Sunday, October 11, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 939 - 944


CHAPTERS 939 - 944


His appearance had changed, so had his voice. However, his feelings for her had not changed at all, it was still as strong as before.

It was so strong that he could offend the whole world for her! Did she know that?

Jackie Leves looked at Serene Silas quietly. He could see his current face from her crystal clear and beautiful eyes that were filled with tears.

Yes, he admitted that his appearance had changed completely, and there was nothing similar to what he had looked like before.

After the surgery, the first time he took a look at the mirror, he was so frightened that he had smashed the mirror. It took him a long time to accept this face.

Even he himself couldn't accept this strange face in an instant, not to mention Serene who he had hurt with this face.

Serene was still conflicted internally, deciding if she could accept him, hence she doubted him after receiving a mere call from the fake "Jackie". He understood this and would not blame her.

"Are you really Jackie?" After a long time, Serene spoke again, asking the questions that she had repeatedly asked before.

She didn't know who she should believe, but her woman's sixth sense told her that she could believe what the man in front of her had said to her.

If she believed in the man in front of her, that would mean that she believed and admitted that the man in front of her was the real Jackie.

However, the voice of the man who called her was not only the same as that of Jackie's, but he also knew the things that only she and Jackie knew. That man might also be her Jackie.

It was difficult for her to make a decision to choose between a man whose voice was similar to Jackie's, or her intuition to trust the man who did not look like Jackie at all.

Because she could not make a choice between these two people, her heart was in a mess. She could only look at the man in front of her helplessly. She looked into his deep eyes and said, "Can, can I really trust you?"

"Yes!" At the same time when Jackie looked at her, he clenched her hand tightly and nodded heavily. "Serene, of course you can trust me!"

"But..." Serene was still worried. What if she trusted the wrong person and missed the real Jackie?

"Go ahead." He knew that she had something to say.

"I want to go and meet that man. I want to go and see for myself. I need to personally see him, then only can I rest assured." She bit her lip and said firmly.

"Okay, I'll go with you." She wanted to see the man and confirm it in person because she still had doubts about him. Jackie knew why she wanted to go for the meeting but he did not say it out loud.

At the same time, he also wanted to know who the mystery man was. This time, they would never let those scumbags who had hidden in the shadows get away.

"You want to go?" Serene didn't know what she was worried about. She just felt that it was not appropriate for him to meet that person with her.

"I have decided. I'll go with you." Jackie announced his decision overbearingly and did not give Serene a chance to object.

Serene, "....."

He used to be like this. For some things, he was so decisive and overbearing that he made a decision without discussing with her.

Jackie added, "Go back to your room and change your clothes. I'll go get ready. When I'm done sorting everything out, we'll go out and go to Luna Tower at South City."

"You... You know about the Luna Tower too!"

Although Serene was willing to believe that the man in front of him was the real Jackie, upon hearing the name of the place coming from his mouth, she felt much more reassured.

"Should I not know about it?" Jackie raised his eyebrows.

"No, I didn't mean that..." As a citizen of Coast City of Country A, it was not surprising for him to know about the Luna Tower. What made Serene feel at ease was that he knew that the place that the person on the phone was referring to was precisely this place!

The Luna Tower was not the highest tower in Coast City, but it had the longest history and was also the best place to enjoy the full moon.

The official name of this tower was the Luna Tower, but it had another name which was wider-known amongst the people, the Lovers Tower.

Most people were familiar with that name. Many young couples had gone there because it was famous and made their wishes together, hoping that they would stay together forever.

All those couples in love hoped that they would be able to hold on to each others' hands for a long time.

Jackie and Serene were no exception. They also held hands and made their wishes here, just as those couples did.

Therefore, this place had become the most common place for the two of them to go on their dates.

The person on the phone just asked Serene to meet at their 'usual place'. He must have been referring to the Luna Tower. There would be no other place.

While Serene was back in her room to change her clothes, Jackie dialled Nathaniel Cooper's number. "Those mastermind clowns are at it again. This time they are trying to be my impostor."

"Those people are finally unable to sit still. This time, we must catch them all, and no one can escape." Nathaniel's voice came from the phone. His voice was calm but at the same time deadly, it could send a chill down one's spine. "Since they want to be your impostor, then we'll let them. I'd like to see what kind of tricks they can play."

However, Jackie frowned and was not as calm as Nathaniel was. He said worriedly, "I‘m not worried about what they will do. I'm only worried that Serene will be deceived."

