Sunday, July 19, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 666 - 668


CHAPTERS 666 - 668


"Laura!" Jane looked at Laura and smiled as she spoke, "From high school, to university, to moving to Jiangbei, and up until today, you've been taking care of me so well all these years. Thank you and I really appreciate all that you do."

When she left her family, Laura was by her side. Right at this moment, when she was helpless and worried, Laura was also by her side without a doubt. 

Laura was her closest friend and also her best friend. She helped and took care of her whenever possible, but she could not take Laura's help and care for granted. 

Laura had a family, and her baby was due soon. She had her own life to take care of so how could she ask for her help and support all the time? 

Jane was always very clear about this. She could not owe Laura so much! Jane was smiling but Laura could see her tears flowing down. 

Her heart ached as she knew how much Jane was suffering. "You silly girl, why are you telling me this now? Do you not want me as your friend anymore?" 

"Laura, I'm not pushing you away. But I want to solve this on my own, okay?" Jane said softly. 

Laura was burned by fire because of her. The scars from the burn were still on her body. Now that Laura was about to deliver a baby and live a happy and stable life, she could no longer let Laura get involved in any dangerous situations. 

Ed Yates was a dangerous man. He was definitely not someone to be trifled with. Jane knew that very well, and she had never tried to offend him. Yet somehow, he had been keeping an eye on her... 

She knew that he would not give up so easily. She hoped that Ed Yates was only coming for her. Even if she had to risk her life to fight with him, she was not afraid at all. 

However, she was concerned that Ed  Yates would hurt Edwin behind her back. While she knew Edwin could defend himself from Ed Yates, but with Ed Yates constantly lurking behind their backs, no one knew when Ed Yates would attack next. 

Laura hesitated and said, "Jane, but..." 

"Laura, I have divorced Edwin." Jane took a deep breath and said calmly. "It's not that he was not good enough, nor was he treating me badly. Instead, he was too good and took extremely good care of me. Do you know whenever I was with him, I would be very scared? I was afraid that he would suddenly leave me one day, just like my mother. I didn't even manage to see her before she passed away." 

"Jane, that won't happen." Laura knew Jane very well and she understood what she was worried about. 

Jane replied with a bitter smile, "Laura, it happened to my mother, and it happened to my father too. Not only my parents, you have also been hurt before because of me.. Laura, I am scared, I am really scared. I'm living in fear daily as I expect bad news every day."

Laura tried to calm her down, "Jane, but do you know that Edwin cares about you very much? Otherwise, he would never have decided to come looking for you all this way and decided to live right next door." 

"I know.." Jane smiled and added, "Laura , go home for me please. Please don't let John Alex worry about you." 

Of course, she knew that Edwin was very good to her. And because of this precise reason, she had to stay far away from Edwin.

"Jane, you... "

"Laura , go home please." Jane was very firm with her request, so Laura went inside her house reluctantly. She would turn back with every step she took. She was very afraid that as soon as she left, Jane would collapse to the ground. 

Jane looked at her with a reassuring smile, as if she was saying, "Don't worry, I'll be fine." 

She should believe in Jane. She might have looked weak on the outside, but she was extremely strong on the inside. She would not collapse so easily. 

Jane had never given up so easily her entire life. She went through so much, so she knew very well what she was doing. 

Laura reassured herself of Jane's capabilities. She took a deep breath and went home, 

Jane finally looked away as she saw Laura enter her house, Yet, the eyes that were full of hope dimmed out that instant too. 

She rang the doorbell again and again, but the people inside didn't respond at all. Jane took out her phone again after a while and sent another text to Edwin, 

"Edwin , I only want to say a few words to you, only two minutes. I will not disturb you in the future. Please come out." 

After typing out that message, Jane looked at her phone repeatedly. She made herself sound desperate enough, so she really hoped that Edwin could come out to see her this time. 

Yet, there was no reply, again. No response to the doorbell, not picking up the phone call, and not replying to her texts.. 

Jane had tried every possible method possible, yet Edwin still did not respond to her. So, the only thing left to do was to stand by her door and wait.  She had to wait until Edwin came out to see her. 

In the meantime, the house felt like another world inside. The heater was turned on and it kept the house warm. It didn't feel like winter at all. 

"Daddy!" Janell called Edwin softly while pulling the corner of his shirt gently. 

