Monday, December 21, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1236 - 1240


CHAPTERS 1236 - 1240


Sure enough, it was because of the gunshot wound that he had sustained while saving Janell Joy. 

Thinking of the pain that Andrew had to go through for the past three years, Julien was so distressed that his eyes had turned red. However, he was a stubborn and arrogant little boy, so he would never shed tears so easily. 

Therefore, he raised his head to stop his tears from flowing out and asked in a cold tone, "Dr. Thames, are you the one who has been treating Andrew for the past three years?" 

Dr. Thames put away the syringe and nodded. "I've been working for Master Andrew for more than three years now. However, I couldn‘t do much for him at all." 

Julien asked, "What do you mean?" 

Dr. Thames added, "Before this, Master Andrew was in poor health, but he would never undergo any treatment. It was only a few months ago when he finally allowed me to treat him. If it weren't for the long delay, his condition wouldn't have been so bad." 

"Do you mean that he didn't cooperate with the doctor before this because he wanted to worsen his condition?" Julien was blunt, which surprised Dr. Thames. 

Dr. Thames was already curious about the two boys who had appeared in Andrew's house out of nowhere. After speaking to Julien, she was even more eager to find out who they were. "Cutie, what's your relationship with Master Andrew?" 

Julien did not answer. Instead, he asked, "Why do you have to know what's my relationship with him? 

This answer was amazing! 

Silvia, who was next to them, could not help but to covertly give Julien a thumbs-up! 

After getting dissed by a child, Dr. Thames was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to answer his question. Then, she heard the little boy say, "Dr. Thames, could you please get his medical records ready and pass it to me by tomorrow noon?" 

At such a young age, not only did he speak like an adult, he was doing things like an adult too. However, how could Dr. Thames hand over Andrew's medical record just like this? "Cutie, I'm Master Andrew's doctor, and I will only listen to his orders. His medical record is private and confidential, without his order, I cannot give it to you." 

Julien said, "Just do what I say. Don't give so many excuses." 

At such a young age, he was already exuding such an overbearing aura when he speaks, which almost scared Dr. Thames. However, Dr. Thames had stepped out into society for quite some time now, so it would not be that easy to intimidate her. "Let's not talk about whether I could give you his medical records or not. Tell me, what can a little kid like you do anything with it?" 

"The gunshot wound is the cause of his weak body. He can't get well just by staying in bed at home. We must find a better doctor to treat him. We must not allow any more delays." Julien was worried about Andrew's condition. He was determined to find the best doctor to treat his brother, so he had inadvertently ignored the fact that Dr. Thames was also a doctor. 

No teacher was willing to hear the others say that he was bad at teaching, and no doctor was willing to hear anyone say that he could not cure his own patients. 

After listening to Julien's words, Dr. Thames‘ face fell. However, she forced a smile and said, "Kid, don't you think that you're being a little too mean? But, you're just a little kid after all so I won't blame you for it. Well, it's getting late now. You guys should go get some rest. I will take care of Master Andrew tonight." 

Dr. Thames wanted to stay back and take care of Andrew again. She was a doctor... For the sake of Andrew's health, Silvia could not find a reason to refuse. Just as she was in a dilemma, Julien said, "Dr. Thames, you are a doctor. You can just leave the medicine here and go home first. We're his family, and we will take good care of him." 

"Dr. Thames, could you please measure his temperature again? If his fever has gone done, then you can go home and get some rest first. I will measure his body temperature from time to time and make sure that he takes his medicine accordingly." Silvia, who had Julien's support, was even more confident as she spoke. 

To be honest, she really could not agree more with what Julien had said moments ago. 

Dr. Thames should only care about her own duty as a doctor. She should stop thinking about hitting on her employer. Not only did Silvia not like her, the people around her did not like her too. 

Silvia had always thought that Julien behaved so indifferently in front of her because he did not like her, which made her feel apprehensive about getting close to him. However, after comparing his attitude towards Dr. Thames, Silvia finally realized how nice Julien was to herself. 

