Tuesday, September 1, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 736 - 740


CHAPTERS 736 - 740


The setting and design of the presidential office looked quite classic, with a design almost similar to that of the presidential offices which Janell Carter had seen before. 

The office looked elegant, luxurious, and well-maintained. Janell looked around and found that there were no cameras in the office, so they would not be discovered for the time being.

But Samantha Lesley was worried. The thought of being grounded in the house for a month by her brother really scared her off. She pulled Janell's sleeve and said, "Janell, let's hide behind the bookshelf, shall we? I am worried that my brother will come in with Mr. President. If he sees us, we will be doomed." 

"Okay." Janell agreed immediately. Her main purpose was to meet their Mr. President and ask him if he was her Brother Lucas. If there were many people, she might be kicked out before she could open her mouth. 

Hiding behind the bookshelf, Samantha was trembling in nervousness, but Janell was calm as usual. She held Samantha's hand and said, "Samantha, don't be afraid. I'll take responsibility if anything happens. I won't let you get punished because of me." 

"But my brother is really scary when he loses his temper." Her brother usually treated her very well. He gave her everything she needed and more. But if she made a mistake, her brother would not spare her easily. 

Janell was about to say something to comfort Samantha when she suddenly heard the door being opened. Then she heard footsteps, which seemed like there were several people walking in. She immediately kept quiet and was ready to judge the situation fiest before making her next plan. 

"Mr. President, the inauguration ceremony went very well, and the nation's degree of satisfaction towards you is as high as 80%." It was Jason Lesley who spoke up. 

Hearing the voice, Samantha was so scared that her legs went limp, as if she had been caught red- handed by her brother. "Janell, what should we do? I am so scared!" She mouthed her words to Janell. 

Janell grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring look, but Samantha was so frightened that she could not stand still and limped, so her body fell on the bookshelf. 

"Who is it?" Jason roared, and guards immediately barged into the room with guns in their hands and rushed towards Janell and Samantha. 

"Brother, it's me. Please don't shoot." Compared to being killed accidentally, Samantha would rather be punished by her brother.

"Samantha, you are too mischievous. Bring her to me..." Jason was about to lose his temper, but he saw Janell standing beside Samantha. 

"Mr. Lesley, we mean no harm here. We just want to see what kind of person the President is, as he was able to win the love and respect of the people." Janell came out from behind the bookshelf and stood in front of Samantha, then he looked at Jason calmly. 

As he saw Janell, Jason knew that he could not take any action. He waved his hand and signaled the guards to leave, and then looked at their Mr. President. 

Janell also looked at their Mr. President and smiled, "Mr. President, you love the people as if they are your own children. You won't punish the people who love you, will you?" 

What a smart girl. She was flattering and giving Mr. President a high-hat as soon as she opened her mouth. If Mr. President really wanted to punish them, it would seem like he did not love the people as if they were his own children. 

Janell looked at Nathaniel Cooper attentively, and he also looked at her. His Janell's voice sounded very pleasant, and he could vaguely remember her voice when she was young. He imagined how she had called him "Brother Lucas" softly. 

His Janell's smile was so beautiful, and it was different from the adorable and child-like smile she had when she was a child. She looked elegant and exquisite now, and she still had that scar on her forehead. 

He knew that she had sneaked into the North Palace with Samantha, and he had asked the guards not to make things difficult for them. But he never expected that she was so courageous and dared to sneak into his office... 

She appeared in front of his eyes so unexpectedly. From the moment he first saw her, his heart was already in a turmoil. But due to his experience from working in the political scene, he was good at putting on poker faces already. 

He placed his hands behind his back, clenched them quietly, and spoke in a low voice, "What if I punish you both for trespassing the President's office?" 

"You won't!" Janell answered with absolute certainty. 

"Oh?" He snorted and squinted at the pink rosy face that still looked childish. "Why are you so sure that I won't punish you?" 

If he really wanted to punish them, they would have been taken away long ago, and he would not ramble with her anymore. 

"Because you are..." Perhaps it was not only because he was a good President who was respected by the nation, but also because she thought that he was her very familiar Brother Lucas. Her Brother Lucas was her hero and her shield. How could he hurt her? 

"Jason, bring them back. But do remind them to not make such mistakes again in the future." 

