Saturday, October 3, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 886 - 890


CHAPTERS 886 - 890


However, her strong desire to live had suppressed the fear in Serene Silas' heart. She took another deep breath and carefully turned the door knob to open the door.

When the door was opened, she could sense that the room was filled with a terrifying masculine aura which she was familiar with. She instinctively took a step back in fear.

As soon as she stepped back, Serene remembered that she was escaping from this prison, and quickly suppressed her fear. She stepped into the room and locked the door from the inside.

Serene was not in the mood to appreciate the decoration in the room, her eyes were busy searching for a door that would lead her to the backyard.

Just as she looked around, she saw a photo frame on the desk. The woman in the photograph who was wearing a beautiful smile was obviously her.

How could there be a photo of her in that devil's study room?

How could it be? Serene was confused.

She instinctively stepped forward, trying to figure out what was going on.

As she got closer, she found that there were a few words written at the bottom of the photo- Love of my life!

However, the words were cancelled out with red crosses. It seemed to have been marked in red angrily.

Serene's attention was not on the red crosses, but on those four words, "Love of my life".

Jackie! It was him!

She would never forget his beautiful handwriting for the rest of her life, it was definitely written by Jackie. She wouldn't be wrong about this.

Moreover, Serene could still recall that this photograph was taken when she was with Jackie, because only when she was with him, she could smile so brightly.

In the past, when she wouldn't smile, he always had his unique way to make her laugh. Whenever she was with him, she could get rid of all her worries.

Serene picked up the photo frame with her trembling hands, and held it tightly at her chest. She murmured, "Jackie, Jackie, are you there? If you are there, please answer me, okay? Please take me away, away from this horrible place, okay?"

No one answered her. The study room was dead silent except for her own voice.

Just as Serene was gasping for breath, an exquisite jewelry box which was lying next to the photo frame had caught her attention.

She picked it up and saw a ring resting in the box. It was the engagement ring that Jackie had given to her but was snatched away from her by the devilish man.

"Jackie? Jackie? Are you there? Are you there? Are you there or not? I beg you, answer me!"

Serene shouted Jackie's name like a crazy woman, but no matter how loud she called out for him, there was no response.

Serene was overwhelmed by desperation, as her frail body fell on the cold ground.

It was not her Jackie. Jackie was not here. How could it be possible that Jackie was here?

She smiled bitterly and laughed at herself for thinking about him. She was about to lose her mind and was on the verge of becoming a crazy woman.

Since Jackie was not here, why would that devilish man have her photo?

Why did that devil keep the ring he had thrown away?

What was this all about? Could it be that he was Jackie?

The idea flashed across Serene's mind. She was so petrified that her face turned pale and her weak body shuddered with fear.

No! That was impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

That devil was so horrible and violent. He would definitely not be her Jackie.

Most importantly, she could see that that devil's face was not the same as Jackie's, how could he possibly be Jackie?

Jackie was not here, so she could not be wasting any more time.

After thinking it over, Serene immediately held the photograph and the ring tightly in her hands, as if she was protecting her most beloved man.


Sure enough, as Nina said, there was a back door in the study room.

There was a narrow wooden ladder on the other side of the door. Down the wooden ladder was the way to the backyard. Through a small door in the backyard, she had finally escaped from this horrible prison.

Before Serene could catch a breath, she was faced with another obstacle.

This was the back of the mountain and there wasn't any flat road. The fog was so thick that her vision was limited. She didn't even know how to get out of this unfamiliar place.

In such a harsh environment, Serene had no choice. She had nowhere else to go. She could only move forward, then only could she have a chance to live.

In order to survive and to see Jackie, she was fearless, even if the chance was narrow.

However, she never thought, or maybe she did, in order to stay alive to meet the person that she had always wanted to meet, she had no choice but to do so even if it was a trap plotted against her.

After walking for less than ten minutes, she had accidentally stepped on an animal trap that someone had planted, her right foot was trapped.

In an instant, the injured foot had started to bleed, She could feel a tremendous pain throughout her body, which made her break out in cold sweat.

Serene sat down and tried to remove the snare that was stuck to her foot. However, it was too big that she couldn't remove it on her own.

She didn't have the strength to remove it, so she had to move fon/vard with the snare on her foot.

