Wednesday, May 27, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 366 - 385


CHAPTERS 366 - 385


After coaxing Janell to sleep, Jane waited for Edwin Carter to come back for a long time. It was almost midnight, but Edwin Carter hadn't come back and didn't even call her back to inform.

Edwin Carter had never been in such a situation before. He always called her in advance when he knew that he would go home late for an hour or two.

What's wrong today?

Could something have happened to him?

With these thoughts, Jane could no longer calm down, she picked up her mobile phone.

She called and it rang several times until someone finally answered the phone.

She didn't wait for Edwin Carter to speak, she said hurriedly, "Edwin, where are you?"


"Madam, this is Luis George." Luis George's polite voice came from his mobile phone.


Jane was a little startled, she immediately changed her tone and asked into a more polite voice, "Hello, where is Edwin Carter? Why are you answering his cell phone?"

Luis George said, "Madam, actually at dinner Chairman Carter has drunk a little more. So, tonight, we have arranged for him to stay in the hotel."

"Is he really okay?" Jane felt uneasy, but she also thought that there should be nothing wrong with Edwin Carter.


There were so many people around him. He must be okay.

Luis George said, "Chairman Carter just drank too much. He is fine. Don't worry, madam."


"Please ask someone to prepare a sobering tea for him..." Jane was still a little uneasy. After a pause, she said, "Luis George, can you tell me the hotel name? I want to take care of him."


It wasn't that she didn't believe in Edwin Carter, actually she hasn't seen Edwin Carter getting drunk.A person who never drinks, suddenly drunk, and he drinks so much that he can't come back home...

With this, Jane thought that he must be very uncomfortable, at this time, there is no one around to take care of him so she should go.


"Madam, Chairman Carter is fine. You'd better have a rest earlier." With that, Luis George hung up.


Jane heard the busy tone of the phone and bit her lips, with her anxiety increased a lot. She was worried about what had happened to Edwin Carter.

Jane thought for a moment and dialed Robert Michael's cell phone. His sources were better than hers. If Edwin Carter really has encountered something wrong, he should be able to know.


She called, but Robert Michael's phone was turned off.

At this time, normally people were sleeping. It was not surprising that Robert Michael's phone was turned off.

Jane sighed and thought that it may be because too many things have happened recently. So she's in a state of extreme panic. There must be nothing wrong, Edwin Carter just drank too much. She shouldn't overthink!


Jane comforted herself, but she still couldn't feel at ease. She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that Edwin Carter was just drunk.


She held Janell in her arms again, trying to get some strength from Janell.


She hoped that she just needed to hold on for a few more hours, and the person who will answer the phone would be Edwin Carter after she calls again.


It wasn't only Jane who was worried...


At the same time, Luis George was not only worried but also restless.


He has been around Edwin Carter for many years and it was the first time for him to face such a situation. For a moment, he felt like a person lacking a leader and he was very flustered.

However, fortunately, he stayed with Edwin Carter for a long time, so he soon calmed down after a little panic, and arranged things very methodically.

He knew that the news that Edwin Carter suddenly fainted and couldn't wake up shouldn't spread out. If it spread out, the old master couldn't handle it and it was estimated that several major projects of Shengtian will also be affected.

However, every move of Edwin Carter has been noticed at all times.

It wasn't difficult to hide it for a day or two days. However, if the doctor couldn't think of a way to sober him up, it will be hard to hide this news.

"Luis George, how is Chairman Carter?" Sienna Henry's voice interrupted Luis George's thoughts.

Luis George looked up and said, "Where have you been? When Chairman Carter faced this situation, I looked for you everywhere but couldn't find you."

Sienna Henry was stared at by Luis George and she was a little uncomfortable. She said, "Sorry, I had some private business to do."

Luis George said, "Chairman Carter suddenly fainted. At present, the cause has not been found out. You should keep an eye on Shengtian's side and don't let the news spread out."

Sienna Henry said, "Isn't the old master in Jiangbei? Chairman Carter has faced such a problem, I think we can ask the old master to come out and stabilize the situation for a while."

Luis George said, "Don't tell me that you don't know about the contradiction between the old master and Chairman Carter?"

Sienna Henry said, "Their contradiction is their personal affairs, but Shengtian belongs to the Carter family. No matter how angry the old master is, he can't disregard his company. Besides, they have blood relations, they may fall into conflict sometimes, but they are still a family."

"Anyway, don't tell the old master." Luis George waved to stop Sienna Henry, "I have called some experts from abroad. When they arrive they will find out the problem, and Chairman Carter will be fine soon."

In order to protect Jane, his master recently quarreled with the old master. Luis George witnessed the whole process, and he was very clear about the situation.

Sienna Henry didn't know as much as he does, but she didn't know less.

Today, Chairman Carter fainted and couldn't get up. At this time, she proposed to let the old master come out to preside over the present situation? What does that mean?

Luis George couldn't help and stare at Sienna Henry with some doubts.


After a sleepless night, just after dawn, Jane called Edwin Carter again.

She dialed the phone and the rhythm of her heartbeat was the same as the sound in her mobile phone, two times, three times and four times.

Once again, Edwin Carter's cell phone was not answered.

Once there was no answer, but Jane called again.

She kept calling until someone picked it. After the fifth time, it was finally connected there. Jane swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously and asked carefully, "Edwin, is that you?"

"Madam, Chairman Carter hasn't woken up yet." Luis George's voice came from the phone.

This number was Edwin Carter's personal number, not the work number. Luis George can pick it once, but now he picked it for the second time. If Jane believed what Luis George said, then her IQ must be very low.

Jane suddenly thought of the affair that Edwin Carter had a traitor around him....

Would this traitor have done anything to Edwin Carter?

Is this traitor Luis George, the most trusted person of Edwin Carter?

Jane took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, she asked, "Luis George, where is Edwin Carter?"

Her tone was very strong. It sounded as if she had asked a question and she needed to hear an answer. There was no space for the other side to hang up her phone like last night.

"Madam, Chairman Carter..."

Before Luis George could finish, she interrupted and said, "If he is in the hotel, tell me the name and address. If he's not in the hotel, you can tell me where he is."

Jane spoke quickly in a cold voice. She had a bit of Edwin Carter's usual style of business, which made Luis George stunned.

Jane continued, "Luis George, I'm Edwin's wife. Do you understand the meaning of this word?"

The word "wife" is not only a name written in the column of Edwin Carter's spouse, but also a person who will share wealth and woe with Edwin Carter all his life.



Jane still remembered what Edwin Carter said when they were married, he said, "when two people get married then it is equivalent to giving their lives in each other's hand. If one of them is seriously ill and the hospital requires the signature of their families, the one who can sign is the spouse."

So in Jane's mind, the word "wife" wasn't a formality as she used to think when she was just married, but a long commitment to wait for each other, to look after each other, and to be the most sincere with each other.

If Luis George didn't understand the meaning of this word, then she would tell him. No matter what, she has the right to know where Edwin Carter is and whether Edwin Carter is fine or not.

After a little silence, Luis George's voice came again, "Madam, it's not that I don't want to say it, actually, Chairman Carter asked me to not tell you."


"What did he ask you not to tell me is business confidential? Or a secret that can't be told? If not, then why can't you tell me? Has he encountered some problem and didn't want me to worry? If he has an accident and I can't even take care of him, don't you think I will be more worried about this?"

Edwin Carter that silly man... How can he be so silly? Why does he want to bear all things alone, why can't he believe her once?

Jane's words were not unreasonable. Luis George also understood that Edwin Carter asked this to hide from Jane because he didn't want her to worry, but she had guessed that something had happened to Edwin Carter. If he didn't say it, it would be against the original intention of Edwin Carter.

Thinking about it, Luis George was going to open his mouth and tell Jane but Sienna Henry suddenly grabbed the mobile phone and hung up.


She said, "Luis George, the news of Chairman Carter's coma can't be spread out. Once it's spread out, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Luis George said, "She's not someone else. She's Mr. Carter's wife and the mother of Mr. Carter's child."

Sienna Henry sneered, "Luis George, Chairman Carter is confused. Are you also confused?"

"What do you mean?" Luis George complained.

Sienna Henry added, "Madam died three years ago. The elders of the Carter family watched her body be cremated in front of their eyes. Do you think a person who has been dead for three years can come back to life?"

Luis George was confused, he asked, "Do you mean... this madam is fake?"

"I can't say she's fake, but I can't believe that she's real," Sienna Henry said. "Think about it. How can she come back? Did she really forget all the past or did she have another secret?"

Luis George listened to Sienna Henry and almost wavered.

Maybe their Chairman Carter told him not to tell Jane not because he didn't want Jane to worry about it, but that he probably found something unusual.

Chairman Carter has always been cautious in his work. Yesterday, he suddenly had a medicine that even the doctor couldn't find and suddenly fainted.

The biggest suspect who can give drugs to Chairman Carter and make him willing to take them can be his wife Jane.


Sienna Henry noticed that Luis George had believed her words and continued, "You said that Chairman Carter asked you to not tell madam when he was conscious. If you tell Jane now, how can you explain to Mr. Carter when he wakes up?"

Luis George didn't speak anymore. He thought it was right to listen to his boss.

Even if this Jane is just pretending to be real Jane, he still can't dare to check. He can just wait for his master to wake up....

However, they didn't expect Jane to come here.

About an hour later, Jane appeared in front of them.

Sienna Henry was shocked to see Jane here and hurriedly stood up to block Jane, "Miss Jane Ronan, the doctor has just checked Chairman Carter, and told all the irrelevant people in this period not to disturb Chairman Carter and let him have a good rest."

"You are saying irrelevant people cannot disturb him, and you're stopping my way." Jane emphasized her words and did not allow Sienna Henry to be arrogant in front of her.

Jane still remembered that when Edwin Carter had an allergy just after they got married, Sienna Henry stopped her exactly like this.

In the beginning, her relationship with Edwin Carter was not so close, and her understanding of Edwin Carter was not enough. At that time, Sienna Henry was able to stop her, but she couldn't let Sienna Henry think about it today.

Sienna Henry was slightly shocked, Jane passed by Sienna Henry and walked to the ward, saying, "Luis George, please ask the attending doctor to come here, I want to know the situation."


"Yes." Perhaps Luis George didn't expect Jane to be so calm but he unconsciously paid more respect to Jane.

Sienna Henry quietly clenched her fist, retreated to one side and sat down. She didn't dare to utter a word again.

She didn't know if Jane had changed, or if she didn't really understand Jane before, she just felt that there was a huge power in the body of this seemingly weak woman.

Maybe she despised Jane too much. She thought that as long as they didn't say it, she would just stay at home and stay worried. Unexpectedly, Jane found the hospital so soon.

The ward was luxurious, divided into the living room and the main room.

Edwin Carter was lying on the sickbed in the room....

Except that his face was whiter than usual, there was no difference between his breathing pattern and normal temperature. It seemed that he was just asleep.

She looked at Edwin Carter's face, and her heart was like stabbed hard by a knife. Her nose was sour, but she looked up and forced the tears back.

Edwin Carter fell ill. At this time, she was the main pillar, the main support of Edwin Carter and Janell. She cannot afford to show weakness or cry at this time.

Jane slowly sat down beside Edwin Carter's hospital bed, grabbed his hand, bowed her head, kissed him on the back of his hand, and said softly, "Edwin, I know you have worked very hard and you are really tired..."

A man worked like a machine, even the machines break after a long time running, not to mention he's a man of flesh and blood.

