Tuesday, November 17, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1126 - 1130


CHAPTERS 1126 - 1130


Prince and Lemur were waiting outside of the office because they were worried about Silvia. When Silvia came out, the two of them immediately went up to her and greeted her simultaneously. "Boss, how did it go? Did he make things difficult for you?" 

"What could he do to me?" In order to make Prince and Lemur stop worrying about herself, Silvia chose to lie. However, the moment they had turned around, they happened to bump into their university principal. 

"Mr. Donald..." Silvia, Prince and Lemur greeted in unison. 

Everyone referred to the university principal as Mr. Donald, but there were also some naughty students who would address him as Donald Duck behind his back. 

Many of the lecturers had funny nicknames, but Mr. Donald was the only person who was cool with it. He had even joked that the name Donald Duck was rather hilarious. 

In the eyes of the students, Mr. Donald was an amiable principal. He was diligent in teaching and he treated every student like his own child, which as a result won the students‘ respect. 

"Miss Turner, please come to my office." Mr. Donald said with a smile and his tone was gentle and amiable, just like how her elders would speak to her. 

Silvia had just come out of Golden Lion King's office, and she‘s now being called to the principal's office by the principal himself. This was the first time Silvia had felt that she was considered a "famous" person on campus. 

"Mr. Donald, may I know why you want to see me?" She was wondering if the principal had asked her to see him at his office and start scolding her for no apparent reasons. 

Silvia admitted that she used to get into fights a lot, but all of it happened beyond the campus' boundaries, and it had nothing to do with the university. More importantly, her grades were not bad. 

Mr. Donald smiled. "It's nothing special. I just want to talk to you and understand your campus experiences." 

"That's it?" Silvia was never the university's center of focus, so she did not believe that the principal would have so much spare time to actually look for her personally and even wanted to talk to her about her campus experiences. 

"Miss Turner, would it be inconvenient for you to come over to my office?" The principal asked politely and smiled, making Silvia unable to refuse him. 

"No, not at all." Silvia then followed Mr. Donald to his office. 

She thought that Mr. Donald might act like Professor Bell, who had scolded her without any reason. However, the principal had unexpectedly treated her like a VIP. 

After entering the office, Mr. Donald asked politely, "Miss Turner, would you like a cup of coffee or tea? Or is there anything else that you would like to have instead?" 

"No, I'm good. I'm not thirsty. Let's get straight to the point, Mr. Donald." Mr. Donald's friendly attitude had really kept Silvia on tenterhooks. 

"Although it's not good to drink too much coffee, young people like you love it, so I'll make you a cup of coffee then." The principal had personally served Silvia a cup of coffee. 

“Mr. Donald, did I do something wrong?" Silvia had never talked to the principal even once, so she was feeling a little terrified after being invited to the principal's office out of a sudden and even received such a hospitable treatment. 

“Miss Turner, why would you think so?" Mr. Donald asked Silvia to sit down, and then said seriously, “I‘ve taken a look at your grades. They weren't very good, but you're a smart child. There is a lot of room for improvement. As long as you work harder, you‘ll be the pillar of the country in the future." 

"Are you sure you are praising me, Mr. Donald?" Just a while ago, she was being scolded by a professor as if she was a worthless person, but now, the principal was saying that she could be the pillar of the country if she was willing to work hard. 

Silvia was confused about who was right and wrong. She was wondering why they would say such words to her out of a sudden. 

"Miss Turner, as long as you work hard, you will have a promising future." The principal looked at her with an encouraging look in his eyes. "If you have any demands or opinions, you can always come to me and talk to me about it personally." 

Silvia was surprised. "Are you serious, Mr. Donald?" 

Mr. Donald smiled and said, "Yes, Miss Turner. Please don't doubt it." 

Mr. Donald was being serious, and that was why Silvia couldn't believe it at all. "I guess that I'm the one who misheard you then." 

Mr. Donald smiled kindly. "You're so humorous, Miss Turner. Well, in my opinion, that's how our students should be. They should learn to be serious and humorous at the appropriate times, only then their campus life would not be too boring." 

Silvia was at a loss for words. 

Silvia walked out of the principal's office, feeling a little dizzy. This time, it was not because she was being scolded but she was overwhelmed by praises instead. 