Her body condition was already poor, in addition to the cold weather and her famished body, another injury to her body had indeed drained all of her strength.

However, Serene couldn‘t surrender just like that. She gritted her teeth and endured the pain as she continued to move forward.

Two steps in, she could feel a jabbing pain on her foot which made her whole body so weak. She instinctively reached out to the big tree next to her.

However, as soon as her hand was pressed against the tree, something sharp had pierced into her palm.

In an instant, her fair palm was marked with a few cuts, and blood gushed out.

With the snare on her foot and her injured hand, the thin and frail Serene hadn't show any intention of giving up, even if she would die on this mountain.

However, her body could only do that much and she was losing too much blood due to her injured foot. As she continued to search for the way out, she could feel her head gradually getting heavier and her vision had blurred. The next thing she knew was that darkness had engulfed her and she had collapsed on the ground followed by her body

uncontrollably rolling down the slope.

Her body hit the trees several times. The trunks blocked her body, but it only slowed down the speed. Her body was still rolling down until she had lost all consciousness. Her world was left with darkness.

Jackie! I'm coming to keep you company!

Before the darkness came, she did not panic, and a smile of reIief appeared on her lips.


"Misty Mountain is really what people say it is. l have never seen such thick mist before! Please stay in the group. Don't go missing." The leader of the group who was standing aside reminded everyone as he counted the number of people in the group.

"Captain James, you need to be careful too. Don't let the fairies in the mist drag you away." One of the tour pals jokingly said.

"If the fairy drags me away, I will stay here and be with all these pretty fairies. Then there will be a place for you all to stay whenever you guys are here," Captain James said.

"If there is really such a thing, I'd stay too." Burly joined the conversation because he didn‘t want to be left out. But as soon as he finished, Shane slapped him in the head. "If any fairy falls for you, she must be blind."

Everyone burst into laughter at Shane‘s reply.

Laughter penetrated the mist and echoed in this quiet and dusty valley. Everyone got more excited as they hiked.

On Misty Mountain, there was only one main road leading to the villa area. The other paths that were already explored by the other tour pals were all very narrow and difficult to hike on.

The main reason for them to hike up Misty Mountain was to see the misty scenery, they would occasionally stop during the hike to admire the view. Everyone had a great time during the hike.

Half way through the hike, the girls couldn't take it anymore. The leader of the group decided that all of them could take a break and have some food before continuing the journey.

Everyone removed their backpacks. They were each responsible for different tasks. Some laid the mats on the ground while some took out the food from their backpacks.

The team captain said, "Since we're having a break, let's play a game together."

Someone immediately said, "Okay, let's do it."

Janell Joy didn't know what game they were going to play. While drinking some water, she looked at the captain. She was quite interested in the game that he introduced to the group.

The team leader added, "Let's play charades. Two in a group, and each group will go against another. Then the winner of each round will go against the other winner's until the final winner is determined."

As soon as the leader finished his words, everyone had already found their group.

Janell Joy and Yaya formed a group without any hesitation. Yaya patted Janell Joy on the shoulder and whispered in her ear, "Little Jar, I'm going to find a place to pee. Do you want to go with me?"

Before Janell Joy could speak, Shane whispered, "Little Jar is also a girl, she can't protect you! If you want her to accompany you, you might as well let me accompany you."

Yaya raised her foot and kicked at Shane. "Get away from me."

Shane felt very wronged. "You don‘t see me as a man, and I don't see you as a woman anyway. We're buddies! Why can't I go with you?"

Yaya gave Shane an impatient look, turned around, and walked to a relatively hidden bush to answer nature's calling.

As soon as Yaya left the group, one of the tour pals immediately sat by Janell Joy‘s side, taking over Yaya's seat. “Little Jar, my name is Zayne. I've introduced myself on the ride earlier today. You should still remember me right?"

She didn't remember! She had no impression of him at all!

But Janell Joy couldn't say that. It was too offensive to say that.

She nodded and smiled politely. "Yes, I remember.“

Upon hearing that Janell Joy remembered him, Zayne was very happy. He quickly reached out and wanted to shake Janell Joy's hand. "Then we will be friends from now on."

Looking at his hand, Janell Joy hesitated... She may look like an easy going person, but she inherited some of her father's fastidious character. She would not shake hands with just anyone.