Undoubtedly, he wanted to pinch her face like he did when she was a child, and tell her that Brother Lucas had not care enough for her yet, so how could he hurt her? 

But now, he wore a different name, and his every move would affect the whole country. There were many things that could not be done at will. She was no longer as small as she used to be. Instead, she had grown up to be a lady.

Both of them could never return to the old days. What he could do for her now was to protect her when she remained in Country A. 

"Brother Lucas?" Janell suddenly shouted these two words out, which made Nathaniel's body stiffen, and he almost blurted out the two words, " Little Jane."

"My name is Janell Joy Carter. My family and those people closest to me, they used to call me Little Jane, so does my Brother Lucas.." 

She slowly introduced herself. Her clear and pure eyes were full of anticipation as she looked at him and asked carefully, "Are you Little Jane's Brother Lucas?" 

It was just a short question, but it took her almost all the strength from her body to ask that. She asked him very cautiously Because she was too afraid to hear him say "No". 

"No!" he replied. 

He answered firmly and confidently, without a second of hesitation.

"Are you really not Little Jane's Brother Lucas?" Janell asked again. 

"No!" He answered even more clearly. 

Janell's bright eyes darkened in an instant. She did not understand why she would feel sad when this stranger told her that he was not her Brother Lucas. 

In the past few years, except for the times when she missed her Brother Lucas, she had never been so sad. Her heart seemed to turn empty all of a sudden. 

Looking at her gloomy face, Nathaniel clenched his fists behind his back, but he smiled and said, "Little girl, I won't punish you today. Please don't go around and call someone random as your brother. It's not a good practice."


"Sorry! It's my fault!" Janell Carter blinked and soon hid her disappointment. With a confident smile on her face, she said, "Thank you, Mr. President, for your mercy, and for not punishing us for trespassing your office." 

She looked at him, but she no longer looked eager and hopeful. She looked at him like a stranger. 

Seeing Janell's change of expression, Nathaniel's heart sank, but he still said calmly, "Little girl, go home early. If you are alone outside, your family will worry about you." 

She smiled slightly out of courtesy instead of showing her bright smile. She answered politely, "Thank you, Mr. President. You are really a good President who cares about your citizens." 

Yes, in his mother's eyes, he was a filial and good son. In the people's eyes, he was a good President who loved the people as if they were his children. But he was not Janell's good brother! 

She had waited for a long time and battled through the odds just to look for him. It had not been easy for her to come to his side, but he could not reconcile with her. 

When she was very young, he had promised her that he would definitely stay by her side and protect her as she grew up. In the end, he chose to return to his own country and take up the responsibility that he had to fulfill, so he abandoned her. 

When she was very young, he also told her that when she grew up, he wanted her to bring the necklace he had given her and find him. Now that she finally appeared in front of him, he denied being her Brother Lucas... 

This little girl had been clever since she was a child. She was able to see people and things clearly. He expected that she might recognize him when she saw him. But when she asked him to confirm her doubts, he was still stunned. 

When she saw him for the last time, she was less than five years old. Now, more than ten years have passed. How could it not be shocking that she could still recognize him at first glance after more than 10 years? 

No one knew how much he wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her that he was her Brother Lucas and that he had been waiting for her all these years. But the responsibility on his shoulders involved the progress of the entire nation. 

In the past, he could not do whatever he wanted, and now it was still the same. He could only wait until he completed the two main tasks at hand and he could completely ensure her safety. 

Perhaps he would tell her the truth, then. "Yes, Little Jane, I am your Brother Lucas!" He would say. 

"Then I'll leave first." Janell nodded to the President. She walked away without turning back. She walked away confidently and held her head high. It was as if she did not mind that she recognised the President wrongly.

She knew that she had mistaken him for someone else. This man named Nathaniel Cooper was just the new President of Country A. He had nothing to do with her Brother Lucas. Because if he were her Brother Lucas, he wouldn't lie to her face when he met her. 

All these while, she had been so sure that her Brother Lucas would never do anything that would make her sad. When Brother Lucas was by her side, although she was still very young back then, she still remembered clearly how he treated her. 

As soon as Janell turned around and walked away, Nathaniel looked at her carefully. Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out to grab her, but just as he was about to do so, he held back. 