However, Edwin, who was deep in thought, did not respond to her. She pursed her lips and felt so mistreated that her tears were already rolling in her eyes. 

"Daddy, I want Mommy and you to be together!" Her father didn't hear what she said the first time, so she repeated her words until her father was able to notice her. 

She didn't want to see her father quarrel with her mother. She didn't want her parents to be separated either. She hoped that they would be together forever. They would raise her together and never separate from each other, so she could be the happiest child alive. 

Edwin finally came to his senses. He patted Janell's back, and said softly, "You will be with me tonight, and once your arm has fully healed, then you can find Mommy." 

At the end of the day, what he told Jane was completely out of anger. After taking some time to calm down, he realized he could never take Janell away from Jane. 

"I don't want Mommy to be sad! I want to see Mommy now!" Janell pursed her lips and frowned. 

If her father refused to let her see her mother, she would be crying out loud. 

"Baby... Edwin caressed Janell's head lovingly and said, "You're really worried about mommy, is that right?" 

"Yes, yes!" Janell nodded vigorously. 

Edwin asked again, "You want us to be together forever, is that right?" 

"Yes, yes, yes!" Janell continued nodding her tiny head. 

"Then can you promise me that you will be staying with me for two days without worrying about anything else? I will sort out the rest of the things, okay?" 

Edwin spoke very calmly and gently to her without any signs of impatience at all. "Daddy, mommy is outside. It's snowing quite heavily outside." Janell saw her mother standing outside from the surveillance camera. She felt so bad. 

"Alright. Go play. I'll know what to do." 

Janell was not the only one who was worried about her mother, as he was also worried about his wife. However, Jane had been insisting on drawing a clear line in their relationship so that he wouldn't worry about her..


Every time Jane sent a message, Edwin would check it immediately. But, he was disappointed every time he looked at her texts. She was not giving up and kept pestering him, all because she wanted him to return Janell. 

So as long as he gave Janell back to her, she would no longer come looking for him. Edwin held his phone tightly. He was suppressing his waves of anger and pain, and trying to calm himself down again and again. 

He was so frustrated at her adamance. "Daddy." Janell was so worried about her mother that she was close to tears. She didn't understand why her father didn't want to open the door to let her mother in. 

Her mother had been standing in the snow all this while. What if she got sick from the cold? If her mother got sick from the cold and she lost her mother, she would be extremely upset. 

"Daddy, I want Mommy!" Janell said pitifully.

Edwin did not pay attention to Janell. He looked out of the window and fixed his eyes on Jane who was standing still in the snow. 

The snow was still falling heavily. Jane's hair had been covered with a thin layer of snow from standing out there for a while. 

She was usually scared of the cold. But today, she stood right there and did not move an inch as if she was unbothered by the cold. 

The more Edwin looked at her, the angrier he became. Yet, he felt his heart ache more than he felt angry. After all, she was a woman who was also pregnant at the moment. 

Why did he have to make things so difficult for her? If something happened to her and the baby, he would be the one who would be heartbroken in the end anyway..

All he needed to do was to tell her this important truth. Whatever it was, she would always be his woman, and she would not be able to leave him, ever. 

All he needed to do was to tell her this! So what was the point of their game now? 

Edwin finally opened the door and rushed to Jane's side. Without saying anything, he grabbed her by the waist and carried her away. 

Damn it! This woman was pregnant, but she was terribly light. He could barely feel any weight when he carried her. 

Had she not been eating well all this while? Why was she still so thin? It was definitely her fault for not taking good care of herself. But, it was also his fault for allowing her to do whatever she wanted.

When they entered the warm house, Edwin still didn't let go of Jane. In fact, he hugged her even tighter. Edwin was holding Jane so tightly in his arms that Jane could feel his warmth. 

Jane tried to get out of his arms. However, she wanted the warmth from his embrace, so she remained there. 

She just wanted to embrace Edwin's warmth for a little longer, and enjoy the feeling of being held in his arms once again. Edwin held her in his arms without saying anything. Jane remained silent too. 

It was rare for the two of them to be so cooperative for once. It felt like they were both enjoying the brief moment of intimacy they were sharing. It was a brief moment of intimacy because there were still too many problems between them that had not been solved yet. 

