Friday, November 6, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1086 - 1090


CHAPTERS 1086 - 1090


“Hey there miss, what a coincidence. We meet again.” It was the hooligan who harassed Silvia on the bus. He brought along some people with him this time. It seemed that he had been following Silvia.

“Yeah, what a coincidence!” Silvia smiled and answered calmly. She masked her fear really well.

“It’s late. It’s dangerous to go home alone. Let us take you home." The hooligan approached Silvia slowly and gave his accomplice a look. He was signalling for the others to surround Silvia.

Silvia smiled and said sweetly, “Well, I was just getting worried that I won’t be able to get home in this storm. I guess I’ll have to ask for some favours."

Silvia agreed quickly, and her expression was calm. She didn’t show any panic at all, which made the people around her a little worried. Hooligans like them just wandered around the city every day. When they saw young and beautiful girls, they would either cheat or steal from them. If not, they might even kidnap the girls and traffic them elsewhere.

They were committing a crime, but they tried to do it in the dark. They were not bold enough, especially when they were afraid of provoking someone they couldn’t afford to offend.

The hooligan asked, “Are you really alone?

“Yes, I’m alone, there’s no one else. Hey, are you all sending me home together?" Silvia pointed to a direction casually. “My house is over there. It’s not far away. We can walk back together."

“Little girl, what’s your last name?” One of the thugs seemed to have met her somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember where exactly.

Silvia answered calmly, “Don’t you want to send me home? I’ll tell you what my last name is when I get home. Oh no.. I’ll ask my dad to tell you. He likes to make new friends."

The thug who asked the question earlier suddenly leaned into the hooligan’s ear and said, “Brother Billy, isn’t this girl from Shengtian?”

“How is it possible?” Hearing the word Shengtian, the hooligan became very shocked. D*mn it, if they provoked someone from Shengtian, they would die an ugly death.

The man looked back at Silvia, and then he whispered in the hooligan’s ear, “The news of the wedding of the daughter of Shengtian has been going around these days. I saw a photo that day, but it was deleted before I could save it. I vaguely remember that the daughter of Shengtian looked like her”

The hooligan had some doubts. “It’s raining cats and dogs out here. How could the precious daughter of Shengtian hang out alone in the streets in the middle of the night?”

“She must have argued with her family. Brother Billy, the direction she is pointing at." The man gestured for the hooligan to take a look. In that direction, there was Secret Garden, the place where the ultra-rich families of Jiangbei lived. 

“Brother Billy, there are pretty girls everywhere. I think we’d better not take this risk”

Although there were pretty girls everywhere, it was the first time the hooligan saw such a mesmerizing and beautiful girl like Silvia.

The hooligan had been cheating people for a long time. After all these years. It was rare for him to meet such a precious-looking girl. He knew that he could definitely sell her for a good price. Therefore, he was reluctant to let her go easily.

“Brother Billy, think about it. Is money more important than your life?” The man tried to persuade him softly, as he was worried that he would suffer as well. 

“Little girl, what’s your last name?” The hooligan did not want to give up easily. He wanted a clear answer. If she said some other name, he would take her immediately.

At that time, even if he caught the wrong person and someone from the Carter family came looking for her, it was not his fault. She did not say that she was a member of the Carter family.

“Hmm, why are you so curious about my last name?” Silvia was smart. When she saw them whispering, she could guess what they were talking about. When she heard them asking for her last name several times, she guessed that they were confirming her identity.

It was very likely that Andrew sent them over to bully her. It was not enough that he had bullied her, as he still wanted to recruit others to destroy her too. She knew that as long as she said that her last name was Turner, she would be taken away by these people immediately, so she could never say her real name.

The hooligan pursued and asked, “Little girl, tell me. I’ll send you home as soon as you tell me. I promise to send you home safely.”

Silvia smiled slightly and blinked her beautiful eyes again. “Since you are so curious, I will tell you, my last name is.”

“Her last name is Carter!” Suddenly, a cold male voice came from behind the crowd. A tall man then appeared in their sight.

Being involved in gangsterism for so long, they were good at recognizing people. Just by looking at this person, they knew that he was not easy to deal with. When they heard that her last name was Carter, they ran off scattering. 

Andrew Carter came to Silvia’s side and looked at her coldly. He was taller than her and had a powerful aura. Standing in front of Silvia, she felt intimidated but she didn’t want to appear scared. She smiled and said, “Young Master Carter, it’s you! What a coincidence! I didn’t expect to meet you here." 