"Take a few days off if you want to. I'll manage everything. I'm sure I can do it well. But you can't rest for long. I am giving you a week off. Janell is waiting for you to come back. She has a secret to tell you."

Jane really wanted to scold him.

Why can't he think more for himself? He was ill but told his people to hide it from her!

"Madam, Chairman Carter's attending doctor is here."

Luis George's voice sounded behind Jane.

Jane took a deep breath, looked back, nodded to them, and said, "doctor, please tell me the specific situation of Edwin Carter."

From the doctor, Jane learned that Edwin Carter had had a colorless and tasteless poison. This poison didn't kill people, but it paralyzes people's spirits and keeps them in a state of coma for a long time.

Colorless and tasteless poison...

Jane's eyes swept around the room. She happened to look at Sienna Henry. When she looked at Sienna Henry, Sienna Henry quickly looked away.

Would that traitor beside Edwin Carter be Sienna Henry?

Did Sienna Henry poison Edwin Carter?

If yes, then who is her real boss?

The old master of the Carter family?



George and Sienna Henry have been following Edwin Carter for more than ten years. They were the most important persons of Edwin Carter.

If Sienna Henry has betrayed Edwin Carter, Jane suspected that the person behind Sienna Henry's betrayal must be the master of the Carter family.

Sienna Henry has been with Edwin Carter for such a long time. It was hard for her to betray Edwin Carter just because of other interests. However, if the other side was the person from the Carter family, it can make sense.

Maybe Sienna Henry was the spy planted by the old master, maybe she was emotionally moved by the old master to change her side.

No matter what the reason can be, Jane won't care about it. She only knew that she must guard against Sienna Henry and didn't let her play tricks behind Edwin Carter again.


Sienna Henry looked suspicious, then what about Luis George?

Jane seamlessly glanced at Luis George.

Luis George, with his hands behind him, was like an ant on a hot pan. His face seemed to have written a big word - anxious.

From the talk with Luis George and the observation just now, Jane was sure that Luis George can't be the traitor.

Luis George has no problem, so she can continue to use him.

However, what to do with Sienna Henry?

Jane just guessed that Sienna Henry has betrayed Edwin Carter but she didn't get the exact evidence to prove this, so she can't do anything to Sienna Henry at present.

After all, Sienna Henry was a senior figure who has been with Edwin Carter for many years.


If Sienna Henry was wronged, it would also leave a bad impact on the reputation of Edwin Carter, so Jane just held back her decision for a while.

For Shengtian's work, Jane asked Luis George to go back to convey the news and told all the people under Edwin Carter to perform their respective duties.

Shengtian was such a big business empire. There were countless elites under Edwin Carter. Edwin Carter was on rest for a while, but all the work can still run as usual.

Edwin Carter's most important role for Shengtian was that his presence can stabilize people's hearts. If they were sure that he was sitting on the top, they could work well. After all, they believed in his leadership skills.

If something happened to Edwin Carter, the people would be confused. Their hearts cannot be stable. They will panic and their work will be disordered naturally. Therefore, Jane asked Luis George to try his best to block the news of Edwin Carter's coma and do not let a word spread out.

Luis George had also thought of the same things decided by Jane before, but he didn't think that Jane, who never participated in Edwin Carter's work, would make such instructions so calmly, it was really impressive.

Luis George agreed to Jane very much. After receiving the order, he went to work without any delay.

As for Sienna Henry, Jane smiled at her and said, "Miss Sienna Henry, I'll take care of Edwin Carter here. I am giving you a few days off. Go back and have a rest."


"Miss Jane Ronan..." Sienna Henry was about to speak.

"I'm Mrs. Carter." Jane interrupted.

Sienna Henry quietly clenched her fist and said, "Mrs. Carter, Chairman Carter is ill. I need to be here at this time. How can I have a holiday?"

"Take your leave and have rest for some days. I am here to take care of Edwin Carter, you don't need to worry." It seemed that Jane politely said this, but if someone listened carefully, it can be seen that she showed Sienna Henry her limits.

When has it become so difficult to deal with Jane Ronan? Sienna Henry was helpless, but she did not dare to turn against Jane, so she had to leave reluctantly.

They all left, and Jane took a long breath of relief...

She didn't know anything about Shengtian. She can only give it to Luis George to handle. She hoped everything in Shengtian would be the same until Edwin Carter woke up.

At present, she can't do anything to Sienna Henry, but she can't trust to leave things to Sienna Henry, so giving Sienna Henry a holiday was the best choice.

But compared with Shengtian, what made Jane more worried was Edwin Carter's health.

The colorless and tasteless poison will not kill people, but it paralyzes people and keeps them in a state of coma.

The thought of that poison in Edwin Carter's body made her heart shivered, and her heartache spread to her whole body.

Who is the person who poisoned Edwin Carter?

What is his purpose?

If he doesn't want Edwin Carter's life, so their purpose is related to Shengtian, or her and Janell?

Jane couldn't figure it out.

For the time being, doctors have not found a way to detoxify it, and no one knows when Edwin Carter will recover.

Jane went back to the ward, sat next to Edwin Carter again, reached out to touch his face, and gently called his name, "Edwin..."


"I know you won't answer me, but it doesn't matter. Listen, I want to tell you something." She took Edwin Carter's hand and smiled softly. "You must not know what I felt when I saw you for the first time."

"When I saw you for the first time, I was thinking, how can there be such a good-looking man in this world. At that time, my heart was beating fast, but I didn't blush. So you didn't see it."

"On the day of the blind date, when you said goodbye to me, I thought we would never meet again but I didn't expect that, a few days later, you would even ask me to register for marriage."

"I was scared, but I don't know why I agreed so soon. Maybe, that's what people say about fate."

"I must have had a good fortune and done some good deeds so in exchange I got the chance to be your wife in this life. But maybe I haven't had enough luck, so our marriage encountered some obstacles."

"Edwin, don't let go of my hand, OK? Hold on to me tightly, let's go forward together, no matter how rough the road ahead is, hold on to Janell and me tightly, OK?"

"Janell told me last night that she would tell dad a secret when he comes back. You must not let Janell wait for you for a long time."

Jane spoke and her tears like a broken thread of pearls rolled down from her eyes...

"Edwin..." Jane wiped her tears and cried hard on his chest.

"You villain, how can you scare me like this. Do you know, I'm really scared?"

She was afraid of losing him....

She was so afraid that someday when she opened her eyes, she wouldn't see him.

She had a lot of fears, but in front of outsiders, she had to be strong. At this time, there was only she and Edwin Carter, so she cannot control her emotions.

She hoped that Edwin Carter would suddenly reach out, rub her head, and say to her, "Jane, don't cry, I'm by your side, don't be afraid!"

She just waited and cried for a long time but Edwin Carter still kept sleeping quietly.

Jane wiped her tears again, took a deep breath, and tried to make herself smile, "Edwin, everything will be fine, I'm here with you, I will always stay with you!"


Maybe, because Jane mentioned their past, or she cried too much, Edwin Carter's hand suddenly moved slightly.

"Edwin," Jane grabbed Edwin Carter's hand and said excitedly, "you heard me, didn't you?"

For Jane Edwin Carter's feeble response was great news. It proved that he was not unconscious. He just cannot be fully conscious, but he can hear her and feel her.

"Edwin, Edwin--" Jane rushed to Edwin Carter and held him tightly. She was so excited that she didn't know what else to say except his name.

However, no matter how Jane called his name, Edwin Carter didn't respond. For a moment, it seemed that the movement of his hand was just imagined by Jane.

She let him go, bowed her head and kissed him on the forehead. She said softly, "Edwin, I know you can hear me. You cannot avoid me."


She sat down next to the bed and stroked Edwin Carter's head, "Edwin, you must be too tired. You can have a good rest for a few days. Don't worry about anything else. You have me."

He used to take care of her and their daughter. Now she will take care of them. She wanted him to believe that she can take good care of him too. So that he can have no fears of trouble in the rear.

It was a hot day. The air-conditioner in the room was very good, but it was easy for the body to get some dirt fast.

Jane took the basin and towel and went to the washroom to take warm water. She carefully wiped Edwin Carter's body.

Edwin Carter was a man with a serious habit of cleanliness, he loved cleanliness very much. When he wakes up after a few days' sleep at that time, if he feels a bad smell on his body, he must hate himself.


Edwin Carter's upper body still had the white shirt he often wore. One by one, Jane unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his healthy skin and his abdomen with 8 pack abs.

Edwin Carter didn't only have a good-looking face, but also had a very good figure and above all... he was very caring.

Jane thought about Edwin's care and her eyes turned red.

She looked at him with gentler eyes. It must be a good deed that she has done for several years, so she got the chance to meet Edwin Carter.

"Edwin, didn't you say you wanted to take a family photo? Then you need to wake up quickly. When you wake up we will take a lot of photos."

"And you said you would take Janell out to play, but we haven't taken her out for so long, so you have to wake up quickly and don't make Janell worry."

"Edwin, not only your little Jane is worried about her father, but also your big Jane is worried about her husband. You must know that."

"I know you can hear..."

As Jane was saying this, Robert Michael rushed in, "Jane, how's Edwin?"

She pursed her lips, relaxed her face, looked back at Robert Michael and said, "He's just in a coma for a while. After finding the antidote, he'll soon get better."

When Jane came to the hospital, she sent a message to Robert Michael. When he saw the message, he hurried to the hospital.

Jane was relieved to see him.

Robert Michael went to Edwin Carter's side, looked carefully, and said, "Edwin's health has always been very good, and he should be able to get well soon. Don't worry too much."

"Well, I know he will get better soon." Jane nodded her head hard. She told Robert Michael but she also told herself.


Edwin Carter will get better soon because he won't make her and Janell worry.

Robert Michael said, "Jane, I have already asked someone to do that you told me to do."

Jane heard Robert Michael saying that and was immediately aware that this room should be monitored and bugged. It was obvious that their every move was under the eyes of others.

She pursed her lips and said, "thank you, brother!"

Robert Michael raised his hand and rubbed her head, he said, "Don't mention it. I'm your brother."

Jane smiled and said, "Brother, I will take care of Edwin in the hospital these days. If you are free, go home and help me take care of Janell. Don't tell her that her dad is ill, otherwise, she will be very worried."

Robert Michael said, "Don't worry. I'll stay in the villa with her. Depending on Edwin's condition, I think I'll have to stay for a few days. I'll come back to the hospital tomorrow to take care of him so that you can go back to get some rest."

"Okay," Jane nodded.

Jane has guessed that Robert Michael has found out something, but he can't say it now. Once they say it there will not only be chances for the evidence to be stolen, but it can be life-threatening.

The security of their villa was very good. Jane took the opportunity to ask Robert Michael to take care of Janell and put the evidence in the villa, so she didn't have to worry about the evidence being robbed.


The two of them didn't disclose the evidence, and the people who monitored them couldn't hear anything from their conversation.


After leaving the hospital and returning home, Sienna Henry dialed a strange number with her another less commonly used mobile phone.

The person over there answered quickly, from the other side a gloomy male's voice came, "How is everything?"

Sienna Henry lifted her long hair and said, "Jane seems to doubt me. She asked me to go home and rest. I can't go to the company or stay in the hospital. That woman is much more difficult than we thought."

The man said, "You have been around the young master for so many years, and you have learned a lot. The whole Shengtian knows that you are a powerful person around the young master. Jane Ronan, that woman has no status, how can she instruct you?"

"She is..."