Burly witnessed what was happening, reached out his hand and held Zayne's hand. He said with a forced smile, "Bro, this is my girlfriend."

Burly claimed that Janell Joy was his girlfriend, but Janell Joy still smiled and did not object. Since she did not object to it, it would mean that she had tacitly admitted to it.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know. This will not happen again in the future, I promise." The tour pal who came to flirt with her left with embarrassment.

As soon as the guy left, Janell Joy whispered in Burly's ear, "Burly, thank you!"

Burly patted his chest and said, "Little Jar, you are one of us. When we are together, as the most masculine guy in our group, if I don't protect you, do you expect that sissy Shane to protect you?“

After receiving Shane's supercilious look, Burly still couldn't care less and continued, "I'm not praising myself. If there is nobody you like, your first choice must be me, how can it be that kid?“

Burly really wasn't praising himself, he was just being a loyal friend.

He had feelings for Janell Joy, but after knowing that she had a guy that she liked, he only treated her as a friend.

Since she was his friend, it was natural that he wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of her. He was always looking out for her.

Janell Joy also felt that the biggest gain for coming to Country A this time was that she got to know friends like Yaya, Burly, and Shane.

Although the three of them had different appearances and personalities, but they were all very straightforward and kind people. When she was with them, she could be herself and didn‘t have to be wary if they would be plotting against her.

Ah...! Suddenly, Yaya's scream pierced through the air.

Janell Joy, Burly, and Shane immediately got off their seats and without any hesitation, they stepped toward and ran towards where Yaya was.

The others didn't react to the situation as fast as the three of them did. When they realized it, they all ran towards the source of the sound.

Janell Joy ran the fastest. "Sister Yaya, what's wrong?" she asked.

Having been with Yaya and the others for such a long time, Janell Joy treated Yaya like she was her own sister, and was worried that something had happened to her.

"A dead... dead body... It looks like..." Yaya stammered as she trembled with fear.

During the earthquake, they had seen many dead bodies during the rescue mission, but they had been mentally prepared. It was completely different this time, the feeling was different when it happened all of a sudden. They weren‘t prepared to witness such a sight.

Janell Joy quickly hugged Yaya who was trembling and comforted her, "Sister Yaya, we are all here. Don't be afraid."

Burly and Shane also patted Yaya on the shoulder to comfort her. "Don't be afraid Yaya. We are all here. How can a living person be scared of the dead?"

They usually argued with each other playfully. But at critical moments, they were true friends that cared for each other very much.

Janell Joy was the youngest in their team, but she was the calmest in these sort of circumstances.

When no one dared to go up to confirm whether the person in the white quilt was still alive or already dead, she was the first to step forward and volunteered herself.

She said, "You guys stay here and don‘t move. I'll go and have a look first. If that person is injured, we'll get that person out of here. If the person is dead, we'll call the police."


Burly and Shane stepped forward and stood beside Janell Joy Carter. "How can we let you go alone? The three of us will go together."

Janell Joy was worried about Yaya and said, "Burly will go with me. Shane, look after Yaya."

Because of the thick fog, their vision was limited. Even though the "dead body" that was wrapped in the white sheet was just a few steps ahead of them, they couldn't see it clearly.

As they were closer to it, Janell Joy could finally take a clear look of the “dead body", it had long hair, so she should be a woman... Thinking of a woman being killed and thrown in a place like this, her heart felt so distressed that she couldn't help but frown.

Burly said with concern, "Little Jar, you stay here. I'll go and have a look."

Janell Joy shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine.“

They went forward together and lifted the “dead body". As they were doing so, Janell Joy saw the face of the "dead body".

"Sister Serene?" She exclaimed.


How could it possibly be her?

Wasn't Sister Serene with her beloved man? Why was she here?

"Little Jar, do you know her?" Burly was also staring at the woman. The woman looked familiar but he couldn‘t remember where he had met her.

When Serene rolled down the slope, her face was injured by weeds and thorns, and her hair scattered all over her face. It was not surprising that those who had only seen her on TV couldn't recognize her.

Janell Joy immediately hugged Serene. Her body was so cold that she couldn't feel any warmth emitting from her body. If it wasn't for her faint breath, Janell Joy would have thought that she was dead.