The principal was showering her with so many compliments that she thought she was a model student who could only exist in the heavens and rarely found in the mortal world. 

"Boss, did you just say that Mr. Donald was praising you throughout the entire meeting?" Not to mention Silvia's disbelief, even Prince and Lemur could not believe it at all. There were a bunch of outstanding students in University A, and Silvia was not one of them. 

"You guys think that it's strange too, right?" Silvia could tell by their looks that they were having the same thoughts as her. 

Prince replied, "We didn't find it strange, we just find it unbelievable." 

Then, in this immense confusion, Silvia finished the morning class. However, when she thought of meat that she would be eating at lunch, she immediately put everything that had happened in the morning behind her. 

Roasted chicken, roasted pork, bacon... The thought of such delicacies made Silvia whistle in excitement. She then happily dragged Prince and Lemur to the school cafeteria. 

However, when she arrived at the cafeteria, an announcement was being displayed on the cafeteria's electronic screen. It wrote, "In response to the Vegetarian Festival, the university's cafeteria would only serve vegetarian food for the coming month. 

Silvia's dream of having a meat feast was crushed in an instant. There was no need to think about the chicken, bacon and pork anymore... 

Andrew was even controlling her diet here. 

Normally, she couldn't even have a bite of meat at home, and now even the campus' cafeteria was serving only vegetarian food. Even her last resort was being taken away from her. 

At that instant, Silvia felt that the bottom had fallen out of her world. 

People live to enjoy life, to do the things they like. Now that she couldn’t even eat the meat that she wanted, then what was the point of living? 

Prince comforted her, "Boss, it's good to have a change of taste. I think the food looks great." 

"Great? How could it be great?" Silvia glanced at the stretch of vegetarian food. She is not a vegetarian, how could she survive eating this every day? 

Prince asked, "Boss, what do you feel like eating? I'll go buy it for you." 

"I want roasted chicken, roasted pork, and bacon..." Silvia said a long list of what she wanted to eat, but unfortunately, none of them were available in the cafeteria. 


Because of the lousy lunch, Silvia was in low spirits throughout the class in the afternoon. 

She thought that she could get some nice food after her class had ended, but little did she know that the driver who Andrew had assigned for her was already waiting for her at the campus entrance and she was taken straight back to Andrew's villa. 

Silvia carried her backpack with her head hanging low. After stepping into the villa, she took off her shoes and slumped onto the sofa. 


"You're back, Miss Turner." Auntie Cherry greeted Silvia with a smile and took the bag off her. “You must be tired after an entire day of classes." 

"Mm..." Silvia closed her eyes and was so tired that she didn't want to say anything. She kept silent, seeming like a lifeless zombie. 

Auntie Cherry put the bag away and returned to Silvia's side. "Miss Turner, dinner is ready. Would you like to eat first?" 

Upon hearing that there was food, Silvia's eyes lit up in an instant. "Auntie Cherry, please tell me quickly, what are we having for dinner?" 

Looking at Silvia's desperate look, Auntie Cherry smiled and said, "The cook has prepared the meal according to the Master's instructions. I think they should all be your favorite food." 

Auntie Cherry has been working for Andrew for three years, and she had never seen him concerned about anything beyond his work. 

Silvia's existence was extremely special to Andrew, and Auntie Cherry was certain that if everything went well, Silvia would definitely become the Madam of their household one day. 

Therefore, Auntie Cherry wanted to treat Silvia better so that Silvia could quickly assimilate into this unfamiliar home. 

"Andrew asked the cook to prepare it?" When Silvia heard this, she was stunned. It was impossible! Andrew always wished he could starve Silvia to death. How could he have asked the cook to prepare her favorite food? 

"Yes." Auntie Cherry was not aware of Silvia's thoughts, so she was thinking of putting in a good word for her master. 

"I don't want to eat anything he has prepared!” Silvia got up from the sofa and dragged her feet up the stairs. She wanted to protest, and she thought that she must protest. She would go on a hunger strike... but she would be the one who would feel hungry. Why would she want to do such a stupid thing to herself? 

On second thought, she knew that she should not go on a hunger strike, and find another way to get what she wanted instead. 