Because Serene still could not trust him completely. He was worried that she would fall into the enemy's trap and would no longer believe him.

He couldn't bear to think about the things that would happen to him if Serene no longer wanted to believe that he was Jackie...

Jackie was so worried, so Nathaniel hurriedly reassured him. "Jackie, if you think that Serene is a woman who can be deceived so easily, then you should spend more time with her to know her better."

Jackie was stunned. "What do you mean?"

Nathaniel added, "Because... she loves you, and so, she would never regard anyone else as you."

Also, for some unknown reason, Nathaniel was so determined to believe that Serene would be able to recognize who the real Jackie was.

Perhaps it was because Nathaniel's heart was fully occupied by one person. He loved Janell Joy Carter, so he would naturally know everything about her and of course, he would not regard anyone else as his lover, except for her.

Once you have fallen in love with someone, that person would be unique to you and would irreplaceable in your heart.

Even if his appearance had changed, she would still be able to recognize the man that she was familiar with. It would only take a short time for her to find out.

After listening to Nathaniel's words, Jackie felt relieved and said, "Someone had impersonated myself, and asked Serene to meet him at our 'usual place'. We will head there soon. You should arrange for some men to go to the Lovers tower to check it out."

Nathaniel said, "I'll send someone over right now. You two have to be careful as well. You can't expose the address that you're currently living at."

After all, Serene was still involved in a murder case. Before this matter was completely resolved, she could not appear in public.

It was the best way to protect her if she did not appear in public, and allow the public to forget about her for the time being.

Jackie nodded and said, "You don't have to worry about that."


To ensure Serene Silas' safety,what Jackie Leves had planned would not be any lesser than Nathaniel Cooper's.

The villa in North City was a gift given by Jackie's parents when he was 18 years old. Therefore, it was not under the Leves family's property, so almost no one knew that there was such a villa owned by the Leves family.

Because no one knew this, and it was located in the villa area away from town, so the place was well kept under wraps.

Therefore, before Serene was discharged from the hospital, Jackie had secretly communicated with Nathaniel. He asked Nathaniel to send Serene to live here, on his behalf.

Before Serene moved in, Jackie had already arranged for people to work on the security of the house to prevent any information from leaking out.

For anything related to Serene's safety, Jackie took it seriously. He could not let anything happen to her again and he could not let her get hurt under his care.

After Jackie had hung up the phone, Serene was also done changing her clothes and came out.

The temperature outside was quite low. She wore a red down jacket which wrapped her petite body tightly in it.

The red colour reflected on Serene's pale face, which made her pallid and haggard face look slightly better.

She asked, "Can we go now?"

Her complexion seemed better, which in turn made Jackie's mood better. He couldn't help but to raise his lips. He walked to her side and wrapped her with a scarf. "Let‘s go now."

They were now living in the villa area in North City. Serene and Jackie used to date at the Luna Tower in the South City.

It would take more than an hour for them to the Luna Tower in the South City from the villa area in North City.

After getting on the car, Jackie turned on the heater in the car and said, "It's going to be a long ride. You can take a short nap first. I'll wake you up when we are there."

Serene shook her head. "There's no need. I'm not sleepy."

The problem about the two Jackies made her so confused. How could she fall asleep at all? But fortunately, the person beside her could make her feel a little relieved.

Jackie personally drove the car, while Serene was sitting in the passenger's seat. Both of them looked ahead without saying anything to each other, both of them seemed to be deep in thought.

Jackie was thinking about how to lure those masterminds out and capture them all at once, while Serene's mind was full of that 'Jackie's‘ voice from the phone call earlier.

That man's voice was Jackie's voice. She would never be wrong about that... But it was alright if he had the same voice, what if the man also looked like Jackie? Then, which man should she trust?

Thinking of this serious problem, Serene looked at Jackie, who was driving.

She was unfamiliar with his face, and it was not as good-looking as Jackie's original face. However, he still had defined features, and he was still a handsome man.

To be frank, she had been secretly looking at him for several days. No matter how she looked at him, she still could not find any traces of Jackie on his strange face, but she still believed that he was Jackie.

Knowing that Serene was looking at him, Jackie turned his head to meet her eyes and said, "Staring at me like this? Do you want to drill a hole in my face with your eyes?"

As soon as Jackie said this, Serene's heart trembled. In the past, Jackie had also said the same words to her, and it was always in a flirtatious tone.

