Wednesday, September 9, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 766 - 770


CHAPTERS 766 - 770


Janell Joy guessed that her Brother Lucas was likely to be Nathaniel Cooper, the President of Country A. She opened her eyes secretly and saw Brother Lucas's appearance clearly through the dim light in the car. Although he had applied some makeup to avoid being recognized, but he stil looked the same. 

In Janell Joy's view, nothing much about him changed. He was the Brother Lucas who she missed very much, and also the Brother Lucas that took good care of her.

She finally understood why he couldn't reconcile with her so publicly. As a President of a country, there probably was too many things that he couldn't control.

Her Brother Lucas was responsible for the growth and stability of the whole country, and he carried the heavy burden of trying to get 200 million people to live a good life in his country. Moreover, he had just taken office, so there must be many tasks and jobs for him, and he had to go through even more trouble than the others.

Thinking of his helplessness and his hard work, Janell Joy's heart ached. She leaned into his arms and reached out to hold him. Even though she had already forgotten his appearance throughout the many lost years, when she saw him for the first time, she was glad that she still recognized him at a glance.

The reason why she could recognize him was because she had been thinking about him for fourteen years. She missed him that much.

The car slowly stopped in front of the house of the Lesley family. Brother Lucas didn't know that she was awake the whole time. He got out of the car first and picked her up. His movements were very light as he was afraid of waking her up.

"Janell, let's go back to the Lesley family." He pressed her head against his chest and whispered in her ear. He wanted to assure her that she was safe.

When he carried her into the Lesley house, his pace was slow. Every step he took, he was concerned about the girl in his arms.

Since he had informed Jason Lesley in advance, Jason had already been waiting at home with his men. When he saw Mr. President coming back with the little girl in his arms, he did not look surprised.

Perhaps in the short period of time, he was already used to seeing his President treating her very well. .

"Sir, is Miss Carter asleep?" Jason glanced at Janell Joy, who was in Nathaniel's arms. 

He was a little envious of this little girl. She was born in a great family, she had family members who loved her, and a President who acted as an elder brother who would accompany her and protect her. That was all you need to be happy in life!

"You guys can rest up. I'll bring her back to her room." The sensible Jason lowered his voice so that he wouldn't wake Janell Joy up. Nathaniel's voice was even lower than his.

"Alright." Jason nodded.

Nathaniel saw Janell Joy in his arms and frowned slightly. He immediately motioned everyone not to make a sound and went upstairs with Janell Joy still in his arms. .

In the Carter family, as long as it was night time, they would leave a light on. They would prevent from a total pitch black situation at home.

After Janell Joy came to the Lesley house, Nathaniel had already ordered Jason to keep some lights on every night, especially in Janell Joy's room. The lights in her room must be on when she was sleeping.

In order to take good care of this distinguished guest, Jason arranged for someone to change the lights to a warmer tone in Janell Joy's room. Moreover, he made other preparations. In case of a sudden blackout in the house, there must be emergency lights, so that she would not be swallowed by the darkness.

She was the President's favorite person, so Jason took good care of her all the time. Nathaniel only went over to their house once when she was sick, but he seemed so familiar with the house as he walked to her room.

He cared deeply for her, and he even studied the house and her room's layout. 

Nathaniel gently put her on her bed. She took off her coat, pulled the quilt up to cover her, and then he went to the bathroom. He went back to the room with a wet towel to wash her face and wiped her hands. 

He did these things very carefully, like he was taking care of a child. In his mind, Janell Joy was always a child who couldn't grow up, and he was willing to take care of this child for the rest of his life.

"Janell, I'm sorry. I have to deal with something urgently. I can't stay with you and wait for you to wake up." 

He reached out to touch the chain on her neck and said, "Since I will not be with you, let this take my place and accompany you."

"Alright, I know. It has always been accompanying me anyway." Janell Joy answered in her heart.