In order to get the meat dishes she loved to death, Silvia had planned to write another repentance letter, in hopes that Andrew would be satisfied with it and be nice to her. 

That morning, she had learned from Prince and Lemur about what had happened that night after she was drunk. Silvia thought that that incident must be the main reason Andrew made her write the repentance letter. 

Therefore, Silvia decided to give it a try. 

She found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a repentance letter wholeheartedly. "Dear Master Carter, you might still be angry at me, so I'm writing to you to give you my earnest apology. I was wrong, terribly wrong. I should not have vomited on you and kissed you while I was drunk. I know that you're a generous man, please forgive me." 

After she finished writing, Silvia took out her mobile phone. She took a picture of the repentance letter and sent it to Andrew, hoping that he will forgive her after seeing it. 

Even if Silvia didn't do anything wrong, she could only admit to her so-called mistakes when facing someone more powerful. Otherwise, Silvia knew clearly that she would suffer. 

Andrew had just arrived at the villa when he received the text message from Silvia. Seeing that it was her number, the corners of his lips raised slightly. However, when he read the text message, his face darkened in an instant. 


So in this woman's opinion, it was a mistake for her to kiss him when she was drunk! 

Andrew's mood was getting worse, and his face had become terrifyingly gloomy when he read that Silvia regarded the kiss as a mistake! 

He locked his screen and pretended that he did not see her message at all. 

Silvia stood by the window in her bedroom. When she saw that Andrew was back home, she immediately ran downstairs and greeted him before he could even step into the house. "You're back!" 

She spoke with a sweet smile and a lovely voice. She tried to please him as much as possible, but Andrew did not look at her at all as he walked into the house. 

Andrew was still indifferent towards her. Did he not receive the repentance letter that she sent to him a while ago? Therefore, Silvia immediately caught up with Andrew and asked, "Young Master Carter, did you receive the text message I sent to you?" 

This d‘mned woman! She was bringing up the text message again. Andrew continued to move forward, ignoring Silvia. 

In order to have the food that she loved, Silvia tried her best to endure the cold shoulder that Andrew had given her. She continued to tail him. "Young Master Carter, what's the matter with you? Who made you so upset?" 

Andrew continued to ignore her and walked up the stairs. Silvia followed him closely. "Young Master Carter, I was wrong. I really know what my mistakes were. You've asked me to write a repentance letter last night, but because I blacked out that night, I couldn’t recall what I'd done wrong. After waking up this morning, I've thought about it seriously and realized that I shouldn’t have gotten drunk and even vomited on you. Also, I should not have kissed you without your consent when l was drunk." 

Upon hearing her explanation, Andrew finally halted his footsteps. 

Silvia was covertly happy that she had finally found the key to the problem. If Andrew was no longer angry at her, then she could finally have her meat feast. 

However, just as Silvia was feeling happy, Andrew suddenly said in a cold and distant tone, "Since you have brought up the repentance letter, then you should carefully think about your actual mistakes and continue writing them down." 

"Didn't I write them down already? What else do you want me to write?" D‘mn, all the effort that Silvia had put into writing the letter was denied by his mere words once again. 

Andrew sneered, "Huh..." 

"I dare you to say it again..." Before Silvia could finish her sentence, she met Andrew's fierce gaze and could only force herself to swallow her remaining words. 

"Go back to your room and continue writing. Don't you dare to sleep before finishing it." Andrew then turned around and left. 

"What the hell do you want?" Silvia gritted her teeth and looked at that mean man's tall figure. At that instant, she really wished that she could just rush up to him, push him onto the ground, and stomp on him ferociously. 


As soon as she was in her bedroom, Silvia immediately tore the repentance letter that she had just written into pieces. ”B‘stard, do you think that I'll do whatever you say? Do you think that I would not go to sleep just because you said so?" 

Silvia had already made up her mind that she would not listen to him. 

Silvia took a bath and snuggled herself up in the quilt. After a while, she had fallen asleep and she dreamt about the roast chicken that she had missed for the past few days, the crunchy bacon bits that she liked, and some buttery grilled steak... 

Silvia picked up a roast drumstick with her hand and was about to put it into her mouth. However, when the meat was about to enter her mouth, someone snatched the drumstick away from her. 

