Wednesday, December 16, 2020

LMCHAPTERS 1216 - 1220


CHAPTERS 1216 - 1220


Andrew enjoyed the feeling of Silvia putting all her trust in him and relying on him very much. When he heard her muttering and calling for him in her dreams, he became even gentler as he laid her down on the back seat of the car. 

After putting her in the back seat, Andrew pinched her rosy and tender cheek and said, "Silly girl, if you listen to me and don't cause any more trouble, don't upset me, don't think about other men... Then, I can consider being your support for the rest of your life. I will never let anyone hurt you." 

However, it was probably he had pinched her too hard that she felt a little pain in her cheek. She furrowed her brows and raised her hand to pat his hand away. "B‘stard, you're hurting me!" 

Andrew leaned over and bit her earlobe as he whispered in a flirtatious tone, "Silvia, tell me, who's hurting you?" 

However, just as he had finished asking that question, Silvia, who had fallen asleep, had unexpectedly opened her eyes. 

She stared at Andrew with her big bright eyes and asked in a soft voice, "Andrew Carter, you have a room exclusively for you in Phantasy Nightclub?" 

"Yeah." Andrew was stupefied when he heard her sweet and mellow voice. Therefore, before he could realize the meaning behind her question was, he had already nodded his head out of instinct. 

Upon hearing Andrew's affirmative statement, Silvia immediately sat up straight and grabbed on to the collar of his shirt. Then, she put away the adorable look on her face and gnashed her teeth as she asked, "B‘stard, why do you have a room at a place like Phantasy Nightclub?" 

This silly woman was being so adorable just a while ago, but now she had already turned into a wrathful tigress. 

Andrew explained, "I used to go there once a while, so the person in charge kept a room for me so that I could rest in it." 

Silvia grabbed his collar and asked in a murderous tone, "If you only went there once a while, then why do they need to save a room for you? Do you think that the rooms in Phantasy Nightclub are free of charge?" 

Looking at this woman who was about to swallow him alive, Andrew smiled and laughed in a low voice. However, as soon as he laughed, Silvia immediately flung her fist at him. 

Silvia's punch was so heavy that as soon as she withdrew her hand, Andrew's right eye was already bruising like a panda's eye. "I'm asking you a question now, what are you laughing at? What about it that's so funny? There is a room specially reserved for you, and Stanley Pierson had even asked the waitress to wash Audrey up and put her on your bed..." 

Thinking of this, one punch could not alleviate her anger anymore, so she raised her hand and gave him another punch on the chest. "Andrew Carter, you b’stard! You're a liar! You're so f‘cking dirty!" 

After they had intercourse for the first time, he told her that it was also his first time. D‘mn it, since he always went to Phantasy Nightclub, and his men would even put a woman on his bed, how could this man be clean? 

Silvia was already pissing off just thinking about it! 

If she could, she would definitely throw this man into a whole pot of oil, deep fry him and eat him so that he could no longer harm other women. 

Andrew grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. ”Stop it, Silvia! Calm down and listen to me. I'll tell you what it's all about." 

Silvia struggled. "I don't want to listen to you, I won't listen to you sweet talking to me anymore. I don't want to be deceived by your words anymore." 

"I don't care, even if you don't want to, you'll still have to listen to what I have to say. You have no other choice." Andrew grabbed her shoulders and made her look at him. "I'm always there alone and I've never slept with any women. Also, Stanley had never sent a woman to my room before. What happened last night was the first and the last time." 

Silvia didn't believe him. She sneered and said, "Wow, should I say that I'm lucky then? That was the first time but I was lucky enough to see it with my own eyes huh? Should I feel honored about it then? Or the previous times don't count because I didn't see it?" 

Andrew's face darkened. "Silvia, calm down and think about it first! I'm telling you the truth. I don't have to lie to you." 

"Andrew, are you really not lying?" Silvia sniffled. She was clearly the one who was angry with him and even punched him, but she was acting like the one who was wronged. 

"Of course not." Andrew hugged her. "Silvia, if you don't believe me, I can show you all the surveillance videos and prove it to you that I didn't do that." 

Silvia said hesitantly, "It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just..." afraid. She was afraid that he would suddenly get tired of her one day and that he would disappear from her side without a trace. 

"Silvia, I'm your husband, and you're my wife. You should know that trust and loyalty are very important between a couple." Andrew liked that she was jealous because of him, but her mini outburst where she wouId hit him, scold him and wouldn't even let him get near to her was really a little too overwhelming. 

"I'm sorry..." She was in a fit of anger, and that was why she had hit him so hard. Now that she had calmed down a little, she was distressed when she saw the bruise on his eye. Therefore, she reached out her hand and touched his eyes. "It probably hurt a lot, right?" 

Andrew slapped her hand away and said, "Why don't you let me punch you once? Then you will know whether it hurts or not." 

Silvia said sullenly, "I'll call Dr. Thames over to the house. I'll ask her to apply some medicine on it once we get back home." 

She never liked the way Dr. Thames looked at Andrew, and she didn't want Dr. Thames to get close to him with the excuse of treating him, but compared to all of these, Andrew's injury was even more important to her. If anything happened to him, she would really become a widow. 

Before returning home, Andrew took time to call Stanley and said, "You'd better stay in the cold storage room. Don't even try to come out without my permission." 

Stanley was at a loss for words. What was going on with his boss again? 

Didn't he already stay there for two hours? Did Andrew think that it was not enough? 

Therefore, Stanley plucked up the courage to ask. However, before he could even finish his words, the person on the other side had already hung up on him. Hence, after not long after he had come out of the cold room, Stanley went back in again. 

"Oh my god! Who's here to pity me?" 

Wouldn't most men hope that their subordinates would be smarter and send beautiful women to their rooms? Why was his boss so different from the others? 

"Sir, what is..." Dr. Thames could tell that Andrew got beaten up, but she did not dare to say it out loud. While preparing the medicine, she was wondering who dared to hit Andrew. 

Silvia got close to Dr. Thames and asked, "Dr. Thames, is it bad?" 

Dr. Thames said, "If the punch was any heavier, his eyeball might actually burst. Of course it is bad... But Miss Turner, you can rest assured, I'll apply the best medicine on him." 

"Don't scare her." Andrew, who was injured, finally spoke, "Give her the medicine and tell her how to use it." 

Dr. Thames refuted, "No, Sir... I'm a professional doctor. I should be the one..." 

"I said, let her do it." Andrew repeated his words. Silvia was the one who hurt him this time. If he did not make her treat his injury, how could she make it up for what she had done to him? 


Dr. Thames was having a qualm about it, but since Andrew had said so, she had no choice but to abide by his orders. Therefore, she hesitantly told Silvia the things that she should be aware of while applying the medicine to Andrew's eye. 

Silvia was the one who caused Andrew's injury. Therefore, she was all ears when Dr. Thames was giving her the instructions. 

As soon as Dr. Thames left, Silvia hurried to Andrew and said, "Young Master Carter, I've never applied medicine for anyone before, so if it hurts, you'll have to tell me, okay?" 

Seeing that she was so worried about him after hitting him, Andrew felt that the punch was worth it. He said to Silvia, "I have a low tolerance for pain. You'd better be more gentle with it!" 

"You're a grown man, aren't you ashamed for saying that?" That was what Silvia said, but in fact, her movements could not get anymore lighter. 

"Hiss..." As soon as Silvia lifted her hand, she could hear Andrew hissing in pain. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" 

Andrew said, "You're using too much force!" 

"I haven't even touched your eye, how on earth would I use too much force?" It was indeed her fault for hitting him. However, if it was not because of his subordinate who had sent a woman to his room, she wouldn't have misunderstood him. If she didn't misunderstand him, she wouldn't have hit him. 

In the end, she was not the only person at fault. Andrew, the b‘stard, was partly responsible for it too. 

"That proves that you've hit me too hard." Andrew glared at her fiercely. "What a heartless woman you are. If I didn't marry you, you probably wouldn't be able to get married for your whole life!“ 

"I'd rather not marry you, you b’stard." Silvia stretched out her finger and poked him. "Moreover, you were the one who had caused the misunderstanding." 

Andrew ignored the latter half of her sentence. With a darkened face, Andrew squinted his eyes and said with a faint smile, "Who else are you going to marry if not me?" 

"Oh, I'm just messing with you. Why are you being so serious? Don't move. I'm going to apply the medicine now." This man could be so petty sometimes that he could not even take a joke. 

Andrew stretched out his arms and hugged her. He nibbled her cheek and said, "Even if you're joking, you shouldn't say something that would upset me." 

"Do you still want me to apply the medicine or not?" If he continued to speak, she would really let him be. 

"Of course I do." Andrew stuck his face closer to her so that it would be more convenient for her to apply the medicine. "Silvia, since you can hit me so hard because of a misunderstanding, does it mean that I can also hit you like this when you make me angry?" 

Silvia smiled and said, "Do it if you can." 

Andrew said, "Do you think that I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do that?" 

Silvia said, "Hey, don't put words in my mouth, okay? I just think that you, Young Master Carter, is a forgiving man, so you won't be that petty to argue with a little girl like me." 

Andrew said, "No matter what, I will still remember what you've done to me today." 

Amidst the bickering, Silvia had finished applying the medicine. "Young Master Carter, it's almost dawn now. You should go to bed already." 

Andrew waved his hand and said, "Come here." 

Silvia asked, "What for?" 

Andrew said, "How am I going to fall asleep if you don't let me hold you?" 

Silvia said, "I'm not your bolster." 

Andrew said, "You are from now on." 

"You're so overbearing!" Although she said that he was domineering, she still snuggled up in his arms and let him hug her. However, he wasn't only hugging her. "Andrew, it's almost dawn now. What are you trying to do?" 

Young Master Carter was enjoying his exclusive privilege as he said, "It's the weekend. You have no classes, and I don't have to go to work either. It's the perfect time to test out the quality of the condoms that I bought yesterday." 

Silvia said, "You're a beast!" 

Since she had already called him a beast, of course he would have to do something to substantiate her claims. How could he disappoint his beloved wife, right? 



The rumbling sound of the stomach was particularly loud in the quiet room. Silvia touched her hungry belly and said, "Andrew, I'm hungry!" 

When she noticed that Andrew did not answer her, Silvia stretched out her leg and kicked in his direction. However, she did not get into anything. Therefore, she lazily opened her eyes and said, "This bastard is not here!" 

"Where are you, rascal?" The curtains had really done a good job in blocking out the light from outside. Therefore, the only light source in the room was from the tiny amber lamp. The light that was emitting from the lamp was very dim. Silvia looked around but saw nothing. At that moment, she could not even tell whether it was daytime or at night. 

"Thump! Thump!" 

A knock on the door sounded out of a sudden and it was followed by Auntie Cherry's voice. "Miss Turner, are you awake? I've brought you something delicious." 

When Silvia heard that there was food, she immediately rolled out of bed. She was so excited about it that she didn't even get the time to put on her slippers. She ran to the door and opened it. When she saw those delicate snacks on the tray, Silvia instantly gave Auntie Cherry a hug. "Auntie Cherry, you are so nice to me!" 

"It's not me, it's the Master." Auntie Cherry brought the snacks into the room and said, "Master Andrew knows that you'll be hungry when you wake up, so he has asked me to prepare these snacks for you. He had even asked me to bring them to you once you wake up." 

Those words had really warmed her heart up. However, she did not show it on her face. "I thought Andrew never allowed me to eat in his room? Did he ask you to send the food here?" 

Andrew was a clean freak. He couldn't stand the smell of food lingering in his room, so he did warn Silvia to never eat anything in his room. 

Auntie Cherry put down the snacks and said with a smile, "Miss Turner, he must have made it an exception for you then.“ 

"He had made it an exception for me? This is indeed the funniest joke that I've ever heard." Silvia obviously did not believe that Andrew would make it an exception for her. However, she could not care too much about it anymore now that there was food in front of her. She thought that she should fill up her belly first. 

"Master Andrew had made countless exceptions for you but you never knew about it." Auntie Cherry really wanted to tell Silvia this, but she held back her words. It was not up to her, an outsider, to judge how well her master treated his wife. Silvia should be the one to decide it. "Miss Turner, please take your time and enjoy your meal." 