Back then, he said these words not long after she had agreed to his pursuit, it was when he had first asked her out.

Because she was so shy and did not dare to look at him, so she had to look at him quietly when he was not paying attention. When she was caught staring at him, those were the exact words that he had said to her.

That was right, in just a year's time, a person's appearance could change completely, but his character, tone, and manner of speech would be hard to change.

In terms of appearance, Serene couldn't find anything that was similar to Jackie on this face. But after getting along with him for a few days, he made her think that he was definitely her Jackie, because something in him had not changed at all.

He was Jackie! The real Jackie!

After concluding all of this in her thoughts, Serene breathed a sigh of relief and gradually relaxed her fists. As long as Jackie was with her, could there still be any problem that could not be solved?

The answer was-no!

But she didn't know who the person who called her with Jackie's voice was. What was his purpose?

Could he be the real murderer who had exterminated the Leves family that year?

"Mm, not speaking? Does that mean that you really want to stare at me until you make a hole in my face?" Seeing that she was only staring at him and did not speak, Jackie was a little flustered.

"No. I just want to look at you like this. I don't want to do anything else. Just looking at you makes me feel at ease." Serene gave him a little smile. It was just a little smile, but Jackie was so excited that he almost bumped into the car in front of him.

He turned at the corner and parked the car by the side of the road. Looking at the woman who was smiling in front of him, he couldn't help but to reach out and touch her beautiful cheeks. "Serene, do you know what you are talking about?"

This time, Serene did not avoid his touch. Instead, she reached out her hand and gently pressed in on the back of his hand. "I said, because you are by my side, looking at you, I feel safe."

"You..." Did this mean that she no longer had doubts in him? Did she forget about all the hurt that he had caused her? Would she able to accept him again?

So many questions rushed into Jackie's mind at the same time. He couldn't believe that it was Serene who was talking to him at this moment.

"Did I say something strange?" Serene pursed her lips into a smile and said, "Let's go. Let's go and see who the person on the phone is and what he wants to do."

"You don't have doubts in me anymore?" Jackie waited for her answer nervously.

"Yes, I believe in you." Serene nodded.

As soon as she said that, Jackie was so excited that his hands that were holding onto the steering wheel trembled a little.

He even smacked on the steering wheel a few times, causing the honk to make a whirring sound.

His Serene had finally come back! Finally, she returned to his side!

Seeing that he was as excited as a happy child, Serene shook her head helplessly and said, "Stop pressing on the honk. People will think that there is something wrong with our car.

"Okay, I will stop." Looking at her, Jackie smiled stupidly.

At this moment, Jackie's actions had reminded Serene of a scene from their past.

In the past, Jackie had confessed his love to her personally. After she had accepted his confession, his reaction was exactly the same as it was now. He was also so silly and a little adorable, like a child.

She added, "We still have to go to the Luna Tower."

He said, "Okay, okay... I'll drive there right away."

He said that he would go immediately, but he was still staring at her. The more he stared at her, the closer he got to her. When he was about to kiss her, Serene immediately stopped. "Stop!"

Jackie suddenly withdrew himself and looked at her reluctantly, just like a child begging for a reward.

Serene really wanted to rub his head and tell him to behave well and not cause any trouble!

But she couldn't do that. She added, "Let's get down to business first. After that, you can do whatever you want."


After completing this, he could do whatever he wanted!

Why did it feel like Serene Silas was hinting something else at him?

"Okay." He felt happy in his heart, and answered her briskly. Then, he drove away at the speed of light. He could only do the things he wanted to do after getting these matters out of the way.

It was about an hour's drive to get there, and they finally arrived at Luna Tower.

"Here we are." When the car stopped, Jackie immediately reached out and held Serene's hand. "Serene, wait in the car. I'll go and meet that person first."

"The person he wants to see is me. If I don‘t show up, he will certainly not show up." Serene smiled gently back at him. "Don't worry, I will be fine.”

She still wanted to be his Mrs. Leves, and she also wanted to raise a family with him. Before they could get these obstacles out of the way, she had to be brave and strong. She could no longer let others separate them. 

Jackie responded, "I just don't feel that it's safe."

Listening to his flustered voice, Serene thought he sounded funny and chuckled. "Jackie, there are so many people here. Do you think he can take me away?"

Jackie glared at her and said, "Just do as I say. Listen to me.“

He had turned domineering. He sounded like an emperor who demanded for obedience.