To her, Julien was now an adorable little boy. When he talked back at Dr. Thames, that was really something that would make the others want to stay away from him. 

Seeing that the two of them were going against her, Dr. Thames‘ was extremely displeased. However, she still wanted to know who these two boys were, so she asked Silvia, "Who are they?" 

"They are my cousins." Silvia's lie was not convincing at all, but Dr. Thames couldn't say anything about it. She was only a doctor who Andrew had hired after all. Besides treating Andrew, she did not have the right to speak about anything at all. 

She took out a thermometer and measured Andrew's body temperature. "Mr. Carter's body temperature has fallen to 38.6 degree Celsius. He is slowly getting better now. Please make sure that you guys are by his side the whole time and do keep an eye on his condition. You guys must not let things go wrong, alright?" 

"Auntie Thames, you don't like us, do you?" Levi James who was worried about Andrew, had not spoken a word at all. His sudden speech made Dr. Thames' heart quiver and the fake smile on her face had almost disappeared. 

This little kid was probably around ten years old, how could he call her ‘Auntie'? Did she look that old? 

"You don't like Sister Silvia, do you?" Levi was young, but he was very good at judging people. He could tell who really liked them and who was being hypocritical to them. 

Dr. Thames put on a smile and said, "Cutie, I believe that your parents have taught you before that you shouldn't talk nonsense, right?" 

However, instead of putting on a dissatisfied look, Levi smiled and said, “Dr. Thames, it doesn't matter if you don't like us. We don't like you anyway. But let me tell you, as long as Sister Silvia is still the hostess of this family, I will protect her and I will never let anyone hurt her." 

Facing these two mean children, Dr. Thames felt that she was on the verge of snapping. Fortunately, the two of them stopped questioning her so she immediately found an opportunity to get herself out. 

Dr. Thames left in embarrassment, but Silvia was happy as if she had found a treasure. It was not that she had actually found a treasure, but it was because these two handsome boys had helped her confront Dr. Thames. If they were not treasures, what were they then? 

Silvia really did not expect that these two young boys could be so mean when they talked. 


Levi leaned into Silvia and sat down. "Sister Silvia, do you hate Dr. Thames because you're afraid that she would steal Andrew away?" 

"What are you talking about, little guy? If somebody wants to steal Andrew away, that person can just go ahead with it. I don't even care about him." Silvia was embarrassed because even a child could see through her. Was she being that obvious? 

"Don't worry, Sister Silvia. You are our sister in law now and Andrew only likes you. No one can ever take him away from you." Although Silvia refused to admit it, Levi could see it clearly. When Dr. Thames touched Andrew while she was giving him an injection, the look in Silvia's eyes was so fierce, as if she wanted to cut Dr. Thames' hand off. If she was not worried that Dr. Thames would snatch Andrew away, then why did that happen? 

It was common for women to speak with a forked tongue. His mother, Angela Carter was the same too. Although she loved Victor James deeply, she would always say that she would leave him for someone younger. 

"Levi, how do you know though?" Silvia felt warm in her heart when she heard Levi's words. She stroked his head and said, "Tell me, how do you know that Andrew likes me?" 

Did Andrew really like her? 

Silvia thought about it seriously. Andrew probably didn't like her. If he really liked her, he would dote on her and spoil her. However, as long as she had known him, he had never doted on her nor did he spoil her. Instead, he would only bully her. 

Before coming home that night, Silvia had asked him to promise her that he would be nice to her, and that he would not be angry with her for no reasons. However, not only did he not promise her, he had even left her alone in the cold wind. 

How could such a b‘stard like him like her? Levi must be saying that to cheer her up. 

"Andrew even made you his wife, of course he likes you." Everyone in their family was like this. Victor liked Angela, so he married her. 