She glanced at Serene‘s naked feet and found that there was a snare pierced into her right foot. Maybe because it was there for too long, her foot was so swollen and turned purple. "Burly, quickly remove the trap."

Damn it! Damn it!

Who on earth could do such evil things to a weak woman?

If they didn't come for an adventure today, Serene would have died here.

Thinking of what might happen, Janell Joy was so scared that she felt a shiver down her spine.

She hugged Serene as she patted her back with one hand, trying to warm her up.

“Sister Serene, you will be okay. You will be okay.” Janell Joy called Serene‘s name over and over again. Janell Joy looked at Serene in distress as she tried hard to hold back her tears.

Burly sat on the ground, with great effort he managed to remove the snare from Serene's foot. "Little Jar, what should we do now?“, he asked Janell Joy.

"Tell everyone that we won't join them for the adventure. Let's go back first. Her life is more important." Janell Joy held Serene's cold body tightly, took a breath as she said calmly.

Burly returned to the group and was about to explain the situation to everyone when he saw a strange man approaching them. The man said, “Miss."

It was Blake White.

When Janell Joy saw him, she was a little surprised and said, “Blake, let's get her down the mountain and send her to the nearest hospital. We can't lose any more time."

"Yes. We'll send her down the mountain right away." Blake was so strong that he could pick Serene up in one lift.

Janell Joy followed Blake and thought of something. She turned back and said to Burly, "Burly, make sure everyone returns safely, we will go first. Also, ask everyone to keep this a secret. No one is allowed to mention anything about it. Don't get yourselves in trouble."

Serene was still the fiance of Mr. President, and she was previously involved in the murder case. No matter what the truth about her was, it was better not to say anything about it.

With Blake's help, Janell Joy took Serene away before the others could find out about her identity.

It took them half a day to hike up the mountain because they were admiring the beautiful scenery. But, with Blake's help, and because they were rushing to save Serene's life, it only took them slightly over an hour to reach the foot of the mountain.

Blake and Janell Joy got into his car and immediately drove away to get medical attention for Serene. The rest of the group took the bus back.

In the car.

Janell Joy asked Blake to increase the temperature of the air conditioner in the car so that it could warm Serene's body up. She also asked Blake to drive faster so that they could return to Coast City in the shortest time possible.

"Sister Serene, no matter what happens, promise me that you will hang in there, okay? Not for anyone, but for the person in your heart. If he can't see you when he's back, how sad will he be?" What Janell Joy could think of was to stimulate Serene's determination to live on.

“Miss, her breathing is steady, she should be fine. Don't worry too much." Blake was worried about his little master, Janell Joy, instead.

"Mm, I'm sure that nothing will happen to her. She will be fine." Janell Joy held Serene in her arms, reassuring both Serene and herself.

While the car was travelling down the mountain, Jackie Leves, sitting inside, suddenly felt uneasy, like he had to catch his breath. He had an ominous feeling, all of a sudden.

However, he didn't pay much attention to the uneasiness, he thought that it was due to anxiety. He was anxious because he had not been in a crowded place for too long.

After reaching the foot of the mountain, the car drove for another hour, and the anxiety multiplied, almost engulfing him.

He had never had such a terrible experience. Even when the Leves family was exterminated, the fear in his heart was not as strong as it was this time.

"Stop!" He suddenly shouted.

"Young Master?" Daryl Leves did not know why Jackie shouted, but he still pulled the car over at the shoulder.

"Turn around, we are going back right now," Jackie said in a deep voice.

He hadn't been afraid for a long time. He didn't know what fear was, but at this moment, deep down he was terrified, as if he was about to lose the most important thing in his life.

Daryl asked cautiously, "Young Master, don't you want to see the President?"

Jackie did not answer and looked at Daryl with a gloomy face. Daryl did not dare to ask any more questions. He immediately turned the car around and drove back.

On the way back, from time to time, Daryl looked at his master's face from the reflection in the rear view mirror. He saw that his face got even darker than before. Without waiting for his master‘s order, Daryl sped up.

It took them more than an hour to return to the villa on Misty Mountain. Before the car could stop, Jackie opened the door and got out of the car.