"Okay." Silvia turned around and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out again, Auntie Cherry had already drawn the curtains and opened the window, allowing the morning sun to shine into the room. The sunshine was beautiful and it felt warm at the same time. "Oh, it's only dawn?" 

She thought that she had slept for a long time, but it turned out that it was not long after daybreak. It seemed like she did not sleep much. However, she was confused. She remembered that she and Andrew were doing it for a long time, but why didn't she feel tired at all? 

However, all of these are secondary. What was more important now was the food in front of her. At the thought of food, Silvia was not in the mood to think about it anymore. Filling her stomach was her utmost priority. 

After she was done with her meal, Silvia thought of Andrew. "Auntie Cherry, has Andrew eaten his meal?" 

Auntie Cherry said, "I don't know. But you can call him and ask if he has eaten his breakfast. I think he will be very happy to receive your call." 

“Weren't you the one who would prepare breakfast for him?" Silvia scratched her head in confusion. "Moreover, we're living in the same house, why do I need to call him to ask him. I'll just go and find him." 

After listening to Silvia, it was only then Auntie Cherry knew Silvia was not aware that Andrew was not at home. Therefore, she said, "Miss Turner, Master Andrew left early yesterday morning." 


"Yesterday morning?" Silvia grabbed Auntie Cherry's arm and smiled playfully. "Auntie Cherry, you must be kidding me. He was here with me the whole night and we were still together right before dawn. How is it possible that he went out yesterday morning?" 

"Miss Turner, you must have met Master Andrew in your dreams." Auntie Cherry smiled with a knowing look on her face. 

"Auntie Cherry, I'm being serious here. Stop making fun of me." Silvia was thick skinned, but now that Auntie Cherry was looking at her with that look, she couldn't help blushing. 

Auntie Cherry added, "Miss Turner, are you feeling a little confused because you've slept too much? You've slept from yesterday morning to this morning. It has been about 20 hours." 

"Have I slept that long?" No wonder she didn't feel tired at all. Silvia looked at Auntie Cherry again. "Auntie Cherry, could you please take these away for me? I'm going to change my clothes and I'm going out later." 

Auntie Cherry smiled and said, "Miss Turner, why don't you give Master Andrew a phone call?" 

Silvia said, "Why would I call him? I'm so happy that he's not home. It's so peaceful and quiet." 

She sounded quite tough, but as soon as Auntie Cherry left, Silvia immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Andrew's phone number. As soon as it was connected, Andrew's mellow voice sounded from the phone, "Lazy sloth, you're finally awake huh." 

"You are the sloth! Your family members are all lazy sloths! Your child will be a lazy sloth in the future too!" She called him on the phone to ask him how he was doing, but all she got was being called a lazy sloth. After bombarding Andrew with her words, Silvia finally felt better. 

Andrew's low and deep laughter sounded from the other side of the phone. "My child is also your child. If our child is a lazy sloth, it must be because of his mother, since she's a lazy sloth herself." 

"Who said that I was going to give birth to your baby? I don't want to give birth to your child." Silvia said so, but she was already thinking if they would be having a son or a daughter in the future. If it was a boy, who would he look like? What if it was a girl, would she look like her? 

Andrew chuckled and said, "I'll look for another woman to give birth to my child then." 

Silvia gritted her teeth and warned, "Andrew Carter, are you asking for a beating now? I'm warning you, if you ever dare to find another woman behind my back to give birth to your child, I will definitely break your third leg." 

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." When Andrew thought of how adorable she always looked like when she was gnashing her teeth, Andrew couldn't help laughing again. If she was with him, he would definitely pull her into his arms and nibble on her face. 

When Silvia heard Andrew's laughter, she stamped her feet in frustration and said, "Andrew, I'm being serious here. Do you think that I'm joking around with you?" 

"Of course not. I just thought that you would look really cute when you're jealous. And the moment I think about it I just want to bite you." Andrew's tone was very flirtatious. Upon hearing this, Silvia's ears immediately turned red. She quickly changed the subject by asking, "Where did you go?" 

Andrew said, "I went to T City to get something done. I'll be back in two days, so you can have fun alone at home for the time being. Also, you'd better don't get into any more trouble." 

"Since when did I get into trouble?" She was his wife, but he would always talk to her like she was a child, which was really annoying. 

Andrew said, "You better not.“ 

Silvia said, “Remember to have your meals on time and take your medicine on time... The weather is getting colder now. Don't come back with a sick body, alright?" 

Andrew said, "Yes, Honey." 

"Don't be so cheesy, will you? I'm having goosebumps all over already." It was the first time Andrew had ever addressed her like this. It got Silvia so excited that she immediately hung up on him. "B’stard, all you know is how to flirt with me. You’ve probably flirted with a lot of girls and that's why you're so good at it." 

Humph... Did he think that he was the only one who knew how to flirt? She could too... However, when Silvia thought about how she could flirt with men, she instantly realized that she did not know how to do it at all. 

Then, Silvia thought of Audrey. If she could get to Audrey's level, she wouldn‘t even need to do anything at all. One unintentional move was enough to make a man fall head over heels for her. 

Therefore, Silvia decided to seek advice from Audrey. She could not lose to Andrew at this. 

Silvia dialed Audrey's phone number. "Audrey, where are you?" 

"I’m going on a date," said Audrey. Silvia replied, "Huh?" 

Audrey looked at herself in the mirror. Her figure was neither too thin nor too chubby. It was perfect. "I met a guy when I was at the hospital. He's the super rich kind, so we exchanged numbers and I've just asked him out for a cup of coffee." 

"You really never fail to impress me, Audrey. You've only stayed in the hospital for one night and you‘ve actually managed to get a guy's phone number already." Silvia lowered her voice and said, "Audrey, why don't you take me with you and let me learn from you how to flirt with men?" 

"Flirt with men? Hey, when you're at my level, you don't even need to flirt with men at all." Audrey put on a necklace, as her fair fingers slid across her collarbone. To tell the truth, she looked so amorous in the mirror that she was about to fall in love with herself, let alone a man. 

However, there were exceptions among men too. For instance, Silvia's Young Master Carter. He was the only man she had met in the past few years who would not even look at her straight in the eyes. It was as if she was no different from a pile of dry bones. 

Silvia asked, "Audrey, can I come along?" 

"I was just thinking about your Young Master Carter. He wouldn't even spare me a glance... are you sure you still want to learn from me?" asked Audrey. 

Damn it, Audrey saw right through her. Silvia was embarrassed but she tried to denied it, "Who told you that I'm learning it to use it on him?" 

Silvia didn't want to admit it, but Audrey didn't want to expose her too. "Come over then, I'll let you watch and learn for free." 

"Alright." Silvia immediately answered. It was her last day off anyway and Andrew was not at home too. Now that she had gotten such a rare chance to do whatever she liked, and if she didn't make good use of it, she was outright an idiot. 

Silvia was dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of washed, ripped denim jeans. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, revealing her smooth forehead, which made her look like a high school student. 

However, Silvia was not satisfied with her own appearance. She looked like a teenager and her dressing was not feminine at all. Of course, she could not attract men with such an appearance. 

Therefore, Silvia looked through her wardrobe again. However, in that large wardrobe, she could not find anything else that she could wear. All her clothes were of the same style. They were neither mature looking nor charming. 

"Forget it, I'll just wear what I'm wearing first. I'll ask Audrey to accompany me to buy some clothes later. It must be a mature and sexy look, so that Andrew will never treat me like a child again." Silvia thought to herself. 

Because she was free and the weather was nice, Silvia did not ask the driver to send her. Instead, she chose to go on foot and once she had arrived at the entrance of the residential area, she would take a taxi to Audrey's place. 

"Thief! Catch the thief!" 

When Silvia was walking on the quiet treeline walkway, she suddenly heard two childish voices shouting. When she turned back, she saw a skinny man was running toward her, and not far behind from the man were two boys who were chasing after him. 


The residential area where Andrew's villa was located was called the West Side and it was the most well-known residential area in Madison City. 

The scenery at West Side was picturesque, and the air quality was said to be the best. Moreover, the weather was like spring all year. Therefore, the houses here were high priced and it was not something any other rich man could afford to own. 

The people who lived here were billionaires and the thing that had the most was money. 

Therefore, the price was never in their consideration. What they prioritized the most was safety, comfort, and privacy. Therefore, the security at the West Side was top notch. 

Silvia had been living there for several months now. Anyone who wanted to enter the area would have to go through a series of security checkpoints. Therefore, it would not be that easy for thieves to get in. 

This was her first time ever to see a thief in the area... While she was still immersed in her thoughts, the thief was already getting close to her. 

Silvia used to read adventure novels when she was a child, so she was particularly valorous. At this time, when she saw that the thief had stolen from those two little boys, she instantly wanted to save the day. 

When the scrawny thief ran past her, Silvia immediately stretched out her leg and tripped him up. Seeing that the thief had taken such a hard fall, Silvia felt a little sorry for him as she quietly withdrew her leg. 

However, the thief shouted, "B‘tch, why are you being so f‘cking nosy. I‘ll kill you today!" 

The thief cursed at Silvia as he rolled over to his side to get up, However, before he could even get up, Silvia lifted her foot and stepped on his back. "Since you've already scolded me, I guess I have no reasons to hold myself back then." 

The thief shouted, "You damn woman, take your stinky feet off me at this instant and I might spare your life today. Otherwise, I'll make you regret for being so nosy." 

"Are you sure that you're capable of doing that? Well, then tell me, how are you going to make me regret it?" To be honest, this was the first time Silvia had seen such a stupid thief. He was already under her feet, but he still dared to threaten her. 

Didn't his mother teach him to back down when the odds were against him? Even she knew the importance of being flexible and to never overestimate yourself. 

"Janell Joy..." 


The two little boys who came afterward exclaimed at the same time, but their contents were different. Silvia did not pay attention to what they were saying so she said, "Handsome lads, don't be afraid. I'll protect you two!" 

"You are...?" The two young boys were not afraid of the thief at all. Instead, they were very interested in Silvia. Their eyes were widened as they stared at Silvia. 

Moments ago, when they heard the sound and saw a woman who looked like Janell, the two of them thought that Janell had come after them. However, now that they had taken a clear look at her, they realized she was not Janell Joy at all. 

"It doesn't matter who I am. The most important thing is that I've caught the thief." Silvia had never thought of revealing her name, but when she turned around and saw these two handsome lads, she was stunned. 

A while ago when these two boys were far away from Silvia, she could not see what they looked like. But now that they were standing right in front of her, she could finally see their faces clearly. 

At this time, Silvia couldn't think of any words of praise at all. She only knew that these two boys were the most good-looking boys she had ever seen. 

Both of them were dressed in a sporty casual outfit and they looked like they were about 1.5 meters tall. They were not short, but their faces were very tender. Judging from their appearances, they were probably around eleven or twelve years old. 

"What's your name, handsome?" His face was rosy and smooth, it must feel nice to touch it. At that instant, Silvia really wanted to reach out her hand and pinch their faces. 

"Miss, why don't we call the police and let them take the thief away first... Otherwise, it will be quite troublesome if he gets the chance to run away," said one of the boys, who looked much bubblier. 

"You are so good looking, of course I will listen to you no matter what you say." Silvia quickly took out her mobile phone. However, just as she was distracted by her phone, the thief tried to fight back. However, the two boys reacted quickly by stepping on the thief's arms. The thief was in so much pain that he stopped struggling. 

Just as the two boys were dealing with the thief, Silvia had just ended the call. "Handsome lads, the security guards will be here soon and they will hand him over to the police." 

In the next second, several security guards rushed over to them. "It's our fault that a thief had gotten into the residential area. We are really sorry about it!" 

Silvia waved her hand and said, "Forget it. You guys should take him away and hand him over to the police." 

However, the young boy, who had been keeping his silence, said with a solemn face, "Don't just apologize. If it's useful to apologize, then do we still need security personnel? It was fortunate that nothing bad had happened today. If the thief were to hurt someone, could it be solved with just an apology?" 