Although Victor had never said that he liked Angela and the two of them would get into a fight occasionally, if Angela were to get into any trouble, even if it was a small one, Victor would be so worried about her that he could not even eat and sleep. 

"That's not necessarily true though. The reason Andrew and I got married was somewhat unusual." They did not marry out of love, but because of an accident that happened between the two of them. He wanted to compensate her and that was why they got married. 

"Of course Andrew likes you.“ Julien, who was aloof, said with absolute certainty. "Sister Silvia, if Andrew doesn't like you, he will never marry you." 

"But why?" Silvia wanted to know why the two of them could be so certain that Andrew liked her. However, after saying a few words, Julien went over to Andrew to take care of him. He had no intention to continue with this conversation. 

Silvia then looked at Levi and said, "Levi, my brain alone is not enough to process all of these. Could you please analyze it for me." 

With a solemn face, Levi helped Silvia to analyze, "Sister Silvia, men may not explicitly say that they like a woman, but you could tell it by judging from his behavior. According to my observation for the past two days, Andrew just couldn't keep his eyes off you. So, I'm sure that he likes you." 

"Really?" Levi was so confident about it that Silvia was starting to believe him. She thought that it would be great if what Levi had said was true. 

"Trust me, Sister Silvia. I'm 100% sure that Andrew likes you." Levi patted his chest with confidence. 

"Levi, you are so young, how do you know so much about these things?" Silvia recalled the times when she was with Andrew. Whenever they were together, it was true that he would never look away from her, but the look in his eyes was always full of disgust. 

Andrew would always think that she was dumb, or that she was a woman who would only cause trouble. It was as if she had no merits at all. 

"Silvia, you just know it when you've heard and seen it enough." Levi patted Silvia's shoulder with a look as if he had been through all these. 

"Levi, you're that amazing huh?" Silvia said sarcastically. Seeing that it was getting late, Silvia continued, “Levi, Julien, it's getting late now. You two should go to bed already. I'll stay here and take care of Andrew." 

"Sister Silvia, I want to stay back and take care of Andrew." When Andrew was in good health, Julien would always stick by his side. Now that Andrew was sick, he would never leave Andrew alone. 

“Sister Silvia, I also want to stay back and take care of him," Levi echoed. 

"Okay, you two can stay and keep your brother company. Go to bed when you feel sleepy, okay?" Silvia knew that these three brothers were very close to each other. Now that Andrew had fallen sick, they would definitely worry about him. 

However, looking at their reaction towards Andrew's high fever, it seemed like they were not aware of Andrew's old illness at all. 

Silvia asked, "Julien, does your family know about Andrew's condition?" 

"No, they don't." Julien shook his head. If they knew, they would never let him behave so capriciously... If the elders in the family knew about it, they would be worried sick. 

"They don't?“ Silvia really could not believe it. Weren't they his family? How could they not know about such a serious matter? "Did you guys know that your brother got shot three years ago?" 

Julien answered, "We all know that Andrew got shot because he wanted to save my sister. But, we didn't know that it has caused such a great impact on his body." 

"Your brother got injured while trying to save your sister?“ Silvia was a little confused. At that time, Simon Banks told her that Andrew got injured because he had encountered a mass shooting during his trip abroad. Who was telling the truth now? 

Julien realized that he might have said too much. "You didn't know about it?“ 

"Oh no... I do, I do, of course I do... I was just spacing out." Silvia didn't know why Simon would lie to her. However, she knew that Andrew did not want her to know the real reason for his injury. She had asked him about it before, but he did not tell her anything. 

It was not an embarrassing thing to get shot in order to save his sister anyway. So, Silvia guessed that it was because Andrew was worried that she would be afraid if he were to tell her the truth. 

In fact, he could just be honest to her. She was not a timid person anyway. No, she was timid, but she had to be a stronger person if she wanted to stay by his side. Therefore, she would try her best to become brave and strong, and if an emergency were to happen one day in the future, she would not be a hindrance to him. 