Seeing the culprit who got her into this mess and the thought of almost being carried away by gangsters, Silvia was furious. Perhaps she was too angry that she could appear ridiculously calm. She could still talk to him like nothing happened.

“Yes, Miss Turner, what a coincidence. I didn’t expect to meet you here." This woman was really looking for death. Not only did she give his phone number to others, she even asked other women to come to him. Was she so eager to push him to another woman?

If he didn’t come in time, would she leave with those gangsters? He thought that this wild woman could really do such a thing.

Silvia blinked and smiled innocently and sweetly. “It’s so late now. Why are you not sleeping with a woman in your arms? What are you doing here?"

Andrew was angry, but he laughed, “The weather is lovely tonight, so I came out for a walk.”

“Yes, the weather is indeed lovely. It’s nice to come out for a walk." Silvia couldn’t wait to spit on him. He was really good at acting. Well, in this windy and rainy weather, he might be able to pick up a few homeless beauties. The weather was really lovely.

“Miss Turner, what about you? It’s so late now. Are you taking a walk outside too?” He was also laughing, but his smile was gloomy and creepy.

“What do you think?” She was furious as she thought about how he could ask so casually. If it weren’t for him, why would she be in such a mess? 

“What do I think?” Andrew sneered, and there was anger in his eyes. He clenched his fist to control himself from snapping her neck. 

“Don’t pretend!”  Silvia was also laughing, but she was gritting her teeth. She knew she couldn’t win over physical fights with him, so she couldn’t act too irrationally now. Deep down, she wanted to beat him up so badly. 

The two of them stared at each other intensely. Tension was building up, and both of them were not willing to take a step back.


The wind was blowing wildly, and the rain became torrential. Even the huge door of the mall entrance could not keep out the wind and the rain.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew over Silvia and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Andrew acted quickly and caught her in time. 

“Get your filthy hands off me!” Silvia shook him off hard. However, she could not keep her balance and stumbled to the ground. “You. you.”

This scuml He must have done it on purpose. He just wanted to mess with her!

“What?” Andrew stood in front of her looking down at her with an aloof gaze. It was as if he was a mighty emperor looking down at his humble servant.

“You.” Silvia got up hurriedly and she was fuming with anger. Her blood was boiling and she felt like she was going to explode from exasperation.

She was so close to blowing up from rage, but Andrew remained indifferent and cold. Silvia thought she was lucky she did not spit blood out of exasperation given the circumstance.

The wind was still howling, and the rain was still pouring. If they did not leave the place immediately, they would probably be stuck there.

Suddenly, something flashed through Andrew's mind, as if there was a voice laughing at his childishness. Had he ever been so idle to stand around arguing with a lady like this?

He shook his head and spoke softly, “Come with me when you’re done making a fuss.”

“Do I have to follow you just because you said so?” Silvia challenged. Did he really think she was his little pet? That he could order her around?!

“You still want to fool around?”

“Yes, why not? Just show me all your dirty tricks. If I admit defeat, I’ll be your slave."

Andrew's face sank, and his anger slowly rose. “Well, if you want to play, then I'll play with you. Tell me, what do you want to play? How many men do you need to serve you?”

“Men? The more, the merrier!” Silvia gritted her teeth. Seeing that he was still so calm and indifferent, she wanted to beat him up.

Silvia did not mean to attack him, but suddenly she became very impulsive and rushed toward Andrew without thinking. She grabbed and hit him again and again. “Andrew Carter, you bastard! Bastard! I will kill you today” 

“Silvia, are you crazy?” Andrew grabbed her hand and looked at her angrily. “I warned you! Stop lashing out at me like an insane person, else you’d better watch out."

Silvia kicked him nonetheless. “I am insane? You’re the one who brought me to this damn place and left me alone at the airport. How dare you say that I am insane? I will hurt you so hard that you’ll be begging me for mercy.”

Andrew was confused by Silvia’s words, so he asked, “Left you at the airport? Weren’t you the one who wanted to play hide and seek with me?"

 “Play hide and seek with you?” Silvia stamped on his foot furiously. “Andrew, you scum! You animal! Are you having fun torturing me like this? What did I do to deserve this treatment?"

She didn’t remember when she had offended him and she didn’t understand why he punished her in such a cruel way. She didn’t owe him anything,

This time, Andrew did not stop her. He allowed her to punch him in the chest repeatedly. When she got tired, he grabbed her and brought her into his arms. “Come on, fight a little harder It’s not like you to admit defeat so soon."

