Sunday, July 12, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 645 - 647


CHAPTERS 645 - 647


Victor James opened his eyes. He saw colourful lights that spelled out the words - Victor, Happy Birthday! 

"Surprise..." Angela did a little twirl in front of Victor and spread out her hands. "Look over there, Victor." Victor turned his head and saw a heart-shaped cake and all his favorite dishes being laid out on the dining table. 

Now he recalled why Angela was asking him about today. She was trying to remind him that it was his birthday.

He didn't even remember his own birthday but she had remembered his birthday so well. 

All these years, he wasn't used to celebrating his own birthday. Few years ago, the soldiers in the military would also host birthday parties for him. 

Later, when they realised that he was not actually interested in it, they stopped. So very few remembered when his birthday was. 

So when Victor saw the birthday surprise Angela had prepared for him, he was actually very touched. Some simple decorations, a common heart-shaped cake, plus a few home-cooked dishes. This was the birthday dinner that Angela had prepared for Victor. 

Although the setting was extremely simple, it made Victor realize for the first time that it wasn't that bad after all to be celebrating his birthday.

"What do you think, Victor? Are you touched?" Angela said proudly with a bright smile on her gorgeous face, "I know I'm awesome and also very caring, but if you want to cry... if you really want to cry, then just go ahead. I promise I won't make fun of you." 

Victor chuckled and said, "You think you can make me cry with this simple setting? You have underestimated me!" 

Angela glared at him. "Damn, Victor. Can't you just say something nice?" Victor knocked her head and said, "Why put effort on a ceremonial event like this? I'm more concerned about the actual gift." 

Touched? Of course, he was touched, but he would not cry like what Angela had said. Instead, he wanted to express his gratitude with actions. Then, he stretched out his long arms to pick Angela up and strode to the room.

Angela held onto his neck and said while smiling, "Victor, be patient. Let's have the birthday cake first then we can go on and do other things." She had also prepared something big for later. 

If he was so impatient, then the real big gift she had prepared for him today would go to waste. 

She planned to have dinner first, and then they could enjoy some wine. At least they could start the night withn some romance first.

Victor said, "I want to eat you before the cake. 

"Victor, listen to me." 


Victor threw her onto the bed. He did not leave any opportunity for her to respond. Angela rubbed her painful butt and looked up to scold him. 

However, the moment she looked up, Victor had already removed all his clothes. 


This man really couldn't hold for a minute longer when he was impatient. He acted as if he had never been fed. 

Angela rolled out from the other side of the big bed and said, "Victor, we haven't had the cake yet and you haven't even made a birthday wish. Let's wait a little longer." 

"What's with eating cake? I want you to eat me right now." Who would care about dinner or cake? At that moment, Angela was the most delicious dish in Victor's opinion. 

Therefore, as soon as Angela jumped off the bed,Victor grabbed her back immediately. He bent over and held her down firmly. 

"Victor." Angela was both nervous and excited. 

"Shh..." Victor covered her lips with his fingers. "Keep quiet. Just feel how deep my love is for you." 

Angela had been in the entertainment industry for many years and there were many beautiful women and handsome men in the industry. Yet, if she were to turn up, she would steal all of their limelight straight away.

Victor had always known Angela to be a gorgeous lady. However, no matter how beautiful she was before, he still thought that the Angela underneath him now was the most beautiful he had ever seen. 

Her charming eyes and beautiful eyebrows took his breath away. At this moment, Victor didn't want anything else but to own and enjoy the moment with this woman. 

"Let's do it then." Angela was moved by Victor's burning passion, she could no longer care about the big present she had prepared. 

However, just as the two of them were ready, and Victor could not wait to be one with her, something happened! 

An accident! 

It happened without any warning! Victor was furious. "Angela, you did this on purpose, didn't you? Damn!" This woman had pranked him. He was absolutely furious. 

Angela felt wronged, "Victor, watch your words. Don't blame the wrong person." 

"Angela, I want to kill you right now." 

Victor had lost his mind from anger. Men could never use their brains at times like this. 

Angela also yelled, "I don't usually have my period so soon. It should be in another few days, but who would know for sure?" Her period decided to come at a significant time like this. 

It wasn't just Victor who was suffering, Angela didn't feel good also. Her period had always been punctual. Who would have thought it would start a few days in advance? 

