Wednesday, December 16, 2020

LMCHAPTERS 1216 - 1220


CHAPTERS 1216 - 1220


Andrew enjoyed the feeling of Silvia putting all her trust in him and relying on him very much. When he heard her muttering and calling for him in her dreams, he became even gentler as he laid her down on the back seat of the car. 

After putting her in the back seat, Andrew pinched her rosy and tender cheek and said, "Silly girl, if you listen to me and don't cause any more trouble, don't upset me, don't think about other men... Then, I can consider being your support for the rest of your life. I will never let anyone hurt you." 

However, it was probably he had pinched her too hard that she felt a little pain in her cheek. She furrowed her brows and raised her hand to pat his hand away. "B‘stard, you're hurting me!" 

Andrew leaned over and bit her earlobe as he whispered in a flirtatious tone, "Silvia, tell me, who's hurting you?" 

However, just as he had finished asking that question, Silvia, who had fallen asleep, had unexpectedly opened her eyes. 

She stared at Andrew with her big bright eyes and asked in a soft voice, "Andrew Carter, you have a room exclusively for you in Phantasy Nightclub?" 

"Yeah." Andrew was stupefied when he heard her sweet and mellow voice. Therefore, before he could realize the meaning behind her question was, he had already nodded his head out of instinct. 

Upon hearing Andrew's affirmative statement, Silvia immediately sat up straight and grabbed on to the collar of his shirt. Then, she put away the adorable look on her face and gnashed her teeth as she asked, "B‘stard, why do you have a room at a place like Phantasy Nightclub?" 

This silly woman was being so adorable just a while ago, but now she had already turned into a wrathful tigress. 

Andrew explained, "I used to go there once a while, so the person in charge kept a room for me so that I could rest in it." 

Silvia grabbed his collar and asked in a murderous tone, "If you only went there once a while, then why do they need to save a room for you? Do you think that the rooms in Phantasy Nightclub are free of charge?" 

Looking at this woman who was about to swallow him alive, Andrew smiled and laughed in a low voice. However, as soon as he laughed, Silvia immediately flung her fist at him. 

Silvia's punch was so heavy that as soon as she withdrew her hand, Andrew's right eye was already bruising like a panda's eye. "I'm asking you a question now, what are you laughing at? What about it that's so funny? There is a room specially reserved for you, and Stanley Pierson had even asked the waitress to wash Audrey up and put her on your bed..." 

Thinking of this, one punch could not alleviate her anger anymore, so she raised her hand and gave him another punch on the chest. "Andrew Carter, you b’stard! You're a liar! You're so f‘cking dirty!" 

After they had intercourse for the first time, he told her that it was also his first time. D‘mn it, since he always went to Phantasy Nightclub, and his men would even put a woman on his bed, how could this man be clean? 

Silvia was already pissing off just thinking about it! 

If she could, she would definitely throw this man into a whole pot of oil, deep fry him and eat him so that he could no longer harm other women. 

Andrew grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. ”Stop it, Silvia! Calm down and listen to me. I'll tell you what it's all about." 

Silvia struggled. "I don't want to listen to you, I won't listen to you sweet talking to me anymore. I don't want to be deceived by your words anymore." 

"I don't care, even if you don't want to, you'll still have to listen to what I have to say. You have no other choice." Andrew grabbed her shoulders and made her look at him. "I'm always there alone and I've never slept with any women. Also, Stanley had never sent a woman to my room before. What happened last night was the first and the last time." 

Silvia didn't believe him. She sneered and said, "Wow, should I say that I'm lucky then? That was the first time but I was lucky enough to see it with my own eyes huh? Should I feel honored about it then? Or the previous times don't count because I didn't see it?" 

Andrew's face darkened. "Silvia, calm down and think about it first! I'm telling you the truth. I don't have to lie to you." 

"Andrew, are you really not lying?" Silvia sniffled. She was clearly the one who was angry with him and even punched him, but she was acting like the one who was wronged. 

"Of course not." Andrew hugged her. "Silvia, if you don't believe me, I can show you all the surveillance videos and prove it to you that I didn't do that." 