"Andrew! You are so twisted!” Silvia raised her fist and punched his face. He didn’t dodge it, instead, he took the blow firmly, and soon a bruise appeared on his face.

It was the first time in his life that he had been hit by a woman. Andrew's face darkened immediately. If he wasn’t a well-educated, well-mannered young man, he would have sent Silvia flying with a single punch.

However, Silvia had no intention of stopping. She was not satisfied with only one punch and wanted to hit him a second time. However, this time, Andrew did not let her do it. He grabbed her hand, placed her on his shoulder, and carried her into the pouring rain. If she wanted to go crazy, he would go crazy with her.

The rain was very heavy at that time. Instantly, both of them were drenched. The rain was so heavy that they could barely open their eyes.

"Andrew, what did I do to deserve this?” If he wanted to get wet in the pouring rain, why did he pull her along with him? She was not interested in getting drenched by the rain!

Andrew answered in a deep voice, “You want to kill me, don’t you? Now I’ll let you do it. Show me how.”

“If you let me down, you will find out how I would deal with you.” She was furious at how he underestimated her abilities and she wanted to prove him wrong.

Andrew really put her down obediently. As soon as she stood on the ground, Silvia wanted to run off somewhere to take cover from the torrential rain. However, Andrew grabbed her back immediately,

“You.” She was very pissed off already.

“Go ahead. Show me what you’re going to do." Andrew was also losing his mind and they were both testing each other’s limits.

Silvia became impatient. She couldn’t bear his provocation. She grabbed his hand and bit it hard. “I will bite you to death, b*stard.”

She bit him, but he didn’t cry out in pain. Instead, she suddenly burst into tears. The more she cried, the sadder she became. “You left me alone at the airport, didn’t have anything on me. Do you know how scared I was?”

No matter how strong she was and how unwilling she was to admit defeat, she broke down as she had hit her limit. She threw herself into his arms and cried like an abandoned child.

“Why didn’t you call me?” His heart softened at the sight of her crying so hard. He patted her back gently to calm her down.

She was crying so hard that her body was trembling. “My phone is with you. I don’t remember your phone number." Huh! Silvia could still lie at such a time. 

Hence, Andrew did not hesitate to expose her lie. “You said you don’t remember my phone number, but you can remember clearly when you gave it to someone else?”

“What do you mean I gave your phone number to someone else?” Silvia would never admit to it even if Andrew beat her to death. She didn’t know what he would do to her if she did.

“Huh.” He sneered.

“You left me at the airport on purpose. If I called you, you wouldn’t care about me. Why should I embarrass myself?” No matter if he believed her story, she would not admit to it anyway. She wanted to put all the blame on him. Besides, he was the one who made her suffer.

“Okay, don’t cry. Let’s go back to the hotel.” This time, Andrew was the one to blame. Before he had clarified the situation, he had assumed she had run away, leading to this misunderstanding.

He did not think about how she did not have any forms of identification on her. and she was not an idiot. Why would she run away? He realized that he had been prejudiced against her.

“If you promise that you won’t harm me again, I’ll go back with you." She would admit defeat this time. When they got back to Madison City, she would teach him a lesson properly! She knew that it wasn’t the right time to go against him now.

Andrew had no choice but to say, “If you listen to me, and naturally, I won’t do anything to harm you.”

Silvia reached out her hand and said, “Pinky swear!”

Andrew did not play along and he responded, “You’re so childish!”

Silvia asked, “Do you still want to harm me then?”

Andrew extended his pinky reluctantly and hooked it onto hers.


Back at the hotel.

Andrew checked into a luxurious suite with two bedrooms and one living area. He slept in the master bedroom, so this implied that Silvia could occupy the other room.

Both of them were drenched to the skin. The moment they returned to the hotel, they went to their own rooms and took a hot bath.

Silvia’s hair was quite long, so it took her some time to shower and to dry her hair. When she came out wearing the childish cartoon pajamas that he had prepared for her, Andrew was already waiting in the living area. He didn’t wear pajamas and only wrapped himself with a bath towel. She didn’t know if he was trying to show his solid abdominal muscles deliberately.

What attracted Silvia’s attention more than his muscles was a scar near his heart. It did not look like a deep cut, but Silvia could still see it at a glance. The wound was so close to his heart, it was probably almost fatal.