"Little Jane, give me a little more time!" He spoke silently in his heart as he watched her walk away helplessly. 

"Janell, wait for me." Samantha Lesley hurried up to catch up with her, but Janell walked too quickly and she was shorter than her, it took her quite some time to catch up with her. 

"Janell, don't be sad. Mr. President is not your Brother Lucas." 

"I'm not sad.." Janell did not want to admit that she was sad because she couldn't let a stranger's words affect her. She did not like this side of herself, but she could not control her emotions well. This had never happened to her before. 

"Janell, don't worry. As long as your Brother Lucas really does exist, you will be able to find him." Samantha comforted Janell innocently. 

Upon hearing this, Janell was a little uneasy. "Samantha, what do you mean? Do you think that my Brother Lucas is just someone that I made up?" 

Samantha waved her hand and said, "Janell, I didn't mean that..." 

Janell continued, "Then what do you mean?" 

Samantha bit her lips and blurted, "Janell, I'm not trying to dampen your enthusiasm in locating Brother Lucas. To be honest, you don't even have a photo of Brother Lucas whom you kept mentioning every day. Back then, you were still very young. There might be a possibility that he might not be real." 

Janell was so distressed that she gritted her teeth and yelled out, "Samantha!" 

Samantha continued, "Besides, if your Brother Lucas really loves you like how you have claimed, how did he not visit you at all throughout the past decade?" 

Janell bit her lips and balled up her fists. Her lips and palms bled a little, but she acted as if she could not feel any pain 

Samantha carried on, "Maybe, he loves you very much, but he did not bother to visit you all these years. What do you think is the reason behind it? Janell, your Brother Lucas might not even be in this world anymore." 

Not in this world anymore! Janell raised her eyebrows and squinted at Samantha. "My Brother Lucas must have his reason for not coming to see me. And I believe that he will remember me. Samantha, if you do not think before you speak in the future, try me." 

Janell had actually pondered Samantha's assumptions before, but she always justified for her Brother Lucas. Perhaps he had been occupied by other things over the years, so he could not visit her. 

As she saw how sad Janell looked, Samantha worried about her. For a moment, she did not watch her words and just blurted out all her thoughts. It seemed that the more Samantha spoke, the sadder Janell looked. 

Samantha regretted a lot. "Janell, I did not mean what I said entirely. Don't take it to heart. Don't worry, I will accompany you to find your Brother Lucas." 

"That's okay." Janell brushed off Samantha's hand and said, "Thank you for your hospitality these two days. I'll move to a hotel after this." 

All these years, her faith in Brother Lucas and her hope that he had been waiting for her keep her grounded. Brother Lucas could not visit her because of many reasons, and it was not that he did not want to see her. Due to her faith and hope, she went on a journey to look for Brother Lucas hopefully.

"Janell, don't be angry..." Samantha was so upset that she almost cried. 

"Samantha, I'm not angry at you." Janell smiled. "But I have my own plans. I can't disturb you guys all the time."


"Janell.." No matter how Samantha Lesley called out for her, it could not change Janell Carter's determination to move out and stay in a hotel alone. 

The reason why she was so determined was not because she was angry at Samantha, but because she carried a secret in the bottom of her heart. It was a secret that no one knew. 

Samantha's words earlier reminded her of that secret. Over the years, she did wonder if Brother Lucas was a character that she imagined in her mind. Maybe, he did not exist. 

Since she had this thought before, that was why she was so angry when Samantha said that, and she was unable to control her emotions for a moment. 

These past few years, her mother had always said that she was someone who had learned how to control her emotions since a young age. She always acted much more mature beyond her years. 

At home, her grandparents, parents, Little Aunt, and Uncle Victor, all doted on her as if she were a treasure. They allowed her to be capricious. However, she was not capricious at all, instead, she was rational and thoughtful. 

Over the years, she had been so sensible and thoughtful. She never needed her parents to worry about her, but this time, she might have let them down. 

After all, it was not Samantha's words that hurt her, but her failure in reconciling with Brother Lucas made her doubt herself. The more Janell thought about this matter, the more upset she felt. It was as if someone had grasped her heart and caused such excruciating pain that she almost suffocated. 