She opened her eyes in an instant and saw Andrew's cold face extremely near to hers. Andrew looked at her somberly and asked, "Where is the repentance letter that I've asked you to write?" 

"Hungry! I'm so hungry!" Silvia pursed her lips and tugged the edge of his shirt pitifully. "I didn't have lunch this afternoon, and I didn't eat dinner, either. I'm hungry. I'm so hungry... like my soul is going to leave my body." 

After spending time with the mean and twisted Andrew for quite some time, Silvia roughly understood his character. 

She knew that if she were to go head to head with him, he would definitely stand firm against her, and she would not have any way to get past him. However, if she could behave coyly and speak politely to him, he would be nice to her, just like what happened the night before. 


Looking at Silvia trying to be coy and pitiful, Andrew unconsciously broke into a faint smile, but asked indifferently, "You're so hungry that you feel like your soul is leaving your body?" 

"Yes, yes..." Silvia nodded vigorously and rubbed her face against the edge of his shirt. Then, she forced two precious drops of tears to make herself appear even more pitiful, "Young Master Carter, if I continue to starve, I think I might faint very soon. " 

She was behaving like an adorable little pet, hugging its master. Logically speaking, Andrew should have relented by now, but he did not at all. He then said, "Why didn't you eat your meals then?“ 

Were those dishes even edible? Silvia thought to herself. 

Silvia really wanted to say those exact words to him, but she did not have the courage to do so. Otherwise, it would be just like what had happened at the cafeteria that afternoon... There would be no meat in her meals at all! 

Tears were welling up in Silvia's eyes as she reached out her hand to hug his waist. Her face was stuck against his body as she said, "If there's no meat, I have no appetite." 

"If you don't have any appetite just because there isn‘t any meat in your meals means that you're not hungry enough." Andrew removed her arms which were wrapped around his waist and said with a faint smile, "If you don't want to eat, then just continue to starve yourself. In any case, you're the one who'd be hungry and not others." 

What did he mean by that? Was he that desperate to see her starve to death? 

Silvia really did not know what was on Andrew's mind. He would think all kinds of ways to torture her but he still wanted to marry her. No one would ever believe it if she were to classify his actions as normal. 

This man was as stubborn as a mule, so Silvia did not want to try to persuade him anymore. She got into bed and said sullenly, "You can leave then. Don't worry about me. It's none of your business if I starve to death anyway." 

Instead of leaving, Andrew sat beside her and pulled away the quilt that was covering her. "It has nothing to do with me whether you want to eat your meals or not. I'm still waiting for your repentance letter." 

Silvia really wanted to bite him and tear him apart! 

She gritted her teeth and said indignantly, "I'm hungry now, so hungry that I have no energy to think about other things, so hungry that I have no energy to write. If you're waiting for my repentance letter, feel free to do so." 

This man did not know how to be gentle to women at all. Perhaps, he was fated to be alone for the rest of his life. 

Besides, no matter what she did, he still would not let her eat the meat that she loved, so why should she obey his orders? 

Andrew suddenly reached out and rubbed her head gently, "Silly girl, do you know who you are talking to? Do you know what you have done wrong again?" 

"Andrew Carter, don't try to threaten me like this. I'm not afraid of you at all, so just come at me with all your tricks. If I ever relent to you, I'll be your slave!" D‘mn it! This man was really insatiable. Silvia promised herself that from now on, she would never let Andrew step all over her anymore. 

"Very well then." Andrew got up and adjusted his shirt which Silvia had crumpled up with her grip. "I've just asked Auntie Cherry to prepare some grilled beef, thinking that you can eat it after you've completed the repentance letter. Well, it seems that it's not necessary, isn't it?“ 

When she heard 'beef', Silvia immediately sat up on the bed with the speed of light. After rolling over and getting out of the bed, she pounced on Andrew and hugged him tightly. "Young Master Carter, I must be out of my mind due to hunger. You're a generous man, and you won't make a fuss over it, will 

you? Please give me another half an hour, and I promise that I will hand in a repentance letter which will meet your expectation." 

"There's no need to do that," Andrew said while wanting to remove her arms which were wrapped around his body. However, Silvia was holding onto him too tightly, or perhaps that he was reluctant to take her arms off himself. 