They were very close to each other, but they were getting further apart at the same time too. After quite a while, Jane raised her head from Edwin's arms and looked at him. 

Edwin also gently let her go and asked calmly, "So what do you want to tell me?" 

The room was warm because of the heater. However, as soon as she came out of Edwin's embrace, she felt like she was in a snowy place again.

She could no longer feel the warmth. Her body that was warmed up earlier seemed to have turned cold again in an instant. Especially her heart, where she felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar. It was aching from the cold. 

She looked over at Edwin worriedly, and then she spoke cautiously, "Ed.. Edwin, I'm not here to take Janell away from you.." 

"Cut to the chase. Go straight to the point." Edwin took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He wanted to hear what else she had to say.

Jane lowered her head again and said, "I just want to tell you that Ed Yates called me earlier.."

"What? Ed Yates called you? How did he have your new number? And why would you answer his call?" 

As soon as Edwin heard Ed Yates's name, he became furious. When Edwin exploded in anger, Jane could not hold him back either. She wanted to escape, but Edwin did not allow her to. 

"Jane, I asked you questions. Answer me!" This time, he did not allow her to be a coward again. No matter what he had to make her speak out.

"Edwin, listen to me!" Jane was also getting angrier, so she yelled back loudly. 

As soon as Jane's temper rose, Edwin calmed down a lot. He did not speak more and waited for Jane to continue. 

Jane pursed her lips and added, "I don't know how Ed Yates knew my phone number. I only know that he may be going after you. Something's going to happen." 

"He called you and told you that he will come after me? Is that so, Jane? Huh?" Edwin let out a cold laugh suddenly but there was a hint of sadness. 

Ed Yates wanted to hurt him, but he gave Jane a warning call first. How was this believable at all? Edwin did not believe that Ed Yates would be that stupid. 

"Yes. No.." These were all Jane's guesses. She paused and tried to rephrase, "Ed Yates didn't say it clearly. So I was just guessing that he was coming after you." 

"You insisted on seeing me because you were worried that he would do something bad to me. Is that right, Jane?" Edwin's tone seemed calm, but he actually took a gulp before asking and was holding his fists tightly. 

Edwin's non-verbal gestures have betrayed him. In fact, he was not as calm as he looked on the surface. He was actually very nervous. He held his breath and waited for Jane's answer. 

As long as Jane gave him an assuring answer, he would happily take on whatever challenges without hesitation. 

"Yes, I'm worried that he will hurt you, so I have to see you. Edwin, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I want you to be fine." 

No matter how much his words had hurt her, she would never blame him. All she wanted was for him to be fine. 

She said yes! She said yes, and that she was worried for him! That was an assuring answer! Edwin suddenly smiled when he tried to replay Jane's answer in his mind. 

It was not a sneer, nor a sad smile, but a genuinely happy smile from the bottom of his heart. That smile was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen on him. 

In comparison to all his smiles from before, this was the most gorgeous and charming one. 

He added, "Then, Jane, do you know that without you by my side, my heart was absolutely empty?" 

How was he fine at all, being without her? On the contrary, as long as Jane was by his side, he would have infinite strength. Even if he had to encounter a lot of bad things, it didn't matter as long as he had Jane by his side..


He looked at her tenderly. She would always feel weak when he had his adoring eyes on her. He told her with his familiar seductive and pleasant voice that his heart was absolutely empty without her.

Jane wanted to go closer and embrace his tenderness, She really wanted to go back to him, raise their children together, and slowly grow old with him. 

Just as she was trying to walk up to Edwin and submit herself to him again, she heard voices in her mind. 

"Jane, no." 

"You can't go back to Edwin's side. Don't forget how your mother died, and how your father was killed." 

"If you don't want Edwin to become the third person, then stay away from him and don't appear next to him again." 

Like a bucket of ice water, the voices woke Jane up just in time. She woke up from the loving dream that Edwin had painted for her. She was here to warn him about Ed Yates. 

She was not here to listen to his confession of love. Whatever was going on now was completely beyond Jane's expectation. She had to act rationally.

Jane shook her head and turned around as she tried to escape. But immediately, Edwin caught her. Edwin raised her hand and placed it on his heart. 

He said slowly, "Jane, do you feel it? This heart is beating faster just for you." 