Serene shook her head helplessly. "No, listen to me this time. You wait for me in the car, and I'll go in and see him. If he sees me with you, he would not show up."

Both of them were stubborn. Since both of them did not want to take a step back, they would not be able to come to a conclusion. In the end, Jackie took a step back and said, "Okay, you go."

He asked her to enter the tower first, and then he would follow her. Anyway, she did not say that he couldn't follow her secretly.

"You are not allowed to follow me secretly." Serene added this line in time, and now Jackie lost his backup plan.

Jackie's face froze, and he secretly thought, "Does this woman know how to read minds?"

"Of course I don't know how to read minds." Serene easily saw through his thoughts again. Her lips were slightly raised and she Iet out a subtle smile.

Well, Jackie was her one true love, so she just needed to pry a little and she could already see through what he was thinking.

Now that she knew what he was thinking, Jackie's face appeared, but he was secretly excited. His Serene was finally back, and he would no longer need to sleep alone at night anymore

Serene opened the door and got out of the car. She turned back and smiled at him. "Jackie, trust me, I can handle this matter."

She spoke so confidently because she hadn't met the man yet. She didn't know what was waiting in store for her.

The weather was cold today, and the wind was strong. Luna Tower appeared isolated, and there were only a few cars scattered in the parking lot. Occasionally, couples, hugging each other, could be seen walking by.

There were not many tourists, so it would be easier to find the target. At the same time, they were also more likely to be discovered by the target. So after getting off the car, Serene went straight to the bottom of the tower.

Luna Tower was a very famous scenic spot in Coast City, but the entrance tickets were not expensive. It costed only 20 dollars to enter. After buying the ticket, Serene walked into the entrance of the tower.

It was a flve storey building, and there were spirals of ancient-looking stairs inside the building. The view looked prettier from the fifth floor onward.

Usually it would be very crowded. But today, due to the bad weather, there were very few visitors.

When she went upstairs, Serene only saw two couples heading downstairs, and she continued to walk up alone.

When she arrived at the fifth floor and she was catching her breath, she looked up and saw a man standing in front of her.

The man was tall and strong. He stood straight and was looking into the distance. His back was facing her...

His back was so similar to the back of the person she loved. If she hadn't known that Jackie was waiting for her in the car, she would have rushed over and hugged him.

"Serene..." When the familiar voice called her name out, the man turned to look at her. "You're finally here."

He smiled at her with the smile she was familiar with, he looked at her with the eyes she was familiar with, and talked to her with a familiar tone too.

In the past, when they were dating, whenever she was late, Jackie would also look back at her and say, "Serene, you‘re finally here."

However, Jackie would do one more thing. After he said that line, he would walk quickly to her and hold her in his arms to kiss her hard.

He would kiss her until she felt dizzy before he let her go.

Not only was this man's voice similar, his body, his face and every subtle change in his expression was the same as that of her Jackie!

Serene was stunned as she just looked at him blankly. She didn't know how to react.

Jackie! Jackie! Jackie!

That was the only name in her mind as she looked at him. She almost forgot that there was another "Jackie" in the parking lot under the tower.

"Serene, I'm sorry! I came back to you late! I know you have suffered a lot these days, and I’ll make it up to you from now on.” The man stepped towards Serene and got closer and closer.

When he was about to walk to her side, Serene finally reacted a little. She blinked her eyes hard to look at the man in front of her.

He had exactly the same face, the same voice and the way he walked was exactly the same as Jackie too. She could not find anything different.

It was too similar! But Serene knew that he was not her Jackie.

The man‘s disguise in front of her was almost perfect. It was so perfect that she could not find any flaws. But she was sure that this man was not Jackie.

However, she couldn't explain the reason. 

If she was forced to give an answer, she would give an extremely ridiculous answer, - a woman's intuition!

This man was too perfect a copy of Jackie. Every word he said and every action he did made her feel that he was deliberately disguising himself.

She was sure that he was not Jackie.

The man pulled Serene into his arms and hugged her tightly. He whispered, “Serene, I'm back. Aren't you happy?"

Although she knew that this man was not Jackie, Serene did not struggle. She nestled in his arms and said, " I am not unhappy. I am just afraid that I will be happy too quickly. This whole year, I have had more than a hundred of dreams like this. Every time I wake up, you will disappear."

She raised her head from his arms and stared at him lovingly. "Can I touch your face? I need to know that you are real."

The man nodded, he took the initiative to hold Serene's hand and let her touch his cheek. "Serene, can you feel it? I am really back."