Silvia reached out and grabbed Andrew's hand gently. She said in her heart, "Andrew, didn't you always say that I'm your wife? But do you know what the real meaning of a wife is?" 

His wife was not only his life partner, or someone who would accompany him in bed. Instead, she was someone who would go through all the ups and downs in life with him. 


The cold wind whistled outside the house, and the temperature was still plunging. It was as if that night was destined to be an extraordinary night. 

Dr. Thames walked through the green walkway with her medical kit in her hand and finally arrived at her house. She opened the door and stepped into the house. As soon as she entered her room, she threw the kit onto the floor and cursed, "You bunch of scoundrels. I will send you all to hell!" 

All these while, Dr. Thames had been enduring Silvia, that bitch, who had been stepping all over her. And now, two spoiled brats showed up out of nowhere. What right did they have to order her around like she was their servant? 

If she could, she wanted to kill them at that instant. 

"What's the matter?" A tall man came out from a dark corner and bent over to pick up the medical kit that Dr. Thames had thrown on to the ground. "Why are you so upset after seeing your sweetheart?" 

Dr. Thames said coldly, "Who let you in? Get out of here now. Don‘t let me see you!" 

The man ignored her scolding and helped her put the medical kit away. "My dear Dr. Thames, you've endured it for more than three years now. Can‘t you just wait a little longer? Do you want someone else to take your sweetheart away forever?" 

"Humph... you know nothing! I can wait for three years and not do anything about it because there has never been a woman around him. Silvia had only known him for a few days, and they are already married now. They were so fast that I was caught off guard. To think of it, they are already married for quite a few months now." Thinking of Andrew and Silvia's marriage, Dr. Thames was furious. However, she did not know where she could vent her anger. 

Dr. Thames had always thought that there was a woman in Andrew's heart so it would not be easy for anyone to enter his life. However, she could not believe that Silvia, that wretch, had taken away her opportunity to be Andrew's woman within such a short period of time. 

"And that is why you are being so anxious and panicking here, and you're about to mess up your own plan now?" The man curled his lips and sneered. "You should know better than I do that if Andrew were to get suspicious about us, he would definitely kill us. And don't forget that for him to kill us, it would be as easy as pinching an ant. So, all we can do now, is endure." 

”Huh... all you say is to endure?! The woman you love has been snatched, but you still tolerate it?!" Dr. Thames said disdainfully, "Frankly, if you were capable enough of taking care of your woman, would we even get ourselves involved in such a mess?" 

Dr. Thames' words sharp like a knife, piercing into the man's heart. 

The man clenched his fist and rushed up to Dr. Thames. He grabbed her by the neck and said, "Dr. Thames, you're not anyone to me, and you are not that capable yourself too. I'm warning you, if you ever dare to talk nonsense again, I will cut off your damn tongue!" 

However, Dr. Thames was not afraid of him. "Humph, you can only act tough in front of me. If you really have the ability, find the man who destroyed everything you had." 

"Of course I will look for him. Otherwise, why do you think that I came back here?" The man let go of Dr. Thames and a vicious look appeared in his eyes. That man had ruined everything for him, of course he would make him pay the price. 

Dr. Thames said, "But you are not allowed to hurt him. He's mine." 

The man sneered and said, “You don't have to worry about it. I will go along with what we've agreed previously." 

"It's good that you remember that." Dr. Thames took a couple steps back and said, "I'm terribly vexed now. Could you get someone to do me a favor?“ 

The man asked, “What is it?“ 

Dr. Thames said, "I don't know where Silvia got those boys from, but they are really smart and they behave like adults. I want you to find a way to get rid of them. Otherwise, they will definitely be a stumbling stone to our plan." 

The man asked, "What boys?" 

Dr. Thames said, "I met two little boys when I was at Andrew's house. They are about 5 feet tall and they look like they are about 12 years old. I don't know where they came from, but they were being a pain in the ass tonight." 