Silvia said hesitantly, "It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just..." afraid. She was afraid that he would suddenly get tired of her one day and that he would disappear from her side without a trace. 

"Silvia, I'm your husband, and you're my wife. You should know that trust and loyalty are very important between a couple." Andrew liked that she was jealous because of him, but her mini outburst where she wouId hit him, scold him and wouldn't even let him get near to her was really a little too overwhelming. 

"I'm sorry..." She was in a fit of anger, and that was why she had hit him so hard. Now that she had calmed down a little, she was distressed when she saw the bruise on his eye. Therefore, she reached out her hand and touched his eyes. "It probably hurt a lot, right?" 

Andrew slapped her hand away and said, "Why don't you let me punch you once? Then you will know whether it hurts or not." 

Silvia said sullenly, "I'll call Dr. Thames over to the house. I'll ask her to apply some medicine on it once we get back home." 

She never liked the way Dr. Thames looked at Andrew, and she didn't want Dr. Thames to get close to him with the excuse of treating him, but compared to all of these, Andrew's injury was even more important to her. If anything happened to him, she would really become a widow. 

Before returning home, Andrew took time to call Stanley and said, "You'd better stay in the cold storage room. Don't even try to come out without my permission." 

Stanley was at a loss for words. What was going on with his boss again? 

Didn't he already stay there for two hours? Did Andrew think that it was not enough? 

Therefore, Stanley plucked up the courage to ask. However, before he could even finish his words, the person on the other side had already hung up on him. Hence, after not long after he had come out of the cold room, Stanley went back in again. 

"Oh my god! Who's here to pity me?" 

Wouldn't most men hope that their subordinates would be smarter and send beautiful women to their rooms? Why was his boss so different from the others? 

"Sir, what is..." Dr. Thames could tell that Andrew got beaten up, but she did not dare to say it out loud. While preparing the medicine, she was wondering who dared to hit Andrew. 

Silvia got close to Dr. Thames and asked, "Dr. Thames, is it bad?" 

Dr. Thames said, "If the punch was any heavier, his eyeball might actually burst. Of course it is bad... But Miss Turner, you can rest assured, I'll apply the best medicine on him." 

"Don't scare her." Andrew, who was injured, finally spoke, "Give her the medicine and tell her how to use it." 

Dr. Thames refuted, "No, Sir... I'm a professional doctor. I should be the one..." 

"I said, let her do it." Andrew repeated his words. Silvia was the one who hurt him this time. If he did not make her treat his injury, how could she make it up for what she had done to him? 


Dr. Thames was having a qualm about it, but since Andrew had said so, she had no choice but to abide by his orders. Therefore, she hesitantly told Silvia the things that she should be aware of while applying the medicine to Andrew's eye. 

Silvia was the one who caused Andrew's injury. Therefore, she was all ears when Dr. Thames was giving her the instructions. 

As soon as Dr. Thames left, Silvia hurried to Andrew and said, "Young Master Carter, I've never applied medicine for anyone before, so if it hurts, you'll have to tell me, okay?" 

Seeing that she was so worried about him after hitting him, Andrew felt that the punch was worth it. He said to Silvia, "I have a low tolerance for pain. You'd better be more gentle with it!" 

"You're a grown man, aren't you ashamed for saying that?" That was what Silvia said, but in fact, her movements could not get anymore lighter. 

"Hiss..." As soon as Silvia lifted her hand, she could hear Andrew hissing in pain. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" 

Andrew said, "You're using too much force!" 

"I haven't even touched your eye, how on earth would I use too much force?" It was indeed her fault for hitting him. However, if it was not because of his subordinate who had sent a woman to his room, she wouldn't have misunderstood him. If she didn't misunderstand him, she wouldn't have hit him. 

In the end, she was not the only person at fault. Andrew, the b‘stard, was partly responsible for it too. 

"That proves that you've hit me too hard." Andrew glared at her fiercely. "What a heartless woman you are. If I didn't marry you, you probably wouldn't be able to get married for your whole life!“ 

"I'd rather not marry you, you b’stard." Silvia stretched out her finger and poked him. "Moreover, you were the one who had caused the misunderstanding." 