"Janell..." When he called her name out, he suddenly lowered his head and approached her closer. She could sense that he was approaching as she felt his warm breath, then Janell Joy was so nervous that she couldn't breathe.

If Brother Lucas knew that she had been awake, and knew that she had seen his face and his real identity.. He would be so angry that he would throw her out of the window!

"Janell..." He called her again. She felt so weak when she heard his voice and she nearly answered him.

"Brother Lucas, what on earth are you trying to do?" She couldn't bear it. She really wanted to ask him out loud.

"Janell, can you hear what I am saying to you?" He asked her suddenly.

"I can't hear anything. I really didn't hear anything." Janell Joy wailed in her heart. Did Brother Lucas find out that she was pretending to be asleep? Or was he only testing her?

While she was answering him in her heart, her forehead was suddenly kissed by a soft and warm pair of lips. He kissed between her eyebrows, and then her forehead. But he didn't think it was enough, so his lips approached her tender lips too...

In an instant, Janell Joy only felt that there was a fire burning in the bottom of her heart... Brother Lucas was a big, bad guy!

He didn't kiss her earlier, that she needed to ask him to kiss her today. Now, he showed his true colors when she fell asleep. Hmm?

He secretly kissed her. She knew everything.

"Janell, you have to be good. Don't be mad when you wake up. I will come back to see you as soon as I am done with work." He spoke as he gently let her go.

"I know!" She answered him in her heart.

"Janell..." When he called her name again, Nathaniel suddenly stopped and reached out to touch her face. "Just give me some time, okay?"

"Okay! Okay! Alright!" Janell Joy wanted to nod desperately, but she had to pretend to be asleep. 

As long as her Brother Lionel was willing to reconcile with her, it wasn't so hard to wait for a while more. She had been waiting for more than ten years already!

After a few nags, Nathaniel left reluctantly. As soon as the door was closed, Janell Joy slowly opened her eyes. She was so excited that she reached out to touch her forehead, and then her face. She could still feel the temperature and the scent of Brother Lucas.

"Brother Lucas, you can focus on your tasks. I won't be afraid. I will wait for you to come back." Thinking of Brother Lucas, Janell Joy was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep.

"Brother Lucas, I've finally found you. You won't be able to escape anymore."

She raised her leg high and hummed a little tune. She made up a song spontaneously in her head with Brother Lucas in the lyrics.


She really wanted to share this happy news with someone. Of course, it couldn't be Samantha Lesley. If she couldn't share it with Samantha, then she only had her mother left.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" Janell picked up the phone and called her mother quickly.

"Baby, what time is it there? Don't stay up late every night, you need to take care of your skin. Are you not afraid that Brother Lucas would dislike you if you didn't look after yourself?" Jane Ronan spoke like a caring mother.

"Mommy, my skin is just like yours. It'll always be pink and tender. It won't get old and wrinkly." She did not mean to flatter her mother! 

Her mother was now getting older, yet her skin still looked as tender as that of a 20-year-old. When they went out together, others would say that they were sisters.

"Did you solve the problem between you and Brother Lucas?" Jane chuckled and asked gently.

Janell Joy rolled on the bed happily, "Mommy, you are so smart. I didn't even say anything, how did you know about it? Since you're smart, so I became smart too." 

This girl's mouth was so sweet today, so she must be in a good mood. Brother Lucas definitely played a part in this.

"Mommy, why didn't you ask who Brother Lucas is? Or what he looks like?" What a strange mother, was she not curious about anything?

"No matter who he is, no matter what he looks like, as long as you like him, I will support him." Jane believed in Janell Joy's ability to see through people, and she also clearly knew how much Lucas loved her Baby Janell.

More importantly, the appointment of the President of Country A was a huge news, and of course, Jane had read about it. The newly appointed President looked much more mature than he was 14 years ago, but it was still him. No matter how much he changed, she could still see that it was him.

