Wednesday, May 27, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 01 - 100






Jane, this is my bank card and the password is 13124. You can buy what you want. It’s up to you.”

Hours had passed, but the words of the newly married husband were still in her mind.

To be honest, she knew very little about this man who was now her husband.

She knew nothing about him and his family except that he told her his name is Edwin Carter.

Jane didn't even know what she was doing. She married a man whom she only met twice!

Ten days ago, with the help of her friend Laura Ferdinand, she had her blind date where she met this man named Edwin Carter.

She had no hope for this kind of relation, after all, three years ago an incident made her believe that she has no ability and right to criticize others.

She could no longer criticize others, so she arrived fifteen minutes earlier on the date of her blind date.

She had no individual advantage, so she tried to perform better in other areas hoping to leave a good impression.

If she met the right person, without a delay, she would marry him and make her parents feel relieved.

The man with whom she had her date arrive just on time neither a second earlier nor late.

The man was dressed very formally, which showed that he gave great importance to this blind date and gave a simple and intuitive first impression that was really very good.

“Hello, Miss Jane, I'm Edwin Carter.” The way he greeted was very common.

The very common sentence became special just because his voice was very magnetic. Jane and this first impression gives him an extra point.


After their simple and ordinary communication, they politely exchanged their telephone numbers and left separately.

Jane did not take this blind date seriously. It was just one more blind date added in her counting of blind dates.

She thought that this blind date would be the same as she had many times before, but unexpectedly two days later she received a phone call from Edwin Carter.

“Miss Jane, are you free at night?” His voice was still polite.

That night, Edwin Carter invited her to a Sichuan restaurant for dinner.

Jane did not like the embarrassing atmosphere of the blind date. There was very little talk at the table. During the meal, it seemed a little restrained and she didn’t even eat to her fill.

In hesitation, she was finding a reason to leave first. Edwin Carter took the lead in saying: “Miss Jane, I will be free next Wednesday, how about we get our marriage certificate on that day?”

“Get Certificate? Which certificate shall we get?” Jane was totally surprised by Edwin Carter’s words.

“Marriage certificate.” He repeated, his tone was serious. Serious enough to express that he is not joking at all.

“Marriage certificate?” Jane still couldn't believe what she just heard. She put her hand on her thigh and pinched it hard to make sure she wasn't dreaming and carefully looked at the man in front of her.

Edwin Carter has a pair of thick eyebrows, very bright shining and charming eyes, his attractive face is just like a painting. A painting that is perfectly carved, he is a kind of man that can be found at a glance in the crowd.

He did not look like an impulsive person. His facial expressions were very serious. This was just the second time they met. And he said that he wanted to marry her.

Instantly his low and deep voice came to her ears again: “I think Miss Jane, you and I have so much in common. We are dating to get married, have children, to make a family, and to live what others think is a normal life.”

“Yes, I also think like that, but we just met for the second time. Don't you think it's too fast?” Jane spoke out her ideas. She wanted to have a family of her own, but she never thought of that so rashly.

“It's a little fast.” Edwin Carter's expression was as bland as usual, he continued speaking, “After the first meeting, I went back and thought about it for two days. Miss Jane, you gave me a good first impression. Personally, I don't think our personalities conflict, so I want to have a try.”

Jane frown slightly, she was a little unhappy: “In my opinion, marriage is not a joke. Have a ry? What if the try failed?”

Before she had finished, Edwin Carter interrupted her: “Miss Jane, we are adults, we should not expect love that does not exist at all, and in our hearts, we are very clear about what we want.”

Jane gave no answer. She just fixed her eyes on the face of Edwin Carter.

From the appearance, this man looked calm and unspoken, which seemed to be a good option for marriage.

But could she really put the rest of her life in the hands of a man she had only met twice? Is it really OK?

After seeing her in hesitation, Edwin Carter said, “Maybe I am too anxious to consider your feelings. If you think I'm considerable, think about this proposal. I'll wait for your call.”

After returning home, Jane had been thinking about it all night. She admits that she shares some views with Edwin Carter, such as love, which is impossible to exist at all. After being so deeply hurt, she no longer believes that there is so-called love in this world.

After a sleepless night, the next morning she simply dialed the phone of Edwin Carter and accepts his proposal.

Jane took the account book in the morning and went to the marriage registration office with Edwin Carter in the afternoon.

There was an indescribable feeling in her heart when she and Edwin Carter came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau with their marriage certificates.

It is said that marriage is just like a woman's second life. But now it seemed so simple. Nine pieces and nine pages of a certificate had engraved the exclusive mark of Edwin Carter in her life.

Yesterday was the day when Jane moved to Edwin Carter's apartment to live together. Last night, Edwin Carter behaved like a gentleman. He left the master bedroom for her to rest, and he rested in another bedroom.

Quite unexpectedly, before going out to work today, Edwin Carter handed her the bank card. She and he hardly know each other, how can he give his family property in her hands?

“Jane, journalists from all major media channels are waiting inside. The board of directors and the new Chairman is coming soon. Why are you so stunned?”

The harsh voice of Samuel Kinley, the manager of the Public Relations Department, interrupted her thinking. She quickly retracted her thoughts and maintained a nice attitude: “Manager Samuel, I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it.”

Samuel Kinley looked at Jane and spoke sternly: “Jane, although you are a clerk in the business department, your manager has sent you to assist our public-relations department, so I expect you to assist me with great vigor and don't make me regret.”

Jane nodded her head: “Sorry, manager Samuel, I just lost my mind. This will not happen again.”

Samuel had looked at Jane again before she moved her eyes. He clapped his hands and called several staff members from the same department who were in charge of reception.

“Cheer up, everyone. We must handle today's news conference in a magnificent manner. We must not make any mistake. We have to make it best, absolutely flawless” Samuel Kinley was addressing the staff and meanwhile, his sharp eyes were observing every staff member.




“Yes.” The Public Relations Department in charge of reception responded in unison with the temporary colleagues.

Samuel Kinley’s eyes finally fell on Jane: “Jane, I heard you are the best employee among all of your colleagues. In a moment, you will be with the new Chairman you just have to take charge of the work of the new Chairman. You don't have to deal with anything else.”

Jane didn’t answer she just nodded her head, Mandy Adam, a public-relations officer, takes pleasure from Jane's misfortune and expresses her intentions, “Jane, if our new Chairman is not married, will you cash this chance and took benefit from him?”

It sounded like an opportunity to approach the new Chairman, but everyone knew it's a great responsibility, and nobody wanted to take or share the responsibility of Jane.

Samuel Kinley stared at Mandy Adam with a straight face, “Today may be related to the future of all of us, so please show me a serious attitude.”

After being excoriated by Samuel Kinley, no one spoke again. Jane quietly took a breath, and start trying to work by creating the best possible work state.

No wonder Samuel Kinley was also very nervous. But who made this happen so suddenly?

Just when everyone thought everything’s well in the company, the board of directors suddenly spread the news that the Chairman wanted a new person to take over the duties.

And the new big boss was very mysterious, the heads of various departments tried hard via various channels to inquire about him, but they did not get even a bit of information.

By nature, Jane was not a person who likes troubles, so she couldn't help but stretch out her neck and looked at the entrance to see at which aspect the big boss was sacred.

“Come on, come on, all the directors and the new Chairman are here.” The voice of the receptionist passed from the walkie-talkie to the ears of all the staff.

Colleagues took care of their attire and stood respectfully at their posts.

Jane followed Samuel Kinley to welcome the mysterious big boss for whom people had been waiting for a long time.

Just after a few steps, a tall man in a silver-gray suit surrounded by several men in black suits marched gracefully towards the press release hall.

“Don’t panic, It doesn't matter.” Jane said to herself. But as Jane looked at him, his single glance stunned her.

The tall man in a silver-grey suit walking in front of the crowd was undoubtedly her new husband, Edwin Carter!

“Impossible!” Jane thought it’s an illusion. She closed her eyes and shook her head to wake up quickly.

She opened her eyes and looked again, but the man's appearance remained unchanged.

If it was someone else, she might make a mistake, but this is her new husband, she could not make a mistake in recognizing him.

A perfect sharp flawless face, the tall height of 5.11 ft. (1.56 m). As well as the strong stature, and when he walked his character revealed a noble elegance. Whatever the man showed were exactly the same as her new husband.

“Edwin, Edwin Carter?” Jane stared at the man and called his name unconsciously in her mouth.

It seemed that he heard her voice, he moved his eyes slightly and starred with her. What he saw was a very nervous girl. She almost forgot to breathe. She couldn’t even make herself believe that her “ordinary” new husband had become the new Chairman of her company. She looked at him and felt buzzed.

The man's eyes stared on her for a moment and then moved away, he behaved so indifferently as if he didn't know her at all. Due to this oddity, Jane's heart sank rapidly. He was clearly Edwin Carter, her new husband. Why should he look at her with such indifferent eyes? For a moment, a hundred kinds of thoughts flashed out through her mind.

At this moment for her, the closest thing to reality was that she’s daydreaming, and dreaming an extremely unrealistic dream. Edwin Carter is always gentle and elegant. He is very polite in speaking and doing things with her. He will never pretend that he doesn’t know her.

She quickly pinched herself two times with her hands and whipped her lips in pain. Then she realized that it was not a dream, but she was experiencing reality. Since this was not a dream, there was another possibility that this man just has the same face as Edwin Carter. In fact, in behavior, he was totally different from Edwin Carter.

Samuel Kinley pulled Jane hard and whispered: “Jane what's the situation and what the hell are you doing?”

Jane awaked from her dream, a little ruffled and absent-minded.

Samuel Kinley whispered again, “Still not fast enough to catch up.”

Jane nodded her head and quickly followed the new Chairman. She had to conceal her personal emotions and at the same time had to face her big boss professionally, who looked like her husband.

Samuel Kinley quickly caught up with the new Chairman's group and opened the door of the press conference banquet hall for them: “Please invite our major directors and new Chairman!” As Samuel Kinley's high-pitched and passionate voice fell, fierce applause rang from the big conference hall. Everyone stared at the entrance with big eyes, waiting for the mysterious big boss to appear.

Jane took a quiet breath, keeping in step with her boss. After the boss was seated, she handed the prepared information to him. Even she had professional training, but the company's new boss is her newly married husband, so the impact on her is still too big, she accidentally shook her hand, and from her shaking hands, she dropped two copies of documents on the floor.

Jane squat down to pick up the missing folder. Edwin Carter bends over and grabbed the documents up before her. Jane heard him whisper in her ear, “Wait for me at home at night.”

Jane was forcefully making herself believe that her big boss and her husband just look alike. As she heard these words from him, her whole head just blown up, and she became so silly that she forgot what to do.

Fortunately, the attention of all journalists was not on her, so she could get a little time to adjust herself.

The reporters did not notice her, but the sharp-eyed Public Relations staff did not miss this little episode.

The Ministry of Public Relations was well-prepared, all departments cooperated well, and Edwin Carter had enough authority and ability to deter the scene, the press conference was held very successfully.

As the new Chairman left the party, Mandy Adam immediately came to her, “Jane, accidentally dropping the documents was a successful trick to have the attention of our new Chairman.”

With a frown, Jane turned to Samuel Kinley and said: “Manager Kinley, the work of the public-relations department is completed; now I want to go back to the business department.”

Looking at Jane's back, Mandy Adam stamped her feet angrily: “She ignored me, how dare she ignored me. How could she behave like that? ”

Samuel Kinley starred at Mandy Adam. “Don't stir up troubles all day. You just act willfully to create a scene. The next person to leave the job will be you. Do your job well if you have the ability. And if you become able to climb higher than her, you become eligible to pull her. ”

Mandy Adam stared at Jane's back and said, “Ok, I see.”




Jane returned to the office of the Business Department and heard her colleagues discussing the new Chairman.

Everyone was just talking about him. Likes they knew a lot about the new Chairman.

Katelyn Max, Jane’s colleague, as she saw Jane she moved towards her. "Jane, you were lucky to get the first chance to stand near the Chairman."

Jane smiled indifferently, "It is just about work. We are just here to do work. If you think you're good at doing things around the Chairman, you definitely encounter things like this in the future, at that time ask the manager to send you. "

Erica Michael quickly waved her hand, "Indeed, our new Chairman is handsome and charming, and his looks and personality are really out of our approach."

"The new Chairman will come to visit us in a few minutes, everyone ready your work report." Deana Brad, the manager of the Business Department, went into the office and gave orders to her staff.

“The new Chairman is coming to inspect!”

Hearing this news, Jane seemed to swallow a mouthful of saliva. She was so nervous that her heart came to her throat.

The fact that her newly married husband Edwin Carter was the new Chairman of the company still needed some time to digest, and at present, she was not ready to face him.

All the other colleagues returned to their seats, but only Jane was still standing at the same place. Deana Brad looked at Jane and asked, "Jane, do you need anything?"

"No, nothing." Jane quietly clenched her fist, hurried back to her seat and opened the computer to check the customer’s information.

After a while, the elevator jingled and in a group of people, Edwin Carter appeared in front of her. Fortunately, Edwin Carter just greeted the Department staff, listened to Deana Brad’s simple work report and walked away with a group of people.

A moment after Edwin Carter left the business department. There burst out a hasty noise and even Deana Brad, who was usually steady couldn't help gossiping with everyone. The topic of their gossip was whether their handsome and unapproachable Chairman is married or single?

Jane listened to their discussion and didn’t utter a single word. Her heart wants to let these people know that the spouse column of the Chairman's marriage certificate is already filled with her name, but one thing she wasn’t sure about was the reaction of these women.

Working hours of this day, under the circumstances of tension and anxiety, are finally over. The colleagues were all gone, so Jane packed up and got off. What kind of mentality and temperament should she use to face Edwin Carter in the evening? Jane really doesn't know the answer to these questions and doesn't know whether she should go back to her "home" with Edwin Carter or not.

Out of the company gate, Jane habitually turned right to the B entrance of the Metro Science Park station. After a long walk, she remembered that now she is living with her newly married husband.

Edwin Carter's apartment is not far from the Science and Technology Park. There are also three bus stops. It's about half an hour's walk. Looking at the time, it's only five o'clock. However, she hasn't figured out yet how to face Edwin Carter. So she just decided to go home and think about this matter.

Back downstairs, she decided to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some vegetables and meat. No matter how big is the problem, filling your stomach is the first thing. She did not know what Edwin Carter like to eat, she took out her phone to ask him, but she was worried that whether he attends her call or not, so after some moments of this continuous thinking she put the mobile phone back.

After doing groceries, she walked towards her home. At a short distance from the elevator, she saw a very strange and at the same time very familiar figure, facing the entrance of the elevator, standing straight, wearing a light gray suit that extremely suites him. It was Edwin Carter standing upright, with an appealing figure. From a distance, the whole scene looked like charming scenery.

However, there was still some confusion about how such a good-looking man and the Chairman of a big company, could come to meet an ordinary woman at a blind date and fall in love with that ordinary woman.

"You're back." Jane walks over and greets him in the most normal way possible.

"Yes." Edwin Carter looked back at her. Her face was not bright and at the same time have different expressions.

Jane gave him a smile and stood beside him. She only looked at him once, and always felt that the man seemed different today. But what is the difference? She could not recognize it for a moment.

The light from the corner of her eye glanced quietly. It turned out that today he was wearing glasses. The gold frame of glasses made this man look more calm and restrained. Jane sighed silently in her heart, this man only spoke more when they met for the second time, and normally they both stayed quiet. She wanted to fill the gaps in their relationship, but she didn’t even know how to start the conversation.

Now she knew his astonishing personality which made it more difficult for Jane to approach him.

While she was thinking of it, Edwin Carter suddenly stretched out a hand towards her, Jane instinctively took a small step and shorten the distance between them. "Give me the bag. I'll carry it," he said, lightly. He was not annoyed by her inadvertent closeness, but in an extremely normal manner, he took the bag from her hand.

Jane felt her face was burning hot. He just wanted to help her carry the bag, but she just got lost in her fantasy. Looking down at Edwin Carter’s powerful big palm carrying a large bag of things in a very effortless manner, a warm thing bumped into her heart two times. Jane thought optimistically, even if there was no love, even if he was the Chairman of the company, but as long as two people honestly with their pure intentions work for their marriage, they could spend a very sound life.

They entered the elevator, and none of them spoke. After coming home, Edwin Carter put the things into the kitchen and said, "I'm not very good at cooking. So tonight I'll give you this trouble."

"You do your job. Leave the cooking to me." Jane said, while putting the package away. She takes off her coat and put on the apron.

"Thank you!" He spoke lightly.

"You are very kind." Jane squeezed out a smile, her laugh was a little awkward. They were already husband and wife, but the way they choose to get along with each other was just like two strangers. She considered it as the wife’s natural duty to prepare a meal for her husband, but the way he thanked her made her feel awkward.




"I…" Edwin's lips moved, but he did not say much. His eyes under the golden spectacle frame floated a little deep and could not understand. He stared at the simple shadow and meditated for a few seconds before turning to the study.

For the last three years, Jane had been living alone in a rented house. So she was very expert at making several home-cooked dishes. She cooked two dishes and made a soup in no time.

"Edwin come for dinner" Jane knocked on the door of the study, and without hearing the answer gently opened the door.

Edwin Carter was on the phone in his study. She listened to him, "You handled these, and you don't have to report everything to me." After saying that, he hung up the phone directly, looking up at Jane, maintained eye contact for a while and asked her what the matter is.

"Dinner is ready." Jane just smiled and said without looking at him.

"I'll come." His tone was as bland as usual. Two people sat in front of each other, eating seriously, and no one of them opened mouth to break the silence. The atmosphere seemed dull. Jane moved her lips several times to find something to talk about but swallowed it back after observing the stern look of Edwin Carter.

After dinner, Edwin Carter offered her that he will wash dishes, Jane did not refuse. He is willing to share the housework with her. Why would she refuse?

From Edwin Carter’s clumsy appearance, it could be seen that he had never done these things before. How could the Chairman of such a big company do such trivial things as washing dishes?


After listening to the sound of the broken porcelain bowl coming from the kitchen, Jane immediately got up and walked towards the kitchen. What she saw was Edwin Carter holding a bowl in his hand and staring at the broken pieces of glass on the ground.

"I'll do it." Jane walked over to take the bowl from Edwin’s hand.

"No, I'll do it." Edwin Carter moved away from her outstretched hand while his tone remained unchanged.

"Edwin, actually…" Jane, after looking in Edwin’s eyes could not say anything, so she nodded her head and left the kitchen to let him continue. They were a couple but Edwin Carter was still a man she’s not familiar with.

She wanted to know him, know everything about him, and wanted to try her best to be a good wife. But, he had such an attractive personality; can she really hold the original idea of marrying him?

Jane sat down in the living room, picked up the remote, turned on the TV, and chose a news channel. While watching TV, she was time to time looking through the glass door towards the direction of the kitchen to see Edwin Carter carefully and attentively cleaning the dishes. She sighed quietly in her heart, this man could even manage washing dishes so gracefully.

Although the way Jane's eyes were looking at Edwin was too heart whelming but Edwin looked back so coldly. Four eyes looked into each other, Jane saw the strangeness in Edwin Carter’s eyes and then that changed into an impeccable polite smile.

She was caught while looking straight at him, and her face turned slightly red. At the same time, she smiled politely. Jane turned her attention to the TV screen, but all she thought was about Edwin Carter.

This man was charming in his work and could even wash dishes so gracefully. When could she see him doing something he is not good at?

After tidying up the kitchen, Edwin Carter returned to the hall and saw Jane in a daze. He had stared at her delicate face for a few seconds before he uttered "Jane."

"Ah…" Edwin's pleasant voice called her name, Jane found it heart whelming and for a moment she felt her face burning.

Edwin Carter sat down on the other side of the sofa: "There are some things I want to discuss with you."

"Okay," Jane answered. She also wanted to have a discussion with him and take advantage of the opportunity to make things clear.

Edwin’s deep eyes would sweep up and down Jane before slowly opening his mouth.

"Jane, today in the company…"

“Public and private are different. I understand that. In fact, I don't want to let the company's people talk behind our backs because of our personal relationship.” Edwin did not finish but Jane interrupted him.

She worked hard for three years in this company to achieve her present status. She also wanted to continue to climb up by her own efforts, not want a change because of Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter's face was calm, but his eyes under the golden spectacle frame flashed an imperceptible light: "I didn't intentionally hide my identity as Chairman of Innovation Technology from you. Seeing you there on such an occasion today, I don't know at that time what you think, so I didn't announce about us, but it doesn't mean I want to hide it.’

"I know." Jane nods her head, and after a moment of silence speaks again: "Work and life are separate for me. I don't want to bring my private life to work."

She and Edwin are married, this is their personal matter and Jane feels that there is no need to announce specifically to the people in the company. For this thing, she didn't want her job to be affected. Secondly, she was not sure how far she could go with her marriage.

Looking at Jane’s firm look, Edwin paused and said: "Did you tell your family about our marriage?"

Jane shakes her head, doesn't want to talk more about family.

"I've just taken over Innovative Technology so I have some things to deal with. If you don't mind, after these works, I will like to visit my parents-in-law with you." He said, his expression was calm and usual as if Jane didn't mention that she didn't want to talk about her family.

"No." Jane refuses directly but felt that refusing like this is not appropriate, so she explained, "I have some problems with my family, had no contact with them, we will discuss this matter some other day."


Every time she thought of this word, she felt breathless. Three years later, that house was no longer her home, and she could never go back.

"Jane." Edwin calmly called her name and said, "You are not alone anymore, you have me."

Edwin’s tone is different, but because the voice itself sounds good, it is hard to feel more indifferent.

This sentence obviously was not from her lover, but it made Jane heart’s beats so faster and it is not something that she can explain. Although she spent these years without this kind of feel, just even a slight bit of memory from her past inevitably lead her to sadness and silent tears flow down from her eyes.

"Jane." After a long silence, Edwin Carter spoke again, "We are already husband and wife. I sincerely want to spend my life with you."

These words weren’t expected from him. Jane was speechless. She looked at him and with the unbroken eye contact she said, "I also want to spend my rest of life with you."

Edwin Carter stared at her beautiful face, paused for a few seconds, and said, "So Jane, can you promise me that you don't give up on our relationship easily no matter what happens?"

"I do!" Jane nodded her head to express her consent and said: "I will try my best to be a good wife." Don't break up easily was just what was in Jane’s heart. And hearing these exact words from Edwin at this moment made her feel so relaxed.



Edwin Carter and Jane were looking at each other, but couldn’t find a topic to start a conversation and this once again they felt embarrassed.

"I have something to do," Jane said. Jane's natural personality is quite cheerful, but whenever she confronted Edwin Carter she always forgot what to do.

"Okay." Edwin Carter nodded his head, got up and went to his study. After seeing him she returned to her room to prepare the documents for tomorrow's work.

After about two hours of work, Jane shut down the laptop and with both hands rub her sore eyebrows. She got up opened the door and encounter Edwin Carter who came out of the bathroom.

He was wearing a white nightgown. Water was dripping from his short black hair, and his facial expression was very cool. "It's getting late. Go take a shower and sleep" He spoke calmly and without looking at her much turned and entered the room.

Jane was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that tonight he was going to share his room with her. However, she stayed stunned for some time. She had not accepted him with her full heart. This thought made Jane feel that her heartbeat is accelerated, difficult to breathe normally.

Half an hour later, Jane got out of the bathroom. She wore a long-sleeved night suit and completely covered herself in that suit. In the bedroom, her eyes were searching for Edwin Carter, but there was no sign of him, so she felt some relief. But just after a moment, she saw Edwin Carter coming in. There was a faint smell of tobacco coming with him, which showed he had just gone to the balcony to smoke. He didn’t want to hide his habit of smoking, it was just he didn't feel appropriate to smoke around her.

"Sleep." Edwin Carter went to bed first and lay on the right side of the bed, leaving the position on the left side for Jane.

"Oh, god…" Jane was so nervous, tongue beneath teeth, cold sweats all over the body and a heart beating abnormally.

She moves towards the bed and lay down on the left side of Edwin Carter. The big bed is two meters wide, and there is a clear distance between them, but Jane feels that she is surrounded by the breath of Edwin Carter.

"I am going to sleep. Goodnight" She closed her eyes in the hope that she could fall asleep as soon as possible. Jane restrained herself not to think about him, but the more she thinks about him in her mind, and as eagerly as she wants to fall asleep the more she stays awake.

She wondered if Edwin Carter would do something to her while she was asleep. And at the same time think, even if Edwin Carter really wanted to do something to her, it would be perfectly normal and easy for him, and after all, she and he are legally married.

Jane was having a lot of thoughts in her mind, her body became more and more rigid just like a stone.

Well aware of the tension of Jane, Edwin Carter suddenly moves close to Jane, hold her hand and rubbed her head: "Jane, although we are legally married, I will not force you to do what you do not want to do." His voice was still charming and pleasant as usual, but in dizziness, she also hears some laughter, and her ears turn red for a while. Indeed, his husband is clever and sharp.

With the assurance of Edwin Carter, her nerves relaxed slowly, and soon she fell asleep.

When she woke up, the sky was already bright. Jane grabbed her cell phone and looked at the time. "Everything is finished!" She couldn't help and whisper.

 From Monday to Friday morning, her alarm clock will ring at seven o'clock but didn’t ring today or is she too sleepy to hear?

"Wake up." Edwin Carter's deep and captivating voice sounded in the room. "I think it is too early, so I turned off your alarm clock and let you sleep a little longer." Hearing the voice of Edwin Carter, Jane realized that there was another person in the room. She looked up and saw the well-dressed Edwin Carter sitting on a sofa, his fingers turning over the newspapers in his hand, it seems he had been waiting for her for long.

"Well, wait for a moment. I'll ready the breakfast as fast as possible." Jane flicked her head and jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom.

"Breakfast is ready. I'll wait for you". She heard the deep voice of Edwin Carter. Jane did not know how to react.

Jane was looking so frightened just like a small rabbit, Edwin Carter's sexy thin lips can’t help smiling, and there was a little laughter in his cold eyes. Was this really Jane, the hot girl, three years ago who after getting drunk scolded him for three hours and vomit over him?

Jane took a shower, changed her clothes and came to the dining hall. She was wearing a white shirt and black skirt. Her outfit fitted her perfectly. She looked more mature than her real age, very sexy and appealing as well.

Edwin Carter’s pupils contracted when he looked at her without letting her know he moved his eyes away. She sat down silently and to breakfast. So the first thing after Edwin Carter's appointment as Chairman of Innovation Technology will be to change the clothes of female employees and replace these short skirts with trousers.

Seeing the delicious breakfast on the table, Jane smiled and asked, "You made all this?" Last night he told her that he couldn't cook. It is amazing that he learns to make such a delicious breakfast in one night.

After knowing what she thought of it, Edwin Carter handed her a cup of warm milk and said, "The maid brought all these."

Edwin Carter is conscious about cleanliness and particularly picky about his food. He does not eat anything, so the lady who in charge of his diet and living made all these arrangements.

"It looks delicious." Jane sat down, picked up the snack and bite, "It's really delicious." The food was fully appetizing enriched with fragrance and more delicious than she thinks.

"Well." Edwin Carter hummed out gently, looked very cold and gave no special response. Edwin Carter was quiet, Jane couldn't say anything anymore. So she picked up a snack and put it into her mouth.

After eating another piece of pastry, she glanced at Edwin Carter quietly. Saw him eating gracefully, couldn't help thinking of the English aristocracy. He didn't need to do anything deliberately, even unconsciously his character always reveal elegance and nobility.

"Is there something on my face?" Edwin Carter asked her suddenly with a shallow doubt in his eyes.

"No, no." she was caught again watching him, Jane couldn’t help but blushed and bowed down her head for breakfast.

"If you like today’s breakfast, I'll order them to prepare these items for every day’s breakfast." After some time, Edwin Carter added another sentence.

Jane carelessly said: "No need to bother this much."

Edwin Carter put down his chopsticks, took up the napkin, wiped his mouth and slightly add a sentence: "You are my wife."

"Hmm, okay." Jane didn’t argue further, because Edwin Carter's reason knocked her heart softly. She’s his wife. He’s her husband, which means they have to spend a life with each other.

Jane ate delicious pastries and drank warm milk, but the heart couldn't help thinking. God is blessing her. Once he had closed his big door to happiness on her but now he had opened some small windows for her.




Gossip is an unavoidable aspect of our society, and Jane had already experienced this kind of situation in the past. If her colleagues saw her coming to work in the car of the new Chairman, she was afraid that their gossips would kill her. That’s why when Edwin Carter asked her to go to work with him in his car she shook her head and refused his offer even without thinking for a single second.

Although she didn't accept Edwin Carter’s offer and took the bus on her own, they arrived at the company at the same time.

Jane with a group of people was waiting for the elevator. Edwin Carter was also surrounded by two special assistants around the Chairman's exclusive elevator. She wanted to pretend that she hadn't seen him but fell it is not appropriate, so she followed a group of people to greet him politely: "Chairman Edwin, good morning!"

"Hmm!" Edwin responded indifferently to her, glancing around lightly, he stepped into the elevator, leaving a cold atmosphere for everyone.

Edwin Carter's cold behavior did not affect the staff's enthusiasm. Everyone was discussing the new Chairman with the same zeal and zest. She didn't participate in the discussion, but she found it quite funny. Edwin Carter, a man with a clear public-private attitude. At this time, she thought of a word used on the internet to describe Edwin Carter – Prince Charming.

Once she entered the company, Jane forgot about Edwin Carter and devoted herself to her work.

Recently, Jane and several colleagues in the same department had been busy preparing for the bidding project of Star Group of Companies. Seeing that the bid opening is imminent, Jane's work had also entered a state of tension; she was so busy that there is no time for lunch.

In the company, she was a well-known workaholic. It’s common for her to skip lunch during work. Nobody really cared about her. But today, when Jane was so busy doing her job, she received a call from Edwin Carter. Jane looked around only to find no one around her, and then she picked up the phone: "What's the matter?" Her interrogative way clearly demonstrates that she didn’t want him to call her during working hours; she won't let others know about their relationship.

Edwin Carter completely ignored Jane’s first sentence. He paused for a moment and said, "Work is important, but it’s not okay to stay hungry." His voice was very gentle, but it pitched enough to hear his concern. Jane's face blushed at the same time, she just uttered, "Yes, I know."

Edwin Carter on the other side of the phone did not say anything else. Jane also didn’t know what to say, so she said goodbye and was about to hang up the phone.

Edwin Carter at the last moment spoke again: "I am in room 1808 of Lily Restaurant."

"Well, I don't bother you." Jane replied.

"Jane!" Edwin Carter's tone was obviously heavier, and it took a few seconds to say, "I'll wait for you."

"No need…" Jane completely refused, but before Edwin heard these words, Jane heard the sound of hanging up the phone from the other side. Looking at the screen of the cell phone in the dark, her simple eyebrows faltered slightly. Finally, she sighed helplessly. What did she refuse to have lunch with her husband?

Lily Hotel is a five-star hotel near the company. It’s an expensive hotel. Jane didn’t usually come here unless the company asks her to entertain important guests. Arriving at the Lily Hotel, Jane still wants not to be seen by any familiar person, but who knows she encountered Edwin’s personal assistant Sienna Henry, Jane wanted to pretend she wasn't seen her, but she called her name "Miss Jane, Sir Edwin asked me to receive you."

Jane smiled awkwardly and quickly kept up with Sienna Henry's pace. She and Edwin is a legitimate couple, but now they gave people a perception like they were in a love affair, which was embarrassing.

Arriving at Room 1808, she saw another personal assistant Luis George sitting with Edwin Carter. Edwin Carter took the initiative to pick Jane’s coat, hung it on the hanger beside him, and opened the chair to let her sit down. He said, "Miss Henry and Luis George are working with me from many past years, and they all know about us."

Jane nodded her head, but didn't speak anything just looked at Sienna Henry and Luis George.

Luis George and Xu Sienna Henry in courtesy nodded their heads politely to her. Saying nothing, they left the room.

Edwin Carter personally held a bowl of soup and handed it to Jane: "These years, I’ve been busy with business, so there are few people who always stay around me." Hearing his explanation, Jane felt gratified and smiled shyly at him: "Well, I understand."

In the morning, there was a lady at home who made breakfast; he was surrounded by talented people like Luis George and Xu Sienna Henry. She was afraid, the background of Edwin Carter was much more complicated than she imagined. After all, she accepted his proposal to marry him because she thought he looked good, not because of his family background.

Jane didn’t ask much, Edwin Carter did not say much, and they ate silently. Moreover, Edwin Carter's family education that they didn’t speak much while eating, nor was he accustomed to talking more at the table. Their meal was very quiet.

When both of them put down to finish eating, Edwin Carter said lightly, "No matter how busy we are at work, we shouldn’t skip our meals."

Jane agreed, "I'll pay attention to it."

Hearing her perfunctory reply, Edwin Carter's eyes under the golden frame darkened, he was apparently dissatisfied with her answer and said: "From next we will have lunch together."

Edwin Carter's tone was somewhat overbearing and strong, but Jane didn’t like it. She looked up and smiled at him. "Thank you, Chairman Edwin Carter, for your care but…"

"Chairman Edwin?" Edwin Carter frowned. "Since you call me Chairman Edwin, don’t you listen to what your new Chairman has said to you?"

The man pressured her with his identity so quickly. After working for three years in the Business Department of Innovation Technology Company, Jane thought herself as a smart person. But now she really didn't know how to deal with Edwin Carter.




Out of the Lily Hotel, Jane looked around with a guilty conscience; she did not see any familiar person which was a relief. It's funny to have dinner with your husband and worry about being seen by others.

With a sigh, if she knew that Edwin Carter would be transformed into a new Chairman of an Innovation Technology Company, does she marry him so easily? At that time, Jane couldn’t give an answer to her own questions.

After returning back to the office, she received a notification from the Department manager. It was to inform in charge and colleagues of the bidding project of Star Group of Companies to be well prepared to discuss this project with the Chairman in the afternoon.

Star Enterprise is a game development company and a subsidiary of GU’s Group. GU’s Group is a well-known domestic enterprise, also one of the largest enterprises in China. A large number of companies want to work with it. It's not easy to win from this large number of bidding companies.

Bidding Project with Star Enterprise is the biggest project of this year for Innovative Science and Technology. And now Edwin Carter has taken the post of Chairman. It is justifiable to attach importance to the progress of this project, but it is a little uncomfortable for Jane. At noon, she was disturbed by Edwin Carter. And now she again has to work with him in the afternoon. She is afraid that her performance will get affected.


Jane arrives at the conference room ahead of time with her colleagues. She has prepared all the information they need, but she was still nervous.

"Jane…" Katelyn Max leaned close to her Jane’s ear and whispered, "Your ability to work is obvious to everyone. Don't worry too much." Jane did not speak anything just smiled.

Katelyn Max is also one of the members of the project team, but she is a sweet talkative girl, she doesn’t do much work. Jane handles most projects, Katelyn just assists her in doing things.

Another male colleague, Wilson Paul, leaned close to Jane: "Jane, you lead us in this project, there cannot be any problem."

It's always good to be cautious anyway. Jane as the team leader of this project has the greatest responsibility and she always has more concerns toward things than others. And this project is the first one that Edwin Carter assigned Jane after taking the office. In addition, to make achievements in her work, she also wants to make a good impression on her husband. In her life with Edwin Carter, he must not give him any reason to look down upon her.


"Chairman Edwin…" don't know who said this. Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the door of the conference room. She looked up and saw Edwin Carter walking in gracefully with his two assistants.

During Lunch, Edwin was wearing very casual clothes. But now, he changed into a silver-grey suit, with a white shirt underneath and a blue-and-white striped tie, which made him look more charming.

"Hello, Chairman Edwin!" Everyone stood up and greet Edwin Carter.

"Sit down, everybody." Edwin Carter politely said a sentence, then sat on his seat, and signaled Luis George to start the meeting. Edwin Carter did not look at herself. She was relieved, and her abnormal heartbeat comes to a normal state. Looking at Edwin Carter's behavior from yesterday and this morning, his clear public-private attitude is way more rigorous than her.

Jane is the team leader of this project. So, she begins to introduce the details of the project preparation.

Because she works hard and does everything by herself. In front of a group of senior executives, including the Chairman, she was not nervous at all. Not only she was not nervous, but even she also performed very well.

In the end, Jane receives a big round of applause. As she bent down to thank everyone, she felt a glance of an eye falling on her. She looked up and saw Edwin Carter's deep and elusive eyes.

Realizing that Jane noticed him, Edwin Carter smiled at her, which was polite to impeccable politeness. Pure superior and subordinate politeness without any personal feelings. Jane also gives Edwin Carter a polite smile. She cannot lag behind him if she wants to keep public and private different.


Because he is the new Chairman, Edwin Carter just gives cold expressions. It looks like a God of fire in the sky. Give people a sense of distance, but everyone is a little nervous. Fortunately, due to good preparation, Edwin Carter personally affirmed the work of the whole team, and the meeting was a success.

At the end of the meeting, the members of the project team were so excited, they just forget that the executives are still her, everyone was chattering while they leave the meeting hall. Wilson Paul put his hand on Jane's shoulder: "Jane, if we win the Star Enterprise project this time, it would be an extremely glorious thing."

Jane was also very happy, she didn't notice how close Wilson Paul was standing. She nodded her head, smiled and said: "As long as we all work together, there is nothing we can't do."


Suddenly behind her, she heard the cold voice of Edwin Carter, which made Jane's body slightly stiff, she turned politely and said, "Chairman Edwin, are you looking for me?"

"Jane, you are the team leader of the Star Enterprise Project. Chairman wants to take some details from you." It was not Edwin Carter who spoke, but Sienna Henry who was standing beside him. Sienna Henry working with Edwin Carter for many past years. Of course, she knows it very well what is going on in Edwin Carter’s mind at this time.

The Chairman is looking for Jane to ask about the project. Other members of the team are also smart enough to understand the whole situation. They quickly find an excuse to slip away and leave Jane alone with Edwin Carter. Edwin Carter approached Jane: "Jane…"


Jane, subconsciously, stepped back two steps and maintain distance between Edwin Carter: "Chairman Edwin, do you have something to say."

Edwin Carter approached her again: "At this time I am only Edwin Carter, your husband."

Jane stepped back again, he looked around and said, "Chairman Edwin, this is working time." Jane's words make Edwin Carter frowned gently, but the eyes under the golden frame were still slightly angry. But he has very good self-control which made him not show his anger easily.

After some time, he said with very solemn expressions, "Jane, I know you have nothing to do with that man but being your husband seeing him standing so intimately close to you would make me jealous."

Jane never thought that Edwin Carter would say such a thing to her. For a while, her face was hot and red. Finally, she smiles and said: "Chairman Edwin relax, this kind of thing will not happen again."

"Chairman Edwin?" His eyes under the golden frame were really angry.

"Chairman Edwin you do your work. I'll go down first." Jane did not know that he was angry. She turns around and left without saying anything. Edwin Carter saw him enter the elevator simply, and his cold eyes become colder.

"Chairman Edwin, there are still several documents you need to look at." Sienna Henry gave him a timely reminder.

Edwin Carter stepped into the office and utters a cold sentence: "You women, all are so strong?"




Sienna Henry was stunned at first, and then she responded, "Jane had experienced so much pain and betrayal, she was helpless for three years. If she doesn’t become strong, who can help her?" These words make Edwin Carter stop and look back at her gloomily.

Sienna Henry immediately added, "However, now she can make your heart ached."

The conference room is on the 23rd floor, and the business department is on the 19th floor. When the elevator arrives on the 22nd floor, the door opens and Mandy Adam of the Public-relations Department enters. Jane disliked people like Mandy Adam. She stood aside and didn't say hello to her.

Mandy Adam glanced briefly at the elevator door and looked up. "Some people shouldn’t think, just by changing a city they can hide the ugliest things of their past."

Jane just listened to her. She doesn't want to spend her energy on Mandy Adam, a woman who has nothing to do with anything.

Jane’s indifferent attitude annoyed Mandy Adam. She turned her head and gave her a stern look. "Jane, don’t you know that our Chairman is married, do you?"

Jane wipes her lips and smile. If she doesn’t know that Edwin Carter is married, who else would know?

Mandy Adam wanted to hook up with Edwin Carter, and she thinks Jane also has the same intentions. So she said, "The Chairman sent an email early this morning to announce to the whole company that he is married."

Jane was busy with the invitation of tender for Star Enterprise today. She was too busy to read the company's internal emails. She really doesn't know about it. After knowing this, she felt very happy. Edwin Carter said that he would be jealous to see other men close to her, and he himself had already declared to everyone that he is married and put an end to these kinds of incidents and rumors. With this thought, she felt happy and smiled unconsciously.

Mandy Adam had unrealistic fantasies about Edwin Carter. Her heart was cold when she saw Edwin Carter's married Email this morning. After being depressed for most of the day, she wants to find a person who feels the same as her. She thought of Jane and gets this idea. She wanted Jane to taste the same taste she had tasted. How could Jane have such light and breezy expression? This really made her angry.

Mandy Adam stamped her foot in anger and gritted her teeth, thinking that for now, she couldn’t do anything with Jane, but one day she would grab the hand of Jane and take out her arrogance.

Because of the lessons of yesterday, Jane after today’s work, tried her best to reach home in the fastest time, and cook before Edwin Carter leaves work, doesn’t want to keep him hungry anymore.

When Jane went to the supermarket to buy food items, she dialed the phone number of Edwin Carter. Edwin was in a meeting with several senior officials when he saw Jane’s incoming call on his phone’s screen. He raised his hand to excuse before he connected the phone: "What's the matter?"

Jane said, "I'm in the supermarket, what would you like to eat?"

Edwin Carter calmly said, "I'm not picky about food. You can just do as you like" When Edwin Carter said this, Sienna Henry and Luis George was beside him. When they heard him saying this, their eyes looked at each other at the same time. If their Chairman is not picky about food, they are afraid there will never be a picky eater in this world.

When Edwin Carter came home, Jane was busy in the kitchen. She was wearing an apron. Her long black hair is pulled up in a bun, revealing her white neck, and her hands were stirring something in the frying pan.

After seeing her like this, it's not hard to imagine how excellent she is in her work. Edwin Carter looked at the kitchen in a trance for a long time before he went to the kitchen. "Jane, I'm back."

Jane looked back at him with a light smile, "You go and change your clothes first dinner will be ready in a minute."

Edwin Carter didn’t move a step: "Jane…"

Jane did not stop, but looked back at him and said, "What's wrong?"

"I'll change my clothes." Edwin Carter said, she came from the office and start cooking. He can ask his maid to prepare the meal, but in his heart, he thought it would be good to eat the meal cooked by his wife. He wants to have a sense of having a home when he comes home from work he can eat hot meals cooked by his wife, not his maid.

Jane cooked three dishes and one soup, there are white cut chicken, fried meat with onions, fried lotus root slices, and mushroom foam soup. At noon, Edwin Carter had some light dishes. So she guessed that he liked light food, so she made some home-cooked dishes.

Edwin Carter changed his clothes and came out. The dishes were already on the table. When he saw the onions on the table, his eyebrows slightly frowned, but he hides it as nothing has happened, and Jane also didn’t notice anything.

Jane brings up the soup, first fill Edwin Carter’s bowl: "it was a busy day, first drink a bowl of soup."

"Okay." Edwin Carter took the bowl and took a sip.

Jane put onions in Edwin Carter’s rice bowl again: "Onions are very healthy, you eat more."

"Okay." Edwin nods her head. But instead of eating immediately, he drank the soup slowly.

He finished a bowl and takes another bowl of soup. He also ate a few pieces of white-cut chicken and some lotus root slices, the bowl of rice and onions he did not even. Jane noticed him eating with his head down and mouth down, her heartfelt a little hurt.

Jane didn’t speak after this. Edwin Carter also doesn’t like to talk during eating, so the atmosphere becomes very quiet. After dinner, it was Edwin Carter’s duty to do dishes. So Jane said nothing and turned back to her room.

She knows that her relationship with Edwin Carter is not close enough, but she can't help feeling sad when she sees that he dislikes the dishes she made for him.

She had her second thought, that their marriage is a marriage without any emotional foundation, just for marriage. Although they are already husband and wife, neither of them knows each other well, nor have the affection to the point of serving each other. It is her negligence.

She decided to try her best to live with him a respectful life, and she will never go off the rails again. After thinking this, Jane feels that she doesn't have to worry again about these kinds of matters.

She turned on the computer and look carefully at the plan of Star Enterprise’s Project. This Friday is the bid opening day. So many people have been busy for so long they can't make any mistake. Jane opened the folder, and the cell phone on the side rang.

Jane pick up the phone, its Laura Ferdinand, her best friend. What she heard was Laura Ferdinand roaring fiercely: "Dead girl, where are you?" Why didn't you tell me that you were moving somewhere else? Are you trying to scare me to death?

Laura Ferdinand is Jane’s high school and University classmate. She was the only one standing beside her when her relatives betrayed her. When Jane decided to come to Jiangbei for her career, Laura Ferdinand came with her to Jiangbei city with a suitcase without thinking about anything. She was afraid that Jane would do something silly by herself. She stayed with Jane for two months and return to the capital when she was assured that Jane is normal and out of trauma.




They found that Jiangbei city, a new international metropolis, is also a good city. Laura Ferdinand and Jane settled down here. They took out all their money and opened a wedding dress designer boutique.

Jane needs money, to be precise, she felt that the person whom she will marry could not be trusted. Only money could give her a sense of security. She needed an extra job to make money, so she entered an Innovation Technology Company. She contributes money and does not participate in the management or in designing wedding dresses.

But Laura Ferdinand knows that this is only one of the reasons. The real reason is Jane is no longer willing to pick up a pen to draw wedding dress designs, that’s why Jane chose a job that is totally different from that of the designing wedding dresses. It was buried in the deepest part of Jane’s heart, so far no one has been able to help her heal this wound.

With Laura Ferdinand, Jane has no privacy at all. Laura Ferdinand was also the bridgehead who made her go on a blind date with Edwin Carter at the beginning. She wanted to talk to Laura Ferdinand this weekend and tell her about her marriage to Edwin Carter. But who expected Laura Ferdinand to run to her rental place to find her?

Jane listened in silence and waited until Laura Ferdinand finished shouting and then said softly, "Laura, don't worry, I'm all right. The work of Star Enterprise Project will be finished this Friday. I'll invite you to dinner this weekend. "

Laura Ferdinand's voice roared in a desperate tone: "Dumb girl, you frightened me to death, do you think you can compensate for my mental loss with a meal?"

Knowing that Laura Ferdinand has a knife-like mouth and tofu-like heart, she couldn't help laughing and saying, "How about I sleep with you for a night to compensate you?" Edwin Carter just pushed the door in and took a slight step. He knew who she was talking to.

Jane usually has a gentle smile on her face every time. She seems to be close to everyone. But in reality, Laura Ferdinand is the only person who can really get close to her heart. Edwin Carter knows about it, but Jane does not know that he knows.

She quickly covered the microphone and whispered, "This is a female friend of mine" Regardless of whether she has feelings or not, but with the name of husband and wife, she will no longer make Edwin Carter jealous.

Edwin Carter nodded his head did not ask much, and in a very considerate manner left the room, give her space for this simple chat. However, Jane thought that the more unbelievable he is, the more helplessly she smiled towards him. Maybe he would think that she was a kind of poplar woman.

"Jane, Jane…" Didn't hear the simple talk, Laura Ferdinand on the other end of the phone roared again, "You give the address, I'll find you" Jane knows that Laura Ferdinand is worried about her, and if today Laura Ferdinand does not see that she is good, then she must call the police to find her.

Jane gently smiled, "Don't make a fuss. I'll come to you." Jane hangs up the phone, tidied up, and get ready to go to Laura Ferdinand for tonight, to show her marriage certificate and prove that she is married.

She had knocked on the door of his study and heard Edwin Carter's voice before she pushed in. "Edwin, I'm going to Laura’s house, and I won't come back tonight."

Edwin Carter immediately got up and said, "I'll drive you there."

Jane shakes her head: "no, don't bother."

Edwin Carter looked at her and said, "It's too late. I don't feel it appropriate for you to go out alone" His tone was strong and his meaning was direct, which made it impossible for Jane to refuse.

Edwin Carter's car is a Land Rover off-road vehicle. It's not expensive for people of his status, but it's spacious and comfortable.

Edwin Carter drives very safely, just like his caring and steady personality.

Edwin Carter asked Jane for an address, after Jane told him the address, they had no further conversation. Nearly an hour later, when she arrived at her destination, Jane said thank you and opened the door. Edwin Carter held her hand.

"Jane…" His voice is deep and sexy, and her name always sounds so good when he calls her name.

After looking at his hand for a moment, she looked up at him again and asked softly, "What is the matter?"

He left her hand and asked uncomfortably, "Are you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?"

Edwin Carter: "…"

Jane pushes the door and gets out of the car. Stand outside and say, so you go back home and drive carefully."

Edwin Carter nods his head, started the car and left. She keeps watching his car going a long way and then turned to Laura Ferdinand’s house.

When first arrived in Jiangbei city, Jane lived with Laura Ferdinand and they rented an apartment of two rooms and one hall. Later, Jane went to work for Innovation Technology Company, because it was too far away from this area, so she had to rent a house near the company.

Jane moved away but Laura Ferdinand still lived here, and one room is specially reserved for Jane. In Laura Ferdinand’s words, she says Jane can come back to her mother's home anytime.

Laura Ferdinand was too lazy to receive her when she saw Jane appearing in front of herself. She was watching a series on an IPAD in her arms. Laura Ferdinand is good at ignoring people, but there is a "person" whom she cannot avoid or ignore. A small Pomeranian dog, which looks like a snowball, jumps at Jane's feet and wags her tail she seems very happy.

Jane throws her bag casually and picked up the little fellow: "Mia, did you miss Mom?"

Mia makes a little noise and tried to come into her arms as if she wants to show how much she missed her mother.

Laura Ferdinand's discontented eyes shot over: "Mia, you are a little kid of this home!" Although you her child, but never forget that I give you more time than her, I raised you. You don't kiss me as you did her.

Jane squeezed her legs and sat with Mia near to Laura Ferdinand and proudly said, "Mia is a smart kid who knows who is her mother and who is her stepmother."

"I'm her stepmother?" Laura Ferdinand threw the IPAD away and in an intimidating manner and said. "Miss be careful, I will poison your daughter." Jane didn’t respond, but Mia barked a few times to express her discontent with Laura Ferdinand's tone.

Seeing such a lovely response, Jane felt so happy, lifts her up and rubs her face with the palm of her hand: "My daughter is so lovely."

Laura Ferdinand looked at Jane and said: "If you want a daughter, find a man to marry, and have as many daughters as you want?"

Jane looked at Laura and said very seriously: "Laura, I am married."

"Get out of here!" Laura Ferdinand pointed to the door but soon realized that she would not play such a joke with her. Her mouth was wide open that she can swallow an egg. It took a long time for Laura Ferdinand to say, "But who is the man?"

Jane said, "His name is Edwin Carter whom you introduced to me last time."

"Edwin Carter?" Laura Ferdinand scratched her head, seriously recalled the name, thinking for a while, "Sorry I didn’t introduce you to any man named Edwin Carter."




When she heard Laura Ferdinand's words, Jane feels something in her heart. She tried to recall the situation on the day of the blind date. That day Edwin Carter came there to see her directly. It is not possible that she had made a mistake.

"Jane, Jane…" Laura Ferdinand grabbed Jane's hand nervously. 'Tell me what's going on."

She was afraid that the silly girl had been foolishly deceived by any big cheater.

Jane carefully told Laura Ferdinand about her blind date, the registration of their marriage, and the fact that Edwin Carter is the new Chairman of her company. After hearing the whole story Laura Ferdinand's eyes pop out quickly: "Jane, what should I say to you?"

Laura Ferdinand took back her IPAD and quickly opened the web page to search for Edwin Carter, Chairman of Innovation Technology while nagging: "I thought that Edwin Carter must be a bald, big-bellied old man, but you get such a handsome…"

Before she was finished speaking, she gets shocked by the pictures on the Internet. Although only two photos of Edwin Carter at the press conference, day when he took office were searched on the Internet but were enough to see his worldly appearance.

Laura Ferdinand said excitedly, "Jane, give me a slap, let me know it's not a dream."

Jane obediently slapped Laura Ferdinand on the back: "Exactly, this is the man."

Laura Ferdinand danced and said, "What is the key to get such a handsome man as your husband. You've had bad luck for so many years. Is it your destiny paying back you now?

She was not in the mood to joke with Laura Ferdinand, Jane asked: "You said Edwin Carter was not the one you introduced to me?"

Laura Ferdinand said, "Actually, he was also introduced indirectly by me. A client of the studio told me that there were some high-status men around him, and as I heard about it I thought of you, so…"

Jane grabbed the pillow of the sofa and smashed it at Laura Ferdinand. "How worried are you that I couldn’t get married?"

"It's not that you cannot get married. It's that you won't. But you must stay happier than anyone else and show all those bad people." Laura Ferdinand hugged Jane. She was both happy and sad.

Jane pats Laura Ferdinand's back and gently say, "Laura, the past is over, I will not put a set of shackles on myself and trap myself anymore. I will live happily, not for the sake of showing others, but for myself.”

Jane is thinking like this. This is probably the happiest thing for Laura Ferdinand.

She rushed to the refrigerator and took two cans of beer: "Jane, wish you a happy new marriage! Stay happy in the future. If that man named Edwin Carter, dare to give you trouble, don’t get afraid you have me."

Edwin Carter, she is quite satisfied with that man, a light smile arise in her glittering eyes: "We have no love, but I believe in his personality, I think we can easily get along with each other."

This evening, Jane and Laura Ferdinand chatted for a long time and talked until the sky was bright.

But after a long talk of all night, Laura Ferdinand’s heart is completely at peace.

Jane finally decided to open her heart for someone, it’s so good.

She stayed up all night still she got up early and went to work.

When it comes to her job, her work means more than anything else to her, and she can't let herself compromise her work even when she's tired.

At noon, when Edwin Carter waited for Jane to have a meal together, he saw that Jane was not looking as energetic as before. After eating, he said to her, "Jane, there is a restroom. You go there to rest for an hour."

Jane opened her mouth to say that she is fine, but after looking into the concerned eyes of Edwin Carter’s she swallowed up her words.

There is no love in between them but as a husband, Edwin Carter is extremely kind and he really cares about her.

Moreover, without good spirit, she cannot work efficiently, Jane understands this.

The restroom is next to room 1808. It's very simple and comfortable.

Edwin Carter pulled up the curtain of the room, the room darkened a lot in an instant, and she felt sleepier in a moment.

Edwin Carter went back to his bed and sat down. He pulled the quilt and covered Jane with it. "Sleep, I'll wake you up when it's time."

Jane opens her eyes and asks him. "Don't you rest?"

Edwin Carter said, "I slept very well last night. I'm not sleepy today."

"Okay." Jane had nodded obediently and lay in bed for a while before she went to sleep. Edwin Carter sat beside the bed and did not leave. Two deep eyes were carefully looking at Jane.

In the eyes of Edwin Carter, Jane is not a woman who will amaze you at a glance, but one who looks better and better with every glance. Her beautiful eyebrows, long eyelashes, crystal clear eyes, skin like white jade, a good body usually look gentle but there is a strong tenacity in her bones. Seemingly gentle and weak but have a very strong character that caught his eye and made him feel that life with her is so perfect.

Edwin assured Jane he would wake her up on time, but who knows it will be dark when she wakes up. Tomorrow is the opening day of Star Enterprise’s bidding project, but I show this kind of behavior the day before, Jane was feeling guilty and bad.

She bites her lip and looked angrily at Edwin Carter. Edwin Carter, however, behaves indifferently: "I have asked Sienna Henry to help you to take to leave. You are well prepared for Star Enterprise’s work, so don't worry about it."

Jane was burning with anger, but the company's big BOSS has spoken so she has no reason to get angry. However, she could not easily compromise, so she just said: "don’t do this again."

She is a very easy going person, but when it comes to her work, she's very strict with herself.

Edwin Carter nodded: "Let's go to dinner first."

Jane turned and went out, muttering in a low voice, "Do all men like to cheat?"

Jane's words, Make Edwin Carter's face sank he wanted to explain, but he did not say anything. He wanted her to rest for a while, but it was true that he did not keep his promise.

It took about half a month for Star Enterprise Company to open its tender, and Innovation Technology Company gets the Star Enterprise's bidding project with a great margin.

In order to reward the team, the Chairman's assistant Sienna Henry sent an email. This weekend which means tomorrow, the company arranges a two-day tour to Bihai Villa for the staff. Hearing the news, make everyone happy and excited.

Bihai Villa is the top tourism leisure place developed by the richest man in Asia, Shengtian Group, it includes guest rooms, golf courses, natural hot springs, and various leisure facilities and equipment.

It has been said that the price of a one-night stay is not what ordinary people dare to imagine. There all the guests are super-rich businessmen and visiting heads of state. Other than Shengtian Group's own employees, there has been no company whose employees can have such luxury treatment….




It seems that Edwin Carter didn’t hear her question, he keeps eating in the same serious manner.

No response from his side makes Jane feel embarrassed. She bowed her head to eat silently.

After a long time, Edwin Carter put down his chopsticks, picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth. He said casually, "I am not interested in this kind of activity."

Edwin Carter did not say no directly, but this obviously means a No.

"Oh," Jane whispered, her voice couldn’t hide the disappointment.

"What? Do you want me to go?" Seeing Jane’s look of disappointment Edwin Carter couldn’t help and a sentence like this came out of his mouth.

Jane scratches her head and thinks in her mind. It doesn't matter whether you go or not. I just care about the five hundred dollars I put in the bet.

Under the bright lamp’s light, Edwin Carter's eyebrows slightly rose up, he thought if she wanted him to come, as his husband he should manage time to come.

The next day, Jane got up early, but Edwin Carter was still earlier than her. They have lived together for some days. No matter how early she got up, she always saw Edwin Carter dressed neatly and sat by the window reading the newspaper.

Sometimes, Jane feels that Edwin Carter is not like a person from this world.

His daily routine is so abhorrent still he takes time to read the newspapers every day. Rather than to get the information via the Internet he has a habit of newspaper reading which doesn't prevail in today's generation.

"Get up!" He looked up at her and down at the newspaper.

"Hmm, morning!" Jane looks at him, and for the moment cannot move her eyes. Today he is wearing white casual clothes, sitting quietly in the single sofa beside the window, with crossing legs. Through the window sun rays gently sprinkles on him which makes him look more attractive. This man is not a human being, but a rare work of art in the world, which is so beautiful that one would not want to collect it.

Jane's hot eyes attract the attention of Edwin Carter, but he didn’t let her realize, calmly flip the newspaper's pages with his hands.

His appearance often attracts countless gazes, which makes him feel annoyed, but Jane looks at him with such certainty he couldn't dislike. Jane continuously stared at him. He looked up at her and said, "Aren't you going to take part in the activity organized by the company?"

Edwin Carter's voice was like cold water splashing her up. "If you didn't remind me, I would forget it." Jane embarrassingly smiled and said the words that came in her mouth. She was still thinking that a piece of art as Edwin Carter sells at a good price if they auctioned.

The company rented two buses of fifty seats to take colleagues to Bihai Villa Holiday Resort.

When the head of the department start counting the number of people, everybody's eyes start wondering here and there. They all are looking at whether the Chairman will come or not.

Erica Michael said innocently, "God please, Chairman must come, must come."

"He won't come," she blurted out.

Erica Michael stared at Jane with wide eyes. "How do you know?"

Jane was well aware with her slip of the tongue, she immediately added: "The Chairman is usually a very punctual people, today he has not come till now, so I guessed he wouldn't come."

Erica Michael lowered her head in disappointment, and all-female colleagues after hearing her sighed in disappointment.

Their thoughts were very clear. They can't get the chance to see Chairman in their daily routine work and to perform in front of the Chairman. They think this tour as an opportunity to reach the Chairman’s good books.

It took more than an hour to get to Bihai Villa situated on the beach, and the first thing to do was to get their room card.

Jane decided to get a room with Katelyn Max, but Sienna Henry suddenly stood up and said, "Jane, this room is not arranged enough. You can live in a room with me."

Sienna Henry is a famous person near the Chairman. She asked Jane to stay with her in a room, which made people envy her.

When everyone was busy collecting their room cards from the reception so they can go to their rooms, Sienna Henry said, "Everyone please wait for a minute. Chairman Edwin wants to talk to you all."

Chairman Edwin!!

For a moment, everybody's eyes were shining. Is Chairman Edwin really here?

In front of everyone's awaiting eyes, Edwin Carter appeared, dressed in a silver-grey hand suit, entered slowly from the gate. Every step he took, made his female colleagues jump excitingly.

She was so happy to see Edwin Carter, Jane thinks that she not only gets back her 500 yuan but has won more than that. When Edwin Carter's eyes swept over her, he saw Jane smiling brightly. He thinks that only taking some time to come here can make her so happy?

He came up and smiled politely at the crowd. "Have fun, Eats as much as you like. The company is responsible for all the expenses."

The crowd jumped up in the excitement and said "long live Chairman". Only Jane was stood quietly behind the people, thinking that having money is a good feeling.

Sienna Henry excused that there is no room at this side, so she took Jane to the independent villa of the resort. Seeing the scenery and facilities of this area, Jane felt a little drumming in her heart. Is it Sienna Henry who brought her to live here or for some other purpose?




When the wooden door opened, there was a big lawn, pavilions, rockeries, fountains, flowers…

Jane followed Sienna Henry and after a few steps, she saw a three-floor French-style building. The interior designing of the building is simple and very consistent with the personality of Edwin Carter.

Jane sighs, this scenery looks like a paradise, and if one can often come here he can live for some more years.

Sienna Henry did not enter the room and stood at the door and said, "You know Chairman Edwin is here he will not let you live in those ordinary rooms."

Jane thinks in her mind that those rooms are also very expensive and good. Ordinary, from which angle? However, those rooms are in a separate area of the villa and cannot be compared with this mansion.

Sienna Henry added, "Mrs. Carter, this is a private area. You don't have to worry no other people can get in here."

Mrs. Carter?

For the first time, someone called herself that way. Jane blushed and her heart beats a little faster: "Sienna Henry, you can call me Jane."

Sienna Henry smiled and said, "You are the wife of Chairman Edwin Carter. I can't find a more suitable title than "Mrs. Carter" to address you. Sienna Henry's words have a deep meaning, but so far she and Edwin didn’t even hold each other’s hands, but Sienna’s words made her face even hotter.

"You go in and have some rest. I'll have some work to do." Sienna Henry smiled and politely takes the leave.

Jane stands in the big living and look around. For a moment, she does not know what to do. At the same time, Edwin Carter came in from outside, took Jane’s backpack politely that was she was carrying on her shoulder and took the lead in going upstairs: "The room is on the second floor," he said.

He has long legs, but he is taking steps slowly to stay in pace with her.

Jane followed him and said, "Edwin Carter, can I discuss something with you?"

Edwin Carter opens the door and enters the room. He puts Jane’s backpack on the luggage counter. Then he says, "These kinds of matters of arranging rooms Sienna Henry deals."

Jane: "…" Okay, as she has no other choice, so she accepts it.

Edwin Carter went to the window and opened the thick curtain. Looking out of the wide floor window, he could see the boundless sea. The sea seemed to connect with the sky in the distance. As the sea and sky are the same. The view is very pleasant, sometimes the sound of waves beating against rocks can also be heard. "What a beautiful place!" Jane said from the bottom of her heart.

"If you like it, we can come here often." Edwin Carter said.

Jane shook her head and said: "I don't like it this much."

It’s not that she dislikes the place. It’s just she doesn’t want to spend her hard-earned money at this kind of place and did not want to use Edwin Carter's money either. Although Edwin has given her his bank card a long time ago, but she had no intention of using it at all. So she can walk with dignity if they cannot make this marriage work and divorce each other.

Edwin Carter could not hear what Jane was thinking. He also did not ask her any more questions and said, "Let's go to dinner first, after dinner you take some rest because in the afternoon you have to take part in the Department’s activities."

Jane nodded, "OK."

After a little time, Edwin Carter said awkwardly, "Jane, if you want to enjoy a hot spring at night after coming back, we have a private hot spring pool here."

Jane instinctively shook her head. "I'll go to the hot spring with everyone."

Edwin Carter again said straightly: "No man wants to see his wife wear so little that other men can see her."


Suddenly, she felt that Edwin Carter's demand was not so unreasonable. Even though he had no love for her, but he has the right to give an opinion about such kind of things.

After taking a nap, Jane joined her colleagues. Katelyn Max envied her and said, "Jane, you're so lucky to live in the luxury villa area."

"It's not so convenient to live with your senior officials," Jane said.

Here the senior officials refer to Edwin Carter, but Katelyn Max thought of Sienna Henry and nodded with approval: "You are right; it is more enjoyable to live with familiar people. Don't worry, tonight you can enjoy with us."

"Forget it," Jane said while thinking in her mind, what if Edwin Carter sends people to pick her in the middle of the night?

For everyone’s enjoyment, the Personnel Department has prepared many interesting activities. Everyone got divided into four teams, red, blue, yellow and green. The first activity is the beer competition.

There were two-liter mugs filled with beer. One man and one woman make a team. Every team takes one mug and have to drink it. The one who drinks first will be the winner. The last one to drink will get punishment to choose between truth and dare.

Every team ask department managers to take the lead in taking up the challenge.

In the first round, Jane’s Red Team won first place in the competition, Yellow Team was the last to drank, and their members accepted the punishment of picking one truth or dare.

When the Yellow team was being punished, Chairman appears and for a moment he became the focus of attention. Edwin Carter ordered everyone to continue playing. He sat down and watched the game quietly.

The Chairman has come so everyone's behavior becomes a little restrained, but when the host announces the second game, everyone throws aside their scruples.

The second is the game of bite apple. Hang an apple up with a rope. Four groups each group chose a couple of men and women. They have to bite from both sides of the apple. The losing group will be punished by ice-dripping water.

Jane is the main person of this project, and the Red Team members nominate her to for this challenge. Jane looked towards Edwin Carter with full attention, only to see his changing look; she couldn’t help it and stepped forward.

Wilson Paul of the Red Team also volunteered to fight with Jane.

At the same time, Sienna Henry also looked at Edwin Carter, but what she saw was different from what Jane saw. Sienna Henry clapped her hands immediately and said, "Do you want Chairman Edwin to come and join the game?"

Obviously everyone wants to but nobody dares to make a fuss. Now that his personal assistant has spoken, everyone got the courage to speak.

The crowd shouted in harmony, "Chairman Edwin! Chairman Edwin! Chairman Edwin!" Chairman Edwin took a long time to stand up, his cold expressions are showing that he had no alternative than to accept this challenge.

Seeing him coming down from the stage, she kept praying in his heart, hoping that he doesn’t choose her. However, Edwin Carter willfully come near to her and stand at the opposite side of her.

"Wow!" The crowd screamed with excitement. Girls regretted if they had known that Chairman Edwin Carter would take part in this game. Even if they got soaked into cold water, they would have accepted the challenge.

Unlike the excited crowd, Jane just looked down but didn’t dare to look at Edwin carter. If she any idea that Edwin Carter will take part, she had refused to take part.

"Ready!" The host shouted.

The other three groups immediately started but these two people just gazed at the apple hanging between them. Jane bowed her head, she thought that she should admit defeat, Edwin whispered to her: "you really want to lose?"




I don't want to! Jane refuses to accept defeat. She raised her head and looked at Edwin Carter. Who is afraid of whom?

Host: "Start!"

The other three groups acted immediately.

The crowd shouted alongside, "Come on, Chairman Edwin!" Chairman Edwin will win!"

Edwin Carter said to Jane, "You just bite the apple and don't move, let me eat it." This is the tactic. Two people don't have to bite the apple swinging around; Jane just has to stay stable and Edwin Carter eats the apple.

Jane nods her head. But thinking one thing, Jane's mouth has not touched the apple, but she can sense the aroma of Edwin Carter’s breath.

The voice of the cheering crowd becomes louder: "Come on, Chairman Edwin!" Chairman Edwin will win!"

"Don't panic, I'm here!" Even in so much noise Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice still comes to Jane’s ear.

Jane took a quiet breath and opened her mouth to bite the apple. She saw Edwin Carter coming near her. She was so frightened that she closed her eyes and her heart was pounding. During the whole process, Jane did not dare to open her eyes to see Edwin Carter, nor did she know what expressions his face has. She just felt that the apple is becoming smaller and smaller and Jane's heart start beating faster.