Andrew ignored the latter half of her sentence. With a darkened face, Andrew squinted his eyes and said with a faint smile, "Who else are you going to marry if not me?" 

"Oh, I'm just messing with you. Why are you being so serious? Don't move. I'm going to apply the medicine now." This man could be so petty sometimes that he could not even take a joke. 

Andrew stretched out his arms and hugged her. He nibbled her cheek and said, "Even if you're joking, you shouldn't say something that would upset me." 

"Do you still want me to apply the medicine or not?" If he continued to speak, she would really let him be. 

"Of course I do." Andrew stuck his face closer to her so that it would be more convenient for her to apply the medicine. "Silvia, since you can hit me so hard because of a misunderstanding, does it mean that I can also hit you like this when you make me angry?" 

Silvia smiled and said, "Do it if you can." 

Andrew said, "Do you think that I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do that?" 

Silvia said, "Hey, don't put words in my mouth, okay? I just think that you, Young Master Carter, is a forgiving man, so you won't be that petty to argue with a little girl like me." 

Andrew said, "No matter what, I will still remember what you've done to me today." 

Amidst the bickering, Silvia had finished applying the medicine. "Young Master Carter, it's almost dawn now. You should go to bed already." 

Andrew waved his hand and said, "Come here." 

Silvia asked, "What for?" 

Andrew said, "How am I going to fall asleep if you don't let me hold you?" 

Silvia said, "I'm not your bolster." 

Andrew said, "You are from now on." 

"You're so overbearing!" Although she said that he was domineering, she still snuggled up in his arms and let him hug her. However, he wasn't only hugging her. "Andrew, it's almost dawn now. What are you trying to do?" 

Young Master Carter was enjoying his exclusive privilege as he said, "It's the weekend. You have no classes, and I don't have to go to work either. It's the perfect time to test out the quality of the condoms that I bought yesterday." 

Silvia said, "You're a beast!" 

Since she had already called him a beast, of course he would have to do something to substantiate her claims. How could he disappoint his beloved wife, right? 



The rumbling sound of the stomach was particularly loud in the quiet room. Silvia touched her hungry belly and said, "Andrew, I'm hungry!" 

When she noticed that Andrew did not answer her, Silvia stretched out her leg and kicked in his direction. However, she did not get into anything. Therefore, she lazily opened her eyes and said, "This bastard is not here!" 

"Where are you, rascal?" The curtains had really done a good job in blocking out the light from outside. Therefore, the only light source in the room was from the tiny amber lamp. The light that was emitting from the lamp was very dim. Silvia looked around but saw nothing. At that moment, she could not even tell whether it was daytime or at night. 

"Thump! Thump!" 

A knock on the door sounded out of a sudden and it was followed by Auntie Cherry's voice. "Miss Turner, are you awake? I've brought you something delicious." 

When Silvia heard that there was food, she immediately rolled out of bed. She was so excited about it that she didn't even get the time to put on her slippers. She ran to the door and opened it. When she saw those delicate snacks on the tray, Silvia instantly gave Auntie Cherry a hug. "Auntie Cherry, you are so nice to me!" 

"It's not me, it's the Master." Auntie Cherry brought the snacks into the room and said, "Master Andrew knows that you'll be hungry when you wake up, so he has asked me to prepare these snacks for you. He had even asked me to bring them to you once you wake up." 

Those words had really warmed her heart up. However, she did not show it on her face. "I thought Andrew never allowed me to eat in his room? Did he ask you to send the food here?" 

Andrew was a clean freak. He couldn't stand the smell of food lingering in his room, so he did warn Silvia to never eat anything in his room. 

Auntie Cherry put down the snacks and said with a smile, "Miss Turner, he must have made it an exception for you then.“ 

"He had made it an exception for me? This is indeed the funniest joke that I've ever heard." Silvia obviously did not believe that Andrew would make it an exception for her. However, she could not care too much about it anymore now that there was food in front of her. She thought that she should fill up her belly first. 

