Wednesday, July 15, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 654 - 656


CHAPTERS 654 - 656


In fact, what Jane did not realize was that she did not tell the driver her name, yet the driver called her "Miss Ronan". 

However, she did not think too much about it. Jane had been thinking about too many things recently, so she was distracted. How could she encounter such good luck even at a job interview?

Maybe, when a person encountered every unfortunate thing possible, and the luck couldn't go any worse anymore, things would probably get better. 

"Mommy!" Janell called out for her and completely disrupted Jane's thoughts.

"Janell, have you had lunch yet?" Jane caught Janell in her arms as she ran towards her. She rubbed her head gently. 

"I'm so full." Janell touched her belly and tried to show how full she was from eating good food. 

"Well, that's great." Jane was very satisfied. 

"This daughter of yours. I remember she used to be very picky, but why is she not picky at all now? After I served her food, she ate obediently by herself, and I didn't have to worry about her." Laura followed behind Janell with her big belly.

"Because I have to eat more so that I can grow up quickly. When I grow up, I can be with Brother Lucas." Janell answered quickly. 

"Janell, do you know how sad Aunt Laura is when you say that?" Laura already decided that Janell would be her daughter-in-law, yet she was thinking of other guys, so Laura would be sad to hear that!

"All right, it's cold outside. Let's go in and talk." Jane shook her head helplessly. Her daughter only cared about two people in this world. One was her father, and the other was her Brother Lucas. If Janell knew that Brother Lucas had already disappeared and no longer could be found, would she be devastated? 

Every time Jane thought of this, she would worry about Janell as she feared that her daughter would get hurt. 

"I've kept some food for you. Let's go to my house to eat." Laura took Janell's hand and walked in front of them. Then she asked, "Jane, how was your work today?" 

"It went quite smoothly, so smooth that I couldn't believe it myself. Also, I went to the gift shop in DD Plaza. I didn't buy anything yet I won a lucky prize. Besides, they also arranged for a ride home for me." 

As she recalled her day, Jane still felt that she was very lucky. She expected her job interview to go smoothly because she was confident that she could design the clothes that the clients liked. As for the surprise at the gift shop, that was out of the blue. 

Laura commented, "Maybe it's your time to be lucky." Just like a few years ago, when Jane was betrayed by Christopher Greyson and Sophie Ronan, she was forced to leave Kyoto City. 

After settling down in Jiangbei, she met Edwin. One wouldn't be able to tell if an event would turn out to be pleasant until the end. 

Something that seemed to be a good thing might turn bad in a blink of an eye. Something that seemed to be a bad thing might be good in a blink of an eye too. 

"I hope so!" Jane agreed. She thought, perhaps she had sinned too much in her previous life, but she had suffered a lot recently and had already repaid her worth. She hoped that her life would only get better after this. 

After having lunch at Laura's house, Jane felt a little sleepy and wanted to take a nap at home with Janell. 

"Mommy, I still want to play at Aunt Laura's house." Janell woke up late in the morning. She was not sleepy at all, so she didn't want to go home. 

Besides, there was another important reason why she wanted to stay at Laura's house. 

The other reason was that Edwin had promised to have a video call with her today. She had been looking forward to it since early in the morning. She was waiting for the time to pass to see her father.

"Alright, then you can't disturb Aunt Laura okay, and you can't cry too." 

"I promise I won't cry." 

"Laura, would that be alright then?" 

"Jane, what do you think my answer is?" Laura glared at Jane with dissatisfaction. If she spoke courteously to her again, she wouldn't regard her as a friend. 

"Alright, alright, you are the closest person I have." Jane smiled and gave Laura a hug, and then she hugged Janell. 

"Baby, I'll have to go back first. You have to be good, okay?" 

"I will be very good." 

"Okay." Jane felt reluctant even to just leave Janell at Laura's place. She looked back after every step she took, as if she would never see the little fellow again. 

"Bye Mommy!" On the contrary, Janell's face was filled with excitement, which made Jane's heart ache. 

As soon as Jane left, Janell immediately took Laura's hand and said, "Aunt Laura, I want to see Daddy." 

Laura rubbed her head and said, "Janell, you miss your father again?"