Suddenly, Jane's lips felt a warm touch and its Edwin Carter's lips sticking to her lips.

"Ah oh…" The people next to them clapped and screamed.

Jane got a shock just like an electric shock, her mouth was relaxed she took some steps back. Her face was red like the red apple they had just eaten.

At the same time, the host announced: "Blue Team, Yellow Team, Green Team Challenge Completed, and Red Team Lost!"

Because the Red Team has lost, so Jane and Edwin Carter have to accept the punishment of ice water. It is the Chairman of the company who got this punishment, so no one has enough courage to put ice water on him.

But it will spoil everyone's interest. So at this critical moment, Luis George, another special assistant of the Chairman, stepped out and said, "Let me punish Chairman."

The crowd applauded and shouted again. Luis George lifted the bucket as far as possible to avoid Jane, Edwin Carter also pulled off his overcoat to protect Jane in his arms. The final result was that Edwin Carter's whole body was almost wet, and Jane was not dripped by ice water at all.

Jane looked at Edwin Carter, who was wet all over, she was afraid that he caught a cold, but could not show it in front of everyone. So she just looked at him worriedly.

Edwin Carter saw her worry approached her after took the towel from the staff and wiped her head. He whispered, "Don't worry, I'm all right."

He wiped up himself with the towel and smiled lightly at the crowd: "You play, I'll change clothes.

Edwin Carter protects Jane from the whole situation because a real man acts like a gentleman to a woman. Every man should protect women in this way, but some mean people had completely changed it.

Mandy Adam in the business department stared at Jane, her hands hanging on her side clenched into fists, hoping to pinch Jane alive. She worked so hard to dress up for so long that not only she did not get a direct look from Edwin Carter, but the woman named Jane steals the limelight.

Mandy Adam is known as the second most beautiful woman in the Public Relations Department, and no one has the right to call herself the first, but in the eyes of male colleagues, Jane of the business department is better and deserves to be called the first most beautiful women. This is also a reason that Mandy Adam finds Jane as a thorn in her eyes and a nail in her flesh. She was anxious to drive Jane out of the company as soon as possible.

After Edwin Carter left, Mandy Adam jumped out and said, "Jane, I just saw you blushing, it has to do anything with Chairman Edwin?"

Jane coldly glances at Mandy Adam, Sienna Henry stood up and said, "Chairman Edwin asked me to send his married e-mail within the company, just to avoid these kinds of bad comments and to create misunderstanding, Please don't discuss his private life behind Chairman's back."

As her cousin is the manager of the Public Relations Department, Mandy Adam always feels superior to others. Now Sienna Henry says that she cannot dare to refute a word. Just in her silence, her hate for Jane has increased.

The time Edwin Carter left the scene. She didn’t saw him again. She feels worried about him, and after playing several games she got some space so he sent a message to Edwin Carter: "Remember to take a hot bath, don't catch a cold."

"Some people’s nature is just like dogs. They cannot change the nature of eating shit. A day without hooking up with a man makes them feel incomplete and uncomfortable all over." There was no other than Mandy Adam speaking vulgarly.

Although she usually ignores Mandy Adam, she despises this person with her heart, but it proves that she is an expert at bullying others.

Jane put her cell phone in her pocket and walk towards Mandy Adam.

Mandy Adam was lamented by the sudden cold breath from Jane's body and timidly stepped back two steps: "What do you want to do, you?"

Jane moves towards her until Mandy Adam there was wall behind her reached out, pinched her chin, and gazed intensely at her. "Your teeth are not long yet, mad bitch should first learn how to bite."

Mandy Adam sarcastically said, "Oh, I'm a mad dog, but still better than you shameless woman. Look at yourself. Look at the shameless things you have done before. You want to climb into the bed of Chairman Edwin. Just dream about it. "

"I heard you were dumped by your boyfriend last month and died crying," Jane said with a sneer. "Now you are thinking about going to the Chairman's bed, you have to say anything about your noble reputation?"

"I will kick your ass," Mandy Adam said angrily.

"What kind of woman am I?" she said with a simple laugh. Mandy Adam, you're not the only one who can attack with words from someone’s past as a gun. It's not your duty to show off other people's scars, no matter how ugly they are.

Mandy Adam said proudly, "Well, you're too embarrassed to mention those things. Believe it or not. I'll spread it out and show the whole company who the fuck is you?"

"She is mine!" A cold voice came, and Jane and Mandy Adam were shocked. Jane never expected that Edwin Carter would appear here, her heart started beating so fast. Edwin has seen me like this, what will he think of me?

Mandy Adam turned pale with horror: "Chairman Edwin, Chairman Edwin, this is not what you see. Jane, she…

Edwin Carter did not look at Mandy Adam, coldly spit out a word: "Get Lost!"

Mandy Adam turned red and white and tried to explain it with a hard head, but she was too frightened by the cold look of Edwin Carter to say anything. She bit her teeth and stamped her feet and walked away.

Edwin moves towards Jane and looks at her. Due to his continuous stare Jane become a little nervous she tried to open her mouth to explain what had just happened. "I know you are not stirring up the troubles." Edwin Carter had said in his sexy voice before she opened her mouth.

Jane looked up at him and wiped his lips. "What if I was stirring up the troubles, what if I was bullying people?"




"In innovation technology, I am your backer, how anyone dare to bully you, only you can bully others." Edwin Carter said to her.

"Thank you!" Jane said, in a low voice. Thank you for not asking much, but standing behind me so positively to support me.

"Thank you?" Edwin Carter picked up his eyebrows and asked: "Isn't the relationship between a husband and wife based on mutual trust and mutual help?"

Jane raised her eyebrows and smiled, this feeling of being trusted and supported is really good. It feels like a trace of warmth in the cold days of the rustling autumn wind.

Seeing Jane Smiling, Edwin Carter said, "How about accompanying me for a walk?"

Jane did not want to go back to participate in activities, but she was worried about being seen with Edwin. For a while, she doesn't know whether to accept his offer or not.

Edwin Carter did not give her much time to think about it. He took Jane’s hand and said, "Come with me."

Jane's hands were very cold, even though it's not very cold this autumn, but her hands almost have no temperature.

She felt the warmth of Edwin Carter’s hand and the urge to pull back her hand just stopped.

After a long time, Jane heard Edwin Carter saying in a low voice: "If this kind of incident took place in future just come to me."

His words make Jane stiff and stunned she stops the pace, looked up at him, wiped her lips and carefully asked: "Edwin Carter, are you not curious about what kind of person I used to be?"

Edwin Carter left her hand. Jane felt sad for a moment. She tried to say something. When she feels two strong hands fell on her back and gently embraced her in his arms.

She looked up at him surprisingly and listened to him saying, "Jane, your past life has nothing to do with me I only care about your future."

Relying on Edwin Carter's stiff chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, and then hearing these words, was inexplicable, Jane’s clear vision becomes somewhat blurred.

While rubbing her eyes, she looked like a kitten in his arms. Edwin Carter's firm body hugged Jane a little tighter.

It took a long time for Jane to look up from his arms and say, "I…"

He interrupted her: "I'll take you to a place."

Jane nods her head. He took her hand and went on.

Walking along green grassland in front of them appeared a sea of colorful roses.

Flowers in various shapes and colors and are leafy and fragrant.

It's not that Jane has never seen a rose blossom before, but she has never seen such a large area full of flowers. One can hardly see it at a glance.

"How beautiful! I really want to stay here for ten days or for a half month." Jane keeps praising, hoping to plunge into the sea of flowers and never come out again.

Edwin Carter looked at her, and her sexy thin lips rose slightly. The whole Bihai Villa was his industry. She can live for ten days or half a month or even for a lifetime this is not a big deal for him.

"These roses normally blossom in early summer, how they can blossom in autumn?" Jane asked.

"Our ancestors never thought that airplanes could fly to the sky," Edwin Carter replied.


"That's right. Now that science is so developed, it's not surprising everything can happen." Jane smiled. Can I go in and have a look?'

Edwin nodded.

Jane smiled at him.

Today, Jane is wearing a white shirt with strap jeans, and a white sweater embroidered a bear on it. Her long black hair is tied into a ponytail. She dresses up casually looks like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years. Today’s outfit is far different from the working suit she usually wears at work.

She looks so lively, running around like a butterfly in the sea of flowers, don't know what makes Edwin Carter took out his mobile phone and chose the best angle to record this moment.

Suddenly, the phone's ringtone broke the tranquility of the scene. Jane smiled and excuses to Edwin Carter before answering. "Wilson Paul, what's wrong?"

Don't know what the person on the phone said, but Jane said, "I'll go back right away."

After the call ends, Jane looked at Edwin Carter and smiled apologetically: "My colleagues are looking for me, I'm going back."

Edwin Carter came close to her took off a petal of a flower from her hair and said. "The driver will take you there."

Jane node her head and said, "Okay."

After seeing him leave by car, Edwin Carter regained his sight and call in a low voice "Sienna Henry."

Sienna Henry came quickly. "Chairman don’t worry, Mandy Adam's dismissal contract is ready."

Edwin Carter snorted coldly, "good."

After leaving Edwin Carter, Jane returned to her team again. Wilson Paul saw her run towards her immediately. "Jane, where did you go?" I haven't found you for half a day. It's frightening."

Jane smiled: "I was looking at the scenery, and it is so good to walk around."

Wilson Paul said, "It's dinner time. The company has also arranged for everyone a Warm Spring Pavilion. Let's go in quickly."

Jane nodded and walked, but did not notice water on the floor tiles under her feet she slipped and fell backward.

Wilson Paul saw her falling. He gives her a quick hand and help her.

Jane pushes him aside without any trace, took two-step back to open the distance while politely saying: "Thank you!"

Wilson Paul’s hand was just in the air he embarrassingly put his hand back and said, "Let's go."

Edwin Carter and Sienna Henry's witnessed this scene. "It seems that Jane is quite popular?" Sienna Henry's sarcastically said.

Edwin Carter looked gloomily at Sienna Henry. "Should I also write the dismissal contract of Wilson Paul?" Sienna added innocently.

"No." Edwin Carter left the discussion coldly and turned away.

Jane returned at 8 p.m., Edwin Carter was still busy in the study doing some work.

The company's staffs are playing, but the Chairman is still busy working. No wonder with hard work he climbs up to a high position at such a young age.

Edwin Carter put down his work and looked up at her. "You are drunk?"

Jane blushed and nodded, "a little."

A little? She frequently drinks with clients for the past three years. That's why she has little experience, and she doesn't find it a problem for herself to get drunk at night.

"Drinking is not good for health, especially for women. In the future try to avoid touching this kind of thing as much as possible" Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows slightly and said to her.

"Okay, as you say. In the future, I will try to drink as little as possible, drink only when necessary."

Seeing Edwin Carter’s unusual expression, Jane just stood upright like a child who did something wrong.

"Then I'll go back to my room first, and have rest as early as possible," she said.

After that, she simply moves towards her room.

Smell of wine on her body, not only Edwin Carter dislikes this smell. In fact, she also doesn’t like it, so she decided to go to the backyard to soak in the hot spring.

A person alone comfortably in a hot spring pool. It's so good to soak in a pool (alone) than to soak with a group of people.

Jane sits in the pool and look up at the sky. Today is the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar. The moon in the sky is bright and round.




It is believed that the full moon night is the night of family reunion, but her heart is empty. A person without a home is like a tree without his roots, like a kite with a broken thread. No matter where she goes, her heart cannot be at peace.

"Dad, Mom…" Jane gently called their names, her eyes become a little red, "Three years, have you ever thought about it?" She was also the daughter of her parents but when that happened, they abandoned her and left her alone in another country. No one had even thought of her for three years.

Jane sometimes feels with the blink of eye three years have passed, and sometimes it feels like a lifetime has passed. Over the years, she deliberately ignored every news regarding them, fearing that any news could make it more difficult for her to get out of the abyss of pain.

If you don't pay attention, it means you really don’t care? She grinned bitterly and shook her head. In fact, the scar in her heart has become a malignant tumor, which tormented her from time to time.

Now, although she married a man who is very considerate in all aspects, her floating heart still could not find security and a sense of home. The drink she had was very strong, lying in the pool and thinking Jane her head getting sleepier and sleepier, and then feel losing consciousness and know nothing after that.

Edwin Carter after completing his work returned to his room, room’s lights were on, but Jane wasn’t there. He waited for a while but couldn’t see her coming back. He took his cell phone and called her. He heard her cell phone ringing in the same room.

Edwin Carter immediately thought that she might have gone to soak in hot springs. After drinking wine, soak in hot springs, just in case…

He immediately went downstairs to the hot spring pool in the backyard. When he arrived, he saw Jane's hair floating in the water and with closed eyes, she was laying in the hot spring pool.


Edwin Carter rushed into the hot spring pool and took Jane out. He was angry. She fell asleep in the hot spring.

If he hadn't come on time, she would have lost her life.

He had a cold face, but Jane in his arms had no idea of his anger. He instinctively rubbed her hands. The water all over his hair made the shirt on the chest of Edwin Carter wet.

Edwin Carter calmly took Jane back to their room, but now there is another problem. It's impossible for him to let her sleep in a wet bathing suit all-night.

Edwin Carter took her into the bathroom, ready to rush her. When Edwin helping Jane flush, she unconsciously fell into the Edwin carter’s arms.

Her sexy, graceful stature and delicate smooth skin all seem to seduce Edwin Carter. Edwin Carter's eyes become deeper, her appearance brought a lump in his throat, he swallowed saliva and pretended that he hadn't seen anything.

Jane's body was not static at all. She keeps on moving here and there he held his thin waist in his arms. She leaned her head against his chest and sighed with satisfaction.

Edwin Carter is a normal man and in a situation like this, he cannot guarantee that he can suppress the desire in his body for so long. So, before things got out of hand, he had taken a deep breath, grabbed a bath towel wrapped Jane in it, and then carried her back to the bed.

Edwin Carter put Jane on the bed took the nightgown and put it on her. Looking at Jane's bright red face, his eyes grew heavier. Male hormones shouted wildly in the body.

Edwin Carter took a deep breath again and immediately turned to the bathroom for a cold shower.

After a cold shower, Edwin Carter returned to his room. Jane has kicked the quilt off the bed and lay on the bed in a style he had not seen her before and cannot be explained.

He and Jane are married for nearly a month. Both of them sleep together except when he is out for business trips. Tonight Jane is not in senses, and this drink has revealed her true self. He went over and picked up the quilt and covered her again. She turned over and again with her foot kicked the quilt aside.

Jiangbei City is located in the south, although the weather is not very cold but it is near the seaside, the night wind is usually strong, if she keeps on doing this kind of thing she must catch a cold. Edwin Carter shook her head, lie down near her, hold her in his arms, and then drag up the quilt to cover her. Jane instinctively moves closer to his warm essence. She plunged himself into the arms of Edwin Carter, rubbed herself twice. Finally, she is behaving honestly.

When Jane woke up, it was already bright. When she opened her eyes, she instinctively looked at the window. Unexpectedly, she did not found Edwin Carter there.

Every morning, when she opened her eyes she always fond Edwin Carter sitting at the window reading newspapers. Today, she did not see him it makes her feel a little strange. She turned over and picked up her cell phone. Her phone is in flight mode, the time it showed is 12:23.

She slept until noon and missed the department's morning outreach activities. Jane sits up, jump out of bed with a bang, and rush to the bathroom. But as she took a step, her action came to a halt.

She remembered herself in the hot spring last night when she was just wearing a nightgown with nothing beneath it. So last night she fell asleep in a hot spring. It was Edwin Carter who took her back to her room and changed her clothes.

Jane quickly opened her collar and looked at herself. She was relieved to see that she was fine, but she still had not exhaled. She thought that she had been spotted by Edwin Carter and now he knows everything about her, now he knows that she is not a good person.

She plunged herself back into bed and was ashamed: "Ah ah ah…"

"What's wrong?"

Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice sounded in the room, which made her even more ashamed.

Jane looked up, Edwin Carter was sitting on the sofa in the other corner of the room, holding a file in his hand looking up at her.

From the beginning, he was in the room, but he did not make any noise, now he had witnessed her childish behavior. At this moment, Jane just wants this earth to crack, so she goes in and takes shelter.

Getting no response from her make Edwin Carter put down the documents, come close to her and asked, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"I'm all right." Jane took the pillow and covered herself. She doesn’t want to face him.

Edwin has seen her today’s behavior, but ignoring that he said quietly, "Get up and get ready, first we go to the Department activities and then after dinner, you come back with me."

"I'm not going to take part in department activities this afternoon," she whispered.

"I asked Sienna Henry to get a leave for you." Edwin Carter said.

Jane: "…"

This is not the Land Rover that Edwin Carter drives to work, but a silver-gray car driven by the driver. The license plate number is A1688, and the sign on the steering wheel is amazing. There are people who like to study cars, Jane is one of them that's why she knows a lot about this car. She knew that this is a Bentley Muzan that worths millions.




Considering he’s such a well-off man, she glanced around and asked, "Edwin,what business did you do before??"

Edwin Carter said, "Almost all the businesses from which I can make money." H’s telling the truth, hotel catering, real estate, tourism, film and television companies, and electronic technology and so on, in all the profitable business of Shengtian Group he has dabbled in and performed a very good job.

She did not know the truth but thought he’s giving a perfunctory answer to her, so she didn’t ask again.

Edwin Carter was busy. After sitting in the car, he opened his laptop and started doing some work, although his mobile phone on the side was ringing over and over again.

It’s just in the ten minutes of their stay in the car, he approximately has answered more than ten phone calls. Edwin Carter all answered in English fluently.

When Jane was in college, she had passed CET (College English Test)-6, but she didn't understand the business terms that Edwin Carter spok. She could vaguely hear him giving some orders. His language is sharp, and his decision is quick and cruel.

It’s been just two years since the Innovative technology has established. Its business has not reached abroad yet. Jane thinks that Edwin Carter is managing his own business.

After about half an hour or so, Edwin Carter finally finished his work, look sideways at Jane: "What are you thinking about?"

He rarely opens his mouth to chat with her, Jane smiled and said: “I wonder who’s in your family”? Jane did not want to ask about Edwin Carter's family, but maybe after yesterday she started to trust him unconditionally, and now she wants to know more about him.

Edwin Carter paused for a moment and said: "There are grandpa, parents and a little sister who doesn't understand anything." When Edwin Carter talked about his sister, he gritted his teeth. Jane felt that he is holding back something.

Jane listened to him and asked: " Don't understand? What doesn't she understand? "

Edwin Carter frowned, unwilling to mention it again. They have been married for almost a month, but Edwin Carter never mentioned to take her to see his parents or anything like that. Now even she asks, but he doesn't want to say much.

I don't want to mention my family in front of Edwin Carter because something bad has happened in my family. Is it the same with Edwin Carter? He also has bad terms with his family members? Or is there another reason?

Jane unwillingly thinks the negative without believing that there can be so many coincidences in the world. Edwin Carter is not willing to take her to meet her family. After thinking about it, Jane asked no more questions.

After a while, she heard Edwin Carter saying, "Jane, my family members are not in China, they will come back after a few days. Then I will take you to see them."

Jane smiled and said, "I don't mean that."

Edwin Carter asked, "What do you mean then?" Jane had no answer.

Two hours later, their car finally returned to the city of Mengke Jingcheng where they lived.

After getting off the car, Jane plans to go to the supermarket to make up some daily necessities and food materials. The busy Edwin Carter put down the document and got off with her: "I'll go with you."

Seeing how busy he is, Jane stops herself saying, "It is fine you go and finish your work. It is totally fine I can go alone."

Edwin Carter looked at her, took the lead and utter a sentence: "Your husband doesn’t look good?" Jane shook her head helplessly and walks with him.

Edwin Carter took the initiative to pick the shopping cart and walked on Jane’s left side. There was a whisper around her: "That man is so handsome and charming."

Jane couldn't help looking up at him and smile with a crooked eyebrow: "Somebody is praising you."

Edwin Carter answered coldly, "I don't need them to praise me."

Jane bites her lip and asked, "Then who do you need to praise you?"

Edwin looked at her without saying anything.

Edwin Carter looked down at her, and her face turned red again. She whispered, "You are really good looking. You are the most handsome man I have ever seen." Jane was telling the truth, but didn’t dare to look at him while speaking. Because this man's eyes are so sharp, they have the ability to penetrate deep into people's hearts.

After a brief silence, she heard him say, "Hmm, I know."

Jane gave him a quiet look. What is this? He asked her to praise him. She praised him. And that's just what he has to say.

After looking around they go to the fresh food area Jane chose a fish, ready to make a good boiled fish of Edwin Carter’s taste. She pointed to the selected fish and said softly, "Please give me this one and cut the fish into slices for me."

The fish salesman was a young man. When he saw Jane, his face turned red. He nodded his head and cut the fish into slices. Finally, he took several bags and handed the fish fillets to Jane. "This is your package hold it, welcome you to come again!"

Jane smiled and took the fish. "Thank you!"

After leaving the fish stall, Jane walk to the vegetable area that was just next to it. Just a moment later, she heard Edwin Carter's deep voice: "You are very attractive and charming." Jane put her package on Carter's arms, raised her eyebrows, laughed and said: "Because I am also very appealing."

Edwin Carter feels it, took out his arm and holds her hand, and while holding each other’s hands they continue to stroll.

The responsibility of carrying bags naturally falls on Edwin Carter. She looked at him. His hands were not empty, but having a caring husband is a good feeling, she feels very relaxed.

She noticed very little details. Edwin Carter did not bring his work cell phone when he came to the supermarket with her. He was intent on accompanying her during shopping.

Without any further conversation on their way, they returned home. Edwin Carter put the shopping bags into the kitchen and said: "I'll cook with you tonight."

Jane looked at him and smiled, "You'd better wash the dishes. Today, I'll cook just two dishes. That will be ready soon." She thinks that the presence of Edwin Carter would affect her normal efficiency of doing work, so it would be better to send him away.

Edwin Carter also knows that he is really not good at the kitchen, so he agrees to Jane.

Jane first clean the rice then cooked them in a pot, wash vegetables and prepare seasonings, and then leave fish to boil. Commonly people like to put bean sprouts and bottom vegetables in boiled fish, but she likes to add some onions in it.

It didn't take long for the fish to boil. Jane tasted it first and found it good. She goes to call Edwin Carter to come out and eat, who was busy doing his work.

Because of her previous experience, Jane also arranged a pair of serving chopsticks.

She took the chopsticks and serves Edwin Carter some fish and onions. She blinked her big eyes and looked at him. "You first taste them and tell me how it is?"

Edwin Carter frowned when he looked at the onions, he slowly held chopsticks in his hands.

"Don't you like onions?" Jane noticed it and asked hesitantly.

"No." Don't know what kind of thinking and mentality it was. Edwin Carter is reluctant to admit in front of Jane that he is allergic to onions. Considering that he had not eaten that dish last time made her angry and she went to a friend's house for a night. If he again doesn't eat this time...

With this thought, Edwin Carter looks towards Jane and after the first look, he did not think much, picks up the chopsticks and starts eating.




Edwin Carter sat upright, keep eating gracefully as usual. He did not talk much nor did he say whether it was good or bad.

After getting along with him for a few days, Jane has known that he doesn't have many words, and she gets used to it.

They finished their meal at the same time. She saw that Edwin Carter's face was not looking well. She gets worried, "Edwin Carter, what's wrong with your face?"

"It's all right." Edwin Carter got up and said, "I'm going out for. I may not be back in the night."

Jane looks at him and said sadly: "Stay safe!"

Edwin Carter returned to his room and took a coat. He left quickly without saying a word.

Downstairs, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a telephone: "Drive me to the hospital right away."


On Monday, Edwin Carter phoned Jane after a night's absence to tell him that he was on a business trip and that Jane had new projects to prepare for.

Deana Brad announces that the leaders of Star Enterprises liked Jane's last plan very much, so they assigned Jane as the head of this project and asked her to submit a preliminary plan in three days.

Within three days, it's absolutely not easy to submit a plan that satisfies the other party. Jane is a person who is very strict with her work. She can't do anything else when he plunges into his work, and she is too busy to even take care of her meals.

At noon, Wilson Paul came over and looked at Jane with some distress: "Jane, let's go out for lunch together."

"You people go. I have to do some work" Jane without raising her head said to them.

He has been working with Jane for three years. But didn’t know about Jane’s word. He put his hand on the computer’s mouse and said, "Jane, come to lunch first and after that complete your work?"

Jane pulled back his hand then looked up at Wilson Paul. When she looked at him, she felt something wrong, as if she saw some feelings in Wilson Paul's eyes. She thinks for a moment her mind. It seems that there are some things she must let Wilson Paul know and not let the misunderstanding go on.

She pressed the standby button and got up. "Let's go."

This is the first time that Jane agrees to have lunch with him. Wilson Paul was secretly happy. He chose a simple restaurant with a quiet environment to take Jane for a meal.

Wilson Paul ordered several expensive dishes and did not ask Jane whether she liked it or not. Then he looked at Jane with a smile. Jane understands his intentions but pretends not to understand. She wanted to call Edwin Carter at this time.

She was in her thoughts that her mobile phone actually rang. Jane smiled apologetically at Wilson Paul before answering, "Husband, I am out for a meal with my colleagues, you don't have to worry about me."

"Jane, seriously, you are flaunting in front of me, don't you?" Laura Ferdinand at the other end of the phone said discontentedly.

Jane smiled softer: "Yes, I know, I've done what you said, and I won't skip meals. If you don't believe it, the dishes will be served later. I'll take a picture for you. "

Laura Ferdinand and Jane have been friends for so many years. They know each other as they know herself. If you don't hear anything at this moment from her then it's not Laura Ferdinand. Therefore, Laura Ferdinand also cooperated with Jane saying: "Okay baby comes back early in the evening. Your husband is waiting for you to warm the bed."

Jane changed her coy smile: "Don't talk so sarcastically."

After that, she simply hung up the phone, but as she hung up there came another call. This time it is her real husband, Edwin Carter!

Jane in a slight surprise, look at Wilson Paul, she was so embarrassed to laugh before answering: "Hello?"

Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice came from his mobile phone: "Lunch is ready. Why didn't you come over?"

Jane cannot answer him that she had her lunch because it was she just has said in front of Wilson Paul during pretending on the first call.

She just gritted her teeth and said sweetly, "Husband, I will take good care of myself, so don't worry about it." After Jane said that, there was a long silence at the other end of the telephone, so silent that she thought that Edwin Carter hung up the phone.

Even after a while, she didn't hear Edwin Carter’s voice. She was not sure what Edwin Carter would think of her.

It took a long time to hear Edwin Carter's deep voice coming from his mobile phone: "I'm not coming back until Thursday. Take care of yourself."

"Okay." Jane sight with a relief, it's lucky that Edwin Carter comes back after a few days later. She hopes when he comes back, he will not remember it.

Wilson Paul was hurt when he heard Jane's first husband call. After Jane hung up the phone, he asked, "Jane, are you married?"

Jane nodded and said, "Marriage at this age should not be a strange thing."

Wilson Paul could not speak the words he had prepared, but he just grinned sadly and said, "Bless you." Although he was interested in Jane, he felt in his heart that he is not worthy of Jane. It was a good thing for him to comfort himself that Jane had a good future.

Jane smiled and said thank you and praised her wit. Before Wilson Paul spoke out, let him know that she is married. Now they can work as well as before and the situation also won't be embarrassing.

Nevertheless, that evening Jane feels how smart she is. At night when she was sleeping in a muddle, she felt that there is a person sitting beside her.

She was so sleepy to wake up when she smelled the aroma of the breath of a familiar man. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at the man sitting by the bed surprisingly. "You, you said you didn't come back until Thursday?"

Edwin Carter responded calmly: "There is a matter I need to handle, so I came back, I will fly to Xiaoshan this morning."

His original work was to be completed on Thursday, but since she heard from her wife that she was missing him, as her husband he cannot ignore this.

After a phone call with Jane, he asked his assistant to book an evening ticket and a next morning ticket. So he can fly back to work early tomorrow.

Remembering her phone call, Jane blushed and scratched her head. "Did you have your dinner or didn’t?" Shall I go and cook some supper?

Edwin Carter was in a meeting at 8 p.m. and then went to the airport to catch a flight back to Jiangbei at 10 p.m.

It takes more than two hours to fly from Xiaoshan City to Jiangbei City. It's almost one o'clock in the morning when he reached jiangbei Airport. When he reaches home, it is already two o'clock in the morning.

At 9:00 a.m., another important meeting must be conducted by him. The Secretary booked Edwin Carter flight from Jiangbei to Xiaoshan at 5:00 a.m., so he has to depart for the airport an hour earlier. Time is too late to catch up. Edwin Carter never eats the meals provided on the plane, so he hasn't eaten the meals since noon yesterday.

He was so busy that he rushed back without eating because Jane gives him a hint that she is missing him. Jane the purpose of making a midnight snack for him is just to spend more time with him.




"Please prepare it for me" After thinking about it for a moment Edwin Carter nodded his head and said to Jane.

Jane stepped out of bed took a coat and put it on: "just wait a moment. It will be ready in a moment."

Edwin Carter also came to the kitchen: "Do you need my help?"

Jane looks back at him and says, "Are you hungry?"

He nodded. "Yes, a little hungry."

Jane passed the prepared side dishes to him and said: "Then you help me in washing the vegetables."

"Okay." Edwin Carter agreed.

She glanced at him quietly while he was washing vegetables. He washed them very carefully. He scored 99 points for his attitude of doing things alone. She feared that he would feel arrogant if she gives him 100 marks.

There are cooperatively doing their work, bowl of delicious vegetable noodles come out of the pot. "This vegetable noodle is one of my best dishes. Tell me what you think about it." Jane put the bowl in front of him and looked at Edwin Carter to get a response.

Compared with the chefs around Edwin Carter, Jane's cooking is really ordinary, but Edwin Carter cannot dislike anything cooked by Jane. He nodded his head and said: "Its taste is very good."

He was praised by Edwin Carter, Jane happily turned back to the kitchen and get busy in the kitchen for a while.

Edwin Carter came in after eating. "What are you busy with?"

Jane looks back and smiles at him: "You said you would fly Xiaoshan in the morning. I made some cakes and laver rice last night. I steamed and put it in an insulated lunch box. You take this with you. You will get hungry on the way."

Jane knows that Edwin Carter is trying to be a good husband, so she also wants to be a good wife. But still, she does not know how to perform the role of a good wife.


Whatever she could have thought of giving him, he already has that. What she cannot think of giving him, he even had that too. So she just uses her own mind to do some trivial things for him and strive to be a considerate and virtuous good wife.

Looking at her serious expression, Edwin Carter raised his hand and rubbed her head: "Thank you for thinking so thoughtfully for me."

"You said that couples should take care of each other." Jane takes her hand off, curls her lips and said. "Don't rub my head all the time."

He rubbed her head like she rubbed Mia’s head but she is his wife and not his pet.

Edwin Carter's sexy thin lips rose slightly and embraced her tightly in his arms. "What about that?"

Jane's face turned red she pushed him anxiously, but he hugged him tighter and felt his chest tremble with laughter.

Jane bit her lip, raised her hand and pinched his waist, but the man's flesh was too strong, He didn’t felt anything, on the contrary, her own hand hurts.

Jane felt angry, she raised her head and bumped it into his chest again. She wanted to make him suffer a little. He touched her head again just like one touches his pet’s head, she heard his deep, sexy voice saying, "Oh, don't make any noise."


Jane was a little confused, is she making noise? Did she make a scene? She is the one who is being bullied!

She reached out to pinch him again, but this time he grabbed her hand, held it in the palm and pinched it gently: "I have to go. You are alone at home so take care of yourself. "

"Wait a minute." Jane leaves his arms, put steamed cakes and laver packed rice in a thermal lunch box and took a bag to pack it. "You take it with you on the way to eat."

When Edwin Carter came to take the bag, his always cool eyes were tinged with a little laughter and his voice was very gentle: "Wait for me at home."

Jane blushed and nodded, "okay."

Edwin Carter rubbed her head again: "I’ll leave now."

Jane came out with him, stood at the door and watched him enter the elevator. When the elevator door closed, she shook her head, raised her hand and touched her forehead. She said to herself, "I don't have a fever. That means what just happened is true, not what I imagined." She is not ill, Maybe Edwin was not well because he had said something he would not normally say and do something he would not normally do.

After seeing Edwin Carter off, Jane didn’t feel sleepy, so she simply got up and went for a morning run, and then rushed to the company ahead of time. Jane was busy for half an hour before Katelyn Max came to the office.

Instead of going to her office, she comes up to Jane and said mysteriously, "Jane, do you know that Mandy Adam in the Public relations department was fired?"

In her heart she felt something, face just changed its color. Katelyn Max unaware of it continued, "I have heard that Chairman Carter himself has dismissed her."

Jane guesses it must be Edwin Carter's intention to spread out such news because he did not want to involve Jane in this matter. Edwin Carter said that she had the back of the Chairman, and he showed her with his practical actions, which is touching.

But she was not happy. It's not what she wants, she doesn't want Mandy Adam to not leave the company, but she doesn't want her to leave because of the influence of her relationship with Edwin Carter.

She didn't want to make her relationship with Edwin Carter public. She just didn't want to get special treatment in the company. She wanted to climb up with her own ability. Now things are moving in the direction she didn't want.

Katelyn Max continued, "Mandy Adam deserves it. I don't know how many people in the company are hoping for her to leave. This time Chairman Edwin finally helped everybody sweep away an unpleasant thing."

Jane smiled and said, "Katelyn Max, I don't care about Mandy Adam going or staying. I only care about the plan that I have to submit tomorrow."

Jane doesn't like to talk behind people's backs, and she knows that the workplace is far less simple than it seems. There are pits everywhere, so we can't tell who's going to dig them. It's been a very valuable phrase "More Words, More Mistakes."

Over the past three years, she has had a good relationship with her colleagues, but only superficially, not to the point of heart-to-heart.

Deana Brad came quickly and said, "Jane, how about our first draft of the plan?"

"I'll try my best to complete it before tomorrow," Jane said.

Deana Brad said, "There's not so much time. Chairman Stark Leonard of Star Enterprises is going to Kyoto tonight. If you didn't present your work plan to him today, there will be no chance for this project. "

Jane bit her lip and said, "Manager, I'll try my best to hand this proposal to him before I leave work."

Deana Brad took a look at the time: "If you need help, ask Katelyn Max and Wilson Paul to help you. Chairman Stark Leonard flies at 9 p.m. and departs from the company for the airport before 7 p.m. You should rush over and hand over the documents to him personally before this time.

Jane nods her head and said: "Okay." Three days was short, but now it has been shortened to one and a half-day, which is equal to the stress in stress, but Jane did not step back. In her opinion, there is no incomplete or complete work, it is just you do work hard or not. And this time it was Star Enterprise’s Chairman Stark Leonard appointed her to be in charge of the project's plan, she cannot give any excuse.




Jane was so busy not only she did not have dinner but also got no time to drink water. When Edwin Carter called, she perfunctorily said two sentences and hung up.

In the afternoon when she was too tired, Katelyn Max helped her make a cup of instant coffee. Fortunately, by 5 p.m., the first draft of the plan was completed. Although not so satisfactory but can pass.

Jane greeted Deana Brad and left the company ahead of time and rushed to Star Enterprise to find their Manager Stark Leonard.

When Jane arrived, Stark Leonard enthusiastically behave with Jane. He not only praised her for her good planning and writing, but said a lot of nice words to her.

Stark Leonard appointed her to be in charge of the Star Enterprise project and the sudden change of attitude, made her a little worried, worried about GU’s behind Stark Leonard. If I had not been so important in GU’s heart, that would not have happened. After thinking about it, Jane's heart dropped again.

It was not easy to get away from Mr. Stark Leonard. She received a call from Laura Ferdinand, and she has to go to the studio so she left after some time. Jane comes home to change her clothes then she rushed to the studio with the intention to stay with Laura Ferdinand in the evening.

Laura Ferdinand turned happily when she saw Jane: "Well, today I want to tell you a very good news."

Seeing Laura Ferdinand's excitement, Jane guessed what it was. She said, "It must be about your brother."

Laura Ferdinand kissed Jane and said excitedly, "John Alex got his doctorate successfully and entered Shengtian Group smoothly through layers of screening, he is temporarily working at Shengtian American Headquarters. It is said that Shengtian's Chairpersons Leonard Carter intends to move its headquarters from Kyoto to Jiangbei, and John Alex is likely to move to Jiangbei to work. "


Speaking of the owner of Shengtian Group that is really the person standing at the top of the pyramid. Even GU’s and Ye's enterprises, which are among the best in China, are less than one-tenth of the Carter Group of companies.

Their family is well-known, rich and very smart, especially Leonard Carter, their contemporary family, which has never appeared in front of the media. All they know is that he took over all of Shengtian's work at the age of 22, and over the next few years he created business records that many people would never be able to break in their lifetime.

There are even rumors that they did not appear in public because of his disability. Others say that this household has a very good-looking man, a rare first-class beauty in the world. No matter what the facts are, Jane has no mind to guess, anyway, she has nothing to do with Shengtian Group in her life. She took Laura Ferdinand’s hand and clapped, "Honey, I won't talk much. If there's anything I can handle in the studio, you leave that to me and accompany your lover brother.

Laura Ferdinand embrace Jane: "My little girl still knows me best. I didn’t say, but she knows that I'm going to the United States."

Jane turned a white eye: "What are you saying?"

Laura Ferdinand laughed and said, "Let's go. Tonight dinner is on me."

Jane didn’t refuse her. They found a famous barbecue shop nearby while they were talking with each other. In cold weather, hot pot and barbecue shops are very busy, especially those with good taste. So they had to queue up for their turn.

They just stood in line did not order food yet. Meanwhile, on Jane's phone comes an incoming call of Edwin Carter. Jane looked at Laura Ferdinand blushed and answered the phone, "Have you finished your work?"

"Yes." Edwin Carter hummed softly and said nothing else.

Jane spits out her tongue as if she has nothing to say. Today she's busy ordering barbecue not free to keep silent with him here.

After not hearing from Edwin Carter's side for a while, she said, "Do you have anything else to say? If not, I'll hang up."

The other end of the phone was still silent and after a while, she heard the deep voice of Edwin Carter: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Suddenly, she said earnestly, "After doing work, remember to eat. One should take good care of oneself when he is outside." Jane feels that a good and virtuous wife should say things like this.

The man on the other end of the phone didn’t say anything, so Jane said, "If there is nothing. I'll hang up first."

"You have nothing else to say to me?" Before she hung up, Edwin Carter had added another sentence.

Jane thinks about it again and thinks of Mandy Adam. Maybe he wants her to thank him, so she said: "Thank you."

Edwin was completely silent he didn’t even say goodbye and hung up the phone. For the first time, he was so rude.

Laura Ferdinand looked at Jane and frowned. "Jane, you were just talking to your man on the phone?"

Jane nodded during looking at the black screen of the mobile phone.

Laura Ferdinand said, "I fear. You two have been married for a month and talking on the phone like this? Don't tell me, you two haven't done anything like a husband and wife do.

Jane suddenly blushed.

She and Edwin Carter do nothing as a normal husband and wife do, they didn’t even kiss each other.

Laura Ferdinand could see that she hates the iron for not being steel. She said to Jane "you want to stay as an old girl for a lifetime? You get married to a person but still, you are reluctant to give yourself to this marriage?"

"It's not that I don't want to. It's that he never asked me for it" Jane gave her a strange look and whispered.

Laura Ferdinand sprayed a mouthful of water out in her mouth after hearing this. She was surprised, "You are a fairy beauty who sleeps beside him every night. He never thought about it. There are only two possibilities. One is that he's not well. The other is that he doesn't like women at all. "

Jane waved her hand: "No, don't talk nonsense. He respects me. He said he would not force me to do what I didn't want to do."

Laura Ferdinand looked at Jane and said, "Are you not willing or he is not well? Or does he want to marry you just to find a shield to hide his sexual orientation?"

Jane didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. She immediately diverted Laura Ferdinand’s attention from the topic: "The food is served. I'll take it for us."

Laura Ferdinand did not ask again, after all, this is a private matter between the husband and wife, if Jane does not want to discuss, she also shouldn’t ask her.

Laura Ferdinand did not ask, but her heart was not at peace after this. She even thought about Edwin Carter's time in detail. He eats well, sleeps well and is in good spirits. In any case, he is a healthy man. He should not be ill.

There is no problem with the man's body. When he sees a woman standing naked in front of him, he will not stir any thoughts. Is there really something hidden in it?

Would it be true, as Laura Ferdinand said, that the purpose of Edwin Carter’s marriage was to find a shield to hide his sexual orientation? Edwin Carter said when they first met each other that he wants to get married to live a normal life, not because of love.




Jane thinks of this period of time from start to now. Edwin Carter’s those words, Edwin Carter does not like women is not impossible. The whole evening and the next two days, whenever she becomes free, she would think about this question, she was so absorbed that she did not hear the cell phone ringing for half a day.

Katelyn Max came over and knocked on her desk. "Jane, your mobile phone was ringing for so long. Why don't you answer it?"

Jane grabbed the cell phone and looked at it. Three incoming calls all from Edwin Carter.

She bit her lip and dialed back. He answered the phone but did not speak. It seemed he was waiting for her to speak first.

She scratched her head and said cautiously, "I was just busy. I didn't hear the phone ringing. Is there anything?"

After a long silence, Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice slowly sounded: "Okay, I will call my wife after work."

Jane smiled in silence, "Well, I see."

Edwin Carter has returned from his business trip. He wanted to tell her that he is back. He wanted to see his sudden expression, so he didn't tell her at call.

Sienna Henry knocked at the door and came in: "Chairman Edwin, Shengtian headquarters building in Jiangbei will be completed next month. It will become a new landmark for Jiangbei City and even of Asia as well. The news that you are in Jiangbei has also spread. The people who want to see you have already made an appointment for the last three months. I am afraid that it will be difficult for you to have a leisure time these days.

"When have I been idle these years?" Edwin Carter said to Sienna Henry. Suddenly he thought of something and asked, "I just passed by and heard someone talking about 500 yuan?"

Edwin Carter usually do not care about gossip, but just inadvertently heard Jane’s name, so just casually ask a question.

Sienna Henry smiled and said, "Recently, the company arranged for employees a trip to go to Bihai Villa for vacation. We bet and put 500 yuan that you will join us. I still have to thank Jane. She took you there and we won several hundred." Sienna added.

Edwin Carter’s face under his Golden Mirror Frame sank instantly. He attended the event Jane for 500 yuan. For Jane 500 yuan is more important than him!

Knowing that Edwin Carter didn’t like the truth, Sienna Henry added, "Chairman Edwin, you didn't take part in this activity before, this time you did because of Jane."

Edwin Carter looked at Sienna Henry gloomily. "Don't want to leave work early?"

Sienna Henry quickly slipped away.

All afternoon Edwin had a gloomy face. Without saying a word, he was thinking about why he was not as important as 500 yuan.


Jane did not know that Edwin Carter has come back when return home she only prepared a one-person meal and her dog’s food. While they were eating, Edwin Carter opened the door and came in.

When he looked at her, Jane had a meal in her mouth and a bone for Mia in her hand. The picture of her and a dog were very warm and harmonious. Edwin Carter looked at them coldly and said nothing.

Jane quickly swallowed the meal and explained, "I didn't know you were back, that’s why I didn't wait for you."

Edwin Carter changed his shoes and did not say anything.

Jane was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, Mia suddenly jumped to Edwin Carter and shouted at him.

Edwin Carter's face becomes even straighter, he frowned at the dog who was sitting on the ground. Seeing Edwin Carter's face, she felt the dangerous breath she immediately grabbed Mia back to her arms and held her in her arms: "That is Edwin Carter. It’s ok."

Laura Ferdinand wants to go to the United States to meet John Alex, so Jane has to take Mia home to take care of him.

Edwin Carter Facial expressions have changed. It seemed that he was really annoyed. If he hadn't had good manners, he would have thrown that puppy out.

However, he did not say anything, went to the bathroom and took a bath, and then went into the study and didn’t came out.

Jane guessed that Edwin Carter didn’t not like Mia, she cannot help but hold Mia tight: "Mia, Uncle Edwin does not seem to like you, what should your mother do now?"

It seemed Mia had also felt that she whined twice. Briefly patting Mia's head she said: "Mia, don't be afraid. Mom won't leave you. Tomorrow your mother will take you to Aunt Laura’s house and wait for her to come home. Mia continuously whine a few times, she rubbed her head on Jane’s face twice. She is a clever baby.

Looking at Mia, Jane feels very distressed.

She took Mia when she came to Jiangbei three years ago. At that time, Mia was seriously injured and almost killed. It was Jane who took her to the animal’s hospital in time to save her life. After that, she kept Mia with her. Her feelings for this pet are just like that of her own child.

Before Edwin Carter, at her every date she brings Mia with her, it was just on her date with Edwin that she didn’t carry Mia with her, and it happened to marry him.

If she had known that he could not accept Mia, maybe she would not have agreed to his proposal.

However, now that marriage is a fact, she can't break up with Edwin Carter just because of Mia.

Thinking of it Jane picks up the mobile phone sends a message to Edwin: "Edwin, I didn’t discuss this matter of carrying Mia to home, I am sorry! But you can rest assured that I won't bring her here in the future."

After typing these words Jane read them several times and felt that there was no problem. Then she clicked on Send. After sending out the message, there was a feeling like stone sinking in water but Edwin Carter just ignored her message.

Jane made a bowl of noodles for him and takes it to him. He wanted to have a good talk with him, but he didn't look up at her. Jane swallow back all the words she wanted to say, smile awkwardly and came back.

Although there is no emotional basis for their marriage, she also promised to go with him with a good life attitude. She did not want to end the marriage with Edwin Carter because of her pet.

Tossing and turning all night, Jane got up early the next day and get ready to send Mia back to Laura Ferdinand's home and decided she will accompany her after work.

When she came to the restaurant with Mia in her arms, Edwin Carter was already sitting there, he looked up at her and asked her to sit down. Jane sat opposite to him, and after a while, he heard him saying, "Jane, do you like money?"

Jane didn't understand why he suddenly asked this, she blinked her eyes and nodded honestly: "Of course I like it."

Edwin Carter took out a diamond card and handed it to her: "This card is unlimited. You take it and use it whenever you want."

Jane after realizing his intentions hold Mia tighter: "No matter how much money, I will not sell it."




Edwin Carter's raised his eyebrows under the golden frame. He is the head of Shengtian Group. Many people have tried every means just to have one glance. However, for Jane, he is not as important as a dog.

For the first time in his life, Edwin Carter felt that he had been ignored, deep in his heart he was feeling bad.

"Woof Woof..." Mia Mia also made a few appropriate barks to express her protest and dissatisfaction with him. Jane quickly covered his mouth: "Mia Mia, don't create trouble, let mother and Uncle Edwin have a good talk. She believes that Uncle Edwin’s such a well-educated person. She cannot expect anything unreasonable for him.

Edwin Carter looked at her and the dog in front of him for a long time before he opened his mouth to say, "It’s not that that I don’t like it, nor did I ask you to sell it."

Jane kept silence.

Edwin Carter said again, "As you raised her and loved her, so I will try to accept her."

After saying this, he didn’t say anything else just ate breakfast quietly. After eating, he went out to work as usual. Jane wanted to talk to him. She tried many times, but she didn't get the courage to open her mouth. If a man shows indifferent then his behavior would become so cold that it just made people sigh from the bottom of their heart.

Jane was busy reorganizing the plan of Star Enterprise’s Project. Because tomorrow, she had to present this plan to Mr. Leonard. So she did not spare the time to go to Lily Restaurant for lunch.

In the afternoon, when Edwin Carter called Jane she was busy meeting with Deana Brad. So she didn’t receive his call. She thought of calling him back when she got time, but she got so busy her mind was full of work. In that situation, how could she remember to call back Edwin Carter?

Just before leaving the office, Edwin Carter called Sienna Henry to his office: "Usually, what makes women angry?"

Sienna Henry immediately guessed that there is a problem between him and Jane. After thinking for a while, she said, "Women don't need any special reason to be angry."

Edwin Carter picked his eyebrows. Last night he was angry and ignored Jane. So today she used the same way of ignoring him to protest.

Sienna Henry said again, "But women are soft-hearted creatures. If you coax her, she will forget as nothing has happened."

After listening to Sienna Henry's answer, Edwin Carter thought about it again. He really did nothing like to coax a woman in his entire life and did not know how to please or flatter any woman.

Sienna Henry knew what was in his mind. "Normally all girls are romantic. You can send her flowers or invite her out for dinner. That will be enough." she added.

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows and looked at Sienna Henry. Sienna Henry immediately said, "I know a very famous Air Revolving Restaurant in Jiangbei where many couples love to go." Unfortunately, this restaurant is under Shengtian's banner. It will close tonight.

Edwin Carter remained silent, but from his subtle change of expression, Sienna Henry knew that he had agreed. "Then I'll go and prepare for you," she said with a smile.

Edwin Carter doesn’t like wasting time on things like coaxing a woman, but this time the woman is his wife, he does not consider it as a waste of time.

Deana Brad in the afternoon gave two suggestions and asked Jane to improvise the plan. Jane improvised the whole document. She made a lot of changes and finalized it when she thought that the plan was finally satisfactory. Jane looked at the clock it was seven o'clock p.m., she thought about Edwin.

She saved the files and shut down the computer.

All of sudden she saw a tall figure standing beside her desk when she looked up. The man’s two deep eyes were looking at her quietly.

Out of instinct, Jane immediately looked all around there was no other person around them. Then she asked him, "How did you get here?"

She didn't answer his phone, so he came here to waited for her. He was standing here for the last ten minutes. However, she was so indulged in her work that she didn’t notice that. When she completed her work and looked up, he saw him so she unexpectedly gave frightened expression. Edwin Carter pretended to coughed softly to hide his dissatisfaction.

"Are you waiting for me to come home to cook for you?" Jane asked while collecting all her things, "Sorry, I was so busy that I forgot. Why don't we go out to eat?"

She didn’t receive his responding, so she added, "My treat."

Edwin Carter didn't say anything just stretched out his hand and grabbed her. They were still in the office, although no one around here at that moment, the company has monitoring systems. It will not be good if being seen. Jane wanted to get out, but he pulled her more tightly.

He dragged her into the elevator specially designed for the CEO and took directly to the underground parking lot and sat in his silver Bentley. Jane just quietly sat down and looked at Edwin Carter. She saw his cold serious face which gave her a serious feeling. She subconsciously moved to the car door.

Edwin Carter, however, suddenly leaned towards her. Jane instinctively moved back and her head slammed against the door. The pain made her breathe a cold breath.

"Don't move!" Edwin Carter saw a bump into her head, and his face became colder. She fastened her seat belt quickly. "Come here let me see," he requested.

"I..." Jane wanted to refuse, but seeing his serious face, she didn't dare to refuse.

Edwin Carter leaned towards her just to help her buckle her seatbelt, but she, she had another fantasy. Her stupid thoughts had been seen by Edwin Carter, Jane bows her head and bite her lip. She just wanted to hide under the car for a while.

Edwin Carter pulls away her hair and presses his finger lightly on her head. It seemed that he was very serious about checking that might she got a serious injury.

But just the next second she felt something wrong. His slender fingers went down from the top of her head, and his thick fingers were moving on her cheeks.

Edwin Carter's fingertips move very gently on her cheeks, making her feel that he is touching a good gem.

Jane was so nervous that she stopped breathing, her heart pounded and her eyes closed that she dared not look at him.

However, after a while, she did not wait for Edwin Carter's next move. Jane opened her eyes to see what he was doing.

She saw Edwin Carter's handsome face is approaching near her, and his warm lips gently stick on her lips. Just like dragonflies touched the water, so gently. Then he used his tempting sexy voice to say: "Is that all right?"

"What?" Jane was stunned and didn’t react. She took a long time to react. He thought she wanted him to kiss her. Ah ah ah...

Jane shook his fist and resisted the impulse to strike. He thought she was waiting for him to kiss her, so he kissed her...

Jane unfastens the seat belt and pounces on him. The pink lips pressed heavily on Edwin Carter's lips and stayed for several seconds. It was a little longer than Edwin Carter's kiss. As if she was competing with Edwin Carter. Then she left quickly, sat back in her seat and buckled her seat belt. She wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, but her face turned red.




Edwin Carter gently touched his lower lip before starting the engine with a shallow smile on his cool eyes, thought that she finally looks like the Jane whom he met three years ago.

The car slowly exits the parking lot and quickly gets into the city's noisy traffic. But inside the car, there was pin-drop silence quite enough for both people to listen to each other’s breaths sound.

Jane sat straight and looks out of the window. She did not dare to look directly at Edwin Carter, but he could not help looking at him quietly. He drove very carefully, without looking sideways, as if nothing had really happened. Jane pouts her mouth and hum in her heart --- an indifferent man!

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a skyscraper. Edwin Carter threw the car keys to the staff and walked into the hall with Jane.

The skyscraper has 69 floors. It was the tallest building in Asia when it was built. For many years, it is also a landmark building of Jiangbei City.

Skyscrapers are located in the busiest commercial center of Jiangbei City, which is crowded, busy, having many floors, especially the sightseeing air revolving restaurant on the top floor of the skyscraper is very famous. Many foreign tourists buy a ticket just to come here to enjoy a cup of tea in the beautiful scenery of the city of Xiangjiang, which is located between the North River and the Yangtze River.

Jane when first came to Jiangbei. She came here with Laura Ferdinand. Just the entrance tickets to this building cost eighty yuan, and don’t ask about meals and visiting scenery prices. Although it is too expensive, but the number of people come here to visit is still countless.

It's rather strange today. It's just eight o'clock in the evening, but Jane has not seen any person here when they waited for the elevator. Jane was thinking about it when Edwin Carter took her hand and step into the VIP ladder and went straight to the 69th floor.

His hands were really warm, or maybe Jane’s hands are really cold, whenever he holds them like this, Jane craved for the warmth he gives to her.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Edwin Carter, did you invite me to dinner here?" He stood upright facing the elevator door, and when she thought he will not answer, he heard him say, "Yes."

It's just a gentle word but quite enough to answer the question she asked. He doesn’t talk much, and she did not realize it even till today.

After a while elevator reached on the 69th floor. Where there was a crowd of people when she comes once. Today there are no people, except the staff members she didn’t saw anyone else.

LOVE dining hall is surrounded by roses of various colors, with a table in the middle. Roses on the table are decorated in the heart-shape, and orange lights shine down, adding few dreamy colors in the atmosphere.

"Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter, this way, please!" The beautiful waitress greeted them politely, her eyes almost stick to Edwin Carter. It seems that she doesn't notice Jane around Edwin at all.

Jane thinks in her mind, a good looking woman is a disaster, and a good looking man looks is evil, woman's eyes when she looks at a handsome man are more intense than when a man looks at a beautiful woman.

Edwin Carter stopped suddenly and looked at the waitress coldly: "Go and ask your manager to come over here."

The waitress smiled and said, "Mr. Carter, I am in charge of this restaurant."

Edwin Carter frowned and said gloomily, "It's time to change the manager of this restaurant."

The smile of the waitress instantly disappeared but her professionalism forced her to hold on so she smiles softly and said, "Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter, please be seated. I'll let other people come over here."

After sitting down, Jane couldn't help laughing.

Edwin Carter looked at her strangely. "What's so funny?"

Jane forced herself to stop laughing, she looked up at him and said, "You do this to a woman who likes you?"

"Like me?" Edwin Carter picked up her eyebrows and said very frankly, "I don't like her." That lady is really good looking, her figure is also very appealing an average man couldn’t so directly reject her. Maybe it was the first time that the lady has to face such kind of rejection because her facial expression becomes so strange in a moment when he saw his response.

Suddenly Jane thinks of what Laura Ferdinand has said. She can't help looking at Edwin Carter. Normally men feel it difficult to refuse beautiful women. Does Edwin Carter really dislike women? Thinking of that, Jane looks at Edwin Carter's eyes with a bit of inquiry. If he really doesn't like women, is it good or bad for her?

The melodious music sound, a very familiar and very favorite piece of music and his aroma.

Listening to the music Jane’s beautiful eyebrows, clear and crystal eyes. She looks like a fairy.

Jane Humming unconsciously, suddenly noticed a gentle gaze she looked up and saw Edwin Carter quietly looking at her. She smiled at him and said, "I like this song very much."

Edwin Carter signaled the waiter to pour red wine and gently raised his glass: "Would you like to drink a little?"

Slightly glanced at the 82-year-old Lafite. This kind of wine is very expensive for people of the working-class like her. She didn’t get the chance to drink this type of wine often. Now she is having a treat from her rich husband. Of course, she won't behave formally. She raised her glass and touched Edwin’s: "Cheers!"

Edwin Carter's eyebrows raised slightly: "Cheers!"

Jane toasted the glass and sipped up the wine. There's a kind of powerful momentum. Edwin Carter shook his head helplessly: "we don’t drink this wine like that." It's not about wine, but Jane's method is wrong it's easy to get drunk this way, and no woman drinks wine like this. It’s like a hidden edge in her bones edge gets revealed, Jane that is full of wildness.

Three years ago, Jane had a personality full of extreme vigor and vitality, youthful; but now, Jane has hidden all this and maintains a quiet sober personality.

Whether it was three years ago or three years later, the only thing that hasn't changed is her optimism about life and enthusiasm for work.

Jane instinctively licks her glossy lip. It was an unintentional action, but it fell into the eyes of Edwin Carter and was extremely attractive. There arises a faint glow in his eyes.

Jane totally unaware of his thoughts said in excitement and hurry, "This wine tastes so good. Let’s have another drink before dinner."

This time, Edwin Carter stopped the waiter. He himself poured the wine in her glass and said, "Drink slowly."

"Okay," Jane said, but her body did not listen and she drank the second glass of wine in one gulp.

"It’s easy to get drunk when we drink on an empty stomach." Edwin Carter beckoned the waiter to serve. He ordered two fruit salads and filet steaks. Everything was very well cooked.

It's almost nine o'clock in the evening. She was really hungry because she hasn't had lunch at noon.

A noise produces when her knife and fork touched the steak, on the other hand, Edwin Carter side was quiet as if there was no movement.




Jane looked up and saw the perfect eye-catching scene. Edwin Carter elegantly cut the steak without making a sound. Then she looked at herself, still don't know how to eat Western food. Edwin Carter cut the steak and served that one to Jane: "You eat first."

Jane smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Her heart finds it so sweet eating Edwin Carter's served steak, she hasn't felt like this for a long time.

Jane ate to her fill drunk almost a bottle of wine and now she was feeling dizzy. She usually drinks alcohol. Today she and Edwin just drank a single bottle of wine, but she still feels drunk.

In her heart she thinks, maybe it’s not a drink that gives her a hangover but this man intoxicates her.

In such a high-class restaurant with the night scenery of Jiangbei, listening to beautiful music, and having a delicious meal with such a charming man as Edwin Carter (this man, who is her husband), there is no need to drink at all, but the atmosphere itself is enough to make a person feel intoxicating.

She smiled and said, "Edwin Carter, thank you for giving me such a romantic dinner."

Edwin Carter smiled unconsciously and said calmly in his deep and sexy voice: "You should thank Sienna Henry. She arranged everything for tonight."

Jane's heart was in a state of chaos. She wanted to ask him bluntly, "Your parents know that you say such things? Don’t you want to live a good life?"

Of course, she can just think about it. She really did not have the courage to say these things to her cold president. Nevertheless, it is clear that even if Sienna Henry has arranged, it would not have been possible without the approval of his president. After thinking this way, Jane feels that this person is good. It may be because of alcohol so that she was not so cautious in front of Edwin Carter and mischievously pouted at Edwin Carter: "The man who says yes but means no."

Her pouted lips stained with red wine look like red cherries, which make people salivate. Edwin Carter's eyes sank: "Sit down here."

His voice was sexy. Her heart is rebellious, but her body is obedient enough to sit by him.

"Jane..." Her name in his voice is as intoxicating as the red wine she drank tonight.

Jane blinked her big beautiful eyes and looked at him in an uncertain way. "Uh-huh?"

The next moment, Edwin Carter grabbed her waist lower his head and kissed her. At first, only four lips touched. But after a moment, Edwin Carter became dishonest.

"Hmm..." Jane surprised and shy, she could not help humming. Edwin Carter took the opportunity to put his tongue into her mouth, and to entangle his tongue with her tongue’s tip, telling her with practical action what is called a real "lip fighting."

The kiss lasted a long time. Jane’s body was soft and both hands subconsciously firmly grasped his clothes. When she came back to her senses, she saw Edwin Carter's fingers gently touching her lip and said in his intoxicating voice which was more intoxicating than red wine: "This is the real kiss."

Jane's heart was in a mess again. He still remembers the thing that was happened in the car. How mean he is. She bit her teeth, wanted to rush over and kiss him as he kissed her, and then proudly told him loudly: "Don't think that only you can kiss like this, this girl can also."

However, this is only the imagination. Even this thought made Jane embarrassed enough to not raise her head up, even the courage to see Edwin Carter is now no more.

On the way home, Jane looked out of the window and thought. Edwin Carter prepared such a romantic dinner for her, just kissed her and now they will go back and sleep in a bed. There might happen more, she was thinking a lot. She and Edwin Carter are husband and wife. It's natural for her to have that kind of thing happen, but Jane feels that she's not fully ready, and her heart is a bit empty.

As the driver drove past the Mangrove Forest near their neighborhood, she suddenly shouted, "Stop."

The driver looked at Edwin Carter in the mirror and saw that Edwin Carter nodded to slow down the speed and found a place to stop the car. Quickly opened the door and got off. Standing outside the door, he said to Edwin Carter, "I want to go down and walk for a while. You should go back."

She thought to herself that when Edwin Carter went back earlier he will fall asleep until she reaches home, she would not have to face the embarrassment of two people lying in bed covered with quilts chatting purely. Who knows that Edwin Carter followed her and handed her a thick glove: "Put it on. I'll walk with you. "

"No need to accompany me." Her purpose is to get rid of him. If he comes along, she has to walk with him.

He looked at her with eyebrows raised and murmured, "We can go back together or walk together, whatever you choose."

In her heart she thinks, the man has started his dominance mode again. Neither option was what she wanted, but it was better to walk together than to go home and lie in bed together, so she chose to walk together.

Put on the gloves he gave and smiles, "Thank you."

Edwin Carter did not speak, took her hand and walked along the road along the seaside park.

It's was late at night, but there are still many people walking in the seaside park, and many couples pass by them from time to time.


Some are holding hands. Some boys are carrying their girlfriends on their backs, and some just forget that this is a road, they are hugging and kissing with affection.

Looking at others kissing, Jane remembered what Edwin Carter had done to her. When he kissed her, she was really nervous and didn't enjoy the first kiss in its real sense.

At this time, slowly aftertaste, she has only one feeling that is she does not dislike Edwin Carter kissing her. Thinking of this, she looked up at Edwin Carter quietly and gently, so that he could not help grabbing her back in his arms.

The sea breeze at night was very cold. She was always afraid of the cold, but this time she doesn't feel cold. Maybe it's because there's someone beside her who can keep her out of the wind.

After walking for a while, she stopped and said excitedly, "Edwin Carter, do you know what I thought when I first came here?"

Edwin Carter did not say anything, but her eyes told her to continue.

Jane point to the shallow sea area raised up her eyebrows and said: "At that time, I thought if I had enough money, I would dig the shallow sea deeper, and then build a sea paradise in the middle of this area. Not for business, but only for my own self. Whenever you feel tired, whenever in a bad mood comes here to walk. To watch the blowing sea breeze, listen to the sound of the waves, to look at the free-flying seabirds to think about how beautiful they are. "

She said so many things in a single breath, as if there was a sea paradise in her mind, and now she is enjoying all the beauty she once thought of.

Edwin Carter listened carefully didn’t interrupt her but holds her hand. Jane smiled again: "Of course it's just a random thought."




Edwin Carter reached out and gently rubbed her head: "No matter what you do, you must have an idea first." If you don't have any ideas, how can you do it? When companies recruit employees, what they pay attention to is their imagination skill.

When he said this, he mixed the tone of leadership which made Jane really feel that he is walking with the company's President rather than with his husband.

However, Jane does not mind which identity of Edwin Carter is accompanying her.

It is a happy thing for her to have a person who is willing to listen to her unrealistic ideas.

She added, "Don't think that I can never save that much money in my life. Even if one day I got lucky and win the lottery still it’s impossible to get the government's approval. "

It was clear to her that this was destined to be just an idea, a beautiful dream she had woven for herself. Not only in this life, but also in the next life she cannot fulfill this dream.

Hearing her lost tone, Edwin Carter did not say anything to comfort her but the strength of holding her hand increased slightly.

At the same time, Edwin Carter also noticed that in her imaginations she is always alone and never planned anything with her husband.

She cannot resist the drowsiness brought by alcohol for a long time. She started yawning, and couldn't help closing her eyes.

In dizziness, she vaguely felt that Edwin Carter took off his coat and covered her body. She also embraced her in his arms and gently patted her back with his hands.

Maybe it's just an illusion caused by alcohol but Jane optimistically willing to believe that the feel of this moment is real. I wanted to believe that after being abandoned by so many people she can still have happiness.

Yes, she lives a difficult life and works so hard. Now she wants happiness and peace for herself.

Now happiness is waving to her. It seems that she is getting closer and closer to happiness. It all seems like a dream to her.

After this Jane knew nothing, did not know how she came home, how she slept. Anyway, when she wakes up, she was only wearing a nightgown like the last time in Bihai Villa.

This time, she was not as surprised as she was last time. She seemed to know that even if she was not in her senses, Edwin Carter still don’t do anything with her.

She saw a man in a silver-grey suit sitting on a single sofa near the window reading a newspaper.

In a short time, it seems that it has become Jane’s habit to look at Edwin sitting by the window every day when she opens her eyes.

"I'm awake." Her voice makes Edwin Carter looked up and looked at her. His eyes were clear and cold. He is not the man who kissed her and accompanied her for a walk last night.

However, compared with Edwin Carter's cool and normal reaction, which makes her even more surprising was Mia Mia sitting near to Edwin Carter's feet.

Yesterday Mia Mia was anxious to drive away the third person who broke into their "mother and daughter" relationship, but today she squatted near Edwin's feet and rubbed her head on Edwin's feet from time to time. That's enough to show how clever he is.

One night can change the relationship between a person and a dog. What happened between them that she didn't know?

"Morning!" Seeing this kind of relationship between Edwin Carter and Mia Mia was good. Her voice is expressing happiness.

Hearing her voice make Mia Mia immediately run towards her with her tail wagging. She fluttered two times and jumped on the bed, threw herself into her and whined a few times. She acted like a spoiled child.

Jane touches its head: "My dear baby, it's a great pleasure to see you and Uncle Edwin get along well with each other."

Edwin Carter laid down his newspaper and strode over and picked up Mia mia. "We are waiting outside for you to have breakfast."

Mia Mia: "Woof, woof..."

Jane: "..."

How she felt about these two people?

No, it's not two people. It's Edwin Carter and Mia Mia, one person and one dog. Their relationship looks very harmonious from outside but in fact they are fighting secretly.

Jane changes her work clothes. The menu on the breakfast table was changed and many delicate snacks in trays were served on the table.

Jane praised it. The maid who cooked Edwin Carter meals is really very amazing. Every morning the menu of breakfast is different from the past day, and she never repeated the menu.

Mia Mia was already enjoying her breakfast and Edwin Carter was waiting for her at the table.

His eyes fell on her as if he were satisfied with her new working attire.

The company changed all the uniforms of the female staff yesterday. The shirts and short skirts were changed into a suit.

Katelyn Max and others also said that Edwin Carter was very considerate. They no longer have to wear short skirts in the cold winter. Beautiful but make people freeze due to cold weather.

Of course, apart from the Sienna Henry, no one else knows that their considerate Chairman Edwin ordered a change of work clothes, just because he didn't want his wife to be seen by others in a short skirt.

Edwin Carter handed the porridge to Jane and said, "Today I'm going to Linshi to talk about a project. I will come back tomorrow."

Jane took a sip of sweet potato porridge and nodded: "You go do your work, don't worry about me. We have a long way to walk together."

Mia "Wang wang" shouted two times, indicating that the absence of Edwin Carter is not a problem, she can accompany her mother at home.

Jane touched Mia Mia's head. "Mia Mia stay obediently at home today.Katelyn Max and others also said that Edwin Carter was very considerate."