The man hesitated. "It's better not to stir up any more trouble during this period of time, or we might risk getting exposed." 

Dr. Thames said, "What are you afraid of though? I didn't ask you to do it anyway. If you find someone else to do it, even if the matter got exposed, no one will find out that you are the one behind it." 

The man thought for a moment and said, "Alright, you can leave this matter to me. I will send someone to deal with those two boys. As for you, you should really control your emotions and don't let it ruin our plan.“ 

"There's no need for you to tell me that. That is why I'm venting here at home, isn't it? Do you think that I would actually expose myself in front of him?" Unless she was sick of living, otherwise she would never dare to do that. 

Simon had been working for Andrew all this while and he was even one of the people who had watched Andrew grow up. However, because of Silvia, Andrew could even fire him without a qualm, let alone Dr. Thames who was just a doctor. 


Silvia took a thermometer and measured Andrew's body temperature. He was still burning, so she took a fever patch and stuck it on his forehead. 

"Andrew, wake up quickly, okay? Don't let the fever damage your brain. If your brain is really ruined, I will let Dr. Thames take you away." To be honest, Silvia had never taken care of someone else in her entire life and Andrew, this b‘stard, was the first to make her do that. 

Levi said, "Sister Silvia, I know that you can never bring yourself to let anyone take Andrew away from you.“ 

Silvia said, “Who said that I can't do that? If he doesn't wake up now, I will throw him out of the window.“ 

It was as if Andrew had heard that Silvia was going to throw him out, so he slowly opened his eyes and asked, "Who's going to throw me out of the window?" 

"You're awake!" Silvia quickly grabbed his hand. "If you don‘t wake up any time sooner, I'll really throw you out of your window." 

Knowing that Silvia was just pretending to be mean, Andrew did not get mad at her. He looked at her and saw that Levi, Julien, and Silvia were at his bedside. "I'm only having a fever, I won't die from it. You all should go to bed." 

"You're only having a fever?" Silvia glared at him fiercely. "Andrew, you're probably out of your mind because of the fever. Do you know how worried we were for you when you went unconscious?" 

Andrew said feebly, "I'm fine. You guys should go get some rest already." 

"Andrew, why do you have to torture yourself like this? Your wound will heal up properly if you get the right treatment, but why wouldn't you cooperate with the doctor?" Julien did not understand why Andrew would do that to himself. He felt that he did not understand his brother at all. 

Andrew said, "Silly boy, it's just a fever. It's not as serious as you think. Don't think too much about it, okay? Go back to the room with Levi and go to bed already. I'll be fine when you wake up tomorrow.” 

"Andrew..." Julien's eyes suddenly turned red and he was choked up. 

Andrew smiled and said, "Julien, why are you crying?“ 

Julien sniffled and said, "I‘m just worried about you. I'm afraid that I won't get to see you again when I wake up from my sleep." 

"No. I promise you that I will let you know whenever I go, okay? So you don't have to worry about me anymore." Andrew stroked Julien's head and promised him. 

"Andrew, you can't leave me behind, okay? You have to tell me where you go too.“ Levi, of course, did not want to be left out. 

Andrew nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you two, alright? Okay, you two should go to bed already.' 


After sending the boys to their room, Silvia went back to the room and covered Andrew with the blanket. "When you were asleep, Levi and Julian were really worried about you.“ 

"I'm sorry to let you guys worry about me!" Andrew held Silvia's hand, but his voice still sounded a little weak. "Silvia, if I don‘t wake up one day..." 

Silvia interrupted him in a harsh voice, "Andrew, I've been hoping that you won't wake up, so that I can spend all your money on other men.“ 

Did this fellow not know how worried she was? She was so worried about him, but he actually spouted such nonsense to her the moment he woke up?! 

"He should die! Then he'll see how I spend his money on some other kept man!" she thought fiercely. 