At that time, Janell Joy was still young and could not remember what Brother Lucas looked like. However, Jane had seen the boy for such a long time, hence, she could still remember,  how he looks like.

"Mommy, I guess you still love me most, not like stinky Daddy... He doesn't care about me at all." 

She had been away for so long, but her father still ignored her. The more she thought about it, the more she felt sad.

"Honey, it's not that your father doesn't love you, but he loves you too much." Jane shook her head. She was really frustrated with the stubbornness of both the father and daughter.

How could Edwin Carter not care about her? He cared about her too much, so he was reluctant to let his daughter stay too far away from him.

"Mommy, you should go about your business then. I'm going to sleep." Janell Joy didn't want to continue to talk about her father.

She still couldn't fall asleep after hanging up the call, so she tried to find someone to chat with through online platforms. However, it was in the middle of the night now, and it did not seem appropriate.

She scrolled through her Twitter feed, and at first glance, she saw a shocking post 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake in Long Cove! Looking at this news, Janell Joy felt numb all over her body, and there was a bad feeling in her heart. 

Not long ago, Brother Lucas said something about lives and disasters in the phone. Was it related to the earthquake?

As a President of a country, it was reasonable for him to deal with such a big matter, but why did he mention about life and death? Was he going to the disaster area?

Janell Joy's hand trembled while holding the phone. She was so scared that she was in a panic.

After huge earthquakes, the aftershocks would happen frequently, and the aftershocks could be deadly too. It was very dangerous to enter the disaster area at this time, and the risks were high.

No, she couldn't just watch Brother Lucas risks his life alone. She couldn't be at ease if couldn't see that he was safe. Janell Joy read more news about the earthquake. After browsing around, she found that some volunteers had organized to go to the affected areas to participate in the rescue mission.

Not anyone could participate in the rescue mission. Those interested must be experienced, and they needed to pass a medical check.

Janell Joy had learned about rescues and first aid every year, and she had participated in a lot of self-defence activities such as saving herself from danger in the wild. 

She believed that her professional skills were definitely qualified for her to participate. She immediately turned on her computer and searched for her resume. Then, she sent it to a rescue team immediately. After she sent it, she had to wait for their reply. Waiting was a very helpless and long thing to do. 

During this period, Janell Joy checked more news on the Internet and quickly found the official news that reported that Mr. President was about to go to the disaster area.

There were a lot of praises and positive encouragements in the comments. Most of the people said that Mr. President's actions made the people feel at ease, safe, and relieved. However, there were also some netizens who sneered at him and said that the President was just putting on a show, and there was nothing substantial from it at all.

Some keyboard warriors said even more outrageous things. They said that a person like Nathaniel Cooper was too young to be elected, and that he must have secretly assassinated many people to claim the position as President.

She then saw that a bunch of keyboard warriors were barking at each other on the Internet. Some of them even said that it would be better if he didn't come back and die at the disaster area. With his death, the country would be at peace.

Janell Joy knew that these keyboard warriors would only hide in the dark to vent their dissatisfaction in their lives, and they would never dare to do this publicly.

She didn't want to get into a fight with these keyboard warriors, but this matter was related to her Brother Lucas, so she couldn't be calm too.

Brother Lucas went to the disaster area, and there would be aftershocks at any time. He was really putting himself in a life-threatening situation. At this time, those keyboard warriors were hiding in the dark and cursed him to death.

Janell Joy was so angry that she was about to explode, but she quickly calmed down and picked up the phone to call a phone number that she was not willing to call.

As soon as the line was connected, the person on the other side answered the phone immediately, but he didn't speak. She pouted and asked in a very unfriendly tone, "Um, I want to ask you something, are you still in Coast City?"

"What do you mean?" A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone. He sounded joyless and uninterested.

"Andrew, don't bully me!" He was always so mean to her. He was like this since they were little. Not only did he compete with her for love from their parents, but he even ruined her photo of Brother Lucas.