He rubbed her head and she whined twice as if to show that she is an obedient child.

Jane was looking so happy with Mia Mia. She completely ignores that there was Edwin Carter still sitting beside her.

Edwin Carter ate silently and his movements were as elegant as ever, but when she observes closely, she saw the dissatisfaction in his eyes. He gave a very naive stare to Mia Mia.

Mia Mia is a very clever animal. As Edwin Carter stares at her, she understands and roars back without showing weakness.

Jane stares at Edwin Carter and concludes that Edwin Carter is really mean and her Mia Mia is innocent and sensible.

Star Enterprise's Mr. Leonard will be returned from Kyoto today. Jane has to hand over her improvised business plan to him and she didn’t have much time.

This project was designated by President Leonard of Star Enterprise to Jane. She told herself that she had to be more attentive than ever before, in order to get Leonard's affirmation for her work.

However, after a busy morning in the company, Jane reported to Deana Brad after lunch and took her plan file to Star Enterprise to meet President Leonard.

The secretary took Jane to President Leonard's office and told her that President Leonard had been waiting for her for a long time.

Jane knocked on the door of the office and heard him saying "please come in" after going in: "President Leonard, Hel..."




The word "hello" had not yet been uttered. Jane gets shocked by the sight of another person that she could not speak for a while.

There is not only Stark Leonard in that office, but also another tall man in a black suit.

The man was standing in front of the broad landing window, standing with his hands on his shoulders, and his soft eyes lightly fell on the Jane body.

They looked at each other in silence, and neither of them looked away.

Jane thought after 3 years there would be no more feeling in her heart when she saw this person again, but the fact is not.

Looking at this man’s face with whom she was once too familiar, all the bad memories poured into her heart like a tide, brutally tore up the scar she had just healed. She feels as if blood slowly flows out of her heart.

Jane wanted to turn around and leave, but the heavy pain of the past grieved her so hard that she could not move at all she can do is just stared at the man in front of her.

After a while, the man stepped up to her, smiled and said, "President Leonard, this must be Miss Jane whom you were praising."

His voice, especially the words "Miss Jane", gave Jane a small jerk to get out of her thoughts.

"Christopher Ned, yes." Stark Leonard nodded and said, "Miss Jane, this is our GU’s, Christopher Ned. He wants to know about this project."

Jane shook his fist, took a breath and tried to keep her professional smile: "Hello, Mr. Christopher Ned!"

Although she tried her best to keep a professional smile but her voice trembled.

Stark Leonard added, "I heard from Manager Deana Brad that Miss Jane attentively prepared this plan. So please show it to us."

"President Leonard you always praise me." Jane breathes in again turns on the laptop tried to ignore the existence of another man and seriously expressed her plan on the project.

During the presentation, she felt an eye continuously staring at her, but she chooses to ignore it completely.

During the presentation, the secretary came in and called Stark Leonard out. Jane didn't notice it for a moment. When she found out, only she and Christopher Ned were left alone in the office. The smile on her face disappeared instantly. She got up and wanted to leave without saying anything to him.

The man's actions were much faster than her. As soon as she reaches out, he pulls her and holds her in his arms, shout out two words that were full of affection from the bottom of his heart: "Jenny Jenny..."

Jane struggled to get out of his arms, his hands hung on her side. She closed her eyes and opened them again. Her eyes were showing her cold behavior: "Sir, please behave yourself."

After saying this, she turned around to go. He again reached out and grabbed her wrist: "it's been three years. You still blame me?"

Jane wanted to shake off his hand, but he was so strong that she felt pain in her wrist that she couldn't shake it off.

Jane took a deep breath, and said coldly, "Mr. Christopher Ned please let me go, otherwise, don't blame me for my behavior."

But he ignored and said affectionately, "Please sit down, we need to talk."

"Let me go." Jane bites her lip. She didn't want to blink too much and forced back the tears that were eagerly ready to flow out of her eyes.

Three years ago, she did not shed a tear. Now three years later, she cannot cry for those who don’t deserve her.

The man pulled her into his arms again, hugged her and called her name with a loud voice: "Jenny, Jenny, Jenny..."

Jane struggled with all her strength, but there is a huge difference between men and women's strength, even if she exerts all her strength still cannot push away this man.

Jane strives for so long but could not get rid of him, knowing that it was useless to do so, but she didn’t give up.

After a moment he pushed her out of his arms and put his hands on her shoulder. "Of course, I know you have suffered a lot alone in the past three years. Now I'm here. You come back with me. Your parents and your sister are worried about you. "

After hearing these words, she suddenly calmed down and said, "Who are you? How dare you say that to me? "

Come back? Can she still go back?

Three years ago, when they abandoned her, they should know that they can never have me back, things cannot be the same as they were before.


"Don't call me that! Calling me like that will only make me sick." Jane interrupted him, presses down the pain inside and tried to calm down "Now that I'm doing well, please don't disturb my life."

"You are doing well?" The man reached out and squeezed her chin to force her to raise her head looked at him and said slowly, "Well, if I hadn't given you Star Enterprise's project you really thought that your Small Innovative Technology could stand in among dozens of companies?"

Jane bit her lip and looked at him coldly: "You..."

His words were like a steel knife, which pierces her heart and cuts off her pride.

Over the past three years, she has worked hard and lived with pride. No matter what she did, she created it by her own efforts. However, this is what she gets was due to her hard work.

Not only her efforts are not paid off, but that she had been pinched and played like a clown for three years.

Jane closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and then slowly raised a smile: "On behalf of my company, I thank you for this favor."

"Well, I did it all only for you." The man raised his hand to touch her face, but she slapped him before he touched her.

"Don't touch me. I'm dirty!" Jane gritted her teeth.

After saying these harsh words, she turned to the door and pushed the handle. However, the door had been locked from outside, and she could not get out.

She turned back and glared at him. "What do you want to do?"

"Of course, I won't hurt you." The man approached her again and said affectionately, "I just want to hold you and feel your existence around me."

Jane moved to the left side of the room, tried to maintain a distance between them. He was also not in a hurry, as if he had decided something, slowly approached near her: "Jane..."

Suddenly, the hot temper was ignited she grabbed the ashtray and said: "I am saying, stay away."




He smiled and said with great certainty, "I know that you won’t hurt me. I've always known that. How could you hurt me? You loved me so much. "

It’s true that Jane won’t hurt people, but not as this man said. She wanted to escape from here and never see this face again.


When he stretched out his hand to her again, she without even thinking to hit the man's head with an ashtray.

The man's forehead was cut open; blood droped down his forehead and he still looked at her and laughed as if felt no pain: "I know you are still angry with me. I let you fight. But when it's over, please come back with me."

The wound on his forehead was deep, and the blood was dripping on his face body and hands, but he just ignored it. His eyes and heart only want to feel Jane’s existence near him.

Jane was so frightened that she screamed and shouted, Chris Greyson, you are crazy, what the hell do you want to do?"

Chris Greyson burst out laughing. "Yes, I want you to call my name like that. Like my Jane do."

He just liked her to call him by his full name, his proud. The man with that name was once her possession.

"Shut up! I don't want to talk to you in my life. Jane clenched her fist. Her nails fell into her palms but felt no pain.

"You can't escape, as long as I don't let go, you can never escape." On Christopher Ned's face appeared a smile, which seemed painful but has the excitement of losing and gaining.

Jane bites her lip. His body trembled slightly: "You can't imagine..."

Christopher smiled confidently and said softly, "What I cannot imagine? Uh-huh?

Jane fist clenched even tighter because she believed that he can do it what he said.

"Jane, the person I love is you since always and can never be changed," he said with a smile, but he was badly injured. His eyes closed down, his body swayed and fell down. He got fainted.

Jane was frightened and trembled: "Chris Greyson..."

Maybe there was too much noise in the office. Someone finally opened the door and came in. Christopher was hurt and lying on the ground. Everyone got panicked after seeing this scene.

Suddenly, she heard someone shouting, "Christopher is injured, send him to the hospital quickly."

Jane heard someone calling the police. She only saw a lot of blood, a lot of people coming in and out.

When she returned to her consciousness, she did not know how long it had been that people were taken her to the police station and she is locked up in a cold lock up.

The whispering voice of the police outside came to her ear: "It is this person who has hurt Christopher, but I don't know why Christopher is not willing to blame her. Not only does she not hold her accountable, but also let us arrange a single room for her. However, it is also necessary to let her stay in the lockup for two days to teach her a lesson. ”

The voice of the guards was still coming, but Jane did not pay any attention to it anymore. She was relieved to know that Christopher Ned was all right.

Jane clearly understands Christopher's intentions of letting people shut her down for a few days.

First, let her know that she is only a small member of innovative technology, she hurt him, but he did not pursue her criminal law responsibility just give her two days trail is his great gift to her. Second, let her know, whether in Kyoto or in Jiangbei, as long as Christopher is unwilling to let go, she cannot escape from him.

Remembering Christopher's arrogant words, Jane's heart is astringent not because she can't escape from the palm of Nanjing but because Jane's family is reluctant to be a part of it.

Once Jane's family was a scholarly family, which was highly respected by others. By the time of Jane's father's generation, Jane's family’s fame had already declined.

Jane's father doesn’t want to let their family's fame go down like this. He tried his best to get in touch with the higher social circle, but he did not know how to get in touch with GU’s family.

Jane's family, whose fame had already declined in Kyoto, entered the celebrity circle of Kyoto in overnight, after getting in contact with GU’s family.

Jane’s father sold their old house, some valuable paintings and calligraphy left by Jane's grandparents and spent all the money to buy a villa near GU’s house.

Their villa was much smaller than others, but at least they lived near the rich community, which was a happy thing for Jane's Father.

For a long time, Jane's family seemed to depend entirely on the GU’s family for their living, and the elder and younger GU’s master were their targets.

In that situation, Jane’s parents had no other options, whatever GU’s said they have to do. They cannot refuse to GU’s family.

GU’s family gives no value to Jane, and she naturally becomes a useless and abandoned part of Jane's family.

Now, after three years, Christopher is ashamed and comes to her and said he wanted that she comes back. Jane finds it funny.

It's funny to think about the uselessness of Jane's family and her own self.

She is laughing at the uselessness of her own family and her own self. How can he come to her life to show her the ugly face of her past, stirred up her anger and hurt her again?

She bent her legs, held it with her hands, and buried her head on her knees. Her heart cannot be more uncomfortable then now, nor could she feel more numbed then now

"Mr. Stieve, why did you come personally?"

The guard's respectful and panicky voice came to Jane’s ear, but she did not take it seriously and still held herself in her own space with her legs in her arms.

Only by not giving attention to this outer world, not caring about those who hurt her is the only way to not get hurt again.

Crack -

Two loud slaps broke the silence in the room, and then came the full-bodied roar of a middle-aged man: "Are you drunk? And out of your senses, how dare you to imprison her?"

The guards panicked and said, "Mr. Matthew Stieve, not us, Chris... Christopher Ned of GU’s family..."

Before the man could finish his speech, the man roared again, "Don't dare to argue, open the door quickly, let Miss Jane come out."

Then she heard the sound of unlocking the lockup and heard the respectful voice of middle-aged men: "Mr. Edwin Carter, it's my poor man, please forgive us."

When she heard the word "Edwin Carter" her body shook slightly. She looked up slowly and saw Edwin Carter standing with that middle-aged man.

He was wearing a grey-silver suit, a usual polite smile on his face, but his eyes under the golden frame were dark which make people sigh from the bottom of their hearts.

Edwin Carter just nodded his head and said nothing to the middle-aged man who bowed to him. He stepped forward towards Jane.

He comes to Jane's side slightly touched her head and whispered her name: "Jane..."

Today Edwin's voice is softer than ever and enough to express his deep care, his voice makes Jane forget the cruelty she had felt like she never had encountered anything cruel.




Edwin Carter pulled Jane in her arms with great strength and gently touched her back with his hand: "Sorry, I'm late."

Jane didn’t think that Edwin Carter would appear here at this time. For a while, her nose felt a little sour and her eyes were full of tears.

But she did not allow herself to show weakness. She looked up at him and smiled. "You didn't mean to come back tomorrow. Why did you come back earlier?"

Edwin Carter look in her eyes and did not say anything. He slightly increased the strength of his arm, "I'll take you home."

Jane looked up from his arms. "I hurt a person. I can't go back with you now. You go back. I'll be fine."

Jane knows Christopher Ned's character. He wants Jane to stay in lockup for two days, and if this happens like his will. His anger will disappear, and no serious problem can occur.

But If Edwin Carter took her away at this time, it would become a problem of his ego AND the consequences of the matter Jane Didn’t even want to imagine.

Edwin Carter has just taken up the post of President of Innovation Technology. It’s his time to strengthen his post. If Christopher Ned becomes against him, Edwin Carter's future may get effected.

Jane feels that this matter is her own personal problem. She does not want Edwin Carter get involved who actually knows nothing, she doesn’t want Edwin Carter to get hurt.

Seeing Edwin Carter's face, she simply pushed him and said, "Edwin Carter, I'm really all right. You go back. "

Edwin Carter looked at Jane with a cold face and asked her in a deep tone, "Jane, do you know what the word "husband" means?"

For Jane, the word "husband" is just a name on her marriage certificate, but for Edwin, the word "husband" is a lifelong responsibility.

"I know you're my husband." She pushed him away. "Edwin Carter, listen to what I am saying otherwise something worse will happen."

Edwin Carter's eyes under the golden frame were stunned, he stopped talking. Hold up Jane’s hand and turned to go out.

The middle-aged man immediately followed up: "Chairman Edwin, this is a misunderstanding. Whenever you need me, please don't hesitate to let me now. "

Edwin Carter turn towards him and said, "Mr. Matthew Stieve, thank you for helping me. I'll invite you to dinner someday."

Edwin Carter spoke so well, but the man "Matthew Stieve" was frightened. He was sweating and cannot even walk steadily.

He said, "Chairmen Edwin, leave this incident to me I will handle it."

Edwin Carter did not reply to him and move towards the car that was parked at the gate.

As Edwin Carter left the police station, the middle-aged man's facial expression changed immediately. He was so angry that he lifted up a chair and smashed it on the wall. "Call all the concerned people, I’ll fuck them all."

The guards were somewhat confused, so they asked, "Mr. Stieve, that woman has attacked GU’s, Christopher Ned. And we let a man take her away. What do we say to Christopher Ned?"

As the guard just said these words, they he got slapped in the face.

The middle-aged man was extremely angry. He said, "Christopher Ned? In front of him, Christopher Ned is nothing! The second ancestor of GU’s family did not know whom he had provoked."

VIP ward of Jiangbei’s best Hospital.

Christopher Ned listened to Alfred Kim's report, and as he heard he raised his hand throw the documents at Alfred Kim’s face.

Alfred Kim bowed his head and said again, "My Master Christopher Greyson, Matthew Stieve personally come with that man, our people can't stop him."

"Matthew Stieve personally come with him at the police station? Who has such power? Christopher Ned shook his fist and gave a hard look. Matthew Stieve is the in-charge of this city, the whole Jiangbei city is in his hand. He never goes against GU Family in Kyoto.

Christopher Ned can't help wondering what's wrong with the fact that he's going to pick up people personally for the leaders of a small company like Innovation Technology.

Alfred Kim was shivering and he said, "His surname is Carter..."

Before he had finished speaking, Christopher Ned immediately caught her words and say: "Do you say his surname is Carter? Is he Leon Carter of Shengtian’s group?

Alfred Kim immediately added, "This is a coincidence his surname is Carter. His name is Edwin Carter. He is only the president of small innovative technology. He took his office last month before that he was doing business abroad. Don’t know who is behind him.

Hearing that the surname Carter had nothing to do with Shengtian, Christopher Ned remove the bandage and needle from his hand, smash the shelf out and sneer, "A small president of innovation technology wants to fight against me. I will not let him find a place to die."

Alfred Kim said cautiously, "Master Ned, you still have injuries on your head. You can't move. Innovation technology cannot run away, you want to teach a lesson to this boy surnamed carter, it is not a big deal for you. "

"You're right. For me to deal with that man surnamed Carter is easier than to pinch an ant."

Christopher Ned frowned and said proudly, "This time Master will play with him."

Alfred Kim said, "Master, then I will spread out the message. That the license and projects of Innovative Technology are illegal. GU’s and all subsidiaries of GU’s company suspend all cooperation projects with them."

Christopher Ned nodded his head and said: "Do things gracefully, don't left any handle for them to grasp."

Alfred Kim said, "Yes, I'll do exactly as u ordered."

"Alfred Kim..." Christopher Ned called him again, "How's the matter going with Shengtian?"

Alfred Kim's face was nervous: "Leon Cater of Shengtian has always been mysterious, no one knows about him. This time he said that he was in Jiangbei but it was only a rumor and no one got the exact evidence."

Christopher Ned caressed his injured forehead and his anger reappeared: "Again send those people to go and must find out his specific address and location. If I couldn’t meet him this time, I won't be able to face again the old man."

GU’s and Ye's are among the two top enterprises in China. But Shengtian Group of Carter's is one of the top two enterprises in the world. And Carter's family is standing at the top of the pyramid. GU’s business has not grown further since the last two years. If they want to grow bigger their only way out is to find out the Carter family. GU’s family has been trying to contact the Carter family for the last two years. They had searched them abroad and tracked back in China but they cannot find them.

Two months ago, it was rumored that Leon Carter the leader of Shengtian, would go back to China for business development. The preferred place for him to go was Jiangbei-A city which is developing and is in its full swing.

As soon as the news came out, many businessmen gathered in Jiangbei, hoping to see Leon Carter and to make contracts with them so they don’t have to worry about making money.




On their way back home Jane tried to talk to Edwin Carter several times in order to tell him the seriousness of the matter, but a cold look in Edwin Carter's eyes scared her back.

When they reached home, she pulled up her sleeve and said carefully, "Edwin Carter, listen to me once. Don't interfere in this matter. You can't handle it."

Edwin Carter looked at her put his hand on the back of her head, looked into her eyes and said softly, "Jane, Trust me."

Two simple words like a strong force hit her body. Her pale face slowly recovered a little blood.

Jane wiped her lips, looked at him and said: "Edwin Carter, why don't you ask me the reason of getting locked in the police station?"

Edwin Carter touched her face and said sadly, "Jane, whatever the reason, you just need to remember that you always have me behind you."

He doesn’t know anything about her, even half of the random people are concerned about to know.

GU Family's losers hurt her three years ago, but that time she didn't have the back of her husband, even if she had he couldn't manage it and there was no need to manage anything.

Jane is the wife of Edwin Carter. He can't tolerate anyone made her sad even her family or relatives.

"I..."there are many words hidden in Jane’s heart. She tried to speak to Edwin Carter several times, but she couldn't take them out.

That incident of three years ago was like a scar in her heart. She is unwilling to uncover it and show them to others.

She has been trying to forget the bad past and look forward but what she needed to do is trust Edwin Carter.

No matter how powerful Christopher Ned is, no matter what tricks Christopher Ned can play. She only needs to remember how hard one tries to block the water comes to the soil. And no matter how strong GU Family is they can't block the sky with one hand.

With a deep sigh, Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice said, "I've ordered the maid to get ready dinner. Let's go and eat something."

Jane shakes her head: "I'm not hungry."

Edwin Carter hugged her and said, "Go take a bath then."

Jane nodded, went back to the room and took a bath. When she came out of the bathroom, Edwin Carter came took a bowl of ginger soup for her: "This is for the cold, drink it."

Jane took the bowl and cast a gentle smile at him: "Thank you."

Edwin Carter put the bowl aside and pulled the quilt over her. "It's already late. Go to bed. Don't be late for work tomorrow."

"Um." Jane lay down on the bed, looked at him and blinked her big eyes.

"I will accompany you." Edwin Carter lay down beside her, hold her hand in one hand and gently pat her back, coaxing her to sleep.

Today he was at a meeting about a project in Linshi. Suddenly, he received a phone call about this incidence. So he rushed back immediately. Who knows he was still late, and she stayed in lock up for several hours.

She is just a 24 years old girl. She is a strong girl, but encountering such a thing must make her extremely confused and frightened. But when she saw him, she didn't even shed a tear and even tried to talk to him with a smile. The more he pretended to look strong the more Edwin Carter wanted to take care of her.

As her husband, he wanted to take good care of her and not let her suffer any more harm in her life.

When he saw she has fallen asleep, he quietly rose up from the bed go to his study and dialed a telephone: "Luis George, handle this matter properly. Tomorrow I don't want to hear any gossips about this incidence."

After saying that he disconnected the phone, not caring whether the person at the other end of the phone had heard him clearly or not.

Jane slept very improperly. She kept screaming and murmuring in her mouth while her face looked crumpled up.

She dreamed again, a terrible nightmare she had often had in recent years.

In her dream, a group of people pointed at her and scolded how Jane’s family, a scholarly family, could raise a daughter like her, so shameless daughter that even she wants to snatch her own sister’s man.

All her close relatives were there, but none of them came out to help her. Even this rumor is spread by her relatives themselves.

She opened her mouth to explain but could not utter a word. She could only open her eyes to look at those despicable eyes and listened to them while they were shouting at her and scolding her.

"Jane..." Her mother, who loves her most, is crying out for her.

"Mom..." It took a lot of effort to utter this word.

When she reached out to hold her mother, right in the next moment her mother turned back with tears: "You have been smart since childhood, self-dependent, but your sister..."

"Why are you saying so much to her? Jane's family does not have such a useless daughter as her." This time it was Jane’s father who spoke.


Her father's face, which used to be full of kindness, is now so strange that it seems as if he had never known him before.

At that moment, she felt that the string which is keeping her heart in place suddenly breaks and her heart becomes so cold and empty.

Because she was a strong child from childhood because she has the heart of Gu family son. She was doomed to be abandoned as a useless child? Suddenly she felt cold, as if she was in a thousand-year-old ice cellar. It was so cold that people trembled.

Just when Jane felt like she was going to be submerged in Ice Water Lake, a pair of warm palms grabbed her and pulled her out of the ice cellar.

She suddenly opened her eyes and saw a pair of eyes full of care and tenderness.

"Edwin Carter?" Just waking up from a nightmare is very confusing she finds it hard to decide between the dream and reality.

Perhaps there is no such person as Edwin Carter in the world. He is only a fictitious figure she fantasized to get accompanied.

Edwin Carter gently embraced her in his arms and tapped her back with his strong hands, just like coaxing a child: "How about I tell you a story?"

He knew she was having a nightmare, and he knew better what she was dreaming about, but he tried to distract her attention in his own way.

Jane leaned quietly in his arms and nodded gently.

Whether this Edwin Carter really exists or not, she only knows that at this moment only he can collect her scattered pieces.

Edwin Carter rubbed her head: "Do you know why the eyes of the rabbit are red?"

Jane had heard the story when she was very young, but she chose to shake her head and want to hear him.

When she shook her head to express no, she heard Edwin Carter telling a story in his sexy voice, "Because when its eyes got dry he didn't use eye drops, so they turn red."

Originally a very significant story with great morals has turned into a lame joke by Edwin Carter. Jane cannot hold her laugh and asked: "Did you often sleep in your class?"

Edwin Carter nodded and said solemnly, "sometimes."




Jane didn’t know that Edwin Carter didn't get the second position in his class for a single time. He always scores the highest. Did his graduation from one of the Ivy Leagues, Harvard University and he took half time than others to get a doctorate from Harvard University.

"Then you must have been beaten." Suddenly she felt a little pity. "I don't know what you boys think."

She added: "When I was a child, I got the first place in science and was admitted to Kyoto's most famous university."

But instead of taking admission to Kyoto Famous University, she chooses her favorite major of art. Her biggest dream was to design the most beautiful wedding dress in the world, so that every girl can become a beautiful bride.

However, this dream ended three years ago when she designed her own wedding dress, and after that, she never picked up the brush again.

This thought makes her look down. A very peaceful life that she got after so many difficulties was destroyed by those people.

Now she is so timid that she even has no courage to tell Edwin Carter about her past.

She was not sure that if he really didn’t care about her past and only have concern about their future, together.

Jane closed her eyes and wanted to leave his arms but as she moved she got firmly held by him. Then she heard him say, "Jane, I'm your husband."

He has emphasized this matter more than once, Jane didn’t help to look up at him. Under orange-red lights, his face is looking not as cold as usual, and even within soft light, his expressions make Jane feel more peace.

Jane nodded her head, raised his lips and smiled, "I know."

"I am your husband" these four words are very simple. But intentions behind these words and concern in his voice, even if there is no love, are enough to accompany her through this storm.

In the arms of Edwin Carter, Jane didn’t take long and fall asleep. Jane slept soundly, and no nightmares disturbed her. She woke up early in the morning. When she woke up, she saw Edwin Carter sat by the window and reading the newspaper. When he felt she is awake, he looked up and said, "Morning"

For more than a month, every day is like this, a very stable day. Such a stable life is what Jane always wants.

No matter what happens, there is always a person who accompanies him and lives a stable, dull life with her and they grow old together.

She sat up quickly and gives a bright smile: "Chairmen Edwin Carter, Good Morning."

They don't mention anything that happened yesterday, as if none of those things had happened. It was just a nightmare. Now they have woken up and everything is fine.

On the breakfast table, she asked Edwin Carter, "Are you going on a business trip today?"

Edwin Carter didn’t say anything just shook his head while eating.

The amount of work that he has to deal with is really not ordinary people can deal with, but today he has to give priority to innovative technology’s matter.

Mia barked a few times to attract the attention of "mother". From last night to this morning, she is the one who is left out. It was very unsatisfactory for her.

Jane picked up Mia Mia and rubbed her face. "Mia Mia, mother forgot to buy you delicious food last night, today she will buy it for you."

Mia Mia whined twice and rubbed her back. It is a sign that she had forgave her mother.

Edwin Carter put down his chopsticks and looked at Mia Mia. She squinted slightly. There was only one thought in his mind. That this little white dog was really offending the eye.

Jane was not willing to take Edwin Carter's car to work. Edwin Carter also did not force. Both of them arrived at the company one after another.

In the morning many colleagues were waiting around the elevator. As Edwin Carter arrived office, everyone cast eye over him and greeted him: "Chairmen Edwin Carter!"

"Um." Yue hummed so coldly, Sienna Henry and Luis George followed Edwin Carter and stepped into the high-rise elevator together, leaving a cold image behind.

As soon as Edwin Carter left, everyone began to discuss, "Wow, I think Chairmen Edwin is getting more and more handsome?"

Another colleague answered and said, "Just now, I feel that Carter always looked at me, feeling so excited."

Someone said, "Where in the world does Chairmen Edwin’s wife belong? What charm she possesses that Edwin Carter liked and married her?

Someone else answered, "I think she must be very beautiful and maybe a famous lady. Anyway, she is not among our office workers."

Jane listened to their discussion, they all were gossiping about Edwin Carter. No one mentioned that she had beaten GU’s family member yesterday, got arrested by the police station and stayed in police custody for half a day.

This is a little strange for Jane, after thinking about it carefully, she understands what's going on.

Christopher Ned would not be so kind to help her hide such information, so the only person who did so was Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter is the president of innovative technology, yes, but Innovation Technology and GU’s has no comparison. In case Christopher Ned attacks Edwin Carter, Edwin Carter may not even have room to fight back.

She did not believe in the ability of Edwin Carter, but she was too clear about the power of Christopher Ned's family and their means of doing things.

These thoughts make Jane took a deep breath of cool air. She must find ways to stop Edwin Carter from getting involved in this matter.

Jane was very worried when she received a text message on her mobile phone. She opened it and read a simple sentence on it: "Do your work, left everything to me."

After reading his message, she grasped the mobile phone subconsciously as if she had felt the power of Edwin Carter’s words.

After arriving at the office, she comes to know that Star Enterprises has canceled all the cooperation projects with Innovation Technology. And they gave the reason that Innovative technology has obtained Star Hui Project by using improper means.

She knew that Christopher Ned would never accept his defeat, but she didn't expect him to move so fast.

The colleagues in the office business department looked at Jane in a strange way. Others did not know that she went to Star Enterprises yesterday, but her colleagues in the business department knew that.

Maybe someone already knew that she hurt Mr. Christopher Ned, so they all looked at her with interrogative eyes. She had bear more vicious and terrible eyes, so they couldn’t frighten her.

Katelyn Max tap on Jane’s desk and slipped her chair to Jane's side. "Jane, what happened yesterday?"

Jane asked her with a smile, "What's going on?"

"We are good colleagues and good friends. You can tell me what you cannot say to others. I promise not to tell others." Katelyn Max whispered in Jane’s ear and asked, "Yesterday, you went to Stark Leonard's office to talk about new projects yesterday. Why did they suddenly stop working with us?"




Wilson Paul also come over, looked at Jane and Katelyn Max. "Katelyn Max, your work is too easy, come and help me with this project’s plan."

Katelyn Max turned her eyes and said out discontentedly, "Wilson Paul, all you know is how to protect Jane you never helped me with anything."

Wilson Paul looked at her and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Wilson Paul knows about Jane’s marriage, but he didn’t gossip about it. He didn't want to disturb Jane or maybe he still has a slight fantasy.

Jane smiled and said, "Go to work. These things Chairmen Edwin Carter will handle and it's not our problem to worry about."

On the other side, Luis George at the president of Innovation Technology’s office is reporting the matter to Carter Yue seriously.

"Chairmen Edwin Carter, everything had been handled at your command. We will let that person named Christopher Ned, have a good time."

Edwin Carter's tapped his slender fingertips on the desk. After a while, he said, "This is not enough."

Luis George and Sienna Henry looked at each other. They stayed with Edwin Carter for nearly ten years. For a while, they really didn't understand what Edwin Carter wanted to say.

Edwin Carter suddenly turned around and said, "I need another secretary."

Innovative business is not so big, besides Luis George and Sienna Henry, there are four other secretaries of Edwin Carter.

Now Edwin Carter needs another secretary. After thinking for a while, they understand what Edwin Carter meant.

Sienna Henry immediately said, "I'll arrange this."

Sienna Henry sent an internal email, which said that Chairman Edwin Carter needed an additional secretary, immediately. Managers of various departments are requested to recommend a suitable employee.

As soon as the news came out, female employees in all departments, immediately get excited and were eager to get the position of President’s secretary.

Being a secretary to the president is like climbing into the top circle with no effort. Maybe something else can happen with the president. Even if you can't do anything with the president, it's a perfect opportunity to see his beautiful face every day.

The manager of the business department, Deana Brad, received a call from Sienna Henry. She heard her saying, "Manager Deana, do you have any suitable candidates for recommendation in your department?"

Deana Brad thought about all the personnel in the department. None of them have the secretarial experience, so she honestly answered, "Sienna Henry, my department does not have any."

Sienna Henry smiled lightly. "Manager Deana, really not?"

Deana Brad has spent so many years in the workplace, climbing from a normal clerk to the position of business manager, how can he do without all kinds of exquisite skills?

So she thought about the whole department one by one, and when she thought about Jane, she asked: "Sienna, do you think that Jane is OK?"

At the other end of the phone, the Sienna Henry genuinely laughed, "Jane? Is that the Jane of the last time, in charge of the Star Fair project?

Deana Brad nodded: "Yes, exactly her."

Sienna Henry pretended to think for a while as if trying to recall this person. After a while, she said, "I think she's very smart, let her come up and try."

After hanging up the phone, Deana Brad looked out through the shutters in the office area. Other than Jane everyone was talking to each other.

She had to admit that she is a very effective assistant.

Over the past three years, she has worked hard but never asked for credit. She is down to earth and wants to climb step by step.

As her supervisor, Deana Brad appreciates Jane’s working ability and attitude.

But Deana Brad’s appreciation for Jane is not entirely like a leader's appreciation for her subordinates. She also has a deep fear that she may get replaced by her.

If she did not climb to a higher position, she would most likely be replaced by her.

Deana ha superiority over Jane in old age and seniority. In other prospects, she has no superiority over Jane.

Now, since the Sienna Henry Chairmen’s Personal assistance is interested in Jane, it is a good thing for her to send Jane to the secretarial department.

Deana Brad picked up the phone and dialed the inside line on Jane’s desk: "Jane, come to my office."

Receiving Dean’s Brad phone call make Jane felt a little nervous. But she still pretended that nothing had happened and went into Deana Brad's office.

Deana brad asked her to sit down and then said, "Do you read the internal emails just issued by Sienna Henry?"

Jane nodded: "yes I had a Look."

Dean Brad said again, "I recommended you for the post. Sienna henry also agreed, you go and wind up your work."

After a pause, she said, "Manager, I am working in the sales department for the last three years, I still want to stay here."

To be president secretary is to face Edwin Carter the whole day, and she doesn't want to.

Dean Brad looked at Jane to see if she had the same mind. After a while, she said, "This matter has been settled. If you really don't want, talk to Sienna Henry. "

Jane knows that this is not decided by Deana Brad. So after going out to she sent a message Carter Yue: "Carter Yue, I want to continue to work in the business department."

Edwin Carter did not give Jane a reply, but after a moment another e-mail was received within the company. "The matter of assigning the new secretary is temporarily suspended, so there is no need to recommend anyone."

It's sad for all the other female employees who were eager to try. Their hard-won opportunities suddenly disappear.

Deana Brad could not help but looked at Jane who was outside. Deane thinks deeply about this matter and then try to associate it with what happened in Bihai Villa last time.

She was sure that Jane had the back of someone. Whether it is Chairman or Sienna Henry is still unknown.

Edwin Carter wanted to transfer Jane’s work because he didn't want any incident like yesterday’s happened again.

But receiving Jane’s message and after knowing what she wants he decided to respect her decision. He did not want to force her to do anything.

She is his wife, not his playthings or anything else. They have an equal relationship. No one has the right to impose decisions on the other.

Luis George and Sienna Henry were surprised by his decision of canceling the order of having new assistance.

When he decided something he never changed his mind, today he canceled his given order just because of a message from her side. However, this is not so strange. At that time Edwin Carter was single, but now he has a wife. It’s his duty to care about his wife.




GU Enterprises announced that GU and his subsidiaries would no longer have any cooperation with Innovation Technology in the future. Innovation Technology immediately called for its crisis management team, but the effect was not very good. It seemed that Edwin Carter, president of Innovation Technology have to face a bad storm for a while.

Christopher Ned raised his eyebrows slightly and gives an indefinite smile when he saw this breaking news on television. A small president of Innovation Technology also wants to fight back. He has a thousand ways to teach Edwin Carter a lesson.

When Alfred Kim saw that his boss is in a good mood, he immediately said, "Christopher Ned, as this news spread, there left no room for innovative technology to get up again."

Christopher Ned sneered at his mobile phone. "Don't be too overconfident. Sometimes reality is fleeting." Alfred Kim wondered, "Christopher Ned, what do you mean?"

"Since that man, Edwin Carter has brought Matthew Stieve to get Jane out of the lock-up. We can't underestimate his power." Christopher Ned glanced at Alfred Kim coldly and keeps speaking. "In the future, use your brain to think. You are with me for so many years, but you are still at this level."

The man surnamed Carter, at present is not able to fight back, but you never know what strategies he has planned.

Alfred Kim nodded "Christopher Ned you are right. I'll use my brain more in the future."

Christopher Ned also said, "Keep a close eye on the actions of that man. Tell me immediately if you find something inappropriate."

Alfred Kim said: "We have been having a close look at all his activities but couldn’t find him doing something inappropriate or abnormal."

Christopher Ned picked up the document and throws them on Alfred Kim's head. "What did your Master just said to you, am I speaking nonsense?"

"Christopher Ned, I..." Alfred Kim rubbed his head innocently he really did not what was wrong. Christopher Ned signaled by his hand: "Ask people get a car ready. And you go do your work I don't need a dumb like you to come with me for this important task."

Alfred Kim knew what Christopher Ned meant by that important task. He immediately smiled, "Christopher Ned, do you want me to book a room for you and Miss Jane..."

Christopher Ned looked at Alfred Kim and said in a cold voice, "Get out!"

If Jane can make peace with him so easily then why she kept this for 3 years. Jane has not been so easy, how could she forget him so easily after struggling alone for three years.

"Jenny..." Christopher Ned silently called his nickname.

He still remembers that Jane liked him to call her like this and she calls him Chris Greyson. She often says that the name "Chris" only belonged to her no one else had the right to call him this.

She called him with his nickname and surname. She said that these two words "Chris Greyson" represent him completely.

At that time, Jane had a hot temper, but there is always an innocent woman's soft and lovely side that made him fell for her and loved her.

She was like the sun. Hot and attractive, wherever she goes she attracts countless men that is why she was extremely self-confident. How can he stop himself to not love her?

The relationship between the GU Family and the family of Jane is based on clever aims. Jane’s family is using a subtle approach. Jane’s family always stands behind GU Family that proves the family of Jane, a subsidiary of the family of GU.

But Jane was quite different she still had her self-confidence and pride in front of his family and never bowed her head. After they fell in love, she worked hard to become a woman who could stand beside him not behind him.

During her second year in university. He asked her to get engaged and after she graduated they will marry each other. He thought that she would refuse but unexpectedly she said yes.

She had a simple reason. She said, "I've been preparing to be Chris Greyson's bride. We get engaged first and when I achieve something we will get married."

At that time she was only nineteen years old. She had not graduated from university. GU and Jane did not throw a big party for their engagement and didn’t invite anyone. They just had dinner and got engaged.

She worked hard to design her wedding dress. Although she was still not graduated but her wedding dress become famous and many studios come to see her.

With her first earning she invited him out to dinner and proudly said to him at the table, "Chris Greyson, I think you have a good eye."

He smiled at her and said, "What do you mean?"

She said, "Now I can make money on my own. If you lose your job in the future, I can support you."

Thinking about the past made Christopher Ned's eyes a little tender.


Yes, of course, His Jenny has always been so excellent and self-confident. And also so deeply in love with him.

But later he destroyed all this with his own hands hurt her so deeply. He did nothing when he watched her being forced to go away and leave her home.

Now, three years later, he has the ability and opportunity to take her back. This time, he will not give up easily.

"Jenny..." Christopher Ned gently called her name, "This time, no matter how hard it becomes, I will take you back."

"The driver has been waiting for a long time. Would you like to go out?" Although Christopher Ned asks Alfred Kim to leave as his master did not go out how dare he leave first?

Christopher Ned came back to his senses and hid his emotions. He got up and left.

Half an hour later.

Jane was busy when her phone suddenly rang. She picked up a strange phone number and politely answered, "Hello!"

Christopher Ned cleared his throat and said, "Jenny, I'm in Espresso Cafe next to your company. Come here, we need to talk."

When she heard Christopher Ned's voice, she frowned and wanted to hang up. When she heard Christopher Ned, say, "If you don’t come, you will be responsible for all the consequences."

He knew that she would not come so easily. Only by this power, he can force her to come to meet him. He didn't care about using any right or wrong way to get her back to him. He was worried about losing her forever. He had seen hate in her powerful eyes.

Jane wipes her lips, holds her cell phone tightly and didn’t speak out anything she was afraid that Christopher Ned would use any wrong means.

If she were alone, she would not be afraid of what means Christopher Ned would do, but now Edwin Carter and Innovation Technology are involved in this matter, and she does not want to create trouble for him because of herself.

Jane took a deep breath and said: "Okay."

She shut down her laptop picked up her coat and left. It took her more than ten minutes to reach the Espresso Cafe. As she arrived downstairs at the cafe, she saw Christopher Ned sitting by the window on the second floor. He also saw her, he smiled and waved at her.

Such a scene, the one with whom she was so familiar is no longer familiar, pieces of her past rushed into her mind.




Now there is nothing like a date between Jane and Christopher Ned. In the past when they date each other, she was happy and sweet but now Jane has only one feeling in her heart - humiliated!

She didn't want to see this man again, but she had to come. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her feelings.

Christopher Ned waved to her, "Jenny, I'm here."

Jane also used to like calling his name in such a tone, but now...

Jane shook her head and avoided to think about the heartbreaking things of the past, sat at the chair opposite to him.

After she had sat down, she subconsciously looked at his forehead and saw that the bandage was still there. Don't know how his wound is now.

Christopher Ned smiled and said, "Of course, you care about me."

Jane does not deny that she is concerned about his wound because it was caused by her. Moreover, she did not want to be blamed for a man who is not worthy.

She could not feel any kind of heartache like yesterday. She was unexpectedly calm, even though she did not think of it.

She was silent, Christopher Ned did not take it seriously and waved to the waiter for a cup of coffee. He said, "This is your favorite latte taste."

Jane calmly said, "Christopher Ned, just say what you want to say. I don't have time to waste with you here."

In the past, she always stayed up late to draw designs and drank coffee when she was sleepy. She had left that habit for a long time. Now she usually did not touch it unless she felt sleepy. Over the past three years, many people and many things have been changed. She does not want to open her mouth to explain because it is no longer necessary.

Christopher Ned said, "Well, first have a cup of coffee and then we will talk."

Jane in a serious tone said to him "Christopher Ned, since you asked me to come so we'll make things clear. Please don't..."

"Sure!" Christopher Ned didn't want to hear her refusal.

He interrupted her and said, "This time I came to Jiangbei to see you, I am sincere. I hope you can calm down and listen to me. "

"Says it." She simply took a sip of coffee and listened to what he had to say.

Christopher Ned reached out to hold her hand but Jane took her hand back and gave him a cold look.

Christopher Ned's outstretched hand fell into the air, and he took it back in disgust and said "Jane, come back with me. Let's start it again."

"Ah..." Jane thinks that she just heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. Only Christopher Ned can say this type of thing.

She thought he was just as shameless as he was. What happened in the past can just be forgotten as nothing has happened?

"Waiter, please give me a cup of hot milk."

Suddenly behind her came a deep and magnetic voice, which shocked Jane's body slightly. Perhaps Christopher Ned and others did not notice the voice, but Jane knew it was Edwin Carter’s.

She hadn't seen him when she came. When did he come? How long has he been sitting behind her? How much he had heard?

For a moment Jane's head was muddled. She could not hear what Christopher Ned was saying. She was full of thoughts about how Edwin Carter would look at her. She unconsciously clenched her fists, clenched her lips her whole face become pale with nervousness.

Christopher Ned notice this change he thought that his words had touched her and said, "Jenny, you have to believe me, I have never changed my heart for you."

Without getting any response Christopher Ned continued to say, "I just need you to come back with me, I guarantee that Mrs. Greyson's position is always yours."

"Mrs. Carter, this Cup of tea was sent to you by Mr. Carter." Sienna Henry handed Jane a cup of milk to Jane and smiled." Mr. Carter has something to talk about. So he let me come to tell you. Please wait for him for a moment.

"Thank you!" Jane understands this is Edwin Carter here to help her get out of this situation.

"Okay, I'll go back. Call me if you need anything." Sienna Henry greeted Jane politely and left.

Jane wipes her lips and look back, Edwin Carter was dressed in a silver-gray suit was talking to Luis George about something. When he saw her, he looked at her and nodded her head with a smile.

Jane smiled back at him and calmed down. The haze just above her head had disappeared. She opened her fist gently and her face gradually returned to normal state. We

She looked back at Christopher Ned and saw that his face became gloomy. Then she heard him say coldly, "Are you married?"

She thought Christopher Ned was quite good but compared with Edwin Carter, whether it is appearance, temperament or attitude of dealing with people Christopher Ned's is at Zero and Edwin Carter is at one.

At this moment, she wants to thank Christopher Ned for everything he did, so after three years she got such an excellent man as Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter's smallest actions gave peace to Jane’s heart. Her manner of speaking is full of strength and vigor: "Christopher Ned, as you heard I am married, please do not disturb my life."

Christopher Ned looked up at Edwin Carter but he was busy discussing details with Luis George and did not pay attention to him.

Christopher Ned did not want to believe that Jane was married. Jane must still love him in her heart.

Jane still blames him for the wrong things he has done, but he believes that as long as he keeps trying he will be able to have her heart back. However, he never thought of it that she can be married.

"You think I'll believe you if you just hire someone out of the street to perform this play in front of me?" Christopher Ned was absolutely unwilling to believe that Jane is married.

"I don't need to explain to you, believe it or not, just remember not to disturb my life again." Jane looked in his eyes and said to him.

"Jane, how dare you?" Christopher Ned gritted his teeth and uttered. His face looks more terrible than ever.

Jane said to him, "Christopher Ned, It is my choice and right to get married. Who gives you the right to say anything to me? Don't forget what you did. "

After doing such disgusting things he still expects Jane to love him and ask for his permission before getting married? Jane was not a silly woman. Not stupid enough that she waits for a lifetime for someone who is not worth waiting for?

Christopher Ned in anger gritted his teeth and said, "Jenny, I gave you a chance was but you didn't know how to cherish it. You will be responsible for what happens in the future."

Jane looked at him lowered her voice and said, "Christopher Ned, if you are a man do what you want with me. If you dare to hurt him, I will never let you go."

Christopher Ned frowned and said with great arrogance, "If he dares to take my woman, I want to see what he can do."




"Jane Ronan..."

When Christopher Ned's completed his sentence. He didn’t notice when Edwin Carter had come to their table and called Jane's name in a soft tone.

Hearing his voice make Jane’s body felt a slight tremor. Jane stands up to block Christopher Ned's eyes for Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter pulls her close to herself, Raises his hand to put her hair behind her ears and in a low tone said, "Sorry to make you wait."

Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice and looking at his plain face that today is full of expressions Jane felt there is no such thing to worry.

She looked at him and smiled. "Have you finished your meeting?"

"Um." Edwin Carter nodded and held her hand. "Come on, let’s have a good dinner tonight."

Jane nods her head and gently answered, "Okay."

Edwin Carter took him up, and Jane left without looking at Christopher Ned as if there was no such person at all.

Christopher Ned keeps watching the shadow of them going and after a while, he regains his consciousness.

The man surnamed Carter gives a strong sense of oppression. Just standing next to him makes him feel a little inferior.

He was Greyson family’s heir. Their grand young master thinking of inferiority make him angry. He pick up that coffee cup and smash it out on the floor.

All the people around him looked at him. He swept his eyes hard people turned back quickly like they saw nothing.

Christopher Ned took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately to check if Jane is married to any person surnamed Carter."

After the phone call, Christopher Ned looked out of the window and saw Edwin Carter opening the door of the car for Jane.

He subconsciously glanced at the logo a very common Land Rover off-road vehicle. His eyes burned with rage driving that kind of cheap car and want to snatch Christopher Ned’s women. He has no idea about the complexity of things.

Jane glanced back to look at Christopher Ned's terrible face and her heart was not at ease.

Edwin Carter took her hand and gently pinched it: "What I said to you last night, you have forgotten so quickly."

Jane asked confusingly: "What?"

He raised the temperature in the car then looked at her and said helplessly, "So you really have forgotten."

Jane asked again: "What..."

Before the words were uttered, Edwin Carter reached out and clasped her head with one hand pulled her close and immediately covered her hot lips.

He grabbed her red and tender lips and bit them gently. Release them after a while and said to her, "Think of it?"

Jane was startled by his sudden action, and her mind was in a state of disorder. She had forgotten what he said. She blinked her eyes and looked at him doubtfully.

How did she feel? This man had changed completely today. He was usually silent and today he is playing with her?

Edwin Carter raised his hand to touch her face and gently slid her fingertips. "You have to trust your husband 100 percent."


It's not that she didn't want to believe him. Actually she knew nothing about him except his name is Edwin Carter and his status as president of Innovation Technology. How can she trust him 100 percent?

She opened her mouth to explain, but Edwin Carter put his finger on her lips: "Where do you want to go?"

Jane blushed and said, "I want to buy some delicious food for Mia Mia."


Edwin Carter's eyes under a golden frame narrowed slightly. He feels that little thing at home was so annoying he wants to take it out and throw it away.

But Edwin Carter didn't show this to Jane. He drove Jane to a dog food store.

Jane so attentively picked dog’s food and Edwin Carter just looked at her quietly. She does everything with great care. She is conscientious and responsible for her work. She is a considerate wife. She even cares about choosing dog food. She pays attention to the taste, shelf life and so on.

If someone treats her sincerely, she will repay with double sincerity, a girl full of gratitude. How can those people hurt her with so much cruelty?

On the other side

Christopher Ned, who just returned to the hospital, received a message from his staff.

After reading the information on the mobile phone, he was so angry that he smashed the mobile phone out of his hand and hit Alfred Kim who just came in.

Alfred Kim did not know what he did which made his master becomes so angry. He was so frightened that he stood in front of the door and did not dare to come in or go out.

"Get out!" Christopher Ned roars punches on the hard wall bites his teeth and says, "Jane Ronan, how dare you!"

She used to say that she would only be Christopher Ned's wife, but only after three years, she dares to marry someone else.

The point is that when he is still in love with her how could she marries someone else. From where got this courage?

"Christopher Ned, your hand is injured." Seeing Christopher Ned's hand Alfred Kim wanted to come around but it could be worse afterward so he had to stand where he was.

Christopher Ned had no time to pay attention to the blood dripping from his hand. He shouted, "Call Stark Leonard and ask him to do something big for me. His Master wants to make that man surnamed Carter get destroyed forever. "

"I'll call Stark Leonard." Alfred Kim nodded repeatedly, but because he was too afraid of Christopher Ned's anger, he shook his hand and his mobile phone dropped on the ground.

It was not easy to call Stark Leonard and explain this situation. Alfred Kim was frightened by Christopher Ned's angry eyes: "Christopher, Christopher Ned..."

"A group of cowards! Your Master has kept you for so many years but can’t count on you at any critical moment." Christopher Ned was like that he wanted to grab a man to bite in order to relieve his anger.

Alfred Kim shuddered and said, "Miss Jane has not had a boyfriend. No one would have expected this. A month ago, she suddenly got married."

"A month ago?" Christopher Ned grasped the keywords, "Wasn't it a month ago when we planned the Star Fair project?"

Alfred Kim nodded: "Yes exactly."

Christopher Ned calmed down in an instant and thinks for a while, "She may have noticed that I am coming to Jiangbei, so she deliberately sought a man to annoy me. In fact, she and that man are nothing at all?"

"..." Alfred Kim nods his head down because he cannot dare to answer anything different.

After thinking this Christopher Ned looks happy again: "You ask someone to check again to see if their marriage is fake?"

Alfred Kim said, "Christopher Ned, it's not a fake. Marriage is registered. They are a legal couple. As for the matter between the husband and wife, you can think that they share the same bed…"

"Shut up!" Christopher Ned hit the wall with another punch and said, "Let Stark Leonard do his work."

I want to push Innovation Technology to a dead end and that man surnamed Carter into the dilemma.




Jane cannot stop herself from feeling disturbed due to these incidents. She cannot stop thinking about what Chris Greyson really wants, what she should do to save her life and home from him.

After buying the dog’s food, Edwin Carter asked Jane, "Where else do you want to go?"

She knows that Edwin Carter has lots of work to do, but she wants to be a willful little girl in front of her husband.

She took Edwin Carter's arm and shook it. "I want to go shopping in some duty-free Shopping Mall. Would you like to accompany me?"

Edwin Carter did not say whether he would like to or not. He opened the door and said, "Get in the car."

In a nutshell, she saw Edwin Carter entered the terminal point of navigation into the duty-free zone shopping mall.

This is the first time he is going to shopping malls. All the clothes he wore were made in private workshops by private designers of the Carter family.

Even if it is undergarments, it passes through thousands of choices. Anything comes to his wardrobe after a variety of delicate processes.

So when they saw Edwin Carter accompanied him to the shopping mall, Luis George and Sienna Henry were so surprised that their eyes almost jumped out.

Luis George took the lead and said, "Miss Sienna, with our overseas business partners the video conference was at its most critical point. But when Edwin Carter gets to know that Christopher Ned called Jane at the cafe, he immediately left the meeting with the most important delegates from the United States and ran to the cafe. Now he is accompanying her to buy dog food and shopping. You tell me that our boss Edwin Carter, who normally in a whole year didn’t even take a single day off has done all this?

Sienna Henry sighed helplessly: "This is not what our Boss Edwin Carter can do. He has been busy for so many years, and it's good that he has someone who can force him to have time to hang out."

Luis George looked at her and said, "Miss Sienna what do you think, why did Chairmen Carter suddenly decided to marry Miss Jane?"

Sienna Henry shook her head. "How do I know about the thoughts of Edwin Carter?"

Edwin Carter's mind has always been deep. They only understand what he let them understand. What doesn't he want them to understand they cannot understand?

He, Sienna Henry and others cannot guess the matter of his sudden marriage with Jane.

Luis George said, "When Chairman carter decides to marry Jane, you were with him. That’s why I think maybe you know. "

Sienna Henry innocently said, "When he decided to do this, he asked me up to handle some other matters. And when I came back, they had already registered their marriage and started living together."

Luis George thought for a moment and said, "Don’t you think we should tell our Venerable Sir about this matter? He is old and he's not scared, just in case............................................

Sienna Henry looked at Luis George and said solemnly, "Chairmen Edwin Carter always has his own plan on this matter. It's not your turn to intervene in his private affairs. You and I have been with him for so many years that I don't need to remind you of his bottom line. "

Luis George also knows that he shouldn't interfere so much and stop talking about the old man. He looked at Jane and said: "From my observation, Jane is indeed a good girl, but in the past Chairmen have met many girls much better than Jane but he did not consider any one of those for marriage? But he married Jane? "

Sienna Henry said quietly, "It should be pitiful for them."

Three years ago, when Edwin Carter met Jane, it was Jane's most awkward time. She also vomited on his clothes.

I thought I would never meet her again in my life. Who knows that I saw Jane on the first day when I return to Jiangbei after three years?

At that time, Sienna Henry did not recognize Jane. Three years ago she saw her once for obvious it is really not so easy to remember her. But Edwin Carter, who never remembered people, recognized Jane at a single glance.

They had an appointment with the person in charge of Innovation Technology that day to talk about the acquisition of Innovation Technology. When he met Jane who was there for a blind date.

The man who came for the blind date looks ordinary and has a bad nature. He wants to do something inappropriate with Jane, tried to touch her. Jane because of her fierce natured raised her hand immediately and slapped on his face. He doesn’t know how to take revenge. So he cursed her said some very ugly words, saying that he is a bitch and wants to build a chastity archway. He also talked about what had been happened in Kyoto three years ago.

Luis George disagreed: "There are many women worth pity in the world. Why Chairmen Edwin Carter never feel pity for other women?"

Sienna Henry said, "Maybe this is what we call destiny."

Luis George thought for a moment and then asked, "You said that Chairmen Edwin Carter's ability to remember common people is not good. He met Jane once three years ago. How can he recognize her at a glance after three years?"


Sienna Henry said, "Chairmen Carter always stays so clean, a drunk girl vomits all over his body and clothes. Do you think he can forget her?"

Speaking of the fact that Edwin Carter was vomited all over, Luis George recalled that scene and enjoyed it.

Jane is getting drunk and vomiting all over Edwin Carter was the most tragic thing in Edwin Carter's twenty years of life.

Luis George and Sienna Henry, who followed Edwin Carter and Jane Ronan, chatted all the way, but Jane and Edwin Carter, who was walking ahead of them did not speak out a word.

Edwin Carter has returned to his normal state. Now again he is cold to her as a stranger. Today he is more quiet than normal.

All the way, Jane was talking. She asked him a question, and he answered. Jane could not find any other topic to talk about after asking too many questions.

Edwin Carter did not speak, but he did not leave her hand. He held her hand tightly all the way and led her along slowly.

Jane is not usually a person who likes to wander around. She usually doesn’t get time to hang out. Normally when she needed to buy something she goes straight to that store and bought it.

Today, she did not want to buy, so she was wandering in the mall with him. After a while, they go to a branded Scarves outlet. It is a brand that Jane usually wanted to buy but couldn't afford to buy.

They sell luxury goods. The cheapest scarves in this shop are of thousands of yuan, and the best ones are of tens of thousands.

Edwin Carter gave Jane gloves a few days ago. Jane was worried about what to buy for him, and this opportunity came.

Winter is coming soon. To gift him a scarf as a gift is very practical. These scarfs prices are high, giving him an expensive gift makes her feel satisfied and she can maintain her reputation in his eyes.

She grabbed Edwin Carter and said, "Let's go in and have a look."

Edwin Carter nodded.

"Welcome..." sales girls warm expression suddenly froze, and they greeted him, "Carter, Chairmen Edwin Carter."

It turned out that this staff member was Mandy Adam, who was recently dismissed by Innovation Technology. After Innovation Technology, she chose the sales industry.

"Do you know me?" At a glance, Edwin Carter did not remember that he knew such a woman.

Mandy Adam's excitement faded in a moment, especially when she saw how close Jane and Edwin Carter were to each other, which made her angry.




Jane saw Mandy Adam’s hateful eyes staring at her, Edwin more tightly held her hand and said: "Young lady, please show us some good men's scarves."

Mandy Adam gritted her teeth and stays stunned. Another worker rushed over and said sweetly, "Did you want to buy for your boyfriend? Your boyfriend is so handsome. "

Jane didn’t correct her. Just laughed at her comment.

She chose a plain scarf from the samples shown by the salesperson and found the color tone and material very suitable for Edwin Carter.

"How about trying this?" Jane blinks and with eyes full of expectations look at Edwin Carter.

She didn’t say anything, but she clearly knows that the clothes Edwin Carter wore were all high-end hand-made goods. She was afraid that he would refuse to try them on.

Jane holds her breath and waiting for Edwin Carter's reply, he nodded without thinking for a second, "OK."

As Edwin Carter nodded his head. The sales girls surround him immediately to help him.

Jane took the scarf from the sales girl and said: "I'll do it."

Jane is about 5.5 ft. tall and Edwin Carter is 6.1 ft. tall, which means 7 inches taller than that of Jane. Jane was wearing high-heeled still she is much shorter than that of him.

Edwin Carter lowered his head slightly and made it easy for her. During this, their faces come closer, and they could feel the warmth of each other's breath.

There was nothing in her heart but when she felt Edwin Carter's breath on her neck, she feels some crisp and numbness, and her white face turned red unconsciously.

Mandy Adam beside her looked her with jealousy. She hardly rubbed her hand with anger. All she wanted is to push away Jane from Edwin Carter.

Jane also noticed Mandy Adam's jealous eyes. She thought that this woman was really sick always covet other people's husbands.

While helping Edwin Carter to wrap up her scarf she raised her lips gently, her red and tender lips touched the corner of Edwin Carter's mouth.

Edwin Carter's expression was slightly startled and Jane immediately stepped back and asked with a red face, "Do you like it?"

She asked if he liked the scarf, but Edwin Carter understood it as if he liked her kiss.

"Yes." His voice was deep and sexy, and his face, which had always been cold, looked very warm with a slight smile.

"Then we'll take this one." Jane wanted to gift him something elegant and expensive.

The scarf costs 9,999 yuan. In the past, she never bought such expensive scarves for anyone. This time for Edwin Carter, she spent her hard-earned money.

The staff was happy to meet such nice pleasant customers. Their attitude of dealing them is enthusiastic: "Miss, this scarf also has a couple of style, do you want to have one for yourself?"

Jane without thinking waved her hand and said, "No, I don't need it."

Another one is 9,999 yuan, which means that she spends more than half of her two months’ salary in a day, and she will die of heartache.

When she refused, she heard Edwin Carter say, "Please show my wife that scarf."

When the salesgirl listened to him. She immediately handed the scarf to her: "You are husband and wife. This scarf is a special couple model launched by our company for young couples this year. This is a very latest design which was not available in previous years. "

It's true to say that salespersons are cleverest human beings. What she was saying is true and pleasant as well and hearing these kinds of things makes customers happy.

Edwin Carter used to have scarves, but they were all carefully made by the workshops of the Carter family. Compared with these so-called famous brands, they have no comparison in class.

Edwin Carter took the scarf and put it on Jane. Her skin was white, and the grey-blue pigmented scarf made her look even whiter, which made him want to kiss.

Edwin Carter kissed her on the corner of her mouth, and then asked her as she asked him, "Do you like it?"

Jane nodded her head...

Edwin Carter smiled and said, "Wrap up both scarves for us."

Jane grabbed his hand, but when he looked at her eyes she loses his hand.

It is a big deal for her. She had spent 20,000 yuan to buy two scarves. Her heart is bleeding a lot. She thinks that she will save in the future and not let him feel that she is stingy.

Edwin Carter, who always takes an assistant with him for things like bills and payment wherever he goes, usually doesn't take cards and cash with him, so naturally, he doesn't have the consciousness of paying the bill. Watching Jane pay by credit card, he didn't say that he would pay.

In addition to his lack of payment consciousness. He had given his own credit card to her. He also handed the monthly salary card to Jane, and she can use them as she wants.


Edwin Carter found that it was not his card that she swiped. His eyes become heavy, and he turned away his face from her as if he were angry.

Watching how much money had scratched off from her bank card her heart ached. Due to which she didn't notice Edwin Carter's mood.

But looking back at Mandy Adam's envious and jealous eyes. She felt it worthy of spending 20000 Yuan.

"Edwin Carter, let's go." She holds Edwin Carter's arm and said, "Do you really don't know that salesgirl?"

Edwin Carter said lightly, "There are many people who know me. I can't know each one of them."

"What an arrogant man," she laughed happily.

She said he was ruthless, but her heart was happier than ever before.

Mandy Adam had been trying to get close to Edwin Carter for so long. But knowing this reality will be more painful for then that a slap on her face. Indeed, Mandy Adam gritted her teeth and looked at their backs. Especially when she heard Edwin Carter, say she didn't know her at all, she was annoyed and angrier than ever.

"Mandy Adam, I don't care what you used to do. Since you come to work in our store, you must remember that the customer is God. Don't make them angry." The manager of the scarf shop, looking at Mandy Adam's rage couldn't help reminding her.

Mandy Adam bites her lip and did not speak. She keeps her eyes on Jane and Edwin Carter, flashing all kinds of evil thoughts in her mind.

Someday, she will trample the woman named Jane under her feet.

Edwin Carter is an important person in the business world. Due to his excellent senses, he not only has a keen business mind but also can see through people's minds. He knows everything that Jane was intentionally doing in the shop to make her see, and he cooperates with her. He was happy to see her happy.

But Edwin Carter didn’t forget the matter of Jane not using his credit card.

He asked calmly, "Why you don’t use the card that I gave you?"

Does he think she doesn't want to use? It's 20,000 yuan. It’s not that she wants to use his card or not. This is the first gift she wants to give him. How can she buy it with his money?

Jane muttered: "Because this is a gift that I gave you, so I want to pay for it by myself, so that it can be more pure."




Edwin Carter was satisfied with the answer. He raised his hand and put behind her head in and kissing her lips gently, publicly.

There were so many people around. Jane feels shy. He tried to push him back, but he buckled her tighter so that her body was stick to his.

Edwin Carter is a man who usually looks gentle, elegant and temperamental. But his grip is not so light that Jane can push him back.

What's wrong with this man?

Is there anything wrong with him recently? She sighs, and due to shyness was unable to keep up with his rhythm.

Just when she was so shy that she wishes for earth to crack so she can hide in it, Edwin Carter finally let her go and said, "Well, this is a thank you gift."

Her heart was in a state of chaos. This thank-you gift doesn’t worth any money at all. If you want to thanks, just be practical. However, the two jealous and distant eyes do not feel so.

Jane leans in his arms. This man is her husband. She loves him and shows her love. Which caught the attention of many jealous eyes, especially Mandy Adam, who has nothing to do with anything.

Look at Jane into her arms, Edwin Carter embraced her and whispered, "I've given tonight to you. What else do you want to do?"

"Let me think." Jane looked up and seriously thought about what she should do next with Edwin Carter.

At this time, Edwin Carter's personal mobile phone rang, and he said, "Wait for a moment, let me answer the phone."

Jane nodded, "Okay."

Edwin Carter went to one side to answer the phone. She looked around there was a shop for fresh juice. She went and buys two glasses of orange juice.

After paying the bill she took the orange juice and saw Edwin Carter hurried back and apologized, "Jane, I have something urgent to deal with. I can't go shopping with you anymore. I'll have you to send you back home."

Edwin Carter often stays busy and has lots of work to do. She understands this so she said: "Okay no problem. You go do your work. I'll take the subway or a taxi to go back."

Edwin Carter did not say much. He picked up the phone and called Luis George. He told him his address and asked Luis George to come and take Jane home.

He hung up the phone and said, "I may not be back tonight. You go back and have a rest. Do not wait for me and don’t go to meet Christopher Ned again."

Jane nods her head before she said something Edwin Carter already left which was the first time since she knows him that he was in such a hurry.

What happened that he left in such a hurry?

Jane's mind can only think of Christopher Ned, thinking of Christopher Ned's words and eyes in the afternoon, Jane's heart is flustered and confused.

She quickly picked up her cell phone and dialed Edwin Carter's phone, but his phone was busy on another call. She dialed several times, but his number was constantly busy.

"Mrs. Carter, I'll take you home." Luis George arrived after he left.

Simply hang up the mobile phone and ask urgently, "Luis, what's wrong?" Is GU's Christopher Ned doing something with Innovation Technology? "

Luis George said, "Chairman Carter will be okay. GU's Christopher Ned can't do anything with Innovation Technology. Don't worry about it."

Luis George is the most trusted person around Edwin Carter. Edwin Carter didn't let him say anything. It's hopeless to expect that he will tell the truth.

Jane makes herself believe that Edwin Carter can handle Christopher Ned, but her heart is still not at peace.

After getting into the car, she turned on her mobile phone and dialed Edwin Carter's phone, but the line was still engaged.

Her call didn’t connect to Edwin Carter's telephone due to which she felt more anxious. She saw a strange telephone number from which she received a call in the afternoon. She doesn’t know whether she calls him and asks or not.

When Edwin Carter left, he told her not to meet Christopher Ned anymore. She didn't want him to make him unhappy. After thinking about it, she finally put the cell phone away.

On the other side, Edwin Carter, sitting in a Bentley car driven by the driver Albert Warner, rushed quickly to the biggest entertainment place in Jiangbei that is Enchanting Palace!

Albert Warner is Edwin Carter's driver for the last 20 years. Edwin Carter has grown up in front of him. At this time, he took a look in the rear-view mirror and saw Edwin Carter's face was extremely gloomy.

On Edwin Carter’s face, such expressions seldom appear unless something happens related to that girl. The last time it was a half year ago, Edwin Carter was so angry when that girl just stepped into the entertainment circle.

In more than half an hour, the car reached Enchanting Palace.

When Edwin Carter got out of the car, his face was much better than before, but he still had a few expressions on his face.

A man about twenty years old came running quickly and said, "Master, you are here at last."

"Where is Polaris?" Edwin Carter asked as he walked.

"She's in the Spring Night Palace of VIP Hall on the third floor." The man rushed to the front to show Edwin Carter the way.

Spring Night Palace?

On hearing the name, Edwin Carter's eyebrows frowned deeper and his pace become quicker.

Stepping into the Enchanting Palace, smelling the pungent alcoholic smell inside, watching a couple of men and women embracing each other and kissing each other. On Edwin Carter's forehead appears green veins, he was so angry than ever before.

"Master, the elevator is over here." The man said cautiously.

Edwin Carter glanced around, followed the man into the elevator to the third floor and went straight to the VIP hall called Spring Night Palace.

At this place, Edwin feels that he is surrounded by many small insects and worms around him. If possible, he even wants to stop breathing for a while.

He is a man who grew up in the Carter Family. He knew and understands the moral values of his family. That man walked ahead to lead the way for Edwin Carter: "Young Master, Polaris is here."

The door opened and the eye-catching scene made Edwin Carter take a deep breath. If his brought up is not in a high-class family he would have rushed to throw out that bunch of men.

In the middle of the room, a woman wearing a camisole suspender top and hot pants dancing closely with a man.

On the sofa of the room, there were several men sitting and laying here and there, some whistling, others shouting, and their eye was shining like a hungry wolf.

Edwin Carter took off his suit coat and went over. A woman who was barely covered in clothes was pulled into her arms. He draped his suit coat over her and said in a cold voice, "Do you know what you are doing?"

The woman blinked her beautiful eyes and put her hand around Edwin Carter's chin. "Leon, why are you here?"

With that, she giggled, "You too have come here to see me dancing. I'll show you now."

Edwin Carter took away her fumbling hand, picked her up and left. From his calm face, he didn’t utter a single word.

"Friends, I am now going will play with you another day." In the arms of Edwin Carter, the woman has not forgotten to send a kiss to several men in the room.

Edwin Carter stared at her fiercely, controlling her hands and forbidding her to move again.




"Leon, why don't you talk? Are you unhappy to see me? She grieved and muttered, "It’s so long you did not come to see me, you do not miss me. I decided not to like you, but to abandon you."