"Yes." Janell nodded honestly. She really missed her father a lot 

"Janell!" A gentle and pleasant voice came from outside the house. Janell knew who the person was even before she saw the person. 

"Daddy?" She left Laura behind and ran towards the direction of the voice. When she saw her father appear at the door, she couldn't believe her eyes. 

"Janell!" Edwin Carter smiled and picked Janell up. He kissed her on her pink cheeks and said, "Janell, don't you recognize Daddy?" 

"Of course I recognize Daddy!" Janell held onto Edwin's neck, and proceeded to leave sloppy kiss marks all over her father's face. 

After kissing her father, she recalled that she had not seen her father for quite a few days already. She pouted her little mouth and was so sad that she wanted to cry. She wanted to put up an act so that he would never leave her again. 

"Janell, are you going to act sad now?" Edwin smiled gently. That was a smile that he only reserved for his previous wife and daughter. 

"Janell, if you want to act, then go ahead. I'm waiting." 

"Daddy, you're bullying me! Bad Daddy!" 

How could her father do this? She was already so sad that she was about to cry, yet her father said that she was acting. 

She really didn't want to talk to her father anymore! What should she do? In her mind, her father was bullying her, that was why she didn't want to talk to her father anymore. 

Yet, her two little hands clung onto her father's neck so tightly, as she was afraid that her father would leave her again. 

"Mr. Carter.. Why don't.. Why don't you bring Janell inside first? It's cold outside." Although she had known Edwin for many years, the eloquent Laura still stuttered when she talked to Edwin. 

Some people just showed a strong and intimidating aura. Even if they didn't do anything, their presence was enough to intimidate everyone around them. 

Edwin was a typical example of this kind of person. In front of Laura and other close friends and family, Edwin never acted arrogantly or demanding, but probably because of his cold character, he appeared unapproachable..


"No need." Edwin held Janell in his arms and was about to leave. He turned around and explained to Laura, "I'll take Janell back to my place, and I'll bring her back here later." 

Laura understood, "Alright, have fun with Janell. I'll find a way to deal with Jane." 

"Thank you!" Edwin thanked her politely and then walked away with Janell in his arms. Laura stood at the door and watched the two of them head towards the house next to Jane's house. This must be the "place" that Edwin mentioned. 

Shengtian was the developer of this luxurious housing area with semi-detached houses. It was impossible for her and John Alex to get a house in this area with his paycheck. 

Edwin must have arranged for John to stay here after being transferred to work in the United States. Laura understood why Edwin took very good care of John. This had to do with the close relationship between Jane and her.

When Jane came to New York this time, Edwin had already asked someone to arrange for the mother and daughter to live in this area too.

Besides staying in Shengtian's land, Laura lived here too. Jane would not be so lonely if there was someone here to accompany her.

Edwin had considered a lot for Jane and asked his employees to arrange promptly. Laura could see a bigger picture, but Jane couldn't. 

Hence, Laura was very worried. Edwin might not know that Jane was actually very independent. She had some great achievements in her work with her own efforts and had gotten great recognition. 

That version of Jane was very qualified to be Edwin's wife, instead of being a burden. 

Jane cared too much about him, so she spent a lot of time doubting herself. She did not think she was worthy of his love and care. 

Laura suddenly thought of Jane's job interview today. Had it been arranged by Edwin too? Edwin had arranged for everything for Jane. He might not know that if he did all these things for Jane, it would add more pressure on her and push Jane further and further away. 

Laura decided that she needed to talk to Edwin about it later. Even though she knew she shouldn't interfere because it was between the two of them, but as Jane's best friend, if she didn't step in, who would? 

Edwin probably could not figure Jane out because Jane would always keep everything inside her heart. Therefore, Laura thought that she should talk to Edwin about it despite how annoying she might come off as. 

Yes, she made up her mind. When Janell comes over later, she would talk to Edwin about crossing Jane's boundaries. 

Janell nestled in Edwin's arms lovingly. She felt so happy and satisfied that she said, "I'm very happy that you're here!" 

Edwin patted the little fellow's back gently and said, "Tell me, how happy are you?" 

Janell raised her head and hugged Edwin tightly. Then she kissed her dad sloppily, "I'm this happy. I'll be happier if you can stay with me all the time." 