Andrew felt his mood lift when he caught Silvia staring at him. He asked in a lighter tone than usual, “What are you looking at?”

Silvia sat down far away from him and crossed her legs as elegantly as she usually did. “I think you’re good-looking, so I decided to look at you."

Her tone was a little aggressive, but the content of her words sounded pleasing. Andrew pointed to the side and said, “Drink the medicine in that glass.”

Silvia got up and stepped back immediately. “Are you trying to polson me?”

Andrew asked in a deep voice, “Silvia, are you suffering from some form of acute paranoia?” 

Silvia sat back and said, "I have to be careful when I’m around someone like you. I might be sold off at any time.”

Andrew added, “Do you really think of me that badly?”

Silvia shrugged her shoulders and responded, “What do you think?” 

She was right. He forced himself on her and kept her by his side. He was indeed a bad person. He kept quiet. Silvia looked at the glass and asked, “Well, Andrew, I don’t think you would really add poison to this.”

Jayden answered calmly, “The medicine helps prevent colds.”

"I’m very healthy, it’s not easy for me to catch a cold. I don’t need this." Silvia didn’t believe that he was so caring. Anyway, she didn’t think she needed medicine. She rubbed her belly as she answered, “I prefer eating than taking medicine."

Her stomach seemed to play along, making a low grumble, and then she said, ” I only had that meal on the plane. I haven’t eaten anything since. I am starving."


Before Andrew could respond, the doorbell rang. He got up and opened the door, and then he pushed the dining cart into the living area. “After you’re done, the waiter will take it away.”

Silvia’s eyes lit up at the sight of the delicious food. “Did.. Did you prepare this for me?"

Andrew did not answer her. He turned around and walked to the bedroom. Behind him. Silvia spoke up cheerfully. “Young Master Carter, aren’t you eating? Wow. thank you so much!”

He did not respond to her again, but he was thinking about something. Why was she so happy? He only prepared dinner for her. How could she be satisfied so easily? Well then, why wasn’t that 'woman’ touched by his actions before?

He had done so many things for her, he even nearly sacrificed his life to her. However, she still treated him like an enemy and never took him seriously. How could she be so cruel?

He had asked himself this question many times, but he had never found an answer.

Perhaps the answer had been in his heart for a long time, but he didn’t want to admit it.

Ahem, ahem

Every time it rained, Andrew's old wound would hurt and his body would become weak. As he had been drenched in the rain earlier when he went to look for Silvia, hence, his condition had gotten more serious,

He coughed for a long time, showing no signs of stopping. Silvia, who was eating happily in the living room, vaguely heard the coughing coming from the bedroom.

Did Andrew catch a cold?

Silvia thought scornfully of him. He was a grown-up man, how could he have such a weak body? He was even weaker than a skinny girl like herself. She continued to enjoy the delicious food in the living area. After she ate her fill, she asked the waiter to take the dining cart away.

When she was about to go back to her room to rest, she heard a few strong coughs coming from the main bedroom again, which sounded quite serious. Silvia went over and knocked on his door.

There was no response. She twisted the door handle nonetheless, and fortunately, the door was not locked. She opened the door and walked in. “Mr. Carter, did you catch a cold?’

“Who let you in? Get out!” The lights in the room were not turned on. Silvia could not see him, but she only heard his gloomy roar.

"Do you think I’d want to come in willingly?” It was all because Silvia had heard his serious coughing. So, she was worried if something had happened to him, she could be charged with murder.

Silvia slammed the door shut after leaving the room and turned back to the door to hell, “You can hide inside and cough alone. Even if you cough to death, no one will help you.”

Andrew was unpredictable and hostile, and he would scold and hurt her all of a sudden. Silvia thought that he should be destined to be lonely for the rest of his life.

When Silvia returned to her room, she crawled into the bed and was ready to sleep. However, she could not fall asleep even though she was obviously very tired. Her mind was in a mess.

Andrew coughed so hard that she could hear it from her room. If anything untoward happened to him, would Silvia be deemed as those jinxed women from old wives’ tales that would bring misfortune wherever they went?

Although she really wanted Andrew to die, he couldn’t die on her watch. She knew she would suffer for the rest of her life if that happened. After thinking about it again. Silvia plucked up the courage to come to Andrew's room again.

She placed her ear on the door to listen to the noise from inside. After listening for a long time, she couldn’t hear any coughing coming from the room.