"Janell Joy, is this how you talk to your elder brother?" She heard his voice, and at the same time, she heard sounds of someone typing on the keyboard. He should be at work.

"You are not my brother. I never admitted it... Hmph..." Janell Joy could not wait to hang up the phone because she did not want to listen to his voice. But she called him because she had something she needed him to help with, so she needed to endure it.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" He knew that she needed help if she called him. Otherwise, she would never call him.

Every time she said that he was not her brother, he would not argue with her, because she was right. He was indeed not the Carter family's biological child, so he was not her biological brother. And she was the most loved daughter of her parents. 

She had been raised by her father since she was a child. Her mother was not with her when she was very young, so she gave her extra love and care after she came back.

She was loved by everyone. It was normal for her to look down on her brother, who was an outsider.


"Are you still in Coast City or not?" He did not quarrel with her, and Janell Joy did not want to quarrel with him too. They never got along anyway, so she didn't want to care too much about him.

"What do you think?" Andrew Carter replied after a long time.

"Andrew, can you answer me properly?" Why was he like this? How would she know if he was here?

"Tell me, what's the matter?" She probably did not know that wherever she was, he would definitely be there too.

It had been like that for more than ten years now, and it never changed. Janell Joy was so anxious that she bit her lip and said, "Not long ago, there was a huge earthquake in Long Cove. Have you heard about it?"

"Yes, I've heard about it." He still spoke in a relaxed tone. It seemed that he didn't care about such a huge news at all.

Janell Joy didn't want to argue with him. She did not have the energy to. She added, "You have to think of a way to help me transport a batch of supplies to the disaster area. The situation over there right now must be very tensed, and there will definitely be food shortage and water shortage. The weather is also cold, so they must need some padded jackets..."

"Janell Joy!" Before she could finish, he interrupted her and she could tell that he was suppressing something. 

After a few seconds, he continued, "And you'll be delivering these to the disaster area, right?"

Janell Joy muttered in her heart. She never once bothered or meddled in his business, but it seemed that he could read through her every time. Actually, to know what a person was thinking, you just need to put yourself in that person's shoes and think empathetically.

For example, that was her relationship with Brother Lucas. She did not need to follow him everywhere, but she could always guess what he was thinking. This was because she thought deeply about him.

Janell Joy did not answer Andrew, which meant she admitted to his words. Andrew also understood what she was thinking, so he said angrily, "Janell Joy, do you know how many people in your family are worried about you?"

"Of course I know." When it came to her family, she felt a little guilty. She was not a child that no one loved. She was a child that many people loved. If something happened to her, what would happen to her family? 

However, as a President of a country, Brother Lucas had to go to the front line of the disaster area. She could not watch him risk himself, as she sat idly by. She wanted to do her part for him. Even if she just helped a little and she could not help much, at least she could let Brother Lucas know that she would support him by his side no matter what happened.

"I will protect myself. Don't worry about me." Thinking about this, Janell Joy no longer hesitated. She had grown up and became braver.

"You know the severity of the earthquake, and you also know that there will be aftershocks at any time. In the face of natural disasters, do you know how weak human beings are?" Andrew sounded very stern.

"I know, but I have to go. If you won't help me, then it's fine. Why are you talking so much?" She only thought of asking him to help out of desperation.

Not only did he not agree to help her, instead, he lectured her as her brother. His words implied that she would be a terrible daughter if she went to the disaster area.

She was the biological child of the family, and he was only a few years older than her. She had to address him as her elder brother and she had to be under his control. That was too much!

Andrew said feebly, "Janell..."

"Young Master Carter, take good care of yourself. You don't have to worry about me." After that, Janell Joy hung up the phone. 

She was so angry that she almost threw her phone away. In the past few years, perhaps it was because he had always used his identity as an older brother to pressure her, so she had always been dissatisfied with him.

She was always polite to whoever she talked to, but their conversations always resorted to arguments after three sentences.

