Saturday, November 7, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1091 - 1095


CHAPTERS 1091 - 1095


Prince's voice came from the phone again “Boss, are you listening to me?"

“I’m listening.” Silvia was thinking about other things, and she was a little absent minded. “If there’s nothing important, I'll catch up with you when I get back."

Silvia was about to hang up the phone when she suddenly thought of her mother. “Prince, I won’t be around for the next few days. If you have some time, please visit my mother on my behalf. I’m afraid that she will feel lonely being in the hospital."

Prince patted his chest and gave his words, “Boss, your mother is like a mother to both Lemur and me. Don’t worry. Whenever you are not around, we will take turns to take care of her. It’s the least we could do. Take care, bye."

Perhaps he didn’t want to hear the words thank you from Silvia, Prince hung up quickly. After speaking with Prince, Silvia called Daniel Cook immediately. Daniel was the head of the Public Relations Department of Wateria Corporation. She was hoping to get some information from him.

However, after the call was connected, she hung up. After Silvia’s father’s accident, Daniel had been helping Norman, so his words could not be trusted. Silvia thought deeply. Who else could be trusted in the company? She thought about it over and over again. The managers who were loyal to her father were driven away by Norman. Now, those who stayed in the company were Norman’s people. It was impossible for her to get factual and reliable information from them.

Silvia returned to the bed again. She couldn’t figure out who saved her, but the only thing she could be sure of was that the person who helped her was definitely not Andrew. Forget it, since she could not figure it out, she didn’t want to think about it anymore. 

After staying up for the whole night, she had some serious dark circles under her eyes. She needed to catch up on her sleep and put everything else aside for a while.

Just as Silvia was about to fall asleep, she received another text message. She saw the number who sent her the message, but she was not familiar with it. The message said, “Miss Turner, can I ask for a favor?" From: Simon Banks.

To be honest, Silvia didn’t like Simon at all. She even hated him. If it weren’t for Simon, she would not have gotten raped by Andrew that night!

However, she was curious over that sudden text message. She wanted to know what Simon wanted her help with. Also, what did Silvia have that made Simon think she could help him at all?

So she replied, “What’s the matter?”

Soon, Simon sent another message. “Miss Turner, there was a typhoon in Jiangbei and it was raining heavily. Please take good care of the Young Master on my behalf.”

Silvia replied, “Butler Banks, he is no longer a child. Why does he need someone else to take care of him? Even if he needs someone to take care of him, why don’t you follow him? Why should I be the one taking care of him?”

Soon, Simon called and explained, “Miss Turner, I’m sorry to disturb you. There are some things that can’t be explained clearly through text, so could you please hear me out?" Simon’s tone was respectful, which was completely different from Silvia’s impression of him. This made her feel very surprised.

Silvia said, “Go ahead. I’m listening.”

Simon sighed as he spoke, “My Young Master was injured a few years ago. His wound may have healed but it left a scar. On rainy days, his old injury would relapse. It could be treated slowly, but he is not willing to take his medication. Therefore, the situation got worse in recent days.”

Silvia’s first reaction was, “He was injured? Was it very serious?"

Simon said, “He was in a coma for a few months, he almost didn’t survive it!"

Silvia asked, “How did he get injured?”

Simon didn’t dare to reveal the truth, so he had to lie. “Three years ago, Young Master went to Europe to travel and encountered a shooting incident. He took a bullet by accident. Miss Turner, you should know a little about Young Master’s temper. He never allowed others to talk about him behind his back. Please act like you know nothing about this in front of him.”

Silvia said, “Well, I won’t talk about it. I don’t care about him."

Simon added, “Miss Turner, please take care of him. He doesn’t listen to anyone, and he never takes the medication prescribed by the doctor. Please persuade him to take the medication and look after him.”

"Simon, I think you are asking the wrong person. If he doesn’t listen to you, why would he listen to me?” Silvia sighed. “It’s his life. If he wants to die, what can we do?”

Hearing Silvia’s words, Simon became anxious. He really cared about Andrew's health. Although Andrew sent Simon away, it hadn’t ruined the bond between master and subordinate that they had for a dozen years. “Miss Turner, please. I’m begging you."