"Young master has never publicly announced her identity, even if she has the marriage certificate in her hand, she didn't take part in any work of Shengtian. The young master is in a coma. Anyone can take charge of Shengtian's work from the Carter family, but it won't come to her. The reason why she becomes so arrogant is that she hasn't figured out the situation. She can't do anything without the young master's support. "

"But Luis George is willing to listen to her."

"Luis George has worked with you for more than ten years. You should understand his personality. He listened to Jane because he is loyal to the young master. What you have to do now is to make Luis George believe you, not that woman."

Sienna Henry immediately understood that she was not unable to deal with Jane, but her heart was guilty and that's why she was defeated in the first round opposite Jane.

Sienna Henry nodded, "I get it."

At work, Luis George was the most important person of Edwin Carter. In Edwin Carter's absence what Luis George will say will be considered as Edwin Carter's words.

Jane understood this. She grasped Luis George's loyalty to Edwin Carter, asked him to return to the company to handle affairs, and suppressed the news of Edwin Carter's coma.

Sienna Henry also wanted to make use of Luis George's loyalty to find a way to make him stop believing in Jane so that Jane can really be helpless.


In the farm, Assistant Joseph hung up the phone and reported the whole situation to old master Carter.

"Master, there's news from Sienna Henry. Young master is really unconscious. Madam and Elder Master are also in New Zealand for Madam's medical treatment. They are not in Jiangbei. The news here can't reach their ears for the time being. This is the best time for you to take charge of Shengtian again."

Assistant Joseph's words were clearly heard by old master Carter. He heard it clearly, but he didn't reply for a long time.

After a while, the old man sighed and said slowly, "Joseph, in the past decades, how is the Carter family? How is Shengtian? What kind of person am I in the eyes of others?"

Assistant Joseph was the old master's reliable agent. From the old master's deep sigh, he can see what the old master wanted to express, above all, he also knew what the old master wanted to listen.


"Master, I don't know what the Carter family used to be in the past. I only know that you have been worried about the Carter family and Shengtian for 20 years. If it were not for your previous efforts, Shengtian would never achieve what it has achieved today."

"The Carter family used to be happy. The young master was really filial to you and also loves the young lady very much. Now the Carter family has many problems, and the family relationship has spoiled. We all know why it becomes like this."

"Master, I know you have a kind heart. You are not willing to hurt others. You are soft-hearted, but your enemies are not soft-hearted."

"Don't forget, George Michael's daughter has evidence in her hand. If she passes the evidence... old master, what will you do? What about the young lady?"


"Old master, you always think you are old and don't care about things too much, but you have to think about it for the young lady. She is only in her early twenties. There is a long way to go in the future. Her parents died early, and she just has her only family that is you."

"Master, don't forget that young master's means of dealing with the enemy are very cruel. You have seen it with your own eyes."

Assistant Joseph spoke for a long time without pausing for a second. Very few people could match his eloquence.

"Joseph, go prepare. Spread the news of Edwin's inexplicable coma. The more serious it is, the better it will be for us, and send his medical record so that things can get a hype." In this matter, the old master had some hesitation and wavering. After hearing assistant Joseph, all his concerns were gone.

He wanted to keep the Carter family and Shengtian. He didn't want the efforts of generations of Carter family to fall into the hands of others----- The old man told himself that this was what he intended to do, but deep in his heart he also understood that it was not his real intention.

Actually, he was afraid of the exposure of the evidence that was in Jane's hands, so he tried to do everything to stop it and try to get it back.

But where is the evidence?

His people haven't found out yet.

After hearing the old master's orders, assistant Joseph took a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Old master asked again, "How's Angela? Where is she these days?"


Assistant Joseph said, "The young lady went to a remote scenic spot to shoot some play. The signal there is not good, and there is no internet so she cannot receive the news that the young master is seriously ill. It will take her about a month to come back. By the time she comes back, everything will be settled."

Old master nodded, waved again, and said, "Go ahead. The sooner things can be done, the better it will be for us. As to avoid any unfavorable change of situation."

For himself, for Angela, he must take charge of Shengtian again so that he can't be controlled by people, so that he can do what he wants to do and can make Angela live her second half of life even better.

He was in his eighties, and there were not many days left in his life.

From the beginning, he wished that in his life he could see Angela marrying Edwin Carter and he could see them having children. If his wish had come true, he could leave the world at ease.

He never thought that Edwin Carter, who had always been so obedient, would suddenly marry another woman, and wouldn't even let this news come to his ears.

That year, when he came back to Jiangbei for the new year holiday, he suddenly heard that Edwin Carter introduced that woman as his wife. He saw that his dream was broken.

His dream had been crushed and turned into an illusion, especially when he came to know that the woman Edwin Carter married was George Michael's daughter.

He was very angry at that time.

He thought that it must be George Michael who left some last words to his daughter and his daughter deliberately came closer to Edwin Carter because she wanted to expose what happened many years ago.

When he came to know that Jane was George Michael's daughter, all the original love, all the harmony and even the last trace of kindness shattered.


At that moment, there was only one idea in his mind, to get rid of George Michael's daughter and not to give her a chance to create troubles!

When everything was ready, just when he could get rid of George Michael's daughter, Jonathan Ronan found him. It was precisely because of Jonathan Ronan, who found him and the things became like this, otherwise, Jane disappeared from the world a few years ago.


Edwin Carter was still on his sickbed, and Jane didn't dare to leave for a moment. She was afraid that when she leaves, Edwin Carter will be stolen and she will never find him again.

So for the whole day and night, Jane stayed by Edwin Carter's side. She hardly closed her eyes until Robert Michael came to the hospital again the next morning.

Robert Michael rubbed her head gently and said, "Jane, the condition of Edwin is not going to get better in a day or two. I'm here to guard him. You can go back to take a bath and sleep for a few hours. Prepare some clothes and daily necessities and come back to accompany him."

Yesterday Jane rushed to the hospital in a hurry. She didn't prepare anything. She really needed to go back and get something for her to take better care of Edwin Carter the next time.

Robert Michael was here to guard Edwin Carter for her, and she can rest assured.

The reason why she believed in Robert Michael unconditionally may be that they had the same blood in their bodies.

When Jane returned to villa, she followed Robert Michael's tips and found the recording pen left by Robert Michael. After listening to the recording, Jane was stunned.

She always thought that the evidence in her hand was evidence that could prove the killing of the old man of the Carter family. She never thought that instead of the evidence of her father's murder, there was news about the real identity of the old man in the recording.

But the recording was too old, and coupled with the transfer, the sound quality became even poor and unclear. It was hard to tell who the speaker was.

So if they want to use this recording to testify against the old master of the Carter family, it was probably impossible. Unless she can find an expert and repair the badly damaged recording.

If she used it at this time as the evidence of the murder she was sure that some people will believe and many won't. In the end, she will have to face different public opinions.


Shengtiang's Chairperson Leon Carter is in a coma. He has been poisoned which is likely to threaten his life.

The news spread as fast as the rocket.

The front-page headlines and major websites took the lead in forwarding it.

After the spread of news, it produced a chaotic state in the business world. Many people started discussing it. The popularity of this news was far higher than Angela Carter's previous love scandal.

Jane had just returned to the hospital when she received the news.

Robert Michael looked at her anxiously, "Jane, this matter suddenly made such a big noise. Except for Edwin's sudden recovery, we have no other option. I am afraid that you may not be able to hold it down."


"I haven't tried it yet, how can you know that I can't?" Jane bit her lips, took a deep breath, and immediately made a decision, "Brother, you are responsible for Edwin's safety. In any case, you can't let those journalists break-in or let them disturb Edwin Carter's rest."

Robert Michael said, "Jane, it's not that I don't want to be responsible, you also know those people are Edwin's people and they just listen to him. I don't think I can deploy them."

"Then just guard Edwin Carter. Do not let anyone come in or disturb him." Jane also understood that Robert Michael could not command Edwin Carter's men. She should ask Luis George to do this.

Luis George was now in Shengtian. He needed to stabilize the situation there. Jane didn't know how the situation was there.


Jane bit her lips nervously. She called Luis George. When the call was connected, she didn't wait for Luis George to speak. She said in a hurry, "Assistant Luis, please find some trustworthy reporters, who have a very good relationship with Shengtian, they must be trustworthy and have a good reputation in the industry. After contacting them, hold a press conference immediately."

Luis George was puzzled, "madam, what are you going to do?"

"Assistant Luis, don't worry about what I'm going to do, you just need to know that we have to find a way to stop the impact of this news from getting worse now," Jane said.

Jane was betting on Luis George's loyalty towards Edwin Carter.

Jane thought if Luis George is really loyal to Edwin Carter, with his intelligence and wisdom he will soon be able to figure out why she said so. When he figures it out he would do as she asked.


Luis George added, "Now a large number of journalists have rushed to the hospital. I have already informed our people to take good care of them and stop them breaking in. However, there can be a fish that escapes the net. Please take care of Chairman Carter and don't let the reporters disturb him. I'll meet you at the hospital in a while."

"Well, okay." Jane also had something to discuss with Luis George. It will be better if he comes to the hospital.

After hanging up the phone, Jane looked back and saw that Edwin Carter was still lying quietly with his eyes closed, and she did not know whether he could hear what had happened.

She hoped that he would suddenly open his eyes, look at her, smile, and says to her, "Jane, you fool, I'm teasing you."

It would be so good if he was just teasing her!

"Jane, don't worry." Robert Michael patted Jane on the shoulder, "Edwin is just ill for a while and you still have your brother."

Jane turned to him and smiled, "brother, I really want to thank you."

Even if Robert Michael didn't do anything, as long as he just stayed by her side, she won't be so flustered.

Before long, Luis George arrived, and he reported the situation to Jane, "Madam, I have arranged people to guard around the hospital, and those journalists can't break-in."

Jane nodded, "Assistant Luis, you have worked hard, thank you. Now, let's talk about holding a press conference."


Luis George didn't understand, "Madam, the matter of holding a press conference can be handled by the crisis management department. They can deal with this kind of thing more professionally than we can."

"If this is the thing, don't you think as soon as this news was spread, the crisis management department should release an official statement and refute rumors as soon as possible? But we have been waiting for so long. There is no news from the crisis management. Why do you think they have done this?"

After hearing Jane's analysis, Luis George understood that the crisis management side had been manipulated. It was just that Luis George can't think of anyone other than the old master of the Carter family.

He didn't understand why the old man takes Shengtian lightly just because he's angry with his grandson since Edwin Carter's coma would have a great impact on the company.

Jane continued, "We all hope to press this matter down. We must not let anyone with evil intentions take advantage of it, get it?"

Luis George hesitated and asked, "Madam, who is this man that has evil intentions?" Luis George thought that he might be the old master of the Carter family, but he didn't want to believe it.

"Luis George, I am surprised that till now you don't understand how the news of Chairman Carter's coma came out?" Sienna Henry's voice sounded in the room.

As they heard Sienna Henry's voice, the three people in the room turned back at the same time and saw Sienna Henry standing at the door.


Luis George took the lead in asking, "What do you mean by that?"

"What do I mean?" Sienna Henry stared at Jane fiercely. "If you want to know what's going on, ask this woman. She always pretends to be very good to Chairman Carter, but behind his back, she's playing some deep games."

Luis George said, "There is no evidence. Don't talk nonsense."

Sienna Henry said, "Luis, only we know that Chairman Carter is unconscious. We didn't even tell it to the elders of the Carter family. You can't get the news out, and I can't get it out, so who else can get it out?"