It was Jackie Leves' voice.

However, there was more deliberation in his voice, and he lacked the affection he should have.

This face was almost identical to that of Jackie's original face. Serene Silas stared at him for a long time, but she couldn't see anything different.

She pinched him hard twice and also rubbed his face, leaving red marks as she did so, but she found no trace of plastic surgery.


Before Serene could understand what was going on with this face that was exactly the same as Jackie's, she was suddenly dragged away with force.

She fell into another warm embrace, closely followed by a hard slap on the man's face that looked identical with Jackie's.

The slap was not enough to vent his anger. Jackie raised his hand swiftly to slap the man again, but Serene grabbed his hand tightly as soon as he swung his hand.

She shouted at him, "What are you doing?"

Jackie was trembling with anger. “Serene, look carefully. That man can't be Jackie Leves. He is definitely not the real deal."

How dare she stop him? Was she doubting him again? Before she came up, she told him that she believed in him.

Serene bit her lip and said, “If he is not Jackie Leves, then are you?"

Jackie was in dismay.

The fact was, it was this impostor who made Serene doubt him. He hugged Serene with one hand and launched his fist with his other hand towards the man again.

The man dodged Jackie's attack and asked, "Serene, who is this man?"

Serene glanced at Jackie who could go berserk at any time. If she were to say another word that would make him misunderstand, he might go crazy.

Serene knew Jackie's character very well. If he were to lose his mind, the consequences would be unimaginable.

She looked at the impostor opposite her again. It was obvious that the man was testing her to see if she had really believed that he was Jackie.

This man was obviously not Jackie, but he purposefully pretended to be Jackie. He definitely had an ulterior motive. Perhaps the mastermind behind all this was the one who exterminated the Leves family.

The people who wiped out the Leves family were also the people who ruined Jackie's face. The same people who caused Jackie and her to be separated for more than a year, she needed to find out who they were.

In the past, she had no way to do that and no clues. Now, such a big clue had presented itself to her, why wouldn't she seize the chance and continue to investigate.

Because Serene wanted to know who was behind this, she pretended to believe that the man who had the same face as Jackie was the real Jackie.

The most urgent thing now was to appease Jackie and let him know her thoughts. But she couldn't tell him verbally...

She raised her head and looked at him, just in time to meet his eyes. She quickly winked at him to reassure him.

" It doesn‘t matter who he is. What matters is that you are back." This was Serene's answer to the two men.

As soon as she said that. she heard Jackie's sharp inhale. His body trembled with fury. "Serene, you..."

Serene was also angry. "What about me?“ Jackie you stupid man!

She had hinted him via eye contact, but he didn't understand her hint. How could he be so stupid?

What if their children inherited his genes in the future, would they be as stupid as him?

Although she was despising him for being stupid, he was the one she liked. She couldn't leave him just because he was stupid. She discreetly pinched him again.

This time, if Jackie, this stupid man, still didn't understand what she meant, she swore that she would get angry.

Fortunately, Jackie was not as stupid as she thought. He seemed to understand her intentions after she discreetly pinched him.

Jackie was furious, which made the man opposite them very happy. Although he didn't smile, Serene caught the glint in his eyes.

He said, “Serene, come here, let's go.“

Serene nodded and looked at Jackie again, hoping that Jackie would understand her and let her go. However, Jackie did not do what she expected. He held her head and kissed her fiercely.

"Mm..." Serene felt a strong urge to kick this man, but she couldn't bear to hurt him. She could only let him hold her and continue to kiss her.

After kissing her fiercely, Jackie touched his moist lips and smiled smugly. "Serene, I'm very satisfied with your performance today."

Serene was so angry she rolled her eyes. This stupid man, what he did would ruin her plan.

Jackie ignored her contemptuous look, he was in a good mood. "Since you know that this man is an impostor, I'll take care of the rest. You don't have to worry about it."

Serene was so furious she was almost out of breath. "You..."

He really was stupid! Really stupid! Hopelessly stupid!

"Look, the impostor's face has darkened. He had already realized from Jackie's words that they knew about his false identity," Serene complained in her heart.

Serene was so angry that she raised her foot and stepped hard on Jackie‘s foot. She needed to teach this stupid man a lesson.

Jackie added, "Serene, I'm a man."

Of course she knew that he was a man, she had never doubted his ability. Why did he emphasize that he was a man at this moment?

