Monday, September 28, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 861 - 865


CHAPTERS 861 - 865


Since some irresponsible netizens began spreading rumours. and rumours spread like wildfIre,many people thought that Serene Silas' disappearance had something to do with Mr. President.

It was amazing how these bunch of keyboard warriors could jump to their own conclusion like they were witnesses to the case. They were so sure about their conclusion like they've witnessed the President saved Serene away.

A lot of netizens believed in that conclusion. They argued that Mr. President was extremely powerful and protective of Serene too. Obviously, he would try to help her.

Some said that the President that presented himself in front of the people as a gentle and elegant person might have done more immoral things in secrecy.

A handful of them even argued that Nathaniel Cooper personally killed both his brothers in order to climb to the position as President.

And there were some who expressed disappointment over their Mr. President. They could not believe that someone who looked so kind and handsome could perform so disappointingly.

After looking at the phone for a long time, Janell Joy could not bear it anymore. She stopped reading the news and dialed Blake White's number, "Blake, release the evidence that you have."

"Miss, Mr. Lucas said that you shouldn't get involved in this matter, so you'd better not get involved." Of course, if it had nothing to do with Janell Joy, Blake didn't want to meddle in this matter.

The family of three had received a favor from Edwin Carter, and they needed to repay his kindness. They did not care much about others.

The family of three only promised to protect Janell Joy so that Janell Joy would be safe in Country A during this period.

"Blake, whose orders do you take?" Didn't her father arrange for them to be around her? When did they start to take Brother Lucas's orders?

"Of course it's yours," Blake said.

"That's exactly right. Release the evidence that you have as soon as possible, and there is no room for negotiation." Janell Joy hated to see Brother Lucas being misunderstood by others the most.

Moreover, Janell Joy did not want Serene to be painted as a murderer.

Although she had only met Serene twice, Janell Joy could see that Serene was a good person. A good woman should have her own happiness, instead of being used like a pawn.

Blake hesitated and said, "But Miss..."

"Do as I say, Blake. No buts." After that, Janell Joy decisively hung up the phone.

At this time, there was a new information going around on the Internet. Before Blake uploaded the clip, someone had already released the video of Serene's murder incident.

In the video, the filming angle was changed several times, which proved that someone saw Serene murder the person with their own eyes and continued to film. The camera was not at a fixed angle.

As soon as the video was posted, some of them noticed the weird angles of the video, and soon enough, netizens were doubting if there was a person behind the scenes who witnessed the murder and did not stop it.

More discussions came up. In the video, Serene was so emotional, she must have been triggered terribly that she suddenly went mad.

Then what on earth was Serene triggered by?

Who was the person who pushed Serene to the cliff?

Soon, these discussions surrounded the incident.

Just when everyone was frantically sharing their personal opinions, a user by the name [I KnowTheTruth] uploaded a photo.

. . There were two people in the photo. One was a man and the other was a woman. They hugged each other tightly and stood under the white moonlight.

The man turned his back to the camera and his face couldn't be seen, but the woman looked at the camera, and her face could be seen clearly.

The woman was tall and looked very young. Not only was she young, she also had a very delicate face. In particular, the red mark in the middle of her forehead was particularly conspicuous.

The netizens were not only powerful at spreading rumours, their investigative skills were also top notch. Soon, some people speculated that the man in the photo should be Mr. President.

Although they couldn't see the man's face. but the man's clothes, hairstyle, and figure were very similar to their President's.

Mr. President was Serene's fiance. They often showed off their love in front of the camera... Then who was the young and beautiful girl in his arms?

Had the President fallen in love with someone else?

Or did someone hook up with their President?

Rumours and questions spread around the Internet like wildfire.

"Little Jar, is that girl in the photo you?" Yaya couldn’t believe it. She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes. Then she looked at the girl in the photo again to analyse clearly.

”It should be me." Janell Joy answered calmly.

Of course it was her.

In this world, although many people looked similar to each other, but who else would share the same mark as her?

Janell Joy stared at herself in the picture and looked at it repeatedly. She remembered that it was taken on the night when Brother Lucas and her reconciled.

They didn't take pictures that night, and they didn't know anyone who was taking pictures of them. So how could there be a photo of them from that night?