He was the only one who could make her angry, and there were a few times when she was so angry that she lost her cool. 

After hanging up the call, Janell Joy was so anxious that she walked around the room. After thinking thoroughly, she knew she had no way to get the supplies. She couldn't send anything, but she could donate to the reliable organizations and have the organizations help to deliver them to the disaster area.

She didn't want to use her father's money, so she used the money that she had saved up over the years. She wanted to use her own strength to help Brother Lucas.

After the money was donated, Janell Joy also received an email from the rescue team, requesting for her to meet with the team first.

Janell Joy rushed out of the middle of the night to meet with them. After passing several regular medical tests, she became one of the official members of this rescue team. 

Long Cove, where the earthquake hit tragically, was located northwest of Coast City. It took the rescue team more than eight hours to get there as the town was 300km away, which was much slower than usual. Fortunately, they set off at dawn and arrived at the disaster area at almost noon. 

The earthquake was much more serious than they had imagined. The road of the town was ruined, so cars could not get in. They got off the car dozens of miles away from the Southern Cove County and carried their medical supplies into the disaster area.

Along the way, they saw professional rescue teams arriving too. Their cars couldn't enter either so they also carried a lot of bags into the disaster area.

Janell Joy used to participate in many self-defense and survival activities in the past, where the organizers would create all kinds of situations for the participants to learn to escape, save themselves or save their companions.

Before she came, she thought that those activities would have prepared her for this. However, the bodies on the road were real, and the deaths weren't just figures. Some of them were hit by stones or collapsed buildings, some had their heads smashed, while some of them had their arms or legs severely injured or crushed. 

Blood was everywhere. Looking at those bodies, Janell Joy felt numb all over her body. She was trembling in fear and cold. 

"Hey young one, are you alright?" Their Captain Yaya saw that Janell Joy didn't look fine, so she quickly reached out to help her.

"Sister Yaya, I'm fine." Janell Joy bit her lip and told herself to be brave. She came to help, not to drag them down. No matter how sad the situation was, she had to grit her teeth and hold on.

"Waa—" Just as she said she was fine, a boy next to her suddenly vomited. 

"Yaya, I don't feel good."

This group of people were all college students who majored in medical sciences and had medical knowledge. They often participated in crisis medical intervention before, but they had never seen such a terrible scene. They had only walked for a few miles but they had seen more than a dozen bodies. Some of the students were on the verge of breaking down. 

Yaya was the leader of their rescue team. She was also a medical major in her fourth year. She was always optimistic and enthusiastic, and often gathered everyone together, so she naturally became the captain of this team.

There were a total of 24 people in the rescue team. They were divided into six groups, with four people in a smaller group, consisting of two men and two women in each group. It was more convenient for them to work in smaller teams.

Although Janell Joy had graduated from university, she was the youngest in this team, so Captain Yaya requested for her to follow her. In their team, apart from the two girls, there were two other boys. One was called Burly and the other was called Shane.

Everyone signed up using their online usernames. When they met, Janell Joy temporarily gave herself an online nickname too. When she was choosing her name, she was browsing through a website selling jars, so she came up with an idea to name herself — Little Jar!


After getting out of the car, Yaya wanted everyone to walk in their respective groups. They needed to stay close to each other and not leave any member behind.

They had not entered the worst area of the earthquake yet, but Shane seemed distraught already. If he couldn't continue the journey, the three of them couldn't continue either. It was important to save lives, but the premise was to ensure the safety of the team members first.

"Shane, sit down and rest for a while." Yaya helped Shane out and said, "Little Jar, you should sit down and rest for a while too."

"Sister Yaya, I'm fine." Janell Joy hurriedly took a bottle of mineral water, opened the bottle cap carefully and handed it to Shane. "Shane, try gargling. You will feel much better if you think about your goals and motivation for helping those who really need our help."