"No, I must write that letter! Since I've done something wrong, how can I not repent?" She raised her head slightly and looked at him with a smile, "You can go back to your room first. I'll go over when I'm done writing it." 

Andrew was silent as Silvia wiggled into his arms once again. "Dear Mr. Carter, can you please give me another chance?" 

Looking at her hopeful little eyes and the fact that he really wanted her to realize her mistake, Andrew finally agreed after contemplating for a long while. 

As soon as Andrew left, Silvia quickly took out a pen and paper. She sat at the dressing table, trying hard to recall everything that she had done in the past few days. 

Vomiting all over him and kissing him without his consent were not the main problems. Did she do something even more terrible? 

What on earth did she do to make Andrew treat her like this? 

Silvia still had no clue after thinking about it for a while. At that moment, she immediately thought of Prince and Lemur, so she picked up her mobile phone and sent them a voice message. "Prince, Lemur, come meet me now. I‘ve got something urgent to ask you guys." 

It was not after Silvia had sent out the voice message that she had realized there was a new member, 'Loafer', in their group chat. 

Prince was the first to reply. "Boss, what's the matter?" 

Silvia asked, "Who is this Loafer?" 

Loafer said, "It's me." 

Prince explained, "Boss, you and Audrey know each other, and she is also a friend of Lemur and mine, so that's why I've invited her into this group chat." 

However, the actual situation had been that Prince had asked Audrey for her phone number, but Audrey didn't want to give it to him, so Prince had thought of a clever way by making her join the group chat to get her phone number. 

Silvia said impatiently, "Quit the nonsense. I need you guys to do me a favor." 

Prince asked, "What's the matter?" Lemur said, "Boss, just tell us!" 

"Do you need my help?" Audrey asked. 

“Well..." Silvia was about to speak but she did not know how to explain it to Prince and Lemur. 

She did not intend to let Prince and the others know about Andrew. However, since Audrey was here and she did know a little about the whole situation, Silvia thought that she could ask for her opinion too. 

Silvia then secretly sent Audrey a private message on WhatsApp. "Audrey, can I ask you a question?“ 

Audrey replied, "Go ahead." 

Silvia thought for a moment and organized her thoughts. "It's about Andrew, that twisted man. Do you remember him?" 

The volume of Audrey's voice rose in an instant. "You little wretch, did I owe you something in my previous life? Why do you always talk about things that you shouldn't talk about?" 

Silvia said, "Audrey, please calm down and hear me out..." 

Audrey tried to calm herself down. "Okay, go on. What you‘re going to say better be worth while." 

Silvia said, "Well, you already know that the freak has been finding ways to torture me, right? But recently, l found out that he has become even more twisted. Not only does he restrict my freedom, but he also doesn‘t let me eat. He wants to starve me to death." 

Audrey was a little skeptical, ”Really?” 

Audrey was on the other side of the phone, so she couldn't see Silvia at all, but Silvia still nodded vigorously and said, "He accused me of doing something wrong and he wants me to write a repentance letter, but I really didn't do anything, so I really don't know what he wants." 

"How do you want me to help you then?" Audrey asked. 

Silvia then said, "Can you please help me analyze what on earth he wants me to write in that letter?“ 

"If you want me to analyze it, then I would need you to tell me everything that has happened during the past few days," Audrey said. 

Silvia thought about it and started to regurgitate every single thing that had happened since her escaped on the highway a few days ago. 


After listening to what Silvia had done for the past few days, Audrey sent her an eye-rolling emoticon and said, "Silvia, Silvia, oh my dear Silvia. Are you a fool or something?“ 

Silvia sent an angry icon back to Audrey and said, "Audrey, I'm telling you all these because I see you as my friend. Speak nicely, and don't insult me.“ 

"I only said that you're a fool. I didn't even say that you're an idiot, and that's already being a nice friend!" Audrey said. 

Seeing that the time that she and Andrew had agreed on was almost up, Silvia said anxiously, “Let's not talk this now. Just analyze the situation for me first." 

Silvia would not have asked for help if it was not because she had run out of ideas. Otherwise, based on her character, she would never let anyone know about such an embarrassing thing that was happening to her. 

Audrey said, "Let me tell you one thing. It doesn't matter if a man loves you or not, but if you pretend to be someone else's girlfriend behind his back, that would be enough for him to get mad at you." 