That night, the moonlight was very bright. They stood in an empty place, surrounded by Brother Lucas's people. Logically speaking, if someone took pictures secretly at such a clear angle, his people would definitely notice it.

But there was nothing unusual that night... Janell Joy suddenly thought of something and looked to the direction she was facing.

She got up and ran out. Yaya shouted behind her, "Little Jar, what's wrong?"

Janell Joy ignored her.She ran past many tents, and finally reached the tent where she and Yaya stayed in.

She ran to the position where Brother Lucas stood at that night. She stood still and looked back at the tent, and then she studied the angle of the photo.

Soon, Janell Joy found the problem.

She ran back to the entrance of the tent and looked thoroughly. As expected, she found a pinhole camera.

No wonder they didn't found anything unusual that night. It turned out that the place where she lived had been spied on for a long time. Her every move was tracked by the enemy hiding in the dark.

"Damn it!" Janell Joy gritted her teeth and said in a gloomy voice.

Those people were definitely seeking for death. She would definitely teach them a lesson and show that she was not a person that he could messed with.

Blake arrived just in time. He said worriedly, "Miss..."

"Take this.“ Janell Joy handed the pinhole camera that she found to Blake and said in a deep voice, "It seems like Brother Lucas's phone call came ahead of time. Those people have already plotted against me long ago in the dark.”


"It's my negligence." Blake White blamed himself.

As a qualified bodyguard, he should take the initiative to inspect Janell Joy Carter's surroundings. However, he only thought of protecting her from attacks and ignored these little details.

Janell Joy said calmly, "The discussions on the Internet will soon come to me. Find some evidence for me. Before the matter explodes, I want to know who the mastermind is."

After so long, just as Andrew Carter expected, what those people wanted to expose was not the murder case of Serene Silas, but the real murderer behind the scenes. They wanted to expose Janell Joy.

How ridiculous!

They wanted to use her to control Brother Lucas. She had little patience for those despicable people.

Blake said, "Miss, someone has shared that you're in the disaster area. For safety's sake, you'd better go back to Coast City with me. We'll plan everything else later."

"I promised the children at the disaster area that I would teach them for a month. I won't go anywhere before that." Janell Joy said sternly.

She was not the one who committed any crimes. She was not afraid that those people would drag her into this. Since those people wanted to take advantage of her, she was willing to put up a fight.

Blake frowned and said, "Miss, what happened last night is still very vivid. I'm worried that those people would do the same thing again..."

Janell Joy interrupted him. "I know."

Being afraid of the dark was indeed an emotional trauma that Janell Joy could not overcome. It was also the only weakness that the enemy could take advantage of. But she could not give up just because of this... absolutely not!

[Janell, what are you doing? Brother Lucas is calling! Hurry up and answer the phone! Answer the phone!]

She heard Brother Lucas's voice crisp and clear in this cold, chilly night. Of course, Brother Lucas did not come, but the ringtone was for his phone call.

"Then I'll head down first. You can call me if you need anything." Blake knew what to do.

"Okay." Janell Joy nodded and watched Blake leave. She cleared her throat and answered, "Brother Lucas, aren't you in a meeting at this time?“

Nathaniel's pleasant voice came from the phone. "Janell, no matter what happens, you don't have to worry. Just stay put and continue teaching the children at the disaster area. Do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand." Janell Joy smiled and said, "Brother Lucas, you should focus on your work. Don't always think about me in your meetings. I know you have me in your heart, and that's enough. You don't need to take the time to call me.“

Nathaniel said, "Janell..."

“Brother Lucas, I like you." Yes, she was so smart that she knew that she could stop him with this sentence.

Brother Lucas didn't say anything for a long time. She thought that he must be secretly happy.

After a long while, Nathaniel spoke again. "Janell, remember what I've told you. Just stay put and teach the children at the disaster area, don‘t worry about anything else.“

Janell Joy pouted and said, "Brother Lucas, you are so long-winded. I already told you that I understand this point, and you're still nagging about it, are you not afraid that I will be annoyed?“

Nathaniel chuckled and said, "Will you be annoyed at me?"

