Wednesday, May 27, 2020



CHAPTERS 201- 300





Grandpa hadn’t contacted her since the last conversation. Now she met him again, and he looked like a kind person, but she didn’t know what was going on in his mind.

Jane guessed that he might want to keep Carter’s blood. He will wait until she gives birth to the child, and then he will force her again to leave Edwin Carter.

Grandpa really looked down on her. In the past, when she just found out that she was pregnant, grandpa asked her to leave Edwin Carter but she refused. And now, after their child’s birth, she won’t be able to even think about it.

Jane looked up at grandpa again quietly. Grandpa’s eyes were sharp and frightening, but in a moment he concealed his ideas.

Grandpa pretended like nothing had happened, so she also decided to pretend that nothing had happened. She smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, grandpa!"


"Grandpa, Angela has a lot of things to tell you. Listen to Angela first." Angela Carter also tried to help her brother and sister-in-law.

"Well, grandpa will listen to Angela. Tell me what strange things have happened to Angela in this period of time?" When grandpa looked at Angela Carter, he showed a real and heartfelt smile, looking so kind and amiable.

"Dad, mom," Jane said hello to Edwin Carter’s parents.

Mother Carter patted on the sofa and asked Jane to sit by her side. She took her hand and said, "Jane, it must be hard for you these days."

Jane shook her head, "Mom, I am fine. It’s just that you don’t look very well. Please go back to your room and get some rest."

"I have always been like this. Often fell ill." Edwin’s mother spoke about her physical condition and glanced at her husband. He was the one who worked harder than her in recent years.


Although it was her who was ill, he was the one who stayed more anxious than her.

"Don’t keep sitting here. Let's go to the room and have a rest." Edwin’s father held his wife’s arm and said to Jane, "Jane, you’ve just come back, you should get some rest. Grandpa can go with Angela."

"Okay." Jane stood up to help mother, but Edwin Carter grabbed her.

He led her back to the room and noticed her facial expressions, "Why you look so worried?"

"Maybe, I’m a little tired. I’ll take a bath and get some sleep first." Jane couldn’t tell Edwin Carter that she was afraid of grandpa.


Edwin Carter heard Jane’s voice, hurriedly supported her and said nervously, "What happened?"

"Edwin, don’t make any noise…" it seemed that she was quietly feeling something, she stood still for a moment. After a few seconds, she took Edwin’s hand and put it on her belly, and said excitedly, "Feel it. The baby just kicked me. Really, the baby kicked me several times."

Edwin Carter said, "Kicked you? Is it painful?"

"It doesn’t hurt, it… it is amazing," Jane was excited.

Edwin Carter immediately lowered his head and put his ears on Jane’s belly. He noticed carefully and felt that the baby kicked him.

"Yes, I feel it, too," he said with a smile.

He smiled happily and brightly showing his white and tidy teeth.

In the past, when he smiled, he was very restrained. It was the first time that Jane saw him smiling so happily; she couldn’t look away.

Edwin Carter wasn’t aware of his silly appearance. He listened again and said, "Be good, baby, don’t kick your mother."

Jane noticed Edwin Carter’s silly appearance and smiled happily, "Mr. Carter, you look so lovely. But I want to tell you, in fact, the baby is not kicking me. May be he just woke up and must be stretching his body."



"Baby, are you kicking your mother or stretching?" Edwin Carter bent down and kissed Jane’s belly and laughed happily.

Edwin Carter’s smile was so dazzling and charming that can warm anyone’s heart.

Jane reached out and stroked his face, "Mr. Carter, can you promise me one thing?"

"What is it?" Edwin Carter asked.

He never makes commitments easily, but when he does, he tries his best to fulfill it.

"Promise me to smile as much as possible. I love your smile." She loved his smile and wanted to see it every day.

After hearing that, Edwin Carter’s smiling face suddenly froze away. He turned his head away awkwardly.

Jane held him and said with a slaying smile, "Don’t you want to promise me?"

Edwin Carter picked her up and said, "It’s your time to take a bath."

Jane, "..."

The man was still stupid; he didn’t want to say nice things to her.

After taking a bath and lying on the bed, when Jane was about to fall asleep, Edwin Carter’s magnetic voice fell in her ears, "If you and our child are with me, I will try my best to smile this way."

Jane heard his words and smiled happily.


In a flash, nearly a month passed, Jane’s due date was next month’s 29th.

They were excited. Soon, they will be able to see their baby.

Because the elders of the Carter family, especially grandpa, Jane didn’t like to go out of her room during this period of time. Mostly, she stayed in the balcony of the room and did sketching.


Today, when she was sketching, Laura called her and said, "Jane, Mrs. Ashton recommend your designs to one of her friends. Now that customer wants you to design a wedding dress and I couldn’t put off. Can you do it?"

"Yes, of course." These days, Jane had no work to do and felt very bored. After hearing this news, she was very delighted.

Without waiting for Laura to speak, she urged, "Laura, please send the customer’s request to my mailbox, I will check it now."

Laura asked again, "Are you sure? Your man won’t be angry if I give you work at this time?"

"No, he will thank you." Edwin Carter was also worried about her boredom and always try to make her happy. Having a job was the best way to make her happy.

"Jane, your due date is approaching, right? I’m so excited that you are going to be a mother." For Jane’s present life, Laura felt envious and happy.

"You and Alex should also get married now. And then you both have a baby. Our children can be friends in the future." Jane said.

Laura rolled her eyes and muttered, "If you give birth to a boy, he will be the owner of the Shengtian group. If give birth to a girl, she will be the rich daughter of the Carter family. With this high status, it’s not possible for your child to get along with my ordinary child."


"No matter what kind of identity, I will love my child. You are my best friend, of course, the only aunt of the child." Jane squatted in front of Mia Mia and gently touched her head, "Mia Mia, Aunt Laura has said something wrong. We should punish her, right?"

"Woof, woof." Mia Mia lazily barked twice and squinted slightly as if she was angry with Jane.

"What happened to Mia Mia?" Laura heard her voice and felt as if she was not happy. "Puppy, aren’t you happy to hear my voice?"

"She’s mad at me," Jane said.

Two days ago, Edwin Carter took Jane to a nearby place to spend leisure time, but he didn’t take Mia Mia with them. When she went out, she forgot to say goodbye to Mia Mia and when they came back Mia Mia was already angry.

Laura said, "She’s angry with you, so please send it to my place for a few days."


"Woof, woof, woof-" after hearing Laura’s words about taking her away, Mia Mia immediately changed her lazy appearance and glared at the mobile phone in Jane’s hand.

She just wanted to be with Jane. If anyone dared to take her away, she will definitely bite him. Over the years, she hasn’t bitten any people and maybe others have forgotten that she can bite.

"Don’t worry, I won’t take you away from your master, okay?" Laura smiled and added, "Jane, this order is not urgent. You can hand in the manuscript whenever you want."

Jane smiled, "Laura, what kind of good luck I had in the previous life? So I happened to meet you in my present life?"

"Ah, don’t say that. All the good you have done in your previous life has been used to meet Mr. Carter. He’s your best blessing." In Laura’s view, she just supported her, stayed by her side in the most difficult days, but the person who really pulled Jane out of that mess was no one other than Edwin Carter.


"It’s my good fortune to have both of you," Jane said. "Okay, don't stray from the point. Hurry up, send me the customer information and requirements."

"Yes, madam!"

After chatting with Laura, Jane hung up the phone and waited anxiously for her mail.

Laura didn’t give her work for several months, but today she called her especially. This time, she must have to finish the work ahead of time. She will let them see that she can still work and make money with a big round belly.

As Jane turned on the computer, Edwin Carter came in. He hugged her from behind and kissed her on the forehead again and again.

"Edwin, what’s the matter?" his sudden action scared Jane.

Edwin Carter said, "Jane, something urgent has happened. I have to go to the USA to deal with it. I can’t be back for a week."

When Jane heard that Edwin Carter was going on a business trip, she panicked. She didn’t want him to go away at this time. But she knew, during this time he stayed with her at home. If it was not very important and can be postponed, he wouldn't say this.

Jane smiled and said, "Okay, you can go and do your work. Our baby and I will wait for you at home."

"Jane, our child is about to be born. I…" Edwin Carter didn’t want to leave Jane and his child at this time, but the matter was very serious. His subordinates couldn’t handle the matter well, so he must have to go take charge of the work.

"There is still a month in my delivery." Jane said and looked at him, "Don’t worry. I will stay at home and won’t go anywhere. Everything will be fine."

Edwin Carter grabbed her hand and kissed her, "Jane, wait for me for a few days, I will be back soon."

"Mr. Carter, you’re just going on a business trip for a week. Don’t make it sound like you’re going to part away forever, all right?" she said.

As she spoke, Edwin Carter kissed her fiercely. He didn’t allow her to utter such unlucky words.


Edwin Carter was on a business trip. Angela Carter also went for her play’s shooting. Edwin’s mother was also not in good health, and just in some days, the whole house became very quiet and dull.

Jane wanted to take care of her mother-in-law, but her belly was getting heavier and bigger. Mother also understood it and always forced Jane to have a good rest.

Jane didn’t go out to walk in the yard either. Because she didn’t want to meet grandpa. But it was boring to stay in the room.

Jane thought of Laura again. Recently, she got no news from Laura. She sent several messages to Laura last night, but she didn’t reply. So, Jane thought of calling her.

Jane picked up her mobile phone and called, but no one answered.

Jane felt it strange; she called her again for the second time, and then for the third time but no one would answer her until the fourth call.


The voice of Laura’s boyfriend Alex came from the mobile phone, "Jane, what’s the matter?"

Jane was a little surprised at his voice, "Alex, where is Laura? I want to talk to her."

"Laura cannot talk to you now." Alex said. His voice was very deep, as if he was trying to suppress something. Last night, Laura didn’t reply to her messages, and today she didn’t answer her call.

Jane guessed what might have happened to them and asked, "Alex, did you quarrel with Laura?"

In the past, they often quarreled, but they always patch up after some hours.

Laura was not the kind of person who holds grudges, and Alex has also developed the habit of bearing her anger. So they never stayed angry for more than a night.


Alex looked at the two men who were guarding Laura’s bed. They made a gesture, which meant that if he didn’t follow their orders, they will unplug Laura’s oxygen.

Last night, Laura’s last words were to not tell Jane anything. Laura was worried that Jane and her baby would get hurt.

But in the present situation, there was no other choice for Alex. If he didn’t tell Jane the truth, Laura would be in danger.

Alex was forced to tell the truth, "Yesterday afternoon when Laura was about to leave the studio, the studio caught the fire suddenly, and Laura..."

"How is Laura?" Jane jumped up in a hurry. Her stomach ached a little, but she was too anxious to notice it.

After waiting for a while, Alex said, "Laura is not well, she is still under observation. Maybe she won’t..."

It was a coincidence that when the two men were threatening Alex to call Jane, Jane called Laura at the same time. Alex wanted to delay a little longer, but now he couldn’t do anything.

"Tell me the name of the hospital. I want to meet her now." Although Jane promised Edwin Carter that she would not go out during this period of time, the thought that Laura is under observation made her crazy. It was not possible for her to sit down calmly.

"Jane, you don’t need to come here. The last thing Laura said to me is that she don’t want you to worry about her." Alex gathered courage and said.

He just hoped that Jane could understand his hint and won’t come here. But he was also well aware of Jane’s disposition. He knew that Jane could not ignore Laura’s accident.


It was a strange incident. The studio caught the fire, but everyone stayed safe except Laura Ferdinand!

"Alex, she is so badly hurt. You are saying to me to not visit her. How can you say that?" When she left Kyoto and came to Jiangbei hopelessly, it was Laura who accompanied her. How could she leave her friend alone at this time?

"The First People's Hospital of Jiangbei." Alex reported the address, hung up the phone and looked at the two people who were guarding Laura’s bed.

One of them said, "Your girlfriend will be fine if you do as what we told you . But if you try to go out of the way, you will be responsible for the final consequences."

Alex clenched his fists and felt guilty. Now, he can only pray for Jane’s safety.

Jane hung up the phone, quickly changed her clothes and walked out, but just after taking two steps, her belly ached.


She pursed her lips, took a deep breath and said in pain, "Baby, don’t be naughty. Mom is going to see Aunt Laura. Would you please be quiet?"

It seemed that the baby in the belly understood mother’s words. As expected, the baby behaved obediently.

These days, mother Carter was in a bad state, and Jane didn’t want to bother her.

When Jane went downstairs, she saw grandpa sitting in the living room and reading the newspaper. She politely greeted Grandpa, "grandpa, I have something important and I am going out."

Grandpa stared at Jane for several seconds, then he smiled and said kindly, "Be careful on the way and come back home early."

Grandpa’s smile was very kind as if he was wearing a carefully carved mask.

He looked gentle and kind but he was just pretending.


Jane was stunned for a moment. She felt that grandpa’s smile was weird, but she nodded and said, "All right."

Jane asked her driver to take her to the First People's Hospital of Jiangbei.

Jane didn’t know that Laura’s ward had been controlled by some people and they forbid the hospital management and doctors to treat Laura until Alex agreed to their demands and told Jane about Laura’s accident.

"Madam, please be seated. Something will happen in a moment, but don’t worry, it won’t hurt you and your child." When the car reached the main road of the city, the driver looked at Jane from the rear view mirror and said such a sentence suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Jane felt uneasy, but before she could react, several cars approached them and bumped into other cars. Her car wasn’t hit, but she was stuck in the middle.

"What’s the matter?" Jane subconsciously held her belly. After saying this Jane saw grandpa’s assistant opened the door and sat next to her.

"What…What do you want to do?" Jane was shocked.

Why grandpa’s assistant suddenly appeared? Jane seemed to understand something for a while, but it was already too late. She had fallen into a trap that had been designed by others for a long time.

The assistant said, "I have a deal for you. You can only protect one, yourself or the child. Whom you want to protect?"

Jane gritted her teeth and glared angrily at the assistant, "Nothing can happen to my child or me. I will protect both of us."

"The old master has made it clear that you can protect only one." The assistant sneered and said, "If you are determined to protect yourself, then we don’t mind killing the baby in your stomach."

"I will see who dares!" Jane managed secretly to take her mobile phone to call Edwin Carter.

Now only Edwin Carter can save her and her baby. She can’t believe anyone else except her husband.

But as she just picked her phone, the assistant grabbed her hand and snatched her cell phone. He said, "The old master has been waiting for this opportunity for half a year. You can't take any chances this time."

Jane glowered at the assistant, "How dare you!"

The assistant said, "I am giving you the last chance. Do you want to protect your child or not?"


Jane looked at her cell phone and rushed to get it back, but she was forcefully pushed away by the assistant.

The assistant’s strength was too much that Jane couldn’t hold on. She leaned back and bumped her head on the car door, which made her head ached badly.

She realized why grandpa didn’t take any action before because he has been waiting for the right time. He was waiting for her child to be completely stable. He was waiting for Edwin Carter to go away from her so that he can execute his plan.

When Edwin Carter comes back after this incident, he wouldn’t blame grandpa.

However, Jane was still thankful that grandpa showed a little bit of humanity. He took this action when her child has almost completed his term. At least her child will be fine.

Jane still didn’t understand. It was really this much hard for grandpa to accept her birth?


Maybe there were some reasons that she didn’t know. So that grandpa wanted to push her away from Edwin Carter’s life.

This was a miserable situation, but Jane suddenly laughed. She looked at the assistant and said, "You have already made a decision. Is there any choice for me?"

The assistant still kept a polite smile and said, "You can rest assured. The child has almost completed the term and can grow up healthily after being taken out by the cesarean section in advance. And this child also has the blood of the Carter family. After your death, the Carter family will raise the child well."

Jane clenched her fists and said with clenched teeth, "If I don’t resist?"

"Young lady is really smart. No wonder young master loves you so much." The assistant said heartily.

Jane felt that she was shivering, "What if I don’t want to?"


"Although this is the first great-grandson of the Carter family, it’s a pity, the child will never be the only one." The assistant paused and smiled more softly, "Young lady also knows that depending on the status of the Carter family, the young master not lack women, not to mention children."

The assistant’s smiled, like a poisonous centipede, grabbed Jane’s heart.

Jane took a deep breath as if she could recover from heartache.

Yes, according to the status of the Carter family, they can find any woman for Edwin Carter, a lady from a good background, or even a noble princess. They will not be short of children.

Jane touched her round belly...

Not long ago, Edwin Carter’s warm hand was on it, and with a smile on his lips, he talked to his child. His eyes were gentle like spring breeze. He looked at her and said in a low but sweet voice, "Baby, be good, don’t kick your mother."

Why did everything change in just a few days?

Jane felt a wave of despair sweeping over her.

She had never been so desperate like she was now, not even when she left Kyoto a few years ago.

"Edwin..." She couldn’t help calling his name gently. She also didn’t know if she wanted to draw her strength from this word or say goodbye.

"Young master is in the USA. No matter how you call him, he won’t come back." The assistant explained attentively.

"Grandpa deliberately sent his away, right?" Jane asked in a trance.

"The young master protects you so closely. The old master spent a lot to send him away. Is this answer satisfactory for my young lady? "

Yes, she’s satisfied, obviously very satisfied.

For an ordinary woman, the old master spent so much, how can she not be satisfied, not be flattered?


The sense of grief and despair turned into a rage.

Jane stared at the assistant viciously, as if wanted to scratch his smiling face, "Aren’t you afraid of Edwin finding out?"

"Ah?" The assistant exclaimed as if frightened by Jane, but in a flash, he smiled again, "Find out by him, but… how it will happen? What’s more, the person who is doing this is the most trusted grandpa of the young master. He really believes his grandpa without any doubt."

Without! Any! Doubt!

These words were like the final judgment. All of a sudden she felt as her strength was drained and she could not resist anymore.

Yeah, Edwin Carter has been betrayed by his most trusted family…

Edwin, why are we so miserable? We really are a perfect couple.

We both got betrayed by our most trusted family.

Silently… Tears fell down.

After seeing Jane was no longer stubborn, the assistant smiled ironically.

This woman really knows nothing. She thought she can match their young master? She was stupid, this end is inevitable for her. Really don’t know why a young master likes this woman?


After thinking about it, the assistant shook his head, took out his mobile phone, dialed a phone number, and said, "old master, young lady encountered a serious car accident on her way to the hospital, and I’m afraid that she’s in imminent danger. The last thing she said before her coma was to save her child."

He was serious, anxious, and even sad - as if something had happened to Jane.

Why are you pretending? The old master already knew it...

Traffic accident is the simplest and most common way. It’s a perfect script to protect the child and kill her by using her friend’s life. If it's not for the fact that the main character of the play is herself, Jane was about to clap and praise.

She stroked her belly… She knew that she wouldn't be able to see her own child, nor to see Edwin Carter again—


Edwin Carter’s low and sexy voice sounded in her ears.

"Jane, believe me. We will always stay happy..."

"Jane, I don't care about your past. I only care about your future…"

"Jane, wait for me at home with the baby. I will be back soon..."

Edwin, will we have any future?

Do… I still have a future?

When the assistant’s call over, the door was opened again, and before she could respond, two people injected her.

Jane struggled hard to stop those people from injecting her with drugs, but in this small space, she had no room to struggle at all; she could only watch those people injecting needles into her body.

"No, don’t--" she roared like a small animal, but no one helped her. Those people were like machines, emotionless and cold; they were just obeying the orders of their boss.

Jane held her belly tightly with her hands.

She wanted to see her child coming to this world...

She wanted to see Edwin Carter again… She wanted to tell him that she really didn’t want to leave him...

She wanted to walk with him forever…

But now she has no chance to say anything to him.

Jane fell unconscious, in a moment everything disappeared from her sight and she fell into darkness——


Jane moved her lips, but she could no longer call out this name. She could only hide it in her heart so that it will accompany her to Hades.


In a cold and bloody operating room-

Jane was lying on the operating table. Several doctors picked up the scalpel skillfully and quickly cut Jane’s abdomen, and took out the child.

"Wow, wow, wow--" the baby's cry rang out in the room clearly, as if she knew her mother was being hurt.

A nurse put the child into the incubator that had been prepared for a long time and said to Edwin’s families who were waiting outside the room nervously.

"Sorry, we cannot save the mother. The child has been saved, and it is a girl. But it’s a premature delivery. We have to keep the child in the incubator for a specific period of time, and you cannot hold her for the time being."

Mother Carter had already suffered poor health. When she heard the bad news she passed out right away before seeing her granddaughter.


Father Carter held his wife in his arms and immediately asked for help from the doctors, but he could not care for the dead Jane in the operating room,

"Please take care of the child for us. Can I go in and see the dead now?" Grandpa said to the nurse.

The nurse said, "The doctor is still stitching up the dead. Please wait for a while."

More than half an hour later, grandpa and Edwin’s father saw Jane. She was lying dead on the operating table.

Father Carter glanced at her but he could not gather the courage to see her again.

Grandpa looked at his son and asked, "Have you informed John?"

Father Carter shook his head, "Not yet. I don’t know how to tell him this. He asked us to take care of his wife and child before he left for America just a few days ago. Yet we..."

"Then don’t tell him now," Grandpa said, "Let’s cremate Jane’s body first. It won’t hurt so much if he doesn’t see her body when he comes back."

Father Carter looked at grandpa and shook his head, "Dad, how can we stop Edwin from seeing Jane for the last time?"

"What he will do after seeing her dead body? He will only feel more miserable. We should help him get out of this grief as soon as possible."


Grandpa interrupted him, "No worries. I will handle it. The faster we deal with it, the better it will be. We have to minimize John’s pain."

The old man’s voice was as cold as the Grim Reaper.



Edwin Carter immediately came back from thousands of miles away.

When he learned that Jane had encountered a car accident, he rushed back to Jiangbei, but he couldn’t even manage to see Jane for the last time.

At this moment, there was only a box of ashes in front of him.

His family told him that Jane heard about Laura’s accident and went out in a hurry. On her way, she had a car accident. She was seriously injured and told them to save her child first.

The child survived, but Jane did not.

Edwin’s mind buzzed!

They were saying that Jane has disappeared completely.

No… not completely. There was a box of ashes in front of him.

They said this is Jane, but how could it be his Jane?

He’s not blind.

They thought he didn't know his wife who slept with him every night.

She can walk, run, laugh, cry and get angry with him.


She occasionally called him stupid man, slow-wit, and blockhead.

When she got angry, she pinched him, hit him and kicked him—

"Brother, how can you stop eating or drinking like this? It was an accident, and my sister-in-law doesn’t want to see you like this. If she sees you like this, she will feel sadder." Angela Carter stood with him for a long time and tried to console him.

Edwin Carter stood upright, like a lifeless sculpture and totally ignored Angela Carter.

He thought… His Jane must be angry with him.

Their child was about to be born, but he left them and went abroad to work. She must be angry and didn’t want to see him.

What a cute silly girl.

Did she think he couldn’t find her?

Maybe she is hiding in a corner and peeping at him to confirm whether he’s sad for her or not?

Edwin shook his head and smiled helplessly…

"Come on out, Jane, seriously. Let’s go to see our baby!"

He raised his lips and looked around tenderly. His low voice sounded in the room. It was still as low and attractive as ever. It was so charming that anyone can fell in love with his voice.

Once upon a time, Jane said to him…

"Mr. Carter, you are not allowed to look at other women with smile. You are not allowed to talk to other women in such a pleasant voice, and you are not allowed to let other women find out that you are good."

Once, Jane said to him…

"Mr. Carter, what should I do? I really want to treasure you in a place where no one can see you, so no one will try to snatch you from me. "

Once, Jane said to him…

"Mr. Carter, how much I care about you, don’t you know it? Even in a dream, if I see you going away my heart starts beating fast and I become sad."

She said a lot of things to him. Most of the time when they were together, she kept talking. He listened to her quietly and remembered every word she said.


Her voice was clear and melodious, and also a little savage. Every time he heard her voice, he had the impulse to hug her tightly and to make her only his.

"Jane-" he called her name again and looked around, "Don’t hide, come out, or I’ll be angry."

Then he waited, but even after a long time, Jane did not answer him. He guessed that she was not here. These days, she always stayed in the room and did sketching of flowers and grass. Occasionally, she drew him and their child’s sketch.

Edwin Carter hurriedly went to the room. It was filled with Jane’s breaths. There were ornaments carefully arranged by her in every corner.

He saw her!

She stood on the balcony and looked back at him and smiled, "Mr. Carter, you are finally back. It’s really hard to wait for you."

Edwin Carter nodded, "Yes, I’m back."

He went over and tried to hold her in his arms, but as soon as he reached he found nothing but an empty space.

Jane disappeared.

He said in a hurry, "Jane--"

"Mr. Carter, I’m here." Her voice sounded behind him again, and she winked at him playfully.

"Jane, you’re pregnant. Don’t be naughty." He turned back to approach her again. This time, he walked very slowly. It had been a long time before he reached near her.

"Catch me, catch me, and I won’t be mischievous with you." She laughed happily, as mischievously as a little child.

Edwin Carter approached her again. This time, like the last time, when he tried to hold her, she disappeared again.

"Jane, don’t tease me!" He shook his head helplessly, and the smile on his face became sweeter, "Come out, let’s go for lunch together."


However, this time Edwin Carter has been waiting for a long time, but Jane didn’t show up again.

He began to look for her. He didn’t leave any corner of the room and called her name, "Jane, Jane…"

He searched her everywhere and called her name repeatedly, but he could not find Jane.

"Edwin, I’m here. Why can’t you find me? When do you become so stupid?"

The voice of Jane sounded behind Edwin Carter. He turned back immediately, but the room was still empty.

"Jane…" he felt helpless and lay down on the bed, picked up the pillow she often slept on and sniffed. There was still her hair fragrance on the pillow.

Because he was tired and depressed, soon he fell asleep.


When he was sleeping soundly, someone poked his face with finger, "Edwin, God is unfair. He gave you such a good family, a good background and such a beautiful face."

"Jane, don’t disturb me!" Edwin Carter reached for the hand that was on his face, but once again he grabbed nothing.

Edwin Carter suddenly woke up and looked around. He was the only one in the room. He didn’t see Jane. He just felt his empty heart and felt cold wind passing through it.

He got up and walked to Jane’s desk. There was an easel beside it. The easel has one of her unfinished paintings. He picked up the brush and wanted to complete her unfinished painting, but he didn’t know what to draw.

"Mr. Carter, how can you be so stupid? Why are you destroying my paintings? I hate you so much."

"Jane, I…"

"You are so stupid. Don’t talk to me."

"Don’t hide, Jane. Come out. I want to see you."

Why can he hear her voice, but can’t see her?

Where is she hiding? Why can’t he find her?

"Edwin, this place is too big and I'm not very used to live here. Let’s move back to the original place."

Jane’s voice sounded again. Edwin Carter suddenly thought of something. He rushed back to their apartment where they lived when they were newly married.


He opened the door and saw two pairs of couple slippers on the shoe rack. These were of her choice when they went shopping. At that time, she said to him, "Mr. Carter, would you like to wear these couple slippers with me?"

At that time, he didn’t speak, just nodded. Although he didn’t like to wear these childish shoes, he was willing to accompany her because she was his wife, and he wanted her to be happy.

Because their servants took care of the house, it was still neat and clean as if the two of them still live here.

Stepping through the porch, he looked at the kitchen.

Every time she came back from work, she was always busy in the kitchen, and when she heard him open the door, she would poke out her head and wave to him, "You're back. The food will be ready soon. Go wash your hands."

"Okay." Edwin Carter nodded but still fixed his eyes on the kitchen as if she’s cooking fish and adding onions that he could not eat.

"Jane…" he called her name, but this time he didn’t dare to approach her again. After several disappointments, he understood that she would disappear if he will try to touch her.

"Mr. Carter, why are you still standing here? Wash your hands, then we will eat." She turned to him and said with a smile.

"Okay." Edwin Carter still nodded but didn’t move. He’s afraid that she will disappear again if he turns around.

"Mr. Carter, I want to give you babies."

Jane disappeared from the kitchen and stood at the door of the bedroom, looking at him nervously and shyly.

Edwin Carter remembered that night when they came back from the hospital, she said to him that she wanted to become his real wife.

She was shy, but she did bold things for him.

If she didn’t want to be with him forever she wouldn't have done so much.


"Jane, do you really have the heart to leave me?"

She carved an indelible mark on his life, but now she disappeared from his life in such a cruel way.

She pushed him into the inferno.

She left him alone to feel the pain of thousands of insects eating his heart.

He didn’t want any child. He didn’t want any women. He just want her, his one and only unique Jane… his wife Jane Ronan!

"Edwin, we will always stay together and we’re not going to separate, right?"

Recently, she often asked him such questions and every time after asking this, her expressions became very sad. She’s a confident person, she always said that she trusted him more than anything. Then why was she so doubtful about their future?

Something must have happened to her, but he didn’t understand anything, he didn’t understand her reason for worry.

Why didn't he see it?

If he had guessed her mind earlier, would it have happened today?

What has happened to her that he didn’t know?

Edwin Carter walked into the room where they had lived for several months, and he saw her helping him tying his tie for the first time.

She blushed, hung her head, and helped him nervously.

He hid in the room and looked everywhere for the traces left by Jane.

Many days passed.

"Wow, wow, wow--" the baby’s clear cry suddenly came from the thick door. Edwin Carter’s body suddenly froze, but he quickly responded.

He hurriedly ran to the bathroom to wash his face and tidy up his clothes. When he felt that he didn’t look so vicissitudes, he was about to open the door.


"Wow, wow, wow--" the baby’s cry continued. But Edwin Carter didn’t turn the doorknob.

Edwin Carter closed his eyes and took a deep breath before turning the doorknob.

Outside the door, he saw Jane holding their child and looking at him with a smile. But in a blink, the person in front of him changed and he saw Angela Carter and a strange woman. The strange woman was holding a baby, and the baby was crying.

"Brother, she is your daughter. Hold her." Angela Carter said and asked the wet nurse to give the baby to Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter didn’t see the baby and looked around, but he still didn’t see the one he wanted to see. Finally, he took back his eyes and looked at the little baby held by the stranger. It was his and Jane’s child, the only thing she left for him.

He reached out his hands and held the child with trembling hands.

He didn’t know if there was telepathy. Just when he held the crying baby, she stopped crying. She just kept sobbing, as if she also had suffered a lot of grievances.


Edwin looked at the child; she was so small, her little face, cute hands, and feet were adorable. He never held such a little baby, but after looking at her he felt as if he was holding a little doll.

Edwin Carter didn’t know how to hold a child well, but his daughter stopped crying as if she got the peace she was striving for and fell asleep in his arms.

When she fell asleep, her lips were nibbling as if she wanted to tell him that she’s very sad.

Edwin Carter stared at the little child for a long time and couldn’t help kissing her face. Maybe it was his beard that itched her, she tilted her head for a while and then fell asleep again.

The child was too young, so he couldn’t figure it out whether she looked like him or Jane, but no matter who she will resemble, she was the most precious gift Jane left for him.


A few days later, a cemetery in Jiangbei City.

Edwin Carter quietly stood in front of Jane’s gravestone with their daughter in his arms for a long time, and then he said, "Jane, I named our daughter "Janell Carter". I just hope she can be as brave as you but she can live an easy and happy life."

Edwin Carter told Jane about their daughter’s name and after a moment Luis George came over and said respectfully, "Chairman Carter, we have checked everything, Miss Ferdinand’s studio suddenly caught fire, and we couldn’t find any evidence to say that it was a manmade accident. And young lady’s car accident was also just an accident."


Edwin Carter sneered, "Laura was injured by the fire, and Jane went to meet her, but on her way to the hospital she had an accident. It’s perfect. It seems that God specially arranged this time to take Jane’s life. Which great God Jane had offended, and in revenge, he took back her life?"

After listening to Edwin Carter’s words, Luis George nodded and said, "Chairman Carter, what should we do now?"

Edwin Carter looked at the child in his arms who was sleeping peacefully, and suddenly his heart ached.

How wonderful would it be if Jane were here now?

His left hand clenched into a fist. It seemed that it would take a lot of effort to resist the ache at the bottom of his heart.

After a moment, he took a deep breath and whispered, "She must not be dead."

He said this declarative sentence in a positive tone.


Luis George was a little stupefied but did not speak out.

What can he speak? Tell his boss that Jane is really dead?

"Go find her." Edwin Carter looked up at Luis George, his eyes were sharp as if he wanted to burn the whole world. "Find her even if you have to turn the world upside down."

After saying this, Edwin Carter felt that Luis George’s eyes became very strange as if he was looking at a madman.

Suddenly, Edwin Carter felt it funny…

Maybe he has really gone mad. All the evidence is solid, but he had a hunch that Jane is not dead; she’s still there but just somewhere he doesn’t know.

She’s waiting for him, waiting for him to find her, waiting for him to save her.

... This time, he must not let her down.

Even if the whole world feels that he is crazy, even if the truth is bloody, he will not hesitate.

Edwin Carter clenched his left hand into a fist.

In a trance… Edwin Carter seems to see a picture, that Jane and he together led their child, walking in the sunset. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking.


In the past, the Carter family that was very happy, now immersed in the haze, and everyone’s mind was on Edwin Carter.

Mother Carter has been quietly wiping tears because of her heartache for her son. She was very clear about her son’s character. She knew her child had never been expressive and talkative. Everything will be hidden in his heart, and he will never tell it to others.

They knew Edwin’s pain, but they couldn’t find any way to persuade him and comfort him. They can only watch him lick his bloody wound alone.


Father Carter patted Mother Carter’s back. He knew she was in pain, but they all were helpless. He said softly, "Olivia, don’t cry. He knows how to mediate emotions. He will be fine."

"He will be fine? Do you have any idea about his life these days? He lives like a walking corpse. If it’s not for his little daughter, he might have..." When she recalled the time when Edwin Carter shut himself in the room a few days ago and didn’t meet anyone, her tears fell down, crying in her husband’s arms.

"Mom, don’t worry. Now that brother has buried sister-in-law, it proves that he has decided to put this matter down. We have to believe in him. He’ll pick himself soon." Angela Carter also hugged her mother.

Angela also loves her brother. Her arrogant brother didn’t even have a girlfriend for so many years. Now finally he had found a person whom he decided to live a life with, but suddenly she left him forever.

He just went out on a business trip for a few days, but when he came back, his living wife became a pile of ashes. No one can stand this matter. But her brother was still holding on to it.

Grandpa sat aside quietly, without saying a word, squinting his eyes slightly, and thinking something in his mind.

After a long time, he said, "Maybe Jane and Edwin’s fate has written this for them. In the future, I don’t want anyone to mention Jane’s name in front of Edwin. We should try to help him so that he can forget her as soon as possible."

"She was his wife and gave birth to a daughter for him. I’m afraid he will never forget her in his life." Edwin’s father shook his head and said.

He knew what it meant to be in love with someone. He always stayed worried about his wife’s condition. What’s more, his son was facing the pain of losing his wife.


Grandpa was annoyed by his son, but he couldn’t find a reply. He waved his hand and said, "I’m tired. I want to go back to my room to have a rest. You wait for him to come back."

"Grandpa, I’ll take you back to your room." Angela Carter helped Grandpa go upstairs.

Grandpa patted her hand and said, "Angela, you have to take care of your brother more in the future. Help him to take care of the child. He is a big man and he doesn’t know how to take care of a little child."

Angela Carter nodded, "Yes grandpa, I will."

When Grandpa went upstairs, Edwin Carter came back. He didn’t say hello to his parents who were sitting in the living room. He went upstairs with his daughter in his arms.

"Edwin--" Mother Carter called him.

"What’s the matter, mom?" Edwin Carter stopped and looked back at his mother.

His tone was light, and his expressions were calm as if he has returned to his original personality, which was too cold for anyone to approach.

"About Jane…"

"Mom, your granddaughter’s name is Janell Carter, and she is my little Jane." Edwin Carter interrupted Mother Carter.

When mother Carter wanted to say something more, Luna came in haste and said, "Young master, please come and have a look. These days, Mia Mia doesn’t eat or drink anything, if it goes on like this she will die."

"How long has Mia Mia been without food or drink? And you’re telling me now?" Edwin Carter looked at Luna gloomily, his eyes were as fierce as he can burn anyone.

"Young master, I wanted to tell you but..." Luna said timidly.

These days, the young master has locked himself up ever since the young lady’s death. He couldn’t even listen to the Carter family members. Then how can the servants got the chance to inform him?


When Edwin saw Mia Mia, he hardly recognized her at first sight. In a short period of time, the fat and cute Mia Mia changed into a thin, weak pet. She looked weak and powerless as if anytime she will breathe her last breath.

"Mia Mia--" Edwin Carter squatted beside her, calling her while stroking her head.

She was whining mournfully. When she heard the voice of Edwin Carter she tried to open her eyes. Her eyes turned, and there seemed to be tears in them.

"Don’t be afraid. I’ve called a doctor. The doctor will be here soon." Edwin Carter picked it up carefully in his arms.

She’s still whining sadly. She shook her little head gently as if to say that she would not see a doctor. She wanted to follow her Jane away. She didn’t want to stay here. She wanted to go to the other world to find Jane.


Edwin Carter wanted to say something more, but Mia Mia closed her eyes and hung down her head. She breathed her last breath in Edwin Carter’s arm.

"Mia Mia--" Edwin Carter hugged Mia Mia in his arms, tightly clenched one hand into a fist, and tried to restrain his heartache.

Jane has gone so Mia Mia also decided to leave this world to follow her?

Why didn't she want to stay with him?


Three years had passed...

The world-class Eva lingerie fashion show that took place once in three years was in full swing in Milan, Italy. Except for the supermodels on the stage, the backstage designers also are the top celebrities of the fashion industry.

The designer work by the new designers was very brilliant, and this fashion show gave them a world-class chance to exhibit their skills. Top models from all around the world carried these designer wears and were ready to burn the stage.

The catwalk was about to start.

Designers and models both hoped that their work would get the audience’s praise and will become the most unique and attractive topic of the night.

A group of a designer and a model in the corner were particularly attractive because other groups were westerners, only these two were orientals..


But in this circle of blondes, they were not inferior.

The model was Grace Dennis, who was tall, sexy, appealing and gorgeous.

Grace Dennis’s designer was the only new designer of this fashion show, her name was Selene.

Selene was a slim, tall and beautiful girl. Her delicate face seemed to be exquisitely carved. In particular, her indifferent temperament always attracted other people’s eyes to her.

She was busy helping Grace Dennis for the final touchup. She was very serious and attentive in her work. She didn’t notice that there was an eye on her.

Her long, thick black hair was tied up in a bun, and two thin hairs fell off her forehead. Maybe she was a little nervous. For the first time, she took part in such a fashion show, and being nervous was inevitable for her.

Her work has been highly recognized by the people in the circle, so she was recommended to participate in the Eva lingerie fashion show.

Such an opportunity was not even available to many people who have worked hard for a lifetime, but she has won such an opportunity at a young age.

"Selene?" A man murmured her name gently, with a meaningful arc on his lips, and his eyes were fixed on her.

Selene’s attention was focused on her model, and she was very nervous. She saw her model’s catwalk, and her work has been warmly applauded by many professionals.

After years of hard work, her work finally stepped onto the stage of Eva fashion show, and here her work has been praised, it was not wrong to say that her work has got the admiration of the whole world.


When Grace Dennis stepped down, she came and gives a big hug to Selene, "Selene, thank you for designing such a good work and let the world know about our talent, I give you the complete credit of tonight."

Selene smiled and said, "I’m not as great as you think. I just want my work to be seen by more people, liked by more people so that I can make more money."

"Selene?" A male voice sounded behind them.

At the same time, Selene and Grace Dennis looked back and saw a man with black hair and brown eyes. He looked at them and his eyes were smiling.

He wore a suit. The shirt in the suit was in a mess. His hair was messy too. It looked like he had just woke up from bed and came here.

Perhaps because of his unique personality, people in the circle recognized him at a glance.

Ivan was a talented master in the field of fashion design. Even in his twenties, he had won many international awards. No one can match him. However, he was extremely arrogant and not everyone can attract him.

"Ivan, are you looking for me?" Selene was really flattered to hear her name by the talented master of fashion designing industry.

"Selene?" He looked at her, up and down, with undisguised eyes, but it was not annoying. "Your name is Selene?"

Selene nodded. "Yes, what’s the matter?"

Ivan looked in her eyes, stared at her for a long time, and asked, "What’s your real name?"

"Although I am Asian, I grew up in Europe and just have an English name," Selene said.


Perhaps it was out of respect for the talented designer, Selene replied to his questions honestly.

"So, you grew up in Europe." Ivan looked into her eyes, smiled and said, "How about having dinner together after the event?"

Selene smiled apologetically, "I’d love to, but after the event, my company will hold a party, so I’m sorry, I can’t eat with you."

"It doesn’t matter. I can come with you." Even after rejection, Ivan didn’t feel embarrassed. It should be because of his personality. He only did what he liked. As for other things, they were totally out of consideration.

Selene was about to say something more, but Ivan cut off, "Don’t worry, I don’t eat much, so don’t refuse."

Selene, "..."

Ivan waved and said, "I'm gonna get back to work. See you later." He turned and left.

Selene looked at his back and shook her head helplessly. It was the first time that she had met such an unreasonable person.

Grace Dennis asked, "Selene, do you know Ivan?"

"He’s a famous designer. Everyone knows him," Selene said.

Grace Dennis thought for a moment and said, "He is not a person who takes initiative to talk. He even ignored it when others come to talk to him. I think he has a crush on you."

"Yes, talking to me means that the person has a crush on me," Selene smiled and asked, "So Miss Grace, do you have a crush on me?"

Grace Dennis shrugged and gave a helpless expression, "All right, you win."


At the end of the Eva lingerie fashion show, Selene won two awards, the new talent award, and the best fashion designer award. And she became the first young designer in the history of Eva fashion show to win both the new talent award and the best fashion designer award.

Selene got trophies and also a big cash prize. More importantly, she has finally realized her ideal of life and became a designer recognized by professionals. For Selene, the most important thing was that with this status, she can earn more money and can live in a bigger house with her father.

Selene had a serious illness three years ago. After she recovered, she lost all her memories. She didn’t even know who she was. Fortunately, she had her father by her side to help her find her talent in the fashion industry.

She and several friends from all over the world whom she met in Milan have opened a studio. They did designing, and her father handled the contact business for her.


There were five designers in the studio, three men and two women. All of them were the owners of the studio. They came from all over the world and have different living habits, but they live in harmony like a family.

Ivan was one of the most famous and talented designers in the field of fashion design. When they heard that he was coming to have dinner with them, everyone was excited. They thought it would be better if they could get the chance to communicate with him.

Selene told her partners about the arrival of Ivan, trying to discourage outsiders from joining, but it turned out this way.

Ivan came and sat by Selene’s side, and when other people wanted to talk to him, he didn’t pay attention at all. His eyes were always on her face as if he wanted to see her through.


After being watched all the time, Selene felt awkward but she couldn’t do anything.

After a long time, Ivan opened his mouth and said, "Miss Selene, you look like someone I’ve met."

Selene was drinking juice, and when she heard him saying that, she looked up and smiled at him, "Mr. Ivan, I hope your next sentence will not be that you like me and want to chase me."

"What if I say so?" Ivan laughed; he was proud as if there was no woman in the world that he can’t pursue.

Selene smiled, "It’s your right to speak what you want."

Ivan took a sip of the wine and casually said, "You are used to Leon’s face. I don’t think after him any man can get into your eyes."

Selene looked at Ivan surprisingly, "Leon’s face? I don’t know what you’re talking about."

Ivan shook his glass, raised his eyebrows, and smiled, "Mrs. Carter, Mr. Carter has been looking for you for three years. Are you going to keep hiding from him?"

"What Mrs. Carter and Mr. Carter?" Selene was even more confused. She didn’t know what’s wrong with Ivan. What nonsense he’s talking about?

"You really don’t remember anything or you are just pretending? Don’t worry, I won’t even tell Leon anything, not even that I met you today. It’s not easy for someone to make him sad and lose control. I’m too happy, why would I meddle in other people’s business."

Ivan said while paying attention to Selene’s expression.

He noticed that her expression was calm; there wasn’t any feeling of disturbance. It didn’t look like that she was pretending.


Is she really the person Edwin Carter has been looking for?

Selene didn’t answer because she didn’t know what to say.

Ivan added, "I have a new project. I’m gonna shoot magazines in a few days. I want Miss Selene to be my model. What do you say?"

"I’m sorry, I’m only interested in fashion design, not modeling." Selene refused without hesitation.

She didn’t want to mention that she was not interested in modeling, because of her physical health and other than that her father would not agree.

Selene refused, and Ivan didn’t insist anymore. He gave his business card to her and said that she can call him when she needed any help. Although Selene didn’t think that she will need his help, due to respect she took the card and put it in her bag.

After dinner, Selene came back home.

Her father was sitting in the living room and was busy watching TV. When he saw her entering the room, he smiled, "Jane, dad is so happy for you."

Selene changed her shoes and went to her father’s side, and gave him a big hug, "Dad, I won’t take this credit, it’s all because of you. I came to this world because of you. And just because of you, I came to this world again, for the second time."

"Jane, why are you talking nonsense? I’m your father, if I’m not good to you, whom should I be good to?" Jonathan Ronan smiled and stroked Selene’s head, but his eyes were on the TV screen.

He was watching an exclusive interview on a news channel. The interviewee was Leon Carter, the owner of Shengtian group, who never wanted to show his face on TV three years ago.


In the past three years, he has spent countless human and financial resources to find his missing wife.

In the past, he never showed up in front of the media. But now, he often appeared in front of the camera. Maybe he wanted to tell Jane that no matter where she was, he will always be with her.

After thinking this, a proud and cold smile appeared in Jonathan Ronan’s eyes.

He deliberately hid from Edwin Carter, and he knew if he kept on hiding here, Edwin Carter could not be able to find them. What’s more, Edwin Carter didn’t know that the Jane he was searching for everywhere has forgotten him completely.

Even after seeing him on the TV at this time, she gave no reaction.

He gave Jane a medicine to erase her memory. The doctor has said that if within a period of three years she didn’t regain her memory she won’t be able to regain her memory in her life. Jane has forgotten her previous life completely.

He changed her name and hid her in such a place for three years. In these three years, her performance has been stable. He was sure that it will be absolutely impossible for Jane to recover her lost memory.

So it’s time to take her back to carry out his long-awaited plan.

Jonathan Ronan said, "Jane, I have another thing to tell you."

Selene nodded. "Yes, dad I am listening."

Jonathan Ronan said, "Jane, would you like to go home with dad?"

"Do you want to go home?" Selene asked.

Father once said to her that there were many bad memories about them in their homeland, and he didn’t want to go back there. What made him change his mind?

"I want to go back to my country. And there’s a big company over there looking for a chief lingerie designer. I think you can have a try." Jonathan Ronan said, poured a glass of water for Selene and handed the medicine to her, "Take the medicine first, and we will talk about other things with time."

"Okay." Selene took the medicine and swallowed it. She never doubted what was wrong with this medicine.


Selene has lived in Milan for the past three years. She was used to the pace of life and living environment of the city. She especially liked the fashion atmosphere here, so she didn’t want to go back to her country.

But her father was very kind to her and sacrificed a lot for her.

Her mother died early and her father didn’t marry again just to take care of her. It was not wrong to say that her father spent everything on her. In order to take care of her, father almost gave up his life. He put all his hopes on her, gave her enough space and trust so that she can show her skills in her favorite field.

Selene thought... that her father is old and wants to return to the place where he was born, she has no reason to not accompany him.

Fortunately, her work was not restricted to any place. She just needs a computer, a pen, and a drawing board, she can finish her work anywhere.

She decided to go back.

The time for the plane to arrive at Jiangbei International Airport was 2:00 p.m. when she got off the plane, Jonathan Ronan looked at Selene with a smile and asked softly, "Jane, do you have any impression of this place?"

"Yes." Selene nodded.

"Yes?" Jonathan Ronan was shocked.

Selene said with a smile, "I often travel and have seen many airports, all the airports are like this, crowded with many people."

When Jonathan heard this, he took a sigh of relief and patted her head, "Now you're kidding me."


Selene was not familiar with this city. Now she was feeling very strange. This kind of strangeness made her feel a little uneasy.

So, after settling down at home, she said goodbye to Jonathan Ronan, carried a backpack, and prepared to go out for a day to get familiar with the environment of the city.

Italy is a very romantic city, where people give the impression that they are enjoying life rather than working.

While Jiangbei City is very fast-paced. She sat in a restaurant and saw many people were gobbling the food. After eating, they have to rush back to work. Everyone was in a hurry.

That's what Selene have learned after wandering around for most of the day.

However, the greenery of Jiangbei City was not bad. For example, at this time, the coastal park was full of blooming flowers in this vigorous spring season where attracted a continuous stream sightseers. Many couples were snuggling up in front of the spring flowers, and parents together with children were enjoying the warm sun of spring.


As Selene was visiting the city briskly, someone grabbed her dress’s corner gently.

Selene stopped and looked back.

She saw a little girl that was about three years old. She’s beautiful and cute, with a pair of big amber eyes, which were crystal clear and also looked like stars, flickering and very dazzling. Her facial features were defined, and her hair was combed into two ponytails.

Selene looked at her and couldn’t help thinking that this little child somewhat looked like herself.

"Big sister, can you help me?"

Selene looked at the beautiful child in a daze; she was cute like a little doll.

The little girl couldn’t help shaking the corner of Selene’s clothes again.

The little girl was confused, she thought that she’s so cute, but why this big girl didn’t agree to help her?

Maybe today dad didn’t tie her a good ponytail.

The little girl couldn’t help puffing up her cheeks, show her big watery eyes and stared straight at Selene. She would decide to cry to show her disappointment if this girl didn’t pay attention to her.

After being stared by this little doll, Selene quickly threw away other thoughts, squatted down, reached out her hand, pinched her tender face, and asked softly, "What’s the matter, little girl? What can I do for you? Where are your parents?"

Selene looked around. How can such a small child not be watched by adults? What would they do if a bad guy carries her away?

"Dad is in office, and mother flew to the sky!" the little girl said.

Flew to the sky?

Selene was stunned, is this another way of saying that she is on a plane?

"Are you here alone?" Selene asked.

"No," the little girl shook her head and smiled innocently. "Big sister, Jane is not alone, you are accompanying Jane!"


The girl smiled so innocently, but Selene felt a headache. The child seemed to have no idea what was going on, and her caretakers were nowhere to be found. How could they leave such a lovely child alone?

When Selene was thinking about it, the little suddenly grabbed Selene’s hand. Her little hand was so small that she could only hold one finger of her. The little girl shook her hand again as if she wanted to attract the attention of this beautiful sister.


Selene couldn’t help smiling at her and pinching her lovely face. She wanted to ask her more information, but heard little girl saying, "One hundred, for one pinch!"

Selene was stunned.

"Daddy said it, one hundred for one pinch!" Little girl explained patiently.

Selene noticed her serious appearance and finally understood. Little girl was saying that she will take one hundred for one time pinching of her cheek. How badly does her father need the money? Look what he had taught to the child!

"But I have no money!" Selene teased.

"Then you can help me."

"Well, what can I do for you?"

Little girl’s smiling face suddenly became sad. She said sadly, "Jane’s little sister is hurt, she is bleeding and will die soon."

Selene was shocked to see the serious appearance of the little girl and said, "Where is she? Take me to her."

Little girl raised her hand and pointed to the distance. Selene saw a white Pomeranian lying under a tree.

"She is your sister?"

Little girl nodded desperately; her eyes suddenly filled with water, "Yes, yes, she is my sister, she is hurt and in pain. Is she also going to fly to the sky?"

Selene somehow missed a heartbeat… Fly to the sky, actually meant... dead.

"No, she won’t." Selene comforted her immediately, "Come with me, we will save her."

Selene led the little girl to the Pomeranian. The little dog felt someone approaching, sniffed her, wagged her tail, and barked at the little owner. No one knew what she wanted to express.

Little girl said, "Mia Mia, don’t worry. This sister will help you."

"Woof woof woof--"

After an inspection, Selene found that the leg of the dog had a hole about three centimeters long, which was obviously scratched by a wire. She took out the band-aid that was always in her bag and carefully pasted it on the dog.

"Little friend, did you just say your name is Jane?"

"Yes! Good name, isn’t it?"

"Let m tell you a secret. My name is also Jane."


Little girl looked at Selene in shock, then pointed to Selene. "You are big Jane," and then she pointed to herself, "I am little Jane." She compared the two of them with her cute little hands and said, "We are two Janes."

Selene looked at this lovely girl and laughed wholeheartedly, "Okay, little Jane, why you are alone here? Where is your family?"

Selene was amazed at how someone can leave such a lovely child here. She really wanted to take the child home and raise her by herself.

"Aunt Nova and Uncle Simon are over there." Little Jane pointed at a direction, and Selene saw a woman standing with several bodyguards, their eyes were fixed on this child and her every move was under strict observation.

Selene understood everything. It wasn’t that no one was watch her, it was just that there were too many guards for her. Maybe the little girl didn’t want so many people to follow her, so those people were guarding her from a certain distance.


Such a little girl, but have her own opinions, who knows what this little girl will do after growing up?

Selene wanted to take this little Jane back to those people, but her cell phone rang. She took out her cell phone, and it was her father Jonathan Ronan’s call.

Selene didn’t answer directly. She smiled apologetically at the little girl and said, "Little Jane, I’m going to work. Can I come to play with you next time?"

"Sure!" Little Jane nodded readily, "Dad loves Jane the most. Two Janes, daddy is happy!"

Selene shook her head and just wanted to say that they’re not the same Jane, but she didn't think it’s necessary to let such a lovely child down.

"Big Jane, thank you for helping my sister." Little Jane looked at Jane, and smiled brilliantly, "My sister also likes big Jane."


"Woof, woof-" Mia Mia barked a few times, indicated that she liked her too.

"Well, I like you, too. Little Jane, goodbye!" Jane said goodbye to this adorable child and couldn’t stop herself from pinching her cute face again.

Selene looked at the little cute girl and was reluctant to say goodbye. She’s so beautiful and lovely that she wants to hug her, kiss her and take her home.

Selene thought, stood up and said goodbye to little Jane again.

The world is so big. Maybe she’ll never be able to see this child again.


Shengtian corporate tower has become the new landmark of Jiangbei City.

There were eighty-eight floors in the building. The eighty-fifth to eighty-eighth floors has been used as leisure and sightseeing areas. On these floors, there was an entertainment area for the company’s staff.

On the 88th floor, there were sightseeing area and a children’s Park. Actually, this floor was a playground especially prepared by Leon Carter for his daughter. When he bought her to work, he left her there to play, so she won’t be bored.

Edwin Carter often took his daughter to work with him. He attended meetings and let her nanny play with her.

Today, Edwin Carter was busy in an important meeting. So he asked her nanny to take her out to play for a while. He was afraid that she would feel bore here. He would pick her up after the meeting.

In the bright and spacious conference room, the atmosphere was very tense. Because Edwin Carter’s face was gloomy, the people around the conference table were very cautious. They were afraid that any improper behavior can lead to their big boss’s dissatisfaction.


As the presenter of this conference, the general director of the Western real estate development project was even more frightened.

Every time the boss’s face sank, he felt that he must have said something wrong.

When the presenter noticed it for two to three times, his voice stuck in this throat, he could not speak anymore. He wiped off his sweat and said, "Chairman Carter, if there is something wrong, please tell me."

He wanted to say to the chairman to say it directly. Don’t use that cold look. Due to his gloomy face, he lost his confidence.

"The details of the project are very good, please continue." Edwin Carter said.

But his face was cold and his voice was still heavy, even the words he said were praising, but the project leader felt more frightened. He thought a lot, but he couldn’t figure out what he did to upset his big boss. Why big boss is torturing him so much?

"Chairman Carter, I..."

Edwin Carter impatiently raised his eyebrow and said, "From now, Shane Woodley will be the new in-charge of this project. You will be his deputy. And this project is important. You have to win, no matter what kind of method you have to use. Profits can be reduced by a fraction of a point."

Edwin Carter stood up, spoke very fast, and several secretaries behind him noted down his instructions.

He left the words, turned around and left.

Sienna Henry and Luis George immediately followed up. Luis George said, "Chairman Carter, Shane Woodley has never handled this kind of project before. If he has to take the charge, I’m afraid..."

"He can do it or not, you'll never know without a try." Edwin Carter dropped his words and waved to them to stop following him.


He went back to the office, pulled out his chair and sat down. He stretched his hands to caress his slightly painful brow.

In a trance, he began to think about a person whom he remembered clearly but to his eyes, she has become vague and unclear.

For three years, he thought of her every day and dreamed of her every night, but her appearance was becoming more and more vague, and he could hardly remember how she looked like.

There was a picture frame on his desk. There were him, his daughter and little Mia Mia in the picture, only one person missing.

After Jane, only his little daughter can make him happy.

Now, he and his daughter had been separated for some time. He was in a hurry to see her, otherwise, the little girl will get angry with him.

The park was not far away from the company. Edwin Carter came to the park and saw Janell staring at someplace blankly. Even he came to her side, she didn’t notice at all.

He reached out his hands, pinched her little face and immediately drew Janell attention back. He smiled softly, "Little Jane, what are you looking at?"

"Little Jane is looking at big Jane." Janell rushed into her father’s arms and jumped excitedly, "Dad, big Jane is also very beautiful like little Jane."

Edwin Carter looked in the direction where Janell was just looking. He looked around but there was no one.

"Dad, little sister is hurt." Janell was happy, but she still didn’t forget her little sister who was lying on the side.

Little Mia Mia was injured and there was a bandage on her leg. "Who stuck this bandage on Mia Mia?" Edwin Carter asked.

"Big Jane." Janell pointed in the direction of Jane's disappearance, "that beautiful big Jane."


Edwin Carter also looked at the direction of Janell’s pointing, but still didn’t see anything. Finally, he shook his head helplessly.

What was wrong with him recently?

Even when he saw an ordinary heart-shaped bandage and heard his little kid’s words, he began to relate things to Jane.

"Daddy, I’m hungry. I want to eat strawberries and chocolates." Janell raised her small hands, held her father’s face and said in a very serious voice.

In a moment she forgot her big Jane and asked for some delicious food.

"Do you want to eat?" Edwin Carter looked at his daughter’s big blinking eyes, lowered his head and kissed her pink face.

"Five hundred for one kiss." Janell stretched out her hand and said softly, "Daddy, give me money."


Edwin Carter said, "So you want money? Or strawberries?"

Janell heard her father’s words, blinked her beautiful big eyes and began to think something very seriously. Actually she wanted both money and strawberries and didn’t know how to choose.

After seriously considering the problem, Janell raised her two little fingers, and softly said, "Daddy, I want two."

Edwin Carter shook his head, "no, you have to choose one."

Being seriously refused by her father, she felt very aggrieved. She plunged her head into father’s arms and made a wry mouth, "Daddy, I want money and also want strawberries."

Edwin Carter heard her daughter’s request and looked at her face. He was worried about making his daughter cry, so he raised his hands and surrendered, "Well, okay, if my little Jane wants both, then daddy will give her both."


"I love you, daddy!" Janell got up, kissed his father’s face and said, "Daddy, one thousand."

"Jane, would it cost a thousand to give one kiss to daddy?" Edwin Carter picked up little Jane, kissed her little face several times, and said, "Then, how much daddy owes you now?"

Janell held her little fingers and counted very carefully, "one, two, three...again one, again two..."

She counted several times, but couldn’t figure out how much money dad should give her.

There was an agreement between this father and daughter. If she kisses her father, he will give her one thousand and if her father kisses her, he will give five hundred, and one hundred for a pinch, and…

There were many secret agreements between them. But she was so young that she couldn’t remember everything.

"Ten hundred." Janell counted for a long time and finally found such an answer. She said and looked at her father, and her face had a very proud smile. She seemed to say to his father that, "Dad, you should praise me now, tell that little Jane is very smart and counted right."

"Okay, ten hundred then." Edwin Carter held Janell in one hand and held up Mia Mia from the ground in the other, "Jane, Mia Mia, let’s go home."

Janell whispered in dad’s ear, and said, "Dad, also sister’s ten hundred."

Edwin Carter smiled and said, "Yes, that’s right, dad will do as Jane says."

The bodyguards and nanny behind them saw the father and daughter. No, there wasn’t only father and daughter. But their master, his daughter and the pet dog that was about the same age as little Jane.


Now in the Carter family, the most precious was their little Miss Janell Carter, followed by the Pomeranian that grew up with the little miss.

No one can dare to offend little miss of the house or her pet. The whole family loved them more than anything.

Three years ago, after Jane’s accident, Edwin Carter fired all the servants of the villa who had worked in the Carter family for decades. The nanny who took care of little Jane was not the one chosen by the parents of the Carter family, but the one he chose himself.

His own personal bodyguards who used to follow him when he was in the United States came to Jiangbei to protect his daughter. He replaced all the people around him with the one he trusted the most.

Janell was three years and a few months old. When she was three years old, Edwin Carter hired the best taekwondo coach to teach her Taekwondo at home.

Every day when he came home from work, he practices for an hour with her. No matter how she practiced, he always stayed patient with her.