After getting off the car, he immediately went upstairs and rushed to Serene's room. He opened the door and did not see the woman.


In an instant, it felt like his heart was broken, and he could even hear the sound of his heart breaking.


He roared! He roared! 

He immediately turned around and rushed into the bathroom, Serene was not there. 

He was so nervous that his hands trembled a little. He clenched his trembling hands into fists in order to cope his fear and panic. 

He walked out of the door and shouted at the empty corridor, "Find her! Find her and bring her back here!” 

"Young Master..." Daryl was so frightened that he didn‘t dare to get too close to Jackie. 

“Immediately send men to search the mountains. If she had escaped, none of you will live!" At this time, Jackie was like a crazy beast who had lost all sanity. 


Jackie Leves had always known how much influence Serene Silas had on him. Even if she frowned slightly, his mood would also be affected.

It was precisely because he knew about how influential this woman was on him that he had been holding himself back from being too close to her. He warned himself not to be affected by her and not to be deceived by her again.

But no matter how hard he tried to restrain himself, he would always feel that something was missing in his heart whenever he could not see her, even for just a short period of time. The uneasiness that he felt when he went down the mountain today was the best proof.

"Young Master, I'll send someone to find her right away.” Daryl Leves turned his head and ran away. Because he was going too fast, he almost fell to the ground when he tried to make a turn.

Jackie's eyes swept around coldly, he turned around and went to his study room on the third floor, to look at the surveillance recording.

As soon as he opened the door, he immediately noticed that someone had entered his study room after he had left. He immediately looked at the desk.

The photo frame and the ring, which were placed at the most obvious place, were gone...

That photo was the onIy thing that he cherished the most. Over the past year, he had thought of destroying it, but he couldn't bear himself to do so.

He told himself that he wanted to see that face every day and so that it could remind him of the revenge, so he couldn't destroy it.

But deep down in his heart, he was very clear that he didn't need that picture to remind his about anything, he just couldn't make himself do it.

That ring was a token of love between him and that woman. A few days ago, he felt that she was not qualified to have the ring that he gave her and that was why he took it back from her, but now they were all gone.

The photo and the ring were gone. Jackie felt as if a piece of his heart had been torn off, and blood was gushing out.

These things were the evidence that they had loved each other during those years. He could never tolerate it if anyone were to take them away from him.

Jackie immediately turned on the computer and checked the surveillance recording. As expected, he saw Serene slide out of the door with the sheets wrapped around her.

The next scene, she was at the third floor and entered his study room.

She found the photo and the ring, and she shouted his name like a madman... Was she blaming herself? Was she afraid?

Seeing that the person whom she had betrayed and framed might still be alive, she should be afraid, or else, what could it be?

In the end, Jackie saw her leaving through the back door and escaped from the backyard. She had left the prison he had prepared for her.

She was indeed a vicious and cunning woman!

These days, he thought that she had only stayed in the room and did nothing, but never had he expected that she had already figured out the escape route.

At this time, an idea flashed across Jackie's mind. If she had only stayed in the room, how could she have figured out the escape route?

But at this time, he was in a state of extreme panic and anger that he had ignored the thought that came and went away too quickly.

He only knew that as soon as he left, Serene, that vicious woman, ran away... When he gets this woman back, he would cut off her legs so that she wouldn't be able to escape.

As such cruel words were coming out from his mouth, his mind were thinking about the dangerous environment out in the mountains. He was worried about her. How could a frail woman like Serene possibly make it out safely amidst the thick mist.

When he was thinking about this, Jackie rushed out of the back door and followed Serene's tracks along the backyard.

His legs were long and he was athletic. In no time, he was already at the place where Serene was.

When he saw the bloodstains on the trees, every inch of his nerves stiffened. His fear for Serene's safety suppressed the anger that was once burning in him.

"Serene, you damned woman, if you have the guts to die here, I won't let go of your dead body." He roared.

"Young Master, I have sent everyone to search through the mountains. Whether Miss Silas is dead or alive, we will definitely bring her back." Daryl reported the progress to his master.

Jackie turned around abruptly and glared at Daryl coldly. "What do you mean by 'dead or alive'? She must be alive and well!"

Without his permission, if that woman had the guts to die, he would bring her back from her death even if that meant that he had to drag her back from the underworld.