At this point, she laughed happily again: "Leon, if I don't love you, what you say does? I guess I'll have to stay a bachelor all life because no woman wants to have such a cold man like you. "

After that, she snorted a few times expressing her deep sympathy for him.

Edwin Carter ignored her, stepped steadily and walked into the elevator with her.

The woman continued, "You are twenty-eight years old. Why don't you find a girlfriend to take care of you? What do you want about the Carter family and its descendants? Or do you really want to listen to Grandpa and marry me?

"Shut up!" Edwin Carter spoke out two words from his mouth. He really wanted to leave her drunk and talkative in the street to accompany the vagrants.


Although Edwin Carter was annoyed and angry. But he was holding her nicely he put his coat at her to prevent her body from being exposed there in the so-called Spring Night Palace.

"Leon, leave me. I can walk by myself." Out of the enchanting hall, the girl wriggled in the arms of Edwin Carter, trying to escape from his arms.

Edwin Carter looked down at her and warned, "Don’t try it again otherwise I will show you."

Ignoring his warning, the girl raised her head from his arms and pouts her pink mouth: "Come on, kiss me."

Edwin Carter frowned and loosens her hands to throw her out.

The woman quickly put her hand around his neck and said, "Leo, if you don't kiss me, I'll go and find another man to kiss me. I will have sex with them. You figure it out."

Edwin Carter frowned and bit his teeth.

The woman continued to provoke, "You have the chance to take me back, you have the ability to tie me up, or I will find any way to slip out. I personally don't know what I will do."

During the conversation, the woman's beautiful Eye glanced to the left and saw a person holding a camera. She hooked her lips giving a sly smile.

Edwin Carter embraced her with a slight increase in strength. He was worried that his mother could not bear any shock. He had to hold up this girl and send her back to the United States.

And he knows very well that this girl fearless of talking nonsense can really do it as well.

He can't be around her all the time, in case she takes advantage of his absence.

"You don't kiss me, do you?" The woman clings to him, kisses him on the face without looking up, and then glances to the left side. She felt relieved to see an OK gesture from there.

She knows that the front page of tomorrow's news will be made by the people she invited here. About the famous actress Polaris and this man. What will they write and how people will read this news?

She's just going to make some scandals and want to see how this person reacts.

Her purpose in today’s performance has been achieved. And she is feeling relieved now, relying on the arms of Edwin Carter she falls asleep.

Put the girl into the car, Edwin Carter immediately asks the driver to start the car and he sat down beside her.

As soon as he had sat down, the girl leans into his arms again and found a comfortable position to lie. As dependent on him as a child.

Looking at her small face like a kitten and eyes that are softened a lot, Edwin Carter sighed silently: "She really can destroy any person’s peace."

The driver, Albert Warner, took a quiet look in the rearview mirror, thinking that only this little aunt can give tension to their young master, who normally takes no tension about anything.

The driver asked, "Master, where are we going?"

Edwin Carter said, "Take us to Shengtian Royal Bay."

Carter's family prior to now have no base camp and permanent residence in Jiangbei.

Edwin Carter and Jane now live in the apartment, which he bought for temporary residence before he came to Jiangbei.

Royal Bay is a top-level villa developed by Shengtian Real Estate in Jiangbei City. It is located in the coastal area of Jiangbei City near the sea.

Because the location is in a prime location and the environment is. When here construction starts, the villas' price got so high that they touched the sky but still many people want to buy a house here.

But if you want to buy it, it’s not only money that you need. The projects developed by Shengtian always have buyers, but they choose their buyers. Money alone cannot make you capable of buying a house here you must have a good family background.

One of the most magnificent villas in Royal Bay is the one named Orchard Villa. The reason why Orchard Villa is magnificent is that it was designed by Edwin Carter himself.

He starts decorating Orchard Villa 1.5 years ago. It took nearly a year to complete its interior designing. And now it is ready to live.

Edwin Carter originally planned to move in here with Jane in a few days. He didn’t expect to come here with this problem child in his arms.

After arriving at the villa in Royal Bay, several servants greeted him with a smile: "Master, My Lady, she..."

"Go and get clean clothes ready. Clean up her room and warm up the room." Edwin Carter said his words and strode to the indoor swimming pool with the woman in his arms.

He stood at the edge of the pool and threw that girl who is in his arms into the pool.


"Help! Save me!"

The sleeping girl fluttered to the shallow water area and shouted for help.

She looked up and stared angrily. "Do you want to murder me?"

Edwin Carter sat down in a chair and elegantly raised his legs: "Look at yourself. What kind of trouble do you want to make to yourself? You look like a ghost who keeps wondering even at nights? "

The woman ignored it and pulled the escalator to come out.

Edwin Carter murmured, "Stand up well. Who brought you here?

The girl was flat-mouthed and looked like she was about to cry. "I'm eighteen years old. Why do you care about me?"

Edwin Carter stared at her up and down. "You are eighteen years old?" You are an adult? So now you go out anywhere and wear anything like that?

Although the woman was dissatisfied, she never dared to climb up again, so she had to stand in the pool obediently and say, "I am feeling cold."

"After wearing such clothes what you expect to not feel cold?"


"You know I'm your brother? I thought you forgot your surname, Carter." Edwin Carter is her eldest brother.

"Brother -" The woman raised her hand and rubbed her eyes. Her small mouth was flat. Tears flowed down from her eyes straight away. "I'm really feeling cold."

Edwin Carter hardened his heart and said, "First tell me, do you admit your mistake?

The girl lowered her head and bit her lip, unwilling to admit her mistake.

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows and said sternly, "Have you forgotten the etiquette you learned when you were a child? When elders are asking something it’s okay to answer them?




The girl looked up and said angrily, "I'm eighteen years old and I'm no longer a child. You can do whatever you want. Why do you have concerns about what I do?"

Edwin Carter said sternly, "Because of the relationship due to which you still remember to call me brother."

"Just because you are my brother, you have the right to soak me in cold water? Is it my brother who can kill me like this? Speaking of that, the girl cried loudly without thinking anything and her body was shivering.

"With this attitude crying is of no use, I'll let you go back to the wall and think about it for three months and copy the four-character Scripture three hundred times." Knowing that the little girl's look pitiful, Edwin Carter hardened her heart to restrict himself from showing any pity.

"All of you don't like me. No one wants me anymore, and you all always cheat me..." she said and cried loudly.


"Don't change the topic. We're talking about tonight." Edwin Carter emphasized an indisputable fact.

"You're bullying me." The girl wiped her eyes and stared at Edwin Carter.

"Angela Carter!" said Edwin Carter said angrily.

Angela Carter rubbed her eyes fiercely and screamed back, "What's wrong? You are bullying me and still forbid me to complain about that?

"Clean up yourself, wind your things. I'll send you back to America tomorrow. Learn etiquette well, learn the difference between the elder and younger, and try to learn what is modesty and shame. If you don't learn it well, you don't need to come out again." Saying this, he stood up, turned around and left, giving her no chance to speak anything.

Angela Carter urgently patted the water: "Edwin Carter, why do you do this?" I'm eighteen years old. I'm an adult. You can't interfere with my freedom."

Edwin Carter stopped and turned back: "Calling your big brother by his name directly, go back and think about it for a month and increment in your punishment copy that four words a hundred times more."

"Edwin Carter..."

"Five months!"

Angela Carter was so angry that he cried out, but she did not dare to speak out more.

Because she also knows that her brother always says the same thing. She had committed a crime, and the elders of the family might spare her but this elder brother would never give room for discussion.

From childhood till now he is controlling her, this is allowed that is not allowed. How to stand, how to sit, what is appropriate what is not appropriate. How to learn etiquette.

At that time she was a child and he was young, so he had time to care about her.

Now she's eighteen years old, and he's twenty-eight years old. He doesn't go to find a woman to fall in love. What else can he do with so many things?

Such a hard-hearted man, she had the heart to punish such an invincible and beautiful girl like me. He cannot find any girl who liked him.

"My lady, Young Master did this all for your good." Aunt Luna, the housekeeper of the Carter family came over and said with a smile, "He loves you so much. How can he bully you?"

Aunt Luna, even you also speak in favor of him. I don’t want to live." Angela Carter was so angry that he plunged her foot into the water. Like she had just mixed up her famous acting skill with reality?

Aunt Luna smiled and said, "My Lady, get up quickly. You might catch a cold. You have to take medicine if you are feeling cold."

Hearing that she has to take medicine, Angela Carter rushed up and asked Aunt Luna to help her put on her bathrobe.

Aunt Luna said again, "My Lady, I'll accompany you to go back to your room. In a moment, I'll find a chance to talk to the young master. I'm sure he'll lessen your punishment of copying the four-character Scripture.

Angela Carter didn’t dare to say anything else because as long as everything is in his hands, there is no escape.

But now that she is an adult, she has to fight for her acting career this time.

After taking shower Angela Carter changed clothes and wear clean warm pajamas.

She has just turned eighteen years old. Her beautiful face is tender, and she looks very attractive.

She put her head on the door and listened for a while. She took a quiet breath, then raised her hand and knocked on the door. When she heard the word "in", she dared to push the door in.

She went to Edwin Carter's desk and bowed her head cleverly: "Brother -"

Edwin Carter raised his head to see her. The thick powder and makeup on his face had been washed away. Now her face looks more pleasant. His voice was softened unconsciously. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing at all." Angela Carter walks behind him and gently rub his back with her fist. "You're tired of doing your work. I'll help you wind up your back and then you relax."

Edwin Carter took away her hand: "Go to bed early, you have a flight to America tomorrow morning."

"Brother, I just got a role in a play. The contract has been signed, and I'll be waiting for the show." Angela Carter smiled and said.

After many years, she finally understood that a woman should be able to bend when in time.

"I will arrange for someone to help you deal with these things." Edwin Carter had no intention of saying anything. The children of the Carter family could never enter the big dyeing vat in the Performing Arts circle.

Only in half a year, she dared to dress like that and dance with men. If she stays longer in this profession, she probably does much more.

Angela Carter bites her teeth in a hurry and stressed again, "I have signed the contract. If I break the contract, I have to pay back ten times more compensation fee. "

"I said, I'll have it handled." The voice of Edwin Carter becomes harsh to teach their disobedient children.

"Why are you doing..."

"Huh?" Once Edwin Carter's eyebrows were picked, he blocked the words of Angela Carter what she wanted to say.

"Ok I will go back and will tell Grandpa, will let him know that you bully me and didn’t take care of me." Angela Carter knew that Edwin Carter could not relax his mouth and will not stop doing his useless work. She could only think of any other way.

She will never go back to the United States. As for how to stay here, she must think hard to hide somewhere. That her strict brother didn’t find her again.

After Angela Carter left, Edwin Carter called Aunt Luna and told her to cook a bowl of ginger soup for Angela Carter, so that she could not catch a cold.

After explaining everything, Edwin Carter continues his work until one o'clock in the midnight.

Before going back to bed, he went to Angela Carter's room first put quilt on her.

"When will you grow up, you little girl? When you let me stop worrying about you?" Edwin Carter caressed her forehead with a tender smile that had never been seen before and his tone was so pampering.

He touched her forehead and said, "Sleep well and I'll send you back to America tomorrow. I am so busy here cannot take care of her."

After that, he out carefully covered her with the quilt got up and left.

"Victor James..."

As soon as he reached the door, Angela Carter muttered out a name while sleeping. Hearing this makes Edwin Carter’s face become gloomy suddenly. That gloom was terrifying.

The next day, Edwin Carter sat in the living room reading newspapers and waiting for Angela Carter to get up and have breakfast together. After a while, Aunt Luna ran downstairs in a panic and said, "Master, she is not in the bedroom."




"Not there?" Edwin Carter looked through the newspaper in his hand and asked without raising his head.

"Yes, Master." Aunt Luna nodded confusedly.

"Let Arthur Simon be smart and if there happens on anything call me in advance. If something like yesterday happened again, I'll tie her back as well." Edwin Carter put down his newspaper and got up and went to the dining hall.

"Yes." Aunt Luna nodded her head.

Edwin Carter finishes his breakfast alone, and then asks the driver Albert Warner, to drive him to Innovation Technology.

As soon as Edwin Carter left, Angela Carter swaggered down the stairs holding Aunt Luna in his arms and acting like a spoiled child: "Aunt Luna, thank you for helping me so much. I really love you."

Aunt Luna was extremely nervous she said, "I was scared to death. I thought the young master knew we were cheating on him."

"He's not a magician. How could he possibly know that I'm upstairs?" Angela Carter said, wearing a sunhat and sunglasses." Aunt Luna, I'm going. I will take you out when I finish shooting this play."

"My Lady, after breakfast..." Before she had finished saying Angela Carter left.

Angela Carter did not want to stay in this place for a moment, but it is not easy to escape from this villa of Edwin Carter.

At the way out of the villa, a silver Bentley parked in a suspicious place, if someone does not pay attention to it he can't see it.

Seeing Angela Carter rush out in a hurry, the driver Albert Warner watched Edwin Carter's expression in the rearview mirror again: "Young Master, do you want more people to follow the young lady?"

Edwin Carter raised his hand and rubbed his temple. His gentle eyes fell on the person going farther and farther away. "Let Arthur Simon accompany her. Don't let anything like last night happens again."

 After that, Edwin Carter called again: "Arrange company's best broker for Polaris and send her two smart assistants. The most important thing is to strictly control the scale of the script any vulgar thing like kiss, etc. will not be tolerated.

He knows what little girl is up to.

But as she said she's grown up, she wants to do what she likes and his brother should let her try and not restrain her from everything like before.


Because she didn't get to know about Edwin Carter, she was worried about what happened to him because of that she didn't sleep well last night.

This morning, she got up early and came to the company with a pair of puffy eyes.

When she arrived at the lobby on the first floor, instead of going upstairs in time, she found a place to sit down. She wanted to see and confirm that Edwin Carter is alright.

She waited about half an hour during that the employees of the company came one after another and went upstairs. At last Edwin Carter, leading Luis George and Sienna Henry enters into the building.

Seeing that he was okay Jane's heartfelt relief. She looked at him, then quietly walked into the crowd pretending not to see him.

"Good morning, Chairman Carter!" Everyone was busy greeting Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter's eyes at a glance saw Jane in the crowd. Seeing that her face was not looking well he took another look at Sienna Henry.

Sienna Henry immediately realized what his supervisor meant, she smiled and said, "Jane, Chairman Carter wants to discuss something about the project with you. Come and join us."

Suddenly listening to her name made her stunned. She knows that Edwin Carter had nothing to do with her but she could not speak in front of so many people, so she had to obediently walk over and enter the elevator with Edwin Carter.

In the elevator that can carry more than a dozen people, four people are standing, but Jane feels uncomfortable standing here because several people's eyes are on her.

If only she and Edwin Carter were there she can take the initiative to talk. Now there are Luis George and Sienna Henry as well she doesn't know what to say.

Sienna Henry, a smart person immediately clicked on the nearest floor: "Chairman Carter, I and Luis George are going to talk to Manager Samuel Kinley of the Public Relations Department about something so cannot follow you now."

As the elevator door opened Sienna Henry and Luis George quickly step out giving privacy to Edwin Carter and Jane Ronan.

In the elevator, Edwin Carter stared at Jane and said after a long silence, "You didn't sleep well last night?"

Jane bows her head and keeps silent.

Edwin Carter pulled her into her arms and gently embraced her. The eyes under the golden frame were full of smiles: "missed me so much?"

Jane pushed him aside and said: "Who missed you?"

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows lightly reached out and touched her head: "You really did not miss me?"

Jane signaled her hand and said: "Don't do these things. There's a camera."

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows: "So what?"

Jane stared at his raised her hand and pressed the 19th floor. If she got seen with him in the company, she would be considered a cunning fox spirit who traps other men.

Edwin Carter pulled Jane back: "Why didn't you sleep well then?"

"Why do you say about that?" asking the reasons for not sleeping well, make Jane felt confused.

Last night, he was on the phone all the time. He thought Christopher Ned had done something to him. He was so worried that she didn't sleep well all night. Still, he is asking her the reason.

"Angry because I didn't accompany you last night?" Looking at Jane’s mood, the only reason Edwin Carter can think is this.

Ding Dong -

The elevator stopped on the nineteenth floor and the door opened.

Simply swept his lips and looked at Edwin Carter then turned around and walked away.

Edwin Carter alone stands in the elevator his lip angle slightly raised. He didn’t expect that Jane could not leave him in such a short time.

After GU announced that he would no longer cooperate with Innovation Technology, many companies that have dealings with Innovation Technology explicitly and implicitly indicated that there would be no next opportunity to cooperate after the end of their projects.

Companies that used to work well with them don't give new orders to them now. For a time, the business department in which Jane works is in a very dark period.

Old partners do not give new orders to expand new business. Other party leaders are not even there, which directly indicates that they do not want to cooperate with Innovation Technology.

The whole business department is free they have nothing to do. But Jane analyses old projects that have been done before in Innovation Technology, as to learn experience and to improve her own level.

"Oh my God, why?" There was a sudden cry in the office, which drew everyone's attention.

Jane looks up, it was Fiora Justin, a new intern she holds her mouth and screamed. The expression could not tell whether she is sad or happy.

Katelyn Max, a person who loves drama and gossips hurried over and said, "What's wrong?"

Fiora Justin pointed to the computer screen and said, "Weibo news, my new crush Polaris is in love. How can she fall in love so soon? I just fell in love with her. Why did she fall in love with someone else?

"Polaris? Is it the Polaris who recently filmed a very hit youth idol? Katelyn Max swiped her mouse and looked at several photos. "Ah, this man's back is so familiar. It seems that I have seen him somewhere."




"Chairman Edwin?" Katelyn Max screamed when like she has found the new world. "Do you think this back image is of our Chairman Edwin?"

Jane usually takes no interest in this kind of gossips. After hearing Katelyn Max, her hand uncontrollably opened that Microblog’s webpage on her laptop.

Polaris's love with several pictures was trending as the first hot search item on Microblog.

In the first picture, she is quietly leaning in the arms of a man. In the second photo, they show the back view of them kissing each other. In the third photo a man holding her step into a luxury suite

Although there was only one photo of the man who only shows his back. But Jane is so familiar with that back view he just had seen him early in the morning.

Just by a figure she cannot be 100% sure that this man is Chairman Edwin, Jane comforts herself with that thought.

But it's not only Jane who thinks this is Edwin Carter but the whole office thinks like this.

Jane really affirms that this photo is of Edwin Carter because the woman is wearing the silver-gray suit. That's the color of Edwin Carter. She knows him for such a long time he only wears this color.

Everyone has gathered together to discuss: "Chairman Edwin’s wife is the female star who has just reached the age of 18?"

"Eighteen is not the legal age for marriage, should not it?"

"Now you don't have to get a marriage certificate to be a husband and wife. It's OK to have a husband and wife mutual agreement."

"Yes, yes, and besides, some people take certificates, without being a real couple, it's just paperwork with no real relation."

The heated discussions among colleagues reached Jane's ears as if they were directed at her. Jane bitterly smiled her fate still could not escape the word "betrayal"?

Her marriage with Edwin Carter even if it has no feelings, but two people have the name of husband and wife, that should be loyal to each other.

Now, after only one month of marriage. He's out with other women being a wife how she can endure this matter.

Suddenly she felt that the air circulating in the office had stopped; her heart feels blocked, and it became difficult to breathe to her.

She said hello to Deana Brad, asked for a day of. Prepared to go out for a good breath. To think about her marriage with Edwin.

On the street, people come and go, everyone has a clear destination. But she walks aimlessly, do not know where to go.

From the time she came to the city of Jiangbei, she has gradually felt inseparable. For three years, she has been working hard to forget the bad things in the past.

However, always in an inadvertent, those bad things will always appear in front of her, let her experience those injuries and betrayals again and again.

Just when she was able to face the man from her past. She was caught by another new surprising news.

Jane even said to herself, anyway, it's a loveless marriage, just pretend not to know or live a life of mutual respect as the previous month.

However, she has her pride. She cannot pretend that she knows nothing.


A powerful force suddenly pulled Jane. She became unstable and steadily fell into the arms of a man.

Christopher Ned looked at her angrily. "What are you doing? Do you want to die?

Jane pushes him, but he hugged her tighter.

When she was abandoned by her closest person three years ago, she didn't think about finding death, but now it is just Edwin who is not yet familiar. How could she possibly have the idea of suicide?

Christopher Ned said, "If I hadn't pulled you in time, you would have had the accident."

Christopher Ned sent people to follow Jane, so when Jane came out of Innovation Technology, he received the news and followed her.

"What does it matter to you?" Jane struggled hard, "let me go."

"Of course, I will never let you go." He likes the subtle fragrance of her body. When he holds her, it always reminds him of the beauty of their first love.

Even if she gets married now but there is a way to get her divorced. Whatever method he uses, Christopher Ned must want Jane back in his life.

"Christopher Ned, I request you please do not appear in front of me do not disturb my life again." Jane no longer struggled, just say weakly.

Christopher Ned went on to say, "Of course, the person I love has always been you, this time I really want to take you back. If you agree to go back with me, I will solve every problem."

When Jane heard this, she suddenly pushed Christopher Ned away she did not know where her strength came from.

She bit her lips and held back her bitter tears. "Christopher Ned, you have to let me put the bloody scars of the past back in front of you, does this makes you satisfied?"

"Jenny..." Christopher Ned looked at her painfully.

"Don't call me that." Jane took a deep breath, closed her eyes and opened them again; the whole person lost his strength, and murmured, "Christopher Ned, think about it by yourself. Do you really think that we can go back?"

Christopher Ned said, "Well, if you agree, we can go back. I have the ability. The old man in the family can't take my decisions anymore.

"Ha ha... Christopher Ned, are you really silly or are you pretending to be silly with me? Jane suddenly laughed, and tears came out of her eyes.

"Jane, I know that you have a concern about me but I didn't marry her." Staring at Jane for a long time, Christopher Ned said slowly.

After hearing Christopher Ned's words, Jane felt that her hate for Christopher Ned has increased.

Men, they all are so mean?

"Christopher Ned, I beg you, stop appearing in front of me and let me live my life," Jane said turns and left.

She just wants to walk alone and think about her own life. Do not want to meet anyone, don’t wants to see anyone.

Alfred Kim went to Christopher Ned's side and said, "Mr. Greyson, Miss Jane has gone far. Would you like to follow her?"

"No matter what I say, her attitude is still so firm." Christopher sighed and said, "What's the matter with Innovation Technology?"

"Innovation Technology can't get new projects, so there's only one dead end." Alfred Kim very excitedly talks about Innovation Technology.

Christopher said, even many small companies were afraid to cooperate with Innovation Technology and Innovation Technology business was greatly affected.

This is the most terrible thing Alfred did since he worked alongside Christopher Ned.

"What's going on over there with the Edwin Carter?" Christopher asked Alfred, but he kept looking at Jane who was walking farther and farther away.




"It's very strange that Edwin Carter didn't pay attention to this matter. We don’t know what he is thinking." Alfred Kim said to Christopher Ned.

Christopher Ned turned and looked at Alfred Kim. "He is not paying attention to this matter?"

Alfred Kim said, "I wonder he has no idea how serious it is to offend you."

Christopher Ned said, "Then you continue to give stress to me."

He wanted Edwin Carter left with no choice so he comes to him to ask for help. Then he will force him to divorce Jane. This was the only thing that he wanted to achieve.


After wandering alone for a long time Jane went to Jiangbei City's famous delicious street. There were many delicious food items from all over the world. Jane bought and tasted various kinds of snacks.

After eating well, the things that were difficult to figure out were also became less complex. She thinks to herself why she was feeling bad for herself? She decided to discuss this matter with Edwin Carter after going back in the evening. It's no big deal. If she could live, she would go on living with him. And if she couldn't, she will say goodbye to him.

When she reached home and opened the door Mia Mia pounced on her, expressed her feelings for her mother with a few voices.

Jane picked up Mia Mia and rubbed her hand on her head for a few times. "Mia little baby, mother knows you miss me very much."

"Woof woof..." Mia’s voice expresses that she really misses her master. "Mia Mia, play by yourself, I need to cook a meal." Jane put down Mia Mia and rubbed her head.

Although Jane was not hungry, she needed to cook for Edwin Carter first. She believed as long as their names are together, she would do her best to be a good wife. When the food was about to ready Edwin Carter came back from work.

Edwin went to the kitchen and said, "Jane, I'm back."

"Dinner is ready, I’ll serve in a moment." Jane looked back at him and smiled at him. After a while, she served him the dinner.

Edwin Carter looked at her and said, "You don't eat?"

"I ate out in the afternoon." After a brief pause, she said, "You eat first. Later I have something to talk to you."

Regardless of Edwin Carter's expression, she dropped her words stand up and went to the balcony of the living room. She took a sprinkler to water flowers and plants.

Their apartment area was about 160 square meters. It had three rooms, two halls, one kitchen and two bathrooms. The living room and the main bedroom had the largest area, both had a balcony, and was big enough for two people to live.

Jane was living there for more than a month, but she hasn't cleaned the room herself. Every day when they were out, someone came to clean the room and house.

Jane didn't know someone came here to do these things, she thought that there only lived two people so the place didn’t easily get dirty. When Mia came in the house and just after two days she looked more white and clean then she came to know that Edwin Carter had plans for all these things. And the sweepers came to the apartment when they were not at home and cleaned everything.

Jane held the watering can and watered the flowers Mia jumped around her feet, tried to attract her attention. She looked at her and couldn't help laughing: "Silly, don't jump, you are my baby. How can I ignore you?"

Edwin Carter came over after dinner and saw how happy they were. He couldn't disturb them for a moment. Jane felt the gaze behind her. Looked back, smiled and said, "Have you eaten enough?"

"Um." Edwin Carter nodded and stood beside her. "What do you want to tell me?"

Jane looked at him, he smiled gently and his eyes were as bright as autumn water: "Edwin Carter, I know you didn't marry me because of love. If one day you find someone with you wants to live a lifetime. Please tell me directly so that we can separate our ways respectfully." Jane spoke it out in one breath and felt relaxed.

Laura Ferdinand often said that Jane was a stubborn person she doesn’t give up easily, and the habits cannot be changed easily. Study, work and emotions, she was stubborn about them she struggled for everything and in future she would strive more to do her best.

Jane decided to marry Edwin Carter. And she was determined to live a good life with Edwin Carter. Today, one of the two people has a problem. Jane do not want to handle it like before, she doesn’t want to wait until things goes to the point that they cannot handle them without embarrassment. Because of her past experience, she felt that it would be beneficial and harmless for her and Edwin Carter to break up early.

"Jane..." Edwin Carter calmly called out her name, and her eyes were deep and unpredictable. "Do you think it was a joke for me to marry you?"

Jane scratched her head, "I don't know."

The word "Know" had not been uttered yet. Edwin Carter pressed it on the wall, and his hot lips immediately covered her.

Jane stared in surprise and Edwin Carter put a hand over her eyes.

He held her between him and the wall, kissed her frantically, wrapped her lips and tongue, and then bit by bit encroached on all her senses.

At first, she had the strength to push him back. Gradually, her whole body soften. Her hands clutched his clothes tightly and even kissed him strangely. Edwin Carter always had a clean and pleasant light smell on his body. It can only be smelled by coming very close to him.

Jane felt as if she was going to suffocate. She was kissed by Edwin Carter and could not breathe. She had never known that a man who looked so gentle and elegant in appearance was so tough in his bones that a kiss could make her go round.

After a while, Edwin Carter stopped, looked at her lips, which were red and swollen, and said in his deep voice, "Jane, you are the person I want to spend my life with."

He lived for twenty-eight years and from birth to taking over Shengtian's work, he always had clear goals. Six years after taking over Shengtian officially, his workload increased. He had little time to think about his personal life and even less time to think about women.

When he met Jane, he chose Jane to be his wife. Then he decided to spend his life with her. The idea was very firm, and he never doubted his decisions.

"No, Edwin Carter, you may have misunderstood me." Jane wipes her lips, trying to calm his disturbed mood.

Edwin Carter was silent and looked at her slightly.

"I mean, although our marriage has no love, but we should stay loyal towards each other. You have a woman outside and you tell me that you want to spend your life with me. It will make me feel like a joke and look down on you." Jane felt that she can confidently express her point in front of Edwin Carter.

"You don't believe me?" Edwin Carter held her head and kissed her again.




"You don't believe me?" Edwin Carter looked at Jane and his deep expressions were profound and unpredictable.

She looked into his deep eyes and thinks about the past events. She has doubts maybe because she thought too much. It’s just that man figure resemble him means that he had an affair with another woman.

But on second thought, she hesitated again. She had never thought that Christopher Ned would betray her feelings but in the end? She didn't want to repeat what happened in the past. It's better for them to break up early.

After thinking carefully, she said, "Edwin Carter, it's not that I don't want to believe you, but that I really can't believe you 100 percent. Other than that, you and I have no feelings, few people know about our marriage. For you, it is not a problem to remarry after our divorce."

When she said this, she was very rational and sober. She could not feel any emotional fluctuations. But deep in her heart, she was not feeling well.

In the time they had spent together she found Edwin Carter excellent in all aspects. She thought they can stay together forever.

"That's how you see our relationship, after the time we have spent together?" Edwin Carter frowned and said gloomily.

Jane bit her lip and nodded.

Edwin Carter held her head and kissed her once again.

No, this time it was not a kiss, but a bite, which broke Jane’s lips, sucked her blood like a vampire and soon mixed it with bloody sweetness which spreads in their mouths. She pushed him with great strength. The more she pushed him, the more Edwin pulled her and the more tightly he held her.

When Jane thought she was going to suffocate in the arms of Carter and Yue, he finally let her go. He looked at her. His eyes were deep and hard to understand...

"Do you think that will solve the problem? We are adults, please face the problem and do not try to blindly escape." After that, she wiped her broken lips and looked at him softly.

She had said everything and she wanted a definite answer and but he was using this method to avoid the problem.

Edwin Carter was annoyed by her cold and indifferent attitude. He thought that their marriage even without love would not be so vulnerable. He didn't even know why she suddenly put forward the word "break-up".

"Jane, it seems that you never listened to anything that I had said to you." Leaving the words unsaid, Edwin Carter turned to his study.

She was stunned and looked at his back for a while.

What did he say?

He didn't say much, most of the thing she remembers.

On the second night, he took her for a long talk. No matter what happens, he will not break up easily. Edwin Carter is not an impulsive man by nature. He does things after thinking carefully about the outcomes.

Jane hesitated again. Was she really thinking too much? That figure happens to be similar to Edwin Carter, maybe it's not him. Jane took out her cell phone and went to microblog again. Strangely, now there were no traces left, it was this the top new of this morning. How can it disappear like this? Jane even feels that what happened was her fantasy.

At the same time, Edwin Carter also received a call from Sienna Henry and she told him about the scandal of Angela Carter and that Shengtian has dealt with the matter completely.

He should have expected that Angela Carter, the troublemaker, would not do those extraordinary things for no reason. He was unconsciously put forward by that little girl again.

But now he knows why Jane said things like that to him. He just felt depressed.

When Jane was confused about what to do next, Edwin Carter came out of the study again with a little smile on his handsome face. She felt it inexplicable.

"Because of that morning news?" He said.

Jane nodded.

He laughed. "Do you think that the man in the picture is me?"

"Isn't it you?" asked Jane.

Edwin Carter walks up to her and held her into his arms forcefully, "Do you remember the ignorant sister I mentioned to you?"

Of course, she remembers Edwin Carter's forbearance when he mentioned his ignorant sister. His face was like that her name gave a headache to him.

After thinking for a while she said, "You mean that girl named Polaris is your sister?"

"Yes." Edwin replied.

"So I can think that you were angry with me because you felt jealous?" Edwin Carter did not ask her anything just said this. Raised his lips slightly and his eyes smiled.

Jane said nothing.

Jane wants to die. She did not understand the matter and made trouble for Edwin Carter for so long. This is surely not a thing that good wives do.

Edwin Carter laughed in a low voice, "Do you want to be angry with me then?"

Jane kept silence. She just cuddled in his arms, listened to his steady and powerful heartbeat and carefully reached out and hugged his waist.

Edwin Carter bowed his head, touched her chin and asked her to raise her head slightly. "Look at me and answer my questions."

His warm breath sprayed on her face and her delicate face turned red unconsciously. "I was not angry," she whispered.


"I was just sad."

Edwin Carter understands her because she had been hurt so ruthlessly, there will certainly be some doubts and fears in her heart.

He lowered his head and kissed her again, unlike his last kisses. This time, he kissed her gently and softly as if he was tasting the unique taste of her lips. This time Jane neither tried to hide nor stop him. This time she responded to his kiss.

With this kiss, Edwin Carter's palm slipped through the hem of her clothes and explored her feminine beauty.

Simply stiff body subconsciously seized Edwin Carter's dishonest hand, she blushed, "I..."

Edwin Carter didn't go any farther. He reached out and rubbed her head. "Don't be afraid. You can count on every word I said to you."

"I am not," Jane whispered.

He had said that he would not force her to do what she did not want to do, but she was not unwilling, it’s just she was worried and afraid. Jane said this and awkwardly looked at him, awkward but lovely.

Edwin Carter really wanted to "eat" her.

He smiled and asked, "You're not what?"

"I'm going to work tomorrow. I need to sleep now." Jane made a excuse to run away.

Edwin Carter was a man who was very attractive even at ordinary times. When he showed gentleness, it made people harder to resist. But Before being really ready to be naked before him, Jane felt that it was safer to stay away from him, otherwise, she didn't even know how she got eaten.




It was growing cold in late autumn night. Winter was putting footsteps in the meadow. Cool breeze always blew when people relax their minds. Cold night was swallowing up the last breath of midsummer, making people stand upright and look at changing weather.

But this glorious city of Jiangbei was like it never feared the cold. Even though it was late at night, the streets were still bustling. It was hustle and bustle in markets. The cold wind and bitter weather didn’t stop people from coming out.

A Starbucks cafe in Jianbei was also crowd full of people, busy in gossips and sarcasm, where people are making conspiracies against others. Which were colder and bitter than the cold wind.

Like the two ladies sitting in the corner.

Mandy Adam handed the scarf the same as Jane's, to Marina Brown, "My cousin, it's cold outside, I chose it for you specially. There are only six limited editions of this brand in the whole city. "

Marina Brown looked at the LOGO on the scarf and frowned lightly. She did not reach for it. "You just changed your job, and you don't have any money at hand. Why are you wasting your money?"


"You take care of me when I was in innovating technology and I didn't buy you anything. Now that's a little bit from my heart for you." Mandy Adam said it lightly and flatteringly and pushed the scarf to Marina Brown's side.

Marina Brown glanced at the expensive scarf and did not take it. She just said indifferently, "If you need any help, just tell me. I'm your cousin. Your parents entrust you to me. I'll try my best to help you if I can."

She knows Mandy Adam very well. Mandy Adam would never spend that money on her if she did not want anything in back. This scarf looks light and expensive. If you wear it over, you don't feel its weight.

Marina Brown was determined and she refused to take over the scarf. Mandy Adam could not hang it on her face, so she had to laugh and say, "You know, I was fired by Innovation Technology because of that bitch, Jane..."

Mandy Adam was almost gritted her teeth when she talked about Jane and the smile on her face turned into a grim one. "How could I have fallen to this level if she hadn't been conspiring behind me?"

Marina Brown had guessed that Mandy Adam would talk about being fired but she was still blaming others. She couldn't help sighing. She coldly added, "Although I don't usually have much contact with the business department, I still know Jane. She is not a clever person. As a matter of your dismissal, it's only in your mind and maybe you know best."

Marina Brown was Mandy Adam's cousin. She took care of Mandy Adam in her work but she preferred on the right side when things were going wrong.

"Cousin, what you see is that woman's disguise. You don't know how shameless she is." Mandy Adam looked around and said in a low voice, "She used to be in Kyoto she seduced her brother-in-law and her family kicked her out."

Marina Brown thought this was someone’s private matter and also a thing of the past, and no one knows who was wrong. She did not want to believe in Mandy Adam's words.

When Mandy Adam saw that Marina Brown did not answer, she thought that Marina Brown had believed in her words and then she added, "You see by yourself that even her family did not want her. We didn’t know what she had done in her past and still doing..."

"You came to me to talk about these things?" Suddenly, Marina Brown interrupts Mandy Adam's words with a loud voice. "I want to leave if you have nothing else to say."

Without saying anything, Marina Brown got up to leave.

Mandy Adam quickly hold Marina Brown and said, "Cousin, wait!"

She took out her cell phone in a hurry opened the photos she had taken two days ago in the Mall and show it to Marina Brown in front of her, and said with an evil smile, "Look, cousin, it's not me who slandered her. This woman knows that Carter always has a wife, but still she seduces her."

Marina Brown glanced at the picture. The men and women were holding hands. The men were tall and handsome, while the women were slender and elegant. The woman looked at him with bright eyes, while the man's eyes seemed to be stuck on the woman. Gaze was full of gentleness and delicacy that it made people envy them.

Marina Brown was also somewhat surprised after looking at this picture, not because of anything else but because she saw for the first time that a person as cold as Carter could have looks, elegant and graceful.

Seeing Marina Brown's in a state of shock, Mandy Adam thought she had made another step. She quickly said, "Cousin, I have an idea. You send these things to the internal mailbox of the Innovation Technology Company so that everyone can see her true face. Chairman Carter used her at those times. Then she will be left with no reputation and couldn’t face anyone."

Marina Brown returned to her mind, sighed deeply and shook her head. "Mandy Adam, these are other people's private lives you and I shouldn’t care about them."

Mandy Adam just wanted to deal with Jane. She didn't listen to anything else. Marina Brown once again refused her. She felt full of grievance and indignation. She pulled Marina Brown's hand and tightened a little, "Cousin, now only you can help me. This is very easy for you, why don't you help me?"


When she was dismissed Marina Brown did not help her. Now she is still unwilling to do such a small favor.

Marina Brown shook her head firmly, shook Mandy Adam's hand, turned around and picked up her bag.

Seeing Marina Brown leaving again, Mandy Adam stamped her feet in anger and said, "Whose fucking cousin are you?"

Marina Brown stopped and looked back at her with a cold strange look, "I cannot help you with this. And I advise you to not do silly things anymore. Focus on your work."

Looking at Marina Brown's leaving Mandy Adam trembled with anger. Her face became terrible. Marina Brown was her only hope. If she doesn't help her, how can she throw Jane out of Innovation Technology?

That day in the mall. After looking at the sweet love between Jane and Edwin Carter, she made up her mind to make Jane feel bad no matter what price she pays.

There's no reason to think about that woman. What's good about her? Normally she does work and work. A dead woman with superficial integrity. And who do dirty things behind the scenes? Why did everyone help her? What was she?

"Miss Mandy Adam, Miss Marina Brown won't help you. I'll help you."

Just when Mandy Adam felt that the whole world has refused to help her, a soft voice sounded behind Mandy Adam. She looked back, a little stunned, but soon recovered her composure and sneered, "You."




"It's me." The visitor smiled and walked carelessly to Mandy Adam. He picked up the expensive scarf from the table and said, "It's a pity that Manager Marina said no to such a good scarf."

The visitor took the scarf wrap around his neck, and laughed, "You see, it suits me more."

Mandy Adam looked at her thoughtfully. That red scarf looks like a shining flame, as there was a torch in the darkness.

Maybe that's the only chance to tread Jane down on her feet.

So she said, "Why are you willing to help me?"

The visitor gracefully touches the scarf around the neck and laughed, "Because I like this scarf."

Mandy Adam was stunned. Then the visitor continued, "I've heard about these things, but it is dangerous. It is very easy for them to find the person behind the email. Manager Marina didn’t dare to do that. But I have a better way."

"Find this person." She took out a business card from her bag and handed it to Mandy Adam. "If you find him, he'll tell you what to do."

"Okay." Mandy Adam carefully took the business card from her hand. She gazed excitedly at the card as if she were looking at a sharp sword to insert into Jane’s chest.


Recently Jane didn't have lots of work to do so she lay down early after taking a bath. But she couldn't fell asleep, so she took her mobile phone and sent a message to Laura Ferdinand far away in the United States.

Her slender fingertips moved quickly on the screen of her mobile phone, and she typed, "How's life in America, Laura?"

After sending it out, there was a quick reply: "I am eating well, having a good time and my man makes love with me every night."


Jane felt embarrassed, Laura Ferdinand, this woman is not like an ordinary woman.

Why she can discuss such personal things of a couple so openly? She was sure that only Laura Ferdinand can do that.

Before Jane sent a reply to her, she received another message from Laura Ferdinand: "Jenny, your husband still didn't sleep with you?"

Jane felt nervous, should she say no?

If she said no, she was sure that Laura Ferdinand will give her a good lecture, not only a long lecture but also tell her that there is any hidden disease in Edwin Carter.

She thought about it carefully and typed, "What needed to be done has done."

They are half of the world away from each other, but Jane felt that her lie can be seen through by Laura Ferdinand. She quickly hides into the bed.

As she sent her message, Laura Ferdinand immediately sent a voice message to her: "Well, tell me, how it felt for the first time? Did he care only about his own comfort, not your feelings? Or did he only consider your feelings and forget himself? "

Jane listened and blushed. Laura Ferdinand looks pure and innocent but how can she ask such intimate details with no shame?

Jane was ashamed to reply, Laura Ferdinand was desperate in sending voice messages one after another.

"Well, let me tell you, men hate women who behave like a dead fish in bed, so when you do that, you have to take the initiative."

"Oh, I forgot, you have no experience. I'll tell you, anyway, don't be silent. When it's time to shout, don't be shy. All men like that."

"But you can't just shout, you have to praise him. Like my man John Alex, the more I praise him, the fiercer he becomes."

Jane wiped sweat from her face. She wanted to see how this girl's brain is structured?

She just lied back and listened to her.

Laura Ferdinand's voice messages continued...

"Tell me, Jenny, how it felt for the first time?"

Jane didn’t reply.

Without getting any reply, Laura Ferdinand began to bombard again.

"Well, it had passed a long time when I did it for the first time. It took too long to remember how it felt for the first time, otherwise, why would I ask you?"

"By the way, does he use condoms? What size does he wear? Tell me, I'll bring you a box from the United States to keep your sex more pleasant in the future."

Jane was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole to hide into.

Jane never knew that condoms have sizes, so she tapped a few words, "Does condoms have different sizes?"

Laura Ferdinand again started demonstrating her knowledge, "However, some men do not like wearing this thing, because they feel uncomfortable. But you are young. It's a wonderful time. You want to have a baby or not?"

Jane also kept silent.

Laura Ferdinand added, "If you pregnant and then give birth to a child, it means you will give your whole life to your kid. But it's very harmful to abort the child."

Jane was not really clear about the matter of having a child, because her relationship between Edwin Carter did not really reach to that point. However, in the future, if she had the chance to conceive his child, she would think that she should give birth to him. Edwin Carter can educate his child well, like him. And it would be nice to have a child who looks like him.

In the middle of this thought, Jane quickly looked up at the door. She was afraid that if Edwin Carter suddenly came in and caught what she’s thinking.

Laura Ferdinand sent a voice message to her again, "Tell me quickly I am going shopping I can buy it for you. Let’s see whose man’s size is larger..."

Laura Ferdinand was an active bomb. She would do soon what she just said. Jane imagined a picture of Laura Ferdinand buying a big box of condoms.

After imaging this shocking scene Jane shook her head and immediately sent out a voice: "Laura, don't bother. I buy it myself."

"Jane, do you afraid that I know your man's size is too small..."

This voice had not been heard yet when Jane heard the voice of opening the door, she was frightened to close WeChat and she stayed stiff and didn’t move.

Edwin Carter came over and lay down beside her. "What’s size is too small?"

"No, nothing..." Jane was so shy that she stuttered. She could not tell Edwin Carter that Laura was asking her if his size was too small.




Jane quietly looked at Edwin Carter, he was wearing a white nightgown, with a belt tied at his waist and slightly open near his chest. He could see his wheat-colored chest, and he did not know whether he was wearing anything inside his nightgown.

This thought made Jane gulp down saliva.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Jane this behavior, Carter raised his eyebrows and asked with some amusement.

Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice spread to her ears and interrupted the beautiful picture of her fantasy.

Jane was surprised that what she was just thinking of. For a while, her face was burning hot.

She felt she had no face to meet anybody. She quickly turned her back and said, "I'm going to sleep."

Edwin Carter leaned to Jane's side, move his face closed to her forehead to face her, "Your face is so red and forehead is hot, are you alright?"

Edwin Carter was very close to her, he was not wearing glasses his facial expression is calm than ever and his eyes. His eyes were vague. He was looking way sexier than in the daytime.

Looking at him made Jane's heart beats much faster. Her face was burning, and the heart began to fantasize.

She shook her head and cursed Laura Ferdinand in her heart. She blamed the stinky girl for telling her so much that she had become bad.

Looking at Jane's strange behavior, Edwin Carter got worried, "Jane?"

"I'm all right. It's already late. You should sleep." She had always thought that Edwin Carter's voice was very pleasant, especially when he called her by her name. But tonight, she wished he did not call her in his pleasant and seducing voice.

He certainly didn't know that just by hearing his beautiful voice calling her name, she wanted to commit a sin.

There is even an evil idea in her heart. Edwin Carter was already her legal husband, so it's better to do it. Jane was frightened by this idea of herself. It must be Laura Ferdinand's stinky girl who cast a magic spell on her. How could she have such thoughts?

Edwin Carter looked at Jane, she was shaking her head and whispering in a low voice, He intuitively laughed, "Jane, what are you doing..?"


"I'm fine. I'm really fine. I am not thinking about anything. Don't talk nonsense." Edwin Carter's words have not been finished yet. Jane interrupted him and talked freely, which made Edwin Carter more doubtful. He did not know what she was doing.

Looking at Jane getting into bed and pulling the quilt around her to wrap herself tightly, Edwin Carter shook his head and gave a silent sigh.

Jane slowly moved to the bedside, she wanted to take advantage of Edwin Carter unconsciousness to create distance between them, otherwise, she may not be able to control herself.

Who knows that as soon as she tried to move, Edwin Carter's long arm stretched out and pulled her back? He pressed her in his arms and said, "Have a good sleep."

Jane did not dare again to move, but her breathing became very careful. She was laying stiffly on Edwin Carter's chest. Her face was just on his bare chest, and she could clearly feel his hot body temperature.

Instantly, the room became quiet and quiet enough to hear Edwin Carter's breaths and his accelerating heartbeats.

Jane thought of something, she moved, looked up at him and at a glance felt a fire in herself which seemed to burn her.

"Edwin Carter..." She didn't know where the courage came. She stretches out her slender palm to touch his beautiful face, which was just as perfect as sculpture.

"Don't disturb!" Edwin Carter grabbed her hand and spoke in a voice that was very seducing.

"Edwin Carter, actually..."

Jane had not finished when Edwin Carter pushed her aside turned over and left the room.

She looked at the back of Edwin Carter's, she muttered what she wanted to say, "Actually, I am ready to..."

But Edwin Carter, who did not understand her mind, went to another bathroom, turned on the cold water tap and took a cold shower.

Although Jiangbei City is located in the South and it is not as cold as the north in late autumn, but it really needs great courage to take a cold shower at midnight

In the cold water, Edwin Carter's mind was full of Jane, her charm. He thought that the water was not cold enough. He wanted to jump into the ice pool to soak. In fact, there was a better solution, that was to go back to the room and helped Jane stops the fire caused by her, but Edwin Carter does not want to do so.

Although she was his wife, but he respected all her decisions and would never force her if she did not nod her head and say yes.

After washing for a long time in the bathroom and slightly reducing the heat of the body, Edwin Carter came to the balcony of the living room and lit a cigarette and smoked.

Edwin Carter himself knew that he always had a strong self-control over such things. But he did not know why he lost control in the front of Jane.

After one cigarette Edwin Carter smoked another cigarette. In a short time, there were several cigarettes in the ashtray.

Maybe it's just because Jane is his legal wife because she lives with her. So when he faces her, he reacts. After thinking about it for so long, Edwin Carter came to this conclusion.

After smoking, Edwin Carter went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth several times and did not return to the room until there left no tobacco taste in his mouth.

In the room, Jane was sleeping soundly, breathing evenly and slowly. Her beautiful face with a faint red touch looks warm and beautiful.

She did well and set him on fire. Now she is sleeping soundly here, and he took a cold bath for half an hour. Suddenly, Edwin Carter wanted to pick up the culprit and let her take a cold shower who made him take a cold shower.

However, instead of picking up Jane for a cold shower, he lay down beside her, pulled her into his arms to sleep.

That night, Edwin Carter hardly slept but Jane slept soundly and had a very beautiful dream.

When she woke up, she thought of her dream. She looked up at the balcony window and saw only Mia Mia squatting there. Today she didn't see there Edwin Carter.

How the man who read the newspaper there every morning suddenly could disappear?

Jane looked back with doubts, he saw him lying beside him. His eyes were closed, his face was clean and his breathing was a little fast.

They have been married for so long. This was the first time that Jane got up and Edwin Carter was still asleep.

Edwin Carter, a man, is like a biological clock. He gets up and goes to bed on time. He had never changed his routine.

Is Edwin Carter ill?

Thinking that Edwin Carter might be ill, Jane quickly raised her hand and put it on his forehead, as she touched it, she put it back.

"Edwin Carter, wake up, wake up..." Jane pat on his face. She saw he did not respond she increased her strength.




Because she was worried that she couldn't control herself. This time, she patted her face with some extra strength and heard a sound. Jane even felt her hands hurt.

"Jane?" Edwin Carter opened his eyes slowly, his voice was low and mute, and his eyes were terribly red.

“Carter, you have a high fever. Get up, let's go and see the doctor.” Jane took his arm and tried to pull him up, but he was too heavy for her to pull.

Carter frowned and glanced at her, then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep in a drowsy way.

"Edwin Carter, don't sleep, you can't sleep." Edwin Carter was unconscious again. She couldn't drag him. She quickly picked up her mobile phone and prepared to make an emergency call.

She hasn't pressed the phone number when the phone is ringing. The screen of the mobile phone shows the name of Sienna Henry.

However, there was no time for her to think more she immediately answered, "Sienna..."

Sienna Henry did not wait for her words to be finished. She urgently asked, "Mrs. Carter, is Mr. Carter by your side?"

Every morning, Edwin Carter would get up very early to deal with emergencies on the other side of the ocean through video. But this morning there were many things waiting for his decision.

Edwin’s work and private mobile phones were both off-line, so it was impossible to contact Edwin Carter so she called on Jane’s phone.

"You called at the right time. Carter's fever is getting worse. I was planning to make an emergency call." In case of an emergency, Jane calmed down and clearly conveyed the situation to her.

"Mrs. Carter, you don't have to do that. I'll send someone right away." After that, Sienna Henry hung up the phone directly.

Jane throws his mobile phone aside. She quickly went to the fridge to find some ice cubes and wrapped them in towels for Edwin Carter to apply, hoping to lower his fever.

Back in the room, the mobile phone rang again. Jane looked on it and saw Sienna Henry calling again. When she picked her call, she heard Sienna Henry saying, "Mrs. Carter, Carter is always allergic to penicillin. Don't touch this thing for him."

Jane nodded, "OK."

She hung up the phone directly. It shows that Sienna Henry, had done these things appropriately for Edwin in the past but Jane simply didn't care.

Jane put an ice towel in one hand on Edwin Carter's forehead, and with the other hand firmly grasped his big palm: "Edwin Carter, are you feeling better?"

Knowing that he couldn't hear her, she hoped in his heart that he would answer her. After a while, Jane took off the ice bag, leaned down naturally and put her forehead on his forehead.

The slightly heated body temperature passes through the skin, and for a time it was so warm that she can't move apart from him. It was the first time that she was so close to Edwin Carter and looked at Edwin Carter so seriously.

He was really a very good-looking man. His fine features were like works of art carefully polished. Every inch of lines was full of elegance and calmness. He was generous and carefully crafted.

How could there be such a beautiful person? Even if he closed his eyes, he looks thrilling. Jane was looking at him so intensely that she didn’t focus that Edwin Carter has opened his eyes.

Edwin Carter did not remember when opened his eyes. He looked at Jane and saw she was continuously staring at him. Her eyes were stuck on him. He couldn't help saying, "Have you seen enough?"

The sudden sound sounded like a thunderbolt exploding in Jane's ear, which made her blush and stunned.

Only then she realized how close she was to Edwin Carter, and how close she was to his nose, how warm she was and how he breathes. Edwin Carter's soft eyes, grabbed her heart like a sword.

"Ah." She gave a low cry and bounced off like an electric shock.

But Edwin Carter did not want to let her go like this. He was as fast as a cheetah hunting his prey. He quickly held her head back by his hand and pushed her closer. Then he kissed her fiercely.

His movements were so rapid that she could not resist. The lips were at equal distance to each other. Time seems so sweet and fragrant at that moment.

The heart, once again, stayed stunned.

She didn't know after how long Edwin Carter left her. He held her face, touched the red swollen and wet lips with his fingertips and smiled shallowly.

Jane was breathing heavily, everything happened so fast that she had not tasted it carefully before it was over.

She opened her eyes and looked at Edwin Carter. Her red lips were stretched out. She was about to say something, but Edwin Carter pressed her hand on her lips.

"I need to rest." Edwin Carter laughed and said. Then quietly let go Jane and tried to sleep.

Jane felt somewhat inexplicable. She looked at him sleeping. She felt shy and funny, and for a while stood there helplessly.

The doorbell rang loudly!

The doorbell seemed like the sounds of heaven, gave Jane some relief. She rushed to the door, but listened to Edwin Carter sexy voice behind her, "Wear a coat.

Jane stopped and looked back. Edwin Carter eyes were still closed and he was lying quietly as if he had never spoken.


It took a long time for her to raise her hand, touch her lips lightly, and then use the voice that only she can hear to say, "Uh-huh, okay."

She looked at her pajamas. They were not appropriate to be seen by anyone else. She quickly had taken a coat and put it on before she opened the door.

She saw Sienna Henry and Luis George standing. She opened the door in a hurry.

When the door opened, Sienna Henry and Luis George rushed in immediately and even rushed to the bedroom without saying hello.

Jane was startled, hurried to follow. And saw that the doctor took a syringe and injected the medicine.

"What are you doing?" Jane didn’t know these people in white coats. They rush into the house and inject the unconscious Edwin Carter. She had no time to think so she tried to stop them.

Sienna Henry blocked her, "Jane, they are Chairman Carter's personal doctors. They have been with him for many years. They have a good understanding of Chairman Carter's physical condition. Please don't disturb them."

Jane did not notice that Sienna Henry's way of addressing her had changed. There was some indifference in her tone. She was only worried about the safety of Edwin Carter.

She looked at these busy people doing their work. She was doing nothing even these people made her feel as outsiders, did not let her go close to him.

Jane wiped her lips and felt a little sad. It seems that every individual has been with Edwin Carter for many last years. Everyone knows him so well. As Edwin Carter's wife, she knows nothing about him.

After injecting a needle and medicine, several doctors moved Edwin Carter with them and carried him away. Their speed was very fast. Jane was standing there, and Edwin Carter has been carried away by them.




Jane turned back and hurried up to go with them but was stopped by Sienna Henry, "Jane, we will take care of Edwin Carter, so you don't bother. You should go to work."

Jane didn’t like Sienna Henry's words. She was treating her like an outsider.

Jane thought in her heart. My husband was ill, and I couldn't even stay beside him. Jane felt depressed and ashamed as if she had been slapped in the face.

She realized that she had never really entered the life of Edwin Carter, his life, his work and in his everything. Even when Edwin Carter was ill, she can't take care of him as his wife.

She was almost doubtful. Is Edwin Carter really her husband?

Jane bites her lips and said to herself the more you think about it the more you get trapped.

"Woof Woof..." Sensible Mia Mia felt Jane was in a bad mood, rubbed her feet to comfort her.

Jane squat down and gently touch Mia Mia's head: "Mia Mia, Uncle Carter is ill, but I can't take care of him or stay by his side. Do you think I’m useless?

"Woof Woof..." She cried a few times and licked her hand to comfort her.

"Thank you so much." Jane patted her head, "Honey, go and play. I’m going to get ready for work."

Innovation Technology was now in a troublesome autumn. Gu and Star side had not stopped. Edwin Carter was sick.

She couldn’t manage major decision-making matters, but she can do her own work well. She considered it as to share some responsibilities for Edwin Carter.

Recently, because of this downfall in the business of Innovation Technology, the mood of employees of Innovation Technology has been affected. Everyone's morale at work was low.

Jane didn't know whether Edwin Carter can't fight Gu’s or if he was waiting to find the right time to fight back. Office colleagues were chatting, some were blogging and there was no serious work. Such situations were not very good.

With a quiet sigh, Jane controlled her mood, turned on the computer and gets ready to start a new day's work.

After checking several customer profiles, she called her customers one by one to see if she can get a chance to meet, and then she talked with a client about the cooperation project.

Several phone calls were made by her but the other party hung up. Leaving Jane with misery.

A lot of time was spent on these calls and worrying about the condition of Edwin Carter. About 10 a.m. Edwin Carter called her.

Looking at the familiar phone numbers displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, Jane held the mobile phone her hand slightly trembled for a moment. She tapped the answering key to answer.

She heard Edwin Carter's voice on the phone, which was a little husky. "Jane, where are you?"

"At work." After hearing the voice of Edwin Carter, the nerves that had tightened up since the morning had finally relaxed.

There was a long silence at the other end. Edwin Carter did not seem to want to say the next sentence.

Jane was just about to open her mouth, but heard Edwin Carter saying. “Then you continue to work."

"Edwin Carter..." Jane stopped him and wiped her lips. "Are you better?"

"I will not die."

Edwin Carter's indifferent and excessive voice was transmitted from the mobile-phone receiver to Jane’s ear, which made Jane feel wronged and a little angry.

She bit her lip and said. "If you are not dying, it means you'll be fine, okay, I continue to work," she said.

"Well." The man over there gave a cold hum and hung up the phone first.

Looking at the screen of the cell phone in the dark, the heart seems to be pinched tightly by something. She felt breathless. She worried about his illness all morning and was restless. Before she had asked him about it, he hung up the phone.

Jane stared at the screen of the mobile phone, the screen of the mobile phone turned on again. This time, it was Sienna Henry who called.

Sienna Henry called to let Jane come to Shengtian Hospital.

Shengtian Hospital was a very famous private hospital. It was said that medical equipment was more advance than Jiangbei First People's Hospital. Consumption was also extraordinarily expensive.

Although she was angry with Edwin Carter's attitude when he just spoke, she could not always be angry with him. She had to see him, so she could feel relief.

After the call ends with Sienna Henry. Jane asked for a leave and went home to cook porridge. She thought in a high fever Edwin should eat some light food.

It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon when she rushes to Shengtian Hospital from home.

Sienna Henry waited outside the security room early because of the strict guards in Shengtian Hospital because they didn’t let ordinary people to enter.

Seeing Jane, she smiled and greeted her. "Mrs. Carter, in the morning, because I was worried about the safety of Chairmen Carter, I did not pay attention to my words. Please don't take them seriously."

"It's all right." Jane was not concerned about her attitude toward her. But she was concerned about Edwin Carter. As his wife, she could not stay beside him.

She and Edwin Carter are husband and wife. They should be the two closest people. But this morning, she felt that she and Edwin Carter were nothing.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Sienna Henry came to Edwin Carter's ward and said, "This is the Chairman Carter’s ward, so I won't go in."

Simply nodded, "Sorry for giving you trouble, thank you."

Jane looked through the door, she saw a middle-aged woman about fifty years old serving food to Edwin Carter.

The woman took out all kinds of delicate snack boxes from a delicate food box and put them on the table one by one. Every movement was very skilled. It was obvious that these things were often done.

Seeing that someone has prepared so much food for Edwin Carter, Jane looked at the box in her hand. Consciously hide behind her. She didn't want Edwin Carter to see the poor food she prepared for him.

Jane pushed the door in, the woman immediately looked at her, and then her gaze fell on the lunch box in her hand.

The ward was a suite of one room and one hall, and the hall was a rest area. It was warmly decorated with all kinds of furniture and appliances.

Edwin Carter was not in the hall, but it was not certain that Edwin Carter was in the room.

Looking at the woman, she smiled awkwardly. "Is Edwin Carter living here?"

The woman looked at Jane for a long time before she pointed to the room inside. "The young man is in the inner room."

"Thank you!" Jane smiled and nodded politely to the woman. She put her lunch box on a table. Then she went to the room to see Edwin Carter.

In the ward. Edwin Carter was dressed in white patient's clothes, leans back on the bed with a sling needle in his left hand and a newspaper in his right.

"Edwin Carter." She called his name, but he did not raise his head as if he had not heard her voice.




Edwin Carter ignored her. Jane felt some embarrassment. She kept standing there for a while.

After a while later, Edwin Carter looked up. His eyes under the golden frame were indifferent and calm. "Why are you here?"

She seduced him who made her took a cold water shower, resulting in a high fever. In high fever and unconscious this woman left him aside and went to work.

Edwin Carter's face and manner of speaking made Jane feel that he did not want her to come here. She felt sorry inside and said, "Sienna asked me to come here."

If he didn't let Sienna Henry make that call, she would not come?

Edwin Carter's eyebrows wrinkled and his voice became more indifferent. "Now you have seen me. You can go back to work."

"Oh... OK." Jane beard the injustice, nodded with a smile, turned around and left.

This woman is really going!

Edwin Carter looked at her back. His eyes were dark and his face was ugly. The newspapers in his right hand were almost crushed by him.

Walking to the door, Jane suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, turned around and stared at him fiercely: "Edwin Carter, you fucking bastard!"

She was worried about him for the whole morning. Now she could hardly see him, but he said she can leave. Every day he kept on reminding her that he is her husband. Which husband in the world doesn't let his wife see him when he fell ill?

Jane was sad and angry, her nose felt sour and two drops of tears fell from the corner of her eyes. Today she cannot control them.

She bit her lip hard. "Edwin Carter, you go to hell, life or die it’s none of my business!"

The sudden outburst of temper shocked Edwin Carter and he saw Jane’s tears. Edwin Carter's heart had an unexplained convulsion, and the feeling of pain spread in his unprepared heart, which he had never experienced before.

He still remembered when Christopher Ned caused Jane to stay in a lock-up in the police station. At that time, under such circumstances, she did not shed tears, but this time…

"Come here." Edwin Carter's voice was unconsciously tender and he waved to her.

"If you ordered me to go, I'll go. If you ordered me, to come closer, I will come?" What do you think I am?" Jane had a stubborn temper. She was not so easy to make to come back.

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows. "Are you not coming?"

Jane ignored him. She rubbed her eyes hard, she hated that she cried in front of this man.

"Then I'll go." Edwin Carter was to remove the drip and needle from his hand.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to die?" Jane was shocked. She rushed to stop him.

"If I die, you will become a young widow." Edwin Carter said solemnly, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"You..." She didn’t know that this man had such a slippery tongue, but he still spoke in a serious manner.

Edwin Carter raised his hand to rub her face. His rough thumb gently wiped away the tear marks from her eyes. "Tell me, why you cry?"

Jane bit her lip and said fiercely, "I'm afraid that if you die I'll become a young widow."

Edwin Carter laughed in a low voice, held her in his arms and whispered, "Little fool!"

You are stupid! Your whole family is stupid! Jane wanted to curse him like that, but he held her tightly as if wanted to insert her into his warm chest.

How could he be so powerful? With only one hand, she will be held to death, no matter how she struggles, she will not be able to break free.

"Don't move."

The low, repressed voice sounded, with a breathtaking hoarseness.

Jane felt these two words like a magic spell so that Jane suddenly lost all the strength of resistance.

Edwin Carter smiled satisfactorily and put her jaw on her head. Her hair was slippery and soft, and the light fragrance was very comfortable. While she was frustrated at her easy submission, she unconsciously bent her lips.

"Master, the food is ready." Aunt Emelia, who was in charge of the food of Edwin Carter, came in very improperly saw the two people hugged together, and quickly retreated.

Edwin Carter leave her and said, "Let’s eat together?"

Jane nodded.

The more Carter refused to let the nurses help him, the more hard work fell on her Jane. She held the infusion bag in one hand and held the shelf in the other. Regardless of anything, Edwin Carter was really like a young master.

Jane sat down opposite to Edwin Carter, and Edwin Carter waved, "Sit beside me."

Jane subconsciously glanced at the woman who was serving, her sixth sense told her that the woman did not welcome her here, so she sat motionless.

Edwin Carter's slender fingertips were habitually lighter on the table. He looked at her with narrow eyes. He didn't know what she was thinking. He looked at Aunt Emelia when she finished serving. He said, "Aunt Emelia, there's nothing for you here. You can leave."

Aunt Emelia wanted to say something, but she was too clear about Edwin Carter's temper. She nodded, "Master, madam, help yourself."

"She is the aunt who has been in charge of my diet; you can call her Aunt Emelia." said Edwin Carter.

There is a driver Lao Wei, loyal assistants like Sienna Henry and Luis George, and aunt who are especially responsible for food. At first glance, it looks like the kind of very rich people since only they can afford to have these kinds of luxuries.

Edwin Carter said that he used to do some business abroad. What kind of business did he do? How can he feel that his real identity is more frightening than that of the president of Innovation Technology?

Edwin Carter waved again: "Sit beside me and help me."

"You can move your right hand," Jane whispers. The needle for the sling needle was tied to Edwin Carter's left hand. Inside the ward held her with his right hand for so long. Why doesn't he pick up vegetables at this time?

"I usually eat with my left hand." Edwin Carter's voice sounds a little discontented, but the sexy lips were smiling.

Jane knew this man Edwin Carter this man can tell lies so well. She didn’t saw him eating with his left hand?

But for the sake of his illness, she decided to put up with him. After all, as he said, if really happened to him, she would become a little widow.




Jane got up and sat beside Edwin Carter. She glanced at the table. There were more than ten dishes. Most of them were spicy Sichuan cuisine, not suitable for patients with high fever. After looking at everything Jane fixed her eyes on the box of porridge.

Jane didn’t know much about medicines and diet, but she surely knew Aunt Emelia didn't prepare this kind of food for Edwin who was suffering from high fever. Edwin Carter normally eats light food. How can Aunt Emelia cook such dishes when he was sick?

After a while, she looked at Edwin Carter and asked, "Are you sure Aunt Emelia prepared these dishes for you?"

"No." Edwin Carter looked at Jane, with deep and gentle eyes, "I've eaten. These are the dishes which I asked Aunt Emelia to prepare for you."

"For me?" Jane said in surprise.

Edwin Carter nodded.

Edwin Carter's answer was short and simple, but he left something in Jane’s heart. It was not only she who was worry about him, but he also thought about her.

"Thank you!" Jane smiled at Edwin Carter, picked up her chopsticks to eat.

Early in the morning, she was worried because of his health. She was so tensed that she didn’t eat breakfast and in the afternoon she postponed lunch. She was really hungry, that’s why the way she ate was not very elegant.

Edwin Carter looked at her profoundly. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Did you suffer some problems today?"

Jane was not a person who easily shed tears. Today she cried in front of Edwin Carter. His senses were sharp. He had an intuitive feeling that she must have suffered some grievances.

Jane stopped and looked up at him, and said in a nasal voice, "I was wronged."

"Tell me I am listening. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll handle him." Edwin Carter's words were like he was joking, but he noticed Jane's subtle change of expression.

"You are the one who wronged me." Jane wanted to say that, but she thought about it and didn’t say this.

Knock knock--

The knock on the door suddenly interrupted their talk. Luis George pushed the door in and placed a document in front of Edwin Carter. "Chairman Carter, this document needs your signature."

Luis George took the document turned it over to him page by page, and then talked with Edwin Carter in English.

Jane did not understand what they were talking about, probably heard some keywords, acquisitions and other news.

After listening to the details Edwin Carter read the document and quickly signed his name, Leon Carter, and returned the pen to Luis George.

Luis George put away the documents and left. Edwin Carter glanced around casually and his eyes stopped for a second when he looked at a lunch box on the tea table.

Carter and Yue had a good memory he remembers this box, which he used last time when Jane prepared laver rice for him.

"What's that?" He looked at the box there on the tea table and asked Jane.

Jane looked at him and at the box on the table. She hesitated and said, "No, nothing."

"Huh?" Edwin Carter eyebrows raised a little and he looked at Jane.