Janell Joy said, “Of course not. I like you. Okay, I know. Stay put at the disaster area."

"Brother Lucas, stop talking to me like I'm a child. I'm not a child anymore. I'm an adult now."

"But in my heart, you will always be a little girl."

"Brother Lucas, I'm going to be your wife in the future. Please don‘t call me little girl again, or I‘ll get angry."


On the phone, Nathaniel didn‘t say anything, but Janell Joy could imagine that her flirtatious Brother Lucas must be sneering.

Thinking that he was secretly laughing, Janell Joy could not resist letting out a sly smile.

No matter the obstacles that were approaching them, they could still talk and laugh because they had each other.

In the afternoon, Janell Joy taught the children as usuaL

Because of her interesting teaching method, the atmosphere in the class had been very lively. The children always raised their hands to answer questions.

Looking at their innocent smiles, Janell Joy had already forgotten the things that were on the Internet.

Janell Joy did not care about the news too much, but Yaya had been feeling uneasy. She took the chance to talk to Janell Joy during the break in the middle of the class and said, "LittIe Jar, no matter what happens, we all believe in you."

“Sister Yaya, thank you all. But don't worry, I'm innocent. I've never done anything wrong, so nothing would happen to me."

Yaya asked, "Does your brother know?"

"Sister Yaya, you miss my brother, don't you?" Janell Joy patted Yaya's shoulder and smiled ambiguously. "Don't worry. When we get back to Coast City, I will introduce you to him."

"Who said that I miss your brother?" Yaya glared at her. "I‘m just worried about you, and he is your brother, so he needs to help you. You have to tell him about it and let him help you a little."

They also wanted to help Janell Joy, but they were just ordinary people. They couldn't find anyone to help her, and they couldn‘t help even if they wanted to.

Janell Joy said with confidence, "Sister Yaya, don't worry. There's no need for him to worry about me too. I can solve this problem anyway.“

She had the White family, whom her father had arranged for her, as well as Brother Lucas. There was nothing that she could not handle.

Janell Joy was proud and confident.

However, she did have a weakness, which was darkness.

She didn't find out the cause of the fire that happened last night, but Janell Joy had a hunch that someone deliberately set the fire up.

Fortunately, there were no casualties last night, otherwise, she would have committed a big crime.

“Little Jar, is the person in the photo really Mr. President?“ Yaya finally asked after holding back for a long time.

“What do you think?" Janell Joy smiled and did not answer directly.

“I think so.“ Yaya did not want to lie.

As early as a month ago when the disaster occurred, she realized that the President took care of Janell Joy a lot. In the end, Janell Joy was even called home in advance.

"Well, if you think so, then that should be it." Janell Joy raised her lips slightly and smiled, "Sister Yaya, I'm going to class."

Janell Joy didn't want to talk too much about Brother Lucas.

Firstly, she didn't want to cause trouble for Brother Lucas at such a critical time. Second, it was not the right time to publicise her relationship with Brother Lucas yet.

Tonight, 3 number of people from the country's Culture Department came to the disaster area to perform and cheer for the reconstruction of the disaster area.

After a day's lesson, Janell Joy had dinner early and helped Yaya and others rehearse the sketch in the tent.

Yaya, Shane, and Burly performed a short sketch. As they had done it before, they only had to memorize the lines again.

Karen Joy prepared a solo dance, but she did not reveal her dance. She wanted to give everyone a surprise.


At night. The disaster area was brightly lit.

Although the stage that was built temporarily was not as big as the stage of the National Grand Theater but, it was quite a good set up.

On the stage, they used steel as pillars, and a large red backdrop was erected behind it. The backdrop had the words “To rebuild a beautiful home" written across it.

Under the stage, the people at the disaster area had already arranged the stools and sat neatly. Everyone was excited as they sat straight to look at the stage.

On the stage, the leader of the disaster relief work was enthusiastically reciting the opening speech for the night. After the speech, the host took over the microphone and announced the first program.

The first performance was a song sung by a famous national singer called "We Are A family". As soon as this familiar prelude was played. the audience began to applaud.

When the song reached its chorus, the audience sang together. The harmonious voice of the audience sounded so beautiful and warm.