He has decided that when Janell’s mother comes back, he will tell her about every bit of their daughter’s childhood. He will tell her that their child was good at everything. But the only thing their daughter lacked was her mother…

Janell put on a white Taekwondo suit and kicked several times. Edwin Carter clapped his hands and encouraged her, "My little Jane is very brave!"

Due to her father’s praise, she learned more attentively from the coach. Although her arms and legs were very small, her every move made her looked like a little warrior.


At the end of the course, she jumped into his father’s arms and took a big sip of water, "Daddy, Jane will always protect daddy and little sister."

"Well, my good girl." Edwin Carter took a towel to wipe the sweat from her head. He looked at her face and began to think of his wife.

If Jane is also with them at this time, what she would do with their daughter?

"Chairman Carter, I’ll leave now." The coach said.

"Okay." Edwin Carter nodded.

"Goodbye, teacher!" Janell waved to the coach and said softly.

"Goodbye, Jane!" The coach waved to her, too. Teaching such a lovely and beautiful child was a kind of enjoyment for him.

"Daddy, I’m hungry."

Edwin Carter took a look at the time. Today, because of some delay, the time of Janell’s meal has already passed. No wonder the little girl was hungry.

He picked her up and said, "Let’s go for dinner."

"Daddy, can I have a brother?" Every day she played with her little doggy and now she felt so bored, so it will be fun if she can have a brother to play with them.

"Jane wants a brother?" As long as his daughter is happy, he would consider adopting a child to grow up with her.

Little Jane counted her fingers and said in a soft voice, "Jane wants many brothers and many sisters, but only one dad."

Edwin Carter understood that Janell didn’t want a brother, actually, she felt alone and needs someone to play with.

That night, after coaxing Janell to sleep, Edwin Carter thought about this problem.

He decided to send Janell to the kindergarten of Jiangbei military region, since the security of the military region was undoubtedly much better than those noble kindergartens outside.

He had lost his Jane three years ago, now he couldn’t imagine losing his daughter again.


Edwin Carter looked at Janell’s quiet sleeping face and called this name softly.

He also didn’t know whether he was calling his little daughter or his wife.


Eva fashion show was a world-class show. After the event, not only the prices of models reached the sky but also the fame of the designers increased significantly.

Although the exposure of designers in front of the audience was not as high as that of models, their position in the fashion industry was much important than that of models, and the people who have won prizes and awards were extremely popular these days.

Even after winning the award, Selene’s life had no big change, because her father was in charge of her business. She just needed to draw the designs, and her life was as peaceful as before.

On the third day after arriving in Jiangbei, Jonathan Ronan received a notice for Selene, which was from a fashion program of a TV station in Jiangbei, they wanted to interview Selene.

Designers work behind the scenes, and Selene hasn’t appeared in the public in recent years. Suddenly, she heard this news and wanted to refuse but when she saw her father’s eyes, she noticed that her father wanted her to go, so she couldn’t refuse.

She agreed to go.

On the program, the team hired a very good makeup artist for Selene’s make up.

Selene’s skin was already very good. She rarely did makeup and even she did, she mostly did a very light makeup and even if that she can easily attract people’s attention. Today for the first time that she wore such a strong makeup, thick foundation, blush on, eye makeup, etc., she can hardly recognize herself.

If it wasn’t her father who arranged this interview for her, she would have thought that those people deliberately turned her face like this, they were not interviewing her, but letting her play the role of a clown.


During the interview, the host asked Selene some questions about her work, such as what plans she had for her future work, but later the topic shifted to her personal life.

"I’m still young, and... you know, I’ll work hard for a few years. My career is my first priority, after that, I will think about my personal life," Selene said and smiled embarrassingly.

The host said, "Miss Selene, you are so young and beautiful, and you’ve won the Eva New Talent Award and the best fashion designer award. People who want to chase you are likely to be in a row from Jiangbei to France. You don’t have to worry about that. Just choose slowly."

Selene, "…"

Selene didn’t want to show up on the TV programs and didn’t like to talk about her personal affairs, so when the host asked her these questions she didn’t answer and just smiled.

She didn’t show a warm attitude to the host, but the host didn’t intend to let her go.

The host asked again, "Selene, what kind of man do you like? Appearance matters the most or inner self? For you, talent is more important or money?"

The host asked Selene several questions in a row, which she never seriously considered and she had no answer to give.

Selene really didn’t know what to say, but the host asked again, "You are so beautiful and successful. I guess your requirements must be very high. Any ordinary man can’t get into your eyes."

"I think fate is the most important thing, I believe in predestined affinity, nothing else," Selene said.

The host said, "So Selene, do you mean that if you like someone, you will not see if he has any money? You won’t care about his status?"


Selene’s eyebrows were slightly raised, she looked a little upset.

What does it have to do with having money?

What does it have to do with status?

Isn’t it a matter of mutual affection?

She felt that this kind of emotion is a matter of two people. As long as they like each other, status or money doesn’t matter. But there was another voice in her heart saying that status does have a relationship.

It was just that the voice was so far away that she couldn’t hear or remember anything clearly.

The host finally realized that Selene was unwilling to discuss personal life, so she has to transfer the topic to Selene’s work again.

When the host asked about the work, Selene was willing to talk. She talked about fashion designing very seriously, but the other side only asked a few superficial questions. It seemed that the host had no interest in her work at all.

At the end of the program, Selene politely said a few more words with the host. The host kindly replied.

But when the camera turned off, the host looked very surly. She looked at Jane discontentedly and then left.

When Selene returned to the dressing room to remove her make-up, she heard gossip.

"The designer, Selene, is just a new celebrity and recently got fame, but she’s so arrogant, you know?"

"Yes, yes, when Miss Rosaline asked her questions, she ignored her. What she really thinks about herself?"

"In the fashion industry, every year new people got fame. How long she can be popular, no one knows."


"I think she’s pretending to be pure and noble. Maybe her private life is too bad to be seen."

"I have seen her kind of girls, saying that status and money is not important, but when it comes to money they deal without thinking for even a second."

Several staff members were talking about her. Their tone and words were too harsh.

Selene was also standing at a little distance, didn’t believe they didn’t know she was also changing and removing makeup here in the dressing room.

It seemed that they just wanted her to listen and wanted to annoy her deliberately. If she gets angry or shouts on them they will shot her video and publicize it.

She was just a new designer. If the rumor of her losing temper spreads, it can become an obstacle for her future.

Selene shook her head helplessly. Why do they think of her as a big card to create the hype of their TV show? She couldn’t let them play with her. She decided to not give any response and also made up her mind to never attend this kind of TV interviews in the future.

She thought the most important thing about her work was good designs. As long as her designs are unique and stylish, she doesn’t need to worry about making profit.

Selene removed her makeup, picked her bag and went out. As soon as she reached the door, she saw a group of people coming from outside.

"Mr. Carter, this way, please!"

Hearing the voice, Selene looked up and saw a group of people surrounding a tall man in a white shirt walking to the studio.

The expression and attitude of those people were very respectful.

The man surrounded by them, was the real big card.

The one who was talking on her back only knew how to poke the weak points of the one, who have no background but have to climb up by their own efforts. If they really have the ability then they should go and talk about such a big personality.

Selene sighed and walked away, as she walked the eyes of the man surrounded by a crowd swept past her.

Just at a glance, Edwin Carter’s brain responded quickly. He stopped and looked back. Two sharp eyes fell on the woman who was about to leave.

Over these years, he has seen countless women who looked a little similar to his Jane. But, every time after seeing the face, he got disappointed.


He had faced disappointment for countless times.

This time, instead of acting immediately, Edwin Carter quietly watched the woman who was similar to Jane going away. But when she turned and was about to disappear from his sight, he forgot everything and rushed out of the crowd.

Whether that person is his Jane or not, even if the truth will disappoint him again, he still wanted to confirm it with his own eyes.

He would rather be disappointed again than to miss any chance to find her.

Edwin Carter suddenly ran away. The people around him didn’t understand why. They just followed him.

"Chairman Carter--"

It was Luis George who called out. After finishing the work here, there was a very important meeting waiting for him. He had no time to delay.

"Don’t follow me." Edwin Carter said without looking back.


As he spoke, Luis George stopped and also motioned his hand to stop the group of people. He and Sienna Henry looked at each other in surprise.

Edwin Carter walked very fast. Soon, he reached near that woman.

Today’s weather was very good. After leaving the TV station, Selene looked up at the sky, took a long breath, and tried to find peace.

Edwin Carter looked at her back and swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously. His Jane often did such kind of acts, like the long breath she had just breathed while looking up at the sky.

It looked silly but also very cute.

His eyes were fixed on her, and he watched her taking out a map from her backpack, looking down for a while, and then looking around.

When she looked around, Edwin Carter saw her face clearly…

Edwin Carter froze suddenly—

It was the face he dreamed about day and night.

It was the face he remembered more than anything, but also the face he often couldn’t able to remember clearly.

It’s she, it’s she, it’s his wife, it’s his Jane—

His eyes were too surprised. Maybe there was only he and her there. She also noticed him.

They were only a few steps away from each other. If he takes several steps, he can catch her, hold her in his arms as before, can feel her breath and heartbeat, can feel her completely—


But Edwin Carter was standing still. He was too nervous to move. His heartbeat was as fast as his heart was about to jump out of his mouth.

She came to him, smiled politely to him, and said, "Excuse me, sir, can you tell me how to get to the Skyscraper? Should I go left or right?"

She’s a designer and good at drawing, but she couldn’t read the map and didn’t know the cardinal points. She knew that the Skyscraper was not far away from here and she will be able to reach there in ten minutes’ walking, but she didn’t know whether to go left or right.

Suddenly, it’s like Edwin’s brain was rusty when he heard her voice that he couldn't be familiar with any more. He’s a little bit mixed up. He stretched his arm and pointed towards the right foolishly.

"Thank you!" She smiled at him again and walked away.

Her smile was still so charming that can penetrate into people’s hearts. Every time he saw her smiling, the haze in his heart disappeared.

When she walked forward, Edwin Carter followed her stupidly, but he managed a distance of about ten meters.

Along the way, she looked around, touched different things. He followed her in a daze and looked at the things she had looked and touched the things she had touched. He wanted to feel her.

He did not dare to move too close to her or catch her. He was afraid that if he touches her, she would disappear from his eyes like before.

So he just followed her far away, watching her, even without any touch, he could walk behind her for life.

There was inexplicable happiness in his heart.

It took about ten minutes to reach the destination.

The Skyscraper used to be the landmark of Jiangbei City.


Although the landmark of Jiangbei City has been replaced by Shengtian tower, the popularity of Skyscraper as a tourist attraction has not yet dissipated. Many tourists came here to visit.

If one didn’t visit Skyscraper, it would mean he haven’t been to Jiangbei.

When Edwin Carter saw her going to the ticket window to buy the sightseeing ticket, he also followed her to buy a ticket.

The ticket price was 10 dollars, which was nothing for him, but he never carried money, so he can’t buy anything without an assistant.

"Are you going for sightseeing? But you don’t have money with you?" Jane stood beside him and asked him in her sweet, tender voice.

Edwin Carter looked at her and nodded stupidly, "Yes."

"Please give me another adult ticket." She said to the conductor, took out another ten dollars, bought a ticket and handed it to him, "thank you for showing me the way."

Edwin Carter looked at the ticket she handed over but did not take it.

He didn’t dare to take it.

Today’s Jane seemed so real as if she was really around him. He still wanted to get along with her for a while. He didn’t want to touch her. He was afraid that she would disappear from his sight again.

He didn’t take it, and she felt embarrassed. She put the ticket on the counter and queued up in the line to wait for the elevator.

Edwin Carter grabbed the ticket and lined up behind her, but he didn’t dare to go too close to her. There was still the space of two people to stand between him and her.


Looking at the position among them, the people who bought ticket after them cut in line, standing in the midst of them.

Edwin Carter gave him a cold stare. The people who wanted to get in between immediately stepped back.

The elevator can carry more than a dozen people at a time. When the door of the elevator opened, people rushed into it. Edwin Carter wanted to keep a distance from her, but due to the crowd, he touched her.

He was standing next to her. There were more than ten people in the elevator, but he could only see her and hear her.

He blocked other people from crowding her, and he also kept a certain distance from her. It seemed like he was protecting her under his wings.

Suddenly, someone squeezed hard and hit his arm. His hand accidentally touched her hand. Her hands were cold, but the touch was so real.

Isn’t this his dream, Jane is really around him?

He couldn’t believe it. He wanted to hold her hands and confirm again. But in a moment, the lights of the elevator suddenly stopped working and the elevator fell down quickly.

People screamed one after another in the elevator.

"Ah, no, no--" Selene roared like she had seen a beast. She was shivering with fear, waving her hands to stop people approaching her.

In the dark, Edwin Carter grabbed her hands and held her in his arms. He tried to calm her down and wanted to tell her that there is no need to be so afraid.

But his hug made her more frightened; she punched him again, pushed him and shouted crazily, "Leave me, don’t touch me."


The elevator suddenly jammed and didn’t land.

The shrieking noise inside the elevator also stopped, but Selene clenched her hands into fists. She seemed to be greatly frightened and considered the person holding her as a fierce beast.

Edwin Carter hugged her tightly and comforted her constantly, "Jane, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m here, nothing will happen to you, I’ll never let anything happen to you, I promise."

Three years ago, he lost her, he has been remorseful and regretted it more than anything.

Now he met her again, no matter what he has to do, he will never let her suffer any harm. No one can hurt her.

Edwin Carter hugged Jane tightly and spoke carefully, "Everyone take out your mobile phone, turn on the flashlight, and call the rescue service."


After hearing Edwin’s steady voice, the people in the elevator seem to have taken a dose of tranquilizer. No one made any more noise. Some people took out their mobile phones and turned on the flashlight and some people called for help.

In Edwin Carter’s arms, Jane’s body was still shivering, and the light of the mobile phones was falling on her delicate face, he could see clearly how pale her face was.

In these three years, what kind of things she has experienced that made her react so fiercely? She was a very brave girl. She didn’t get scared so easily.

But he knew it was not the best time to ask her questions.

In normal circumstances, this kind of problem at least need half an hour to be solved.

Edwin Carter took out his mobile phone and informed Luis George to handle it. As soon as Luis George received the news, he immediately informed people that Edwin Carter was trapped in the elevator, and no one dared to neglect.


The first-aid workers, firefighters, police, ambulance workers, all of them arrived at the scene in the fastest possible time.

In about ten minutes, they were rescued safely, no one was injured.

When they were rescued, Luis George and Sienna Henry, who had been waiting outside for a long time, ran over at the same time and worriedly asked, "Chairman Carter, are you….. Madam?"

The words of concern turned to shock before they were fully uttered, only because they saw the woman standing beside Edwin Carter –

The woman who was as gentle as a pool of spring water.

The woman whom Edwin Carter was crazily finding for the last three years.

The woman who had been dead three years ago was standing beside Edwin Carter at this time.

Luis George and Sienna Henry widened their eyes. They were unable to distinguish what they saw was a reality or a dream.

Edwin Carter glared at them in time and motioned them to retreat. Later, he took his Jane to the first-aid ambulance and asked the doctor for a routine checkup.

Just now, Luis George called her Madam, Selene was still a little shocked and confused.

At this time, after checkup, Selene also recovered her calmness. After thinking about what she had just done in the elevator, she felt very embarrassed and smiled at Edwin Carter, "Sir, I am sorry for my behavior. I’m a little afraid of elevators... "

She bit her lips, and a faint blush rose on her white face. She said again, "I just overreacted, did I hurt you?"


Her tone was polite and unfamiliar, she politely apologized. But, the soft words were like a sharp poisoned sword entering Edwin Carter’s heart and piercing it.

The joy of reunion was ruined, and the only thing he could see and feel was – his Jane didn’t remember him.

Edwin Carter looked at her firmly; he was unable to say what he felt in his heart. She didn’t remember him. There was no him in her memory.

Their memories have all turned into a bubble.

He didn’t speak, and Selene thought he still minded what had just happened, and added, "I’m really sorry, sir! I..."

In a hurry, she looked into Edwin Carter’s eyes. Edwin Carter felt so dazzling, but she immediately moved her head away.

He was afraid that his actions would make her uncomfortable, so he quickly concealed his emotions and asked, "Afraid of the elevator? Anything had happened to you?"

His voice was very light and soft. It was clear that they met today, but he gave her the feeling like he knows him for many years. She found him inexplicably familiar.

However, Selene didn’t see Edwin Carter’s clenched hands. Those hands with distinct bones were tight and pale at this time as if they were resisting something with their whole body strength.

After listening to his gentle voice and looking at his kind and gentle eyes, she took a deep breath and couldn’t help saying, "it’s not a big deal." She smiled again, "it’s just that I have been trapped in the elevator of the hospital a few years ago, and almost suffocated all night."

Selene said it calmly, but it can be felt that it was not that easy. At that time, she was recovering from a serious illness, and soon after she was able to walk, she was trapped in the elevator of the hospital.

At that time, she called for help but was of no use. It was a confined room, the cold and hard walls on her sides seemed to press her and squeeze her into meat sauce at any time.

She was curled up in the corner in her patient clothes. She felt that the darkness was full of danger and despair. She felt as if she would go back to the period of the coma and she could not find a way out by running in the darkness.

She screamed, ran, shouted, but the people she waited for didn’t come.

But, for whom she was waiting?

She didn’t know.

She never mentioned the incident of being trapped in the elevator to anyone, because she was afraid to worry her father, she didn’t even tell her father, but since then, she had this phobia.

Today, during the elevator’s accident, her mind recalled all those dark memories, and she lost her self-control.

Fortunately, this man helped her, otherwise, she really didn’t know what she would have done. After this thought... Selene again looked at Edwin Carter and smiled with gratitude.

She said it calmly as if nothing has really happened. However, Edwin understood that it would never be as simple as it was looking.

It must be something really serious, if it was just a small accident, today she wouldn’t have lost her self-control. He knew Jane’s personality, even though her heart was riddled with holes, she still put on a smile to make people feel at ease.

He wanted to hold her in his arms to comfort her and tell her that he would not let her suffer any more grievances in the future, but he could not. He was afraid that his sudden action would frighten her, and she would treat him as a rogue who wanted to offend her.

After a long time, Edwin Carter pressed down a lot of heartache in his heart and pretended to be relaxed, "My name is Edwin Carter. What about you?"

"I’m Selene."

He asked and she replied.

Quickly and straightforwardly blocking his ways to ask anything again.


Edwin Carter wanted to hear a few more words from her. He wanted to say a lot to her. He wanted to know how she has lived these three years.

He wanted to tell her that their little Janell is three years old. He wanted to tell her that their daughter is cute and sensible, and sometimes very lovely and naughty.

But he can’t tell her now.

Or maybe, he didn’t know how to speak.

His wife, his Jane, no longer remembers him.

"Selene?" Edwin Carter repeated her English name and said with a smile, "Selene is a beautiful and interesting name. It means the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology. I think your real name must also be very nice."

Suddenly, someone asked her real name again, and Selene was embarrassed, hesitated for a moment and said, "Two years ago, I had a serious illness, which made me forget all the previous things. My father didn’t tell me my real name, but he calls me Jane."


Her simple name, simple but unforgettable.

She has come back.

This time, she has really come back. He was not dreaming.

"Well, thank you for today!" She said.

If she had not met him today, she couldn't imagine what she would have done in the elevator and might have hurt innocent people. She really wanted to thank him.

"You bought me a ticket, too. I should thank you." He said.


"You’re welcome." She smiled shyly again. "Okay, then I’m leaving now."

"Do you need me to drop you home?" He asked carefully with the fear that she will refuse.

She shook her head and smiled. "No, I’ll take the subway."

"Then…" can you give me your contact information? Edwin Carter wanted to say, but he didn’t say it. He was worried that it would make her feel abrupt. He could only swallow back his words and nodded his head, "Be careful on your way back."

"Well, goodbye."


She turned around and left.

Edwin Carter didn’t keep up with her anymore. He just looked at her back. His hands hanging on his side tightly clenched into fists, restrained and repressed.

The person in front of her was clearly his wife and the mother of his child, but now he was just a stranger to her.


She politely said goodbye, without saying anything else, she didn’t even want to see him again.

In these three years, he imagined all kinds of scenes that will happen when he meets her again…

He used to think, if he finds her, he will hold her and never let her go. He will hide her in a place, where only he could see her.

He used to think, when they meet each other again, she would throw herself into his arms in ecstasy and ask him if he had missed her in her pleasant voice.

He has imagined many scenes of their reunion, but none of them was like today—

She had forgotten him, their child, and their past.

As if he had never left any trace in her life, everything in the past was just a dream. And after waking up, he was still alone. No one of his relatives and friends could walk into his heart and warm his cold heart.

If it was not for his daughter Janell to accompany him every day and call him daddy in soft voice, he would doubt whether there was such a person named Jane appearing in his life.

After a long time, Edwin Carter took back his eyes and beckoned Luis George, "Send the best bodyguards to protect her at all times. Go to the TV station immediately. I want her contact information, and in the fastest time I want to know what she has experienced in these three years."


On the way home, Selene kept thinking about the man she met today.

She thought she was familiar with him, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen him. Until she looked up and saw the TV screen in the subway, which the news media advertisement was introducing the world’s most famous young entrepreneurs.


Leon Carter, head of Shengtian group. His real name, Edwin Carter—

Every picture of him was the same as what she saw today. He looked calm and introverted, wearing a white shirt, black trousers and wearing a golden frame of glasses.

The only difference was that he looked arrogant and noble in the photos, while he looked gentle and approachable in real life, and also a little silly.

After reading this news, Selene understood why she thought that she had seen him somewhere. When she was in Milan, her father liked to watch the news about this man, and she occasionally saw him on TV.

She had heard many news about him but she never thought that she would meet him. By the time she was shaking her head, she had arrived at the destination.

After getting out of the subway, Selene took a deep breath, moved her facial muscles and raised her lips to smile.

Those things she has encountered on the TV station today and the occasional encounter with Shengtian’s head Leon Carter, she will hide them well and will forget soon.

From now on, she will start her work from a new starting point, and she has to work harder to make better design and will put herself on a higher podium.

When she reached home, she smelled the delicious food.

When father saw her coming back, he looked at her with caring eyes, "Jane, where did you go after leaving the TV station? You are unfamiliar with Jiangbei. I was worried about you."

"Dad, I just went out to stroll around. Now, I have to live in this city, I think I should be familiar with it." She changed her shoes and came to her father. "I’m not a child anymore. I won’t be lost. Don’t worry, Dad."

Jonathan Ronan sighed and said, "After your serious illness, you always forget things. I’m worried that I will lose you again, and never be able to find you again."

"Dad..." All of a sudden, Selene was speechless. He was so old that she should take care of him, but due to her illness, he stayed worried for her.

Before going out, her father reminded her several times to came back home on time. If she can’t come back because of the delay, his father often came out to pick her up.

For the past two or three years, due to worry, her father’s hair has turned gray, but she always made him worry for her, as a spoiled child.

Jonathan Ronan turned around and handed the medicine on the table to her, and poured the water in the glass, "Take the medicine first, and then we will eat."

After taking the medicine, Selene smiled at him, "Dad, don’t worry. I remember to take the medicine."

Jonathan Ronan rubbed her head and said, "Silly girl, I’m your father. How can I not worry about you?"

Selene smiled. It’s so nice to have a caring father like him!


Twinkling brightly, the city lights glittered everywhere just liked stars dropping to the earth. Various buildings collided in a mixture of shadow and geometry, tiny vehicles rushing along tangled lines of streets creating twisting threads of light. A breathtaking view, Jiangbei was the best description of the city that never sleeps.

Edwin Carter stood on the balcony, smoked one cigarette after another, and stared at thousands of lights.

He had the habit of smoking, but he had never smoked in front of Jane, and even during Jane’s pregnancy he quietly gave up his habit.


But, during these three years ago, when Jane suddenly disappeared from his life, he began to be infatuated with the smell of tobacco. It seemed that he used this method to paralyze his nerves, but he never smoked in front of Janell.

Tonight, he has smoked nearly a pack of cigarettes, but still couldn’t suppress his heartache and depression.

The thought that he and Jane are in the same city, they are so close to each other, but still, they are thousands of miles apart, he cannot go to her. This thought was killing him.

"Mr. Carter, this is the information that you’ve asked for." Luis George hurriedly arrived, handed the document to Edwin Carter, and then stepped back respectfully.

Edwin Carter threw the cigarette away and quickly opened the file. As he turned the pages his facial expressions showed the disgust that he had felt in his heart, which looked like a demon.


Luis George was standing beside. He looked at the changing expressions of Edwin Carter and felt very worried.

Even after three years of searching, he couldn’t find any clue. But when the hope in his heart was about to fade away, the person who he had been searching for three years suddenly appeared.

All of a sudden she came back.

Moreover, the information he obtained today, clearly revealed that someone was playing a cat and mouse game with him. In this game, the other side was a cat and regarded him as a mouse.

Edwin Carter didn’t say anything for a long time.

Luis George looked at him and asked carefully, "Chairman Carter, what should we do now?"

Edwin Carter threw the document and said in a cold voice, "Just sit tight."


Edwin Carter’s mind has always been accurate. After reading these materials, he quickly analyzed the whole plot. Three years ago, he also doubted it, but because he couldn’t find the exact evidence, he didn’t dare to draw a conclusion.

He was also a little unwilling to doubt his most trusted family, but today he understood everything. Three years ago, that fire was man-made, and the car accident was also a conspiracy against Jane.

Everything was perfectly planned, his business trip, fire in Laura’s studio and Jane’s car accident.

Besides his beloved grandfather, Edwin Carter couldn’t think of a second person. Just one thing he didn’t understand, if it was his grandfather’s action then how Jane fell into Jonathan Ronan’s hands? How did she lose her memory?

What can be the secret between grandpa and Jonathan Ronan?

Why did they do so much bad to Jane?

Edwin Carter took a cold breath, his knuckles were clear, and his heartache was deep. But there was no time for him to feel heartache, there were more important things waiting for him.

Jonathan Ronan took Jane away and hid for three years. Now, he took Jane back to Jiangbei and let Jane came in front of him. It showed that he must have a reason, and he wanted to use Jane to get something from him.

Jane has lost all her memories, and Jonathan Ronan used Jane’s weakness and let her recognize him as her father.

Now for Jane, Jonathan Ronan was her closest and most trusted person, while Edwin Carter was just a stranger.

Edwin Carter knew that he can’t do anything to Jonathan Ronan and cannot even think of forcibly bringing Jane back from him.


He has to find a way for Jane to remember the past, and for that, he has to know the real purpose of Jonathan Ronan’s behind doing this. He had no room to make any mistake. He also have to protect Jane from being hurt.

Today Edwin Carter met Jane. It was obviously not a coincidence…

Jonathan Ronan did his best to arrange what happened today. He found out about Edwin Carter’s meeting today with a TV program, so he managed to get Jane a TV program.

Because if they both went to same place, there will be maximum chances of an encounter.

Today, he has been watching outside the TV station. He saw Edwin Carter chasing Jane with his own eyes. He knew Edwin Carter followed Jane, and they had an elevator accident.

At first, he had some worries that his plan might change in case of an accident, but when he saw Jane’s expression his worries gone away.

After today, he was even sure that Jane won’t be able to recall the past memory, and she will be a powerful weapon in his hand. Edwin Carter will find out that he is also in Jiangbei, but he won’t dare to fight against him.

At this time, Jonathan Ronan also stood by the window, looked at the half-moon in the sky,

He saw someone’s shadow in the moon and heard a disdainful voice.

"Ronan? What kind of thing do you think you are?"

"A few decades ago, the Ronans was sort of a well-known family, but now it’s been completely down and out. I’m sure that with Jonathan Ronan’s ability, he can never regain his lost glory, respect, fame and status."

"Jonathan Ronan’s ability?" Jonathan Ronan uttered the sentence and repeated it in his mind.


He will let his family back to the way it was before and will let everyone know about the Ronan family’s real status.

Tonight, he just needs to have a good sleep.

Tomorrow, he will get up and do what he always wanted to do.

The next day, Jonathan Ronan got up early as usual.

He got ready and put on his new suit. The suit was from Armani’s latest collection, which he specially bought for himself. He had got the status and identity of the father of a famous designer. He also had to wear decent clothes.

"Dad, are you going to a big party today?" Selene didn’t remember much from the past, but on the basis of these three years, it was surprising to see Jonathan Ronan dressed so formally.

"I’m going to help you get in touch with the new company today. If it’s going well, then the contract can be signed and you can work with them officially." Jonathan Ronan sat at the dining table and said, "Jane, dad has something important to tell you."

"Dad, what’s it?" Selene sat down and asked.

"You know, I didn’t tell you why you had that serious illness three years ago, and didn’t tell you your real name," Jonathan Ronan said in a soft tone.

Selene looked at Jonathan Ronan, "Dad, if you didn’t want to tell me, then there must be a valid reason. I don’t want to know."

Selene guessed that the memories she lost after the serious illness must be hurtful, and the bad things should not be remembered.

Although she occasionally felt empty in her heart, as long as she got busy and worked hard,  that kind of inexplicable emptiness will disappear. So she never showed any interest in the past and has never questioned her father.

Jonathan Ronan spoke after a while, "your real name is Jane Ronan. From now on you will use your real identity at home, and it will be easy for you to interact with others."

"Jane Ronan?" Jane repeated her own name.


Edwin Carter stared at Janell’s cute face for a long time, and couldn’t help stretching out his hand and pinching her face, "little bunny, get up!"

"Daddy, no..." Janell turned over and pressed her small body into Edwin Carter’s arms. After murmuring for a while, she closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

Edwin Carter held her little face again and said softly, "little bunny, if you don’t get up now, dad won’t buy you strawberries today."

Janell suddenly opened her eyes, flattened her mouth, and pretended as she was about to cry, "Daddy is not good..."

"Dad is not good, but he wants his little Jane to be good, and he will buy you strawberries and chocolate." Edwin Carter looked at her cute little daughter, lowered his head and kissed her face.

"Jane is awake." Janell stretched her cute arms to ask dad to hug her.


"Aw, Dad will hug his cute doll, my baby is so adorable." Edwin Carter hugged her and bowed his head to her little face. "Let’s brush teeth."

Edwin Carter didn’t want his daughter to sleep alone in the baby room, so Janell has been sleeping in his bedroom for three years. He loved her, cared for her as her father and a mother both.

Every morning, he coaxed Janell to get up, which was the happiest time of his day. When he listened to her calling him daddy and watched her coquetry in his arms, his cold heart became warm and satisfied.

Edwin Carter held Janell’s face and brushed her teeth carefully. He was a big man, but he was very gentle for her daughter. He was afraid to hurt the little girl.

Janell blinked her big eyes and looked at herself in the mirror and laughed happily, "Jane is good, and daddy is good, too."


"Of course, Jane is dad’s little princess." Although Janell didn’t speak clearly, Edwin Carter understood what she wanted to express.

Actually the little girl wanted to say that she and dad both are good-looking.

The little girl was so small but she got a big head and exhibited narcissism.

He and Jane never had the habit of flaunting good looks. He didn’t know where the little girl inherited this trait.

Edwin Carter thought about Jane and could not help thinking of what she might have experienced in these three years. His heart seemed to be grabbed by someone again. The sharp pain rose from his heart and covered his whole existence as if it will swallow him.

"Daddy…" Janell suddenly stretched out her little hands, gently held her father’s hands, and blinked her big eyes.

After being touched by the soft little hands, he suddenly returned to his mind and held Janel tightly in his arms.

"Daddy, smile…" Janell was small, but her mind was very sensitive. She could see that at this moment her father was not happy.

"Yes. Dad is happy."

"Jane wants dad to smile."

"OK, Dad will smile, but then Jane has to give her half of the strawberries to Dad. Tell me, are you willing to do this?"

"Yes, I’m." She liked strawberries very much, but her dad was more important than strawberries. For dad’s happiness, she was willing to share the strawberries.

"My good girl! Let’s go and eat strawberries." Edwin Carter went downstairs with Janell in his arms.

Because the little girl really liked eating strawberries, the chef of their house every day tried to think innovative ways to make new and unique dishes using strawberries. They always tried their best to make their little princess happy.


When they came to the dining room, there were already many dishes of strawberries on the table that Janell liked to eat.

Edwin Carter put Janell on her special seat, put her bib with her own hands, gave her the spoon and let her eat.

Janell picked up a spoon and ate it. She scooped up a spoon again and raised towards her dad, "Daddy, you eat."

Edwin Carter opened his mouth to eat and nodded with satisfaction, "From my little Jane’s hand it became even more delicious."

Janell smiled and scooped up another spoon, "Little sister, eat it."

During the meal, Janell didn’t forget her little Mia Mia who had grown up with her.

"Woof, Woof, Woof..." Mia Mia was squatting on the other chair and made a few continuous barks to express her gratitude to Janell.

Edwin Carter picked up a paper towel and wiped the corner of Janell’s mouth, and said, "Jane can eat it, but Mia Mia can’t eat it. Her stomach will hurt if she eats it."

When Janell heard that her sister would have a stomachache after eating this, she took the spoon back and said softly, "I don’t want little sister to have a stomachache."

Edwin Carter stroked Janell’s head, "Hmm. Then eat quickly."

Edwin Carter often saw the shadow of Jane in Janell, especially her big watery eyes looked as if they were carved the same as Jane’s.


Hearing the pleasant voice, Janell looked back and saw her beautiful aunt. She excitedly waved her little hands, "Auntie, Hi."

Angela Carter took off her sunglasses and handed it to Arthur Simon who was following her. She ran over, picked up Janell and kissed her, "Do you miss your auntie?"


Janell reached for Angela Carter’s face, "Yes, I missed auntie very much."

"Good," Angela Carter rubbed her little face, "Little Jane, you are becoming more and more beautiful, just look like your auntie me."

"Little Jane is more beautiful than auntie," Janell said proudly.

Angela Carter pretended to be very sad, and complained, "how can little Jane be more beautiful than auntie, aunt will be sad."

Angela Carter had won the best actress award. Her acting skills were much mature than before. If anyone didn’t know about her nature, he would feel that she was fighting with a child.

"Auntie don’t cry. You are as beautiful as little Jane." Her auntie is really good to her. She cannot let her feel sad.

Angela Carter laughed and pinched Janell’s delicate face, "No, my little Jane is the most beautiful. Your auntie is far behind you."

Janell’s parents are so beautiful, she inherited two perfect genes at the same time. How can she not be beautiful?

"Auntie, five hundred for pinching the cheek, give me my money." Janell suddenly said it in serious tone.

"Five hundred is not enough, you should ask for five thousand. Next time when your daddy pinches you once, you have to ask him for five thousand, got it?" Angela Carter said.

"Five thousand..." Janell felt very confused. She thought five hundred is five and five thousand is five. What’s the difference?

"Why are you here?" After breakfast, Edwin Carter wiped his mouth gracefully and looked at Angela.

"My play’s shoot is done, I came here to accompany my little princess." Angela Carter said.

Since Jane’s accident, Edwin Carter had become very cold to everyone except Janell. In front of his family, he spoke even less than before, he stayed far away from them, he has placed himself above the common populace.

The elders of the Carter family were in the United States. Angela Carter often came to Orchid Villa while shooting at home. She had made a close relationship with Janell.

"Daddy, I am going to play with auntie." Angela Carter always played with Janell like a child. And Janell naturally liked her auntie.

Edwin Carter came over and kissed Janell’s face, "Okay, play with your auntie at home. Dad is going to work. You can call me when you miss me."

"Goodbye, daddy!"

"Goodbye, Janell!"


"Chairman Carter, we have found out. A well-known international wedding brand P&M Company hired Selene to be their chief designer."

As Edwin Carter’s car arrived at Shengtian building, Sienna Henry, who had been waiting for a long time, came forward and reported the situation.

"Well." Edwin Carter nodded and said, "Start buying this company’s shares, I want this company under the banner of Shengtian. The sooner the better."

"Chairman Carter, this..."

"What’s the problem?" Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows, looked at Sienna Henry, and said, "Assign this task to Shengtian’s most professional team. I want to hear good news in three days."

"Yes." Sienna Henry couldn’t say anything else.

She knew him and Jane well. She has watched Jane coming to Edwin Carter’s life and then she saw her suddenly disappearing. She had witnessed how Edwin Carter had spent these three years.

Jane’s position in Edwin Carter’s mind was much more than everyone could imagine.


In three years, they all believed that Jane had gone, but Edwin Carter didn’t give up, he kept looking for her. Now that Jane has come back, he just wanted to let her stay by his side all the time and this time he will never let anyone take his Jane away from him.


Jane liked the new working environment. It was her independent, spacious and big office.

The city park with the best environment in Jiangbei City was under the broad landing window. The park was close to the sea, and Xiangjiang city was opposite to the sea. She looked out and saw many high buildings.

"Selene, from now on you will lead our domestic design team. I hope you will encourage everyone to work together and give the best output." Robbie Alex, the P&M’s head in this country said to Jane.


Robbie Alex was a 30 years old man. He looked handsome and competent. He was a talented graduate from a good university in the United States. After returning from abroad and after several years of hard work, he climbed to the position of P&M’s head.

He was one of the young talents of this field.

Jane smiled confidently and said, "I will, Mr. Alex. Since you have paid me a high salary, I will try my best to bring everyone together to do a good job for P&M brand, and I will never let you down."

Jane had a quiet personality and didn’t like to talk much. In these years, when she was not working, she often went out alone to walk around and always enjoyed the scenery alone. Other than that, she often stayed at home with a book in her hand and read it all day long.

If it wasn’t for Jonathan Ronan’s warning, she might not even have eaten enough.

It may be because of her quiet character, she hadn’t discussed anything other than the things related to her work in the past three years, she seldom communicated with others and didn’t have any good friends.

But in her work, she had a different kind of personality. She was capable, intelligent and had a strong ability of action. She never dragged things.

Before hearing from Jane, Robbie Alex noticed her personality. She looked a weak and delicate girl with a gentle smile on her face. He was not sure whether she could do the job.

But, as soon as Jane spoke, she gave him a completely different feeling. Every word she said was clear and powerful, and the energy in her thin body was beyond his imagination.


Robbie Alex nodded, "I’m relieved to have you in charge."

"Mr. Alex, it’s so nice of you," Jane replied politely.

Robbie Alex took her to visit the company. She met with her colleagues in the design department and got an assistant, Hannah Glen.

Hannah Glen was a fresh graduate. After graduation, she had the opportunity to learn from a famous world-class designer, Selene. Her excitement was beyond imaginations. From time to time, she knocked on the door of Jane’s office to serve her with tea and food.

Knock knock--

It was the forth time Hannah Glen knocked on the door of Jane’s office. Jane thought she wouldn't stand it any longer, but she patiently said, "Please come in."

Hannah Glen pushed the door and said, "Selene, we have a distinguished guest who came to visit our company, Mr. Alex asked you to come over and receive him."

"Okay," Jane nodded.

Jane followed Hannah Glen to the reception room. She opened the door, but Robbie Alex was not there. There was only a man standing near the window in a white shirt and black Pent.

The man stood straight, his back was erect but there was an emptiness, as if he had lost something very important.

"Selene, you go in. I’ll bring tea." Hannah Glen said and turned around.

Jane nodded, stepped into the room, and her eyes again fell on the man. When she was staring at his back, he suddenly turned around and looked into her eyes.

Two people’s eyes fell on each other. She was at a distance from him, but she felt the heat of his eyes.

 Jane was frightened by the gaze and immediately looked away.

But Edwin Carter’s eyes were reluctant to move away. He just wanted to look at her for another second. It took a long time for him to open his mouth, "Hi, last time I didn’t know that you are a famous fashion designer, Selene."

"Hello, Mr. Carter!" Jane said politely.

She often called him "Mr. Carter," but at that time there was always a bit of teasing and a bit of coyness, but now it was only polite, impeccable, but prickly for his ear.

In an instant, Edwin Carter felt that he had some difficulty in breathing. The bloody facts reminded him that his Jane didn’t remember him anymore.

However, his self-control has always been strong. His soul was damaged with heartache, but he didn’t reveal anything. He gave her a gentle smile, "Thank you for remembering me."

"Mr. Carter came here to meet me?" Jane asked politely.

Edwin Carter didn’t answer her directly and slowly talked about his past, "My wife and I were dating each other when we registered our marriage. I’ve been married for many years, and my child is three years old, but I still owe her a wedding. I think when she will come back to me. I can make up for the wedding that I owe to her."

Edwin Carter was talking and she listened in silence. From his eyes and his voice, she could feel that he really loves his wife.

Edwin Carter looked at Jane’s calm expressions and his heart badly ached. He wanted to tell her that she is his wife!

But he couldn’t.

He tried to restrain his impulse and spoke to her in a calm voice, "Selene, I heard that your wedding dresses are very special. This time I’m here to ask you to design three dresses for my family."

"Yes, Mr. Carter I will design them," she nodded. "You can tell me your requirements. I will try my best to satisfy you."

Edwin Carter said, "I have a lot of requirements. I can’t finish it for a while. It’s not good for us to stand here. Let me invite you to dinner. We will eat and talk, and thank you for your help."

Jane shook her head and politely refused, "There is no need for dinner. If you have any requirements, you can tell me here."

She was not familiar with him, at least not to the extent that she can go to dinner with him.


Edwin Carter didn’t force her. He sat down and said softly, "Let’s sit down and talk about the design of the dress."

She nodded, sat down, took out her notebook, and said seriously, "Mr. Carter, please tell your detailed requirements, I will write them down."

Edwin Carter noticed her seriousness and saw his former Jane again. She always took her work very seriously. After so many years, P&M hired her to be their chief designer, it must be the result of her great efforts and hard work.

"Mr. Carter?" Jane saw Edwin Carter staring at her for long and couldn’t help calling him.

Edwin Carter regained his senses and said, "I don’t know anything about design, so I don’t know what to ask for. I’d better ask you to give me some advice. I’ll refer to it."


Jane thought for a moment and asked, "Please tell me how your wife and child look like? I would like to have a basic idea."

Edwin Carter heard this, an idea flashed in his brain and he asked, "I can describe but it wouldn’t be enough. Miss Selene, if you don’t mind, can you come with me and see the child?"

The design work always pay particular attention to accurate measurements of the clients so that the dress fits them properly. Jane had often visited her client’s family. She thought she should meet the child and measure her height to design a good dress. After thinking about it, she nodded and agreed.

When they reached near Edwin Carter’s car, she wanted to sit in the back seat, but she thought it would be impolite, so she sat in the front seat with him.


Instinctively, Edwin Carter wanted to help her fasten her seat belt, but as he leaned towards her, she quickly moved to the window and looked at him defensively.

Edwin Carter reluctantly took back his hand and said, "My wife used to sit in this seat with me. She always forgot to fasten her seat belt. I just forgot for a moment that she wasn’t the one sitting next to me."


He didn’t forget.

But the woman sitting next to him forgot that she was his wife.

Edwin Carter said so, but she smiled awkwardly and fastened her seat belt.

Edwin Carter drove for more than half an hour but none of them spoke. Jane quietly looked at the front of the car and enjoyed the scenery.

Edwin Carter’s home was more luxurious than Jane’s imagination. After entering the gate, it took more than ten minutes to walk to the main building.

Edwin Carter walked very slowly. He particularly matched his pace with her steps. While walking, he also introduced the surrounding scenery to her, which made Jane think that this man is really very polite.

"Daddy, you’re back." Janell saw Edwin coming back and ran to him.

Edwin Carter held her daughter, hugged her and kissed her face, "Little Jane, do you miss daddy today?"

"Yes, I miss daddy so much, and I am very hungry," Janell said and touched her small belly.

"Ask Aunt Nova to give you milk, okay?"

"I don’t want to drink milk. I am not a small kid now and big kids don’t drink milk."

"If you drink milk now, you will get to eat strawberries in the afternoon."


Jane quietly watch this father and daughter’s close interaction and liked them very much. Jane remembered this lovely child. She met her a few days ago and she also remembered that her name was also Jane.

No wonder such a charming father has such a beautiful daughter.

Jane vaguely remembered that day little Jane told her that her mother had flown to the sky—

With this thought, Jane felt a little sad, and her clear eyes fall on Edwin Carter’s face. She remembered what he said today. He said… that when his wife will come back to him, he will give this wedding dress to her.

So what’s going on?

Is little Jane’s mother dead or not?

Jane thought about such a small child without a mother and had some heartache; her eyes fell on little Jane and were reluctant to move.

Edwin Carter noticed Jane’s eyes and thought, did she remember anything about their child? Even a little bit of it.

Edwin Carter waited for a long time, but Jane didn’t speak and just quietly looked at Janell.

"Do you want to hold her?" Edwin Carter asked.

"Me, can I?" Jane really wanted to hold this child, she wanted to hug her tightly.

"Little Jane, can this beautiful auntie hug you?" Edwin Carter introduced Jane to her daughter.

Janell’s eyes fell on Jane. She mostly didn’t remember things, but when she saw Jane, she asked excitedly, "Are you big Jane?"

"Daddy, Big Jane helped me to save little sister."

"Nice to see you again, little Jane." Jane smiled softly and said.

When Jane said goodbye to Janell that day, she thought it would be impossible to see each other again, but she didn’t expect to meet her again only after a few days.


Edwin Carter also understood, that day when he went to the park to pick up Janell, she talked about big Jane. It turned out that she really came there, but he didn’t believe Janell.

Janell stretched her little arms to hug Jane and said softly, "Big Jane can hug little Jane without any money."

"It’s very kind of you, little Jane." Jane gently hug the little child. Janell was so soft inside that she couldn’t help falling in love with such a beautiful and lovely child.

Edwin Carter’s eyes became tender after looking at this mother and daughter. He always wanted to see this picture.

He can look at them like this, for a lifetime.

He will bring his Jane back, for him, for their daughter.

"Big Jane, I want to show you a place, would you like to see?" Janell really liked Jane and thought of showing her favorite place to her.

"Where?" Jane nodded.

"Just follow me. I will take you there." Janell took Jane’s hand. "Big Jane, walk steadily. Be careful."

"Yes, I will be careful."

Janell led Jane and walked a few steps, suddenly she felt something wrong, looked back and saw her dad looking at her, "Daddy, do you want to come with us?"

"Okay. Sure." It seemed that Edwin Carter was waiting for Janell to say that. He held Janell’s other hand.

He held Janell’s left hand, and Jane was holding Janell’s right hand. What a beautiful and warm scene!

Edwin Carter wanted to stop the time at this moment, he wanted his family to walk like this, all the way until they two grew old, and their child grows up young.

But Edwin Carter’s fantasy disturbed when Jane suddenly took back her hand. She felt very embarrassed to hold little Jane’s hand like this with Edwin Carter.

Janell didn’t notice that Jane had left her right hand, but Edwin Carter saw it.

Edwin Carter suddenly felt that there was a violent fire in his body, which seemed to break his self-control.

He wanted to carry Jane home by any mean and never let her go again.


Edwin Carter left hand clenched into a fist. He stopped and there was a dark tide surging in his eyes.

He was angry, not at her, but at himself.

If he had been with Jane all the time, those people wouldn't have had the chance to execute their plan. She would not have been taken away from him for three years, and she hadn’t forgotten him and their child.

Janell also realized that something was wrong. She left her father’s hand, took small steps and walked to Jane. Her small hand held Jane’s hand, looking up at her, "Big Jane, if I hold your hand, you will not fall."

Jane nodded with a smile and held Janell’s small hand.

"Jane, you play here, dad has some work to do. I will play with you later." Edwin Carter said.


Janell was willing to be close to Jane, and Jane was also willing to be close to this little girl, so he left this mother and daughter alone to accompany each other.

He knew that without his presence Jane would be able to accompany Janell, although he wasn’t sure that Janell could remind her of something from the past or not.

"Okay, daddy." Janell heavily nodded her little head and softly said, "Little Jane can take care of big Jane."

Edwin Carter rubbed her head, "Dad believes you." He looked at Janell and said softly, "I have something to do. I’ll come back later."

Jane smiled and nodded.

"Daddy, do your work." Janell took Jane’s hand and walked forward with small steps. Her father wasn’t around, but her mood was not affected at all.

When Edwin Carter went away from their sight, Janell immediately touched the braid on her head and looked at Jane with a proud look on her face, "Big Jane, do you think my braid looks good?"


The two braids on Janell’s head were tied like horns. Honestly, they were not very neat, even a little messy. But Janell was a cute child and her cuteness made her more attractive.

Jane can’t tear this cute child’s self-confidence, she gently smiled and nodded, "Very good-looking."

After hearing from Jane that her braids are good-looking, Janell’s confidence boast up and she proudly said, "Daddy made this for me."

Jane was stunned. She couldn’t imagine how a man like Edwin Carter, could comb his child’s hair? Her brain designed the picture of Edwin Carter clumsily combing his daughter’s hair, and it was a beautiful picture, beautiful enough to look for long.

His wife must be very lucky, to have a husband who knows how to love.

Jane smiled. She envied that woman, but only envied her, nothing else.

Janell looked up at the smiling face of Jane, and touched Jane’s legs and blinked her big eyes, "Big Jane, are you happy?"

The words were clear and the tone was soft. After looking in her big eyes one just wanted to hold her, kiss her and pinched her cute cheeks.

Even giving a whole world to such a beautiful child wasn’t even enough.

Jane pinched little doll’s face, "Yes, of course I’m happy."

"Daddy is happy, too!" Janell replied.

"Ah?" Jane didn’t understand what she wanted to say.

"Daddy is very happy!" Janell explained and added, "He’s happy today."

"Oh? He was not happy before?" Jane blinked and asked her.


"Before… before, daddy misses mom. But today he has big Jane, he is happy!"


For sure, children’s words carry no harm. They say what they want to say!

For a moment, Jane thought there must be something wrong. But in the next second, she thought that he came to meet her for work. There should be no other reason. She shouldn’t think about a child’s words.

"Little Jane, where is your mom?" Even after thinking for long, Jane could not help asking.

"My mom flew to the sky." Janell stretched her hands and motioned them up and down, like a pair of wings. "Daddy and I are waiting for her to come back."

Janell said innocently, but after listening to her, Jane felt very uncomfortable. She rubbed Janell’s head, "Janell, who told you that your mother flew to the sky?"

"My auntie told me that." Janell blinked her big eyes and pointed to the sky. "Auntie said that mom flew away, but she would come back when I grow up."

Jane squatted down in front of Janell and said softly, "Big Jane wants to hug little Jane again, can she?"

Janell opened her arms and said, "Yes, and little Jane won’t take money from her."

Jane held Janell in her arms and hugged her. Jane didn’t know why but when she heard this little girl talking about her mother, her heart suffered inexplicably.

Janell pointed to the small house and said in a happy way, "Big Jane that is little Jane and her sister’s castle."

"May I go in?"


Jane entered the castle with little Jane in her arms. This was a small independent building next to the main building. It was a fairy castle, as seen in the cartoon.

"Come in." Jane excitedly dragged Jane into her little castle and entertained her like a princess.


Janell met many strangers, but she was not so enthusiastic about every stranger, and she never told others what she has said to Jane and she never allowed anyone to enter her Castle.

But today she entertained Jane so warmly, not only because those days she helped her saving her little sister, but also because she liked her very much.

Janell’s Castle was a small version of the fairy kingdom that we often see in fairy tales, where everything was in a small version.

There were themed restaurants, themed rooms, and themed shops, which were specially prepared for Janell to learn how to deal in these places, they were very convenient for Janell to learn to take care of herself.

Every ornament in the room was very delicate. From the decoration, one can see the intention of the people who decorated it.

Janell pulled Jane’s hand, showing Jane her small toys, "Big Jane, do you like them?"

"I like them very much," Jane nodded.

Janell said, "They are all made by my daddy!"

After listening to Janell’s soft voice, she inexplicably felt uncomfortable. Jane thought that this little girl’s father really loves her, she is also very cute and sensible, but no love can replace her mother’s love.

"Big Jane..." Janell pulled the corner of Jane’s clothes because she wanted to show her other things to her.

"Little Jane, can I kiss you?" Jane asked.

Jane wanted to kiss Janell’s face for a long time. After thinking about it for a long time, she gathered the courage to say it.

As her voice fell, Janell raised her face and said, "I will kiss big Jane."

All of a sudden, she was kissed by Janell’s soft lips. Janell left a little watermark on her face. Jane felt as her heart melted.

She held up Janell, gently kissed Janell’s face and rubbed Janell into her arms.


In order to ensure the safety of Janell, Edwin Carter has people installed monitoring devices in Janell’s castle and connected them directly to his mobile phone.

At this time, mother and daughter's every move fell into Edwin Carter's eyes. He stared at them on the mobile phone screen, and his eyes were filled with the gentleness that could melt the whole world, but they also showed the sharpness that could overturn the world.

The gentleness belonged to the mother and daughter holding each other.

Although Jane didn't remember Janell, her eyes were still full of affection, as if her mind had forgotten but her eyes have never forgotten her child. The thing he and his daughter were missing every day for three years was just a step away from her, but they didn’t dare to hold her.

The sharpness of his eyes belonged to the one who destroyed this happiness.

Edwin Carter coldly bent his lips.

No matter who, he will let them pay the price for the memory that his Jane has lost!

"Brother, what are you looking at?" Angela Carter suddenly raised her head and looked from behind, and her eyes fell on his mobile phone. "You looked so silly."


As soon as Angela Carter's voice dropped, she could see clearly the woman in Edwin Carter's mobile phone, and her eyes almost popped out in surprise.

She was surprised for a long time to spit out a few words, "brother, this woman… Is she sister-in-law... "

A woman who had been dead for three years has reappeared?

Is she seeing a ghost in the daytime?

Maybe the person she saw was not Jane, but because her brother couldn't forget Jane, he searched the whole world to find a substitute for Jane.

Edwin Carter put away his mobile phone, looked at Angela Carter and said in a deep voice, "Don't be surprised. Sit down. I have something to tell you."

"Brother, she just looks like sister-in-law. She’s not my sister-in-law, right?" Angela Carter still thought that it will be more reasonable to believe that her brother found someone who looked like Jane than imaging that the dead Jane suddenly resurrected.


"She is your sister-in-law, but she doesn't remember us. Don't talk anything about the past in front of her." Although the reality was cruel, Edwin Carter had to explain to Angela Carter so that she should not frighten Jane.

"Brother, you have a problem with EQ, but you have no problem with IQ. How can you believe that people who have been dead for three years will come back to life?" Because Edwin Carter cared too much about Jane, Angela Carter was worried that he will be used by his enemies. "Don't believe in a woman who just has the same face as sister-in-law. She said she doesn't remember the past, and you brought her home as Janell's mother."

"She is Jane." Edwin Carter was 100% sure that she is his Jane. He can recognize Jane at a glance.

Maybe a lot of people will have the same idea as Angela Carter and thought that someone can take advantage of his weakness to send a woman who just looks like Jane to him.

A person's face can be similar, but no one can imitate her character, the way of speaking and her every little gesture.

Jane didn't remember what happened before, but many of her small movements were the same as before. Her voice, which was so unique and beautiful was the same and it cannot be imitated by others.

"Brother, Janell is also there. You can find a way to have a DNA test for them. It will be more reassuring." Angela Carter was an outsider in this matter. She was calm and thought very carefully.

Obviously, it was very strange, she had been dead for three years and now suddenly appeared. Although Angela Carter hadn't seen Jane's body, but their father and grandfather have. They shouldn't cheat.


If the elders hadn't cheated, then it means that this Jane wasn’t the real Jane.

This woman approached her brother and can use him. She must help her brother, who is bewildered by this fake woman, to show him the true face of this woman.

"I don't want to hear that again." Edwin coldly replied and left.

Angela noticed Edwin Carter's cold reply and thought about Edwin Carter's expression when he was just watching the video on the mobile phone. Angela Carter was sure that her blockheaded brother had fully believed that the woman beside Janell is his wife.

In the past three years, he has never smiled at anyone except Janell, and he just looked at this woman on his mobile phone and smile softly.

Angela Carter sighed. Her brother never approached any woman before and after Jane’s sudden death he became more indifferent, but she didn't expect that he was actually finding this woman.

On the other side, Victor James, a stinky man, was just the opposite of her brother. Maybe he can go closer to any woman except her. For many passing years, she had been running after him, but whenever he saw her, he ignored her as if she owed him in her last life.

But it didn't matter. She had got a new plan. Soon it will be viral and in several days she will see how Victor James can sit down calmly after seeing this.

She still had some time, in order to not let his slow-witted brother got cheated, Angela Carter decided to meet this woman to see whether she is her sister-in-law or someone else's plan.

"Big Jane, I invite you to eat strawberries."

Angela Carter was about to leave when Janell led Jane into the living room from the outside and saw Angela Carter.

Angela Carter took Janell in her arms, looked at the woman beside her and said, "Sweetheart, have you made a new friend?"

Janell nodded, "Auntie, this is big Jane."

Janell introduced her casually, Jane nodded politely and said, "Hello, Miss Carter! I'm Jane."

Angela Carter stared at Jane. The same name, the same voice, the same appearance, not to mention her brother, even she also couldn't resist.


Angela Carter remembered that Jane always smiled softly, and her voice was the same as before pleasing to hear.

Angela Carter couldn’t forget Jane’s temperament, whether she remembered the past or not, but she gave her a sense of familiarity as if she had never left.

After staring at Jane for a long time, Angela Carter walked to her and gave her a big hug, "Hello, Miss Jane! My name is Angela Carter. We are good friends now. You can call me Angela."

All of a sudden, Jane was hugged by Angela Carter. She was stunned and thought that everyone in the Carter family was very enthusiastic.

Edwin Carter only met him once, and he took the initiative to ask her to design three dresses for their family.

Last time she met Janell in the park, and such a small child who forgot things so easily still remembered her.

Now Janell's auntie met her for the first time and gave her a big hug.

Angela Carter put Janell into Jane's arms again, "Miss Jane, my brother went to the office for some work and I also have something to do. It's very hard for Janell to like strangers, but she likes you. I need a favor from you to accompany Janell today."

Jane, "..."

She just came to Carter’s house to meet the child. But she felt like that she had fallen into a wolf's nest. However, she was also willing to accompany Janell.



"The popular actress Polaris and the actor Garrick Voight were cast together in a play and during this play’s shooting, they fell in love with each other. Their love sparked when they both celebrated Garrick Voight’s birthday on the 18th of this month. Both stars spend the whole night at Garrick Voight’s house."

This was the most popular news of the day.

As the news spread, the popularity of Polaris and Garrick Voight also rose with it, and soon this news came to the front-page headlines of major websites.

Before these two celebrities could explain the news, their fans began to fight and scold each other’s idol on the charge of an attempt to spoil their favorite idol’s reputation.

There were also some practical fans who said, "This is their private life. We should not interfere too much and wish the couple happiness."


But the number of such rational fans were very less and soon suppressed. On the Internet, the fans of both idols were scolding each other.

Garrick Voight received a phone call from his agent. Before he could say something, he had been scolded by the other side. He had just become popular. At this time, he can spread the news of his coupling with Polaris or of some kind of affair, but he couldn’t afford to have news of staying overnight with an actress.

Garrick Voight was also worried. He didn’t know how to explain this, because he took Polaris back to his apartment. Although the two of them did nothing. But who would believe that they stayed together for the whole night but nothing happened between them?

At this time, Garrick Voight, the actor, was busy and worried. He received many messages. He didn’t know where to go.


On the contrary, Polaris, the actress, was lying on the sofa at home, eating fruits, scrolling blog, and enjoying the fierce "Internet-War" like a spectator.

"Victor James, Keep hiding from me, if you have guts, keep running away from me for the rest of your life." Angela said proudly.

There were many photos on blog. In the first one, it looked like Garrick Voight was kissing her.

In the second one, it looked like Garrick Voight was pressing her on the sofa and her shoulders were half exposed.

And the third and the fourth picture even showed intimate closeness.

Angela Carter looked at the photos, smiled and praised the photographer. These photos almost deceived her.

Angela Carter registered another number on blog and joined the comment section for a while. Everybody scolded her severely, the worse they speak about her the better it will be. They scolded her as a girl who easily sleeps with other men.

Angela was sure that Victor James couldn’t ignore this.

Even if he decided to ignore this news, she will not let him ignore it. She has already asked Arthur Simon to call Victor James when the news reached a certain heat.

She knew that Victor James was not a fool. It was not easy for her to cheat him. She had to continue to play the tricks to make it more realistic.

The first thing she did was to set the mobile phone into the flight mode. If Victor James can’t get through with her phone, he will be worried and will definitely come here to see her.

The next plan was to make herself look more miserable. She had to cry and swell her eyes, and then make herself haggard.


The third thing was to have enough food to have enough strength to deal with that cruel Victor James.

Angela Carter ate good food, then messed up her hair and put some dark makeup on her eyes and face. She just wanted to look miserable and pitiful.

After all the preparations, Angela Carter turned around in front of the mirror and was very satisfied with her pitiful image. She took out her mobile phone and captured a picture.

She came out and looked at Arthur Simon’s depressed appearance, and poked him in the chest, "Arthur, if you show me your annoying face again, I will be angry."

"Polaris, you know that your reputation will be ruined by this news." Arthur Simon had seen Angela’s stupid actions, but he could not stop her, so he protested by staying silent.