He was young, but he was calm and confident when he spoke. His aura was so strong that it scared the security guards. "Yes, yes, yes... We will immediately arrange our personnel to inspect the whole area and strengthen the entire security system. We will never let any unrelated people sneak in again." 

The boy said again, "Take the thief to the police. I don't want to see such an incident happening in this area ever again." 

"Yes, yes, yes. We'll take him away right now." The security guards nodded repeatedly and hurriedly took the thief away. 

Not only were the security guards stunned by the little boy, but Silvia was too. Although he was still young, he had the demeanor of an adult. 

What kind of family did this young boy grow up in? How could he behave in such a dignified manner at such a young age? 

Silvia was still stunned while the bubbly little boy tugged her sleeve and said in a sweet voice, "Miss, you‘re not only beautiful, your heart is shining too. I really like you." 

Silvia smiled and said, "Really?" 

No matter how true it was, these words were totally useful on Silvia. She had almost completely fallen into this little boy's charm. 

"Of course. I meant it from the bottom of my heart." The bubbly boy held Silvia's hand and asked. "Miss, do you have a boyfriend?" 

Before Silvia could answer him, he added, "You are so young and beautiful. Ordinary men don't deserve you at all, so I‘m guessing that you don’t have a boyfriend. Why don't you wait for a few years? We can wait until I grow up, then you can be my girlfriend." 

“Little Mr. Handsome, did you just eat a whole jar of honey? You are so good at making girls happy huh. Did you learn it from your father?" Someone had just flirted with her, and he was a twelve-year-old boy! However, she was enjoying it very much. 

"Miss, I'm not just trying to make you happy. I‘m really telling the truth. Also, are you willing to wait till I grow up so that I can court you?" Although he would always sweet talk to all the girls that he had met, he was indeed praising Silvia from the bottom of his heart. Silvia was not only beautiful but she also looked somewhat similar to the mischievous Janell Joy. Therefore, he really could not stop himself from liking Silvia.



"You're obviously sweet-talking me." Although Silvia knew that he was sweet talking, she still liked it. Silvia was amused. She smiled and said, "Handsome, I'm already married. It seems like I can't wait for you to grow up in this life. However, I'll be sure to wait for you in my next life." 

"What? But you're still so young. How could you be married already? It's probably because you don't like it so you're coming up with such an excuse, right?" The handsome boy looked like he was really sad. 

"No, that's not the case at all. How can I not like you? You two are so handsome. I already feel happy just by looking at the two of you." Silvia had always liked handsome men, or else she would not be talking to this little boy for so long. 

The handsome boy asked, "Miss, do you like me then?” 

Silvia nodded. "Of course I like you! If I don't like you, I won't even talk to you." 

"Oh, so you won't talk to anyone that you don't like." The bubbly boy pointed his finger at the quiet boy and said, "Since you‘re not talking to him, I'm guessing that you don't like him then?" 

"No, no... I like him too." She could not admit that she was not speaking to the indifferent boy because she was afraid of his aloofness, could she?! 

The bubbly boy despised the quieter boy, but Silvia did not. He was disappointed to know that, but he must not show it. He asked again, "What's your name?" 

Silvia said, "You can call me Silvia." 

"Silvia? What a wonderful name you have there." The bubbly boy praised Silvia again and Silvia was pleased to hear that. She thought that if all the boys in the world were like this, it would be a great world to live in. 

The boy said again, "Silvia, could you please bend down a little. I'll tell you a secret." 

"What kind of secret that you want to tell me?" As soon as Silvia bent down, the little boy held her head and kissed her on the face. "I like you." 

The boy who was standing next to him immediately frowned while maintaining his indifferent look. 

Now that a handsome little boy had confessed to her, Silvia was on cloud nine. "By the way, Mr. Handsome, now that you've even confessed to me, but I still don't know your name." 

"I'm Le... I'm James Carter. Pretty Miss Silvia, if you don't mind, you can just call me James." This talkative boy was Angela Carter and Victor James' son, Levi James. He knew that he had to be careful when he was out there, so he came up with a fake name on the spot. 

Of course, it was not enough to introduce just himself. When they were out, Levi would also be Julien Glover Carter's spokesperson. "Miss Silvia, he's my brother, Ronan Carter. You can just call him Ronan." 

“Oh? You're both Carters !" When Silvia heard that their surname was Carter too, she felt inexplicably close to them. She reached out her hand and pinched Levi's little face. Sure enough, it was soft and supple, and it felt very nice touching it. Silvia wanted to pinch Julien's face too, but when she saw the serious look on that little fellow's face, she immediately retreated her hand and said, "Are all the Carters this good looking?" 

Not only these two boys were good looking, Andrew, who shared the same surname, was extremely handsome too. Perhaps, God favored the Carters. 

"I'm not sure about the others, but everyone in my family is good looking." Levi was that confident.

Silvia smiled and said, "Your father must be very good at making your mother happy." 

Levi shook his head and said, "My father is always busy with his work, and he rarely has time to accompany my mother. Because of that, I was the only left to keep my mother company. She told me that every woman is special so I must learn to be nice and gentle to them, and never be like my father who never knew how to love and care for a woman." 

"So that's what you're doing now then?" Silvia couldn't help but reach out her hand to pinch Levi's face again. 

”Miss Silvia, you are so kind and beautiful. Any man who sees you will just want to be nice to you. So, it's normal for me to do this." His words were well-argued, which delighted Silvia. 

"Who on earth is this kid?" 

"He's so handsome and he's eloquent too. I wonder how many girls will fall in love with him when he grows up." 

Listening to Levi's words, Julien who was standing beside him was frowning. 

No wonder Victor would think that Levi was not his biological son. Besides the similarity in their appearances, there was nothing common between Levi and Victor at all. All Levi knew was how to sweet-talk girls. 

When they were at home, he was able to make Janell Joy brim with joy with his words. It was still the same now that they have left home and met a girl who looked so much like Janell Joy. Julien was utterly speechless to see Levi being like this. 

Judging from their conversation, Silvia realized that James was a talkative and a high-spirited little boy whereas Ronan was very quiet. From the moment they met, Ronan had only spoken two sentences, and that was to the security guards. Then, he had been keeping his silence ever since. These two brothers really had completely different personalities. 

After chatting for a while, Levi took the opportunity to make a request. "Miss Silvia, can we ask you for a favor?" 

Silvia asked, “What favor?" 

Levi immediately put on a sad face, "We came to Madison City to look for our elder brother, but we could not get in touch with him with the phone number that he had left for us. We don't know where he lives too and we've been searching for him for the past three days, but we still couldn't find him." 

Seeing that Levi was about to cry, Silvia was distressed, so she quickly comforted him, "Don't cry, James, don't cry. I will help you find a way, okay? Where are your parents though? You guys have gone missing for three days now, I'm sure that they are looking for you, right?" 

Levi said, "We snuck out without our family knowing. Our parents had no idea about it." 

"You sneaked out without your parents permission?" Silvia became anxious. "James, how about this? You should give your parents a call first and tell them that you are safe now so that they can be at ease. Then, we can go look for your brother." 

Levi pursed his lips and looked as if he would cry at any time. "Miss Silvia, can we not make that phone call? My father is very fierce. If he comes here and takes me back home, he'd definitely break my legs." 

Upon hearing Levi's words, Juiien, who was silent, sighed again. "How could a nice person like Uncle Victor give birth to such a son, who would badmouth his own father?" 

"Your father is that fierce?" Because of Levi's good looking face and convincing words, Silvia believed his words without a doubt. "Why don't... the two of you go back to my house with me first? Then we can go look for your brother together." 

"Okay." Levi hugged Silvia. "Miss Silvia, you are really as beautiful and kind as an angel." 

"Oh my!" Silvia was over the moon to receive such a compliment. 

As a result, the two boys, Levi and Julian, followed Silvia to Andrew's house. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1211 - 1215


CHAPTERS 1211 - 1215


The man on the phone was Stanley Pierson. When he heard that Andrew was looking for a woman named Audrey, he immediately said, "Sir, we do have a woman named Audrey now, but I'm not sure if she's the one you are looking for." 

The name, Audrey, was a common one. However, it would be quite impossible to have two women with the name Audrey causing trouble in Phantasy Nightclub at the same time. 

Andrew raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "What happened?" 

Stanley added, "Director Ziglar took a fancy to Audrey, who was drinking alone at the bar. He gave her a gift and she accepted it... but when Director Ziglar wanted to take things a step further, Audrey refused and even wounded him. Therefore, in a fit of anger, Director Ziglar ordered his men to tie her up." 

Andrew said, "Stanley, I gave you the right to manage Phantasy Nightclub, but how could you let those people do such a thing to a woman?" 

Stanley hurriedly explained, "Sir, if Audrey didn't accept Director Ziglar‘s gift, we certainly wouldn't let them do that to her. However, the problem is that she had accepted the gift but rejected Director Ziglar's advances and even wounded him, so no matter what, she was still the one at fault." 

Phantasy Nightclub was the most famous nightclub in Madison City, where many dignitaries and magnates frequented. It was also one of Andrew's businesses. 

Two months ago, a fight broke out in Phantasy Nightclub, but thanks to Andrew's infiuence in Madison City, they were able to keep the matter down. In the end, Andrew had asked his employees to coordinate with the police in the investigation, so that the case could be settled in the shortest time possible. 

The reason the police was able to close the case within such a short period of time had a lot to do with the great cooperation of the employees at Phantasy Nightclub. Therefore, not only Phantasy Nightclub was not punished, the police had even commended them for their actions. 

As Andrew expected, Phantasy Nightclub had become the final winner of that bloody fight. 

Then, under Andrew's order, Stanley had come up with some new rules. One of them was that they must make sure no guests were to go against the will of other guests. Once that happened, Phantasy Nightclub would immediately get themselves involved to take care of the matter. 

As for this time, if Audrey did not accept the gift, it would mean that the other party had forced her into it. Therefore, no matter how hard she resisted or even hurt the other party, Phantasy Nightclub would still be on her side. 

However, Audrey did accept Director Ziglar's gift but rejected him after. Therefore, Stanley, who was responsible for Phantasy Nightclub, was not in a position to protect her anymore. 

To tell the truth, Andrew didn't want to save Audrey at all. However, she was Silvia's friend. If something were to happen to her, Silvia would be sad and she would even blame herself for not being able to save her. 

The last thing that Andrew wanted to see was Silvia being sad, so he said, "Ask Director Ziglar if he wants anything else, I'll give it to him." 

As soon as Andrew said this, Stanley immediately understood what he meant. Andrew was willing to offer anything in return for Audrey. 

As for what that thing was, Stanley was not sure. It could be a large sum of money, or even a house... As long as Director Ziglar asked for it, they would have to give it to him. Stanley could not help but to sigh because their boss was going to suffer a great loss in order to save Audrey. 

"Sir, are you sure about this?" Stanley did not understand. He did not understand why Andrew would care about this woman. 

Could it be that Andrew had also taken a fancy to this woman? 

No, it shouldn't be! 

Stanley had seen with his own eyes how Andrew doted on Silvia. It was unlikely that he would have a change of heart in such a short period of time. 

Then, Stanley thought of Audrey's appearance. She was quite good looking, but she was completely different from Silvia. Perhaps, Andrew was already sick of innocent looking girls so he was now going for a glamorous looking woman. 

Andrew said, "If she loses even a strand of hair, I'll not let this matter slide." 

Seeing that Andrew was being so serious about this matter, Stanley was sure that there must be something between the two of them. Hence, he quickly answered, "I'll go over and bring her back now." 

After the call had ended, Stanley walked out of the room. He went through the long corridor and arrived at another room. He knocked on the door and waited for the people inside the room to answer him. After making sure that there was a response, he pushed the door and stepped into the room. He said, "Director Ziglar..." 

When Director Ziglar saw that it was Stanley, he got up to welcome him. "Mr. Pierson, are you looking for me?" 

"Yes..." Stanley responded while taking a quick glance across the room. Sh‘t, Audrey was not in the room. Could it be that they have already finished her off?" 

