Tuesday, July 14, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 651 - 653


CHAPTERS 651 - 653


When Jane recalled all her past memories, she realized that the closest family member by her side was actually the one who had killed her mother. 

Not only that, she also learned that the person had also been feeding her with poison throughout the three years when she experienced her memory loss. 

He was her only family and a person she could trust during those three years. She had treated him like her own father, but in the end, she found that everything was all made up. 

Fortunately, Edwin Carter did not give up on her. Edwin had been searching for her all that time. 

It was Edwin who made her feel secured. He made her feel that she could live a life like everyone else, But gradually, Jane found that she was different from everyone else.

Edwin spoiled her and took good care of her. Everything was well arranged for her. He took care of her as if she was an innocent child. 

He often told her this - Jane, I am your husband, and the one you can rely on for the rest of your life. Whenever she had an idea to do something, Edwin would have done it for her already 

Slowly, she found that she was contributing less and less. Edwin, on the other hand, did more and more for her. And if she were to leave Edwin, she would be completely useless. 

She had become a burden to him, and everything she did was holding Edwin back. This realization made her worry and extremely scared. She had always wanted to be by Edwin's side as a wife who could support him, and be someone who could be on par with him, not a burden for him. 

Her father was murdered and Robert was captured. Just when she thought she was a bad luck and caused all kinds of pain for the people around her, Ed Yates's men sent her a video. 

Ed threatened her to leave Edwin. Otherwise, he would expose those news and ruin Edwin's reputation. 

She has had so many uncertainties in her heart beforehand. That blow from Ed made her truly believe that the people around her had all gotten hurt because of her. 

She took a few days to think about it and finally decided to leave Edwin. Because she felt that this was the only way she could guarantee that Edwin would not be harmed by her presence. 

In fact, it was all because she did not believe in herself and was still doubting herself. All that led her to make this choice. 

Everything that Jane kept to herself, nobody could see through them. But Laura, as her best friend, knew it very well. Without a word, she gave Jane a big hug. 

"Jane, I believe in you. You will become the best version of yourself." She wanted to be a person who could really be at the same level as Edwin.

"Laura, thank you!" Jane smiled and said, "You should go home first. I'll be here with Janell for a little longer. 

Laura responded, "Then I'll go back first. If there's anything you need, just call me." 

"Okay." Jane nodded and got up to send Laura to the door. 

When she returned to the room, Jane saw how unsettled Janell was sleeping from all the crying earlier. Her body was still twitching, Jane kissed Janell on the forehead, "Baby, don't know why daddy didn't ask for your custody, but I believe that he will never abandon you. Once he has it all figured out, he will definitely come and find you." 

Janell who was fast asleep didn't hear what her mother had just told her. She pursed her lips as if she could cry at any time. 

Seeing how sad Janell was, Jane really couldn't think of any other way out apart from feeling sorry for her. She gently patted the blanket over Janell. While humming a nursery rhyme, she browsed through a few design websites on the phone. 

It had been two days since they arrived in New York. She had to find a job as soon as possible and start making money to ensure that they could sustain a life here. 

She thought that as long as she kept herself busy, she would not be overthinking. And soon, Andrew, Janell, and herself could all settle down and start a new life here. 

Everything would be fine. Jane opened up a design website. They were hiring a designer, but as soon as she read the criteria for the desired candidate to have a well-known design brand internationally, she gave up immediately. 

After a whole day of browsing online, a website named "Bespoke Designs" caught her attention. She found out that there were a lot of designers who were being listed on this website. 

Each designer's resume and designs would be displayed here so that the clients could find themselves a suitable designer easily. 

Now.that the living standards had improved, there were more and more rich people, The next thing everyone would spend after good quality food would be how they dressed themselves. 

Many celebrities and rich people had private designers, so that they had different clothes for every occasion. They wouldn't have to worry about clashing outfits with these specially designed pieces. 

For example, in the Carter Family, all the clothes they wore were designed by professional designers. Every piece was made by hand with the most delicate attention paid to all the details. 

However, there were still a lot of people who were not as rich. But they also fancied the idea of having their private designers. Due to the high cost of a private designer, it had opened up the market for this kind of website. 

The designers who were listed here were obviously not the most popular ones. But every single one of them had a burning passion for design. 