She thought that God had to be punishing them on purpose. He surely didn't approve of them having a good time. 

The two, who were supposed to have a passionate night now could only look at each other, with fury in their eyes. 

Victor was certain that Angela did it on purpose, so he really wanted to strangle her to vent out his anger. Angela was also angry. She was angry because she had put in so much effort to give him a romantic birthday party, but Victor had yelled at her in return.

"Angela!" Victor shouted through gritted teeth. 

"Why don't I give you a handjob?" Angela said softly with a blushing face. 

"You..." Victor glared at her fiercely and went straight to the bathroom. He slammed the bathroom door shut. 

"Oh my god! Why are you so bad-tempered? I didn't mean it at all, seriously!" Angela pulled a face at the bathroom door. "Well, I hope you enjoy yourself there." 

Soon, Angela heard running water from the bathroom. Victor had to be showering himself in cold water. 

Angela pitied him too. Angela got out of the bed immediately, she put on her pajamas, and a sanitary pad. She was also scolding at the same time. "You deserve that cold shower since you don't know how to appreciate me. I will not shed a tear for you if you die from the cold in there right now."

And then a crazy scenario appeared in Angela's mind. Victor did not get his desire fulfilled, so he went for a cold shower. He eventually died from the unbearable chill...


Victor James dying from taking a cold shower! 

The news headline on the front page for the next day would read, "Captain James of the Jiangbei Military, found dead in the home of a famous actress." 

That would be sensational news!

By then, Angela Carter would definitely be famous all over the world because of this, and probably gain prominence as a pornstar too. 

Thinking of this, Angela had goosebumps all over her body. She finally came back to her senses. 


Although she was annoyed that Victor didn't know how to treat a woman properly, but, if something bad were to happen to him, she would definitely be heartbroken. So she wished that Victor would remain fine. 

He had to live a long life, or at least long enough until she leaves the world first. She surely didn't want to be devastated over Victor's passing. 

After a while, Victor came out of the bathroom. When he walked past Angela with only a bath towel, Angela could feel the chill coming from Victor's body. 

Although Jiangbei was in the south, was still quite warm during the day even in the month of January. People could run around in t-shirts and shorts. 

However, the temperature difference was quite significant at night. It was cold but Victor still took a cold shower. 

Even Angela felt cold at the thought of it. Victor was tough but he was still a human after all. Angela looked at his gloomy face and smiled apologetically. 

"Victor, I'm sorry you had to take the cold shower. In fact.." 

Victor glared at her. "Angela, if you dare to say one more word tonight. I'll crush you to death." As the saying goes, a wise man knows when the timing is right. 

Angela decided to keep her mouth shut. Victor's anger had not subsided, so she had better not provoke him any further. Victor took off the bath towel around his waist unceremoniously right in front of her. And then he walked to the wardrobe, completely naked, to get his change of clothes. 

Angela couldn't move her eyes away from him. She got a bit too excited and swallowed her saliva. Victor was trying to take his revenge. 

Finally, he got dressed and turned to Angela, "Angela, are you satisfied with what you saw?" 

"Satisfied! Of course I'm satisfied!" Angela nodded with a rather silly look. 

"You little pervert!" Victor finally smiled and came forward to rub her head like a kitten. "Didn't you want to celebrate my birthday, well get up then." 

Angela immediately ran over and hung onto him. "Captain James, I knew you're a sporting man. You won't be angry with me." 

Victor wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed it like he was punishing her. "Let's go and have a check up at the doctor's tomorrow." 

Angela was confused. "Why are we seeing a doctor?" 

Victor glared at her once again, "Didn't you say that your period was not punctual?" 

He was.angry earlier from not being able to enjoy his special meal, but he wasn't that selfish. If he had been selfish, he wouldn't have gone to take a cold shower. 

Angela giggled and said, "It's fine if it's not punctual once in a while." 

Victor's face darkened. "What do you mean it's fine? I'll go with you tomorrow."

Angela responded sweetly. "Yes, Captain James! I'll do whatever you want me to do from now on, and I will never go against your will."

Angela smiled brightly with the shyness of a little girl. After waiting for so many years, Victor was finally gentle to her. 


New York, United States. 

Last night, Laura Ferdinand prepared a feast to welcome Jane Ronan and everyone else. It was quite late by the time they finished dinner. 