"Don’t worry. Just call Victor James." Angela was willing to do anything to be with Victor James, and she didn’t care about reputation.

Fame and reputation are what others see, but life is what she will live.

Living a life with a man she loves, was her pursuit.


"Arthur Simon, you work for me, so listen to me, otherwise I will send you to America." Angela Carter punched him on the chest again. "Wow, your muscles are getting stronger day by day."

Arthur Simon had no choice, "I’m going to call now."

Angela Carter lay down on the sofa, and thought of Victor James’s worried appearance, and smiled.

"Victor James must be interested in me. If he doesn’t like me, he won’t be single for so many years. After all, he is the only blood of the James family, why he didn’t marry."


Angela Carter logged in the blog on her tablet again, taped on the search bar to see the news, but the news that was just on the top was no more. She searched manually and none of the first 50 popular searches was about her. There were no rumors about her and Garrick Voight.

The news was removed without leaving any trace.

She wasn’t hallucinating. Many Internet users had the same thoughts.


Angela Carter was so angry that she wanted to kill someone. She had spent a lot of time to make such a big play. But her stupid brother has put the matter down again.

He should take care of his wife and child. Why he couldn’t stop interfering in her matters?

Angela Carter angrily rolled to the ground from the sofa and shouted, "Arthur Simon, I told you to inform Victor James. Did you do that?"

Arthur Simon came in and hesitated, "Polaris, I’ve already called him, but he didn’t say anything."

Angela Carter said, "Tell me honestly, what he said?"

"He said..." Arthur Simon felt that it was too hurtful, but he didn’t dare to lie. After thinking about it, he told her honestly, "he said that your business has nothing to do with him, and don’t bother him again."

"My business has nothing to do with him?" Angela Carter was so angry that she smashed her cell phone out, turned around, went to the bathroom to clean up and changed her clothes.

Arthur Simon followed her, "Polaris, where are you going? Don’t mess around."

"I’m in a bad mood now. Leave me alone." Angela Carter went to the garage and drove straight to the Jiangbei military region. She wouldn't return back without meeting Victor James.

The security of the military area was very tight. No outsider can come in. Angela Carter was stopped at the gate.

She had the idea of this thing. She was not afraid of being stopped. She knew someone will help her. She winked at the guard and said with a smile, "Hi, I’m your Commander Victor James’s girlfriend. I want to see him."

"Our commander’s girlfriend often comes here. We all know her. You can leave now."

"What?" Angela Carter squinted. "Your commander’s girlfriend often comes here? Oh, by the way, who is your commander? Who is your commander’s girlfriend?"

She vowed in her heart that if the guard dared to utter the name of Victor James, she would beat him up to death.


"Jiangbei military region has only one commander. Other than Victor James who it can be?"

Angela Carter was very beautiful, however, this guard was very serious.

"And who is his girlfriend?" Angela Carter looked at him, smiled like a full-bloomed flower and tried to flatter the guard.

"His girlfriend is the future wife of our commander." The soldier glanced down at Angela Carter. She was dressed in fancy clothes. At first sight, she looked like the woman who can attract any living being, "After all, you are definitely not suitable to be our commander’s wife…"

Before the soldier could complete his sentence he received a heavy blow on his face.

Angela Carter made a quick move, and the soldier was shocked.

She hit him in the face with her fist, and he almost cried out in pain.


"Little girl, do you know what you are doing?!" the soldier angrily looked at Angela Carter, but he didn’t dare to touch Angela Carter.

Although their commander didn’t admit Angela Carter’s identity, everyone in Jiangbei’s military region knew about Angela Carter.

Angela Carter called to the military region every day. No matter who answered the phone, she told him to tell Victor James that she loves him and will marry him.

It has become an open secret of the military region. They all know that their commander has been entangled by this little girl.

In fact, the commander only needed a technician to block this girl’s call forever in seconds. But he didn’t do this which clearly revealed this girl’s importance and maybe he really wanted to receive her calls.


The commander’s attitude towards Angela Carter was directly related to the attitude of his subordinates towards Angela Carter, so even after beaten by her, he didn’t dare to do anything to her.

Angela Carter could tolerate everything, but she couldn’t tolerate people saying that she and Victor James can’t be together. One punch didn’t relieve her anger at all. She punched the soldier in her abdomen again.

The soldier covered his abdomen, "You--"

"What?" Angela Carter stepped back and clapped her hands. "You deserve it."

The soldier angrily shouted, "Don’t think that I cannot arrest you."

"So you are saying that you can arrest me?" Angela Carter looked at the soldier who has been beaten by her but still didn’t come forward to arrest her. "I not only hinder your work but had also beaten you. Are you still going to let me go like this?"

"I..." the soldier was very angry. He was forced into a dilemma by Angela Carter’s aggressive momentum.

He just said what was told by the superior to say. They didn’t give him permission to arrest her. He didn’t dare to make a decision without permission.

"You won’t arrest me, or you will?" Angela Carter took out her mobile phone, smiled and said, "If you don’t dare then I’ll take a few photos and send them to the Internet now. I want everyone to see that the soldiers of the Jiangbei military region can only bear to be bullied by others. How can they protect our motherland and the people?"

The soldier was afraid, if he didn’t take action, it will be the insult of his uniform.

Therefore, Angela Carter was locked in a place where criminals were held in the military region. The room was dark and humid, far from the environment she imagined.


Angela Carter squatted on the hard bed and looked at here and there. After looking at the room, she couldn’t help criticizing, "If I had known it earlier that the conditions here will be so miserable and there are so many stinky mice, I would definitely change my way to enter the military area."

Angela thought that how can she manage to get out of here.

Now she was locked here and didn’t know whether Victor James knows about it or not. If he doesn’t know, then her efforts will be in vain.

“I have to let Victor know that I am here so that he will come meet me and then I can carry out my next plan." Angela planned everything and was ready to take action. Her cell phone has been confiscated. She can’t send messages or make phone calls.

She only had her lion roar.

She jumped out of the bed, stood in front of the iron window, and shouted, "Victor James, I’ve come to meet you. Before coming here, I told my family that I am going to meet you. If something happens to me, they will come for you."

"Victor James, you know I can’t harm you. Why are you hiding from me?"

"Victor James, are you deaf? Do you hear me? If you don’t answer me, I will kill you after coming out of here, I promise."

"Victor James, I am bitten by a mouse and I am about to die. Come and save me."

Angela Carter shouted, but she didn’t shout much. After a few screams, her throat was painful and her voice became hoarse.

"You don’t look like a dying person since you can shout so loudly"

Angela Carter had lost hope when Victor James’s voice fell into her ear. She looked in the direction of the voice and saw Victor James dressed in military uniform and walking towards her.

 Victor James was about the same height as her brother, but he stayed in the military for all the year. His work was very hard. His skin color was a little dark, and he looked more strong and powerful.

Angela Carter looked at the man she dreamed every day and swallowed her saliva.

A moment ago, she had no strength to shout. But as she saw Victor James, she again felt energetic and excited.

Angela Carter jumped and said, "Victor James, I know you are reluctant to let such a beautiful girl like me spend the night here. If I stay here, you must be sad."

Victor James raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "I haven’t seen you for a while. That’s why I didn’t know that you have grown this kind of skills. You have become very cheeky."

Angela Carter said with a smile, "That’s because you are the person I love. One should be the most real self in front of her lover."

The word "cheeky" was ignored by Angela Carter. She admitted that she was impudent. But if she hadn’t had such courage, how she managed to chase Victor James in these years?

Victor James, "Beating soldiers and making troubles is the most real you?"

Angela Carter, "Victor James, don’t say such things. Let me come out. There are many mice and mosquitoes here. They will kill me."

Victor James, "Who said that I came here to set you free?"

Angela Carter, "You don’t come here to pick me?"

Victor James, "You have made a mistake. Now, you have to bear the consequences. I just came to see and confirm that is it as miserable as you shouted."

Angela Carter, "So what you have seen?"

Victor James, "I think you will have fun here."

Angela Carter, "I want to have fun with you."

"The military region is an important area," Victor said seriously, "Those who dare to break into it and try to violate rules will be dealt with according to law. No one is an exception."

Angela Carter, "Victor James, what do you want?"

Victor James, "Exactly what you are assuming."

Victor James said the words, turned around and left.


"Victor James, don’t dare to leave." Angela Carter tried to approach and grab Victor James from the window. But she didn’t make it. She reacted immediately, took off her shoes and smashed at Victor James, but again failed to throw it properly.

"Victor James, are you a human?" She cried out angrily

Son of a bitch! How can this stinky man leave her alone?

He came himself to see her in this miserable situation, and even seeing the whole situation he walked away coldly.

"Victor James, if you don’t take me out, I’ll blow you up." Angela Carter was so angry that she kicked hard on the wall.

She was mad at him and didn’t notice that she had not worn shoes when she kicked the wall. She realized it when she felt the pain, a piece of skin was ruptured and her big toe was injured.

"Ah... It hurts!" Angela Carter cried out in pain.

Victor James heard her and felt that she didn’t seem to pretend. He took a slight step and looked back.

Angela Carter was grinning with pain. When she saw Victor James coming towards him, she thought that things can turn into her side. She blinked, and the big tears rolled down from her eyes.


She wiped a tear, as if the whole world owed her, "Victor James, my foot is bleeding. But it doesn’t matter. I should be taught because I have committed a mistake. Otherwise, I will never be obedient. You don’t have to worry about me."

"You’re right, stay here." Victor James nodded, admitted that she was right and turned away again.

"What, what?" Angela Carter suspected that she had heard it wrong.

But when she saw Victor James going away, she realized that she had not heard wrong. Victor James, the son of a bitch really left her.

"Victor James, you son of a bitch, come back to me, come back quickly!" Angela Carter jumped up angrily. If there was a grenade in her hand, she must have thrown it to blow him.

He didn’t care for her at all, not after seeing that her foot was bleeding.


He still wanted her to stay in this dark and humid place.

Angela Carter was so angry that she stood up and scolded him. At last, she didn’t have the strength to scold. She lay down on the hard wooden bed and maybe due to so much effort her energy was drained, soon she fell asleep.

While sleeping, she kept scolding him, "Stinky Victor James, bastard Victor James, you’d better not let me catch you, otherwise I’ll peel your skin, pull your muscles, drink your blood, and eat your meat..."

Angela Carter was really angry, even in sleep she gritted her teeth as if she really hated Victor James.

But after some seconds, her voice suddenly softened, "Victor James, why are you running away from me? Don’t you know how much I love you?"

The female military doctor listened to Angela Carter’s words, shook her head, gently grasped Angela Carter’s foot, and cleaned the wound with the cotton cloth that was soaked in disinfectant.

Angela Carter had a quick temper. She used a lot of strength to kick. Her feet were white and tender. When she kicked the hard wall angrily, her right big toe was injured.

Angela Carter frowned with pain, but because she had used too much strength to vent, she was in a deep sleep. The doctor cleaned the wound and didn’t wake her up.

After treating the wound, the doctor walked out and reported to Victor James, who was waiting outside the door, "Miss Carter’s right big toe has lost a large piece of meat, and I felt her pain when I gave her first aid. Unexpectedly a delicate girl like he didn’t cry out for pain."


"I will handle it. You go and do your work." When the doctor left, Victor James went to the darkroom, and his eyes fell on Angela Carter, who was lying on the dirty hard wooden bed. She was so adaptable that she could sleep in this kind of broken bed.

Victor James walked towards her, held her and carried her on his shoulder.

Angela Carter woke up when she was on Victor’s shoulder. Actually, she was woken up before, exactly at the moment when Victor James came in.

She quietly opened her eyes and looked at him, then immediately closed them, pretending to sleep soundly until he took her out of there.

She was sure that, Victor James likes her. She is such a beautiful girl. He cannot find another like her.

Victor James carried Angela Carter like a bag of goods without any pity.

Angela Carter was hung upside down on Victor James’s shoulder and her face was on his back. She felt the temperature of his body.

It was really good.

Angela Carter was still immersed in her beautiful fantasy when Victor James had already carried her to his apartment in the military region.

After entering the room, Victor James slammed the door and threw Angela Carter on the sofa in the living room.

He walked to the other room without looking at her.

He didn’t even care, what if he breaks her?

Angela Carter touched her little butts, and silently scolded, "Victor, I hate you!"

Angela was waiting for the day when he will surrender in front of her and she will become his wife then she will settle the score with him.


After a while, there was a loud sound of running water in the room. Angela Carter heard it and her mind flashed an idea, she took it as a good chance. She decided to not waste such an opportunity. If today she let Victor James go without doing anything. She will regret it for a lifetime.

Angela Carter was a little nervous, she bit her teeth, took off all her clothes.

She was sure that Victor James wouldn't stand it.

Without waiting for a moment, Angela Carter trotted to the bathroom—

The door of the bathroom was not closed tightly. Angela Carter could see the figure flickering in the bathroom.

But no matter how bold and wild she was, she was still a girl. She had never done anything to knock people down. At that moment, she felt very nervous and shy. She took a deep breath, clenched her fist and stood for a long time before kicking the door.

When the door was opened, Angela Carter saw Victor James standing under the showerhead.

Water splashed on his naked and strong body, forming a very enchanting picture.

Angela Carter was stunned for a moment and didn’t know what to do next.

Victor James looked back at her, just for a moment, and then turned around as if Angela Carter was invisible to him.

Angela Carter felt insulted… badly insulted. She took off her clothes, stood in front of him, but he didn’t even look at her for a moment.

He didn’t see her, but she saw all...

Although he was a little different from what she had imagined, her purpose was to knock him down first, by hook or by crook.

Angela Carter stepped over and held him tightly from the back. His hard body was intimately pressed by her soft body.


Angela Carter had made up his mind. She couldn’t let this opportunity slip away from her hands. She just needed to seduce him, to make him weak, maybe at any weak moment, he would admit his love for her.

She tightly embraced his strong waist and said proudly, "Victor James, you can’t escape now."

Before Angela Carter could finish her sentence, Victor James took her hand and pulled her in front of him.

Angela Carter was also not so easy to admit defeat. She reached out and grabbed Victor James’s arm. "Victor James, I’m in front of you. If you don’t touch me, I’ll suspect you have a problem."

"I have a problem. That’s my business, not yours." Victor James picked up Angela Carter like a kitten. "If you have grown up and have physical needs, then go find a man who is willing to play with you."

Victor James said mercilessly and threw Angela Carter on the floor.

Bang -

Angela Carter fell on the hard wooden floor, and her whole body was almost broken.

"Victor James, you…" Angela Carter’s strength was gone. She rolled on the ground twice. "Victor James, you son of a bitch, you really don’t care if I go to some other men?"

Victor James, "That’s your freedom."

Angela Carter grabbed the products from the self and smashed at the bathroom door, "Victor James, you son of a bitch!"

She couldn’t believe that he didn’t have a little love for her. If he really didn’t, then why he wouldn’t have found a girlfriend.

Angela Carter stamped her foot angrily and accidentally kicked the injured foot again, which made her scream with pain.


"You asked for it." Victor James took a bath, walked out of the bathroom with a bath towel, and said, "Go, get dressed and walk out of here, otherwise I will throw you out, choose the one."

Angela Carter curled up. She didn’t speak nor moved. Just scolded him angrily in her heart. The disgusting man was so cruel to her.

Today, she was locked up, injured, and threw her away.

How could she let him go?

"Want me to throw you out?" Angela Carter didn’t answer. Victor James looked at her and there was no affection at all.

Angela Carter got up from the ground, pursed her lips, and looked at Victor James. She looked very pitiful, "Victor James, you don’t have to humiliate me like this because I like you..."

She seemed crying, but he knew how arrogant she was. He thought she was showing him her acting skills.

"Don’t pretend. Your pitiful image doesn’t work on me." Victor James mercilessly replied.

"Pretend? Who wants to pretend in front of you?" Angela Carter gritted her teeth.

Her acting was not as good as it was now, but he believed that she was just acting to gain his sympathy Even after such good acting skills she was unable to convince him. No matter what she will say, he will not believe it.

Angela could see that he was no longer willing to coax her, and maybe now he has no affection or love for her—

With this thought, Angela Carter’s heart ached.

There were lots of thoughts in her mind.

Maybe he has considered her as a shameless girl who can easily take off her clothes in front of men.

She wasn’t shameless, she just liked him so much. She wanted to win him at any cost. She just wanted him to look at her and smile at her, and for that one glance, she was willing to give her everything.


She had used her every method to pester him and to run after him, but it seemed that these methods didn’t work.

She chased him, and he walked farther away from her.

Angela’s mind was puzzled, she didn’t know what she should do. She couldn’t let him go, she has to do something to make him her man.

She cannot let any other woman snatch him from her.

"Now if you think I’m pretending, then you can think."

Angela Carter sniffed and tears rolled down. She quickly raised her hand to wipe them out. It seemed that she didn’t want Victor James to see her tears.

In the past, she cried on purpose for others to see. Today, she has to hide her tears. She was not pretending.

Victor James went out to pick up her clothes, handed them to her, and said, "Don’t cry, put on your clothes, I will send you back."

As Victor James said this, Angela Carter held Victor James’s neck and kissed him fiercely.

Victor James was slightly stunned, and Angela Carter bit his lips hard.

She bit his lips and sucked his blood as if she was revenging him in this way.

Victor James wanted to push her away, he raised his hand to stop her. But instead of pushing her away, he grabbed her by the waist and raised her up to make it easier for her to bite him.

Just biting him was not enough. Angela Carter raised her hand and scratched several bloodstains on Victor James’s back before leaving him.

Victor James said, "Put on your clothes, and I will send you back."


"I won’t leave." Angela Carter said in a complacent way.

Victor James changed his clothes in front of her and took his coat to go out.

Angela Carter held him, "I’m here, where are you going?"

Victor James, "Just because you are here, I have to go out."

"Where else can you go at this time?" Angela Carter just asked a question and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Victor, dinner is ready."

A gentle woman’s voice came from outside.

Angela Carter was shocked to hear it. Victor James really has a girlfriend?

Victor James took a look at Angela, opened the door, went out and slammed the door heavily leaving Angela Carter alone in the room.

Angela Carter wanted to go out to see who dared to rob her man, but she wasn’t wearing anything. When she dressed up and went out, the corridor was empty.

She didn’t know where Victor James had gone with that woman.

"Victor James, come out!" She stood in the corridor and shouted, but she didn’t get any response.

Victor James has gone with a woman.

He was really gone.

He was not joking with her.

Angela Carter understood this. She always thought that Victor James was hiding from her because of his relationship with the Carter Family, but now it seemed that there was someone else in between them.

Today, she heard that Victor James had a girlfriend. But she didn’t believe it and now she heard that a woman came to him and called him.

During this time of night, he left with a woman, where he could go?

Angela Carter’s wanted to knock on the door of the whole building until she finds out Victor James. But, after a night of struggle, she was also very tired and didn’t want to go to fight with him again.

However, she won’t give up easily.

This time, she couldn’t do it. But next time, she will.

She had spent several years chasing Victor James, and she was willing to spend more.


Lightning flashed and thunder boomed-

As soon as Jane came out of the Carter family, she heard a rumble of thunder in the sky. Thunder rolled across the sky. The sky was dark. It seemed that there will be a rainstorm soon.

Jane should have been home for a long time, but Janell dragged her to play with her for long, and she forgot the time while playing with her.

Jane wanted to take a taxi to go back home, but Edwin Carter insisted on driving her home, not only Edwin Carter, but Janell also wanted to take her home.

Therefore, now Jane was sitting on the right side of the back seat, Edwin Carter was sitting on the left side of the back seat, and Janell and her puppy was sitting in the middle of them.

Janell was very excited today. She cuddled into Edwin Carter’s arms coquettishly and often hugged Jane’s arms. She felt as if she had a father and a mother.

However, Jane was a little absent-minded. She didn’t know whether if it’s because of the weather or if she was eager to go home.

Jonathan Ronan had called her several times to come back home, but the driver drove too slowly. She felt that she could run faster than this car. If he kept on driving at such speed she will reach home tomorrow morning.

After a few more thunders, it started to rain heavily.

It was a dark and rainy night. And there were few vehicles around.

Jane had spent many nights while screaming and shouting in such an environment, in such a darkness, and her heart always wanted to see the light and the person she had been waiting for so long.

But, no matter how hard she tried, she could not reach the place she wanted to go, as if there was an invisible force holding her back. She was trapped in the darkness for long.


Jane was entangled in her thoughts, and a sense of inexplicable uneasiness suddenly hit her.

She was so frightened that she clenched her fists to control her emotions.

"Big Jane, don’t be afraid. Daddy is here. Daddy will protect the big Jane and the little Jane."

It has been said that children don’t understand things much. In fact, they can often see things that adults can’t see.

Janell noticed that today her dad was very happy, and probably he was happy because of big Jane.

Now she noticed Jane’s scared appearance.

Janell held Jane’s clenched fist. In a moment, Jane’s fear disappeared. She looked at her and smiled, "Thank you, little Jane. Big Jane is not afraid."

Janell nodded her head and whispered in Jane’s ear, "Big Jane, take my number. Go home and call me."

"Okay." Jane nodded, took out her mobile phone, and listened to Janell skillfully reporting a string of numbers. She saved it and heard the little girl saying, "This is my Dad’s number. When you want to talk to me, you can call my Dad."

"All right." Jane nodded again and looked up at Edwin Carter. He was also looking at her with gentle eyes. He nodded and smiled at her and said nothing.

After half an hour later, Jane finally reached home. When they dropped her and their car drove away, she turned away and went upstairs.


In the dark, the dazzling white Bentley headed back to Orchid villa.

In the back seat of the car, Edwin Carter, a tall and handsome man, was sitting with his cute little daughter in his arms, and the cute girl was holding a white Pomeranian.


"Jane, it will take some time to reach home. Would you like to put Mia Mia down and sleep in dad’s arms for a while?" Edwin Carter kissed Janell’s face and said softly.

Janell raised her head and said in a soft voice, "Daddy, I want to play with Mia Mia for a while."

"Okay, play with her." Over the past three years, Edwin Carter never refused his daughter’s request. No matter where he traveled, he always took Janell and Mia Mia with him.

Just because of a business trip, he lost his Jane and Mia Mia, now he won’t afford to lose his daughter and their little Mia Mia.

"Mia Mia, I like Big Jane. Do you like Big Jane, too?" Janell looked at Mia Mia and asked very seriously.

"Woof, Woof, Woof..." Mia Mia excitedly barked to show her consent.

Janell touched her head and then kissed it, "Big Jane is both Mia Mia and little Jane’s friend."


Suddenly, the driver rashly stopped the car.

Edwin Carter protected Janell steadily in his arms and asked, "What’s the matter?"

The driver turned around and said, "Mr. Carter, there is an injured boy on the road."

"Drive from the other side!" Edwin Carter said in a cold voice. He just cared about his own business. He never cared about the life and death of others.

"Yes." The driver started the car, turned the steering wheel to the left, and drove around the left side of the boy lying on the ground.

"Daddy, save this big brother," Janell looked at the boy and suddenly said.


The light of the streetlamp was falling on the boy lying on the ground. When the car passed by him, Janell raised her head and saw the boy covered with blood.

She was a little afraid, but she asked her dad to save this boy.

"Jane wants to save the big brother?" Edwin Carter rubbed Janell’s head and asked gently.

"Yes, save the big brother." She nodded her little head hard and looked very determined.

"Okay, we will save him." Edwin Carter kissed his daughter, looked at the boy lying on the ground again, and told the driver, "Pick him up and send him to the hospital."

The boy was about 15 or 16 years old. He was injured badly. At this time, he still had some breath. He can be saved.

"Daddy, will the big brother be fine?" Janell blinked her eyes and looked at her daddy.

Edwin Carter said, "If Jane wants him to be fine, he will be fine."

Janell heard her dad and nodded heavily, "I want him to be fine."

"Okay." Edwin Carter answered.

Because Janell said she wanted this boy to be fine, Edwin asked the best doctors to rescue him and they successfully rescued him.


It was still raining--

After taking the medicine, Jane lay down, but she couldn’t sleep, her mind was full of little Jane’s beautiful little face.

She was recalling little Jane’s sweet smile, soft voice, and various expressions. She has seen many children. But when she saw Janell, she felt as her whole heart was about to melt.

Janell also liked her. When she left the Carter family, Janell was reluctant to let her go. Finally, she agreed to come with her dad to drop her. And before saying goodbye little Jane gave her phone number and asked her to visit her again in two days.

Jane heartily agreed to Janell’s invitation without thinking for a second and decided to meet her.


At the same time, Jonathan Ronan was lying in the other room, and he also couldn’t sleep.

The reason why he couldn’t sleep was a phone call that he received this afternoon. If he competes with Edwin Carter in his present strength, he will surely lose. The only thing that can control that man was his secret, which he can use as his only bargaining chip.

He didn’t expect Edwin Carter to be so smart, that he guessed his real intention behind bringing Jane back. Edwin Carter guessed out his real intention and he didn’t send someone to find him. That only showed that Edwin Carter’s mind has other plans and he won’t let him control his mind.


The old master of the Carter family also take him to heart, and wanted to get rid of him quickly.

And Edwin Carter hated him deeply due to Jane.

Both of them wanted to deal with him because he held the most important people and secret of them.

Once these two things slipped out of his control, the next second will be of his destruction. He couldn’t wait to die any longer. He needed more resources to cultivate his own strength to fight against the Carter family.

He thought about the two people who were doing well in Kyoto. They can be his good partners.


It rained all night.

This night, Jane almost didn’t fall asleep. As she closed her eyes, she saw some terrible scenes. Some scenes she didn’t know but felt very real.

Maybe the impression that Janell left on her was so deep that she even dreamed that she had had a child. She tried hard to think where the child had gone. She could not remember anything. She could only be swallowed by the endless darkness in her thoughts.


She couldn’t sleep and neither wanted to sleep. She got up early, dresses up and went to the company earlier.

Jane was waiting for the elevator, there was no one nearby. Just as the elevator door was about to close, a woman’s voice came, "please wait for a moment."

Jane immediately pressed the open key. The elevator opened and a woman came in. Her eyes fell on Jane’s face and were fixed at her for a long time. At last, she suddenly hugged her, "Oh my god! Jane, we have been looking for you for so many years, and you finally come back! I thought I'd never see you again. It’s so good to see you here."

"Excuse me, Miss, I think you have recognized the wrong person. I don’t know you." The woman was hugging her too tightly to push away.

"Your name is Jane Ronan. My name is Laura Ferdinand. We are from the same high school and college. We came to Jiangbei from Kyoto together. We opened a studio and did a lot of things together..." Laura Ferdinand said excitedly.


Laura Ferdinand has a lot of things to say; she can speak for days and nights.

Three years ago, Laura Ferdinand was burned by fire, Edwin Carter asked the best doctors to help her. Her surgery was successful. There were almost no signs of burns on her face. But there were several obvious scars on her body.

After three years, Laura still worked at the same studio where she and Jane worked together. But with the help of Edwin Carter, the scale of the studio has become ten times higher than before.

Yesterday, Laura Ferdinand accidentally saw a picture in her circle of friends. When she saw that picture, she was shocked. There was Jane in that picture.

She immediately called the friend who sent the photo to confirm whether there was such a person. After getting the affirmative answer, she was almost mad with joy.

For once she had believed that Jane was really dead because of her. She was coming to her and on the way to the hospital she had an accident. Laura always felt guilty.

If she had taken care of the studio that fire didn’t have happened then Jane won’t come to the hospital. If she didn’t come to the hospital, she wouldn’t have a car accident.

"Laura Ferdinand?" Jane said the name again and shook her head apologetically. "I’m sorry, I really don’t know you. I grew up in Milan, this is the first time I come back home. I think you may have mistaken."

"How can I not recognize you?" Laura said, shook Jane in her arms and asked, "You are Jane Ronan, right?"

Jane nodded, "Yes, I am Jane Ronan, but there are many people with the same name in the world."


Laura Ferdinand said, "Yes, there are many people with the same name. But how many people can you find with the same name and exactly the same appearance?"

Jane didn’t understand what Laura Ferdinand wanted to say. She looked at Laura Ferdinand doubtfully.

Laura Ferdinand said, "Jane, we’ve known each other for more than ten years. We used to eat together, sleep together, we have worn each other's clothes and pants. We even took showers together. Do you think I would not recognize you?"

It was not very deceitful to see Laura Ferdinand speaking so seriously. Jane thought about it seriously, but couldn’t even remember the slightest memory about Laura Ferdinand.

Jane shook her head and said, "I’m sorry, Miss Ferdinand. I really don’t remember anything that you said."

"You are Jane, but you don’t remember me?" Laura Ferdinand finally realized that something was wrong.

"Sorry, but I really don’t know you." This was the second time that Jane had been recognized by someone, and there were some doubts in her heart.

Father has been hiding the incident that happened three years ago, but what happened three years ago?

Laura Ferdinand didn’t want to believe her inner voice. She again spoke calmly, "Jane, you don’t remember me at all? Or something had happened to you that forced you to not recognize me?"

Laura Ferdinand thought it was impossible. Even if something had happened, Jane still could deny recognizing anyone, but she cannot deny recognizing her best friend.

She was Jane’s only best friend. There was no secret between them.

All of a sudden, Laura Ferdinand thought of what Jane said a few years ago, and that she looked very sad and frightened.

Jane said, that someone told her that she was not worthy to stand beside Edwin Carter, that her birth was a dirty secret, and that she should leave Edwin Carter.

It means Jane disappeared for three years and came back three years later and refused to recognize her? Are these things played up by someone?

Laura Ferdinand didn’t know much about the Carter Family. He had seen Edwin Carter several times, but she was not familiar with Edwin Carter.

But Laura Ferdinand knew that Edwin Carter was a good man who loved his wife. The one who had hurt Jane cannot be Edwin Carter, but someone else.

Laura Ferdinand said, "Jane, whether you remember me or not, whether you want to remember me or not, I just want to tell you today that no matter what happens, you will always be my best friend."


Jane came to Jiangbei just a few days ago. But it seemed that she met more people these days than she had met in the last three years. And everyone she met was so enthusiastically warm to her as if they were familiar with her.

For example, Laura Ferdinand, whom she met this morning. She had cried for a long time in Jane’s arms. Although she didn’t know why, after looking at Laura Ferdinand’s worried looks Jane felt some inexplicable emotions in her heart.

Edwin Carter?

Laura Ferdinand?

Angela Carter?


Jane repeated these names several times in her heart, but still couldn’t remember anything about these people.

Jane shook her head, felt helpless and funny.

There were some hidden worries about her lost memory.

Father never told her about her past, but if it is really insignificant, then why he hid those memories?


Jane was indulged in her thoughts when the cell phone on her desk vibrated. She picked it up and looked at it. The two words "Little Jane" were displayed on the screen.

Just after reading this name her face smiled and she answered the phone, "Is it little Jane?"

"Yes, yes! Little Jane is speaking." A soft voice came from the handset. Just after listening to her voice, Jane could imagine how cute she must be looking while talking. "Big Jane, I want to invite you for lunch."

"Sorry, little Jane, I’m at work. Can we have lunch some other day?" Jane didn’t want to refuse such a lovely child, but she still has a lot of work to do.

"But I’m waiting downstairs for you." Little Jane’s soft voice was tinged with anxiety as if she will start crying as soon as she refuses.

"Where are you?"

"I’m at your company."

Jane looked at the time. It was almost 12 o’clock. Soon she will have a lunch break. She said, "Little Jane, wait for me for a while, and I will come down to find you."

When she came downstairs, she saw Janell at a glance. She was playing in the park outside the company’s gate. She looked lovely, like a fairy running here and there.

Her dad wasn’t beside her, there was just a woman guarding her, and as she ran the woman also ran with her to not let her fall down.

"Big Jane--" Janell also saw Jane, smiled and threw herself into her arms. With a tender mouth, she kissed her face. "Janell won’t charge you money."

Jane picked up little Jane and kissed her tender face, "Big Jane kissed little Jane without money."

Janell held Jane’s face in her hands and suddenly asked, "How much big Jane will charge to kiss daddy?"

Jane, "..."

Janell thought seriously and said, "You must charge a lot of money."

Janell thought that big Jane kissed her but didn’t take money because she is very lovely and cute, but if Big Jane will kiss Dad she should take a lot of money, after all, it doesn’t matter, Dad has so much money.

Jane smiled and didn’t answer. She couldn’t convince such a little child.

Janell invited Jane to have lunch in a hotel called Daisy Restaurant not far from her company. There was a private room 1808 booked for them.

The place where they once made their memories.

Jane opened the door and saw little Jane’s father.

He was on the phone. When he saw them coming, he smiled apologetically and hung up after completing his words.

Edwin Carter asked Jane to sit down, and then put Janell into her special seat, put a napkin on her lap and said, "Janell insisted to have lunch with you, I really can’t convince her, so I have to ask someone to take her to you. Miss Jane, do you mind that Janell’s disturbing you?"

"No." Jane immediately shook her head. In fact, she liked to be with Janell, but she didn’t expect that Janell’s father will also be there, which made her feel a little awkward.

Jane’s embarrassment fell into Edwin Carter’s eyes, but he still kept a smile and said softly, "Janell’s mother was not around her after she’s born. I always wanted to be better to her, unconsciously, I have spoiled her to be so willful."

"There’s nothing wrong with a father doting on his daughter. Besides, I think she is very cute and not willful at all." Jane touched the head of Janell. "She is the most lovely and sensible."

Jane also didn’t realize how distressed her voice sounded was when she heard Edwin Carter saying that Janell became willful.

Jane also didn’t have a mother either. Although her father has helped her in these three years, sometimes she wished to have a mother by her side. She always felt this emptiness and she could understand this little child’s emotions.

After listening to Edwin Carter’s words, Jane thought that Janell’s mother should still be alive, but she had left them… How can she leave such a good husband and daughter alone?

"Yes, I am the cutest. Daddy’s not good." Janell didn’t know what Jane was thinking, but she heard that Jane praised her and felt very proud of herself. She smiled and cooperated with Jane as if she and Jane were one team, and Edwin Carter was an outsider.

"Yes, you are the loveliest child, but dad is not good at all." Edwin Carter got up and kissed on Janell’s face. "My little Jane is the best, and she won’t cry when dad goes on a business trip."

Janell heard her father and understood immediately.

She shockingly looked at Edwin Carter - ah!

Her father trapped her in words.

What should she do now? If she had known magic, she would have let dad disappear from her eyes for a while.

Edwin Carter pinched her nose, looked at her again and said softly, "The company has some work. I have to go on a business trip. Please enjoy the food."

"But..." the food has been served. Why don’t you eat before leaving?

Jane wanted to say this, but at the thought that she and he are just strangers, she swallowed her words back, smiled and nodded.

Edwin Carter looked at her smiling face, and his breathing became slightly stagnant. He hurriedly turned away and kissed Janell’s face again, which was regarded as a farewell kiss.

"Daddy, you have to kiss big Jane..." Little Jane blinked her big eyes and said softly.

Almost at the same time, Edwin Carter and Jane both looked at each other.

In the eyes of Edwin Carter, Jane saw the light that she shouldn’t have seen. It was so sharp that people couldn’t stand it. She stopped at once, blinked quickly and pretended to see nothing.

Edwin Carter noticed Jane’s indifference and felt a bit lonely.

It was the same Daisy restaurant, the same room 1808, she was sitting in the same position, but she didn’t blush at him as she used to.

But it doesn’t matter.

Everything will return to what it once was.


Edwin Carter left and they started eating the meal. Janell took two bites of strawberry pie and wiped her face with her hands. Her face was dirty all over, just like a little cat.

But Janell didn’t forget to smile at Jane and put on the appearance of the cute hostess, "Big Jane, please eat."

Jane was really hungry, but first she took a tissue to clean up Janell’s face.

Janell’s father was so broad-minded. He has only met Jane twice, but he trusted her and left Janell with her. What if she’s a bad person with an evil mind and hurt Janell?

"Big Jane, dad is on a business trip. Would you like to go home with me?" Jane had just wiped Janell’s face and she messed it again and looked look like a kitten.

Jane again cleaned her face and said, "I have work to do in the afternoon, you will go home after lunch. I will call you in the evening."


"Umm, I want to be with you." Janell said innocently. She didn’t forget her daddy’s orders. He told her to “deceive” big Jane into going back to villa. She even played her trump card, and she did not believe big Jane would not take the bait.

"But..." Jane had to go to work, but she couldn’t bear to refuse this child. Suddenly she didn’t know what to do.

"I accompany you to work, and you accompany me home." At the right time, Janell came up with a solution.

Janell said and put on a look like "if you dare to refuse me, I will cry."

Her big eyes were full of water and blinked, which was more irresistible than her father’s eyes.

Jane sighed. What's the matter with both father and daughter?

"All right." Jane agreed to accompany her.

Anyway, Jonathan Ronan was busy these days. Edwin Carter was also not at home. It didn’t matter to accompany this little child.


"I received your call and bought a ticket back to Jiangbei without stopping for a moment. Now you are telling me that Jane has lost all the memories and doesn’t remember me? Are you kidding?"

After hearing Edwin Carter’s words, Robert Michael roared, more fiercely than after hearing the news of Jane’s sudden death three years ago.


Three years ago, he was informed the news of Jane’s death soon after he recognized his sister. He came to Jiangbei at once, but he didn’t even see his sister for the last time, because the Carter family had already burned her.

No one can accept this kind of thing.

At that time, Robert Michael fought with Edwin Carter. He’s not Edwin Carter’s opponent at all, but Edwin Carter didn’t fight back; he was beaten by Robert Michael that left a bloody nose and a swollen face.

Edwin Carter was beaten for the first time in his life.

In fact, Robert Michael knew it very well that Edwin Carter will be sadder than anyone else. And due to this incident, his life were worse than death in the past three years.

Edwin Carter told him that Jane wasn't dead, and he also sent many people to look for her. But the world is so big, they found no clue.

Robert’s parents died early, so Jane was the closest person for him in the world. He went back to Kyoto and resolutely closed the studio in Kyoto. He began to search all over the country, and then went abroad to search the places where Jane might go.

In these three years, he went to many places and asked many people, but there was no news related to Jane. But he didn’t give up, because Edwin Carter didn’t give up looking for Jane. Being a brother, he also couldn’t give up on her.

Just when he got the news that someone saw Jane in Milan, he received a call from Edwin Carter saying that Jane has come back. "Jane has come back, but lost her memory."

That meant, they will be just strangers for Jane.

After hearing this news, Robert Michael was angry but soon calmed down. Later he felt embarrassed. Jane forgot her past, which must be more shocking for Edwin Carter.

The reason why Robert Michael was angry with Edwin Carter was only that he wanted to vent his resentment which had been blocked in his heart for three years.


However, he had found Edwin Carter to vent, but whom Edwin Carter finds to vent?

Edwin Carter can only swallow everything in his heart. He had to bear everything by himself!

Even after being scolded by Robert Michael, Edwin Carter remained calm and said, "Janell will take Jane home this evening. Go to my house to meet Jane and try to talk to her more."

"You won’t go back?" Robert Michael raised his eyebrows.

Edwin Carter said, "I’m on a business trip."

Robert Michael stared at him and said, "I didn’t expect that Leon Carter, a great man, can also lie."

Edwin Carter said, "There is no longer me in Jane’s memory, and I don’t know what I can do, so it’s up to you, a famous psychologist, go and talk to Jane."

Edwin Carter was very clear that if he is at home, Jane will never go home with Janell. He just used Janell to take her home.

Blood is thicker than the water. It’s said that a child is a piece of meat that falls from a mother. If Jane and Janell stayed together maybe one day Jane could remember something.

Edwin Carter couldn’t trust any other psychologist, so when he got to know that Jane had lost her memory, he thought of her brother, Robert Michael, and asked him to come back from abroad.

"Lend me your Ferrari. Well... I want to look cool." Robert Michael said.

That's exactly the way he is, who seemed to be careless about everything, but he always had a plan and idea in his heart.

Jane has come back, she is fine, the past memory is not so important.

It’s impossible for her to not like a man as good as Edwin Carter. As for him and Janell, she has a blood relationship with them. Even if Jane couldn’t remember them, they will still be the closest people to Jane. After thinking about it, Robert Michael was relieved, he was in a good mood and even joked.

If he drives a Ferrari on the roads of Jiangbei, what kind of woman can refuse to him?

Edwin Carter said, "The car will be yours as long as Jane gets better."

"I can make a lot of money by having a brother-in-law like you." Robert Michael patted Edwin Carter on the shoulder and said, "I can earn a Ferrari from my little sister. If I knew earlier I would ask my parents to have more daughters so that I can depend on my brother-in-law for my whole life."

Edwin Carter gave him a cold look.

Robert Michael shut up immediately.

Edwin Carter was worried about Jane. He had already joked too much with him. Now if he keeps talking crap, it will be him who will suffer. He has been taught good lessons by Edwin Carter more than once. He knew Edwin Carter’s temperament.



Robert Michael first came to Orchid Villa three years ago when Jane was pregnant. Later, after Jane’s sudden disappearance, he came here several times to see Janell.

Although Janell was so young who was just three years old, many children couldn’t compete with her smartness.

Janell’s cleverness had reasons. She inherited it.

Look at Janell’s father, who is the leader of Shengtian, the man who used to jump several steps in school, until now, no one has broken his record.

Look at Janell’s mother. When she was a student, she secured the top position in the exams and was sent to the best university in Kyoto.

Most of all, Robert Michael thought that Janell inherited her trait of smartness from him. She had an uncle with a very smart brain. It has been said that the niece always resembles to her uncle. Robert always said that Janell’s cleverness was similar to him.


Like him, she could see a person’s mind accurately.

Robert hadn’t stepped into this place for several months. It was the same as in his memory but a little different from his memory. It seemed that it was a little warmer than the last time.

Maybe it was not the place that has changed, but the real hostess who had been away for three years has finally come back.

Robert Michael was a regular guest of the Carter family. He didn’t need servants to lead the way. Before entering the living room, he heard Janell’s soft voice, "Except daddy, I like big Jane the most. Do you also like little Jane the most except daddy?"

"Yes, except daddy, I like little Jane the most." Of course, Jane was talking about her own father.


The voice fell to Robert Michael’s ear which he didn’t hear it for three years, but he immediately recognized it. It was of no other than Jane.

Robert Michael entered the room and saw that Jane was squatting on the ground with Janell. He didn’t know what they were playing. But they were playing very attentively and didn’t notice him.

Jane said it but what Janell heard was changed, she thought that big Jane like her daddy more than her.

She was sad and confused, she thought that she is more lovely and likable than her father. Why big Jane like her father more?

During lunch, dad told her that he was going on a business trip, but advised her to not cry in front of big Jane, and maybe due to that, her reputation in front of big Jane had effected. Probably now Jane didn’t respect her.

Even while weeping, she looked very cute.

Jane noticed that the little child had put on another look like she had bullied her and now she will cry. Jane thought it was funny and cute. She pinched her nose and asked, "Little Jane, why are you sad?"

"Big Jane, why you don’t like me the most? Dad isn’t cute." Janell blinked her big eyes, and tears of grievance were flowing in her big watery eyes.

Jane realized that Janell had misunderstood her, and she wanted to explain, but she thought that even after explaining Janell may not understand. She held Janell in her arms and rubbed her pink face, "Big Jane likes little Jane the most, and don’t like any others person."

Janell smiled contentedly, "hmm, I also like big Jane the most, and then like daddy."

"Little Jane, don’t you like your uncle?"

As they were chatting, a male voice suddenly came, and Jane and Janell turned back at the same time.

Janell immediately ran to him, stretched her two small arms and spoke excitedly "Uncle!"


Robert Michael came over and hugged Janell and pinched her face, "Janell, you didn’t miss uncle at all?"

Jane didn’t know this man. After hearing Janell calling him uncle, she thought that this man must be Janell’s relative. But she can’t help but look at him more.

Robert Michael noticed her prying and gave her a polite smile, "Hello, Miss Ronan!"

"Hello!" Jane nodded, thinking that it’s the first time she met him. How did he know her surname?

"I called Janell’s father before coming here. He said that Janell had invited a very important guest at home, and he told me your name." Robert Michael read Jane’s mind at a glance.

Jane, "..."

"My name is Robert Michael." Robert Michael said, "I am Janell’s mother’s brother."

Jane nodded, didn’t answer, she just thought it was awkward. Everyone she met recently, they all said something very private to her in the first meeting.

Jane thought that she had no interest in knowing Robert Michael and Janell’s mother’s relationship. She just came to Carter's house because she likes Janell and has no other purpose.

"Don’t think too much, Miss Jane. I don’t mean anything wrong to you. I know Janell is very good at seeing people. The person she likes must be very good." After looking at Jane’s changing expressions, on the basis of his many years of experience, he was sure that Jane had really lost the memory of the past, she didn’t pretend.

"Big Jane is a good person. I like her so much." Janell stretched her arms and hugged Jane. "I like big Jane’s hugs."


"Janell, you and your guest haven’t had a meal yet. Would you like to have a meal with your uncle?" Robert Michael gave Janell to Jane and walked to the kitchen. "Ruby, please prepare the meal."

Jane held Janell and was stunned for a long time. That day, Angela Carter left Janell alone with her, today Edwin Carter left them alone and now Robert Michael did the same. They all gave her Janell as if she was the closest person to Janell.

At the dinner table, Robert Michael didn’t ask Jane any special questions. He chatted casually, but these words were enough for him to analyze the situation.

After dinner, Robert Michael left. He said he has to go out to meet his friends. But actually, he went to report the situation to Edwin Carter.

Janell had Jane’s company, and she didn’t want anyone else. After dinner, she took Jane upstairs and said that she wanted big Jane to sleep with her.

The servant had arranged a separate room for Jane, but now she has been pulled away by Janell. Jane also didn’t refuse. She thought that Janell must have her own room, so she got ready to accompany Janell.

She didn’t imagine that Janell would take her into the master bedroom—

At a glance, Jane saw the desk near the balcony. There were several books on the bookshelf and an easel beside the desk.

—A familiar scenery.

Jane took Janell and said softly, "Little Jane, this is daddy’s room. Would you like to go to your room with me?"

"Daddy and I sleep together but today big Jane and little Jane will sleep together." Janell had a separate room, but she had never slept there. For her, her father’s room was her room.


Jane understood the meaning of Janell’s sentence. Most of the thing was very normal for a child’s mind, but when adults think of such things they felt strange.

Jane shook her head and told herself not to overthink. She helped Janell for the shower before letting her sleep.

"Miss Jane, this is Janell’s towel and pajamas. I’m very sorry to bother you with all these things." Nova, who took care of Janell, gave Janell’s toiletries to Jane and left.


Jane went straight to the bathroom with Janell in her arms. She felt it a little strange that she knew the exact location of the bathroom in such a big room.

Janell liked to play with water very much. She sat in the bathtub and splashed water on her body.

Jane rubbed her head and said softly, "little Jane, do not play with water, otherwise you will catch a cold. After cold, you will have a runny nose, and you won’t look cute."

Janell immediately stopped moving, "I do not want to have a cold, I just want to look lovely and cute."

"All right, then don’t move. Let big Jane help you bathing. Then we will go to bed, okay?" Jane smiled at her.

"Okay." Janell nodded heavily.

Jane has never taken care of such a small child. The child was small, have small arms and legs but she looked very cute.

While helping her in bathing, Jane thought about Janell’s mother, she didn’t know where she had gone.


Her husband is so good and her child is so sensible. How can she leave them alone?

Or maybe, what she saw was just the surface. How was their family relationship? She is just an outsider, how can she judge these things?

Janell had done a lot of activities during the day and didn’t take a nap at noon. Now she was sleepy. Jane was also worried about her cold, she quickly wiped her, wrapped her into the bath towel, took her back to the room, put Janell on the bed, and then put her pajamas on.

Jane pulled the quilt to cover her and was about to turn around to clean up the bathroom when the little girl reached out her little hand and grabbed one of her fingers, "Mom-"

All of a sudden, Jane heard this word. She felt as if her heart was pricked by something, a little hurt and a little sour.


This little girl didn’t think of her mother in the daytime, but she thought of her mother in her sleep!

Jane took back her step, sat down beside the big bed, grasped Janell’s hand, and kissed her little face, "Janell is a good girl, go to sleep."

"Sister-in-... Miss Jane, I saw that the door of the room is open. It turns out that you are here to take care of Janell. Where is my brother? Taking a bath?" Angela Carter walked in and looked at the bathroom.

"Your brother is on a business trip. Janell asked me to accompany her. She has just slept." Jane said, but there was some embarrassment to her voice, but she was not afraid. She had no other thoughts and was not worried about others' comments.

"Your clothes is wet. Let me find you a sleeping suit."

"No need. I’ll take a bath in the guest room and will blow it with the dryer. "

Angela Carter turned to go to the wardrobe in Edwin Carter’s room. There were new clothes for each season in the wardrobe, and she can wear any of them.

Angela Carter casually took a dress and said, "This is of your size."

"My size?"

"No, I mean my sister-in-law has the same figure as you. You can wear them."

It’s not good to wear other people’s clothes. Jane hesitated and didn’t hold them.

"These are new, no one has ever worn them." Angela Carter put the clothes into Jane’s hands and said, "Don’t be so formal. Since you are here, please make yourself at home."

Jane smiled awkwardly. The cloth in her hand was soft and comfortable, but no one has worn them. After thinking for a moment, she could not help looking at Angela Carter and asked in a low voice, "Where is Janell’s mother? Why don't you have a picture of her?"


When Jane came here, she found a strange thing - there was no picture of Janell’s mother anywhere in the house. She noticed that Edwin Carter loved his wife very much, but there was not even a single picture of her in such a big house.

The mother who "flew to the sky" was said by Janell. But other than that she hadn’t seen any trace of the woman.

Angela Carter looked at her and was stunned.

She didn’t know what to say.

Tell her that you are Janell’s mother?

We want you to come back, so we hid all the pictures?

No, no, no! If I tell her the truth now, she will be scared. And if brother found it, he will directly send me to hell.

After thinking about it, Angela cleared her throat and said seriously, "Well, because of a certain reason my sister-in-law left this house, and my brother put away all her photos for the fear of recalling their past memories and hurting himself."

Jane nodded thoughtfully, thinking that there might be some irreconcilable contradictions between Edwin Carter and her wife due to which they separated. She just felt sorry for little Janell.

"Miss Jane, my brother never did anything wrong to my sister-in-law," Angela Carter said in a hurry, she thought that Jane will misunderstand her brother. "My brother and my sister-in-law separated because of nature’s unpredictable eventuality, not because of the lack of love."

What Angela said was in a hurry, she thought that Jane will misunderstand Edwin Carter as an un-loyal, fickle lover, a heartless man, and a womanizer so she explained.

Jane smiled helplessly and said softly, "I can understand."

"No, you don’t understand!" Angela also didn’t know why, but after seeing Jane’s calm appearance, she suddenly got a little angry. "My elder brother’s life has become miserable from the day my sister-in-law left him. In my life, I have never seen him so scared, that I saw on the day when my sister-in-law left him. It seems that his heaven has collapsed. If there was no Janell in his life, maybe my brother haven’t survived his loss."

Angela stopped the tears in her eyes, looking at Jane with sadness and sincerity, "My sister-in-law is my brother’s everything, she means the whole world to my brother, do you understand?"

Jane was not familiar with Angela, but she noticed that this girl’s character as a very cheerful and optimistic person after several contacts. But at this time, Angela’s eyes were filled with tears, as if there were deep sorrow on her shoulders, which can collapse her any time.

Jane patted Angela on the shoulder to comfort her, but she didn’t know what to say.

Maybe... Angela has thought that she is interested in her brother, so she said these words to her.

Maybe… to make clear that in Edwin Carter’s heart, there is only her sister-in-law and to stop her from thinking anything about her brother Angela told her all this.


Jane had only seen Edwin Carter a few times. She had judged his personality from his little actions and the way he behaved with the women. She considered him as a gentleman and an excellent man. The most important thing was that he deeply loved his wife. She couldn’t think of any other thing for him.

Jane also realized this fact, that just after several meetings she came here to sleep at his house. It was not wrong for Angela Carter to misunderstand her.

She decided that when Edwin Carter comes back, she will stop her casual behavior. She didn’t want people to misunderstand her.

Jane looked at Angela and said, "Don’t worry, I’m just here to take care of Janell. I’ll never cross my limits. I can see that your brother loves your sister-in-law very much." Jane smiled and said, "It’s late. I’ll go to have a rest first."

With that, Jane nodded and left.

Angela Carter was stupefied.

Wait? What?

Angela Carter wanted to stop her sister-in-law!

Sister-in-law wait! I don’t mean that!

You are my sister-in-law!!

My brother’s favorite woman is you!!

Please make sure you will cross the limits! Go closer to my brother!

He has been hungry and thirsty for three years. He hasn’t enjoyed the fun between men and women in these three years.

Hurry up and save his dried-up little heart!!

Angela Carter roared inside, but she didn’t dare to shout it out. She had a hunch that if her arrogant brother knew about it, she might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.


Jiangbei has a subtropical monsoon climate. It was already warm in spring.

A vast sky was full of stars, and a round moon was hanging between the stars. The night was beautiful with its borderless flow of clarity. The vast, bright sky was enchanting, the sky’s hue darkened as the moon revealed a magnificent light.


But Edwin Carter had no mind of enjoying such a beautiful scenery. His whole mind was busy thinking about Jane and Janell.

He sent Robert Michael to investigate the situation. He waited for a long time. But Robert Michael didn’t come out. He’s anxious to know the result.

While waiting for Robert Michael, Edwin Carter lit another cigarette. He used this nicotine to anesthetize himself.

In the business world, it had been said that Edwin Carter was a leader who kills decisively. His decision-making ability had never been wrong, and no one can replace his position in the commercial field.

But in his personal life, especially in the emotional aspect, it was not wrong to call him an idiot. Even Luis George and Sienna Henry, who often accompanied him, also “despised” him several times.


Jane has appeared in front of Edwin Carter, and he used Janell to bring Jane home for the night. However, he still didn’t figure out how to deal with Jane so that she could easily accept him and not reject him so much.

Robert Michael walked out of the villa area and looked at the smoke outside from a long distance. He knew that Edwin Carter was smoking.

"How is Jane?" Edwin saw Robert Michael, extinguished the cigarette butt. Although he kept his voice as low as possible, Robert Michael heard his eagerness.

Robert Michael also leaned against the car, took out his cigarette, lit it with the lighter of Edwin Carter and slowly said, "Jane really forgets us, she is not pretending."

"She really forgets us." Edwin Carter repeated the sentence, leaned against the car and smoked with Robert Michael. After a sip, he asked, "Do you know why?"

Robert Michael took a puff of smoke, flicked off the ashes, and said, "I talked with her casually. I only know that she really forgets everything in the past. As for the reason behind this, we have to check this slowly."

"You know more than I do. Tell me what we should do." He just wanted to make Jane better, even if he has to put everything on risk.

Robert Michael paused and said, "I have met patients with amnesia before. There are many kinds of people who have lost their past memories. Some of them are artificial, some of them have suffered great trauma in their own heart, and they choose to forget their past memories."

"You said that Jane may have suffered a great deal of trauma in her heart and chose to forget her past?" Edwin Carter’s eyes fell on the bright light of the villa. After a long time, he shook his head. "The Jane I know is definitely not like that."


A few years ago, Jane went through all kinds of betrayals and was abandoned by her family. Even after so much, she was strong and was willing to live happily. She has always been so positive, optimistic and strong.

Edwin Carter didn’t think there can be anything that can damage Jane so much that she willingly chose to forget her past memory.

Robert Michael added, "Amnesia can be divided into different types and different degrees on the basis of seriousness. Generally, amnesia can be treated. But I don’t think Jane’s symptoms are the same as I’ve seen before."

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to say?"

Robert Michael sighed, "If you can find the chance to let Jane come to the hospital for a physical examination, we will check whether her brain has been seriously damaged. If there is no problem with the brain, then we can find the reason in other aspects, and it will be faster to eliminate one."

Edwin Carter, "..."

After a pause, Robert Michael said, "no matter what the reason is, she forgot the past during that time, I think it must not be a good thing. In my opinion, it’s good that she doesn’t remember the past. As long as we stay with her and make her feel our love for her, she will gradually accept us."

"She has Jonathan Ronan by her side." Edwin Carter uttered a sentence coldly, and his eyes were fierce as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

If Jane didn’t restore her memory, she wouldn't believe what he had done before.

At the thought that Jane had been with the beast Jonathan Ronan for three years, Edwin Carter felt as if he will suffocate.

What kind of thing Jonathan Ronan can do to her. They all know very well.

Edwin Carter had also thought about not restoring Jane’s memory. He was also worried that what kind of horrible things had happened three years ago that had hurt Jane this much. Maybe she chose to forget her memories because it was beyond her acceptance.

He can let go of their past good memories to let Jane start a new life again with him, and they can form a family again.

But at the thought of Jonathan Ronan taking advantage of Jane’s weakness and letting Jane identify him as her father, Edwin Carter was not willing to let this happen.

"Jonathan Ronan played the same game." Robert Michael's eyes also showed ruthlessness.

"Don’t mess with him. You can’t touch him now." Edwin Carter said.

"Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it." Robert Michael said. They all knew very well that Jonathan Ronan became Jane’s only family member after losing her memory.

If Jonathan Ronan faces any unexpected misfortune, the only person who will collapse will be Jane.


Jane lay down on the broad and soft bed, but couldn’t sleep.

She was continuously thinking of what Angela Carter said to her, then she thought of Angela Carter’s sad appearance, even a cheerful and optimistic person couldn’t stop her tears while talking about Edwin Carter’s past events.

Jane had some curiosity.

Edwin Carter loved his wife so much, but why his wife left him and their child?

Of course, Jane was just curious. She didn’t think about Edwin Carter; she agreed to come to this house only because she promised it to Janell and loved Janell.

When she thought about Janell, there were some worries in Jane’s heart. The little child slept alone in the master bedroom, and there was no one around.

What if she kicks the quilt away and catches a cold?

What if she turns over and falls down from the bed?

Jane sighed helplessly. She didn’t become a mother, but she felt like a mother. She had just met Janell a few times. Why she got so much attached to this little girl?

She thought she’s willing to satisfy all the little girl needs. But she felt that’s not good.

"Daddy, I want daddy..."

Suddenly, a cry came from the corridor. Jane sat up and listened carefully. She was sure that she had heard Janell’s voice. She rolled out of bed and ran out in such a hurry that she didn’t put on her shoes.

When she opened the door, she saw Janell walking in the corridor barefooted, crying for her father.

After seeing Janell’s pitiful appearance, Jane felt it hard to breathe.


The corridor was empty. No one answered Janell. She cried even more sadly, "Daddy, where is my daddy..."

"Little Jane-" Jane rushed to hold the little girl tightly in her arms and kissed her face, "Baby, don’t cry, I am here with you, don’t be afraid."

"Daddy, I want daddy..." Janell was crying so loudly that she could not hear what Jane has said to her. She only knew that when she woke up, her dad was not around her and no one was around her. She was so scared.

"Okay, sweetheart, let’s go back to your room and wait for daddy to come back." Jane patted Janell on the back, picked her up and carried her back to the room.

However, no matter what Jane said, Janell was still crying. Her body was twitching, and she had no intention of stopping.

"Little Jane, daddy is not here, but mom will stay with you." There was no way for Jane to coax Janell, and she didn’t know why she uttered such words, maybe because she really wanted to stop her from crying.

"Mom, I want mom..." After hearing the word "mom", Janell seemed to have a sense of security and she stopped crying.

"Little Jane, mom is here with you." Jane patted her on the back and walked around the room with her in her arms. After a long time, Janell was conscious, and she began to think something.

"Big Jane..." Little Jane thought for long and said, "Daddy also doesn’t want me? Does daddy also fly to the sky like mom?"

In the past, Edwin Carter took Janell with him on every business trip, so Janell was never left alone for one night. Every night, she slept in her father’s arms, but today when she woke up and opened her eyes, she couldn’t see her father.

There was no daddy. She was alone and got scared.

"Janell… daddy just went to work and will be back soon." Jane kissed her face and said softly, "Janell is so lovely, daddy will never leave her."

"Will big Jane stay with me?" Janell remembered that big Jane promised to accompany her, but when she opened her eyes, she was also not there. Do adults like to cheat children?


Jane nodded, "Yes. I will never leave you alone again."

"Big Jane, let’s make a pinky promise." Janell raised her hand, locked her pinky finger with Jane’s pinky finger and said, "We will sleep together and wait for daddy."

While talking, Janell blinked her big tearful eyes. She looked so pitiful that Jane couldn’t think about whose bedroom it is.

She lay down on the bed with Janell in her arms and hugged the little baby’s trembling body, "Little Jane, do you want big Jane to sing to you?"

"Yes." Janell lay down on Jane’s body and grabbed her clothes tightly with both hands. It seemed that she was afraid Jane would leave her again.

Seeing Janell like this, Jane’s heart ached. She bowed down her head and kissed Janell’s forehead, "little baby, go to sleep..."

Janell fell asleep slowly in Jane’s arms, but when she fell asleep, she still had a convulsion from time to time, which showed how scared she was when she just cried.

Jane held Janell in one hand, pulled up the quilt and covered her, then kissed Janell’s face again, "good night, baby!"