Simon always acted high and mighty. Silvia felt distressed after hearing his plea, and she felt bad hearing Simon talk to her in such a manner. “I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee that he will take his medication.”

Simon breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Miss Turner, give me your address. I’ll ask someone to send the medication over."

Silvia gave him the address and hung up the phone. She thought of the scar near Andrew's heart. That should be the wound that Simon had just mentioned.

He was shot so close to his heart. He must be lucky to be alive. However, even if he was lucky, he shouldn’t take his body too lightly. 

At first, she didn’t want to get involved in Andrew's affairs, but somehow, she couldn’t let go of it. After thinking for a while, she decided to give it a try and care for him.

Silvia thought that if she could save a life, karma would work its way and bless her mother and herself in the future. She hoped that their life would be smooth sailing and that they would not need to go through any more misfortunes.

At the same time, Andrew also received a phone call, which was from his assistant, Eugene Elliot.

Eugene reported the situation of Wateria Corporation to Andrew through the phone. “Mr. Carter, although Norman has only taken over Wateria Corporation for three months, he has completely destroyed the company internally. The capable employees from the previous management were all removed from their post and driven away by him. The ones that were left behind were all a bunch of good-for-nothings.”

Andrew did not say a word after hearing the report. Eugene continued anyway. “At present, the company’s financial status is in a mess, and they owe a lot of debt. Even if we don’t take action this time, Norman wouldn’t last long.

After listening to the report, Andrew said calmly, “No matter what the situation is with Wateria Corporation, we will follow the original plan. You will have full control of it.”

There were too many doubts in Eugene’s heart. “Mr. Carter, I’ve been thinking about it, but I still don’t understand why we have to spend so much money to help Wateria Corporation. 

Eugene had been working with Andrew for three years. During that period, Andrew's every decision could bring their company huge profits. However, this time, there wouldn’t be much profit through this deal, and they even had to invest money to save Wateria Corporation. Besides, they were not even acquiring Wateria Corporation!

Eugene was flabbergasted. He could not wrap his head around it.


Andrew answered solemnly, “If you can’t figure it out, don’t think about it. Just focus on your assigned work. Don’t worry about anything else beyond that.”

Eugene tried to explain further “But, Mr. Carter, this matter is related to..”

Andrew interrupted him and said, “Do you think that our company can’t afford to maintain a small company like Wateria Corporation? Or are you having doubts about my personal capabilities?”

After being reprimanded by Andrew, Eugene stuttered nervously, “Mr… Mr. Carter, I don’t mean that. I wouldn’t dare… I just think.”

“You think that we shouldn’t invest in something that’s not profitable! However, I just want to do it. It makes me happy!” After that, Andrew hung up the phone.

Eugene had asked why he wanted to help Wateria Corporation. Andrew couldn’t figure it out himself, so how could he answer Eugene’s question? After hanging up the phone, the room fell silent again. It was so quiet that Andrew seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat.

He moved his head slightly and looked at the cup on the bedside table. After a while, he picked up the cup and gulped the water down.

The water was warm, which warmed his stomach and also his heart.

Although he was in a feverish daze the previous night, he was conscious. He knew that the silly woman had been accompanying him and taking care of him. Although she was silly, arrogant, and barbaric, her presence made his ice-cold heart feel a little warmer.

Something flashed through his mind.

Ahem, ahem.

His fever was gone, but the pain caused by the old injury was still there, especially since the storm was still going on outside. Moreover, it was difficult for him to stop coughing once he started. 

Andrew coughed for a long time. Just as he was coughing so violently that he was gasping for air, the door swung open. Silvia stormed into the room and threw a pack of medicine to him. “Andrew, please just eat these pills.”

Andrew frowned unhappily. “Who let you in?”

Silvia said confidently, "I did!"

At present, she was not scared of him. Silvia stood like she was ready to pounce at him any time if he went against her. Andrew glanced at the medicine that she threw at him and asked, “What medicine?

Silvia responded annoyingly, “Poison! Poison that could kill you. Do you dare to take it?"

