no longer existed. 

Later, Edwin heard from the person who was protecting her that Sophie Ronan was framing Jane. She couldn't stay in Kyoto. Therefore, she was forced to go to Jiangbei. A few years later, Edwin met her in Jiangbei... 

Recalling the past, Edwin only felt a sharp pain in his heart. It was as if tens of thousands of ants were biting at his heart. His world was dark. 

At that time, Jane had experienced such.a huge betrayal, she was accused of seducing her brother-in-law. Now, she couldn't even step foot in Kyoto.

Yet, she didn't fall down. She struggled and survived step by step until she met him. After she met him, it was the beginning of her bad luck. She had experienced all the misfortune. 

However, Edwin still firmly believed that the current Jane was still the same person as before. Strong and brave.

Through pure effort, she would wake up. Because she knew that Edwin and her child were waiting for her to wake up. She knew that their family was incomplete without her. She would never want to see Janell without a mother. 

"Jane, you will wake up, right?" Edwin held her hand and asked softly. Two drops of warm tears rolled down from the corner of Jane's eyes. It was her answer to his questions..


"Jane, you heard me, didn't you?" Edwin was ecstatic when he saw tears rolling down from the corner of Jane's eyes. 

Jane! Jane! Jane! 

Edwin repeatedly called out for Jane, however, she did not provide him with any responses apart from the tears that she had just shed. Jane remained still. 

Edwin's aggressively.palpitating heart slowed down and turned cold, as if it was being drowned by.collapsing icy- cold glaciers which dampened his boiling excitement.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and murmured, "Jane, are you really that reluctant and unwilling to wake up to see me?" 

"It's been three months. It's been three whole months. How long more do you want to sleep for? Do you want to sleep for a lifetime?"

Suddenly, Edwin growled. At this very moment, he looked exactly like a wild beast going berserk, losing its rationality. However, he did not appear to be dangerous, instead, you could tell that he was in immense sorrow. 

Jane had been lying on the hospital bed for the past three months now. He stayed by her bedside throughout this time, and every minute and second was pure suffering for him. 

They both had the same thought. He really wished that he was the one who got hurt that day, and he was the person lying on the hospital bed now. 

He went mad! He roared furiously! Being aloof and reserved, these were not what Edwin would normally do. He had never done such a crazy thing like this in the past 30 years. 

Despite witnessing Jane's injury, he was still able to stay calm and send Jane to the hospital as fast as he could, striving for.the shortest time to bring her medical attention. 

As for today, Edwin's emotions broke out because he had been holding it in for too long. He was exhausted and had a rough.time. He was on the verge of breaking down. He wanted to vent his emotions this way to let Jane know that he missed her very much, and hoped that she would come round soon and stay by his side safe and sound. 

"Jane, did you hear me? I'm talking to you! Are you going to sleep for another three months? Three years? Or thirty years?"

Edwin felt as though he was going crazy. If Jane did not get up soon, he would definitely go crazy. He could not bear the fear of losing her.

Maybe Edwin's desperate roar was too sorrowful for anyone to hear. Deep down, Jane could hear his words clearly, and even feel his pain in her heart. 

"Don't be sad, Edwin!" Jane tried hard to open her eyes and her mouth to speak out. She wanted to caress Edwin's face desperately... 

She wanted to tell him not to worry and be sad anymore. She would try.her best to wake up and return to the family's side. However, no matter how hard Jane attempted, her efforts were in vain. 

She was unable to move, or to open her eyes and say anything. She could only feel worried and helpless when she heard Edwin's frustrating vents. 

As Jane wanted to wake up so badly, she used all her strength to do so. Just as she was trying her very best, she felt increasing discomfort and tightness in her chest. 

Eventually, it seemed that she let out a deep breath which choked her and she let out a subtle cough. 

"Cough..." Jane let out a cough suddenly. For Edwin, it was the most pleasant sound he had ever heard in his life. 


This time, Edwin did not.dare to overreact. He was worried that it was just his hallucination. Maybe Jane did not make a single sound at all. It was all in his mind. He imagined that Jane coughed because he wanted to hear her so badly. 

Since he was unsure, he became cautious and lowered down his voice. He was so nervous that his mind was messed up. 

"Edwin!" Jane tried to call for Edwin too. She wanted to tell him that she could hear his every.word, but she was struggling to respond. 

"Jane, don't worry. I know you can hear me,.and that's enough." Edwin was so excited that he could not speak in complete sentences. 

"Just, lie down, I'll ask the doctor to come and see you right away." 

Hurriedly. Edwin called for the doctor. The doctor immediately conducted a complete physical examination for Jane. 

After the check-up, the doctor said excitedly, "Chairman Carter, your wife's condition has apparently improved, it's much better than yesterday. Her brain is working actively and her physical condition is much better. The chances of her coming out of her coma are now greater." 

Although Jane had not yet awakened, the possibility of her waking up greatly increased, which was also gratifying to hear.

The doctor continued, "Chairman Carter, if you continue talking to your wife, it will further improve her brain activity and accelerate her recovery." The doctor found Jane's recovery condition to be incredible. 

Initially, when he received Jane's case, she was on the brink of death. Because of her serious injuries, she could succumb to her injuries any time. 

However, when they were operating on her, a miracle happened. Her tenacity allowed her to pull through the most critical and dangerous period. Her injuries were too serious and she had profuse bleeding. 

After the surgery, her health condition did not seem well too, but Jane once again managed to pull herself through. 

She kept herself strong and her condition stable. This rate of recovery got stuck in a plateau that lasted for three months. Superficial injuries on her body healed in the past three months, but her overall health condition was still weak, so she could not get up yet.

Yesterday, when they did a routine examination, her health condition was the same as usual, without any significant improvement.

However, during the physical examination just now, her physical condition was very much improved. Her brain activity was active, and her heart rate was normal. These vital signs were similar to a healthy person. 

The attending doctor had been operating for decades and encountered a lot of patients and cases before. He rarely came across patients who were in such a bad situation at the beginning, yet could survive until the end. 

Initially, the doctors were still wondering what kind of motivation would make a frail woman so persistent? After observing throughout the months, the answer was self evident. Her husband and daughter motivated her a lot. It was their love and her love for them that allowed her to hold on until now. 

Edwin felt more relieved as he believed that Jane might come round anytime. He took a hot towel, sat beside Jane's bed and wiped her forehead. 

While wiping, he said, "Jane, I know that you can hear what I'm talking about, so please listen to me carefully. On the 20th of May, we will have our wedding ceremony, so you must wake up before the day comes." 

His tone sounded very domineering, which was very similar to the tone he used to issue orders to his subordinates during work. His instructions were not intimidating but stern. 

Jane could hear everything, from the doctor explanations to what Edwin said... 

She really wanted to answer Edwin's question so that he would not be so sad. She really wanted to raise her hand to touch his face. It was probably due to her strong perseverance, she broke through the limits of her body.

She thought about caressing Edwin so badly that her hand really moved..

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