Director Ziglar asked, "What are you looking for, Mr. Pierson? Is there a treasure in this room?" 

Stanley smiled and said, "I heard that there was a beauty here in your room, so I came over to have a look... Where is she?" 

Director Ziglar said, "I've seen all kinds of women before and l have a lot of ways to deal with a woman who doesn't know how to appreciate favors." 

"No..." This was an order from his boss, if anything went wrong, Stanley wouldn't be able to explain to Andrew. He said in an anxious tone, "Director Ziglar, where is that woman now?" 

Director Ziglar looked at Stanley. He had almost never seen Stanley being this anxious, so he asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Pierson? Are you interested in that woman?" 

Stanley said, "No, not me. It was my boss who had ordered me to bring her back. Therefore, if anything happens to her, I'll definitely be in big trouble." 

The moment Director Ziglar heard it was Mr. Carter who wanted Audrey, his hand, which he had just stretched out to grab the glass on the table, trembled slightly. He asked, "Mr, Pierson, Mr. Carter asked for that woman?" 

Stanley nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Carter had just given me a phone call. He said that as long as you are willing to let Audrey go, you can have anything you like in return." 

Upon hearing this, Director Ziglar's heart skipped a beat. How could he ask for compensation from Mr. Carter? Was he courting death? 

Director Ziglar waved his hand repeatedly and said, "Since Mr. Carter wants that woman, you can take her away. I've met Mr. Carter a couple of times before, how could I ask for any compensation from him?" 

Stanley asked, "Where is she?" 

"Come with me, Mr. Pierson." Director Ziglar led Stanley out of the room. His footsteps were very fast, as if he was worried that if they were a second slower, everything would be too late. 

Then, the two of them arrived at another private room. Director Ziglar kicked the door open, and the chaos in the room halted in an instant. The people in the room turned back to look at the door in unison. Although they all looked fierce, no one dared to make a sound when they looked at the two men who were standing at the door. 

Director Ziglar shouted, "Where is that woman?" 

Stanley kept quiet but he was already looking around the room, trying to look for Audrey. When he finally saw Audrey, who was being tied up in the corner of the room, he immediately let out a sigh of relief. 

Fortunately, those people did not dare to do anything at Phantasy Nightclub. Fortunately, she was only being tied up. Fortunately, nothing worse had happened. 

The man who was talking to Silvia on the phone earlier stood up and pointed to one corner. "Director Ziglar, she's over there. How do you want us to deal with her? We're at your service."

Director Ziglar gave the man a look and said, "Let this woman go." 

The man said anxiously, "Boss, let her go?" 

Director Ziglar asked, "Do you have a problem with that?" 

The man said, "No, Director Ziglar. But that woman wounded you, how could you not avenge yourself?" 

Director Ziglar said, "Mr. Carter has asked for this woman." 


When they heard of the name Mr. Carter, the fierce men calmed down in an instant, and even the look in their eyes had become tame. 

However, the man who was on the phone with Silvia was unwilling to give up, so he asked again, "Director Ziglar, are you sure that she is really Mr. Carter's woman?" 

Director Ziglar nodded and said, "Mr. Pierson is here too, do you still think that it's false?" 

After hearing Director Ziglar's answer, everyone in the room shivered. They were all glad that they did not actually harm the woman. 

Earlier, when they heard from the phone call that Audrey was Mr. Carter's woman, none of them believed it. However, they did not touch her just in case it was true. Alas, she really was Mr. Carter's woman! 

"Why are you guys still standing there? Hurry up and untie Miss Audrey so that Mr. Pierson can take her away." The man immediately put on a smile. "Mr. Pierson, if we had known that Miss Audrey was Mr. Carter's woman, we wouldn't dare to touch her at all." 

Stanley did not know either. If he had known it earlier, he would not have let these people touch his boss' woman. "What have you guys done to her?" 

The man said in a humble tone, "Mr. Pierson, we haven't had the time to do anything to her and you've already found her. All of these are just a misunderstanding. Please do explain on our behalf when you see Mr. Carter." 

"It's good that you haven't done anything to her. This is indeed a misunderstanding and I will make sure to explain it clearly to my boss." Stanley smiled and said to the waitress, “You two, hold her.“ 

Stanley did not dare to hold Audrey personally. If Audrey was really Andrew's woman, and Stanley touched her, he knew that Andrew would probably chop his hands off. 

Since Audrey was his boss' woman, Stanley dared not neglect her at all. He ordered the two waitresses to send Audrey to the room which he had exclusively saved for Andrew. 

The two female waitresses took Audrey to Andrew's room and turned back to ask Stanley, who was following behind them, "Mr. Pierson, where should we put her?" 

Audrey was reeking of alcohol and because she was being tied up just now, she was in a total mess. Even if Andrew liked her, he probably would not be in the mood to do anything with her after seeing her in such a state. 

Therefore, in order to please his boss, Stanley made a decision. He told the waitresses, "I want you two to wash Miss Audrey up. Make sure that she's clean before you put her on Boss' bed." 

”Mm... It's so hot..." Because of the drug, Audrey was experiencing hot flashes, so she began to tug at her clothes. Her clothes were already revealing, so the moment she pulled her clothes, her body was already exposed in the air. 

Stanley immediately turned his head away and said to the waitresses, "Hurry up, don't waste any more time. As for her hot flushes, only Boss can help her with them." 

Now that his boss' woman was drugged, Stanley was glad that nothing worse had happened. Otherwise, he would really be in big trouble. 

Stanley had been working for Andrew for three years now. Three years was neither too long nor too short. He knew that when it came to work, Andrew was absolutely the best. 

In just three years, Andrew's company had successfully monopolized the entire Madison City. On top of that, his businesses were growing rapidly and they even had businesses in the neighboring countries. 

However, Stanley knew nothing about Andrew's private life. He did not know who his family members were and what he would do besides work. 

In these three years, Stanley never saw any woman around Andrew. Siivia was the first woman to appear by Andrew's side and she had changed him significantly. 

Seeing Andrew's love for Silvia, all of them thought that their boss had finally found the love of his life. However, Audrey had appeared out of the blue. 

Thinking of Silvia and Audrey, Stanley shook his head helplessly. He had always thought that his boss was one of a kind and not a swinger like many men were. 

However, judging from this incident, it seemed like his boss was no different from other men after all. Andrew would think of other women too! 

"Andrew, who was it that you were calling just now? Does it really help to call him?" Silvia was worried throughout their journey to Phantasy Nightclub, and she was bombarding him with questions. 

Andrew hated that Silvia's entire attention was on someone else, so he told her, "If anything happens to Audrey, I'll pay you back with my life, okay?" 

"Young Master Carter, can you not talk like this? How can I bear to let you trade your life for hers?" Silvia reached out and held Andrew's hand. "Audrey has no friends and her parents are not by her side. Now that she got into such trouble, she would probably need a shoulder to lean on. I'm her only friend, and it is my honor that I am the one she had thought of when she was in danger. I hope that I can help her and get her out of this trouble. If I were to run into any trouble in the future, I also hope that someone will appear in time to save me." 

"You will never be in danger. Even if you were, the only person who you should expect to show up is me." Andrew suddenly turned the steering wheel and stopped the car steadily. "We are here." 

"We're here?" Silvia was still a little confused. She got out of the car with Andrew and rushed up to hold his arm. "Thank you, Young Master Carter!" 

Silvia knew that Andrew could be a little childish sometimes. Therefore, as long as she could speak patiently to him and make him happy, everything would be fine. 

However, Andrew did not say anything. There was no need for her to thank him. She was his wife, and her business is also his business. Therefore, he would definitely save Audrey. 

"Sir, you, you're here!" When Stanley saw that Silvia was by Andrew's side, he was somewhat surprised. His boss was indeed amazing. He had even brought his girlfriend along to meet his lover. 

"Where is she?" Andrew asked. 

Stanley glanced at Silvia but did not notice one bit of jealousy on her face at all. Then he said, "Miss Audrey had drunk quite a fair bit of alcohol and she was being tied up too... so I've asked the waitresses to wash her up and send her to your room." 

Upon hearing Stanley's words, a slight frown appeared on Andrew's face. He was dissatisfied that Stanley had brought someone into his room. However, on second thought, ever since he had married Silvia, he had not stayed overnight in Phantasy Nightclub. Therefore, there was no need to keep that room for him anymore. 

Even Andrew did not catch on the meaning behind Stanley's words, let alone Silvia. At that very moment, the only thing that she was concerned about was Audrey's safety. 

She followed Andrew into a luxury suite which was located on the eighth floor. As soon as she entered the room, Silvia was stunned. The room was scented and the lights were suggestive. It did not look like they were here to save someone at all. Instead, it felt like they were here to meet a lover. 

Seeing that their boss had arrived, one of the waitresses sensibly said, "Sir, Miss Audrey has been waiting for you in the room for a long time. We will get back to work first." 

Her words sounded somewhat strange, but Silvia didn't want to think about it too much. Moreover, she did not believe that there wouId be anything between Andrew and Audrey. 

"It's hot... I'm so hot... Help me..." A muffled voice sounded from the room. The moment Silvia heard it, she immediately rushed into the room. 


The first thing Silvia saw when she entered the room was Audrey. She was lying naked on the bed and her entire body was flushed, as she murmured, “It's hot... It's so hot. Give me water. I need water." 

"Andrew, Audrey wants some water. Can you please go get me a glass of water..." Silvia rushed over and tried to cover Audrey with the quilt. However, Audrey immediately pulled it away. 

Silvia could not let anyone see Audrey's naked body. specially Andrew! She quickly said, "Andrew, don't come in. Ask those waitresses to come in." 

The two waitresses who were about to leave instinctively looked at Andrew. Andrew then said in a cold voice, "Why are you two still standing here? Go and help her now." 

Stanley, who had just rushed over, leaned in and whispered in Andrew's ear, "Sir, only you can get rid of the heat in Miss Audrey's body. Miss Turner won't be able to do anything about it." 

Andrew raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?" 

Was his boss unhappy? But why was he unhappy? Was it because Audrey was drugged? 

Stanley hurriedly explained, "Sir, I had no idea that Miss Audrey was your woman. If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have let anyone take her away, let alone let them drug her." 

Stanley's words were very straightforward with his words, and Andrew, who had never thought about it in this aspect, finally understood what Stanley meant. He smiled coldly and said, "Stanley, I guess you are really tired of living." 

The moment Stanley heard what Andrew said, his legs trembled. "Sir, I'm the one in charge of Phantasy Nightclub and now that something happened to Miss Audrey there, I'd take full responsibility for it. But, I really had no idea that she was your woman." 

In the past, Stanley was great at observing people. He could always figure out what his boss was thinking and anxious about, but he was making repeated mistakes now! 

Andrew looked at him coldly. "It seems like you haven't realized what your mistakes were." 

Did he do something wrong that even he was not aware of? 

Stanley was confused as he said, "Sir, please forgive me for being dull-witted. Could you please tell me what I've done wrong?" 

Andrew said, "You should go to the ice cellar and stay there for a while. Come out once you've figured it out." 

Stanley said, "Sir..." 

On second thought, Stanley held his tongue. He did not want to say more to exacerbate the situation. Now, he should just deeply reflect on his earlier mistakes. 

Stanley thought that it probably was not because Audrey was drugged. If Andrew meant so, he would not have said that Stanley had not realized his mistake. 

If that was the case, then could it be because Audrey was taken away by someone else? 

If that was it, Andrew would have rushed over to Audrey and comforted her. He wouldn't be just standing outside the room! So that could not be the case. 

Hence, did that mean that Andrew did not care about Audrey at all? 

The moment he had this idea in his mind, Stanley was so scared that he could feel a shiver down his spine. If that was really the case, then putting Audrey on Andrew's bed was... 


Stanley felt like he should jump off the eighth floor. How could he make such an idiotic mistake? "Sir... I..." 

Andrew said, "Why are you still here? Do you want me to get someone to carry you there?" 

With an aggrieved look, Stanley apologized, "Sir, I've already realized my mistake. You‘re not interested in Audrey at all. Sorry, I misunderstood your intentions." 