Next, there were shows, dance performances, and magic shows. The sixth program was Yaya, Burly, and Shane's sketch.

"Sister Yaya, Shane, Burly, come on!" Janell Joy cheered for them as they were about to go on the stage.

Yaya smiled and said, "Okay, you can continue cheering for us then."

Burly said, "Actually, I need an encouraging kiss. If Little Jar could give me an encouraging kiss, we can perform better."

Shane kicked Burly's butt and said, "Don't think too much, boy. Our Little Jar's way beyond your league."

Karen Joy smiled and changed the topic. "I'm sure you guys will do so well and make them laugh!"

Sure enough, as Janell Joy expected, when they were halfway into their performance, the audience below the stage were already laughing wildly.

That was the second time the audience was so engaging in the performance.

Seeing how happy the survivors were, Janell Joy also smiled gently. She thought that her lovely friends achieved their purpose of radiating joy and happiness.

Having lived with the people at the disaster area for a few days, Janell Joy also witnessed how hardworking the people at the disaster area were to rebuild their beautiful home.

Through this experience, she witnessed how brilliant and strong the citizens were. Of course, they were motivated and encouraged by their President‘s kind leadership.

Although Brother Lucas had only officially taken office for a short time, the public still thought highly of him, especially the people at the disaster area. They admired the President a lot.

If the President didn't personally lead everyone during the rescue, they would have suffered a higher number of losses.

If Mr. President hadn‘t personally issued an order to rebuild the disaster area, then there wouldn't be a chance for everyone to work together to rebuild their beautiful home.

Janell Joy was grateful. At such a young age, she already found a huge treasure, and that was Brother Lucas.

She found him when she was about 3 years old. How could she know that Brother Lucas was a good person then?

After thinking for a while, she really didn‘t know how she saw through him at that time. Maybe this was fate.

She believed in fate.

She thought about how some people couldn't even get along even after a long time.

The best example was the relationship between Andrew Carter and her. Although Andrew was a great brother, but, there was always some kind of resistance between them.

"Little Jar, what do you think of our performance?" After they were done, they stepped down from the stage. Yaya wanted to listen to Janell Joy's thoughts first.

Janell Joy raised her lips and smiled, but she did not answer.

Yaya continued to say, ”Little Jar, why are you smiling and not saying anything? Are you implying that we did not meet your expectations?"

Janell Joy still smiled widely. Her eyes were opened wide, but she still didn't answer.

Yaya was a little anxious and said, "Little Jar, my sister-in-law, don't just smile. Say something, tell us how we should improve."

"Ah?" Janell Joy just came back to her senses/ She was stunned as she said, "Yaya, what did you ask?"

Yaya was shocked at her response.

It turned out that after asking her for a long time, Little Jar wasn't listening to her at all.

She poked Janell Joy's head and said, "Little girl, you are so absorbed in your own thoughts. What are you thinking about?"

Janell Joy said, “I think there are still many good people in the world."

Yaya was a little confused. "What are you talking about?"

Janell Joy went on to say, "Yaya, l have lived for 18 years, and I never thought that I would feel this happy being around people who were not related to me. When I see everyone's smiling faces, I feel so wholesome."

Yaya sat down next to Janell Joy and sighed, "Yes, when you give your good efforts and get so much happiness out of them in return, this kind of satisfaction is incomparable and irreplaceable."

Janell Joy said, "My mother used to tell me that everyone should be content and grateful. That made perfect sense now. Look at the fellow people at the disaster area. The earthquake destroyed their homes and some of their families passed away, but they were not discouraged at all. They worked together to rebuild their homes and they were happy every day. They were so content and grateful."

Yaya rolled her eyes at Janell Joy and said, "You're just a little girl and you're saying things like that. I can't look at you the same way anymore."

Janell Joy smiled and stood up. "Three more programs until my turn. I'm going backstage to prepare. You guys can cheer for me Iater.”

Yaya said, "I'm sure you'll be fine. Break a leg!”

"Okay." Janell Joy nodded, turned around, and walked to the backstage.

However, they did not expect to see a tall man standing in a corner not far away from the stage, hiding in the dark.

