Monday, July 20, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 672 - 674


CHAPTERS 672 - 674


 "Janell, come here!" Edwin insisted for Janell to come over. Even Jane could not stop him. 

"Mommy, help me!" Janell ran over and hugged her.mother's leg, seeking protection from her mother. 

Janell firmly believed that at most times, mother had the final say in everything in the family. Her father would, of course, be listening to her mother too. 

Jane was about to reach out her arms to hug Janell when Edwin grabbed her first. Edwin picked Janell up and planted a kiss on her pink blushy cheeks. 

"Silly baby! I asked you to come over so that I can give you a hug." 

"C'mon, I am not stupid. I am a smart baby." Although her father said that she was silly, Janell was not upset. Because her father and mother had reconciled, and they were hugging her together. 

She could probably be their third wheel and sleep in the middle of her parents again tonight. 

"Of course, our the smartest baby ever." Jane also leaned forward and kissed Janell's pink cheeks. At this moment, Jane was totally relieved as if she had come back to life once again. 

This was the real, lively Jane, and not the walking dead like she was before. After all these challenges and craziness, just when she thought that she would lose Edwin and Janell forever, they have both returned to her side. 

Right at this moment, she finally realized that no matter what happened, being together as a family was the one most important thing.

If they were not together as a family, they wouldn't be happy.

Jane became even more determined with this realization. No matter how

difficult the path ahead of them was, as long as Edwin and Janell were with her, they could overcome everything together and no one could hurt them. 

Jane was about to say something when the phone in her pocket rang. It was a notification for a text message. She unlocked her phone, and saw a voice message from Laura. 

Laura said that the baby was too excited for the New Years and has therefore, decided to arrive earlier. They were already on their way to the hospital. 

Laura gave birth to a six- pound baby boy through natural birth. They had decided to name him Fynn Alex way before he was born. They chose a simple and joyful name, just like Laura's name. 

Laura was smiling so happily as she stared at the baby that was lying next to her. She had completely forgotten about her cries and screams during delivery the day before. She was even complaining about not wanting to give birth ever again, while she was going through labour! 

Everyone still remembered what happened yesterday very clearly. Besides complaining about not wanting a baby in the future, she also yelled at John and told him off several times. 

She was ranting angrily about how John did the bare minimum of impregnating her and not having to do much after. She had to suffer all this while just to carry the baby and now that she had to go through such a painful experience to give birth. 

At first, John was worried that she would be afraid of the pain, so he proposed a C-section. It would have been better that way. 

But Laura felt that the C-section was not good for the baby, so she insisted on having a natural birth for the baby's sake. She always had the final say in their family. She wore the pants in their relationship! 

But when Laura was going through all that bouts of pain last night, she realized that John was just a useless b*stard! 

Why couldn't Sebastian stick with his opinion from the start? If he insisted on the C-section, she wouldn't have to suffer so much during the labour process. 

But right at this moment, Laura smiled so brightly and dismissed her pain last night. She did not have any complaints anymore.Everything was worth it with the healthy baby lying beside her. 

She smiled at Jane, who was sitting by the bed, and said, "Jane, do you think the baby looks more like me, or John?"

Jane stared at the baby over and over again, "Laura, can I tell the truth?" 

Laura rolled her eyes. "You silly girl, do you really think that I'd be unhappy if my baby looks like John?" 

Jane smiled gently and said, "Yea, what else could it be?" 

Laura added, "Although I always complain that John is annoying and there's nothing good about him, he is the man I can never live without. As long as he is around, I get to be as stubborn as I want to be, because I know that deep down, he's the only one who could tolerate me." 

Jane understood Laura's s words. The three of them had known each other since high school. They went to the same university, but pursued different majors. 

Once, there was a girl who was hitting on John in their sophomore year. When Laura found out, she ran to the broadcast room and announced to everyone that John was her boyfriend and warned the girl to forget about him.

Laura and John were only classmates at that time. John had never shown any signs of attraction or affection to her either But the bold Laura had already fallen in love with him.

John did not dare to reject her advances and eventually became Laura's boyfriend. Since starting a relationship with John, Laura did not neglect Jane. She would still see and talk to Jane daily about everything regarding their relationship. 

So from high school until college, and as they began dating, Jane had witnessed their entire romantic journey.