Jackie said again, "Serene, you are a woman."

Of course she knew that she was a woman. She also had what a woman should have, plus her assets were more eye catching. She had never doubted her gender.

Jackie looked at her and asked, "Do you know?“

Serene raised her hands and surrendered. "I don't know. Please enlighten me!"

Jackie coughed and said in a serious manner, "I am a man, and you are my woman. Now that this impostor has pretended to be me, how can I hide behind you and let you protect me? Silly woman, listen to me, from now on, stand behind me and let me protect you."

Jackie was the one who came out with the idea to let Serene pretend to believe the impostor and play along with them to get into the enemy's base. This method was an easier way to expose the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, using this method would put her life on the line at any time. The risk was greater.

He would rather spend ten years to find out the person behind the scenes than let her take the risk. Even if it would only take ten days to expose the mastermind if she risked herself.

Jackie asked again, "Do you know now?"

The most romantic words in the world might not be "I love you", but instead "I am here, and I will protect you. Leave it all to me“.

Serene nodded. She was obviously very happy inside, but she couldn‘t help crying. "You, how can you say something like this right now?"

She wanted to help him. She wanted to expose the mastermind as soon as possible through this impostor. But she didn't expect this silly man to disrupt her plan.

"Silly woman, don't cry now! Save some strength, you can go home and have a good cry!" Jackie hugged her and turned to leave, completely ignoring the man who looked exactly like how he used to be.


"Serene..." The man turned sideways to block their way. "It's only been a year. Have you forgotten the promise between us?"

"Shut your f‘cking mouth!" Upon hearing another man calling Serene Silas' name so intimately, Jackie Leves really wanted to kick the man into the air if he could.

He protected Serene under his wing like an old hen protecting its little chick, preventing the impostor from getting close to her.

The man ignored Jackie and said to Serene, "Serene, I don‘t know who this man is and I don't know what he is talking about. I only know that no matter how long it has been, you are still in my heart."

Since he was here to be Jackie's impostor, of course, he would not give up their plan easily just because a man was here to ruin it.

A year ago, the Leves family was exterminated, and Jackie's life and death were unknown. At that time, he knew that he would have a chance to replace Jackie.

Not a lot of people knew of his existence after he had lived in the dark for more than 20 years. In fact, to the Leves family, he was just Jackie's shadow and he could only live under Jackie's shadow.

He was also a human being, and he also had the blood of the Leves Family. Because he was born two minutes later than Jackie, his fate was completely different from that of Jackie.

Jackie came to this world two minutes earlier than him. Within that mere two minutes, he was the pride of the family, the successor of the Leves family, and the hope of the Leves Family.

What about him? He didn't even have a name of his own. He was just Jackie's shadow, his substitute.

When Jackie was alive, he could only live in the dark and could never appear in the world of light.

If something happened to Jackie, he would have the chance to walk out of the dark and continue to live as Jackie.

He took away Jackie's identity, occupying everything that originally belonged to Jackie, including his work and his woman.

Because he was just a substitute, he couldn't have his own thoughts, let alone his own life. The education he received ever since he was a child was to imitate everything about Jackie.

He must like what Jackie liked; hate what Jackie hated; whether it was food or women, he must love what Jackie loved.

Having lived for more than 20 years, but never had he lived his own life. He woulk wake up at the same time as Jackie every single day and repeated everything that he had done.

Since many years ago, he had always wanted to get rid of Jackie. Only by doing that, he could use Jackie‘s identity to start a new life.

He wanted to replace Jackie.

However, it never occurred to him that the opportunity would come so soon. When he was not fully prepared, the Leves Family was exterminated and Jackie had disappeared.

He was excited, he was happy. He felt that he could finally get out of the dark and finally live the life he wanted.

However, he was too naive.

He had been imitating Jackie for more than 20 years. Once Jackie was not there for him to imitate, he did not know how to continue on with his own life.

Just when he didn't know how to replace Jackie and to continue walking on this path, someone found him. That person knew him more clearly than he did.

That man promised him that he could continue to live as Jackie, but he had to wait for a year.

He had been waiting for more than 20 years, he wouldn’t mind waiting for another year, so he agreed to that man's request and lived in the dark for another year.

A few days ago, the man finally reached out to him again and asked him to look for Serene using Jackie's identity...

He knew that Serene was the woman that Jackie loved.

He was Jackie's shadow so he must love what Jackie loved, and like what Jackie liked, so Serene had unconsciously occupied his whole heart.