He stood there in his neat suit and shiny leather shoes. He had been standing there for a long time, but he didn't move at all.

He quietly observed Janell Joy's every smile and move, nothing was missed.

He looked at her, and his eyes couldn't look away.

In just a dozen of days, this girl seemed to have changed into another person. She didn't look like a spoiled rich girl at all. She was a resilient helper and a kind individual.

What didn't change was that radiance she had. Wherever she went, she was like a little sun, always providing warmth to those around her.

Janell Joy went backstage, and he watched her walked behind the stage until he couldn‘t see her anymore. He was still reluctant to look away and just stared at the place where she disappeared to.

"Young Master, do you want me to go over and greet her?" The man behind Andrew Carter asked tentatively.

"There's no need," Andrew said.

If she knew that he was also here, she would definitely not be happy... All this while, he was always an eyesore to her.


After all, fourteen years of companionship and care couldn't be compared against the other person...

Since the beginning, she has eliminated him away from the race. She didn't give him a chance at all.

The man standing behind Andrew Carter said, "Two more programs until Miss Carter's. I just heard someone say that she is going to perform a ballet solo. I think it's the one she was supposed to perform on her birthday."

Andrew did not answer him again. His eyes were still fixed on where Janell Joy Carter disappeared. He squinted his eyes and looked so down. He hid a lot of emotions in his heart.

Her annoyance towards her wasn't the only barrier, his identity too. He was her older brother by name.

The two programs ended in a few minutes. The host announced loudly, "Next, our Little Jar will bring you a ballet solo. Everyone, enjoy!"

As he spoke, most of the lights on the stage were turned off, and Janell Joy stood under the spotlight.

She was wearing a white leotard with her ballet tights. Her graceful ballet costume highlighted her beautiful body in front of the audience.

She bowed to the audience, then she smiled confidently and began her dance.

She was the only one on the stage. Everyone‘s eyes were on her. Every time she rotated and jumped, she was trying to make the best of what she had learned in the past few years.

Her professionalism perfected the ballet recital. Even if many of them didn't know much about ballet, they were still fascinated by her grace.

They didn't understand the art of ballet, but they knew how beautiful she performed. She danced gracefully under the spotlight, and she was as beautiful as an enchanting fairy.

The audience was in a trance and even forgot to applaud for her. The audience only came to their senses after someone awkwardly applauded from behind.

Suddenly, a thunderous applause overshadowed the music on the stage.

Andrew was still standing at the same place, staring at the dancing fairy on the stage with a sharp gaze.

He didn't notice that there was another person beside him.

The man was as tall as him, and he wore a white casual outfit.

The man's eyes were also fixed on Janell Joy, who was still dancing on the stage. He looked enchanted by her grace and he did not hide his joy at all as he let out a subtle smile.

His Janell Joy always brought him so many surprises.

She was like a treasure. As long as you kept digging, you could find different surprises in her.

After a while, Karen Joy finished her recital with a beautiful pose and bowed to the audience.

The stage curtain slowly fell down amid the thunderous applause from the audience. Janell Joy only stood back up after the curtains fell down completely.

However, as soon as she took a step, she stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

It turned out that the stage was not as smooth as the ballet studios she was used to. When she was spinning around, the friction against the rough stage had lacerated her feet. She realized that her ballet shoes had red blood stains on them.

When she was dancing, she showed the spirit of a professional dancer. She did not stop because of the injury on her feet. Instead, she still finished the whole dance perfectly with a smile.

In front of the crowd, the host announced the next show.

Under the stage, in an inconspicuous dark comer, the two men were still staring at the stage, as if the beautiful fairy in their hearts was still dancing.

They didn't look away until the next performance. At this time, Andrew finally noticed that there was another person beside him.

He glanced at the man and said coldly, "It's you."

Nathaniel Cooper looked him in the eye and smiled. "Nice show huh?"

Andrew sneered, "Cooper. Don‘t be too proud. There is still a long road ahead. We still don't know who she'll belong to in the end.“

"She‘s not an object. Of course, she won‘t belong to anyone... But she's the girl that I'm going to marry."