Jane knew how much Laura truly cared about John. It was a blessing that Laura had successfully given birth to the baby, and both of them were safe. Jane's excitement was no less than Laura's.

When Laura got married a few years ago, she wasn't by her side. She was absolutely chuffed to be by Laura's side now that she's become a mother. 

"Jane, it's so strange to be a mother.nWhen I see my child, it feels like I have everything in the world. This was a feeling I have never experienced before the baby was born. Yet, I feel so different now." Laura was recovering well. After a night's rest, she gained her energy back. 

"Yes, that's the feeling." Jane nodded. Finally, there's someone to talk about children with her, so she was also very excited. "When the child is jumping around you, you will unconsciously follow where they go. Once they get injured, no matter big or small, you would feel very worried regardless." 

In fact, Jane was feeling envious that Laura was able to give birth to her baby smoothly. The baby was even lying beside her and she could look at him whenever she desired. 

She recalled what happened during her experience with labour. When she was still pregnant with baby Janell, she was l forced to have a C-section and the baby was taken away before her due date.

She didn't even know what her baby looked like when she was born. She only heard that Janell weighed less than four pounds at birth because she was born prematurely.


Jane subconsciously touched her belly as she recalled what happened back then. This time, she would protect her baby and welcome the baby into the world safely no matter what. 

She wanted to stay by her children's side, and watched them grow up healthily day by day. From witnessing their first word to taking their first step, she didn't want to be absent anymore. 

"Jane, I really can't believe that we've both become mothers. This is something I never imagined before." 

Laura tilted her head and looked at the baby lying next to her with the most adoring look. She couldn't help but to poke at his wrinkled face. 

"In another 20 years, when our children are all grown up, we will be grandmas by then." That was a typical thought of every mother. As soon as the child was born, they started to worry about their children's future. 

Jane smiled widely. "In another 20 years, your Fynn will grow into a handsome man. I'm sure you'll be dead worried about him at that time. 

"I'm just worried about his marriage. I'm worried that he'll get married to a woman that I don't approve of. If your Janell and my baby could fall in love, or if you give birth to another baby girl, then I'll be content for the rest of my life." Laura certainly hasn't given up on the thought of having Janell as her daughter-in-law. 

"If they fall in love with each other, I certainly won't object." Jane suddenly thought about the big boy who had left them for a long time, which was Lucas. 

If Lucas had not left from saving Janell, he would have grown up with Janell and brought more joy to her. It'd be incredible if Lucas could be by Janell's side to the end of time. 

Although Jane did not know Lucas' background, she thought that with his calm, generous, and responsible personality, he would certainly be the most suitable son-in law. 

She knew Janell would grow up into a beautiful girl. There would be a lot of guys around her by then. But what was the use of the crowd? She only needed a man who really cared about Janell, loved her truly, and could make her happy for the rest of her life.

"Jane, what are you thinking about?" Jane was lost in her thoughts when they were chatting, so Laura glared at her discontentedly. 

"Thinking about our children's future." Jane responded patiently, "But when our kids grow up, they will have their own way of thinking. The people we like are not necessarily the ones they like." 

"You are always such a downer. I have worked so hard to give birth to the baby. Can't I just fantasize for a while?" Laura threw a contemptuous look at Jane. 

As Laura recalled the pain from her birth yesterday, she had the thought that she might die from the pain. What a blessing to still be alive now. 

"I'm also raining at my parade here. Besides, the children are not just ours, but also their fathers'. They will have their own opinions too about them." Jane dismissed Laura's dissatisfaction. 

Laura was always one who was straightforward and outspoken "Their fathers? They are the men who only had to work for a few seconds and we suffered for months here. What rights do they have to have their opinions?"

Laura was full of complaints when speaking of the fathers. She worked so hard to give birth to a son for him yesterday.

Instead of comforting her after the procedure, John suddenly turned into a fool and even cried. Laura had heard that many people would cry after the excitement of their first born. She had never seen it with her own eyes though.

Last night, she cried from pain, but John was crying out of joy and excitement. She was in so much pain that she almost lost her life. Yet, Sebastian was still crying happily.

How could Laura not complain about him? However, she was just venting mindlessly. She wasn't actually annoyed by John. On the contrary, she loved him very much but she just didn't want to admit it. 