Luis George heard Sienna Henry's words, looked back at Jane and Robert Michael, with some doubts.

Sienna Henry was right. They have been with Chairman Carter for more than ten years. They can't say they know each other 100%, but they know each other 80 or 90%.

Among them, if he was forced to find someone who might leak the secret, then his focus was also on Jane's side.

It's the first time that Jane had seen people perform such a lifelike performance of shouting to catch a thief. If she wasn't the victim, she would have liked Sienna Henry's acting skills.

Jane sneered, "Assistant Sienna Henry, since you willingly come to me, now I won't be polite to you."

"Won't be polite to me? I'd like to see how you can be impolite to me." Sienna Henry wasn't afraid of Jane, she believed that Jane couldn't do anything to her.

Jane looked at Sienna Henry with fierce eyes and continued, "If I remember correctly, you have been with Edwin Carter for more than ten years. You must know better than I what he's done to you over the years. But what about you? What have you done to him?"

Sienna Henry said, "Miss Jane, you don't even know what your identity is. Do you want to throw mud at me? I'm sorry, I won't let you succeed."




"Sienna Henry, you are already dirty. I don't think I still need to throw mud at you." If there was any need to be outspoken, Jane was no less than Sienna Henry.

She looked gentle and easy to approach and people thought that she was easy to be bullied but she was mature and knew well how to protect herself.



"You are shameless! Who do you think you are? Do you think if you have the same face as our Madam, you can do anything?"

Jane replied, "If I am shameless, you are no one to say anything. Even if my face is just the same, you are still no one to say anything."

"Who are you? Why do you pretend to be Jane Ronan?"

"Ah... Sienna Henry, do you think you can win by changing the topic?" Jane raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Sienna Henry coldly, "I just want to tell you that don't think Edwin Carter didn't know what you were doing behind his back. He knew everything you did."

"Chairman Carter is unconscious now. You can say whatever you want." As Sienna Henry heard Jane mentioning that Edwin Carter knew what she had done, she was short of energy in a moment, but she still looked calm.

She stayed beside Edwin Carter for such a long time that she didn't think she had any flaws, so she has always been able to get the trust of Edwin Carter.

However, compared with Luis George, she was still far behind. She was mainly in charge of logistics, and Luis George was in charge of the most important things of Edwin Carter.

Did Chairman Carter already know that there's something up with her and just guarded against her?

Did he just use her to pass on the information that he deliberately wanted to pass to the old man?

Edwin Carter always worked calmly and thoughtfully. He could easily see that there was something wrong with her. Edwin Carter cannot be unaware of it.

With these thoughts, Sienna Henry felt that there was a fierce and incomparable look at her in the room, and she looked up to the inner room with a guilty look.

At first sight, Sienna Henry was frightened, her back was cold and her whole body was sweating.

She must have seen it wrong... it must be her illusion. She saw Edwin Carter, who had been unconscious, opening his eyes and staring at her.

Yes, it was just an illusion. It was her guilty conscience that made her see Edwin Carter. When she looked again, Edwin Carter was still lying there quietly, as before without any abnormality.

Jane saw Sienna Henry was distracted, and she understood that she had grasped Sienna Henry's weakness. Jane immediately attacked, "Sienna Henry, yesterday I asked you to go back to rest, dare to say that you didn't leak this news at that time?"

"Bullshit, how dare you spout such bullshit." With the thought that Edwin Carter was lying in the room, and he might hear their conversation, Sienna Henry's tongue was not as sharp as before.

Jane looked at Robert Michael and said, "Brother, show her the evidence."

"Okay." Robert Michael stood up and played his part. After turning around in and out of the ward, he took off two pinhole cameras and handed them to Jane.

Robert Michael said, "Jane, Edwin told me last night that you can do what you want to do. He supports you behind your back. If anyone dares to come in to create trouble, he will handle them."

"Robert Michael, don't speak off the cuff. Chairman Carter got the colorless and tasteless poison. He can't wake up without the antidote." Sienna Henry's heart was confused because Edwin Carter might have woken up, but she was still calm on the surface.



She took a look at Jane, then at Robert Michael, and said, "Don't play tricks here. Just picked up two cameras and proved me wrong? Who knows if it's you two who are self-directing and acting?"

Jane looked at her and waited to see how cunning Sienna Henry could be.

Sienna Henry added, "Luis George, what are you waiting for at this time? We must ask the old master to come out and preside over the overall situation. Otherwise, Chairman Carter will be held hostage by these two villains, and it is likely that Shengtian will be handed over to them."

Jane said, "So you sent the news of Edwin Carter's coma to the old master?"

Sienna Henry disdained, "Jane Ronan, if you want to frame me, you have to show evidence. Your words have no persuasiveness."


"Then wait for it." If Jane really had the evidence, she wouldn't talk with Sienna Henry here.

She wanted Sienna Henry to show her flaws, but obviously she underestimated Sienna Henry. She can hide from Edwin Carter for so many years without being discovered, so it was needless to say that she really had the ability.

Seeing Jane had nothing to say, Sienna Henry smiled sarcastically.

How could they know that she was a traitor? She had been with Edwin Carter for so many years and carried everything in the caution.

The old man was afraid of her revealing her identity. Before this incident, he had hardly contacted her in private.

What can this useless woman do if she doubts her only by her intuition and can't give evidence?


When it came to Jane, Sienna Henry gritted her teeth and wanted to tear Jane's bewitching face.

In addition to an enchantress face, what other skills does this Jane have?

At work, she can't help Edwin Carter. In life, Edwin Carter didn't need her help.

Just because this useless woman was drunk and vomited at Edwin Carter, and Edwin Carter remembered her, so she could marry Edwin Carter and enjoy the position of Mrs. Carter?

No, Jane Ronan doesn't deserve to stand beside Edwin Carter at all!

"Jane, you are a woman with an evil eye. You don't deserve Chairman Carter at all. If you hadn't appeared, the Carter family would have never been like this, and Chairman Carter would never have been lying there..."

In Sienna Henry's heart, Edwin Carter was a man as perfect as the God of heaven. In her heart, he was an inviolable person that wasn't in touch with reality, for her he was a Prince Charming. No woman deserves him.

Jane didn't deserve him, nor did Angela Carter....

No one was qualified to stand beside him. She wanted to protect him and let him be the man who was in the highest position and can't be touched by anyone...

But before, in order to stay with Edwin Carter, she could only pretend to flatter and say how good this woman was.

Later, when she thought about her thoughts and her words that she said for Jane, she felt sick.

"I deserve Edwin Carter or not, it's not up to you." Jane replied.

Why doesn't she deserve Edwin Carter?

Due to her family background? Looks? Money? Power? Or something?

Jane only knew that she has a unique and unmatched position in Edwin Carter's heart and Edwin Carter has a unique and unmatched position in her heart!

Money, power, family background...

All of them may be obstacles, but these things can never stop their determination to be together.




"Robert Michael, I am giving this woman to you today. Keep an eye on her, she's not allowed to step out of the door and contact anyone. If something goes wrong, you can handle it in your way."

Jane suddenly called her brother by his name. She completely showed a professional business women's attitude.

"Yes." Robert Michael, who has been commanded by his younger sister, didn't feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, he agreed readily.

"Ah..." Sienna Henry sneered and said, "Luis George, look at them. Can't you see the intentions of this brother and sister? Unless you..."

Sienna Henry has been with Edwin Carter for more than ten years. She has worked with Luis George for Edwin Carter for so many years. Luis George should believe her more.

But how about Jane Ronan?

Jane is Edwin Carter's wife, the mother of Janell Carter. Edwin Carter loves her, dotes on her and he's her backer. She cannot hurt Edwin Carter.

Sienna Henry looked innocent, but Luis George was not stupid, and above all their master was not stupid.


If this Jane only has the same face as the real Jane, their master cannot be mistaken to see it.

Originally, Luis George was wavering between the two people. What Jane and Sienna Henry just said made him make a final choice.

He never thought that Jane, who was seemingly too weak to stand up to the wind, would react so quickly when facing a problem.

Not only did she react quickly, but she also made series decisions, holding a press conference, controlling Sienna Henry, and protecting their Chairman Carter.

Thinking of these, Luis George can't help but look at Jane.

In the past, he really looked down on her. He thought that she was a weak little woman hiding under their master's wings.


He never expected that when their master is in danger, she can stand out in such a short time and even dared to support a whole world for him.

On the contrary, Sienna Henry's attitude made him feel that she knew in advance that the master would have an accident.

She clearly knew that the young master and the old master had a lot of differences. They quarreled and the master even controlled the actions of the old man, but she repeatedly proposed to let the old man come out to preside over the current situation.

Chairman Carter is the in-charge of Shengtian. There were all kinds of big shots under Chairman Carter. If he has fallen sick, his people can deal with Shengtian's affairs in minutes. There was no need for the old man to come out to control the situation.

The news of Edwin Carter's poisoning spread far and wide, and the rumor spread far more than the actual situation. Sienna Henry, who suggested asking the old man to preside over the overall situation, was really suspicious.

After deliberation, Luis George saw things clearly. He knew exactly which side he should stand on.

He took a look at Sienna Henry, then turned to Jane and said respectfully, "madam, Chairman Carter is ill these days. If you have any orders, just tell me, I will do it."

"Thank you, Assistant Luis!" Jane thanked Assistant Luis not because he chose to believe her, but that he stood firmly by Edwin Carter's side instead of being egged on by the others.


"Luis George, are you crazy?" Sienna Henry shouted, "You know they have vicious intentions for Chairman Carter, why are you helping them? Have you been colluding with them for a long time?"

Luis George believed in Jane, which clearly meant that Jane will be able to order the people under Edwin Carter's control and their plan to take control of Shengtian will be much more difficult than the original plan, which was absolutely unacceptable by Sienna Henry.

"Miss Sienna Henry, this is it, please behave yourself." Luis George gave Sienna Henry a word indifferently.

Maybe she didn't know, but her words made Luis George no longer believe her.

He has always been loyal to Edwin Carter. He thought that Sienna Henry was as loyal to his master as he was. But Sienna Henry's suspicion revealed her guilt and her behavior was the same as of a thief being caught.

Luis George chose to believe in Jane, which meant that Sienna Henry didn't finish the task assigned to her by the old master.

Sienna Henry has been lurking around Edwin Carter for so many years. Before that, the old master never asked her to help him. This was the first and the only time that the old man gave such an important task to her, but she failed. She had no face to see the old man.

Everything was caused by Jane Ronan! Without her, there would be no such things as today.

Sienna Henry got angrier, the idea of destroying Jane grew stronger in her mind. Her anger broke, overcoming her reasoning.

She frantically pounced on Jane...

Sienna Henry's speed was too fast. It was too fast that before Robert Michael and Luis George, who were standing aside could respond, she arrived at Jane's side.

Jane had an idea that Sienna Henry can turn her face at any time but Jane did not imagine that she could be so extreme.


Jane took two steps back to the wall. There was no way to go back. She could only watch Sienna Henry coming to her.


Robert Michael exclaimed and quickly reached for Sienna Henry. Just before he could catch Sienna Henry, Jane had punched Sienna Henry in the face!

Edwin Carter was worried about Jane's safety. After coming back from Kyoto, he arranged classes for Jane and Janell to learn Taekwondo together.

Jane has just learned it for one to two months, and she is still learning.

Although she wasn't very strong, the physical quality was much better. She had no problem dealing with people like Sienna Henry.

"Ah-" Sienna Henry screamed in pain, touched the beaten face, and stared at Jane angrily, "you..."