In the room, only one bedside lamp was on, and the room was lightened up with this soft and dim light.

Edwin Carter entered the room and saw such a warm scene.

His wife was holding their daughter. They were sleeping quietly on the bed. How sweet it was.

In the past three years, Edwin Carter often dreamed of such a scene, but the fact always let him down.

But this time it was different. This time Edwin Carter knew it was real. It was his wife and their child who were sleeping in bed.

He slowly approached them, sat beside the bed and stared at them. He could not stop himself stretching out his hand to touch her face, to feel her temperature, to make sure that she’s really around him.

But when his hand was only 0.01 cm away from Jane, he stopped himself.

He knew that this Jane was real, but he was still worried that once he reached out to touch her, she would disappear from his eyes like many times before.

He shouldn’t have come back tonight, he stopped himself but he couldn’t control himself for the first time and came back quietly.

He wanted to see his wife and daughter at a distance, but after seeing them, he wanted to touch Jane.

After struggling for a long time, Edwin Carter’s hand gently fell on Jane’s face and after touching her gently, he took back his hand.

He wanted to kiss her, but he couldn’t.

When Edwin Carter took back his hand, Jane suddenly moved and opened her eyes.

She looked into his eyes which fixed on her face. For a while, the atmosphere became awkward and it seemed that the air was almost frozen.


Jane looked into Edwin Carter’s eyes. In his eyes, she saw a splendid sea of stars, which was so enchanting that it made people want to jump in and explore.

Although the light in the room was not very bright, she was sure that she had not seen it wrong. In Edwin Carter’s eyes, the emotions that she had seen were somewhat similar to affection.

But it should belong to another woman, how he can let her see this.

This is not right… very wrong!

How can he look at her like that?

Did he mistake her for his wife?

Had he misunderstood her intentions and her purpose of coming to his house?

Edwin Carter wanted to look away, but he can’t move his eyes away from her face.

His eyes were stuck on her face, and he paid attention to her every changing expression. He was stunned and after some seconds he regained a little consciousness and looked away anxiously.

"Mr. Carter, you are back. I’m here to accompany Janell. She just…" Jane stuttered, she felt really embarrassed.

He came back and found her sleeping in his bed. She couldn’t find words to explain this.

On the other side, Edwin Carter didn’t clearly hear what she said. To be exact, when he heard her saying "Mr. Carter", he didn’t want to hear any other word.

Mr. Carter!

She called him Mr. Carter again!

Clearly the same two words that she used to call him, but now there was just politeness and a very formal tone, not the warmth of emotions that she used to have for him in her tone.

Edwin Carter only felt that his head ached badly and his body was full of rage as if he wanted to break all his defense lines, he didn’t want to care about her feelings, whether she remembered him or not. He just desperately wanted to hold her in his arms, kiss her hard, and tell her, "Jane, you are my wife."


But Edwin Carter pressed his emotions and said with a smile, "I had never left Janell alone, that’s why after completing my work I came back. It must be problematic for you to take care of a little child."

"Janell is very good." Jane took a look at Janell, who was lying on her body. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, she smiled at Edwin Carter awkwardly. She gently took Janell from her body and put her aside on the bed. She pulled the quilt away and got off the bed. "Janell is sleeping. I’ll also go to have a rest in my room."

Edwin Carter nodded, with the same politeness, "Well, sorry for the trouble."

"No, it is totally fine." Jane smiled politely and said, "You’ve been busy all day, get some rest."

Jane turned and walked as fast as a wild animal was chasing her. When she was about to go out she heard his voice.

"Miss Ronan--"

Edwin Carter suddenly called her.

Jane looked back and smiled politely, "Yes, Mr. Carter."

Edwin Carter pulled up the quilt to cover Janell, and then walked to her with elegant steps, "I want to talk with you, would you like to give me this opportunity?"

His eyes were fixed on her, and Jane wanted to avoid, but she just felt that as long as he was looking at her, she couldn’t find any place to hide.

That pair of eyes with the sea of stars seemed to have followed her for thousands of years, and she cannot run away from him.

But... What a man and a woman can talk about in the middle of the night?

And what he meant by giving him an opportunity?

Maybe he had thought too much about it. Maybe he thought that she is interested in him.

Her only focus was work now. She didn’t have the heart to think about feelings, and above all, she didn’t want to run behind other woman’s husband.


Since Edwin Carter has opened his mouth, she should take this opportunity to have a good talk with him. Even after this talk, they won’t be able to meet each other again, it was also fine for Jane.

Jane nodded, "Okay."

Edwin Carter was very happy to hear that Jane agreed. For him, this was the first step to approach her. The first step always considered the most difficult, if she can agree to talk to him then it will be easy to convince her.

However, when Edwin Carter hadn’t even felt the emotions completely, he heard Jane’s next sentence.

"Mr. Carter, I agree to come to your house because I like Janell and I also had the idea that you will not come back tonight because you went on a business trip. I know you love your wife. Please don’t worry. I really don’t have any wrong intentions about you."

Edwin Carter, "..."

Her voice was still pleasant and soft, but every word of her was harsh, which made him feel as if his heart had been stabbed by a knife and the pain was beyond imagination.

He just wants her to think about him. The more she thinks, the better it will.

Seeing Edwin Carter didn’t respond, she stabbed another knife in his heart and continued, "Mr. Carter, I will leave tomorrow morning. As for the designing of three dresses, I will let someone show you the first draft as soon as possible, and let her tell me if you are satisfied."

Jane said a lot in one breath. Her lips were moving up and down, but Edwin Carter didn’t want to listen to her. He had just managed to suppress his anger a moment ago. But at this time, it rolled again.


Far more violent than the last time. Far more uncontrollable than the last time.

Edwin Carter lost his self-control. He walked to her, pulled her to himself, held her head, bowed his head and kissed her fiercely.

The man who has been thirsty for three years was kissing Jane. He was like a hungry beast, so furious that he seemed to make up for all the three years she owed to him.

Three years of yearning…

Three years of loneliness…

Three years of desperation… was condensed in this kiss, domineering and bloody, but with deep feelings.

"Hmmm---" Jane’s words were blocked back by him, leaving only a few vague syllables.

Jane stared at the magnified handsome face in front of her eyes. For a moment, she forgot that she should push him away immediately when she was attacked.

When she figured it out, she wanted to push him away, but she could not. Edwin Carter’s strength was much greater than she imagined. Normally, he looked gentle, but there seemed to be infinite strength in his body. No matter how she struggled, she couldn’t push him away.

Jane raised her foot and stepped on his foot, but he felt the pain, and the kiss didn’t stop.

Jane’s anger rushed up. Not long ago, she thought he was a gentleman. How could he do such a thing to her now?

Isn’t he deeply in love with his wife? What is he doing?

Just when Jane was helpless, Edwin Carter finally released her.


However, Jane hadn’t taken a breath yet when Edwin Carter rubbed her into his arms again, as if to embed her in his body, "Jane, I won’t let you leave me again."

He spoke very lightly, like a babble, more like a speech that has been rehearsed thousands of times. It was naturally from the heart.

All of a sudden, Jane stopped struggling. In a trance, she seemed to understand why Edwin Carter was so out of control.

She sighed low, and then said softly, "Mr. Carter, is your wife’s name also Jane?"

Edwin Carter didn’t seem such kind of a person as he looked now. His eyes on her were very different from the first time he met her, but she realized this thing now. Perhaps, because she has the same name as his wife, and her body shape was somewhat similar, he mistook her for his wife. Even Janell began to rely on her.

All the irrationalities can be explained in this way.

They all think of her as another person, another Jane, but she is not the one they all saw.


Although she had nothing to do with them, but she had been regarded as a double, and her heart was extremely uncomfortable.

When her voice fell, she felt Edwin Carter’s body became slightly stiff, and he loosened the strength of his arms.

"Yes, my wife's name is Jane. She looks like you. I lost her three years ago, and when I met her again, she came with her adoptive father, who is a bastard." This was what Edwin Carter wanted to say to her.

But he knew what can be the consequences. He couldn’t say these things to Jane. Even if Jane, believe it or not, it will be like sprinkling salt on her wound.

If Jane believes it, but can’t find the memory before, it will drive her crazy.

If Jane doesn’t believe it, she will go far away from him and won’t even want to see him again.

Therefore, Edwin Carter can only push the woman for whom he has been yearning for three years away from her arms and can watch her go further and further away from herself.

Edwin Carter didn’t know what to say, but her face was like a frightened pet. She was full of fear and vigilance. Even when she first met him years ago, she never looked at him like this, worse than a stranger.

For Edwin Carter, the time that he spent waiting for Jane was like a long and endless journey that gave him countless scars. He lost his most precious thing. It was the toughest time in his life. He had lived a life worse than death.

Heaven and hell were just a line apart.

At the present moment, after seeing her indifference, he was so sad, but he was still glad to meet her again.

Literally carved in bones and engraved in the heart…

Jane, do you know how much I miss you?

Now you are in front of me, but I miss you more than ever.

Edwin Carter left Jane. He had a smile on his lips. Jane could see that the smile spread to Edwin Carter’s eyes like a sea of stars. This smile was not joy, but rather a kind of helplessness, like a moth to a flame, irresistibly throwing themselves into it.

"I’m sorry." Edwin Carter said, his voice was a little shaky, but there was still some kind of gentleness, "I lost my self-control."

All of a sudden, Jane couldn’t speak. There was a voice in her heart she wanted to be angry but somehow her voice stuck in her throat.

She should be angry. She should scold him because she had been forced to kiss.

But she couldn't be angry.

"Please have a good rest," Edwin Carter said, as he walked out of the room. "Don’t worry, I will never lose my temper again."

He stood at the door and promised, without looking back at Jane, he left.

He looked so lonely that for a moment she wanted to hug him.

Jane looked at him and looked for a long time.


On the breakfast table, Edwin Carter had a gloomy face. He was not only ignoring Angela Carter, but also Janell.

Angela Carter observed the situation and canceled her plan. She stood up and said, "little baby, aunt has some work. I will come back to see you in two days, okay?"

"Aunt, little Jane has big Jane to accompany." In the past, when Angela Carter went to work, Janell had always been very reluctant to let her go, but today she waved her hands happily.

"You just got a mother and immediately forget your aunt." Angela Carter joked and walked away quickly.

Angela Carter left because she was scared after seeing Edwin Carter’s gloomy face.

She was scared because of a guilty conscience.

Guilty about her good intentions that got turned into a bad action yesterday. If her brother got to know, what she said and what Jane understood he will kill him.

Her brother was on a business trip, but he appeared on the breakfast table in the morning. Sister-in-law, who was here last night, disappeared in the morning. Angela Carter saw the possibilities and thought that something must have happened between them.

Over the years, she had learned to be very smart. If she encountered anything related to her sister-in-law, she always stayed away from that and never let the fire burn her.



Angela didn’t count how many times the director shouted "Cut". Angela Carter’s patience was also on the edge to exhaust.

"Garrick Voight, you are the leading actor in the play now. The woman you kiss is the woman you love deeply. What are you doing with a bitter face?" The director said.

"I don’t know how such a stupid person becomes popular. His acting skills are so bad, and his looks are also average." Of course, this was only in the director’s heart, not on his mouth.

"Director, can we skip the kiss scene?" Garrick Voight requested.

Because of the last scandal, Garrick Voight’s agent has made it clear that he cannot have any contact with Polaris. But the play has been signed before the scandal. There was no kissing play in the script that he read before. And today they added this kissing scene in the script.

Garrick Voight was not a fool. After the last scandal, how could he not guess that the photo was sent out Polaris? Now he thought that Polaris asked the screenwriter to add the kissing scene.

He didn’t want to have anything with Polaris, and he really didn’t want to ruin his stardom in such a woman’s hand.

Although Polaris was much more popular than him now, and may also help him in gaining fame, but Polaris’s reputation in the industry was very weird. If he made a relationship with the woman like her, sooner or later he will be dragged into a very difficult situation, so it’s better to stay away from her.

Angela Carter also wanted to get angry, but she had her own professional ethics. No matter how angry she was, she stayed silent.

But she didn’t expect this man would dare to dislike her.

"In this world, in addition to Victor James, there are also men who dare to dislike her?" This thought was intolerable for Angela Carter, She had a prop sword in her hand, she put it into Garrick Voight’s throat, and Garrick Voight shivered with fear, "Polaris, what, what do you want to do?"


"What do I want to do?" Angela Carter looked at Garrick Voight’s trembling legs, and her eyes became scornful. "I even dislike it more to kiss you but I am still willing to be professional. What the hell is wrong with you? I've seen a lot of good-looking guys before. Actually I’ve never seen a crap like you."

If she brings her arrogant brother and the man tho will be her husband here, this dumb Garrick Voight doesn't deserve to stand with them! To compete with them in looks and personality will be impossible for him.

What the hell this idiot think of himself?

Just because she and Garrick Voight shot a play last time. She chose him to execute her plan. She wanted to make that son of a bitch Victor James to be jealous but didn’t expect that the news would be pressed down by her brother quickly.

Victor James didn’t even see the news, but this stupid man began to think that she was interested in him.


Fuck! How can he even think that she likes this kind of a man who just got scared with a prop sword so much that his legs started trembling and he may pee in his pants!

The man she likes is Victor James. Even when dozens of people pointed guns at him, he would not even frown.

The more Angela thought about him, the more she fell in love with him.

She thought it was his good luck that she fell in love with him. Otherwise, he will be doomed to be a bachelor all his life. After all, only a beautiful, intelligent and excellent girl like her can match him.

"Polaris, please have a rest, I’ll talk to Garrick Voight about the play." Angela Carter was angry, and the director came to coax her.

They didn’t know Polaris’s real identity. They just knew that her agency is Shengtian Entertainment.


Everyone in showbiz knew that Shengtian Entertainment not easily sign people, but if they sign someone, they will do their best to protect their artists.

Shengtian’s artists just rely on acting, they never rely on media to promote them.

Those who could sign up with Shengtian Entertainment were either good actors or potential newcomers from the film academy. Polaris had a completely different profession, but Shengtian Entertainment still signed her. Everyone was guessing the person behind Polaris must be a powerful person. They have guessed many people, but none of them was right.

"What rest? I don’t have time to waste with him. If he cannot do it, change him." After shooting today’s scenes, Angela Carter still has to find a way to pester Victor James.

She didn’t have extra time to waste here with these silly people!

"Mr. Garrick Voight, please cooperate, if this one can’t be done then......" The director said and presumed that he must have a little consciousness to understand his hint.

"This is the crew, not someone’s home. You think you can replace me easily?" Because of the backing of investors, Garrick Voight was not worried about being replaced.

In many people’s eyes, the reason why Angela Carter was able to sign a contract with Shengtian Entertainment was just because she had a powerful person behind her. The person behind her must have some kind of hidden relationship with her. She can hide it at ordinary times but if anything happens, who will take care of her?

"You are so ugly and worst at acting, but you still dare to spoke against me. Believe it or not. I’ll beat you to death." Angela Carter wanted to change this actor immediately. If she shot with such an unprofessional actor, she will feel disgusting.


Angela Carter was really good at beating people. Once, there was a case on Angela Carter about beating a person. No one knew the specific reason, because the news was soon blocked.

Garrick Voight also knew that she can do it if she can say it. He decided to bear it for the moment, after all, there can be many chances to take revenge.

After being scolded by Angela Carter, Garrick Voight’s attitude towards acting was much better. Even though it was not perfect, but it was not very bad.

Angela Carter also had to shot with the second male co-star.

Vincent Lewis was her second co-star. In fact, Vincent Lewis was far better than Garrick Voight, both in appearance and acting. But Vincent Lewis had no background and no big firm was willing to sponsor him. So even after acting for several years, he couldn’t get the lead role.

Angela Carter really liked his acting and professionalism. The people talked to each other politely. Before this play they had worked together in another play and had a drink together, and consider each other as drinking buddies.

"Polaris, do you want us to practice the lines again? Don’t forget it, in a moment it will be our turn." Vincent Lewis sat beside Angela Carter and joked.

"Don’t worry, I have memorized the lines. I can’t forget them even if I’m scared to pee my pants." Angela Carter’s appearance was very lively. It seemed that she didn’t have a serious attitude. But in her work, she was not careless.

She had never been privileged because of her identity. She worked harder than anyone else.

Of course, if it was the elders at home who insisted on taking care of her, in order not to let them worry, she accepted these preferential treatments.


Vincent Lewis smiled and said, "Since you are so confident, I will not disturb you. Be ready, soon it will be our turn."

"No problem." Angela Carter smiled. After Vincent Lewis left, she immediately took out her mobile phone to take a picture of herself and sent it to Victor James.

—Victor James, would you like to have a look at my costume? I am sure your eyes must be pleased. I know you won’t answer, but it doesn’t matter. I know you are praising me for my beauty.

—Victor James, you certainly don’t know. In fact, every time when I shoot a love scene, I always think of us together, holding and kissing each other.

—Victor James I haven’t seen you for several days. After today’s shot, I’ll treat you to dinner.

—I know you won’t answer me, but who cares. I’m going for a shot. I’ll talk to you after finishing it. When I am not with you, you can miss me very much and can think whatever you want to think about me. Muwwah!

Angela knew that Victor James won’t reply to her, but every day she took some time and sent many messages to him just to express her love. She just wanted to be a part of his life, maybe in such a way, he can get used to her.

And if one day she doesn’t pester with him he will start missing her.

"Polaris, it’s going to be your turn. Be prepared." The assistant said.

"Okay." Angela Carter nodded to the assistant, and then shot a small video and sent it to Victor James with a caption, "Victor James, remember to miss me."

Angela Carter was in a good mood because of Victor James. She usually had a height phobia but today while doing a stunt and hanging with the rope, she didn’t seem afraid.


"Polaris, let’s use a double for this kind of dangerous scene in the future." Angela Carter didn’t care, but Arthur Simon was worried.

He advised Angela Carter countless times to find a stuntwoman for dangerous scenes, but Angela Carter didn’t listen to him. She always replied that any double has also been born by some parents, and there was no reason to use money to let others help her suffer.

Every time after looking at Angela Carter doing this Arthur Simon had a cold sweat.

The Carter family was so rich. Angela Carter’s every year’s pocket money was good enough for some people to spend their lives. Arthur Simon didn’t know why she wanted to work so hard.

Angela was hanging up on the rope, and it was slowly moving upward, Arthur Simon was very flustered. He felt like something bad was going to happen.

He heard the creaking sound. His heart tightened and his eyes were just following Angela Carter without daring to leave.

Suddenly, the rope broke, and Arthur Simon watched Angela Carter, who was hanging in the middle of the air, falling down quickly, and he heard her scream, "Aaah--"

Crew members panicked and for a moment forgot what to do. Someone also screamed; the whole scene took a shape of disorder.

Arthur Simon watched Angela Carter falling from the sky. He immediately ran forward to catch Angela Carter when she fell. Even though he had tried his best, he still couldn’t catch Angela Carter.

He saw Angela Carter falling in front of his eyes—and heard a bang sound on the dusty ground.

"Oh, my, god..." Angela Carter’s face was pale with pain as if the whole body had been broken.


"Polaris--" Arthur Simon rushed to Angela Carter and knelt beside her, "Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I feel like I’m going to die." She was really like dying.

Angela Carter had never suffered such a pain since she was a child. She really wanted to drag those staff members down together and let them taste this pain.

"Don’t move. I have called an ambulance." Arthur Simon comforted her while holding his cell phone.

"Arthur Simon, are you worried about me?"

"Don’t talk, save your strength."

"Arthur Simon, give me my cell phone."

"Polaris, don’t move. We’ve called an ambulance." The crew came around.

No one dared to move Angela Carter. They knew that the person who fell should not move casually. They waited for the professional rescue personnel to come.

"Arthur Simon, give me my cell phone now." Angela Carter was out of patience. She had a terrible pain on her back. But she suddenly thought of using this incident to take Victor James’s sympathy. She won’t be able to hold longer and these dumb people around her were wasting her time.

Arthur Simon worried, "What do you want to do with your phone?"

"Fuck! Don’t talk nonsense, just give it to me." If she wasn’t in so much pain, she would jump up to hit his face.

Arthur Simon has been with her for so many years but still behaved as stupidly as her blockheaded brother. Sooner or later, he’ll make her lost her temperament.

Arthur Simon never disobeyed Angela Carter’s order. He handed the cell phone to her and looked at her nervously, "What are you going to do? I can do it for you."


Angela Carter ignored him. She tapped on the video and then pointed the camera at herself, saying pitifully, "Victor James, I wanted to invite you to dinner at night, but something unexpected happened. I don’t know if I can survive. I am so badly hurt. I know you won’t make me sad and come to see me, right?"

With these words, Angela Carter clicked to send. Her mobile phone slipped from her hands. She couldn’t hold it, "Arthur Simon, don’t tell my brother about my accidental injury, and don’t tell my grandpa or parents. I don’t want them to worry about me."

Her brother’s heart was already hurt due to sister-in-law. She couldn’t give him any more trouble. Grandpa was getting older, her mother’s health wasn’t well and her father had to take care of her mother. She can’t let them worry.

So the only person who can worry for her was Victor James. She just wanted to pester him.


"But what?" Angela Carter fiercely interrupted Arthur Simon and gnashed teeth in pain, "Ask the crew if the ambulance has arrived. If I died here, can they afford to pay for it?"

Angela Carter didn’t understand how this happened. The shooting was smooth. Why the rope broke and she fell down like a ball? Did she offend God recently?

Angela Carter had a strong temperament. She had been thinking about some messy things to support her spirit. However, she was not too strong. She can’t do it for a long time.

She added, "Arthur Simon, I’m going to faint. Don’t be scared. Remember what I said to you."


Angela Carter felt relieved and fainted after the last sentence…

She didn’t know how she came to the hospital, how serious her injury was, or how long she had been sleeping. When she woke up and opened her eyes, she saw Victor James’s handsome face.

He was in a military uniform. He was quiet and looked like a good comrade with the personality that possessed the world’s righteousness.

Angela Carter thought that she was in a dream. She raised her hand to rub her eyes. But the action was too fierce. She accidentally pulled the wound on her body, and it hurt her so much that she gnashed her teeth and howled, "This is unbearable."

"Just two ribs broken, soon you will be discharged from the hospital. After that, you are a tough guy again." Victor James stood in front of Angela Carter’s bed and said these words in a very casual tone.

"Two ribs broken?" Angela Carter stared at him, "Victor James, don’t you know how to pity a girl? You are a commander of Jiangbei military region, have your compassion been eaten by pigs?"

"What is compassion?"

Angela Carter, "You! I really want to pull you to die together."

She can’t beat him. She can’t convince him. Actually she can’t win from him, in this life she just can be defeated by him, but it doesn’t matter, in front of him she agreed to admit defeat.

Victor James went to Angela Carter’s side and sat down. He reached out and pressed her hand. "If you keep creating troubles like this, before you pull me to die with you, I can help you prepare the coffin in advance."

Angela Carter, "..."

What is this man’s heart made of?

Made of iron?

Will he die if he says something nice to her?

"Don’t look at me like that. I never fell into a trap." said Victor James.


Victor James’s tone was very calm and his expression was very indifferent. Angela Carter could no longer see the meticulous care for her in his eyes.

There was a time when if she got hurt, he got more worried than her. Once upon a time, her piece of skin on her knee was scratched, and he asked the doctor to give her a general physical examination.

Once he said, "It’s okay for men to fall, but you are our treasure. Nothing can happen to you."

Once he said, "Little girl, you are sent by god to save me. No matter how unhappy I am, my unhappiness disappear after seeing you."

At that time, Angela felt that she was the whole world of Victor James. Without her, he could not live well.

At that time, Angela Carter thought when she grows up, she can be with Victor James. But that was not the truth. Since she turned 18, Victor James started hiding from her.

She confessed to him countless times, but in return, she just got his merciless sarcasm, "If you like me then this is totally your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Once she thought that she was close to him, but now even by staying his side, she felt miles away from him.

Angela Carter’s face suddenly darkened after these thoughts, and she said, "Victor James, if I was really dead this time, would you be very happy?"

Without waiting for Victor James’s answer, Angela Carter continued, "If I die, no one will bother you again, and you can be at peace. So you must be disappointed that just two ribs are broken. It would be better if I die in one fall."

After Angela Carter’s words, Victor James’s eyes narrowed slightly and said, "I thought you’re really dumb, but you still have a little common sense."


Angela Carter, who just looked gloomy, was instantly resurrected, she gnashed her teeth and stared at Victor James with, "Victor James, you bastard!"

She was just joking. She wanted to hear some nice words from him to comfort her.

How can he answer her like this?

Does this man just want to piss her off?

Victor James shrugged casually, "You are not the first one to scold me, and you will not be the last one."

Angela Carter was so angry that she bit him hard, "Damn! Victor James, let’s have a one on one fight!"

Victor James stretched his long arm and pressed it on Angela Carter’s body, which immediately made her cry out, "Victor James, you are not a human."

She was so badly hurt, he even crushed her. This man really has no human nature.

Why does she like him?

No! This man used to act so well, so good to her, and let her sink into his tenderness. When she got involved, he started ignoring her, and trying to play hard to get with her, right?


Victor James, wait and see, when my injury is cured, I will deal with you.

Victor James looked at her sarcastically, "Does it hurt? Do you want me to let go?"

Angela Carter’s face was white and painful, "Asshole, let go!"

Victor James took back his hand, "Angela Carter, you lost it again."

Angela Carter said angrily, "What? Fuck!! Victor James, you are a big man. You take advantage of people by threatening them, don’t you have any face? I can’t move because I’m lying in bed. You still have the face to fight with me! If you have the guts, wait for me to be good. We will have a one on one fight again!!"


"The face is given by oneself, not by others. My way of dealing is my own business. What’s more, when you are the weakest, I can beat you with no effort. Why wait until you get better?" Victor James explained his intentions.

Angela Carter’s face was inconceivable, "Victor James, don’t you have basic moral values? Do your dead parents know? Does your leader know? Do your men know? Do the girls know who secretly loves you?"

Victor James still replied with a serious face, "This is called tactics! What is moral values? Can you eat them? Or can you make money with them?"

Angela Carter, "..."

This was the most real Victor James, a man with no moral integrity. A man who looked righteous on the surface, but no one knew how much evil things he can do behind the curtain.

Angela Carter decided to quit her profession of acting and thought about start writing a book in the future, she will name her book as, "Gossip about Victor James’s Life" and she will write the real and hidden things about Victor James. She was sure such a book would be very popular.

"Auntie! Uncle!"

The soft voice of Janell suddenly came. Angela Carter and Victor James looked at the door and saw Janell accompanied by Nova.

She walked to them with her small cute steps.

Victor James stepped forward, picked up Janell and hugged her, "Janell, I think you look even lovely than before."

"Uncle, give me money!" Janell considered herself very smart. Don’t think if he praised her for her cuteness she will forget the money for hugging her.


"Janell, who taught you to ask for money if your relatives hug or kiss you?" Victor James did not believe that Edwin Carter could do such a thing.

However, if you think about it carefully, a man is silent for too long but didn’t break his silence. That is to say, maybe the log silence has changed him. Victor James thought that Edwin Carter must suffer the second type.

Angela Carter asked, "Sweetheart, why you came here?"

"Daddy said auntie fell from a very high place and is broken." Janell told what her father said to her and also made a gesture of falling from a high place, "Little Jane came here to repair the broken auntie."

After hearing this, Victor James could not help laughing, "Hahaha… little Jane is so smart. Finally, your auntie has found her right opponent."

Angela Carter glared at Victor James, grabbed the pillow, smashed it at Victor James and shouted, "Victor James, I want to break all ties with you."

"Sure." Victor James put Janell beside Angela Carter’s bed. "Janell, your auntie is broken. Try to repair her."

"Hmm, I will." Janell also wanted to try her best to fix her auntie.

Victor James gently rubbed Janell’s head and then left.

"Victor James, where are you going?"

"Don’t you want to break all the ties with me? Of course, I’m leaving."

Angela Carter was so angry that she bit her teeth and said, "Shit! Victor James, you bastard."

Janell looked at Angela Carter, who was angry and shouting, with a shocked face.

Why auntie is so angry?

What is a bastard?

Why I never heard this word before?

Angela Carter also realized that Janell was scared. She quickly smiled and said softly, "Baby, your daddy asked you to take care of me, so you don’t go to help your daddy chase your mommy?"


Angela Carter said and immediately felt it wrong, she changed her words hurriedly, "Oh, I mean then you don’t go to help your daddy chase big Jane?"

"Big Jane is angry. She is angry with daddy, not with me." Janell explained to Angela Carter very carefully.

Janell woke up that morning, and big Jane was not there. She went away quietly.

Janell was also very confused, maybe because she cried at night and scared big Jane so much so she left quietly. However, Janell couldn’t tell her auntie this embarrassing thing, otherwise, her daddy will laugh at her and will call her cry baby.

In the past two days, Janell called big Jane, whose voice was still very pleasant. She was willing to talk to Janell, but she simply ignored her daddy. Janell suspected that big Jane was angry with her father and not with her midnight cry.


Janell was very confident about her good looks. Big Jane cannot dislike her.

Angela Carter turned her eyes and asked, "Baby, do you want to see big Jane?"

Janell nodded heavily, "Yes, I want."

She missed big Jane so much, but big Jane didn’t agree to come to her home and she didn’t know what to do.

Angela Carter added, "Now call big Jane and tell her that you are in the hospital. She will come to see you soon."

"Really?" Janell was not sure. These days big Jane ignored her and didn’t come to see her.


After leaving the Carter house that day, Jane put all her focus on her work and tried to not think about the Carter family, not even the incident of being forced to kiss by Edwin Carter as a substitute.

However, the more she did not let herself think about it, the more she thought about it.


In particular, Edwin Carter’s wordless expression and helplessness in his eyes made her want to go deep and know what happened in Edwin Carter’s past.

Jane was a person who wanted a stress free life. Even when her father was not willing to talk about her past memories, she didn’t insist on knowing but she couldn’t figure out why she was particularly interested in Edwin Carter.

She had joined P&M Company for several days, and now her work has gradually started.

After seeing her works, the people in the design department admitted that she didn’t get this position by her looks, it was because of her talent. Everyone affirmed her work ability, and she had achieved a friendly attitude of other colleagues towards her work.

Jane’s life and work were smooth, but suddenly she started missing Janell, her soft voice, and her pink face.


Jane was thinking that Janell didn’t call her today, and at the same time she received Janell’s call.

"Big Jane..."

When Jane answered, she heard Janell’s soft voice coming from her mobile phone. When she heard Janell’s voice, she felt very pleasant.

"Little Jane, have you had lunch?" While asking this question, Jane’s lips rose up slightly and her eyes were clear like water.

"It’s broken, little Jane is in the hospital, it’s painful. Daddy is not there." In accordance with the instructions of her auntie, Janell deliberately said something unclear.

"Janell, which hospital are you in?" Before receiving Janell’s reply, Jane had took her bag and left the office. She rushed to take care of Janell. She can’t leave Janell alone.


In her mind there was only one picture when Janell was crying alone in the corridor. She was so sad as if the whole world had abandoned her. This thought still gave Jane a heartache.

Now Janell is injured. Her father is not around, nor her mother. She is so small but she has to bear so much alone. She must be very scared. Jane totally forgot her thought of staying away from the Carter family. She just wanted to accompany Janell.

Janell told Jane that it was Shengtian hospital. Jane took a taxi and rushed to the hospital. When she got off, she didn’t notice that the person from the car next to her had the same destination as her.

When Jane entered the elevator, another man followed her. Jane looked up to see him, and said in surprise, "Mr. Carter?"

"Miss Ronan. What a coincidence. You also come to the hospital?" Edwin Carter greeted her, politely and normally as if he hadn’t done anything to her that night.

"Yes." Jane nodded and looked away from him.

Edwin Carter, as always, stood upright and looked ahead. There seemed no emotions on his face, but the two hands on the side were white.

They arrived the eighth floor of the inpatient department soon. The elevator door opened but Edwin Carter didn’t move. He waited for Jane to leave first. But Jane did not move either.

She came to see Janell but now she had seen Edwin Carter here. She pretended as she has something else to do. She didn’t want to have too much interaction with Edwin Carter.

"Miss Jane, which floor?" After a while, Edwin Carter asked her.

"10th floor." Jane randomly said a digit.

"All right." Edwin Carter pressed the 10th floor and then pressed the key to close the door. He wanted to go to the 10th floor with her.

Jane felt strange, "you’re not going to the eighth floor?"


"I am also going to the 10th floor." He wanted to follow her.

Jane, "..."

Janell is on the eighth floor. What does he want to do on the tenth floor?

Is it because of her?

With this thought, Jane took a quiet look at him and saw that he looked at the elevator door. He had no other thoughts at all.

Well, maybe she was over thinking. Maybe it was just a coincidence he really has to go to the 10th floor.

They arrived the 10th floor soon. This time, Jane didn’t stop. She took the lead in going out, and Edwin Carter followed her closely.

"Mr. Carter, why don’t you go first?" Jane didn’t understand this man. Why he didn’t say a word and just quietly followed her.

"Why are you hiding from me?" Edwin Carter asked. The tone was very serious.

She could never realize his helplessness. She was the one he had been waiting for long and finally, she returned to her side, but now he couldn’t even get close to her.

These days, he even thought of not caring about Shengtian, not caring about Jonathan Ronan, and not even caring about Jane’s memory loss… He wanted to leave everything behind and just wanted to take Janell and Jane to a place where no one knew them so they can start a new life together.

"I’m not hiding from you." She was hiding from him, but it was hard to admit it. She didn’t want to sound lame.

"What happened that night was..." Edwin opened his mouth to explain.

"Mr. Carter, I have forgotten that." Jane interrupted him, looked away and said, "Go to see Janell. She must be very scared without you by her side."


Yes, Jane had already forgotten it. She didn’t want to hide from him, but she didn’t remember him, their child and all their past. This was a fact that Edwin Carter also knew and understood.

However, every time after facing her, his heart ached again.

His fist was tightly clenched. After several struggles, he managed to speak in a normal tone, "Janell often talks to me about you these days. If you can come to see her with me, she will be very happy."

Jane thought about it. After all, she had no other ideas about Edwin Carter. Why should she hide?

If she hid from him it will let him think that she is guilty.

They were not friends, but they knew each other. There was no need to hide from him. She agreed to go to meet Janell with him.


Jane raised her head and smiled softly at Edwin Carter, "Okay, let’s go together. In fact, I came here to see Janell. For a while, I just forgot the floor."

Jane laughed cleverly. She was clearly lying. Edwin Carter also saw it clearly, but he didn’t say anything.

Isn’t that what his Jane looked like?

She often fights with him and says bad words to him. She really disliked him when he avoids saying nice things to her. She was naughty and lovely.

When they both appear in Angela Carter’s ward in such a harmonious way, Angela Carter thought that her eyes have a problem.

Janell told her that big Jane was angry with her daddy, but how did they come here together and look completely normal?

Did the two of them make up so soon?


Janell slipped out of bed and rushed to Edwin Carter. Edwin Carter caught her little body, hugged her and kissed her. He rubbed her head, "Little Jane, my good girl."

"Daddy, big Jane is also a good girl." Janell looked at the big Jane beside Edwin Carter, "Big Jane, I want you to hug me."


Jane took Janell and carefully looked over her body to make sure that Janell was not hurt. She was relieved quietly.

"Big Jane, this time don’t run away, okay?" Janell held Jane’s face and kissed her cheek.

Jane touched her head and smiled softly, "In the future, big Jane will not hide from little Jane. Little Jane can come to find big Jane to play at any time."

Janell was really happy when she heard Jane saying that she can come to big Jane at any time. She asked softly, "Daddy can also come?"

Janell’s mind had many thoughts…

Janell likes big Jane, so does father.

If big Jane agrees to be with them all the time, it will be so nice.

In the night, daddy will sleep on the left, big Jane will sleep on the right, and she will sleep in the middle.

Even these thoughts made Janell very happy.

Jane pinched Janell’s face and said, "Daddy is a big man. Big man has a lot of work to do. Janell can come to play with me."

"Well then." Clever Janell took a look at her daddy. After having an eye contact with her daddy, she soon got it. She took off the necklace from her neck and said, "Big Jane, this a gift for you."

In fact, the necklace was a protective talisman made by incense wood. Janell’s grandmother gave it to Janell right after her birth. It was something that Janell had always carried with herself since she was a child.

"This is Janell’s. How can I accept this?" Jane always thought that she should give gifts to Janell. How can she receive gifts from this little child?


"I like you so much. I want to give it to you." Janell was very persistent, she wanted to give it to Jane.

Jane subconsciously looked at Edwin Carter. He nodded to her and said softly, "Janell wants to give it to you. If you don’t accept it, she will cry."

"Big Jane..." As soon as Edwin Carter’s voice fell, a small voice with a slight cry fell in Jane’s ears, and tears appeared in Janell’s big eyes.

"Little baby don’t cry, I accept your gift." Jane held her head and kissed her on forehead

Janell immediately stopped crying and said happily, "Put it on and never take it off."

"Okay, I put it on and will never take it off." Jane put on the necklace and smiled, "Well, little Jane’s gift is really beautiful, I really like it."

Janell looked back at Edwin Carter in smug satisfaction. It seemed that she was saying, "Look, daddy, Janell is very smart. She has finished the task that you had assigned."

Edwin Carter nodded to his daughter satisfactorily and quietly gave her a a thumbs up.

"Ouch, ouch, it’s killing me." Angela Carter, who had been neglected for a long time, can’t go on seeing it more.

The family looked so happy but have they considered her feelings?

She was still injured and lying in bed with two broken ribs. Now she couldn’t get up, but no one cared for her. She considered herself pitiful… the most pitiful human in the world. No love, no care, but still have to see her arrogant brother showing off his love.

"Don’t cry. Your injury is not very serious." It was hard for Edwin Carter to talk to her in a cheerful voice.


"What?" Angela Carter shouted discontentedly, "It is not serious that my two ribs are broken? How will it become serious? When I stop talking and eating and going to die?"

"Who said that your two ribs are broken?" Edwin Carter asked.

If Angela Carter’s two ribs were broken, would he just send Janell to take care of her? He would have called every expert from the world to take care of her.

"Victor James lied to me?" Angela Carter sat up angrily.

After sitting up, she found that she’s totally fine, but a moment ago it was hurting her so much that she couldn’t move.

She moved again. It’s amazing.

This was Angela Carter. She just heard that she had broken two ribs and felt so much pain that was killing her. Now she heard that her ribs were not broken, and the pain also disappeared.

Angela Carter picked up Janell and kissed her twice, "Baby girl, you’ve fixed your auntie so quickly."

Janell felt even proud, "ten hundred, auntie give me money."

"Money-mad, all you know is asking me for money, why not ask your mom for money?" Angela Carter murmured and pinched Janell’s face. "In the future, the property of the Carter family is yours. You still want to make money from your auntie?"

"Ok. Let’s go back." Edwin Carter wanted to thank Angela Carter. If Angela Carter didn’t think of such a way today, Jane would not be here.


"Young master, Polaris, old master is on the call." Arthur Simon stood at the door with his mobile phone and reported respectfully.

"Arthur Simon, you stupid man. I asked you not to tell the elders, but you have told everyone." Angela Carter scolded Arthur Simon and took the phone. In a moment, her tone changed and her voice became very sweet, "Grandpa..."

No one knew what the person on the other side of the phone said. Angela Carter nodded hard and said, "Grandpa, don’t worry. Angela has a big life. I am not so easy to fall to death."

Angela Carter said and jumped a few times, "Grandpa, you heard it, right? Angela can run and jump. There is nothing. Don’t worry."

"Grandpa, don’t worry, I am really fine. If you don’t believe it, ask brother. He’s here, too." Angela handed the mobile phone to Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter glanced at the mobile phone. There was a gloomy and fierce light in his eyes. He didn’t hold the mobile phone to speak to grandpa.

Angela Carter took back her outstretched hand to tell grandpa, "Grandpa, it will be too tiring for you to come back here. You’d better not come. I will come back to America to see you in a few days."

Edwin Carter picked up Janell, looked at Jane and said softly, "Let’s go back."

"Okay." Jane nodded and followed Edwin Carter.

Just a moment ago, Jane just saw a fierce light in Edwin Carter’s eyes, but with a blink, it disappeared. She hadn’t seen it clearly when Edwin Carter regained his gentle and elegant appearance that he often possessed.

Would it be her illusion?

Jane couldn’t help looking up again at Edwin Carter who was walking beside her.

How can such a gentle person have such eyes?

She was really becoming more and more curious about him.

"Daddy, hold big Jane’s hand." The soft voice of Janell suddenly sounded, and almost at the same time Jane and Edwin Carter looked at each other.


Jane looked away as fast as she could. The child said what she wanted to, but they were very embarrassed.

Actually, just at a distance of some steps, there was a family of three-person, the man was holding the child with his right hand and holding the woman with his left hand.

Janell saw them and thought that her father should also hold big Jane’s hand.

Jane also looked ahead at the same family. They were a family, a father, a mother and a child, but they were not a family. They were a father, a stranger and a child.

Jane thought that Janell was just an innocent child!

She certainly didn’t know that her mother would never come back if her father holds another woman’s hand now.

As for Janell’s father, he loved his wife so much, and he had been waiting for his wife to come back.

How can he hold other women’s hands?

With a silent sigh, Jane said, "Mr. Carter, I have work in the afternoon, so I’ll go back now."

"Big Jane, you won’t eat and play with me?" This time, without dad’s hint, Janell had said what her dad wanted to say because she also wanted to be with big Jane.

Jane smiled softly and said, "Janell, big Jane still needs to work. I’ll play with Janell some other day, Okay?"

"Big Jane don’t work. My daddy has a lot of money." Janell said that, nodded her little head and blinked her beautiful big eyes to her daddy. It seemed that she was saying, "Daddy, please help me to keep big Jane."

She thought if her daddy says that he has a lot of money and he can support both little Jane and big Jane, big Jane will surely agree to accompany little Jane at home every day and will stop going to work.


However, Janell's little eyes didn’t get a response from her father. Her father didn’t say a word.

Her father is stingy!

He has a lot of money but didn’t want to give it to big Jane!


Janell looked so hurt and betrayed by her father. She decided not to love her stingy father today. He refused to help her keeping big Jane at this critical moment.

"Silly child." Jane rubbed Janell’s head and looked at Edwin Carter, "Mr. Carter, I’ll go back now."

Edwin Carter nodded, "Be careful on the road!"

Jane nodded and waved to Janell, "Janell, goodbye!"

Janell, "..."

Janell was shocked and aggrieved. She stared at Jane and watched her leaving until she could no longer see her. After that Janell burst into tears. Her heart has been broken.

"Janell, don’t cry. Big Jane has a job and can’t be with you all the time." Edwin Carter coaxed the child patiently, but Janell didn’t stop crying.

Edwin Carter patted Janell on the back and said, "Baby, how about daddy take you to chase her later?"

"Don’t--" Janell raised her hand and wiped her tears but she ended up crying even more. The loud cry seemed to shake the hospital down.

Whoa whoa whoa—

How does this happen?

How things come to this point?

Big Jane called her a silly child, but she is not silly at all.

Does big Jane dislike her?

Big Jane always says that she likes her very much. Why did big Jane think that she is a silly child and left her alone here?

Whoa whoa whoa—

It must be due to her bad dad. Dad has money, but he is not willing to spend it for big Jane. He is not willing to help her in stopping big Jane from going back.

If she had more money, she could have kept big Jane without asking for dad’s help.

Janell was deeply hurt. She cried and said wrongly, "Daddy is not good. I don’t want daddy… Whoa whoa..."

"Janell, don’t cry. Children will look ugly if they cry too much." Edwin Carter coaxed his daughter. He was also sad and helpless.

"I am not ugly… Whoa, whoa..."

"Yes, my baby is not ugly."

"I am not your baby… Whoa, whoa..."

Janell had never made such a fuss. Edwin Carter tried hard to coax her but couldn’t stop her crying. He just turned around and tried hard to coax her.


Angela Carter was not a person who can’t sit idly. Now she knew that she hadn’t had a serious injury. She was just suffering from some bruises so she didn’t want to stay in the hospital anymore.

After talking to grandpa on the phone, she immediately changed her clothes and was ready to return to the team to start work again. Arthur Simon couldn’t even stop her.

When they came out, they saw Edwin Carter, who had been away for a while, coaxing his daughter, but he couldn’t coax her.

Angela Carter’s eyes filled with tears after watching Edwin Carter coaxing Janell patiently and helplessly.


Angela was watching Edwin Carter doing something that she couldn’t even have imagined.

The man standing at the top of the pyramid, the man who controls the business empire of Shengtian, the man who is too cold to be approached, the man who just gives orders others to do things was taking care of his little daughter.

He can ask servants to do these things. But for the things related to Janell he didn’t trust anyone. He always did everything by himself.

In the past, Angela Carter used to think that her brother was going to die single, so she tried to find a woman for him.

Later, he finally got married and had a child.

When she was finally relieved and sure that her slow-witted brother had finally got his happiness, the woman that was the reason for his happy life suddenly disappeared, leaving a box of ashes.

Angela Carter witnessed her brother falling from the top of the castle of happiness and then smashing down into pieces. If it wasn’t for Janell, he would be dead.


Angela Carter wiped her tears from the corner of her eyes, walked over and grabbed Janell from him, "if dad is not good and Janell doesn’t want dad, then Janell can have her auntie."

"I don’t want dad, I want auntie..." Janell raised her small hand to wipe her tears again and said pitifully.

"Elder brother, sister-in-law is leaving. You go to do your work. I will take care of Janell." Angela Carter said and walked forward with Janell in her arms.

Angela Carter saw Janell crying so sadly and guessed that she must be crying because of getting apart from Jane.

They all say that blood is thicker than water, and mother and child are connected. This is true, as Jane came back, Janell automatically developed the affinity with her.

Janell was so sad and wanted to meet her mother, so she can take Janell to meet her mother. For Angela, this kind of thing was so simple and easy, it was just that her stupid brother didn’t know how to do it.


Jane had just arrived at the company when she saw Angela Carter carrying a small rabbit-like child whose eyes were red due to crying also coming in.

Angela Carter put Janell into Jane’s arms and said hurriedly, "Janell is so sad, only you can handle her."

Angela Carter turned around and walked away, leaving Jane holding a child and standing at a loss. After listening to Angela Carter’s tone, it seemed that the child cried so much because of her.

Janell didn’t want to leave a bad impression on big Jane. She was so sad, but she couldn’t cry now.

"Little Jane..." As she saw the red eyes of Janell, her heart ached. She held the little baby tightly. "Today little Jane and big Jane will work together."

"Big Jane, I am not silly," Janell said cutely, her head was on Jane’s shoulder and her face showed a poor look that she was about to cry.

Janell decided, if big Jane dares to call her silly again, she will cry again, like she just cried in front of dad.

"My little baby is so cute, so smart, of course, she is not silly." Jane rubbed Janell’s head, she felt a little helpless.

"Big Jane likes little Jane?" Janell sniffed and asked softly.

"Of course, I like little Jane more than little Jane likes me." Jane held Janell tightly, as to rub her into her body.

She also didn’t understand why she began to like Janell so much. She saw her crying and wanted to cry in place of her. She felt that Janell had been hurt and wanted to get hurt in her place.

Janell didn’t understand what Jane said but she was happy to know that big Jane didn’t hate her. Big Jane liked her.

When Janell was sure that big Jane liked her so much, she held Jane’s face and rubbed her little face on it. Janell’s face was very soft. She rubbed her face with her little strength, which made Jane felt as soft as the whole person was in a pool of spring water.


"Today I invite little Jane to have lunch, after that you will accompany me to work, okay?" Jane pinched Janell’s face and asked softly.

"Okay." Janell leaned on Jane’s shoulder and answered softly.

Jane held Janell and looked around. She wanted to find a restaurant with a light taste that can be suitable for children over three years old. However, in such a short period of time, when Jane was thinking, Janell fell asleep on her shoulder.

Jane stroked her head, smiled softly, and whispered, "What a lovely little baby. You are so lovely, how can your mother leave you behind."

Jane didn’t know that her words directly fell into Edwin Carter’s ears.

She didn’t know that the necklace that Janell gave her had a tracking bug hidden in it. Her every move was under Edwin Carter’s strict observation.

On the first day of the meeting with Jane, Edwin Carter had this plan, but the time was not suitable, and he did not find an appropriate way. He waited until Jane and Janell got along well, and then thought of letting Janell give her this gift.

Because of Jane’s accident, Edwin Carter had been very strict with Janell’s security over these years. In Janell’s amulet, there was a tracking bug to prevent Janell from being lost.

Luis George knocked on the door and entered the office, saying, "Chairman Carter, the bug placed inside madam’s necklace has a good signal and accurate positioning. No matter where she goes, we can confirm her position and ensure her safety in the shortest time."

"Very well." Edwin Carter nodded.

This time, he will not lose Jane again, and he would never let her suffer any more harm.

Even if this way he will violate the privacy of Jane, he would still do so. Because she was by Jonathan Ronan’s side, for her safety, he has to know her condition.

Luis George added, "Jonathan Ronan is in contact with people in Kyoto for last two days. We haven’t found out the people yet."

"Tyrion and Sophie Ronan." Edwin Carter reported the target person.

In the past three years, Tyrion’s career has become better, and he had already reached the scale of Christopher Greyson in those days. Sophie Ronan also holds the share in his business and supported him from behind.

Jonathan Ronan, who has been hiding in the dark for years also knew it.

That’s why Edwin heard that Jonathan Ronan had contact with people in Kyoto, he immediately thought of Tyrion and Sophie.

Luis George heard Edwin Carter’s words, found it reasonable, and said, "Chairman Carter, I will send someone to watch Tyrion and Sophie Ronan."

"At the same time, keep a close eye on Jonathan Ronan. I need to know whether he contacts any other person." Edwin Carter gently pointed his fingertips on the table and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.


Eyebrows up, lips slightly hooked, soft eyes.

There was absolutely no other meaning, it was a real smile.

Luis George was a little confused. What’s the point of smiling so much on the name of Jonathan Ronan?

After staring at Edwin Carter for a while, Luis George tentatively called him, "Chairman Carter..."

"It’s all right. Go down." Edwin Carter waved his hand, and his eyes became gentler, which gave Luis George’s goosebumps. After going out of the office, he still wondered if he had done something wrong and Chairman punished him with such a smile.

Luis George knew that Edwin Carter can monitor Jane all the time, but he didn’t know that Edwin Carter just laughed because he heard Jane talking.


Edwin Carter was telling Luis George to send people to pay attention to the movement of Jonathan Ronan, and at the same time, Jane’s voice suddenly came from the Bluetooth headset and fell into his ear.

"Little child, the more I look at you, the more I think you look like me. Maybe because I look like your mother, so you also resemble me?"

Edwin Carter heard Jane kissing Janell, and then heard her saying, "Little bunny is in deep sleep, you won’t answer me for sure. Okay, have a good sleep here. When you wake up, I will take you out to eat delicious food."

"Jane Ronan."

Suddenly a man’s voice fell into Edwin Carter’s ear, and Edwin Carter frowned unconsciously.

"Mr. Alex."

"I heard that you were too busy and didn’t have a lunch. I went for lunch and brought this for you." The man said in a very gentle voice.

"Mr. Alex, there was no need for it."

"We’re colleagues. Do be so formal, it’s nothing." And the man’s laugh fell into Edwin’s ear.

"Thank you, Mr. Alex!"

"Don't mention it. If you need anything, just let me know."

Edwin Carter suddenly felt upset. But Jane always didn’t like to bother others. She will definitely refuse this man.

But as soon as he thought about it, he heard a soft voice coming from the earphone—

"All right."

Edwin Carter felt that his heart had been seized and he breathed hard.

"Well, who is this lovely child? She often comes to you."

"I am familiar with the child, not with her family."

Later, Edwin Carter suddenly realized a terrible reality- Jane no longer remembers him.

In Jane’s memory, she is single and free to fall in love. Jane is so excellent, there must be many people chasing her. What if someone pursues Jane successfully?

Edwin Carter couldn’t sit down. Now he wanted to rush to Jane, he wanted to take her hand and announce that she is his wife. With these thoughts, Edwin Carter had rushed to the office door. He was about to open the door, but he stopped.

What can he say to her?

He hoped that Jane again went on a blind date, and he will kick off her date. Then he can marry Jane directly.

She agreed to marry him once, would she agree with him now?

He just wanted to find a way to get Jane home. Then other things can be settled easily.


Recently, the happiest thing for Jane was that she could eat the hot meals prepared by her father when she came home from work.

This evening, her father prepared some Hakka dishes that Jane liked very much, including salt-baked chicken, Hakka style Chinese Stuffed Tofu, and stir-fried vegetables.


These were common home-made dishes, but her father worked very hard. She just had an appetite after looking at them.

Jane took a sip of tofu soup and nodded, "Dad, your cooking is getting better and better."

Jonathan Ronan took off his apron and said, "It’s because you like to eat these food and dad wants you to eat well, so he practiced his cooking."

Father’s words made Jane’s nose slightly sour, and suddenly she wanted to cry, but she blinked again and forced the tears back, "thank you, dad!"

Jane still remembered that when she was recovering from a serious illness and didn’t remember anything about the past. She locked herself in the room. It was her father who patiently accompanied her and let her come out of the shadow step by step.

If it wasn’t for her father’s patience, there would be no Jane.

"Silly girl, why are you saying this. You are my child. I should treat you well." Jonathan Ronan said and served the food to Jane, "You are so busy these days and come back so late today. You must be tired. Eat more."

"It’s not that I’m busy at work. It’s just I met a lovely little girl. Today she was with me, that’s why after work, I wait for her family to pick her up and then I come home." Jane said casually.

How can Jonathan Ronan not know that she met a little girl?

He knew it, but he just wanted to test whether Jane would tell him the truth.

Jonathan Ronan heard Jane telling him the truth and felt relieved. He served another dish to Jane, "It’s so hard to take care of a little child, today you should eat more."


He said caring words on his mouth, but he sneered in his heart… Edwin Carter! Haha, seeing your wife, your child’s mother in front of you, but couldn’t recognize each other, it must be a wonderful scenery.

If Edwin Carter had come to him earlier, he may have returned Jane to Edwin Carter as long as he helped him do what he wanted to accomplish.

But Edwin Carter didn’t.

Jonathan Ronan added, "Jane, tell me, how many boys are pursuing you recently?"

What Jonathan Ronan asked was how many, not whether there was any boy pursuing you, which showed that there must be many boys chasing Jane before.

Jane stuffed her mouth with a spoon of food, looked up at Jonathan Ronan and then shook her head.

She didn’t like to communicate with strangers, and didn’t like to make new friends. Besides some colleagues, there were no men around her. Of course, no one was pursuing her.

"Jane, you are not very young. It is your right age. If you meet the right man, you can seriously think about him."

"Dad, I’m not in a hurry." Jane didn’t want to talk about this kind of thing with her father.

Jane interrupted Jonathan Ronan’s words in time, but what Jonathan Ronan said had a great influence on her.

In the night, Jane lay down on the bed and thought of "the right man". Today, when her father said this, the first man who came into her mind was Edwin Carter.

Jane’s mind was filled with inexplicable thoughts…

She and Edwin Carter are totally different from each other.

Edwin Carter has a wife and he is deeply in love with her and they have a little daughter.

How can she have a thought about him?

As for the eligible man, Jane thought over and over again, but couldn't think of anyone.

This kind of thing cannot be forced, let fate take its turn.


In the afternoon, Angela Carter went to Jane to drop Janell and then came back to Carter’s house. Angela Carter also took advantage of her spare time. She used this time to think of a plan to help brother pursue her sister-in-law.

Her plan was straight-forward and bold. Her character had just two levels, up and down, there was no in-between. She believed, "If you like it, go after it and chase it boldly. Don’t over-think."

However, Angela Carter was very clear that her brother was calm and introverted, and will not adopt her method, so she did not tell Edwin Carter and did it by using his name secretly.

Angela Carter thought her plan was flawless. No girl can parry such a romantic attack.

When it is done and her sister-in-law agrees to come back again, she will settle the account with her arrogant brother. She didn’t need too much. She will be happy to have a new sports car.

Angela Carter stretched her hand and squeezed Janell’s face. She pinched it and said, "Girl, your favorite big Jane will soon come to our family. Then you have to thank your auntie."

"Auntie, give me the money."

"Seriously, little gold digger, why do you want so much money?"

"I will give it to big Jane." If she can get a lot of money, she will give all the money to big Jane to accompany her every day.

Angela Carter poked Janell’s head and said jealously, "Your auntie loves you so much since your childhood but you still care more for your mom…I mean for big Jane who has just come to your life."

Janell blinked, and said naively, "Daddy likes big Jane."

Angela Carter touched Janell’s head, "Little girl, you also know that your daddy likes big Jane."


Janell nodded heavily. She was her father’s clever baby and her father’s intimate little friend. How can she not see that her father likes big Jane?

"So do you think your uncle also likes your auntie?"

"He doesn’t like."


"Uncle likes little Jane."

"All right. You win."

Angela Carter really admitted that Janell must be a very shrewd mammal after growing up. She’s so young but really knew much.

"Daddy-" when Janell saw her father coming back, she immediately opened her arms. Edwin Carter came over and pinched the tip of her little nose. "Don’t you want to cry again?"

Janell stared at her father and blinked her innocent big eyes, as if she wanted to say, "Dad, don’t talk about that, Janell is a lovely and sensible baby, she never cries."

Edwin Carter couldn’t help laughing after looking at Janell’s playful appearance, "Afterwards my little Jane should be called a slug."

"Daddy, No."

"The name is good. It’s very suitable for Janell." Angela Carter interrupted.

"No, auntie, I don’t want this name," Janell said softly, but her small face was serious. If they dare to call her again like this, she will start crying. After all, big Jane is not here, she doesn’t need to care for her reputation, she can cry.

Edwin Carter rubbed Janell’s head and said, "If you didn’t want to be a slug then eat quickly and rest early."

"Okay," Janell answered softly.


Silent Night... it was so silent that the sound of the quiet breeze can be considered as a noise.

It was not only Jane who couldn’t sleep but also Edwin Carter. He listened to Jane’s movements all the time.


The effect of the bug was really good. When there was no noise in the surrounding even Jane’s breath can be heard so clearly- as if she was lying beside him.

"Edwin Carter-"

All of a sudden, he heard Jane calling his name gently. It was much soft and better then the two words "Mr. Carter" he heard her saying in a strange tone.

"Little Jane is so lovely, I really want to take her home to raise myself."

In the earphone, there was a gentle voice again. Edwin Carter’s face was a little dark. It turned out who she missed was Janell, not Janell’s father.

Later, Edwin Carter heard the sound of the quilt pulling, and her breathing became more and more even. It seemed that she was in dreamland.

Edwin Carter moved aside, kissed Janell’s forehead and closed his eyes.

"No, don’t touch my belly, don’t…"

Hearing the voice of Jane coming from the Bluetooth, Edwin Carter instantaneously woke up, “Jane-”

Edwin Carter finally remembered that she was not by his side. He got out of bed immediately and wanted to run to save her. As he stepped down, he realized that she was not really in danger, but in her dream.

She should have been dreaming about the incident that happened three years ago. Janell had been picked out of her abdomen forcefully before the completion of her pregnancy period.

She didn’t remember the past, but somehow such a thing inscribed on her memory and tortured her every midnight while dreaming.

Edwin Carter didn’t think about it anymore. He took out his cell phone and dialed Jane’s number. He heard her cell phone ringing.


Soon she picked it up, and he heard the voice of Jane with lingering fear, "Hello, is it Janell?"

"It’s me. Edwin Carter!" Edwin Carter heard her trembling voice and wanted to hold her in his arms to tell her not to be afraid anymore. No one can dare to hurt her in the future, but there was a wall between them that could not be tear down.

"Mr. Carter, it’s so late. Is there anything wrong with Janell?"

In a short period, it seemed that her nerves had almost calmed. Edwin Carter could judge from this that she hadn’t had such a nightmare for the first time.

"No, it’s just I want to hear your voice." For the first time, Edwin Carter said it so directly.

"Mr. Carter, it’s not good to call women who are not very familiar in the middle of the night and say such things." Jane was a little unhappy.

Edwin Carter took a deep breath and said seriously, "Jane, let’s meet tomorrow. Just two of us, not Janell."

"Mr. Carter, if you have anything to say, please say it now. I don’t think we’re so much familiar that we need to talk about anything. "

"I’ll take you to meet someone, and then you’ll give me the answer."

Jane, "..."

Edwin Carter spoke again, "Jane, don’t think of me as a bad person, I will not hurt you, please believe me."

Jane didn’t know if it’s Edwin Carter’s voice was too pleasant, or if it’s his timely call that dragged her out of the nightmare. In a word, Jane nodded and agreed to Edwin Carter’s invitation.

She agreed to meet someone with him.


The meeting place was in Jane Company. The time was 10 a.m., so Jane went to the company first to ask for a leave from work.

"Miss Jane, your flowers."

As Jane entered the company’s front desk, a receptionist called Jane and gave her two big bouquets of red roses.

