Monday, October 26, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1027 - 1032


CHAPTERS 1027 - 1032


“Dad, maybe there’s nothing good about him in your opinion, but I just like him.” This was Janell Joy’s answer to Edwin.

She didn’t need a reason to love a person. She didn’t even realize it, but she already had a deep affection for this man. If Nathaniel was happy, she would be happy too, if he was worried about national affairs, she would worry with him too, she felt considerate for him deeply.

“You..” Edwin clenched his fists. After all, he didn’t want to see his daughter sad, so he swallowed what he wanted to say.

He didn’t want to stop her from being with anyone. However, he really didn’t like Nathaniel as he felt that Nathaniel wasn’t worthy of his daughter.

But in other words, even if Chairman Carter could choose another man from the whole world, he may not be able to choose a son-in-law that he would be satisfied with.

“Dad, I know you are angry. If you want to hit someone, hit me.” Janell Joy knelt on the ground and said, “I only beg you not to hurt Brother Lucas.”


Edwin and Nathaniel called her name at the same time, and two men rushed to her together, trying to help her up. Just as they caught a glimpse at each other again, tension and fury built up between them.

Nathaniel grabbed Janell Joy’s arm faster than Edwin did. “It’s my fault. If you want to find a person to blame, I am willing to take the hit. Don’t do anything stupid.”

Edwin frowned unhappily.

Nathaniel was slick with his words. He knew how to comfort Janell Joy with the right words. Edwin narrowed his eyes and looked at Nathaniel coldly.

He looked at Nathaniel as if Nathaniel were a ruthless human trafficker. Edwin felt like beating him up immediately.

“No, Brother Lucas, it’s not your fault, it’s my fault. If I had been more alert and if I was stronger, then those bad guys won’t be able to capture me, and Andrew won’t be on the operating table, and Dad wouldn’t hit you. It’s all my fault.” Janell Joy’s heart was full of remorse and she kept blaming herself.

She couldn’t blame her father for beating up Brother Lucas, and she couldn’t blame Brother Lucas for not protecting her well. It was all her fault, and it had nothing to do with others. 

“Janell..” Nathaniel hugged her tight. Once again, he did not know how to comfort her. He could only hold her tightly and let her know that he was there.

“So this is how you bully our daughter?” 

A crisp and gentle female voice suddenly echoed behind them.  Even for a confident man like Edwin , he felt stunned by the voice, and a sense of unease coursed through his body. 

His daughter’s issue had not been settled yet, yet his wife, Jane Ronan, had already arrived… He was going to have a huge headache over this… 

Edwin adjusted his glasses that were sitting on the bridge of his nose. He closed his mouth and didn’t dare to say a word again.

Jane was holding her son, Little Precious, hand as she walked over. She walked to Edwin's side, glanced at him, and then she ignored him. Then, she went straight to Janell Joy and Nathaniel.

Jane looked at Nathaniel and asked softly, “Mr. Cooper, can I have a moment with my daughter?”

Nathaniel nodded.

“Mom..” When she heard her mother’s voice, Janell Joy forcibly held back her tears and said, “I, I..”

Janell Joy wanted to explain something, but she choked so hard that she couldn’t finish a complete sentence.

Seeing her daughter crying so hard that she was sobbing, Jane's heart ached terribly. She hugged Janell Joy into her arms and gently rubbed her head. “Hey, I’m here. Tell me everything, and let me help you.”

Janell Joy wiped her tears and shook her head. “It’s my fault. I’m not sensible enough. I’m useless. It’s all my fault.”

“Baby Janell, you are the most excellent child in our family. It’s not your fault.” Jane comforted her daughter. Janell Joy had been excellent since she was young, how could she say that she was useless? 

It was all Edwin's fault. Jane had told him never to hurt their daughter’s feelings or offend the man their daughter was in love with, at all costs.

However, Edwin just didn’t listen to her. He beat his future son-in-law up and traumatized his daughter. He would definitely regret it in the future.

