Saturday, July 18, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 663 - 665


CHAPTERS 663 - 665


Looking at Jane Ronan, Edwin Carter suddenly lost control and shouted, "Jane, who do you think you are?" 

Did she really think she could make him worry about her for the rest of his life? Did she really think that he could not live without her? 

Jane had just been busy with the design drafts and devoted herself to it, but with her laptop being smashed to the ground and hearing his angry voice, she brought herself back to reality. 

As she saw how angry Edwin had gotten, Jane took two steps back in shock. She wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't say anything at all. 

She had thought of the situations that might play out once they had a conversation, but none of them was this current situation. She was afraid of him, but at the same time, she felt lost and confused. 

She took two steps back, but Edwin took  three steps forward. After several steps, she was pressed against the wall by Edwin.

"Edwin, I.." Jane was afraid of Edwin's look. She wanted him to let her go, but she stammered for a long time before finding the most suitable excuse. 

"We are divorced. Please let go of me first." Her tone was panicked yet polite.

"Divorced? Let you go?" They hadn't talked to each other for a long time. But now, as they met again, she actually cited "divorce' in her first sentence.

Edwin felt that he was about to explode. He almost lost his mind and wanted to punch Jane in the head. 

Seeing Edwin's fist coming towards her, Jane was so scared that she trembled. She wanted to dodge it, but she couldn't so she closed her eyes instinctively.

If she couldn't see how he hit her, maybe it wouldn't hurt that much. However, Edwin's punch, which exhausted all the strength in his body, did not land on Jane, but it hit the wall behind Jane. 

The wall was made of cement. Edwin's punch hit the wall with all his strength. His knuckles became instantly bloody. 

He held Jane's chin hard. "Jane, open your eyes and look at me." 

Jane shook her head. She was scared! She didn't dare to! She was afraid to confront Edwin. She was afraid that all the strength she pretended to have would collapse once she saw him. 

So, she decided to be a coward. "Jane, I told you to open your eyes and look at me. Can't you hear me?" Edwin shouted as he held Jane more tightly. 

"It hurts!" The strength of Edwin's grip was getting stronger and stronger. Jane felt the pain and groaned instinctively. 

"It hurts? So you know pain too?" Edwin sneered, but he still loosened the strength in his hands. 

"Edwin, what, what the hell do you want to do?" This man, for some reason, suddenly came to her house and caused trouble today.

However, Edwin did not answer Jane's question. "Jane, do you think that just because I married you, I have to be responsible for you for the rest of my life?" 

Jane bit her lips and whispered, "I've never thought so." 

"You've never thought so? Do you know what you were doing all day long?" Edwin punched the wall again as he yelled out his frustrations. 

"Your hand...Jane was so scared that her face turned pale, but she still reached out to hold Edwin's injured hand. When she saw that he was injured, her heart also ached. 

Edwin shook her hand off and said, "My hand is injured. Are you happy that I'm injured?" Jane didn't know what to say.

Jane stared at him with her eyes wide. How could he think so? Even if they were no longer husband and wife, she hoped that he could have a good life. 

"Jane, I'm talking to you. Are you dumb?" This heartless woman didn't want to say a word to him, didn't she? 

Jane did not answer. He was angry, so she wanted to just let him vent. She knew that after he calmed down, he would be fine. 

"You don't want to say anything, do you?" Edwin held her chin tightly again and forced her to raise her head. He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. Well, it was not a kiss. He was obviously biting her. 

Jane's lips were bitten, and blood flowed out. He sucked her sweet blood like a vampire. Jane pushed him away. After struggling for a few times, she found that his arms were too strong and she could not push him away at all. 

Jane gave up and stopped pushing him away. This had happened before, so she didn't care that much. Jane put her hands down from Edwin's chest. She stopped struggling, and Edwin rationality was gradually coming back. 

He let go of her and stroked Jane's lips with his rough fingers. He said calmly, "Jane, if I want to kill you, it will take only a few minutes." 

What was wrong with him? Jane looked up at him, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Janell standing at the door. 

The little fellow's fearful eyes were on her father and mother. Jane said worriedly, "Edwin, Janell is still there." 

Edwin stared at Jane and sneered, "Jane, other than your design work, is there really anybody else in your heart?" 