In Jane’s memory, she hadn’t experienced such a thing. For a while, she didn’t know whether to accept it or not.

Or take it back to the office or just throw it in the garbage can?

After thinking about it, Jane thought that the most polite way is to accept it, after knowing who sent it to her she will return the flowers.

Jane smiled politely at the receptionist, and then went back to the office with two big bouquets of red roses.


In the office, Jane picked up a card stuck in the flowers. When she opened it and read the sentence “To Jane, with love from your darling Edwin”, she only felt goosebumps all over her body.


Is it Edwin Carter?

Jane thought about it seriously. Among the people she knew, only Edwin Carter had the name "Edwin".

In the eyes of Jane, Edwin Carter was a responsible man who was calm and restrained and serious in speech and manner.

When she was with him, she always felt safe. He cannot do such childish things.

Jane tried to think about the appearance and tone of Edwin Carter’s words. She couldn’t think of it. She shook her head and denied that Edwin Carter cannot be such a stupid person.


But it has been said that we may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature.

She had never thought that Edwin Carter would call her in the middle of the night before. Last night, Edwin Carter called her and said he wanted to hear her voice.

If Edwin Carter can speak it, she was afraid that Edwin Carter can also write this.

After reading the card, Jane wanted to call Edwin Carter to tell him that she doesn’t want to see anyone with him anymore.


Jane was about to call Edwin Carter when her mobile phone rang first. It was Edwin Carter.

She took a deep breath, answered, and relentlessly refused, "Mr. Carter, I don’t think we really need to meet. Don’t do such childish things again."

Half an hour ago, Edwin Carter called Jane, and she said to him on the phone that she would wait for him to pick her up. How could her attitude towards him change in thirty minutes?

Edwin Carter frowned slightly and said, "Jane, I am downstairs. If you have any words, please come down first."

"Mr. Carter, if you love someone, love her with your heart. Don’t be ambivalent. Don’t make people look down upon you." Jane said and hung up.

Inexplicably, there was a little pain in the heart. Maybe she didn’t think it worthy to replace the position of his wife. Or maybe it was a perfect thing that a man in this world loved a woman so obsessively, but such a perfect thing turned into a bubble in front of her eyes.

"Mr. Carter, please wait a moment..."

Before long, there was a voice outside the office. As Jane looked up, she saw Edwin Carter with a gloomy face at the door.

He stood at the door of her office, and two sharp eyes were fixed on her. His eyes were like two invisible ropes that bound her tightly so that she could not look away from him.


After staring at her for a while, Edwin Carter suddenly stepped towards her. Although he was covered with a violent spirit, his walk was still elegant and his temperament was still noble.

"Mr. Carter-"

"Call me Edwin Carter!"

He grabbed her hand, took her and left without asking for her advice.

Whether she agreed or not, he will take her to that place, to meet that person, to let her know that he wanted to pursue her.

Edwin Carter held Jane’s hand tightly, but the strength was well controlled. He didn’t hurt her. Even while walking, he paid attention to her speed.

"Mr. Cart…" before Jane could finish, she felt that Edwin Carter’s cold and sharp eyes were on her. She had never seen Edwin Carter like this before. For a while, she was scared. She swallowed the words and followed him.

Edwin Carter opened the car’s door and let Jane sat in and then closed the door. He turned around and sat in the driving seat.

He confirmed that she had fastened her seat belt. He said nothing, started the car and rushed out. After driving for a while, Jane looked at Edwin Carter and saw that his face was very gloomy as if he was trying to suppress something.

Jane really didn’t know why after seeing Edwin Carter’s gloomy face, she felt some pain in her heart.

"Edwin... Edwin Carter-"

She gently uttered his name from her lips. It seemed to be a good medicine to calm Edwin Carter’s restlessness.

He turned his head aside and gave her a reassuring smile, "Jane, we will be there soon, accompany me once."

"Please drive safely, I’ll go with you," she nodded.

Before long, Jane knew today’s destination, they reached the best cemetery of Jiangbei.

She saw a tombstone that she had never thought of seeing in her life, the name on the tombstone - Jane Ronan!

There were some differences between this tombstone and other tombstones. There was no photo of the dead. Just the name of the woman buried here.

Jane Ronan-- Edwin Carter’s wife, had the same name as hers.

"Three years ago, my wife was pregnant. A month before her due date, I was away on business. When I left, she smiled and told me that she will wait for me at home, but when I came back, I saw her ashes."

"My family told me that my wife had a car accident on her way to see her best friend. She was seriously injured. Her last wish was to save our child."

Edwin Carter said it lightly as if it had nothing to do with him, but Jane understood his hidden sorrow.

He was going out, his beloved wife smiled and said to him that she will wait for him at home but when he came back, he saw his beloved wife turned into a heap of ashes.

How desperate that feeling must be!



Jane looked at Edwin Carter quietly. He was wearing a white shirt, standing straight with his chin slightly raised and his eyes slightly focused. He was looking straight ahead and looked like a perfect sculpture.

However, today Jane didn’t only see Edwin Carter’s noble temperament and good-looking appearance. She also looked into his heart. It seemed that his heart was surrounded by endless loneliness and pain. His soul was lonely and helpless.

Jane didn’t remember much about her life, but she didn’t fall in love and didn’t know how it feels to be in love with someone.

She had just heard that love is like a double-edged sword, which can be both the armor and the weakness of each other.

Edwin Carter, has lost "Jane Ronan", now he is a man who has no weakness but had also lost his armor.


"Jane Ronan" once gave Edwin Carter the most beautiful things of the world, but when she disappeared, she quietly destroyed Edwin Carter’s world.

Edwin Carter is still so dazzling, but he looks like a layer of thin ice, too cold to be approached.

According to Jane, Edwin Carter’s most desperate and helpless thing was that before his business trip, his wife smiled and said that she will wait for him to come back. But when he came back, they were already separated, without any hope to meet again in his life.

However, according to Edwin Carter, these were the things of the past. The cruelest thing for him was that his wife was right in front of him. He could touch her as long as he reached out, but she didn’t remember him.

An invisible high wall was between them blocking him to reach her. They can hear each other, feel each other, but can’t touch each other.


The Buddha said that there are eight hardships in one’s life-- birth, old age, illness, death, separation, resentment for a long time, pursuit but fail to get, can not put down.

Separation, pursuit but fail to get, can not put down--

Edwin Carter suddenly laughed. The laughter was low and deep. The eyes narrowed slightly, as if there were tears flashing.

Jane looked at his smile, but she felt worse than watching people cry.

"Our child has survived. She is growing up healthily. She is very lovely and sensible, she is the only happiness of my life." Edwin Carter looked sideways at Jane and continued, "When my wife was pregnant, she told me that when the child is one year old, we will take family photos, and then every year on our child’s birthday we will capture photos..."

But there will never be a chance to complete a family portrait…. Jane couldn’t help thinking of it for Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter’s deep and magnetic voice tapped her heart again. She even wanted to hold his clenched fist to give him a little strength and comfort.

But Jane didn’t do it, and she’s not qualified to do so.

She didn’t even know what was Edwin Carter’s thoughts of bringing her to see his dead wife.

When she had a lot of uncertainty, Edwin Carter said in a deep voice, "She has been away from my child and me for three years. It’s been three years, should I forget her?"

He was asking Jane, but Jane believed that Edwin Carter had his own answer in his heart, so Jane didn’t answer.


Jane didn’t speak, but she was thinking about Edwin Carter.

For living a life one has to look ahead. He cannot live forever in the past.

If Edwin Carter’s wife could see it, she probably never wanted to see him in such pain. She certainly hoped that he can forget the past as soon as possible and start a new life with his lovely Jane.


Edwin Carter suddenly said "Jane". Jane didn’t know whether he was calling his wife or her, so she didn’t answer.

"Give me a chance to pursue you."

Edwin Carter’s low and sexy voice reached Jane’s ear. She was so shocked by Edwin Carter’s words that her head was buzzing.

What’s wrong with Edwin Carter?

He first told her a lot of stories about him and his dead wife. Before she had digested the sad story, he said he wanted to pursue her in front of his wife’s tombstone?

Although his wife has been dead for three years, it is not good for him to pursue another woman in front of her!

Jane thought about it carefully and understood. Is it because she is similar to Edwin Carter’s dead wife, so he made his mind to do these incredible things?

He said he wanted to pursue her, not really her, but as a substitute for his dead wife. He wanted to start again with his dead wife.

Edwin Carter’s eyes closely followed Jane. In order to get Jane’s affirmative answer, his palms were sweating.

But Jane smiled apologetically, "Mr. Carter, although I’m Jane Ronan, I’m me. I have nothing to do with your wife. I don’t want to be someone else’s double."

Jane’s answer made Edwin Carter feel as if someone had grabbed his heart for long. He took a breath and choked, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

He stared at Jane with burning eyes, and solemnly asked again, "Jane, you are not a double, you are you, so would you like to?"

Jane has come back, she has forgotten all the past, then she was a new Jane. For Edwin Carter, both the former and the present were his Jane. He just wanted to start it again with her.

Edwin Carter knew that there must be many men who wanted to pursue Jane. He had no time to wait. He must let Jane accept him again as soon as possible. Even if she refused to him, he still wanted to guard by her side and prevent other men from approaching her.

Jane wanted to refuse at first, but when she looked at Edwin Carter, she didn’t say the negative words. Even she herself didn’t know why she didn’t want to see Edwin Carter so sad. She felt it hard to refuse him.

However, in the end, reason prevailed over emotion. She shook her head and said calmly, "Mr. Carter, have I done something that you misunderstood? In fact, I really don’t have such thoughts about you."

"Jane, I want to pursue you." Edwin Carter grabbed Jane’s shoulder and said, "I don’t want you to admit that you have something to do with me. I just want you to give me a chance, an opportunity so that I can pursue you."

"Mr. Carter, I really..."

Edwin Carter interrupted her and said, "Let’s get in touch with each other. If in the process of getting along, you think I’m not a good person, not what you want, you can break the relationship at any time."

Jane shook her head and said, "This will be unfair to you, Mr. Carter."


If Jane agrees to communicate with Edwin Carter, he will never let her say "no", so there will be nothing unfair to Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter looked at Jane, his eyes were gentler and his voice was sexier, "Jane, give us a chance, okay?"

Jane once again saw a sea of stars in his eyes, which attracted her deeply. It seemed that there was endless power in his eyes to pull her into this sea of stars.

Jane thought… maybe it is not too bad to fall in love with a man like Edwin Carter. It can satisfy her curiosity that persisted at the bottom of her heart, and she can also approach Janell more positively.

"Then, let's have a try." After saying this, Jane was even more shocked than the listener.

She just thought about it. How could she say it?

He said that she was not a double. Who knows if he took her as a double? Even when Edwin Carter calls her name, she must be in doubt whether he is calling her or his dead wife.

On the other side, as Jane’s voice fell, she was dragged into Edwin’s arms. He held her tightly with all his strength as if he wanted to mix Jane into his blood.


Edwin Carter called her name excitedly. Jane didn’t know whether he was calling her name or his dead wife’s name.

Jane tried to struggle for a while, but as compared to Edwin Carter’s strength she was like an ant trying to overthrow an elephant. There was a big difference between her strength and Edwin Carter’s strength. She just couldn’t push him away.


Jane said nothing.

"Jane, say something." He hooked her chin and stared at her with burning eyes.

"You speak," Jane said in a low voice.

Edwin Carter was a man with a really strong aura. When he looked at her, her heart started beating faster, her head became mushy, and her sense of reasoning became very slow.

"I don’t want to say anything. I just want to call your name and listen to your voice." Edwin Carter smiled and gently raised her head, "Try to speak more to let me listen to you."


Let him listen to her voice, let him hug her so that he can believe that she’s really back to him.

"Mr. Carter, we are not very familiar. Can you let go first and then we talk?" She agreed to let him pursue her, not agreed to be his girlfriend.

"I won’t let you go." Edwin Carter said childishly. How can he let her go again? He will never let her go again.

"..." Is this the same Edwin Carter she knew?

Edwin Carter reached out and lifted Jane’s hair from her forehead to the back of her ear, then held her head and bent over to kiss her.

Jane felt something wrong and turned away her head away immediately.

She just agreed that he can pursue her, but she didn’t agree to be his girlfriend. In a moment, he hugged her and wanted to kiss her.

The speed is not right!

Edwin Carter also realized that he was too anxious, and now Jane beside him was a new Jane.

He felt that kissing her old Jane was the most normal thing, but this new Jane was not familiar with him. He couldn’t scare her. He was too eager to improve the relationship between them that he didn’t think about it.

He thought that he should follow her step by step.

However, Edwin Carter was very happy to have such an amazing achievement.

He got another chance to pursue Jane and got another chance to have her again. He will try harder and will bring Jane back to his side and this time he will protect her under his wings.


On the way back, Edwin Carter’s mood was totally different as compared to the time when he came to this place. His sword eyebrows were relaxed, and his sexy thin lips were slightly hooked. He was happy in any way.

On the contrary, Jane’s mood was not the same as when she came here. She felt a little heavy and puzzled. She didn’t believe what she has experienced today was true.

At this time, she realized that Edwin Carter was not only Janell’s father but also the poor man whose wife died in an accident. Above all, he also had an identity as the leader of Shengtian group!

Even without considering his good appearance, merely his identity as the leader of Shengtian group was enough for many women to take the initiative to pursue him.

He chose her not because of her excellence, but because she was similar to his dead wife in name and appearance.

Jane regretted that she had agreed to Edwin Carter.

What should she do now?

Can she tell him that she wants to step back?

Jane glanced at Edwin Carter, who was driving and saw that he had a smile on his face. If she said she regretted it, he will throw her out of the window?

Edwin Carter noticed Jane’s gaze, slowed down the speed of the car, held Jane’s hand, and asked softly, "What’s the matter?"

All of a sudden, he grabbed his hand, and her body was slightly stiff.

She forgot what she just wanted to say to Edwin Carter, and all her attention shifted to his palm. His palm was very hot, his fingers were very powerful and her hand was in his palm and she felt inexplicably reluctant to pull back.


"Who is taking care of Janell today?" Jane didn’t speak her mind and nor did she reply to his question, she thought for a while and ended up thinking about Janell.

"Today there are only two of us, don’t mention Janell." Jane agreed to let him catch up with her, so he didn’t want to mention the little child.

After hearing Edwin Carter’s words, Jane was angry, "Janell is your child. Your wife protected her life in such a dangerous moment. You can’t ignore Janell even if you have a new love."

This was absolutely unacceptable for Jane to let Edwin Carter ignore Janell because of their relationship.

Janell was so cute, she wanted Janell to grow up healthy and happy.

No one can hurt Janell, including her father.

Edwin Carter was stunned and said, "Do you want us to take Janell with us every time we date?" That little third wheel?

"There’s nothing wrong with having her." In fact, it was better to have Janell.

Jane wanted to see Janell more than Janell’s father. She would agree to Edwin Carter and more than 50% Janell was the reason. She didn’t want Edwin Carter to marry another woman. She was worried that Janell’s stepmother would be bad to her.

Edwin Carter just felt that he could not easily get along with Jane alone. He definitely wanted to live in their two-person world, but he forgot that Jane cared more about Janell than for him.

It seemed that Janell, the little third wheel can be used to make a better relationship with Jane.



The phone in Jane’s bag suddenly rang. She immediately drew back her hand, opened the bag and took out the phone. When she saw that it was her father, her lips unconsciously hung a smile, "Dad."

"I’m not in the company today. I came out with a friend."

"Nothing, just a new friend. We just hang out together."

"What? You’re in a car accident?"

"Which hospital are you in? I’ll be right back to you."

Edwin Carter saw Jane’s expression and listened to her tone. He easily judged Jonathan Ronan’s position in Jane’s heart.


He admitted that the father image that Jonathan Ronan has created in front of Jane in the past three years was very successful. Jane really trusted him so much and relied on him.

Jonathan Ronan figured out Jane’s mind very well and knew what kind of image he should use to appear in front of Jane in order to control her.

Threats are just temporary. No one can be controlled by him for a lifetime. On the contrary, the image of a loving father gave Jane enough security, so that he can firmly grasp Jane in the palm of his hand.

Under such circumstances, if Edwin Carter told Jane the truth, that Jonathan Ronan was the indirect murderer who killed her own parents, Jane won’t believe it, and she may even consider Edwin Carter as a madman and will start avoiding him.

Edwin Carter knew Jonathan Ronan’s real intention. Of course, he couldn’t tell Jane foolishly. He can only think of a way to let Jane remember past things slowly.


He just heard that Jonathan Ronan had encountered a car accident. But he wasn’t sure whether it was really an accident or a trick.

Jane hung up the phone and Edwin Carter immediately asked, "Is there something wrong with your dad?"

Jane nodded and said in a hurry, "Mr. Carter, could you do me a favour? Would you please take me to Jiangbei people’s hospital?"

Just now, Edwin Carter thought that he has got Jane back. But as Jane said it, it turned out that she still considered him as a stranger.

Edwin Carter didn’t answer, but she thought it must be inconvenient for him. She said, "If it’s inconvenient for you, please find a place to drop me. I’ll take a taxi to the hospital myself."

"Jane, I will take you there!"

I’ll do whatever you want me to do.

Even if I have to let Jonathan Ronan stab me I will still have no objections.

But he can only hide these thoughts in his mind. Jane can’t understand. All her mind was on Jonathan Ronan.


They have no relatives or friends in Jiangbei. Her father had a car accident, but there was no one around to take care of him. That’s why Jane wanted to reach the hospital as soon as possible to take care of her father.

Edwin Carter originally planned to take Jane out for dinner, and then take her to walk, exactly like the way they used to go together. He hoped this way Jane could recall something. Unexpectedly, the plan was spoiled by a phone call from Jonathan Ronan.

What Jonathan Ronan did was unforgivable!


Jonathan Ronan’s injury was not serious, even there was no injury.

They said that he was frightened when crossing the road and didn’t get up after falling on the ground. The driver was worried about him and sent him to the hospital.

The doctor also examined the skin and found no bruises.

Jane saw him completely fine and took a sigh of relief and finally let her suspended heart be at ease. In the past three years, Jane only knew to work. She was an idiot in life. She didn’t know if she could live like a normal person without her father.

Through the transparent glass window, Edwin Carter’s fierce eyes fell on Jonathan Ronan.

Jonathan Ronan also looked up at him, and his eyes flashed with pride. He seemed to say to Edwin Carter, "the person you most care about is in my hand. Even before taking a little step, you have to think about the consequences."

Edwin Carter looked at him, his thin lips were slightly hooked, like a smile. He was trying to say something, but Jane also looked up at him, nodded and smiled at him.


Edwin Carter immediately changed his face, nodded and smiled back at Jane.

He had to admit that Jonathan Ronan had caught his most deadly weakness. As long as Jane didn’t restore her memory, he can’t take Jonathan Ronan for granted.

Edwin took another look at the Jane and Jonathan Ronan in the ward. He walked aside and dialed a phone number, "I told you to watch Jonathan Ronan. How do you watch?"

Luis George’s voice came from the phone, "Chairman Carter, I didn’t know you were with Madam. Jonathan Ronan didn’t make any trouble, so we didn’t pay attention to him."

"Next time when Jane and I stay together, I want you to keep a close eye on him all the time." Edwin Carter said and hung up.

The good date was destroyed by Jonathan Ronan.

How could he not feel angry?

"Mr. Carter-"

Suddenly, her polite voice came from behind. Edwin Carter looked back at her, "Edwin Carter! My name is Edwin Carter!" He stressed.

"Edwin Carter, thank you for sending me to the hospital." Jane smiled politely and said, "My dad is fine, so you should go back home. I’ll go through some formalities for him in a moment."

"I’ve already asked people to do the formalities. You don’t have to do that."

"I really want to thank you for today."

"Don’t be so polite to me, Jane." Edwin Carter looked at her and said seriously, "You’ll be my girlfriend. I should do these things for you."

Jane, "..."

Edwin Carter added, "If you are satisfied with today’s performance, please give me a star."

"Well?" She didn’t understand what he meant.

Edwin Carter grabbed Jane’s hand, rolled up her fingers one by one, and turned her hand into a fist, "If I succeeded in getting five stars, you have to agree to be my girlfriend."

Jane hurriedly drew back her hand, "No hurry. We need time."

As soon as she spoke, Edwin Carter dragged her into his arms and hugged her, "I have some other things to do. I will go back now. I’ll ask someone to send you and your father home."

Jane shook her head, "We will take a taxi to go back. Please don’t bother."

"Please give me more chances to perform, or I’m afraid I won’t be able to pass the probation period," Edwin Carter said and smiled at her.

Jane, "..."

Why is she feeling that this man has changed?

There is some sarcasm in his seriousness and some frivolities in his cold attitude!

Or, she really cannot judge people?


"Jane, is that man your friend?"

Back in the ward, Jane saw her father asking anxiously, and she nodded honestly, "He is the father of the little girl I told you before."

"Jane-" Jonathan Ronan looked at Jane and stopped talking. He pretended that he has a lot to say to her, but it was hard to say.

"Dad, if you have something to say, just say it." Jane stood up and said, "I’m your daughter. Is there anything you can’t say to me?"

Jonathan Ronan touched her head and sighed, "Your mother dies early and left us alone to live with each other. If you get any more problems, I will not live."

Jane was worried, "Dad, why do you say such a sad thing suddenly. I’ll be fine. I will accompany you well and honor you."

"I know you’re a good child, but-" Jonathan Ronan shook his head, and then said with a long sigh, "That man is the head of Shengtian group. He has a status and class. We and he are not from the same world."


"Dad, I know. I understand." Jane nodded her head and drew a line of sadness in her heart. She couldn’t tell how she felt.

She had only met him a few times but she quickly accepted Edwin Carter. In addition to her curiosity about Edwin Carter, her most important consideration was Janell. She loved Janell.

Edwin Carter suddenly said that he wanted to pursue her. It was so sudden that she had no psychological preparation.

Why does Edwin Carter want to pursue her?

She knew it very well, that his interest was just a passing fancy. When he understands that she is not his wife, he will naturally let her go.

"Jane you don’t understand what dad means." Jonathan Ronan stood still, looked at Jane, and said, "My child, sooner or later, I’ll leave you, and I want to have a good man to accompany you on your way to the future. No matter who he is, I just want you to open your eyes to see if he is really good to you."


Jane understood her father’s worry, so she obeyed silently.

After dinner, Jane went downstairs for running around the green area. Since she recovered from that serious illness, she had always been in the habit of keeping moving. Every time she exercised like this, and after sweating a lot she began to think clearly as if all the troubles have been vented.

To be honest, Jonathan Ronan’s words tempted Jane’s heart. Her mind was full of that tall and handsome man. When she closed her eyes, she started thinking about his eyes that were filled with a sea of stars. That attracted her heart and mind to fell into them.

But... His affection doesn’t belong to her, does it?

Jane had no reason to feel this. She could not tell why she was so tangled in her heart. She even had no idea about running. In desperation, she came back home and decided to cool down for a moment.

She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, looked at the scar on the abdomen like a centipede, she reached out and touched it with her fingers.

She didn’t know how she got this scar. She asked her father once, but he sighed and said nothing, and after that time she never asked again.

Suddenly, Jane thought of what Edwin Carter said to her today. He said that his wife was seriously injured in a car accident, so as to save her child…

In other words, Janell did not give birth naturally, but by cesarean section.

Then she and Janell…

Jane shook her head quickly. "I am overthinking. How could it be related to me?"

After a while she came back into the room. The cell phone on the bedside table was buzzing. Jane walked over to have a look. It was Edwin Carter’s call.


She frowned slightly, waited a few seconds, then picked up the phone and answered, "What’s the matter?"

"Big Jane, you are not happy that I called you?"

Jane immediately smiled when the soft voice of Janell’s reached her ear. Her voice unconsciously became very gentle, "I was thinking about little Jane and little Jane called me, I am very happy."

The tone of big Jane just now was not very friendly. The sensitive little child heard it and thought that big Jane was not happy to receive her phone. She was a little sad. But right after that, she heard big Jane saying she’s happy.

Janell smiled happily, "Big Jane, today I ate a lot of strawberries, my stomach is full."

"Janell, don’t only eat strawberries, eat more vegetables so that you can grow more beautiful in the future." Jane listened to Janell’s voice and seemed to imagine her lying on the bed, touching her belly and kicking her feet.

How nice it would be if this little child can be in her arms at this time!

"Big Jane..." Janell’s face became a little flat. She was so puzzled and sad. Just by eating strawberries, she can’t grow beautiful, but she likes strawberries very much.

Janell was so confused that she couldn’t stop her tears of sadness. Edwin Carter held her into his arms and asked, "Then Janell want to be beautiful or want to eat strawberries?"

"I want to be beautiful and also like eating strawberries." Janell lay down on her father’s body, and told her final demand.

"Janell, you can eat strawberries, but you should also eat vegetables at the same time, so you can be even more beautiful." Jane heard this father and daughter’s interaction and unconsciously smiled.

"Mm-hmm, I will listen to big Jane."

"All right. Now it is little Jane’s time to sleep." Edwin Carter snatched the mobile phone from Janell’s hand. "Let dad talk to big Jane."

Janell’s beautiful big eyes stared angrily at Edwin Carter.

How can daddy do this?

She has a lot to say to big Jane, how can dad rob her cell phone?

Jane, "..."

She just wanted to talk to Janell, not to Janell’s father. She wanted to ask Chairman Carter to return the phone to Janell.

Edwin Carter didn’t notice the dissatisfaction of big Jane and little Jane at all. He said to Jane, "Jane, would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?"

"Will Janell be there?" Jane asked.

If Janell goes with him, she will agree and if not, she will definitely refuse.

Edwin Carter looked at his daughter lying on his back and asked softly, "Janell, do you want to have lunch with daddy tomorrow?"

"I don’t want to eat with daddy." Janell gave Edwin Carter a proud look.

Dad is not good at all. He took her cell phone, stopping her from talking to big Jane. She will ask Aunt Nova to take her to big Jane and she will have lunch with big Jane tomorrow.

Jane heard Janell’s saying that she didn’t want to come.

Edwin Carter was very happy, he thought his little girl is very sensible. He knew she wants to give daddy and big Jane some private space. But soon he heard Jane saying, "If Janell won’t come, then forget it."



All of a sudden, Edwin Carter felt a black cloud floating over his head.

Janell doesn’t go, and Jane doesn’t go.

It’s obvious that the goal of Jane is Janell, not him.

Edwin Carter reluctantly shook his head and said, "Janell, tomorrow at noon, dad will invite big Jane to have lunch with us."

"If daddy and big Jane go I will also go." Janell heard that big Jane would also come and immediately changed her mind and climbed up a little. She held her father’s head in her little hand and kissed him on the face.

Her opinion of her daddy changed in a moment.

Daddy is not so bad.

Daddy knows that she likes big Jane, so he tries to help her invite big Jane for lunch. Daddy is good.

"Mr. Carter, then please tell Janell that I’ll meet her at noon tomorrow." Jane’s voice came from the phone, and then she hung up.

Edwin Carter felt that the piece of black cloud floating over his head darkened. There was no doubt that he was despised by both the big Jane and the little Jane.


The next day-

Jane arrived at the company early in the morning and received the roses again.

There was still a card on the bouquet. There was a sentence on the card- You are the wind, I am the sand. I want to tangle with you till the end! —Edwin Carter!

Jane, "..."

She wanted someone to tell her that this is not Edwin Carter, at least not the mature and sensible Edwin Carter she knows.

But apart from Edwin Carter she knew, there was really no second Edwin Carter.

After reading the card, Jane didn’t want to have lunch with Edwin Carter.

What to do?

Maybe she should send a message to Edwin Carter and tell him that she has to work overtime at noon and can’t have lunch with him.

"Jane Ronan." Robbie Alex's voice came from the door.

Jane looked up, "Good morning, Mr. Alex."

Robbie Alex took a look at the roses on her desk and said again, "Jane, let’s have lunch at noon."

"Okay." She was worried that she could not find a suitable reason to refuse Edwin Carter, but God has sent a reason to her automatically.


Her boss invited her to lunch. There must be a business talk. She had no reason to refuse him.

Robbie Alex left, and Jane immediately took out her mobile phone to send a message to Edwin Carter, "Mr. Carter, I’m sorry but I can’t have lunch with you."

After sending out the message, Jane took a breath of relief and continued her work with ease and concentration.

When Jane’s message arrived, Edwin Carter was in the conference room, listening to the final plan of a major project.

He saw the mobile-phone screen displaying her name. His lips slightly moved, everyone noticed that the big boss’s mood was very good. However, just after reading the text message, everyone found that the atmosphere changed from spring to winter in an instant.

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Luis, tell me about the progress of the acquisition plan of P&M Company?"

"Chairman Carter, our professional team is negotiating with P&M. You will be able to hear the good news next Monday," Luis George reported.

In fact, it was not so easy to acquire a multinational company. It took a lot of time to just go through relevant procedures. But for Shengtian, this wasn’t a big problem. If their professional team want to do it, they will succeed.

However, the current meeting was about another very important project.

A big project that has been prepared for nearly a year with a heavy investment and human resources. It was also one of the biggest projects of Shengtian this year. How can Chairman mention something out of the topic at such an important meeting?


Many high-level people in the conference room didn’t understand the situation, but Luis George and Sienna Henry knew it. They knew that something had happened there again.

"Continue." Edwin Carter said with a sullen face, and the meeting that was temporarily interrupted was resumed. This time, everyone spoke carefully, afraid of hitting the muzzle of the gun.


Jane was very busy in the morning. The time passed quickly. If Robbie Alex hadn’t called her, she would not have known that it was a lunch break.

The location of Robbie Alex’s appointment was a western restaurant. He said that he had something to do outside in the morning, so he asked Jane to come there.

Jane knew that this western restaurant was a newly opened restaurant near the company. She received a flyer a few days ago, but she hasn’t been there.

When she stepped into this restaurant, she saw romantic decoration. It should be more suitable for lovers rather than talking about work.

Jane asked the service staff. The service staff took her to Cloud Hall, a private room ordered by Robbie Alex.

The waiter knocked on the door and said politely, "Sir, the guest you are waiting for has arrived."

When the door opened, Jane politely nodded to the staff with a polite smile and looked into the room.

There was something wrong.

Robbie Alex was supposed to wait for her here, but here she saw Edwin Carter!

Edwin Carter was wearing his usual white shirt and black pants. He was standing straight. His eyes were slightly narrowed under the golden mirror frame, and he was quietly looking at her standing at the door.


Jane couldn’t explain what she felt in her heart. At first, she was shocked, then she was inexplicably excited, and in the end, she was somewhat embarrassed and at a complete loss.

It took a long time for her to utter a word, "Mr. Carter, why are you here? Mr. Alex invited you as well?" Jane thought that Robbie Alex asked her to have dinner and talk about business, maybe it was also related to Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter didn’t respond to her. He walked around her and closed the door behind her—

Jane was startled. She stepped aside and created a little distance between them, "Why are you locking the door?"

"Jane, what did you promise me last night? huh?" Edwin Carter approached her step by step. His deep eyes were fixed on her face.

"I..." She promised to have lunch with him, but in the morning she also sent a text message to cancel it. Didn’t he read it?

The next moment, Jane was dragged into his arms. Her face hit his strong chest- it hurts!

He turned around, pressed her on the wall, and kissed her on the forehead, just at the center of her eyebrows, then at her nose and finally touched her red lips to move into a deeper level to communicate with her.

"Hmmm..." Jane wanted to push him away, but she couldn’t. She knew that he was out of control. He must have considered her as his dead wife again.

Jane swung her fist and patted it on his back. She wanted to stop him from going on, but it didn’t work at all.

She could not breathe. He stood in front of her, as steady as a mountain and she could not move him.

After a long kiss, Edwin Carter let her go. As soon as he let go, she raised her hand and slapped him.


A slap on Edwin Carter’s face, Jane did not even feel the slightest pleasure, she even felt some heartache. She took a look at him, bit her lip, opened the door and walked out.


Jane didn’t know why she was so sad. She hit Edwin Carter on the face, and it hurt in her heart. He crossed her limits. He took her as a substitute, and she slapped him.

No one can blame her!

But she couldn’t understand the emotion, her heart was flustered and disordered. After fighting with Edwin Carter, she fled in a panic. She didn’t know where she was going. She rushed forward randomly until a strong hand caught her.


Jane raised her head and looked up into his deep eyes. His voice was deep and muddled, which made her feel more hurt.

A few days ago, Edwin Carter treated her in the same way. On that day, he also looked at her with such helplessness in his eyes. When he looked at her like this, she felt more like she had done something wrong.


Jane also understood that Edwin Carter once again saw another person through her, the mother of Janell, his dead wife whom he loved so much.

A sense of inexplicable desolation poured into Jane’s heart. Her eyes were filled with tears filled and a drop of tears slipped silently from the corner of her eyes.

Edwin Carter saw Jane shedding tears and his heart broke into pieces.

Jane seldom cried. Edwin Carter hardly remembered the number of times when Jane had cried. Every time after watching her crying he felt at loss. Especially now, he scared her so much that she cried, and he didn’t know how to stop her tears.

Edwin Carter pressed her into his arms and wiped her tears, "Jane, I didn’t mean to scare you, I was just angry. You promised to eat with me, but because of another man, you broke the promise. I felt jealous."


Edwin Carter had said similar words to Jane once, at that time he said he was jealous, only because she had the identity of his wife.

But now he is jealous because he has her in his heart.

Jane pursed her lips, pushed back the tears that were about to fall out of her eyes and said, "I don’t want to eat with you, not because of others, just because of yourself."

He sent a card to her that was so disgusting, he didn’t know it?

"Because of me?"

Edwin Carter thought about it carefully. From last night’s phone call until today’s message, he hadn’t done anything to her.

He really didn’t know where he had done wrong?

"If you really want to pursue me you should move step by step. Don’t send any flowers and write such vulgar notes," Jane said calmly.

"What flowers? What notes?" Edwin Carter’s mind was very sharp in other aspects except emotions. Soon he understood the meaning of Jane’s words.

It seemed that someone sent flowers and notes using his name, and that person must have written some senseless things that had made Jane feel disgusting.

Apart from Angela Carter, Edwin Carter can’t think of a second person.

"You don’t know it?" After looking at Edwin Carter’s appearance, it didn’t seem that he was lying. The main point was that Jane really didn’t want to believe that such a note can be written by Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter shook his head. Even though he knew who did it, but he could not say it at this time.


Angela Carter is his sister. In other words, if he tells Jane it was from Angela she will think that he asked his sister to do so. In order to not let Jane misunderstand him, he continued to pretend that he didn’t know anything.


Edwin Carter’s cell phone rang suddenly, "I’m sorry, I’ll take a call first."

Jane calmed her mood for a while, and then heard Edwin Carter’s extremely gentle voice, "Yes, wait for dad. Be an obedient child. Don’t go anywhere and don’t trouble anyone. Soon dad will bring big Jane to you."

Edwin Carter hung up the phone and looked at Jane again. "Janell is waiting for me to bring her big Jane."

"Let’s go." Jane took the lead.

Edwin Carter kept up with her and sighed in his heart. It is much more difficult to chase a girl than to do business deals.


Janell knew that she would have lunch with big Jane today, and she also brought Mia Mia to room 1808 of Lily Restaurant and waited for them.

She waited for a long time, but daddy didn’t bring big Jane, so she called dad to hurry up.

She listened to her dad saying that he would bring big Jane soon, so she ran to the door and blinked at the elevator. The elevator stopped several times but her guests hadn’t arrived. She was very upset.

When she was really disappointed, the elevator door opened again and this time she saw her dad and big Jane coming out of the elevator.

"Big Jane-" Janell quickly ran to her, because she was too small and ran too fast that she fell on the carpet.


"Janell." Jane rushed over and picked up Janell. "Are you ok?"

"I’m fine." Janell held Jane’s face and gave her a kiss.

"Don’t run so fast." Jane looked at the little girl, and her heart became soft. She held Janell in her arms, and she couldn’t move her eyes that were on Janell’s face, "Janell, how can you be so adorable?"

Jane really wanted to make this little girl her own child, so that she can accompany her every day and never go away from her.

"I am beautiful and lovely." Janell had always been very confident. Maybe she got this confidence from Angela Carter. She also thought that she was the most beautiful and invincible girl in the world.

"Woof, Woof, Woof..." Mia Mia also barked thrice to remind them of her presence.

"Mia Mia is also very lovely." Jane picked her up and rubbed her head. "Puppy, how can you be so adorable?"

"Mia Mia is my sister. I’m lovely and Mia Mia is also lovely." Jane praised both Janell and Mia Mia. They both looked very happy.

This mother and daughter always ignored him so thoroughly. Edwin Carter shook his head and said, "Take big Jane back to the room quickly. Don’t let her be hungry."

Janell, "Big Jane, let’s sit together."

Jane, "Sure, I like to sit with little Jane."

Mia Mia, "Woof woof woof....."

Edwin Carter didn’t find the chance to interrupt.

It was the same Room 1808 that had their common memory.

Edwin Carter even clearly remembered the serious appearance when Jane taught him to peel shrimp and the blush on her face when he kissed her secretly.

The past was vivid but people have changed…

But it doesn’t matter. Jane has come back and was sitting in front of him again. He can hear her and touch her. Although she can only see Janell in her eyes, he was still satisfied.


Today’s meal was carefully arranged by Edwin Carter and dishes on the table were exactly the same as those of a few years ago.

Velvet steamed scallop, crab curry, tofu soup, bitter melon brewed shrimp, pepper salt wrasse shrimp. The five dishes with strong taste. But this time, they not only care for each other but also have to take care of their little member, Janell.

Tofu soup was considered as one of the most nutritious and healthy dishes. It’s suitable for Janell, a little kid whose teeth hadn’t grown well. Edwin Carter took a small bowl for Janell and filled it with soup, "can you eat it by yourself?"

Janell grabbed the spoon and nodded her head hard. She said softly, "Yes, I can."

Big Jane was watching quietly. How can she say no?

Janell wanted to show herself in front of big Jane. Janell always learned things from her elders and knew many things. She picked up a spoon and filled it with soup, "Big Jane, let me feed you."

"Thank you very much." Jane opened her mouth to drink tofu soup and nodded, "It becomes more delicious with little Jane’s hand."


Janell felt very proud after hearing Jane praising herself. She took out another spoon, "Daddy, I feed you."

This spoon, which was just used by Jane, Janell again used to feed Edwin Carter. Jane felt very embarrassed. She wanted to stop it, but she didn’t know how to open her mouth. Without hesitation, Edwin Carter opened his mouth and drank the soup that Janell fed, "baby, it is wonderful!"

Janell was happy to have lunch with her father and big Jane.

Edwin Carter slowly peeled the shrimps. Every time he peeled the shrimps, he gave it to Janell to eat and Janell fed into Jane’s mouth. Janell remembered that her father said that she must take good care of big Jane, so she listened to her father and did a good job.

Edwin Carter’s eyes gently watched the mother and daughter, as if he had the whole world at this moment, and the three years of suffering had gone with the wind.

He just wanted Jane to be happy. He just wanted Jane to have a good life.

He didn’t care if she remembered him or not. They spent countless lunch breaks here. They also ate these five dishes together in this room. She also taught him how to peel shrimp.

But the past is not important. For him, the most important thing was their future, not just his and Jane’s, but the future of their family.

Jane suddenly raised her head and looked at Edwin Carter. She smiled unconsciously, "Mr. Carter, why you are not eating?"

"I’m not hungry." Edwin Carter said.

For him, it was a rare and precious chance to watch this mother and daughter sitting on the same table to eat. His mind was on them and he didn’t think about eating.

Even if now Jane called him "Mr. Carter" again, he could recognize other meanings, not just the polite address to a stranger.


He was very busy these days, and there were another two overseas video conferences to be held in the evening, Edwin Carter spared an hour to practice Taekwondo with Janell.

Over the years, no matter how busy his work was, he never delayed Janell’s affairs.

Janell has been practicing taekwondo for some time. She was a very smart and sharp child. Now she had practiced very well. Her teacher also praised her as the cleverest child he had taught ever.

At the end of the exercise, Janell was tired and lay down in Edwin Carter’s arms, holding the bottle and drinking water.


Edwin Carter took a towel and gently wiped her sweat, "Janell, someday find a way to let big Jane come here and practice Taekwondo with you, Okay?"

Everyone in the Carter family had some self-defense skills to handle any accident.

Angela Carter also practiced with Edwin Carter when she was a child, but she was too naughty. At last, she didn’t learn any Kung Fu at all, but she learned many other skills, especially the skill of running away.

Now that Jane came back, Edwin Carter wanted to let Jane learn some self-defense skills. So that in the future, if he is not by her side she will still be able to protect herself.

"Master, Albert Warner brought a boy to see you." Linda, the housekeeper of the villa, reported to Edwin Carter.

"Please ask them to wait in the drawing-room. I’ll be right there." After saying it to Linda, Edwin picked up Janell again. "Janell, let Nova help you take a bath first, okay?"

"I don’t want to take a bath. I want to be with daddy." Janell hugged her father. She didn’t want to let him go away.

"All right, come with daddy." Edwin Carter picked up his daughter and walked to the main building with elegant and steady steps.

There were two people waiting in the reception hall. One is Albert Warner, the driver who had been with Edwin Carter for many years, and the other was a boy who looked 15 or 16 years old.

The boy was very young, tall and thin. He was standing, and his head was bowed down. Edwin can’t see his face clearly.

"Young master, little Miss..." Albert Warner quickly got up to say hello to Edwin Carter and Janell.

Edwin Carter nodded, "Warner, please take a seat."

"Uncle Warner, please take a seat." Janell also learned from her dad, nodded to Albert Warner and looked at the big boy, "Big brother, you also sit."

Janell jumped down from her dad’s arms to sit on the sofa, a small hand patted the side of the position and with a soft waxy voice she said, "Brother, sit next to Janell."


Edwin Carter looked at Albert Warner and asked, "Who’s this?"

Albert Warner quickly replied, "This is the injured boy that the little miss saved last time. After he woke up, he heard that is the little miss who saved him. He wanted to thank the little miss. I told him that there is no need to do so. But he really wanted to meet little miss. He followed me wherever I go. Young master, I really had no way, so I brought him here."

Edwin Carter turned his eyes to the big boy, looked at him and said, "Look up."

The boy still hung his head as if he could not hear anyone.

Janell rolled down from the sofa, walked to the big boy with small steps, stretched out a small hand to hold the big boy and said softly, "Brother, don’t be afraid."

After hearing the voice of Janell, the big boy looked at her and slowly raised his head to see Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter looked at the big boy, and the big boy also looked at Edwin Carter.

Over the years, Edwin Carter has been moving around the world. He has been to every kind of place and had met many kinds of people, but he rarely met people who can look at him like this for such a long time.

The boy’s eyes seemed to have no spirit, but they were very sharp. There seemed to be a lot of unknown hidden in those eyes.

"What’s your name?" Edwin Carter asked.

The boy looked at him with a closed mouth. He had no intention of speaking.

Janell pulled his hand again, "brother, what’s your name?"

After a long time, there was a very hoarse voice in the room, which was absolutely inconsistent with the boy’s age.

His throat seemed to have been burned by fire.



What kind of people and things Edwin Carter hadn’t experienced? But still, after hearing this hoarse voice, Edwin Carter was slightly shocked. He looked into the boy’s eyes to explore more.

There were many stories hidden in the boy’s eyes. He was trying to hide them from others, but he was still too young. Besides, the people he met was a sharp person like Edwin Carter. The boy was still a little inferior. What he wanted to hide was clearly seen by Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter got up and took Janell up, saying, "Warner, take him away."

"I, won’t, go!" It took a lot of effort to say three complete words, and his voice was still hoarse as if his throat had burned out.

He stared at the Janell in Edwin Carter’s arms and opened his mouth again, "I want to stay, stay by her side."


"Ah... Want to stay with my daughter?" Edwin Carter snorted, "My daughter is not short of anyone who can take care of her."

"Life..." The boy swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and it took a lot of effort to say, "I will protect her with my life."

The boy’s words were sincere. Edwin Carter can see that what he said was from his heart, but it was related to Janell. He couldn’t easily make a decision.

He stared at him for a long time and asked, "Why should I believe you?"

"She saved my life." On that night, he was injured and abandoned. After being rescued, he heard a voice- save big brother.

This answer touched Edwin Carter’s heart, but Edwin Carter saw more things that were carried by this boy. Such a person can be like a time bomb around Janell. The harm will be more than good. He cannot risk Janell’s safety.


"Daddy, I want big brother to stay." Edwin Carter’s little child, who was silent for long, suddenly said it.

"Why?" Edwin Carter looked at Janell, and his tone instantly became tender.

"He can play with me."

The reason Janell gave was simple, but there were several meanings in Edwin Carter’s ears.

Janell was not willing to be close to every stranger. She was just willing to be close to all the people she liked and those who can never hurt her.

Children sometimes see people more accurately than adults.

Edwin Carter never had the heart to refuse any request of Janell. Especially the big bright eyes of the little girl could not let him utter a word of refusal.

Edwin Carter looked at the boy again. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Since you want to thank your saviour, she will be your master from now on. You can stay with her to take care of her and to protect her."

The boy did not speak and turned his eyes to Janell in Edwin Carter’s arms. She looked at him with a sweet smile, "Brother, I will protect you."

Edwin Carter put Janell down, "Janell, take your brother to Linda and let her arrange a room for him."

"Yes." Janell nodded happily and took the boy’s hand. "Brother, come with me."

The boy did not hesitate, or maybe he had accepted the identity of Janell as his master. He will do what Janell tells him to do.

Albert Warner looked at them going away and asked worriedly, "Young master, wouldn’t it be too risky to let such an unknown person stay with little miss?"


Edwin Carter looked at the boy’s back, until Janell led him out of his sight then he took back his eyes and said, "He won’t hurt Janell."

Edwin Carter was very confident.

The person he handed to this boy was his daughter Janell, the most precious thing he possesses. How would he have done it without assuring it?

Albert Warner added, "Shall we need to find out who he is?"

"No need." Edwin Carter got up and left. At the same time he said to the housekeeper, "Linda, if Angela is at home ask her to come to my study."


When Linda told Angela that Edwin was looking for her she was lying in her room reading the new script.

Thinking of the three of them having lunch together today, Angela Carter had the intuition that her brother wants to thank her because she had helped him a lot to pursue his wife.

She threw the script away and jumped to Edwin Carter’s study while thinking about the sports car that she will get soon.

"Brother." Angela Carter pushed in without knocking. "If you want to thank me, please give me a big gift. I won’t accept any small things."

"Thank you?" Edwin Carter sat at his desk and said without raising his head, "I should thank you for making a mess for me?"

At first, Edwin Carter just guessed that Angela Carter had done that stupid act. Now, before he could ask, the girl came out by herself.

"You are my brother. Even if something wrong happened, you should understand that everything I did was just for your good." Angela Carter knew Edwin very well. As soon as she listened to Edwin Carter’s tone, she realized that her plan has gone wrong.


No one expected the accident, and no one wanted it to happen, so her arrogant brother shouldn’t blame her.

"You will go back to America and spend a month in meditation. When you figure out where the mistake was, write a review of no less than 3000 words, and when you are qualified you can go out." Edwin Carter’s tone was stern, and it seemed that there was no room for discussion.

"Brother, are you mistaken? I’m an adult. Do you still want to punish me to face the wall and ponder about my misdeeds?" Angela Carter said with a flat mouth.

She was in her twenties. When sister-in-law was her age, she got married to her arrogant brother.

If Victor James hadn’t always treated her coldly, she would have also moved out and will be living together with him.

She also had a house outside, but she lived in this villa. She thought she will feel very lonely there but here she can accompany Janell.

Edwin Carter picked up his sword eyebrows, "You have grown up so it means I’m not your brother anymore? I shouldn’t care about you?"

"If you’re free, think about how to get my sister-in-law back." Angela Carter’s brain was spinning fast. Before Edwin Carter spoke, she said, "I just made an appointment with Laura Ferdinand. We’ll go to shopping with sister-in-law tomorrow. Maybe, we can help her recall some things."

Angela Carter threw the bait at a very appropriate time. Edwin Carter was convinced.

Jane hadn’t opened her heart to him yet. It must be hard for him to help her remember the past. It might be easier for Laura Ferdinand and Angela Carter to get close to Jane.

Why didn't he think of such a simple method before?


In the past two or three years, Jane’s sleep has been very irregular, and she often had nightmares. So she slept late, hoping to sleep deeper as soon as she fell asleep. But it wasn’t of any use at all. As she closed her eyes, all kinds of nightmares surrounded her to haunt her.

Tonight, she had a nightmare again, many people in white coats held needles to inject unknown liquid into her body.

She struggled, she resisted, but it didn’t work. It seemed that they threw an invisible net to catch her. She could only be pushed around by those people.


In the dark, a low and deep voice called her.

It was a very familiar male voice that came from a certain distance.

As the sound sounded, a black figure came to her. The shadow moved closer and she wanted to go to him. But when she was about to catch the shadow, the man in the white coat pulled her back forcibly, one by one, they injected thick needles into her arms.

Jane struggled and shouted, "No, no…"

When she was in the most helpless state, her mobile phone rang like a bell in heaven, pulling her out of her nightmare.

Jane gasped for breath. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and answered the phone, "Hello?"

Her voice was still shaking.

She didn’t see who called, she just thought the call was too timely and pulled her out of the nightmare.

"Jane, this is Edwin Carter."

The man’s low voice came from the receiver and fell into her ear.

... It’s Edwin Carter again.

Jane vaguely remembered that when she had a nightmare the other day, Edwin Carter called in time to pull her out of the nightmare, as if he always knew her situation.

Why does he always show up when she’s in need?

She knew she’s just a substitute for his ex-wife. However, after listening to his deep voice, she couldn’t help feeling relaxed, as if the dark night had a light and the cold winter had a warm embrace.

She took a deep breath and tried to speak with him in a calm tone. She didn’t want this man to see her mind, "It’s too late, why you called at this time?"

"I just want to hear your voice, so I called you." Edwin said, and the voice in the microphone was more than perfect. "Did I disturb you?"

"No..." It was two o’clock in the morning. The world was dark and quiet. All the sounds were very clear, including the sound of his steady breathing on the other side of the phone.

Jane suddenly wanted to laugh. In such midnight, he didn’t sleep, so he called her. Is it a coincidence or does he really know she’s having a nightmare?

"Edwin Carter." She couldn't help calling him.

"I’m here." The other side replied, with a certain firmness.

Jane sat on the bed, gazing at the darkness, but could not help bending up the corner of her lips, "Are you monitoring me? Why do you always appear in such a timely manner?"


Her tone was brisk, but she didn’t know that her words touched at the central point of Edwin’s heart.

He was really monitoring her.

A few days ago, he found out that she had nightmares. Although it was very suspicious to call in the middle of the night, he couldn’t control himself.

He wanted to say…

Even if I can’t hold you in my arms and drive out from the darkness, but I still hope I can separate you from these bad memories and give you a moment of peace.

And above all, I just want to come to you as soon as possible.

After this thought, Edwin Carter could not help bending his lips with a little helplessness, "Yes, I have been monitoring you from the past till future. Miss Jane, do you want to catch me?"

Want to catch me—

Now it was Jane’s turn to be stunned. The man’s words were half true and half false. She didn’t know if he was really monitoring him or he meant some other thing. And catch me, this sentence was a little mysterious, there can be other meanings!

In the dark, Jane couldn’t help holding the pillow in her arms. She gnashed her teeth and said, "Yes."

It seemed that she’s angry.

However, Jane understood that even in the dark, her cheeks must like the rosy clouds.

There was no response.

Somehow Jane felt a little nervous. She couldn’t help burying the face into the soft pillow. She felt her heart beating as thunder.

"All right." After a long time, a simple reply came from the other end of the phone.

Jane was stunned.

"Wait for me." He added firmly. With that, he hung up the phone.

She was relieved. She left her mobile phone, buried her face deep in the pillow, and then gently breathed. She would wait for him, but after a moment her peace began to disappear in the dark.


Without the voice of Edwin Carter, the loneliness seemed to linger around Jane again. It seemed that as soon as she closed her eyes, it would devour her again.

She was worried to be haunted by nightmares after sleeping again, she simply held her pillow and looked at the dark night with wide eyes, trying not to let herself sleep. She tried to recall the dream she had just had, but her mind was blank as if it had never existed.

After a long time, the phone rang again. This time, she clearly saw the name "Edwin Carter" displaying on the mobile phone.

What’s the matter with him?

With a question, Jane slid her finger and answered, "Mr. Carter?"

"Are you asleep?" The gentle voice of the man reached her. She shook her head instinctively. Then she heard him saying, "I’m downstairs."

Jane was a little startled, she immediately got out of bed and walked to the balcony. Looking around, she saw Edwin Carter, wearing a white shirt, standing straight under the street light.

He raised his head and waved to her, "Miss Jane, would you like to come down and walk with me?"

In the middle of the night, how can she go out with a man she didn’t know very well? This was something she had never thought of before. But at this moment, she didn’t hesitate for half a minute, "OK, wait for me for a while."

After hanging up the phone, Jane went back to the room, turned on the light and went to the wardrobe. For a while, she didn’t know which clothes she should wear.

She usually wears casual clothes. She has work clothes, and there were no skirts in the wardrobe. Jane looked at them but couldn’t find any satisfactory clothes. Finally, she had to wear a white shirt with jeans.

She went out lightly, hoping her father wouldn’t find out, but she didn’t know that Jonathan Ronan had his eyes on her every move.


Jane went downstairs.

The bright moon was hanging in the sky, shining all over the world. The whole world was shrouded in a layer of a white veil, bright and shining.

Edwin Carter stood in the moonlight, with one hand in his pocket and his back straight. His eyes were looking straight, he didn’t turn his face to look at Jane at the first place- so that Jane could have a moment to enjoy his look quietly.

In recent years, Jane had seen many famous models. However, no one can be compared with Edwin Carter’s personality, proud and reserved, elegant and upright.

Although she didn’t want to, but she still admitted that this man was the perfect one she has ever seen since she lived. If she kept on thinking about him, she will surely feel a little jealous of his dead wife.

Jane was in a daze when Edwin Carter looked back at her.


The man in the moonlight… instantly smiled, his smile was just as warm as sun rays that can melt ice.

He said softly, "Here you are."

Jane’s heart suddenly missed a beat, and there was a roar in her brain. The crimson that she hid with difficulty appeared on her cheeks again. Jane blinked in a hurry, turned her head, and wished for a darker night so that Edwin Carter could not see her expression.

But the moonlight was so intoxicating bright as if it won’t let anyone hide any secret.

With a smile in his eyes, Edwin Carter came to Jane.

The moon was so bright that he could see her long eyelashes, her blushing cheeks, and the soft shimmer in her eyes. These things belonged to the shy Jane, just like years ago.


With a blink of an eye, it seemed that they had traveled back to that time.

She and him, met in the vast sea of people, began to know each other, fell in love with each other, snuggle up with each other, and made a promise for a lifetime with each other.

Edwin Carter held Jane’s hand.

So soft, so icy cold.

He wished to hold it for all his life.

Her hand has been suddenly held by Edwin Carter. She looked back suddenly and subconsciously pulled it out, but the other side didn’t let her.

Jane was a little annoyed. She stared at Edwin Carter, and the other side was already looking at her with soft and firm eyes.

Such a look was too deceptive to let people fell for him forever. Suddenly, Jane couldn’t tell whether the man was looking at his dead wife or at her.

It’s too much, isn’t it? Why did he tell her about his dead wife? Now, her heart was beating like a drum. She eagerly wanted to hold this man’s warm hand to never let him go.

But... He likes his dead wife, not her.

But now, her hand is in his big palm, it filled her cold heart with warmth…

Jane looked down on her hand. She had never been led by a person like this. The feeling was strange, but her heart felt familiar.

It seemed that once he led her like this.

Maybe that’s how he used to lead his wife.

Jane didn’t want to think about it anymore. Even if Edwin Carter regarded her as a substitute for her dead wife, she accepted it.

No matter what, at present, he was holding her hand. He was with her not with anyone else. She wanted to be with him. Even at dawn, if everything will return to its original place, she still wanted to let it be.


She wanted to let herself drown in his eyes-  for one night.

Edwin Carter led and she followed him. Neither of them spoke. She didn’t ask him where he would take her, she just followed him.

The night was thick. There was silence all around.

It seemed that the two of them were walking between heaven and earth, there were only wind and the moon.

After getting out of the residence community, Edwin Carter stopped and looked back at her, "Is there any place you want to go?"

Jane shook her head, "I’m not familiar with Jiangbei."

"Then listen to me." He took her to his car, a multimillion-dollar Bentley.

He opened the door to let her sit in the car. She sat in and held the seat belt, but Edwin Carter grabbed her hand.

"Let me help you." he said.

He pulled out the seat belt to help her buckle up. When he got up, his face and her lips were lightly rubbed.

It was like touching the electricity. Jane felt that her lips became hot, and her heart started beating fast as if it wanted to jump out of her mouth.

But the other side still looked calm.

Edwin Carter looked at her and smiled. Then he leaned forward and approached her. It seemed that he wanted to kiss her, but he stopped there.

There was a faint smell of tobacco on his body that immersed into her breath, and the tip of his nose touched the tip of her nose.

Jane looked at her image in his deep eyes and felt that she could hardly breathe.


But... Edwin Carter didn’t go further. He stopped at a close distance.

Jane saw some kind of hesitation in Edwin Carter’s eyes.

Sure enough, there was some hesitation, Edwin Carter retreated. Jane felt that she has lost something, there were different emotions in her heart.

Maybe he suddenly saw that she was not his dead wife.

Jane’s lips were still hot, but her heart became cold.

She would never know that Edwin Carter hesitated because he was afraid of her resistance. He can endure hard, but he didn’t want to go against her will.

Edwin Carter tried to calm down, sat in the seat, held her hand and said, "Come to a place with me."

Jane nodded.

Although her heart was at loss, she still didn’t want to spoil the night.

Edwin Carter said, "Then lie down and sleep for a while. When we reach there, I’ll wake you up."

"After two to three hours, it will be dawn. Don’t go too far. I have to go to work in the morning." Jane said.

Edwin Carter didn’t answer. He took out his mobile phone and turned it off. He threw it in the back seat of the car, "Would you like to accompany me for a day without work?"

Since taking over Shengtian, he had never given himself a formal day off. Today, he wanted to be a little willful for his Jane.

Jane looked at him, in his eyes, she could see tenderness. The Chairman of Shengtian was willing to accompany her to be a little willful. How such an ordinary designer can refuse?

Jane also took out her mobile phone, turned it off, and threw it into the back seat of the car, "Mr. Carter, I lost my mobile phone. Let’s drive away."

In the past three years, she has lived according to her father’s wishes and rules. After such a long time, she got a chance to be willful, and she was excited about it.

Edwin Carter started the car, turned around, and soon they entered the city’s main road.

Jane had slept late at night and began to have nightmares soon after she fell asleep. She hardly had a rest so before long she fell asleep.

Strangely, she used to have nightmares whenever she fell asleep, but this time she fell asleep very soundly.

Nearly after two hours’ drive, their car reached Shengtian Bihai villa, the most famous resort in Jiangbei.

This place has lots of good memories of them!


The car stopped steadily and staff personnel came to receive them. Edwin Carter motioned them to stop.

Jane was still asleep. She didn’t sleep very well along the way. She was shaking with fear and seemed to have hypnic jerks.

In the past, Jane always had a good sleep. She just needed to close her eyes and she always opened them after dawn. She had nightmares but very few times, once in months.

However, now she hadn’t experienced any night without nightmares. He heard her crying hysterically and asking for help, but he couldn’t help her.

He couldn’t even hold her in his arms and tell her to not be afraid.

In that planned car accident three years ago, those people forced fully took Janell out of her belly. Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, it still felt like a knife stabbed in his heart when he thought of it, he felt heartbroken.


At that time, Jane was pregnant. She couldn’t resist, couldn’t fight and couldn’t escape. She must be very frightened, scared and helpless.

With these thoughts, Edwin Carter sighed, his eyes became gentler and a little wet. He called her name, "Jane-"

Edwin Carter saw Jane’s eyebrows moving a little, and he stretched his hand to touch her, to feel her presence. But before his outstretched hand could touch her, she opened her eyes slowly and blinked her long eyelashes.

Edwin Carter’s hands were frozen in the middle of the air. After a pause, he said in his soft voice, "You're awake."

Jane nodded her head in dazed. It took a while to realize what happened. She asked, "Where are we?"

Jane just woke up and asked in a voice that was indescribably lazy, lovely and a little confused.


Edwin Carter suddenly thought of the Janell at home. When the little baby woke up, she also seemed confused like her mother. There were too many similarities between them.

"Bihai Villa." Edwin Carter looked at Jane and smiled, "it’s almost dawn. I’ll take you to a place."

"All right." Jane nodded.

Edwin Carter handed the car key to the staff, turned around and naturally went to hold Jane’s hand. Just as he was about to touch her, she instinctively hid for a while and let him seize the space.

His hand stopped for a while and then he quickly grasped her. He held her hand firmly and forcefully. He could not let her go away.

