Monday, July 6, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 630 - 632


CHAPTERS 630 - 632


 The destination on the flight ticket was New York, United States. It would take about 16 hours to fly from Jiangbei to New York. 

A few days ago, Jane and Laura had a phone conversation and were discussing about her visit to the States. 

But now, without having to go through the hassle of applying for visas and purchasing tickets, everything was prepared for her. 

This unintentional move from Edwin had indeed saved her a lot of trouble. 

Robert was driving. He looked at Jane from the rearview mirror and asked worriedly, "Jane, are you okay?" 

Jane looked fine, as if the divorce between her and Edwin hadn't impacted her. But the more she reacted this way, the more concerned everyone was. 

"What can really happen to me?" Jane smiled and replied, "Brother, if you don't want to go to New York, you can just send us to the airport." 

"You're pregnant, and you have two children with you and a dog. Do you think I can let you go to the States alone?" Robert glared at her from the rearview mirror, he didn't care whether she could see him or not. 

Jabe held her children, one in each arm and said with a smile, "Andrew and Janell are both big kids now. They won't be much of a worry for me." 

Andrew was a sensible child. Although he was young, he had always been very considerate and would take good care of his sister. 

"Mommy, I will take good care of you and sister in the future." Andrew patted his chest, like a little man. He didn't know where they were going. He would go wherever his father arranged him to go, as long as he had his parents together. 

"Well, then from now on, mommy and sister will depend on you." Jane rubbed Andrew's head. She was already thinking about how to find Andrew a school and what kind of school he should attend in the States. 

Andrew was not born into a privileged family. He had suffered a lot growing up. 

Even at eleven years old, he still had no formal education. Unlike his family, Janell had family from all around the world, even her servants were from the United States. 

As a four year-old girl, she could communicate with different people comfortably. 

After arriving in the United States, Jane wouldn't need to worry about Janell adapting to a new environment. 

"I want to take care of mommy too!" Janell looked at Andrew and said in her stubborn tone. She surely didn't want Andrew to steal her limelight. 

"Very well, with the two of you taking care of me, I can just relax and enjoy myself from now on then." Jane pursed her lips and smiled. 

It was excruciating to lose someone, it was a pain that was completely unimaginable. 

But at the same time, she had also gained a lot, she still had Janell and Andrew by her side. 

The road ahead might not be easy, but it did not matter. As long as she had her children by her side, she could still have a wonderful life ahead. 

Could it really be wonderful though? 

She laughed in a self-deprecating way. 

The divorce was filed pretty quickly, and it ended her relationship with Edwin just like that, an absolute clear cut. 

However, the imprint he had left with her would never go away. Edwin really meant something to her. 

Jane focused all her attention on the kids, she didn't even notice that there was a car following them all the while. 

They entered the airport highway, and the car was still following closely behind them. 

Not long after both of the cars entered the highway, a few military off-road vehicles caught up with them. They quickly surrounded the car that was tailing Jane's. 

Soon after the military off-road vehicles entered the highway, the entrance to the highway was blocked, preventing any cars from entering. 

Until Jane's car was far enough, the military vehicles stopped the car that was following Jane's car. 

"Captain James, the targeted car has been blocked. Please give your order!" 

One of the members in the car asked their leader for instructions. 

"They're trying to cause trouble isn't it? Then we shall serve them well. Let them know who they shouldn't mess with." Victor James issued the order through his walkie-talkie. 

After giving instructions, he threw the walkie-talkie away and casually leaned on the carseat "Jerry, keep up with Mrs. Carter's car." 

"Yes." As he received his captain's order, the driver started the engine and sped away. 

Victor then looked at Edwin, who had been sitting quietly beside him, and said in anger, "Edwin, what tricks are you playing? You asked me to arrange my special forces here just to help you escort your wife to the airport?" 

He was very busy in the military base today. Edwin had called him and asked him to arrange his team of special forces. 

It was definitely a big deal if he wanted to use his special forces. He left his work and rushed over with his men. 

But as it turned out, he was just helping Edwin to escort his wife and the children to the airport. 

Victor was furious he could tear Edwin to pieces that instant. Did he think that the Jiangbei Military was operating solely for the Carter family? 

How could he use his most elite men to handle such a trivial matter? 

Victor's voice was so loud that it shook the whole car. However, Edwin remained calm and sat quietly, staring at the car in front of him with his deep eyes. 