"I...." Why did he come here to say these words to her today? Why did he come here to disrupt her peaceful life, which she took so long to gain? 

Jane did not understand, and she was both panicked and afraid. She added, "Edwin, we are divorced. You can't interfere with my affairs." 

Edwin smiled coldly and said, "Our child was injured under your watch. I can't even ask anything about it?" 

"Injured? Janell is injured?" Jane looked at Janell and walked past Edwin. She wanted to run over and hug Janell but she was pulled back by Edwin. 

Edwin said gloomily, "Jane, don't forget that it was you who proposed to divorce me. You didn't want anything to do with me. I won't give the child's custody to a woman who is as heartless as you are." 

"Edwin... The child, no..." Jane panicked. She didn't even know what she wanted to say. 

"I have nothing to do with you in this life anymore. Whatever you want to do, it's up to you." Edwin held her wrist tightly. 

"Damn it," he thought to himself, "this woman has lost weight again." 

"Edwin, but, Janell.." Jane stammered. 

"You still want Janell?" Edwin chuckled. 

"What makes you think that you can have Janell? Did you ever do your duty as a mother for a whole day?" 

She was trying very hard to be a good mother. She used all her remaining time besides caring for her to make more money so that Janell could live a better life in the future. 

Edwin continued, "You only have your job in your heart. Well, then you should work hard in your job. I'll take Janell away, and we won't disturb your life anymore." Edwin had lost his patience. 

He just wanted to say these harsh words to her so she could share his pain with him. Otherwise, she would never feel the heartache he felt when he heard the word "divorce"..


"Edwin, don't." Jane instinctively reached out her hand to grab Edwin, who was about to turn around and leave. 

She was holding onto his clothes tightly. She was hoping that Edwin wouldn't take Janell away from her when she was not mentally prepared. 

Janell was her only motivation to be strong. She had already lost him, so she didn't want to lose their child. She knew she needed to beg him. 

Maybe by begging him, he would change his mind. Jane was ready to say something but eventually decided to keep quiet. 

Edwin was right. She failed her duty as a mother. She had no right to ask him to keep the child by her side. When she was pregnant with Janell, she was not able to protect her and she was surgically removed from her. 

She gave birth to Janell when she hadn't reached full term, hence Janell was a premature baby. 

If Edwin hadn't taken care of her so well, Janell wouldn' t be able to live so well. Later on, Jane lost her memory and couldn't even recognize herself. 

Therefore, she couldn't even recognize her daughter too. Within those three years, Edwin was the one who raised Janell diligently, and turned her into such an adorable and sensible child. 

Edwin had spoiled their daughter and took amazing care of her. Janell was also very attached to her Daddy. None of them could leave each other's side. So therefore, out of the three, she was the redundant one. 

As Jane recalled the past, the hand that she held so tightly onto Edwin's shirt loosened and dropped down gradually. In the end, she was no longer strong and furious, she just spoke weakly, "I'm sorry!" 

She felt sorry for Janell, because she had not fulfilled her role as a mother. She was also sorry for Edwin, because she had not been a good wife all this while. 

"Sorry?" Edwin knew that Jane had given up from her loosened grip. He stood in front of her and looked at her gloomily. "Who did you say sorry to? Why did you say sorry?" 

Jane shook her head and repeated, "I'm sorry!" 

Edwin grabbed her shoulder and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Jane, I'm asking you a question. Answer me!" 

"I don't know!" She didn't want to explain further. She had failed all her roles completely, so what was the point of explaining? 

"You..." There was nothing left for her to say. Edwin also went speechless and let go of her shoulders. 

"Leave." Jane took a lot of courage and strength to say that. She turned around as soon as she said so, trying to hide her tears from Edwin as he did not want him to see how helpless she looked. 

Damn it! She still didn't want to say anything. 

"Fine, we'll leave now. From now on, we will be careful not to see you anymore." Edwin clenched his bleeding fists really hard. He had been so patient with her and he could no longer take it. 

Finally, he turned around and strode away with Jane in his arms, who was still frightened. 

Jane listened to their footsteps and knew that they had left. She finally relieved the tension she's been holding on all this while and slid down to the floor weakly. Her tears streamed down from both sides of her cheeks like a waterfall.