"You mean that the reason why he has been making things difficult for me is because I‘ve pretended to be someone else's girlfriend?" Silvia shook her head. “I don't think that‘s the case though. He doesn't know about it at all." 

"How do you know that he doesn't know?" Audrey asked. 

"Yeah, that's right. That scumbag Andrew had such a huge influence, so he might have already known about everything." 

Silvia could remember the last time when his men had dragged her down from a plane in Jiangbei, and also the other time when she had gone over to Jiangbei to hide away, but he was already there shortly after she had arrived. 

Actually, even if Silvia did not have a brain, it was not difficult to realize that Andrew's power and capabilities were far beyond her imagination. 

Silvia asked again, "Is there anything else then?" 

"You went back to Madison City after that, didn't you?" Audrey said. "And there was nothing special that happened during that period of time, so if I didn't guess it wrongly, something might have happened after we were drunk last night." 

The moment Audrey mentioned about getting drunk the night before, Silvia's face immediately turned red. "Umm, after I got drunk last night, I mistook him for someone else and even forced a kiss on him." 

"That's it! That's where the problem is!" Audrey said as she clapped her hands. 

Silvia quickly denied, “No. I've already apologized to him and said that I shouldn't have gotten drunk and kissed him, but it seems like he became even angrier after listening to my apology." 

With a sigh, Audrey said, "Silvia, what matter is not that you've forced a kiss on him, but you've mistaken him for someone else." 

Silvia was a little confused. "What do you mean?" 

"If a man kisses you and mistook you for another woman, would you be happy about it?" Audrey asked. 

Silvia didn't even think as she said, "l'd kill him." 

"That is why I don't think that Andrew is considered a freak to torture you like this. You reap what you sow, girl." Audrey said. 

After Audrey had pointed it all out for her, Silvia finally understood the entire situation. "Audrey, I didn't expect you to know so much." 

"You'll know it naturally if you‘ve often seen and listened to things like this." Audrey said. "If you're interested in knowing more, then I'll teach you with something in exchange." 

Silvia said, "I'll find a way to get Andrew on your bed some other day." 

Audrey sent an eye-rolling emoticon again. "You've already said that more than once." 

Silvia said, "I've never forgotten about it, okay?" 

Out of a sudden, a thought rushed into Audrey's mind. "Silvia, could it be that Andrew had overheard our conversation when we were both drunk?" 

”What? How is that possible?" Silvia did not want to believe it, but an ominous feeling appeared in her heart. 

It was Andrew who had brought Silvia back home the night before, so it was very likely that he had overheard their conversation. 

"Silvia, you'd better stop talking about this now. Andrew is not someone who I can afford to offend." Whenever Audrey thought of the look in Andrew's eyes when he looked at others, Audrey couldn‘t help but shiver in fear. 

"Yeah, I know. By the way, thanks for clearing things up for me! Talk to you soon!" After ending the WhatsApp conversation, Silvia immediately began to write the repentance letter. 

After getting some inspiration from Audrey, Silvia had managed to finish the repentance letter successfully. She then went over to Andrew's bedroom and knocked on his door. ”Young Master Carter, I've just finished writing it. Can I go in and let you have a look at it?" 

Sigh, she had been submitting to this man for so long that she would unconsciously be cautious whenever she spoke to him, as if he was an almighty God, and she was a lowly slave. 

After knocking on the door, she waited for a few seconds, but the man in the room did not respond. Silvia knocked on the door once again and said, "Young Master Carter, I‘m done with the repentance letter. Can I..." 

Before she could finish speaking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Andrew, whose hair was still soaking wet, appeared before her. 

Andrew would always go around naked in front of her just because he had a nice figure. If it was not for Silvia's strong willpower, she would have lost control a long time ago. 

Silvia looked at his face and tried her best not to get distracted by his body. "Young Master Carter, I'm done with my repentance letter. Please take a look at it.“ 

Andrew did not take the letter over from her. Instead, he turned around and walked to the bathroom attached to his bedroom. He picked up the hairdryer and asked, "Do you know how to do a blow-dry?" 

"I do... Oh, I don't..." Andrew really saw her as his slave, didn't he? Silvia didn't want to do it, so she claimed that she didn't know how. 