Perhaps he had fallen asleep. It seemed that he was not seriously ill since he was able to sleep, so she thought of going back to sleep too. Silvia turned around and left. 

After a few steps, she thought of something. Not long ago, he coughed so badly and she knew that he did not take any medicine. Why did he suddenly stop coughing? Could it be. that he was dead?

Silvia was stunned at the possibility of that. Suddenly, she felt chills down her spine. It felt gloomy and terrifying!

Oh no.!

If the person in the room was dead, should she call the police? “No, I have to see what’s going on. If he’s still breathing, I’ll have to call 911 to save him!” Silvia thought to herself. Although she hated him, she could not bear not to save his life.

Silvia opened the door and walked in. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over her. The wind was so strong that it almost threw her out of the room. She grabbed the door handle to stabilize herself.

“Are you looking to die?!” Andrew was coughing so heavily, but he still opened the large, French windows in the room. It was still raining so heavily outside.

“Please, if you want to die, please die somewhere else at another time. Don’t die when I’m with you, okay?” Silvia said to herself.

The lights were still turned off. Silvia searched in the dark for a while before she found the switch. She turned on the lights and looked around, only to find that there was no one on the bed.

Where did he go?

Silvia glanced around and spotted the sofa beside the window. Andrew was sitting quietly on the sofa, looking out of the window, as if something was attracting him from that direction.


“Hey. Young Master Carter?” Silvia approached him carefully as she was very fearful, but Andrew still did not notice her.

He appeared to be too engrossed in the view outside his windows that it seemed like his soul had left his body. Perhaps that was why he seemed unbothered by the strong wind, and also why he didn’t notice Silvia’s voice.

At that split second, Silvia suddenly felt a twinge of heartache for Andrew. It was the tiniest flash of heartache, so tiny that Silvia did not even realize it.

Silvia glanced at him and ran over immediately to close the windows. She turned around to Andrew's side. “Andrew, do you want to die?”

This time, upon hearing her voice, his eyes lit up. However, when his gaze fell on her face, the light in his eyes slowly faded away, and finally, there was silence again.

Silvia was not her. Silvia was not the girl he had been waiting for.

The bitterness built up in Andrew's heart. He knew that no matter if he was sick or dead, that girl he was missing, would not care about him at all.

He had known this fact for a long time, but every time he thought of it, he would still feel disappointed. 

He didn’t know what he was looking forward to. He didn’t know what he was still holding on to He didn’t know why he tortured himself so badly.

He was tired of this life. He didn’t want to think about anything related to that person anymore. Andrew closed his eyes slowly, wishing that everything was over.

“Andrew, can you hear me?" Silvia raised her hand and waved it in front of his eyes. He didn’t look too well and Silvia was worried.

He was right in front of her, but she felt that a part of him was gone. He was like a body whose soul had been taken away and he was just living in limbo, floating between life and death.

Silvia guessed that he must be going through some emotional pain, so deep down that no one else could help him with. She knelt beside him and patted him on the back of his hand gently with her gentleness. 

“Andrew, you only live once, there is no second chance at life. This is a quote from a video game that I played.”

“After reading this quote, I have always told myself that I should care about my family very much. Look at me, my father died in a car accident, others are trying to take over his company, my mother is lying sick in bed, and was fcking raped by an a*hole like you. But yet, I never thought of dying."

"As long as you are still alive, there is hope. When you die, there will be nothing left except for your bones. Think about it, one day, you will end up six feet under, lying in the dirt. At that time, what else can you do?”

Silvia sighed and continued, “Take it easy. Things will get better. Nothing is more important than your life.” Silvia said a lot in one breath and shared her insights with him. She didn’t expect that Andrew had fallen asleep on the sofa.

"This bastard!”

She shared such an important life principle, but he had actually fallen asleep. He did not even hear a single word she had said, so it was impossible for him to even remember them.

Silvia gritted her teeth and fought the urge to kick him, but soon, she realized something was off. When he exhaled, his breath was unusually hot. Silvia touched his forehead immediately. This time, she felt that her hand was almost burned by his forehead.

Andrew was drenched in the rain with her in the evening, and the wind was blowing strongly in his room. Silvia realized that he must be battling a fever. “Gosh, Andrew, I can’t wait to throw you out of the window.” Silvia scolded as she supported him to lie on the bed.

He was tall and had an athletic figure. When she supported him, she felt his weight on her body and thought that she was about to get crushed. When she placed him onto the bed, Silvia lost her balance and stumbled over.