"Little Jar, thank you!" Shane raised his head and smiled at her. 

Early this morning, when they first saw Little Jar, they saw how young she was. They were a little worried that she wouldn't be able to take this hardship. They were surprised by her tenacity.

When Janell Joy saw the bodies earlier, she also wanted to puke, but she didn't want others to look down on her, so she forced herself to suppress her nausea. If she could not overcome the slightest bit of nausea, then how could she help Brother Lucas out?

When she thought of Brother Lucas, she felt a surge of energy through her body. No matter what kind of difficulties she would face, she could overcome them.

"Shane, take a breather." Yaya looked at her watch. "Let's rest for five minutes and then continue."

After that, Yaya looked at Janell Joy again and said, "Little Jar, if you have any discomfort, don't hold it in. Our task has not yet begun, and our journey would only get harder."

"Sister Yaya, thank you for your concern. But don't worry, I can hold on. My brother has gone to the disaster area too. As long as he is well, I will be fine." When she thought of Brother Lucas, nothing will be difficult for her.

"You have a good relationship with your older brother, don't you?" This young lady spoke about her brother so happily and intimately.

"Yes, we have a good relationship." Brother Lucas kissed her secretly last night and she slept in his arms. She had a great relationship with him.

"Then let's work hard together. Let's do our best to help the people." Yaya patted Janell Joy on the shoulder and stood look at the two boys. "Burly, Shane, get ready. Let's go."

"Come on! Come on!" They tried to appear optimistic as they cheered for themselves and their team members.

"Little Jar, you are the youngest among us. Stay close. Remember, no matter what we encounter, we must protect our lives first." Yaya was a caring captain. As she remembered how young Janell Joy was, she became a bit more cautious.

"Sister Yaya, don't worry. I will take good care of myself." Janell Joy nodded. 

The world was so beautiful, and there were a lot of things she hadn't done yet. She would definitely protect her own life, so that she could be with the person she liked.

Brother Lucas and her needed to come out from this safely, and they also needed to go back safely. Nothing could happen to any one of them.

"I heard that Mr. President went straight to the affected areas by helicopter early in the morning. When he arrived, he personally arranged work tasks and plans with the soldiers in the army. He was not afraid of the hardship or danger. His heart is really with the people." The wounded people walked out of the disaster area as they supported each other, and they were chatting as they were walking.

As soon as Janell Joy heard the words "Mr. President", she became more vigilant, for fear of missing any news about Brother Lucas. Before leaving, the news outlets mentioned that Mr. President had gone straight to the disaster area in a helicopter. She did not hear any more news after that.

After they arrived at the disaster area, all kinds of communication means were destroyed. Without any signal, they couldn't call anyone or surf the Internet. She didn't know any news about her Brother Lucas and she was constantly anxious. Now that she heard some updates, she felt calmer. 

They went deeper into the disaster area, but they hadn't reached the center of the affected area yet. They saw the troops of military relief teams and injured people everywhere.

The medical staff from the government was not enough for the rescue missions, so the medical staff from these non- profit organizations played a great role.

Janell Joy and her team helped any wounded person they saw. At that moment, everyone was busy thinking about ways to serve the people. 

Shane, who had just felt sick and nauseous, had recovered quickly and worked fast to help save the injuredbcitizens. He even carried some of these citizens.

Burly and Shane were boys with great strength. They were responsible for carrying the injured to the flat, empty area, where Yaya and Janell Joy would treat them.

Janell Joy's experience in first aid and crisis work was less than Yaya's, so Yaya was in charge of the main work. She helped Yaya out, and the two cooperated very well.

After doing this, Janell Joy no longer thought of Brother Lucas so much. She only wanted to save more people.

Boom, boom, boom...

When everyone was busy for about an hour or so, the ground began to shake again, and in an instant, the ground shook so violently that they felt cracks.

Their bodies fell to the ground uncontrollably. Some rolled along the ground, and some tried to hold on to things and stabilize themselves.