Andrew said, “No, I don’t dare!”

Silvia continued to provoke him. “I knew you’re a coward. You’re even afraid of taking medicine because they’re bitter. Do you even have the guts and capability to do anything significant in your life?"

Jayden raised his voice, “No, I don’t."

His answer surprised Silvia. She didn’t expect that she would be so agitated by his arrogance. Since her provocation didn’t work, Silvia could only change her method. She picked the cup up from the bedside table and gave it to him, “If I ordered you to eat it, just eat it. Why are you still trying to go against me?’

Andrew hated taking medicine the most, so he didn’t want to take it. He put the cup back and didn’t even look at her. He didn’t want to talk to her.

As Simon said, this man was sick yet he didn’t want to take his medicine. He was just waiting for his life to come to an end. She added, “If you don’t eat the medicine, please cough quietly and don’t disturb my beauty sleep!”

Andrew looked at her coldly and said, “If you think I’m disturbing you, you can go out”

Silvia was furious. “Why don’t you eat your medicine? How can you recover if you don’t take the pills? Do you think that you’re immortal? That you will recover miraculously?”

She stood her stance and made her point loud and clear. Her demeanor made her look like a tigress brandishing its power. She was fierce, yet she appeared a little cute.

Inadvertently, the figure of the girl whom Andrew had loved for more than ten years flashed through his mind. The figure slowly overlapped with Silvia’s face, who was right before his eyes. Then, the figure slowly became blurred, while Silvia’s face became sharper.

"Andrew, are you listening to me?” No wonder Andrew felt that Silvia’s face was getting sharper in his vision. She was approaching him so closely that she almost touched his face. How could she not be clear?

Andrew pushed her away from him. “Silvia Turner, what does it have to do with you whether I’m dead or alive?” He muttered.

Silvia explained calmly. “It’s true, what does it have to do with me?” She shook her head again. “No, it does have something to do with me. If you are dead, I will have to accept being a widow at such a young age. If you don’t take the medicine, let’s get divorced. After we are divorced, I don’t really care if you are dead or alive." 

Andrew said, “Don’t even think about getting a divorce! If I’m going to die. I’ll drag you down with me.” 

This man was really evil and possessive. He wanted to die, but he also wanted to take her as a scapegoat. No matter what, Silvia couldn’t let him die.

Silvia pointed at the medicine and said, “Eat it immediately! And I want to watch you eat it. It’s for the greater good.”

Andrew then spoke up, ‘Get out!

Silvia asked cheerfully, “Are you afraid of the bitterness?” 

Andrew pointed to the door and repeated, “Get out!"

Silvia sat on his bed and said, “If you don’t eat them, I won’t go out. I will continue talking and annoy you to death" Well, this was a valid threat. Silvia had a track record of being capable enough to do that.

Andrew's face sank. “I’m fine… Ahem."

Silvia said. “This is the retribution for your lie. Hurry up and take the medicine. I’ll treat you to delicious food at noon. I heard that the roast chicken from Jiangbei is quite famous.”

Andrew responded confidently. “I’m guessing that you are the one who wants to eat that.”

Silvia defended herself quickly, “Don’t talk so much. Eat quickly.”

Andrew lay down and said, “No.” 

Silvia was losing her patience too, “Andrew, don’t make things harder for yourself."

Andrew just looked at her and sighed, “Hmm…"

Silvia’s temper flared up. “Andrew, you really think that I do not dare to do anything to you, don’t you?”

Andrew smirked, “What can you do to me?”

Silvia kept quiet. Since he was not listening to her, then she would take drastic actions.

Silvia took the medicine and pinched Andrew's chin. She forced him to open his mouth and stuffed the medicine into his mouth with brute force.

Although Andrew was sick, Silvia was no match for him. She had just put the pills into his mouth, but he opened his mouth and was about to spit them all out."

“You.” Silvia was anxious and did something she would never do. She lowered her head and covered his mouth with her lips.

Sure enough, this move was very effective. Almost instantaneously, he did not resist her. However, in just a few seconds, this man had turned the tables and took control of the situation! He actually.