"Master Andrew had made countless exceptions for you but you never knew about it." Auntie Cherry really wanted to tell Silvia this, but she held back her words. It was not up to her, an outsider, to judge how well her master treated his wife. Silvia should be the one to decide it. "Miss Turner, please take your time and enjoy your meal." 

"Okay." Silvia turned around and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out again, Auntie Cherry had already drawn the curtains and opened the window, allowing the morning sun to shine into the room. The sunshine was beautiful and it felt warm at the same time. "Oh, it's only dawn?" 

She thought that she had slept for a long time, but it turned out that it was not long after daybreak. It seemed like she did not sleep much. However, she was confused. She remembered that she and Andrew were doing it for a long time, but why didn't she feel tired at all? 

However, all of these are secondary. What was more important now was the food in front of her. At the thought of food, Silvia was not in the mood to think about it anymore. Filling her stomach was her utmost priority. 

After she was done with her meal, Silvia thought of Andrew. "Auntie Cherry, has Andrew eaten his meal?" 

Auntie Cherry said, "I don't know. But you can call him and ask if he has eaten his breakfast. I think he will be very happy to receive your call." 

“Weren't you the one who would prepare breakfast for him?" Silvia scratched her head in confusion. "Moreover, we're living in the same house, why do I need to call him to ask him. I'll just go and find him." 

After listening to Silvia, it was only then Auntie Cherry knew Silvia was not aware that Andrew was not at home. Therefore, she said, "Miss Turner, Master Andrew left early yesterday morning." 


"Yesterday morning?" Silvia grabbed Auntie Cherry's arm and smiled playfully. "Auntie Cherry, you must be kidding me. He was here with me the whole night and we were still together right before dawn. How is it possible that he went out yesterday morning?" 

"Miss Turner, you must have met Master Andrew in your dreams." Auntie Cherry smiled with a knowing look on her face. 

"Auntie Cherry, I'm being serious here. Stop making fun of me." Silvia was thick skinned, but now that Auntie Cherry was looking at her with that look, she couldn't help blushing. 

Auntie Cherry added, "Miss Turner, are you feeling a little confused because you've slept too much? You've slept from yesterday morning to this morning. It has been about 20 hours." 

"Have I slept that long?" No wonder she didn't feel tired at all. Silvia looked at Auntie Cherry again. "Auntie Cherry, could you please take these away for me? I'm going to change my clothes and I'm going out later." 

Auntie Cherry smiled and said, "Miss Turner, why don't you give Master Andrew a phone call?" 

Silvia said, "Why would I call him? I'm so happy that he's not home. It's so peaceful and quiet." 

She sounded quite tough, but as soon as Auntie Cherry left, Silvia immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Andrew's phone number. As soon as it was connected, Andrew's mellow voice sounded from the phone, "Lazy sloth, you're finally awake huh." 

"You are the sloth! Your family members are all lazy sloths! Your child will be a lazy sloth in the future too!" She called him on the phone to ask him how he was doing, but all she got was being called a lazy sloth. After bombarding Andrew with her words, Silvia finally felt better. 

Andrew's low and deep laughter sounded from the other side of the phone. "My child is also your child. If our child is a lazy sloth, it must be because of his mother, since she's a lazy sloth herself." 

"Who said that I was going to give birth to your baby? I don't want to give birth to your child." Silvia said so, but she was already thinking if they would be having a son or a daughter in the future. If it was a boy, who would he look like? What if it was a girl, would she look like her? 

Andrew chuckled and said, "I'll look for another woman to give birth to my child then." 

Silvia gritted her teeth and warned, "Andrew Carter, are you asking for a beating now? I'm warning you, if you ever dare to find another woman behind my back to give birth to your child, I will definitely break your third leg." 

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." When Andrew thought of how adorable she always looked like when she was gnashing her teeth, Andrew couldn't help laughing again. If she was with him, he would definitely pull her into his arms and nibble on her face. 

When Silvia heard Andrew's laughter, she stamped her feet in frustration and said, "Andrew, I'm being serious here. Do you think that I'm joking around with you?" 