Since they were not the most popular ones, the prices wouldn't be too high either. So many customers from the working-class who were looking for formal dresses could find themselves a custom made design here. 

In that case, the website had no problem earning money as there was a good designer base and customer source. 

Jane felt that she could totally give it a go. With this idea in mind, Jane immediately turned on the computer to find her resume and attached two of her hand-drawn designs. Finally she sent them to the HR's email address. 

After sending out the email, Jane started to prepare. If her resume could get through this stage, then she would definitely have to go for an interview tomorrow. So she had to be prepared. 

Not long after the email was sent out, Jane received a reply. She was told to have a meeting at the company at 10 o'clock in the morning the next day. As long as she succeeded in the interview, Jane would be listed on the website as a designer. 

If someone liked her style and the price was also reasonable, she would soon get an order. As long as the first order was completed on time and the client was satisfied, she wouldn't have to worry about not having new customers in the future. 

This was a brand new beginning for her. Jane had to go all out. Jane was preparing for the interview cheerfully when Janell woke up. She got up herself and rubbed her red swollen eyes. "Mommy." 

"Baby Janell, you're awake." Jane turned around. 

The little girl looked pitiful but adorable. "Mommy, did I cry?" Janell vaguely remembered that she had cried a bucket of tears, but she did not want to admit it because it was too embarrassing.


"You were a good girl. You didn't cry." Since the little fella didn't want to admit that she had cried, Jane didn't want to expose her either. 

Janell smiled embarrassingly after hearing what her mother said. "Mommy, I will be good." 

Janell could finally think clearly again. She remembered her father's reminder. She needed to be a sensible child and help her father take care of her mother. She could not mention her father in front of her mother, and she should not make her mother sad. 

Jane bent over and planted a kiss on Janell's cheeks. "Come. Now that you've had a good sleep, get up quick and come grocery shopping with mommy. I'll cook you a delicious meal tonight." 

Yes, she needed to cheer up and start a new life, instead of living in her past and thinking about the people and things that she should stop reminiscing about 

"Okay. I want to eat strawberries and I want fruit jam. I want to eat." Janell was already drooling at the thought of all the delicious food she wanted. 

"Okay, you can get all these." Perhaps, it was because Janell had stopped crying, or because of the progress she had from job searching, Jane finally felt better.

She took Andrew and Janell to a nearby supermarket. They got some ingredients with the plan to prepare a dinner and invite Laura and her husband to join them that evening. 

Both Janell and Andrew were very sensible. One helped to carry the rice packet, while the other helped to carry the vegetables. Both of them wanted to take care of their mommy. 

Jane rubbed their heads and said, "You two are still too young. You still can't carry so many things yet. Let me carry them for you. You can help me when you're older, okay?" 

"Not okay." It was quite rare for Andrew and Janell to be so in sync that both of them said that simultaneously. 

"Then Andrew, you can help me carry the sauce and fruits." Jane handed the sauce and fruits to Andrew, and then handed the rice to Jane. "Okay, you can help to carry the rice packet." 

She asked the children to help carry some, and she carried the other two bags herself. In this way, she could satisfy the children's desire to help, but it wouldn't be too tiring for them.

Jane received a call from Robert as soon as she got home. He said that he had found a good school for Andrew and also got him into a language fundamentals class.

From tomorrow onwards, he would be taking language lessons for two hours everyday.

Robert got someone to sort out the school for Andrew. This was yet another good news, and Jane was feeling even better now. "Janell, I'm going to cook. You will call Auntie Laura and invite Uncle John and her over for dinner tonight." 

Jane brought the groceries into the kitchen while delegating some tasks to the kids. The weather here was quite chilly, Jane had decided to prepare hotpot for dinner tonight.

It would be quite fun for the two families to enjoy hot pot around the table in this weather. 

Soon, Laura came running over. While helping Jane wash the vegetables, she nagged, "Why didn't you ask me to join you for groceries? Then I can ask John to carry all the heavy stuff." 

Jane answered with a smile, "Woman, you only know how to bully John. Please don't come crying if he ever goes to someone else." 

"He deserves it. I've been bullying him for years. If I didn't bully him, he may not be used to it even." Laura was sure about John's demeanor. He wouldn't feel right If he didn't get scolded 

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm totally not used to you not scolding me. Then, Mrs. Alex, please leave the vegetables to me. You can take a rest." 