Jane clapped her hands and looked at Sienna Henry coldly, "Sienna Henry, if you tell me about the poison that they gave to Edwin Carter, we will forget everything that has happened today."

"Hum.. Miss Jane Ronan, you should be very clear about the poison. How can you ask me?" They didn't get the evidence that she contacted the old master. As long as she didn't admit it, none of them dared to do anything to her.

Jane approached Sienna Henry and whispered in her ear, "Sienna Henry, it doesn't matter if you don't say it now. I have 10,000 ways to let you speak. Next time, I will use them. At that time, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"Jane Ronan, do you dare?"

"Let's see if I dare or not."

"It seems I really looked down on you." Sienna Henry gnawed her teeth.

Jane looked at Sienna Henry quietly. Her normal bright eyes suddenly revealed an unusual and an unspeakable silence...



Jane smiled softly, but there was no emotion, "no, you didn't look down on me. It's just a person who is forced into a desperate situation by you all and she instinctively starts protecting herself. "

Sienna Henry looked at Jane's eyes and suddenly felt a deep despair!

She suddenly realized that they had made a mistake - they forced Jane who never paid attention to the worldly affairs to become the armor of Edwin Carter.

Jane's words weren't just words. She can really make Sienna Henry's survival impossible in any way.

A person can be kind, but only to other kind people. But to deal with those who betray him and want to put him to death, he has to fight back with more vicious means than them. Otherwise, they will think that it's easy to bully you, and they will become more daring!


The old man of the Carter family wanted to kill her, but she didn't think that the old man can also be cruel to Edwin Carter. No matter what, he has been the elder of the Carter family for decades.

Although this colorless and tasteless poison was not fatal, it will definitely have an impact on a normal person if he is mentally paralyzed and sleeps for a long time.

Jane took a deep breath and said, "Robert Michael, please keep an eye on her. If she causes any more trouble, you can deal with your means."

Robert Michael grabbed Sienna Henry, looked at Jane and said, "Don't worry, Mrs. Carter. I won't let this woman come out to make trouble again."

"Let go of me, Robert Michael. Let go of me..." Sienna Henry waved her hands and shouted aimlessly, but Robert Michael ignored her. He pulled the tie off his neck and tied Sienna Henry's hands behind her back.


Jane still remembered her first impression when she saw Sienna Henry. She seemed mature and knowledgeable, which is the type that many women would envy.

Obviously, she can have such grace in her life and can lead a life that many people yearn for, but Sienna Henry has become so!

Jane looked at Sienna Henry and felt pity for her being used.

The pitying eyes of Jane hurt Sienna Henry. Sienna Henry glared at Jane, kicked her legs, but Robert Michael found a rope to tie her feet.

Sienna Henry couldn't break free, she was angry and just scolded, "Jane, you are a jinx, you are a meddlesome woman, just wait and see, for how long you can be proud, for how long you can be arrogant."

"Wait and see!"

Jane snorted in her heart. Did Sienna Henry think she could break away from her?

She will never leave those who betrayed her husband easily!


After the news of Edwin Carter's coma, Shengtian hospital was surrounded by many reporters, which had affected the normal operation of the hospital.

The police station in charge of this area sent groups of police, but failed to control the situation. Finally, Jiangbei Public Security Bureau sent a group of special police to handle the situation, so the situation has improved.

After squatting for a while, some journalists realized that they can't wait any more and then they gave up. Some people still waited. They wanted to take pictures before leaving.


In this chaotic situation, Jane told Luis George to contact several famous and dignified journalists in the press circle.

The press conference was held in a conference room at Shengtian hospital.

The preparation was very hasty, but it didn't matter. The focus of this press conference was to see what kind of identity Jane held, whether she could suppress the news of Edwin Carter's serious illness, and at the same time she had to stabilize the hearts of Shengtian's board members.

In this life, Jane participated in such press conferences for the second time.

For the first time, it was on the day after her marriage with Edwin Carter, and she faced a big press conference.

At that time, the main character was Edwin Carter and other directors. She was just a humble assistant, and reporters didn't notice her. But at this time, she was the main character of the press conference, the only one.

It was the first time she had seen so many cameras and microphones facing her. It was impossible to say that she wasn't nervous, but she just pressed down the tension in her heart and changed it into strength.

Edwin Carter was in a coma in the hospital bed. She must stand in front of him to protect him from the wind and rain.

Jane took a breath quietly, tried to smile and calmly faced the questions of the reporters.

The question asked by the reporter was nothing more than about Edwin Carter's illness, and Jane also answered according to the prepared answer.


Fortunately, Luis George was very familiar with these people. They also have professional ethics. The tone of asking questions was polite. Their attitude wasn't the kind that made people want to beat them.

It took about half an hour for the press conference to end. It was so smooth that even Jane and others couldn't believe it.

In the end, Jane took a deep breath and heard Luis George saying, "Madam, if someone is deliberately messing up on our back, I'm afraid our news will not last long."

After thinking about it for a while, Jane said, "for the time being, we can only press it down in this way. It's only for a while. You can follow up with the reporters and Shengtian. I'll go to the doctor and ask about Edwin Carter."

Luis George said, "I will keep a close eye on Shengtian and on the reporter's side and I will report to you as soon as there is something."

Jane nodded, "Okay. Thank you. "

Luis George helped her with these things, and things became quite easy to do.

The poison was colorless and tasteless. Doctors have never seen it before. It has been two or three days now, but they still have no clue. At present, there was no way to wake Edwin Carter up.

Experts invited from abroad have arrived, and their results were the same as those of the previous doctors.

They needed to observe the situation of Edwin Carter again. It will take time to develop antidotes.

They needed time, but it was just a matter of urgency. She can deal with the crisis for a while, but if someone again spreads out any exaggerated news, no one will believe her.

So she only hoped Edwin Carter would wake up soon, at least before the old man of the Carter family took action.

However, when Jane was afraid of any more unfavorable situations, she got news from Luis George's side. The news that Edwin Carter was dying of poisoning has spread out. The board of directors asked for an emergency meeting.

The board of directors came out at this time that made it clear that someone controlled them from behind and everyone knew who that person was.

When Jane was at a loss due to this matter, the arrival of another important person gave her a glimmer of hope...

Victor James, commander of Jiangbei military region, Edwin Carter's uncle. He was willing to help, and he can at least ensure the safety of Edwin Carter.

If someone can guarantee Edwin Carter's safety, Jane can do what she wants to do.



Victor James was still in a military uniform. He looked very serious. From head to toe, he revealed an un-ignorable ruffian temperament.

He stood by Edwin Carter's hospital bed and just looked at him. After a long time of observation, he opened his mouth and said, "I am responsible for the safety of all of you until Edwin awakens from the coma."

"Thank you, Mr. James!" Jane thanked Victor James and looked at Edwin Carter again.

After staring at Edwin Carter for a while, Jane went back to him and sat down. She bowed her head and kissed him on his forehead.

She whispered, "Edwin, there's something I have to do. Mr. James will be here with you for a while. Don't worry about me. I'll be back soon."


Leaving her words, Jane turned around and left. On the surface, she hurried to meet Luis George. In fact, she was afraid that she could not control her emotions in front of Edwin Carter.

In front of others, Jane can be calm and confident, but in front of Edwin Carter, she can't pretend to be fine.

Whenever she saw her man lying unconsciously. She got worried and her heart ached...


When Jane and others left, Victor James received a call from the old master of the Carter family.

When he received, there was old master Carter's voice, "Victor James, do you know what you are doing?"

Victor James snorted and said, "Old master, have you forgotten what I told you?"


Victor James said again, "Edwin is my nephew. You plotted against him, as his uncle, how can I stand and watch this with folded arms?"

The old man said angrily, "You mean, you choose him and give up on Angela?"


As Victor James heard the words of the old man, he suddenly laughed. After laughing, he asked a sharp question, "Old master, are you Angela's grandfather or Edwin's grandfather?"

The old man was stunned, then said, "of course I'm Edwin..."

Victor James interrupted him and said, "He is your grandson but you drug him. This is what a grandfather can do to his only grandson? Sometimes I wonder if you're not his grandfather."

The old man explained, "This drug will only make him sleep for a while, and it will have no other impact on his body. As for..."

Hearing the old man's words, Victor James couldn't help sneering again and said, "old master, you are learned and knowledgeable. Do you need your younger generation to tell you the truth that such drugs are poisonous to a certain degree?"

Old master, "..."

Victor James said, "I can't control your Shengtian business, but in Edwin's absence I'm responsible for their safety. As long as I'm here, whoever dares to touch them, I'll make his life worse than death."

Victor James said his words and hung up the phone, regardless of the fact that who was there on the other side, whether he will give the other side a face or not, it just depends on his mood.

He didn't know what was in the old master's mind.

Edwin was the descendant of their Carter family. But the old man poisoned his grandson. Victor James really couldn't understand it.

Is Edwin's father adopted by the old man, so that the old man did something to his grandson for his own benefit?


The old man was more than 80 years old. He has almost lived his life. Why does he have to fight with the young people?

Victor James was lying on the sofa, with his feet on the coffee table. When he was staring at the ceiling and was totally dazed, he heard a slight cough, which seemed to be a voice when someone tried to suppress his coughing sound.

When Victor James looked aside, Edwin Carter was still laying quietly with his eyes closed, as if he just had a hallucination.

He smiled and said, "Fortunately, I'm brave enough, otherwise you would have scared me to death!"


It was the third day of Edwin Carter's coma. In such a short time, the news leaked out too quickly.

The board of directors distributed all over the world appeared in Shengtian headquarters in Jiangbei.

Not only all the members of the board of directors were present at today's board meeting, but also all the senior executives of Shengtian.

According to this situation, it seemed the preparation time for the other party must be no less than half a year.

Jane just calculated and thought that just half a year has passed since her return to Jiangbei.

That clearly meant, when she returned to Jiangbei, the old master of the Carter family was already plotting this matter, rather than temporarily set Edwin up.

If she didn't know the truth, she can't think that the old man can start to fight Edwin Carter. But now because she knew the truth, she didn't feel surprised. It was just that the sound quality of the recording was not very clear, and there were omissions, so the recording can't be used as evidence.

"Madam, today's directors attending the meeting are all major shareholders holding. What they say has a certain weight. No matter what they say, you must be calm and do not get angry with them."

As Luis George walked, he whispered in Jane's ear and handed her a document, "Here's a file for you. There's a list of everyone on here. You can try to remember it first and avoid every kind of contradiction."

"Okay, I see, thank you."

Jane took over the folder, opened it, and looked at it as she walked. Honestly, she hasn't memorized things in shorthand for many years. It was hard for her to use this little time to put the information of the folder into her mind, but she didn't give up.

For Edwin Carter, no matter how difficult things were, she had made up her mind to try hard.

Luis George added, "Chairman Carter is not in today's meeting, and it's held in a hurry. We haven't prepared anything as we used to. We've already suffered losses on it."

Jane nodded and didn't say a word. It was a loss for them to be unprepared, but it didn't mean they had lost.

Edwin Carter has been in charge of Shengtian for years, and his achievements were obvious to all.

There were many board members. Some of them can be bribed, but not all of them can. She can also take this opportunity to help Edwin Carter to discern who is really loyal to him, and who was making cheap moves behind him.

Jane was just about to ask Luis George a question when suddenly she was interrupted by a loud noise. She saw the old man holding his walking stick and slowly walking in with a group of people.

A group of people surrounded the old man of the Carter family, as if the old man was the emperor.