It was she who caused the Leves family to be exterminated. She owed him more than a dozen lives. Jackie wouldn't let her use death to escape from all of this.

As he spoke, Jackie clenched his fists so tightly that it felt like he could crush his own fists.

"Yes, yes, yes... I'll make everyone search the whole place thoroughly. We will bring her back alive." Daryl answered hurriedly. He wanted to leave, but he was worried that something would happen to his master if no one was there to keep an eye on him.

Serene, that sinister woman, was a real trouble!

A year ago, the Leves family lost their lives because of her, and the Young Master had undergone a facial reconstruction because of her. For the whole year, he couldn't go out to see anyone.

These were all caused by that ruthless woman, but their master was still reluctant to hurt her.

Daryl couldn't figure out what was so good about that woman from the Silas family. What kind of quality did she have to deserve such commitment from his Young Master?

Daryl was distracted for a short while, and when he looked up again, he could no longer see his Young Master standing before him.

"Young Master...“ No one responded to Daryl's call. Daryl panicked, because he knew that if Serene was dead, their master would no longer have the will to live on.

There was no time for Daryl to think too much. He had to catch up with his Young Master. If anything were to happen to his master, he had to do anything he could to prevent it.

Because the fog was too thick, Daryl could not see clearly. He could only tell through the swaying branches around him that Jackie was heading down the mountain.

"Young Master..." Daryl called out again, but he still couldn't get Jackie's reply.

He ran around in the mountains aimlessly and soon lost his way. He didn't even know how to get back, how could he find his master?

At this moment, Jackie did not dare waste any more time. He knew that time is crucial. The more time had passed, Serene would be in more danger.

He didn't want her to die, so he had to try his best to follow the tracks that she had left in order to find her.

Jackie was unsure how far it was from the villa, when he found traces of someone rolling down the slope. He also found a slipper at the same place.

With just one glance, he could recognize that it was Serene's, it was that vicious woman's slipper.

He was the one who ordered his men to prepare all the things Serene would need during her stay in the mountains. He was the one who handed those things to her, so how could he not recognize the slipper.

"Serene, answer me!" He roared her name.

His voice was so loud that it could cause an earthquake, but it was obvious that his voice was trembling with fear.

He picked up the slipper and continued to charge down.

Not too far away, he saw the other pair of the slipper. Beside it, there was a piece of torn cloth which came from the sheets that was wrapped around Serene, and there were thorns dangling on it.


"Serene Silas!"

Jackie Leves roared again. His raspy voice could make hearts tighten in anxiety.

This time, he rushed down without hesitation. He arrived at the place where the trail had stopped, but he did not see any trace of Serene.

He didn't see her, that meant that she must be alive... Thinking that she was still alive, Jackie was immediately at ease as he let out a breath of relief.

At this moment, he realized that no matter how deep she had hurt him or betrayed him, he still could not bring himself to kill her.

He would rather be tortured by that inner demon of his, and he would rather be responsible for the lives of the Leves family, but he would never be able to let her pay him back with her own life.

He made her stay by his side and treated her that way because he was afraid of losing her.

Because he had experienced loss and betrayal, he didn't know how to make her stay by his side.

Only during the times when he was penetrating her, could he feel that she truly belonged to him, all to himself, and that no one could ever take her away from him.

”Young Master..." Daryl Leves brought over some men and finally caught up with him.

“Continue the search! Keep searching!" said Jackie.

He would find her and he would never let her leave again.

In this life, she should never think of escaping from him!


At the Coast City Hospital.

Serene was grasping on to Janell Joy's hand. She hadn't let go for nearly two hours, as if she was grabbing something very precious to her.

Knowing that Serene was afraid, Janell Joy did not withdraw her hand. She accompanied her and let her hold onto her hand the entire time. "Sister Serene, don't be afraid. It's all good now."

They sent Serene to the hospital as fast as they could. After the doctor's examination, the doctor said that Serene only suffered from external injuries and they were not life threatening.

The reason why Serene was unconscious, is because her body condition was poor and she had suffered from hypothermia. Fortunately, she was rescued in time, that was why she survived the ordeal.

“No, don't... Don't touch me, get away..." Serene, who was now semi-conscious, made these desperate cries from time to time.