"The girl you want to marry?“ Andrew curled his lips and smiled coldly. "Nathaniel, there are so many things happening around you, and you can't even take care of yourself. Why should you marry her?"

Nathaniel didn't speak anymore.

He had control over his matters, so there was no need for others to worry about him. Besides, it wasn't completely up to him even if he really wanted to marry Janell Joy.

"Don‘t you want to say anything?" Andrew snorted and said, "My father will give you a year. One year is not very long. You'd better pray that you can handle all the things around you. When the time is up, no matter how hard Janell insists, my father will definitely take her back to New York."

"Thank you for your kind reminder, brother-in-law. Please don't worry, one year is enough." Those who played tricks behind the scenes were getting braver. They used Serene Silas' murder case to cause troubles for him, and now, he could also use this matter to lure the snake out of the hole.

"Who's your brother-in-law!?" Andrew was so angry that his chest heaved up and down. He clenched his fist. If he hadn't tried his best to restrain himself, he would have swung his fist at Nathaniel already.

However, just as the two of them were arguing, Janell Joy came out from the backstage and appeared in the crowd.

The two tall men walked toward Janell Joy almost at the same time. However, Andrew stopped after taking two steps.

What could he do if he went near her?

She would not even let him get close to her, and even more so with Nathaniel around.

If he went to her, he would only witness their affection.

No matter how reluctant he was, he had to stop.

However, seeing that Nathaniel was getting closer and closer to her, he felt more and more uncomfortable. He kept clenching his fists and kept taking deep breaths, showing his discomfort and distress.

Nathaniel took a few steps to Janell Joy's side, held her waist, and allowed her to lean on him. "Janell, what's wrong?"

"Brother Lucas, why are you here?" Janell Joy asked in surprise.

She was surprised as Nathaniel put on his disguise and pretended to be the passerby she knew, but also surprised that he took the time out despite the amount of negative news today. Why did he still have time to come to see her?

Nathaniel did not answer her. He looked at her feet and saw that she was wearing a pair of big slippers, then he also saw the blood stains on her feet and the ballet shoes.

"You...“ Nathaniel was extremely worried and mad at the same time. Ignoring the eyes around him, he picked Janell Joy up and turned around to leave.

“Brother Lucas, I‘m fine. Don't worry." Had she known that Brother Lucas was here, she would have changed her shoes and cleaned her feet before coming out.

For him to worry about her was the last thing she wanted.

“Hush!" Nathaniel said coldly. His face was so gioomy that it was scary. This was a cold look that Janell Joy had never seen before.


Janell Joy Carter was speechless.

It turned out that her Brother Lucas was actually fierce, but he just did not show his fierceness in front of her.

His shout scared her so much that she didn't even dare to say a word. She just rolled her eyes, looking both cute and pitiful at the same time.

However, no matter how pitiful Janell Joy looked, this time, Nathaniel's face was still gloomy and scary. He didn't say a word and looked very angry.

Nathaniel didn‘t let her speak, so Janell Joy put her head on his chest like a poor little kitten.

She wiggled around as he carried her. She didn't believe that Brother Lucas would ignore her the whole time.

After a few wiggles, Nathaniel still ignored her with a sullen face.

Janell Joy quietly raised her head and glanced at his extremely cold face. That was when Janell Joy knew that her Brother Lucas was really angry this time.

This man!

He was so handsome when he was angry. How could girls not like him?

She reached out and touched his chest. "Brother Lucas, don't..."

Before she could finish her words, she heard a fierce roar from Nathaniel, "I said hush!"

Janell Joy really kept quiet this time. She was innocent!

She was injured and she was in pain, yet he was still so fierce towards her. Didn't he have any sympathy for her?

Nathaniel arrived to the car with Janell Joy in his arms as fast as he could.

Fortunately, his car was spacious enough for him to move around as they sat inside.

He placed Janell Joy on the seat, turned around to take the medical kit, and ordered in a deep voice, “Give me your feet."

"Humph, if you feel pain on my behalf, then talk to me properly. Why are you so fierce?" Janell Joy pursed her mouth, blinked her eyes, and looked like she was about to cry.

Usually, when she showed such an expression, her Brother Lucas would definitely tone down and surrender immediately. But today, he did not surrender and he still kept a straight face.