“Mom, you don’t have to comfort me. I know it’s all my fault. It’s me, that’s why Brother got hurt. I’m the one who made Dad angry too.” Janell Joy shed tears as she berated herself.

Jane interrupted her, “Baby Janell, hush. You did nothing wrong. Your brother only wanted to protect you. Your dad is probably just old and confused.”

Old and confused?

Edwin's face darkened and his eyes showed dissatisfaction.

He was only in his forties, which meant that he was at the golden age of a man’s life. How could Jane say that he was old and confused?

This woman!

“Mom… I..”

“Sister, Dad brought a lot of excellent doctors over. Brother will be fine. Don’t cry. Mom will be sad if you cry.” Little Precious, who was neglected at the corner, tugged at the corner of Janell Joy’s clothes and said calmly in his soft voice. 

“Yes, our Little Precious is right. Janell, don’t worry, Andrew will be fine, and your Dad will come to terms with this."

Jane touched her daughter’s face and said sweetly, “Alright, don’t think about these things now. Take your Brother Lucas to a doctor and get treatment for his face first. If not, I worry his injuries would leave a mark.”


“Go, I’ll be here with your Dad. It’ll be fine.”

“Okay.” Janell Joy nodded.

“Mr. Cooper, please look after our little Janell for us,” Jane looked at Nathaniel again gently.

She spoke to him politely and there was an amicable look in her eyes. She was sure that Nathaniel was going to be her son-in-law in the future.

“Okay.” Nathaniel was not good at pleasing elders. Hence, he still maintains his calm and indifferent demeanor. 

As soon as they left, Jane looked at Edwin and shook her head. “Oh, you.”

Edwin ignored her. He was still mad at her. Why did he have to talk to her?

Jane continued, “You made our baby Janell cry, are you happy now?”

Edwin still didn’t say anything. He was like this every time. When he disagreed with her opinion, Jane would be the only one doing the talking, while Edwin would listen quietly and he would not say a word.

Jane was a little mad as she spoke, “Edwin, do you think I’m wrong?

Edwin was still arrogant and silent.

Jane bit her lip and said, “Edwin, don’t be like this every time. If you’re not going to talk, I’m going to get angry.”

“I have nothing to say.” He didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he did. If it weren’t for his daughter’s sake, he would have sent his men to chop Nathaniel into pieces.

Besides, he wasn’t angry at Jane over their children’s matters. It was actually because Jane insulted him for being old and confused.

“You have nothing to say?” Jane was almost furious with Edwin's attitude. She had to endure the frustration for a while before she could have a good discussion with him. “Then let’s not talk about Janell today. You should at least tell me about Andrew's condition.”


Edwin answered in a serious tone, “Two years ago, the victim of that notorious shooting in New York got shot twice, one of which was close to the heart, but Dr. Jim and his team managed to save the victim.”

“I’m relieved to have Doctor Jim and the others here, but after all, Andrew's surgery has been going on for so long already.” Jane was worried about this.

Andrew's operation had been going on for more than ten hours already. The doctors were probably mentally strained and physically exhausted, not to mention the patient lying on the operating table.

“Jane, trust me!” Edwin looked at Jane and said these simple words. Simple, yet reassuring.

Hearing this familiar phrase, Jane's anxiety gradually subsided. “Yes, of course, I will trust you. Our Andrew will be fine.”

After living together for so many years, Edwin's character was simple and clear. If he was not 100% sure about something, he would not answer so confidently.

Jane not only believed in Edwin, but also believed in the doctors Edwin had hired. She believed in Edwin's love for Andrew, she also believed in the fact that their child was resilient and tough.

Andrew had always been strong since he was a child. No matter what happened, he never made his parents worry about him. He knew he had to take care of himself since he was a child.

For more than a decade, the couple watched Andrew grow up from such a thin and weak little boy to a grown-up, a strong young man. They really regarded him as their own child.

However, Edwin was not good at expressing his feelings. Especially as the child grew up, the interaction between the father and son became less. Despite that, Jane knew that Edwin felt the same way for him as she did.