In the end, she fell into his arms.

Just as she was about to get up, he held her in his arms suddenly and said, “Don’t go!”

Silvia tried to push his hand away. “Are you mad? I’m not going to get burned alive by you."

“Don’t go!" Andrew repeated the words. His voice was very weak, but he still held her tightly.

"I’m not a fever patch. What’s the use of holding me?” Silvia thought sarcastically, perhaps Andrew lacked maternal love since he was young. Every time he got sick, he would treat Silvia as his mother.

To tell the truth, at present, he was really acting like a child. He did not have his usual overbearing and tyrannical aura. He was not as vicious as usual. He had become as quiet as a newborn baby.

“Don’t go!” Andrew still held her tightly in his arms, and repeated the same line. 

“Okay, I won’t go. Son, don’t worry. I will be with you." Silvia rubbed his head lovingly. If he lacked maternal love, she would just have to play along and pretend to be his mother.

Sure enough, when Andrew heard Silvia’s nurturing tone and words, he stopped talking and went to sleep obediently. 

“If I have a son like you, I would definitely lose my life.” Silvia thought how funny this scene was. No matter how strong this person was, as long as he was sick he would be as fragile as a child.

She looked at Andrew attentively and thought that he was really good-looking, He had well-defined facial features, a perfect figure, and a pleasant voice.


What was she thinking about? Even if he was handsome, It couldn’t cover the despicable truth about him.

If it weren’t for her goodwill and kind heart, she would have taken advantage of this time to teach him a lesson. She would make him beg for her mercy. After some time, it took a lot of effort for her to get out of his arms. Silvia contacted the hotel staff hurriedly to ask for a doctor.

The doctor gave Andrew a jab after measuring his body temperature. He also gave Andrew some fever medication and requested Silvia to monitor his medicine intake. The doctor also ordered that she should measure his body temperature in half an hour. If the fever does not subside by then, he would need to go to the hospita.l

After seeing the doctor off, Silvia returned to his room and touched Andrew's forehead. She felt that his fever seemed to have subsided, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

She sat down beside his bed and said, “Andrew, did you hear that? If you don’t get better, you need to go to the hospital. Look at the storm outside, it’s probably flooding out on the streets. If your fever doesn’t get better, you’ll suffer even more in this weather. Think for yourself."

"Andrew, what on earth are you hiding in your heart?” Silvia looked at him curiously. “Is your family broken? Or did your girlfriend run off with another man?”

After thinking about it for a while, Silvia hypothesized that family issues might be a more possible reason for his depression. Over the years, the legendary “Mr. Carter” was gossiped about around Madison City. However, no one had ever mentioned him having a wife before.

Silvia thought that it was very likely that Mr. Carter divorced his wife and raised his son alone. However, he was so busy with his career that he ignored his son. As a result, Andrew grew up without his parents’ love. Hence, he gradually grew into the twisted and bitter man as he was now.


"Andrew, even if your parents don’t love you, you have to love yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself, you will get hurt.”

Silvia thought that Andrew was really stupid at times. He was foolish enough to push the limits of his body and risk his life. To be honest, Silvia hated people who behaved this way the most. If Andrew were really her son, she would definitely regret her decision of giving birth to him.

Although she hated him, she was still worried that his fever would worsen. Hence, she measured his body temperature from time to time. She stayed by him for a few hours.

It was getting late, and Silvia was feeling sleepy. It didn’t take long for her to climb up his bed and lay down beside him. Therefore, when Andrew woke up and opened his eyes, he noticed a woman lying next to him. She had wrapped her arms and feet around him, like a koala bear.

What caught Andrew's attention the most was how unsightly Silvia looked while she was asleep. Maybe because she was dreaming, she was drooling and her saliva was all over his chest.

He looked at her with disgust and wanted to push her away from his body. However, she seemed to be clinging onto him with some strong adhesive. The more he pushed her away, the more she clung to him.

“Dad, your fried chicken tastes the best.” In her sleep, Silvia suddenly licked and opened her mouth to bite Andrew's chest.


This damned woman, how long had she been hungry? How could she bite him as if he was a piece of fried chicken?

Andrew's face darkened and he pushed her away from his body. Silvia woke up and looked at him feeling extremely confused.

After looking at him for a while, she suddenly remembered that she was taking care of him and monitoring his fever. Without thinking much, she leaned forward and wanted to touch his forehead. However, before she could do so, Andrew stopped her. “Why are you on my bed?"