"Of course not. I just thought that you would look really cute when you're jealous. And the moment I think about it I just want to bite you." Andrew's tone was very flirtatious. Upon hearing this, Silvia's ears immediately turned red. She quickly changed the subject by asking, "Where did you go?" 

Andrew said, "I went to T City to get something done. I'll be back in two days, so you can have fun alone at home for the time being. Also, you'd better don't get into any more trouble." 

"Since when did I get into trouble?" She was his wife, but he would always talk to her like she was a child, which was really annoying. 

Andrew said, "You better not.“ 

Silvia said, “Remember to have your meals on time and take your medicine on time... The weather is getting colder now. Don't come back with a sick body, alright?" 

Andrew said, "Yes, Honey." 

"Don't be so cheesy, will you? I'm having goosebumps all over already." It was the first time Andrew had ever addressed her like this. It got Silvia so excited that she immediately hung up on him. "B’stard, all you know is how to flirt with me. You’ve probably flirted with a lot of girls and that's why you're so good at it." 

Humph... Did he think that he was the only one who knew how to flirt? She could too... However, when Silvia thought about how she could flirt with men, she instantly realized that she did not know how to do it at all. 

Then, Silvia thought of Audrey. If she could get to Audrey's level, she wouldn‘t even need to do anything at all. One unintentional move was enough to make a man fall head over heels for her. 

Therefore, Silvia decided to seek advice from Audrey. She could not lose to Andrew at this. 

Silvia dialed Audrey's phone number. "Audrey, where are you?" 

"I’m going on a date," said Audrey. Silvia replied, "Huh?" 

Audrey looked at herself in the mirror. Her figure was neither too thin nor too chubby. It was perfect. "I met a guy when I was at the hospital. He's the super rich kind, so we exchanged numbers and I've just asked him out for a cup of coffee." 

"You really never fail to impress me, Audrey. You've only stayed in the hospital for one night and you‘ve actually managed to get a guy's phone number already." Silvia lowered her voice and said, "Audrey, why don't you take me with you and let me learn from you how to flirt with men?" 

"Flirt with men? Hey, when you're at my level, you don't even need to flirt with men at all." Audrey put on a necklace, as her fair fingers slid across her collarbone. To tell the truth, she looked so amorous in the mirror that she was about to fall in love with herself, let alone a man. 

However, there were exceptions among men too. For instance, Silvia's Young Master Carter. He was the only man she had met in the past few years who would not even look at her straight in the eyes. It was as if she was no different from a pile of dry bones. 

Silvia asked, "Audrey, can I come along?" 

"I was just thinking about your Young Master Carter. He wouldn't even spare me a glance... are you sure you still want to learn from me?" asked Audrey. 

Damn it, Audrey saw right through her. Silvia was embarrassed but she tried to denied it, "Who told you that I'm learning it to use it on him?" 

Silvia didn't want to admit it, but Audrey didn't want to expose her too. "Come over then, I'll let you watch and learn for free." 

"Alright." Silvia immediately answered. It was her last day off anyway and Andrew was not at home too. Now that she had gotten such a rare chance to do whatever she liked, and if she didn't make good use of it, she was outright an idiot. 

Silvia was dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of washed, ripped denim jeans. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, revealing her smooth forehead, which made her look like a high school student. 

However, Silvia was not satisfied with her own appearance. She looked like a teenager and her dressing was not feminine at all. Of course, she could not attract men with such an appearance. 

Therefore, Silvia looked through her wardrobe again. However, in that large wardrobe, she could not find anything else that she could wear. All her clothes were of the same style. They were neither mature looking nor charming. 

"Forget it, I'll just wear what I'm wearing first. I'll ask Audrey to accompany me to buy some clothes later. It must be a mature and sexy look, so that Andrew will never treat me like a child again." Silvia thought to herself. 

Because she was free and the weather was nice, Silvia did not ask the driver to send her. Instead, she chose to go on foot and once she had arrived at the entrance of the residential area, she would take a taxi to Audrey's place. 

"Thief! Catch the thief!" 

When Silvia was walking on the quiet treeline walkway, she suddenly heard two childish voices shouting. When she turned back, she saw a skinny man was running toward her, and not far behind from the man were two boys who were chasing after him. 