“It’s so bitter!” Silvia let go of him and wanted to step back, but he pulled her into his arms and kissed her back.

“Mmm." Silvia glared at him and gestured for him to let go of her. However, not only did he not listen to her, he kissed her even harder.

“F*ck, he’s like a vampire!”

After a long time, he finally let go of her and looked at her as if he was gazing at his lovely little pet. “It turns out that you enjoy playing such games, Miss Turner!

Silvia was speechless. Could she say that she didn’t want to play with him at all?

Obviously, he wouldn’t believe it. He was looking at her with a malicious gaze. It was obvious that he thought that she was a sex maniac.

Andrew's mood seemed elated after “Want to play again?”


Silvia wiped her mouth hard. She was trying to wipe off the breath and smell that he had left on her lips. “Nobody wants to play with you!”

Andrew asked, “Then what do you want to do?

Silvia did not say a word. What was she trying to do just now? Silvia scratched her head. Why couldn’t she recall all of a sudden?

Looking at Silvia’s silly look, Andrew suddenly smiled and said, “Silvia, it’s really a miracle that you manage to live for 20 good years with such poor cognitive abilities.”

Silvia was infuriated. glared at him and snapped, “Andrew, how dare you accuse me of being an idiot?”

Andrew asked, “You don’t agree?”

“I have a high IQ of 120!” Silvia answered confidently.

Andrew then responded sarcastically, “I think your IQ must be off the charts.”

Silvia retorted, “You are the idiot! Not me!”

Andrew put on a little smirk as he said, “Mrs. Carter, please get a glass of warm water for me.”

Silvia didn’t move after hearing that. "I’m not going” She still didn’t remember why she came to see him.

“You don’t want to be a widow, do you? If you don’t get me my water, how can I take the medicine?" This woman was really silly, but her foolishness was adorable.

“Medicine? Oh, I remember now. Yes, I’m here to ask you to take your medicine.” Silvia was glad that she finally remembered.

Unexpectedly, she heard the man’s jeer, but soon, the jeer turned into a cough. Silvia scolded him, “You deserve it!”

At the same time, she still poured him a glass of water quickly.

After a night of heavy wind and heavy rain, the weather seemed to have calmed down.

In Jiangbei. At Secret Garden.

Janell Joy Carter was about to get married, and all the members of the Carter family gathered in Jiangbei. Everyone was helping with the wedding preparations.

Originally, they didn’t intend to hold Janell Joy’s wedding so early. They were all waiting for the child who ran away from home to come back, before holding the wedding.

However, Grandma Carter's health was getting worse. She had been lying in bed most of the time. The doctor said that she would not have much time left, and her greatest wish was to see her precious granddaughter get married.

Therefore, Janell Joy discussed with her family and her brother that they should hold the wedding as soon as possible so that the grandmother could enjoy it. Else, she would pass away before being able to.

Although the Carter family wanted to wait for their other child to come back, they didn’t want the elderly grandmother to leave the world with regret. In the end, everyone agreed to this plan.

Lucas Collins had long wanted to marry Janell Joy. He wanted to wake up by her side every day. After she decided to hold the wedding ceremony earlier than planned, he agreed without hesitation.

“Janell Joy, come over, have a look!” Janell Joy’s wedding dresses were all personally designed by her mother, Jane Ronan. 

The finished dress had just delivered, so her mother asked Janell Joy to check the dresses.

“Mom, I will definitely like whatever you prepared for me." Janell Joy leaned forward and hugged her mother lovingly. “I am really blessed. I have so many people who love me.”

Jane touched her daughter’s face and sighed, “It felt like I just married your father yesterday. I didn’t expect that our precious daughter would get married so soon.”

Janell Joy sighed as she responded, ‘Mom, I don’t know why but I really wanted to get married when I was younger. But now that I’m getting married, I don’t feel like it. If I got married, I would be someone else’s wife. I can’t be with my grandparents and parents every day, and I have to play the role of a good wife. Sometimes, thinking about it, I get really stressed out.”