"I just want you to escort them to the airport. What's wrong with that?" The person that Edwin cared most about was in the car. 

It was totally worthwhile to use the greatest power in the world just to protect them, even if he didn't necessarily need them at all. 

"Of course I have a problem with it!" Victor roared. 

What a man! if it wasn't for the sake that Edwin was his nephew, he would have destroyed him that instant. However, if Edwin wasn't his nephew, he wouldn't have asked Victor for help either. 

Victor was just angry because it was totally a waste of resources. 

"I didn't ask for your opinion. So shut up!" Since Victor yelled at him, Edwin replied to him cynically. 

"What? You want me to shut up?" Victor was surely about to beat him up. 

"Well then I should also send Angela back to the States." With that, Victor finally shut up. 

Victor glared at him fiercely. How dare he threaten him? Such a bold man he was. Victor had never been threatened by anyone else in his life apart from his eldest nephew. 

Victor picked up the walkie-talkie that he had thrown aside earlier and ordered, "Bring the man we captured earlier and give him a good beat up." 

He couldn't bully Edwin, but he could bully someone else. 

"Edwin, c'mon, tell me, the two of you divorced and now she's leaving. What are you guys up to?" 

He thought this was quite exciting, Victor was sure that his sister and brother in-law didn't know about it. 

Edwin remained silent. Victor slapped Edwin's shoulder and said with excitement, "Well, logically, a sudden marriage and a sudden divorce should've been something that I would do. Yet, before I had the chance to do so, you have already done all of them." 

In most people's opinions, Victor was the rebellious type. He had never given a damn about rules and would do as he pleased.


 An impulsive marriage without discussing it with the family, and getting divorced without informing any family members. 

These would totally be the things people like Victor James would do. 

It never occurred to anyone that Edwin Carter, a powerful figure in the business world and someone who had always abided by the rules, would do such a crazy and unbelievable thing. 

Although Victor felt that his men had been underused, he wasn't that angry actually. Instead, he was very curious about what happened between Edwin and his wife. 

Edwin replied indifferently, "As you can see, we are divorced." 

Jane wanted the divorce so he fulfilled what she wished for. If she said that she wanted to go look for the happiness she desired, then he would let her search for it. 

As long as it was what she wanted, he would fulfill her wish no matter what. So what else could she ask from a husband like this? 

"You are angry!" In his memory, Edwin was hardly angry. To put it precisely, whenever Edwin was angry, he would control his emotions very well and never let others realize it. 

"Edwin, you are actually angry!" Victor felt like he had discovered something rare, and the fact that his men were underused for an event like this was actually quite worth it to be able to see his nephew angry. 

Edwin turned around and glared at him, giving him a serious warning 

Victor was getting excited, when the mobile phone rang at the most inappropriate timing. 

As soon as he heard the ringtone, he knew that it was from Angela. As soon as he heard Angela's voice, Victor's manly expression suddenly turned gentle. 

He answered, "What is it?" 

"Neil, I received the news that my brother just had a divorce. I couldn't get through to his phone. Please go and check for me what's going on," Angela said in an anxious tone. 

"It's really a divorce. You don't have to check further." The man himself was sitting right next to him. He had accompanied him to send the other party involved in the divorce to the airport. 

He had been part of the whole process, so he didn't need to confirm it with anyone else. 

"What the hell, Victor?" Angela was angry and yelled, "Why are you so unwilling to do something for me?" 

If she hadn't been too busy filming, she would have gone to Orchard Villa to confirm the news herself. 

Why in the world would she ask him to do this for her? 

"Angela, are you tired of living now?" This girl had become more and more arrogant and unreasonable. It was time to teach her a lesson. 

"Damn Victor. You're the one who's tired of living now!" Click! Angela hung up the phone. 

That little woman who used to pester him all day hung up on him today. Neil was furious he was totally going to smash his phone that instant. 

But he quickly realized that someone was next to him. His nephew really had the ability to keep everything to himself. 

He hadn't spoken a word the entire day. If he continued to hold it in, it wouldn't be a good thing. 

"Edwin I know that you have your own considerations, but you better call your family and inform them. Your parents and sister are still your family. Even if you don't care about their feelings, they will still be worried about you." 

"Also, you're not the only one in the world. You're not the only one in the Carter family either. Don't push yourself so hard, there are things you should let go off." 

"I don't know why you two got divorced, but I know you don't feel good about this, and I believe Jane feels the same." 