Andrew said, "Since you knew but did it anyway, I want you to go to the cold room and stay there for two hours to reflect on your mistakes." 

Stanley didn't dare to explain anymore. "Yes, Sir. I'll go now." 

This was indeed his fault. All of them could see how much Andrew cared about Silvia. It was impossible for him to have a change of heart in such a short period of time. Therefore, he really deserved to be punished. 

Andrew, on the other hand, was glad that Silvia was entirely focused on Audrey. Otherwise, if she happened to catch on Stanley's intention, she would definitely make a huge fuss about it. 

In the room. 

"Audrey, I've got you some water." Silvia handed Audrey a glass of water, which Audrey had chugged down in the next second. 

However, this water could not relieve the heat in her body at all. "It's hot, it's so hot... Please save me... save me..." 

Audrey felt like her body was on fire, and it was going to burn her alive. Unable to control herself, Audrey started scratching her body. 

Silvia did not expect that Audrey would hurt herself. However, it was already too late to stop her. Therefore, she could only watch as a few bloody scratches appeared on Audrey's body. 

However, it seemed like Audrey could not feel the pain at all as she continued scratching herself. Silvia quickly grabbed on to her hand and asked, "Audrey, what's wrong with you?" 

"Hot... I'm hot... Help me..." Audrey was in a confused state. She could not recognize Silvia, who was in front of her. All she knew at that moment was that she was feeling very warm and if the heat in her body was not removed at that instant, she might really explode. 

"Don't be afraid, Audrey. I'll take you to the hospital right away." Silvia grabbed Audrey's hand and shouted at the door, "Andrew, I'm sending Audrey to the hospital now." 

In fact, anyone in Madison City, who knew Young Master Carter, would only listen to his orders. However, Silvia was the only who dared to give him orders. 

With Andrew's help, Audrey was soon on her way to the hospital. After sending Audrey on the ambulance, Silvia asked Andrew to drive her to the hospital. 

0n the eighth floor of Phantasy Nightclub, a tall man stood by the window and watched the ambulance driving away until it was out of his sight. 

Huh... It seemed that he had failed again. He knew that no matter what he did, she would never give in nor would she save him. 

When Audrey finally woke up, she saw that Silvia was next to her and accompanying her. At that instant, her heart which was as hard as stone, suddenly softened. Tears that had not fallen for many years flowed out from the corners of her eyes. 

She quickly wiped away her tears and forced a smile. "It does feel good to have a friend by my side when I'm sick. I think I should get sick more often in the future." 

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't cherish your body in the future, I won't care about you anymore." Silvia glared at Audrey and got her a glass of water. "Here, drink some." 

With a smile on her face, Audrey took over the glass of water and said, "Little girl, thank you!" 

Silvia stared at her and said, "Why are you thanking me? I took care of you because if you really died, there would be no one to bicker with me anymore and my life would become very boring." 

Audrey knew that Silvia did not mean what she said, so she did not expose her. Instead, she put on a smile without saying anything. 

Silvia said again, "Audrey, do you still remember what you've said to me?" 

“I've told you so many things," said Audrey. "How would I know what you're talking about?" 

Silvia said, "You told me that as a woman, I should learn when to be tough and when to be gentle. You said that we as a woman should not pretend to be tough all the time. When it is time to be weak, we should be weak, and only then men would love us even more... You were the one who told me all these things, but why aren't you doing it yourself?"



"Wow, look at you. You're even giving me a lecture now." Audrey blinked her eyes and smiled naughtily at Silvia. 

Silvia snatched the glass from Audrey's hand and said seriously, "I’m being serious with you here. Don't ever think that you can make me stop by joking around like this." 

Audrey shrugged and said, "Silvia, we are different. It's just like cold medicine, it could save someone with a cold but not someone else who has a chronic disease." 

Silvia asked, "What's the difference? Just because you are a few years older than me? Or is it because you are more experienced than me? So is that why you have to bear everything by yourself? Is that why you have to disguise yourself as a despicable woman so that everyone would look down on you?" 

"Can you just stop talking about my age already? Women don't like to me reminded of their age!" Audrey looked at her red-painted nails. "Besides, I'm not pretending to be who I am now. I had always been a superficial and materialistic woman. I only like men who are rich. As long as they are rich, I am willing to be with them." 

Silvia hated how Audrey ridiculed herself, and how she denied herself. "You're so annoying, Audrey!" 

Audrey patted Silvia on the back and said, "Don't be angry, babe. If you die of anger, I'd have no friends. Really, it's not easy for a woman like me to find someone who wants to befriend me." 

Silvia patted Audrey's hand away and said angrily, "You know that you don't have any more friends but you’re still trying to piss me off. You really deserve to be alone for the rest of your life." 

"I love you so much, why would I make you angry, right?" While answering Silvia nonchalantly, Audrey turned on the front camera on her phone. When she saw her face on the screen, she screamed in shock, "Ah..." 

The sudden scream startled Silvia so much that her heart trembled. After recovering from her shock, she still had to be concerned about the unreliable Audrey. "What's wrong, Audrey?" 

"What happened to me?" Audrey touched her face, trying to discern something. "No, no... this is definitely not me." 

The woman on the phone screen had messy hair and ruined makeup... She looked as ugly as a ghost. How could this person be herself? It was definitely not the usual Audrey who always looked glamorous. 

Silvia grabbed the phone away from Audrey's hand and threw it aside. She said in a stern voice, "Audrey! I'm warning you, don't try to play dumb with me here!" 

"Who the hell is playing dumb with you?!“ Audrey rolled over and wanted to get out of the bed. She thought that she must wash up and dress herself up immediately. What would she do if someone saw her in such a state? 

Silvia was speechless when she saw how much Audrey cared about her looks. "Audrey, is beauty more important to you than anything else?" 

"Of course it is. Is there any problem with that?" Audrey said as she walked to the bathroom, "Silvia, bring me my cosmetic bag." 

Silvia glared at her. 

When she noticed that Silvia did not move, Audrey added, "When I'm done with my make up, you can ask anything you want. I'll answer each and every one of them, okay?" 

Silvia was never an obedient child. But taking into account that Audrey was being bullied that night, she had no choice but to give in to Audrey. After all, she was her friend. 

Silvia found Audrey‘s cosmetic bag, gave it to her and went back to the ward to wait for her. However, Audrey took so long that Silvia had eventually fallen asleep. 

Silvia rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Miss Audrey, why did you take so long?" 

"It's not that long though. It only took me half an hour." Compared to her usual routine, the amount of time she had spent on her makeup that night was not long at all. 

Silvia rolled her eyes and said, "Half an hour is not long? How long do you think is considered long then?" 

"You're still young, and your skin is still soft and supple. Even if you don't put on makeup, you're still a beauty. Of course, you don't need to spend much time putting on makeup." Then, Audrey took a look at herself in the mirror. After putting on makeup, she looked much better. "Unlike me, I'm turning thirty soon. My skin is aging and I'm starting to get wrinkles. At this point, I really won't go out with my bare face anymore." 

"Stop exaggerating, Audrey. You're still so beautiful. If I didn't know you, I would have thought you were in your early twenties." Silvia looked at Audrey, who looked much livelier after putting on her makeup, covering up the little flaws on her face. Audrey was a beautiful woman, with a natural charm that attracted men! 

Listening to Silvia's compliment, Audrey smiled confidently and said, "Why? Are you going to fall in love with me after seeing the beauty of a mature lady?" 

Silvia rolled her eyes again. "Whatever you have on you, I have it too. Why would I fall in love with you?" 

Audrey then deliberately stuck her chest out and said, "Are you sure about that?" 

Silvia grabbed the pillow and threw it at Audrey. "Audrey, why are you so mean? Let me tell you, it's because I'm still young. When I reach your age, mine will get there too." 

"That‘s right. With Young Master Carter's help, you might actually go through another stage of puberty again." Audrey smiled and said, "But... even if you don't have what I have, Young Master Carter wouldn't mind it anyway." 

"Alright, let's stop talking about me already. Let's talk about you now." Audrey would always avoid the questions or she would never answer them seriously. Therefore, Silvia had to get the topic back on track. No matter what, she must solve the root of the problem of the incident which happened that night, otherwise, Audrey might actually get into trouble again. 

"What's there to talk about though?" Audrey didn't want to talk about it. There were things that she did not want to bring up after experiencing it once because she was afraid of recalling it again. 

Silvia said, "Audrey, I want to ask you about what happened tonight. I don't mean anything else, I just want to tell you that you are no longer alone, and you have me as your friend. Remember, if you're in trouble or need help, you don't have to bear it by yourself, you can always come to me." 

"Of course I know that. Didn't I ask you to come save me when I was in danger?" Since Audrey did not want to talk about it, Silvia stopped asking. Perhaps, Audrey had her own reasons for avoiding her questions. Therefore, she said, "You should have some more rest then. I'm going back home now." 

Silvia was about to leave, so Audrey grabbed on to her hand and said, "Silvia, there's a prerequisite to what I said. You can only show your weakness when there is someone by your side, who is willing to love and pamper you. If there is no such person, then you cannot be weak. So, you must make sure that you cherish the person who loves you and not do anything that would lead to future regrets." 

"Audrey, I know what to do, but what about you? Are you really not going to tell me what happened tonight?" Silvia gave her one last chance. If Audrey chose not to tell her, she would never ask again. 

"I'll tell you, alright? I'll tell you everything." Audrey blinked her eyes, took a deep breath, and held back her emotions. Then, she said slowly, "I really thought that I was going to die tonight. I thought that I'll never see you again. I thought that I’ll never see..." that person again.


Silvia could tell that Audrey was afraid. She reached out to hold Audrey's hand. "Don't be afraid, Audrey! TeIl me, and we'll find a way to solve the problem. Else, you'd continue to live in fear." 

Audrey sighed, "No, I'm not afraid anymore. I just feel that my life is as miserable as a joke. No, it's even more miserable than a joke." 

Silvia did not understand. 

Audrey laughed and continued, "Last night, as usual, I went to Phantasy Nightclub for a drink. I was trying to see if there were any good looking eligible bachelors. However, before I even had my second drink, someone stuffed something into my arms, and then I was taken away by a group of men." 

Although Audrey spoke nonchalantly, Silvia nervously clenching her fists. Had she been there, Silvia would not have let those people take Audrey away. 

"The old man who led the group of men said that I took his gift, so I had to go with him tonight." Audrey sneered. "I mean, if he is handsome, perhaps, I would have conceded. But, he was old and ugly, and his teeth were disgustingly yellow. So, of course I resisted and so they drugged me, and I ended up here in the hospital." 

With a solemn look, Silvia said, "Audrey, if that old man were not ugly, were you really willing to submit to him then?" 

Audrey, "I..." 

Silvia interrupted her. "I know that you will never do that. I know you're just using this method to numb yourself and demean yourself. I'm warning you, Audrey. You'd better don't do that to yourself anymore in the future." 

Audrey smiled and said, "Silvia, I guess you've been with your Young Master Carter for too long now that you're starting to get a little too overbearing huh." 

"Don't try and change the topic." Silvia knocked on the table. "After hearing what you've said, I think that someone is deliberately finding fault with you tonight." 

Audrey nodded. "I thought it was just an accident at first, but then I saw someone. When I was being taken away, I saw a familiar face. I've seen that person several times before." 

Silvia said in surprise, "Audrey, did you offend anyone in the past? Think carefully." 

Audrey shook her head but nodded her head after. "I think I have... I can't escape from him for the rest of my life anyway. My fate is destined, and I'm destined to be lonely for the rest of my life." 

"Is he the one you loved?" Judging from the resolute look in Audrey's eyes, Silvia was quite sure that one of the men who hurt Audrey earlier was someone she really cared about.

"Huh..." Audrey didn't answer. Instead, she laughed wryly, eventually tearing up. 

Yes! It was because she had once loved him and owned him that her heart was aching so much after she had lost him! 

"Audrey, those who don't care about you won't feel sorry for you, so don't torture yourself for him anymore. No matter how much you torture yourself, he won't bat an eye at all." Silvia repeated what Audrey had told her before. 