This heart had been beating so slowly for so many days.Today, when he heard that she was worried about him, this heart finally came back to life again. 

His heart would only beat for her, and she was the only person who could bring him back to life. 

When he saw her happy, he would be in absolute joy, and when she was not around, his heart was also "dead".

Jane could feel that Edwin's heart was beating very fast. The more Edwin behaved like this, the more worried Jane was. She wanted to withdraw her hand, but Edwin held her tight and kissed her on the lips. 

"Jane, Ed Yates can't do anything to me. Why can't you believe me for once?" She believed in him, but she was afraid... 

From a rational perspective, she knew that Ed Yates could not do anything to Edwin. But what if he did?

Nothing in the world was absolute. What if something bad happened to Edwin because of Ed Yates? What would happen to Janell then? What would happen to her and the baby then? 

Jane did not dare to think about what might happen, so she would rather endure the heartache and therefore proposed a divorce. She knew Edwin would be safer without her. 

"Jane , answer me! Don't keep everything to yourself. Talk to me!" Edwin tried to communicate with her. If neither of them spoke, this knot would never be untied. 

Jane shook her head and remained silent. She was not willing to say anything. Jane's silence had annoyed Edwin. He really did not know what he should tell her. How could he convince her that Ed Yates would never be a threat to him and that she could return to him safely? 

He looked at her and reached out to touch her face. "Jane, let's have a proper conversation." 

"Edwin, we have divorced. There is nothing to talk about!" Jane could only use this excuse to push him away. 

"Divorce? Do you really want the divorce from the bottom of your heart?" Edwin squinted his eyes and his heart ached. 

"... I mean it!" She didn't. She didn't want to divorce him at all. But she couldn't go back to him and bring him more disasters. 

"You do?" Edwin wanted her to act more logically. Did she really know how hurt he was when she said those words? 

"Edwin, be careful of Ed Yates. I'll go now." Once again, Jane chose to be a coward and escape from it all. 

But this time, Edwin would not allow her to escape. He held Jane's head and forced her to look into his eyes. 

"Jane, I really like you. I want you to stay by my side and keep you in sight at all times. Four years ago, I had already experienced the pain of losing you. I don't want to experience that kind of pain again. Whether you agree or not, you are my wife. I will not let you go this time no matter what." Edwin gritted his teeth. He'd pulled so much strength in him just to say every single word out. 

"Edwin, don't do this... " Why did he say this to her? She was already reluctant to leave him, and with what he just said, she was even more reluctant now. 

But she knew she had to leave him no matter what. Jane was crying her eyes out as Edwin ended his confession of love. She shook her head in tears. 

"Edwin, there's no more us and we can never be together. Please don't make things harder." She didn't need more hope from him. Why did he have to say those words that would make her in pain again? 

"What about me? Then what on earth do you want me to do? Tell me, I'll do what you say, okay?" Edwin begged in a hoarse voice.

In the business world, Edwin was the one at the top of the pyramid. He was an absolute legend that everyone looked up to. However, when it came to Jane, he was just an ordinary man; a man who was as humble as a worm for love. 

Jane wiped her tears and replied, "Edwin, let me go, and promise me you will live a good life with Janell, okay?" 

"Jane, I won't let you go again." He was serious about not letting her go this time. 

"Edwin, we can't do this. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. My father, my mother, they all died because of me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you too, do you understand?" 

Jane was really anxious. The more anxious she was, the more tears were streaming down her face. 

"I have said that Ed Yates can't hurt me. I have also said that I will not let you leave me again this time." Edwin's tone suddenly changed. His tone was firm and overpowering, completely different from the Edwin who had just confessed to Jane earlier. 

"Edwin..." Jane still wanted to add more, but Edwin held her head up. He shut her mouth with his lips over hers. 

After a long while, he let go of her eventually and said softly, "Jane, I'm warning you, don't say a word I don't want to hear again, or you'll have to bear the consequences." 

He forced her to stay by his side. Even if she would hate him, it no longer mattered because he had her by his side. 

"Mommy, please don't leave Daddy. I want you, Mommy!" Right at this critical moment, Janell came out and spoke loudly.

She ran over and hugged her mother's thighs so that she could beg for her to stay, just like what her father was doing. She was not going to allow her mother to leave again. Because she didn't want to be a child without a mother..

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