However, when Andrew's gaze fell on the repentance letter, Silvia immediately put on a smile. "I really don't know how to do it, but as long as you don't mind me being clumsy, I am happy to try." 

"Sure." Andrew handed her the hairdryer. 

Silvia took over the hairdryer and wanted to hand the repentance letter to him. However, he did not take it again but walked to the sofa and sat down. 

She raised the hairdryer into the air and wished that she could smash it against his head. However, Silvia told herself that she had to endure the torment so that she could have her grilled beef! 

After holding back her emotions, Silvia immediately caught up and said, "Young Master Carter, could you please help me hold this repentance letter? Then I'll help you blow your hair right away." 

Andrew knew exactly what Silvia was trying to do, but he did not make things difficult for her and took the repentance letter. 

Silvia was happy that Andrew took the letter, so she started to whistle her favorite tune as she blew his hair dry/ 

His hair was dark and thick, and it felt a little prickly as she touched it. But Silvia did not care too much about it. For her grilled beef, she was willing to do just anything. 

She ruffled his hair with her tender hands and meticulously blew it dry. Even though Andrew knew that she was being forced into it, he still enjoyed the cozy moment between the two of them. 

Just as Silvia was helping him blow-dry his hair, Andrew unfolded the A4 sized paper and saw a few of the 'mistakes' that she had listed down. 

Repentance letter. 

Number one, I should not have pretended to be someone else's girlfriend. 

Number two, I should not have gotten drunk and mistaken you for someone else. 

Number three, I should not have said what I said to Audrey. 

Number four, I promise that the things mentioned above will not happen again in future, and I hope that the ever generous and handsome Young Master Carter would give me a chance to repent for my mistakes. 

It was indeed this foolish woman's usual style to flatter him while writing the letter. 

Looking at the ugly handwriting on the paper, Andrew could totally imagine the angry and unwilling look on Silvia's face as she wrote it! 


This silly girl would really do anything just to get the food she liked. If only... 

Andrew suddenly thought of something and raised his head to look at Silvia. He didn't expect that she was also looking at him. 

Her flattering smile was right in front of his eyes. She looked extraordinarily adorable and he couldn't help but want to reach out his hand to pinch her cheeks. However, before he could even raise his hand, Silvia said, "Young Master Carter, are you satisfied with the repentance letter I wrote this time?" 

If he was judging from the contents of the repentance letter and not the truth behind it, then Andrew would be quite satisfied with it. However, he was not. 

He looked at Silvia's tender face and said with a smile, "In your opinion, do you think I should be satisfied with your repentance letter?" 

"I think... Young Master Carter, how would I dare to speculate about what you think?" What the h*ll was wrong with this man? Why couldn't he be frank? Why did he ask her to guess? Silvia couldn't read Andrew's mind, so how could she guess correctly? 

It was obvious that Silvia was going to snap into anger, but she maintained a graceful and pleasing smile. For the mouthwatering grilled beef... Everything that she had endured would be worth it. 

On top of that, she could go so far as to imagine Andrew's face as a piece of beef, so that no matter how horribly he had treated her, she would not get mad at him. 

Andrew was obviously unaware that Silvia was imagining him as a piece of beef, so continued slowly, "Just hazard a guess. It's fine if you guess it wrong, but you will be rewarded if you guess it right" 

"What reward?" Without waiting for him to answer, Silvia answered on his behalf, "The reward will be two German pork knuckles, with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut on the side. This combination is just amazing." 

Andrew was at a loss for words. 

He was silent. At that moment, Silvia realized that she had mistaken the sequence of affairs. She needed to make a correct guess before she could get a reward. Therefore, she smiled, "If you're asking me to guess, then I would say that you‘re quite satisfied with the letter, aren't you?" 

She did not say that without any thoughts. She had been observing Andrew very carefully. If he was not satisfied with it, his face would have already darkened and he would not even bother to talk to her at all. 

"So you think that I should be satisfied with it, huh?" Andrew raised his eyebrows and said, "After I read your repentance letter, I realized that you pretended to be someone else's girlfriend." 

"So you didn't know it?!" Oh god, Andrew didn't know about it at all, but Silvia admitted to it on her own! Did she just shoot herself in the foot? 