Thankfully, John had known her for too many years and knew her very well, so he would always let her have things her way.

She was his wife at the end of the day. If he didn't care for her and love her, who else would?

John tolerated Laura's attitude all this while. He knew that no no matter how angry Laura was, she would be fine again in a short while. 

Jane smiled and continued, "Laura,bremember, you are a mother now. So when you talk to your child in the future, you have to be respectful of the father too." 

Laura pouted, "He doesn't even care, so why should I?" 

"Nurse, can you bring the baby back for some rest, please?" John spoke out all of a sudden, and he sounded a little angry. Laura looked back at him and immediately changed into a smiling face. 

"Oh daddy, I was just joking with Jane. Don't be angry." 

John didn't say anything. Laura pulled the corner of his shirt. "John, please let the baby stay here a little longer. As long as he stays with me for a little longer, I promise I will definitely change my bad habits." 

John pushed Laura's hand away and said, "You've made a promise with the nurse, and are you planning to break your promise now?" 

The baby was still a newborn and his immune system was very weak. The hospital needed to keep the baby in a special room for two days of monitoring. 

After the baby's immune system get stronger, he would then be discharged with the mother. 

Laura tried to plea, "But..." 

"There is no 'but'. Nurse, please take the baby away." It was rare for John to be so dominant towards Laura. 

Laura did not like to see this side of John. She grabbed the pillow on her side and threw it at John. 

"John, you get out of here!" 

"Laura, don't!" Jane grabbed Laura's hand and said, "John is doing this for your own good. If he doesn't insist on prioritizing the child's health today, what if the baby gets sick? You will really cry and be sad by then." 

"He just doesn't care about me. Look at Edwin. Wherever you go, he will chase after you. He will stay by your side silently. Now look at John, I always followed him, and he's never listened to me. When I am discharged, I need to try to run away from home and see what he'll do." Laura said this to Sebastian on purpose. 

"Laura,do you really think so?" John sounded really angry.

"Honey, I was just teasing. Don't take it seriously!" Laura knew that she had gone too far, so she held John's hand silently and apologized lovingly. 

John endured Laura's nonsense for all these years. He finally looked calmer and gently held Laura in his arms, "You are a mother now, how can you still act so childishly?" 

"Because I have you, so I can do whatever I want." Laura said very proudly..


Because I have you, I can do whatever I want. 

Coming out of the hospital, the words that Laura had just said to John still lingered in Jane's ears. 

Because in my world, there's you, you would give in to me and spoil me, therefore, I can be my true self around you. This could be the true portrayal of the relationship between Laura and John.

In the past, Jane had heard people say that five hundred years of virtue in a person's previous life could only be exchanged for a brief encounter in this life. Two people meeting in the vast sea of people and becoming husband and wife. 

How many 500 years had they spent doing good in their previous life in order to get them to be in each other's life and grow old together? 

Jane guessed that she must have saved the world in her previous life, so as to have the chance to meet Edwin and become his wife in this life. 

It was because John could tolerate all of Laura's shortcomings and waywardness, therefore she could say that she could be capricious because of him. 

Then she looked at herself again. Edwin also pampered her without any boundaries and gave her everything. Even when she arbitrarily proposed a divorce, he had let her do as she pleased. 

Every time when she thought about the divorce, Jane regretted it. The harm to Edwin had already been caused. 

In the future, she had to work hard to make up to him. She would not let him be hurt again. 

As she was thinking about Edwin, Jane looked up and saw him standing in the snow, looking lovingly at her. His eyes were so focused on her and full of tenderness, as if he could only see her. 

Since Laura had given birth to her child, Jane was definitely going to visit her in the hospital. Edwin drove her here with no questions asked. However, he did not go into the hospital with her. Instead, he waited for her in the cafe next to the hospital with Janell. 

After visiting Laura, Jane sent a message to Edwin. So as soon as she walked to the gate of the hospital, Edwin was already standing outside waiting for her. "Where is Janell?" Jane asked. 

Edwin was standing alone in the snow and she did not see Janell. In addition, she dared not meet his affectionate eyes, so she immediately changed the topic. 

"She's asleep." Edwin pointed to the car behind him, Janell was sleeping comfortably in the back seat of the car. 