"Silvia, how dare you!" Sure enough, the overbearing nature in him was triggered at that instant. When he heard that Silvia wanted to spend all his money on other men, he was jealous, even if he knew that she was just teasing him. 

Silvia pouted her lips at him. "Since you're dead, why would you even care about what I do? At that time, even if you‘re just a soul, you can only watch while I get together with another man and you can't even do anything about it." 

"Really?" Andrew smiled evilly. He reached out his hand and grabbed Silvia's head to pull her into his arms. Then, he kissed her, enjoying the taste of her lips. 

"Andrew... Mm..." This man was still having a fever. She could feel how warm his body was, but he was still much stronger than her. Sure enough, he was a tough fighter. 

However, this kiss did not last very long. After a short while, Andrew let go of her and pressed his thumb on her lips. He then said in a domineering tone, "Silvia, you're mine when I'm alive. And if I die, I'll drag you along with me. I'll never let anyone touch you." 

What a domineering man! However, Silvia liked it. "Do you mean that even though we are not born on the same day, you want me to die on the same day as you?" 

Silvia smiled and said, "Andrew, if you want to confess your love to me, then just do it. If you do it nicely, I might actually accept it." 

Andrew did not know what to say. This silly woman really had a different set of logic. How could she think that he was expressing his love to her while he was threatening her? Perhaps, it was because she was different that he was attracted to her, and he was falling deeper in love with her. 

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as a love confession already." Silvia smiled playfully and lay beside him. "Andrew, can you let Julien and Levi stay here a little longer?" 

Andrew asked, “Aren't you jealous of them? Or think that they're a nuisance?" 

"I might get a little jealous, but why would I think that they are a nuisance? They even helped me fight against the monsters." The two boys were so sensible and adorable. She liked them very much, how could she think that they were a nuisance? 

Andrew was confused, "What monsters?" 

Silvia said smugly, "This is a secret between us. We are not going to tell you." 

Andrew said, "Are you really not telling me?" 

"Yup, I‘m not." Silvia reached out her hand and touched his forehead. "You‘re a big man, but you're weaker than me. If you can't even protect me, why would I still need you? I really don't want you anymore, what should I do?" 

Andrew said, "Don't you know what I can do?" 

Silvia said, "You're so weak. What can you do?" 

Andrew said, "You!" 

"Shame on you!" Silvia waved her fist at him. However, when her fist was about to land on his body, Silvia held back her strength. 

Her fist gently fell on his body. He was still a patient, how could she bully him like this? "Andrew, I'll bring you home to see my mother once you are completely well." 

Silvia wanted to bring him home to see her mother. When Andrew heard what Silvia had just said, he immediately felt much better. "Silvia, I'll go home with you tomorrow to see my mother-in-law." 

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Silvia rolled her eyes at him. "Take care of yourself first. I don't want to take a sick man home and let my mother worry about us." 

"Who says that I'm sick?" Andrew had already made up his mind, "We'll go home tomorrow." 

Andrew was insisting on going home with her. Silvia reached out her hand and touched his forehead. His fever did go down quite a lot. "Okay, if your fever is completely gone tomorrow, then I will bring you home to see my mother." 

“Okay, let's go to sleep now!" Andrew held Silvia tightly in his arms. His grip was so tight that it felt a little painful. 

Silvia was finally willing to take him home to meet her mother. At that instant, Andrew felt like he had gotten so much better. Silvia, on the other hand, was amazed by this man as she looked at him. 

If she had known that she could cure his illness by telling him that she was going to let him meet her mother, she would have done that earlier. 


The next day. 

During the day, it was sunny and the temperature was much higher. 

The weather was no longer cold. Andrew's fever had subsided and he looked energetic. He did not look like someone who had a high fever the night before. 

Before heading out, Andrew said, "Julien, Levi... Silvia and I might not be coming home tonight. I want you two to stay at home and be good, okay?" 