Jane felt his dissatisfaction and said honestly, "I cooked porridge for you. But I was afraid that you may not like it, so I put it here."

Edwin Carter coughed and said a very serious tone, "Jane, you're not me. How do you guess that I won't like it? You haven't asked me, you haven't given me the chance to choose, how did you make a decision on my behalf?"

When he decided to marry Jane, he would accept her with everything, good or bad.

But recently, he just felt that Jane did not believe in him, did not believe in him, and did not believe in him!

Jane bowed his head and whispered like a child who had done something wrong. "Well, I will not make the decision on your behalf without asking your opinion again."

Looking at Jane's head bent like a small child, Edwin Carter felt a little funny again. "I'm hungry now; I want that porridge."

"Ok." Jane took a bowl fill it with porridge and said, "This is mustard porridge. It may be a little bitter. I am sure you have no problem with that."

"I'm not picky." Edwin Carter is not a picky eater only when it comes to Jane’s food. He can eat whatever she cooked for him.

Just like the last time, he knew he was allergic to onions, but he still ate them. And had a night with hanging needles in the hospital.

After his marriage, he has been making great efforts to be a good husband.

"Is it delicious?" Jane looked at him and asked with a smile.

"Yes, it is." This time Edwin Carter praised her and ate a big spoon.

Looking at Edwin Carter eating the porridge cooked by her, she also enjoyed it with great relish. Jane felt a little sweetness in her heart as she felt closer to him.

Edwin Carter, a person who does not usually say nice things to her, but he prepares gloves and warm water bags for her when he knows that her hands and feet are cold. He takes care of her with practical actions. During this period, she slept very well every night and never waked up as usual.

Edwin Carter was eating porridge when Sienna Henry and a doctor knocked at the door and entered.

Jane saw the doctor in the morning, the same doctor who injected Edwin Carter with injections.

The doctor's eyes swept away from the Jane body and fell on the bowl of porridge Edwin Carter had eaten. "Master, your fever has not yet subsided, at any time it may become severe, so please do not eat food that is not made by us, if get any bacterial infection will not be good."

When she heard the doctor's words, Jane felt uncomfortable. The doctor clearly meant that what she cooked was not clean.

Yes, she admits that she didn't know Edwin Carter for as long as they did. They are all people who have been with Edwin Carter for a long time. They have deep feelings with him, but she is his wife.

Just when Jane was feeling embarrassed. She was suddenly embraced by Edwin Carter. His deep voice sounded slow and firmly in her ea. "Sienna Henry, Dr. Liana, Let me formally introduced you to my wife. 

My wife, Jane Ronan."

My wife Jane Ronan!

These four words directly hit Jane’s heart and made her heart soften instantly. She stayed quiet and gently looked at Edwin Carter.

Yes, after the day they got married, she was no longer Miss Jane, but Mrs. Cater.

Edwin Carter looked at Jane, his eyes softened a lot. "Jane, Sienna Henry, and Dr. Liana both have been working around me for a long time. They are not only my employees, but in fact, we are all friends. They are very close to me."

Edwin Carter said this very well, but once again stressed the real relationship between them.




These people have been with him for many years. He treats them like friends and close peoples but most important of all Jane is his wife.

Dr. Liana also understood that what he had just said was enough. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Hello, Mrs. Carter!"

Jane smiled and politely replied, "Hello, Dr. Liana!"

Sienna Henry added, "This morning I was too worried. While talking to Mrs. Carter my attitude was not very good, please Mrs. Carter forgive me."

They have been with Edwin Carter for many last years. They are capable of handling affairs and have won the trust of Edwin Carter. Over the years, they seemed to have become half of Edwin Carter's family. It's because she knows Edwin Carter too well and knows that he won't get sick easily. Once he gets sick, the situation becomes serious like today morning.

Because they didn’t know Jane for a long time, that’s why they treated Jane as an outsider.

Edwin Carter looked towards Jane, "Jane, do you know what the marriage certificate really means?"

Jane was a little confused, didn't know what Edwin Carter wants to say.

Edwin Carter looked at Sienna Henry and Dr. Liana and said slowly, "According to law, if two people get married. It means they handed over their lives to each other. Like today, I am seriously ill, I must have the family with me who signature here to start my treatment, and the person who can sign for me is you --- Jane!”

For Jane a registered marriage means two people living together in partnership, going on if they can and break up if they can’t.

She never thought that in the heart of Edwin Carter, a marriage certificate had so much significance. That he was willing to entrust his life to her.

Hearing the words of Edwin Carter, Sienna Henry and Dr. Liana took a look at each other. What Edwin Carter said was not unreasonable. During an emergency, there was only Jane with him in the room.

Edwin Carter said, "If you want to change dressings, please change it quickly. After that, you can leave."

"Yes." The doctor quickly changed the infusion bag for him. "Master, a small number of sleeping pills are added to this medicine. After taking it, you will sleep for a while."

As soon as the doctor and Sienna Henry left, Edwin Carter looked at Jane brightly and patted the position beside him. "Come and lie down with me for a while."

"Okay." Jane walked over and lay next to him.

As soon as she lay down, Edwin Carter put his arms around her, buried her head in her shoulder and neck and sniffed her unique fragrance, "Jane..."

"Huh?" Jane did not struggle, let him hold her.

"When I woke up today and didn't see you. I don't know why I felt so disappointed." It was Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice. When he spoke, his breath surrounded her head. Her heart beats faster, and her face turned red again.

Edwin Carter’s words were clearly not something romantic but had the power that made Jane feel more exciting than romantic words.

Simply guess, Edwin Carter must have been a good girl-raiser before, but when he grows up to this level, there are a lot of beautiful women rushing at him.

Jane didn’t answer him. She gently reached out and held his waist, and gently rubbed her face against his chest: "Edwin Carter, I will not let you down in the future."

If such a thing happens again in the future, she will not let others take Edwin Carter away. She will always accompany him and take care of him as his wife.

Edwin Carter did not reply. She lay in his arms for long. She was so tired that his body cramped. She looked up at him quietly and saw that he had already fallen asleep.

The doctor gave the sleeping pills to let him have a good sleep. After all, good sleep is important for quick physical recovery.

Jane took Edwin Carter's hand carefully and moved gently in his arms, tried to lie down beside him in a comfortable position.

Who knows that when she tried to move slightly Edwin Carter subconsciously tightened his arm's strength to embrace Jane?

Jane twisted her eyebrows, and her lips were raised slightly. Edwin Carter's arms unconsciously increased the strength.


Today it rained a lot and the temperature dropped several degrees like winters.

But Jiangbei liveliness was unaffected by the cold air it was the same as before.

After the news that Shengtian's leader, Leon Carter, was going to move his domestic headquarters to Jiangbei. Business elites from all over the country gathered in Jiangbei, which was unprecedented for a time adding a scene to the cold winter.

Shengtian wants to develop its business in Jianbei. They have also planned to move its headquarters from Kyoto. That is why this city is the ideal location for businessmen to come and visit. The arrival of Shengtian will bring more business opportunities for this city.

Some people came there to survey the markets while others came to see Leon Carter. The leader of Shengtian, hoping to cooperate with Shengtian.

One of the most willing businessmen for working with Shengtian was Gu’S Christopher Ned. For him to gain more trust in his father Ned Greyson, he saw this opportunity as the most direct and effective way to find ways to cooperate with Shengtian.

He has sent his secretary several times to Shengtian but every time he gets the answer that Leon Carter was busy and had no time.

Not once or twice, but more than ten times they tried to get the appointment but didn’t get. Christopher Ned's was losing his patience.

Looking at Christopher Ned frowning at his desk, Alfred Kim tried to open his mouth several times. He couldn't help saying, "Christopher Greyson, I heard earlier that the people who wanted to meet Leon Carter had already made appointments three months ago. It is really not easy to meet him. He is not waiting for us."

"Three months ago? Think about other shortcuts. It would be better if we meet him earlier than others." Christopher Ned has just taken over some of Gu's businesses, but many senior managers seem not so satisfied with him.

That’s why he's anxious to meet Leon Carter and cooperate with him to let those who look down on him know his strength.

Alfred Kim thought for a moment and said, "Christopher Ned, I've heard some news recently, but I don't know whether it's true or not?"

Christopher Ned looked at Alfred Kim coldly, "If you have something stupid to say, don’t mention."

Alfred Kim added, "The Carter family is low-key. No media has ever photographed Leon Carter. His personal life has always been the focus of attention, but no one has heard anything about it. But recently I heard that Leon Carter is very fond of women, and even heard that he stayed with six women over a night."

On hearing this, Christopher Ned's eyes were bright, but he didn’t want to believe the rumor easily and asked, "Where did you hear the news?"




Leon Carter didn’t photograph by social media. How did the news come out? And who has the courage to spread such news? The Carter family is a well-known family, rich and valuable, and attaches great importance to family etiquette. For many years no one had heard any bad news or rumor about the Carter family. Whether they hide well or they really have good moral values. The Carter family gives people an image that their brought up is extremely good and qualified.

Christopher Ned's heart was very excited after this rumor but at the same time, there were some worries.

If the news is valid, Alfred Kim can find some beautiful women and send to him. In case the news is false, sending a woman to Leon Carter would be self-deprecating. Maybe it proved like shoot own self on the food. So before deciding to do this or not, Christopher Ned must know from where the news came and how credible it is.


Alfred Kim was aware of Christopher Ned's doubts, so he said, "Christopher Ned, when I heard this rumor, I ordered people to check about the credibility of news."

Christopher Ned asked quickly, "What did you find about it?" Christopher Ned was very hopeful that his answer will be in favor. It would be great to send a couple of women to move Leon Carter. And Christopher Ned thinks that she can easily find women to do so.

"I asked people to check and finally found out that it was from Shengtian Entertainment. Specifically, one of the leading actors in the theatre spread the news." With that, Alfred Kim quickly took out his cell phone and opened a photo. "This is the woman. Her name is Polaris, a very popular star these days."

The woman in the photograph had a lot of makeup. He can't see her true face very clearly. But he can predict that she must be very beautiful.

Alfred Kim continued, "Polaris claims to be Leon Carter's girlfriend in Shengtian. At first, everyone thought she was just climbing up there, raising her own price. Who knows what she really took out her personal photos with Leon Carter, and from the background, it seems like Leon Carter’s Mansion in America."

"Find out the other pictures for me." Christopher Ned said excitedly, as a drowning man catches a straw.

Alfred Kim quickly took two other photos, "Christopher Ned, see this Mansion is similar to the one on social media."

Christopher Ned asked Alfred Kim to send the photos to the computer and enlarge them.

The Mansion in the photo was not only magnificent but rather like a manor, a very leisurely and comfortable living environment. This photo was similar to the photo in news from the media. According to their status, it was surely Carter family's Mansion in the United States.

In another picture, there was a man in a blue suit sitting alone. Looked like a momentum of indignation and prestige. As for the looks, he looks very good. Like he had inherited the fine genes of the Carter family. The age seems to be around 28. It must be Leon Carter.

Many Media companies spent a lot of time but failed to take a picture of Leon Carter. It wasn’t expected that this secret got burst out by a small girl.

"It doesn't seem to be a fake thing." Christopher Ned was so excited that he stood up and walked around. After thinking about it, he said, "Find a way to bring the girl named Polaris to me. I want to confirm it personally."

He wanted to see Leon Carter, who touched his nose three or five times, and he thought it was very likely that he didn't like it.

Christopher Ned wanted to firmly seize this opportunity.

Alfred Kim looked ashamed, "Christopher Ned, when I got the news last night, I went to invite her, but that girl was very angry, she is not easy."

"Not easy?" Christopher Ned snorted coldly, "Didn’t make a little girl agree? Should Master Ben go personally to invite her?"

Alfred Kim wiped cold sweat, "That little girl is Leon Carter's girl, we can’t take her easy."

"Hmm, Your Master will go personally to her." That woman has these kinds of photos of Leon Carter it shows that her relationship with Leon Carter is absolutely different. Christopher Ned thought that maybe she could meet Leon Carter through this woman.

"Then I'll arrange it." After that, Alfred Kim turned around and was about to do what his master ordered.

"Alfred Kim." Christopher Ned called him again, "No matter whether the news is true or not, you should go first to find some beautiful women. You'd better choose some unique ones. There will always be one that Leon Carter likes."

Alfred Kim smiled hilariously and said, "Christopher Ned you rest assured. I am an expert in this respect. I will select beauties from the top class. Christopher Ned, you can check them first."

Christopher Ned grabbed the teacup and smashed it at Alfred Kim, "Why you behave like a fool around me?"

"Christopher Ned, in the past you always..." Before he had finished, Christopher Ned gave him a fierce look. Alfred Kim quickly changed the subject. "I was wrong. In your heart, there is only Miss Jane."

"What you just said?" An idea flashed through Christopher Ned's mind. Although this idea was very despicable. But his mind generated this at this moment.

"Christopher Ned, what do you want me to say?" Alfred Kim asked carefully and cautiously.

"What kind of people Leo Carter met in the past? What kind of woman he never had seen before? An ordinary woman cannot get into their eyes." Christopher Ned drove away with the thought that he shouldn't have in his mind and said unconsciously, "When you go to find someone, take Miss. Jane as the standard, then choose."

"Master Christopher..." Alfred Kim also wanted to say something, but was shocked by Christopher Ned's cold eyes and closed his mouth.

He kept silent and thought. Miss Jane's kind of beauty? The more you see her the more enchanting she looks. Where to find a beautiful woman like Jane. His master had put him in trouble?

Alas, it is true that his master had a deep love for Miss Jane. Maybe Master can send Miss Jane for this task. And he didn't face the problem to go look for a woman like her everywhere. Alfred Kim was suddenly frightened by his own thought. He instinctively looked up and clapped his chest to press his shock. If his Master became aware of his idea, he would strip off his skin.

Alfred Kim did not know that Christopher Ned's mind just flashed the same idea as him. Christopher Ned thought of Jane at this time. He used to be in love with Jane, but now she had married someone else. In the past, Jane really loved Christopher Ned and he also didn’t want to go away from her.




For him, Jane was same, though still as eye-catching as she used to be. But after three years for her he was nothing.

Christopher Ned's mind inexplicably burst into flames when he thought that there was Edwin Carter in her heart.

How can a man who only affords to drive a broken car married Jane? Why Jane chooses him. After this thought, all kinds of emotions pour into the mind of Christopher Ned. The one thing he hated the most was that his own possession was taken away by another man.

Christopher Ned lived a good life. There was nothing that didn’t get. He wanted to take Jane back from Carter.

He also said, "Innovation Technology has almost destroyed. The man surnamed Carter has not acted yet. What the hell is he doing? Did I overestimate his power? His real strength is so vulnerable?"

Alfred Kim said flatteringly, "Christopher Ned, Gu’s Group is at number two in China. As our message sent out, many companies ended their corporation with Innovation Technology. In such a situation, it will be a miracle if Innovation Technology stands up and turn over."

At first, Christopher Ned was worried about Innovation Technology, but these days he found that Innovation Technology was not even as strong as he expected. It seems that he overestimated that man Edwin Carter.

"Jenny, why you choose such a useless man over him. I can give you everything you want, then why?" Christopher Ned ignored Alfred Kim's existence and said to himself.

Alfred Kim said again, "Christopher Ned, do you want me to remind him? I'm afraid he's too weak. I wasn’t aware that the real purpose of this crackdown on Innovation Technology was to get Miss Jane back to you."

"You go and fix a meeting." Christopher Ned's eyes flashed a dark light and said, "Master Christopher wants to meet him. Let’s show him his real status. My woman definitely doesn't deserve a man like him."


Few days have been passed since Edwin was ill. These days Edwin stays very busy with work. He stayed out due to business trips.

But it seemed that Jane still can't get out of that day. Jane felt that Edwin Carter on that day was particularly strange, his voice was particularly sexy and his eyes were gentler.

That day, she said she lie down with Edwin Carter for a while but she slept longer than Edwin Carter. When she woke up, he looked at Edwin Carter with dark eyes. His eyes were deep.

She wanted to speak, but suddenly he hold her head and kissed her so hard that she could not breathe well, he said such a sentence.

"Jane, is your lips poppy?"

Jane wanted to ask him what he meant but when he smiled at her, she suddenly understood that poppies are poisonous and once you get them you can’t stop!

With this thought Jane subconsciously wiped her lips, it seems that there’s still a feeling of crispness and numbness between her lips when he gently bit her.

"Jane, what the hell are you thinking about, you stinky girl? It’s been a half-day your girl is standing here and you are ignoring her."

Laura Ferdinand's voice, like thunder, touched Jane. At first glance, Laura Ferdinand looks at her discontentedly.

Jane quickly poured her a cup of tea, "You must be tired. Have a cup of tea."

Laura Ferdinand sat down on the opposite side of Jane, took a cup of tea but her eyes did not look away not for a second.

She looked at Jane for a long time and said, "Look at the way you are smiling just like flowers bloom in the spring. There is clearly written on your face. I'm in love! I'm in love!"

Laura Ferdinand had a very loud voice, regardless of whether there are other people around him or not. When she said this, the people at the table next to them turned their heads and looked at them.

Jane stared at her, "My dear sister Laura, can we care a little about our reputation. Don't let people make fun of us, okay?"

Laura Ferdinand took off her coat, stared at the men who looked at them fiercely and spoke to Jane, "My beautiful woman from the time you came here those people are looking at you like this. It's just that you were too indulged in your man’s thoughts that you didn’t notice."

When Laura Ferdinand walked into the restaurant, the first thing she noticed was not Jane but the eyes of the men. She looked in the direction of their eyes to find Jane easily. When she saw in the direction, she found her sitting in the corner. With a gentle smile on her face and indulged in her own beautiful dreams.

After looking at her like this Laura felt that Jane has really come out of the shadow of the past. Laura Ferdinand was very happy for Jane.

"I think you don't want to talk. Let’s order some dishes to seal your mouth." Simply passed the menu to Laura Ferdinand. "I'll order hotpot and leave the main dish for you to order."

"Trope, roasted duck, Mushrooms... These all are needed for hot pot. Laura Ferdinand ordered more than ten dishes in one breath, which shows how experienced foodies is she.

Jane and Laura Ferdinand have been hanging together since high school. They have visited many restaurants together. For some time, when they had leisure time, they wrote a food column for a restaurant. The post was also read by many experts. The editor finds out that they want to open a food column for them.

They are friends for more than ten years. Laura Ferdinand was a very important person in her life. She was much more important than classmates or an ordinary friend.

Laura Ferdinand ordered good food and took out a gift box from his bag, "Come on, girl, this gift I specially chose for you. I hope you like it."

Jane looked at the beautifully packaged gift box, she tried to open it, "Let me see what you brought me?"

"This is a surprise. Open it after going home." Laura Ferdinand stopped her in a hurry. If Jane opens the box at this time, it would be expected that the whole restaurant would see it.

Jane had no doubts about her so she put the box away and pours tea in a cup for Laura Ferdinand, "You said John Alex would come back with you. Why did you come back alone?"

"Shengtian Company is too big. It's not easy for him to get a transfer. He is working for the approval process and it’s exhausting." Speaking of this matter made Laura angry.

If it weren't for the generous salary and the difficulty of getting the new job, she would surely let her family men change job.

Jane smiled and said, "Oh, I'll lend you Mia Mia and let it accompany you for a few days."

"Do you want Mia Mia to accompany me or do you think Mia Mia is playing gooseberry?" After saying this Laura Ferdinand looked at Jane and added, "My girl, I found you look much better. It seems that your man moistened you well."




When it comes to Edwin Carter, even the slightest thought of him turned her face red in an instant and she can't help but recall Laura Ferdinand’s word that she uttered that night.

Laura Ferdinand looked at her. She was blushing. Laura patted her head and said, "Dumb girl. Just mention his name and you started to blush."

"Laura, can we stop talking about man and change the subject?" Jane didn't want to continue the topic of Edwin Carter anymore. Discussing this kind of matter with Laura Ferdinand means cursing yourself to death.

Jane put the plate and served it to Laura, "You had a flight of more than ten hours. Let me serve you tonight."

"You are so caring." Laura Ferdinand laughed and said, "I haven't seen your man yet. When are you going to introduce him to me?"


"I've planned to introduce him to you for a long time, but couldn’t make it. He's is out for a business trip." Simply put the soup into Laura Ferdinand's bowl and said.

She was talking about Edwin Carter when her phone rung and it was Edwin Carter's call.

Jane smiled, "He is calling. Let me answer the phone first."

Edwin Carter's voice on the phone was still as deep and sexy as ever, "Where are you? It’s so late"

Sounds like a tone of reproach but Jane felt the concern, laughing and saying, "I came out to eat hot pot with Laura."

After a brief silence, she heard Edwin Carter saying again, "Which Place?"

"At Haidilao on Keyuan Road." After a pause, she added, "You don't eat hot pot, otherwise we can come here some other day."

"Well, I see, enjoy your meal."

Jane wants to talk more with Edwin Carter, but it seemed that Edwin Carter was not interested in chatting. So Jane said goodbye and hangs up the phone. But she neglected a point. If Edwin Carter was away on business, it was impossible for him to know that she had not returned home yet. But Edwin Carter just asked why she had not returned home.

"What do I think of you little girl? You blush even while making a phone call. That's not what you used to be." Laura Ferdinand was amazed because of her expressions and tone.

Jane also felt very strange, when she talks about the business deal she always stays confident, very able to speak. But whenever she encounters Edwin Carter, she starts blushing.

Laura Ferdinand had never seen Jane blushing like this before. Not even when she was in love with Christopher Ned. It was Jane’s first love. Girls were mostly shyer when they felt for the first time, but at that time Jane was as wild as a boy.

Laura Ferdinand thought, maybe Edwin Carter was the one who was destined to be Jane’s. No matter how strong you are, once you meet someone who really loves you, you will naturally act like a little woman.

It was already late at night when they finished eating. Jane put on her coat. They were chatting continuously and left the restaurant. Jane was wearing an orange-red overcoat today. Her complexion was white, and these colors suit her well.

Laura Ferdinand was speaking loudly as always while walking, and Jane was happy with her best friend.

"Miss Jane, Miss Laura, please stay!"

Alfred Kim and some people blocked their way.

"Why are you here?" Laura Ferdinand asked a question.

Alfred Kim is with Christopher Ned for many years. Laura Ferdinand knows him well. She doesn’t like him much. She knows he is just a useless man in Christopher Ned.

Laura thought for a while, Alfred Kim here means that Christopher Ned was also in jiangbei. She didn’t know that Jane already knew that. She looked at Jane anxiously and said, "Jane, Jane..."

Jane smiled at her, "Silly girl, don't worry, I'm all right."

Alfred Kim said, "Miss Jane, Christopher Ned would like to invite two of you to have a drink together. If you can honor him with your presence?"

Jane smiled and said, "Please tell Christopher Ned that we are not free and ask him to not disturb our lives in the future."

"Miss Jane, Christopher Ned just told me that if I can't invite you, I'll cut my finger and go back to him. Please have pity on me." Alfred Kim spoke pitifully, but his expression was not.

On hearing this, Laura Ferdinand said, "Go and tell Christopher Ned to die. He did such shameless things. Now he still has the face to appear in front of Jane."

Jane quickly grabbed Laura Ferdinand and shook her head. "Laura, calm down."

"That guy has the face to disturb your life again. How do I calm down?" Laura roared, she was extremely angry and worried she looked with concern and asked Jane. "Jane, are you okay?"

She was calm as if Christopher Ned had never appeared in her life.

"So you two won't give me any favor." Alfred Kim shook his head regrettably. "But Christopher Ned don’t like refusals, so I have to offend you two."

After that, Alfred Kim waved and several men who followed him immediately surrounded them.

Jane and Laura Ferdinand both almost at the same time tried to stand in front of each other. Jane quietly looked at Laura Ferdinand. Laura Ferdinand immediately moved behind Jane.

Jane looked at Alfred Kim, and smiled gently, "Alfred Kim, we know each other for long, don’t we?"

Alfred Kim said, "So, Miss Jane agrees to go with us?"

Jane nodded, with a smile on her face, "Christopher Ned is so thoughtful, why do I refuse such a solemn invitation?"

Laura Ferdinand had quietly called the police while Alfred Kim was busy with Jane. After that, Laura Ferdinand pushed back Jane deliberately and loudly said, "Jane, you cannot go with them. I believe that we are in a society ruled by law. They did not dare to kidnap us."

Jane looked at Laura Ferdinand's eyes, she was assured that the girl had called the police successfully, and then she said, "Laura, they want to kidnap us. But they only want me. This is Keyuan Road. Not far from your home, you can go back and leave me alone."

Alfred Kim said, "Since Miss Jane had said by herself that we are here to kidnap, that forces us to start. Put Miss Jane in the car."

"Who the fuck dares to touch me!" When those people came around, Jane changed her soft tender image and shouted angrily. That was enough to frighten the people close to her.

But bluffing people can only bluff for a short time, and they can only pray that the police patrolling nearby will arrive before they were taken away by these people.

Alfred Kim said again, "Brothers, put Miss Jane in the car!"

"I see who dares to touch her!"

A low and indifferent voice sounded behind them, which made people shiver.




When they heard the voice, they looked back and saw a man in a silver-grey suit standing stiffly behind them.

His eyes under the golden frame seemed to have a slight smile, but that smile could make one frightened they unconsciously three steps back.

Alfred Kim took the lead in returning to his mind, "Oh... I was thinking who has come? It is the Chairman Carter of Innovation Technology. Just as my young Master wants to see you, you can also come with us."

Edwin Carter did not even look at Alfred Kim. He stepped gracefully and steadily. He reached in front of Jane and touched her head with his hand and said. "I asked you to less go out in the evening, but you didn’t listen. You should be punished."

His voice was low and sexy as usual with no emotional fluctuations. It wasn’t that there was no emotion but that his hidden emotion and concern only Jane can feel.

This sentiment of Edwin Carter will make normal people think that he is like "not go home after work, go out so late and see how I go back to tidy you up."

After listening to Edwin Carter's voice, all her worries and fears disappeared immediately. She looked up at him with a smile. Both looked at each other, and none of them looked away.

After a while, she remembered that that Edwin Carter was on a business trip. How did he appear here, suddenly?

With a belly full of doubts, Jane opened her mouth to ask questions, Edwin Carter held out his finger and pressed her lips, "What do you want to say, say it after going back."

Jane stayed quiet and nodded gently.

After being ignored Alfred Kim looked angrily at his men and roared, "You guys, caught them we take these bastards men and women to Christopher Ned. Christopher Ned will reward us."

Edwin Carter had a strong physique and appearance. Alfred Kim's people looked at Edwin Carter from a distance, but nobody dares to take a step forward.

Not only his they didn’t dare to move forward but Alfred Kim's heart was also trembling with fear. He didn't even know why the president of a small Innovation Technology had tremendous courage.

He did nothing and said nothing, but he gave people a feeling to not look at him directly.

He is just a Chairman of small Innovation Technology. What's frightening? Alfred Kim talked to himself to be brave, but he still had no courage to approach Edwin Carter.

He began to regret his own decision. He wanted to surprise Christopher Ned by taking Jane to him back, but now he felt he was trapped badly by his own self. He looked at Edwin Carter and thought it was humiliating to take people away. But he didn't have the courage to attack.

Laura Ferdinand, who was usually hot-tempered lost his mind because of Edwin Carter's presence. How could there be such a handsome man in the world?

She looked at Edwin Carter and unconsciously swallowed her saliva. The man himself was much more handsome than the photos. If it was not of Jane, she would try to knock him down.

At that time, the patrol policemen who patrolled nearby also came. They did not even inquire about the situation. They just took a look and identified Alfred Kim as a bad man.

The Policeman said, "Since you really like to create the scene, let's go to the police station and have a cup of tea."

Alfred Kim responded and shouted, "Do you know whom I work for? You want to invite me for tea in lockup. I don't think you want to do it."

"I don't care who the fuck you are. You dared to create trouble in my territory, stay prepared for the consequences." The leader of the team was a young man. The biggest characteristic of the young man is that he is not afraid of these kinds of people. No matter for which you work. If you disturbed his peace he just grabs you and locks you up for a few days.

"Arrest me!" Alfred Kim held out his hand and made a handcuffed gesture. "Come on, if you have the ability, put handcuffs on. I would like to see who bear the trouble."

Alfred Kim used to rely on Christopher Ned as the person behind him. He created a lot of troubles in Kyoto but because he was Christopher Ned's staff those people always let him free.

Gu's roots and their greatest power are in Kyoto. In Jiangbei, they are not much different from an ordinary small company, so nobody fears him. But Alfred Kim did not realize that.

The leader picked up the handcuffs and handcuffed Alfred Kim. "The old son let's see who will face the trouble." The leader handcuffed Alfred Kim and other police officers handcuffed other men as fast as possible.

Before leaving the police officer gives her a kind reminder: "You are beautiful to try to spend less time in the evening. Don't let these thieves give you trouble."

Jane felt a little nervous she quietly looked at Edwin Carter. After watching his calm looks, she felt relieved.

Jane pointed at Laura Ferdinand, "Edwin Carter, this is my best friend and my only good friend Laura Ferdinand."

Edwin Carter smiled and greeted her politely, "Hello, Miss Laura Ferdinand!"

After getting no reply from Laura Ferdinand's side she turned over to look at her. Laura was continuously staring at Edwin.

Jane felt embarrassed, when did Laura Ferdinand, a stinky girl, become so imbecile and what she is doing?

Jane quickly pinched her, Laura Ferdinand returned to her mind: "Damn.., he's so fucking good-looking."


Suddenly she regretted admitting that Laura Ferdinand was her good friend. She should pretend not to know this stinky girl.

"Miss Ling's personality is so bold. No wonder she and you are best friends." It was very rare that Edwin Carter said such a long sentence to strangers.

Edwin Carter's abnormal behavior made Jane feel that he was laughing at her, saying that they are alike.

Laura Ferdinand said, "Hello, Mr. Carter. I've heard about for a long time. I just saw you today. You look much better than in the photos."

Edwin Carter laughed, "Jane often mentions me to you?"

Laura Ferdinand nodded, "Of course, it’s very difficult for her to love. I'm her only friend. If she didn't tell me then to whom she tells."

"She told you that she is in love?" Edwin Carter's eyes shifted slightly, she looked at Jane who was trying to pinch Laura Ferdinand. Her face was red like ready to burn up any moment.

"Laura, you're drunk. Shut up and talk less." Jane whisper to her and added, "It's so late, I'll send you back first."

"Mr. Carter, did you have a car here?" Laura Ferdinand ignored Jane's warning and said. "If you can, please drive me back. I'll tell you what Jane said to me about you."

Jane had no objection to Edwin dropping her home. But at the thought that this girl has so much ability to talk nonsense Jane's heart fell into a panic.




Jane wanted to stop but unable to stop. No matter what excuses she gives Laura Ferdinand will not her succeed?

Edwin Carter was driving Jane sat beside him and Laura Ferdinand was sitting in the back left seat to touch or look at: "the stinky girl remembers I told you that you have a fucking good luck but you didn’t admit. The men who can afford such a luxury car inadvertently pick you. You must have accumulated virtue in your life."

Jane wants to seal Laura Ferdinand's mouth and even throw Laura Ferdinand out of the window.

But she can't do anything too bad in front of Edwin Carter. So she has to laugh at Laura Ferdinand. After she has scolded the dead girl for thousands of times.

Several times she received Jane’s almost murderous look, but she ignored and kept talking.

Laura Ferdinand, sitting in the back seat of the car leaned forward slightly and asked, "Mr. Edwin Carter, you and Jane have been registered for so long. When are you going to have a wedding?"

Hearing Laura Ferdinand's question Jane answered, "Wedding is just a formal ceremony. It has nothing to do with holding a marriage or not. And I don't think there's any need."

Because they have registered marriage for a long time, but Edwin Carter never mentioned holding a wedding. So Jane thought maybe he didn't consider it important. In her heart, she thinks the same. It's not so important for two people to have a ceremony.

Laura Ferdinand was anxious when she heard it, "Jane, is your brain rusty? You people will not have a wedding, just two people quietly registered a married. Who the fuck knows that you Jane is the wife of Edwin Carter? If he goes out to find a woman than what will, you do."

At first, she was engaged to Christopher Ned in secret. No one knew that they were in love and his real fiancée bear their words and everything ended.

Laura Ferdinand's mentioned about the wedding at this time to remind Jane not to repeat the same mistake.

"Laura, stop talking." Laura Ferdinand understands Jane, and Jane understands Laura Ferdinand. She knows the purpose of Laura Ferdinand's saying these words, but she doesn't want to bring the past into today's life. She believed Edwin Carter cannot become the kind of person like Christopher Ned.

Edwin Carter, who had been driving earnestly and was silent suddenly interrupted and said, "Jane, I'm really sorry. I always thought that the most important was marriage registration, but I forgot the importance of the wedding. I'll think about it."

Marriage is bound to hold a wedding, which is a common-sense for people, but Edwin Carter, who was busy working day and night didn’t consider it.

If Laura Ferdinand hadn't mentioned it today, he wouldn't have thought of letting everyone know that Jane is his wife through a formal wedding ceremony.

After Edwin Carter spoke, Laura Ferdinand did not go on talking, but was a little angry. Jane this girl did not have a long memory, was it not enough to get hurt once?

As they approached the residential area, Laura Ferdinand spoke again, "Mr. Carter, could you please drive near that store, I want to go to the store to buy something?"

"Okay." Edwin Carter slowed down and stopped.

Before the car stopped, Laura Ferdinand said, "Smelly girl, my stomach is uncomfortable. Go to the store and buy me a bag of that..."

Actually this was an excuse. Laura Ferdinand does not care what Edwin Carter thinks of her. He is not her man anyway.

After Jane left, Laura Ferdinand's expression became serious in an instant, "Mr. Carter, can I have a serious chat with you?"

Edwin Carter looked at Laura Ferdinand in the rearview mirror and nodded politely: "Miss Ling, please speak!"

Laura Ferdinand looked outside and saw that Jane had already entered the store. She said, "Jane is a good girl. Please cherish her and didn’t let her get hurt again."

Edwin Carter nodded, "I know."

Laura Ferdinand said, "Mr. Carter, I don't know why you went to that blind date in place of someone else. But I don't want to pursue this matter. As long as you treat Jane properly, I will rot it in my stomach and never mention a word to her."

Edwin Carter looked back at Laura Ferdinand and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Laura Ferdinand took a deep breath and said, "Jane used to be a silly girl. She would like to be treated with a little kindness from others. Over the past three years, she has changed a lot, and no one can enter her heart anymore... So please don't hurt her."

Laura Ferdinand had many things to say to Edwin Carter about Jane. But she just said that. Because she always felt that Edwin Carter knew everything about Jane’s past and that Edwin Carter, who seemed polite to people has rejected thousands of people.

After they dropped Laura Ferdinand Jane, felt relieved. If that girl stays for more time she would surely create disasters.

Edwin Carter drove her home and there was no conversation between the two people. Jane wanted to talk to him several times but his cold look made her swallowed words back to her stomach.

Edwin Carter is a multifaceted man, sometimes gentle enough to melt people's hearts. Sometimes a cold as an ice cube.

It took more than half an hour to get home and step into the door. As they entered home Edwin Carter changed his cold attitude. He turned around and pressed Jane against the door board.

"Ah..." Jane screamed in horror, and in panic, she looked forward to what he was going to do next.

However, Edwin Carter only looked at her quietly and stared at her for a long time before he said, "Jane, do you want to fall in love?"

"I haven't. Don’t listen to Laura Ferdinand's nonsense" Jane shook her head like a drum, she tried to deny that she wanted to be in love.

Edwin Carter watched her gently came closer to her red lips and pushed her head closer. Giving a gesture that he is going to kiss her.

When Jane saw his handsome face approaching, she instinctively closed her eyes and looked up slightly, but did not wait for the next move of Carter and Yue. She slowly opened her eyes after a moment and watched Edwin Carter staring at her thoughtfully.

This bad man, if he wasn’t wanted to kiss her then why he misleads her with his actions, really disgusting!

"You really don't want to fall in love?" After watching her for a long time, Edwin Carter asked this question again.




In a nutshell, the more Edwin Carter wanted to fall in love with her the more she said no to him. Although this kind of behavior is very childish, she was willing to accompany her husband.

But there was a different answer in her mind and heart due to which she shook her head to make him believe that she really means no.

"I'm also worried that you want to fall in love, but I don't have time to accompany you, which will disappoint you. Now I'm relieved to hear that you don't want to." After Edwin completed the sentence he let her go and turned gracefully and calmly to study.

Then, there was no more...


How can one bully others like this?

Jane really wanted to rush over and bite him severely, telling him not to bully her again. She really doesn't know whether Edwin Carter's was really low in EQ or pretending to be low in EQ.

Sometimes a word from him will warm her heart for a day. Sometimes a word makes her cry or laugh.

"Woof Woof..." Mia Mia has been here for a long time, but her master has not noticed it, so she has to make a noise to attract attention.

Jane shook the gift box in her hand and amused it deliberately, "This is what Aunt Laura bought for me, not for Mia Mia to eat."

"Whoop..." Mia Mia cried sadly.

"Mia Mia, don't be angry." Jane touched her soft head like coax her like a child and said, "Let’s open the gift to see what Aunt Laura has brought, okay?"

Gift box had a very delicate package. Jane tried to open it and said, "Mia Mia, what do you think Laura will give to me?"

After opening it, Jane was immediately shocked.

The exquisite gift box contains different kinds of condoms, small, medium and large size, and of different flavors...

Jane thought that Laura Ferdinand had forgotten about it. She did not expect that she really bought it and packaged it as a fine product, which made her feel unprepared.

There was also a note in the box: "Girl, enjoy the most primitive pleasure with your man!"


Edwin Carter's deep and sexy voice suddenly sounded behind him. Jane was immediately shocked.

She quickly hid the box in her arms. She was so panicked that she asked Edwin bluntly "What you have to say?"

It’s not good if Edwin Carter saw that she was holding condoms. She didn’t want to leave a bad impression as an open woman.

She wanted to live well with him, didn't want to leave such a bad image of her in his heart.

"If you want to fall in love, tell me, I will spare time to accompany you." After dropping this sentence, Edwin Carter turned back to his study.

Jane didn't want to fall in love. She didn't think about it from the beginning. It was obvious that he had been asking this question.

But now it looked like that she wanted to fall in love, and he was the passive one. Jane wanted to bite him again, wanted to rush into the study to teach Edwin Carter a good lesson but she had no courage.

She wanted to ignore Edwin Carter. At present, the most important thing was how to deal with this hot bomb in her hand. She looked in the house to find a place to hide them.

After hiding these things, her mobile phone buzzed up. She looked at the number which seems familiar. It’s like Christopher Ned’s number.

After thinking about it, Jane picked up the phone. It was Christopher Ned’s apologetic voice, "I want to say sorry to you! I don't know what Alfred Kim did today. He wanted to bring you to see me on his own. I didn’t order him to do so."

"Christopher Ned, you don't have to apologize to me, please don't disturb my life anymore." Jane didn't care whether Christopher Ned had ordered Alfred Kim to do so or not. She just didn't want to have anything to do with him.

She didn’t want to see that face again. She didn't want to think about bad things in her past because of that face. She didn't want Edwin Carter to misunderstand her.

"I didn’t order Alfred Kim. I've been thinking about you in my heart." Christopher Ned began to make a strategy by using some words full of affection.

She said, "Christopher Ned, that's enough. If you want to torcher, just torcher yourself, please don't try to torcher me."

"Jenny..." Christopher Ned paused and tentatively asked, "Do you know Leon Carter, of Shengtian's family?"

"Leon Carter? I'm just a little employee of Innovation Technology. How can I possibly know Leon Carter, a family member of Shengtian?"

Christopher Ned asked, "You really don't know Leon Carter?"

Last time, Chen Sheng, Director of Jiangbei Public Security Bureau, went to the police station in person to take Jane out of the lockup. This time, Chen Sheng himself ordered that Alfred Kim and others should be investigated strictly.

Why such a small matter getting dealt this day. He only needs to make a phone call, and Alfred Kim and others will be released. Who knows that it suddenly becomes such a big criminal case?

Christopher Ned thought about it. He could not imagine that Edwin Carter, who had no strong power behind him, could give a direct order to Chen Sheng to do such things.

He let people investigate this matter, and the police revealed some gossips, pointing directly at Leon Carter.

Why Leon Carter get involved in Jane’s problems?

She has talked with Christopher Ned more than once to emphasize that doesn’t disturb her life but Christopher Ned didn’t understand. Most probably Leon Carter and Jane know each other.

Can Edwin Carter send his wife to someone else's bed in order to get a favor from Leon Carter.

He was thinking about it more and more. Jane belongs to him, how can he let Edwin Carter's take advantage of her?

Jane didn’t know what Christopher Ned wanted to say but it was puzzling, "Christopher Ned, don't ask me such things which have nothing to do with me. I have told you very clearly that I don't know Leon Carter at all."

Edwin Carter was pushing the door in when she heard her saying this name Leon Carter. Why did she mention Leon Carter? If she...

He looked carefully with a deep inquiry in his eyes.

Edwin Carter had saw her calling. She had clear intentions but she was worried that if Edwin misunderstands him. He hung up the phone and looked at him with a smile. "It was laura’s call. She was asking if I reach home safely."

Jane explained, but Edwin Carter understood to whom she was talking only a single look at her




Edwin Carter's eyes under the golden frame slightly squinted and he said, "Put that man's number into the blacklist, don't answer his phone and don't meet him again."

Edwin Carter was worried about this silly girl who had been so deeply hurt by someone. Now he had to help her decisively to not let her feel nostalgic again.

Edwin Carter's words were very powerful and hegemonic but Jane couldn’t hate any word from him. She took out her cell phone and put Christopher Ned's cell phone number into the blacklist.


After blacklisting his number, she showed Edwin Carter her mobile phone, "well, I’ve put it in the blacklist. I will never see him again."

"Ok." Edwin Carter stared at her and the eyes under the golden frame flashed an imperceptible light. "I just forgot something. Now I want to make it for you. I don't know if I can do that?"

"What's the matter? Do you need my help?" Jane didn’t know what Edwin Carter referred to so she asked foolishly.

"Your help is much needed." Edwin moved nearer to Jane and held her head in his one hand.

Jane got a little angr, "Edwin Carter, this kind of naive game is good to play once, don’t do it again."

She thought that Edwin Carter was just doing what he did before. She wanted to kiss him, but he would not kiss her. However, before she had finished speaking, Edwin Carter relentlessly kissed her.

Tongue and lip entanglement, breathing is blending… Kissed her intensely, as if he wished to swallow Jane into his stomach.

Jane was holding him tightly, two hands tightly tugged at the corner of his clothes, she was willing to follow him to get into a new fantasy world.

However, the lingering hot kiss suddenly stopped. Jane still felt the afterheat of his fierce kiss. Edwin Carter pushed her out of her arms.

Edwin Carter wiped her lips with his finger and looked at her, "I still need to continue my work. You sleep early."

Jane was stunned there. She took a long time to come back to mind: "What the hell. Why he did this once again?"

She also realized what Edwin Carter meant by saying that he had forgotten one thing. It was that he did not kiss her when he came back from a business trip today. After sweeping the lips, a sudden upsurge of sadness arose in her heart. Will their affection last forever?

Christopher Ned was still in Jianbei, and the Innovation Technology was not in a good state. Her heart felt restless. She was afraid these warm days will over soon, and everything will return to its original state.


In a five-star hotel in Jianbei.

In a luxury suite, Christopher Nedjie smashed several mobile phones.

Last night, she not only hung up on him, but also put his number into the blacklist. She was not leaving him with an option? In this lifetime, does he have to watch Jane become a woman of Edwin Carter?

No way!

Christopher Ned cried out in his heart that he would never let that man surnamed Carter do these cheap things and he will snatch back Jane.

He was obsessed with Jane. He couldn't let Edwin Carter have her.

"Alfred Kim!" Christopher Ned roared. After roaring, he remembered that Alfred Kim had been caught in the police station. He could not get him out. It was very hateful to think about it.

Another man who took over Alfred Kim's position came in.

"Did you make an appointment with the actress Polaris?" Whether that actress is Leon Carter's woman or not, even if it’s only one percent possibility, Christopher Ned will not let it slip from his hand.

The man who was working in the place of Alfred Kim was Aiden Halsey. He was sent by Christopher Ned's father to Christopher Ned. He did more things than Alfred Kim. He was far more intelligent than Alfred Kim.

He said, "Sir, she has agreed to meet us, but the address of the meeting will be chosen by her. It would take nearly half an hour's drive to reach here."

Christopher Ned stepped forward and said, "Get the car."

We had wasted a lot of time. Now he can't wait more to meet Leon Carter. He wanted to cooperate with him to make his reputation in front of his father.

"Christopher..." Walking to the hotel lobby, a gentle voice stopped Christopher Ned.

Hearing the voice, Christopher Ned looked back and frowned slightly. "You're not in good health. You should stay at home and have a rest. Who let you come here?"

The woman stepped towards him and helped him straighten out his suit jacket. "You've been out for so long, and the family was worried about you, so Dad asked me to take care of you."

"You don't have to wander around me. Go and rest. I have something to do." Christopher Ned pushed her hand away and spoke in a gentle voice.

"Christopher, actually I know your real purpose behind coming to Jiangbei." The woman smiled bitterly, and the voice was softer and pleasant, and her expression was very lovable.

"You're a woman, what do you know?" Christopher Ned said unhappily.

Because he always saw Jane’s shadow in this woman, and every time he can't stop himself saying things like this to her.

"Christopher, I know I'm useless. I didn’t let our child come to this world. And now I can't ..." Speaking of this, the woman's eyes sparkled with tears, a drop of tears fell from the corner of her eye.

"What are you crying? I don't blame you." Christopher Ned's face showed helplessness and stretched out his hand to support the woman.

The woman raised her head, blinked her big watery eyes and lifted her lips lightly. "Ned, you are the eldest son of Gu's family. You can't live without your own children, so no matter what you want to do, I'm willing to help you."

"Sophie Ronan, are you serious? Even if that person is..." Christopher Ned was both happy and surprised.

After her abortion, she would not be able to conceive again. She could not give birth to a child, and she could not complain if he would go to someone else to continue the bloodline of his family.

Sophie Ronan rubbed her eyes gently in his arms and said, "There are some things maybe you can’t do well, but if I do I may receive different results. Her temper is better known to me as a sister than to you."

"You mean..." Christopher Ned can't believe what Sophie Ronan said. If that's the case, he'll have more chances to take Jane back.

"I'll take time to visit her." Sophie Ronan threw out this sentence. She wanted to firmly grasped Christopher Ned in the palm of her hand.

"Sophie, you are so kind to me!" Christopher Ned held Sophie Ronan in her arms as if she had seen Jane coming to her.

He kissed Sophie Ronan's forehead, "Sophie, if you can help me do this, I will treat you well in the future."




"Your problem is my problem. I will help you out. That's what I am supposed to do." Sophie Ronan smiled gently and looked like a kind of soft morbid beauty as if the wind would blow her away.

Christopher Ned looked at Sophie Ronan with a gentle and considerate smile, "Since you are here, enjoy yourself and live well. When we achieve it, we'll go back to Kyoto together."

"Well, as you say." Sophie Ronan nodded thoughtfully.

Christopher Ned said, "I'll accompany you back to your room."

Sophie Ronan shook her head. "Don't you have anything else to do? You don't have to worry about me. I will go to my room by myself."

As soon as Sophie Ronan’s words came out, Christopher Ned gave her a kiss and said softly, "You are always so considerate, how can I keep myself from loving you?"

Sophie Ronan smiled softly and put her hand gently on Christopher Ned's chest. "As your fiancée, it's my duty to take care of you and relieve your worries. I cannot disappoint you."

Christopher Ned couldn't help kissing her again. "Go upstairs and take rest. You are not well, don’t go out."

Sophie Ronan looked at him and said, "I want to see you going."

"Then I'll go first and then you go to the room and have some rest." Christopher Ned took people away and left.

Looking at the image of Christopher Ned's fading away, Sophie Ronan's smiling eyes faded away. She clenched her hands into fists, and her mouth muttered, "Christopher, I've been with you for the last three years, I had the abortion because of you but you have never forgotten her. What do you think I should do?"


Jiangbei City.

At a luxury hotel.

Angela Carter took a casual glance at the menu. The prices of these dishes were extremely expensive. She waved to the waiter and ordered more than a dozen of the most expensive dishes.

Zhong Kun tried to open his mouth several times but he didn’t get the courage so he stayed silent.

Angela Carter knew what he wanted to say. It’s just like "Polaris, you cannot eat so many dishes. Don't waste money. Master's money is his hard-earned money. If you save a little money, maybe next time he will agree to make a film for you."

Angela Carter knew these all people very well. In fact, they were sent by Leon to monitor her. They are not her people at all.

The stereotyped elder brother in the family watched her every activity, but she did not think that all the people around her also listened to her stereotyped elder brother, giving her no freedom at all.

Besides, who said she was going to use Leon’s money? She won't use his money. She's still angry with him. She never expected that Leon thrown her into the swimming pool so cruelly. She was almost drowned. This thing was still in her heart like a burning fire.

She wanted to fight with him, wanted to teach him a lesson this time, so that he would never dare to bully her again. She decided to fight and revenge, so she deliberately spread the rumors about Leon that he is fond of women.

She wanted those girls to stay away from him. No one should marry him, and then he would understand how valuable it was to have a sister around him.

But Angela Carter did not expect that these rumors even drew Gu's young master-- Christopher Ned’ attention.

For this Christopher Ned, Angela Carter's only impression was that one of the plays under their banner was a copy. They copied the plot and story of others and intellectually said that this was a tribute to the classics.

Angela Carter had never seen such shameless and mean persons. More importantly, Gu's entertainment company not only did not deal with this person but also vigorously support her.

Angela Carter hated this man, so she decided to make good use of this opportunity.

When she was thinking about it, she saw the man who wanted to see her had arrived and was coming towards her.

Seeing Christopher Ned in a black suit and with a dignified appearance, Angela Carter despised him severely in her heart.

Although she hated Christopher Ned, she could not show it in her behavior. She smiled and waved, "Mr. Christopher Ned, this way."

Christopher Ned looked at it and frowned without any trace. Angela Carter knew that he must hate her too.

She admitted that the face was specially processed because the powder on her face was too thick and when she laughed the powder flew off and gave a weird appearance.

She was as an invincible beautiful girl but if she didn’t dress up and looked ugly then it will be a grieve for her to be seen by the young master of Gu family who really has low moral values.

"You are Miss Polaris?" Christopher Ned looked at Angela Carter from up to down. He had sharp eyes and didn't believe that Leon Carter have such a weird and strong taste. This girl's face didn’t show anything except the powder. She was clearly a clown.

Angela Carter smiled and his eyebrows curved, "Yes. How about meeting a big star like me? Do you want to take a picture?"

Christopher Ned snorted in his heart. He was really not interested in such a "big star", a really thin body and the face was covered with thick powder that made people lose their appetite.


Christopher Ned expressed his intention directly, "Miss Polaris, my secretary should have told you the purpose of my appointment."

Angela Carter's face was too disguised, which is like a ghost in those horror films. Christopher Ned just wanted to left without turning his head, but he didn’t do that.

Angela Carter blinked her eyes, "Didn't we talk while eating? I've ordered a lot of dishes. First, let me eat then we will talk."

Christopher Ned said, "You tell me the news first and then you can eat slowly. Don’t worry, I'll pay for all the expenses."

"You will pay the bill?" Angela Carter approached, intentionally shaking her face in front of Nanjing, "I can eat as much as I want but it will not cost you much, you think in this way you can get the information you want from me?"

"If you have any other conditions, just open your mouth." Christopher Ned retreated without any trace. The grease on the woman's face was disgusting.

Angela Carter raised one finger and said, "You give me this number of money, then you can have any kind of news you want."

"One hundred thousand?"

"Of course not. Do you think I'm asking for food?" Angela Carter stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Christopher Ned. "This is a million."

"You have demanded too much." This time the person who spoke was not Christopher Ned but Aiden Halsey standing behind him.

"Christopher Ned, is it you who decide or the one behind you?" Angela Carter was not afraid of anyone except Edwin Carter. She really didn’t fear anything.

If by paying this amount he could cooperate with Shengtian, then it will not be a bad deal. The point was whether this little girl can give him useful information or not.




Christopher Ned stared at Angela Carter for a long time. This little girl dares to play with him?

"I can give you a million dollars if you tell me everything..." Christopher Ned beckoned his assistant and wrote down a million dollars when he took out the check. "Tell me now."

Angela Carter moved towards Christopher Ned, pretending to be mysterious, "Listen, Leon Carter is actually very fond of women. He has taken the lives of two girls doing that. Because of the power of the Carter Family, the news has been blocked so it was impossible to spread outside."

"I don't want to know what he has done. I just want to know where I can meet him and what kind of woman he likes." As Angela Carter approached, Christopher Ned retreated. He really disliked her makeup and the smell of the powder.

"Obviously, men like beautiful women." Angela Carter said, "He will attend a charity party in the coming two days. You can find him there."

Whether Christopher Ned believed her or not, Angela Carter continued, "Don't think Leon Carter is very great because of his family, which is now in full swing." She added, "At some point, he's just an ordinary man. All the ordinary men like the same things. Nevertheless, he’s not an ordinary man to some extent. So naturally, the criteria for a woman for him is a little bit higher than that of ordinary people."

Without giving Christopher Ned a chance to speak Angela Carter said again, "Beauty is obviously important but good temperament is also important. If you find a woman with first-class appearance and temperament to send to him, it is equivalent to get a lot of money in your pocket."

"If it is difficult for you to find the right one, look for it in my way and find a woman as beautiful as I am and you will achieve your goal."

Angela Carter talked a lot but Christopher Ned remembered only a few keywords: charity dinner, and women with good looks and temperament.

"Good temperament..." Christopher Ned repeats these words and in his mind unconsciously appears Jane’s slender and thin figure. Not lively and fresh as she was then but now she looks more delicate and polished. Her beauty shows her maturity, as a sensible charming lady. If Jane used to be a budding flower three years ago, then now she is in her full bloom.

Jane is so mature and beautiful... But now she does not belong to him.

However, she should have belonged to him, only him!

If it weren't for the parent’s pressure, if it weren't for that Edwin Carter... Who stops him from getting her? Who stops him from making her his! With this thought in his mind, Christopher Ned clench his fists.

But now he is not the same useless teenager who has to fear his parents’ pressure. He will make her his! He has to get her at any cost, and if he doesn’t... then he will destroy her.

After thinking this Christopher Ned released his pale hand and smiled at Polaris’s weird face, "Are you sure Leon Carter will attend a charity dinner?"

He gave a big smile, but it looked creepy, which made Angela Carter feel sick and a bit aversive.

Leo also often showed an ambiguous smile, but there’s always a confident behind the smile. Looking at his smile, people cannot help but bow down...While Christopher Ned's smile was so insidious and cunning with a little triviality.

Angela Carter felt sick again. She just wanted to run away from this person. So she quickly opened her mouth and laughed, "I took million dollars from you. Can a little star like me dare to play tricks in front of Christopher Ned?"

After Angela Carter's affirmation, Christopher Ned thought again for a while.

In the last days, he did hear that the celebrities of Jiangbei City were going to hold a charity dinner, but he did not hear that Leon Carter would attend that event. If this little clever girl was saying so confidently then, he must use every mean to see Leon Carter and find ways to convince Shengtian to cooperate with him. What’s more, he must find some beautiful women to please Leon Carter. Then he thought about Alfred Kim. Have the fool found any right women?

Seeing Christopher Ned did not respond for so long, Angela Carter asked impatiently, "Christopher Ned, are you satisfied with the news?"

Christopher Ned stared at Angela Carter for a long time, trying to find out if there is any trace of other important information.

But what he confirmed that Angela Carter's face was full of impatience and there’s nothing left. After careful consideration, he found it best to stand up and leave. "Okay, Then you enjoy your meal, I would like to leave now. If this piece of information helps us in our purpose, we will reward you more."

"Christopher Ned, don't forget to pay the bill when you leave." Angela Carter waved to Christopher Ned with the check and laughed fearlessly. She looked like a little girl who loves money very much.

When Christopher Ned left Angela Carter was so happy that she could not control herself to stand up and jumped with joy.

Leon Carter is a typical old-fashioned man who became famous in his youth and was also the leader of the commercial empire. But he lives like an ascetic monk. He has lived for more than twenty years but he only made one girlfriend three years ago. He dated her for about a month or two, but they met each other less than twice, so finally the woman abandoned him because she couldn’t see him very often.

Angela Carter wondered if it was because her silly brother didn't know how to “moisten” the woman, causing her sister-in-law to “dry up and die”.

After thinking all this Angela Carter felt more miserable for Edwin Carter. If no woman likes him and he does not take the initiative to pursue women, she was afraid that the blood of Carter family ends on him. Maybe these rumors... can help carter family to continue their bloodline.

Zhong Kun, who was standing for a long time beside Angela Carter, couldn't bear it any longer, "Polaris, if I tell the young master that you are such a fool, he must send you back to the United States."

It will be good if Zhong Kun didn't mention this. When he mentioned this Angela Carter burst on him, "Hey, you dare to tie me back to the United States. Would he have caught me if you hadn't informed him last time? "

"Polaris, it was you who asked me to call him last time. Why do you blame me? That was your plan." It was clearly Angela Carter who wanted to use Edwin Carter to stir up scandal to show that man.

Just after a few days, this girl refused to admit what she’d done and put the responsibility on him instead. He felt much wronged!




"Here comes the food. Come sit down and eat with me." Angela Carter was almost forgotten that the scene was created because she wanted to make a scandal. So it was wrong to blame Zhong Kun. She was a little embarrassed.

It was not allowed in the Carter family to share a table with servants. Zhong Kun didn’t dare to break this rule. He stood still, "Sorry, Miss, I will eat on my own later."

"I am asking you to sit down and eat with me. If you listen to me you'll show your obedience." Angela Carter began to enjoy the meal. "Besides, I can't eat so much delicious food alone."

Zhong Kun also reminded her, "Here is one of carter family rules- no speaking while eating. If the young master sees you like this, you'll have to learn etiquette again."

Angela Carter was annoyed by the words of Zhong Kun. The Carter family has its family rules, but she is not in Carter family now. Does she still have to abide by the rules? She turned her black eyes around and threatened him, "If you keep talking about those stupid rules, I'll send you to Africa."

At last, Zhong Kun closed his mouth, and Angela Carter could enjoy the delicious meal finally.

Leo is powerful, but he couldn’t control all her life. Because there would be a pile of women waiting for him...


For the last days no new cooperation projects have been signed by the company. The Innovation Technology has been suffering from a dark period. Everyone was worried about their future. At such a moment, the employees just couldn't keep their mind on work.

Deana Brad was not in the office, and the whole business department was doing nothing. There are very few people who were really working.

Wilson Paul was on the phone for long. It seemed like he made a girlfriend. They were talking "miss you, love you" and many endless phrases like this.

Katelyn Max and Fiora Justin sat together and browsed the microblog. They were talking loudly as they browsed as if they had forgotten that it was working time.

"The leader Leon Carter of Shengtian is so handsome but he’s more like a soldier than a businessman."

"He is very handsome but not more than our Chairman Edwin Carter. I think all men with surname carter look very handsome. What do you think?”

"Leon Carter looks noble, but ah, this microblog says that he is fond of beautiful women in private. He is far away from the standard of Chairman Edwin Carter, who is very loyal to his wife."

Katelyn Max and Fiora Justin were discussing with each other and expressing their views on the two men as if nobody’s watching, but they didn't even have the slightest idea that the Leon Carter in the picture was not the real Leon Carter at all. It was a secret and deliberate act made by Angela Carter.

Since the day Leon Carter came to Jiangbei, even minor news was related to him. Even if Jane did not pay attention, she also heard a lot of news about him. For example, he’s young and successful; a powerful businessman; fond of beautiful woman; women for him were like clothes that they didn't look the same every day, etc.

Jane got indulged in her thoughts.

This kind of person is beyond the reach of common people, especially like Jane.

It’s just their surnames were the same. However, simply seeing the news Jane unconsciously thought of many things in the past - Christopher Ned at that time was one of the most eligible person.

But everything changes now. When she thought about that, she can't help feeling sad.

Power, money, status, reputation... Jane was an ordinary person. She didn’t ask for these. She just wanted to live a quiet and peaceful life with Edwin Carter.

Thinking of Edwin Carter, Jane felt happy and couldn’t help smiling.

They both are men. Compared with the vigor of Leon Carter who stayed with six women at one night, Edwin Carter is really an ascetic monk. They have been sleeping together for a long time, but nothing has happened so far...

But seriously speaking, she can feel his desire every night.

In silent nights, sleeping together in the same bed, closing to each other, listening to each other’s breaths...

In the dark night when they coincidentally touch each other, that spark made him become desperate. She listened to the fluctuations of his breathing and her heartbeat becomes faster too.

Jane didn't know exactly what she’s thinking every night. She seems to be expecting, but she’s afraid at the same time.

He appeared so suddenly and so timely, putting bright color on her bleak dull life...

But it was so sudden, the sudden happiness made her very uneasy.

It's probably just a dream, right?

Even though his breathing became heavy when he came closer to her and her own heart started beating fast, even though she repeated his name unconsciously in the middle of the night. Still, this did not give her enough courage to accept this sudden reality.

But her beautiful dream was still surrounded by Christopher Ned who had a gun in his hand and who came here to uncover her ugly scars and to laughs at her childishness.

"Edwin Carter." Thought of Christopher Ned, Jane uttered this name again.

Although this name is concise and short, it always gave her great strength, as if it meant a world to her.


It was like responding to Jane’s inner call, the mobile phone on the desk suddenly vibrates. And the vibration was so strong that it frightened Jane and let she instantly regain consciousness.

What the hell she was thinking at work?

Jane picked up the mobile phone with regret. Before she could answer, she heard Edwin Carter's sexy and pleasant voice, "What are you doing?"

"No, nothing." In Jane’s ear, Edwin Carter's voice was deep and beautiful.


A very simple question from his side which made her feel that this time he had caught her.

Jane felt shy; she couldn’t help blushing but pretended to be calm, "What's up?"

"Mrs. Carter, its lunchtime." The man on the other side of the phone said gently, but she could sense a slight smile hidden in his plain words.

He was calling her Mrs. Carter.

He was serious but not seriously serious.

Jane couldn’t help laughing. Her clear eyes were bright and her tone was more cheerful, "Yes, sir!"

Then there was a silence at the other end of the line. Jane suddenly was a little flustered. She wondered if she had said something wrong. Just when she was going to explain she heard another sentence in his deep voice.

"Shall we go together?"

There was a softness and carefulness in his voice that she had never felt before.

He was waiting for her answer.

He hoped she would agree.

Jane thought for a moment.

All of sudden, she wanted to go stay by his side and announce loudly that she is Mrs. Carter, regardless of other people’s eyes.




But Jane still had no courage.

Not enough to accept their relationship publicly.

"You go first. I have something to do." She requested some more time to accept.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a long time, he whispered, "Okay."

Jane felt relief. She spoke casually with Edwin Carter and hung up the phone. It was 11:30 and colleagues in the office were ready to go out for the meal. Jane put down the cell phone and began to pack things.

While collecting her things, she didn’t notice Edwin Carter, Who had just put down his mobile phone and was standing outside the business department. Innovative technology offices were mostly glass compartments, from the outside one can clearly see the internal situation. Edwin Carter was quietly looking at Jane.

Jane was sitting in the office, bowing her head and was thinking something. Her face had many changing expressions from sunny to cloudy.

He couldn't help thinking: What was she thinking? Is it related to him? So he took his cell phone and dialed her number.

Looking at his incoming calls her face became somewhat flustered then she blushed and then she laughed like a fully bloomed flower.

He has seen many beautiful women in his life, but Jane was the most beautiful, bright and adorable. For a moment, he could not help to lose his mind for her smile. He wanted to take this smile for himself and tell everyone that she was his.

Out of courtesy, he asked her.

From the outside, he saw the hesitation on her face. Then he felt somewhat disappointed. He didn't know why.

She refused to make their relationship public. But he wanted to take her hand and in spite of all the odd promises, he wanted to announce loudly that she is his wife.

But he didn't want her to be embarrassed. So he said, "OK."

He saw some relief on her face.

After Sienna Henry finished her official duties, she came to Edwin Carter and asked in a low voice, "Chairman Carter, would you like me to call your wife to go with you?"

Jane was still packing things. Edwin Carter looked at her, silently. Then turned to Sienna Henry and said, "No. Let’s go."

By the time Jane reached Lily Restaurant, Edwin Carter had already been waiting for long.

As she opened the door, she saw Edwin Carter sitting gracefully in front of the window.

He seemed to be looking at something. The sunshine outside the window fell on his forehead and on his face, making the bright and firm lines of his face more attractive.

The whole scene looked like a beautiful painting, but, inexplicably, she can see loneliness in it. She wanted to go closer and hug him tightly from the back.

However, after a moment Edwin Carter noticed her. He turned his face and said with a smile, "Here you are." The sunshine fell into his eyes like a starry sea.

Jane felt a sudden increase in temperature on her face and hurriedly avoided the dazzling sight. With a gentle hum, she sat beside Edwin Carter.

Today they will have seafood.

Velvet steamed scallop, crab curry, bean curd with three fresh ingredients, balsam pear brewed fresh shrimp, pepper salt wrasse urine shrimp... The five dishes had both a clear and heavy taste, which was in line with the appetite of two people.

Jane likes seafood very much but unfortunately, her hometown is in the inland and there is not much seafood. When she came to Jiangbei which is situated along the coast, she always favored seafood. She looked at a table of dishes and looked at Edwin Carter in some surprise.

She didn’t know whether it's coincidence or something else. Edwin Carter always knew what she likes, just like an acquaintance who has known her for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Edwin Carter felt something and could not help asking.

"Nothing," she said with a satisfied smile. Jane took a spoonful of tofu and put it in her mouth. It was delicious and fragrant. "I find it strange. How do you know so well that what I like?"

"Because..." I investigated you.

The second half of the sentence was stuck in his throat that he could not say it out.

He had spent a lot of effort investigating about what Jane had experienced and what she likes... But why he tried so hard to give her happiness?

"Well?" Seeing that Edwin Carter wanted to speak and stopped, she blinked.

"Nothing, happy to know that you like it." Edwin Carter couldn't understand himself and could not give the answer. So he changed the topic.

This answer was very formal. Jane for a moment does not know how to answer, so she just said thank you, and then bow to eat silently.

Both of them ate silently and after some time, Edwin Carter suddenly asked with a slight doubt, "Don't you like the shrimp?"

Jane was startled; she tasted all the dishes but didn’t touch the dish of shrimps. Did he notice this? Even while eating he was observing her?

"Yes, I like it." She smiled and answered.

She likes it very much. She can finish one dish alone easily.

It's just that although it's delicious but it's very troublesome to handle and the person doesn't look very good eating while peeling them. So she didn't want to eat in front of Edwin Carter.

But Edwin Carter didn't think so. He knew that the wrasse shrimp tasted good and not easy to peel. Every time Angela ate this dish in the past, she asked for her mother's help to peel it because she could not peel it properly and would cut herself. Mother loves her very much. So each time she peeled a whole plate of wrasse shrimps for her.

Jane likes it but didn't eat it. Maybe this was the reason?

Edwin Carter took disposable gloves and picked a wrasse shrimp and tried to peel it by recalling the way his mother peeled shrimp. He didn't like to eat wrasse shrimp, and he didn't know the proper way to peel it. So he peeled it clumsily and could not find the proper way.

Jane looked at him that his efforts are going in vain she also took a shrimp and said, "That's how we peel it."

She twisted off the head of the wrasse shrimp and then inserted in a chopstick from the tail of the wrasse shrimp. The delicious meat of the wrasse shrimp instantly come out.

Edwin Carter looked at the magic and wanted to try it, so he learned to take a chopstick as Jane’s used. But on the contrary, there was no meat came out as Jane.

Jane was observing him. She couldn't help laughing, but Edwin Carter gave him a constant stare.

"Come help me." Edwin Carter complained.

Jane once again picked up the wrasse urine shrimp just to demonstrate, but listened to Edwin Carter saying, "Hand by hand." He spoke lightly and naturally.

Jane looked at him and blushed again.

It was just peeling shrimps. Why was she blushing?

She shook her head and threw away the strange ideas from her mind. Then she got up and went close to Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter was sitting down, and she was standing beside him. She bend down and then seized Edwin Carter's hand to teach him.