How could her heart hurt so much? Every time she breathed, she felt like someone was stabbing her heart. She had lost her will to live. She was still assuring herself earlier that everything would be okay, as life would still go on no matter what. 

But right at this moment, she felt that her world had stopped as her husband and daughter walked away from her. She was now in a dark world that she didn't know how to get out of. 

Dark world! 

She was very familiar with the dark world. She used to live in this dark world for many, many years. She used to work hard just like any other person during the day and lived an absolutely normal life. 

But in the dead of night, she would be living in another world. There was no light, only mere darkness and blood. 

There were many demons living there with her. They were often waiting  on her so they could swallow her whole. She struggled in the dark world of her nightmares all those nights. She could not find the way out, and all she felt were panic and fear. 

"Buzz, buzz, buzz Her phone suddenly rang. Jane seemed to see a glimmer of hope when her phone rang. Was Edwin going to return Janell to her? 

Holding the thought of that possibility, Jane wiped her tears and rushed to get her phone. She greeted excitedly, "Hello?" 

"Jane, it's me!" A light male voice responded on the phone. Through the phone, Jane could feel how excited that guy was. She could even vaguely imagine how he would be smiling over the phone. 

"Why, why are you still calling me?" Jane was totally frightened when she heard the voice that she's even forgotten about her sadness, 

It was Ed Yates! It was him! She had gotten herself a new number after arriving in New York. How did Ed Yates get her new number? Was he following him? 

The more she thought about it, the more terrifying it became. Jane could feel that there were a pair of eyes staring at her from behind. She turned around to look back, but she could not see anything. 

"It has been a while since I last contacted you. I'm calling to send you my greetings and also wondering if you've been well recently. Is the baby in your belly doing well?" Ed spoke calmly, as if they were old friends who had not seen each other for a long time and simply wanted to catch up. 

Ed spoke so casually, but every word he said would turn into terrifying notes in Jane's ears. "Ed Yates, I've already done what you asked me to do. Please don't disturb me anymore." 

Ed Yates specifically mentioned the baby she was carrying so Jane rubbed her belly subconsciously. 

She had been pregnant for four months now. Her belly started to bulge slightly, and she could occasionally feel the movement of the baby too. 

She was more clearly reminded that she was carrying a new life inside of her. Yes, she no longer had Edwin or Janell, but she still had the baby in her belly... 

This time, she would protect her child no matter what and never let anyone hurt herself or her child again. She needed to be a good mother. 

"Disturb? I was calling to show my concerns and check if you were doing well." He still sounded very calm. 

"I'm fine. I have nothing for you to worry about," Jane responded with grit. 

Ed Yates then added, "Oh, I'm relieved to hear that you're good." 

Jane yelled, "Ed Yates, what on earth do you want to do?" 

"What do I want to do? You will soon find out what I want to do." Ed Yates chuckled. 

"Jane, take care of your baby. Okay, goodbye." Ed Yates hung up right away without saying anything else..


Jane was in a state of utter confusion as she looked at her phone. She couldn't quite believe that Ed Yates had called her just to have a casual chat. 

Moreover, his last sentence indicated that he was going to do something terrible to her. What could Ed Yates do now? Was he going to go after Edwin? 

Jane felt even more restless when she thought about Ed going after Edwin. She could never allow Ed Yates to do anything that would hurt Kevin. 

"I can't let Ed Yates hurt Edwin!" Jane stared at the phone and murmured. 

She tried to redial the number earlier, but when she called, she only heard the cold and unresponsive generic reply -the number you dialed had been turned off.

Ed Yates had turned off his phone as soon as he hung up! What exactly was he planning? Jane circled around the room anxiously. She couldn't just watch as Edwin get hurt. 

Jane considered her plan carefully and decided to call Edwin to inform him about. He needed to be prepared for any upcoming threats. 

Even if she would feel uncomfortable with Edwin's cold and heartless voice, it didn't matter. She just needed him to be fine! 

She bit her lips as she looked at her phone. She looked at Edwin's contact number for a very long time. Jane stared at her phone and took a long deep breath before making the call. 

After two beeps, the line was cut off right away Edwin didn't answer her call! 

Jane was heartbroken and worried the same time as she stared at the disconnected call. What if Ed Yates did something to Edwin before she could inform him? What should she do then? 