Audrey broke into a charming smile. "Who said that it was because of him? I'm not doing it because of him. I just wanted to find a rich man for myself, so that I don't have to work so hard for the rest of my life." 

"You..." Audrey was unwilling to expose her raw self, so it was for Silvia to pursue the matter. She patted Audrey on the back and said, "If you feel like getting a drink in the future, just go to Starie Blotie. Don't go to Phantasy Nightclub anymore. That place is not somewhere ordinary people like us should go to. 

"Yeah, that place is full of rich and powerful men... it's indeed not a place for us." Audrey sighed. She had never been a match for that person, and she could never win against him. He was the one who appeared by her side out of a sudden and gave her a fantasy. However, he was also the one who had left out of a sudden and broken her heart. 

Both of them knew of each other's existence and wanted to make the other party return to their side. However, they were so stubborn, unwilling to give in first. They wanted each other to concede defeat first, but doing so only would hurt them both. 

"Huh, what am I thinking about it still? If I keep thinking about it, I'll probably lose my sleep tonight." Audrey thought while shaking her head, trying to drive that ridiculous idea away. She must not waste time having impossible thoughts. 

It was already late at night when Silvia finally came out of the hospital. 

When Silvia was walking out of the entrance of the hospital, Silvia looked up and saw Andrew smoking while leaning against the car. She went over and took away the cigarette. "Andrew, you told me that drinking is bad for my body, so you never allow me to drink. Then tell me, is smoking bad for you?" 

Andrew ruffled her hair and said with a smile, "Silly girl, you actually know how to care about me now." 

"Who cares about you?" When she realized that Andrew had seen through her, she blushed and said, "If you smoke when I'm around, it means that I'm breathing secondhand smoke. Do you not know that passive smoking is more harmful to the body? I don't want to be poisoned by all that smoke and carcinogens at such a young age, okay?" 

It was because he knew how harmful passive smoking was, so he had never smoked in front of her. However, he did not notice that she was coming over just now, so he could not put off his cigarette in time. 

Silvia was just stubborn. She obviously cared about him, but she did not want to admit it. Andrew hugged her and said, "Okay, in order not to poison you, I'll quit smoking." 

"Andrew Carter!" Silvia looked up at him and said with a particularly serious face, "Will you stay by my side forever? Will you suddenly leave me behind one day?" 

She had never had such an almighty man in the past but she still lived a good life. However, there was such a person around her now and she was already used to his constant love and care. If he were to disappear from her life out of sudden, she probably would not get used to it, right? 

"What are you thinking about, silly girl?" Andrew rubbed her head. “I haven't even tortured you enough, how can I leave you behind already?" 

"Hmph... I knew you're never up to any good!" Although she said so, she smiled. "Well, it's getting late. Let's go home now." 

If it weren't for his help this time, Silvia really could not imagine what would happen to Audrey. Fortunately, he was there with her. Otherwise, Silvia would not have been able to save her, and she might even get herself into trouble as well. 

Now that she had Andrew, this great support to back her up, she could finally show her weakness and let him protect her. 

Looking at her bright and charming smile, Andrew's Adam's apple bobbed and in the next second, he could not help but lower his head to kiss her. However, Silvia pushed him away as soon as he got close to her. "I don't like the smell of cigarettes. Don't kiss me." 

There was indeed the smell of cigarettes, so Andrew had no choice but to hold back his kiss. 

When she noticed the disappointed look in his eyes, Silvia felt that she had gone too far. She leaned into his arms and said, "You can't kiss me, but you can still hug me." 

Andrew hugged her and gently patted her on the back. "Okay, I've already hugged you. Let's go home now." 

In his arms, Silvia did not respond. He looked down and saw that she had already fallen asleep. She could fall asleep so quickly! "Silly girl, you've been keeping yourself busy for the entire night just because of someone else's affairs. Don't you think that you're a little silly?" 

Although he said so, he had been by her side for the entire time too. He never really liked Audrey, but he still accompanied Silvia up till this hour. However, he had no complaints at all while doing that. 

"Young Master Carter..." Silvia lay in Andrew's arms and rubbed her face against his chest like a kitten. She mumbled, "You will always be my greatest support, won't you?" 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1206 - 1210


CHAPTERS 1206 - 1210


Andrew had always been punctual. He would never make Silvia wait for a long time. As soon as Silvia snuck out of the lecture hall, Andrew's phone call came in. "Are you out yet?" 

Silvia said happily, "Yeah, I'm walking down the stairs now. Just give me five more minutes, Young Master Carter." 

Andrew said, "Okay." 

All classes were still ongoing, so all lecturers and students were in the classrooms. As Silvia walked out of the academic building, there was no one around her at all, making it very obvious that she was sneaking out of class. 

However, Silvia had often skipped classes, so she did not feel weird. She hopped happily to the campus entrance while humming to her favorite song. 

"Looking forward to your return, my baby. Looking forward to your embrace, my baby." 

Silvia was tone-deaf. Her singing was so terrible that Prince would always tease her by saying that their ears would bleed whenever Silvia sang. On top of that, she had no self-awareness at all. Whenever she was at the karaoke, she would always hog the microphone. She was so annoying that no one could actually stand her, except for Prince and Lemur. 


While she was humming, Silvia suddenly heard a familiar voice. She spun around in the direction of the voice. However, she did not see anyone. 

"Felix?" Silvia looked around again, but still, she did not see anyone. She could not help but laugh at herself. "I've probably gone insane. I'm even hallucinating and thinking that Felix's calling for me?" 

Perhaps she was imagining voices because of the rumor about Felix that she had heard earlier that day. Probably, Silvia had been thinking about it too much that she was starting to imagine things. 


Just when she took another step, the familiar voice sounded once again. She looked in the direction of the voice, and this time, she saw a handsome young man. 

He was standing under a tree not too far away from her, dressed in a white casual outfit that she was familiar with. The sunshine fell on him, making him look as warm as rays of sunlight in cold winter. 

"Fe... Felix?" Silvia muttered. Was the man standing under the tree really Felix? Was it really him? Did he really come back alive? 

But why did everything feel so surreal? It felt like it was just a dream. It was as if all of these would disappear without a trace once she woke up from her sleep. 

"Silvia..." He smiled as he reached out his hand to her. Just like in the past, whenever she was sad, and when she was helpless... he would always smile at her and reach out his large and warm hands to her. He would hold her hand and tell her, "Silvia, don't be afraid. I'm here!" 

"Felix!" Without a second thought, Silvia ran towards him. She did not care if this man in front of her was real or just her imagination. At that instant, she only wanted to hug him and let him know that she had been worrying about him for so long. 

However, when she was about to get close to him, her 'Felix' turned around and ran away. He was so fast that Silvia could not keep up with him at all. 

"Felix, don't run away. Wait for me!" Silvia shouted and chased after him. However, he had disappeared from her sight, vanishing into thin air just like that. 

Could it be just an illusion? 


All of a sudden, Silvia's phone rang. The sound of the ringtone instantly pulled Silvia out of her thoughts. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket and saw that it was Andrew who was calling. 

She answered the call and said sullenly, "I'm almost there." 

Andrew said, "Turn around." 

Silvia looked back and saw that Andrew was standing not far behind from her with a smile on his face. "Why were you running away just now? I've been calling you from behind for a few times but you kept on running." 

"I..." Could she tell Andrew that she thought she had seen her first love? Could she? Could she say that? 

Of course not. 

Andrew was such a domineering man. If he were to find out that Silvia had a man whom she used to like, he would never let her off easily. 

For peace's sake, Silvia decided to keep the matter from Andrew. "It's none of your business if I am running, why do you care?" 

Andrew raised his eyebrows and reached out his hand to pinch her face. "It seems like I‘ve not taught you well because you still dared to talk to me like this. Didn't I tell you not to make me angry?!" 

Silvia flung his hand away and said, "You said that you would give me freedom, but I was just running for a bit and here you are, asking all sorts of questions. Where's the freedom you've promised me?" 

Usually, when Andrew asked her something, she would answer obediently. However, she was behaving differently at present. Obviously, she was hiding something from him again. The silly look on her face made him want to bully her! 

However, Andrew was planning to take her out on a date, so he didn't want to spoil the mood by getting into a fight with her. He put his arm around her waist and said, "Alright, it's my fault. I shouldn't have made Miss Turner angry. ls Miss Turner willing to give me a chance to take you to a meal to make it up to you then?" 

Silvia was already feeling a little guilty. Now that he had taken the initiative to apologize to her, there was no reason for her to refuse him. She smiled and said, "Of course I do." 

Upon hearing her answer, Andrew pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "Thank you so much, for being the bigger person, Miss Turner." 

"Hmph, I am not that petty." Silvia was a typical opportunist. Now that Andrew was thanking her, she actually thought that he was the one at fault. She was behaving so arrogantly like a proud peacock. 

"I'll have to thank you for that then." This young lady was really thick-skinned. However, in Andrew's eyes, she was silly and adorable. 

"Young Master Carter, if you would like to thank me, why don't you treat me to a nice meal then?" The weather was getting colder and Silvia had been craving a delicious piping-hot beef stew. However, she dared not ask for it because she was still being punished. Now that she had a chance to make a request, she definitely would not let it slip. 

"Sure." Andrew held her hand and said, "You can eat whatever you want today." 

Andrew had agreed to her request with such alacrity, and Silvia was starting to feel a little uneasy. "Young Master Carter, are you plotting something again?" 

Silvia had always felt that Andrew had some hidden intentions and that he must be plotting something against her. 

"Is that what you think about all day?" Andrew knocked on her head. "Couldn't it purely because I want to treat my wife to a nice meal?" 

"It's perfectly justified for a husband to treat his wife to a meal, but..." Silvia stared at Andrew. "You are usually not this easygoing. Now that you're suddenly being so nice to me, I felt a little weird... Young Master Carter, did you do something bad behind my back and you're now trying to make up for it with a meal?" 

Andrew knocked on her head again and said, "Miss Turner, I think you should really consider changing your future career plans. You should become a screenwriter once you graduate. I'm sure that you will be a successful one with that imagination of yours." 

Silvia hugged his arm and smiled. "If I were a screenwriter, the first thing that I'd write about is you forcing a young lady to marry you." 

Andrew said, "Well, you can try doing that and let's see how I'll punish you!" 

Silvia said, "What a tyrant!" 

Just as they were bickering, they did not realize that there was a pair of eyes that had been watching them. Those eyes were deeply reddened, as if they were covered in blood!. 


Eating was definitely Silvia's forte. She had ordered two portions of beef stew, a plate of pasta, 3 portion of Bratwurst, and even a pork burger. 

Although Andrew knew that Silvia was a big eater, he was still surprised. "Silvia, are you sure that you can finish all of these?!" 

"Excuse me, could you please leave the menu here? I might be ordering more later. Thanks." After ordering the dishes, Silvia looked at Andrew who was sitting opposite her. "What's wrong? You're Young Master Carter, aren't you? Do you think that I'll make you go broke for treating me to one meal?" 

"I'm not afraid of that at all. I'm just worried that you'll get indigestion after finishing so much food." Andrew waved his hand and stopped the waiter. "Excuse me, could you please cancel the bratwurst and the burger for us? Thanks." 

Silvia was so annoyed that she immediately stood up from her seat. She pointed her finger at Andrew and complained, "Andrew Carter, how could you?! You promised to treat me to a nice meal and would let me eat whatever I want, but what are you doing now? How could you just cancel the order? Why did you even agree to treat me to this meal if you are going to be so stingy?" 

Andrew dismissed the waiter, and then settled Silvia down on her seat, “It's not that I'm not letting you eat, I just don't want you to get indigestion." 

Silvia said angrily, "Andrew, do you think I'm stupid? Do you think that I can't tell if I've eaten too much? That's how much I could eat, you can't blame me for it." 

Andrew advised, "Alright... Be a good girl, okay? If you're not full later, I'll ask Auntie Cherry to prepare some supper for you." 

Silvia said angrily, "Why bother? Can't you just let me eat until I'm full now?" 

Andrew said, "I've already made up my mind." 