She had only been away from her father for two or three days, and she already missed him so much. She wished that her father would stay with her forever and never leave her again. 

"Janell, I promise you that I won't leave you alone anymore." Edwin held Janell in his arms and said gently. When Janell  was not by his side, his days went by like years. He felt especially helpless and in pain as he knew that Janell might be missing him from afar. 

"You're the best." Janell knew that her father loved her the most and would never leave her. 

"In the future, I would see you everyday, but you must remember that this is our little secret. Mommy mustn't know about it." Edwin reassured his daughter and made her promise.

"I will definitely keep it a secret," Janell said very seriously At this moment, Janell was so happy that she would agree to anything. However, if she missed her father and cried, she might slip this secret out. 

Edwin held Janell in his arms and sat down by the dining table. "Janell, take a look. What did I prepare for you?"

"Jam, strawberries…" There were all Janell's favorites, which made her eyes lit up. However, this did not beat her happiness when she first saw her father. 

Janell was eating happily. Edwin took out his laptop and sat by the side. From time to time, he would look up at her. Just like before, when he was at home, he would be busy with his work, and Janell would keep herself company. 

If she was tired of playing and eating, she would climb into her father's arms to sleep. Today, Janell only ate two strawberries, then she climbed into her father's arms. She enjoyed her happy time with her father. 

In the past, when Edwin was busy with work, no one would disturb him. However, ever since he had Janell, taking care of his child and working at the same time had become his daily routine. 

"Janell, do you want to sleep already?" As Edwin was working, he noticed that Janell looked sleepy. 

"I don't want to sleep!" Janell didn't want to sleep. What if her father disappeared after she fell asleep? 

"Janell, if you are sleepy, just sleep in my arms. I promise that I won't leave."

Knowing that Janell was worried, Edwin assured her gently. 

"Daddy, you can't lie to me." 

"When did I ever lie to you?" Janell shook her head. Then she lay in her father's arms and slept soundly because she felt safe in his embrace. 

She trusted that she would be able to see her father when she opened her eyes later. 

Edwin patted Janell's back gently and coaxed her to sleep. When she fell asleep, he covered Janell with a blanket. Then, Janell fell asleep soundly in his arms. 

No matter how busy he was, he never thought of moving Janell to the bed because he promised Janell that he would hold her to sleep. So when she woke up later, she would still be in her father's warm arms. She would see her father first after she woke up. 


"Janell, you're awake, I'll bring you to Aunt Laura's house first." 

"I don't want to." At the thought of separating from her father, Janell was about to cry again. 

"As long as you can keep this a secret, you can be with me again tomorrow, shouldn't you be happy about it?" 

Janell tilted her head and thought about her father's words. He probably meant that he would always be here, and she could definitely see him if she missed him. 

"Alright." Janell nodded. Edwin picked Janell up and brought her back to Laura's place. 

Just as he was about to leave, Laura stopped him. "Mr. Carter, did you arrange anything at Jane's job interview today? 

Edwin looked at her and said, "No."

Laura added, "Please don't interfere with her work." 

Edwin replied, "I've never interfered with her work. She did everything with her own abilities.".


Edwin never interfered with Jane's work. Even though he bought over PM Corporation for Jane, he did not announce it to the public. So that wouldn't affect Jane's identity as an employee there. 

Today, when Jane went for the job interview at Bespoke Designs, he only knew about it because he followed her covertly. He didn't arrange it deliberately. 

He was misunderstood, but Edwin didn't bother to explain himself. He didn't owe anyone any explanation. After saying goodbye to Laura, he left. 

After seeing her father today, Janell was so happy. When she returned home, her face was full of smiles. Seeing her skipping around while humming songs, Jane, who was busy drafting her design, asked curiously, "Baby, why are you so happy today?" 

"Shush! I can't say!" Janell raised her index finger and placed it on her mouth. She promised her father that she would never tell her mother, so she needed to fulfil her promise. 

"What is it? Can't you tell me?" Jane put down her brush and looked at Janell carefully.

"Mommy, I can't tell you!" If she exposed her secret, her father would probably leave, then she couldn't see her father anymore. 

"Alright, if you don't want to tell, I won't ask any further." Jane shook her head helplessly. Her daughter was just over four years old, yet she was being so secretive already. 