After her parents reconciled with each other, Janell was in a good mood. She could eat, jump, and sleep happily. 

Once again, she started nagging about growing up quickly so that she could find her Brother Lucas. Young Janell was obsessed with Lucas. It was really not something a child like her would do. 

"Are you done visiting?" Edwin asked again. 

When he saw Jane coming out of the hospital from afar, Edwin put Janell down, got off the car to open the door for Jane to get into the car. Jane stood still and looked up at him quietly. 

"What's wrong?" Edwin looked worried. 

Edwin was so worried because of her slightly unusual behavior. Thinking of this, Jane suddenly felt sorry. 

Everybody knew clearly how well Edwin had treated her, including their enemy, Ed Yates. She was the only one who did not understand. 

Ed Yates had threatened her to leave Edwin because he wanted to use her to destroy him. However, she had fallen into Ed Yates' trap and proposed the divorce, which had hurt Edwin so terribly. 

Edwin was the last person she wanted to hurt, but because of her stupidity, she had caused serious consequences. 

When Edwin heard her mention about the divorce, his heart had to be in extreme pain. However, she thought that he couldn't wait to separate with her. 

Jane replied, "Edwin.." 

Edwin raised his eyebrows and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?" 

"I'm sorry!" She said again. 

"Jane, what do you want to do?" Hearing the words "I'm sorry" from Jane, Edwin's eyes darkened. He looked cold and scary. 

"I just want to say sorry to you!" She owed him too much apologies. It would take her a whole afternoon to apologize, but she couldn't keep silent. 

"Jane, I told you before, if you dare to mess around again, if you don't discuss with me when you encounter a problem, I will make you learn your lesson." Edwin said this ruthlessly, and he clenched her hand at the same time. 

"Edwin, I won't do that again!" Jane blinked back the tears in her eyes. She gave him a bright smile and said, "I'll listen to you from now on." 

"Jane, remember what I told you." Edwin took the chance to hold Jane in his arms and patted her on the back. 

Heavy snow continued to fall, but Jane did not feel cold today, because she had Edwin. With him by her side, no matter how cold the weather was, it would not be cold for her. Edwin's presence was enough to warm her heart. 

After getting into the car, Janell, who had slept for a while, turned over lazily, blinked her eyes, and woke up. 

"Baby, you're awake." Jane picked her up and held her in her arms. 

"Mom, I dreamed of Brother Lucas just now" Janell rubbed her eyes and said softly, pouting her pink lips. 

"Oh! Did you dream of Brother Lucas?" When Janell mentioned Lucas, Jane's heart ached. 

"Brother Lucas told me to grow up soon, he said that when I grow up, I can see him." Janell blinked her big eyes and looked at Jane. "Mommy, when will I grow up?" 

"You are growing up every day, but it's not obvious enough. In a few years, when you look back at your previous photos, you will notice that you are a big child then." The answer was from Edwin, who was driving the car. He looked at his wife and daughter in the back seat from time to time from the rearview mirror. 

"Am I growing every day?" Janell raised her hands and looked at them. Then she touched her face to check whether she had grown up. 

"If you don't believe me, let mommy show you your past photos in my mobile phone to see if you have really grown up." Edwin said. 

"Mommy, I want to have a look," Janell said happily. 

"Okay, I'll show you." Jane took the mobile phone handed over by Edwin and pressed the home button, she needed to enter the password. 

Jane had always trusted Edwin, and had never had the habit of checking his mobile phone. Jane didn't know his password when he suddenly gave his mobile phone to her. 

She wanted to ask, but at the same time, she thought of 131244. She entered the numbers, and the mobile phone was unlocked.

After unlocking the phone, Jane discreetly looked at Edwin. From the rearview mirror, she could see that Edwin's expression was calm. He didn't tell her the password, but let her unlock his phone. 

So in his knowledge, she naturally knew all his passwords. Jane was moved by Edwin's trust in her once again. 

"Mommy, show me the photos!" Janell couldn't wait to see the photos taken when she was a child. She wanted to see if she had grown up. 

At this moment, Edwin suddenly made a quick turn. Jane hit the left side of the car. Janell, who was sitting in the child car seat, also fell to the left side. 

Fortunately, her seat belt was fastened securely, otherwise, she would have been thrown out of her seat!.

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