Although he looked good when he was angry, he looked terribly fierce when he was angry. He was handsome, but not cute at all.

Nathaniel didn't say a word and reached out to grab her feet.

His movements looked rude and harsh, but his grip on her feet was so light that she didn't feel any force on her.

Nathaniel took off the two large slippers on her feet, and then gently put her ballet shoes down.

Even though he was very careful, Janell Joy's feet were seriously injured. Some of her skin had rubbed terribly against the base of her shoes.

When Nathaniel touched her gently, Janell Joy felt so much pain that she hissed and stopped breathing, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Nathaniel's heart was also also in pain, but he said sternly, "So you feel pain now? Not just now?"

Janell Joy bit her lip stubbornly. Humph, if he wanted to be mean to her, she would just ignore

Before taking off her shoes, he knew that if he removed her shoes forcefully, she would feel tremendous pain.

Nathaniel quickly took the medication and soaked her shoes slightly. Then, he helped her take off her shoes gently so that it would hurt less.

Janell Joy's feet were fair and tender, and her small feet looked really cute... However, her feet were bloody today, and it was painful to look at.

Nathaniel's face turned even more gloomy and terrible. "Janell Joy Carter, were you thinking straight?"

This silly little girl, she already suffered such a serious injury, why did she have to continue dancing?

Didn't she know how many people would worry about her?

Janell Joy still didn‘t say anything. She was so mad at Nathaniel that she couldn't speak.

He called her by her full name. This was the first!

"Can't you answer me?” Although he spoke rudely, but, he continued to treat her.  

He immediately took the cotton and infused with some medication to clean the wound and carefully cleaned the blood stains on her feet for her.

Janell Joy still did not speak, and she stared at him with her wide eyes.

"Janell Joy..."

"Nathaniel Cooper, who do you think you are? Do you think you can just treat me like this?" As she heard his angry tone again, Janell Joy became very angry too. She lifted her foot and kicked him. "Get out of my way. You don't need to care about me."

He was so annoying!

How could he shout at her like that? Did she get injured on purpose? No!

She did not expect that the flooring of the temporary stage would be so harsh and rough. If she stopped dancing halfway, the audience would be disappointed, and her friends would be worried.

She didn't want to disappoint the people at the disaster area, nor did she want Yaya and others to worry about her, so she gritted her teeth and persisted.

Her feet really hurt, but she planned to go back to the tent and treat the wound properly after the performance anyway.

However, she didn‘t expect that this man, the man she cared most about, would be so fierce to her.

”Janell Joy, you..." Nathaniel was so angry that his chest heaved. He wanted nothing more than to grab her and beat her up.

“What's wrong with me? Do you want to hit me? Nathaniel, would you dare to do that?" Janell Joy turned around, opened the door and was about to get out of the car. She didn't care about the injury on her feet, and she didn't care that she was barefooted.

"You...“ Nathaniel was increasingly pissed off by this stubborn girl. He stretched his hand out and grabbed her back. "Do you still want to live?"

"Let go!" Janell Joy stared at him and said angrily, "I don't need a man who will only be fierce at me and pretend to be kind to me.“

“Pretend? Well, since you said so, then I'll act that way." Nathaniel pushed her to the seat, raised his hand, and slapped her on her butt heavily.

“Nathaniel, you hit me! You actually hit me!" Her parents had never hit her before. What gave him the right to do that?

How could he treat her like this?

Janell Joy was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She felt like she had a bag of explosives in her body, and she was about to explode!

"I just want to hit you!" Then he smacked her butt again.

"Nathaniel, you...” Janell Joy struggled, but she could not escape because of his strength.

“Have you learned your lesson yet?" He asked in a harsh voice, as if he was lecturing a child who was ignorant of the world.

"B‘stard! How dare you say that it was my mistake.” Janell Joy shouted like a little beast, “Nathaniel, even if you apologize to me, I won't forgive you.“

Humph! She would never forgive him if he hit her!

Absolutely not!


Shortly after, he smacked her butt again.

“So have you learned your mistake yet?“ Nathaniel asked in a deeper voice.

'I did nothing wrong!" Janell Joy shouted.

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