Jane saw that everyone was busy paying homage to the old man. It seemed they may have forgotten the real leader of Shengtian.

Jane looked at the old man and the corners of her lips showed a sarcastic arc.

That old master has been behind for so long, finally dared to stand up.

Wait and see who will be the winner.


It seemed that the old man noticed Jane's gaze, he looked towards Jane and his wrinkled face was full of disdain and ridicule.

Jane knew that, in the eyes of the old man, she wasn't able to threaten him, so he could ignore her and ridicule her.

Jane took back her eyes, and as she walked, she read the documents Luis George handed to her. On the first page, she saw the name of an older person, Lewis Jude.

His name was on the first page that showed that his status must be high, but there was no detailed introduction of him.


Jane asked Luis George, "Assistant Luis, who is Lewis Jude?"

Luis George said, "Lewis Jude is about the same age as the old master. He was the main person who helped the old master build the company. He holds Shengtian's 15% shares, a major shareholder among the major shareholders. But he has no children, the stock in his hand is always managed by Chairman Carter, and the annual dividend will be transferred to his account on time."

"How is the relationship between him and Edwin Carter?" she asked.

Luis George said, "He is a senior figure at the top, Chairman Carter always respected him very much, and looked after him as an elder."

"Mr. Lewis Jude is an easy-going person. He considers Chairman Carter as his grandson. When Chairman Carter was in the United States, he always took the time to play chess with him every week. After coming to Jiangbei, the time to accompany the old man became less, but Chairman Carter called him once or twice a week."


Jane did not know much about Edwin Carter's work. At this time, she heard the news from Luis George and she was a little relieved. After listening, she asked, "Why is Mr. Lewis Jude is not on the list of this meeting?"

Luis George nodded, "He is not here."

It seemed that the person who was honest with Edwin Carter and can't be bribed was excluded from the list by the old man.

Jane was sure that the people who came to attend the board of directors meeting today, were either bribed by the old master or they have already lost hope on Edwin Carter.

In the business world, Edwin Carter had such a good reputation and his ability to handle work affairs that had shocked the whole world. Edwin Carter had a strong foundation, many connections, and support of many big business figures.


At this time Edwin Carter was in the limelight, and it was impossible for the old master to replace him. He had no other option than to poison Edwin Carter, so he could collude with the board of directors to regain the control of Shengtian.

The old man's plot was flawless. However, she will not let him succeed…

"Madam, let's go to the meeting room first to prepare." Luis George made another suggestion.

"Okay." Jane had no experience of attending this kind of board of directors meeting, but Luis George has been with Edwin Carter for more than ten years. 

Today, it was her best option to listen to Luis George's suggestions more.

Shengtian's conference room was luxurious, bright and spacious, which was many times better than the innovative technology's conference room.

In such a large conference room, there were the staff who have done all the preparatory work well and put the nameplates of the participants in the corresponding positions.

People who didn't hold Shengtian shares were not qualified to attend today's meeting, but today Jane came here as Edwin Carter's wife.

Edwin Carter was unconscious, and his child was still young. As his spouse, Jane had the right to attend the meeting in their daughter's place.

When Jane and Luis George entered the meeting room, there was no one in the room and it looked empty.

Luis George pointed to the throne and said, "Madam, that position belongs to Chairman Carter."


"Oh." Jane looked up, it seemed as if she saw Edwin Carter sitting there.

He was wearing the silver-gray handmade suit he used to wear, and the glasses with golden frames. He showed the king's demeanor with every move. Everyone's eyes were on him, and no one questioned his words.

Edwin Carter was really excellent, from a young age he took Shengtian step by step and became a legendary business leader.

"Madam..." Luis George saw Jane in a daze, and interrupted, "Take a seat and I'll tell you the details."

It was really hard for Jane, who was a complete layman to preside over today's meeting. At such moments, many people get so afraid that they don't have the courage to stand up.

Jane suddenly thought of something, she asked, "Assistant Luis, there is an employee named John Alex in Shengtian. Is he eligible for this meeting?"

Luis George thought for a moment, "You mean John Alex, the husband of Laura Ferdinand?"

"It's him." Jane nodded.

"He's the head of technical support..." Luis George immediately turned over the information in his hand. "He is entitled to attend but this time there is no place for him."

"Try to get in touch with him. We can trust him." Jane really understood that in this kind of meeting often one vote can play a key role.

So, at such times, even having one more person on her side is good.


"Madame, do you really trust him?" Luis George seldom contacted John Alex and didn't know him very well. Wouldn't it be a risk to bring him here at such a critical moment?

"I believe in him." More importantly, she believed in Laura.

Laura is her best friend. That year, she was also burned and got injured by that accidental fire, but Laura didn't complain at all. Instead, she was full of guilt.

Laura is so good, so her vision cannot be bad. Jane thought she could trust her husband.

Jane was sure, and Luis George didn't question again, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to order and said, "Madam, he will be here."

Jane went to Edwin Carter's place and sat down. She took a deep breath and said, "No matter what, we can't let the old master's plot succeed."

Luis George said, "Chairman Carter has been at the helm of Shengtian for so many years if they are saying they can take it, does it mean they can take it? It's not that we won't agree, Shengtian's border members won't agree as well."

This truth was also very clear in Jane's mind, but the old man took the initiative to hold this meeting, which proved that he also has full assurance.

Jane was afraid that many border members had been bought by him.

At this time, many people entered the conference room one after another, Jane turned on the computer to read the information. Luis George bowed his head and in a low voice gave Jane a brief introduction of the visitors.

When everyone arrived, the old master holding his walking stick came in.

Because of his great prestige, when he arrived, everyone stood up to meet him.

In order to avoid any kind of criticism at this stage, Jane also stood up to welcome him and nodded to him as everyone.

The old man's sharp and gloomy eyes once again fell on Jane. His gaze was cold and sharp... his eyes had a fierce light that even a look can make people tremble...

Jane looked at him fearlessly and even gave him a polite smile. The smile on her face was also cold and did not reach the bottom of her eyes.



When everyone was seated, the host of the meeting first made a speech, "Shengtian's in-charge person Leon Carter suddenly fell ill and he is currently unable to handle the affairs of Shengtian. The major shareholders held an emergency board of directors' meeting to vote and select a suitable person to take charge of the work of Shengtian temporarily."

As soon as the host's voice fell, a board member at number one position immediately replied, "Chairman Carter is ill. Fortunately, at this time, Lord Carter is in Jiangbei, so we ask him to come out to represent Shengtian affairs, what do you say?"

The board member at the number one position spoke and many people joined him. They asked the old man to come and take charge of Shengtian.


Old master Carter waved to everyone to be quiet. He cleared his throat, smiled and said kindly, "thank you, it is an honor when Shengtian is in danger, you think of me to help."

"Leon is Shengtian in charge. From the time his elders entrusted Shengtian to him to handle. He made all the decisions. It's reasonable to say now the elder shouldn't interfere. But it is an unpredictable and unexpected condition. He was healthy before, but he suddenly fell ill and went to coma, before now, there was no sign of any sickness."

"We didn't think it could be a plot by someone, but the result given by the doctor was quite unexpected. Someone poisoned him. The doctor said it is a slow poison, and this kind of poison doesn't have its effect immediately. He has consumed it for a long time and when it reached a certain degree it flared out."

The old man said and his eyes fell on Jane.

He deliberately objected to Jane so that everyone can guess Jane as the culprit.

He continued, "He was fine. It was just for the past half a year that someone has been tampering with his diet. At present, we haven't found any evidence. But when we will find the evidence and find out the murderer, we will surely get justice for him."


As the old man spoke, everyone's eyes turned to Jane as if she was the murderer who poisoned Edwin Carter.

The old man said, "Since everyone wants me to take charge of Shengtian temporarily, I'd agree to take charge."

"You said everyone wants you to take charge of Shengtian temporarily, but have you asked for my consent?" under the questioning eyes of everyone, Jane slowly stood up.

Maybe because of the old man's presence everyone ignored Jane sitting in the position of Edwin Carter. But, as the old man pointed out that she was the murderer, everyone seemed to notice her existence.

However, Jane can't give up because she was ignored and doubted. Above all, she wasn't afraid to stand up because the old man had bought most of them.

Edwin Carter can't attend today's board of directors. She came here as Edwin Carter's wife, so the rights that Edwin Carter possessed, she also possessed.

"You?" This time, the speaker was not the old man, but the assistant Joseph, who was standing beside him, "this is the board of directors meeting. Who gives you the right to talk?"

"It is good that you know that this is the board of directors meeting." With a sneer, Jane's clear and bright eyes swept all the directors around the conference table one by one, and she looked at Joseph again, "The board members didn't speak, are you qualified to speak? Who are you? What position do you hold in Shengtian? Are you eligible to attend this meeting?"


Jane's questions in a row didn't give him a chance to interrupt. He was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm Master Carter's assistant."

"More than 20 years ago, the old man left Shengtian's affairs, after that he didn't hold any position in Shengtian's office. If he had not been invited by the board members, he would not have been eligible to attend the meeting, let alone you." 

Jane's tone was aggressive but not unreasonable, so no one in the room had any objection.

Everyone stared at the seemingly weak woman, but they were surprised by her strong aura.

After a while, a sarcastic slow cap broke out the silence. Everyone moved their eyes and saw that it was the old master Carter who was clapping. His face seemed to have the usual kindness, but the eyes could not hide the fierceness.

The old master spoke, "what a clever and eloquent speech. I haven't investigated it completely that you have been given my grandson that poison. But, you dared to come here and make trouble."

"Everything will be clear when my husband wakes up. He will tell who gave him the poison." Jane felt disgusted!

Another thief called and screamed to arrest the thief.

Can't they play some other tricks?

She was getting tired of it.

The old man said, "as long as he is in your hands, will you let him wake up?"

Jane said, "Today, I'm here in place of Edwin Carter's. I want you all to know that Edwin Carter is just in a coma for a while. He will wake up soon. His state is definitely not like the rumors that have been spread out in the outside world that he is at death's door. He is fine. So I request all the board members to seriously think about whether they want to wait for him to come back to preside over the present situation. As for the poison that the old man said, when Edwin Carter will come back, it will be clear."

"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to stand here and speak for Edwin Carter?" The old master admitted that this woman was more difficult to deal with than before.

"I am his child's mother, his legitimate wife, isn't this identity enough?"

"It's ridiculous. His wife died three years ago. He buried her in the ground. Now you are saying you are his wife, do you think we all are fools?"

"Of course you are not a fool. Still, you want to replace him!"

"You..." When it comes to this matter, even though the old man who was experienced in all kinds of battles, couldn't hold his anger. He almost roared, "You say you are Edwin's wife, who can prove it?"

"I can!"

A low voice came from the door of the conference room.

At the same time, everyone looked back and saw Edwin Carter's tall and upright figure dressed in a white shirt and black pent standing at the door of the conference room.

There was also a person behind Edwin Carter, John Alex, general manager of the Engineering Department of Shengtian headquarters.

"Chairman Carter..."

Many people exclaimed, and all of them stood up when they were staring at Edwin Carter.

Many people couldn't believe it. They didn't believe that Edwin Carter, who was on death's door was standing in front of them.

He looked absolutely healthy, it didn't seem that he was in any danger at all.

However, Edwin Carter's eyes were only on Jane. In fact, he has been standing at the door for a while and watched Jane confronting the old man confidently.

She was not flurried or confused. Each and every word she has uttered was flawless. He never knew that his Jane was so confident and composed that she can make her own figure so dazzling that one cannot move his eyes.