Silvia had to attend her lectures during the day, so she had planned to bring Andrew home at night. Besides, this was the first time Silvia had brought Andrew home, it would be the best if he could spend the night there. 

Julien nodded obediently and said, "Andrew, you can go do your thing. We will wait for you at home." 

Levi, on the other hand, was not as compliant as JuIien. "Andrew, where are you and Sister Silvia going? We have nothing to do at home anyway. Why don't you take us with you?" 

Andrew said, "I have something important to attend to, so I can't let you two tag along. Just stay at home, okay? I promise that I'll take you two out to have fun when I'm back, alright?" 

After failing to get Andrew's permission, Levi turned to Silvia and said, "Pretty Sister Silvia, we're here only a few days now so we're not familiar with anything here. I know that you're a kind person, please take us along with you, okay?“ 

"Pretty Sister Silvia?" Andrew was dissatisfied with the way Levi was addressing Silvia, so the look on his face and his tone were a little fierce. 

"Don't yell at him, Andrew." Silvia shielded Levi and glared at Andrew. "We are going back to my house anyway, it‘s fine to let them tag along.“ 

It was the first time for Andrew to officially meet his mother-in-Iaw. How could he bring these two boys with him? Therefore, he said, “It's a definite no this time." 

Silvia said, "They are your brothers. Don't you feel sorry for them? Even if you're not. I do. I don't want these two boys to be sad, so I'll take them with me.“ 

Levi held Silvia in her arms and said, "Sister Silvia, you're the best." 

Andrew said, "Levi, take your hands off her." Levi was speechless. 

Silvia said, "He‘s still a child." 

Andrew said, "He is just a child, but he‘s thinking of pursuing you when he‘s an adult!" 


Silvia was speechless for a moment. "Andrew, you're almost 30 now, why are you being so serious about a child's joke?" 

Andrew said, “I said, no means no. There's no room for negotiation.“ 

Silvia said, "Can you not be so overbearing?" 

Seeing that Andrew and Silvia were about to get into an argument, Julien, who was calm, immediately stepped forward to stop them. "Andrew, you can go do whatever you need to do with Sister Silvia. I'll keep an eye on Levi." 

Andrew did not want to quarrel with Silvia, but when he saw that Silvia was being so protective of these two boys and she even wanted to bring them along to meet with his mother-in-law, he was a little displeased. It seemed like he was jealous of the two boys. 

Silvia did not want to get into a fight with Andrew too, but she really liked the two boys. She did not want them to suffer any grievances, and that was why she was being so protective of them. 

Now that Julien had stepped forward to ease the situation, of course the two of them went along with it. Therefore, Silvia went to school while Andrew went to work. 

However, those two boys obviously would not stay at home obediently. 

They could even travel all the way from Jiangbei to Madison City just because they missed Andrew. So, it was not difficult for them to sneak out of the villa to see what Andrew and Silvia were up to. 

After sending Andrew and Silvia off, Levi said with a hopeless look, "Julien, are you really going to stay home for the rest of the day?" 

Julien put on a faint smile and said, "What do you think?" 

Levi rolled his eyes at him and said, "I knew you wouldn't want to stay home. You were just pretending to be a good kid in front of Andrew. You are already planning something else in your mind a long time ago, aren't you?" 

Julien patted Levi's shoulder and said, "Levi, you're not an idiot. But how could you be so stupid to make Andrew angry? Sister Silvia almost got into a fight with Andrew because she was trying to protect you. Don't do this again anymore." 

Levi pouted his lips and said, "If I don't do this, how could I help Sister Silvia test Andrew and see if he would get jealous? But though, I really didn't expect that Andrew would be this jealous." 

Julien shook his head and said sympathetically, "Levi, if you have the courage to test if Andrew would be jealous, then you should have the courage to endure the pain of getting your ass spanked." 

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about it anymore, okay?" The moment Levi thought about the risk of making Andrew mad, he was terrified. "Tell me, how are we going to get out of this house later?" 