It was rare for Victor to give advice to someone. However, Edwin was still sitting upright and staring ahead. 

No one could tell if he was actually listening to Victor's words. 

Victor patted him on the shoulder and said, "Edwin, people who're directly involved usually wouldn't be clear-minded. I know this is both of your problems but if you can share it with me, I might be able to offer some help too." 

Although he had little experience in relationships plus he still hadn't gotten married at this age, but he.. he really didn't know how to deal with couple problems. 

So as he spoke, Victor decided to just keep his mouth shut. It was better to let them solve their own relationship problems. 

All of them, including Angela and her parents, would want to help him, but they couldn't do much either. 

Over the years, Edwin had been in charge of everything for Shengtian and the Carter family. Be it his family or the company, he had taken care of all perfectly.

While he was talking, Angela called again. She yelled, "Victor, are you with my brother right now?" 

Victor nodded, "Yes." 

Angela then instructed, "Let my brother answer the phone." 

Victor said, "My girl, mind your own business. Don't make things difficult for yourself." 

Angela said again, "1 asked you to give your phone to my brother." 

Victor looked at Edwin and asked, "Angela is calling, do you want to answer it?" 

Edwin remained silent, like a lifeless sculpture. 

Victor shrugged and said, "Did you hear that? He doesn't want to talk to you at all. If you have some advice to give, you can call your sister-in-law and speak to her." 

Angela roared, "If I could get in touch with my sister-in-law, will I still call you? 

Victor, are you dumb, huh?" 

Victor's eyes twitched from fuming. He hung up the phone this time. "Damn, this woman needs to be taught a lesson!" 

After that chaotic argument between Victor and Angela, Edwin suddenly realized that perhaps it wasn't that bad for couples to quarrel after all. 

It would have been better than keeping things to themselves and not communicating. 

No matter what happened, they just had to say it out loud and then they could face the challenges together. 

At the same time, Robert's car had passed the highway toll station. After exiting the highway, the car that Edwin and Victor were in also followed closely behind. 

They would arrive at the Jiangbei Airport after the overpass. 

Since the establishment of the airport, there had been an endless amount of passengers arriving and departing every day.

Edwin had also been to this airport countless times. 

Every time, he would be rushing to the airport, hoping the flight could take off as soon as possible, so he could reach his next destination sooner. 

But today, he was actually hoping for the weather to change all of a sudden, or that Jane's flight could not take off on time, so that he could stay with her for a little longer. 

In fact, he was still waiting childishly, in the hope that Jane would run to him and tell him about the threat from someone. 

Even Edwin thought he himself was hilarious. Since when did he become so naive and childish. 

If Jane had considered telling him that Ed Yates had threatened her, then she wouldn't have asked for the divorce so easily.

After so many years, she still couldn't remember what he had said to her. That no matter what happened, she should not break up easily. 

No matter what happened, she should not be afraid. He would always be there for her! He had told her more than once, but she had never remembered..


 "Edwin, we're here. Why don't you get off and have a look?" 

The car had been parked for a while now, but Edwin Carter still did not react so Victor James decided to prompt him. 

Edwin looked up. Jane was holding Janell in one hand and Andrew in the other. 

She was smiling gently. She had just gone through a divorce, but there was no sadness on her face. 

Edwin knew very well that it wasn't because she didn't feel sad, but she was just too used to hiding her true emotions. 

This damn woman! He had the urge to rush over to carry her home to teach her a lesson. He would pour cold water on her so that she could finally come to her senses. 

There was nothing that she had to hide from him. Why would she use divorce to solve the problem? Did she think she could get rid of him just like that? She could never escape from him, be it this lifetime or the next.

"Edwin..." Edwin ignored him. He took out his phone and dialed a number, and asked coldly, "Is everything in order?" 

No one knew what the person in the phone said. Edwin hung up the phone without saying anything. 

He turned to Victor and said to him, "Please make sure they board the flight safely. Your driver will send me back to Shengtian." 

"Me?" Victor pointed to his nose. How could the captain of the Jiangbei Military become an escort? 

From the look, Edwin surely did not leave him a chance to refuse. 

Fine, forget it, he was still Edwin's uncle after all. 

After getting off the car and slammed the door, Victor straightened up his military uniform and went after Jane and the rest. 

At the same time, Edwin ordered the chauffeur to drive away. 

Jane wanted to leave, so he let her go. Once she got tired, she would realize exactly where her real harbor was. 