Silvia was slightly stunned. She stayed up late to take care of him and she just wanted to check on his current condition. However, this heartless man thought that she wanted to take advantage of him. Her kindness was being mistaken as an act of hostility.


Did he think that she would willingly sleep with him just because he was good looking? She didn’t have any thoughts about him at all.

Silvia then got off the bed. She looked at him coldly and said, “Young Master Carter, don’t worry, I’m not as despicable as you. I won’t take advantage of you when you’re unconscious."

Andrew didn’t know what to say.

Silvia turned around and poured a cup of warm water. She put it on the bedside table and spoke coldly, “The doctor advised for you to drink more water.”

Andrew still kept quiet.

Silvia turned around and went out of the room regardless. “You don't have to thank me. I helped you because I just don’t want to be charged with murder.”


After leaving the room, Silvia slammed the door shut. It was not enough for her to just slam the door Silvia raised her foot and kicked the door hard. She shouted, “Andrew, don’t forget that I am your legal wife. Even if I sleep with you, it is reasonable and also, within the law."

She was really pissed off.

He was such a heartless bastard. So, even if he was standing butt naked in front of her, she would not have any improper thoughts of him. Silvia went back to the room angrily and nestled in the soft quilt. “B”stard, you can suffer on your own. Let’s see how capable you are.”

Suddenly, she thought something was odd. Usually, a bunch of people followed Andrew wherever he was in Madison City. However, he didn’t bring any of them to Jiangbei during this trip.

What on earth did he want to do?

Why did she care so much about him? Silvia was even angrier at herself. She was angry that she always thought about him and she was so worried about him.


A new WhatsApp message popped up on her mobile phone. Silvia opened it and saw that it was from Prince, who was in Madison City, “Boss, where have you been?"

Silvia thought for a moment and replied with just a word, “Honeymoon!”.

Soon, Prince replied the message. “Boss, I would trust you if you told me you’re flying in the air. However, if you told me that you’re on your honeymoon, might not even trust that despite being held at gunpoint.”

Silvia replied, “Brat, what do you mean by that? Explain yourself!”

How could he look down on her? When she gets back, she would definitely teach Prince a lesson!

Prince replied, “Boss, apart from Felix, is there any man in this world who likes you? I’m not looking down on you deliberately or mocking you, but you really don’t act like a woman.”

Hearing the name Felix, Silvia paused and her eyes started to grow hot, with tears welling up. She admitted that Prince was right. Besides her father, Felix treated her the best in the world.

She would probably never meet another man like Felix. No man would love her as much as he did. Silvia did not reply to his text, so Prince called her shortly after, “Boss, I don’t want to reopen old wounds. But, I just think it’s time to let go of the past.”

Silvia took a deep breath. “I know."

Even if she didn’t let go of it, even if Felix were still alive, so what? There was a damned Andrew between Silvia and Felix now.

Prince asked again, “Boss, what have you been up to these days?”

Silvia replied, “I'm out of town for a break. I should be back in a few days."

Prince continued. “That Norman Turner and his people have been caught. You have avenged for Uncle. It’s great that you’re away and taking a break now. However, please come back earlier. Lemur and I are still waiting to celebrate with you”

Silvia said listlessly, “He got what he deserved. There’s nothing to celebrate.” 

Prince said, “We are celebrating the fact that you got back the company that your father worked hard for. We are celebrating that you are officially taking over Wateria Corporation.”

Silvia was very surprised, “I will take over Wateria Corporation? Prince, where did you hear the news? I haven’t heard about this."

Prince smiled, “Boss, the Public Relations Department of Wateria Corporation has held a press conference. When you come back, you will officially take office. The news was made public, so why are you still pretending in front of me? Aren’t we buddies?”

Silvia was stunned.

She really didn’t know anything about this. She only knew that the evidence of the murder caused Norman to be arrested by the police. As for other things, she did not have the chance to follow up much and she came to Jiangbei with Andrew right after.

If this was true, then the only person who could easily control this matter must be Madison City’s legendary “Mr. Carter.”

Silvia had no chance to meet that “Mr. Carter” yet, and he wouldn’t help her for no reason, unless Mr. Carter was entrusted by someone else.

Amongst all of Silvia’s acquaintances, Andrew was the only one who could meet Mr. Carter and ask him for help. However, Andrew was a bad person. It was impossible for him to help her.

Then, who on earth was it?

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