"Chopsticks go in from here and use a little force, its meat comes out." She sincerely taught him and after that looked at her student but found that he was not learning at all.

Edwin Carter was just looked at her. His eyes were stuck on his face. They were so close that Jane can see into Edwin Carter's eyes. She was so embarrassed that she turned aside her head and pretended to be calm, "That's it..."

The word was not uttered completely when Edwin Carter, who had not moved for a long time, suddenly kissed lightly on her face.

Cold lips softly touched her tender face, like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water.

But Jane was extremely hot and numb. She felt that the place he touched seemed to have something to burn again.

"Don't you want shrimp?" She hides her hot face and said.

Edwin Carter picked up his eyebrows and the expressions in his eyes were particularly dazzling. He smiled proudly and said solemnly, "You are more delicious."

Ah, it was really unfair. She was not spared even for a meal.

Jane stared at Edwin Carter and returned to her seat. Now she no longer cares for her image. She grabbed the wrasse urine shrimp on the plate and eating them quickly. It's just that she hasn't calmed down her feeling but this man who was sitting opposite her and was very decent and serious smiled and put a few peeled wrasse shrimps in front of her.

"You eat." He smiled and said as it he apologized for the sudden kiss.

The shrimp were nicely peeled. Jane does not know what kind of expression should be used to face Edwin Carter. So she bows her head and got busy in eating.

But Edwin Carter was smiling beside him and peeled the shrimps silently, one after another.

After a long time, he said, "Tomorrow, We'll go and get a dress for you."

Jane stopped eating and looked at him surprisingly.

"I'm taking you to a dinner party." He added.

"A dinner party? About what?" she asked.

Edwin Carter gracefully took up the handkerchief and wiped his hands. Then he looked directly into Jane’s eyes and said with a smile, "To announce publicly that you are Mrs. Carter."

There was an ocean in his eyes, and she found herself deep in it.


The next day, after work, she went with Edwin Carter to pick out the dress.

Because the banquet will be started at 9 p.m., Edwin Carter first took Jane to Lily Restaurant and ordered some food for her.

However, Jane did not recognize his efforts she didn’t eat much. She just took a cup of boiled water and sipped once or twice.

Edwin Carter, who was gracefully eating his meal, looked with great displeasure at her. She was drinking boiled water, so he asked, "Why don't you eat?"

Jane glanced at a table of delicious food with all colors and flavors. But drank plain and tasteless boiled water, and said, "I am not hungry."

"Really?" Edwin Carter picked up his eyebrows and did not believe her words.

Jane knew that she didn't hide it for long so she shook her head and said honestly, "I don’t want to eat. The dress will be beautiful and will need a good figure. What if I eat too much and had a big belly. It will make you embarrassed."

Edwin Carter laughed, "I will not dislike you." What others think cannot affect him.

He was so serious that she couldn't help smiling and asking, "Would you abandon me in case I get ugly and old?"

Edwin Carter slightly startled, and then frowned. He seriously thinks about it.

Get ugly, get old. He looked at her face. It seems hard to imagine her becoming old and ugly. But what if she really gets old and ugly?

"If you don't answer for so long, I will think that you will really dislike Me." watching him for a long time without answering Jane added.

"No." This time, Edwin Carter quickly gave the answer, "I'm older than you, and when you have white hair, I will also have." He paused, then looked straight into Jane’s eyes and said, "It will be good."

Very good.

He only said that, but Jane understood what he said.

When you get old, I will be grey-haired as well. We will get old together, it's good.

Jane with a smile and warmth in her heart answered in a low voice, "Good." Since Jane did not eat, Edwin Carter quickly solved the battle and drove Jane to the dress outlet.

The driver drove, about half an hour away and the car stopped in front of a villa. That was a lovely villa with no neighbors. In a crowded city like Jiangbei, such buildings are not common.

Villa is an Italian Gothic style. The unique ribbed vault and window glass constitute the main decoration of the villa. There was no famous brand sign on the door of the villa. Without guidance, it would be impossible to see that the villa was a private clothing studio.


Jane used to study fashion designing. Although she was not in the field of design because of the old things but it was her hobby. So she always paid more attention to these things.

Jiangbei's clothing studios are like a few treasures and the style and characteristics of each studio are also unique. But she had never heard of such a studio. Today, she stood in front of this exotic villa and watched it.

Edwin Carter took her hand and opened the door.

Jane was surprised by the luxurious decoration of the studio. She looked at Edwin Carter with some uneasiness. Such brilliant interior decoration, the price here must be very expensive.

Edwin Carter saw what she was thinking in her heart and held her hand more tightly as if soothing. He said softly, "It's all right. This is opened by my friend."

Jane felt relief and wanted to say something when a foreign girl dressed in Gothic style came up. She was only about seventeen or eighteen years old and looked as delicate as a doll.

She first greeted Edwin Carter with a graceful posture like a princess. She didn’t look like a salesperson. "Mr. Carter, Buongiorno," she smiled.

"Buongiorno." Edwin Carter nodded his head and responded politely.

They spoke Italian but Jane did not understand. Just when she did not know what to do, the beautiful foreign girl turned around and saluted her and in poor Chinese with a foreign accent said, "Hello, Mrs. Carter."

Jane smiled politely and said, "Hello!"

It seemed that the girl really liked Jane very much and looked at Jane with a bright smile, "My name is Julie, and today, I'll show you clothes."

Julie's Chinese was not particularly fluent, and she stumbles when she speaks but she had a lovely smile.

After introducing herself, Julie led Edwin Carter and Jane inside.

The villa was very spacious. The walls were full of famous paintings, and the room was full of all kinds of historical items. The villa did not look like a clothing studio but more like a museum, every corner reveals the profound heritage of the owner.




Julie led them up through the long, spiral stairs and said, "The clothes are on the second floor."

When she went upstairs, she found that there seemed no other people, no other staff, and no other customers, except them. She can't help wondering, is this really a shop?

The decoration of the second floor is different from that of the first floor. The famous paintings and antiquities displayed everywhere on the first floor are missing on this floor. On this floor, there are only dazzling fabrics and countless clothes, which seem to be the sea of clothes.

Jane looked at the grace full attires and her heart suddenly became more excited. No matter how long it has been, no matter how much she won't want to recall but her love for fashion design has not finished completely.

She thought about it and once again her heart desire to design a perfect wedding dress for herself. Once, she tried, but that wedding dress was not completed when she faces the collective betrayal of her loved ones. And then she never thought of it again.

Jane can't help and look at Edwin Carter—— Edwin Carter, can I hold that brush again and design another dress again?

Edwin Carter felt her constant gaze and turned his head to look at her. He knows that she used to be a gifted fashion designer, because three years ago the storm, she gave up that dream. Family betrayal, lover betrayal, broken dreams... How did this little girl bear such misery?

Edwin Carter felt some heartache. He would never let anyone hurt her again.

"Go and try." Edwin Carter said, "Choose what you like."

Jane nodded and went in. There were fishtail skirts, little poncho skirts, yarn pleated skirts... All kinds of beautiful clothes were there, which looks pure, charming, sexy... There were all types. She was amazed at every design and clapped her hands in praise.

She couldn't help looking for the logo of the clothes. She wanted to know which designer was responsible for these excellent clothes. Even after searching for long, she couldn't find any logo, just like this villa.

"What's wrong? You don’t like them?" Suddenly there was his hand on her waist, and the deep and sexy voice of Edwin reached her ears, making her body slightly crisp.

She shook her head. "No, I like them very much."

"Then why don't you try them?" Edwin Carter moves closer to Jane and whispers in a deep voice.

"I don't know which to choose," Jane said, rubbing her neck like a kitten. "Mr. Carter, you can help me choose one."

The soft voice was ringing in Edwin Carter's ear, and his heart had a strange feeling. He could not help but bow his head and kiss her ear. Then he said in his sexy voice, "Okay."

After that, Edwin Carter carefully picked up the clothes for Jane.

He looked around, but nothing could stop his eyes for a moment. Half-loud, he turned to Julie beside him and said, "Where's Ivan's butterfly love?"

"Ivan said he couldn't give it to you. It's for Ivan’s bride." Julie responded with astringency.

"Give it to me." Edwin Carter ordered, the voice was not heavy but cannot be refused.

Julie shrunk her mouth in grievance, but under the pressure of Edwin Carter, Julie went honestly to get the dress named "Butterfly Love".

After Julie left, Jane couldn't help asking, "Ivan? It is... Is that an Italian designer?"

Edwin Carter nodded: "It's him."

It sounds like a thunderbolt in Jane’s brain.

Ivan was the designer whom she admired the most. If not for her father's refusal, she almost went to Italy to be Ivan's apprentice.

Now she will wear Ivan's clothes. The clothes he designed for her wife... But how was it possible? Edwin Carter. Who is he? How can he be friends with Ivan?

While Jane was still surprised, Julie had already brought out the butterfly love.

She was shocked again when she saw the attire. That was a real attire. "Butterfly love" this title really to suit this dress.

The skirt was very long, layers were spread out but it does not feel heavy at all. The pale grey and white tone is unique and eye-catching. The yarn fabric is soft and comfortable, and the lightweight texture adds a fantastic glamour to the dress.

On the skirt, the vivid butterflies are dancing upwards together but some butterflies are falling, like a picture of life and death of butterflies.

Butterflies design up and down, but for what?

Edwin Carter looked at the skirt and nodded satisfactorily, then stretched out her hand and rubbed her head: "Go and try it."

Jane nodded and followed Julie into the dressing room.

The process of changing clothes went smoothly. This butterfly love seems to be designed for her. Size was extremely right not even an inch wider or shorter.


Even Julie, who was not willing to give this dress "butterfly love" to Jane, praised her and said, "Let Mr. Carter see it."

Jane looked at herself in the mirror and nodded.

Jane came out and Edwin Carter's eyes fell onto her.

Edwin Carter’s eyes under the golden frame were so deep and complicated that it was hard to see what he was thinking.

He once asked Ivan, why he called this skirt butterfly love? Just because the design has so many butterflies?

At that time Ivan was drinking coffee. He looked at him disgustedly and asked, "Can't you see what butterflies are fighting for?"

Today, Edwin Carter finally got the answer, which he was looking for.

Butterflies go on and on, pursuing beautiful girls. Even at the expense of their short life. This is butterfly love.

After being stared at for a long time by Edwin Carter, Jane felt a little uncomfortable. She smiled embarrassingly and said, "Is it not good-looking?"

Edwin Carter shook his head, did not speak and then waved Jane to come closer.

Jane walked slowly to his side. He reached out and put his hand on her shoulder. He leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "It's beautiful."

Such praise makes Jane's white face turned red again. She was just about to say thank you, but Edwin Carter says again, "I really don't want others to see you like this."

He spoke very seriously, like a child protecting his beloved treasure.

She could not help to tease him: "So, I can change to another?"

"No," Edwin Carter refused and turned to Julie again. "Say to Ivan, I want this dress. For the charges talk to Sienna Henry."

Although she had never seen Edwin Carter like this, so she guessed that he should be very good friends with Ivan. Because he didn’t behave casually with his business partners.

When they left, she did not notice the astonishment that fell on Jane’s from the roof platform.

Shocked, appreciated——

The man's eyes kept changing reaction for a short time. Because his "butterfly love" seemed to have found the correct person to carry it.




The charity dinner was held in Olivia Mountain in Jiangbei City.

The mountain was not big, it was actually a hill. However, the scenery on the mountain was very eye-catching just like the sentence: flowers in spring and the moon in the autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in winter, and the scenery varies from season to season. In this busy city of Jiangbei, it was a unique scenic spot.

However, the mountain was not originally called Olivia. According to legend, a few decades ago, the young master of Shengtian from here gets the money of the warriors.

At that time, the sky was burning. There was a battle when he saw Lady Olivia smiling in front of him and she captured the heart of the Shengtian’s young master.

Later, the master of Shengtian bought this mountain and renamed it Olivia. Then he built a magnificent and elegant villa on Olivia Mountain as a souvenir of their love. It's a pity that later they went to the United States and Zhan Olivia's health was not good, so she didn’t came back often to live here.

However, their son Leo Carter was very considerate about his parents' concern for the old house. Every time he comes back to Jiangbei. He always held a charity dinner party on the mountain where his parents met each other and pray for their parents.

The charity dinner always stays prestigious. They only invite celebrities, but not every celebrity. Each guest is carefully selected to be present at the scene. Therefore, people who can attend this dinner will feel extremely honored, which also gave them a kind of affirmation of their identity.

However, occasionally some uninvited people can also enter the venue, such as Christopher Greyson, who was tossing around at the party.

Christopher Greyson didn't receive the invitation letter. He had spent a lot of money to get the invitation letter from Shengtian. He had requested many people and asked them to get him an invitation letter.


Christopher Greyson didn't want to miss the chance to attend and to get some benefit from this banquet. That’s why whoever came, Christopher Greyson enthusiastically take the initiative to welcome them as if it was the home of his family.

Therefore, when Edwin Carter and Jane arrived, Christopher Greyson was busy in the crowd and as everyone shifted their eyes to the couple Christopher's first glance also fell on them.

Edwin Carter and Jane came a little late, just in the middle of the banquet but as they entered the venue, all the people who were busy talking, flirting and drinking looked at them. It seemed that for one or two seconds, the venue was quiet and then there were numerous low-pitched exclamations.

Any words or phrases were not enough to describe and praise this beautiful young couple.

The taller and handsome Edwin Carter was wearing a graceful suit and looked noble and steady as his temperament. As soon as he entered the room, he suppressed the hustle and bustles of the room as if the emperor was coming.

Jane was beside him. Jane was holding Edwin Carter's hand, and her eyes were shallow. She smiled lightly and her eyes became softer. Her long hair was covered with delicate water diamond butterflies. This butterfly love made her looked like a blossom like a blooming flower.

They walked into the hall with their hand in hand and occasionally looked at each other. The men were gentle and firm, and the women were satisfied expressing their peace of mind. As if, at a glance, they had the world.

People have to sigh, they really looked like a couple from heaven.

Christopher Greyson also had to admit that. He has always known that Jane is beautiful. The kind of beauty that a mountain stream and a clear spring possess. But he did not know that Jane can look as beautiful as she looked now, beautiful enough to let him suffocate, beautiful enough to despair anyone and can make butterflies fight to death with each other for her. And Edwin Carter around her, with a charming personality, perfectly increased Jane’s charm made her look more glamorous.

Christopher Greyson held his glass tightly. He even wanted to rush over and grab her back so that everyone knew that this woman belonged to him.

The noisy banquet hall seemed silent in an instant. Christopher Greyson could no longer hear any sound. His angry eyes could only see Edwin Carter and Jane in front of him.

Jane and Edwin Carter together looked happy and at this moment her eyes were dazzling like they had a silent laugh at him.

In his mind, he felt many thoughts. No, now he can't wait anymore. He must do something to spoil the reputation of Edwin Carter. It's better to do this tonight. So he decided tonight he would let that Edwin Carter to know that this kind of upper-class circle was definitely not something that a small innovation president can get into.

Christopher Greyson raises his glass and drinks the red wine in a sip. He turns around and finds a hidden place. He hides in the dark and waits for the opportunity.

Jane after leaving Kyoto never attended such a big charity dinner. Now, suddenly she had to attend with such a banquet with all kinds of upper-class people. There was some sense of fear in his heart. Years ago, Jane attended a charity dinner like this but at that time she went with her father. The dress was selected for her by her father, and he had not considered her idea at all.

Her father took her there for one purpose only. That was that she came to know more upper-class people. If Gu family abandon them, they still have other choices to go with.

Even if she was his own daughter but his father during selecting the dress chose the one which can reveal her body as much as possible. He was afraid that those rich people won't see her daughter. So he wanted to make sure by every mean.

It is just because whenever such things happened in Kyoto those celebrities also posted pictures of those who had attended the dinner and what had happened in the banquet. And in this way, things became the hot topic for gossip.

They will gossip, Ronan’s younger daughter Jane did such things in parties that is to seduce men by revealing her body, and even seduced her own brother-in-law.

At that time, Jane resisted but her father screamed on her loudly. He even hit her mother, every time she got some wounds. And her mother was a coward. She only cried in silence, didn’t dare to struggle, resists, or didn’t even open her mouth to beg for mercy.

But Jane struggled, she resisted and she begged for mercy. She tried all kinds of ways to stop his father, but his father was cruel and fearless. With every passing time, he exchanged for more severe punishments.

She couldn't save her mother.

In this kind of situation, she and Christopher Greyson confirmed their love relationship, the father began to converge. At that time, she was silly to think that Christopher Greyson was her hero...

This thought made Jane looked at Edwin Carter who was standing beside her.

Under the warm light, Edwin Carter's eyes were shining brightly. Which made the ocean in his eyes more brilliant and dazzling.

Edwin Carter, will you be my hero?

Lots of thoughts wanted a promise from him for a lifetime?

When he felt Jane’s eyes, a pair of warm and powerful big palms gently put their arms around her waist and pulled her to his side. Edwin Carter turned his head and looked at her tenderly. He said softly, "I am here."

Yes, you are.

Jane straightens her back again and raised her head.




"Boy, long time no see!" A middle-aged man, who seemed to be about fifty years old, came to greet Edwin Carter and patted him on the shoulder as he knew him very well.

 "I am good, Uncle Smith!" Edwin Carter nodded and responded politely.

They had a brief conversation about Edwin Carter's mother. Jane can't help but prick up her ears as she wanted to know more about the family of Edwin Carter. But unfortunately, it was almost the uncle who talked and Edwin Carter just said some simple sentences.

Edwin Carter usually spoke a little, especially on social occasions. But when he is with her, his mood seemed a little better and he also talked. Jane thought maybe because she is talkative so he also had to talk more?

 "Who is this beautiful lady?" Suddenly, the middle-aged man rnoved to Jane.

Jane smiled politely. She was thinking about how to answer it when she heard Edwin Carter saying, "My wife."

 "You got married, ,.why I don't know that? Uncle Smith was surprised.

It was not only Uncle Smith who was surprised. When Jane heard Edwin Carter introduced her like this, her heart throbbed and she was very happy and very nervous.

Uncle Smith obviously knew Edwin Carter's family. So this is to inform their relatives about their relationship? But Edwin Carter's relatives like her or not? They two... Can they go all the way till the end?

"The boy is smart and decent, and the girl indeed is very beautiful. But get married so suddenly, your father doesn't know about it. Haha, he always wanted you to marry Angela ... "

"Uncle Smith." Edwin Carter interrupted with a sudden voice, which was rather harsh than just before. "I have something to do. See you later."

Just after saying this, Edwin Carter hurriedly pulled Jane away.

However, Jane had listened to Uncle Smith.

Marry ... Angela.

What does it mean?

But before she could ask, several men came to say hello to Edwin Carter but Jane was no longer in the mood to listen to what they said. The two words "Marry Angela" sounded like a magic spell in her brain which lasted for a very long time.

"Mr Carter, Uncle James has been waiting for you for a long time.'' After a while, Luis George came over and said.

Edwin Carter nodded and turned to look at Jane, who was still stunned. He asked, "What's the matter?"

Jane looked at him, shook her head and threw a fake smile, "Nothing.''

Edwin Carter frowned, like he didn't accept her answer. He looked down at her feet, but the gown was too long he could not see her feet. He looked up and said softly, "You are wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time, you must be tired. There's a rest area over there Go and sit for a while."

Edwin Carter's attitude was gentle and considerate, and she could not see a trace of deception and falsehood in his dark and deep eyes.

She couldn't help thinking thats why she doubted everything just because of a sentence. They are already married? What else left to doubt? After thinking about it, Jane nodded, looked at him and smiled, "I'm not a child, and I'll take care of myself. Go ahead and do your work."

It was true. Jane didn't want to rely too much on Edwin Carter. If someday Edwin Carter left her, what would she do? A woman's too much dependence on a man will gradually make her lose herself.

Her family was the most typical example.

It is said that when her mother married his father and came to Ronan's family. Her relationship with her father was good. Later, because her mother did not have her own opinions, she gradually became like that, unnecessary or useless.

When she was very young, she often saw her mother crying silently in the room At that time, she thought that when she grew up, she will protect her mother and sister. However, the ones whom she wanted to protect became so ruthless that she abandoned her as if they had never cared about her.

Jane didn't want to think about the bad things of the past, but she doesn't know why. These days she thinks a lot about them.

Jane looked at Edwin Carter's back and silently clenched her fist. She doesn't want to be tied up in the past. Now she has him. The dinner party was still going on The music was changing. The sound of the conversations was continuous. The atmosphere was very lively.

The celebrity circle was not very big Everyone knew each other. It was just when Jane. an unknown person, appeared here, it caused a sensation. Especially when she entered the banquet hall with Edwin Carter.

When Edwin Carter left, there were some people who cast their eyes and looked at her from afar but no one came to chat with her.

Tonight, they were not the most brilliant couple, because the real celebrity guest will be Leon Carter. The legendary leader of Shengtian, but they haven't seen his appearance yet. Which was really mysterious.

Jane came and sat down in the lounge. Just after that, the waiter brought refreshments and tea, "Mrs. Carter, this is what Mr. Carter asked me to prepare for you. Please have it."

''Thank you!" she nodded and smiled

It seemed that Edwin Carter has been thinking about her. He knew that she didn't eat at night, so she arranged someone to serve some light food items to her.

Now it's more than nine o'clock in the evening. Jane was really hungry and cannot stay hungry for long. So she picked up some snacks and put it into her mouth. The snacks were crispy and sweet, with a delicious taste.

She took another piece and took a bite. She heard a person who had just came and sat opposite her, "However, our fate is still joined. I didn't expect to meet you here. You are here for me? "

"You, why are you here?" Seeing Christopher Greyson's sudden appearance, Jane can't help frowning. The delicious dessert was now hard to swallow.

Christopher Greyson smiled softly, his eyes were arrogant and contemptuous, "Shouldn't I ask you this? Why are you here?"

Jane thought Christopher Greyson's smile was sarcastic, but she couldn't find any reason to contradict him. It's not surprising that he came here. Gu was a famous person, but she was just a small Innovation Technology employee.

But Jane didn't want to get in touch with this person. Once this man used to be the hero she expected, but now, he is the last person she wanted to see in her life. He is like a cancer. If he came closer to her, there would be a disaster in her life.

She didn't want to think about this man anymore. She got up and was about to leave Christopher Greyson caught her and said, "Jenny, sit down, I want to talk to you."

Christopher Greyson deliberately raised his voice, and the eyes of the people around them immediately heard the sound. For a while, she became the focus of the party again.

 Jane didn't want to make people laugh, so she sat down quietly and said in a cold voice, "Christopher Greyson, I have nothing to talk about. Please don't disturb my life. "

Christopher Greyson smirked an evil smile. He suddenly got up, looked down at Jane and in his mind thought that maybe he looked very handsome, and added, "But I have, come with me.''

This smile was so arrogant and obscene that it made Jane feel sick.





Jane did not want to have anything to do with him. She kept sitting and said, "But I do not want to listen."

"Do you want me to let Edwin Carter lie down and threw him out from here?" Christopher Greyson spoke such a sentence, turned around and left.

"You!" Christopher Greyson's threat immediately broke Jane's morale and she thought of Christopher Greyson's character that he can do what he said. She couldn't imagine what Christopher Greyson would do with Edwin Carter. She didn't want to risk Edwin Carter's reputation. So she had to go against her will.

The banquet hall was on the second floor. There was a balcony next to the resting hall. The light was not very good there. Christopher Greyson had seen this place for a long time. That’s why he brought Jane here.

Jane looked around, although the balcony light was dim but from time to time someone passes by, Christopher Greyson should not dare to harm her.

Christopher Greyson turned back and looked at her from top to bottom, "Now you look more beautiful."

He thought of it as a touching or romantic sentence but for her he was disgusting.

She wanted to turn around and leave, but she was worried about what Christopher Greyson could do to Edwin Carter. She had to listen to him even if she was willing to let Christopher Greyson looked at her.

Seeing that Jane’s response was cold, Christopher Greyson's anger rises again. He couldn’t help sneering, "Edwin Carter is just a president of small innovative technology, and many people can put him on the bottom of their feet. Don't be so naive to think that if he can take you to this dinner party, he's a man from the upper class."

Jane never thought it was good to be an upper-class person. She just wanted to live in peace far away from betrayal and painful memories. Now she wants to live in peace with Edwin Carter.

Seeing that Jane didn't contradict, Christopher Greyson thought that he had already convinced her. So he said with even more effort, "You should know that since Gu announced that he would no longer cooperate with innovation, many companies are reluctant to cooperate with innovation. Why is that? Because innovation can never be compared with Gu's, I can trample Edwin Carter under my feet. "

She doesn't care about Edwin’s identity. No matter what identity he has, for her the only thing that matters was that Edwin Carter was her husband. Even if Christopher Greyson was right, compared with Gu's, the financial strength of innovation was indeed more, but what she does with that? For her, Christopher Greyson’s character and knowledge compared with Edwin Carter was below average.

Jane didn’t answer him. Christopher Greyson realized that he had not convinced her and now she didn't care about him at all. He can't help clenching his fist and sneering, "Do you know that your sister Sophie Ronan has also come to Jiangbei. Did your father ask her to come here?"

Suddenly she heard some hard to forget names. Her heartfelt pain and became astringent. The past cannot stop floating in front of us.

Jane still remembered that day. When her sister cried like a child and knelt down in front of her to beg for forgiveness, saying that she should not have a relationship with Christopher Greyson and she shouldn’t let their parents find out.

Gu’s parents and her father couldn't see the pain in Jane’s heart. They just rushed to protect Sophie. What they said, Jane didn't remember very clearly. But she only remembers Christopher's mother saying, "Sophie, you are pregnant. Even if you don't care about yourself, you still have to think about your child. "

At that time, Jane came to know that her sister and her fiancé are going to have a child. She unconsciously clenched the wedding dress design draft that she had just finished. She wanted to surprise Christopher Greyson by showing it. But she didn't expect that they had a big surprise for her.

Later, she didn't know-how. How she became the shameless person who tried to have an affair with her sister's fiancé. She was scolded on the Internet and there were rumors everywhere about her. She didn't even dare to go out.

"I know you don't want to see her, but your blood is thicker than water. You can't live without her." He was well aware of the pain in Jane's heart. But he kept scratching her scars again and again.

"Sister? My sister died three years ago." They can do ridiculous things behind her back and later frame her like that. For her, those people have nothing to do with her. If at that time she didn't consider Jane as her sister. Why would Jane call her sister?

"For you, your sister is dead?" Christopher Greyson looked at Jane and sneers, "But what about your mother? Is she being same as your sister?"

He spoke very slowly. Every word seemed to be poisoned. However, she felt that her heart was cramped, and she could not speak out a word.

Christopher Greyson added, "After you left the city, your mother stays very sad and got sick. She had been in the hospital bed for three years."

Suddenly she heard that her mother had been lying on the hospital bed for three years, and then she thought that her mother always touched her head when she was young and said, "Jane is our family’s most considerate child. Since childhood, you have always been the most obedient, and I have been sure you will become more understanding when you grow up."

Jane still remembered that when they plotted against her three years ago, her mother was helpless. Her mother loves her but there was no way. The weak and incompetent mother can only sit there and cry all night.

Her mother asked her father not to force her anymore. And also asked Christopher Greyson to let go of their sisters and his family members to let go, Jane...

Although her mother cried and begged them. Her eyes swollen and her voice became mute but no one helped her.

Jane left Kyoto in a mess.

Maybe the mother got sick because she thought that she couldn't protect her daughter and that she thought of herself as useless.

Jane didn't want to cry, but she was so sad that she shed some tears. She was her mother. She cherished her mother the most. Even though she didn't stop them at that time but Jane still didn't give her the blame.

"You also know about your family’s financial conditions. Your mother has been in the hospital for three years. Do you think your family afford it without the support of Grayson’s family?" Christopher Greyson continued. His every word stab in Jane's heart.

In the past three years, she didn't care about the two families, and almost cut off all contact with Kyoto, so she didn't even know that her mother was ill. Jane can blame her father's ruthlessness or Sophie’s acts, but she can't blame her mother.

Jane tried to resist crying. Her body trembled. Christopher Greyson held her in her arms and patted her on the back, "Jenny, Jenny. Don't be sad. You have me? No matter what happens, I will support you, always be at your side. "

Suddenly she was hugged by Christopher Greyson, and she struggled to push him away but he held her tighter. He blurted out the threat, "But if you don't obey me. Just think about what I can do."




Jane’s body froze for a moment. Is Christopher Greyson threatening her with her mother's life?

How could he?

She was so angry that she forgot to struggle. She looked up and glared at him. There was so much hatred in her eyes for this shameless creature.

But Christopher Greyson didn't care about Jane's eyes at all. He was still complacent and said, "How much money can innovation make in a year? How much money can your president make? That Edwin can't give you anything. When you come back to me, I promise you won't have to work so hard every day. "

Ha ha... Does Christopher Greyson really think that women all over the world cannot live without him? Jane really wanted to slap this arrogant man hard. She would do so for sure but at the thought of her mother lying in the hospital, of the safety of Edwin Carter, all these thoughts made her feeble.

"Jenny, come back to me, let's start again!" Christopher Greyson forced her head into his arms and said with deep affection.

"Sienna Henry, Please request Mrs. Carter to come back to the lounge." When Jane was about to resist, she heard a cold voice behind her.

She was very familiar with the voice. Many times this voice had given her hope, like a flame in the dark. But at the moment, this voice was cold like an arrow piercing in her heart, so cold that can make people shiver.

She was shocked that she pushed Christopher Greyson away and escaped from his arms. She looked up and found an indifferent Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter looked at her, her dark eyes had no shine or light but in the bottom of his eyes, there was a dark tide.

 Jane felt that she was going to be swallowed by the dark tide in his eyes. She wanted to explain, but she couldn't utter a word.

Sienna Henry immediately ran over, "Mrs. Carter, please follow me to the lounge."

Jane did not move.

She stubbornly looked at Edwin Carter and wanted to explain to him. She wanted to explain, to let him know the truth. Jane and Edwin Carter's eyes have been on each other as if no one in the world can break their eye contact.

Christopher Greyson, who had been ignored for a long time, couldn't stand the atmosphere. He stood in front of Jane, "Edwin Carter, if you have any problem you can come to me. There is no need to threaten a woman."

He shouted loudly to attract the attention of Edwin Carter.

However, Edwin Carter did not look at him, and his eyes were still fixed on Jane. They looked at each other, but they couldn’t see through each other.

"Sienna Henry!" After a long time, Edwin Carter was angry again.

"Edwin..." Jane wanted to talk to Edwin Carter but this time Edwin Carter turned his head and didn't look at her.

There were people all over the place. So Jane didn't want to argue with Edwin Carter here and didn’t want to let Christopher Greyson enjoy the scene. She decided to leave with Sienna Henry and then find the appropriate way and time to explain to Edwin Carter.

As soon as Jane left, Christopher Greyson laughed, "You had seen her attitude. The person in her heart is me. Why do you want to keep her by your side? "

Edwin Carter squinted at Christopher Greyson coldly. Edwin Carter was far superior to Christopher Greyson in temperament and bearing even he didn’t say anything.

Every time he saw Edwin Carter, he had an illusion that he would swallow him. But a president of a small company cannot be so powerful. He couldn't understand this myth.

Christopher Greyson has no choice but to take the lead.

He disdained, "If you divorce Jane, Greyson’s will take back those words. Everyone will cooperate with innovation. And the project with Star Enterprises will be yours again. You, as the president, will have a good seat. "

"If I don't agree?" For a while, Edwin Carter's lips were slightly raised, and he uttered such a light sentence with a smile. It was as casual as talking about the weather.

People who were not familiar with Edwin Carter, listened to his tone and looked at his expression would think that he was chatting with people casually. However, Luis George, who has been with him for more than ten years, knew that his boss's really angry.

In years, very few things had made Edwin Carter smile like this.

Luis George vaguely remembered that the last time someone did something wrong with polestar, Edwin Carter smiled at that guy like this and that guy had disappeared for a long time.

But Christopher Greyson didn't know that. He was arrogant and proud, "She grew up with me. We’ve loved each other for many years. We can’t leave each other."

Christopher Greyson said without noticing that the smile on Edwin Carter's face had disappeared.

After a moment, Edwin Carter said coldly, "So what?"

Jane is his wife now.

"Ha ha..." Christopher Greyson still didn’t have an idea about the seriousness of the matter. "So what? I’m the only one in her heart. She is just angry with me. When her anger disappears, she will come back to me. You will feel good if you divorce her because later she will dump you."

Edwin Carter nodded as if he had understood his nonsense.


Christopher Greyson thought his victory was not far but saw Edwin Carter smiling again. The smile was like the wind in early spring. It was warm on the surface but piercing inside.

"What if I don't want to?" Edwin Carter looked at Christopher Greyson with a smile and the eyes fell on Christopher Greyson.

"You!" The change of Carter’s attitude made Christopher Greyson unable to defend himself.

In Kyoto, no one had the courage to talk to him like that. And Edwin Carter, Just a little president, how could he be so ungrateful?

The anger in Christopher Greyson's heart could not be restrained anymore. In a flash, he could not help but go forward. But before he took a step, a strong man stopped him and stood in front of him.

Christopher Greyson looked at the man. He’s Edwin Carter's assistant, Luis George. Christopher Greyson couldn't help shouting, "Get out of my way!"

However, the man in front of him remained motionless.

"Luis George." Edwin Carter suddenly opened his mouth.

"Yes, Chairman Carter." The man standing in front of Christopher Greyson answered respectfully.

Edwin Carter said, "Take Mr. Christopher Greyson out of the party."

"Yes." As soon as Edwin Carter finished his words, Luis George immediately moved aside. He nodded politely to Christopher Greyson and then said coldly, "Mr. Greyson, you are not welcome here. Please go out of the party."

Luis George moved to hold Christopher Greyson’s arm.

But before Luis George touched Christopher Greyson, Christopher Greyson screamed louder, "Fuck, why you send me out? Who the fuck are you? "

He's a little president. Who does he think he is? Does he think he's Leon Carter?

Christopher Greyson had never been insulted like this. He was so angry that he lost his mind completely. Suddenly, he started to fight back with his fist in turn. His action was swift and fast. But he didn’t want to fight Luis George, but Edwin Carter, who was standing still.




Christopher Greyson clenched a fist, but Edwin Carter did not move at all and his face was calm.

When Christopher Greyson's fist tried to touch Edwin Carter he was tightly moved away by Luis George. With some force, he held him and squeezed him away.

"Leave me. What the fuck do you want?" Christopher Greyson felt that the bones were going to be crushed, and his chest was burning. He roared, "Carter, do you want to die? Who do you think you are? Do you think just your surname Carter gave you the right to be the guest of Leon Carter? Believe it or not, I will make you disappear from the world forever. "

Christopher Greyson looked furious and somewhat desperate.

Edwin Carter looked calm like he had nothing to do with him. He just watched the whole scene coldly, just as he was watching a play. But he didn't want to see for long. So he glanced a cold look at Christopher Greyson and turned around to leave.

When Christopher Greyson saw that Edwin Carter was about to leave, he was even in a hurry. How could he let him go like this?

Christopher Greyson clenched another fist and smashed it at Luis George. Luis George quickly stopped him and kicks Christopher Greyson in the abdomen.

Christopher Greyson was in pain and said angrily, "Fuck you! Edwin Carter, stop! Let’s deal it manly-one on one! "

"Hahahaha..." Luis George smiled, "Young master Christopher, I advise you to stop here, if Mr. Carter fight back, you may be left with no life."

Christopher Greyson was still unconvinced. He thought Luis George was joking. And he swung his fist again. This time, as before, he couldn’t hit Luis George, but he himself got another blow.

After Christopher Greyson got a few punches, the security personnel who normally never appear until the end of the event rushed in.


Luis George let go of Christopher and turned to the security guards, "What’s wrong with you? How could you let in a nerd without an invitation? "

"Mr. Luis George..."

"Forget it." Luis George waved. "Send him out."

"Who dares to touch me? I'm invited by Leo Carter of Shengtian." Christopher Greyson was also furious. He completely ignored the attitude of the security personnel towards Luis George and thought of using Leon Carter at this point. However, he didn't know that the person he offended is the leader of the business world.

Luis George looked at the guards and said with a sneer, "You tell Mr. Christopher Greyson that who wants him to leave."

"Mr. Greyson, Leon Carter doesn't welcome you. Please leave at once, or we will kick you out." The fight had already attracted many people's eyes. At this time, the security personnel spoke loudly, so a few people were whispering.

Christopher Greyson didn't give up and said, "Do you know who I am? I'm Christopher Greyson, of the GU family in Kyoto. You surely dare to drive me away? "

"We don't know Christopher Greyson of Kyoto. We only know Leon Carter of Shengtian. Mr. Grayson, we ask you to cooperate, otherwise, we will not be polite." The words of the security personnel were more embarrassing for Christopher Greyson than a slap.

At this moment, he finally realized that he had made a big mistake today. He had not only lost his reputation but also suffered losses. The most important thing is that he had left a bad impression on Leon Carter.

In order to continue to cooperate with Shengtian in the future, Christopher Greyson decided to bear it first and then find that Edwin Carter to settle the account.

Christopher Greyson was followed by security personnel from the hall. The eyes of the people around him were all on him. A sound of laughter reached his ears as if tonight he was a thorough clown.

He clenched his fist tightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a fierce and insidious light. He said in his heart, “Jane Ronan, Edwin Carter, don't blame me for being merciless.


In the banquet lounge, Edwin Carter stood at the door and stopped for nearly a minute before pushing the door.

When Sienna Henry saw him, she walked out and closed the door.

Edwin Carter locked the door. He looked at Jane with gloomy eyes.

"Edwin, I..." Jane wanted to explain, but she couldn't say anything when she saw his eyes. It seems that something got stuck in the throat and she couldn’t open her mouth.

"I'm listening." Edwin Carter paused for a moment and reminded her to give an explanation.

What can she say to him?

Tell him what happened to her family?

Let him feel pity for herself?

But what if he knows? He will get justice for her? Or protect the powerful GU family?

What's more, no matter what kind of hidden feeling she has, it was true that she really had violated her promise. She promised that she would not see Christopher Greyson again but now she had been caught by him again. Moreover, Christopher Greyson was holding her in his arms just now.

She should give him an explanation. The problem was that she didn't want to use any excuse or to lie to him.

For a long time, she stayed silent. She didn’t know where to start.

When she looked at Edwin Carter, there was no bright light in his dark eyes. Only the dark tide was surging. For a moment, she hoped to get immersed in the dark tides of his eyes so that she would never have to worry about this complicated world again.

But she didn't, and she couldn't either.

"I..." She wanted to talk but stopped.

And this sound is like a trumpet to break the tranquility.

Edwin Carter, who had been silent for a long time, seemed to be unable to bear the long wait any longer. He suddenly extended his long arm and dragged her into his arms. His right hand tightly pressed on Jane's head’s back and he kissed her.

Kissed her fiercely and angrily.

Swallowed all her breath and bit her lips.

Jane pushed hard, but he didn’t move back.

In a moment the ferocious and domineering kiss spread from lips to chin to the neck, biting all the way, like a punishment.

"Edwin Carter, no!" When he left her mouth free Jane can't help making a sound but her words couldn't stop Edwin Carter.

His big palm rushed up from her waist, grabbed the shoulder strap of her dress and pulled hard.

Her body suddenly felt a chill and she exclaimed, "Don't!"

She reached out to protect her chest, but Edwin Carter was faster than her. The big palm had slipped from his clavicle...

His hot kiss, from the top slowly down, from the neck continue to go down and spread, leaving one mark after another.

A strong fear attacked Jane. She pushed, refused and sobbed. These days, she thought of their countless combinations but never thought it would be like this. Between them, it should not be so cold that it hurts.

"Edwin Carter, stop." She cried and pleaded for the last time.

The violent kiss came to an abrupt end and she was suddenly released by him. He set her free.

Edwin Carter looked up at her.


Jane was crying, tears fell drop by drop on her white skin. And those eyes full of tears looked at him and clearly reflected some fear of him.

For a moment, Edwin Carter was stunned. In Jane's eyes, that man... Is it really him? His own self... How could it be so out of shape and so terrible? Edwin Carter couldn't understand. He didn’t know that he would behave like this.

Edwin Carter sighed deeply, then approached Jane and gently kissed the tears on her face. Tears were very bitter, very astringent. Edwin Carter's heartfelt unprecedented acerbity.

"I'm sorry." He said.

Edwin Carter said sorry and left.

The door closed heavily, blocking Jane's vision.

She looked down at the dress that was torn out of shape, she was so sad that tears rolled down again.

She quickly took a deep breath and forced back the tears that were about to flow out. She was not allowed to cry again. She leaned back against the door, raised her head, held her face in both hands, and took a deep breath again.

Edwin Carter, a man who broke into her life when she was unprepared. Gradually, she began to care about him. About what he thought about herself, whether he knew her past.

Now, she hasn't had the courage to tell him what happened in Kyoto, and she didn't know what he would think of her. Will he, like many people, misunderstood her and despised her? Jane had no idea, so she didn't dare to mention it because she didn't want him to know that her family was so terrible.

She even felt that when he knew the truth, it would probably the day when they break up.


In the quiet room, the mobile phone on the coffee table vibrated and made a buzzing sound, which startled Jane again.

She dragged her skirt and picked up her mobile phone. The screen showed a string of numbers, which meant that the number is not in her address book.

Although it's not in the address book, Jane still has an impression on this string of numbers. How could the mobile-phone number use by such a close person have no impression? The mobile phone was ringing but her fingers were still lingering. Her heart was struggling. Should she pick up the call or not?

Thinking about it, Jane decided to listen to what the person wanted to say to her. At last, Jane slipped her fingers and connected the phone.

After the phone is connected, people at both ends of the mobile phone didn’t speak. It was so quiet that they can hear the breathing sound from the other side's mobile phone.

After a long time, it was Sophie Ronan who spoke first. "Jane, are you free tomorrow? Let's make an appointment. "

Sophie Ronan’s gentle voice from the phone receiver passed to Jane’s ear. It was as charming as ever.

Jane still remembers Laura describing Sophie Ronan's voice like this – it can seduce men's just by her charming voice, no wonder that Christopher Greyson was so quickly hooked by her.

"Jane, Jane......"

Jane didn't answer. The person on the other side of the phone tried again.

Three years ago, when Jane knew that she had been killed by violent netizens. She said to herself that she had no sister in her life and her sister had died at that time. Now, three years later, when she received Sophie's phone call, hatred and all kinds of emotions in her heart have been gradually dissipated.

Why punish yourself for what others have done wrong? That's what she told herself.

"Well, I want to talk to you about our mother."

She suddenly heard that Sophie Ronan mentioned her mother, and then thought that her mother was ill in bed, but she hasn't heard about her for the past three years.

"Tell me the time and place." In the end, Jane gave up. She needed to know what was going on with her mother.

"I knew a place. I heard that there was a Beijing dish on Heping Road in Jiangbei. How about tomorrow afternoon we meet there?" Sophie asked.

Tomorrow is Saturday. Jane has a rest. She will be free so she agrees.

Jane hung up the phone and stands in front of the mirror to look at herself. The shoulder strap of the dress has been torn by Edwin Carter and her white shoulders are exposed outside. If she looks like this and is seen by others. She is afraid that some ugly words will come out again. So she must not go out like this.

There were no other clothes here. She must find a way to take care of it and not let others see it.

She was born as a fashion designer. In the past, when she was designing, it was common for her to use cloth scissors to cut and her hands have the ability. She wanted to modify the dress, and it was not a problem for her.

She gets an idea.

She tied her little shawl into a bow, and then tied it with the shoulder belt so that no one could see the broken shoulder belt and also cover the kiss marks on her neck.


Jane looked at her dress and was pretty much satisfied. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her, Jane opens the door.

However, she did not think that Edwin Carter, who had left for a long time will be standing at the door at this time. She opened the door and looked at him.

Their eyes looked into each other’s eyes. They did not speak, didn’t know what to say. The atmosphere was very awkward.

Finally, she said, "I want to go back."

She lowered her head, didn't want to see his eyes and didn't want to know what he had in his heart.

"Um." He gave a light hum, reached for her hand, took her and left.

She wanted to get back her hand, but she didn’t.

She is his wife, isn't she? What happened just now, she thinks he was enforcing his power over her as a husband? When Jane found an excuse for herself in her heart, Edwin Carter had already led her to the car.

The driver, Albert Warner, looked at them sitting in the back seat of the car silently in the rearview mirror and asked politely, "Where we will go, Young Master?"

"Go home." Edwin Carter lightly threw out two words then closed his eyes and leaned on the car seat.

He looked calm but inside his heart and mind, there was a chaotic state. Edwin Carter doesn't know what happened to him. He had strong control, why he just failed to control his emotions in front of Jane.

He behaved like them, just a little bit like those who had hurt her. If not for her tears, he thought that he might have made an irreparable mistake. Fortunately, nothing happened like that. He has not done anything to hurt her, he and she can still live a good life.




Just a moment ago, in the corridor, he smoked several cigarettes hoping to figure out things. He lit up the smoke, even took several, each of which was very heavy. One cigarette soon turned into ash, and then another one was lit.

Maybe when Jane didn't give him an explanation, he got angry. He is her husband and if she opens her mouth to explain no matter what she says he will believe her. But she didn’t explain him anything.

What's the matter with Christopher? Why does she have to get involved with him even after he had been hurt her so much by him? In the eyes of Edwin Carter, Christopher Greyson was a nothing and who didn't know anything. It was just he acted arrogantly. And he never paid attention to Christopher Greyson, but he never thought that he would be better than Christopher Greyson.

Thinking of Christopher Greyson's and Jane’s childhood. And that kind of feeling was indeed the purest feeling, but those all are gone, don’t they?

He was very clear that now Jane is his wife and will live a life with him.

Edwin Carter did not know how why he suddenly had such a strong desire for possession, which he had never had before. So strong that even he felt incredible. At that moment, there was only one idea in Edwin Carter's mind. Get this woman completely and made her become his real woman so she won't escape. What a childish and ridiculous idea but it really appeared in Edwin Carter's mind so fast that he had no time to ponder.

Edwin Carter at the age of 22 formally took over Shengtian, a huge commercial empire from his father. In recent years, no matter how big the storm nothing could disturb his peace of mind.

Why did Edwin Carter suddenly felt such a strong possessive desire for Jane? He couldn't figure out what it was. Is it because she was his wife? Or something else? For the first time, a decisive and powerful man in the business world didn't even know what he was thinking.

There was pin-drop silence in the car.

Edwin Carter opened his eyes and looked out of the window. Both of them lived in their inner world.

A lot of time when they were together, Jane took the initiative to find topics to talk about, because she knows that Edwin Carter is colder and has few words. It will be a loss to wait for him to take the initiative to chat.

Jane doesn't mind that every time she took the initiative. When two people live together, there will always be one who took the initiative and one who is passive. Only when they complement each other, they can live together for a long time.

But today Jane really didn't want to find a topic to talk about, didn't know what to say and didn't even want to see him.

The stayed silent all the way and no one said a word until they reached home.

After returning home, Edwin Carter went to his study as usual.

Jane changed the dress, find a needle and thread and then make up the broken strap with one stitch. Because she had the experience of designing clothes. That’s why when she sews she does it with great care.

Maybe it will be a disrespect for the original designer if the design got some alterations. In recent years, she has changed a job that is totally out of line with fashion designing. She tried not to think about fashion designing but her deep love for fashion design cannot be lost.

Jane didn't know whether the dress was bought or rented. Anyway, she packed it up and planned to dry-clean it tomorrow.

She took a bath. It was almost one o'clock in the morning, but Edwin Carter was still in her study.

Jane, as usual, went to bed.

She didn’t know for how long she's been sleeping. When Jane was sleepy, she felt the other side of the big bed sink gently. Then Edwin Carter lay down beside her.

He approached near her and dragged her to his arms. He called her name in a low voice, "Jane..."

In fact, Jane didn't sleep very hard all the time. When he does this, she was awake but she didn't say a word.

But when he reached for her, she froze involuntarily and in her mind, she recalled the events of the dinner party. He ravaged her so crazily and domineering that at that moment, she seemed to see a demon that might devour her.

"Jane..." Edwin Carter wanted to say that he was sorry for what happened tonight, but he thought that apologizing was the most useless thing in the world. Anyone can say those pleasant words, but they may not be done so he will not say them. Especially when he looked on her neck, clavicle and on her chest there were all the marks that he had made. He could not speak out anything.

Her skin was white and delicate, and the traces he made looked shocking, like silent recounts of his brutal crimes.

"Jane..." He whispered her name again.

Jane moved aside, took his hand pulled away from him and calmly said, "It's too late. Go to sleep."

Jane made Edwin Carter feel a sense that he had never experienced before. Edwin Carter didn't talk anymore, she just looked at her back quietly and didn't fell asleep for a long time.

They didn't talk about what happened at the dinner party. It seemed that they wanted to pretend to live in the same peace as before when it didn't happen.

But the best way to deal with something is to be frank. To avoid not talking is to lay a fuse for the future.

The next day, Jane got up very late.

On weekends, she had no work and nothing important to do. Sleeping till late was her best enjoyment. When she opened her eyes, she instinctively looked at the window and saw a dog and a man. But today Edwin Carter didn't have a newspaper in his hand. He stood by the window and looked out of the window. He was quiet and didn't know what he was thinking.

Squatting at his feet, rolling twice on the ground from time to time was Mia Mia. Who was bored and using some method to attract attention.

Edwin Carter looked back and whispered, "Wake up."

Edwin Carter's sexy and pleasant voice reached Jane's ear, and she nodded without speaking.

She came and held Mia Mia in her arms and touched its head: "Honey, today I’m on holiday. I will accompany you."

"Woof, woof..." It's like a happy response from Mia Mia’s side. She rubbed a few times in Jane's arms.

"You get up and take a shower. I'll wait for you to have lunch." After a pause, Edwin Carter added, "How about going out for a walk this afternoon?"

They've been married for so long, but she had not seen any weekend when Edwin Carter was free. Except the last time they went to Bihai villa, and they spent their weekend together.




On weekend, Edwin Carter mostly worked in his study and Jane sat on the balcony and read some books.

Although it seems quite tasteless, Jane likes this kind of peaceful days very much. Their quiet and peaceful life!

Today, Edwin Carter suddenly offered her to go out for a walk. Does he want to apologize for last night’s incident?

Jane thought maybe he wanted to do so. She smiled and said, "I already had a commitment with someone at noon. Shall we go sometime later?"

Edwin Carter nodded, he didn't say much, turned and looked out of the window.

Jane looked at his back and saw some loneliness. She suddenly felt something in her heart and said again, "I am just going to have a talk with someone and it won't take much time."

She had a commitment to Sophie. Jane's purpose in meeting her was just to ask about her mother's situation. She does not have anything else to discuss with Sophie.

Edwin Carter turned and looked at her with his deep dark eyes, "I'll pick you after your meeting. Then shall we go together?"

He was questioning, waiting for her to answer.

Jane was going to meet Sophie. Her sister is just a very painful memory of her past. Jane didn't want Edwin Carter to go with her. Edwin Carter is her present and her future. She wanted to deal with the past affairs on her own. She didn’t want to drag him into her painful past life.

But she couldn't bear to refuse Edwin Carter. When she was so confused that she didn't know how to open her mouth she heard Edwin Carter saying, "Go get ready, I'll wait for you at the table. We will have lunch first."

He picked up Mia and walked towards the living room. He stared at her continuously while putting her on the sofa.

"Woof, woof..." Mia looked at Edwin Carter and gave her response. Mia felt that Edwin Carter's eyes are not good. So he confronted him in her own way.

But when she screamed, her voice was low. But that man kept looking at her and his gaze was frightening.

If Mia Mia can talk, she must have asked her master to take her away. She doesn’t want to play with such a cold man.

Whining --

That man was terrible. Why did he look at him with such terrible eyes?

Well, she can't fight. She can just run to her master to save herself.

However, as soon as she ran, Edwin Carter pulled Mia Mia back and rubbed her head like Jane did, "Be good."

Mia Mia didn’t dare to move. She was afraid that this bad man can twist her neck.

Edwin Carter rubbed her head again. He was a person with an extreme habit of cleanliness. He has never been in contact with such pets.

But this pet is the one whom Jane likes the most. She treated her like her own child.

After a while, he also found that this kind of little pets was not as much annoying as he thought and sometimes it feels quite lovely.

The most important thing is that she makes Jane happy.

It was so easy for her to make Jane laugh but it was really difficult for this bad man to make Jane happy.

Jane got ready and came out. What she saw was the most unexpected scene. She looked at Edwin Carter who was gently rubbing Mia Mia’s head.

When Mia Mia came to their house, she was worried that Edwin Carter would not accept Mia mia but now she has noticed that Edwin Carter just didn't like to express, he likes Mia Mia.


After all, how could someone dislike her? She is really lovely? Isn’t she?

"Mia Mia, you are playing with Uncle Carter?" Jane came to them and rubbed her head.

Uncle Carter?

Edwin Carter was very dissatisfied with these two words. He frowned slightly and said, "Jane, I am your husband."

Jane didn’t understand why he suddenly stressed this matter, but she looked at him with a blank face and nodded, "I know."

Maybe he was stressing what he did yesterday was lawful.

Jane thought in her mind why she is thinking about last night again? She didn't want to think about it. It would be better to live a good life with him.

Edwin Carter did not say a word.

Jane took Mia Mia, "Come, today I bring you something to eat. Then we will go shopping together."

The lunch was prepared by Aunt Chen. It included many ordinary home-made dishes, but it tasted very good.

Edwin Carter did not eat much, and his eyes occasionally fell on Jane's face.

Mostly her face had a shallow smile which looks warm and soft and gave people a feeling of peace. As if no one and nothing could touch her heart.

"Jane, I'll drop you there." After a long time, Edwin Carter said what he wanted to say.

"Well, okay." Jane kept eating and did not raise her head.


Last night's charity dinner, all the big celebrities of Jiangbei were gathered but Christopher Greyson was kicked out from there.

Even media personal were not invited, but the incident still spread quickly in the circle and reached Christopher Greyson's ear.

He didn’t hear by himself but he asked people to inquire. He was very concerned to know what people thought of him after last night’s incident.

He really heard much bad news when he inquired. People even said that he was uneducated, ill-mannered and rude. The most important thing was that he had offended Shengtian's, Leon Carter.

Last night, it was the first humiliation that he had in his life. He got humiliated in front of so many people. The more he thought about it, the more anger he felt. It was like a fireball as if it could explode at any time.

Aiden Halsey rushed in and said in a panic, "Mr. Greyson, something bad has happened."

Christopher Greyson was discontented and he asked, "Why you are behaving like this. What worse can happen?"

Aiden Halsey handed the morning newspaper to Christopher Greyson, "Look at this, Ye Enterprises are going to cooperate with Innovation Technology."

"Ye Enterprises?" Christopher Greyson picked up the newspaper and looked at it. He said angrily, "What the hell George Yockins trying to do?"

Gu is one of the top enterprises in Kyoto, and Ye is the top enterprise in the south. According to Christopher Greyson, Shengtian would most likely choose its partner from these two enterprises.

Over these years, Gu and Ye also have many cooperative projects. They are not friends, but they are business partners.

Why does George Yockins want to play this dirty game? They are well aware that Gu Enterprise has demolished all cooperative projects with Innovation Technology. Then why does he want to do cooperation with Innovation? What that small company Innovation Technology is capable of?

Is George Yockins trying to show his generosity at this time, so that Shengtian's Leon Carter can see it and increase opportunities for Shengtian and Ye's cooperation?

When Christopher Greyson's was thinking about this his cell, phone rang. He had an idea that it was the old man of his family.

He took a deep breath and answered, "Dad..."

"Bastard, what are you doing in Jiangbei? Whatever you are doing, get back to me right now... "

Christopher Greyson's father scolded him badly and asked him to come back.




He had never been scolded like this by his father not even when he was a child. It was difficult for him to bear this insult. He put the blame of everything on Jane and Edwin Carter.

According to him, Edwin Carter was responsible for everything. Because of him Ye Enterprises suddenly announced to cooperate with Innovation and just because of Edwin Carter he had to face so much embarrassment at Shengtian's charity dinner.

Christopher Greyson clenched his fist, and he assumed the newspaper as Edwin Carter and wished to cut Edwin Carter's throat.

"Christopher, what happened?" Sophie had clearly heard everything, but she pretends like she knew nothing.

Men like silly women.

So for Christopher Greyson, Sophie tries to pretend herself as a caring, sensible but a silly woman.

Christopher Greyson was really angry. When he saw Sophie’s face, he seemed to see a little hope there. He smiled and asked, "When are you going to meet Jane?"

"Yes, I have already talked to her. Today, I will have lunch with her." Sophie smiled softly as if she didn't care what Christopher Greyson's thoughts about Jane.

"You are really amazing. You are my biggest support" Christopher Greyson hugged Sophie. "Let’s go."

Sophie smiled and said, "Christopher, there is a different relationship between Jane and me. If I say something to her, I believe she will listen but if you go..."

Sophie was really sharp and clever. Christopher Greyson’s actions during this period were under her control.

She was very clear that Christopher Greyson hadn't been able to catch up with Jane and her attitude towards him is as cold as towards a stranger. And she cannot let others know about her main purpose of meeting Jane. She cannot let Christopher Greyson know anything else.


Sophie arrived at the appointed place a little earlier and ordered some food according to Jane’s likes.

While waiting for Jane, Sophie got indulged in memory.

When she was eight years old and Jane was six years old, they moved to a new home with their father and met Christopher Greyson, who was only ten years old.

The father told the sisters that they must please the eldest son of Greyson family, follow him in everything and never displease him.

Sophie kept her father's words firmly in her mind. After that, she took good care of Christopher Greyson as long as she was there.

But the little Jane didn't care so much because she didn't understand such things. She had never taken her father's words to her heart, and even bit Christopher Greyson.

No one expects that after Jane’s such behavior, Christopher Greyson and Jane started to have a good relationship.

Christopher Greyson even released harsh words. If anyone dares to bully Jane, he will leave no place for that guy. Since then on he became so nice to Jane.

At that time, Sophie did not understand why Christopher Greyson liked Jane so much. She was standing in front of him since their childhood. Why didn't he see her?

Sophie’s father also intended to let her go close to Christopher Greyson, hoping that she could get Christopher Greyson's heart and in future become an important part of the Gu family.

However, Christopher Greyson can only see Jane. No matter what Sophie did she has never got the place that Jane has.

Years passed and they grew up.

The father for Sophie’s bright future, not merely bright future but to make her capable to get Christopher Greyson. He sent her to the United States to study. She went there to study economics. To become the best match for Christopher Greyson and for the Gu family.

But during her second year at university, she got the news that Christopher Greyson and Jane got engaged.

The man for whom she has been preparing for years and her father had always told her that she is going to be Christopher Greyson's bride. Why did he get engaged to Jane?

When she was waiting for her studies to complete so she can return home to become Christopher Greyson's beautiful bride. She received such sad news.

At that moment, she felt that the sky had fallen on her. She felt it as the end of the world. The pain in her heart was deeper and unexplainable.

The scar in her heart healed a little when another man appeared in her life.

She had never seen such a man with such temperament, attitude and perfect appearance. At a glance, that man attracted her.

She inquired a lot about him and found out that his name is John Carter, doing a Ph.D. in the Department of finance at Harvard University.

Later, she met him at the school debate conference, and she tried hard to get noticed by him, and got a chance to talk to him. After that, she chased him for days, emailed him, and finally became his girlfriend.

But that man was always busy with his studies and his work. After becoming his girlfriend, she only met him twice.

One was at the university party. The other was when she asked him to meet her, but he didn't finish a cup of coffee and left.

They stayed in a relationship for two months, but he didn't touch her not event held her hand.

For John Carter, he maybe didn't remember who Sophie is. Since he didn't care about her at all, why did he want to develop a romantic relationship with her?

Or maybe, love only existed in her mind. But on his side, there was nothing like love.

She never saw him again after returning to her home.

However, over a man with excellent appearance and temperament, she prefers a man who has power. Christopher Greyson, is her real pursuit and the person she always wants to marry.

On the day when she returned home, Jane asked Christopher Greyson to pick Sophie from the airport because she was busy with her design work.

Jane stayed so much busy in studying and working. She seldom has time to accompany him.

Christopher Greyson always complained to Sophie but she took this time as a golden opportunity. As long as there was a gap between him and Jane, she has the chance to take her place.

So, she thought of a plan.

In the hot summer, heatstroke is most likely to happen. So she pretended to faint in Christopher Greyson's arms.

The mature bodies of man and woman touched each other would naturally spark. On that day, they went to a hotel before going home.

When they had sex again and again, there was Jane’s name on Christopher Greyson's lips, but Sophie didn’t mind. It's her who was lying under him.

Jane was busy with her studies and work, so Sophie caught the opportunity. Sophie is Jane’s sister, so she can help Jane in something that she’s not willing to do.

Some things and actions have a natural need if they happen once. They can happen twice or thrice and become a natural and normal thing.




Jane walked into the restaurant and saw Sophie sitting at the corner table in a trance.

They haven’t seen each other for three years. But Sophie's appearance was the same as she remembered, soft and delicate, as if the wind could blow her away.

Jane went to her. When Sophie saw Jane coming to her, she smiled and said, "Jane, here you are."

"Um," Jane answered coldly. It turned out that when she saw Sophie again, she could be so calm, as if the person in front of her was not the initiator of the incident three years ago.

"I ordered your favorite crab shark's fin, fried cucumber sauce, and..."

"I have had lunch. You are supposed to tell me about my mother, just say what you want to say." Jane bluntly interrupted Sophie and looked at her disappointed eyes, but she did not regret.

At that time, Sophie knelt on the ground and confessed her mistake but what happened later?

Things have passed, Jane would not like to think about it again but she just couldn’t forget the things that Sophie did to her in the past.

"Father asked me to meet you." Jane didn't want to listen to nonsense, so Sophie said something bluntly.

"Well..." A cold smile on Jane’s face.


She was almost forgotten that she has a father.

"Father wants you to come back to Kyoto with me," she added.

"And what else?" Jane asked coldly.

It’s been three years that she had left Kyoto and no one had asked about her. Now when Christopher Greyson is looking for her, her so-called father also wants her to come back. She knows what's going on there.

"Jane......" Sophie looked at her and tears of grievance immediately rolled around her eyes. "My child has aborted, and I can't give birth again. I can't give birth to Gu's child..."

"So he wants me to come back? Want me to have a child for Gu's family?" Jane said it very calmly.

She seemed calm, but her heart was still hurt. Even if she doesn't want to admit it but that person was still father.

She wanted him to love his wife and daughters as much as other fathers do. She wanted a family could live happily and didn’t fight for fame or use his daughters as a tool for fulfilling his financial needs.

Jane guessed that her father should know that Sophie would have sex with Christopher Greyson and even had a child.

Anyway, they are both his daughters. Whoever marries Christopher Greyson, her father just wanted to climb the big tree of Gu family.

Although she and Christopher Greyson have an engagement they didn’t behave intimately because she was young and busy. Her father also hinted that she and Christopher Greyson should do things ahead of time so as to firmly grasp the man's heart.

Jane had her own viewpoint and she thought that if the relationship between two people was based on a physical relationship then that relationship cannot last long.

It should be great news for their father that Sophie Ronan was pregnant with the child of Christopher Greyson just after returning home.

When Sophie Ronan gives birth to the blood of the family, it will stabilize the relationship between Ronan family and the Gu family. And no one will look down on their family in the future.

So when Jane was told to end her engagement with Christopher Greyson and let Sophie Ronan marry him, her father said something like this - who stopped you from using this opportunity? Being a woman, you cannot even have his child.

But now Sophie’s child is no more and she cannot even conceive again, so their father put another idea for her.

It's disgusting to think about it.

Jane thought and stayed silent for a moment and said, "Please go back and tell him that do not implement his idea on me. My father is no more."

"Jane, I know you have always been a strong and independent girl and you will not obey our father's orders." Sophie said.

Sophie was too clear about Jane's personality. She could even say that her father is no more. So how can she give a chance to Christopher Greyson, who betrayed her once!

The rice is cooked. Sophie knew clearly that Jane would never forgive Christopher Greyson’s betrayal.

She knew Jane very well. Sophie Ronan has long known that Jane will never listen to her father's plan and will never come back to Kyoto. That’s why she herself came to Jiangbei to persuade her.

She didn’t just come to Jiangbei to convince her to come back but to confirm what Jane has in her mind.

Sophie was Christopher Greyson's fiancée but can't have children. She can let any woman have children for Christopher Greyson but that woman can't be Jane.

Sophie wasn’t stupid enough to convince Jane to come back to Kyoto and to stay by Christopher Greyson's side. If this happens, can Christopher Greyson see Sophie?

Father has always looked at the face of the Gu family. If Christopher Greyson is only kind to Jane, their father will also give all importance to Jane and there left no place for Sophie.

The things that Jane had faced in the last three years will become Sophie’s future. How can she let Jane come back home?

Jane knew that Sophie Ronan has something else to say, but she didn't ask. If she wanted to say it, she would listen. But if she didn't say it, she was also not interested in knowing.

Sophie put up her bag as she wanted to show off, particularly the logo on the bag was of a luxury brand. Even a small bag worth tens of thousands.

Jane’s own bag has an unknown brand that can be bought from everywhere.

Sophie Ronan took out a bank card from her bag and then pushed it towards Jane.

Sophie smiled and said, "Well, this card has five million. Five million are enough for a common person to buy a house in a small city and live a life without work. "

It turned out that the real purpose of Sophie's meeting her is to convince her to take her money and leave Jiangbei.

Jane thought it was funny, but she smiled softly, "Sophie, just five million to send me away?"

Sophie was stunned by her and looked at her.

Jane looked into her eyes and said, "If I go back to Kyoto and give birth to a child for Christopher Greyson, the Gu family must treat me well. Maybe his grandfather’s so happy, and gives his grandson a share. At that time, I will be very rich. Do I still need the five million?"

It's disgusting, isn't it? She can also do this kind of thing, and she's not worse than Sophie can do.

"Jane, how can you..." Sophie's smiling face couldn't hold her fake expressions for long. She bit her lips and looked so pitiful like she was about to cry.




"Don't show such pitiful expressions to me. I'm not a man. I will not fall into your trap." Jane looked at Sophie’s face and felt disgusted.

She paused and added, "Sophie, I just want you to know that if you want to take Christopher Greyson, you can have him. If you want to have a baby for him, just go. Don't drag me into such things. I come here just to know about my mother."

"Mom..." Sophie swallowed some words.

She thought that if she tells Jane about her mother's actual situation, she will surely go back to Kyoto. No matter how dangerous it would be but she was well aware of Jane’s nature. And if Jane returns to Kyoto, she knows their father will try his best to convince her and to make her a part of the Gu family.

Thinking of this, Sophie Ronan immediately changed her sentence, "Mom is fine. She asked you to obey dad's arrangement."

Sophie knew very well what Jane's weakness is. Jane doesn’t care about her father, but she always has a place for her mother in her heart.

Of course, their mother didn't say this. Sophie deliberately distorted the fact to make Jane hate her mother and to change her mind even if he had the slightest mind of going back to Kyoto.

"She, she really said that?" Jane thought of the scene when her mother spoke in tears three years ago.

How can a mother say that? Jane's heart suddenly hurt. She said she didn't care but deep inside she still cared and felt hurt.

How many nights she had dreamt about it that her mother rubbed her head and said gently, "Jane is the most sensible child and I love Jane the most."

"Mother also let me tell you that try to forgive everything, the past is over. Don't worry about those things. We are sisters. It is equal for everyone who has a baby with Christopher Greyson." Sophie said slowly, word by word and paid attention to every subtle change in Jane's expression.

Seeing that Jane's eyes have changed, she couldn't hide her sadness no matter how hard she tried. Sophie knew that she had succeeded.

Sophie again pushed the card towards Jane and said, "However, I know your character and will not force you to do things you don't want to do. Take this card, go to a place where no one can find you and you will not be hurt again."

After all, Sophie's real goal was to convince Jane to leave Jiangbei.

Three years ago, Jane was forced to leave Kyoto. She was so miserable. Three years later, Sophie won't let herself go the same way her sister did three years ago.

But now, Jane won’t be so vulnerable.

Jane smiled and said, "Five million? For just five million you want me to leave Jiangbei, you are looking down on me. If you really want me to leave, give me ten million. I will listen to you. I will go, wherever you want me to go. "

"When did you become like this?" Sophie looked very surprised, as if Jane had committed unforgivable things.