“You speak as if you were with us every day before you got married." Jane poked her daughter’s forehead and joked, “We have not forgotten the fact that you snuck off to look for Brother Lucas just when you turned 18! "

"At that time, I was still young and naive. Now that I’ve grown up, I think that my family is the best. I can live my life without a man, but not without my family.” Of course, Janell Joy just said that casually. She didn’t intend to leave her precious Brother Lucas at all. That would drive her crazy.

“Brother Lucas, when did you get here?” Julien Carter had been silently reading a book by the side. He suddenly said this aloud and it frightened Janell Joy out of her wits. 

She looked back immediately but did not see Lucas. “Little guy, you really enjoy messing around, don’t you?” 

The little one usually didn’t say much. However, he acted so playfully before the wedding. 

“I’m studying!" Julien answered seriously. He had a serious and stern look on his face. Who would have thought that he would suddenly make fun of his sister?

Jane laughed and said to her daughter, “So now you know you shouldn’t speak too much nonsense. If your Brother Lucas heard what you said, he will not let you off the hook so easily” 

“Are you talking about me?” A tall and handsome man came from the door. He greeted Jane with a sweet smile and then looked at Janell Joy. The more he looked at his beloved Janell Joy, the more beautiful she was in his eyes. He could not look away from her. 

“Brother Lucas!” Janell Joy got up immediately and leaned into his arms. “Mom asked me to have a look at my dress. Come help pick one for me.”

“Well, I’ll leave the dresses to you two. I need to see your father," Lucas replied. 

Edwin Carter was really stubborn. He still had not personally agreed to his daughter’s wedding. His wife, Jane, was also clueless as to why he was being so unyielding.

Edwin's future son-in-law’s progress in terms of career was quicker than expected. Moreover, Lucas loved Janell Joy so much and he was also very filial to his elders. Such a good son-in-law was such a blessing to the family. Jane didn’t know what else Edwin expected out of Lucas. 

Janell Joy brought the dresses out one by one and showed them to her brother Lucas like she was presenting a treasure. “Brother Lucas, look, these are all designed by my mother. I like every one of them very much. Help me pick one.” 

Lucas could not help himself and lowered his head to kiss her. “My baby Janell is so beautiful, so I’m sure you’ll look stunning no matter what you wear.”

Janell Joy avoided his kiss and said, “Brother Lucas, come on. Choose them properly.”

Lucas held her in his arms. “I’ll pick your dress later. Let me hug you for a while.” 

“Ahem.” Jullen coughed softly and said, “Go on, I’ll head off somewhere so I won’t disturb you two.”

“Brother Lucas, look at what you have done. There’s a child around. How could you be so reckless?” Janell Joy punched Lucas and continued. “Please make sure you’re behaving appropriately next time!”

“You’ll be my legal wife soon.” He hugged Janell Joy tightly. “My dear, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this day?”

“Well, I’m sorry!" Lucas was much older than her, and she was still young. He waited for her for so long that he was almost turning into an old man.

Lucas kissed her forehead and said, “Silly girl, why are you apologizing?”

Janell Joy responded softly, “Because I made you wait for so long. Thank you for waiting for me all this while anyway. You have been so patient."

“It’s worth it! I would wait no matter how long it takes!” He lowered his head and kissed her again.

“Hey, hey, hey. Janell Joy. You were shopping with me yesterday, but why did you disappear in the end?” Angela Carter's loud voice came from outside the door of the room at such an inconvenient timing.


When Angela saw Lucas and Janell Joy hugging each other in the room, she didn’t mind at all. She walked into the room casually and said, “Your wedding is in a few days, can’t you wait till then?”

“Little Aunt, I’ve told you that I had something to attend to!” The previous day, Brother Lucas had asked Karen Joy out for a movie, so she couldn’t care less about going shopping with her Aunt Angela.

Angela glared at Janell Joy and said, “You are so heartless. You left so suddenly yesterday, so I even mistook another girl for you! I felt so awkward that I had to hide my face!”

“Well, it’s so rare for you to feel awkward!” Obviously, Janell Joy did not think that her little aunt would ever feel awkward or embarrassed.