He didn't know whether it was because of Jackie or the fact that Serene was a woman who could really make a man fall for her. Anyway, she touched his heart.

He knew clearly that he wanted that woman, and he wanted to make her his own. He wanted her to be his real woman.

So he came.

Without giving Serene a chance to speak, he said, "The Leves family was killed, and I was seriously injured. I laid in bed for more than half a year before I could get out of bed to walk... When I could walk, I came to you immediately. I didn't expect that you wouldn't be willing to reconcile with me."

What he told Serene was similar to what the real Jackie had experienced for the past year, which shocked Serene greatly. Was Jackie's life in the past year under their surveillance too?

Thinking about those people that were watching Jackie in the dark, it was very likely that they would do anything to harm Jackie again.

Serene held Jackie's hand tightly and her heart trembled with worry. "I won't let anything happen to you again. I won't let those people have the opportunity to hurt you again."

Jackie smiled and pinched the tip of her little nose, saying, "Little fool, i don't need you to protect me. I'll protect you from now on."

She was so weak, as if a gust of wind could blow her off, but she held his hand so tightly and wanted to stand in front of him to protect him.

This silly woman, her love for him was so obvious and undisguised, but he previously had suspected that she was the accomplice of the Leves family's murder because of some indefinite evidence.

The man said a lot, but Serene didn't seem to have listened to a single word. His eyes darkened and he said, "Serene, I thought our love could last forever, but I didn't expect that you would fall for someone else so soon."

With the information he had on hand, there was no other man around Serene. She had never forgotten Jackie and did not fall in love with any other man.

As long as Serene was still obsessed with Jackie and had not fallen for another person, she would be defenceless against the face which he had, which was exactly the same as Jackie's.

He had a face that was exactly the same as Jackie's. With this, he should be able to defeat all the opponents who wanted to pursue Serene in seconds.

However, he had never expected that Serene would be accompanied by a man, and he could see that Serene was in love with this man.

After listening to the man's words, Serene smiled and said, "Let me tell you something. My love for Jackie will never change."

Upon hearing her confession, Jackie grasped her hand and looked at the guy in front of him with a provocative look in his eyes. "Kid, even if you have a face like Jackie's, it's useless. My Serene is not a fool. You can never deceive her."

If it weren't for this familiar face, or the fact that this face belonged to him, Jackie really wanted to give that guy a good slap and make that guy stop thinking about his woman.

Jackie clapped his hands and said, "Come out, all of you. Bring this man back."

Nathaniel Cooper‘s men had arrived. If he let his men take this guy back and interrogate him, he would surely find out on many more interesting things.

What about him?

Of course, he would take his woman home and do what he wanted to do.


When coming here earlier, they felt the journey didn't take long to reach the destination.

But the journey back home seemed to take forever.

Jackie Leves accelerated the car several times, but it still felt like it was not fast enough.

He wished that his car could grow a pair of wings and fly home in an instant, so that he could hold Serene Silas in his arms and do what he had wanted to do.

The distance to home was getting closer. At the thought that he could soon hold Serene in his arms and do what he had wanted to do, the blood in Jackie's body began to boil, his desire rose.

He could already see his front gate ahead. Jackie once again sped up and rushed forward. With a sudden brake, the car stopped at the front door.

He unbuckled his seat belt and dashed out of the car. He couldn't wait to take Serene home. "Serene, hurry up, I can't wait any longer."

Serene blushed coyly. What on earth was this man thinking about?

Jackie couldn't be bothered so much and stretched out his hand to carry her.


A piercing ring from the phone interrupted Jackie's actions. He took out his phone with a dark face and answered, "What's the matter?"

Nathaniel Cooper was really his good brother. The phone call was neither too early nor too late but came in as soon as he arrived home. He was definitely doing this on purpose.

Jackie answered the call because it was Nathaniel on the line. If it were another person, not only would Jackie ignore the call, he might even smash his phone.

"I found out about something and I need to discuss it with you. Please come over," Nathaniel's voice sounded indifferent.

"What is it, just talk through the phone, I don't have time now." Jackie stared at Serene, his body growing impatient as his desire intensified. How would he have the mood to see Nathaniel?

"It's very important. You have to come over and discuss it." After saying this, Nathaniel hung up decisively.

Jackie was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone. " Nathaniel, you're doing this on purpose!"

Serene stopped him in time. “Jackie, I think for Nathaniel to call and ask you to come over, he must have something important to tell you. You'd better go first."