When John Alex joined them later and saw his wife cleaning the vegetables, he felt a little heartache because he'd never let Laura do these things at home. 

"John, you want to be scolded again, don't you?" The two women were busy enjoying themselves in the kitchen. Why would a man come and interrupt? 

"Laura, go with John. I'll be fine here myself." Jane took the vegetables from Laura's hand because she didn't want them to have a fight at her place. 

"I want to help out, what's wrong with that?" Laura was cocky like that, she didn't even look at John. Actually the house they were staying in was very comfortable. It was snowing heavily outside, but the heating system in the house was very good, so they didn't actually feel cold at all. 

She never felt cold from washing the vegetables. It was John who was making a fuss. He didn't allow her to do anything because she was pregnant with his baby. 

He should be the one serving her instead. Laura was not happy with what he had said. Why did she have to be served now that she's pregnant? Did it mean that if she wasn't pregnant he would no longer treat her this well? 

"Jane, you should take a rest. Leave these all to me." Since John couldn't persuade Laura, he went to Jane instead. 

Jane was not only his wife's best friend, but also the person his big boss cared most about. It would be quite impossible for him not to take care of her as well. 

Jane carefully pushed Laura out of the kitchen and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Alex, I invited you two to come to my house as guests, I didn't ask you to come help. Just go to the living room and sit down, otherwise I will be upset." 

These two were the real sweethearts. Jane shook her head. In fact, she often envied couples who quarrelled and fought, rather than having everything done for each other. 

Their second day in New York, Jane ended it with a hotpot with her children. After getting Janell to bed, she turned on the computer to prepare for tomorrow's interview. 

She could use her resume and her previous works to get clients on the platform. After the transaction, the website would charge a 10 percent commission. That was actually quite reasonable. 

The most important thing was that she could work from home and arrange her time freely. She would be able to take care of Janell while she worked, totally killing two birds with one stone. 

She was very satisfied with the job description and was confident that she could do it well. Therefore she had to be well prepared for it. She had to ace the interview! 

Perhaps she was thinking about work, Jane dreamt about work as well, and had no more nightmares. She slept through the whole night and was obviously looking much more energetic the next day. 

After breakfast, Robert sent Andrew to school. Jane had asked Laura to take care of Janell, so that she could go to her interview at Bespoke Designs. 

She had to be in luck. The interview went smoothly. The interviewer looked through her information and asked her to sketch on the spot. 

They did not ask further questions and signed the contract with her amicably. Everything went so unbelievably smooth even Jane was surprised. 

She was finally able to feel happy after taking all the surprises in, knowing that she would be able to lead a good life in this city soon. 

When she came out of Bespoke Designs, the snow got heavier, but Jane felt relieved and happy. 

She took a deep breath as she watched the snow fall. Then she smiled and made a cheering gesture for herself, "Jane, you can do it! You can do it for sure!" Little did she know, a man was observing her every single action from afar..


A silver Ferrari was parked at the side of the road. It had been there for a while now, so a layer of snow piled up on the roof of the car. 

There was a man sitting in the driver's seat of the car. The man's eyes fell on Jane and followed her every move. He looked at her with mixed emotions. He had his vision fixed on Jane. 

It had only been three short days, yet she seemed to have lost some weight. Even though she was wearing a thick down jacket, it was still impossible to hide the fact that she had lost weight. 

"This damn woman!" Did she really know how to take care of herself? Why couldn't she take better care of herself so that he didn't have to worry about her that much. 

Edwin Carter clenched his fists over and over again as he watched Jane standing beside the road. He tried really hard to hold his urge to rush out of the car. 

If he turned up now, that heartless woman could do anything. Just let it be for now, for her to stay at the place that he'd arranged. Even when he was not by her side, it would still be better than having her find some random place to stay and completely stayed out of his sight. 

However, Jane was completely unaware that someone was watching her. Looking at the snow that was getting heavier, she pulled her coat tighter and walked towards the bus stop nearby.

She had promised Janell that she would be home by lunch, so she had to do so. She did not want to let Janell down. 

Perhaps because of the snow, there were fewer pedestrians on the streets, but the line for the bus was getting longer. It would probably take at least half an hour until her turn.

Jane so wished that she had wings and could just fly home to her daughter's side that instant. Yet, even if she wanted to take a cab now, she would still have to be in a long queue. 