Fortunately, it lasted only about two or three seconds. The ground stopped shaking, so did the hills and mountains. Everything turned calm again, but from time to time, they could hear the sound of buildings collapsing.

The earthquake only lasted very briefly, but it was enough to destroy this city and citizens' lives. The people who fell to the ground wanted to get back up, but many of them were so scared that their legs were too weak to support them.

Some people were so scared that they burst into tears. Those who had never experienced the feeling of surviving a disaster would never know this felt. .

"Will the people at the epicentre of the earthquake be okay? Will Mr. President be okay?" Janell Joy got up. She didn' even brush the dirt all over her body. She only wanted to know if her Brother Lucas was okay.

In the past, she felt bad and scared just by hearing about earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. But now, she was experiencing this horrible earthquake with the person she cared about the most.

Her Brother Lucas was at the center where the earthquake happened, yet they were a few miles away from there. Usually, it will only take a few minutes to drive there. Now that they had passed through a pile of ruins, no one knew what they would experience next. 

She did not know her next plan, nor was she sure where he was. She looked ahead in a daze, and her face turned pale with fear. She was so afraid that something would happen to Brother Lucas, and her body was becoming weak.

"It's all right. The aftershocks have passed. Let's continue to do our work to save these people. Mr. President will come to us later." Someone came out and spoke up.

Since Mr. President would come later, that meant Brother Lucas was fine. Hearing this, Janell Joy breathed a sigh of relief and she was so excited that she wiped her tears.

As everyone nearby heard the same announcement, some of them who were afraid regained their composure and got up. Everyone carried on with their work.

Soon, everyone appeared slightly more optimistic and everything returned to normal. Gradually, more and more people came to join the rescue, so they each split up into different roles. Some were searching for survivors, some were carrying the survivors and some were treating the survivors. 

All kinds of professionals and citizens gathered together as they worked hard to save the people!


Of course, there were also a lot of reporters at the scene. They risked their lives to document the disaster, so that people all over the country could follow to the development of the relief work and citizens' safety.

In this place, everyone was like family. All of them were united and they worked together with the purpose to rescue. Everyone worked hard to provide the most effective and efficient care to those who needed.

Just as everyone was so engrossed in their respective work, there was a sudden commotion not far away. Someone shouted, "Oh my god, it's true. Mr. President is here!"

Someone answered, "Where? Where is he? Where is Mr. President?"

As soon as she heard the word "President", Janell Joy was always the fastest to react. She looked up and saw their President, who was surrounded by people not far away.

Because he was very tall and surrounded by a group of people, Janell Joy saw him right away. He was still wearing the beige, casual jacket he wore the night before.

It seemed that he left immediately after receiving the message last night. He must be so anxious that he didn't even have time to change.

His shirt was stained with dirt and mud, and he even had dirt on his face. However, he still looked stunning, and the imperfections even made him look more handsome and dazzling, as if he was the center of the universe.

"That's our Mr. President. He looks more handsome than he looks on TV." Yaya spoke out beside Janell Joy, and she sounded like a fangirl too.

"Of course, I also think that he is very handsome. He is the only man who can be compared with my father." Janell Joy proudly exclaimed, as if the man who was coveted by everyone, was already hers.

Yaya looked at her, "You're right. A father who can have such a good looking daughter like you, can't be that bad."

"My father is not only handsome, but he loves me very much." She just complained about her father treating her badly the night before to her mother. The next day, she was praising her father a lot. 

Both of them were very stubborn, they were not willing to be the first to call each other, but they knew that they were very important to each other.

"Little Jar, where did you get your confidence?" Yaya was very curious as to how Janell Joy became so confident.

"Because my father told me from an early age that I am the smartest treasure in the world, and I'm also his treasure... It is because he dotes on me that I can become who I am today." 

Because of the loving and motivating environment where she grew up in, she became confident, independent, and had good self-esteem.