Before they arrived home, Janell had already fallen asleep. Robert Michael was carrying her. "This little fella is getting heavier by the day." 

Jane smiled gently, "She's over four years old now. She'll be five in a few months time. Of course she is getting heavier. " 

Robert then added, "You don't look well. You did not have a good rest earlier. Go get some rest first. I'll put this little fella to her bedroom."

"No, just let her sleep next to me. We've just arrived at a new place. I am worried that she is not used to it yet." 

Jane was worried that Janell would be afraid, but she was also scared and wanted Janell to keep her company so that she felt more secure. 

Robert turned around and headed towards Jane's room. "Then I'll put her in your room." 

Jane nodded and said, "I'll leave Andrew to you then. Help me to keep an eye on him. He's not familiar with this place, so I'm concerned that he will be scared too." 

"Mommy, I'm not scared," Andrew said. 

He was already a little man, so he shouldn't be scared. He had to protect.his mother and sister. 

"Good boy, Andrew!" Jane rubbed his head and added, "Andrew, you and uncle will sleep upstairs. Mommy will stay down here." 

Andrew nodded obediently. "Goodnight, mommy." 

Jane said softly, "Good night, Andrew!" 

Jane only returned to the room after watching Robert and Andrew go upstairs. 

Janell was sleeping soundly in bed. Jane pinched her face lightly, "Baby, thank you for staying by my side." 

Thankfully Janell was here to keep her company. Otherwise, she wouldn't have the courage to move forward. Jane lay down next to Janell and cuddled her. 

Not only could they keep each other warm, but Janell made her feel at ease and not be afraid of the future. 

After lying down for a while, Jane's eyelids got heavier too, she was very sleepy. She knew her body wouldn't be able to stand it if she tried to withstand it. She could not fall ill now. She was still carrying the baby she had with Edwin and there was also Janell. 

They all needed her, so she needed to be well. She had to rest in order to get through the challenge.

She fell asleep eventually. Without any surprise, she had a dream again. In her dream, there was a man in a white shirt, it was Edwin. 

Edwin sat opposite her, looking at her with a serious look. "Jane, I'm your husband. And you're my wife. I am the one you can rely on for the rest of your life." 

She knew, she had always known. Edwin was a man that she could rely on for the rest of her life. He was someone she could trust, so she could not let anything bad happen to him. 

Edwin continued, "Jane, the day after we got married, I told you that we would not separate no matter what. You promised me, why did you break your promise?" 

"I." Jane wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to, because she had proposed for the break up, and they had already divorced. 

What he said was true. So what else could she explain? 

"Jane, tell me, tell me..." Edwin suddenly turned ferocious. He grabbed Jane and shook her fiercely..


"Edwin, I.." Jane tried very hard to think of an excuse to calm Edwin down. 

However, she responded eventually, "I have nothing to say." Their divorce was already a fact. She could not find any reason to defend herself. 

"Jane, are younreally that cold-hearted? Or do you not have a heart at all." Edwin's voice was no longer as gentle as it used to be, it was so cold that it was spin chilling. 

Jane still could not say a single word to refute him. Edwin's accusation and everything he said were facts. She could not defend herself, and she didn't want to either. 

"Jane, get lost! Get lost as possible! Don't show up in front of me again. I never want to see you again." 

Jane woke up from her dream following Edwin's yell. She reached out her hand to grab his hand instinctively. 

In the past, when she was by Edwin's side, whenever she had.nightmares, he would definitely hug her and comfort her. He would tell her to not be afraid and that he was there by her side. 

But today, Jane's hand grabbed nothing, there was nothing at all next to her... 

In a daze, she opened her eyes. Under the light, there was only Janell and her. The big warm hug she missed wasn't there to give her the infinite sense of security. 

Suddenly, her heart was empty. The cold wind blew across the room. The feeling of fear was getting stronger, slowly invading her whole body. 

"Daddy, I miss daddy. I want daddy and mommy together." Janell, who was lying next to her, turned over and mumbled. 

Janell had grown up with her father. She had almost never been away from Edwin for this long. Now that they were apart all of a sudden, she would definitely miss her father. 

"Baby, I'm sorry! It's all my fault!" Jane held Janell in her arms. She would try her best to make up to Janell and never let her get hurt. 