“Watch your words. Just because you’re getting married soon, that doesn’t mean that I can’t do anything to you!” Angela pretended to be vicious and continued, “Mr. Collins, this lady will be your wife soon. You have to teach her some manners.”

Lucas chuckled, “Yes."

In fact, no matter what Janell Joy did, Lucas would stand on her side and be her strongest source of support.

Angela added, “At first glance, the girl I bumped into yesterday really looked like you!

Janell Joy became curious and asked, “Did she?”

Angela elaborated, “She really did look like you at first glance. But after looking at her closely, she didn’t. Her dressing style is quite similar to yours. She had on a very casual outfit, just like what you would usually wear.”

Although there were a lot of people in the world who looked similar, Janell Joy had not met any stranger who resembled herself yet. So, she listened to Angela attentively.

Angela continued, “That girl looked quite adorable. but she’s probably someone not to be provoked. She even accused me of being a human trafficker.”

“Haha!” Janell Joy burst into laughter. “Someone actually thought that you are a human trafficker? Now, I’m interested to meet her.”

Angela thought for a moment and said, “Janell Joy, do you think your father could have given birth to a daughter with another woman behind your mother’s back?” Although Angela knew that her brother would never betray her sister-in-law, Angela was the kind of woman who loved to say the most ridiculous nonsense to stir up trouble.

Especially recently, she had no idea what Victor James was thinking. He had stayed in the military region for quite some time and did not come home for a few days.

The previous day, Angela went over to find him, and there was a big fight between them. She argued with Victor, so she was probably still bitter about matters pertaining to love.

Janell Joy wanted to cover Angela's mouth immediately. “Little Aunt, be careful of what you say. My dad will skin you alive.”

Angela said proudly, “I’m just analyzing the situation, Edwin wouldn’t need to be worried about what I said if it’s not the truth."

“Angela Carter!” A low and stern voice sounded behind her, which startled Angela greatly. She turned around and saw her brother standing at the door with a dark look on his face.

“Brother, I’m just kidding. You’re a merciful man. Please forgive me.” Angela may not be afraid of Victor, but she was definitely afraid of the legendary Edwin Carter, who was haughty and aloof.

"Just kidding? You shouldn’t joke about my marriage.” No matter how long they had been married, Edwin still protected his wife like a precious treasure. He would not let anyone speak ill about their relationship.

“I know, I know. I won’t do it again!” Angela sounded so pitiful. After all these years, Edwin was still bullying her.

Janell Joy laughed silently as if she was mocking her Little Aunt. “Well, you should know better about what to do and what not to do!”

Angela glared at Janell Joy

Edwin looked at Lucas and said, “Come to my study."

Janell Joy heard Edwin's words and she was worried that her father would make things difficult for Lucas, so she walked over quickly and said, “Dad, I’ll go with you.”

Edwin didn’t say a word, but his eyes implied that she was not allowed to follow them.

Lucas patted Janell Joy’s head and reassured her, “Dont worry.”

But she was still worried. “But.” 

Angela grabbed her and spoke, “They are having their men’s talk. Why do you want to join in? Are you worried that your father will swallow your Brother Lucas alive?” 

Janell Joy seemed worried as she nodded, “That could possibly happen.”

Angela continued, “Although your father didn’t give his blessings explicitly, in fact, he has already agreed to your marriage. Think about it, if he actually did not agree, would you even have the chance to prepare for the ceremony?” 

Janell Joy said sullenly, “I know."

It was true, but Janell Joy couldn’t help worrying about her Brother Lucas Although Lucas was also powerful and wise, Edwin was still an elder in the family. In front of Edwin, Brother Lucas would always be at a disadvantage.


In the study.

The atmosphere was tense. The two men stood facing each other. They were of the same height and had similar build. Both of them looked at each other with a sullen face. It seemed that neither of them wanted to break the silence first.

Edwin looked at the man standing in front of him carefully. Over the years, he had tested Lucas numerous times, and Lucas had passed them all. Gradually, Edwin was somewhat satisfied with this future son-in-law of his.

However, there was always a knot in Edwin's heart that made him reluctant to hand over his daughter easily. Once his daughter got married, his role as her father would be less significant.