At this moment, she touched the necklace hanging on her neck. This necklace was given to her by Brother Lucas, and it was also the most powerful evidence to prove the existence of Brother Lucas. 

As long as Brother Lucas existed, what could stop her from finding Brother Lucas? Gradually, Janell felt that the dark clouds over her head had dispersed, and the sky was clear again. 

Everything was still so beautiful. It did not matter if she failed once. It could not stop her from looking for Brother Lucas.

When she just came out of the East gate of the North Palace, a car quickly drove to Janell's side and stopped. A man in a suit came out from the back seat of the car. 

Janell glanced at him, turned around and ran in another direction. She did not want to talk to him. The man quickly caught up with her. "Janell, where do you want to go?" 

Janell covered her ears and pretended not to hear anything. She knew it was Andrew Carter who was looking for her. Only her family called her "Janell" like how they used to refer to her as "Little Jane."

Everyone else, her friends included, called her by her proper name Janell Joy now that she had grown up. She ran faster and farther. 

"Janell, do you still think you are a three-year-old child? You can leave as you wish? Have you ever thought about how our family will worry about you?" Andrew's voice echoed from behind. 

Janell stopped running, then she turned around and looked at him provocatively. "Andrew, this is my matter, you have nothing to do with it." 

Andrew emphasized, "I am your brother." 

"You're my brother, so you can control my freedom?" Janell snorted and added, "Andrew, don't think that I don't know what you have done these years." 

"I control your freedom?" Andrew raised his eyebrows. "Over the years, father entrusted me to take care of you and our little brother. I think I did a good job as your brother." 

"Andrew, do you think that as long as you keep mum, no one will know about what you have done?" Janell chuckled, "People will find out eventually. If you don't want people to know what you have done, then don't do it." 

Andrew raised his eyebrows and appeared slightly unhappy. "Janell, what have I done?" 

"Just pretend! Keep pretending! You can continue pretending to be a good grandson in front of our grandparents, pretending to be a good son in front of our parents." 

Janell looked at him coldly. "Andrew, I'm telling you, you can hide it from all of them, but you can't deceive me." 

Andrew's face turned gloomy, "Come back with me." 

Since she thought that he was a villain, he would just let her be. There was no point explaining his stance and defending himself to someone who was biased towards him. 

Janell continued, "Andrew, you can erase the traces Brother Lucas left in his house in Jiangbei, but you will never erase the traces left in my heart." 

Andrew reached out and grabbed her. "Janell, what nonsense are you talking about?" 

Janell shook her hand off and continued to say, "Whatever you have done, I know about all about them, so save your act for our family. Don't pretend to be a good brother in front of me. I will feel sick when I see it." 

Yes, throughout all these years, she had been in discord with Andrew. The more she looked at him, the more she disliked him. It was not because his brother was problematic, but he was just too perfect that it was unbelievable. 

However, his perfect image was probably just an act for the family. When she planned on going back to Jiangbei to find the only photo of her with her Brother Lucas, Andrew went back first and destroyed that photo. 

The evidence which proved that Brother Lucas did exist was destroyed by Andrew mercilessly. How could she remain calm? 

Andrew clenched his fists and said, "I'm here to bring you home." Regarding the incident that Janell brought up, if he did not deny, that meant that he was guilty of it. 

"I will explain to the family. You don't have to worry about me. I will not leave until I find my Brother Lucas, so don't bother trying." Janell turned around and wanted to leave, but she was grabbed by Andrew as soon as she took a step. 

Andrew held her delicate wrist and spoke sternly, "Dad and Mom are very worried about you. You have to go back with me." 

"Andrew, didn't you hear me?" Janell wanted to cast Andrew's hand away, but he was so strong that she could not get rid of him. 

Janell got agitated. She calmed down, clenched her fist, and raised her other hand to punch Andrew right in his face. She had been practicing Taekwondo since she was a child. 

Recently, she had just gotten her Black Belt in Taekwondo. Janell was trained extensively in Taekwondo, but she was still young and she was also a girl. Compared to Andrew, who also received his Black Belt recently, she was way more inferior. 

As soon as Janell waved her fist, he reached out and held her fist. He gently pulled her into his arms, and she was encircled in his arms and could not break free. 