Jane's mind was already a complete mess, in addition to her worry for Edwin's safety. She was too flustered and didn't know what to do all of a sudden. 

Laura rushed over to her just when she was feeling very anxious. Jane was so happy to see Laura, like she was her knight in shining armour. 

She said to Laura hurriedly, "Laura, you know where Edwin lives, right?" Since Edwin did not answer her call, she could go to Edwin instead. She must inform him about the call regardless and not take any chances. 

"Jane, what's going on between you and Edwin? Can you tell me?" Laura held Jane's hand and asked patiently. 

John Alex received a call from Hal Barnes earlier, where he asked her to come over to check on Jane... 

Laura was being summoned specifically, so it must have been Edwin's order. Laura really couldn't understand what was going on. 

Edwin was obviously very concerned about Jane, but instead of speaking to her directly, he was asking someone else to do it on his behalf. 

Jane was on the verge of tears. "Laura, could you please tell me where Edwin is? I have to find him." Jane was desperate. 

No matter where she was, Edwin could always find her. But what about her? 

Even though he had just left and might not have gone too far, she still couldn't find him even if she wanted to. As long as Edwin did not want her to find him, she would never be able to.

It turned out that the distance between the both of them was getting further. Even though they were physically close, she could never reach out to him. 

"Yes, Karen, I know, but." Hal had ordered John to not reveal where Edwin lived, so Laura did not know what to tell her either. 

"Laura, just tell me!" This time, Jane's tears were already swirling around her eyes, and she could just cry any minute now from the intense anxiety. 

"Jane, can't you just tell me what's going on between you and Edwin?" 

When Jane first arrived in New York, Laura had asked about them before. However, Jane asked her to give her some time to think it through, and Laura did not ask again since. 

When Edwin came over a few days later and lived next door to Jane, she thought that they would make up soon. 

But an entire month had passed, and there was no sign of their reconciliation. In fact, their relationship seemed to be getting worse. 

"Laura, I'll tell you when I find him,okay? Please,please. Tell me, where is Edwin?" Jane's throat was turning hoarse. She sobbed and wiped her tears away. 

"Laura, please tell me!" She had to find him. She had to find him no matter what. 

"Jane, what are you on about?" Laura was aching upon seeing the desperate plea of Jane. She dragged Jane to the window and said, "Edwin lives right next door to you. He has been staying here since the third day you arrived in New  York." 

"Next door?" All this while,Jane knew that Edwin saw Janell every day and that he was in New York, but she really didn't expect Edwin to live so close to them. 

"Yes." Laura nodded. 

"Laura, thank you!" After getting the answer she needed, Jane ran out of the house. 

Laura didn't even manage to ask her to slow down. Jane rushed to the courtyard next door and looked at the closed door... 

She passed by the courtyard almost every day when she went out for groceries, but she'd never realize the person who lived there was Edwin. 

Jane took a deep breath, then she raised her trembling hand and pressed the doorbell. She pressed it over and over again, but no one came to the door. 

Edwin was definitely in there, but he didn't respond at all. It proved exactly what he just said. He didn't want her to appear in front of them again. 

Without any response from Edwin, Jane took out her phone and dialed Edwin's number. This time, the call was cut off as soon as it was connected again. 

It was still snowing so it was absolutely freezing outside. Water vapour could even turn to ice. Jane was always afraid of the cold. She was never able to withstand the cold even if she was out in the snow for just a while. 

But today, she was braving through the cold and appeared unbothered. Without any response from him, she decided to text Edwin. 

She typed a line with her trembling hands, Edwin,open the door. I will only say a few words to you. I just need two minutes. It won't take much of your time! 

Just like any other time when she texted, there was no response from him. However, Jane did not give up.She had to wait until Edwin opened the door. 

She had to tell him that he was in a dangerous state, so no matter how cold it was and how long she had been standing outside, she had to tell him. 

"Jane, it's snowing and you're standing out here. You'll catch a cold!" Laura chased after her and tried to persuade Jane to go back. 

"Laura, you're expecting soon, right?" Jane cleverly changed the topic. 

"Yes, very soon. This naughty boy has been very good at picking the right time. He probably couldn't wait for the New Year's, that's why he might be coming out soon." 

Laura realized Jane's tactic and came to her senses, "Wait, we're talking about you now. Come home with me first."

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