Once Andrew had made a decision, no matter how she complained, she still would not be able to change his mind. So, Silvia knew that it was better to just listen to him than wasting her time and energy to argue with him, "So I really can have supper tonight?" 

Andrew said, "Of course you can. But on the condition that you have to be a good girl." 

Silvia didn't know what to say. 

She really wanted to kick him to the other side of the universe. A stingy man like him would never be able to get himself a wife. It was really a great loss for her to marry him. 

Andrew added, "Just listen to me, okay? It's for your own good!" 

When she heard him talking to her in such a commanding tone, Silvia got angry and said, "You always want me to listen to you. If you want me to listen to you, then why can't you listen to me too? You are my man. Can't you just let me win once? Why do you have to go against me every single time and upset me?" 

Andrew was determined to stop Silvia from eating so much, but when he heard her saying that he was her man, he had already lost. 

He was so excited that he grabbed her hand. "Silvia, what did you just say? Say it again!" 

Silvia was startled by his sudden action and wanted to retreat. However, he was holding on to her hand so firmly that she couldn't get away from him. "Did I say it wrongly though? You are my man. Can't you just let me win once?" 

"Silly girl, everything would have been fine if you had said so from the beginning," Andrew smiled as he said. Then, he held her face in his palms and kissed her. 

She was right. He was her man, and he should have let her win. Andrew immediately waved his hand at the waiter and reordered the dishes that he cancelled a while ago. On top of that, he had even ordered some desserts for her. He was determined to let her eat to her heart's content. 

Silvia was dumbstruck as she looked at him behaving in such a strange manner. What's wrong with this man? Was he alright? 

Just as she was thinking about it, Andrew suddenly got close to her face. Silvia was so startled that she immediately leaned back. However, Andrew grabbed the back of her head and said, "Before we start eating, let me have a taste of the appetizer first." 

Silvia resisted, "Don't mess around. I'm a human being, not food on your plate." 

This man had really gone too far. He was even treating her as his appetizer. However, no matter how angry she was, she could put all the worries behind her when the food was served on the table. It was indeed the ultimate enjoyment to drink a bowl of hot beef stew on such a cold day. 

Looking at the dishes on the table, Silvia had already completely forgotten about what Andrew had done a while ago. During the meal, she had even shared her food with Andrew. "Young Master Carter, don't just watch me eat, you should eat some too." 

Looking at her being so happy, Andrew was happy too. "Silvia..." 

Silvia's mouth was stuffed as she answered in a muffled voice, "Hm?" 

"Let's have a ..." wedding. Andrew could not bring himself to finish his sentence. He knew that Silvia had a knot in her heart, and there was still a man whom she was still missing. He still needed time to make her forget that man. 

"Stop talking already. Hurry up and eat," Silvia said. After that, she continued to devour her food. She did not pause at all since she started eating. Andrew, on the other hand, had been taking care of Silvia throughout the meal. 

At the end of the meal, Silvia was in a good mood. She held Andrew's arm and said coquettishly, "Young Master Carter, I'm in a good mood today. Can you go shopping with me?" 

Shopping was a waste of time and Andrew would never waste his time doing such a thing. However, since his wife had asked him to accompany her, as her husband, could he refuse her? 

Of course not! 

Therefore, he agreed without any hesitation. "Sure. I'll keep you company wherever you go and you can buy whatever you want." 

Upon hearing Young Master Carter's generous offer, Silvia said with a smile, "You're such a generous husband. I wouldn't mind having a few more husbands like you." 

Andrew was upset when he heard what Silvia had just said. "Silvia, am I not enough to satisfy you?" 

Silvia was slightly stunned. However, she immediately broke into a sly smile and said, "Andrew, what are you talking about? It's just a metaphor. Why are you being so petty?“ 

Andrew glared at her and said, "Don't ever make such a joke again in the future. You must remove this thought immediately if it ever comes into your mind again." 

Silvia smiled at him and said, "Alright, alright. I won't think about it, okay? But tonight, I want to see how great of a boyfriend you are." 

Andrew corrected her and said, "I'm your husband." 

Silvia said, "There are many girls who address their boyfriends as their husbands anyway. Why do you care so much?" 

Andrew emphasized, "I'm your husband." 

This man was particularly stubborn. Since he was not willing to compromise, Silvia had no choice but to give in. "Okay fine! You're my husband. Are you happy with that? Then, I want to see how great of a husband you are, how about that?"

Andrew was finally satisfied with the way she was addressing him. He pulled her into his arms and said, "If you want to see that, wouldn't we have to go home and do that?" 

What was this man thinking about? Silvia punched him and tried her best to get the topic back on track. "Young Master Carter, do you know what kind of man is the most popular among women?" 

Andrew said, "A man who can last long!" 

Silvia gritted her teeth and said, "Andrew, I'm trying to be serious here. Can you please stop being so shameless?" 

Andrew shrugged and showed Silvia a serious face. "I'm being serious too. Is there anything wrong with my answer though?" 



It was obviously a shameless answer, but Andrew could still put on a serious look. Silvia was so angry that she raised her leg and stepped on his foot. “You’re so shameless!" 

Andrew said again, "Well, I think I've heard that women seem to like shameless men too. Is it not a fact that girls like bad guys?" 

Silvia really did not know how to communicate with this man who had been thinking so highly of himself anymore! Silvia was so annoyed that she turned around and wanted to leave. 

However, Andrew pulled her back. She couldn't break free from his grip so she shouted at him, "You can continue being a bad guy! Just keep waiting for a woman who likes a bad man to fall in love with you!" 

"I don't want any other women, I only want you." Andrew held Silvia in his arms and said with a serious look. However, when he looked at the startled look in Silvia's eyes, he immediately changed his tone. "Don't women like men who are a little flirty? 

He was scared, he was actually scared. He was afraid that he would not get a corresponding response for his sincerity. And more importantly, he was even more afraid that he would be met with her contemptuous ridicules. 

Andrew's behavior did scare Silvia, which was why she was stunned for a long while. All she could see was the serious look in his eyes. His gaze was deep and intense, like a bottomless abyss, as if it could suck her in at any time, and she would never be able to escape from him. 

After a brief silence, Andrew said, "Then tell me, in your opinion, what kind of man does women like the most?" 

Silvia immediately shook off her thoughts and said, "If a man wants to get a woman to like him, then he only needs to remember one thing, that is to buy anything that she wants for her!" 

Andrew nodded and said, "Well, I see your point there." 

Silvia asked again, ”Andrew, didn't you say that you would buy whatever I like for me? Are you serious about that?" 

Andrew raised his eyebrows and said, "Silvia, since when was I not serious with you?" 

Yes, he had always been quite serious with what he said and did to her. For instance, when he said that she could not eat meat for an entire month, she really did not get to eat any meat for a month. 

Andrew added, "Just tell me what you want." 

"Come with me." Silvia held Andrew's hand and walked a couple blocks. Eventually, they arrived at a remote corner, with a small store in it. 

Silvia then introduced the store to Andrew, "The store is more than a century old and it holds a very special position in the hearts of the people in Madison City." 

"What's so special about it?" Andrew had been in Madison City for three years, but he had never heard that there was such a store in this city. After entering the store, he immediately studied the entire store carefully. 

The store was very special because it had all sorts of items in it. At a glance, it seemed that the store had everything that one could think of. On top of that, every item that was on display looked vintage. 

Looking at the items in the store, it was as if every one of them had their own stories. 

More importantly, there were no store assistants who were watching over this shop. There was a sign at the counter near the door with some words written on it, "As long as you like it, you can take it away. Just pay as you see fit." 

The store owner was seemingly a smart and bold person. Such a business model had been proved not feasible in many countries. However, it was unexpected that this store could actually survive in Madison City for more than a century. 

Andrew looked around the store and then looked at Silvia. "This store is indeed different from others! The items sold here are very unique and the interior is quite impressive too. I guess the owner profits quite a bit from it." 

Andrew was a businessman. When a businessman looked at something, his most instinctive approach was to estimate its commercial value. He would evaluate them and analyze if they could make money, and how much it could make. 

"You're so narrow-minded. The purpose of this owner for opening this store is not to make money, alright?" Silvia was not a businessman at all and it was more than often that her thoughts were on the simpler side. 

"If he really wanted to make money, he could have just priced everything on the high side. There's no need to let customers decide on the price themselves." 

Andrew added, "Why are you so certain that the owner's intention was not to make money? Do you know the owner of this store?" 

"No one has ever seen the owner of this store, so how could I know him?" Speaking about the owner, Silvia thought of something so she said, "There are many rumors about the owner of this store. Some said that he's from a fallen noble family, while there are some who said that he was a beggar who got rich in his later days... However, no one actually knew his identity. It is undeniable that you'll be able to get everything that you need here. And if you can't find the item that you want, you can just write them down on this notebook and it will be available on your next visit." 

"This is indeed an interesting business 

model." Andrew  nodded in appreciation. 

After listening to Silvia's explanation, he took a good look around this store once again. The items inside were indeed unique, and there were a variety of goods, which could meet the demands of different customer groups. 

”Come with me, Andrew." Silvia took Andrew's hand and dragged him to a small cabinet in the shop. She pointed to a red ruby inside and said, "Buy this red ruby for me." 

"Okay." As long as it was something she wanted, Andrew would buy it for her without a second thought. However, he was curious. He wanted to know what was so special about this red ruby, that led to the silly Silvia, who never asked Andrew for anything, asking him to buy it for her. "Is there any special meaning behind this red ruby?" 

"Andrew, just buy it when I ask you to. Why do you have so many questions? Let me tell you, no one likes a woman who talks too much and the same goes for men." This was her secret. She would only tell him when the timing was right. 

Since Silvia did not want to tell him, Andrew stopped asking. He smiled and said, "How much do you think it is worth?" 

Silvia said, "You are the one paying. Of course you will have to decide on how much to pay. Don't ask me about it." 

Andrew said, "But I don't have any cash with me." 

"That's not a problem at all!" Silvia glanced at him and pointed to the bank account number that was written at the counter. "You don't need to pay them with cash. You can just do an online transfer. If you tell me that you can't even do that, I think I might just punch you." 

"Of course I will not let that happen again." Andrew quickly took out his mobile phone and transferred the money. When he was at it, Silvia leaned over and tried to peek on the amount that he had paid. However, Andrew was quick enough to flip his phone so that she could not see it. "This is a secret." 

Silvia rolled her eyes at him and said, "Young Master Carter, don't tell me that you're so stingy that you've only paid a dollar for it?" 

Andrew smiled and said, "Well, it's possible." What? A dollar? Was he really that stingy? 

Even if the red ruby was worthless, as long as it was something that she liked, it would be an invaluable treasure. 


Andrew had been providing for Silvia ever since she had gotten together with him, but this red ruby was his very first gift to her. 

After carefully keeping the red ruby in her pocket, Silvia held Andrew's arm and smiled at him. "Young Master Carter, thank you for the present!" 

"I'm your man. You don't need to thank me!" Andrew was delighted to see that Silvia had valued his gift this much, so he pulled Silvia into his arms and said, "If you really want to thank me, I won't refuse it though. Alright, it's now your turn to accompany me to buy the things that I want to buy." 

"Young Master Carter, you have your people to prepare everything for you. What else do you need?" Silvia did not think that Andrew actually had something to buy. Perhaps, he just wanted her to accompany him just because he had accompanied her. 

However, Andrew proved to her that he really had something to buy, and that it was a 'necessity' for the two of them. 

After driving down a few streets, the two of them finally arrived at a pharmacy. "This is my destination." 

This was a pharmacy. Was he feeling unwell? 

Silvia immediately stretched out her hand and touched Andrew's forehead. "Andrew, the weather is a little cold today. Did you catch a cold?" 

Due to his old injuries, although he looked strong, whenever the weather was windy and rainy, it was very likely that he would fall ill. 

"The weather was quite chilly today, did it trigger his old sickness again?" Silvia thought to herself. 

Seeing that she was worried for him, Andrew was over the moon. He grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "I'm fine. I'm here so that I can make you feel even better." 

Silvia was genuinely worried for him, but he was still fooling around, which annoyed Silvia. "Let go of my hand, let me touch your forehead." 