This time Edwin Carter held her hand and Jane didn’t want to take it back. She decided to enjoy the day with him, so she did not hesitate. With this, she looked up at Edwin Carter and noticed his gaze at her.

He looked at her and suddenly leaned closer. She closed her eyes quickly in fright, but she could hear his laughter. He reached out and lifted her hair from her forehead to the back of her ear, and then said softly, "little fool."

Jane opened her eyes and saw his smile, which seemed to lighten up the darkness before dawn, bright and dazzling.

Jane stared at him in a daze and felt as the dark part of her heart has been illuminated by his smile. She felt warm and peaceful.

With him by her side, there will be no more endless darkness, right?

Jane asked herself this in her heart.

Yes, with him, there will be no more endless darkness and no more nightmares to haunt her.

Her heart gave her an answer!

In the east of Bihai villa, there was a large private sea area, which was the best place to enjoy sunrise in Jiangbei City.

The sun has not yet risen from the coastline, the sea wind was a little strong and a little cold. Jane was holding her arms unconsciously.


Edwin Carter wanted to hold her in his arms to not let her feeling cold, but he was afraid of scaring her.

Edwin Carter wanted to take off his white shirt but Jane grabbed his hand to stop him.

The action was so natural that Jane didn’t realize how ambiguous she was. Her delicate face turned crimson again.

She had already taken the first step. She did not want to flinch. She pressed down her inner tension and leaned carefully against Edwin Carter’s arms. She said softly, "I won’t feel cold this way."

At this moment, Jane forced herself to let go of all scruples and forced herself to not think about his beloved dead wife, nor about Janell.

She just listened to her selfish heart that wanted her to nestle in Edwin Carter’s arm to enjoy the security that he brought to her with the hope to have a good day with him.

Once upon a time, Jane also had such behavior, but at that time, she was even bolder, lovely and charming than now.

Edwin Carter held her in his arms, patted her back gently, pressed her chin on her head and sighed contentedly.

He has been waiting for this for three years!

For him, this was the most precious moment in which he was able to hold her in his arms again. He was feeling her temperature and heartbeat.

In the distance, a red sun rises slowly, slowly illuminating the whole world.

Just as Jane’s return illuminated his whole world!

There was a large rock. The water waves beat the rock rhythmically as if to compose the most beautiful music for their reunion.

The sunrise was beautiful, but at the moment their eyes were only each other, as if nothing in this world can catch their attention except the one in front of their eyes!


"Edwin Carter, did you come here often?" She knew that she should not feel bad, but she still felt bad. She wished herself to be the only one whom he brought here to see such a beautiful sunrise.

"Well, often." During the last three years, he often came here, spent a lot of nights sitting here alone, looking far away and missing his wife.

Sometimes he could hear her voice in the sound of the sea waves—

Edwin Carter, I’m really happy, so much happy that I cannot believe it is true!

Every time he came here, he seemed to be able to hear Jane’s voice but he couldn’t approach her.

Jane, you didn’t remember the night when I brought you here to shout out loudly, to tell about your happiness to the whole world loudly?

"Oh." Jane murmured in a low voice. She didn’t know why she cared about it. She was nothing.

He used to bring his wife. Isn’t that normal?

Jane didn’t want to torture herself more by thinking such things. She closed her eyes and snuggled up quietly in Edwin Carter’s arms.

Edwin Carter stroked her back gently, as if to coax a child to sleep.

After a long time, when Jane was half asleep and half-awake in Edwin Carter’s arms, she suddenly heard Edwin Carter’s low and deep voice, "If you like it, we can often come here in the future."

In the future?

Will she and he have a future?


Bright sun slowly rose to the sky and started painting the dim sky into a bright blue sky. The bright looking milky clouds got up from sleep and started traveling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment.

Everything became so bright.

Edwin Carter bowed his head and looked at Jane who was still sleeping in his arms.

Her breath was even, her face was pink, calm and beautiful.

Edwin Carter stared at her face for long and couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. He lowered his head slowly. His sexy thin lips fell on her pink lips. He gently touched them, and then quickly let her go.

Jane moved, put herself in a more comfortable position in his arms and slept again. Edwin Carter gently picked her up and walked elegantly towards the villa.

He entered the room on the second floor, put Jane on the bed and was about to leave when Jane caught him.

She grabbed his sleeve, tightly, just like a drowning man caught the only straw, she looked scared and uneasy.

Edwin Carter stopped, he held her hand gently, lay down beside her, held her in his arms, stroked her back softly and said, "Jane, don’t be afraid. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore."

After a moment, Jane became a lot quieter, the grip of her hand holding his sleeve slowly loosened, and she slept peacefully.

Jane was in a deep sleep, but Edwin Carter had no sleep at all.

He looked at her and thought about their past.

When they came to Bihai villa for the first time, they were not very familiar with each other. Although they had the title of husband and wife, they didn’t even hold hands.

In the company’s activities that night, she drank wine and fell asleep in the hot spring. If he hadn’t gone in time, she would have lost her life.


The second time, they came here when their marriage has been recognized by all the elders in the family. That night, Jane said that she wanted to shout out her happiness, so in the middle of the night, he drove her here, just to let her do what she wished to do,

He still remembered that night, the two of them were nestling in each other’s arm and loving each other with all their hearts, doing what only belonged to the two of them.

The thought of that night, and the soft fragrance of Jane in his arm, the restlessness, the hunger and the thirst that he endured in these years, all combined and made this man who lived like a monk suddenly uncontrollable, and there was a loud voice in his heart—

He longed for her. He wanted to be as crazy as that night, wanted to have her, wanted to merge him and her into one soul.

However, he can't scare her, let alone hurt her.

He got the chance to hold her like this to let her sleep in his arms, even this was precious he cannot make her frightened!

After a good sleep, Jane woke up.

In her memory, she hasn’t slept so peacefully ever. When she woke up, she felt very fresh and in a good mood.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a handsome face lying close to her. She was so frightened that she rolled back and was so ashamed that her face turned red and hot, "Well, I, we..."

Edwin Carter reached out and held her back. He asked jokingly, "Do you want to ask what happened between us?"

Jane did not dare to look at him. She buried her head in the pillow shyly. Before saying yes to him to have a formal relationship, she has crossed all the steps and slept with him.


The main point was not that what happened, but whether he thought that she is too bold?

"What should have happened had already happened." Their daughter Janell was already three years old, obviously, they have already done it.

Jane gave him a fierce look and put her hand on his waist and pinched him forcefully. She was not a fool. How could she not know if something has happened?

She used to pinch him like this when she was angry and her face always had this charming look. Edwin Carter couldn’t help laughing and said, "It’s getting dark, are you hungry?"

If Edwin Carter hadn’t said it, Jane mustn't have felt, but as she heard she felt hungry. She nodded, "Yes, let’s eat something and then go back."

Edwin Carter rubbed her head and said, "Get up and freshen up. I’ll wait for you downstairs."

"Okay." Jane turned over and got out of bed. She went to the bathroom with her red face and her shy appearance.

Edwin Carter watched her going to the bathroom, got up and left.

He came to the kitchen on the first floor, to cook dinner for her.

When Jane went downstairs, she didn’t see Edwin Carter in the living room. Instead, there was a sound coming from the kitchen beside her. She looked inside, and Edwin Carter also looked up at her.

He looked at her and said, "There are some snacks on the table. Eat something. For the meal, you have to wait for a while."

"Can you cook?" This man! What he cannot do?

The more perfect he was, the more she could fall for him and above all the more she felt it difficult to catch him.

After all, they had a big status gap, and the most important thing was that there was still his dead wife in his heart.


"I hope you don't mind my bad cooking." He had never been in the kitchen before, but from her he learned slowly but now she forgot it.

Jane looked at him, looked at his busy figure in the kitchen, and felt as if someone had done it for her, but the image came to her mind and faded quickly, so fast that she couldn’t catch anything, as if it was just her own illusion.

After staring at Edwin Carter for a long time, Jane walked over, "Edwin Carter, how I can help you?"

Edwin Carter turned around and said, "Just eat well."

Just eat well?

What a simple sentence, but made her heart inexplicably warm.

But Jane also understood that all his gentleness, carefulness and patience might not be for her, but for the dead "Jane" who could no longer cherish his gentleness.

But it doesn’t matter!

She knew that this man just took her as a double, but she still didn’t want to let him go and wanted to hold him tightly.

Today, tomorrow, every day in the future she wanted to cherish his love, his gentleness, and his thoughtfulness.

"What’s the matter?" Edwin Carter looked back and saw that Jane was stupefied. He was worried and frowned.

"Nothing." Jane shook her head and said, "Let me help you. Although I’m not very good at cooking, it’s better for two people to work together than for one."

"No need, it will be ready soon." When they got married, she always cooked food for him and now he wanted to take care of her.

"All right. Then I’ll have some snacks first. I am too hungry." Jane smiled and said.

Since Edwin Carter insisted so much, so she decided to let him do. After a while, she will taste the meal cooked by Shengtian’s boss, will it be different from others?

Edwin Carter looked outside through the transparent window and saw Jane sitting on the table eating snacks. Her appearance was the same as three years ago.

She was the same person, but this time she even looked more lovable.

Jane, this time, no matter how powerful our enemies will be, I won’t let anyone separate us.


After sending Jane home in the evening, Edwin Carter drove his car around and found a perfect place to see her room.

At this time, the light in the room was on. In the warm yellow light, there was a slim figure passing by. It was very reassuring to watch her.

Edwin Carter stood downstairs and watched her quietly walking here and there in the room, her figure cast a shadow on the window. He really wanted to look at her like this all night but before long, Jane closed the curtain and turned off the light.

When the lights turned off, Edwin Carter’s heart suddenly felt empty. The yearning was irresistible. He was worried if she would have nightmares again, he took out his mobile phone and dialed her number.

After a while, she answered his call.

"Hello?" Her soft and sweet voice fell into his ear.

"Not asleep yet?"

"No," she paused, "and you? What are you doing?"

Edwin Carter smiled and answered honestly, "I am missing you."

He told the truth.

Jane heard it and her face turned red. She didn’t know how to answer him—this man is terrible. He always hit straight at her heart and doesn’t give her a little room to turn!

How will she resist him?

"Jane," she didn’t respond and Edwin Carter called her name again.


Edwin Carter was relieved to hear her voice.

He looked toward Jane’s room and said with a light smile, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah? What can I do for you?" Jane’s soft voice came from the handset. She was in a good mood today.


Edwin Carter added, "I’ve been losing sleep recently. Can you just talk to me like this and don’t hang up?"

He thought maybe with him by her side she won’t have nightmares anymore. He just needed to endure it for one night. Tomorrow, he will find a way to take Jane back home.

However, Jane didn’t answer, and there was a long silence at the other end of the phone.

The night was quiet, and the silence seemed particularly provocative.

Edwin Carter was suddenly worried about his abruptness. He was trying to say something to break the bloody silence, but suddenly a chuckle fell into his ear from the other end of the phone.

There was a little helplessness but it seemed lovely.

"Mr. Carter," Jane said and paused…. "Did you coax Mrs. Carter like this before?"

Now it’s Edwin Carter’s turn to be silent.

What should he say?


Then this Jane will be jealous of old Jane?


Then this Jane will feel sad for the old Jane?

In the past, Jane always said that he had low EQ and could not say nice things. Now he really agreed to her.

When Edwin Carter was struggling with how to give Jane a perfect answer, there was another chuckle on the other end of the phone. As if she could see Edwin Carter’s struggle at this time and said, "Don’t worry, I am just kidding."


Edwin Carter was relieved and asked, "So you are willing to accompany me?"

"Probably," Jane said.

"Probably?" Edwin Carter didn’t understand.

Jane thought for a moment and said, "Soon, I’ll fall asleep and maybe I’ll hang up the phone while sleeping."

"It’s OK," Edwin Carter said gently. "Anyway, I’ve been there all the time. I won’t hang up."


"Yes, trust me."

Trust me – I will never let you suffer anymore.

Jane did not answer but after a while, he heard her saying "Okay" in a soft voice.

Edwin Carter doted on his wife, his voice became even gentler, "go to sleep."

"You too."

"Good night."

"Good night."

The phone didn’t hang up, but there was no Jane’s voice. There was silence and trance all around. He could hear the sound of Jane’s breathing. He thought that she had fallen asleep.

Edwin Carter leaned against the car, lit a cigarette and looked up at her window quietly. His heart was peaceful.


Edwin Carter disappeared for 24 hours and no one could contact him. Everyone in the workplace was worried about him.

The meetings and decisions that only he could take was on hold. Luis George and Sienna Henry have been receiving calls by the people and were unable to hold them longer.


Edwin Carter always informed them while going anywhere, because they needed to make some arrangements, but this time they did not know where Edwin Carter had gone.

When Edwin Carter appeared, everyone was relieved and immediately reported the work situation.

Edwin Carter motioned to stop them and said to Luis George, "Go and ask Jonathan Ronan to meet me immediately, the sooner the better."

He could not tolerate Jane’s absence for a moment, nor did he let her suffer from those nightmares alone.

"Mr. Carter, I’ll arrange it right away." Luis George was also a very smart man. Edwin Carter didn’t talk about work. It showed he definitely wanted to do something about Jane, so he said, "we have got the medicine that Jonathan Ronan has been giving to Madam for the past years. And we have sent it to the laboratory and got the reports about the composition of the drug."

Edwin Carter said coldly, "Tell me about it."

Luis George took a look at Edwin Carter and said cautiously, "there is a specific amount of morphine in the medicine. This kind of thing can be used as an analgesic, but it is addictive. Its long-term use made a person an addict. It can result in a patient’s serious dependence on morphine both physically and psychologically leading to serious drug addiction, thus causing great harm."

"Tell the key points." Edwin took the report to have a look.

Luis George quickly handed the report, "According to Madam’s physical condition, she should have taken this kind of medicine for two or three years. It’s not easy to quit."

With that, Luis George took a careful look at Edwin Carter. He was worried that his master would vent his anger on him.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Luis George did not see any change in Edwin Carter’s expression, even his eyes were calm, as if this matter was not a big deal.

However, a closer look showed that Edwin Carter was holding the document in his hand so tightly that he almost crushed it into pieces.

Luis George knew that he was not as relaxed as he seemed.

He was afraid that Chairman would be angry and anxious. But it seemed that the calmer he looked, the more pain he endured.

It took a long time for Edwin Carter to calm down the surging tide in his heart, and he opened his mouth to say, "Contact the experts in this field right now. I want the most professional people around and get that Jonathan Ronan to me."

It was no longer about meeting Jonathan Ronan now it was getting Jonathan Ronan.

He can’t kill Jonathan Ronan, but there were other ways to make that scum’s life worst.

This time, no matter what means he has to use, he must bring Jane back to his side, and will never let Jonathan Ronan’s sinister claws reach her again!


In the daytime, the temperature of Jiangbei City was a bit high.

Jonathan Ronan called Jane and said that he will cook the tremella and lotus seed soup at noon and will put it in the refrigerator for her to drink it in the evening after coming back from work. It would quench her thirst.

In order to control Jane completely, Jonathan Ronan has played the image of the loving father in these past three years.

He hung up the phone and looked at the lotus seed and white fungus he had just bought and his face became even more proud and confident.

The old man of the Carter family and Edwin Carter both have power, but what they can do? In the end, they cannot even catch them.

Just when Jonathan Ronan was feeling smug, two men stopped him and dragged him away. They didn’t care about the crowded food market., nor about those people who were looking at them.


The white fungus and lotus seed that Jonathan Ronan has carried fell to the ground and scattered, but no one dared to stand up for him. Everyone hid far away and avoided the scene.

"Who are you?" Jonathan Ronan asked but no one answered and soon he was pushed into a car, the driver drove the car and flew away.

Everything happened so fast that before Jonathan Ronan could react, he has been dragged into a closed room by the two men.

Two strong men pushed him hard, and he fell down.

Jonathan Ronan got up, dusted himself off, looked at the two men and asked angrily, "Who are you? Who sent you?"

The two men gave Jonathan Ronan a cold look, walked away, closed the door and locked it. They didn’t say a word to Jonathan Ronan in the whole process.


It was a fully enclosed dark room, when the door has been closed, it broke all the contacts with the outside world. There was just a fluorescent lamp on the roof.

Jonathan Ronan was a man who had experienced great storms. He knew it will be useless to make trouble here. At present, the main point was to find out who kidnapped him and what can be the purpose of tying him here?

He thought about it carefully. In Jiangbei, only the old man of Carter's family and Edwin Carter could tie him.

Jane was under his control now. Edwin Carter couldn’t dare to act rashly. Then the person behind it must be the head of the Carter family. The old man always wanted to kill him, but because he held a big secret of the old man, the old man did not dare to touch him.

Jonathan Ronan was puzzled, besides these two people, who else can do it?

Jonathan Ronan thought a lot, but he couldn’t think of anyone else. His mind told him that the old man of the Carter family had ordered his men to tie him here.

The old man must be dissatisfied that he quietly brought Jane back to Jiangbei with the intention of using Jane to blackmail Edwin Carter. He had been warned once for this matter. If it wasn’t for the secret in his hand, the old man had killed him.

After determining who the kidnapper might be, his uneasiness disappeared.

He looked around again. As he expected, there was a small surveillance camera beside the light tube on the roof. Because the camera was too small, he didn’t notice that he was being monitored when he first explored the room.

Jonathan Ronan looked at the camera, smiled coldly and said, "Old Master Carter, don’t forget that if any unexpected misfortune happened to me then the secret you want to hide will be made public immediately. At that time, you knew who will be at loss."


In the monitoring room, Edwin Carter’s eyes narrowed as he heard Jonathan Ronan’s words, and his eyes burst with cold. He finally understood why Jane fell into Jonathan Ronan’s hands three years ago.

It was a play directed by his grandfather. It was his grandfather who handed Jane to Jonathan Ronan.

Before Jonathan Ronan’s return to Jiangbei with Jane, Edwin Carter wondered if there was any relationship between his grandfather and Jonathan Ronan but now he was 100% sure.

However, what was the secret that Jonathan Ronan had?

What kind of secret can make his grandfather be threatened by Jonathan Ronan?

"Chairman Carter..."

Luis George’s words interrupted Edwin Carter’s thoughts. He motioned to continue listening to see if he could know more about the secret from Jonathan Ronan’s words.

But Jonathan Ronan was so cunning.

Although he suspected that the man who bound him here was the old man of the Carter family, still he didn’t see him so he wasn’t 100% sure. He remembered to leave a way for himself.

Only by living well can he achieve his goal, that’s why he has always regarded his life as the most important thing.

No matter Carter’s old master or young master he cannot compete with any of them. So, he must have to make good use of the chess pieces in his hands.

"Chairman Carter, it seems that Jonathan Ronan won’t say it." Luis George accompanied Edwin Carter to observe for a long time and took the initiative to break the silence.

Edwin Carter stared at the electronic screen with his sharp eyes. His fierce eyes seemed to be able to pass through the electronic screen to kill Jonathan Ronan.

He took a deep breath, took the lead to walk out and Luis George followed him.

He came to the small room where Jonathan Ronan was imprisoned and stopped. Luis George immediately asked the guards to open the door.

Jonathan Ronan heard the sound of the door opening and hurriedly looked back. When he saw that the person standing straight outside was Edwin Carter, he smiled, "My good son-in-law, this is how you invite your father-in-law. If my lovely daughter saw this, she would definitely hate you for this."

Edwin Carter snorted coldly and looked at Jonathan Ronan with a smile. If Jane had not lost her memory, it would be a daydream for Jonathan Ronan to stand here and talk to him.

Jonathan Ronan looked around and said, "If you didn’t do anything with me, I will also not do anything with you. If you let me go I will assume that nothing has happened today."

Edwin Carter didn’t reply, he stared at Jonathan Ronan with his two deadly eyes like hawks and falcons, which made him a little scared.

However, Jonathan Ronan held the most important chess piece in his hand. Edwin Carter wanted to destroy him. But he can just think, he can’t really do it.

Edwin Carter didn’t speak, but Jonathan Ronan could feel his strong aura, he cannot endure it longer and opened his mouth to speak.

Jonathan said, "Why are you not speaking? Are you dumb? Maybe you don’t know how to request your father-in-law?"

"Our chairman Carter doesn’t need to open his mouth to answer a scum like you." Luis George answered him.

"You are saying that I am a scum, then I am a scum. But what you want to have from a scum like me?" Jonathan Ronan was expecting that Edwin Carter would not dare to talk to him, so he boldly spoke out.


Edwin Carter coldly stared at Jonathan Ronan’s disgusting face, and said, "Luis George."

Luis George heard it and immediately understood what Edwin Carter wanted to do. He grabbed Jonathan Ronan and punched him twice. Luis George did it with the greatest strength. He hit in Jonathan Ronan’s abdomen, and Jonathan Ronan felt as if his ribs were broken.

"Since you admit you’re a scum, then let me teach you well." Luis George said, held Jonathan Ronan in one hand and punched him in the abdomen one after the other.

"Edwin Carter-"

Jonathan Ronan wanted to say something, but it hasn’t been said yet. Luis George kicked his legs, and he knelt down on the ground with a bang.

Luis George said, "I will beat you but won’t let you die until you ask for it. Would you like it?"


"Edwin Carter, it seems that I really overestimated your feelings for Jane." Jonathan Ronan said and laughed coldly, "When Jane gets to know what you did to me today she will never forgive you in her life. Don’t you want her to come back to you?"

Luis George added, "Then we will make sure that you won’t be able to tell anything to Madam."

Jonathan Ronan has been speaking for a long time, but Edwin Carter didn’t say a word to him, which made him angrier and he shouted, "I’m talking to your master. Who asked his dog to bark?"

Luis George raised his foot and stepped on Jonathan Ronan, "since you call me a dog, should I bite you well to prove my new identity that you gave me?"

Luis George’s motioned his men, they came forward and held Jonathan Ronan. They kicked her severely and he got beaten badly.


After a violent beating, Jonathan almost lost half of his life and yelped on the ground like a dying dog.

However, even after being beaten, Jonathan Ronan still refused to admit defeat. He looked up at Edwin Carter and smiled coldly, "I just ended the conversation with Jane before you caught me. I told her that I will cook a soup for her in the evening and will wait for her to come back. If she doesn’t see me at night, don’t you think she will be worried?"

Edwin Carter stepped up to Jonathan Ronan, looked down at him and said, "What do you want? Jonathan Ronan."

"Ha ha ha..." Jonathan Ronan burst out laughing, "Edwin Carter, if you have the ability, kill me here. Otherwise, I won’t let today’s matter go easily."

What selfish calculations and cheap tactics Jonathan Ronan can play? Edwin Carter’s heart was clearer than anyone else’s.

Jonathan Ronan was Jane’s only family member in Jane’s mind. She will feel uneasy even if he got a scratch on the skin. If Jonathan Ronan encountered any misfortune, it will be like the collapse of the sky for Jane.

Edwin Carter never wanted to see Jane suffering a little more, and how can he give her the pain of "losing father."

Jonathan Ronan knew that Edwin Carter loves Jane, that's why he's so reckless.

"Want to die?" Edwin Carter suddenly smiled. He was clearly laughing, but his eyes were sharp and frightening. "Luis George, since Mr. Ronan is so daring and didn’t fear death, you don’t have to fear me. You can do what you want."

Jonathan Ronan was suffering from the great pain in her body, gritted her teeth and shouted, "Edwin Carter, do you dare to touch me again!"


"Is there anything I dare not do? Huh?" Leaving a cold word behind, Edwin Carter turned around and motioned Luis George to continue.

Some things he didn’t do, not because he didn’t dare, but because he felt them beneath his dignity.

Since he was ten years old, he has followed his father in the world as cruel as the battlefield. He has seen this bright world and knew it hidden darkness. In this vicious and greedy world Edwin Carter has been absolutely dominant for many years.

How Edwin Carter could not have other means?

Obviously, he just used those means against his enemies.

In front of his relatives and friends, he had the identity of son, husband, brother, and father, just like ordinary people. He also has his own valued relatives, his beloved daughter, and his beloved wife Jane.

At the moment, there were Jonathan Ronan’s screams coming to Edwin Carter’s ear, but he ignored it.

Some people just deserve such behavior.

He let Luis George clean up this human who was inferior to animals.

When Jonathan Ronan saw Edwin Carter again, he was on the verge of death. He didn’t even have the strength to say a word and the arrogance he just showed has flown away!

Luis George said, "Jonathan Ronan, if you have anything to say to Chairman Carter, please say it quickly. He doesn’t have time to waste it with you here."

Jonathan Ronan tried to open his eyes and mouth. It took a long time for his voice to come out, "Edwin Carter, you are cruel. I take it."

Edwin Carter was standing beside Jonathan Ronan, standing straight and upright, like the God of heaven with its own inviolable and sacred halo.

Jonathan Ronan was lying on the ground. He could only see his leather shoes, which were polished brilliantly without any dust. The usual image that Edwin Carter had always given people, clean and fresh.

Edwin Carter squatted down beside Jonathan Ronan, squinted his eyes and opened his mouth coldly, "I just want to know three things. First, how does Jane lose her memory? Second, what’s the secret you just said? Third, what do you want?"

"Ha ha..." Jonathan smiled and spit out a mouthful of blood. He glared at Edwin Carter, "if you want to know why Jane forgets everything, you should ask your dear grandfather. No one knows better than him."

It was clear that Grandpa Carter was behind all this. However, Edwin Carter’s heart still ached when he heard that from Jonathan Ronan.

Grandpa was the person he had great respect from childhood, the person he always regarded as a superhero. He knew that it was grandpa who took Jane away from him, but he always hoped that it wasn’t true. He still had a fantasy that someone else intentionally put the blame on  grandpa, and grandpa didn’t know anything at all.

Edwin Carter never wanted to place the blame for his grandfather, but the truth has always been so cruel it peeled off that bright layer and showed the filthy and unbearable image that had taken away his last hope.

Although his heart had many fluctuations but no one could see any mood fluctuation on the surface, he asked in a deep voice, "What’s that secret?"


Jonathan Ronan took a few breaths in succession to reduce the his pain. After a few seconds, he looked at Edwin Carter again. He stared at Edwin Carter’s calm face for a long time. Edwin Carter was so composed strong that he couldn’t explore his mind from his face.

He studied Edwin Carter secretly for a long time. The only thing that could make Edwin Carter’s face show flaws was only Jane, Edwin Carter’s only weakness. This soft rib of Edwin Carter was tightly held in his hand.

Edwin Carter’s weak point was in Jonathan Ronan's hand. He could take advantage, how could he miss the chance?

After a while, Jonathan Ronan said again, "As for the secret, it doesn’t matter if I say it or not, but if you get to know about it, it will become more vulnerable. At that time, the old man who tried so hard to protect it for so many years, won’t be able to protect it again."

Edwin Carter said in a deep voice, "Luis George."

Luis George stepped, who had been guarding Edwin Carter’s back, immediately stepped forward and rubbed his hands. His intention was very obvious.

"Don’t, don’t..." Jonathan Ronan panicked, "I can’t tell you the secret. If you really want to know, you should ask your good grandfather or ask Victor James in charge of Jiangbei military region. The answer they gave you must be more detailed than I can give."


Edwin Carter didn’t expect to hear the name "Victor James" at this time. After a little hesitation, he processed the sentence that Jonathan Ronan had just said.

He soon made a decision. It was a secret but he had heard if from Jonathan Ronan’s mouth and it may not be true. It seemed that other ways can be considered.

Edwin Carter asked again, "What do you want?"

"What I want is very simple. I want money, I want power, and I want status..." Jonathan spoke his intentions, "Edwin Carter, you have all these things. You can agree or disagree, it depends on how important Jane is in your mind."

"In the afternoon, call Jane and tell her that you’re going to do something in Kyoto." Edwin Carter didn’t continue to ask Jonathan Ronan, he gave him another task.

"What do you want to do?" Although he knew that Edwin Carter won’t dare to kill him, but after being beaten like this, Jonathan Ronan’s arrogant attitude has disappeared.


This kind of violent torture was more painful than death. He was not a fool. He already knew that he will suffer much hardship, but he has to bear it.

When he will get everything he wanted, and the Ronan family will recover its former glory. Then no one would dare to treat him like this.

"Don’t you want money, power, and status?" Edwin Carter looked at Jonathan Ronan, who was just like a clown to him. "I’ll give you what you want, as long as you follow my instructions."

Money and power were not so important to Edwin Carter. They were not even worth mentioning as compared to his Jane.

If Jonathan Ronan wanted to have these things, he will be kind and give them to Jonathan. As for whether he can keep it or not, it was merely dependent on Jonathan Ronan’s capability.


Jane went back to work and received a bouquet of roses. In the envious eyes of her colleagues, she entered her office with roses in her arms.

Jane was sure that Edwin Carter wasn’t the person who had sent her flowers, and the vulgar notes were also not written by him. So she was not as annoyed as before. Instead, she wanted to find out who is teasing her and what else the man wanted to say?

So Jane took the note.

There was a poem on the card, but this time the handwriting looked more powerful than before, more like a man’s handwriting.

【World was quiet but hasn’t ever felt lonesome

After you…

It seemed noisy and feels desolate】

There was no name on the note. After reading the poem, Jane’s heart pounded as if someone knocked on the window of her heart and ran out.

Her delicate and beautiful face became even scarlet, just like the sunset it was fascinating.


Jane understood in a moment that these flowers mustn’t have been sent by the person who teased her. But there was only one man who can think of sending her flowers with such a note.

Edwin Carter!

How could this man touch her numb heart so easily?

She had never felt this kind of feeling in these three years. Just after listening to him, her heart seemed to become rebel!

"Jane Ronan."

At the door of the office, Robbie Alex’s voice suddenly came. She instinctively hid the card behind her and smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Alex, good morning!"

Robbie Alex looked at her and asked, "How are you? If you are not well, you can go home and take rest for another two days."

"Thanks, Mr. Alex, I’m fine."

Robbie Alex added, "Yesterday you didn’t come to work and your cell phone was not responding. I called your father . He said that you was ill and forgot to ask for leave."

"Oh, I’m fine now." Her father lied for her, and her boss cared about her so much. It was really embarrassing.

"I'm glad you're fine." Robbie Alex smiled and looked at the flowers on Jane’s desk. He was trying to say something but at last gave up. He nodded to Jane and left.

Jane’s mind was simple, and she didn’t see anything in Robbie Alex’s eyes. After putting the bouquet in place, she started to work.

Recently, she was in charge of the order that Edwin Carter placed before. In fact, she also understood that Edwin Carter didn’t really want to find her to design clothes, but he found her because she was just like his wife, and he made an excuse to approach her.

She was not in a hurry to complete Edwin Carter’s, so she took this time to design several clothes for a child.

Janell gifted her a necklace. She also wanted to give Janell a gift, but Janell already have everything. She decided to make several clothes by herself for the little girl.

Although the gift won’t be expensive, it will be full of sincere love for Janell.

Jane bowed her head and started drawing the design draft, she was so indulged in her work that she didn’t have time to drink the water, at that time her mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

She looked at the mobile phone number displaying on the screen of the mobile phone, her eyebrow rose slightly, and she smiled unconsciously, "hello?"

"What are you doing?" Edwin Carter’s deep and sexy voice fell into her ears.

"I’m at work."

"What would you like for lunch? I’ll ask someone to prepare in advance."

He asked so directly without leaving any room for her to refuse, but she didn’t have an appointment with him, nor had she agreed to eat with him.


During the lunch break, Jane received a call from Edwin Carter again, saying that he was waiting downstairs. He had already come downstairs and waiting for him, she can’t refuse even if she didn’t want to go.

Actually, she also wanted to have lunch with him.

During the lunch break, there were many people downstairs, but Jane saw Edwin Carter at first sight in the crowd.

People often use the word "stand out in a crowd" to describe an excellent person. But according to Jane, even this title was not enough to describe Edwin Carter’s flawless personality.

Even if he wore ordinary clothes, as long as they were worn by him, they became graceful and people beside him stopped and wait for him to let him go first.

Jane looked around at several female colleagues that stopped for a while and just stared at Edwin Carter. From their gaze, Jane could easily see their thoughts and intentions. Suddenly, Jane was unhappy, as if her belongings had been coveted by others.

She walked to Edwin Carter’s side, smiled and said, "Mr. Carter, sorry to keep you waiting."

"Nothing, I just arrived." He looked at her tenderly, stretched his long arms and held her gently. He didn’t care about the countless eyes staring at them.

Every time Edwin Carter’s heart filled with endless heartache when he thought about the things that Jane had suffered in these past years. She not only lost her previous memory, her husband and child but has also been controlled by her mother’s killer Jonathan Ronan.

"Edwin Carter, don’t do that." Jane pushed him, but he hugged her more tightly. He was so strong that she could hardly breathe.

Edwin Carter held her, placed his head around her ear and called her name, "Jane..."

He called her name over and over again. His voice sounded deep and dumb, as if there were many complex emotions that she could not see.

Inexplicably, Jane felt some heartache. She stopped resisting, raised her arm and softly wrapped them around his waist.

She wanted to say to him, "Don’t be afraid, I’m here." But she did not speak. Because she was not sure whether he was afraid of losing his "Jane" again.

"Jane-" he called her name again.

"Mr. Carter, if you call me like that again, maybe I’ll get angry." Jane pretended to smile freely.

She didn’t even know what she liked the most about Edwin Carter, maybe that he was too considerate to her or she envied his love for his wife?

"Jane, you can be angry with me, hit me, scold me, do whatever you want..."

Just don’t leave me again…Don’t let me live a life without you again…

Let me take good care of you… Even if you want to go to heaven, I’m willing to build a ladder for you.

"Ah... I just want you to let me go. There are many people watching us." Why this man have to flirt publicly?

Jane was entangled in her thoughts!

This man has a perfect face, perfect voice and has so much money, above all he is so considerate and gentle. As long as he wants, any girl in this world can give her heart to him!

It’s really stressful to be with such a perfect man that many people covet.

She didn’t know if Mrs. Carter used to feel insecure when she was around him? Maybe she had to watch out for him every day? Otherwise, he might have been abducted by another woman.

"Let’s go and eat." Edwin Carter also felt that he was a little overbearing, calmed down her mood quietly and led her away.

Jane nodded.

The dining place was still the same, room 1808, Lily restaurant.

They just had to do lunch, but Edwin Carter always booked this room, Jane really felt it as a waste of money. But with Edwin Carter’s identity, it was also impossible to go to ordinary places.

When they arrived in room 1808, Jane came to know that today there were not two of them, but another one. This man, whom Jane had seen before, Janell’s uncle. Jane probably remembered his name, like Robert Michael or something.

Janell’s mother’s name was Jane Ronan, she didn’t understand why her brother has a different surname?

"Miss Jane, we meet again." Robert Michael smiled frankly, "You look more beautiful than I saw you last time."

"Mr. Michael is more handsome, too," Jane replied.

Jane couldn’t dislike this man, even though he always talked in an informal way.

Robert Michael said with a smile, "In comparison with Mr. Cater, which one do you think looks better?"

"Mr. Carter, of course…" Jane wanted to answer this way, but she couldn’t hurt any one’s self-esteem. She cleverly chose a smart way of answering, "What do you think, Mr. Michael?"

Robert Michael made a very surprised expression and said, "Of course. It’s me. Is there any dispute?"

Jane, "..."

Well, confident people are the most handsome.

Edwin Carter took a look at them. When Jane first met him, she was very indifferent to him just like a stranger, but she looked a little frank to Robert Michael.

This blood relationship is really a strange thing.

Although he and Jane were not related by blood, they were the two closest people. Who can compare with him? But Jane was not close to him.

"Ah, our Mr. Carter seems to be jealous. Miss Jane, I’d better stay away from you. In case you begin to like me, Mr. Carter will destroy me." Robert Michael said.

It was Robert Michael’s duty to help Jane recover her memory. Edwin Carter didn’t dare to do anything with him, so he can make fun of Leon Carter. He got such a good opportunity, which can add some fun to his boring life.

Jane saw Robert Michael’s exaggeration and couldn’t help laughing. Her laugh was brilliant.

"Brother-in-law, see, Jane smiled. It means I’m better."

The word "brother-in-law" suddenly hit Jane’s mind, as if she had seen such a scene.

Her head was numb, and a picture flashed in front of her eyes--- Brother in law, brother, big belly a pregnant woman.

The picture flashed away again. When she wanted to deepen her impression, her mind was blank again. There was nothing left. These days, some strange scenes often flashed in her mind but when she wanted to catch them, she can’t catch anything.

Robert Michael added, "Miss Jane, let me tell you a secret, Mr. Carter is a man who knows how to pretend to be reserved and cold in front of others. In fact, he is a very considerate man. You will know how good he is after getting along with him."

"Is he reserved?" Jane asked.

Jane has never seen the cold and reserved personality of Edwin Carter.

There was no doubt that he was a good husband and that’s why she also possessed some fantasies about him.



Edwin Carter gave Robert Michael a cold look and warned him to not talk too much nonsense. He asked Robert Michael to come here and have a meal together, so that he can say something that can help Jane to restore her memory.

After receiving Edwin Carter’s warning, Robert Michael did not dare to make trouble again. He coughed softly and said, "brother in law, I heard that Shengtian hospital recently has a batch of high-end equipment. Can I have a routine checkup for free?"

Edwin Carter picked up a bowl of soup for Jane, then looked at Robert Michael and said, "You can go if you want."

"Miss Jane you can also come. It’s free anyway, you know." Actually their real purpose today was to take Jane to the hospital and give her a general physical examination to check her amnesia and the causes or to find out if she had a brain injury.


Jane was just about to shake her head and refuse. Edwin Carter, sitting beside her, snatched her words and said, "Well, I also want to have a routine checkup, let’s do it together."

Jane, "..."

Robert Michael, "Today is a good day. Edwin, ask your people to book it in advance. We’ll go after lunch."

Edwin Carter nodded.

Jane smiled apologetically. "I’m sorry, I have work this afternoon."

Robert Michael said, "Call back to the company and ask for sick leave. I’ll ask the doctor to give you a sick leave certificate and you can take your salary as usual."

"Is that ok?" Jane asked in surprise.

"With Edwin by your side, nothing can be wrong." Robert Michael said and looked at Edwin Carter, "Edwin, don't you think?"

Finally, Jane went to the hospital by two men.

In fact, Jane didn’t like to come to the hospital. She lay down in the hospital’s sickbed for nearly a year, smelling the taste of medicine every day, and even the thought of it was terrible.

It was a dark memory. Fortunately, her father was with her at that time. If she was alone, she wouldn't survive.


Jane was taken into the MRI room by the doctor. Edwin Carter and Robert Michael looked at each other. Robert Michael noticed Edwin’s worry, "Don’t worry too much."

Up to now, Edwin Carter still didn’t know why Jane has lost all her past memories, how could he not worry? But his worries were hidden in his heart, and he never told others.

If there was no Jonathan Ronan, Edwin Carter would rather choose to let Jane lose her past memory completely, so that she would not suffer from the terrible things that happened three years ago.

"Leon, if Jane’s brain has not been injured, what are you going to do?"

"I will go to that man." After listening to Robert Michael’s words, Edwin Carter uttered such a cold sentence.

The man was his grandfather and a sinner for "murdering" his wife. Now he didn’t want to call him grandpa. He just wanted to find out the root cause behind Jane’s memory loss as soon as possible, and let her return to him as soon as possible.

Robert Michael said, "If he doesn’t admit it and doesn’t tell you anything, what will you do?"

What should do?

For a while, Edwin Carter didn’t think what to do with grandpa.

If that person was not his grandfather, he would have done something. But that person was his grandfather, a person with close blood relationship.

Grandpa did so much bad to Jane, just due to a secret he gave Jane to Jonathan Ronan. The secret must be the key point.

However, Edwin Carter couldn’t solve this mystery!

What the secret can be?

Who will get hurt when the secret is revealed?

Is that him? Angela? Or his parents?

Or is it just the existence of a certain interest?

Edwin Carter ended up thinking about Victor James. It seemed the right time to have a good talk with Victor James.

Robert Michael was an expert in psychology. But usually, he can’t see through what Edwin Carter was thinking. He just got a glimpse of everything about Jane.


The person behind the scenes was Edwin Carter’s grandfather. It was not so easy to deal with. Edwin Carter couldn’t give an answer for a while.

Robert Michael immediately changed the topic, "You said that Angela and Laura will come here. Why haven’t they arrived yet? Why are they so lazy?"

"Who is speaking ill of us?" Angela Carter’s clear voice interrupted their conversation.

They looked back and saw Angela Carter wearing a cap and sunglasses, and Laura Ferdinand was walking behind Angela Carter.

Robert Michael hurriedly said, "Speak of the devil and he doth appear. Beauties, I missed you so much that’s why I was talking behind your back."

Angela Carter said, "the elders say that we shouldn’t say bad things behind people, or there will be ghosts knocking at your door in the evening."

"Angela is right. Mr. Michael, be careful or a ghost will knock on your door in the night." Laura took Angela’s words.

Even though Laura has experienced an accident, her whole body burned and her face was almost disfigured, but her optimistic nature has not changed. Even after so many years, she was still the original lively Laura.

"It’s good to have a female ghost. I’m just short of a female companion." Robert Michael was an expert in teasing others.

Edwin Carter was the only one who kept silent. For him, it seemed that they didn’t exist at all. He kept his eyes on the room of MRI, and all his mind was on Jane.

He had asked people to replace Jonathan Ronan’s medicine for Jane’s with vitamin tablets. If Jane stopped taking the original medicine, would she be able to get through the period of quitting drug addiction? He was really worried about this thing.

Angela Carter yawned and asked, "Where’s my sister-in-law?"

Last night, Angela Carter took part in the premiere of the new movie, and then had a dinner party. She went back to her apartment at midnight.

She was sleepy and yawning constantly. If she didn’t have to accompany Jane in shopping, she must be sleeping till now.

Robert Michael said, "There are two extremely handsome men in front of you, but you turn a blind eye to us, it hurts people’s heart."

Laura said, "We both are already taken. You are handsome, but it is someone else’s luck. We have only one purpose in coming here. That is to go shopping with Jane."

Angela Carter nodded with Laura Ferdinand, "I only like my Victor James, other men, of course, except my brother, have no worth in my eyes."

Robert Michael made an exaggerated expression of being hurt, "If you two beauties have refused to me, then I have to go to our most beautiful Janell."

Angela Carter said, "Janell also had a big brother to take care of her, she didn’t even miss her father so there is no chance for her uncle."

Robert Michael shrugged helplessly and pretended to be sad, "Well. You two have tortured me severely. I will think seriously about my status of being single."


Laura Ferdinand added, "Mr. Michael, with your appearance, status, and knowledge there must be many girls willing to be with you. But I think your vision must be too high and you never gave anyone a chance."

"You have misunderstood me." Robert Michael wiped a pair of fake tears and sighed, "I regretted to become a friend of Leon Carter. In his presence, how can anyone pay attention to me?"

Angela Carter nodded her head forcefully to express her approval, "Mr. Michael, you finally told me the truth. It’s true that no other men can have a chance in the presence of my brother."

As soon as Angela Carter said this, Robert Michael said in a sorrowful voice, "can you feel my sorrow?"

No matter how he wailed, there was no one to comfort him.


"I’m finished. What about you?" When Jane came out of the examination room, she looked up and saw that there were so many people there. She was surprised and said, "Hey, Miss Carter, Miss Ferdinand, you all are there."

Angela Carter said, "Yes, a good coincidence. If Miss Ronan is free this afternoon, how about going shopping with us?"

"What Miss Ferdinand, and Miss Ronan?" Laura Ferdinand said discontentedly, "My name is Laura, her name is Angela, don’t be too formal again."

Jane was a little speechless. All these people were so enthusiastic about her. They all must be that Jane’s friends. So when they see her, they behaved as kind as they were old friends for many years, and made her heart feel warm.

Edwin Carter, who had been waiting for long, looked at Jane, came to her, raised his hand and gently put it at the back of her ear. He said softly, "Go shopping with them. I’ll tell you the result when I get the reports."


"Ok." Jane nodded and smiled softly. "You also go back and do your work. But don’t be too tired."

After saying these words, Jane looked back and saw that all the people were staring at her, she blushed and her face turned red.

On no. She's not familiar with Edwin Carter. But his ambiguous behavior made her forget that there were also other people around.

"Jane, let’s go first." Laura Ferdinand grabbed Jane’s hand to leave.

Angela Carter followed closely, turned back to the two men who saw them leaving and said, "You two men also go back to do your work. Don’t worry about us. I will take good care of my future sister-in-law."

Edwin Carter’s eyes watched them going far, took back his eyes and went to see Jane’s physical examination report with Robert Michael.


Angela Carter and Laura Ferdinand were very lively. Jane followed them, and her mood became pleasant. She listened to them all the way, and her smile didn’t even fade for a second.

The two of them protected Jane just like a delicate doll that may be broken at any time. One of them was walking on the left side of Jane and the other on the right of Jane, and from time to time they glared at those people who dared to stare at Jane.

Jane thought it was funny, "If you two keep on doing this, people who don’t know us will think you’re going to kidnap me."

Angela Carter said, "We are here to protect you. If you bump into someone, my brother will take my life."

Jane didn’t remember that she was kidnapped when she was pregnant with Janell, but Angela Carter and Laura knew everything clearly. She disappeared three years ago and finally came back, now they really wanted to protect her.

Jane shook her head helplessly, but this helplessness was not annoying, the bottom of her heart was filled with happiness.

In the past three years, she has no friends. Suddenly, she got so many friends who really cared about her. This feeling was very good.

However, whenever she felt good she also felt at loss. They treated her the same as Edwin Carter. Because all of them think of her as "Jane" who has passed away!

"Jane, Angela, let’s go to eat hot pot after shopping," Laura said.

In the past, she and Jane liked to go out to eat hot pot together. They sweated all over in the hot weather, but really enjoyed it.

Angela Carter said, "I’m preparing for a new movie recently. I can’t eat the hot pot, preventing suffer from excessive internal heat, but I can accompany you."

Jane hasn’t eaten hotpot for a long time, because her father always said it was bad for her health, so she endured but as Laura said she felt it tempting and happily agreed, "OK. We will go to eat hot pot after shopping."

This shopping mall was the largest shopping mall in Jiangbei City. The place where Edwin Carter and Jane came for shopping for the first time.

Jane didn’t want to buy anything, but as she walked the shopping mall and saw the little girl’s things she unconsciously thought of Janell.


When she saw the skirt, she thought about how it would look on Janell?

When she saw the girl’s toys, she thought if Janell would like them?

Whatever she saw seemed suitable for Janell.

Jane wanted to buy it for Janell. However, she knew that Janell didn’t lack these things, so she had to suppress the impulse of shopping.

Angela Carter looked at Jane’s back, she looked the same as she saw a few years ago. She and Jane went shopping together. Jane had a big belly. She went to the baby store and walked away. Even though the baby products had been prepared at home, she still bought a lot.

Laura was a fashion designer. She can’t help but to use her professional eyes to see clothes and nothing attracted her.

"Girl, the clothes of those two brands you like are on the fifth floor, shall we go up and have a look?" Laura spoke in a very natural tone.

"Okay." Jane answered instinctively and didn’t even notice Laura’s words that she was supposed to be a stranger. How did Laura know what brand of clothes she likes?

Just when the three of them were going to the elevator to go upstairs, a branded scarf’s shop attracted Jane’s attention.

Jane stood still and looked at the scarf shop quietly.

In a trance, a pair of a young and good-looking man and woman appeared in the empty shop. The man was wearing a silver-gray suit, wearing a golden frame glasses, and his eyes were gently looking at the woman.

The woman in his gentle gaze helped the man to put on a scarf, then summoned the courage and kissed the corner of the man’s mouth secretly.

"Like it?"

"Yes, I like it."

There were two very familiar voices in Jane’s ear. She could even see the man’s face clearly.

——Edwin Carter!


How it could be possible?

How could she see herself so close to Edwin Carter?

Jane didn’t understand, she had sweat on her face, her heart suddenly hurt inexplicably, as if she missed something very important and could not find it back.

What’s that important thing? She thought a lot but couldn’t get an answer and her mind suddenly became blank.

"Sister in law, what happened?"

"Girl, don’t scare us!"

Angela Carter and Laura Ferdinand noticed Jane’s numb appearance and the cold sweat on her body. They both panicked and almost reached out to support her at the same time.

Angela Carter and Laura Ferdinand were anxiously asking Jane, but Jane couldn’t hear anything, as if she suddenly stepped into some imaginary time and space.


Everything around has disappeared, the surrounding became empty, and there was no one. She seemed to float in the air, there was no attraction of gravity!

Jane didn’t know how long it took to feel that she was about to forget the world, and finally, a voice fell into her ear.

The white light slowly disappeared, there was the scarf shop in front of her eyes and there were Laura Ferdinand and Angela Carter around.

"Jane, what happened to you?"

"Sister in law… should I call brother?"

Laura Ferdinand and Angela Carter’s eyes were so clear, so warm and full of concern. For a moment, Jane wanted to shed tears, but she held back.

She took a deep breath quietly and held Angela Carter’s hand, "I’m ok. Don’t worry."


"You really scared me." Jane didn’t cry, but Laura Ferdinand, who always looked so bold and vigorous, suddenly cried and hugged Jane. "Stinky girl, don’t scare me anymore."

They have lost Jane once, and now they got Jane again. But Laura always felt that Jane would disappear at any time again. Laura was so sad that she couldn’t care about any image and couldn’t stop herself from shedding tears.

"Laura..." Jane patted her back. Her heart has been tightly clenched by Laura Ferdinand’s tears, but she still smiled softly. "If you cry again, the people of the whole mall will come here."

"I don’t care if people will come around and see. It’s not like they haven’t seen a woman crying before." Laura left Jane, wiped tears, and smiled again, "Damn, you don’t know how much I am worried about you."

"I won’t let you worry about me again." Whether they regard her as the double of Jane, but she decided to treat them as her friends and she will treat them with sincerity.

Because of this incident, the three of them had no interest in shopping, so they went to the hot pot shop suggested by Laura for dinner earlier.

After dinner, Angela Carter and Laura Ferdinand dropped Jane home. They left after confirming that she has safely reached.

Angela Carter also called her brother in time to report today’s situation, and she also mentioned the abnormalities that Jane encountered.

After hanging up Edwin Carter’s phone, Angela Carter dialed Victor James’s number again. She was too busy these days and didn’t get time to harass him. She decided to pester him today.


But when she called, he didn’t even ask someone to deal with her. Instead, he hung up her phone directly.

Angela Carter looked at the screen of the cell phone and jumped up angrily. For a moment, she forgot that she was still sitting in the car. She jumped and bumped into the roof of the car, which made her scream in pain.

Arthur Simon looked at her in the rearview mirror and said, "Polaris, are you all right?"

"My head is about to explode. Are you asking that am I all right? You don’t know how to drive?" Because her head hurt too much, she roared angrily and put the blame on Arthur Simon.

Arthur Simon has been blamed by Angela Carter usually. He was used to her temper. Her mouth was a little blunt but she always treated these people around her like her family.

Angela Carter rubbed her head and felt angry.

Damn it! Victor James that son of a bitch, she hasn’t looked for him for a few days and he dared to hang up her phone.

After thinking about it, Angela Carter asked, "Where can I buy explosives in Jiangbei?"

Hung up her phone?

Wanted to ignore her?

She will blow up his nest to see how arrogant he is and what he can do!

"Explosives are forbidden. They are not so easy to buy." Arthur Simon was honest.

"If I can’t buy explosives, then buy two barrels of oil." If she can’t blow up Victor James’s nest, she will burn him. The main thing was to destroy him.

Arthur Simon, "Polaris, Commander James is not answering your phone again?"


Angela heard it and saw Arthur Simon’s sympathetic eyes in the rearview mirror. She felt even upset and even angrier, "Arthur Simon, don’t you know how to talk? What do you mean by “again”? How can he dare to not answer my phone?"

It was true that Victor James didn’t answer her phone and it was a fact that everyone knows. But it was not necessary to put it out so clearly.

Arthur Simon shut his mouth tightly and didn’t dare to say a word to provoke her. If she was really decided to buy oil, no one can pull her back.

After a long silence, Angela Carter said, "go to Jiangbei military region."

Arthur Simon turned to Jiangbei military region. He was supposed to do what Polaris wanted him to do.


Robert Michael studied Jane’s examination report. There was no trauma to her brain. Edwin Carter and Robert Michael ruled out the possibility of her brain being severely damaged as the reason for her memory loss.

So they focused on the two aspects of drug and spiritual stimulation. Edwin Carter let Robert Michael and the experts find a cure together.

After kidnapping Jonathan Ronan, Edwin Carter also asked people to quietly replace the medicine that Jonathan Ronan gave Jane and replaced it with vitamin tablets. Vitamin pills don’t do harm the body, but for Jane who already relied on that drug, it will be painful to endure.

Jonathan Ronan called Jane and said that he was going to Kyoto to do something. Maybe it would take a few days to come back. He left her alone at home.

She was alone at home, no one to speak, two rooms and two empty halls. She particularly felt uncomfortable.

Jane sat for a while and then began to design clothes. She decided that after completing the design she will go to pick some fabrics, hoping to finish it quickly, and decided to gift it to Janell’s on children’s day.

She drew it for a while and yawned. She felt a little lazy, didn’t have the strength to do anything and her mood was also very upset. She just wanted to fight with someone.

She threw the brush in her hand, got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face, hoping to make herself more conscious.


But it didn’t work at all. She felt very weak and felt as she will fall down at any time, it was the same feeling that she had when she was sick before.

Jane thought that she was sick again, but this time it seemed more serious than usual. The medicine she took seemed to have no effect. Jane came to the living room, poured a glass of water, and took another dose of medicine.

After taking it, Jane went back to the room and lay down on her bed, closed her eyes, and hoped that the medicine would soon work, and she would not feel so upset.

However, even after waiting for a long time, Jane didn’t feel better, even her whole body was covered in cold sweats.

For the last two years, she has been relying on these medicines, after taking them she did not feel upset.

Why isn't it working today?

Jane didn’t understand. She was so sad that she rolled around in bed. She wanted to call her father, but she didn’t want him to worry. She put down her mobile phone.

As she put down her mobile phone a phone call came in. She took it back and saw that it was Edwin Carter’s call. She felt good in her heart and heard Edwin Carter’s low voice, "what are you doing?"


"I..." Jane took a sniff, and suddenly she felt wronged and wanted to cry, but she tried to endure it and tried to speak in a calm voice, "I seem to be ill."

"Hold on, wait for me."

Jane faintly heard the sound of closing the car door. She held her mobile phone and buried her head in the pillow. She felt like a million ants were eating her heart.

Before long, Edwin Carter’s voice came back from mobile phone, "open the door."

"What door?" Jane was in a daze and couldn’t respond. She had already lost her senses. For a while, she couldn’t think that Edwin Carter would appear at her door.

"Open the door of your house." Edwin Carter’s voice came from his cell phone again. He sounded worried.

"Ah?" Jane made a silly sound thought with a confused mind, and then she realized that Edwin Carter was asking her to open the door of her house.


She got up, dragged her weak body and walked out. When she came to the door, she reached for the doorknob. She was sure that she held it, but there was nothing in her hand.

"Jane-" Edwin Carter’s voice came from outside.

"I’m opening the door, wait." After struggling for a long time, Jane opened the door. But even after opening the door she could not see Edwin Carter’s face very clearly. "Are you Edwin Carter?"

"It’s me. I am Edwin Carter." Edwin Carter took her up and left.

"Edwin Carter, what are you doing?" Jane pushed him, but the body really has no strength, the whole person was lying on his arms.

"I am taking you home." Back to their home, he would never let her stay outside alone, and never let her suffer alone.

"Home? Whose home? The place where my father is, is my home," Jane muttered. "I don’t know where my home is."

In Jane’s mind, she fell sick, felt helpless and scared just because her father was not around. In the past three years, her father never left her. Today, when her father suddenly left, she fell sick again and felt so helpless.

Edwin Carter heard Jane’s words, tightened his arm’s strength vigorously, tightly encircled her in his arms, and said in a deep voice, "Jane, I didn’t allow you to talk nonsense."

If you want to blame me, blame me for not protecting you well!

Blame me for letting you suffer those painful things alone!

Blame me for losing you in the past!

"Edwin Carter? Are you Edwin Carter? Who is Edwin Carter? I don’t seem to know you," Jane said vaguely. "But sometimes I feel I’ve known you for a long time. It’s a strange feeling."

"Jane..." Besides calling her name, Edwin Carter didn’t know what else to say.


"I just don’t know you. I don’t know who I am," Jane said and thought again. "I don’t even remember my name, my father tells me a name and I took it. But I can’t remember who I am, what happened in my past, I don’t know. Many times, I feel like I will disappear at any time. I feel like I don’t belong to this world."

"I’m scared, but I didn’t tell it to my father, I don’t want him to worry about me. He is old, he is my only family member. If he didn’t want to tell me those things in the past, it must be for my good. But he also let me understand that my past is not a good thing."

"I’ve always told myself not to think about the past, but I can’t help thinking about it. I want to know what I have faced in my past, why I am afraid to recall my past?"

"Why am I telling so much to a stranger? You can never understand my feeling. You can never understand how scared I am."

She always pretended to be indifferent, as if she didn’t care about anyone or anything and didn’t make any friends.

It was not that she didn’t want to make friends. It was just that she was afraid to make friends. If someone asked her one day, about her university, about her work before and things about the past, what she will say to them?

When people will ask her the simplest and most basic questions about life. How will she answer?

If she answers honestly and tells others that she can’t remember the past things, will those people treat her as a stranger?

"Jane, I understand. I understand everything you say." Edwin Carter told her and his heart has been broken numerous times after hearing Jane’s words. He felt it difficult to breathe.

This was his Jane. No matter what, she always smiled. She used her unique smile to cover up her inner worries and fears. She pretended to be very strong, like she didn’t care about anything.

He hated losing her for so long. How had she spent those three years?

"Ha ha..." Jane sneered and shook her head, and a smile worse than crying appeared on her face. "My father doesn’t understand, how can you understand?"

She herself didn’t know if she didn’t have a clear mind or if she was particularly vulnerable. These things and fears that she had never discussed with anyone she told him at once.

Maybe she had spent a really long time without friends and a companion. That’s why, she easily fell into Edwin Carter’s net, and couldn’t extricate herself.

She knew that he took her as his dead wife, but she still went to him like a moth to a flame.

Many times, Jane felt jealous and envied the "Jane" of Edwin Carter. Although that Jane was no longer around Edwin Carter, they have common good memories. He deeply loved her, cared about her, and had such a lovely daughter with her.

And what about her?

She just has her father, nothing else. She didn’t even have her past memories that everyone has!


What a sad thing it is for a person to have no past memory.

She thought and smiled again. It was still her usual gentle smile. Her eyebrows were light, her lips were slightly raised, and her light smile made her look more beautiful.

Edwin Carter always thought that her smile was very beautiful. But now, he realized that it was a smile that Jane used to hide her real emotions.

He felt that someone was holding a knife and cutting his heart into pieces. He felt something much more severe than pain.

"Jane, your father doesn’t understand you, but I do. I know how upset and scared you are." He said.

Because he was as scared as she was.

Even more afraid that he would never find her again in his life, and he would have to sleep on drugs for countless nights.

"You can understand me?" Jane shook her head and smiled bitterly. The person he can understand should be his "Jane", not her.


"Jane believe me." In the past, she did not believe that he could deal with Christopher Greyson, and now she did not believe that he could feel her pain.

"Can I really believe you?" The mouth was still asking, but in her heart, she had already told herself to believe him--He deserves her trust.

All of a sudden, Jane thought of the picture that suddenly appeared in her mind when she was shopping today, and Edwin Carter had appeared in the picture.

That Edwin Carter was wearing the same glasses as this Edwin Carter. He looked almost the same in height and figure. The only difference was that Edwin Carter was wearing a silver-gray suit and this Edwin was wearing a white shirt.

Edwin Carter?

Why can she see such a scene?

Jane still wanted to think about it, but her body was feeling more and more uncomfortable, and her heart was afraid, anxious and powerless.

Many senses attacked her, which made her panic and uneasy.

She wanted to bite Edwin Carter—

She just thought and her action was a step faster than her thoughts. She opened her mouth and bit Edwin Carter on the shoulder. Across the thin white shirt, she bit him like a wild beast.

Before long, the bright red blood stained Edwin Carter’s white red, and Jane also smelled the taste of his blood.


However, she did not stop. She was still biting, pulling hard. It seemed that she was venting her loneliness and fear.

The blood flowed and slowly stained his white shirt into red.

Obviously, it hurt a lot, but Edwin Carter didn’t even frown. He was willing to let her bite him.

Compared with her cesarean section, her loss of past memory and these past three-years, the little pain of got bitten by her was nothing!

He sat in the car, but she didn’t stop. Edwin Carter didn’t stop her and after telling the driver to drive, he looked down at her in his arms. His eyes were as gentle as the moonlight.

He reached out and stroked her head gently, as if he was comforting a wounded animal.

"Jane-" I will never let you be afraid, never let you bear the lonely nights alone, never let you feel lonely and scared.

After a long time, they reached home. Jane let Edwin Carter go, she was too tired that she slept in Edwin Carter’s arms.