"What do you think, how should I behave? You want me to be that silly Jane? So you can plot against me, and I listen to everything you say and do whatever you want me to do?" Jane pointed out the dirty things of the past that Sophie did to her.

Instead of giving Sophie a chance to talk, Jane continued, "Miss Sophie, you don't have to worry about what Christopher Greyson will do with me. I just want to let you know that I'm married. My husband is waiting for me right outside. I will leave now. "

She took her bag and left without looking at the food that Sophie has ordered.

No matter what kind of food you like, you will not have a good appetite if you sit with someone you hate.

Jane is married?

Sophie was shocked and rushed to the window to have a look.

She saw Jane walking towards a man. That man took the bag from her hand and touched her head gently with another hand.

Jane looked at the man and smiled.

What’s more, they were wearing couple scarves!

Sophie admitted that when she saw Jane just now, who had obviously restrained her temper, but still could easily attract people's attention.

Jane's behavior showed that the last three years had been living very well.


Is it all the happiness that this man brings to her?

She watched that man who put his hand around Jane's waist, and they left together.

That man's back was a little familiar. It seemed that she had seen him somewhere and maybe she knew him.


"Where are we going?" Jane asked.

Edwin Carter drove Jane away without saying a word that where they are going. Jane was worried, so she couldn't help asking.

"Taking you to a place girls want to go." Edwin Carter looked at her and said lightly.

Although it was a winter day, the temperature in Jiangbei was not really cold. It was a sunny day and probably the best time to go out.

Jane has forgiven him for what had happened yesterday. But Edwin Carter always found ways to compensate for his mistakes.

So he decided to go out with Jane. He didn't know where they should go, so he asked Sienna for some suggestions.

Sienna Henry said that the girls love shopping and romantic things.

Edwin Carter didn't know much about romance, so he chose to take her shopping. He thought shopping will be easier. If Jane likes something he will buy for her.

"Shopping mall?" Jane guessed a place and her guess was extremely accurate.

It means it was true that girls like shopping.

Heping Road was next to the most famous pedestrian street in the north of the river. It has a wide variety of food items and other stalls as well.

Whatever one can think, he can buy it from here.

The most important thing is the shopping area, which has all kinds of things in high, middle and low quality. It was commonly known as one-stop shopping.

Jane didn't want to buy anything, but a very busy person was willing to spend his weekend with her. She certainly has no reason to refuse.

Edwin Carter often came to jiangbei but he just did his business and then went back. That’s why he was not familiar with this city.

He has always been a busy man. He didn't have much time to wander around. So Sienna Henry gave him a simple strategy.

Like what to do and where to go. She told her step by step.

Today's whole trip has been handed over to Edwin Carter by Sienna Henry.

Edwin Carter thought it was Sienna Henry's duty to help him, but he didn't notice the smile on Sienna Henry's face while she planned their trips.




Their Chairman Carter always works as a business emperor but now he behaves like an idiot just to make his girl happy.

The first step of today’s trip was to walk slowly, go alone without any driver or assistant and talk more to get closer to her.

That’s why Edwin Carter drove himself and decided to take Jane out for a walk but he didn't know what to talk about.

"Do you like it?" Edwin Carter asked.

Edwin Carter's tone was full of care and concern. If her reply comes in negative, it would become very difficult for him to make her happy.

Jane nodded, "You’ve said it's a place that every girl loves to go. I'm a girl too, of course I like it." Then she gave him a big smile to express her satisfaction.

"Um." Edwin Carter responded, but he understood that Jane's smile was not real.


He did not speak, just held Jane’s hand and walked forward.

"Wouldn’t you feel it boring to hang out with me?" Edwin Carter didn't take the initiative to chat, so she had to find a topic.

"No." He gave a simple answer. If he thought of it as boring he won't ask her to come for shopping.

Jane felt it difficult to continue talking. She thought again and tried to find the next topic. But she couldn't find a suitable one. So they walked silently.

After walking for a while, she reached the most famous food street in the north of the river. Jane grabbed Edwin Carter's arm and said, "how about going to this street?"

Edwin Carter nodded his head to show his consent.

A lot of people came there on weekends. The whole street was full of people. There were too many people in front of every stall, so they have to line up to buy things.

The aroma of delicious food items made Jane hungry. She wanted to eat the fried squid. She pulled Edwin Carter to the stall and queue up in the line. She gave a brief introduction to Edwin Carter: "the fried squid on the iron plate is a very delicious snack" She wanted to ensure that he will eat too.

Edwin Carter has a habit of cleanliness. He only eats food cooked by his own people. He hasn’t eaten anything from the street stalls.

Jane finds this aroma delicious but Edwin Carter as a poisonous gas.

There were many people on both sides of the stalls. Dust and bacteria were everywhere. How could he like them?

But seeing that Jane wanted to eat Edwin Carter didn’t want to spoil her mood. If she wanted to eat, he would accompany her.

It took a few minutes for Jane to get four strings of squid.

She first took a string and handed it to Edwin Carter, "Come on, eat it. My treat."

Edwin Carter takes the squid string and holds it in his hand.

Jane took a bite nodded her head and said, "It’s really delicious."

Edwin Carter resisted his inner self and took a bite. He didn’t felt any taste, he felt like he took a bite of bacteria. But Edwin Carter did not show it.

Jane looked at his food and had to sigh again that this man was so elegant that he could not eat at the roadside stall.

Seeing that he is so elegant and she was eating like a greedy child, she thought in her mind that can they live a good life together?

When she was indulged in her thoughts Edwin Carter suddenly gently wiped it some oil from the corner of her lips with his thumb, "It's full of oil."

"So you disliked me?" Jane ignored her eating style and asked Edwin Carter a question.

"No, I cannot." Edwin Carter's answer was simple and short.


But the bottom of his heart was not as calm as he looked. He even wanted to use his mouth to replace what his fingers had just done to her.

After hearing a satisfactory answer, Jane smiled and threw the bamboo stick into the garbage can. She asked again, "What else do you like to eat?"

Edwin Carter thought that all these things were full of bacteria. However, just for the sake of her company, he thought that these things could be eaten.

So he said, "I'm not picky about food. I can eat anything."

"Jane? Chairman Edwin Carter?" Katelyn Max's voice suddenly sounded behind them. Jane got so scared that she hurriedly took two steps back to create a distance between her and Edwin Carter.

As soon as she looked back, she saw Katelyn Max and Fiora Justin. They were looking at them with some questions in their eyes.

"Mr. Carter, Jane, are you shopping together?" Katelyn Max's was very straightforward. She can say whatever she thinks.

Jane didn't know how to explain. If she said no, it would definitely hurt Edwin Carter. But she had no courage to say yes.

She unconsciously clenched her lips. Her heart was flustered and disordered and her hand unconsciously clenched into a fist.

At that time Edwin Carter's low voice fell into her ear, "Jane Ronan, Sienna will be here in a moment. You go and do your work."

"Okay..." Jane whispered and looked at Edwin Carter. He always came and helps her whenever she needed him most.

Edwin Carter noticed that she was still afraid to admit the relationship between them. He was well aware of the fact that she doesn't want to get more attention in the company because of their relationship. She always wants to climb up with her own efforts but doesn't want others to point at her.

Edwin Carter nodded, turned around and left without looking at Katelyn Max and Fiora Justin.

"Jane, you are really not here with Chairman Carter?" When Edwin Carter left, Katelyn Max asked immediately.

"Chairman Carter has a wife. Why did he come to shopping with Jane? Why do you think like this?" Fiora Justin's words help Jane but if one listens to them carefully there was a taunt.

Jane smiled awkwardly. She didn't speak. Actually, she was sad.

"Jane, if you are alone you can come with us." Katelyn Max said.

Jane didn’t respond but Katelyn Max pulled Jane so she followed them casually.

Snacks, clothing, accessories - a wide range of commodities were in front of her, but Jane has no idea what to choose.

She was thinking about Edwin Carter.

It was really hard for him to find time to hang out with her. How could she waste such precious time just because of her inexplicable timidity?

"Katelyn Max, Fiora Justin, I'm sorry. I have something else to do." Jane still wants to be with Edwin Carter. She didn’t want to go shopping with Katelyn Max and Fiora.

"You don't want to hang out with us?" Katelyn Max asked with a little disappointment.

Fiora Justin quickly interrupted Katelyn Max and said, "Jane, go ahead. It’s alright"

Jane just nodded and left.

After Jane left, Katelyn Max looked back at Fiora Justin and asked, "Why did you pinch me?"

"Can't you see it?" Fiora Justin looked at the direction of Jane and an indifferent smile came up from her lips. "Wait and see, someone in our department will soon get promotion."





Fiora thought in her heart that the two people were wearing a couple of scarves of a really famous brand. She had a clear idea that it is something going on in between them.

Katelyn Max scratched her head and tried to understand.

Jane quickly ran back to the place where they just separated. She had never been like this before. Today she could not wait to see Edwin Carter.

She wanders at various places to look for the shadow of Edwin Carter, but she couldn’t find him.

Jane was in a hurry. She thought of the mobile phone. She took out her phone and dialed Edwin Carter's phone number.

His sexy voice fell on her ear, "What's the matter?"

"Where are you? I came back there but couldn't find you." Jane said in a hurry.

He asked, "Why are you back?"

Jane did not think much and said, "Because I want to be with you."

Edwin Carter asked again, "Aren’t you afraid?"

She bit her lips and said softly, " If you stay by my side, I won’t be afraid. "

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, but Jane was worried so she asked again, "Where are you?"

Edwin Carter's pleasant voice came again from the handset, "Turn back."

Jane looked back and saw Edwin Carter standing just a few steps away. He was quietly and gently looking at her.

Jane felt a sense of peace in her heart.

Edwin Carter walked closer to her, gently held her in her arms and rubbed her head, while saying, "I've been here."

If she just looked back, she would find him standing where they were before.

At this moment, Jane felt a warm current slowly pouring into her heart and she rubbed herself like a kitten in his arms.

It's good he's here!


Gu's Enterprise has cut down all kinds of cooperative projects with Innovation Technology and it seemed to have caused devastating damage to the innovation Technology. Many employees of innovation were also busy looking for new jobs. But the higher Management of Innovation Technology was as calm as if this fire has not burned anything.

On the 23rd floor of the office, Edwin Carter stood by the window and looked down on the new international metropolis quietly.

Innovative technology was founded early, but its development was very slow. It was good that he bought and builds such a building in the early years. These days it might not be as easy as it was then.

In recent years, Jiangbei City has witnessed very rapid economic development, and the prices of properties have increased four to five times. The Innovation Technology building was located at the heart of the downtown area, which is a prime location that many people want to seize these days. Today this building can sell thousands of times higher than that of the year when they bought it.

Shengtian's purchase of Innovation Technology was not because of its products but because of the land that everyone wants.

Knock --

Luis George knocked on the door and came in, "Chairman Carter, everything is going smoothly exactly according to your plan. Many companies have been pressurized by the Gu to terminate the contract with innovation technology and to not cooperate with innovation in the future. By doing this, they have saved us from doing a lot of extra work with those small companies. "

"I see." Edwin Carter didn’t turn his head which made Luis George wonder what he thinking was something more important.

Edwin Carter didn't give him any further orders. Luis George waited for a moment and asked, "Shengtian has already bought innovation. Do you want to announce it publicly?"

"Announce it." Edwin Carter uttered two words decisively.

Luis George said, "Chairman Carter, Christopher Greyson wants to meet you."

Edwin Carter looked back at Luis George and said, "I don’t want to see anyone from the Gu’s. Haven't you got it till now?"

Luis George understood that Christopher Greyson had really annoyed Chairman Carter. And it’s easy for Carter to deal with Christopher Greyson's kind of person.

Christopher Greyson was still trying ways to meet Leon Carter, but he doesn't know that he has already met Leon Carter and he had already offended him.

Just because he didn't have the idea, he still wanted to see Leon Carter.

In the present scenario, Christopher Greyson was the stupidest person.

Luis George added, "Some days ago Polaris has spread messy news that Leon Carter is fond of women. Since then Christopher Greyson is trying to find a good woman for you."

When Luis George mentioned Angela Carter, the calm expression on Edwin Carter's face changed. He sighed silently, "Send someone to look after that girl and don't let her make any mess again. Next time if I catch her, I'll send her back to America."

Only the little girl of the Carter family dares to make such a fool of Edwin Carter and tries to destroy his image. However, their Chairman just sighs helplessly.


Shengtian has already purchased innovative technology. This message was sent out by the Chairman’s office, and the whole innovation technology immediately felt some extra vigor. They were shocked and surprised.

The reason why they were shocked and surprised wasn’t only that innovation has been acquired by a tycoon as big as Shengtian but due to the fact that now every employee will enjoy the benefits of a big brand. And their salaries will be improved according to their qualifications and achievements.

"God, we were bought by Shengtian about half a year ago."

"It turns out that Mr. Carter was the person sent by Shengtian to take over the management of Innovation Technology."

"Oh, yes, the most fortunate thing is that we can continue to stay in the innovation and there is a big supporter like Shengtian behind us and now there is no need to be afraid of being bullied by the Gu Enterprise."

Jane, who has never been fond of gossip also talked happily with her colleagues for a while before returning to her desk.

Shengtian acquired innovative technology half a year ago, so it will not face any loss because of Christopher Greyson.

Now Jane didn’t need to worry about Christopher Greyson that he does something bad for Edwin Carter’s career. It was really happy news for her.

Everyone danced with excitement because of this great news. Now they don't need to change a new job and to adapt to the new environment and now the benefits will also be better.

Everyone was happy.

Shengtian Group, is a plutocracy group that many people can't get into. This was a great thing for the old innovative employees.

Christopher Greyson is so noisy, and Edwin Carter was very calm and self-confident. Jane still thinks he can't cope with it. It turns out that there is a big back like Shengtian behind him. Of course, he had a plan from the beginning.

Shengtian is a pillar that everyone wants to hold. As for the Gu Enterprise that was one of the best in China but has no comparison with Shengtian. Shengtian was at the peak Gu enterprise can only be looked up at them but can never be surpassed.

What Christopher Greyson did was a stupid act. He wanted to cooperate with innovation in the future but now there left no chance for him.




As the news was spread out, it’s afraid that the business department will get more work to deal with.

They all felt happy to think about it.

Jane took care of her clothes, sat up straight and was ready to face new tasks.

She was happy, but she didn't forget Edwin Carter. She picked up her mobile phone and sent him a message, “you knew that Gu couldn't do anything with innovation, but you didn't tell me.

Soon received Edwin Carter's reply, “I told you to believe me.”

Yes, he told her to believe in him but she believed in Gu's power too much and failed to trust Edwin Carter completely.

However, her fingertips moved, and she sent another message, “Bastard!”

Soon she received another reply from Edwin Carter: Hmm.


Seeing the reply of Edwin Carter, she couldn’t help rolling her eyes. What's the meaning of Hmm?

He has admitted that he is a bastard?

Although Edwin Carter's reply is simply "Hmm", Jane still felt sweet.

Jane couldn’t see the man who sent her messages, so she didn’t know that his lips and bright eyes were also smiling at this time.

Just after a moment, the HR Department sent out another message.

“Today, all staff have a day off. In the evening, the staff is invited by the company to have dinner in Baihe restaurant. The company hopes that everyone deals with tomorrow's work with the best of their abilities. Chairman Carter will also attend the dinner.”

This kind of good thing can only be done by a tycoon like Shengtian. Innovation technology has also sent their employees to go to luxurious places like Bihai villa.

Colleagues were excited. They hail for Chairman Carter, Shengtian and for Innovation technology.

Colleagues cheer up and packed their belongings.

The female staff wants to go back as early as possible to dress up well. They only got few opportunities to show their faces to the Chairman, even not once in a month.

When Jane was cleaning up her desk, she received another message. It was sent by Edwin Carter. There were two short words: come up.

Come up?

Jane looked at the two words on the screen and thought again. But what's the matter? Why was he asking her to come to his office?

Although she couldn't think of a reason, she slowed down the speed of packing things. She wanted other colleagues to leave first and then she will go to Edwin Carter’s office.

"Jane, do you want to go with us?" Katelyn Max asked as she passed Jane's desk.

Before Jane could answer, Fiora Justin rushed towards Katelyn Max took her hand and said, "Jane is not free. I will accompany you."

After packing her things, Jane looked around to make sure that all the colleagues had left. Then she picked up her bag and walked out of the office.

When she went into the elevator, she looked around again to see if there was anyone else. When she found no one, she felt relieved. She entered the elevator and presses the 23rd floor.

Jane was careful, but she still hasn't escaped from some dark eyes.

Those two dark eyes watched her entering the elevator, watched the indicator light of the elevator stop on the 23rd floor then took out her mobile phone and sent a message: This is the right time to execute our plan.

Jane arrived on the 23rd floor. As the elevator opened, she took her head out to make sure that there was no one else.

"Mrs. Carter, you don't have to worry. Everyone is gone." Sienna Henry came over and said with a smile.

Jane smiled awkwardly, "Only you and Luis George work in overtime?"

Sienna Henry said with a smile, "Chairman Carter is still busy. How can we leave?"

"Do you know what he wants from me?" When she heard that Edwin Carter was still busy, Jane thinks she shouldn’t disturb him.

"Well, it's between you and your husband. How can Chairman Carter tell us?" Sienna Henry said that and led Jane to Edwin Carter's office.

Sienna Henry's tone was clear, but she blushed unconsciously.

On this floor the staff of the Chairman's office work. Now everyone has off and the whole floor looks empty.

Edwin Carter, the big boss, was really considerate of his subordinates. Everyone was off duty but he was busy working.

Of course, the employees like her from the basic department certainly don't know what the high-ranking Chairman does on a big day.

If she had known, she would not have been a clerk in the business department.

Sienna Henry added, "President Carter is in the office, so I won't go in with you."

Jane nodded.

Jane was in the Chairman’s office for the first time. Although the man sitting in the office is her husband, but there are still some embarrassments in her mind.

She knocked politely on the door and heard him saying, "Please come in."

Edwin Carter was on the phone. When he saw her coming in, he looked at her and signals her to wait for a while.

Edwin Carter was talking in English. Whatever he was speaking, Jane found it hard to understand.

She looked around. The decoration style of the office was reflecting Edwin Carter’s taste.

After a few minutes, Edwin Carter's phone call ended. He looked at Jane and said, "Why don't you sit?"

For Jane, this is the president's office. He didn't let her sit. As a small clerk, she didn't dare to sit anywhere.

"What can I do for you?" Jane ignored his question and asked him another.

He can only ask her to come when he has something to do?

Edwin Carter picked up his eyebrows and said, "Work overtime."

"You want me to overtime?" Jane pointed to herself and stressed, "I'm an employee of the business department, not your secretary."

"Double Salary." Leaving two short words behind, Edwin Carter glanced at her, lowered his head and focused on his work.

Double salary!

This offer was very attractive. For money, Jane reconsidered it. She smiled and asked, "What I have to do?"

"Accompany me." Edwin Carter said without raising his head.

Hearing this, Jane only felt that her face was hot again.

His strong voice came to Jane's ear and made her feel shy. She said in a voice that only she could hear: "ah, Okay."

Jane wanted to spend more time with him and wanted to know him better so that they can live a better life.

Now she has the chance to accompany him, and she will also get double pay, this will be like shooting two birds with one bullet. How could she miss the chance?

But Edwin Carter was really busy. He doesn't have time to deal with her. He was receiving many calls.




Now Jane now understood why most of Edwin Carter's work was in English because he was a part of Shengtian.

Shengtian has appointed him as the president of innovative technology. Now there is no more need to doubt him. He possesses extraordinary abilities.

While thinking all this, Jane's eyes were fixed on Edwin Carter's face.

He always wears a pair of gold-framed glasses, which he rarely takes off. He looks mature with glasses on, but he looks gentler without glasses.

Whether he wears glasses or not, his noble and elegant personality remains the same.

Jane thought of a popular joke on the Internet. The man in glasses looks more gentle and urbane. And his appearance can easily deceive people even if he was a despicable one.

Jane thought about what happened at that charity dinner. That day, Edwin Carter made her frightened. That day he behaved like a brute.

No, Jane shook her head and patted her face. How could she think about him like that? She shouldn't think about it.

She was so indulged in her thoughts that she didn't notice the gentle eyes of Edwin Carter that was staring at her.

She shook her head, pated her face, frowned and flattened her mouth. The expression on her face was changeable. She was immersed in her own world.

Edwin Carter looked at her and wondered.

What her inner world looks like?

Can she allow him to go in and have a look?

When Edwin Carter was staring about her Jane, finally regain her senses. She looked into Edwin Carter's eyes and tried to escape his gaze.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"Nothing, nothing." She replied.

She had nothing to say. Edwin Carter didn’t continue to ask questions. He put his attention to his work again.

Edwin Carter was busy with his work. She didn’t want to disturb him, so she kept sitting quietly.


After some time, Sienna Henry came in with a tray of food items and milk. She looked at Jane and said with a smile, "Mrs. Carter, this is what Mr. Carter asked me to prepare for you."

Jane said thanks to Sienna and came to Edwin Carter's desk to ask him, "Would you like some?"

"Um." Edwin Carter nodded and responded casually.

Jane pushed the plate closer to him, "First eat something then continue your work. Even machines don't work 24 hours a day, and you're still human. "

"By your hand." Edwin Carter said without raising his head.


By your hand?

Edwin Carter always utters such awkward words but how he stays so serious?

She didn’t understand whether he really has such personality or he just teases her?

Jane heart beat’s faster than ever.

However, when she looked at Edwin Carter, he was busy with his work again. He didn't even look at her. Maybe he was really busy, and his intentions were pure and really want Jane to help her.

She picked up a piece of cake and moved it towards Edwin Carter's mouth, "Open your mouth."

Edwin Carter kept looking at the computer screen and opened his mouth to take a bite.

He took a big bite.

She didn’t know whether it was unintentional or intentional. He took a big bite and even Jane's fingers were bitten by him.

He didn't exert much force it was softer just like a baby sucks. But the feeling of some hormonal excitement spread all over Jane’s body.

She stepped back and blushed.

Edwin Carter's eyes finally left the computer and looked at Jane. He said, "Are you teasing me?"

Jane, "..."

Uh -

Did she think too much, in fact, he didn't have anything like that in his mind?

She took another piece of cake and handed it to him, "Have another one."

"Isn't it boring to be here with me?" Instead of opening his mouth, he asked her a question.

"No it’s not boring," Jane replied normally.

What matters the most was double pay that he had offered.

"Jane." Edwin Carter called her name again.

Her voice was still magnetic and charming. She had been with him for two to three months. She still thought that when he called her name, it becomes more pleasant to hear.

"Hum?" Jane asked.

As soon as the sound of "hum" came out, Edwin Carter stretched out his long arm and dragged her.

Jane was so scared that she reached out to his chest and her body was very stiff. The voice began to shake as she spoke, "Edwin Carter, not here."

“What cannot be here?" He stretched out his hand to lift hair from her forehead, fixed his eyes on her and asked seriously.

Jane, "..."

She thought he was going to be the same as that night. She said that because she was frightened.

But now she looked at Edwin Carter. He had no intention to do anything like he did that night. But why she said to him, not here?

Every time when she didn't want to answer his questions. Edwin Carter would always behave very well; he didn’t force her to answer.

"Huh?" But today, Edwin Carter didn't have the intention to let her go. He wanted to know from her why it cannot happen here.

His body was held by him, and it was the first time that he had held it so closely. She was so confused that she could not find an excuse.

At that time, she wished hid in her shell, so she would not have to answer.

Edwin Carter's serious eyes have been looking at her. It seemed that the eyes were telling her he will not let her go until he gets the answer.

Jane wanted to escape, but she can't.

His arm’s grip around her waist was too strong.

After a moment, Jane gave up.

She didn’t know what thought made her reached out near Edwin Carter's neck and kissed him there.

No, she didn't kiss him. She bit him. It seemed that she takes revenge for that night and wanted to let him feel what he had done to her.

In terms of these things, Edwin Carter didn’t have much experience but he is the Big Boss of the business industry.

After a moment of hesitation, he pulled her closer and kissed her fiercely.

Knock --

Luis George knocked on the door and pushed it, "President Carter..."

The two people who were kissing each other looked away in an instant. She wanted to escape, but Edwin Carter pressed her into his arms and calmly said, "What?"




Luis George has been with Edwin Carter for more than ten years. When he has something to discuss with Edwin Carter, he always knocked on the door and came in without waiting for Edwin Carter's answer.

In more than ten years, the boss had no such relationships. He never thought he could see such a scene in Edwin Carter's office.

Although Luis George has never seen such a scene in Edwin Carter’s office, his reaction was quick.

"Nothing." Luis George quickly shut the door and ran away.

At that moment he didn’t dare to say anything.

Their president looks like a man with noble and elegant temperament but his real nature was really cruel especially when it needed to be cruel.

Others don't know this thing. But Luis George and Sienna have been with him for more than ten years.

"What's the matter?" Sienna Henry's voice sounded behind Luis George.

"I think I may not live long." Luis George was frightened.

He recalled the gloomy eyes of the president. Luis George expected that there will be no more good days in the future for him.

Although he didn't mean to destroy the president's good time, the fact is that he did and his president won't care about the reasons.

Sienna Henry glared at him, "What are you talking about?"

Luis George said sadly, "Just now I broke in the good things of Chairman Carter. He will definitely let me work overtime and will kill me."

Sienna Henry patted Luis George on the shoulder and gave him a thumb up, "I admire your courage. You knew that his wife is inside and you dare to go in without permission."


"What?" Luis George felt very aggrieved. "President Carter did nothing like this in the past. Especially in his office."

Sienna Henry gave Luis George another serious said, "You have been with President Carter for more than ten years, and your work progress is great. When did your EQ become as low as him?"

This sentence was a taunt for their Chairman’s EQ.

But the president for whom they think that he has a low EQ has just left his work just to enjoy the good time with his wife.

"Jane..." Edwin Carter held the back of Jane's head and kissed her again but this time it was much gentler.

He gently pressed her lips, as if he was savoring the taste of her lips.

Jane's hand was hanging around his neck. She unconsciously tightened her grip around his neck and closed her eyes to feel this kiss.

She could feel that Edwin Carter was kissing her in a unique way.

When he kissed her, she felt some domineering factors of his body and she also felt his care and love for her.

They have been married for the last three months. It wasn’t normal to completely know a person in three months.

But Jane was willing to believe that Edwin Carter is the person whom she can entrust for life.

The incident happened at the party a few days ago. Jane had thought about it carefully. Edwin Carter gave her a chance to explain it, but she couldn't say anything.

The reason why he was so out of control was that he saw Christopher Greyson holding her. So he thought maybe she had something with Christopher Greyson.

But even after looking at her and Christopher Greyson he gave her an opportunity to explain.

She didn’t explain. She refused to let him enter his heart. That’s why he was angry. No man would like to see his wife cuddling with other men and no man can bear it.

Once Wilson Paul put his hand on his shoulder and at that time he said it clearly to her. That he is her husband and he would be jealous to see her close to any other men.

Wilson Paul was nothing but Edwin Carter was "jealous." So when it comes to Christopher Greyson who was once her fiancé, how could he tolerate it?

Christopher Greyson was the person whom she wanted to marry not Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter did that in his anger, but he stopped before it was too late. Edwin Carter's senses weren’t working because he was jealous.

Perhaps, this jealousy was just because he was her husband not because he was in love with her.

Edwin Carter stopped before it’s too late because he never intends to hurt her. After this, Jane’s sadness and fear disappeared.

A man like him who usually speaks a little even if he doesn't say nice words to her, but as long as he was by her side, she would feel very comfortable.

On the day of the blind date, he said to her, that they are all adults. They don't believe that there is love in the world. So their marriage was out of love.

They have no love but in this period of time, Jane still feels Edwin Carter's care and love for her.

Every bit of word what he hadn’t uttered but Jane had felt it.

For example, she was afraid of a cold. When her hands and feet are icy in winter, he quietly arranges gloves and heaters for her.

One day, when she woke up in the middle of the night, her feet were tangled by his feet. He passed his temperature to her in such a way that shows his care.

Such a considerate man has become her husband. If she wouldn’t cherish him, God will give him to others?

But no, she will never give him to anyone else. Now they are married, he can only be Jane’s.

Thinking of this, Jane's arm slipped from his neck, wrapped around his waist and she held him tightly.

It was just he have very few things to talk about but today Jane has taken the responsibility to take the initiative for a lifetime.

When Jane finally figured it out, Edwin Carter let her go and looked at her bright red face and swollen lips...

He kissed her face again, touched her lips with his fingers and looked at her quietly with his deep eyes.

Jane felt shy but she did not run away she also kept looking into his deep eyes.

The sea of stars in his eyes was brighter than anything she had ever seen before. At this moment, his eyes are only filled with her, only Jane, making her feel that she is his only one.

However, when Jane was indulged in her thoughts, she heard Edwin Carter's magnetic and sexy voice again, "Why did you say, not here?"

Jane took some snacks to put them into Edwin Carter's mouth. She struggled to escape from his arms, but his grip was still strong.

Can't he see that she doesn't want to answer this question?

Just for escaping from this answer, she had used every possible tactic. Why does this man still want to know?

She had made up her mind to take the initiative for spending a good life with him. But when she met such a stupid man, can they still live this life?




Edwin Carter looked at the expressions of Jane’s face and laughed.

Jane, "..."

Is this man laughing at her?

Although she was angry with him, she still admits that this man looks very handsome when he laughed. So good-looking that she couldn't move her eyes away and didn’t want his smiling face to be seen by others.

When Jane was about to indulge in her thoughts, Edwin Carter shut down his computer raised his hand and rubbed her head, "Can we go home?"

What does it mean?

The literal meaning was very simple. It means that they should go home.

If she connects this sentence with that sentence "not here", then the meaning of this sentence becomes very ambiguous.

"If you have something to say, don't always say it in such an ambiguous way that people have to guess," she said.

Edwin Carter raised his eyebrows and said, "What is ambiguous?"

Jane looked into sincere eyes and felt that he simply said that we should go home.

"Nothing." She blushed again, and it seemed that she was really thinking too much. In order to cover she took his arm and said, "Let’s go home."

Go home!

Go back to their home!


At the same time, Christopher Greyson also received some internal news. Like almost six months ago, Shengtian has acquired innovation Technology.

Shengtian acquired innovation six months ago but Innovation didn’t announce it. They announce it when Gu enterprise the cutoff all their cooperative projects with innovation. It means that Innovation had destroyed Gu’s last opportunity to cooperate with Shengtian.

George Yockins of Ye family has offended Gu family by cooperating with innovation. It seems that the Ye family has already received this information.

Aiden Halsey looked at Christopher Greyson and felt worried, "Christopher Greyson, let's go back to Kyoto First. We left it to the general manager to deal with it. "

I'm afraid you can't handle it. These words suffocate in Aiden Halsey’s throat, and he did not dare to utter them.

Christopher Greyson roared, "Back? Go back? "

When he came to Jiangbei, he vowed to all those shareholders that he will do some cooperation with Shengtian during his trip.

But he hasn't even seen Leon Carter. And also because of the Innovation technology he had to face such shame that he has to go back barehanded.

If he wanted to return to Kyoto with honor, he would have to work harder. He has to find a way to meet Leon Carter. Even if he has to kneel down, he will kneel down just to get a cooperation opportunity.

To get close to Leon Carter, Christopher Greyson had the idea to use a beautiful woman. It's been just Alfred Kim who was a fool. He didn't find any good woman but also ended up in a prison.

Christopher Greyson added, "You have to figure out a way to get Alfred Kim out."

To find a woman Christopher Greyson only believes in Alfred Kim. His father sent him Aiden Halsey, but he didn’t find it appropriate to use him for this task.

"Yes, I'll find a way." Aiden Halsey responded and left.

When Aiden Halsey left, Christopher Greyson hit his desk, "Damn! How can we not find out that the power behind that Edwin Carter is Shengtian. "

Christopher Greyson now figured out many things.

Edwin Carter’s Shengtian's man. That’s why Matthew Stieve, director of Jiangbei Public Security Bureau, listened to him. That’s why he was present at the charity dinner hosted by Leon Carter.

And that’s why he was so calm and confident when he knew that Gu Enterprise will no longer cooperate with innovation.

If he had known that the man Edwin carter belonged to Shengtian, he would not have made such a rash decision but now he has tripped up by himself.

"Christopher..." Sophie came near to Christopher Greyson. Raised her hand and gently touched his back. She said softly, "Don't be angry. It’s not good for your health."

"How it went with Jane?" Christopher Greyson was angry and didn't speak very well to Sophie.

But Sophie Ronan didn't mind and smiled softly, "You also know Jane. If she doesn't want to do something, no one can force her. You know."

"I asked you to convince her. Obviously just because I know her temper, and you told me that you can handle it. Now you are telling me these useless things..." Christopher Greyson turned around and scolded her. But suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

He was looking for a beautiful girl. The woman in front of him is far more beautiful than any girl that he can find in Jiangbei.

Although Sophie has no comparison with Jane in appearance, he admits that Sophie is also a beauty.

Especially in the moments of intimacy Sophie always performed very well.

According to Christopher Greyson, men like beautiful women. But they even prefer that one who proved to be skilled in bed as well.

After this thought, Christopher Greyson immediately changed his attitude and lifted up Sophie’s face and said, "Sophie, I am facing many problems these days. These things have affected my mood. I hope you can understand me."

Sophie smiled and said, "I'm your fiancée, if I can't understand you then who can?"

"I am in a very difficult situation. Would you help me with this?" Christopher Greyson's eyes were shining. He believes that if Leon Carter sees Sophie, he will think about cooperation.

"Of course, tell me," she nodded. "If I can do it, I will do my best."

"Sophie, let me have you again." Christopher Greyson picked up Sophie and walked towards his bedroom. Soon there was a heavy breathing sound of a man and woman.

From time to time she heard Christopher Greyson shouting "Jane, Jane", and he was unable to see that Sophie who was lying under him.

From the first time they had sex till today, Christopher Greyson always covered her eyes or covered his own eyes and always called Jane’s name, again and again.

At first, Sophie didn't mind, because she snatched this man from Jane's hands. Later, she began to care but now it doesn't matter.

No matter whose name stays on Christopher Greyson's lips. For her what matters was that he was doing this with her.

In these years, only Sophie has got the title of the future daughter-in-law of Gu's family and the fiancé of Christopher Greyson.

Not Jane.

Sophie Ronan laughed and tears rolled down on her cheeks. After tonight, Jiangbei will no longer be a place for Jane to live.

She didn't want to do it. After all, Jane is her own sister.

But Jane was stubborn and refused to listen to her advice. Jane didn't want to leave. Now she has to force her to leave.




On their way home, Edwin Carter accompanied Jane to a supermarket and bought some meat and vegetables for lunch.

There was a stall at the gate of the supermarket that sells fried millet which Jane really likes to eat. Every time she comes here, she would buy some.

There was a middle-aged woman who sells millet. She's kind and has a very loud voice. Jane often comes here, now she also knows Jane very well.

When Jane was buying millet, the woman asked Jane, "Girl, the man behind you is your boyfriend or husband?"

Women love gossip, especially when they see such a beautiful couple.

After hearing this question, Jane unconsciously looked back at Edwin Carter.

He was waiting beside her, carrying lots of shopping bags.

She looked back and smiled, "He is my husband."

When Jane said this, she suddenly felt that she had a whole world.

She wanted to tell people loudly and proudly that he's my husband.


"Girl, there are a lot of men who are willing to accompany their wife to buy food, but there are few men who will accompany their wife every time," she said. "Now you have found a very right man, hold him well. Don't let others steal it, if it happens you will regret it. "

"Yes, I know." Jane nodded. "Thank you, aunt."

Yes, how can she let anyone rob such a good man?

The woman talked like an elder who advises her children that made Jane miss her mother.

Her mother also really loves her. When she agreed to get engaged to Christopher Greyson, her mother wiped her tears and said, "In fact, I don't want you to marry someone who has much money. I only hope that he can treat you well, protect you and won’t hurt you. But I can't make it for you..."

Sometimes, Jane wants to call her mother and tell her that her daughter has found someone she wants to live a good life with.

But she still has no courage...

Maybe it wasn't that she didn't have the courage, but she was afraid that if she called her mother, her mother would be treated badly.

"How nice her husband is, who often accompanies his wife to buy vegetables."

When Jane and Edwin Carter walked, the woman’s loud voice reached their ears.

Jane looked towards Edwin Carter and smiled, "Listen, someone is praising you."

Edwin Carter held the bags in one hand and held Jane’s hand on his other hand, “Um.”

Jane rolled her eyes. Is it necessary to be so cold? Sometimes his behavior seems colder than a real winter.

When Jane felt extremely dissatisfied with his response, she heard him saying, "You are also very good."

Hearing these words, Jane raised her lips and smiled.

Because they are good, that’s why in the tens of thousands of people they choose each other.

Jane looked at Edwin Carter's straight back, carefully reached for his arm and walked by his side.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Carter!"

With a very sweet voice, Julie came like a doll and greeted them with a smile.

"Where is Ivan?" Edwin Carter knows that if Julie is here, Ivan must be nearby.

Julie looked back, pointed to the car and said, "He asked me to pick butterfly love."

The car was parked not far from them, and the windows were open.


At a glance, Jane could see clearly that the man sitting in the cab with black hair and brown eyes, and his hair was in a mess on his head as if he hadn't taken care of them for several days. His personality was revealing the Italian unique charm, deep eyes, and a sharp nose.

It seemed that he also noticed Jane's gaze. He looked at her and raised a profound smile.

Jane felt a little uneasy. She quickly took back her eyes and looked at Julie. "I should have sent the dress back. Sorry for the trouble for you to come in person to collect it."

"No, you are welcome." It's hard for Julie to get out of the villa. Now she got an opportunity to come out. It wasn’t a trouble for her. On the contrary, she was really happy.

Ivan didn't get off the car, and Edwin Carter didn't go to say hello to him. They were supposed to be good friends, but no one pays attention to each other.

Jane can't help but look back at Ivan, the famous Italian designer, who is her idol.

It's just that this Ivan is not the same as what she imagined. The photos of Ivan on the Internet are beautiful but seeing this Ivan gives people a sense of bohemianism.

In those days, Jane's biggest dream was to go to Italy to learn from Ivan.

In order to let her go abroad to learn from her idol, her mother sold the emerald bracelets that were handed down from her grandmother.

The mother said, "Jane, if you like it, I find it worth doing for you."

However, his father took that money and chose a major for Jane but Jane did not want to. She insisted on becoming a wedding dress designer. Later, her father used that money for Sophie to go to the United States to study.

Now, her idol is right in front of her eyes, right next to her. Jane felt really excited and complicated.

She would like to run to Ivan and ask him if he still accepts her as his student. If he is willing to accept her, she wants to work under his supervision.

Jane wanted to do it, but she controlled her emotions.

Now, she is not alone. So no matter what decision she makes. She should also consider the feelings of Edwin Carter.

She went home to get her dress.

Because of that incident, Jane has re-stitched the dress. So she felt that she should apologize to the original designer.

When Jane went near the car, the man said to her, "Mrs. Carter, Your man is not courteous at all. I'm sitting here. And he behaved like he didn’t see me? "

Jane was surprised by his complain. She said, "He is actually like this. He doesn't like to talk much. Please don't mind."

"Mind? I don't care about him." Ivan chuckled and said, "For beautiful Mrs. Carter, I will not charge him for the dress."

"Thank you!" Jane smiled.

Ivan added, "Mrs. Carter is so polite. Look at Mr. Carter. We are so familiar with each other, now he is ignoring me?"




Without giving Jane a chance to interrupt, Ivan continued, "I have been friends with him for many years and he has taken away the dresses that I designed for my future wife, and didn’t even excuse for that. It's not lovely or cute. Julie, what are you doing? Get in the car and we are leaving. "

"Mr. Ivan, please wait a moment." Jane stopped Ivan and told him that she had re-stitched butterfly love.

Before she finished speaking, Ivan's facial expressions changed a lot. He took off his dress and said angrily, "who asked you to alter my work?"

The man with a smile just now suddenly roared. She was so scared that she took a step back. But she still waited to see what would happen next.

Looking at where Jane’s re-stitched, Ivan's facial expressions changed from anger to joy and then from joy to sorrow.

And after a long time, he left a sentence, "Mrs. Carter, I will come back to you."


Innovative technology staff dinner was in a Baihe restaurant. That has a very wide area and a multi-functional restaurant.

There were ten banquet tables. The best one was reserved for the President and for the higher authorities of the company. The others were arranged according to the position.

The huge LED screen on the wall was constantly playing innovation technology’s latest advertisements.

It makes people feel that after the acquisition of innovation by Shengtian, the standard of the advertising image seems to be higher than before.

In fact, innovation is now a subsidiary of Shengtian. With Shengtian as a powerful "father", now innovation has no fear of being bullied by others.

The part timings were 5.00 p.m. and dinner will start at 7:00 p.m. everyone was singing dancing and enjoying themselves.

Jane came late, when everyone has arrived.

Because Edwin Carter asked her to wait for him, she agreed and came here with Edwin Carter.

When they were downstairs, Edwin Carter left with Luis George and Sienna Henry because of some urgent matters.

Jane was no longer afraid that if people will find out about her relationship with Edwin Carter, what would happen.

They are legally husband and wife. Why do they have to hide it from everyone that they are together?

At the very start, she didn't want to let the company know because she was afraid of gossip and being attacked by rumors again.

Recently, she met some people and noticed that many things are not as terrible as she had imagined.

She calmly faced Christopher Greyson who had betrayed her and Sophie who had hurt her badly in the past. Even when she heard that her mother said those things, she bears it sensibly.

Because now she knows that she is not alone.

She has Edwin Carter. As long as Edwin Carter is around her, she doesn’t need to be afraid.

"Jane, finally you are here." Katelyn Max was singing love songs with Wilson Paul. When they saw Jane they said hello to her.

"Everyone is having a good time," she said with a smile.

"Yes, we've been playing for a long time, and you're the one who came late." Fiora Justin approached Jane and whispered, "I didn't tell anyone anything about that day."

"Thank you!" Jane smiled.

Deana Brad had been with the management. When she saw Jane coming, she came with a glass of wine: "So where is everyone. Cheer for us."

"Manager Deana your and Jane's scarf is exactly the same. They just have different colors. I remember this model is very limited. When I went to buy it, it was gone." Fiora Justin was a native of Jiangbei. She usually pays attention to luxury goods, so she knows this very well.


Deana Brad pulled the red scarf around his neck and smiled, "Yes, it took my half month's salary. By the way, how much did you pay for it? "

"It's very expensive for me. My heart was bleeding when I swiped the card." At that time, Jane only wanted to buy one for Edwin Carter. Who knows that she has to buy two scarves at the same time? When she swiped the card, her heart was dripping blood.

"The bags you use are not luxury goods. I didn't expect you to buy such an expensive scarf." Deana Brad looked at Jane and smiled meaningfully, then turned away.

Jane listened to her taunt but she didn’t pay much attention. She was a person with high morale. She is not afraid of these villains who are biting their tongues.

"Jane, sing one." Katelyn Max hands the microphone to Jane. "Come on, which song do you want to sing? I'll choose it for you. "

Jane thought for a moment and said, "Take a walk."

She chose this song to say goodbye to those bad things from her past so no one can hurt her again.

Katelyn Max immediately plays this song for Jane. When the music played, everyone danced with the rhythm.

However, when Jane started to sing, the advertisement on the LED switched off and there displayed some photos.

"Jane looked at the screen."

When Jane heard Katelyn Max's voice, she looked up.

The big screen was displaying pictures of her and Edwin Carter together. There are pictures of him looking at her tenderly, pictures of her looking at him and smiling, pictures of Edwin Carter kissing her, all kinds of their private pictures.


If she had not seen these photos today, she wouldn’t know that she looks so happy with Edwin Carter.

But these photos are taken secretly, not by her and Edwin Carter. Jane felt a blast in her head.

Who took these pictures?

The first character in Jane's mind was Mandy Adam.

Mandy Adam has always been jealous of her. She always tracks her activities and search for opportunities to pull her down.

Besides Mandy Adam, who else can?

However, she seriously thought about every possible person, but she ignored those evil eyes that always looked at her every activity.

"Jane, what is this?" Katelyn Max pulled Jane’s hard.

The next pictures were changed and completely edited.

These pictures exposed Jane in short clothes, the photos of Jane going into the hotel by a strange man, and news that Jane once even wanted to seduce her own brother-in-law.

Jane looked at the pictures and at the information.

Scenes from three years ago seemed to reappear in front of her eyes.

The betrayal of her lover made her the abandoned Child of Ronan's family. Her father could not even pretend to be nice to her.

Sister Sophie uses the Internet to incite netizens, to make her look dirty. And she got trapped by them badly….

She left with no choice than to leave Kyoto, the place where she was born and grew up.

She came to Jiangbei with Laura Ferdinand and worked hard at this place. Here she had some achievements. But those bad people and bad things attacked her again.

Jane clenched her teeth and clenched her fist. This time, she wouldn’t let those people do what they wanted.





Everyone’s eyes, voices, and fingers were pointing at her...

It was the same scene that she experienced three years ago.

Curses, accusations, and imputations.

Even those who had no relationship and who knew nothing of the truth stood up and scold her after this news.

Those people put themselves at the highest point of morality and stand up to criticize her with great confidence.

The big LED screen was showing the pictures of Jane’s past and the eyes of hundreds of employees of the company were all on Jane.

Once again, she was targeted for public criticism.

"She knew that Carter had a wife, but she did such things."

Finally, someone broke the silence and then the discussion began.

"You can't judge a person just by her outward appearance."

"Oh yeah, that’s true. This girl looks very innocent but in reality, she did such dirty things."

"I am sure that chairman carter doesn’t know anything about her past. If he knew that, he wouldn't be nice to her."

Jane listened to them calmly but these words didn’t hurt her until she heard the name of Edwin Carter. She doesn't care what other people think of her but she cares about Edwin Carter's opinion.

She never mentions her family members to him. This was the reason that her family and her relatives are all pathetic.

From every aspect, Edwin Carter was perfect.

Sometimes, Jane thinks of Edwin Carter as a rare treasure in a museum that she can only watch from a distance but can never get it.

She doesn't want Edwin Carter to look down on her. She doesn't want Edwin Carter to look down on her family. She doesn't want Edwin Carter to think that she was a woman who seduces men.

Edwin Carter…

What would he think of her?

Will he behave like these people?

Jane was just thinking about him when she heard another voice.

"Manager Deana Brad, you are the head of your department. Come on say something."

Deana Brad stood on the stage, took the microphone and said, "Jane is a staff of the business department and her work performance is good. But this is her private life, and I really don’t care about it."

Deana Brad was not stupid to shoot the bird with her gun. Even though she has participated, she never stands up with those people. It was just that stupid Mandy Adam, she was willing to pay any price for revenge.

After today's event, Jane won't have the face to stay in innovation technology anymore. But she continues to be the manager of innovation technology’s business department. Now that innovation has acquired by Shengtian, the position of the manager has become more valuable for her.

Wilson Paul looked at Jane and shook his head disappointedly. His eyes seemed to complain the thought that she’s a goddess. But it turned out that she’s a woman who did so many shameless things in the past.

Fiora Justin was quietly looking at Jane, as if she was enjoying a good drama.

The eyes of her colleagues were also focused on Jane. They all looked at her with a playful attitude.

"Jane..." Katelyn Max looked at Jane and gently touched her arm. "Is that true?"

Is that true?

Some facts were false but they were spread a lot by some peoples so they seemed to become a reality.

Jane took a deep breath, straightened her back, raised her head, walked with her high heels toward the stage and stood near the LED screen.

Her lips were slightly crooked, and she looked at her audience with a smile.

Those people were looking at her with disdain as if she was the biggest sinner of this world.

She picked up a microphone and said with a smile, "I don't care who is behind all this. According to law, I hold the right to investigate him or her."

"Ha ha…You have seduced your brother-in-law, went into a hotel with a man, and now you have seduced your married boss." Mandy Adam has arrived at the scene and sneered scornfully.

Hearing Mandy Adam's voice, she glanced at her and frowned.

Mandy Adam was seen by Jane as an evil creature, she quickly looked away, and added, "You are such a shameless bitch. You still dare to investigate legally? If we investigate against you, it becomes more shameful for you. You are a shameless junior. "

It turns out that Mandy Adam was the one who was playing tricks behind her but Jane believes that only Mandy Adam cannot execute this plan. There must be some other people as well.

Who can do these things to her?

Her eyes moved slightly and fell on Deana Brad. Then she thought of what Deana Brad had just said to her.

However, she knew Deana Brad and Mandy Adam only after she reached Jiangbei. They should not be able to find out about her past details.

There must be someone else. But who’s that...

Is it Christopher Greyson or... Sophie?

Although Christopher Greyson was a villain, he wouldn’t plan to hurt a powerless woman by public criticism.

This scene was similar to that of three years ago. Three years ago, the director of that good play was...

Sophie, Sophie Ronan, her own sister.

She had removed the last trace of sisterhood. Jane did not fight with her, left their hometown, and still Sophie is doing these pathetic things against her?

Jane narrowed her eyes slightly and was shaking her head with a fake smile. However, someone yelled, "You should quit your job and leave. Don't be a disgrace to your work."

Another person said, "If Manager Deana Brad is not taking the matter to her hand, others also doesn't care. Company personnel shouldn’t get involved in this muddy water. It's better for us to wait for President Carter to deal with her."

Let President Carter deal with it.

After hearing this sentence, Jane's body trembled uncontrollably.

Although she still has a smile on her face but her heart was flustered and disordered.

She felt panic and hateful.

What would Edwin Carter think of her?

Will Edwin Carter believe that she’s such a woman?

The happiness that she managed to achieve will vanish so miserably just because of her sister’s conspiracy?




Suddenly Jane didn't understand why she had suffered a lot in these years. She used to think that she could have peace of mind after leaving her family. But now?

Christopher Greyson has been forcing her to come back again, and Sophie secretly plots against her to snatch her happiness from her.

How can they be so cruel?

At this time, Mandy Adam came to Jane's side and whispered arrogantly, "Jane, I told you that no matter what price I have to pay, I will destroy you."

Mandy Adam was happy and pleased.

Sophie Ronan and Christopher Greyson can hurt her because she once loved and cared for them.

But you? Mandy Adam, who do you think you are?

With a cold snort, Jane raised her hand and slapped Mandy Adam, "Mandy Adam, what are you?"

With some effort, she left five red finger marks on Mandy Adam's face.

Mandy Adam covered her face and looked viciously at Jane, "You stinky bitch, how you dare to touch me."

When Mandy Adam opened her mouth, Jane slapped her again. Some people don’t listen to your words, so you have to move your hands to them.

"You fucking bitch..."

Even after two slaps, Mandy Adam was not willing to shut her mouth. She jumped at Jane and grabbed her hair and pulled it hard.

Jane’s hair was grabbing by Mandy Adam. But she didn’t felt much pain, she observed the situation calmly.

Mandy Adam was shorter than her. Jane was wearing high heels and could take advantage of this.

Jane looks thin, but all these years, everything is done by herself, and her strength is not small.

Jane pulled her to the edge of the stage and pushed her. Mandy Adam trembled and did not stabilize and fell down from the stage.

But before Mandy Adam fell down, she grabbed Jane's hair and Jane was pulled and dropped.

Fortunately, the whole hall was well carpeted. Jane and Mandy Adam didn't hurt much.

Mandy Adam got up and said, "We have a lot of married women here. There must be a husband cheating. Don't you hate this kind of junior? She used to seduce her brother-in-law. Now she is trying to seduce President Carter, who already has a wife. She may seduce your husband soon. "

Mandy Adam knew that she has no way to deal with Jane alone. She must make Jane cause a thing of public anger and let other people help her deal with Jane.

Mandy Adam used to be at the public-relations department and her speech was showing her ability. In addition, Deana Brad also said something provocatively.

Some people were just like an insult to the team, "it's shameless. You should leave, Mistress."

"Bicth, get out of here."

You have seduced your brother-in-law and a husband...

All kinds of abusive words were uttered out one after another and spread to Jane's ears and heart.

Jane has sprained her foot when she fell. She tried to stand several times. When she got up, all her weight was on her right foot.

The scene was the same that she faced three years ago...

Once again, she watched people scolding her badly, but she couldn’t do anything.

Jane looked but gradually her vision became blurred.

"Why is it so noisy here?"

A powerful voice! People immediately turned around and saw that Edwin Carter was coming with Luis George and Sienna Henry.

When Jane heard Edwin Carter’s voice, she hurriedly straightened her hair, stood straight and raised her head high. No matter what he thinks about her, she will bear it patiently.

Mandy Adam and Deana Brad looked at each other and the corners of their mouths rose involuntarily.

Edwin Carter’s here. This will be the beginning of a good play. If she can see Jane being abandoned and despised by Edwin Carter, Mandy will clap her hands with joy.

Edwin Carter was wearing a silver-gray handmade suit and looked calm and elegant.

When he walked, everyone involuntarily let the path open and their eyes fell on him and moved with his movement.

But his eyes can only see Jane standing on the top of the storm. He can see her clenching her fist, looked at her dried lips and her disguised smile.

She was smiling, but Edwin Carter felt that she was crying and he wanted to wipe away her tears.

Jane also looked at him. No, she didn't look at him. Her eyes were on the direction he came from, but there was no focus. There was no reflection of him in her eyes.

She did not dare to look at him because she was afraid to see hate in his eyes and to hear him saying unpleasant things for her...

Yes, she was afraid, she didn’t dare look at Edwin Carter.

She knew that he was coming closer to her... He came to her side and stood by her side. He called her name gently as usual, "Jane."

"Um." Jane answered him softly when he called her name but she did not dare to look at him.

"You have me." He gently touched her face with the palm of her hand and then he gave her a kiss on her forehead. He said softly, "Jane, Look at me."

At this moment, all the voices disappeared, and everyone's eyes were fixed on these two people.

What's the matter?

"President Carter, if you look at the big screen and see what she did before, you will know what kind of woman she is." said Mandy Adam.

Mandy saw Edwin Carter didn't show his hate for Jane even he was talking to her so calmly. Mandy Adam got blind by her hate and came out to yell loudly.

Edwin Carter slightly turned his head and looked at her. A cold light flashed through his seemingly calm eyes, "Luis George."

Just a glance, Mandy Adam scared to step back and to shut her mouth.

Luis George immediately came forward, "President Carter, I will definitely investigate what happened today. How can the reputation of your wife be stigmatized by these people?"


Everyone heard that one main word "Wife" in Luis George's words.

Is it Jane?

Everyone looked at each other to get an affirmation. Jane is President Carter’s wife?

Jane pursed her lips and looked at Edwin Carter. She looked at him quietly. She wanted to smile but her tears flowed down.

Edwin Carter's heart was clenched when he saw tears on her face. He lowered his head to kiss her tears again but the more he kissed the more she cried.




Edwin Carter raised his head and looked at the people around him. His eyes were as cold as the weather now - cold and piercing.

Mandy Adam knew that she had made the biggest mistake she tried to run away.

"That lady, you had hurt my wife. Do you think you can leave?" Edwin Carter said a sentence and immediately a security guard blocked Mandy Adam's way.

"President Carter, it's not that I hurt your wife, it's her..." Mandy still wanted to speak but when she saw Edwin Carter's bleak eyes, she closed her mouth quickly.

Edwin Carter added, "Luis George, I don't want these people to stay in innovation technology. And those people who plotted this against my wife should be held accountable. "

After saying this, he stretched out his hand to take Jane to go. Jane took a step but her left foot was sprained so she cried with some pain.

"What's the matter?" Edwin Carter asked immediately.

"The foot is twisted," Jane said.

When she said that, Edwin Carter knelt in front of Jane, took off her high-heeled shoes and lifted them to his hands.

Get up, hold her into his arms and ignored everyone's existence, turned around and walked away.

Jane buried her head in his chest and rubbed her face like a kitten.

Three years ago, when she faced that incident and at that time there was no one to stand beside her. She moved with the most awkward posture.

Three years later, she had faced the same thing today. But today Edwin Carter was beside her. He was willing to be her most solid support.

In her life, she met a person like him. This is her biggest luck!

When they left the spot, everyone was shocked and their eyes were filled with surprise.

What did their president just say?

He said Jane was his wife?

Katelyn Max looked at the direction of Edwin Carter and Jane with wide eyes. After a moment she said, "Mrs. Carter was Jane of the business department."

Wilson Paul also remembered what Jane said a few days ago. She said that she was married.

After the news disclosure, all people felt pity for themselves especially those who have just participated actively in scolding her.

Sienna Henry followed Edwin Carter and Luis George stayed to deal with the matter.

The company wanted to have a good dinner for its employees and didn't expect to have such a mess.

Luis George looked at the scene and said, "If you all like making trouble so much, you don't need to eat the meal. I will talk about today's events with everyone. "

Luis George looked at Mandy Adam again and smiled coldly, "Is Mrs. Carter the kind of person you can push around? If you want to mess with someone, please have your eyes open while choosing a person."

Mandy knew that she had stabbed the hornet's nest at this time. She was in a panic and hurriedly looked to Deana Brad for help, "Manager Deana."

Deana Brad was as cunning as a fox. She has made a way out for herself long before.

She knew if Mandy Adam’s plan fails, she will definitely pull her down with herself. She has to guard herself against Mandy Adam's move, so she had removed every evidence of contact with Mandy Adam.

Even if Mandy Adam testified against her, there would be few who would believe her.

So Deana Brad said, "Miss Mandy Adam, what you want me to do?"

Deana Brad's attitude and her tone of speech were cold. Mandy soon got the purpose behind Deana Brad's attitude.

She has no evidence of Deana Brad's involvement with her and if Deana Brad denies it she cannot do anything to prove.

Mandy's eyes searched for Marina Brown but when Marina Brown noticed her gaze she immediately looked away. It was impossible for her to help her.

Luis George didn't give them a chance to argue, he directly sent her to the police. That wasn’t a problem for them. They have Matthew Stieve to deal with these kinds of issues.

Of course, she has offended Mrs. Carter. A year or a half of year in jail will be her fate.


Baihe restaurant is next to the innovation company. It takes only a few minutes to drive home.

The driver Albert Warner dropped them at the gate.

When they were waiting for the elevator, they met an old couple living in the house opposite them.

The children of the old couple were living abroad. The old people were very lonely here but when they saw a couple they behave enthusiastically.

They have lived here for nearly three months. Whenever Jane goes upstairs, she always says hello to them.

Today these people looked at Jane, but she was embarrassed. Her head was buried in Edwin Carter's arms, and she didn't want to lift it up.

The old lady said with a smile, "little girl, why are you so shy? He is your husband. At a young age, my husband often carried me in his arms and walked several streets."

The old lady spoke vigorously, and the man standing next to her coughed a little. His facial expressions changed after hearing this.

Jane also found that the woman talk a lot but her man talk a little. She often made him blush.

Jane looked up at Edwin Carter quietly but she could only see his chin, not his expression and what he was thinking.

Because on the way back he didn’t say a word, she only felt the grip of his arms around her.

After listening to the woman's words, Jane thought it's true. It’s no big deal to be hugged by your husband.

So she raised her head from Edwin Carter's arms and smiled at her, "I see. Thank you."

When she said this, Jane held Edwin Carter's lean waist tightly with her hands out and rubbed her head against his chest.

She thought it was comfortable but did not see Edwin Carter's slightly red face.

When they reached home, Edwin Carter gently put Jane on the sofa, turned around and went to take a medicine box for the bruise.

He squatted down in front of Jane and took off her socks.

Jane's feet were very good-looking, white, and tender, just like a little baby and looks very cute.

He held her ankle in his warm, rubbed it a little harder and then put some medicine on her feet.

Jane looked at him pursed her lips and asked, "Edwin Carter, you really don’t care about my past?"

Edwin Carter looked up at her and stressed once again, "I have told you that your past has nothing to do with me. What I care about is your future, our future."

What should she do?

Jane wanted to cry again.

She does not love to cry but in front of Edwin Carter, she becomes so tearful as if she wanted to show him all the grievances.

But she wiped her tears. She can't cry. She needed to smile in front of him.

She looked at him and smiled, "our future."

"We will walk together into our future," Edwin Carter said.

"Yes," she nodded.

In the future, there will be you and me.




Jane’s feet were sprained. She cannot move or cook a meal and there was nothing to eat.

Edwin Carter said that tonight he will cook the food. Jane sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at that man who was busy preparing food for her.

He wore Jane’s apron. He was tall, and her small apron looked funny on him.

This was the first time that Edwin Carter had been cooking.

She looked at Edwin Carter, and she clearly got the idea that he hasn't done these things before.

He has been busy for a long time but has not made any progress, Jane stood up and walked into the kitchen: "Edwin Carter, do you need my help?"

Edwin Carter looked back at her and said, "No, just sit well."

Jane put a hand on her belly and looked at him, "I'm so hungry."

Edwin Carter put down the kitchen knife in his hand and walked near her, "Do what I said."

Jane raises her head and kiss at the corner of his mouth, then looked at him with a smile, "You help me bring a stool here. I sit here and guide you."

Edwin Carter was suddenly kissed by Jane. He was stunned for a moment didn't speak. However, as per Jane's demands he brings a chair for her to sit.

Jane said, "First wash rice and put it in the pot then wash and cut vegetables. Then stir and fry the vegetables and rice will be ready soon."

Edwin Carter didn't speak, but he did every step according to her instructions.

Jane looked at Edwin Carter and thought that sometimes god is really unfair. How can he give a man both good looks and a smart brain?

This man was cooking for the first time, but his action looked very skilled. He was really a skilled man. Even while cutting vegetables he looked so charming.

Jane sighed again that she was lucky to meet such a good man.

"Edwin Carter, I have something to tell you." Now that she has time, Jane wanted to use this time to talk to Edwin Carter.

What happened before has been spoken out by so many people today.

Edwin Carter should have seen something too. If she pretends that nothing has happened and doesn't tell him anything, it becomes difficult for them.

Besides, she has made up her mind to live a good life with him. It's the best way to fully open her heart to him to clarify the past.

Edwin Carter looked back at Jane and saw her very serious looks. He has guessed what she wants to say to him.

Before marrying her, he sent people to investigate everything she had, including which primary school she has attended.

He wanted to pretend that he didn't know anything, but he didn't want to deceive her, so he said, "Jane, I know everything about your past."

"You, you know everything?" Jane was so surprised.

She thought about her past, her family and about all her bad things. She felt that this man knows everything and her heart suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

When she was sad, she heard him saying in a low and pleasant voice, "You don’t have to worry about the things that you haven’t done. No matter how others frame it, for me you are still the best."

His tone was serious.

Three years ago, she was forced to leave her hometown because of Sophie's plot against her. Except Laura Ferdinand, everyone believed that she was a woman who has seduced her brother-in-law and that she was a woman who fooled other men outside.

Now after three years, there was finally someone who knows her and says that she is the best. And this man is her husband, a man who said that he will live, spend his life with her.

After listening to Edwin Carter's words, Jane smiled happily and suddenly opened her arms, "Would you like to hug this best Jane?"

Edwin Carter wants to hug her, but he has just sliced the meat on his hand. There was oil on his hands.

When he was thinking, Jane stood up, leaned behind him and held his waist with her arms.

She put her head on his back and rubbed twice, "Mr. Carter, please promise me that you will stay nice to your best Jane forever and not to any other women."

"Take care of your foot." Edwin Carter said.

"You cut your food. Don’t disturb me." Jane replied.

Jane’s soft body was attached to him, especially the soft chest of Jane squeezes on his back and she was saying him to cut the vegetables well.

Edwin Carter’s concentration level was good enough, but he wanted to eat her. Because he was teased by this little woman no matter intentionally or unintentionally.

He took her hand and turned to look at her. "Do you want to eat or not?"

Jane nodded with a smile.

Edwin Carter said with a straight face, "Then just sit down and don't disturb me."

"Yes, sir!" Jane smiled and saluted Edwin Carter then got back to her chair.

Edwin Carter cooked the dishes and serves out of the pot.

The dishes were looked delicious. She tasted them.

Not only it looks good but tastes good. She can't help wondering, "President Carter, is this really your first cooking?"

"Yeah." Edwin Carter nodded softly but he didn't talk much.

"It's cold," Jane said suddenly.

Edwin Carter hurriedly got up and went back to the room to take a coat and put it on her.

"Stupid man." She meant that he was cold. Can't he understand that?

Edwin Carter looked at her and he put the food in her bowl, "Have a good meal."

It was almost ten o'clock p.m., and Jane was very hungry. She picks up chopsticks and starts eating. While eating from time to time, she looks up at Edwin Carter.

At the dinner table, Edwin Carter didn’t talk much and ate silently.

Jane wanted to talk to him several times, but she didn’t. When she finally put down her chopsticks, she said, "Mr. Carter, you cooked a good meal. I will wait for the next time."

"Happy to know that you like it." After eating, he began to clean up. It's hard to imagine that a man who serves Shengtian can do all these things for a woman.

If his best friends saw him doing these things, they would probably laugh.




It was raining outside.

Jiangbei was in the south but due to cold wind from the north, its temperature has also fallen to several degrees.

Jane and Mia Mia lie down on the sofa and watched an entertainment program.

In her university life, she was the head of the debate team at her university. Whenever she participated, she had won the competition.

Edwin Carter was busy working in his study, so Jane has to stay with Mia Mia. She had to talk to someone who even didn’t understand her words completely.

She held Mia Mia in her arms and said, "Mia Mia, whenever I took part in the debate competition, I never lost."

"Woof woof…" Mia Mia tried to respond though she couldn't understand Jane completely.

"Her competitors shiver with fear when they come to know that they have to compete with a girl named Jane," she added.

"Woof…" this time Mia Mia responded lazily.

It was too late. Mia Mia wanted to sleep and wasn’t interested to hear her master's old stories.

Mia Mia’s reactions were like: Why you don’t go to talk to Carter? Why are you bothering me? I’m just a little pet and can't understand human language at all. Please let me go!

"Kitty, you don’t want to chat with me?" Jane rubbed her head hard. "OK, I understands you. Go to bed and sleep."

Mia Mia rubbed Jane's arms again and then ran to sleep.

Jane watched the TV for a while.

Although she was watching TV, her attention was on the study door. She was waiting for Edwin Carter to come out.

After waiting for a long time, when she saw there was still no movement. She stood up and planned to take the initiative.

 Jane thought for a moment then went to the kitchen and boiled hot milk. She knocked on the door of the study. She didn't hear his response "come in", so she pushed the door and went in.

"Mr. Carter, you must be very tired." Jane put the hot milk and said, "I boiled it for you."

"Why you didn’t sleep?" Edwin Carter asked without raising his head.

"Because it's cold, I couldn’t fell asleep." She really fears a cold but at this time she has another meaning.

Edwin Carter looked up and saw that she was wearing a pink night suit which made her white and pink skin looks more attractive.

Edwin Carter looked for a second and moved his eyes to the computer screen again and didn't pay much attention to her.

Jane walked closer to him and put her hands on his shoulders. "Mr. Carter, I’ve learned massage. Would you like to have a try?"

"Jane, don’t disturb me!" Edwin Carter said but this time his tone was a little heavier. It seemed maybe he felt teased or a little angry.

They have been together for so long but Jane hasn't seen him like this and suddenly she felt that he looks very lovely.

Jane suddenly kissed him. Then she licked his lips. The kiss was like asking him a question that he was showing her what kind of attitude?

Edwin Carter tried to tolerate it, but he couldn’t.

He had been teased several times by Jane. Being a man, he cannot resist her more.

He pulled Jane into his arms and kissed her fiercely and intensely.

The tip of her tongue and his tongue tangled, and they had the most intense "tongue fight."

This time she was numb because she had no experience in kissing. Edwin Carter also has no experience, but he is a man. It seems that men don’t need teachers in these matters.

His kiss was very fierce that she wanted to escape.

But today Jane has some other thoughts and ideas. She wanted to move their relationship to some other level. Just like the real husband and wife.

She tried to express her intentions. She grasped his clothes and stretched out on his chest to caress. Today she wasn’t satisfied with this clumsily. She wanted to touch his naked body directly.

When Edwin Carter felt her, the kiss became fiercer as if he wanted to absorb Jane into his soul.

Jane also cooperated with his rhythm properly.

And he moved his and touched her neckline and moved slowly to touch her beautiful body parts.