“Should I know about it?" Andrew knew that the reason Silvia admitted her mistake was that she assumed he knew about it. If she didn't know that he knew about it, Silvia would certainly not mention this matter! 

He only played a minor trick on her to test her, and everything was exposed at that instant. 

“No... I know that you didn't know, that's why I told you the truth." Silvia regretted it so much. She regretted thinking that Andrew was so powerful that he would know about Silvia pretending to be someone else's girlfriend. 

If she could, Silvia really wanted to snatch the repentance letter away from him and delete his memory, pretending that nothing had happened just now. 

"Mm." Andrew snorted. He did not know whether to believe her words or not. Just as Silvia was feeling extremely uneasy, he asked again, "When you were drunk and mistook me for someone else, who was that person?" 

As he asked, Andrew pointed at the words "someone else“ with his slender fingers. "Think about it carefully and explain it slowly. I have time to listen to you." 

"Just someone else." Silvia did not know who the other person was. He might be a handsome man, or he could also be Felix, whom she had been missing day and night, but she would not tell him. 

"Mm?" Andrew raised his eyebrows. He was obviously not very satisfied with Silvia‘s answer. 

Under Andrew's gaze, Silvia's stomach growled twice. She quickly said, "Young Master Carter, just listen to my stomach. I'm so hungry that it's growling. Can you please let me eat some beef to fill my stomach first and we can talk when I'm done." 

"Are you trying to negotiate terms with me?" Andrew got up and was about to leave. 

"No." Silvia reached out her hands and grabbed him. "Don't leave. I'll tell you, okay? There was no one else, and you were the only one from the beginning to the end." 

Andrew asked, "I'm the only one?“ 

Silvia nodded vigorously. "Yes, you're the only one. When you came over to the bar last night, I happened to see a handsome man, and that handsome man was you." 

She was looking at Andrew, but she was talking and thinking about Felix. However, she was too ashamed to say that the "someone else" was Felix. 

Knowing that it would turn out like this, Andrew was still a little angry. His eyes darkened slightly and he asked, "What did you mean by the third mistake... You should not have said what you said to Audrey?" 

"Ah... You didn't know about that, too?" Silvia really wanted to cry. She wanted to cry out loud so that he could see it. This man knew nothing about it, but Silvia exposed her mistakes on her own accord again! 

Andrew beckoned for her to continue, "Tell me about it." 

"I..." Silvia regretted very much for telling him everything. If she had known that this would happen, Silvia would have just kept her mouth shut. She hesitated for a long time and said, "It's nothing actually. It's just that Audrey asked for your phone number, and I gave it to her." 

In fact, Silvia knew that Andrew was aware of the fact that she had given his phone number to Audrey, so she used this as an excuse. 

Andrew asked, "What else?" 

"Nothing else.“ Silvia would not tell him the things that he didn't know, even if threatened with death. Otherwise, she could fathom how Andrew would torment her later on! 

"Nothing more?" Andrew looked at her with a faint smile. 

"No more." Silvia felt a little guilty when he was looking into her eyes, but fortunately, she held on this time and did not surrender. 

"Alright, you did quite a good job," Andrew said. Upon hearing his words, the weight in Silvia's heart was lifted in an instant. This b‘stard had finally stopped finding fault with her. 

"But since you pretended to be someone else's girlfriend behind my back, how do you think I should punish you?" He looked at her with a smile on his face, as if he really wanted to listen to her opinion. 

Silvia was about to go insane. "What... what do you mean?" 

Andrew said, “I meant exactly what you heard." 

Silvia clenched her fists. "I've told you that I won't make these mistakes ever again. Why can't you just let things slide?" 

Andrew added, "You're admitting your own mistakes, not bad!" 

Silvia thought that this was an opportunity to escape, so she said excitedly, "Can I go to eat now?" 

"Eat?" Andrew suddenly laughed.

"You're right. Your punishment would be to not touch the grilled beef that the cook has prepared for you." 

As soon as Silvia heard that she was not allowed to eat the beef, she raised her fist angrily and hit him without a second thought. "Andrew Carter, you're courting death, aren't you?" 

Andrew grabbed Silvia's fist with ease and nodded very seriously, "Yes, I am courting death." 

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