The residential area where Andrew's villa was located was called the West Side and it was the most well-known residential area in Madison City. 

The scenery at West Side was picturesque, and the air quality was said to be the best. Moreover, the weather was like spring all year. Therefore, the houses here were high priced and it was not something any other rich man could afford to own. 

The people who lived here were billionaires and the thing that had the most was money. 

Therefore, the price was never in their consideration. What they prioritized the most was safety, comfort, and privacy. Therefore, the security at the West Side was top notch. 

Silvia had been living there for several months now. Anyone who wanted to enter the area would have to go through a series of security checkpoints. Therefore, it would not be that easy for thieves to get in. 

This was her first time ever to see a thief in the area... While she was still immersed in her thoughts, the thief was already getting close to her. 

Silvia used to read adventure novels when she was a child, so she was particularly valorous. At this time, when she saw that the thief had stolen from those two little boys, she instantly wanted to save the day. 

When the scrawny thief ran past her, Silvia immediately stretched out her leg and tripped him up. Seeing that the thief had taken such a hard fall, Silvia felt a little sorry for him as she quietly withdrew her leg. 

However, the thief shouted, "B‘tch, why are you being so f‘cking nosy. I‘ll kill you today!" 

The thief cursed at Silvia as he rolled over to his side to get up, However, before he could even get up, Silvia lifted her foot and stepped on his back. "Since you've already scolded me, I guess I have no reasons to hold myself back then." 

The thief shouted, "You damn woman, take your stinky feet off me at this instant and I might spare your life today. Otherwise, I'll make you regret for being so nosy." 

"Are you sure that you're capable of doing that? Well, then tell me, how are you going to make me regret it?" To be honest, this was the first time Silvia had seen such a stupid thief. He was already under her feet, but he still dared to threaten her. 

Didn't his mother teach him to back down when the odds were against him? Even she knew the importance of being flexible and to never overestimate yourself. 

"Janell Joy..." 


The two little boys who came afterward exclaimed at the same time, but their contents were different. Silvia did not pay attention to what they were saying so she said, "Handsome lads, don't be afraid. I'll protect you two!" 

"You are...?" The two young boys were not afraid of the thief at all. Instead, they were very interested in Silvia. Their eyes were widened as they stared at Silvia. 

Moments ago, when they heard the sound and saw a woman who looked like Janell, the two of them thought that Janell had come after them. However, now that they had taken a clear look at her, they realized she was not Janell Joy at all. 

"It doesn't matter who I am. The most important thing is that I've caught the thief." Silvia had never thought of revealing her name, but when she turned around and saw these two handsome lads, she was stunned. 

A while ago when these two boys were far away from Silvia, she could not see what they looked like. But now that they were standing right in front of her, she could finally see their faces clearly. 

At this time, Silvia couldn't think of any words of praise at all. She only knew that these two boys were the most good-looking boys she had ever seen. 

Both of them were dressed in a sporty casual outfit and they looked like they were about 1.5 meters tall. They were not short, but their faces were very tender. Judging from their appearances, they were probably around eleven or twelve years old. 

"What's your name, handsome?" His face was rosy and smooth, it must feel nice to touch it. At that instant, Silvia really wanted to reach out her hand and pinch their faces. 

"Miss, why don't we call the police and let them take the thief away first... Otherwise, it will be quite troublesome if he gets the chance to run away," said one of the boys, who looked much bubblier. 

"You are so good looking, of course I will listen to you no matter what you say." Silvia quickly took out her mobile phone. However, just as she was distracted by her phone, the thief tried to fight back. However, the two boys reacted quickly by stepping on the thief's arms. The thief was in so much pain that he stopped struggling. 

Just as the two boys were dealing with the thief, Silvia had just ended the call. "Handsome lads, the security guards will be here soon and they will hand him over to the police." 

In the next second, several security guards rushed over to them. "It's our fault that a thief had gotten into the residential area. We are really sorry about it!" 

Silvia waved her hand and said, "Forget it. You guys should take him away and hand him over to the police." 