He had worked so hard to raise Janell Joy. Whenever Edwin thought that his daughter would be taken away by some other man, he felt uncomfortable. 

Lucas stood in front of Edwin, holding his head high and he looked as intimidating as his future father-in-law. However, he had to admit defeat first. After all, he wanted to marry his daughter.

Lucas broke the ice first, speaking respectfully, “Uncle Edwin, what did you want to say to me?

Lucas put his ego down first, so Edwin also put his guard down. “I know you love Janell Joy deeply, but I wonder how long this love will last?” 

Lucas could see that Edwin was most worried about Lucas's loyalty and commitment, so he answered carefully, “Uncle, I will use my actions to prove my love. You will see it.”

“Janell Joy is my only daughter and also our first child. She suffered a lot when she was born and we almost couldn’t keep her alive several times. You should know that it is my duty to give this child of mine all the best things in the world” It was the first time Edwin spoke so much to Lucas.

“Do you think I’m not good enough?” Lucas understood the implied meaning of Edwin's words.

“Yes.” Edwin also answered honestly, “In my heart, she is the most excellent girl in the world, but you are definitely not the most excellent man the world. These years, you barely passed my tests. However, my daughter likes you, so I can only give my blessings."

“Thank you!” Lucas understood what Edwin meant. Edwin had the thoughts that every father would have for their daughters. To Edwin, his daughter was the most excellent child in the world, and no man was worthy of her.

Edwin continued, “I also want to thank you.” 

Lucas was puzzled. “Thank me?”

Edwin explained calmly, "Thank you for showering her with love. Because of you, she’s been blessed and loved profoundly.”


Outside the study

Janell Joy placed her ear close to the door and wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation in the study room but the sound insulation was too high that she couldn’t hear anything.

She was so anxious and she kept fidgeting around. Her mother, Jane, who was holding a cup of tea, witnessed everything from behind her. She shook her head and asked, “Baby Janell, what are you doing?”

Janell Joy was a little embarrassed when she was caught eavesdropping. She smiled awkwardly and said, “Mom, Dad is talking to Brother Lucas inside. I wanted to ask them if they need anything.”

How could a mother not understand what her daughter was thinking? Jane handed the cup in her hand to Janell Joy and said, “Just about time. Send this cup of tea into your dad’s study. By the way, tell him that I have something to talk to him about.”

Janell Joy said happily “Mom, you’re the best!”

Jane patted her daughter’s shoulder and said, “You’re my daughter, of course, I am going to help you. Go ahead, or your Brother Lucas might really be eaten up by your father."

However, at this time, the door suddenly swung open. Lucas came out and saw his future mother-in-law with Janell Joy, “Are you two… worried about me?’' 

Janell Joy returned the cup of tea to her mother. Then she took Lucas's hand and checked for any injuries on him, “Brother Lucas, did my father do anything to you?”

Lucas smiled gently and said, “Silly girl, Dad asked me to take good care of you in the future."

“Really?” Janell Joy did not believe him, but she noticed that Lucas addressed her father as ‘Dad”. This proved that their discussion in the study went well.

Janell Joy finally felt relieved and said, “It’s good that you’re alright. I’m really worried that you two would fight in the study.”

She didn’t forget that a few years ago, because of that fateful incident, her father had punched Brother Lucas twice, but Brother Lucas couldn’t fight back. At that time, Janell Joy couldn’t help but feel sorry for Lucas.

Looking at the loving relationship between her daughter and Lucas, Jane also felt genuinely happy. She said, “You two can go about your day now. I’ll bring the tea in for your father.” 

Janell Joy said, “Thank you, mother!”

Jane smiled sweetly at her daughter, “I’ll catch you later.”

After watching them leave, Jane opened the door and walked into the study. Edwin was not in front of the desk, but he stood by the window and looked at the distance. It seemed that he had something on his mind.

Jane put the cup of tea on the desk and came to Edwin's side. She grabbed his hand gently and asked, “Edwin, what’s wrong? Are you still unhappy with your future son-in-law?”

“No."  Edwin lowered his head and looked at Jane's rosy and tender face. “Jane, Andrew has returned to Jiangbei.”