”We'll just walk out the house." Julien said while walking up the stairs, "Andrew asked us to stay at home, but he didn't ask anyone to keep an eye on us and stop us from going out, did he?" 

"Are you going to put the blame on me again if Andrew finds out that we had sneaked out?" Levi touched his little butt, as if he could already feel the pain. However, he still could not help but to be impressed by Julien, this little scheming fellow. 

Julien chuckled and said, "What else can I do? Why don't you go find someone else who can take the blame then?" 

Levi asked, "What about Sister Silvia?" 

Upon hearing this, Julien's eyes lit up. "That's one good choice." 

Andrew doted on Silvia so much, so they thought that their brother would not be able to bring himself to punish Silvia. They thought that from now on, they could make Silvia take on all the blame for them... However, little did they know that if it was Silvia the one who made the mistake, Andrew would be even more ruthless with his punishments. 


As soon as Julien and Levi left West Side, they were already being targeted. 

Two burly men had their eyes on the boys. One guy had a scar on the corner of his right eye down to his lips. At a glance, he was obviously a man no one wanted to offend. The second guy was tall and burly, but he looked kind. 

Julien and Levi were walking while the two men followed them from afar. After trailing the two boys for quite some time, they had finally arrived at a remote place. 

Seeing that their opportunity had come, the second man with the kind face said, "Ashton, our boss had ordered us that no matter who those kids are, we will just kill them off first." 

They would never care who their targets were or how old they were. Once they had received the money, they would complete the job without a second thought. Only the dead could not speak. Even if what they did was cruel, that was the only way for them to protect themselves. 

"Yes, Barnas," the scarred man, Ashton, replied. Then, he immediately rushed up to Julien and Levi. Just as they were about to catch up with the two boys, the boys turned at a corner and got onto another street. 

"Go after them! We can‘t let them run away," Barnas shouted. They were paid a huge sum to get rid of the boys. If they failed to do so, it would hurt their reputation. Or something even worse could happen to them. 

The burly men quickly chased after the boys. However, before they could do anything to the boys, a group of men was already pointing guns at Ashton and Barnas's heads. Ashton said, "Do you know who you are chasing after?" 

Ashton and Barnes had been hired assassins for many years at the expense of their own lives. There was nothing that they would not do. At this time, even when there were guns pointed at the back of their heads, they did not look terrified at all. "We don't know who they are. We only know that we've received orders to kill those two boys.“ 

"Do you really think that you will be able to kill them just like this?" The man with the gun sneered and poked their heads with his gun. "You two are thinking too highly of yourselves. What a bunch of ignorant scoundrels!" 

Barnas said, “We have never been afraid of anyone in Madison City. If you're smart enough, then you should get out of the way now. We will spare your life. Otherwise, I'm afraid that you'll have to bear the consequences." 

Upon hearing this, the gunman laughed as if he heard something funny. “There's still Mr. Carter in Madison City, how dare you show off like this?" 

The moment Ashton and Barnas heard of Mr. Carter, they were petrified but they did not show it. Instead, Barnas replied, "We are Mr. Carter's men!" 

The man cocked his gun and said, "Bullshit. You don't even know who you were going to kill. How dare you claim that you're working for Mr. Carter? You two probably have a death wish to say such a thing." 

They claimed to be Mr. Carter's men, but the gunman did not let them go. He even wanted to pull the trigger on them. At that instant, Ashton and Barnas finally realized that they had offended someone that they should not have provoked. "Who are you? What do you want?" 

The gunman said, "You two are good for nothing even dare to kill our young masters, what do you think I want?" 

"Young Masters? Who do you guys work for?" Ashton and Barnas had been in Madison City for more than ten years now and they knew all the rich and powerful figures in Madison City well. However, they had no idea which family those two boys belonged to. 

The gunman smiled coldly and said, "You don't even know who my young masters are, but you actually dared attempt to kill them. You two are really f‘cking idiots!" 

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