Similarly, Jane's eyes were also on Edwin Carter, but for a while, she can't believe it. She thought it was her own illusion. She thought whenever she was in some difficulty, Edwin Carter always appeared so timely in her side and always pulled her back from despair.

Edwin Carter watched her and under the eyes of all people, he walked towards her with his elegant and steady steps.



Edwin Carter's pace seemed to be the same as usual, at least in the eyes of many people, but Jane can see that his pace was a little bit stiff.

Yes, it was stiff.

The poison in him must not have been completely removed. He was holding on so that no one could see it…

All of a sudden, Jane was so distressed that tears rolled down from her eyes.

While facing the old master and so many board members she wasn't scared, she did not even flinch with fear, let alone tears.

But as she saw Edwin Carter, she just had a thought - he was poisoned and he is in such bad health but just because he didn't want to let her face the attack alone, he dragged his weak body and came here to help her.


Jane pursed her lips and made a great effort to suppress her worry about Edwin Carter.

When he came to her, regardless of other people's eyes she stretched her arm and put around his waist, hoping to give him some strength.

"I'm fine." Edwin Carter stood beside Jane and gave her a reassuring smile. Then he slowly looked at the other people in the conference room.

As his sharp eyes moved, those who were looking at him quietly lowered their heads.

"Edwin, I... I am glad that you are fine." 

The old man smiled and said, "Now you are fine, why not join us in today's meeting. Listen to what others want to say."

"Before others say something, I have something to say to all of you." Edwin Carter looked at the old man and stretched his hand to take a document from John Alex. "All the shares of Shengtian under my name have been transferred to Jane. From today, she is Shengtian's biggest shareholder, and I am just a person who works for her."


"Edwin, are you mad?" The old man roared and said angrily, "Shengtian was built up by your elders. How can you give it to anyone?"

"I'm happy to do that." For the first and the only time, Edwin Carter said such words in such a wayward way to his elder and the major shareholders of Shengtian.

As soon as Edwin Carter said this, everyone's eyes were once again on him, but this time, it wasn't the shocked gaze, most of them were dissatisfied.

Under the discontented gaze of everyone, Edwin Carter said again, "Luis George, send this document to everyone. In the future, I'll see who dares to say that she is not qualified to attend the board of members meeting."

"Edwin Carter, you--" the old man put a hand on his chest, he didn't finish his sentence and fell back. He almost fainted.

"Young master, Shengtian was founded by the old master through his hard work. How can you do this?" Assistant Joseph immediately supported his master and spoke in his favor.

Edwin Carter ignored assistant Joseph and continued, "Luis George, ask all the directors what else they have to say and ask if they want to do the voting for a new leader."

"Leon, since you are okay, it is obvious that you are Shengtian only in-charge. We cannot be rest assured by handing over Shengtian to anyone, only you can be Shengtian's in-charge person. And I am sure everyone will agree to it." The board member at the first position who just spoke for the old Carter spoke again.


Then someone continued, "Anyone with eyes can see that in the past ten years since Leon has been managing Shengtian, the profits of Shengtian and its subsidiaries have been increased by many times. I'm sure no one else can achieve such a result."

As Edwin Carter appeared, the people that the old man bought fell down one after another. They were all smart people. They knew which side they should choose and from whom they would get the benefit.

Old master was so angry that he couldn't speak. He could only cover his chest and glared at those who betrayed him at this moment.

Edwin Carter added, "Luis George, go and let the secretary prepare. Every one of you is invited to dinner tonight. Please enjoy yourself."

"Mr. Carter, please don't bother," The shareholder's representative said politely.

Edwin Carter said, "You have come to Jiangbei from all over the world. You all must be tired! It's a must to let you all have a good dinner."

Edwin Carter said, and his tone of inviting people to dinner was also very domineering. He has invited them, and no one had the right to refuse.

For a while, they were worried.

Does Edwin Carter really care about them? Or is he going to settle accounts with them?

They can just guess, they really had no idea.

The board members had a state of mind when they came here but when they were leaving their state of mind was completely different.

When everyone left, Edwin Carter slowly sat down.

"Edwin," Jane looked at him anxiously and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Edwin Carter patted her hand and comforted her, "sit with me for a while."

Jane sat down at his side obediently, she seemed as meek as a little sheep. There was no sign of the courage that she just had when she confronted the old master.

The old man clapped his chest and said, "Edwin, there is no outsider here. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Edwin Carter said with a sneer, "Old master, shouldn't I ask it, what do you want to do?"

"Shengtian belongs to the Carter family. How can you give it to a woman of an unknown origin?" The old man said angrily.

"She is my wife and Janell Carter's mother. To you her background is still unclear?" Edwin Carter snorted coldly and continued, "Besides, I only transferred my shares to her. Yours, my parents' shares and Angela's shares, they are still under their names as before."


Edwin Carter stopped paying attention to him and looked at Luis George, "Luis George, tell your men to be smart. How many times do I have to say that the old man is too old to walk around? In the future, such things shouldn't happen again. You have to be responsible."

"Yes, Chairman Carter." Luis George nodded and looked at the old man again, "Old master, Shengtian's air conditioning is too cold. It's easy for you to catch cold after staying here for a long time. I'll send you back now."

"Young master, this is your subordinates' attitude towards the lord Carter." Assistant Joseph opened his mouth and complained angrily.

"Lord Carter, this way please!" Luis George continued.

The old man held his walking stick, stood up and said, "Edwin, as they say, ignore your elders at your peril. Just wait and see. One day, you will get nothing from this woman."

Edwin Carter heard the old man's words, took a look at Jane who was sitting beside him silently, and suddenly smiled, "even if it is true, I am perfectly happy to do it."

"Well, let's wait for that day." Leaving the words behind, the old man left in a huff.

As the old man left, Edwin Carter's face turned pale, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Looking at Edwin, Jane was very worried. She wanted to say something but Edwin Carter dragged her into his arms.

His voice sounded over her head, "Jane, don't move, let me hug you."

Jane obediently nestled in his arms, let him hold her, and the tears like a broken thread of pearls rolled down from the eyes.

This man…

She didn't know what to say about him.

Why does he always think for her?

Can't he think for himself once?

Even for once.


Jane buried herself in Edwin Carter's arms. His white shirt was soaked in warm tears.

"My little Jane knows that crying will make her ugly. Why doesn't big Jane know that?"

Edwin Carter's gentle voice sounded on Jane's head. She reached out and tried to pinch him, but her hands were tightly holding his waist and she could not get off her hands.

He was still ill. How can she pinch him?

Jane rubbed against Edwin Carter's arms, dried her tears, and then raised her head from his arms. She reached out to wipe the sweat on his forehead, "Don't say anything. Let's go to the hospital first."

"No." Edwin Carter kissed her face secretly and said willfully, "the medicine in the hospital tastes too bitter. I don't like it."


Jane blushed, touched the place he had kissed and said, "Do you think you are only three years old? How can you not go to the hospital when you are ill?"

Edwin Carter looked at Jane's shy appearance, his mood became good and he didn't feel as uncomfortable as before, 

"Yes, you're right, I'm only three years old."

"Three years old?" Jane pinched his face and said gently, "Janell's friend Edwin is just sick, he has to see a doctor. He must be obedient and listen well."

"I won't go."

"You have to go."

"Hug me, I'll be all right soon." Maybe he was weak.... His behavior was just like a willful child.

Jane was helpless but still distressed. She stood beside him and hugged him, "Edwin Carter, you can't scare me anymore, keep it in mind."


At that time when he fainted suddenly without warning, she felt the bottom had dropped out of her world, and she could not find the way out of the immense darkness.

Finally, she decided to brace up and fight with the old man for him, because she also wanted to protect him.

"Sorry, it's my fault." Edwin Carter said.

It was he who was too careless to find that Sienna Henry, who had been with him all the time, was actually the old man's confidant.

A few months ago, Sienna Henry began to poison his tea, but he didn't notice it.

That day, he suddenly fainted. He thought he had drunk the old man's cup of tea. Later, he learned that it was not because of that tea.

It was just a coincidence.

Fortunately, the doctors around him were not so useless. They used the drugs to detoxify and made him wake up in advance. However, it will take some time for the toxicity in the body to be completely eliminated.



Edwin Carter pulled her to sit down on his legs, he chuckled, "big Jane, I really want to eat you, what should I do now?"

"..." This man is still so weak, but he is thinking about that kind of thing again?

"Let me hug you again." Edwin Carter held her in his arms, buried his head around her neck, and breathed her fragrance.

"Chairman Carter..." Luis George came into the meeting room without knocking. As he saw them together, he turned around and wanted to run.

"Running where?" Edwin Carter left Jane, raised his head and said in a deep voice, "Keep things quick and neat. I can't have any of these backstabbers on the board."

In a blink of an eye, the man who was just like a willful child has become the cold-blooded legendary leader of Shengtian.


"Yes." Luis George nodded respectfully and said, "I've arranged their dinner as you said, now I will do my next work to take back their shares."

"Very good!" Edwin Carter nodded and appreciated Luis George's ability to handle affairs.

"Edwin, you deliberately said that you transferred your shares to me to make the old master angry?" Jane heard Luis George's talking about shares and remembered what he had just said.

"Mine is yours, and I am also yours. Do we need to divide our things?" Edwin Carter gave Jane an ambiguous answer.

Jane blushed unconsciously and gave him a look that was a warning for him to restrain himself.

"Is there something else?" Edwin Carter asked Luis George, who is too ignorant. What is he doing here?


Luis George understood his master's meaning and said, "John Alex is waiting outside. He wants to talk to madam."

Edwin Carter frowned and said, "What can he say? Jane won't meet."

"You're not him, how do you know he doesn't have anything to say to me?" Jane glanced at Edwin Carter and said, "I'll go now."

Edwin Carter, "..."

He can only watch her going to meet another man.

In a small conference room of Shengtian, John Alex looked at Jane who was in a white shirt and a black skirt.

He hasn't seen her for many years. It seemed that Jane's appearance hadn't changed at all, she just looked a little more elegant and mature.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "Jane, I'm sorry!"

This was a meaningless "sorry", more than three years later, but John Alex still has to say it to Jane.

If it wasn't for his selfishness, Jane wouldn't experience all these. She would not have been cut to take out the child, and would not have been separated from her newborn child for so many years…

"Don't say that, John. In fact, I'm the one who should say it. I'm sorry." For the incident of three years ago, Jane could blame a lot of people, but Laura and John Alex were the people she can't blame.

If someone has to be blamed they should blame her.

If it wasn't for her, how could Laura have experienced that fire? The scars on her body still can't be healed.

After recovering her memory, Jane wanted to go to Laura many times, but when she thought about the pain Laura had suffered, she flinched. She was so afraid that Laura would be hurt again because of her.

"Jane..." Since that day when he was threatened to call Jane to go to the hospital, he can't let go of the guilt and pain of his heart, he even didn't say it to Laura.

According to Laura's temper, if she got to know that he was threatened and he told Jane that she was burned and in the hospital, maybe Laura will not forgive him for this whole life.

If Laura was not unconscious at that time, she would rather die than to lead Jane to the hospital.

Jane patted John Alex on the shoulder, smiled and said, "John, forget this. I really don't blame you. Don't tell anything to Laura. Live a good life with her and take good care of her."


"We are classmates, okay? If you keep Laura happy, I will be happier."

How can he be so wordy? If Edwin Carter was like this, she would beat him.