"I love you so much!" Janell threw herself into Jane's arms happily and spoke sweetly. 

Jane hugged Janell and lowered her head close to her neck. Suddenly, she noticed a familiar scent. Jane thought it was her own illusion. She quickly sniffed the rest of Janell's body. There was a very subtle scent on Janell's body, which was the scent of the cologne that Edwin usually used. 

No matter when, Edwin always had a sort of scent with him. It smelled very refreshing and unique. Jane spent so much time with him and even fell asleep to that scent every night, so it was very familiar to her.

She was sure that the scent on Janell must have been Edwin's. No one else had that scent. 

Jane suddenly understood why Janell was so happy. She must have seen her father, whom she had missed tremendously. 

Edwin probably came to New York and met up with Janell, didn't he? As she was deep in thoughts, Jane held Janell tighter and breathed in Janell's scent greedily. 

She was using this opportunity to be close to Edwin. A person who could no longer be hers. Although she would remind herself to not think about him every day, he was always lingering in her mind. 

"Mommy, it hurts!" Janell protested. Her mother held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe. Hearing Janell's voice, Jane realized that she had lost her composure. 

She let go of Janell, patted Janell's back, and said gently, "Baby, I'm sorry!" 

"I'm okay now." Janell replied. 

"Okay, good girl!" Jane rubbed her head with a smile. "I have washed some strawberries for you and put them on the table. Ifnyou are hungry, wash your hands and help yourself." 

"Mommy, I'm not hungry." Her father had just fed her delicious food. She was not hungry at all, so she didn't even want to eat strawberries. 

"Really?" Jane let go of Janell. Then she held her face, she looked at her quietly. 

"Janell, who did you see today?" 

"I didn't see Daddy! Daddy didn't come to New York!" The little fellow was not used to lying. When she said these two sentences, her face turned red. 

Looking at the way Janell tried her best to deny it, Jane felt that it was both cute and funny. This silly child immediately confessed even without being pressured. 

Jane felt sorry for Janell and said, "Alright, I believe you." Janell was relieved and went to play with her puppy,

Mia, happily. "Woof! Woof! Woof!" Mia circled around Janell for a few times.

Perhaps Mia also smelled the scent of Edwin and had gotten excited, 

As she saw both Janell and Mia playing, Jane smiled and looked away, but she could no longer focus on the design draft in her hands. 

Why did Edwin come to New York so quickly? Did he want to gain custody for Janell? Or for other reasons? 

Jane's heart and mind were in a mess again. She almost broke the brush in her hand, If Edwin wanted to get Janell back, she wouldn't have any objection. 

After all, Janell was brought up by him. The little fellow thought about her father all day long and they clearly got along very well. 

Yesterday, when Janell thought of her father, she cried so hard that Jane couldn't even console her. She just looked at her child helplessly.

Janell was in a completely different mood today. Because she saw her father, she was so happy that she felt that life was perfect. 

In Janell's heart, her father was her whole world. Wherever her father was, she would be there. As long as her father was with her, she would not be afraid. 

If Edwin asked for the child back, she would not refuse to give her up, but when Jane looked at Janell again, she suddenly felt a little sad.

What should she do if Janell was taken away by Edwin? Would she only have the child in her belly? 

Maybe she hadn't been getting enough nutrients lately, so her child was growing very slowly. She lost her appetite lately. 

The night passed, and Jane was still deep in her thoughts. When she got up in the morning, she dressed Janell beautifully up. She was worried that someone would approach her soon to ask for Janell on Edwin's behalf. 

After breakfast, Robert Michael was just about to take Andrew to school, and the doorbell rang a few times. 

As the doorbell rang, Jane's heart dropped. She held Janell in her arms and kissed her. "Janell..." She had thought of a lot of things to say to Janell last night. 

However, she did not know what to say to Janell now. Janell's world was perfect. She had a father and a mother who would love her unconditionally no matter what, and that was enough for her. 

Jane took a deep breath and went to open the door with Janell. When Jane opened the door, he saw two workers who stood outside the door with a parcel and some papers. 

They said politely, "Miss Ronan, this is a gift from the gift store at DD Plaza. Please sign here." It turned out to be a delivery man... 

Fortunately, it was not somebody who

came to take Janell away! Jane could finally breathe again!.

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