"Please settle down. Mr. President wants to announce something to everyone." The secretary, Maxton Hart, shouted with a megaphone in his hand. Those who were close to him were almost deafened. 

Mr. President took the megaphone and gave everyone a big salute. He said calmly, "You've all worked hard. Thank you for coming to the disaster area in such a short time!"

As soon as he said that, everyone clapped hard. The applause lasted for a long time, and he couldn't continue to speak. In fact, as the President of the country, his presence brought tranquility to the hearts of the rescue workers and the victims of the disaster.

With him here, the victims could feel at ease and the rescue workers would be more motivated. This was the main reason why he insisted on coming to the disaster area to join them in the disaster relief work.

He waved his hand to gesture everyone to be quiet. When everyone stopped clapping, he went on to say, "I could see everyone's efforts. Everyone across the country has seen it too. At this time, any words of gratitude will not be enough to represent my gratitude to everyone here."

After saying that, he took a bow to everyone again and said, "I just want everyone to know that in the next few hours, I will continue to join everyone in the rescue work. Our goal is to do our best and try our best to save every living person. We will not give up until the last moment!"

Janell Joy stood in the crowd and looked at the dazzling man in the distance. He did not sound like he was reciting his official speech that his secretary prepared for him, but instead, he spoke true from the depths of his heart.

She just looked at him and couldn't move her eyes away. This man was the leader of Country A, the spiritual pillar of the country, and also the point of tranquility in Janell Joy's heart.

With him around, the country would feel at ease. With him around, she could also feel at ease. Why was he so outstanding? Why was he so charismatic?

Even at such a young age, she already knew that he was outstanding, and wanted to be with him forever. Hence, there must be a lot of adults who could see how outstanding he was. She was sure that there would definitely be a lot of people who would try to take Brother Lucas away in the future.

Thinking about it, she was actually a little excited. No matter how many people tried to take him away, Brother Lucas only belonged to her.

After Nathaniel Cooper finished speaking, he looked around the crowd. Surprisingly, he saw a figure in the crowd, but he never thought that he would see this person here.

When he left last night, he told Jason Lesley to take good care of her and make sure she stayed in the Lesley house. After that, he went directly to the heliport. 

Before dawn, he arrived at the disaster area and hurriedly discussed about the relief work with his men. After the plan was made, they joined the rescue team and worked hard together.

They were so busy that they didn't have time to stop until now. He did not expect that he would see the little girl here too! How could she be so capricious? Did she not know how dangerous the disaster area was? Did she know how many people were buried in the aftershocks earlier? Did she know how worried he was when he saw her here?

Nathaniel shook his head, and the blue veins on his forehead were protruding, but he tried his best to restrain his emotions to prevent others from seeing through him.

She clearly did not know the severity of the situation. He wanted to pick her up and throw her back to New York, so that she wouldn't mess around anymore.

When their eyes met, Janell Joy instinctively wanted to smile at him, but when she reminded herself that he still did not know that she knew about his identity, she quickly put on a poker face.

He looked at her as if he had just seen a ghost, and he looked very unhappy. However, just when she was looking at his unhappy stare, she realized something. He wasn't just covered in dirt, but there were also bloodstains. He was injured!

Janell Joy's heart ached so much that her heart skipped a beat. He was injured. Was he seriously injured? What was his condition?

She really wanted to rush over and ask him, but at this time, if she ran over, he would definitely not treat her well. What should she do? What could she do to prevent him from driving her away, yet she could see how serious his injury was?

She was anxious. When she got anxious, she didn't know what to do. No, she couldn't go on like this. She needed to calm down. She told herself to calm down and took a few deep breaths.

After calming down, Janell Joy immediately thought of a way. She looked at her backpack, found a bottle of mineral water in it, and walked quickly towards Nathaniel. However, before she could reach him, she was stopped by his bodyguards.

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