However, the young boy, who had been keeping his silence, said with a solemn face, "Don't just apologize. If it's useful to apologize, then do we still need security personnel? It was fortunate that nothing bad had happened today. If the thief were to hurt someone, could it be solved with just an apology?" 

He was young, but he was calm and confident when he spoke. His aura was so strong that it scared the security guards. "Yes, yes, yes... We will immediately arrange our personnel to inspect the whole area and strengthen the entire security system. We will never let any unrelated people sneak in again." 

The boy said again, "Take the thief to the police. I don't want to see such an incident happening in this area ever again." 

"Yes, yes, yes. We'll take him away right now." The security guards nodded repeatedly and hurriedly took the thief away. 

Not only were the security guards stunned by the little boy, but Silvia was too. Although he was still young, he had the demeanor of an adult. 

What kind of family did this young boy grow up in? How could he behave in such a dignified manner at such a young age? 

Silvia was still stunned while the bubbly little boy tugged her sleeve and said in a sweet voice, "Miss, you‘re not only beautiful, your heart is shining too. I really like you." 

Silvia smiled and said, "Really?" 

No matter how true it was, these words were totally useful on Silvia. She had almost completely fallen into this little boy's charm. 

"Of course. I meant it from the bottom of my heart." The bubbly boy held Silvia's hand and asked. "Miss, do you have a boyfriend?" 

Before Silvia could answer him, he added, "You are so young and beautiful. Ordinary men don't deserve you at all, so I‘m guessing that you don’t have a boyfriend. Why don't you wait for a few years? We can wait until I grow up, then you can be my girlfriend." 

“Little Mr. Handsome, did you just eat a whole jar of honey? You are so good at making girls happy huh. Did you learn it from your father?" Someone had just flirted with her, and he was a twelve-year-old boy! However, she was enjoying it very much. 

"Miss, I'm not just trying to make you happy. I‘m really telling the truth. Also, are you willing to wait till I grow up so that I can court you?" Although he would always sweet talk to all the girls that he had met, he was indeed praising Silvia from the bottom of his heart. Silvia was not only beautiful but she also looked somewhat similar to the mischievous Janell Joy. Therefore, he really could not stop himself from liking Silvia.



"You're obviously sweet-talking me." Although Silvia knew that he was sweet talking, she still liked it. Silvia was amused. She smiled and said, "Handsome, I'm already married. It seems like I can't wait for you to grow up in this life. However, I'll be sure to wait for you in my next life." 

"What? But you're still so young. How could you be married already? It's probably because you don't like it so you're coming up with such an excuse, right?" The handsome boy looked like he was really sad. 

"No, that's not the case at all. How can I not like you? You two are so handsome. I already feel happy just by looking at the two of you." Silvia had always liked handsome men, or else she would not be talking to this little boy for so long. 

The handsome boy asked, "Miss, do you like me then?” 

Silvia nodded. "Of course I like you! If I don't like you, I won't even talk to you." 

"Oh, so you won't talk to anyone that you don't like." The bubbly boy pointed his finger at the quiet boy and said, "Since you‘re not talking to him, I'm guessing that you don't like him then?" 

"No, no... I like him too." She could not admit that she was not speaking to the indifferent boy because she was afraid of his aloofness, could she?! 

The bubbly boy despised the quieter boy, but Silvia did not. He was disappointed to know that, but he must not show it. He asked again, "What's your name?" 

Silvia said, "You can call me Silvia." 

"Silvia? What a wonderful name you have there." The bubbly boy praised Silvia again and Silvia was pleased to hear that. She thought that if all the boys in the world were like this, it would be a great world to live in. 

The boy said again, "Silvia, could you please bend down a little. I'll tell you a secret." 

"What kind of secret that you want to tell me?" As soon as Silvia bent down, the little boy held her head and kissed her on the face. "I like you." 

The boy who was standing next to him immediately frowned while maintaining his indifferent look. 

Now that a handsome little boy had confessed to her, Silvia was on cloud nine. "By the way, Mr. Handsome, now that you've even confessed to me, but I still don't know your name." 