"I‘m really fine." Andrew lowered his head and rubbed his forehead on hers. His temperature was almost the same as hers. "Do you believe me now?" 

Silvia asked, "Then why did you take me to the pharmacy?" 

Andrew smiled and did not answer. Instead, he pointed at a box of condom on the shelf and said to the sales assistant, "Can I please get a carton of those in large and get it sent to my car? Thanks." 

Silvia was speechless. 

Did he have to dobeverything so exaggeratedly? 

There were ten pieces of condoms in one small box. A larger box could fit ten of those small boxes. And a carton would consist of ten of the larger boxes. 

That would mean that there would be a total of a thousand condoms in one whole carton. Even if they were to use one every day, it would still take them three years to finish them. What‘s more, no one would actually have the energy to use one each day. 

When she saw the sales assistant's judgmental look, Silvia was nearly dying from embarrassment. It was all because of the man standing beside her. If it weren't for Andrew, why would she receive such a judgmental gaze? 

Silvia was so angry that she gave him a tight pinch, warning him not to be such an embarrassment. However, Andrew did not feel there was anything wrong for him to do that and even asked the sales assistant to carry that big box to his car. 

For all twenty years of her life, Silvia was famous for being thick-skinned. However, this was the first time ever in her life that she had felt so embarrassed that she could not even lift her head up anymore! 

On their way home, Andrew was focusing on his driving. Silvia, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, had been staring at him. For a moment, a lot of things had rushed into her mind. 

They had not been using any form of protection all these while, but still, she was not able to conceive. This time, he had even bought so many condoms at once. Just how badly did he not want her to be pregnant with his child? 

Silvia was a straightforward person. The moment this question came into her mind, she immediately asked, "Andrew, are you really hoping so much that you don't get me pregnant?" 

It was not that she did not want to bear his child, but when she thought of the effort that he had put in to avoid her from getting pregnant, she could feel nothing but heartache. 

"Are you overthinking again? Who says that i don't want you to be pregnant with my child?" This silly woman, she would never fail to put her focus on the wrong things. 

Silvia said sullenly, "Then why did you buy so many condoms? Are you going to tell me that you didn't buy them to use them with me, but you're buying it to use it with other women?" 

"We'll wait for two years. We'll have a baby after you graduate from university." At first, Andrew really wanted Silvia to get pregnant with his child. However, taking into account her current physical condition, it was still not the right time for her to conceive a baby. Therefore, he must not let her get pregnant until her body has fully recovered so that nothing would happen to her. 

Silvia was not completely convinced. "So, you don't want a child now, because you're thinking of me?" 

Andrew held her hand and said, "What else could it be? Do you really think I will find someone else to give birth to a child for me?" 

Silvia said, "I dare you!" 


While the two were talking, Silvia's cell phone suddenly rang. She glared at Andrew and said, "Andrew, I'm warning you, you'd better not lie to me, or I'll make you regret coming to this world." 

Upon hearing Silvia's warning, Andrew's eyes darkened but he could not utter a word. 

Silvia took out her mobile phone and saw that it was a phone call from Audrey. "Audrey, why are you calling me at this hour? Do you know that you could actually lose a friend by calling at an inappropriate time?" 

"Silvia, it's me, it's me... I‘m Audrey..." Audrey's voice sounded strange. It was if she was drunk or in a trance. 

Did something happen to Audrey? 

Silvia's heart skipped a beat. She hurriedly said, "Audrey, I know it's you. Did something happen to you?" 

"Silvia, didn't you say that you are my good friend? I need your help now. If you are my good friend, then please come over and get me out of this place." Audrey's confused voice sounded in Silvia's ear. 

"Audrey, where are you now?" Other than Audrey's voice, there was also a quarrelling commotion in the background. However, it was too noisy, so Silvia could not understand what it was. 

"I'm at Phantasy Nightclub!" As Audrey spoke, she suddenly laughed. "There are a lot of handsome guys here at the Phantasy Nightclub. There are so many of them... Silvia, come here quickly. I'll introduce a few to you." 

"B‘tch, I asked you to find someone to get the money here. Why are you talking so much nonsense!" A man suddenly shouted in an angry tone, which almost deafened Silvia's ears. 

"I am. I'm asking my friend to come now... Ah..." Audrey screamed out of a sudden, and then her voice, which was full of fear, sounded again. "Silvia, they just drugged me and they are forcing me. Please come and save me. I don't know who else to look for, besides you!" 

Judging from the sound, it seemed like those guys had beaten Audrey up. Silvia was so worried that her chest tightened. "Audrey, tell me where you are now? I'll go over to you now." 

"I'm... Where am I?" Audrey, who was in a daze due to the drugs, could not remember where she was. She could not recall how she had offended those guys at the Phantasy Nightclub. She only realized that someone was pulling her hair at this very moment. It was so painful that it felt like her entire scalp was going to be ripped off. 

"Are you the woman's friend?" A man's voice sounded from the phone. He had probably snatched the phone away from Audrey. 


"Yes, I am!" Silvia immediately concealed the anxiousness in her voice and said calmly, “All you want is money, isn't it? As long as she is safe, I will bring you the money." 

The man said, "Of course we want the money... as for her... now that such a beautiful woman is in front of us, I'm worried that my men wouldn't be able to hold in it for too long." 

Silvia did not know who Audrey had provoked, but she knew that there were all kinds of people in a nightclub and some of them would do just anything. 

At this critical moment, Silvia thought of the person who was sitting next to her. His father was Mr. Carter, the legendary figure in Madison City. He was a big shot that both the government and the mafias were afraid of. At this time, it should not be a big problem to use his father's reputation to scare the other party. 

Silvia looked at Andrew, who was driving the car, and then growled coldly into the phone, "I'm sure that you've heard of Mr. Carter, right? The woman in your hands is Mr. Carter's woman. If you dare to lay a finger on her, I'm afraid that you would have to prepare yourselves to face him!" 

Upon hearing this, Andrew frowned. The legendary Mr. Carter of Madison City was sitting right beside her. Also, since when did Mr. Carter's woman end up in someone else's hands? 

However, Silvia's crisis management skills were rather impressive. In the face of an emergency, she could be calm and also ruthless. At the very least, she did not let Andrew down with her performance! 

Andrew would give her 60 points for her performance, which was a pass. 

The man sneered and said, "Huh... You sound kind of confident huh? However, you should have said something more convincing. Do you think that Mr. Carter would have so much time to care about such trivial matters?" 

Silvia smiled coldly and said, “You don't have to believe me. After all, I can't prove that she's indeed Mr. Carter's woman with mere words. But, you can go ask around yourself and here's a friendly reminder, don't ever offend someone who you can't afford to offend. Otherwise, you should know the consequences better than me.“ 

Silvia's words were firm and strong, which did shock the man on the phone. "We are at Phantasy Nightclub. I will give you half an hour to bring the money here, otherwise I can't guarantee what my men will do to her." 

There would always be people who would pretend to be Mr. Carter's friends, and all of them were proven to be fake in the end. However, when the man heard Silvia mentioning Mr. Carter's name, the man still had some scruples about it. 

He was worried that among those people that he had met, there would actually be Mr. Carter's people. Therefore, if he really happened to do something to them, then he would not be too far away from death. 

Therefore, whenever someone mentioned that they were related to Mr. Carter, he would still spend some time to confirm it before taking the next step. 

After that, the man hung up on Silvia, without giving her the chance to get any more information from him. 

"D‘mn it, how dare you hang up my phone. Don't ever let me catch you, or I'll tear you into pieces." Silvia scolded while dialing Prince's phone number. 

Knowing that Audrey was in trouble, and at a Phantasy Nightclub even, the first people Silvia thought of were Prince and Lemur. The guys used to get into fights at the Phantasy Nightclub so they were experienced in such situations. 

Right after Silvia had hit the call button, Andrew reached out his hand and snatched her phone away from her. He ended the call and said, "Silvia, I want you to be clear about something." 

Because of what had happened to Audrey, Silvia was so anxious that she wished she could just grow out a pair of wings and get to Audrey immediately. Silvia was already on the verge of going mad but Andrew actually snatched her phone away while she was looking for help?! Silvia was so frustrated that she shouted, "Andrew, what are you doing? I'm calling someone. It's an emergency." 

Andrew said, "Silvia Turner, do you actually know who your man is?" 

When something happened, the first person who she had thought of was not him and Andrew was very upset about it. 

Silvia was about to go crazy as she spoke, "Andrew, I'm not in the mood to mess around with you now. I'm trying to save someone now. If there are any delays, I will lose the opportunity to save her." 

Phantasy Nightclub was a famous nightclub in Madison City. The people who visited the place were not ordinary people and they were not someone who Audrey could afford to offend. Silvia had no idea who Audrey had offended, so if she were to go over any later, the consequences would be unimaginable. 

As she spoke, Silvia's eyes suddenly lit up. D'mn it, why was her brain so slow?! 

Wasn't the person beside her the most influential person she knew? 

Andrew, this b'stard, was Mr. Carter's son. If he was the one who showed up, it would be equivalent to Mr. Carter coming in person. By that time, who would dare to lay a finger on Audrey? 

After thinking this through, Silvia immediately put on a smiling face. She held Andrew's hand adorably, "Young Master Carter, a friend of mine is in trouble now. If I were to ask you for help, you won't refuse me, right?" 

The reason why Andrew had grabbed her mobile phone was to let her know that she should have asked him for help. He didn't want her to think of her friends first whenever she was in trouble. Now that she had understood it, he was starting to feel a little annoyed for the fact she was being this nice to him because of someone else. 

Andrew remained silent. Therefore, Silvia shook his hand and said, "Young Master Carter, are you going to help me?" 

Andrew glanced at her and said, "TeIl me everything." 

Silvia immediately explained, "Audrey is at Phantasy Nightclub, and I think she offended someone. They are asking for money and will not let her go until they get the money. I wanted to get someone else to go over with me, but I was worried that Audrey's captors were too powerful. I worried that I might fail to save Audrey and get myself in trouble too. So, that's when I thought of you. You're Madison City's mighty Mr. Carter's son. I'm sure that those men would back off if you showed up personally." 

This silly woman was finally enlightened. She had finally realized that she shouldn't rush her way through things whenever she was facing a problem. Instead, what she should do was ask for his help. 

In an instant, Andrew sped up and drove to Phantasy Nightclub. However, while he was driving, he did not forget to ask Silvia, "Why are you saving her? She always thinks so highly of herself and she does things without thinking about the consequences. She probably deserved it." 

Upon hearing this, Silvia thought that he did not want to help her. Silvia was disheartened as she withdrew her hand and said, "If you don't want to help me, then just forget about it. Just give me back my phone. I'll call find someone else to help me.” 

She thought that she was indeed a fool to actually believe him. He had always disliked Audrey, so why did she expect that he would save Audrey? 

Andrew asked, "You knew that you might get into trouble saving her, but you still insist on helping her?" 

Silvia said furiously, "It's none of your business!" 

Andrew added, "When you were thinking about your friends, have you ever thought about other people? For instance, your mother..." Or him? What would her mother do if something were to happen to her? And him, what would he do? 

Silvia said, "You don't have to worry about it. I know how to protect myself." 

"What do you know?" Andrew suddenly shouted in anger, "Silvia, you're not a child anymore. Don't you think that you should think carefully before doing anything?" 

"I've thought about it, but..." Since he didn't want to help her, she could only think of another way herself. Besides, she had been to those places and she had even gotten into fights there. Hence, there would be nothing that she would be afraid of. 

Andrew snorted and said, "But what?" 

Silvia said, "I'm her only friend, so I must save her. Otherwise, she might really get killed by those people." 

Andrew said, "If an adult did something without considering the consequences, and something bad really happened, the person totally deserved it." 

"Can you stop being so sarcastic? I know that I shouldn't have asked you for help. It's my fault, okay? Are you happy with that now? Young Master Carter!" Silvia's eyes had already turned red due to anger as she stared at him with a ferocious look. 

Under her intense stare, Andrew took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number. "I want you to look for a woman named Audrey now. Make sure that she stays safe once you find her."