If she waited for everyone to be picked up in the line, it would be noon by the time it was her turn. It was getting closer to lunch time. Jane was still waiting at the same spot. She could neither get a taxi, nor get on the bus. She didn't know what to do.

Meanwhile, Janell called. Jane apologized as soon as the call was connected, "Baby, I am still busy. I'll get home slightly later. You have lunch with Auntie Laura first, okay?" 

Janell did not answer straight away. She was probably very disappointed. However, she did not want her mother to be upset, so she responded sweetly, "Okay, I will be a good girl and eat first. Mommy, you don't have to worry."

"Okay. Have a good meal. I will be back soon." After she hung up, Jane looked up and saw that the queue ahead of her was still very long. Jane shook her head. 

All this while, she had transportation arranged for her if she ever wanted to go somewhere. She was not used to having to do this all of a sudden. 

Before she met Edwin, her life was just like this. So she knew that she could get used to this in no time. 

Just as Jane had a look around, she saw a gift store nearby. She immediately had the thought of getting a gift for Janell. 

There were a variety of items in the gift store. There were all kinds of dolls and small accessories. Jane had a good look around but she couldn't find anything she fancied. 

Their baby had good taste. If she just got her anything, she might not like them. Jane was very certain about Janell's particularity. She had to have inherited this from her father, she wouldn't want anything she didn't like. 

This reminded her of Edwin all of a sudden. She pulled a bitter smile and wondered what he was up to right then. 

There was a twelve hours time difference between New York and Jiangbei. It was noon in New York at the moment, so it would probably be midnight in Jiangbei now. 

So what else could Edwin be doing? He had to be sleeping at home. 

At the thought of Edwin, Jane lost her interest to shop. However, she was stopped by one of the store assistants when she was about to leave. 

The store assistant was a sweet-looking white lady. She greeted her with an American accent, "Miss, you are the third lucky star chosen by the store today. Whether you've purchased anything or not, since you've stepped into our store, you are our most distinguished guest. It's a freezing day today, we will give you a gift that can warm you up. Additionally, the store will also arrange a designated car to send you home." 

Jane could neither get a cab, nor hop on the bus. So she decided to do some shopping around. And then she was somehow chosen as the lucky star without having to buy anything. 

Jane wanted to believe her good luck, but getting a gift all of a sudden and a dedicated car to send her home was truly unbelievable. 

Jane was a stranger to New York city. She would rather not believe all these good luck that came to her all of a sudden. 

"Thank you for your kindness but I don't need it!" Jane thanked her politely and turned around, ready to leave. However, as soon as she stepped forward, the store assistant reached out and grabbed her in a hurry. 

Jane turned around and looked at the store assistant. She smiled apologetically and said, "Miss, this is a tradition in our store for over a hundred years. We have always had this campaign every year after Christmas. You are the chosen lucky star. If you don't accept your gifts... our store will.."

The store assistant did not finish her words, but she was sincere and looked a bit worried. It was almost like the store would be met with misfortune if Jane didn't accept her offer. 

Jane was about to refuse her for the second time when she heard the conversation between a man and a woman next to her. 

"Wow, we really didn't expect to be the last lucky star of your store in this year's event. We came here every year whenever you had this campaign. And we finally won it this year." 

After she overheard the conversation and considered the big establishment of the store, she thought they probably wouldn't lie to her. She finally nodded and agreed. 

When she got into the car the store had arranged, Jane finally understood what the so-called "lucky" truly meant. Only a hundred-year-old established store like theirs would be able to send their customers home in a Ferrari. 

Jane also realized that marketing was very important to generate sales, For example, the website she would get listed on, if they were only showing the designers, the impact to attract customers would be minimal. The platform should find ways to market their designers. 

Nothing too exaggerating but at least, the strengths of the designers should be highlighted to their potential clients. This would attract more customers and maximize their profits. 

While she was still thinking, the car had already arrived at her place. The car pulled over, and the driver got out immediately and opened the door for Jane. 

"Miss Ronan, that's my service for today. The gift will be sent to you later on." 

"Okay, thank you!" Jane expressed her gratitude politely. She entered the house after watching the car leave. Jane suddenly thought of something after a few steps. 

But when she tried to recall it, she could no longer remember what she was thinking about..

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