“What? Andrew is back? Is it true?” Jane asked again. She was also very worried about their child who had been wandering outside all these years. 

Edwin added, “He arrived at Jiangbei yesterday noon. He checked into the hotel next to Grandover Hotel. He also brought a girl along with him.” 

“He brought a girl with him? Does this mean that he has moved on? That he’s willing to reunite with us?” Jane was so excited that she clenched Edwin's hand. 

“Edwin, Mom has been sick in bed these days and she misses Andrew every day. Shall we invite him home?”

Looking at Jane's excited look, Edwin hugged her tightly in his arms and said, ”I know you are worried about Andrew, but we can’t do that.” 

Jane did not understand why. “He has returned to Jiangbei. Why can’t we ask him to come home?”

Edwin explained patiently, “Look, he is already in Jiangbei, but he did not come back to us. This proves that he hasn’t let go of the past yet." 

Jane's mood suddenly sank. “Oh..”

The child was also part of their family. If Andrew was not with them, there would always be a gap in the family. They were incomplete yet, they couldn’t force him to come back. 

Everyone was waiting for Andrew to overcome his inner struggles. They were eagerly waiting for him to return to the family. No matter when it would be, as long as Andrew returned, they would welcome him with open arms.

Edwin patted Jane's back gently and comforted her in silence.


Janell Joy pulled Lucas aside and asked, “Brother Lucas, what did Dad specifically say to you just now?”

“He just told me to take good care of you." Lucas couldn’t stop kissing Janell Joy as he spoke, “Janell Joy, there are only three days left. Only three days.”

After waiting for so many years, he finally could marry his beloved girl. He could take care of her and love her as her husband. Just the thought of it made Lucas extremely excited.

Janell Joy wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. “Brother Lucas.."

Lucas asked worriedly, “Janell, what’s wrong?”

Janell nestled in his arms and muttered, "I have always known that I am going to marry you, but I don’t know why. The closer we are to our wedding day, the more uneasy I feel.”

Lucas kissed her forehead and caressed her head. He moved her head to look up at him and said, “My dear, don’t worry, I’m here with you."

"I know you are here." If it weren’t for Lucas's presence, Janell would be even more scared. However, if Lucas were not there, Janell would not be getting married at all!

She felt that she had been a little paranoid recently. She didn’t know what she was worried about specifically, but something was bothering her.

Lucas had noticed that Janell was acting slightly odd these days, but Lucas thought she was getting cold feet from the wedding. If it was not handled well, the situation could become more serious.

He held her in his arms and said, “I’ll take you somewhere."

Janell Joy looked up at him, “Where are we going?”

Lucas responded, “It’s a surprise. You’ll know when you get there.”

Janell Joy pulled him and said, “Brother Lucas, I’m sorry!”

Lucas frowned at her, “Why are you saying sorry to me again?” 

Janell Joy took a deep breath and explained. "I’ve been thinking about someone these days. I’m wondering where he is right now and also wondering if he is doing well."

Lucas knew that Janell was thinking of her brother, Andrew, who had run away from home three years ago.

Three years ago, after Andrew left, Janell never mentioned him ever again, but this didn’t mean that she wasn’t thinking of him. On the contrary, she might miss Andrew and worry about his safety more than anyone else. However, Janell was not willing to say it out. She was worried that her family would be saddened too.

Janell swallowed uneasily and said, “I really want him to attend my wedding. I really want him to give me his blessings, but I want him to find his own happiness too. However, after so many years, I still have not heard any news about him. I don’t even know if he is still alive.”

Lucas comforted her, “Janell, he must be alive and well.” 

Janell Joy didn’t want to cry, but she couldn’t stop her tears from rolling down. “Brother Lucas, I’m sorry! I know I shouldn’t think about another person every day before the wedding, but I just can’t help thinking about him. The closer the wedding day is, the more I miss him.”

“I thought about what he had done for me in the past. He really cared for me. No matter what my requests were, no matter how unreasonable they were, he tried his best to fulfill them. However, I’d always thought he had ulterior motives when he was so caring to me."

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