Edwin Carter tightly hugged her with one hand, gently stroked her frown, and called her name in his heart.

He didn’t believe that there was so-called love in the world before he met Jane, or more accurately before Jane’s sudden disappearance!

In his opinion, two people’s marriage was to choose a partner to live with. As long as their personalities fit well, they look good there will be no big problems in life. No matter who becomes his wife, he was willing to accept her.

It wasn’t until three years ago when Jane suddenly disappeared from his world. At that moment when he heard the sad news, he felt heartbreaking pain.


At that time, he also got to know the reason why he didn’t fall in love with anyone before meeting Jane. It was not because he didn’t really have time, but that he didn’t meet the person he wanted to fell in love with.

He realized the reason why he chose Jane to get married. It was not only because of their compatible personalities but because he didn’t want her to be taken home by other men.

If not, why did he bother to replace her blind date and went to meet her?

His EQ was low, and when he understood it, she was already no longer around him. He looked for her all over the world, spent three years and ended up empty-handed!

However, now, he knew his heart very well. He didn’t want anyone but Jane!


Jane’s dependence on morphine was much more serious than Edwin Carter has estimated.

At this time, Jane was lying on the bed. She not only had cold sweat but also has a very dizzy mind. From time to time, her mouth said something vaguely.

Today, Jane had a general physical examination and took her blood sample for different tests. The expert’s advice to Edwin Carter was to use a natural method.

Natural withdrawal refers to a kind of method of detoxification, in which the addict’s drug supply is cut down forced fully. He will be provided the same diet and general care are provided as ordinary people so that the addict’s abstinence symptoms naturally subside and the purpose of detoxification can be achieved.

In this method, no drug can be given to patients that can lead to unbearable pain.

Edwin Carter also listened to several other methods. After careful consideration, he decided to take the advice of experts.

Although the process of this method was painful, as long as she sticks to it, she will not become addicted after quitting it completely, and it will be more helpful for her quick recovery.

He took a towel and wiped the cold sweat from Jane’s forehead. He held her hand tightly, as if to give her strength in this way.

Edwin Carter saw her suffering and hoped that if he could bear all this in place of his delicate and weak Jane.

After a long time, Jane got a little better. She opened her eyes powerlessly, and after gaining some consciousness she looked at Edwin Carter around her.

When she saw the bloodstain on his shirt, her eyes widened and her heart hurt inexplicably, "are you hurt? Is the injury serious? How do you get hurt?"

"I’m not hurt. It’s the paint I accidentally got." He smiled at her, reached out and touched her head. "How are you feeling?"

Jane shook her head slowly, "It’s not uncomfortable, and I feel like all my strength has been drained."

Edwin Carter drew back his hand and said, "Close your eyes and lie down for a while. I’ll ask someone to prepare something to eat."

Jane smiled weakly. "Okay."

Edwin Carter pulled up the quilt to cover her, got up and left.

"Edwin Carter-"


"Nothing." Jane shook her head again.


"Wait for me." Edwin Carter smiled and turned away.

Jane was inexplicably afraid to see him going away, she thought that he would not come back again like before.

Again? Like before?

How could she use the words "again"?

Jane didn’t know what happened to her recently. She always felt uneasy and some inexplicable thoughts always flashed in his mind.

Laura Ferdinand, Angela Carter and Robert Michael all seemed familiar as if she really knew them.

Jane hasn’t come up with an answer yet when the door has been opened again. Edwin Carter came in with Janell who was sleeping soundly, "I brought Janell to accompany you."

Edwin Carter had seen in her eyes that why she suddenly wanted to say something but she stopped. She was afraid of staying alone, so he went back to the room and brought Janell here to accompany her.


"Okay." Jane held Janell and put her on her side. All her mind and attention have been shifted to this little child. She no more cared about Edwin Carter’s affairs.

In an instant, Edwin Carter felt like the odd one out. His heart was a little sour, but when he saw the reassuring smile on Jane’s face, the jealousy in his heart disappeared with the wind.

He shook his head and walked away. He had to order to cook food for Jane and had to change his clothes first. He could not scare his wife and daughter.

Janell was sleeping peacefully, she was not aware that he has been held by his father when she was asleep and had changed her place.

Jane looked at Janell and her heart felt peaceful, she stretched out her hand and played with her.

Janell has been disturbed, she instinctively raised her little hand to pat off the thing away from her face, grabbed it randomly for two times without even opening her eyes, pursed her mouth and continued to snore and sleep.


The little child was very cute. Jane kissed Janell’s face and all the uneasiness of her heart disappeared quietly.

Jane held Janell and put her face next to her face. Before long, she also fell asleep and went into her warm and sweet dreams. There was no darkness, no nightmares, and no one who wanted to catch her. Tonight, there were Edwin Carter, Janell, and she!

Edwin Carter changed his clothes, brought the porridge and entered the room. He saw this mother and daughter’s face next to each other and sleeping together.

Edwin Carter put the porridge aside, sat by the bed, watched them silently, but he didn’t want to wake Jane up.

He pulled the quilt to cover them well and sat quietly to watch them. He wished he could see them like this all his life.

In the second half of the night, Jane slept very well.

She didn’t know how long she had slept when she woke up with a pleasant voice. She opened her eyes and saw a cute baby’s face.

"Big Jane..."

Janell, who had already woken up, was sitting beside Jane and had been waiting for a long time. As soon as she woke up, Janell leaned up, hugged her and kissed her face, which left a big watermark.

"Little Jane." Jane held Janell back to kiss her.

"You're awake."

When they kissed each other, Edwin Carter’s low and sexy voice came to Jane’s ear. She looked up and saw Edwin Carter, dressed neatly, sitting by the window, reading the newspaper.

"Yeah." Jane nodded stupidly.

She looked at Edwin Carter dressed in a white shirt, but he suddenly became a man in a silver-gray suit. The picture was so familiar, but Jane couldn’t remember it clearly.

Maybe she has been possessed Janell’s mother’s soul that she can see these pictures that she should not have seen?


Jane quickly shook her head and drove the absurd idea out of her head. She was really fed up with her own self. How could she think of all these things?

"Still sleepy?" Edwin Carter asked again.

"No, I am good." Jane shook her head and blushed unconsciously.

"Janell, you are responsible for washing your big Jane’s face, brushing your teeth and changing your clothes. Dad is here waiting for you to go downstairs for breakfast." Edwin Carter said.

"Okay, daddy." Janell really liked it when her father gave tasks to her. She always tried her best to actively complete them, for proving that she is a very good child.

Janell’s small body rolled, she tried to slip off the bed, but because she was too small, she rolled off the bed without paying attention to the stability. Jane wanted to catch her, but she was too slow to catch her.

The little baby fell to the ground.

Janell fell to the ground, struggled to get up, rubbed her little butt, and sadly pouted her little mouth, "Daddy--"

"Janell you will cry in front of dad and big Jane?" Edwin Carter looked at her. She looked sad but it seemed funny.

"Janell won’t cry." Janell wanted to cry but big Jane was also here, she can’t leave a bad impression on big Jane.

Jane gave a look at Edwin Carter discontentedly, got off the bed and picked up Janell, "Janell, tell me, are you okay? Is there any pain?"

Janell leaned on Jane’s shoulders, rubbed her face twice and said softly, "Janell is not in pain, Janell will take you to wash face."

"Alright, Janell go with big Jane." Edwin Carter said, but Jane was dissatisfied with Edwin Carter’s attitude. He didn’t come to coax Janell, so she and Janell both did not want to talk to him.


Edwin Carter looked at the mother and daughter avoiding him and going to the bathroom. He shook his head helplessly again. It seemed that his position at home will fall soon.


On the breakfast table, Edwin Carter asked people to make the meal according to Jane’s preferences that they used to eat when they were together. He wanted to remind Jane of something through these minor details.

But Edwin Carter’s carefully prepared food didn’t attract Jane’s attention at all. Her whole mind was on Janell.

These days, Janell spent most of her time with that big boy. But today she didn’t even care about her big brother. It seemed that she can only see big Jane.

Is this what people often call mother-daughter relationship?

It is clear that none of them knew the identity of each other, but their love for each other was so obvious and no one can replace their position in each other’s hearts.

After being ignored by this mother and daughter all the time, Edwin Carter tried to find a sense of existence and put a piece of cake in Jane’s plate, "Janell can eat by herself, you don’t bother too much. Please eat."

"Okay." Jane replied and smiled at him.

"Jane, I’ve talked with your company’s leaders. These days you don’t have to go to work in the company, you will work at home, and will complete my order of designing three dresses."

After hearing Edwin Carter’s words, Jane was stunned and asked, "Edwin Carter, how similar is your wife and I?"

"Exactly same, no difference at all, even the smile is the same, with this same smile she deceived me countless times." Edwin Carter wanted to say this to Jane, but he can’t. He cannot scare her.

So, Edwin Carter had to change his words, "You are you, no one can replace you."


Jane admitted that Edwin Carter was a man with a strong ability to “defeat” girls. He knew how to flirt, and he can make her blush with his words. Her heart even started beating faster when he opened his mouth to say some casual words.

She quickly bowed her head to eat breakfast, pretended that she had not asked anything, and pretended that she had not heard anything!

But Edwin Carter didn’t want to let her go so easily. He continued, "I asked your permission to let me woo you. I have nothing to do with anyone else. I just want you in my life."

Jane, "..."

This man-

How he can be so direct so blunt?

He always left no room for her to parry!

"Daddy likes little Jane and big Jane." Janell also came forward to help her dad.

Don’t think that children don’t understand anything. They understand things better in their hearts.

Just after looking at her father’s expression, she could see that her father got happy by having big Jane by his side.

Dad is happy and so is she.

Jane, "..."

It was not only Edwin Carter that made her unable to parry but also the little baby of his family.

Janell said, "Little Jane wants to make big Jane her mom."

Jane looked at Janell, a little child cannot say such a thing and she gave Edwin Carter a dissatisfied look.

It is a matter of adults. How can he use a child?

"Auntie said that mom has come back from the sky, I want mom." Janell had already forgotten what her aunt had told her. Angela told her to not tell it to anyone that it has been taught to her by her aunt.

After hearing Janell’s word, Jane’s heart was inexplicably sour again. She couldn’t bear to refuse the child at all, but she cannot do anything else.


Janell will grow up, and later she will understand that no one, even if someone looks like her mother, still won’t be able to replace her actual mother.


Jane lived in Edwin’s villa temporarily. The reason was very simple. She was designing three dressed for Edwin Carter’s family.

Edwin Carter went to work, Janell went to kindergarten, and Angela Carter didn’t come back. In such a large villa, she was alone with the servant, and there was no one to talk.

There was a studio beside the garden on the east side of the villa. The studio was a transparent glass house with all the painting tools. It can be seen that Edwin Carter specially prepared it for someone special.

When Jane came to the Carter house for the first time and entered the main bedroom, she had seen an easel in the room, so she understood that these things must have been prepared by Edwin Carter for his wife.

Same name, same looks, and now even the hobby of painting was the same.

In addition, the pictures that flashed in her mind time to time these days, the memory that she has lost, and the scars on her abdomen—

Jane thought a lot and it didn’t seem a coincidence, there was one voice… Is she the "Jane" that had passed away?

After these thoughts, Jane suddenly felt difficulty in breathing. She clenched her fists tightly.

She told herself that she could no longer hide in her shell. She cannot run away from her past and pretend that nothing had happened.


She has to find a way to find her own memory, even if the past memories were not good, but it was still part of her own past. Just after finding it back she can regard herself as a complete person.

But how can she find it?

She needs to find some clues.

Who can give her a clue?

Jane closed her eyes and thought about it carefully—

My father knew everything about my past but he doesn’t want to mention the past. So my father won’t give me a clue.

She thought about others—

Edwin Carter won’t tell her either, Janell obviously not, Angela Carter won’t, and finally, Jane thought about Laura Ferdinand.

Although she didn’t spend a long time together, Jane could still feel the deep friendship between Laura and Jane. She was not sure that Laura can be the best breakthrough to help her find back her past memory.

Jane tried to recall what Laura said to her. She said that they were good friends and came to Jiangbei together from Kyoto—

They came to Jiangbei together from Kyoto! And her father said he had something to do in Kyoto. It means the thing in Kyoto must be related to her past.

The whole day, Jane couldn’t do anything else. All her mind was stuck on her past.

Edwin Carter didn’t go to work at the company, but he and a group of experts were trying to alleviate the pain of giving up morphine.

Later, he and Robert Michael met several internationally famous psychologist, hoping to find a way to help Jane recover her memory.


After that, it was already late. He didn’t go anywhere else and came home directly because there was Jane waiting for him. When the servant said that Jane was in the studio, Edwin Carter hurriedly came to see her.

From a little distance, he saw Jane sitting in the studio in a daze, but he did not know what she was thinking.

He didn’t go in to disturb her, but stood at the door and looked at her quietly. He was very satisfied just being able to look at her like this after coming home from work every day.

It may be that his eyes were too hot that Jane felt his gaze. She turned around and smiled softly at him, "you are back."

"Yes, I’m back." A short sentence that Edwin Carter has been missing for the last three years.

In the past, he used to leave work later than her. So that when he came back home, she would say - you are back!

When Edwin Carter wanted to say something else, the servant hurriedly came, "young master, little miss has been crying, we don’t know how to coax her, please come and see her."

"What happened to Janell?" The questioner was not Edwin Carter, but Jane. She looked more anxious than Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter grabbed her hand, "don’t worry, let’s go and have a look."

"Um." Jane nodded, and Edwin Carter led the way.

They haven’t reached the living room of the main building yet when the cry of Janell has reached their ears. Edwin Carter subconsciously clenched her hand, "It’s common for children to cry. Don’t worry too much."

"How can I not..." she felt as if she was overreacting. She swallowed back her words and tried to calm down.

"Whoa, whoa..." Janell sat on the sofa and wailed. No one was allowed to get close to her. Nova couldn’t take care of her, neither her favorite brother could do anything.

She has cried for a long time. Her eyes were swollen like two peaches as if she had been betrayed by the whole world and she looked aggrieved.

Jane shook off Edwin Carter’s hand and rushed forward immediately. She wanted to hold Janell in her arms. But Janell struggled hard, "I don’t want big Jane."

She cried and wiped her tears. She looked heartbroken. Her poor little appearance seemed as if the whole world has bullied her.

"Janell..." Jane saw Janell crying so sadly, and her heart also ached. But because Janell resisted her, she didn’t know what to do.


Edwin Carter went to Janell’s side and sat down. He held her in his arms and patted her back. He asked softly, "Janell, tell dad, why you are so sad?"

"I don’t want big Jane, I want my mom." Janell’s face was red with tears, and her body kept twitching.

After hearing Janell saying it, Jane silently took back her hand. Her heart was a little bitter. Janell was just a child, and her mind can be changed soon. Jane was already worried about it, but she didn’t expect Janell to change her mind so soon.

In the morning, when Janell went to school, she was happy and happily said goodbye to her. But now she came back and started crying and asking for a mother.

Jane understood that Janell needed a mother, and only her mother can give her all the love, not this big Jane.

Jane didn’t want Janell to be sad. She turned around and wanted to leave quietly, but Edwin Carter grabbed her and dragged her to his side, "stay here. Don’t go anywhere."


His tone was somewhat domineering but there was also some helplessness. Jane heard it but didn’t dislike it. She nodded obediently and sat beside him.

Edwin Carter wiped Janell’s tears and asked patiently, "Janell likes her big Jane so much, and big Jane loves Janell so much, but if you talked like this, big Jane will become sad, do you know it?"

"Big Jane will be sad!" Janell cried louder. She didn’t want big Jane to be sad. She was so sad that she didn’t know what to do.

Edwin Carter stroked her daughter’s head, kissed her on her crying face, and his voice became gentler, "Janell, if you don’t tell dad why you are crying, dad won’t be able to solve the problem. Tell me, and I will do for it, you don’t have to be sad."

Janell sniffed and said sadly, "Dad and big Jane will have a new baby. Then they won’t love Janell. I don’t want big Jane, I want mom."


Today, when she was coming home, Nova told her that if her father got married to big Jane, they would have another baby. Later, her father would love big Jane and their new baby. They would not love Janell. She will become a poor child without a mother.

Janell felt sad. She liked big Jane so much, but big Jane wanted to steal her dad and to have another baby with her father. She also won’t love big Jane anymore.

Why does big Jane want to have another baby with dad?

Why doesn't she love her?

Janell didn’t understand, so she started crying.

The more Janell thought about it, the sadder she felt.

Her big Jane, whom she loved so much, doesn’t like her… even this thought hurt her badly.

Janell didn’t speak very clearly, but Edwin Carter knew that someone must have said something to Janell’s, otherwise she would not have said such a thing.

He stroked Janell’s head and said, "Janell, you’ve done something wrong, you know?"

When Janell heard her father saying that she had done something wrong, she suddenly lost her mind, and her tears rolled down.

Her dad also doesn’t love her?

She doesn’t have a mother, and her dad also doesn’t want her anymore. She is so pitiful!

Edwin Carter put Janell into Jane’s arms and said, "Janell, listen to dad. Dad and big Jane will always love you, love you more than anyone. Do you understand?"

Janell didn’t understand. She blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Jane. "Big Jane will always love little Jane?"


"Little Jane, I..." Jane was not stupid either. Of course, she also knew that Janell didn't say this. She must have been taught by someone behind her.

But her position was different from that of Edwin Carter. If something happened between her and Edwin Carter and in the future they got another child, it will affect Edwin Carter’s love for Janell. She didn’t want to cheat Janell, so she didn’t know how to answer Janell.

"Big Jane doesn’t love Janell?" Jane didn’t answer, but Janell felt that she was an abandoned child.

How pitiful she was!

Edwin Carter said, "Janell you spoke badly with big Jane, and big Jane got angry. If you apologize to her, she will forgive you."

"Big Jane, I just want you to love me." If dad and big Jane both love her, don’t bring another child and don’t let her become the poor child that Aunt Nova said to her, she will also love father and big Jane.

"Janell--" Jane tightly held Janell in her arms and choked.

She saw Janell crying, heard Janell saying that no one loves her, she felt as if her own child has been bullied, she felt more painful than Janell herself.

"Well, finally big and little Jane has become friends again." Edwin Carter opened his long and powerful arms and hugged this mother and daughter. He hugged them tightly. "Big and little Jane are happy now. Let’s go to eat first, and then little Jane and big Jane will go to play together."

"Okay." Janell nodded hard and felt a little embarrassed. She hugged big Jane and kissed her, "Big Jane, I love you so much."

"I love you too, Janell." Jane picked up Janell, kissed her on the face, and walked to the dining hall with Edwin Carter.


After supper, Edwin Carter asked Janell to take Jane for a walk outside, and he asked the housekeeper to call all the servants.

Edwin Carter liked to be quiet. There were only a dozen servants in Villa. At this time, they all have been called together. They all were nervous and didn’t know what have happened.

Nova who was in charge of taking care of Janell was more afraid. She was afraid that the master would come to know about her words that she said to Janell.

Edwin Carter’s eyes swept over them one by one and finally fell on Nova. He said in a deep voice, "Linda, give her a sum of money, and let her go as far as possible."

Edwin Carter always disliked people who do backbiting. Especially if someone spoke against his wife. No matter how loyal she was, he can’t let her stay anymore.

Nova said timidly, "Master… I, I..."

Edwin Carter didn’t give her a chance, interrupted her and continued, "I am saying it in front of all of you now. Jane is the only lady of this house. Her words are mine. If anyone dares to treat her lightly, don’t blame me for being rude."

Edwin Carter didn’t like to talk to the servants because he was really reserved in such matters, but he never treated people badly.

Many of them have been working for him for many years. He didn’t like talking, but he always stayed polite to them. He has never been angry with him.

This was the first time.

After Jane’s accident, Edwin Carter hired these servants and brought them from the United States. They didn’t know Janell’s mother.

However, now they understood the importance of this Jane in their master’s heart.



Although it has been said that children’s tempers come and go quickly, some words have a great influence on them. Especially in this period of time, when Janell started going to kindergarten. She saw that other children have mothers, but her mother has flown to the sky, so she was puzzled.

Her auntie had said that when she grew up, her mother will fly back. She felt that she has grown up now. She was over three years old and considered herself as a big child.

But why her mother hasn’t come back?

Janell blinked her big eyes, looked at Jane, and asked naively, "Big Jane do you know where my mom has gone?"

Jane didn’t expect that Janell would ask suddenly. She was a little stunned and didn’t know how to answer.

She thought about it carefully, squatted down beside Janell, held her face, and said seriously, "Janell’s mother has gone to heaven, and may never come back. But mother can surely see Janell from heaven growing up healthily and happily. "

"Mom can see Janell!" Janell asked excitedly.

In Janell’s memory, she didn’t know how a mother looks like or how it felt to have a mother. She only knew that other children have mothers, and she should also have a mother.

"Yes." Jane nodded and picked up Janell. "In addition to mom, dad, little aunt, uncle, and a lot of people love Jane."

"Janell also has a big Jane and a big brother..." Janell looked back and saw her brother who had been following her.

Lucas told her that he would protect her all the time and beat all the bad guys for her, so she doesn't need to be afraid of anything.

"Janell, do you want to play with brother Lucas?" Jane saw Janell’s mind and asked thoughtfully.

Janell nodded her head, and spoke in a soft waxy voice, "I want to play with brother."

Jane let go of Janell, rubbed her head and said, "Play with him."

"Okay." Janell turned around and ran to her brother. Her legs were not very big, but she was running in the fastest speed.

The big boy opened his arms to catch Janell, he picked her up, gently rubbed her head, and turned away.


Jane looked at their back and was reluctant to take back her eyes.

"What are you thinking?"

Edwin Carter’s low and sexy voice suddenly fell into her ears and drew back her thoughts.

She turned around and smiled at him, "where did you find this boy? I think he is sincere to Janell."

These days, Jane lived in this villa and she had seen this boy several times. She didn’t hear a word from him nor did she see him smiling. He always had a cold face, but she had seen this boy smiling at the little Jane.

Although the smile was not obvious, Jane still felt it a good thing to have such a boy to protect Janell.

Edwin Carter said, "That’s not what I found. Janell found him."

At the beginning, Edwin Carter was not very relieved to give Janell to an unknown person to take care of her. He always let people secretly observe them.

After a period of observation, it has been determined that Lucas really has no other intention. He just wanted to accompany Janell, just to repay Janell’s favor.

He felt that his daughter was quite accurate in recognizing people. Soon she found a loyal guardian, he could feel a little relieved.

"How Janell finds him? She’s so young, where can she find her?" Jane went on questioning, without noticing that she was exaggerating.

"Let’s stop talking about Janell." Edwin Carter held her hand and said softly, "how about taking a walk?"

Jane shook her head, "I’m so sleepy. I want to have an early rest. "


She didn’t know why. She took a nap for two hours at noon. But she was so sleepy again. Not only sleepy, but also weak. The restlessness of last night suddenly came again to her heart.

Fortunately, due to Janell and Edwin Carter's presence, she could suppress her fear and anxiety.

"It’s still early. You can have a rest later." Edwin Carter said.

Jane didn’t know why she was in such a situation, but Edwin Carter knew it, so he wanted to let her stay with him for a little longer, just to distract her from the pain of leaving her addiction. He also knew very well that the addiction was not so easy to give up, and it would take a long time to get over.

"Jane-" Edwin Carter grabbed her, who was going to leave, and held her in his arms and pulled her closer. "Accompany me."

"Edwin Carter, we haven’t officially started a relationship." She always felt that the steps of falling in love should not be so fast, but this time she could not control her behavior.

She came to live in someone’s house before a formal relationship. He hugged her whenever he wanted to. A good girl should not be so casual.

Edwin Carter pushed her out of his arms, grabbed her shoulder, looked at her and said seriously, "Jane, do you agree to be my girlfriend?"

Uh -

How could this man do this? She said that, and he immediately asked her to be his girlfriend.

Should she agree or not?

Once again, when her mind was still tangled, her body betrayed her, and she nodded heavily to Edwin Carter.

As soon as Jane nodded, Edwin Carter bent over and kissed her fiercely, leading her into their beautiful world. Jane instinctively wanted to hide, but when she thought that she had nodded her head to be his girlfriend, she stopped.

After a long kiss, Edwin Carter let her go, looked at Jane’s blushing cheek and good mood. He lowered her head and kissed her face hard. Then she pulled Jane into his arms and hugged her, "Jane, you are mine again."


why Edwin Carter used this word?

These coincidences reminded Jane many things.

Not long ago, she heard Edwin Carter talking about his dead wife. When he came back from a business trip, his Jane was gone. What he saw was a box of ashes.

So is there a possibility…. That… Edwin Carter’s Jane didn’t die, but forgot all the memories. He was taken away by his father to another place, where she changed her name, so Edwin Carter couldn’t find her?

She lost her memory almost at the same time when Edwin Carter lost his wife.

Her abdominal injury was like a cesarean section.

Is she really the "Jane"?

Is she Edwin Carter’s dead wife?

If she is really that Jane, then why does she left Edwin Carter alone?

Or who let her leave Edwin Carter?


The more she thought about these problems, the more entangled she felt. She had a headache and thought to put this matter down for a while. After all, she couldn’t figure it out now, so she decided to not think about it.

She decided to find some clues and do some research so that she can know her real identity as well as the real truth.

Jane left Edwin Carter’s warm arms and said, "Mr. Carter, it’s already late. I’m going to have a rest."

"Then I will accompany you to have a rest." Edwin Carter walked with her with the intention of never leaving her alone.

"Mr. Carter, I just agreed to be your girlfriend, don’t you think you are going too fast." She just agreed to him, and he said that he would accompany her in sleeping? She was not ready to match up with this man’s speed.


Jane’s delicate face turned red, Edwin Carter knew that she was thinking about something else, he laughed and rubbed her head, "fool!"

He has been waiting for her for more than three years. He can obviously wait for some more days. He just eagerly want her to regain their past memories and accept him completely.

After noticing Edwin Carter’s smile, Jane’s face became redder.

Does Edwin Carter just want to accompany her? Is she overthinking?

Jane thought about it and really wanted to hit herself, and wanted to beat Edwin Carter as well.


Jane just wanted to beat Edwin Carter badly, while Angela Carter had already been beaten badly. Her face was so swollen that she could not recognize herself.

She was an actress. An actress needed both beauty and acting skills. She really needed her beauty to make money!


Those bastards had the heart to beat the beautiful girl like her.

How could they beat her?

Have they asked her permission?

The reason why she has been beaten so hard that she couldn’t recognize herself was that son of a bitch, Victor James.

Victor James didn’t answer her phone that day, and she asked Arthur Simon to drive to the military region to find him.

After a lot of trouble, she finally got to know that Victor James was not in the military area. He went to the practice area. They said that he was busy giving training to a group of special officers, so he will come back after a long time.

Angela had signed her new movie and she will be really busy for another two or three months. She just wanted to meet Victor James before starting it. So, she secretly ran to the field where they were conducting training, turned around several times, and finally found the destination.

Maybe she was out of luck. When she sneaked in, the soldiers got the orders to practice long-range shooting. If she didn’t have the fate of a long life, her quick response and her sharp skills, she would have been beaten till death.

She was injured, but Victor James didn’t know how to love her. In fact, he charged her with the attempt of violating laws.

She was so angry that she rushed to fight with Victor James. However, before she could beat Victor James, she had been caught by his men.

She remembered that when those men were dragging her, Victor James asked her arrogantly, "do you want to fight?"

She was also so angry that she glared at him and shouted, "Yes, I want to fight. If you have the ability, ask these people to leave and let’s have a fight."


"If she wants to fight, you can fight with her. You can beat her as she beats you. If anyone dared to show mercy, they will be dealt with by military law." Victor James said to his men and left.

"Victor James, son of a bitch, how dare you!" Angela Carter roared and jumped. She wanted to rush to kill him, but she had been caught by his men.

The soldiers looked at each other and thought twice. No one dared to disobey the military order, so Angela Carter became what she looks now - a pig that had been beaten and swollen.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she felt.

She pulled out the needle and smashed it out with the infusion bag, "Victor James, you son of a bitch! You’d better not let me see you, or I’ll make you a eunuch!"

As soon as Angela Carter’s voice fell, a tall figure in a military uniform appeared in front of Angela Carter’s eyes. He looked at her majestically and said, "Don’t you want to live?"

"I’ve lost all my face. What else do you want?" Angela Carter grabbed the cup from the bedside table and smashed it at Victor James.

Victor James can evade her attack but he didn’t dodge. The boiling water in the water cup has been splashed on him, it was very hot. The cup hit him, it was very painful, but he did not even frown.

"Victor James, you son of a bitch, why don’t you dodge?" Angela Carter was angrier. She was about to explode.

She will be angry if she hadn’t hit Victor James, but she became distressed after hitting Victor James.

Why this son of a bitch couldn’t see that she loves him?


Angela Carter jumped down from the hospital bed angrily, grabbed all the things she could see around and smashed all of them on Victor James.

He doesn’t want to avoid, okay! Then she will kill him.

When Angela Carter was exhausted and tired, Victor James walked to her side, picked her up and threw her on the hospital bed. His strength was so great that Angela felt as her ass has been beaten badly.

She was so angry that she gnashed her teeth and kicked him, "Victor James, you bastard! You hit a woman! How dare you beat a woman?"

Victor James said in a cold voice, "Angela Carter, this life is your own. If you die, no one will feel sad for you."

"If you die, no one will be sad for you except me." Angela Carter stared at him angrily and roared, "If I die, my grandfather, my parents, my brother and Janell will be sad for me. I am not a miserable single person like you."

Victor James said, "I thought you didn’t know. But it is surprising that you know so many people worry about you."

Yesterday, he was leading a group of people to practice long-range shooting. When everyone was practicing, Angela Carter suddenly appeared at the target place.

At that time, his heartbeat missed a beat.

If he hadn’t found her in time and didn’t order the team to stop shooting in time, then this stupid Angela Carter wouldn’t not be lying here.

This girl really didn’t know how to take good care of her. It was necessary to teach her a lesson.

She really didn’t know the seriousness of things. How dangerous the world can be and how dangerous are human hearts.

"Victor James, will you be sad if I die?" Suddenly, Angela Carter wanted to know if Victor James worries about her.

"No." He will not let her die. He will take good care of her, and he will let her grow up quickly so that she can support the sky that belongs to her.


"What? Victor James, dare to say it again?" If he dared to say no again, Angela Carter decided to beat him.

Angela Carter seemed to forget that she was just beaten by Victor James. She knew that she was not his opponent but she dared to speak in such a provocative tone, which proved that she didn’t learn anything from this lesson and her skin was still itching.

"If you ask me to say it ten more times, I’ll say it." Victor James pushed Angela Carter down on the bed and said, "If you don’t want to get better, and you want to have this face and appearance then keep making trouble for yourself.

Pull out the needle and smashed the things around you. It is not a big deal, I will give you all the things of military hospitals to mess up. If you found it not enough, I’ll arrange more."


Angela Carter raised her hand and rubbed her eyes hard. She thought there must be some problem with her own eyes. Otherwise, how she fell in love with Victor James.

Yes, he is a rascal, a bastard, a ruffian!

He doesn’t look like the commander of Jiangbei military region.

Usually, he looks like a dog. He just looks handsome in a military uniform, but he has a bad heart and no one loves him!

She thought that… she was really kind-hearted. When she saw that no one loves him, so she started loving him.

Who knew that this stinky bastard wouldn’t appreciate it!

Does he think that a girl as beautiful, as intelligent, as considerate and as brave as she can be found by him?

"Who wants to have an ugly face? I don’t want it." Angela Carter glared at him fiercely. "Hurry up and ask the nurse to come over and put it again. If my face can’t be restored and I can’t act again, then you will be responsible for raising me all my life."


Victor James beckoned the nurse who had been waiting at the door of the ward for a long time, and said, "Put on an intravenous drip to Miss Carter. She likes to make trouble. So while injecting the needle insert it forcefully. Let her know the pain so that she won’t pull out the needle randomly."

Angela Carter "..."

She had many thoughts...

Bear it!

In a few days, she will let Victor James know her strength and let Victor James know that no matter how he resists, he can’t escape her palm.

She just needs to think of a way to win Victor James so that he himself agree to marry her!

She tried this method but it didn’t work at all, because she was not as strong as him, and her body wasn’t as strong as him. At last, she ended up hurting herself.

If she goes to the Central Committee to apply to his superiors and ask them to sympathize with their subordinates. She will tell them that this man is in his thirties, but he is still single, they will surely appoint a wife for him.

But this method cannot work. Victor James, a bastard, never followed rules. How can he agree to marry her at the command of his superiors?

Angela Carter’s dark eyeballs were moving, and she was thinking.

There was an evil idea in her mind. If she tries to make Victor James dizzy, so that he can’t resist, and then she will do everything. Then he can’t escape.

Victor James stood aside and looked at Angela Carter’s cunning eyes. He knew that there must be something wrong in her mind.


She lived in the Carter family when she was a child. A Carter family, where people always talked about rules and etiquette. When she was a child, she always had to listen to her brother.

When he first saw Angela Carter, she was about five years old, not much bigger than Janell.

She was very cute and lovely but she was not as lively as now. She had to ask her brother for everything.

Victor James also didn’t know due to what kind of psychology or maybe he also couldn’t stand Edwin Carter’s cold appearance all day, so he snatched Angela Carter from Edwin Carter and played with her.

He took Angela Carter for visiting different places, took her for fishing, took her to the mountain to fight pheasants, and took Angela Carter to beat people--

It was not wrong to say that Angela Carter adopted this wild nature from him and now she didn’t fear anyone.

But he also didn’t know that when she got other thoughts for him. She changed from uncle’s little niece to a woman, and her heart produced different feelings for him.

When he found out her feeling, he didn’t care much about the identity between them. Angela Carter was only his sister’s adopted daughter, and he had no blood relationship with her. He could marry her at any time if she wanted.

Unexpectedly, just after having this thought, he got to know a secret, a secret that just faded with the passage of time.

Because of that secret, he and she can never be together.

But he couldn’t tell it to her, even if he had told her, she would have asked many other questions. So he began to keep a distance with her, to ignore her, and willingly avoided her. He just wanted her to stay away from him, to find the happiness that really belongs to her.


But this woman seemed far more stubborn than he had imagined. His coldness didn’t force her to step back but made her braver.

She became so persistent that it became difficult for him to refuse her again, but whenever he wanted to get close to her, he heard a voice in his ear to remind him.

—Victor James, everyone can be with Angela Carter, but you can’t!

After this thought, Victor James clenched his hands, tried to control his real feelings, so as not to let the smart Angela Carter see any clues.

"Victor James, I want to tell you something. I’m young. I’m just in my early twenties. The best period of a girl’s age. But things are different for you. You’re over thirty."

Angela Carter decided to talk to Victor James to give him a thoughtful lesson. Maybe he agrees to get along with her, and she won’t have to use her evil methods.

She looked at him, cleared her throat, and continued, "Although there is a difference in men and women’s aging, you also have crossed over your best age, so don’t resist anymore, accept me."

"I’m young, I can give you children after marriage, so as to carry the lineage of James’s family."

"Well think about it. I’m the only one willing to compromise in this regard. If you look for other women, they will definitely dislike you for being old and not fierce enough. Maybe when they can’t bear the loneliness, they will dump you, and it will be so late to cry."

"At that time don’t come to me. Although I like you, I still don’t accept second-hand goods that others don’t want. So your best choice is to follow me now as I’m interested in you. Don’t hesitate anymore."

Angela Carter looked particularly emotional while saying this. It seemed that Victor James was really such an old man and no one will marry him. Only she could save him.

Victor James said, "Angela Carter, you don’t have to worry about my life. You just take care of yourself. But I just want to tell you honestly, no one will marry you."


"Victor James, keep it in mind if you dare to marry another woman in your life, I will make you a eunuch." Angela Carter bit her teeth and warned fiercely.

But there were tears in her eyes. She raised her hand and wiped it hard. Then she said, "You belong to me. Who dares to rob my man? I will kill her. If you don’t believe in my words, you can try."

Victor James was so clear about Angela Carter’s character. What she said was absolutely not a joke.

If she can say it, she can do it. Otherwise, he would have found a woman to do fake marriage just to force Angela to step back but he knew Angela can kill that woman.

In fact, Victor James was not really worried about Angela Carter hurting him or other women. He was worried about Angela Carter hurting herself. She has such a strong temper that she won’t beat around the bush when things happen.

She has made up her mind for him, she will never think about others.

After looking at Angela Carter’s tears, he could not stop himself. He kissed her tears and said with a hard heart, "I haven’t seen you crying for a long time. A little pig must look good while crying."

Angela Carter was quick to respond. She grabbed Victor James’s hand and opened her mouth to bit him. However, the man’s skin was too thick which made her toothache and his hand didn’t feel anything.

How hateful and disgusting!

She threw away her hand and glared at him angrily, "Asshole, your skin is so thick."

Victor James smiled, "I think your teeth are useless."

Angela Carter didn’t want to talk to him anymore. She closed her eyes and said, "I’m a little sleepy. I need to sleep for a while. Stay here with me. You are not allowed to leave. If you dare to leave me asleep, I’ll blow up your nest."

Angela was such a person with such a wide mouth. She wanted him to accompany her but she didn’t know how to say a few nice words. She was so blunt, besides him, there were no other men who can handle her temper.

"Sleep. It’s rare to see you so ugly. I want to see more." He pulled up the quilt for her.

Angela Carter showed her cute little tiger teeth and scolded, "you bastard, don’t think that I like you, you don’t have to show off."

Yes, he knew that she liked him that’s why he always hurt her, but she still didn’t give up and always followed his steps.

Victor James never wanted to know that secret. He wished that thing wouldn’t have happened. There can be infinite possibilities between him and her if it hadn’t had happened. However, no one can change the past. It was already a matter of past and there was no place of on any "if."

Angela Carter has a quick temper and a big heart. Just now, she was angry with Victor James but as soon as she closed her eyes, she went to sleep and even snored.

Victor James looked at her swollen head like a pig’s head, felt upset in his heart. He couldn’t help reaching out to touch her face and said in his heart, "Angela, there are many hurdles in the road of life. I hope you can be brave, no matter how hard things you encounter you can deal with them. Go on bravely and don’t be defeated by any difficulties."

Victor James was staring at Angela Carter when his cell phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and saw that it was Edwin Carter. He took a look at Angela Carter subconsciously. He got up and went out of the ward to answer, "Edwin, is everything okay?"


Edwin Carter’s low voice came from the phone, "There are some things I want to ask you. When are you free? Give me a time to meet."

"Anytime. You can arrange the time and place, and inform me." With that, Victor James exchanged greetings with Edwin Carter and hung up.


The place where Edwin Carter came to meet Victor was the military region, it was the safest place and the most convenient for them to talk about that secret.

Two equally excellent men sat together and looked as good as an eye-catching picture from the distance.

Fortunately, Victor James was surrounded by male soldiers. Otherwise, after seeing these two men sitting together, no one can focus on their work.

Victor James poured Edwin Carter a cup of tea, sat down and said, "Edwin, what can I do for you? Why do you have to choose the military region to meet me?"

"I want to know about the secret between grandpa and you that is in Jonathan Ronan’s hand." Edwin Carter didn’t talk anything else. He said it clearly.

Victor James’s hand holding the teacup was slightly stiff for a second but in a moment he managed to look calm, he smiled and said, "What are you talking about? What’s the secret between your grandpa and me?"

"Is the secret related to Angela?" Edwin Carter ignored Victor James’s answer and asked a second question.

Edwin’s observation ability has always been sharp, and Victor James’s slight pause didn’t escape his gaze, he also knew that Jonathan Ronan didn’t need to drag Victor James if he was really irrelevant.


Victor James saw that he couldn’t hide from Edwin Carter’s eyes, he didn’t say any useless words. He put down his teacup and said seriously, "this matter has nothing to do with you. The fewer people know, the better. It is better to not ask."

"Has nothing to do with me?" Edwin Carter snorted coldly and said, "My wife is the victim of this matter. Do you really think it has anything to do with me?"

If this matter had nothing to do with Jane, he wouldn’t be interested in knowing any secret. But this secret seemed a reason that the old man took Jane away from him.

How can he say it has nothing to do with him?

Edwin wanted to know the real reason and wanted to know what method the old man used to make Jane lose her memory, so he can help Jane recover her memory as soon as possible, before putting Jonathan Ronan out.

"Edwin, you have a person you want to protect, and I have a person that I want to protect." Victor James looked at Edwin Carter and paused. Then he said, "I won’t tell you about this. I’m sure the old man won’t tell you either. Stop asking about it."

Victor James didn’t answer Edwin Carter directly, but Edwin understood that the secret must have something to do with Angela.

His beloved grandfather chose to slaughter his wife and chose to protect Angela.

When they forced her to have a cesarean section, there were chances for the child to die, and there were even chances for the pregnant woman to die at any time.

Jane lost her memory, had been controlled by Jonathan Ronan and had been fed poison by Jonathan Ronan for three years.

Last night, Jane went out of control due to drugs. She didn’t pay attention ran madly and hit her head against the wall and bit her own hand—

Jane hasn’t done anything. Why did she pay the price for the secret?

This thought made Edwin Carter’s heart painful as a knife had been stabbed by someone.

He will never let Jane sufferings and tortures go in vain.

He needs to find out everything clearly to help Jane restore her memory.

So that when Jane will recover her memory, he can give her a satisfactory explanation.


After a few days, Angela Carter’s injury was almost as good as before, the medicine was good, and her body system was also very good. Her face had regained her original appearance, there were only a few scattered stains.

Angela Carter said that she was unwell and wanted to eat the famous baked wheat pancake of a shop in Dongcheng District of Jiangbei. Victor James drove for many kilometers to bring it for her.

Victor James took the meal and came back to the hospital. When he reached her room, the door was closed but there was a lot of noise coming from the room.

Men’s heavy breathing and women’s excited groans were mixed together, ambiguous and full of wild ideas.

Victor James couldn’t think much and ran into the room—

However, the scene of the room was not as worst as he imagined. There was no man as expected. There was only Angela Carter.


Half leaning on the head of the bed, holding a tablet in her hand and staring at the tablet with great interest.

The embarrassing sounds were coming from the tablet.

Victor James bumped into the door but Angela Carter didn’t look up at him. All her attention was on the tablet as if other people and things did not exist at all.

"Angela Carter, what are you looking at?" Victor James stepped to the bedside and grabbed Angela Carter’s tablet.

When he saw the content clearly, he felt angry. He wanted to kill Angela Carter in two pieces and threw her out to feed the dog.

"Victor James, I’m watching an adult action movie." Angela Carter looks at Victor James and laughed happily. "Because I have no real experience, I will first learn from these movies, so that we can practice later."


Victor James glanced at the tablet again. The man and woman in it worked very hard. He picked up his eyebrows and said, "What kind of shit is it?"

Angela Carter took a look at him and said, "I don’t believe you haven’t seen it. Look at that man. He has a good physique."

"That’s a good physique? Is there something wrong with your eyes?" Victor James glanced at the video with disgust in his eyes. He thought that he had a much better physique than the hero of this video.

"Don’t you think it’s a good physique?" Angela Carter beckoned, "Give it to me, let’s have a look and analyze it together."

Surprisingly, Victor James sat down beside her and gave her tablet back to her. They watched the video and analyzed it together.

"And this woman is also very beautiful, she looks pretty." Angela Carter said that and wiped her saliva. It looked like she was thirsty.

Victor James said, "This woman’s figure is not good enough, and her skin is not good at all. She is far from the man’s aesthetic standard."

Angela Carter said proudly, "that’s because you have seen a beautiful woman like me every day. Now you cannot like any other women."

Victor James, "you are the most narcissistic person in the world."

"Am I wrong?" Angela Carter considered herself very beautiful, and she always liked to tell this truth to others.

Victor James, "..."

Angela Carter pointed to the two people in the video and said excitedly, "Victor James, this posture is good. Learn it. We will use this posture later."

Victor James shook his head and said he didn’t agree, "This posture is difficult and can’t last for a long time. It’s important to do this for a long time."


Angela Carter glared at him and said, "I like this posture. Just listen to me. Have I asked you to comment?"

Victor James, "Angela Carter, you want to do it with me. Can’t I also express my opinion?"

Angela Carter raised her elbow and hit him. She winked at him, "Hello, Victor James, I think we should try it now. Let’s try this posture?"

Victor James, "I just have two words for you."

Angela Carter, "which two?"

Victor James, "ha ha..."

Angela Carter punched him, "Don’t do this ha ha, Believe it or not, I will beat you badly."

Victor James, "don’t forget that the wound on your face is not healed yet."

Angela Carter bit her teeth and scolded, "Bastard! I think you can’t do it. If you can, how can you see this kind of video without any reaction?"

Victor James, "don’t use the old tactics. I am not the one to fall in your trap."

Angela Carter was also annoyed by losing a move. After thinking about it, she asked, "Victor James, have you ever done it before?"

Victor James raised his eyebrows, "what do you say?"

"Maybe you have done it. I don’t expect you to be a virgin anyway, but you are not allowed to touch other women in the future, otherwise..." Angela Carter made two gestures with his hand and made a gesture of cutting off cleanly, "I hope you understand."

Victor James grabbed the tablet and deleted the video, "don’t watch this kind of thing again. It’s bad for your health to watch too much."


Angela Carter nodded hard and said, "I know it’s really bad for the body to see this kind of thing often. I’m just curious if the real feelings are also the same or just exaggerated in the movies."

Victor James, "Angela Carter, there are many people chasing you. Just try one of them, and you’ll know how it tastes."

"But you are the one I want to try." Angela Carter quickly grabbed Victor James, held his head and kissed him.

Angela Carter didn’t have any experience at all. She couldn’t kiss well. But she just kissed him with her passion and her love for Victor James.

Victor James’s mind told him to push her away, but emotion told him to accept her. Victor James was entangled between his mind and heart. And they made him waver in the middle.

However, in only one or two seconds, Victor James’s emotion defeated his sense of reasoning. He attacked Angela Carter, grabbed Angela Carter’s head, and kissed her fiercely, which turned the world upside down.

After long, for the two of them as long as a century, Victor James reluctantly released Angela Carter.

Angela Carter gasped heavily and looked at Victor James with a red face. He kissed her so fiercely that she was about to die, but she was not angry. She was very happy.

After breathing a little more smoothly, Angela Carter said, "Victor James, this feeling is really good, let’s try again."

Victor James, "The lecture ends here!"

Angela Carter, "Can you can teach me something else, such as what we saw just now. After all, watching TV is just a theory. I still want to have practical experience."

Victor James, "Angela Carter, do you know what shame is?"

Angela Carter, "What is shame? Can you eat it? Or can you make money with it?"

Don’t think that she didn’t know how to take revenge, in fact, she knew it very well.

She remembered Victor James each and every word clearly. She was just waiting for the appropriate time to deal with him.


Victor James, "..."

"Victor James, actually you also like me, right?"

"Angela Carter, can you not be so cheeky?"

Angela Carter, "You were close to me and I felt your desire!"

Victor James, "..."

For a moment, he wanted to break this girl’s neck, cut it into pieces and feed it to dogs.

Angela Carter said, "Victor James, What is the reason behind refusing me? Is it because of our relationship?"

She was not a fool. She also knew that there must be something that Victor James was hiding from her. She tried to figure out for a long time but she failed.

She was well aware of Victor James’s personality. He wasn’t the kind of person who bothered about family relationship. But Angela Carter couldn’t think of any other reason.


She couldn’t think of it herself, so she asked Victor James with the hope that maybe he will tell her the actual reason.

"Suppose Arthur Simon likes you and woos you, will you agree?" Victor James asked.

Angela Carter immediately replied, "definitely not, because I don’t like him. I like you."

Victor James, "Exactly. My answer is the same as yours."

Angela Carter, "It cannot be the same. You like me, I know it."

"How can you know? You’re not a roundworm in my stomach."

Angela Carter, "You usually hide from me, but when I was injured, you came to me faster than anyone else. I often call to the military area and you pretend that I am annoying but you didn’t do anything to stop me. If you really didn’t want to attend my phone, you must have blocked my number but you didn’t. It proves that you want to hear my voice and want to see my silly behavior."


He was the reason for her daring attitude, she knew that Victor James will always stay by her side and she was sure that he also has feelings for her.

The thing why Victor James was avoiding her, was not very important. For her, the most important thing was to think of a way to win his heart.


Mental depression, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, limb pain, numbness, convulsion, sweating, blurred vision…

While waiting in the hospital for the results of the tests, these symptoms of drug addiction repeatedly appear in Jane’s mind that she had seen on the Internet.

Actually these symptoms were not scary, but the scary thing was that her symptoms were almost the same as those described on the Internet.

She never took drugs. How can she have these similar symptoms?

Jane was confused after finding that her symptoms were similar to drug addicts. She tried to find more information about these symptoms. So, she researched a lot on the Internet.

Many diseases can have one or two similar symptoms, but it is just impossible for anyone to have exactly same symptoms.

In her heart, she didn’t want to believe that she was addicted to drugs, but due to doubt when Edwin Carter went to office she came to the hospital for her checkup.

Jane was sitting on the chair in the waiting area of the hospital. She was holding her face in both hands, praying silently in her heart with the hope that the reports would not be too cruel. She really wished her instincts to prove wrong.


The period of waiting was like a burden on Jane’s heart. She was so nervous that she couldn’t breathe well.

After a long wait, Jane finally heard the nurse calling her name. She got the test sheet and the test results. She has never touched any addictive drugs herself but according to results, she was addicted to them.

Jane shook her head vigorously, closed her eyes and opened the reports again, looked at them and closed the file again. She confirmed several times, but the results remained the same.

Even though the fact was in front of her, but she was not willing to believe it.

No matter what, one believes or not, the truth remains the same!

Jane sneered twice. Thought about it, thought about the possibilities that how she can become a drug addict?

She knew it, but she wasn’t willing to believe it!

That was her only family member, her most trusted father. He has taken care of her all these years.

How can he secretly give her drugs?

Jane took out her mobile phone, turned to Jonathan Ronan’s mobile phone number, looked at this familiar phone number and hesitated for a long time, in the end, she dialed it.

Soon, the voice of Jonathan Ronan came from the other side, "Jane, how are you? Dad is not around you, is everything all right?"

"Dad, why you went to Kyoto? How long will it take to get back?" Jane bit her lips and tried to control her emotions. She didn’t want to lose control.

Jonathan Ronan said, "It’s not a serious thing. It will take half a month."


Jane closed her eyes, took a deep breath of cool air, and said, "Dad, I lost my medicine somewhere that you left for me, and the rest is very less, it will last two or three days."

"What? How you can be so careless?" On the phone, Jonathan’s voice tone changed a little, but soon it returned to normal, "Jane, don’t worry. Dad will try to come back earlier. Your health is not good, you have to take this medicine regularly and it can’t be missed."

Can’t be missed?

Is it really about her health?

If she stopped taking this medicine, she would find out that in these years she has been taking an addictive drug, not a medicine to cure her illness!

Jane didn’t know how to end this call. She was holding her cell phone and walking in the street in a daze. She didn’t know who she was, where her home was, whom she could rely on, and where she was going…

She walked for a long time and reached a residential area called Mengke City.

There was a supermarket on the right side of the entrance of the community, and Jane instinctively walked over.

When she reached the door, she heard the woman selling corn calling her, "Girl, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I thought you had moved somewhere. Today I will give you a discount, 20% off for one kg."

Jane looked at the woman in front of her, to confirm whether she was talking to her. The woman looked at her and spoke again, "girl, you used to buy it from me before, so I am giving you such a big discount. No one else can have this price."

"Well… do you know me?" after a long time Jane asked.

"I don’t know you, but I remember you used to come here to buy corn." The woman still remembered Jane because she thought Jane was a very lovely girl and has a very caring husband.

The woman was also looking at Jane. She wanted to say something more and at the same time she saw the tall man behind Jane walking quickly towards them. She smiled, "girl, I really didn’t expect that after so many years, your husband and you still have such a good relationship."



Jane was confused. She didn’t understand what the woman was talking about. She regained her consciousness when a low voice sounded behind her.

She looked back and saw Edwin Carter walking towards her. He was walking fast but his steps were elegant. While looking at her, his eyes seemed deeply worried, and his eyes showed his heartache.

Heartache? Why he feels for her?

And... How did he come to know she is here?

She has just arrived here, why Edwin Carter is here?

Does he have some GPS tracker on her?

Jane couldn’t understand, but she thought there were too many things in the world that she couldn’t understand - she was like a lonely soul floating in the boundless sea.

Without the past, everything she could see was like a mirage, faintly discernible, empty, and hard to believable.


Can she believe in Edwin Carter? She didn’t know the answer!

Whom she can trust in the world?

Even her only family member, her kind father, was pretending to be good to her. He said that taking medicine was for her good, but actually he was giving her a poison.

She was his only relative, the only person she believed in the world, the only one she thought that she could rely on. He had cheated her and hurt her.

Who else in the world she can believe?

If she had known that the truth was so cruel, she would have preferred to not find out the truth and would have chosen to live as foolishly as before.

Edwin Carter came to Jane and looked into her eyes. She was in a trance, there were tears in her eyes, but she wasn’t gloomy. She looked into his eyes – her gaze was filled with despair and doubt.


Edwin Carter knew what was going on in Jane’s mind, Jane has come to know about the truth that she was addicted to drugs. It was normal for her to be curious about how she became addicted to drugs, and it was also very obvious to think of Jonathan Ronan.

Edwin Carter wanted to hold Jane, wanted to tell her that everything will be fine and he will always stay by her side. But at this time, after looking at Jane’s desperate appearance, his outstretched hand stopped in the air.

After some moments, he embraced Jane.

Jane didn’t resist but Edwin Carter could still feel her trembling body, her panic and fear was like a newborn baby.

"Jane," he called, softly, "I’m here."

Jane trembled in his arms. After a while, she said softly, "can I trust you?"

Her voice was as weak and low as she had been broken into pieces.


Edwin Carter’s heart ached. He put his chin on the top of her head and said, "Yes."

"Hu.." Jane smiled, "but I wouldn't dare."

Edwin Carter’s body was stiff.

"How can I trust anyone after knowing that my own father lies to me and harms me?" She spoke and her voice choked, "I know that I remember nothing. But does it means that you all can use me like this? What does my father think of me? A chess piece? A tool? And what you think of me as?"

Jane complained and her words seemed bleeding.

Edwin Carter held her tighter, "you are you, I never thought of you as anyone."

"Who am I?" Jane left Edwin Carter’s arms, looked at Edwin Carter with awe, and asked in a hoarse voice.

Edwin Carter was stunned by these three words. For a while, he didn’t know how to answer her.

Who is she?

She is his wife, the love of his life.

But three years ago a conspiracy destroyed all this.

Jane saw that Edwin Carter didn’t answer, she sneered and shook her head, "you see, you can’t tell. You think of me as your dead wife, but I can’t remember."

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember." Edwin Carter once again forced Jane into her arms and regardless of her struggle he hugged her tightly, "If you don’t want to go back to the past, we can start again. Nothing else matters."

As long as you and I are here, nothing matters.

Edwin Carter didn’t let her go, and Jane struggled in his arms. She kicked him, trampled on him, grabbed his clothes and beat him. She wanted to vent all her anger on Edwin Carter.

She fought and struggled hard, but Edwin Carter didn’t loosen his strength. He stood upright, like a mountain that wanted to protect her from the wind and rain.


When she was tired and didn’t have the strength, she stopped struggling.

After a long time, Jane spoke again. Her voice was exhausted as she had cried so much, "You already knew it, right?"

You already know it that I am a drug addict, and the one behind it is my own father?

Although Jane didn’t speak clearly, Edwin Carter was very clear about what Jane was talking about. He pondered for a moment and said, "Yes."

Jane bit her lips and forced the tears back, "Then why you didn’t tell me earlier? Do you want to laugh at me? Do you want to see how stupid I can be?"

Edwin Carter put her head on his chest, let her face come close to his heart and said, "I just want to protect you, to save you from getting hurt again."

"Huhu.." Jane didn’t know why she suddenly smiled.

After a little gap, she asked, "So in fact, I am your Jane? Your wife who left a box of ashes for you to see after coming back from a business trip?"

Edwin Carter’s body was stiff. His eyes were filled with inexplicable emotions. He tightly clenched his hands, endured for long and after a long time he uttered a word, "Yes."

After hearing this one word, Jane suddenly couldn’t stop her tears.

Nothing was a coincidence…

She is the "Jane" who has died, she is Laura Ferdinand’s close friend, Angela Carter’s sister-in-law, Janell’s biological mother and his Wife.

They didn’t see her as a substitute for the dead Jane. She was their Jane. It was just that she had forgotten everything.

"Then… why didn't you tell me earlier? Why do you cheat me with a story about your dead wife?" Jane didn’t want to cry, but she couldn’t stop her tears. She wiped her tears and said, "Edwin Carter, you know I can’t remember anything. You deliberately mystified the things. Why you played tricks with me. Do you have any idea how scared I was alone?"


"Jane, I never meant to deceive you." He just wanted to help her to regain her lost memory, to protect her, to not make her so afraid.

"You don’t want to deceive me, but you have been doing things to deceive me." Jane looked up and hit Edwin Carter hard on the chest, "you bastard! Why do you have to cheat me?"

Everyone, including her father, pretended to care about her, but no one knew what they were thinking. Maybe everyone wanted to harm her.

A person without the past is like a tree without a root. It can be carried away by a strong wind at any time to any unknown and terrible future.

That kind of fear and uneasiness can only be felt by people like her, not by a normal person. Her father can’t feel her pain, nor can Edwin Carter. Only she has to bear the loneliness and fear, no one can help her.


Before today, Jane always thought that even if she has lost her past memory, there was still a caring father beside her, her father gave her strength and a back to depend on. But in the end, she found out a cruel truth.

"I’m sorry!" Edwin Carter hugged her in her arms and held her tightly. "Jane, if you are willing, can I take you to retrieve your lost memory?"

"It can be retrieved?" In such a long time, she could know nothing about her past. Can she really find it back?

"Yes it can be, just believe me!" Edwin Carter held up Jane’s hand and kissed. His eyes were firm and soft. "Just stay with me. Don’t think about anything else."

"Ok." She nodded heavily, pursed her lips, blinked, and forced back the tears in her eyes.

Edwin Carter took Jane’s hand, smiled, and then walked forward.

Wherever he goes, she just needs to follow him!

Edwin Carter rubbed her head, looked back and saw the woman selling corn staring at them. Edwin Carter was stunned by her continuous stare.

The woman didn’t hear what the two of them were talking about, but she saw Jane crying. Her instinct was that they had quarreled.


When Edwin Carter suddenly turned and looked at her, she felt a little embarrassed. She cleared her throat, and said, "Young man, it is a blessing to have such a good girl as your wife. How can you make this girl sad? You will cry if someone robs this girl from you."

The woman said, but Edwin Carter did not speak. He modestly nodded. Of course, he will not let others take her away!

The woman noticed Edwin Carter’s good attitude and hummed proudly. She quickly took a small bag of corn and handed it to Jane, "girl, take it. Don’t cry. I think this young man is very good. A young couple just need to have each other in their hearts. There’s nothing they can’t get through. He is your man, forgive him."

Jane looked at the bag full of chestnuts and corn with her red eyes. Her heart was inexplicably warm. She smiled at the woman and whispered, "thank you."

After this small event, the atmosphere between the two seemed to be relaxed. Once again, Edwin Carter took Jane’s hand and walked slowly forward.

It was evening time, and the sun was setting.

Two people holding hands, walking together, under the warm yellow sunset. The scene was particularly eye-catching.

They didn’t speak, just quietly walked, like they can walk till they reach the end of the world.

After a turn, they reached near the supermarket, and Edwin Carter suddenly stopped.

He looked back at Jane and said softly, "when we were just married, you used to buy food from this supermarket."

"Yes?" Jane looked around - the supermarket wasn’t too big, but there were many customers.


At this time, a couple walked out, the husband was carrying something. He’s gentle and handsome. The wife smiled and snuggled up, they looked very sweet.

The scene looked very familiar. In a trance, Jane seemed to see herself and Edwin Carter. But when she wanted to see more clearly, the people in front of her became the sweet couple again.

Memories of the past seemed to always play hide and seek with her. Jane was discouraged and frowned unconsciously.

"Don’t worry. Take it easy." Edwin Carter saw Jane’s anxiety and held her hand calmly. He was willing to accompany her to retrieve their common memory, and he was even willing to wait patiently for it.

Jane’s heart seemed to struggle for a while, but she couldn’t think anything. She sighed and nodded silently.

In order to help Jane regaining her lost memories, Edwin Carter took Jane to the supermarket. Three years later, the style and many things in supermarkets have already changed. Fortunately, the two were together to accompany each other.

After buying vegetables, Edwin Carter took Jane back to the house where they had lived when they were just married, and all the furnishings in the house were the same as before. Because someone came to clean it regularly, the house was as clean as if the owner had been there all the time.

Jane stood at the door, some fuzzy pictures appeared in her mind… there was Edwin Carter, a tall and handsome man, and there was a woman smiling it seemed that she had seen herself.

The scene was not clear and disappeared quickly. She tried to catch them, but it slipped away leaving nothing.