"Andrew, let me go!" Janell raised her foot and tried to trample him hard. However, when she was about to step on him, he moved slightly and dodged her attack again. 

At this very moment, a team of guards armed with guns rushed over and surrounded the two of them. A car stopped next to them. Jason Lesley got out of the passenger seat and walked towards them. 

He did not pay attention to Andrew, but spoke to Janell respectfully, "Miss Carter, Mr. President is in the car. He wants to thank you for helping him today. We're wondering if you could do us a favor." 

Janell knew that Jason was helping her to get rid of Jayden. She knew it was impossible for the President to be with him. She immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I can." 

After all, he was in a foreign country, so Andrew had to let go of her and watch Janell get into someone else's car. 

Janell was "fleeing", and after obtaining her freedom, she hastily got into the car. She did not expect that the President would be in the car as well!


Janell saw a still figure sitting in the backseat with her. She backed off slightly and wanted to get out of the car. However, just as she took half a step back, she saw Andrew staring at her menacingly, waiting for her like a predator. 

She was trapped! 

After thinking a lot, Janell chose to stay with the President as he seemed approachable. She wanted to get rid of Andrew first.

Well, he donned a nicely ironed black suit and looked smart. He looked exactly like a typical gentleman at first glance. In reality, was he really like what he looked like from the outside? 

Janell was very sure that he was not like how he portrayed himself. His eyes betrayed him. There were too many things hidden in this man's eyes. Janell could not figure out what kind of secrets he had been hiding. 

Anyway, he was not her Brother Lucas. She did not need to care about what he was hiding in his eyes. She would be fine as long as he did not renege upon his words and convict her and Samantha Lesley's offence of trespassing his office earlier. 

Nathaniel Cooper was sitting on the right side of the car, and Janell was sitting on the far left. She sat very close to the door, trying to stay as far away from him as possible. 

"Hmph-" She snorted in a low voice without looking at him. She looked proud but a little cute. It seemed like she was deliberately mad at him. 

Why should she be angry at a stranger? 

She did not know either. Maybe she was angry that the President might be concealing his true identity. She just wanted to be angry at him! She puffed out her cheeks and looked like a child. 

Her face was still as pink and cute as it was when she was a child... In fact, she was just a child who had not grown up yet. 

"Sit a little closer." Finally, after the man stared at her for a long time, he spoke out. His voice sounded deep and gentle, which was pleasing to hear. 

"Hmph, I don't want to sit closer..." He was not her Brother Lucas. Why should she listen to him? 

"Come here!" He raised his voice a little, but he was not angry. Janell obediently moved slightly towards the middle. 

As soon as she moved slightly over, she leaned against the door again. She hated herself so much. Her ego forbade her from listening to the man's words, but deep down, she wanted to just get close to him. 

However, before Janell could move away, the man suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist. "You're sitting so far away. Are you scared of me?' 

"It hurts!" Janell cried out in pain and blinked her eyes. She looked so pitiful as if she was about to cry in front of him. 

"What's wrong?" The man let go of her hand and saw that her wrist turned red. Her skin was delicate and fair. 

Her skin had turned red from being held tightly by Andrew earlier. Now that he had grabbed her again, her skin looked even redder. 

When she was caught by Andrew, Janell did not cry out in pain because she didn't want to show that she was weak in front of him. "What happened to me has nothing to do with you. You are not my Brother Lucas, will you still care about me?" Janell withdrew her hand and arrogantly turned her head away. 

"Sit closer." He ordered her again. The President had strong charisma, as if he could strangle her to death if she dared to disobey him. 

"No, I don't want to!" She did not want to listen to him. She turned away and looked out of the car window. She admired the buildings of the city as the car drove swiftly by. 

This man was not related to her at all. Why did she get into his car in the first place? Why should she care if he really ignored her? 

Janell tilted her head slightly and wanted to see the President through the corner of her eye. At one glance, she saw a bottle of ointment in his hand that came out of nowhere. She did not want to get close to him, so he took the initiative to get close to her. 

Regardless of her struggle, he forcibly held her hand and gently smeared some ointment on Janell's wrist with his fingertips. The ointment was very cooling and instantly eliminated the burning pain on her wrist. 