Jane had no experience in this field, and it will be very painful for the first time. She recalled Laura Ferdinand's words. After recalling this she felt a little flustered and struggled unconsciously.

"Jane." Edwin Carter suddenly stopped and took back his hand. Held Jane’s hand and said in a rough voice, "I still have some work to do."

She felt that he also wanted her but why he stopped?

Jane was shy she didn’t want to say to him directly but she gather some courage and said, "Edwin Carter, I want to do that with you."

"I'll drink the milk. Go to sleep. I'll come in a moment." He said.

"Well, then I'll go to bed." This was her first try so she felt a little disappointed and humiliated.

She offered him, but this man was still unaware. Today, he wanted to take a cold bath again?

She lowered her down and scolded him severely in her heart, "stupid man! What a stupid man! "

She presented her own self to him. But he didn’t catch the opportunity. If in future he wanted to do, she would torture him severely.

She left, but Edwin Carter had no consciousness to do work. The male hormones in his body were overexcited.

Edwin Carter was smart and intelligent. How didn't he have the idea what Jane wants to do? He refused intentionally.

Today, Jane has experienced a very dirty framed plot just like three years ago. She must be helpless and scared. When she needed someone the most, he stood by her side, gave her support, pulled her out of the mire, let her live in the sunshine again.

At this time, he was more grateful to him then in love and wanted to devote herself to him. He guessed that she hadn't accepted him from her heart. Main reason for her today’s behavior was her gratitude towards him.

If he took benefit from this time and opportunity then what will be the difference between him and those Monsters?

So, at last, Mr. Carter, who thought he knew Jane very well resisted the desire for Jane and went to the bathroom for a cold bath.




Jane came back to the bedroom but couldn't sleep well. She was shy and embarrassed.

Tonight, she finally got up the courage to go to Edwin Carter but he refused.

She doesn't believe that Edwin Carter doesn't know what she wanted to do. She kisses her so hard that she even felt his..

Jane didnt want to think about it anymore. If she thought about it, she would lose sleep for a whole night because of embarrassment.

Edwin Carter carefully opened the door, and his walking steps were very light. He was afraid that she woke up.

She wasn't asleep. How can he disturb her sleep?

Hated him!

Edwin Carter lied in bed, pulled the quilt to cover her and then lied down next to her and sighed.

He was sighing?

She kicked on Edwin Carter's thigh and after a while heard him saying, "don't disturb"

His tone was helpless just like an elder who spoke to his naughty children.

Jane angrily took back her feet and whispered, l am not disturbing you.

"Jane, Edwin Carter called her name in a low voice, "I don't want you to do anything against your will, please understand."

Jane didn't understand it before but now she understood.

It turned out that he was worried that she wanted to be nice to him only because of their identities, not from the bottom of her heart.

They have been married for three months and this man is still willing to keep his promise that he will wait for her to fully accept him.

She turned over, pulled his arm and put it under her head: "hmm, understand."

But she was not doing it against her will, why he doesn't understand?

Then go to sleep." Edwin Carter rubbed her head softly.

Long night, they embrace each other and slept. Two hearts because of each other's presence beats faster but didn’t cross the last line.

The next day, when Jane woke up, Edwin Carter was sitting by the window and reading the newspaper.

It was still raining. There were no sun rays falling on him.

"Morning As usual, when she woke up, he greeted to her.

Jane just nodded.

She thought of the matter of seducing him last night. Her delicate face blushed.

He got up and came over and grabbed her foot.

Jane was startled and instinctively tried to avoid, but Edwin Carter said, Let me check."

Oh, Jane whispered. He checked her injury.

Edwin Carter pinched a little vigorously, "Does it still hurt?"

Jane shook her head, "it's all right now, thanks."

Edwin Carter put down her foot and said, "Go get ready. I'll wait for you to have breakfast.

He went out to wait for her. It was a normal day, a normal boring day but she was very satistied.

After so many years she has really found her own home.

Finally, she got a person who was willing to accompany her day without asking what she can give him.

Jane looked at his back and smiled.

On the breakfast table, the food was delicate and delicious. Jane was in a good mood and ate more than usual.

Edwin Carter finished eating and looked at her silently. It seemed that in a single night Jane has turned to who she was three years ago.

That young, wild, fearless Jane. If people looked at her they cannot move their eyes and she looked so cute that people want to take care of her.

And he meant to care for her for this lifetime.

"I'm full She raised her head, looked at him and smiled. The bright smile seemed to add some warmth to the cold weather.

Um. He looked at her and couldn’t move his eyes. After a while, he said, I'm going on a business trip for a few days.

Another business trip!

Jane's heart was somehow lost, but she did not show it and smiled at him, "Ok. I have Mia Mia at home.

At the same time, they glanced at Mia Mia who was squating on the chair, and she responded immediately she barked twice as she wanted to express that she will accompany her master well.

Jane smiled contentedly and cleaned up before going to work. When she returned to the room, Edwin Carter also came in with a tie in his hand. Jane looked at him.

Edwin Carter noticed her eyes and looked at her sideways, what's the matter?

Jane looked at Edwin Carter's deep eyes, unconsciously biting her delicate lips.

Her eyes were shining with mist, like thousands of words and thoughts were trying to flow out, but when she bit her teeth, they were all broken in her throat.

Edwin Carter was stunned by the sight, thinking that the woman was thinking about something else.

He sighed in a low voice, pulled off the tie that had not been tied and walked to Jane. His eyes looked into Janes eyes. In a soft voice, he said, dont worry,I will come back soon

He said gently.

After hearing this, Jane smiled and knew that Edwin Carter guessed it wrong. But she didnt interrupt him and just nodded then reached out to take Edwin Carter's tie and tied it gently.

"From now on... Let me help you to tie. She said softly, with her head down.

Since last night, Jane has seemed to have changed.

She no longer entangled with the past resentments, and finally was wiling to face up to the relationship between them. Edwin Carter was very surprised at her change, but compared with the surprise, the joy in his heart was endless and rippled to the deepest part of his heart.




He has never experienced this kind of emotion. So touching and so unforgettable.

Jane was seriously tying for him, quietly waiting for his response. She lowered her head so he could not see her face clearly. He could only see her long lashes as if calling for his pity.

Edwin Carter couldn’t hold it for long——

Suddenly he raised her thin chin with his hand, lowered his head and kissed her.

The kiss was so sudden that she could not help being stiff. But this time she did not shrink away or refuse. She responded in a jerky way.

The kiss was long and intense and they didn't let each other go until their breaths were stagnant. Edwin Carter rubbed Jane's soft face gently and whispered in her ear, "Good."

The voice was deep with warm breath.

Jane could not help shivering and quickly lowered her head, covered her face with crimson and continued to her work.

But her hands were shaking.

She really missed her last night's efforts.

It took a long time for Jane to tie. She was relieved, raised her head and winked playfully at Edwin Carter.

Edwin Carter was amused by her appearance and shook his head with smile. He quickly kissed on her bright red cheek.

"Thank you, Mrs. Carter." He said.

Jane smiled contentedly and looked at the bow tie. She remembered a poem that was like gold thread of the ribbon has tied the two hearts together.

I would like to spend my complete life with you.

"You are welcome, Mr. Carter." She replied with a smile.


Today when she reached the office, the atmosphere was totally different.

Jane found that Deana Brad, the manager of the business department had been fired by the company. Now the position of manager of the business department is vacant.


Everyone has their eyes on Jane. There were envy and jealousy but still wanted to be friends with her.

They kept calling her Mrs. Carter which made her felt a little bit uncomfortable.

It was true that she has the title of Mrs. Carter but in the company, she was just Jane and doesn't want to be called that. If they only call her Mrs. Carter it means they were ignoring her own abilities.

In the beginning, she didn't want to disclose her relationship with Edwin Carter, because she was worried about these things that she was facing.

Fiora Justin said cheerfully, "Jane, Deana Brad was fired. Most probably you will become the manager of our business department."

Jane has the confidence that she’s capable of the manager position among these colleagues in terms of her ability.

But now if she takes the position of manager of the business department everyone would think it is not because of her ability but just because of her relationship with Edwin Carter.

The whole day Jane didn't do anything except dealing with the association with colleagues.

If it goes on like this, when she can work?

After work, Jane did not go home. She went to the studio to find Laura Ferdinand.

Laura Ferdinand’s happy and excited when she saw Jane here. She took Jane to the office to show her the income of the studio, "The income of the studio has doubled this year, and if we continue to make profits like this, we will soon be able to buy a house and a car in Jiangbei City."

Jane was also excited after hearing this news, "This is because of our Miss Laura who has a good way of management. You are the best."

"Don't flatter me," said Laura, "But if we join together, with my business skills plus your talents, we can definitely make the wedding design studio most famous in Jiangbei."

After what she had faced in the company and the people around her were calling her Mrs. Carter, she had thought about giving up the current job and come back to the studio to work with Laura Ferdinand.

Designing the most beautiful wedding dress in the world was her dream.

Many nights she even dreamt that she was standing on the world's highest podium, holding the trophy of the best designer.

She wanted to hold the pen again and design a wedding dress for herself and Edwin Carter.

Before Jane could answer, Laura Ferdinand said, "Do you remember your idol Ivan?"

"Of course. I have regarded him as my idol since I was seventeen." When it comes to Ivan, Jane also became excited. "I saw him a few days ago."

"What? Have you seen him?" Laura Ferdinand said with a surprised look, "It's impossible. I left my contact information when I tried to contact him. How he finds you?"

"What article?" Jane was confused.

Laura Ferdinand put a file in front of Jane and said, "It's said that he came to Jiangbei and had a small trial not long ago."

"What trials?" Jane didn't pay much attention to the design circle. That’s why he didn’t hear anything about it. "Because there are no other means, very few people know about him but in the designer’s circle, he is very famous. A lot of people, including me have sent our designs to him but he didn't meet with any of us. "

"It's a pity," she nodded. "If one can learn from Ivan, it must be the accumulation of experience for young people."

Laura Ferdinand said with a smile, "He didn’t like my designs so I sent him your design manuscripts that you drew three years ago, and he liked yours at the first sight."

During saying, Laura Ferdinand exposed a discontented look, "There’s no much difference between our designs, why does he like your designs, not mine?"

"Which manuscript?" Jane was so surprised that she couldn't believe what she heard was true.

"The wedding dress you designed for yourself three years ago." Laura Ferdinand said, and paid attention to Jane's expression, "but now that you are married, let bygones be bygones. Let's move towards a new life together."

If it had been a few days ago, Jane might have hesitated but today she didn't want to hesitate anymore. She didn't want to miss the opportunity that she missed a few years ago.

However, she didn't say anything to Laura Ferdinand. She had to discuss this matter with Edwin Carter and want to know Edwin Carter's opinions

When she was thinking about Edwin Carter, his call came.

She looked at the screen, looked at the words "Mr. Carter" on the screen of the mobile phone. Jane smiled and answered, "Hello, Mr. Carter."

After a long silence, she heard his serious voice, "Hello, Mrs. Carter."

"What can I do for you?" Jane wanted to ask if he missed her but she was still shy and didn't dare to ask too directly.





The other side of the phone was silent again. This time the silence was longer than the previous one, but it was too long for Jane to bear it. She said, "Say something."

"Don't think too much about the company's business. I won't interfere with the matter of allotting the position of manager of the business department. And I won't let any other people interfere." Edwin Carter said.

She heard the very pleasant voice of Edwin Carter, word by word which seemed to beat Jane’s heart rhythmically.

He knew that she should be worried about this. He never interfered in her affairs and let her achieve the position that she was capable of.

Success or failure both will be her own choice. He will not interfere.

"Well, I believe you," she nodded.

Edwin Carter added, "Its cold outside. If you have nothing to do, go back home early."

Jane smiled and said, "Got it, Mr. Carter."

When she said Mr. Carter, Laura Ferdinand looked at Jane who was blushing, she got goose bumps all over, "Mrs. Carter, you know that I have been alone for so long and haven’t touched a man, are you showing off in front of me?"

"Laura, I want to ask you something." Jane looked around first and said in a low voice, "When John Alex is with you, does he restrain his desire?"

"My own desire is stronger than his." Laura Ferdinand rudely threw out such a sentence, and suddenly thought that there was something in Jane’s words and asked, "You mean that your man is still not willing to touch you?"

"Don't shout so loudly." Jane quickly covered Laura Ferdinand's mouth.

Although everyone’s off duty at this time, it's not good to be heard.

Jane was a little embarrassed and said, "Actually, we didn’t..."

Laura Ferdinand shouted again, "Jane, are you sure that your man has no problem?"

"There is no problem with him." Jane was sure.

Since Jane has slept with him in the same bed for a long time, she could still touch some symbolic things.

"He has no problem and you sleep next to him, but he didn’t do that kind of things with you. Maybe you are too boring so he loses interest in you." Laura Ferdinand said mercilessly.

"Laura Ferdinand, can we talk like good friends?" Jane tapped on Laura Ferdinand’s back, "All right, forget about it."

"So Jane, are you still waiting for me?"

Hearing the voice, Laura Ferdinand and Jane looked back at the same time and saw Christopher Greyson coming in with a look of arrogance.

Seeing Christopher Greyson, Laura Ferdinand's response was even more intense than Jane. She instinctively jumped in front of Jane and shouted, "Scum, what are you doing here? Get out of here, before I hit you to death."

"Laura, we haven't seen each other for a long time. That's your attitude to your old friend?" Christopher Greyson said with a smile. He didn’t take Laura Ferdinand's anger seriously.

"Get out!" Laura Ferdinand pointed to the door, "You are not welcome here."

"I'm not here to see you either." Christopher Greyson's eyes were on Jane. "Janny, I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you so much."

He had heard the conversation between Jane and Laura Ferdinand and he was somewhat happy.

Jane has been married to Carter for such a long time, but she hasn't even done anything that the normal husband and wife do. He was sure that she was waiting for him. There could be no other reason.

"Christopher Greyson, I don't even want to see you, and I don't want you to come to our studio." Jane also pointed to the door. "You'd better leave right now, or we'll call the police."

"Jane, you really want to be so ruthless?" Christopher Greyson shook his head in disappointment and said, "Don't think that now innovation has been acquired by Shengtian, so I can't do anything to Edwin Carter because of Shengtian's support."

"You jackass." Laura Ferdinand almost jumped up.

Jane grabbed her, "Laura, don't worry. It's not worth to be angry with someone like that.”

"Jane... " Laura Ferdinand bit her teeth.

Laura had seen with her own eyes what Jane had experienced and how hard she had tried to forget what happened three years ago. She didn't want anyone to disturb her happy life again.

Jane looked at Christopher Greyson calmly with a smile, “Christopher Greyson, you still think you are a man, after threatening me again and again?"

"Ah..." Christopher Greyson sneered and said, "Isn’t Edwin Carter on a business trip? Do you want to see him coming back dead? "

"Oh, yeah?" Jane smiled and walked closer to Christopher Greyson.

"So Janny, it’s good for you to listen to what I say..." Christopher Greyson's words haven't finished yet when he got a slap on his face.

Jane stood in front of him and looked at him coldly with hatred in her eyes.

Jane’s movement was abrupt. Both Christopher Greyson and Laura were surprised.

At this moment, she was really like Jane that she was three years ago, who’s decisive and has a hot temper. She has never been threatened by anyone.

"Janny..." Christopher Greyson was shocked and his smile was evil, "You slapped me? How dare you!"

"Yes, I have slapped you, you a very shameless person." Jane looked at him and spoke again "Christopher Greyson, listen to me carefully. If you dare to hurt him, I will bury you alive!”

Jane’s tone was cruel and cold. Like if Christopher Greyson dares to touch Edwin Carter she will definitely take him down to the bottom of hell!

Christopher Greyson has never seen her like this. Even three years ago she’s never been like this.

For a moment, he really believed that Jane had the ability to destroy him.

After a moment, Christopher Greyson came to his senses.

No matter how strong she is, she’s just a woman. Even if Edwin Carter has Shengtian as backup, but what Shengtian needs to secure is innovation, not Edwin Carter.

These two people have no strength to fight against Gu family. If Gu wants to trample them to death, they will be left with no way.

Laura Ferdinand was also shocked by Jane. She was worried about Christopher Greyson's revenge, so she picked up her mobile phone to call the police.

Christopher Greyson sneered and said, "Well, let's see!"

After dropping these words Christopher Greyson turned around and left.

Laura Ferdinand still had a lingering fear, "Jane, will that jackass...”




"If he dares to mess around, I will never let him go," Jane said while narrowing her eyes slightly. Jane thought if she kept on ignoring the lame behavior of Christopher it will make him more and more confident and now she cannot let him interfere.

No matter how powerful was Greyson’s but they cannot hold the sky with one hand. Moreover, they live in a society ruled by law, and she was willing to put her 100% believe in Edwin Carter. She believed that Edwin Carter possessed the ability. If Christopher Greyson dared to do something, Edwin Carter will never sit idle.

"Jane..." Laura Ferdinand suddenly hugged Jane and patted her back, "Jane, come on! Promise me that you will not let that scum hurt you again."

Laura Ferdinand had witnessed how Jane was betrayed and how deeply she was hurt. However, those impenitent people came to her now. Do they want to hurt her again?

"Laura, don't worry. Now, no one can hurt me." Jane smiled, her eyes were clear and firm. She was not alone, there was another person with her, who trusted her, gave her support and strength, and that person was her husband - Edwin Carter!

She will not allow anyone to destroy her life. She has always been a determined person.

On the way home, Jane went to buy a bottle of pepper spray and put it in her bag to avoid any mishap. She wanted to protect herself but didn't want Edwin Carter to be hurt. If she will stay fine, no one can threaten Edwin Carter. She wanted him to concentrate on his work but didn't want to give him any stress.

When she reached home, Mia Mia pounced over her.

Jane picked it up. "Honey, are you hungry?"

She didn't spend the night at Laura Ferdinand's place because Mia Mia was alone at home. Mia Mia looked at her and whined to tell her that she was really hungry.

Jane put her on the table, went to get its bowl, put her food and said, "little kitten, take it."

Mia Mia sobbed twice before eating.

Jane continuously looked at Mia Mia’s, she was behaving like a little baby and suddenly Jane saw a baby in front of her holding his bottle with two little hands to drink milk.

Mia Mia finished eating, looked up and smiled at her, she produced a sound "Mom" with a cute voice.

Jane came back to her senses and patted her own face. What was she thinking? She felt shy because of this thought of giving birth to a child. She ran back to the room and took a shower. Mia Mia came to her room.

"Mia Mia, you squat down here and don't move. I will draw a picture for you." Jane wanted to pick up the brush again, but she needed a continuous practice before it.

Anyway, no matter how she sketched Mia Mia, Mia mia can't dislike it because she loved Jane very much. Mia Mia was her very obedient kitten. She squatted down on one side and Jane started sketching her very seriously.

Jane’s skills were inborn that’s why she drew a perfect sketch. Even after so many years. She picked up the paper and put it in front of Mia Mia’s eyes: "honey, how it is?"

"Woof, woof..." Mia Mia responded excitedly, as if she was very satisfied.

"Thank you for your affirmation." Then she rubbed her head again. "It's too late. Go to bed."

It was already eleven o'clock. If Edwin Carter was at home, she would lie in bed and sleeping and Edwin Carter must be busy in his study.

She didn't know that if he stayed busy at this time even on his business trips. Jane wanted to call him. She picked up her mobile phone and thought whether it’s okay to call him? She thought there was nothing to hesitate.

Jane dialed Edwin Carter's cell phone number, and it was quickly connected. Edwin Carter's deep and pleasant voice came to her ear from her cell phone, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I can't sleep without you." Jane wanted to say this to him, but she said, "I want to see if you are still busy."

"Well," Edwin Carter said softly, "there is still a little work."

"Mr. Carter, your boss is Leon Carter. Will he pay you for the overtime?" Suddenly, she hated Leon Carter. Why did he give so much work to Edwin? She never saw him go to bed early but he always gets up early in the morning.

Edwin didn't expect that Jane would mention Leon Carter. Edwin Carter paused for a moment and said, "He will give me a dividend. If I work more, I will earn more."

"Then you should make less money. Don't let yourself be so tired." Jane knew that she can also earn money to support her family. It’s not only Edwin Carter’s responsibility. She didn't want him to be so tired.

Edwin Carter smiled and said in a low voice, "if I say that I am Leon Carter, what will you think?"

"You're not Leon Carter." She didn't want Leon Carter either, the man who’s fond of womanizing. Edwin Carter was certainly the best for her.

"What if I am?" He seemed to be very attached to the problem.

"How can I suppose, I know you are not." This hypothetical question was not tenable. Jane didn't want to argue with him.

This man never talked about these meaningless topics. What's the matter today? Did he want to take the opportunity to say something to her? He can tell his true feeling directly to her. She won't dislike him.

After a while, Edwin Carter said, "I still need to complete some work. I am on the call. You can speak to me if you have something."

"Are you accompanying me in this way?" Whether he meant it or not, Jane took it for granted.

"Yes." It’s unexpected that the man on the other end of the phone would answer yes.

"Okay, put your cell phone down. I'll speak if I need." Jane's heart was warm. He will be on the call with her. She will not feel cold and lonely.

She lay down on the bed, put her mobile phone on the pillow and imagined Edwin Carter lying beside her, "Edwin..."

"Huh?" Sure enough, the man over there was listening to her.

Jane smiled in a mischievous way, "Never mind, I just called your name to see if you can hear me."

Edwin Carter said, "If you have something to tell me you can say, I’ve finished my work."

Jane really had something to discuss with him. So she asked, "Edwin, I want to quit my job and run a wedding dress design studio with Laura. Will you support me?"

"Jane," he called her name again, "I will respect and support you for every decision you make."

His voice was low and deep. His words slowly touched Jane’s heart.

Edwin Carter always promised her that he would support her, and now, when Jane put forward the matter, he agreed with her without hesitation.




Edwin Carter was not around, but they stayed on the phone call for a complete night, which made Jane felt that Edwin Carter was actually with her. When she got up in the morning, she heard Edwin Carter's voice coming from the phone, "You awake?"

As he says every morning while sitting by the window. Jane listened to his voice and felt him around.

Jane smiled and said, "Yeah, good morning."

Edwin Carter added, "Breakfast is ready."

"Mr. Carter, what will I do if someday you changed?" Jane asked.

Edwin Carter was so considerate about everything. She gradually gets used to him. If one day he changes, and everything changes as it was before. What would she do then?

"Until you are Mrs. Carter, Mr. Carter cannot be bad to you." She’s his wife. He should be nice to her. Edwin Carter's mind was very simple.

"Well, I know. I will try to value Mrs. Carter's position as much as I can and do my best to be a good wife." Jane has decided that she will stay Mrs. Carter all her life and will not let anyone snatch it from her.

Jane has decided on her career, so she went to the company and delivered a resignation letter in the morning.

There was no Manager in the business department for the time being, so she went to the personnel department. When Mrs. Carter resigned, the personnel department didn't say anything. They didn't mention any regulations like an early application for resignation. Because of her relationship with Edwin Carter, it didn't take much time to finish the resignation procedures.

When she came out of the company's door, she felt a cold shiver due to cold air. The weather has suddenly dropped several degrees and now it’s really cold outside. She didn’t want to catch a cold that’s why she quickly pulled the jacket and wrapped herself tightly.


When Jane wore the jacket and was about to leave, a familiar and gentle voice sounded behind her. She stopped and even though it might be an illusion. She couldn't believe that this woman would suddenly appear in front of her.

"Jane, it's me..."

An old voice came to Jane's ear again. Even though she thought it was her illusion she turned slowly. She looked back and saw a woman standing behind her. But in just three years, why she became so old and so thin? She used to be thin, but not as thin as she was now.

Jane opened her mouth and wanted to shout, but she didn’t get the courage to utter those words. She didn't want to think about that time. The time, three years ago, when they abandoned her. She didn’t want to recall anything but when she saw this woman all those memories flashed in front of her eyes.

She recalled her mother saying to her, "Jane, you are independent and stronger than your sister. Let your sister have your place."

Jane thought of the reason that her mother gave to her. Her heartfelt the pain like being cut with a knife. Just because she was independent and strong, she deserved to be abandoned, to be betrayed?

"Jane, Jane..." The woman looked at Jane and tears dropped down from her eyes.

After seeing Christopher Greyson again, Jane has thought about it very clearly. Christopher Greyson had betrayed her but her parents' attitude towards her made her feel more desperate.

If one loses his love, it is possible to find a new love, but if one loses his family he cannot find a new one.

Jane’s nose was sour, her eyes were swollen and filled with tears. She clenched her lips and raised her head, but she did not let the tears flow down.

"Jane, I know that we did wrong to you..." Jane's mother said in a muffled voice. "Blame me if you want. You know that I have no place in that house, I cannot make decisions. That’s why when that incident happened, I did nothing to save you."

Jane was biting her lips, clasping her hands on her side and pinching her fingernails into the meat. She didn't seem to feel any pain.

"Jane, you don't even want to say a word to me?" Because Jane didn't say anything, her mother burst into tears again.

Jane was not reluctant to speak. She was afraid to speak. She was afraid that she would lose self-control and cry badly in front of her.

"I know, I've always known that I'm a coward. I can't even protect my daughter..." Jane's mother cried and her thin body shivered.

Jane took a deep breath, forced herself to harden her heart and calmly said, "If you are here to convince me to come back to Kyoto and take the place of Sophie to have a baby with Christopher Greyson, then you can go back."

Three years ago, Sophie conceived Christopher's child. At that time they asked Jane to left her place and gave that to Sophie and now when Sophie can't have a baby. They want her to come back take care of Christopher Greyson and have a baby for his family.

Jane didn’t care about Christopher Greyson but she never thought that her mother can come to persuade her. Three years ago, she shed tears and asked Jane to leave her place in her home and her city. Then three years later, she came to take her back for Christopher Greyson?

No matter whatever the reason they have, Jane was reluctant to listen. She looked at the woman who gave birth to her and felt some heartache. She turned and walked very fast, like a monster was chasing her. In fact, she wasn't afraid of the monster chasing her, but she was afraid that she would lose her control and burst into tears in front of her.

After running for a long distance, Jane hid in a corner, covered her mouth and cried a lot. When those people scolded her three years ago, she didn't cry and she left them with a smile. But now, she has started a new life. The mother who once loved her so much came to convince her. Does the mother really consider her as a daughter?

She didn’t want to think about it more. Jane already knows that in the eyes of her family, especially her father, she and Sophie both are tools for the interests of her family. And her mother was a coward. She had never been an independent woman. She only listened to her husband’s orders and instructions.

Three years later, when she saw Christopher Greyson and Sophie Ronan, she could treat them as strangers but she couldn’t treat her mother like a stranger. The mother who once loved her so much.

Jane turned and looked back quietly. She saw her mother was fainted and fell on the ground. At that moment, she didn't care about anything and ran back crazily.




"The patient's health is not good, and she has a serious trauma attack, which leads to a temporary coma. We have to operate now."

The patient’s health is not good!

Severe trauma!

For a long time, these words were echoing in Jane’s mind.

She thought about the bruises on her mother's body and then recalled her sad and regretful eyes when she looked at her. She was so sad that she couldn’t breathe easily. Her mother was a coward in front of her father but from childhood, her mother always gave so much love to her.

Jane still remembered that she was very naughty when she was a child. She often broke her knee. Her mother often took care of her wounds. And her mother’s a weak woman, who can't do anything, so she used tears to solve problems.

She didn’t dare to speak loudly to her father, but she repeatedly contradicts her father for Jane’s sake. What Jane remembers was the fact that when she said she wanted to marry Christopher Greyson her mother quarreled with her father for her happiness.

Her mother has always loved her, that’s why when she heard those words from her mother's mouth "give your place to Sophie", she felt badly hurt.

Others betrayed her and hurt her. For her, they are just strangers. She can fight them back. But her mother was the closest to her heart. She was her own flesh. How can her mother say that to her?

Jane took a deep breath. Held her face in her hands. What was the purpose of her mother of coming to Jiangbei?

Was what Sophie said true? Her mother really wanted to persuade her to go back to Kyoto to give birth to a child for Christopher Greyson?

If this was the only purpose, then why her mother cried so much and fainted at the road. Jane thought about it. Did she misunderstand her mother? Maybe she didn't come to persuade her to come back to Kyoto.

Jane was thinking deeply. Her phone rang suddenly and woke up her from her thoughts.

She saw the name "Mr. Carter" on the screen of her mobile phone, she was afraid that she would cry when she heard the voice of Edwin Carter.

After staring at the phone number on the screen for a while, Jane took a deep breath, tried to calm down her mood, then slipped her fingers to answer it and tried to speak to him in a relaxed tone, "Mr. Carter, what's the problem?"

He frowned, he can't call her without any problem? But she didn’t saw him frowning.

A low voice gently said, "It's noon. Don't forget to have lunch."

"Okay." Although Edwin Carter couldn't see her, she still tried to smile.

Jane didn't take the initiative to find a topic, and Edwin Carter didn't know what to say. People at both ends of the phone were silent.

"Miss Jane, the patient is in bad shape. Although she woke up for a while, she may be comatose again at any time depending on her physical condition." A doctor came out of the emergency room and told Jane.

Hearing the doctor's words, Jane was worried and forgot that her mobile phone was still connected.

She grabbed the doctor’s hand and asked, "Doctor, what's wrong? How is my mother?"

The doctor got rid of her and said, “Your mother's health is very bad, and you should know about it. In such a condition and poor health, she cannot bear to be beaten several times."

Be beaten several times?

Her mother was unwilling to come to Jiangbei to persuade her to come back, which was against that man's will. So that man beat her again?

"Jane, which hospital are you in?" Edwin Carter has listened to their conversation.

"I..." Jane paused again and bit her lips subconsciously.

In fact, she wanted to tell Edwin Carter everything. At this time, she needed his support more than anything, but she didn't want to disturb his work and didn’t want him to know her terrible family situation.

"Jane, tell me, the hospital name." Edwin Carter's low voice again reached Jane’s ear.

Jane took a deep breath and said, "I'm in Jiangbei people's hospital."

"Jane, there are doctors, mother-in-law will be fine. Don't worry." Edwin Carter tried to calm her.

"Um." Jane nodded.

"Then I'll hang up." After greeting Jane, Edwin Carter hung up the phone and said, "Sienna, arrange the first flight to Jiangbei."

"Chairman Carter, are you going back to Jiangbei?" All of a sudden, when he heard that Edwin Carter was going back to Jiangbei, Sienna Henry was also stunned, and then she added, "Chairman Carter, the meeting will start soon. This meeting is related to Shengtian's development in the West. If you don’t attend... "

Edwin Carter completely ignored what Sienna Henry was saying, and continued to order, "and contact Jiangbei people's hospital to transfer the best doctors to take charge of Jane's mother and send her mother’s medical record to me before I board the plane."

"Chairman Carter, the meeting is about to start, and the top leaders of several western provinces are coming..."

"Can't you understand what I am saying?" Edwin Carter stopped and looked at Sienna Henry coldly. His voice was neither light nor heavy but it was absolutely irresistible.

"..." Sienna Henry opened her mouth and didn’t dare to persuade him again. She looked at Luis George, who was on the other side of Edwin Carter.

Luis George received Sienna Henry's eyes and quickly kept up with the pace of Edwin Carter, "Chairman Carter, Shengtian has spent three years preparing for its entry in the west, it is the most critical meeting. If you leave, Shengtian's three years of spending so much human and financial resources can be in vain."

Edwin Carter ignored, raised his hand and looked at his wristwatch, "How long does it take to get to the airport?"

"It will take at least half an hour," said Sienna.

"Book a flight to Jiangbei in 40 minutes." After telling Sienna Henry, Edwin Carter looked at Luis George again, "tell Alvin Brewster to deal with the meeting in the afternoon and you stay here to help him."

"Chairman Carter..." Luis George wanted to persuade him, but when he looked at Edwin Carter, he said nothing.

Their Chairman formally took over the company six years ago. During the period of time, he hasn’t made a single wrong decision.

But he was leaving before such an important meeting. What might be the reason behind his rash decision?




They all knew that Edwin Carter had just made a phone call to Jane. After that, they didn't know what she said to Chairman Carter that he decided to return to Jiangbei immediately.

They have been with Edwin Carter for many years, but they had never seen him like this. The businessmen from several western countries have arrived and their Chairman Carter has decided to not attend this critical meeting just for Jane’s sake?

Is it because their Chairman Carter really fell in love with Jane? Instead of just feeling pity and care for her like before?


After sending Jane's mother to the special ward, the doctor came to Jane, "Miss Jane, if your mother wakes up, don't give her any more stimulation. You can't tolerate domestic violence any more. It's better to seek the law to protect yourselves."

Actually Jane had thought about protecting her mother by seeking help from the law, but her mother always taught her that a married woman should listen to her husband. So no matter what the man do to her, she possessed no right to resist and she cannot take legal measures to protect herself.

Mother was not even fifty years old but her face, her body, looked so old. Jane looked at her mother’s pale face lying on the hospital bed. She gently caressed her mother’s face.

"Mom..." After three years, she uttered this word from her mouth. She was numb and didn't know what else to say.

"Jane..." Low voice from her mother's mouth, "Jane, Jane..."

"Mom..." Jane came closer and hugged her mother tightly "Mom, you will be fine soon. Don't worry."

Jane’s mother heard Jane's words. Her eyebrows were slightly loose, and it seems that she was a little less sad now. She was sleeping very restlessly. Sometimes she grabbed Jane’s hand and shook it. She kept talking, "Jane, run away, run away fast..."

Seeing her mother's pain, Jane wanted to share some of it for her but she could not do anything. She saw her mother's physical injury and trembled with fear. She did not dare to think about her mother's life in these past three years.


Three years ago, she was betrayed and she left Kyoto. But she left her mother in that hell.

How she could not understand her mother's grievance and the pain when she said that to her? If she had seen how forced her mother was, she would surely take her mother with her. But it was not easy to take her mother away. Now, she wanted to take her mother away. Her mother will not agree because she feared that man a lot.

"Hello, Mrs. Carter!" A doctor knocked on the door and nodded politely to Jane. "Mr. Carter asked us to tell you about Mrs. Jane's condition. Is it convenient for you now?"

Jane nodded, "Please don't hide anything. Tell me everything clearly."

The doctor looked at Jane's mother and said, "We have just analyzed your mother's reports. Her body’s injured badly but it is still easy to recover. The serious problem is her mental depression. If you want to take her out of this, it will definitely take a lot of time and effort."

Jane looked at her mother, thought that her mother sent her to go away. She had left Kyoto three years ago but her mother had spent these years in suffering. She recalled what Christopher Greyson said a few days ago when she left, her mother became ill. It seems that Christopher Greyson was telling the truth.

"Mrs. Carter, you don't have to worry. Chairman Carter has arranged the best psychiatrist to come here. He will help Mrs. Ronan recover as soon as possible," the doctor added.

Edwin Carter has just asked about the hospital name and within an hour or two, he arranged everything. At this moment, he was not accompanying her, but she still felt his presence and his concern.


After saying this, the doctor left and the half-asleep mother said with tears, "Jane, mom is really sorry..."

Jane's mother kept repeating this sentence, showing how regretful she was that she couldn’t help her daughter in the past three years.

Jane knew that her mother was not completely conscious, but she put her hand into the bed, tried to smile and talk to her mother, "Mom, it's your daughter who has misunderstood you, you don’t need to be sorry."

"Jane, do not go back to Kyoto, do not go back to that house."

"Mom…" At this moment, Jane’s heart was really touched and melted completely. She knew that she had misunderstood her mother. Her mother did not come here to persuade her. She came here to protect her.

"Jane, can you forgive your mom?" Jane's mother suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Jane and asked carefully. If Jane refused, she wouldn't know if she can gather the courage to live.

Jane nodded in tears: "mom, it’s my mistake, don't blame yourself."

"My Jane seems to be getting more and more beautiful," she said with a smile.

"Because my mother is beautiful. Only a beautiful mother can have a beautiful daughter." Jane wiped her tears and said with a smile.

Jane looked like her mother and Sophie looked like her father, both are good looking, but Jane had a very different nature from them. When she was a little girl, she often heard some people saying some proverbs that a daughter who looked like father have more good fortune. Maybe this was the reason, that their father's expectation from Sophie was always higher than that of Jane.

And Jane can also feel that although she and Sophie are born by the same mother, but her mother's heart always stayed biased towards her.

"Jane, I’m relieved to see that you are okay..." Jane's mother smiled. Her eyes, which were so thin and sunken, were shining brightly. She murmured, "Jane is fine. Mom is relieved."

"Mom, everything will be okay." Jane looked at her mother, especially at her face with protruding bones. Her heart was sour again.

"Jane, Jane..." Her mother called Jane’s name, smiled weakly, and closed her eyes again.

Jane held her mother's hand tightly, "Mom, sleep at ease. Don’t worry. I am here with you. Whenever you open your eyes, you will find your Jane in front of your eyes."

As Jane's voice dropped, she heard a knock at the door. She was about to say come in when she saw Edwin Carter opening the door.




Edwin Carter was wearing a silver-gray suit and a black overcoat. Because of his tall stature and elegant walk, when he came to her, she thought he was a perfect work of art. So charming and beautiful that people could not move their eyes.

Jane looked at him quietly, watched him getting closer to her.

He called her "Jane."

At this moment, without any hesitation, Jane threw herself into his arms, stretched out her slender arm and tightly held his lean waist, "Mr. Carter, how you come here at this time?"

Because he knew she needed him, so he came back at this time.

Edwin Carter hugged her with one hand and patted her on the back with the other. He said softly, "Jane, mom will be fine. Don't be afraid."

"I was afraid, but now you are here, now I am not afraid." She rubbed her face in his arms and whispered. She was relieved with his presence.

It turned out that she didn't know it, but now Edwin Carter had been able to give her such a great sense of security. As long as he stays by her side, her heart will stay at peace as if no harm can reach her.

Edwin Carter didn't say a word, pressed his chin on her head, smelled her hair fragrance and slightly increased the strength of the hug.

Jane moved, looked up from his arms and asked, "Have you finished all your work there?"

The situation on the other side was very critical. The Business leaders of several provinces were waiting for Edwin Carter to attend the meeting, but he suddenly left. This was absolutely an explosive and terrible thing.

As Edwin Carter left, his personnel that worked on the western side immediately launched a series of public-relations activities to stabilize the scene and prevent the occurrence of any mishap.

Fortunately, Luis George and several personnel who stayed there to deal with affairs were trusted people of Edwin Carter. They often followed him in all business trips and business meetings. They were very capable of dealing with affairs. The departure of Edwin Carter will certainly cause some people's dissatisfaction, but with everyone's efforts, the scene can be stabilized. As for whether the matters can be settled or not, it was the right time to test the abilities of those people.

Edwin Carter looked at Jane and said quietly, "The rest of the things over there can be handled by others."

Jane felt relieved to know that he has completed his work. She rubbed her hands on his back and said, "I am happy that you have finished your work. I will be sorry if you came here without completing your work."

"Um." He touched her face, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said, "Don't worry too much about mom. I have just asked the doctor about the situation. If she takes a good rest, she will get better, soon."

"Mr. Carter, thank you for doing so much for me." Jane smiled and said.

"Mrs. Carter, it's Mr. Carter's responsibility to do these things for you." He was serious, but his eyes were light with a smile.

"Jane, who is he?" Jane's mother has opened her eyes for a long time, but she hasn't said anything until she heard them calling each other Mr. Carter and Mrs. Carter.

Jane took Edwin Carter to her mother's bedside and said, "Edwin, this is my mother."

"Hello, mother-in-law!" Edwin Carter nodded politely.

"Mom, his name is Edwin Carter,we are married. He is your son-in-law."

Jane's mother ignored their greetings and looked at him from top to down.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" When her mother stared at Edwin Carter like this, she felt a little embarrassed.

After staring at Edwin Carter for a long time, her mother looked at her side and said, "Jane, I want to speak to him alone."

"Mom, what you want to say to him?" Jane was not at ease. She looked at Edwin Carter.

"Jane, I think mother-in-law is hungry. Go and get something to eat." Edwin Carter said to Jane and now there was no reason for her to stay.

Jane looked at them and left.

As Jane left, her mother said directly, "Edwin Carter, do you like my daughter?"

"I don't like your daughter. I like Jane Ronan." Edwin Carter replied very clearly to prevent others from changing the concepts.

There were two daughters in Jane's family, but there was only one Jane Ronan. And he has married the one and only, Jane.

After hearing Edwin Carter's answer, Jane's mother paused and threw another question. "Can you be nice to her all your life?"

"Jane is my wife. It’s obligatory to be nice to her." Edwin Carter was calm and his words sounded powerful.

Jane's mother looked at Edwin Carter and asked, "No matter what kind of identity she possesses? Can you consider her as your wife, forever? "

This was the first time that Edwin Carter had answered so many questions. However, because it was related to Jane, that’s why he was not bored neither annoyed. Every question he answered was serious and firm.

Edwin knew what was in Jane's mother’s mind and she was worried about that thing. He knew everything and still, he decided to marry Jane. He didn’t care about her identity.

Therefore, Edwin Carter once again stressed with great certainty, "Jane's only identity is Mrs. Carter."

"I mean her past..." said Jane's mother.

"Mom, please listen to me." Before Jane's mother finished, Edwin Carter had interrupted her. It was the first time that Edwin Carter had interrupted his elder.

He looked at Jane's mother and said with great sincerity, "Mom, I know what you are worried about. I just want to say that your thoughts are the same as mine. We both want to protect Jane. And I can assure you very clearly that I only know and care about the one identity that she is my wife. "

Jane's mother hadn’t made any big decisions in her life, but that didn't mean that she can't see people. She always stood behind people, always listened more and spoke a little and can see people more accurately than others.

From the beginning, she was not happy about Jane's engagement with Christopher Greyson, and that’s why that day she asked Jane to give Christopher Greyson to Sophie. In fact, she was selfish. She thought a man like Christopher Greyson cannot be worthy of her little daughter. What's more, she was afraid that if Jane didn’t listen to her father and Christopher Greyson they would hurt her. At that time, it was the best possible choice for Jane to left Kyoto.

She looked at the man in front of her. A man who has a noble and elegant temperament. He seemed to be one in a million. What's more, his eyes were full of sincerity. He can feel the truth in every word he spoke.

Only a man like Edwin Carter with impeccable appearance and character can be the best match for her strong and sensible daughter, Jane Ronan.




Jane’s mother was chatting with Edwin Carter when Jane came back with the porridge. She looked at her mother and said with a smile, "Mom, I bought you a porridge that you like to eat."

"My most sensible and caring daughter." Jane's mother smiled and said.

The problem between mother and daughter has cleared now. That’s why her mother’s face looked much better than in the morning and her voice became much gentler.

"Because you are my mother, I should care for you," she said.

"Yes, Jane is my most obedient child!" Jane's mother smiled softly. She was happy to have the chance to stay close to her favorite daughter. She was satisfied.

Edwin Carter looked at the mother and daughter, especially at the smile on Jane’s face. There was a gentle smile in his eyes. Before he and Jane went to register for marriage, he had asked people to check everything about Jane. Including Jane’s family and parents. That’s why he also knew about the matter that Jane’s mother tried to mention a moment ago.


It was the reason that Jane's mother couldn't raise her head in front of Jane’s father. In order to protect Jane, Jane's mother chose to endure Jane’s father’s violence and all kinds of cruelty for more than 20 years.

"Jane, it's already too late. You and Edwin should go back home." After eating, Jane's mother lay down and convinced Jane and Edwin Carter to leave quickly.

"Mom, how can we leave you alone in the hospital?" Jane lay on her mother's body and rubbed herself on her. "I have no work to do. I'll stay here and chat with you."

"Who wants you to chat with me? Go back and accompany your husband. Be careful not to let others take him away." Jane's mother touched Jane's head and said gently.

"No, I'll stay with you." Jane glanced back at Edwin Carter and said, "Guarding is of no use if he can be robbed by others."

"Child." Jane's mother poked at Jane's head and sighed, "You are married. How can you still talk nonsense?"

Jane smiled again and said, "I will always behave like a child in front of my mother."

Jane closed her eyes and said, "There are many doctors here. They can take care of me. You both can leave. Edwin, take Jane away quickly. Don't let her bother me."


"Go back quickly. Don't bother me here." Jane's mother waved impatiently to convince Jane to go back home. She didn’t want Jane to stay up late with her. Her pretty little face will become tired if she didn’t sleep.

At last, Jane has to listen to her mother, so she decided to go back with Edwin Carter and planned to come back tomorrow morning. However, she never expected that within half an hour or so of their departure, a middle-aged man came to the ward.

He pulled Jane’s mother quilt and said with a grim sneer, "What I told you to do? I send you here to have a good time?"

Jane's mother looked at his face and drew her lips without expression and smiled softly, "My daughter has grown up, she has found someone who really loves her and now you can't hurt her or use her again for your personal benefits."

"I have kept her and raised her for many years. Why she couldn’t do anything for the Ronan family? I asked her to have a baby with the Grayson’s young master. In the future, the successor of the Grayson’s family also has Ronan’s blood."

"Because she is my daughter, she is a living person, not a tool." Jane's mother smiled softly, thought that there was a reliable man beside Jane. Now she had nothing to worry about. Her daughter can have a new life and there was a person who will protect her daughter well. She can't help her daughter, but she can stop these people to drag her back.

Jane's father grabbed Jane's mother's hair and said in a cold voice, "If you don't want to talk to her, I have to aggrieve you and punish you."

"Jonathan Ronan, I won't let you succeed." Jane's mother didn't quarrel because she had expected such a thing to happen.

Jonathan Ronan forced her to persuade Jane to go back and have a baby for Grayson's family. If she didn't do according to his wishes, she certainly wouldn't have a good life. Jane was her daughter. She just wanted her daughter to live happily. She wanted Jane to go away and never returned to Kyoto, so she can never be used again for her family’s benefits.

"Do you want me to send these things out?" Jane's father took out another picture and waved it in front of Jane’s mother's eyes.

In the past, when he tries to freight Jane's mother, she got frightened and does what he wanted but this time she didn't, she smiled softly, as if nothing effects. The more unresponsive she becomes, the more furious Jane's father felt.

He grabbed her arm and said, "I will take you back to Kyoto. I know your good daughter is still filial. She will definitely come back."

At the same time, Jane and Edwin have just returned home.

Jane hung her arms around Edwin Carter's neck and gave him a playful wink, "Mr. Carter, what mom said to you?"

Edwin Carter touched her head, "Do you want to know?"

"Of course, I do." Jane nodded hard and her whole body was almost glued to him.

Edwin Carter laughed and said, "Then you guess."


This man so easily said such word. She just thought he was a good husband. But now she wanted to take her words back. He was not good at all. Jane wore a sour look, staring at him with dissatisfied eyes. Her lips were pink and tender and now they tooted up as if they were waiting for him to pick them.

These days, Edwin Carter's favorite thing was to fulfill her requirements. If she wanted him to kiss her, he will. So he held her head and kissed her lips. He sucked her lips and bit her maliciously.

After tasting her taste, he wanted to let her go, but Jane held him and refused to go away. She put her face on his chest and whispers, "Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter wants to give you a little baby."

Jane was very happy. Her misunderstandings with her mother have finally resolved. She and her mother were reunited. The man who decided to spend his whole life with her came back from so far. She felt like she was immersed in a honeypot. No matter how it rolled, it felt sweet.

"Jane." Edwin Carter didn't seem to believe what he heard. He was shocked, "What did you just say?"

"I want to have a real relationship with you, like the husband and wife." Jane shouted angrily, "Would you like it or not?"

She said she wanted to give birth to a little child for him, but he didn't understand. She has to tell him that she wanted to do everything with him and make love with him, so he can understand?

Jane saw Edwin Carter's face and felt even angrier, but she didn’t care about anything else. She pushed him down on the sofa, kissed his thin and cold lips and nibbled them hard!




But the kiss was both savage and poor. She just wanted to give her whole and happiest self to her husband with full passion. She was happy, and she wanted them to become a real couple.

In the future, she would have children with Edwin Carter. She would take her mother to her house and live happily. She would never have to care about Ronan's family again.

She was not only kissing, but both hands were also softly moving on Edwin’s body hoping to get more. Even after a long time, Edwin Carter didn't respond to her. She was worried and didn't know what to do next. She has pushed him down. She didn't want to give up halfway like that night. She was determined to do something otherwise she will never be able to gather up this much courage again.

"Edwin Carter, just tell me to do you want me or not?" Her pink face was blushing, but she pretended to be fierce and roared at him.

After roaring, Jane was so nervous that she immediately licked his tender lips with saliva. She was so scared that maybe he will say that he didn't want her.

The subconscious action of licking lips, like the lead of gunpowder, completely ignited the hidden desire in Edwin Carter’s body. How could he not want her? He wanted to swallow her for a long time. He restrained himself again and again just because he had promised not to force her.

Jane looked into his eyes which had already been lustful, she immediately looked away in fright but her heart wanted to know what he would do.

Edwin Carter also didn't want to let her go. He pinched her chin and pulled her head to let her look in his eyes. He asked softly, "Jane, are you really sure, you want it?"

He knew himself. If he starts, he couldn’t stop. He wanted to let her know that if she has the courage to start the fire, she must have the courage to bear the consequences.

"Edwin Carter, are you a man or not? If you want to do it, hurry up. If you don't want to do then let me go. How is there so much nonsense?" Jane really wanted to kick him. Why he always asked these things at such moments.

Jane was frightened by the wild idea in her heart. Her heart beat faster. She felt like it was going to pop out of her mouth.

"Very good!"

Two words were uttered from Edwin Carter's mouth. He picked her up and in a second changed their postures.

Kissed her fiercely. Lips and teeth entwined, breathe mingled, hot skin, sticky body.

The point came when a girl changes into a woman. Jane's body was slightly stiff with pain and her hands also scratched several bloodstains on Edwin Carter's back.

"Jane-" Edwin Carter called her name, a deep and hoarse voice, as if he called her name with his soul.

"Edwin-" her response has explained everything, as if urging him, like the voice of a cat, mixed with pain and happiness.

"Yes, Mrs. Carter!" He listened to her urging, opened all the fire and make her enjoy the moments belonging to two of them.

His breath, his tenderness, his body temperature, all the feelings were magnified infinitely. With the wave of upsurge, it pushed to the top.

Jane just felt that she was floating on the sea, and the huge waves came one after another, which made her unconscious. In a trance, she felt herself in a fairyland of green fields, full of flowers.

She enjoyed her first experience that Edwin Carter has brought to her life, enjoyed the happiness he brought to her and called his name again and again!

After long, Jane felt that she was going to be engulfed by the strong wind and waves. Everything finally came to peace. The sound of each other's heartbeat and breath became dry. Jane was already tired and don’t know how to get back to bed.

She vaguely remembered that Edwin Carter carried her back to the room as if he was still waiting for her. Jane's face was red because of the fierce sex. She looked like a ripe red cherry that can drip water.


Edwin Carter's gritty voice sounded over her head, and she was ecstatic again.

"Edwin Carter, hold me!"

She felt that her body was suddenly empty, and she wanted to be held by him.

He hugged her tighter, lowered his head and bit her round earlobe. He breathed softly in her ear, "Mrs. Carter, let's do it again."

Jane was tired, and she fell down on the bed. She had no strength to move her hands. She looked at him, the lust in his eyes was still shining, and especially the heat of his body told her that he wanted her very much. She didn’t want to refuse him.

"Um." Jane could not bear to watch him suffer. She blushed and nodded.

With the permission of Jane, Edwin Carter, like a hungry wolf once again rushed and enjoyed his "delicious food".

Jane’s lips turned up and the heart was sweet as if it can drip honey. She finally became his real wife and felt that he was so strong and domineering and she should be the one to be with him.

She had never thought that this cold and quiet man would become so fierce in bed. Usually, he looked like a harmless sheep, but now she knew that the man was a wolf in sheep's clothing. At the end of the second time, Jane felt tired. She lay in Edwin Carter's arms and didn't say anything.

But Edwin Carter pushed her away and went to the bathroom.

The heat around her disappeared, and Jane felt lost. Can this man hold her more for a while?

Just as she scolded him in her heart, Edwin Carter came out of the bathroom again.

Jane looked up and saw him what she shouldn't have seen. She was so surprised that she forgot to close her eyes and watched him getting closer.

"What are you thinking?" He came over and carried her to the bathroom.

They were wearing nothing. Jane closed her eyes and didn’t dare to look at him again, but she could not help touching his strong abdominal muscles.

It was the first time she’d saw his body. He normally wore a suit and no one expect that he would have a strong body with eight abdominal muscles under his gentle appearance.

Edwin Carter put her in the bathtub and helped her bathing, as if there was no other thought.

But only he knew how much effort he had spent to restrain himself on just helping her take a bath instead of doing something else with her.

Naked in front of his eyes but he was just helping her in shower.





Jane was so shy that her body dyed pink. She wanted to bury her head in the water.

However, at the thought of his care and love, Jane's heart felt a sweet bubble of happiness.

She has a mother and a husband who love her so much. Jane felt that God was just testing her and now she’s given the rainbow after the storm. Her mother and Edwin Carter are the two most beautiful rainbows she saw after the storm. She will surely spend a happy life with them.

She can see a future together with her mother, her husband and possibly a few kids, she felt very sweet at the thought of this.

Compared with Jane, Edwin Carter's heart was not only excited but there were also strange kinds of emotions. In the past, he always had a lot of women around him who were willing to give themselves to him, but he never had any desire for those women.

He feels different for Jane. He married her, put the exclusive label of Mrs. Carter on her and takes care of her in a positive way.

But why is Jane the only one he wants to take good care of?

For some period of time, Edwin Carter also seriously thought about it, but couldn't find any specific answer. Maybe it was just her unique self that attracted him so much. He has realized that Jane was different from other women. He not only wanted her to protect her from every pain but also wanted to love her more.

He wanted it again forever to have her by his side. He wanted to possess her, feel her and let her really become his wife.

She was lying quietly beside him, breathing peacefully. Her delicate face was soft and red, there were all his marks on her.

He looked at her and couldn't help to swallow a mouthful of saliva. His adam's apple was rolling rapidly. He wanted to have her again. But he understood that her soft body could not bear it one more time.

So, he forced down his desire, held her gently in his arms, kissed her and called her name again and again in his heart.


She finally became his real wife!


The next day.

When Jane woke up, it was already bright. She moved a little. Her whole body felt like being crushed over by a car, and her bones were all in pain.

"Aah-" she unconsciously made a sound.

"Awake?" As usual, the man was dressed up, sitting by the window and reading the newspaper. He turned his head and watched her quietly.

"Um." Jane answered stiffly. How could this man behave so calmly, as if he was not the one who crushed her so fiercely last night.

Edwin Carter came near her and touched her face, looking at her face with profound eyes, "If you are not feeling well, don't get up. Stay at home and rest. I'll let the nurses to look after our mother."

There were traces of their love in the room, especially when he came closer to her his breath once again occupied all her senses.

Jane blushed and couldn't say anything.

Edwin Carter added, "Last night I didn't control my strength. I know it hurts you. I will be careful next time."

This man can say this kind of words with a serious face as if he was talking to her about business things, not such intimate things.

Jane stretched out her arms and pinched him on the waist, " Bastard."

Last night she gathered all her courage to put him down. And today, she was so shy that she wanted to find a hole to drill in, especially when she thought that it was she who took the initiative last night. Did he say all this intentionally to enjoy the sudden change of expressions on her face?

Last night she behaved like a wild cat and now she looked too shy to lift her head and looked at him.

Edwin Carter looked at her, smile and kissed her face, "So it’s the deal. Today you will take rest and stay at home. I'll get you something to eat."

"No." She said, lowered her head and blushed, "Mr. Carter, I want you to hold me."

Last night, she wished that when she woke up this morning. She will be in his arms. But when she woke up, he saw him sitting quietly by the window reading the newspaper as if nothing happened last night.

"Uuh?" Edwin Carter held her and sniffed her body fragrance.

This silly girl, she certainly didn’t know how much she attracted him. Just holding her like this, urged him to overwhelm her again.

After doing it for two times last night, the flames were still dancing in his body, and his body was craving for her. He really wanted to pounce on her and kept doing that with her.

If he was not considerate and caring last night, she will not have the energy to make trouble with him at this time.

Jane moved in his arms and whispered, "Mr. Carter, every morning you have to hold Mrs. Carter like this."

The fire in Edwin Carter's body had not been extinguished. And now in the morning, it was unintentionally stirred by Jane, and the desire in his body was shouting again.

She had a rest for one night. She looked well. She should be able to do it again...

Edwin Carter pressed her down, bit her earlobe and said gently, "Mrs. Carter, every morning Mr. Carter will love you in this way."

Jane felt so much shy that she didn't know what to say but she was excited to think that every day he would make love with her like this.

It was two hours later when Mr. Carter let go Mrs. Carter.

They went for breakfast. On the dining table, Jane looked at Edwin Carter's satisfied face, and she could not help thinking him as a beast dressed up in man clothes.

Before yesterday, she thought he was very gentle. He did nothing even when she sent herself to him. But after last night and especially after this morning, the image of this man has completely changed in Jane's heart.

Jane thought of this morning and her delicate face became so hot and red that she even didn’t dare to look at him. Did he have a lot of experience before? How could he come up with so many tricks? He made her crave for him.

How detestable!

Jane was indulged in her thoughts when she felt a soft touch on the corner of her mouth, and she was so scared that she moved aside.

"There is milk on the corner of your mouth." He moved up his thumb which was stained with white milk in front of her eyes.

White, sticky…


Jane wanted to slap herself hard. What the hell she was thinking, her mind was full of all those kinds of thoughts.

It was just milk. How could she think it was Edwin Carter's—

It's over. Jane didn't want to indulge in her thoughts, but she just couldn't control her mind. If it goes on like this, she can't go out today.




Where the last night’s courage went? Why was she still shy when woke up after doing everything? Jane wanted to ask herself these questions.

"Eat it. Later I'll accompany you to the hospital." Edwin Carter interrupted her thoughts. He has guessed that she couldn't get out of her strange thoughts if she won’t go out.

"Okay." Jane nodded in a low voice, but her face was still too hot.

She glanced at Edwin Carter quietly and saw that he was elegantly eating, and his attitude and behavior were the same as past as if last night was just a dream that she had.

It was almost noon when Jane and Edwin Carter arrived at the hospital. Edwin Carter still has an important meeting, and he has not much time to accompany Jane in.

"Mr. Carter..." Before he left, Jane had stopped him.

Edwin Carter looked back at her, "Yes?"

Jane took a breath quietly, summoned up her courage and said, "I want you to hug me before you leave."

What's the matter today? She seemed to be reluctant to leave him even for such a short time. She was behaving like he has been with her all the time.

Edwin Carter stretched out his arms and hugged her, "come on, go in."

"Um." Jane turned to go to the hospital, walked a few steps and looked back, he was standing there and looking at her. She smiled and waved to him.

Along the way, Jane was still thinking about last night and this morning. She thought that happiness was far away from her but now she has found that happiness was actually around her.

She decided to ask her mother that if she wants to hold her granddaughter or grandson. She planed to give birth to two children in three years, and her mother will take care of them. If the mother has her grandchildren around her, she will not be so bored.

Jane opens the door of the ward. It was neat and tidy. It didn't look like someone was living in it. She asked a nurse, "Where is the patient?"

"The patient completed the discharge formalities last night." The nurse replied.

"Impossible." Jane was a little anxious.

Yesterday her mother promised that she would stay in Jiangbei and live with her. She would never go back to that damn place in Kyoto again. How could she suddenly go through the discharge formalities?

Maybe... she was forcefully taken away.

Jane tried to remember a phone number. When she dialed it, Jonathan Ronan's voice came in.

"Jane, I have taken your mother back to Kyoto, so don't worry about her anymore. If you want, you can come home and meet her. I haven't seen you for three years and your father misses you very much. "

There was nothing wrong with Jonathan Ronan's words. A father can say such words to his daughter. But Jane knew that this was just a kind face that Jonathan Ronan pretended to show. His real intentions were to take his mother back to threaten her.

Jane stabilized her mood and tried to speak calmly, "Where is my mother? I want to talk to her. "

Jonathan Ronan sighed and said, "Well, she's not well enough to talk to you."

"Give her the phone." Jane was worried about her mother's situation. Even her hands were shaking.

She was even afraid to think that how they took her back. Her mother's body was badly injured. Her mental situation was even more severe, she can no longer stand the torture of Jonathan Ronan.

Jonathan Ronan smiled and said, "Your mother's mental condition is not good. She always talks nonsense. In order to prevent accidents, I locked her in the garage in the backyard."

After a pause, Jonathan Ronan added, "You should know that there are many rats and cockroaches in that garage because there no one goes there, it is dark and humid as well."

"Jonathan Ronan, do you know what you are doing? It's illegal to imprison my mom." Jane was so angry that she couldn't help roaring.

Jonathan Ronan smiled and said, "How can you call your father's name directly? What's wrong with locking my insane wife?"

"I don't have a father. Give the phone to my mother. I want to talk to her." She has such a father, was the biggest scar of her life.

One can choose how to spend one's life, or how to choose people for oneself, but one cannot choose one's own parents.

If she can make her own choice, she just wants her mother only, other than the father who just treats her as a tool.

"But if you really want to talk to your mother, you can come back and have a look. The door of Ronan’s house will always stay open for you. Welcome home." With that sentence, Jonathan hung up the phone.

He was very sure that Jane can't let her mother bear such a thing. Jane will come back to Kyoto to save her mother. That’s why he hung up the phone directly.

Jane listened to the busy tone and bit her lips. She couldn't imagine what her mother suffered last night. She should stay with her mother. She should have known that those humans were worse than animals. They won't stop easily. Why did she leave her mother alone in the hospital?

Jane was angry at her own self. She felt dizzy over her own happiness. She didn't even think of this situation. She thought about her mother’s condition, and her mind felt a severe chaotic state. She turned around and wanted to call Edwin Carter to talk about it.

She dialed his number, but no one answered from Edwin Carter's side. She knew that he was in a meeting. She sent him a text message to let him know about the situation.

She must go to Kyoto as soon as possible. She has to save her mother from pain and never leave her alone in such a dark place. After several hours of flight. Jane changed several means of transportation. It was already evening when she reached Ronan's little villa.

She raised her hand, rang the doorbell and waited for the servants of Ronan's family to open the door.

The weather in Kyoto was much colder than that of Jiangbei. She came in a hurry and has no time to take clothes. She felt cold, and her teeth were shivering with it.

After these three years, she never thought that she would come back here. The pain and bitterness in her heart were the same as three years ago. It is said that the most precious thing in the world is a family, but her family was not a family, they don’t even know what it meant to be a family.

Her father and sister were even worse than strangers.

"You still have the face to come back." Sophie stood at the gate and looked at Jane coldly. "Do you come here to break up this house?"

"Open the door. I want to see my mother." Jane didn't want to talk nonsense with Sophie. She didn't want to come back here. She came here just for her mother’s sake.




"You can leave, you are not welcome here." Sophie looked at Jane with hateful eyes and turned to leave.

"Are you deaf? I said I come here only to see my mother. Who wants to come back to your home?" Jane wanted to slap her hard. Two days ago, this woman directed a dirty play against her. Jane hasn't settled that with her yet, and now she was talking nonsense with her.

"Sophie, open the door for your sister. Let her come in." The voice of Jonathan Ronan came.

Sophie never disobeys Jonathan Ronan. Now he had told her to open the door, and she will do it. Whatever he told her to do, she will do. As the door opened, Jane rushed in and tried to find her mother, but she was blocked by two servants.

"If you want to see your mother, you have to promise me one thing," Jonathan Ronan said.

"I don't want to promise anything to you." Jane looked at the man’s face standing in front of her, if it wasn't for her little kinship with him, she would have spat at him.

"It's you who come to our door. You cannot blame anyone." Jonathan was smiling and added, "Send Miss. Jane to her room to dress up well, and then call Christopher Greyson to see if he has arrived."


Jane looked at the man in front of her. Is this man really her father? If he’s really her father, would he force her to be with other men regardless of her wishes?

At this moment, Jane can only see selfish interests in Jonathan Ronan's eyes. She couldn’t see a trace of kinship.

She had known for a long time that Jonathan Ronan was a man who did everything for the sake of profit.

Jane took a deep breath and said, "Jonathan Ronan, I want to see my mother. If you still have a little humanity, let me see her and let me take her with me."

"I'll let you see your mother when you and Christopher Greyson finished what you should do." Jonathan Ronan beckoned two servants to do their work.

Jane's cold eyes swept over Jonathan Ronan, Sophie, and two servants, and suddenly smiled, "Jonathan Ronan, what do you think you can do? If you dare to mess around, I will not let you succeed even if I die."

No, how could she give up to die? She just gave them a fright.

She has become a woman of Edwin Carter, and she will have many little kids with Edwin Carter. She came here to take her mother back to live a good life with them. How can she let these merciless people play with her life?

Jane's eyes were very sharp, and the two servants were afraid to move forward.

Jane ignored them and walked inside. She came to find her mother, not to be bullied.

Jonathan Ronan didn't care about Jane anymore. He was not afraid that she would run as she was already at his house. At present, he hoped that the young master of Gu family, Christopher Greyson could arrive quickly to take Jane away. Once they do that thing, after that everything will become much easier.

He looked back and said, "Sophie, don’t worry, we want her children, not her. The position of the Young Lady at home will only be yours. "

"Dad, I..." Sophie blinked, there were tears in her eyes, "I know that you love me the most."

"Because dad has only one daughter." Jonathan Ronan patted her shoulder and said, "I cannot hurt you and I will not let anyone hurt you."

"Dad, who is Jane's biological father?" Sophie couldn't get the answer from her mother, so she wanted to find some clues from her father. She didn't want to miss any chance. The more things she can know about Jane, the more advantageous she can be.

Jonathan Ronan said, "Don't worry about this matter. Go and keep an eye on her. Now she has come to our door, we can't let her run away again. As for your mother, don't let the news out for the time being."

"Dad, is mom..." Anyway, that person is also her birth mother, Sophie still has some heart.

"Huh?" Jonathan frowned and snorted coldly.

Sophie bit her lips and nodded, "I'll watch her."

Jane searched all over Ronan's house but didn’t find her mother. Her mother was not in Ronan’s house, where she can be? Jane thought about it but she just couldn't imagine where her mother can go except for this house.

Did Jonathan Ronan imprison her somewhere else?

If Jonathan Ronan was doing this with Christopher Greyson, she will probably hide her mother in Grayson’s house. She cannot go to their house, the security guard there were very strict and it was not easy to go in. If she goes there, it might be like a sheep going in a tiger's mouth.

Above all, Sophie was keeping an eye on her. It was very difficult to get out of here.

She didn't know if Edwin Carter has seen his message or not. If Edwin Carter encountered such a thing, how would he deal with it? She thought of Edwin Carter and found a place to sit down. She thought of calling Edwin Carter and asked him to give her some advice.

She took out her mobile phone. After getting off the plane, she forgot to turn on the phone. When she turned on the phone, it showed that there were more than ten missed calls, all were from Edwin Carter.

Jane quickly called back, but his number was powered off.

Because Edwin Carter was also flying to Kyoto!

The meeting that Edwin Carter left suddenly, led to some problems. Edwin Carter was communicating with the people over there through video conference. And it took several hours.

When he saw Jane’s message, he called her. Her phone was powered off. He asked people to transfer the surveillance video of the hospital to know about the situation.

He asked people to call the airport to check about the situation and they confirmed that Ronan’s family returned to Kyoto last night and that Jane had also flown to Kyoto a few hours ago. Even Christopher Greyson, who always wanted to see Leon Carter, rushed back to Kyoto this morning.

The whole event was planned. Edwin Carter guessed what they wanted to do.

Therefore, Edwin Carter immediately made a decision before boarding the plane. He asked the person in charge of Shengtian in Kyoto to tell Christopher Greyson that Leon Carter would like to meet him. After getting off the plane, Edwin Carter received a message from the person in charge of Shengtian in Kyoto, who had already contacted Christopher Greyson.

After listening to Sienna Henry's report, Edwin Carter said, "Sienna, tell Christopher Greyson that if he brings the second daughter of Ronan’s to see me, I will give him whatever he wants."

Some things were already out of control. The only way to stop Christopher Greyson was to use the identity of Leon Carter.

That Jonathan Ronan’s really not a thing. He did so much bad things to his wife in the past, and now he wanted to use Jane again. If it wasn't for fear that Jane would be hurt at that news, he would surely tear Jonathan Ronan to pieces.


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