"I'm Le... I'm James Carter. Pretty Miss Silvia, if you don't mind, you can just call me James." This talkative boy was Angela Carter and Victor James' son, Levi James. He knew that he had to be careful when he was out there, so he came up with a fake name on the spot. 

Of course, it was not enough to introduce just himself. When they were out, Levi would also be Julien Glover Carter's spokesperson. "Miss Silvia, he's my brother, Ronan Carter. You can just call him Ronan." 

“Oh? You're both Carters !" When Silvia heard that their surname was Carter too, she felt inexplicably close to them. She reached out her hand and pinched Levi's little face. Sure enough, it was soft and supple, and it felt very nice touching it. Silvia wanted to pinch Julien's face too, but when she saw the serious look on that little fellow's face, she immediately retreated her hand and said, "Are all the Carters this good looking?" 

Not only these two boys were good looking, Andrew, who shared the same surname, was extremely handsome too. Perhaps, God favored the Carters. 

"I'm not sure about the others, but everyone in my family is good looking." Levi was that confident.

Silvia smiled and said, "Your father must be very good at making your mother happy." 

Levi shook his head and said, "My father is always busy with his work, and he rarely has time to accompany my mother. Because of that, I was the only left to keep my mother company. She told me that every woman is special so I must learn to be nice and gentle to them, and never be like my father who never knew how to love and care for a woman." 

"So that's what you're doing now then?" Silvia couldn't help but reach out her hand to pinch Levi's face again. 

”Miss Silvia, you are so kind and beautiful. Any man who sees you will just want to be nice to you. So, it's normal for me to do this." His words were well-argued, which delighted Silvia. 

"Who on earth is this kid?" 

"He's so handsome and he's eloquent too. I wonder how many girls will fall in love with him when he grows up." 

Listening to Levi's words, Julien who was standing beside him was frowning. 

No wonder Victor would think that Levi was not his biological son. Besides the similarity in their appearances, there was nothing common between Levi and Victor at all. All Levi knew was how to sweet-talk girls. 

When they were at home, he was able to make Janell Joy brim with joy with his words. It was still the same now that they have left home and met a girl who looked so much like Janell Joy. Julien was utterly speechless to see Levi being like this. 

Judging from their conversation, Silvia realized that James was a talkative and a high-spirited little boy whereas Ronan was very quiet. From the moment they met, Ronan had only spoken two sentences, and that was to the security guards. Then, he had been keeping his silence ever since. These two brothers really had completely different personalities. 

After chatting for a while, Levi took the opportunity to make a request. "Miss Silvia, can we ask you for a favor?" 

Silvia asked, “What favor?" 

Levi immediately put on a sad face, "We came to Madison City to look for our elder brother, but we could not get in touch with him with the phone number that he had left for us. We don't know where he lives too and we've been searching for him for the past three days, but we still couldn't find him." 

Seeing that Levi was about to cry, Silvia was distressed, so she quickly comforted him, "Don't cry, James, don't cry. I will help you find a way, okay? Where are your parents though? You guys have gone missing for three days now, I'm sure that they are looking for you, right?" 

Levi said, "We snuck out without our family knowing. Our parents had no idea about it." 

"You sneaked out without your parents permission?" Silvia became anxious. "James, how about this? You should give your parents a call first and tell them that you are safe now so that they can be at ease. Then, we can go look for your brother." 

Levi pursed his lips and looked as if he would cry at any time. "Miss Silvia, can we not make that phone call? My father is very fierce. If he comes here and takes me back home, he'd definitely break my legs." 

Upon hearing Levi's words, Juiien, who was silent, sighed again. "How could a nice person like Uncle Victor give birth to such a son, who would badmouth his own father?" 

"Your father is that fierce?" Because of Levi's good looking face and convincing words, Silvia believed his words without a doubt. "Why don't... the two of you go back to my house with me first? Then we can go look for your brother together." 

"Okay." Levi hugged Silvia. "Miss Silvia, you are really as beautiful and kind as an angel." 

"Oh my!" Silvia was over the moon to receive such a compliment. 

As a result, the two boys, Levi and Julian, followed Silvia to Andrew's house. 

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