"Jane, you stay here. I am going to cook a meal for you."

"Okay." Jane nodded. She had seen his good cooking skills and knew that she could not help him, so she didn’t want to make trouble for him.

Edwin Carter took the food into the kitchen, picked up the apron and wore it. He acted skillfully as if he often did these things.

Jane picked up the corn and peeled it. She just wanted to put it into her mouth. Then she thought of Edwin Carter, who was busy in the kitchen. She peeled two more corn, picked them up and went to the kitchen and said, "Do you want to have one?"

"Yes, thank you." Edwin Carter didn’t like eating this kind of food at all, but his wife offered it, even if he didn’t like it he still wanted to eat it.

"Eat it." Jane gave it to him.

Edwin Carter had lotus root in one hand and a knife in the other, he said, "my hands are not empty, please feed me."

Feed him?

Jane blushed.

Although they used to be husband and wife, she didn’t remember it. Feeding him would be too ambiguous?

But she has also agreed to be his girlfriend. It was not a big deal to do this. Jane quietly pressed down her inner tension and raised her hand to Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter could easily eat it but he deliberately bit Jane’s finger.

Jane felt an electric current flowing from her fingers to all over her body. She forgot to draw back her hands, she blinked her big round eyes and looked at Edwin Carter.


Edwin Carter looked at Jane’s expressions she was as frightened as if a little deer got punished, he let her go and smiled, "lovely as before."

Edwin still remembered the time when she fed him snacks and he bit her finger like this, her expressions were the same as now. At that time, there was no Janell and now Janell was already more than three years old, but her shy character has not changed at all.

"Villain!" Jane took back her hand and pinched him, but she didn’t use too much force. She didn’t know why, but she always felt that he also had suffered no less than her in these past three years.

It can be seen from his sincere eyes that he cared for her from the core of his heart, but her father’s eyes also showed kindness. Whenever she looked into her father’s kind eyes, it seemed as if he cared about her in the world more than anyone, but now?


Jane shook her head, she was unwilling to think of this thing again.

She thought that time can reveal everything whether Edwin Carter’s concern for her is true or not. She can’t confirm it with her eyes, so let time help her. He can pretend for a while, but not for a lifetime.

Jane sat back at the table and peeled some fried corn.

Edwin Carter, who was busy in the kitchen, looked at her from time to time, he saw her, she looked disturbed, she was thinking something and frowning time to time, and his heart was also upset to see her like this.

"Jane, look around the house." He thought of something to keep her busy so that she got less time to overthink.

Jane wanted to look around for a long time, but she was embarrassed to say it. After hearing this, she immediately agreed.


Jane looked around in the living room. The interior was similar to the villa in Bayview, but the area was not so large and the thing that attracted her eyes in an instant was a small house near the balcony.

In a moment, she seemed to see a white Pomeranian dog rolling and playing there.

"Woof, Woof, woof..." It seemed that the white Pomeranian dog has also noticed her existence. The white Pomeranian raised its head and barked at her, wagging its tail affectionately, as if welcoming her back.

"Mia Mia?" A name came in Jane’s mind and she blurted out, but when she looked at it carefully, there was no "Mia Mia’s" existence in the empty small room.

Mia Mia?

Is it the Mia Mia Janell often accompany, or there was another Mia Mia?

Jane didn’t know. The more she thought about it, the more confused she felt.

"Jane, come and help me." Edwin Carter’s voice pulled Jane back from the dark world in time again.

She took a deep breath and went to him, "what can I do for you?"

Edwin Carter looked at her disturbed appearance. "Jane, what happened?"

Jane shook her head. "Nothing."

Obviously there was something in her mind, but she didn’t tell him.

Edwin Carter stared at her, hesitated for a while, and said, "Jane, I’ll help you answer all the questions that are disturbing your mind."

"Edwin Carter, can you tell me something about Janell?" First of all, she wanted to know everything about Janell.

Jane, as a mother, had missed her child’s growing up time for more than three years. She didn’t even know how she gave birth to her. She hoped that she could make up for all the love that she didn’t give to her child in these years.

Edwin Carter said, "Janell is cute, isn’t she?"

"Yes. When I first met the little guy, I was wondering who could have such a beautiful and lovely child."

Edwin Carter said with a smile, "Of course, us, she is our child. Her father is so handsome, and her mother is so beautiful. How can she not look good?"


"I have never seen anyone praising his own self like this," Jane looked at him and replied.

Edwin Carter shrugged, "Unconsciously the truth slipped out of my mouth."

Jane cannot help laughing and said, "Mr. Carter, did you amuse Mrs. Carter like this before?"

Edwin Carter heard Jane’s words, and his heart suddenly turned sour. In the past, he stayed too quiet and never knew how to say nice words to her.

When they were together, most of the time she kept on talking, she always tried to make him happy, and he just accepted her warmth.

However now he got the responsibility of talking with her and amusing her.

Edwin Carter said, "Well… So, Mrs. Carter is happy?"

He was very careful when he said it. He was afraid that Jane would mind these two words.

"Happy." Unexpectedly, Jane nodded her head, but soon said regretfully, "but for the time being I can’t be Mrs. Carter, because I remember nothing."

She paused and looked up at Edwin Carter. Her eyes were clear like water, "Edwin Carter, would you mind if Mrs. Carter couldn’t remember the past?"

"No. We can start all over again. I just need you by my side." For the first time, he was so straightforward.

Jane was stunned, but she didn’t know how to answer. She moved her eyes, she was a little flustered and looked out of the window and said, "Ah, it’s raining."

The weather of May can change in moments. The sky was clear some hours ago, suddenly thunder sounded, and then it began to rain heavily.


Many pedestrians on the road have been drenched in water. They quickly ran to the surrounding buildings to find shelter from the rain.

Jane looked at the pedestrian across the window, as if she saw herself walking in the rain, drenched in the rain, walking all the time, not knowing where to go, not knowing where is the harbor where she can stay…

Because she has no home, she has no roots, no one to rely on—


Edwin Carter’s low and deep voice came again, just like the rain outside it touched her heart.

Jane suddenly woke up and smiled apologetically, "I’m sorry! I was lost in some thoughts."

"Jane, don’t hide everything in your heart. Don’t carry everything on your own." Edwin Carter patted his chest, "this is the harbor where you can stop at any time."

"Mr. Carter, I’m hungry."

He was still a stranger to her because she hadn’t regained her past memory. For somethings, she really didn’t know how to answer him. She can only change the topic abruptly because she can’t do anything for the pain that she always noticed in Edwin Carter’s eyes.

She wondered why her father poisoned her, she wondered why she lost her memory and she knew Edwin Carter also didn’t know it. She remembered that he told her that when he came back from a business trip three years ago, she had disappeared leaving only a box of ashes.

When they took Janell out of her body three years ago, at that time Edwin Carter was not with her, he also didn’t know what happened during that time. So only after regaining her memory, she could understand what actually happened in that period of time.

In these three years, she accepted herself as a person with no past, and her life was quiet.

However, how had Edwin Carter spent these three years without his wife?


When he came back from the business trip, his wife was gone. How desperate Edwin Carter would have felt? Is that what she had seen in these days?

He alone with Janell holding a little hope and waited day and night that one day his wife and Janell’s mother will return to them!

Edwin Carter rubbed her head and said, "If you are hungry, go and sit down. I will serve the food in a moment."

At this time, the biggest problem for Edwin Carter was not that Jane couldn’t remember the past, but how to let Jane open her mouth and tell him the hidden things of her heart.

Edwin Carter also understood that it was not easy for her to speak about the things disturbing her peace.

She has no memory of the past, and she had just come to know that her closest and most trusted father cheated her. It was natural for her to close the door of her heart, to not let people come in easily.


Edwin Carter served the food taken off his apron and went to Jane’s side to sit down. "Today, I have cooked something light. Next time, I’ll cook something different."

"Mr. Carter, did you cook for Mrs. Carter, or did Mrs. Carter cook for you?"

Jane was very curious. Men of such status as Edwin Carter who never face the need to do such things didn’t know how to cook.

How can he cook? But the fact is that he’s very good at cooking.

"When we were just married, it was Mrs. Carter who cooked food for me. I was in charge of washing dishes." While telling this Edwin Carter was also very embarrassed. He broke a plate when he washed the dishes for the first time. He still remembered Jane’s expression after that.

"You washed dishes?" Jane repeated this sentence, and her mind came up with some pictures of the clumsy man washing dishes in the kitchen.


It seemed that there was a sound of plate breaking, which pulled Jane out of the whirlpool of memories and made her tremble slightly.

"What happened?" Edwin Carter noticed Jane’s shocked appearance and put one hand on Jane’s shoulder, to give her a little strength.


Jane looked at him and suddenly asked, "Did you break the plate once before?"

"Yes." Edwin Carter nodded and said excitedly, "Jane, do you remember that?"

She rubbed her temples and wanted to think more, but she couldn’t remember anything else. Even the scene she had just seen also disappeared.

"Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter. Eat something." Edwin Carter could see Jane’s mind clearly. She can be worried and flustered, but he can’t, he needed to support her well.

He wanted to help her regain her memory slowly. He cannot put too much pressure on her, as it will let any mental collapse.

Robert Michael has examined Jane’s reports, except for the possibility that her head was severely damaged, there was a possibility of facing psychological pressure that led to Jane’s memory loss.

In addition to these two possibilities, Robert Michael can’t think of any other reason for Jane to lose her memory.

There may be any medicine, but they didn’t know which medicine can be so powerful. They were still doing research to find out the reason as soon as possible.

Edwin Carter filled a bowl of soup for Jane. She took a sip and said, "Mr. Carter, it’s too salty."

"Salty?" Edwin Carter quickly tasted it.

"Ha ha ha-" Jane observed Edwin Carter’s nervous appearance, and laughed, "Mr. Carter, I’m teasing you. Can’t you see that?"

In the past, Jane often used such a naughty tone to amuse him. Edwin Carter was in a trance and didn’t react for a long time.


Jane raised her hand and waved it in front of his eyes, "Mr. Carter, is there anything on my face?"

She was smiling. The smile was not like the one she pretended on purpose. It was cute and lovely. The smile that she had at the beginning of their marriage.

There was nothing on her face, but Edwin Carter felt that there was something on her face. He saw his most familiar memory, her most familiar smiling face.

Edwin Carter couldn’t resist longer… he reached out, pulled her to himself, clasped her head and gently kissed her.

He kissed tenderly as if he wanted to give Jane all the good things of this world.

Jane also did not escape.

Their face was so close to each other that they could smell the sweet fragrance of each other and they were feeling each other’s breathe with aesthetic delight.

Jane’s heart was pounding. Her face was red and hot. She wanted to avoid him, but her heart didn’t want to avoid him.

Complicated psychology!


They ate dinner well and spent nearly an hour to finish.

Edwin Carter was responsible for washing dishes. She sat in the living room and watched TV, but her attention was not on TV, it was completely on the heavy rain outside. Her mind was thinking about Janell.

It was raining heavily outside, Janell was alone at home without her mom and dad. She might be scared, and Jane was also worried if the little child thought something wrong.

Like… her mother is not around, and her father also doesn’t want her!


Janell was just three years old. Her heart must be very sensitive, she cannot let Janell have such an idea, or she will feel guilty for a lifetime.

Although there were many people around Janell, she didn’t have her dad. She must be upset.

What shall I do? I should go back to Janell to take care of her.

Jane thought and looked at the kitchen, Edwin came out and asked, "What’s wrong? What are you thinking?"

Jane said, "I’m thinking about Janell. She must be missing you."

Edwin Carter came close to her and sat down. He hugged her in his arms and kissed her forehead, "don’t worry. Angela is at home to take care of Janell. Angela knows how to make Janell happy. Janell won’t be bored."


"No but. Today we are back to the time when we just got married. At that time there was no Janell so don’t think about her."

"I’m still worried."

Edwin Carter didn’t speak again. He held Jane’s head and kissed her fiercely.

Sometimes, words don’t work, and actions prove more effective than anything.

He has said it clearly that it is just their time.

The world of two of them, no matter Janell or anyone else, he didn’t want to be disturbed.

She pushed Edwin Carter, but he was very strong. He looked thin in his clothes, but his flesh was very strong, as if he had been exercising all the time. Maybe he did exercise. There was a gym in the Villa, but she didn’t see him exercising.

Edwin Carter's kiss was getting deeper and in some moments Jane had no ability to do anything. Her head was so confused that she seemed to see another Edwin Carter kissing another Jane in a trance.

The irresistible aura… it seemed he was sucking her soul away.

Unconsciously, Jane stretched her hand and gently embraced Edwin Carter’s lean waist to respond to his kiss.

He kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling.

And before long, she was kissing him back.

The more she kissed, the more familiar she felt it, as if he had kissed her like that before.


After a long time, as if the time had stopped, when Edwin Carter ended this kiss.

Jane blushed and nestled in his arms. Her heart was pounding ceaselessly, and her head was hanging down. She did not dare to look at him.

How can this man shut her mouth in such a way?

Did he treat her like this before?

Edwin Carter was in a good mood after seeing a shy and lovely Jane as before. He lowered his head and kissed her on the face. Then he held her tightly in his arms and called her name, "Jane."

"Um huh?" With a soft snort, Jane put her face on Edwin Carter’s chest. She still had no courage to look up at him.

Edwin Carter pressed his chin against her head and rubbed it gently, "It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember the past, just remember that I am your husband and Janell is your child. We both are your strongest backing."


Jane raised her head from his arms, looked at him firmly and softly, and said, "Edwin Carter, I can’t remember the past, so I can’t trust you 100%. Can you understand?"

She had seen her father’s eyes. Those eyes were full of kindness, gentleness, and care for her. Before finding out that she was being fed poison by her own father she could never even imagine this cruel reality.

She was so scared that Edwin Carter will be like her father, will treat her well on the surface but on her back he was just betraying her.

She can’t bear it again. She did not know how she will react.

If before regaining her memory she had to face another betrayal, she would probably go mad.

"It doesn’t matter. No matter how long I have to wait, I am willing to wait for you." He didn’t want Jane’s trust in the first place, for him the most important thing was to protect her and to save her from getting hurt her anymore.

He always said it didn't matter.

He always told her that he would wait for her.

He always asked her to believe him.

From the day she returned to Jiangbei and when he saw her for the first time, he always stayed by her side silently protecting her.

She had nightmares, and he always pulled her out of them.

She didn’t know that she was addicted to drugs, but he accompanied her to quit her addiction.

Whenever she felt helpless, he always appeared by her side to tell her - Jane, I am here!

Jane, I’m here!

Simple words, but filled with senses of security.

Jane took a quiet breath and nodded, "well, I’ll try."

She will try her best to find back the memories of the past. She will try her best to return to her husband and daughter as soon as possible, as Edwin Carter’s wife and Janell’s mother, rather than a Jane without the past.

The heavy rain continued, and they heard thunder crackling from time to time. The weather was very bad, but it could not affect the good mood of Edwin Carter at all.

It seemed that they had returned to the time when he and Jane had just married. After work, they had dinner.

Like now, Jane used to sit in the hall and watched TV plays, while he went to his study to work. Although there was very little talk between them, still they had the feeling of having each other around and they knew whenever they needed the other, the other will appear.

At this time, Edwin Carter was in his study not busy with his work but reading an email sent by Robert Michael.

Robert Michael said that he found out that there was a drug that could make people lose their memory.

This kind of medicine can be used by a country’s army to deal with military spies.

After several injections, the body can be greatly stimulated, which may lead to death or loss of memory. After injecting the drug, those who did not recover memory within three years have less than 5% chances to recover memory after three years.


The army has done an experiment with some captured spies. There were 16 people in the experiment. Eight of them died and eight lost their memory.

According to proportion, fifty percent died, and fifty percent lost their memories. So it proved that after injecting the drug there were 50% chances of death.

Among the eight people who lost their memory, they were divided into two groups and tested separately.

In group A they helped the four persons to retrieve their memories within three years. Two of the four recovered their past memories and two lost it forever.

In group B the other four has been instilled another kind of memory in three years, and then helped them to retrieve the past three years later. In the end, none of them recovered the past memory.

Edwin Carter’s good mood collapsed in a flash after reading this email. His eyes on the computer screen were as fierce as those of a reborn Asura. He held the mouse in his hand tightly and almost crushed it.

The old man used this kind of medicine for Jane. Jane went to the devil’s gate and turned around… life or death was just a step away from her.

Edwin Carter also remembered that Jane told him that she was seriously ill three years ago and stayed in a hospital for a whole year. The reason why she lay down on the hospital dead for a year and lived a life worse than death was this medicine.

When Edwin Carter was in a trance, his mobile phone on his desk vibrated for several times. He picked it up and answered, "What else?"

Robert Michael’s voice came, "Leon, we are still not sure if Jane has been injected with this medicine or not, so we didn’t know how to treat her illness. To be 100% sure, I think you have to go to your respected grandfather."


"Whether she has been injected with this medicine or not, you ask your team to think of methods for her to recover her memory. For confirming that she has been injected with this medicine or not, leave it to me." Edwin Carter completed his sentence and hung up the phone.

He immediately dialed another number and ordered in a cold voice, "Luis George, ask the old man to come to Jiangbei right now."

After finishing all the work, Edwin Carter left the study to find Jane.

Jane has already taken a bath and was lying down on the bed, but she couldn’t sleep at all because her addiction wasn’t completely cured.

She turned on the air conditioner, decreased the temperature and covered herself with the quilt. The temperature in the room was very low, but her body was still covered in sweat, and her pajamas were already wet.

She was very restless. She wanted to destroy everything, but she tried to control herself. She didn’t want Edwin Carter to worry about her.

It has been several days since she didn’t take the medicine. These days, she has survived with the support of Edwin Carter. She also believed that she can endure it and will give up the addiction.

When Edwin Carter returned the room, he saw that she had wrapped herself in a quilt and was shivering.


"Don’t come here. Go out, please." She didn’t want him to see her ghost-like appearance and didn’t want to leave a bad impression on him.

Edwin Carter took two steps to her side, hugged her and said in a soft voice, "Jane, don’t be afraid, I’ll be here with you."


"Edwin, I..." Jane was scared. She was so afraid that she can’t make it through and this feeling of powerlessness will engulf her.

The impatience, panic, and helplessness had overwhelmed her.

There were countless kinds of feelings in Jane’s body. She tried hard to control the influence of these feelings on her, but it wasn’t working at all. She felt as if she will soon lose control.

"Jane, it’s the weekend in two days. I think we should take Janell out to visit some good places." Edwin Carter pulled off the quilt that was wrapped around Jane’s body, held her in his arms directly, and used the method of distracting attention to lessen her pain.

"Okay." Jane nodded her head and answered feebly.

Edwin Carter kissed her forehead and said, "Let’s think about it together and see where we can take Janell."

Jane didn’t answer, she was not unwilling to answer, but she was using all her strength to restrain herself from losing control. She had no extra strength to answer Edwin Carter’s questions.


"Jane, what do you think about the amusement park? Or to the resort? Or any other place?" Edwin Carter’s heart seemed to be stabbed by a knife after seeing Jane like this. Each of his organ seemed bleeding and there was lots of pain but he didn’t show it at all.

He was Jane’s biggest backer. He had no other option than to be strong. He has to stay calm to stabilize Jane’s heart and to let her know that she can give up drug addiction.

Edwin Carter added, "Janell has always been very sensible, she always cares about her father. I am sure she will also love her mother very much."

When she heard him speaking about Janell, her heart ached. She pursed her lips and said, "Edwin, you must take good care of Janell. She has no mother. You, as a father, must have to give her more love. Give her the love of her missing mother. Love her and protect her well."


Edwin Carter hugged Jane more tightly and said, "I will tell Janell that her mother has come back and her mother loves her more than her father. Jane, you have to understand that no one can replace your place in her life and no one can love her like you do. Jane, we can do a lot of things together after you get better. With you, Janell, and me, even this thought makes me so happy."

Edwin Carter said too much in one breath, but she couldn’t hear it clearly. Her mind couldn’t respond well.

She could hear all kinds of sounds but couldn’t process them. These sounds seemed to be around her, and in some moments it seemed as if they were far away - she was so flustered, confused, scared, but gradually she didn’t seem to be too scared.

Time passed, Jane didn’t know anything and after the painful struggle, she fell asleep. When she regained consciousness, it was already the next day.

She was addicted to drugs for a long time. Her head still ached and after waking up she was still a little drowsy. She didn’t know where she was. She opened her eyes and looked at sun rays coming in through the thick curtains.

Edwin Carter was wearing a white shirt and standing by the window, looking at the distance like a statue that could not move.

Jane looked at him and suddenly felt that his back was very lonely. He seemed so lonely, as if no one could enter his heart.

In the days of Jane’s "death", has Edwin Carter always been like this?

In those days, he knew that "Jane" was no longer in the world, but he waited every day, hoping that his "Jane" can return for him and their daughter.


Jane suddenly felt that she could understand Edwin Carter’s mood.

She always panicked because she has lost her memory and couldn’t remember her past. Edwin Carter lost his most precious thing, but he didn’t want to believe it, so he looked for hope in the gap of despair, and he has lost his hope many times.

At this moment, Jane really hoped that she can find back her memory, especially the common memories with Edwin Carter so that she can accompany him and tell him what he always said to her.

—Edwin Carter, don’t be afraid, I’m here with you!

So that she can go back to him and their daughter, and after that, they both can rely on each other!

Edwin Carter suddenly turned around and noticed her prying eyes, "how long have you been awake?"

Jane didn’t like the oppressive atmosphere. She smiled and said, "I’ve been awake for half an hour, but you didn’t notice. What was you thinking? Is it about some girl whom you like?"

"You’re right. I was thinking about a girl." Edwin Carter came to Jane and said, "Thinking of that girl’s smile, her voice, and everything. But just after thinking, that girl appears in front of my eyes when I looked back. So my dream girl, can you let Mr. Carter have some benefits?"

Edwin Carter was in front of Jane, and it was clear what kind of benefits he wanted.

Jane looked at his handsome face. He was really good-looking. His facial features were so perfect that people can’t pick out any flaws even after staring at for long. He was the type of person who's even one glance can’t be forgotten.


After coming back to Jiangbei and after meeting Edwin Carter once, she firmly remembered his appearance and never forgot it.

Jane swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously, clenched her fist quietly, stepped up carefully and kissed him on the corner of her lips, "Mr. Carter, are you satisfied?"

"Do I have the option to say that I’m not satisfied?"

"Of course not."

"Really unfair." Edwin Carter pinched the tip of her nose and said, "Go and freshen up, I’ll wait for you to have lunch."

"Lunch? Did I sleep till so late?" What happened last night was not very clear, and she didn’t know why she had slept till late.

Edwin Carter, "it’s still early for dinner, so it’s not late at all."

Jane, "your joke is not funny at all."

This man’s words were totally different from his appearance. When he didn’t speak, he seemed a really reserved man but when he spoke to her he always tried to amuse her.

Maybe as Angela Carter said, "Edwin Carter is too cold for everyone, only his big Jane and little Jane can have his gentle side."

Jane was glad that she was Edwin Carter’s big Jane, not big Jane’s substitute.

This house was just the residence of the two of them. They came here when they were newly married. Edwin Carter and Jane decided to live here for a while, to help Jane remember the past.

After lunch, Edwin Carter answered a phone call. He had to deal with something, so he had to leave. However, he knew that it will be boring for Jane to stay here alone. He wanted to send Jane back to their villa, but after careful consideration, he let Jane stay here.

He didn’t have to go out for a long time, so he decided to come back early.


Edwin Carter left, and Jane was really bored at home alone.

She watched the TV plays for a while, but she couldn’t find a good one. Maybe she had no interest in these plays so she didn’t enjoy it. She turned off the TV and wanted to do something else, but she didn’t know what else she could do.

She thought of her father, Jonathan Ronan. Why was he giving her drugs?

And why he didn’t tell her that she was actually Edwin’s wife?

The more she thought about it, the more entangled she felt. It was like a net that has tightly caught her and made her breathless.

She wanted the answer, but she knew that she couldn’t directly ask her father, and even if she asked she cannot be sure whether the answers given by her father will be true or not. He knew that she had no memory of the past, even if he made out a story casually, she might believe him.


Jane has made up her mind. She only had one way, that was to regain her lost memory, only then she can answer all the doubts that were disturbing her mind.

With this strong desire to retrieve the memories of the past, Jane couldn’t wait idly.

She had a way in her mind. She should be able to contact more people and things which related to her past.

Among a few people who should be familiar with, the first one that Jane chose was Laura Ferdinand.

Laura Ferdinand was a good friend of Jane for many years. She must know more about her past. Last time when they went shopping together, Laura Ferdinand left her phone number and the address of her studio, so it was not difficult for Jane to find Laura Ferdinand.

Jane went out and took a taxi to Laura Ferdinand’s studio.


Laura Ferdinand saw Jane appearing at the door of the studio but couldn’t believe what she saw. She rubbed her eyes hard. After several confirmations, she was sure that Jane was really standing in front of her.

She gave Jane a hug and said excitedly, "Hey, why you come to see me all of a sudden? Do you remember me?"

Jane really didn’t remember anything about Laura, but after hearing Laura she had a feeling of meeting an old and close friend.

Obviously, she couldn’t remember anything, but she nodded, "Laura, do you really think I’m your best friend?"

"What are you talking?" Laura Ferdinand dragged Jane into her office and shouted excitedly, "you are my best friend. We were classmates in high school and college. After graduation, we came to Jiangbei from Kyoto together to open a studio and experienced a lot of things together. This feeling can’t be replaced by anyone, including your Mr. Carter and my Mr. Alex."

"But…" Jane was a little embarrassed, "but I cannot remember anything. I don’t even know if I am the one you know. I don’t even know the name Jane."

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember it." Laura Ferdinand grabbed Jane’s hand and said firmly, "Jane, I’m with you, and you can ask anything that you want to know. I promise to help you remember the past."

"Laura, I really want to thank you, but I don’t know how to thank you."

"Don’t. If you really want to thank me, remember the past and return to Mr. Carter and Janell as soon as possible." When it comes to Edwin Carter and Janell, there was some pain in Laura Ferdinand’s words that can be seen on her face and can be heard in her voice. "Jane, you know? I never knew that a man..."


Laura Ferdinand suddenly paused. She didn’t know what words she should use to describe the state of Edwin Carter after Jane disappeared. At that time she felt that Jane’s absence caused more pain to Edwin Carter than she had imagined.

It was so terrible that she could not describe it.

In Laura Ferdinand’s mind, Edwin Carter was a deity, an eminent and unapproachable person. But after Jane’s disappearance, she found that Edwin Carter was just a normal human being. He has flesh and blood, feelings and love like ordinary people.

Of course, there was no difference in human’s feelings. But in terms of career and status, Edwin Carter was still the one who can hold up the sky with one hand. Many people were awed by this big boss.

Jane looked at her and finally spoke, "Laura, just tell me."

"Jane, Mr. Carter is really a very good husband, so good that I don’t know what words I should use to describe him." Laura Ferdinand sighed and said, "At the beginning, I found out that he had come to date with you under a false name. I once doubted his purpose of approaching you, and I secretly observed him."

After a pause, Laura Ferdinand continued, "it wasn’t until later that he said a word to me that completely changed my point of view for him."

"What did he say?" Jane asked.

Laura Ferdinand thought for a moment and said, "I have forgotten the specific words, but he meant that he is your husband and he will protect you and prevent you from every harm."

"..." This really can be Edwin Carter’s words.

Laura Ferdinand said, "Jane, you don’t know how happy I am that Christopher Greyson betrayed you. If that scum didn’t betray you, how can you meet such a good man as Mr. Carter in your life?"

Laura Ferdinand said and explained a little, "Christopher Greyson and Sophie really deserved each other. At last, Christopher Greyson has been murdered by Sophie."

Laura Ferdinand continued speaking. She was completely unaware of Jane’s face. She just wanted to help Jane find back her past memory quickly, but she didn’t know that such an instant demand for success might produce the opposite of the desired result.

Laura Ferdinand spoke again, "Jane, in fact, these things are not very important. The main thing is that I heard that you and Jonathan Ronan were together. I was so scared and worried that he would hurt you. I was worried that how can you be with a murderer, with the one who indirectly killed your mother."


Edwin Carter replaced her date… Christopher Greyson’s betrayal… Jonathan Ronan indirectly killed her mother… These strange and terrible things constantly hit Jane’s nerves. She was shocked and frightened.

In shock, she stared at Laura Ferdinand. After a long time she spoke, "Laura, these things that you said to me are really true?"

She didn’t remember anything at all, so she was worried that these things were all a made-up story by Laura Ferdinand to cheat her. She was very afraid because she could not remember the past, and her memory can be deliberately distorted.

She was afraid of too many things.

Laura’s heart ached on Jane’s question. She hugged Jane and said, "Jane, I can cheat all the people of this world, but I can’t cheat you."

Once they were so close and good friends, they always thought about each other, they didn’t even need to speak to understand each other’s mind.

Damn it! She has forgotten everything.

Laura’s words were sincere, but Jane couldn’t believe them completely. To be exact, she can’t easily believe any of them, no matter Jonathan Ronan, Edwin Carter or Laura Ferdinand.

Laura Ferdinand was a little worried, "Jane, I swear by my life that every word I said to you is true. If there was half a fake word, I won’t be able to die a natural death."


Jane didn’t want to embarrass or cheat Laura Ferdinand. She smiled apologetically and said, "Laura, I’m sorry! It’s not that I don’t want to believe you. It’s that I’m really worried and confused."

Her father not only fed poison to her but also indirectly killed her mother. These facts were too terrible to be believed by Jane.

In the past three years, Jonathan Ronan has always been very kind to her. He took care of her and accompanied her. But in the blink of an eye, everything has changed.

Jane just wanted to retrieve her lost memory, she cannot believe any person’s words.

Laura Ferdinand said, "Jane, it doesn’t matter. I am willing to wait for you."

It doesn’t matter. I am willing to wait for you.

Familiar words! Jane remembered that Edwin Carter said similar things.

Only the one who really cares about her can say such things and can be so patient.


Because they really want her to be good, they can’t bear to deceive her or to force her to move forward.

The things that Laura Ferdinand just said to her, needed a lot of time to digest. So she needed to be quiet and think about it calmly. When she came out of the studio, she looked up at the scorching sun.

She took two deep breaths to calm her mind.

Maybe she had faced a lot of things in these two days, and her mind was calmer than before. Even after listening to Laura Ferdinand’s words, she quickly recovered her calmness.

Jane thought about it and went to buy some cloth to make clothes for Janell. It can distract her mind, and she can think calmly.


She heard Edwin’s voice. She looked back and smiled at Edwin Carter’s caring eyes, "Mr. Carter, what a coincidence."

Every time she came outside or encountered something disturbing, he always appeared on time. Coincidence happened too often. She wondered if he had installed a tracker on her.

"Coincidence?" Edwin Carter came to her side and rubbed her head. "I heard Laura saying that you are here. I came here to pick you up and go home together."

It was Laura who called him and told him. If he didn’t say it, she might have doubted him. Jane knew very well that it was not too good to panic and treat everyone as an enemy, but she couldn’t control her mind.

She smiled apologetically at Edwin Carter and said, "Mr. Carter, if you have nothing to do, you can accompany me to a place."

Edwin Carter nodded, "Okay."

"You don’t ask me where I’m taking you." Jane asked while walking.

"Wherever you ask me to accompany you, I will accompany you. I don’t want to ask, no matter where you go." No matter what the situation is, as long as she asks him he will not have a complaint.

"What if I take you to sell you?"

"Then I’ll see who dares to buy me."

"I am just saying, who has the money to buy Chairman Carter."


"Me?" Jane pointed at herself with a surprised look.

Edwin Carter added, "I give you Chairman Carter free of charge, will not accept even a penny."


"People don’t cherish things that they get for free," She said with a smile. "So Chairman Carter, you shouldn’t give yourself away for free."

Edwin Carter said, "Then you can make a price at will. You can say as much as you like."

Then she raised her hand, at first she showed two fingers, then five, and finally made a zero, and said, "What do you think of this price, Mr. Carter?"

Edwin Carter knew that she was teasing him, but he nodded, "Isn’t the price too high?"

Laura Ferdinand told many things to Jane. But she looked too calm, Edwin Carter didn’t know how to persuade her. If she wanted to tease him, he was willing to accompany her.

Jane took the initiative to hold his arm and said, "Mr. Carter, in fact, these two hundred and fifty are a tip for you. You belong to me for free."

Edwin Carter hugged her waist and said, "As you say."

Jane took Edwin Carter to the cloth market. She carefully selected several pieces of cloth to make dresses for Janell, as a children’s Day gift for the little baby.

After buying the cloth, Jane wanted to go back to her house, because her thing was there and she needed those things to make clothes.

Edwin Carter said, "What tools do you need? I will send people to arrange those things so that when we get back to the villa everything will already be arranged."

Big boss uttered such straightforward words, there was no reason to not let him play handsome, so she told Edwin Carter the tools she needed.

When they reached back to the Villa, all the electric sewing machines were ready and a small workshop was set up for her.

"Is this the legendary speed of Shengtian?" she exclaimed.

Edwin Carter shrugged, "Miss Jane, are you satisfied with the speed?"

"Yes, yes. I’m very satisfied." Jane smiled at him and said, "Mr. Carter, I’m going to start work. You can also do your work."

As a qualified fashion designer, she can cut, sew and so on. It was not a big deal for her to complete the whole dress by herself.

The draft was already ready, so she began to work earnestly and attentively, leaving Edwin Carter aside.


Edwin Carter watched her silently without disturbing her.

Jane looked skilled. It can be seen that she was very attentive. She was so indulged that he has been staring at her all the time, but it did not affect her.

Edwin Carter didn’t leave until his mobile phone rang.

He answered, "What’s up?"

Luis George’s voice came from his mobile phone, "Chairman Carter, the old master has returned home a week ago. He is in Kyoto, but we have not found his location yet."

Edwin Carter frowned, "the old man has returned, but you can’t get in touch with him?"

"We can’t even contact the people around him. I am sure that they deliberately did not let us contact them." Luis George said.


After knowing that Mr. Carter had returned a week ago, Luis George immediately asked the person in charge of Kyoto airport to send him the monitoring records of that day. After watching the surveillance video, he came to know that old Mr. Carter and his two assistants have safely arrived at Kyoto airport.

They came on their own, but they cannot be contacted. Luis George had tried all kinds of methods, so it was reasonable to say that they were deliberately hiding.

Edwin Carter said in a deep voice, "If you can’t get in touch with him, then try to make the conditions for his people to contact you. I’ll give you one more day."

"Yes." Luis George added, "The acquisition of P&M Company has been completed, and according to your instructions, all the shares you hold in P&M Company have been transferred on Mrs. Carter’s name."

"Well, I see." Edwin Carter hung up.

Jane was fond of fashion designing. He bought a big brand and transferred his shares to Jane. So that she can play as her will in the future without being restricted by others. But he can’t tell Jane at present. He knew Jane’s character. She will never accept it.


Hearing his daughter’s soft voice, Edwin Carter looked back and saw that Janell was running towards him.

Edwin Carter opened his arms to catch the small body and kissed on her face, "Oh, my girl, back from school, huh?"


"Daddy..." Janell held Edwin Carter’s face in her little hands and kissed him twice, "I missed dad so much."

"Dad has also missed Janell so much." Edwin Carter kissed Janell again and said softly, "Tell me, what have you done in school?"

Janell was a little embarrassed to hear this and said softly, "I am very good and obedient. I didn’t hit my classmate."

When Janell heard that her dad asked her what she had done in the school, she had the intuition that her dad had knew that she had bullied other children in the school, so she quickly explained.

But her explanation revealed her hidden intentions.


Edwin Carter was also amused by the cute look of the little guy. He pinched her face and said with a smile, "Janell, you said you didn’t hit your classmate. Do you want dad to reward you?"

Janell shook her head hard and looked at her dad discontentedly.

Daddy knew that she bullied the children in school, and still teasing him.

Daddy is not good at all.

She decided to be angry with her dad and not to talk to him for two minutes.

Edwin Carter said, "then tell me, why you hit your classmate?"

Janell blinked her beautiful big eyes to her day. Her eyes were clear and innocent. She just said that she didn’t hit others, why dad still asking her why she did so? She didn’t want to speak.

Edwin Carter said, "Janell, dad didn’t tell you that the children who lie are the most unlovable?"


Janell pouted her mouth, and spoke sadly, "I don’t want to be an unlovable child."

Edwin Carter said, "Then tell dad why you hit others and with which hand?"

Janell raised her right hand and said, "With this hand. I don’t like him. He’s not good."

Edwin Carter grabbed his daughter’s right hand and looked at it to make sure it wasn’t hurt. Then he said, "Well, I understand."

He touched Janell’s face again, and said, "Janell listen to me carefully, if you again disliked anyone, then let others do it for you. Don’t hurt your hands."

At this time, Janell didn’t understand what her dad meant, but when she grows up, she will be able to make the best use of what her dad said to her today.

Jane was busy working but when she heard Janell’s voice, she almost stopped her work immediately. After knowing that Janell was her own child, she has not met Janell yet. She was so nervous that her palms were sweating.


She left her work and was looking at this father and daughter’s amusing interaction.

She was indulged in her thoughts and from time to time her face unconsciously raised a smile.

This handsome man is her husband and this lovely child is her daughter.

Even if she won’t be able to remember the past now, no one can change the fact that Janell is her own child.

Both of them are her most solid backing!

Jane wanted to walk over and hug Janell, but she was so nervous that she couldn’t move until she heard that Edwin Carter was teaching Janell bad things. She couldn’t help saying, "Mr. Carter, do you always teach the child this way?"

Jane’s discontented voice suddenly came from behind. They did not know for how long she stood and how much she had heard.

Edwin Carter was stunned. He was caught on the spot by the child’s mother while teaching their child something not very good.

"Big Jane, hug-" Janell was excited to see Jane, even more excited than to see dad.

Jane took Janell from Edwin’s arms and held her in her arms. She asked gently, "Janell, what do you want to eat in the evening? I will cook it for you."

After knowing she’s Janell’s mother, Jane started treating Janell with a new mood.

Although she hasn’t remembered the past, she still wanted to give Janell more love, and for this, she started from the daily life routine.

"I want strawberry pudding, strawberry pie, strawberry..."

"Janell, how about noodles or something else?" Jane interrupted Janell and asked.

"No, I love strawberries."

"Janell, child grow tall and beautiful only when they eat well. If you don’t believe me, ask dad." Jane looked at Edwin Carter and glared at him discontentedly. She seemed to say that her daughter didn’t have a healthy and balanced diet because he didn’t take good care.

Janell said, "Janell will eat what big Jane cooks for me."

Edwin Carter quickly gave Janell a thumbs up, "Janell is excellent!"

"Both Janell and daddy are excellent!" Jane said and smiled with satisfaction.

Janell’s eyes moved at big Jane’s face and then on her dad’s face. It seemed that she had found something extraordinary.

Last night, dad didn’t come home. Auntie said to her that dad went to chase and persuade big Jane. Just now, big Jane has praised her father.

Has dad successfully persuaded big Jane?


After dinner, Janell took her dad and big Jane for a walk.

Janell held her dad’s hand in one hand and Jane’s hand in the other all the way jumping and bouncing. She was feeling extremely happy.

Jane’s eyes were continuously guarding Janell’s little body and Edwin Carter’s eyes were fixed on Jane, trying to guess a little bit of her mind and her thoughts but he couldn’t understand it at all.

Edwin Carter never dared to mention anything about Jonathan Ronan to Jane. He didn’t want to hurt Jane before recovering her memory, but he didn’t expect it that just after leaving for a while, she will go to find Laura Ferdinand.

Laura and Jane’s friendship can’t be replaced by anyone.

In these years, Laura Ferdinand always thought that Jane had a car accident because of her. She had been blaming herself for it, but she didn’t know that it was a conspiracy. Now after seeing Jane back, Laura was so excited and happy that she forgot to be careful.


It can be imagined how desperately Laura wanted Jane to recover her memory so that she can return to all of them as soon as possible.

Edwin Carter could understand Laura’s feelings, but she ignored some important facts. If she wanted to help Jane recover her memory, she has to help her slowly.

"Janell, slow down there." Jane grabbed Janell who was jumping around and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"Thank you, big Jane." Janell reached out her little hand and rubbed it on Jane’s face.

"My good girl." Jane held Janell in her arms. She kissed her face and was reluctant to let go.

It was evening time, so Edwin Carter said, "Jane, take care of Janell in the evening and let her sleep with you."

Jane really wanted to take care and sleep with Janell, but she didn’t forget that she still had a little drug addiction. Before completely overcoming the side effects of quitting drug addiction, she can’t take Janell to sleep with her. It will scare Janell.

She shook her head. "In a few days."

In a few days when she is fine, she will take good care of Janell.

"I want to sleep with big Jane and daddy." Janell always said whatever she wanted to, she was a little child and never bothered to think much.

Edwin Carter looked at Jane and saw that she had no objection, "Okay, dad will sleep with little Jane and big Jane."

Janell was very happy to hear dad’s words.

She thought that in a moment dad would sleep on the left side, and big Jane will sleep on the right side. Even this thought made Janell very happy.

Tom in the class said that his father slept on the left and his mother slept on the right and he slept in the middle. This way he got protected by his father and mother. The big tiger that can eat people would not dare to approach them.

Janell had no mother, and she didn’t know how it felt to have her mother sleeping on the right, so she got annoyed and beat the little boy who showed off in front of her.

After getting beaten by Janell, Tom started crying. Janell observed the situation and it seemed unfavorable so she also started crying, but she cried more and even louder than Tom. So the teachers thought it was Tom who hit Janell.

The teacher got angry with Tom and after seeing Tom getting criticized by the teacher, Janell felt proud, she also knew that she had her brother Lucas for protecting her and he won’t let others bully her.

After taking a shower Janell went to bed, she was so happy that she had no sleep at all. She just rolled on the bed from left to right.

Rolled to the left and cuddled up to dad, rolled to the right and cuddled up to big Jane.

After getting a kiss from one side, Janell rolled immediately to the other side, she rolled for several circles before stopping, blinked the big eyes and took dad’s hand in one hand, and took big Jane’s hand in the other. "From now on daddy and big Jane will sleep together with me."

"Okay. Dad and big Jane will sleep together with Janell." Edwin Carter hugged the little baby and patted her on the back. "Go to sleep, or you won’t be able to get up tomorrow."

"Big Jane, kiss me again." Every day before sleeping, her father gave her a good night kiss, so Janell also asked Jane to kiss her, so she can sleep well.

Jane squeezed over and kissed Janell on her face, "Janell, good night."

"Big Jane, daddy, good night." Janell lay down quietly on her dad’s body. Because she has been playing too long, she was tired and soon fell asleep.


Janell fell asleep, and Jane’s eyes fell on Edwin Carter. When she saw Edwin Carter, she suddenly had some heartache.

She asked, "Edwin, have you been coaxing Janell to sleep like this all these years?"

Edwin Carter held Janell in one hand and tightly held Jane with the other hand, "Jane, the time of growth of Janell that you’ve missed, we will make it up for that time together."

"Yeah. we will," she nodded.

Edwin Carter added, "Janell is a very sensible child. She normally easily fell asleep. The difficult thing is to wake her up in the morning. In the morning she becomes too lazy and sleepy."

"I can’t imagine how this little baby looks like dawdle in the bed," she said.

"Very lovely." Edwin Carter looked at Jane and asked softly, "do you want to hug her?"


"Yes." She nodded and immediately shook her head, "but I am worried for a while..."

"Don’t worry, you just need to think about Janell and your mind will automatically stop thinking about other things." Edwin Carter handed Janell to Jane and took another look at the time.

It was so late today and Jane hasn’t had any abnormal reaction. It seemed that just the half month detoxification has begun to work.

Jane held Janell and looked at her red face. Her heart was as soft as cotton, "Edwin, our daughter is really lovely."

She said "our daughter."

She didn’t notice this sentence, but Edwin Carter noticed her words.

"Yes, our daughter," Edwin said.

Edwin Carter always told Jane about the good things about Janell. He never mentioned what happened when Janell was very young.

Janell was cut out of her mother’s abdomen in the 8th month of pregnancy. Her birth was a premature delivery, so she stayed in the incubator for nearly half a month. But she didn’t get well, she often fell ill and almost died.


During that time, Edwin Carter stayed with Janell for day and night, found the best doctors, used the best medicine, and took good care of her and finally Janell’s situation got better.

His big Jane disappeared and in some days the old Mia Mia also died, leaving him and Janell alone.

When he recalled that time, he felt like he lived a life in hell.

Later, he went to buy a Pomeranian, and named her Mia Mia, and let it grow up with Janell. They all waited together for their big Jane to come back.

Just because of the care of Edwin Carter today they have this healthy and lively Janell.


Jiangbei City’s biggest entertainment place - Enchanting Palace!

Bright lights, loud music, men and women wearing clothes that could barely cover some parts of their bodies dancing and shouting on the dance floor.

Compared with the noise on the first floor, the private rooms upstairs were much quieter.

Some people were just drinking to suppress their inner noise, others were talking about business here. Every night, many different kinds of customers came here.

It was not the first time for Angela Carter to come to such a place, but it was the first time to talk about scripts here. In the past, her scripts had been handed over to her by her agent sent by Shengtian entertainment. If she liked them, she can accept them and if she didn’t like them, she can refuse to sign in.


The movie and TV series produced by Shengtian entertainment have guaranteed quality, but they were not used to create hype. The popularity of drama has always been far faster than that of actors themselves.

Angela Carter’s career has been developing in recent years. Last year, she even won the Best Actress Award for a movie, which was a big hit.

When her popularity reached the peak, some people began to criticize her acting skills, saying that the roles she had played were very common and unchallenging.


But Angela Carter looked back at the roles she had played in recent years. Most of them were single, similar to her appearance and image. There was really not much room for her to play her acting skills.

What she can notice, others can also notice, there were many people on the Internet who cut her plays that she played recent years and created into a short film and said if it was not for the different clothing shapes, everyone should have thought that she played the same role in every movie and play.


After the release of this clip, a large number of internet users, bloggers and analysts criticized her acting skills. After being attacked by these people, many of her fans also unfollowed her.

Her popularity was getting the effect, and she was very distressed.

She did hard work for several years to gain this popularity. But now her popularity plummeted due to that clip and the criticism of internet users.

Particularly after seeing an actress of her age, who has also debuted at the same time has received unprecedented attention, Angela Carter has been hit even harder.

Angela Carter decided to change her role. She didn’t want to play the same image she used to be. She wanted to play a different role particularly a negative role. So that she can show her acting skills in a better way that will lead to her steady acting career.

But her agent didn’t want to pick up other plays for her, saying that her image which she had worked hard to create, could not be destroyed.

After listening to her agent, Angela Carter jumped up and wanted to beat him. Her agent was also his brother’s man, so what kind of script she can accept was under the control of her arrogant brother.


When Angela Carter was worried about her acting career, she received a call from a famous director. He told Angela that he was preparing a new play recently and was looking for the heroine. He thought her screen image was quite suitable.

Upon receiving the call from the director, Angela Carter didn’t even think about it. She secretly made an appointment with the director without letting Arthur Simon know.

If she let Arthur Simon follow, her brother will surely come to know everything and her desire for a different role will remain unfulfilled.

They went to the restaurant to have dinner first. Angela Carter paid the bill that was nearly two thousand dollar. Angela Carter was not short of money, but it was really painful to spend so much money on others.


After dinner, the team said they wanted to go out for fun, so they chose Jiangbei City’s biggest entertainment place - Enchanting Palace!

These bastards knew that they didn’t have to spend their money, so they booked the most expensive rooms, ordered the most expensive drinks and called the most expensive hostesses.

Angela Carter took a sip of the wine and scolded them in her heart. Old bastards, son of a bitch, be careful to drink to death and play to death.

After a few drinks, the director’s assistant sitting beside Angela Carter began to boast, "Polaris, everyone wants to see herself in the directed movie. Now he is giving you a chance to audition, you have to take advantage of it."

"Audition? Where?" Angela Carter’s patience limits were about to burst out. If anyone dares to provoke her, she will beat him to death!


The assistant put a room card into Angela Carter’s hand and whispered, "There is a room inside. If the director got satisfied, this role will be yours."

After wasting so much time on them, Angela Carter finally understood that these bastards wanted to have sexual favors.

Don’t think she is really stupid.

This old bastard had the courage to request for sexual favors, so she will let them taste the consequences of this courage.

The director was a famous director in the circle and had a good reputation. He had made films with many old and new actors and actresses. All the heroines in his films were very popular. Angela Carter thought that he wanted to find her to act as the heroine, so she didn’t think much and came to meet him alone.

At this time, Angela Carter has changed her mind to treat these bastards. She was calculating the bill to see how much money she had spent today. She must let these bastards who want to take advantage of her spit it out.

"Polaris, what are you doing? Come on." The assistant pushed Angela Carter and said, "If you missed such a good opportunity today, you will never be able to have it in your life."

Angela Carter quietly dialed Victor James’s mobile phone, cleared her throat, and said, "It’s 1.08 thousand in total."

"What?" the assistant didn’t understand.

"The money I have spent on you tonight."

"Polaris, are you in your senses? Don’t you want to be in this circle?"

Angela Carter sneered, "I am completely in my senses that’s why I won’t get cheated by you old pimp."

All these years, she has been cheating others. No one can cheat her.

1.08 thousand, she will get back even a penny that she had spent. She couldn’t let these old bastards take any advantage from her.

As they heard Angela Carter, the eyes of the people next to her fell on her. One of them spoke, "You willingly came to this room. Why do you want to pretend now?"

Angela Carter said, "Give my money back. I will forget this matter as nothing has happened. If you dared to give a penny less, then no one of your group will be able to stay in this circle in the future."

Angela Carter was telling the truth, but no one believed that she has this ability. If anyone of them had knew about Angela Carter well, they wouldn't have come here to meet her with such intentions.


They all laughed at Angela Carter, on her stupidity, on the words she had said.

A person walked to her and said, "Polaris, do you know who’s sitting in front of you?"

Angela Carter took a look at the man they said. Then she noticed that there was a good-looking man sitting there. It was just that he looked good but compared with her Victor James he was nothing.

She snorted, "I don’t care who he is. Just give me my money back, and I will forget everything that has happened here."


"Little girl, you have been in Jiangbei for a long time. Still, you don’t know what kind of people in Jiangbei you can’t afford to provoke?"

It seemed that Angela Carter didn’t know the seriousness of things. A person who considered himself very kind, came forward to remind her. He thought this little girl didn’t know the seriousness of this matter.

"Who can’t be provoked in Jiangbei?" Angela Carter hasn’t really thought about it because she always did things according to her own preferences.

Because no matter what she did, no matter how out of control the scene was, there will always be someone behind her to clean up the mess, she never cared or thought about controlling her temper.

The kind person spoke again, "Shengtian’s Chairperson Leon Carter, in charge of the military region Victor James and Aaron Paul, our mayor’s son."

Victor James is the one who can’t be provoked?

Angela Carter has been provoking him every day, and he couldn’t do anything about her. The worst thing was that she was hit by his men last time but in the end, he himself took care of her.

Her arrogant brother was also very good to her not as good as he was to Janell and Jane but still very caring and concerned. He just always tried to interfere in her matters, but she also knew that he did all this for her good.

Among the three strongest people in Jiangbei, Angela Carter knew two.

She has been following them since her childhood. No… more appropriately, she has been held in the palm of their hand since she was a child.

As for the mayor’s son, whether he was tall or short, fat or thin, ugly or handsome, Angela Carter really didn’t care. Over the years, she spent all her time in filming and chasing Victor James. She had no mind to think about anything else and never liked any other men.

Angela Carter’s mind worked fast. After knowing the three people, she soon guessed that the good-looking man in front of her should be Master Paul, the mayor’s son.

Angela Carter looked at him and said, "Master Paul is one of the three powerful people of Jiangbei. How can he enjoy the hard-earned money of a little girl like me."


"How can you do such things? How can you let such a beautiful girl pay the bills?" The man that had been surrounded by everyone was staring at Angela Carter and finally spoke.

"Master Paul..." the assistant opened his mouth but got interrupted.

"Give back the money to this beautiful girl, not a penny less." The man motioned the assistant to stop talking and ordered.

"Yes." The assistant nodded.

Angela Carter’s account soon received the money she spent this evening.

"Master Paul really is one of the three people in Jiangbei who mustn’t be provoked," she said with a smile as she looked at the text message and the sum of money she has got back and spoke again, "In the future, as long as you don’t mingle with these bastards, you can come to me if you need my help."

"I also like to be a friend of people who are straightforward." The man looked at her, smiled softly, and said, "Here is a toast to you, I apologize on everyone’s behalf. Let’s assume that these unpleasant things didn’t happen tonight."

The man said and first raised the glass to drink the wine in the cup and said, "Drink it if you accept our apology."

Angela Carter was also an outspoken and straightforward person. She took the wine cup handed by the man and drank it. She said, "I didn’t forgive others so easily. But I think that Master Paul looks good and also called me a straightforward person, so I made an exception."

The man nodded as if he accepted Angela Carter’s praise.

"I got my money back and drank the wine, I should go now." Angela Carter waved to the man, "Master Paul, if destiny gives the chance we will meet again!"

The man looked at Angela Carter and smiled but didn’t speak. His eyes were deep and inexplicable.


Angela Carter walked and suddenly found that her feet were as heavy as lead. She can’t move at all.

Not only her feet, her head was also dizzy, the vision gradually became blurred, and these people in front of her seemed to be shaking.

"Shit! You drugged me?" Angela Carter bit her lips. She often heard about this kind of thing, but never expected that something like that would happen to her.

She has been following Victor James and Edwin Carter since she was a child. She didn’t expect that she would fall into the hands of such vagrant today.

One of them said, "Master Paul, this little girl’s temper is really hot. Her mind is dizzy but her expressions still didn’t change."

"You dare to drug me. Wait for me. I will definitely tear off the skin of you bastards." Angela Carter tried to keep her eyes widely open and stay awake.

"Hahaha..." there was the laughter of those people, even wilder than before, "She wants to tear off our skin, so let’s tear her clothes first."

"Tear off my clothes? The finger that dares to touch me will be cut off." Angela Carter’s words were still arrogant, but there was some panic in her heart.

She had never met such a situation and did not exactly know what kind of medicine these bastards had given to her.

Her head was getting more and more mushy, and she can’t even think clearly. Their voices were loud, but she can’t clearly hear what they were saying.

She subconsciously took the mobile phone out of her pocket.

She did not know whether her call got through Victor James or not, whether Victor James had answered or not, or whether Victor James would come to save her or not.


When Angela Carter was thinking about Victor James, her mind slowly stopped working and her vision turned blank. She fell to the ground with a soft bang and fainted.

But in her mind, she was scolding these bastards severely. When she wakes up, she would certainly tear off their skin.

Angela Carter fell to the ground, everyone’s laughter stopped, and their eyes turned to the man, "Sir, how to deal with this girl?"

The man got up, went to Angela Carter’s side and squatted down. He reached out to hold her chin and raised her head slightly. He stared at her and looked for long, as if he wanted to see through something from Angela Carter’s face.

After a long time, he said, "Send her to my room."

Several men looked at each other, got up, and picked Angela Carter.

At this time, the door has been kicked, once, twice, thrice and a thick wooden door kicked down. Victor James’s tall figure appeared in front of them.

Victor James suddenly appeared, which made all the people who knew him shuddered and they took a few steps back involuntarily.

"Commander James, how you can be here." The man smiled and said, "I heard you never came to this place. Why do you get interested today?"

Victor James grabbed Angela Carter and carried her on his shoulder, sweeping the room like a cheetah. At a glance, Victor James memorized everyone’s looks, and their background also imprinted in his mind.



The first man said, "I heard that you never get close to women. How can you come to my place to rob this girl?"

"I want to rob and I will. Why do I give a reason to you?" Victor James coldly looked at him and dropped his words.

Looking at Victor James, the man said, "Commander James, there are rules and regulations. If you want to rob a girl from my hand, you have to ask the people here if they agree or not and if we don’t allow you cannot take her easily."

"Hum..." Victor James coldly made a sound and said, "Come together and fight with me. Don’t talk nonsense with me."

They dare to give a medicine to Angela Carter. They had already touched the bottom line of Victor James, he didn’t intend to let this group of people go easily and these people were really good, they willingly challenged him to fight.

Victor James had grown up in the army, crawling and rolling. He has long cultivated this steel-like body. Even if he didn’t hit people, the ordinary people who hit him got hurt just by hitting his strong body.

They dare to drug Angela Carter, which touched the bottom line of Victor James. He didn’t intend to let this group of people go easily.

Victor James kicked them and before the attacker could see things clearly, they had been beaten badly. They piled up in front of him like a human pyramid.

He walked ahead and stepped on the back of the man who was on the top and heard him howling in grief.

He looked at Aaron Paul and said in a cold voice, "Aaron Paul, if you really want to play with women, no one stops you, but next time remember to polish your eyes."

Victor James said and carried Angela Carter away, leaving a room full of people in shock.


When Victor James went far away, one of them asked, "Sir, how Victor James suddenly appeared here?"

"That little girl is not very stupid. She had called Victor James before the trouble." The man said.

The man really appreciated Angela Carter’s courage, although the courage was appreciable, still, there was a lack of intelligence. Many of her moves were stupid like she came here alone and easily drank the wine he offered.


Angela Carter, who had lost consciousness for a long time, hung upside down on Victor James’s shoulder, shaking left and right, but didn’t wake up.

Victor James shoved her into a military car and drove Angela Carter to his house in the central area of Jiangbei, which he has bought for himself.

Victor James had no family. He lived in the military area and only came back home for a few days when he got vacations. It was situated at a far distance from the military region, and it will take a long time to drive here which was just a waste of time for Victor James.


He carried Angela Carter home, threw her on the sofa without looking at her, he turned to the bathroom and turned on the tap to fill the bathtub.

He went back to the living room and picked up Angela Carter. She was as easy to carry as carrying a soft kitten. He took Angela Carter and threw her into the bathtub.

He pressed Angela Carter’s head into the water and after a long time took it out.

Angela Carter coughed, coughed out a mouthful of water, and woke up. Before thinking anything, she began to scold, "Fuck, you bastards dare to do this to me. Don’t you want to live?"

She scolded and waved her hands, "you bastards, wait, I will destroy you, so that you can no longer harm others."


Victor James’s voice sounded, Angela shuddered and looked up, "Victor James, don’t make noise. I’ll talk to you later."

"Angela Carter, your brain has really flooded with water?" Victor James threw a bath towel and said, "Clean up yourself."


After catching the bath towel thrown by Victor James, Angela Carter realized that she was soaking in the bathtub, her thin clothes were clinging to her body, and her beautiful curves were completely exposed in front of his eyes.

Angela Carter deliberately straightened her chest and coughed softly, "Victor James, they drugged me. My legs are trembling, and I am feeling weak. I have no strength to stand up. Please help me."

Victor James glanced at her and leaned on the washstand. He said calmly, "It’s cold water in the bathtub. I don’t want to catch a cold. However, if you want to soak yourself for a while, I have no objections."

"Fuck, are you a man?" Originally, Angela Carter was a little excited, but when she recalled the last time when she was naked but he didn’t look at her much, the little excitement flew away.


Victor James just looked at her, without expressing any opinion.

Angela Carter flattened her mouth and said, "Victor James, I called you so early, but you didn’t come to save me before. I will not forgive you."

Victor James said, "I didn’t come to save you. I came to see people making a joke about you. To see how they will make you a fool and how stupid you can be."

"Even a horse who ran thousands of miles every day can stumble and I am just a little girl." Angela Carter got up from the bathtub and suddenly rushed to Victor James to hold him tightly. "Victor James, don’t be too rude. Is it too hard to admit that you like me?"

Victor James pushed her away, and said, "It’s your mind. You can think whatever you want, it has nothing to do with me. I can’t control it."

Angela Carter pounced on her again and held him even tightly, "Victor James, you have brought me to your home. Don’t pretend anymore. If you want to have sex with me, just say it. Don’t worry, I won’t refuse you."

Victor James said, "My sister is not in good health. She always treats you as her own daughter. If something wrong happens with you, how she will live?"

"So just because of this reason you take care of me and came there to save me?" Angela Carter blinked, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye. It seemed as if she had been greatly hurt.

If other people had seen her like this, they will be cheated by her superb acting skills, but it was Victor James! A man who often fought with her, she also considered these things carefully. Victor James can see through it at a glance.

"Stop acting. I will not fall in your traps." Victor James turned to leave.

Angela Carter kicked him. He didn’t walk fast and Angela Carter kicked on his ass and laughed, "Victor James, but I’ll let you act, I’ll see how long you can act."

Angela Carter wiped her body casually with a bath towel, she knew her clothes were revealing her charming physique and she was eager to show more.

She walked Victor James’s side and sat, stretched her hand to touch him softly. Victor James grabbed her hand and said, "Angela Carter, you are no longer a child. No one can take care of you all your life. You need to grow up."

"I can’t grow up more." He had grabbed her hand, and she pushed her whole body against him, "marry me. If you marry me, I will become a wife and a mother, and maybe I’ll grow up."


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