"Sister Serene, it's okay, it‘s okay, don't be afraid!" Janell Joy patted her hand and comforted her continuously. She didn't know what else she could say except for this.

It was Janell Joy who helped Serene change into some fresh clothes. Even though Janell Joy had not been through such a situation, she still knew exactly what Serene had suffered to get these scars.

Moreover, having listened to Serene's words, Janell Joy was sure that Serene must have been sexually assaulted by a man.

Who on earth was that horrible bastard?

Janell Joy gritted her teeth. She would definitely hunt the man down, strip his skin, and make him kneel before Serene and beg for her forgiveness.

"No, no..." Serene shouted while still lying on the hospital bed. In the next moment, her painful expression suddenly became relaxed. “Jackie, is it you? Have you come to save me?“

But soon, the expression on her face became ferocious. She said with her teeth chattering, "Jackie, don't go. Take me and our baby with you, okay?"

Serene was crying, and she was crying In her dreams. She cried so helplessly, like a baby who had lost her mother.

"Sister Serene..." Janell Joy wanted to comfort her, but she was so dejected that she couldn't say anything. Her heart felt so heavy that she couldn't breathe properly.

She didn't have many interactions with Serene before, but she could see that Serene was a kind and generous girl.

She thought to herself, if she wasn't involved in their relationship, would Serene continue to be Brother Lucas's fiance? Then she wouldn't have gotten into this murder debacle and then get kidnapped by someone else.

To think that Serene was so badly hurt because of herself, Janell Joy couldn't take in another breath.

She bit her lip and held Serene's hand even more tightly. "Sister Serene, you have to be strong. No matter how difficult it is, you must hang on. Even if you don't want to live for yourself, think of the person who loves you. He is still alive, and he will definitely return to your side."

"Jackie, Jackie...” On the bed, Serene's voice gradually became weaker. It seemed that she was too tired and finally fell asleep.

Janell Joy reached out and wanted to move away the sweaty hair on Serene's forehead, but as soon as her hand moved, Serene was immediately frightened and held her hand even tighter.

"Sister Serene, I'm not leaving, don't be afraid!" Janell Joy did not pull back her hand and comforted Serene patiently.

Janell Joy could see all kinds of expressions from Serene in such a short time.

Previously, she had been living a happy and sweet life with her Brother Lucas. But what about Brother Lucas's real fiance?

Serene was kidnapped and they didn't rescue her in time. She was tortured to such a near-death condition.

Because of the self-blame, Janell Joy's heart ached as she thought that she was responsible for Serene's misfortune. Her nose twitched and tears rolled down uncontrollably from the corner of her eyes.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

Janell Joy took a deep breath to calm herself down and said without looking back, "I told you not to come in. Why didn't you listen to me?"

She thought it was Blake White.

However, the man behind her walked towards her and hugged her tightly. "Janell, don't be afraid!"

Yes. She was afraid.

She was afraid that something bad would happen to Serene.

She was afraid that she had taken away Brother Lucas's heart and she had taken away all of Brother Lucas's attention from Serene, which led to Serene's current situation.

But others couldn‘t tell what she was thinking. Although Brother Lucas couldn't see her face from behind, but he could tell that she was afraid just by listening to her voice.

She felt a little awkward and wanted to break free from his embrace, but Nathaniel Cooper held her even tighter and said, "Janell, don't move."

Just as she was unwilling to let him get closer to her, he buried his head next to her ear and said softly, "What happened to Serene has nothing to do with you. Don't think too much."

How did he know? Was he a mind reader?

He could understand precisely what she was thinking.

"But..." Janell Joy still couldn't let it go.

If it wasn't for her, the relationship between Nathaniel and Serene would look fine in the public's eye, and Serene wouldn't have been kidnapped.

“No buts.“ Nathaniel lowered his head and kissed her forehead. “Silly girl, don‘t blame everything on yourself. You've never done anything wrong to anyone. You're the only one in my heart. This is something that has never changed."

Nathaniel's words were like a calming draught, which calmed Janell Joy's impetuous heart, she no longer felt so troubled.

She looked up at him and asked, "Brother Lucas, how did you know that I'm here?"

Immediately, she realized that it was a stupid question.

Her Brother Lucas was such a capable man. How could he not know where she was?

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