Serene knew what he wanted to do, but they had many opportunities in the future. It was better to settle other things first.

Jackie stared at her as if he was going to devour her. "Don't call him by his name anymore. It feels intimate and I don't like it. You should be addressing him as Mr. President!"

Serene said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. If you don't want me to, then I won't.”

This man was really childish. She didn't need to argue with him. Jackie added, "I don't want to see him."

Serene really had no way to deal with this man‘s occasional tantrums. She shook her head helplessly and said, "You go first. Get those things done. I promise to do whatever you want after that."

Jackie smiled wickedly and said, "Serene, you said it yourself. Don't go back on your words when the time comes.“

Seeing the wicked smile on Jackie's face, Serene suddenly regretted. She wanted to say something, but Jackie cut her off before she could. “That's a deal. I'm going now. I'll be back, wait for me at home."

Serene wanted to go back on her words, but after thinking for a while, she didn't say anything. The worst thing that could happen was for him to make love to her. It was not like he hadn't done it before. It was not a big deal.

When Jackie returned, he not only subdued Serene but also asked for other special services. She was so exhausted, she really regretted agreeing to it.

However, Jackie would never give her a chance to regret her choices.


"Brother Lucas, is something wrong?" After hanging up the phone, Nathaniel did not speak. His face was gloomy. Janell Joy Carter guessed that something had to have happened.

Hearing Janell Joy's voice, Nathaniel looked up at her, his face began to relax significantly. "Janell, come here."

"Brother Lucas, what's the matter?“ Janell Joy walked over to him. As soon as she reached him, he pulled her into his arms and held her in an embrace.

Nathaniel buried his head in her neck and sniffed. He murmured her name over and over again in a low voice, "Janell, Janell..."

Hearing him call her like this, Janell Joy felt a little uneasy. "Brother Lucas, what happened? Please don't scare me."

He hugged her and rubbed her head. "Nothing. I just want to hug you like this."

No matter how busy he was or how tired he was, every time he hugged her, all his exhaustion would dissipate in an instant, as if she had a magical effect on him.

Janell Joy also hugged him. ”If you feel better holding me like this, then hold me as long as you need."

Nathaniel opened his mouth and bit her ear. "My silly girl."

Janell Joy pouted and said, "I‘m not silly."

Nathaniel smiled and said, "Not silly?"

Janell Joy put her face on his face and rubbed it like a cat asking for love. "I'm not silly. Brother Lucas is."

Hearing her soft voice, Nathaniel's heart softened. He could not help but hold her head and kiss her passionately.

The two of them were so engrossed with the kiss that they didn‘t even notice that someone had entered the house and stood there for a long time.


After waiting for a long time, Nathaniel still hadn't realized he was there. Jackie coughed loudly to make Nathaniel notice him.

Nathaniel had called him over to discuss matters, preventing him from making out with his woman. However, Nathaniel was here with his woman in his arms. What an eye sore.

Hearing the cough, Janell Joy quickly escaped from Nathaniel's arms and said with a red face, "Brother Lucas, you guys go ahead. I‘ll wait for you next door."

She knew that Brother Lucas had something to discuss with Jackie, so she decided to leave.

As soon as Janell Joy left, Nathaniel's face instantly darkened. He handed a document to Jackie and said,"I received news from my people not long ago. Please have a look."

"What?" Jackie asked, but he proceeded to pick up the document and started flipping it.

"The information about your impostor and some clues about the person behind the scenes," Nathaniel said.

The snow continued to fall.

Everything the eyes could see was white, there were no traces of other colours.

Janell Joy sat by the window and watched the snowflakes drifting all over the sky. Her mind started to wander.

What on earth were Brother Lucas and Jackie discussing about?

Was it really necessary to talk for such a long time?

She waited for an hour, two hours, then three hours... But they were still talking, as if he had forgotten about her.

She knew that Brother Lucas had a lot of things to do, and she also understood his situation, so she tried not to create trouble for him. But she was bored to have to wait for so long.

Sigh... Janell Joy sighed and retracted her gaze.

She couldn't spend her days like this anymore. She had to find something to do so that she wouldn't overthink.

But what could she do?

The last time, she could serve as a volunteer with Yaya and the others, or she could go hiking with them...

Now the others were all preparing for their graduation the next year. All of them had gone for their internships with some companies. Janell Joy was the only one left and she could not do anything.

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