In the past, when they were at school, John Alex was decisive in his work. Isn't he reading more books and becoming more stupefied?

No wonder Laura always said that her John Alex is a fool.



Edwin Carter was not only reluctant to go back to the hospital, but also insisted on staying in Shengtian to deal with the delayed work of several days.

Jane looked at him irritably. Regardless of the consequences, today she was determined that she would do anything to drag him back.

How could he be so headstrong?

"Give me half an hour." Edwin Carter looked at Jane's angry appearance and shook his head, he said this in a somewhat helpless and funny tone.

Jane clenched her lips and stared at him angrily. If he didn't go back, she wouldn't talk to him.

"Don't be angry. I'll go back with you, hang on." Edwin Carter picked up the phone and called his secretary.


As the beautiful young female secretary came, he ordered, "Tell Vice Chairman Harvey to handle these work. The things that must have to be handled by me, let Luis George send it to my house."

"Okay, Chairman Carter." The young and beautiful secretary took the document, politely nodded and walked out. Before going, she could not help looking at Jane more.

Everyone in Shengtian knew that their Chairman is married, and his child is over three years old, but no one has met the Chairman's wife.

It has been said that Chairman's wife died in childbirth, so their Chairman Carter became both the father and a mother of the child.

Before Janell went to kindergarten, their Chairman always brought his daughter to work.

They still remembered two years ago, when the Chairman had meetings, he often stopped to change diapers and feed his baby. The Chairman's great image of a cold leader suddenly changed into a great father's image.

It was precisely because of the Chairman's caring for her daughter that everyone was convinced that their Chairman's wife must have died in childbirth.

The Chairman's wife was no more so the Chairman tried to give his daughter the love of both father and mother.

But today, Luis George brought a person, saying that she is their Chairman's wife.

For a while, Shengtian's interior looks like a frying pan. Everyone was guessing that the Chairman's wife should be his new girlfriend. No one thought about the deceased Chairman's wife.

Their Chairman is handsome and rich. He has a good body, temperament, money, and power. That's what many women dream of.

There were many women who tried to climb up to their Chairman but their cold and arrogant Chairman never took a look at those women.

Once, there was a famous female star, an actor signed by Shengtian entertainment, who graduated from a famous film academy, and just after she started her career, she received two major director's plays. In a while, she became popular internationally and had a very good reputation.

Just last year at Shengtian's annual meeting, the female star used many contacts and finally got the chance to stand beside their Chairman.



The female star was well-educated, beautiful and had a good figure. Her dress at the party was sexy, but it didn't make people feel that she was exposing herself and the makeup was also perfect.

As soon as she entered, she attracted the attention of many people. Many men came forward to talk to her, but she kept a polite distance.

Everyone thought that she didn't mean to find a boyfriend, but they didn't know that her goal had been locked in their Chairman for a long time.

After a formal introduction, she tried to move closer to their Chairman and wanted to pay respect by offering a glass of wine.

But their Chairman never cared about her feelings, in a cold way he said "I don't drink", mercilessly rejecting her.


Maybe as soon as their Chairman turned around, he didn't remember the appearance of that female star at all, but that star almost killed herself for their Chairman.

There were many things like this, but their Chairman Carter has never been moved by any woman. Everyone guessed that their Chairman must love his wife very much and now he just wanted to preserve his chastity.

Because of this, when Luis George suddenly brought a woman and said she is the Chairman's wife, everyone was shocked.

They didn't talk about whether their Chairman was seriously ill or not. Every one of them was busy talking about the Chairman's new wife.

When they saw the woman, they thought that the appearance was really outstanding, gentle, beautiful and elegant. She looked similar to Janell Carter, especially those big and clear eyes that seemed to be the enlarged version of Janell Carter.


Everyone guessed that maybe because this woman looked like the deceased Chairman's wife, so the Chairman treated her differently.

Just when they all thought the so-called Chairman's wife was just a double, the Chairman came back...when they saw their Chairman and his wife coming out of the conference room together, they noticed Chairman's tender eyes and the doting tone while talking to her.

After that, no one dared to talk against her again.

They have seen Chairman's such gentleness before, it was the unique gentleness of Chairman that he just had for his little daughter.

Jane watched the young and beautiful secretary leaving the office, and then she turned around and muttered, "There are so many young and beautiful secretaries around him, and he says that he has been missing me for the last three years. Who can believe it? As expected, men's words are not believable!"

"What?"Since Jane said in a very low tone. Edwin Carter didn't hear clearly.

"I said that you are lucky. There are dozens of secretaries around you. Most of them are beautiful and young girls." Jane admitted that she was jealous.

"Young is true but beautiful?" He just doubted Jane's vision.

Doesn't she think those secretaries are far behind her?

Jane, "..."

Forget it. This is the territory of Chairman Carter. She shouldn't offend him.

"Let's go back home." Edwin Carter shut down the laptop and got up, but just after lifting his leg, he fell back powerlessly.

Jane immediately rushed over to support him, "what's the matter?"

Edwin Carter grabbed her, chuckled and said, "I thought you were not paying attention to me."

His forehead was covered with sweat. It was clear that he could not support himself anymore, so he fell back. But in order to not let her worry, he insisted on joking with her.

Jane was so distressed that she shouted, "Edwin Carter, if you tried to bear it silently, I will walk far away with Janell, and you will never find us."

Jane just said some words in anger, but Edwin Carter took it seriously, "Jane, if you say that again, I will tie you up."

"I won't say it again. Let's go to the hospital first." Jane knew that she had said something wrong and she was brave enough to admit it.

"I said I wouldn't go, and it means I won't go." Edwin Carter was headstrong and also angry.

"... Ok, let's go home." Edwin Carter didn't want to go back to the hospital, so she had no choice but to take him home first.

However, she thought, the home is spacious and the air is good. The environment there is much better than the hospital. Maybe he can get better faster.


In a remote scenic spot-

The scenery was as beautiful as a painting. The climate was cool and pleasant. It was commonly known as natural heaven. Living here was like living in a paradise.

Angela Carter has been here for several days.

She was living in a small wooden house in the scenic spot. At night, she can listen to the sound of spring water and in the morning the sound of birds chirping. She felt very peaceful here.

After living here for so many days, Angela Carter didn't even think about Victor James. Maybe it wasn't that she didn't think about him, actually, she was still angry with Victor James.


She's angry because he saw her as a shameless woman, and she was naked in front of him and he even pretended to be a gentleman with her.

She was still very angry…

Obviously, he has the nature of a scoundrel. He is an unserious man in life, and he doesn't know how to speak well.

He taught her to do bad things before, but he pretended to be a gentleman with her when she's naked.

If she could buy explosives, she would blow him up and let him go to heaven as soon as possible to reunite with his parents, so he cannot upset her more.

At the thought of Victor James, Angela Carter hardly slapped the man in the opposite direction and said, "You damn man! Don't you think I am good enough?"


The director's voice came, and there was a round of applause. Then the director said, "Polaris, this scene is very good, take a rest. Get the next scene ready, we will shoot in five minutes."

Yes, she was shooting a scene where the supporting actor, the heroine's ex-boyfriend, was supposed to break up with the heroine.


Just as she was holding this anger in her heart, she vented all her resentment she had for Victor James on the man who played the role opposite to her.

Although it was true that in many scenes such kind of slap scenes were real, but there were still a few as fierce as she just played, there were five finger marks on the man's face.

She knew she had hit the wrong person, she was a little upset. She immediately went to the supporting actor and apologized, "I just hit too hard. I'm sorry!"

The actor smiled, "It is okay. I am glad if you are happy."

This play was invested by Shengtian entertainment, and everyone in the circle knew that Polaris was an artist of Shengtian entertainment.


Madam Daisy Fredrick, a famous agent of Shengtian's entertainment industry, only worked for one artist, Polaris. In addition to that, the gossip and scandals against her were always eliminated as soon as they were heard.

If anyone thinks about it carefully, they can guess that the person behind her is very strong. It'd better not mess with her.

Angela Carter heard him saying this and felt weird…

What does he mean that if she is happy by beating him?

It sounded like she was deliberately bullying people. Well... okay! Whatever.




Five minutes later, there was another scene between Angela Carter and the supporting actor. Their acting skills were pretty good. The shooting went smoothly.

Just after the play, Angela Carter heard someone shouting, "Polaris, your boyfriend is here."

Her boyfriend is here?

Just with the thought, Angela Carter was very happy. That silly Victor James finally was enlightened?

Surprisingly, he came to visit her here with the identity of his boyfriend. He really wants to give her such a big surprise!

Angela Carter asked excitedly, "Where is he?"

"He is in the number one lounge."

"Well, thank you!" Angela Carter jumped up happily and said as she ran, "I will treat you all today. See you at night."

All the members of the crew saw Angela Carter's excitement, and their eyes followed her.


They all thought that she was hyping the gossip, but it seemed true. After watching Polaris's reaction, it seemed she liked that man very much.

In the eyes of all people, Angela Carter rushed into the lounge with the fastest speed. Before she could see the person clearly, she rushed to him and hugged him, "Victor James, you rascal, I didn't contact you, so you come to see me, right?"

Angela Carter was so excited that she rushed to him before seeing the man's face. But when she saw the man she was holding, she kicked him, "Mr. Paul, you dared to pretend to be my boyfriend. Do you want to die?"

Angela Carter kicked him again. He can dodge and escape from her kick easily. But he didn't hide. She kicked him hard and instead of being angry, he said smilingly, "Miss Carter, have you forgotten that your boyfriend is me, not the man named Victor James."


"Want me to be your girlfriend?" Angela Carter squinted and looked him up and down, and said, "If you had Victor James's figure, his appearance, and his influence, I might have thought about it."


He wants her to be his girlfriend? He must be daydreaming!

"Angela, what would you do if you didn't get Victor James?" Mr. Paul asked with a straight face.

"I will die!" Angela Carter blurted out without thinking.

Although Victor James hasn't accepted her yet, she still believed that sooner or later he would be hers. So she was living a good life.

Mr. Paul added, "Angela, your life is much more valuable than you think. Don't make fun of your life easily."

"You think I am stupid? If Victor James dares to marry another woman, I'll kill him. Then I'll find a handsome man to marry and have children with him."

Angela Carter had a strong-minded personality. She never showed her fragile side in front of others. She always showed her aggressive side.

Actually, she never dared to think, what would happen if she really lost Victor James?

"The scenery here is very pleasant. Come with me. I have a piece of news for you."

"Not interested."

"I'm a man. Men know more about men. I can help you analyze Victor James's psychology and help you catch up with him smoothly."

"Let's go. What are you waiting for?" As she heard that he can help her pursue Victor James, regardless of useful or useless, Angela Carter didn't want to let go of the opportunity.

They came to this scenic spot in the off-season of tourism. There were very few tourists. After walking for a long time, they haven't met any person. Angela Carter can't help but nagging, "Tell me if you have anyway. My time is very precious. I don't have time to hang out with you."

Paul stood still and looked at Angela Carter, "you didn't watch the news online during your stay here?"

"I'm not interested in gossip."

"Then you mustn't know what has happened to your brother." Mr. Paul said.

Angela Carter raised her eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean? What happened to my sister-in-law?"

Mr. Paul said, "Your sister-in-law is OK. It's just that I heard that your brother is poisoned and his life is in danger."

"Bullshit!" Angela Carter didn't believe it, but she immediately took out her mobile phone and called to confirm the situation.

When the phone was connected, Angela Carter asked in a hurry, "Brother, are you ok?"

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