"Uncle!" Victor was about to say hello to them, but Janell noticed him first. 

"Baby Janell, I heard that you are going to the United States, so came to see you off." Victor picked up Janell and pinched her pinkish face. 

"Uncle, I will just be there for a few days and will come back real soon." 

Over the past years, Janrll would go to the United States twice a year for about a month or so. This time, she also thought that she would return after a while. 

Her father brought her there in the past. She couldn't quite get used to not having her daddy this time around. 

Fortunately, this time her mommy was with her. "Well, then Baby Jane, you must have a good time. When you come back, I will prepare a welcome party for you." 

Victor knew very well but he decided not to reveal the truth and leave a pleasant memory to the kids. 

"Uncle, let's pinky swear!" If she made a pinky promise with her uncle, then he would not lie to her. 

"Okay, let's pinky swear." Victor was always patient whenever he was with l Janell. 

"Un... Mr. James, thank you for coming to see us off," Jane said. She wanted to call him uncle, but realized she had nothing to do with Edwin anymore, so she decided to change the way she used to address him. 

Victor replied, "We are family. You don't need to be so polite. Although you and Edwin had divorced, and you are no longer a member of the Carter family however, Janell is still the bloodline of the Carter family. No one can ever change that." 

"Victor, what are you talking about here? My sister-in-law is always going to be a member of the Carter Family. This is a fact that no one can change." 

Angela learned that Jane had come to the airport. She rushed to the airport immediately. 

Thankfully, she arrived before they left. However, as soon as she arrived, she heard Victor talking nonsense. 

She had the urge to kick his ass. Her cold brother did something impulsive. Neil on the other hand, did not try to ease the situation, but instead he was making it worse! What kind of man was he? 


He had put aside all his military tasks and came to help today, but he didn't expect to be trampled all over by the Carter siblings, without even showing him any appreciation. 

Angela rushed over and hugged Jane. She was so anxious she almost cried. "Oh my Sister-in-Law, I know my brother is an absolute dumbass. Don't be angry with him. Let's go home with Janell, okay?" 

"Angela, I'm sorry!" 

Jane's apology was not for the fact that she couldn't return home with Angela. 

She was apologizing on behalf of her father, George Michael. 

Although the damage done could not be erased by an apology, that was the only thing Jane could do. 

She wanted to save some dignity for her late father, so she didn't say some of the things outrightly. 

Angela said in a hurry, "Sister-in-Law, you don't need to say sorry to me. Even if you're not thinking for yourself, you should think for Janell. She is only four years old. Do you really want her to grow up without a father?" 

"Sister-in-Law, you know right, my brother has always been dumb with things like these. He never knew how to say nice things since he was young. If you just leave like this, I'm sure he will be heartbroken." 

"Sister-in-Law, there were things you didn't see. After you went missing, do you know how my brother survived all those years? If it weren't for baby Janell keeping him company, he wouldn't have lasted to this day." 

"You guys have gone through so many challenges together all these years. Why would you want a divorce now?" 

"Sister-in-Law, please! I beg you! Can you and Janell go back with me? If you go back, brother will be very, very happy." 

Jane shook her head and responded, "Angela, don't say it anymore. It's no longer possible for us." 

Aside from Edwin's attitude towards the divorce, it was completely impossible for her to return. It was precisely because she knew that Edwin had sacrificed too much for her. 

He blocked bullets for her and escaped with her from the deserted island. Every detail about these things, she had considered it very carefully. 

It's all because she knew very well that Edwin had sacrificed too much for her, so much that she could no longer bear it. 

She didn't want him to protect her all the time. She wanted to be able to do things for him too. If she were to stay with him, she would bring him endless disasters. 

For the sake of his own good, she would rather leave him. Even if she was heartbroken, as long as he was fine, all she wanted was for him to be well and have a good life. 

Her parents died violently and her brother had been captured. Edwin and Janell were both hurt in some ways. 

Every single one of them was someone close to her. Everything that happened had always had something to do with her. So who would really believe that she had nothing to do with their deaths or injuries? 

She didn't know what kind of bad luck she would bring to Edwin if she were to stay here, so the best choice for her was to just leave. 

That would be the most ideal option for everyone. Therefore, even though what she said would hurt Kevin, she would still do it, solely for his own good. 

She didn't ask for much in life. She only hoped that Edwin and her children were all fine. That was more than enough for her..

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