Looking at his caring look, it seemed like he felt sorry. Janell's nose suddenly twitched, and she felt a lump on her throat. "Why are you treating me so well?" 

After asking this question, Janell clenched her fists quietly and gulped nervously. She hoped that his answer would be the one she had been looking forward to hear. "Because. I am your Brother Lucas. I want to treat you well, and I can't bear to see you get hurt." 

He thought silently. He knew he could not tell her the truth yet. He put out the same smile he showed the whole nation on the podium earlier. "Because I am the President. It's my duty to protect my people." 

"I'm not one of your people. I don't need your concern." As she did not hear the answer she wanted to hear, Janell pulled her hand back and angrily took a tissue to wipe off the ointment on her wrist. 

He did not stop her either. After she vented her anger, he applied the ointment on her wrist with his finger once again. After that, she wiped it off with a tissue again. 

They repeated this for a few more times and they did not seem impatient. It seemed that they were deliberately trying to spend more time with each other. 

Finally, Janell was tired and stared at him with her red eyes. "You know what? My Brother Lucas is good to me. If he knows that you bullied me, he will not let you go." 

When she talked about her Brother Lucas, her eyes looked as bright as the stars, and her face was full of pride, as if her Brother Lucas was her knight in shining armour. 

Upon hearing her words, Nathaniel's hands froze slightly as he tried to keep the bottle of ointment away. After a moment of silence, he said, "Perhaps your Brother Lucas isn't as good as you think. Perhaps he has abandoned you for others." 

"Watch your words, he's not like that!" Janell was so angry that she bit her lip and said, "I don't care who you are, but if you insult him again, I will not let you go." 

Brother Lucas was so perfect in her heart. She had been thinking of him since she was a child. No matter what, she would not allow anyone to speak ill of him. 

Nathaniel fell silent. He spoke the truth, but she thought too highly of him. In fact, he was not worthy of her efforts and sacrifices to look for him. 

"Mr. President, can you do me a favor?" Perhaps she still held a little hope and hoped that he would admit that he was her Brother Lucas. 

"Tell me, I will try my best to help you." Apart from reconciling with her, he could help her with everything else. 

Janell removed the necklace from her neck. She held it carefully in her palm and said, "You are the President of Country A. You probably know a lot of things. Have you ever come across this necklace with such a special totem before?"


Janell Joy Carter looked at Nathaniel Cooper and noticed every slight change in his expression. This was her last hope. If she showed him the necklace and he denied it again, he probably wasn't her Brother Lucas then. 

Nathaniel did not deny it immediately, so this gave Janell some hope. While waiting, Janell was so nervous that she gulped several times and unconsciously approached him a little. "Mr. President, this necklace was given to me by my Brother Lucas. Brother Lucas told me that after I grew up, I could come to him with this necklace." 

He might be hesitating, but it did not matter. She would try harder to remind him of something that he might have forgotten. He might be able to recall their special relationship. 

"Silly girl, this is just an ordinary necklace. Your Brother Lucas asked you to bring this necklace along to find him, but this is what an adult would say to lie to a child, how can you take it seriously?" 

After a dreadful wait, Nathaniel finally responded. His tone was very monotonous and he did now show any expressions, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him. 

"An adult lying to a child?' Janell took back the necklace and put it back on her neck. "A person like you will never understand what a promise means to a child." 

"Maybe... I really don't understand." His hands balled into fists tightly. God knew how much strength he needed to mutter out those words that he knew would hurt her tremendously, but he had to seem relaxed. 

Janell bit her lips and said with certainty, "Maybe some people would think that children don't understand anything and they can't remember anything, but my Brother Lucas wasn't that type of person." 

Over the years, Janell had heard a lot about this. Even her father would sugarcoat matters with her, but she firmly believed that Brother Lucas was not joking with her when he made his promise. 

"Little girl..." 

"Don't call me that." She was 18 years old. She was an adult. Her family would not address her as a little girl, so how could he? Did he really think that he was her Brother Lucas? 

Janell bit her lips, turned around and wanted to open the door. However, the door was locked as the car was still moving, so she could not open it at all She was so anxious that she hit the driver's seat and exclaimed, "Stop the car. I want to get out." 