It was only five o'clock in the morning. It was still dark outside, but Jane was already awake, waiting for the break of dawn with her eyes wide open. 

Jane did not sleep well, but Janell, who was beside her, had a very good rest. 

After a good night's sleep, Janell did a stretch before opening her eyes. When she opened her eyes, it took her quite a while to figure out who she was and where she was. 

Jane rubbed her chubby face and said, "Janell baby, you're up."

"Mommy, am I awake? Where am I now?" As expected, she did not know where she was, but fortunately, she still knew who she was. 

Jane couldn't help laughing out loud, "Are you not awake yet?" 

"I am awake." Janell scratched her tiny little head, looking all confused. 

"Mommy is here, and i'm here. But where is daddy?" She looked around and only saw her mother but there were no signs of her father. 

When she heard Janell mentioning about daddy, Jane's heart tightened again. She said, "Baby, you are in the United States with mommy now." 

"Oh, I'm in the United States." Janell was finally awake. She had promised her daddy to accompany mommy to the United States, and she was not supposed to mention daddy in front of mommy too. 

She had forgotten about it earlier. She.asked as soon as she thought of her father, only to recall after the question, to not mention her father in front of her mother. 

Jane changed the topic, "Well, let's get up quickly. Let me help you clean up first. Then we shall go somewhere today and see if there is anything you want to buy?" 

"I want to be by mommy's side and protect mommy." She remembered her father's instructions at all times. 

Her father had told her that they did not come to the United States for fun this time, but she had an important responsibility to take care of her mother. 

When she completed the important task, her father would be very happy. If her father was happy, he would come to visit them and she would be happy too. 

"My baby is such a good girl. Thank you for protecting me." Jane kissed her and pulled Janell out from the blanket. 

Laura's call came, before Jane even pulled Janell out from the blanket completely. She then tucked Janell back under the blanket. 

She answered the phone and had the speaker turned on. Laura's piercing voice immediately rang through the room. 

"My big and Little Janes, get up now! Go have your breakfast, then I'll be your tour guide today. I'll take you to a few famous spots in New York for sight-seeing." 

Jane had not spoken yet, but Janell, who was beside her, replied quickly, "Auntie Laura, I want to build a snowman."

Laura promised immediately, "Okay, get up quickly then. I've prepared breakfast. We'll leave after breakfast." Laura lived in the house next to Jane's. 

After knowing that Jane was coming to the United States, she had been making plans. 

From now on, the two families would have meals together. They would work and play together. She would not be bored anymore.

Now all of them could be together. They could eat, drink, play, and do all sorts of other activities together. Just thinking about these possibilities made her day. 

"Go wash your face, baby." This time, Janell got out of bed without her mother carrying her. She put on her slippers and went to the bathroom. 

"Laura , I'll go help her out. See you later." Jane hurriedly followed Janell into the bathroom after she hung up. 

"Baby, you can wash yourself." Jane handed the towel to Janell and prepared the toothbrush for her. 

Janell stood next to her and brushed her teeth. The tall and short figures stood side by side with their actions completely in sync, as if they were specially trained for it. 

"Mommy, I'm done." Janell opened her mouth to let her mother check. She loved being clean. 

"Yes, it's very clean. I will reward you with a 'heart' later." Jane smiled gently and took a towel to wipe away the froth on the corner of Janell's mouth. 

After washing up, Jane returned to her room with Janell and asked her to choose the clothes she wanted to wear. 

Janell wanted the down jacket that looked like the ice princess. "Mommy, I would like to wear this." 

"Well, you will be an ice princess after wearing this too." Jane helped Janell change into her pink outfit. Janell did a little swirl in front of the mirror after getting dressed. 

She felt that she was more beautiful than the ice princess. 

Jane gave her a thumbs-up and said with a smile, "Our baby is so.beautiful!" 

"Mommy is beautiful, that's why I am beautiful too." Janell was a little embarrassed from the compliment. Her response cracked Jane up too. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Laura wasn't someone who was patient. She decided to come and look for them after waiting for some time. 

"Our baby just got changed. What do you think? Isn't she beautiful?" Jane said to Laura.

"Janell, I like you very much."Laura hugged Janell and pinched her face. 

"So Jane, I am carrying a baby boy right now. You see, both John Alex and I are both good looking, so can I pre-book Janell as my future daughter in-law?.

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