She did not want to stay with this man as he demoralised her efforts to find Brother Lucas. If she stayed for a second longer, she might lose control of the emotions welling up in her body and furiously beat him up. 

"Bad guy!" How could he say that about her Brother Lucas! 

"Janell, this is not your home, and these people around you are not your family. No one will tolerate you if you cause trouble." He glanced at her and said coldly. 

"Of course, throwing a tantrum is my own business. It has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to tolerate me too. Now I want to get out of the car. Tell him to stop the car and let me go." 

Similarly, Janell also stared at him and replied to him coldly. Nathaniel pressed the dial button next to his seat, then he spoke in a deep voice, "Stop the car."

Hearing his order, the car decelerated almost immediately and slowly came to a stop. Janell glared at him, opened the car door and was about to get off. However, as soon as she got out of the car, she saw that Andrew's car was not far behind. It was obvious that he would never let her go and insisted on bringing her home. 

She would definitely be caught by Andrew after getting out of the car. However, she did not want to stay with that man in the car for another second longer either. 

This time, Janell could neither get out of the car nor return to the car. She desperately wished that she could fly away and flee the scene, She bit her lips and hesitated for a moment. 

Karen Joy chose to get out of the car this time. She would rather be taken home by Andrew than having to look at this man's face again. 

After making up her mind, she heard the man's voice behind her. "We're near Samantha's house. You need to stay at her place during your time in Country A, and you are not allowed to stay in a hotel." 

"Are you ordering me? On what grounds?" This man was not her Brother Lucas. What rights did he have to order her? 

But... if she did not stay at Samantha Lesley's place, she might be taken away by Andrew. It seemed that Janell had no other choice but to stay in Samantha's home. 

"Janell!" Samantha popped out of nowhere and rushed over to hug Janell. 

"I'm so worried that you will ignore me. Fortunately, you're back." As she spoke, she noticed the car behind Janell. The car door was not shut, and the President was looking at them with his broody eyes. 

Samantha smiled shyly and said, "Brother Nathaniel, thank you for sending Janell back. We will stay away from trouble in the future." 

The Lesley family had a good personal relationship with the Cooper family. Nathaniel also maintained a close relationship with the siblings of the Lesley family in private. 

Since childhood, Samantha hung out a lot with her brother and Nathaniel, so he naturally treated her as a little sister. In private, she would address him as her brother. 

"Alright." Nathaniel nodded. "Head back first." 

"Okay, we'll go back first. Samantha held Janell's hand and started running, as if she was afraid that she would be taken away by a big bad wolf if she ran too slowly. 

Watching them safely return to Samantha's house, Nathaniel added, "Jason, make sure your security guards at home watch her carefully. As long as she doesn't want to leave Country A, no one is allowed to force her to leave." 

"Understood." Jason Lesley answered respectfully and immediately made a phone call and instructed the guards. 

After they entered the house, Nathaniel looked around the housing area for a long time before asking the driver to return to the President's office. 

As soon as he returned, Aaron Paul, who was so anxious that his forehead was drenched in sweat, hurriedly greeted him and whispered, "Third Young Master, it's your inauguration ceremony today. Many people are watching you. If you make any mistakes this time, you may get caught by others. Then all our efforts these years will be in vain." 

If he had known that the little girl of the Carter family would come to Country A, he would definitely find a way to stop her, because the child was the only weakness of their President. 

Throughout these years, in order to climb up the political ladder, Nathaniel had put in a lot of effort, and he could not let that little girl ruin anything 

"Everyone is here?" Nathaniel knew that what he had just done was inappropriate, but he did not regret it. He owed his Little Jane too much, so it was impossible for him to watch someone forcing her to do something which she was unwilling to do. 

"Everyone has been waiting in the conference hall." Everyone was waiting for their President to discuss national affairs patiently. The media reporters were all present, but their new President slipped away quietly. If this news was spread out, the image he had established all these years would collapse instantly.

Nathaniel did not speak another word. He took the lead and walked towards the conference hall. Aaron followed him obediently. Although he had a lot to say, he just kept quiet. 

"Mr. President..."  Along the way, many people greeted Nathaniel respectfully. Nathaniel nodded and responded one by one. Throughout his way, he wore a warm smile on his face, looking like a well-deserving Mr. President..

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