“Dad, Mom, two days ago, Brother called me and promised to bring me to Antarctica for an adventure during the New Year’s holiday! I don’t want him to break his promise. You must find a way to save him.” It was Little Precious who spoke bravely.

Julien Carter was Andrew's biggest fan. He listened to everything Andrew said. He was still thinking about how he could see his brother in a few days, but he didn’t expect that something like this would happen.

When he heard that his brother was injured, he was so worried that he cried, which was rare as he always put up a guarded front. But because he was calmer than other children, he held back his tears in front of his parents, and then he hid in the room and silently wept alone.

“Julien, your Big Brother will be fine, trust me!” Edwin knelt and gently rubbed his head. Seeing that both the brothers had a close relationship, he was very gratified.

“Little Precious, don’t worry. If Dad said that Brother will be fine, he will be fine.” Jane also knelt and kissed her lovely and sensible son. “Little Precious, I need to talk to your dad for a while. Why don’t you go check on your sister?”

Jane still remembered that she has unfinished business. She had to get the little one out of the way before she could ‘negotiate' properly with Edwin.

“Okay.” Little Precious had always been sensible. He nodded and went to check on his sister. Looking at Little Precious’ upright figure as he walked away, Jane suddenly sighed, “Our son is already so calm at such a young age, is that good or bad?” 

“What’s bad about that?” Edwin was also like this when he was a child. He was very sensible at an early age, so he didn’t think that there was anything bad with his son being like this.

“What if in the future… Sigh, forget it… I have a lot of things to tell you. Why do I have to worry about that?” Jane felt that she was thinking too much. 

Edwin was such a cold and aloof man, and despite so, he had so many admirers. She knew that she didn’t need to worry about her son so much.

“What were you going to say?” Edwin felt that it was not a good thing.

“Edwin, tell me. Are you happy that you bullied your daughter so badly?” Jane would not let go of Edwin for making Janell Joy cry so easily.

When did he bully his daughter?

Why was Jane behaving like this? Over the years, she had become more and more unreasonable.

There was a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, but Edwin still took his usual approach, and he was just silent and cold. He wanted to see what she could do to him.

With this attitude, Jane took a deep breath and said, “Edwin, let’s talk properly. Don’t do this every time.”

This person…

What should she do with him? She really wanted to beat Edwin up. She wanted his face to swell up so that he could feel the pain Nathaniel felt.

Edwin replied, “No, I didn’t.”

Jane then asked, “Then why are you not speaking?” 

Edwin replied, “Because I don’t want to argue with you.”

Jane became a little more confused, “Do you think I want to argue with you? 

Edwin expressed his dissatisfaction. “You said that I’m old and confused.”

Jane finally realized that this petty man was still unhappy about that. She found the key to the problem, now, everything was much easier to settle. Jane poked him in the chest and sighed, “You’re getting more and more petty. I said that because I was worried Janell would blame you. I was saying that for your own good, but you’re blaming me.”

Edwin raised his eyebrows. “You don’t think I’m old?” 

Jane raised her hand and swore, “I never thought of you as old.”

Jane meant what she said. Putting his appearance aside, he was still the same strong man as he was when he was younger. He even proved it two nights ago.

“Okay.” Edwin's face finally looked less stressed out. 

Jane asked, “Then what are you going to do about Janell?”

Edwin asked, “What else can we do?”

Jane raised her voice slightly and said, “Edwin, are you really going to split them up?”

Edwin was unhappy to hear that. “Jane, do you think that I can feel safe to hand my daughter over to a man who always hurts her?”

Jane was not willing to hand Janell Joy over to a man who would always hurt her, but what happened this time was just an accident Jane didn’t want Nathaniel to be blamed just because of this accident. She did not want Edwin to deny Nathaniel as his potential son-in-law all because of what happened earlier.

Jane then said some words on Nathaniel’s behalf. “Nathaniel should be more anxious than anyone else here. His concern for our daughter is also as strong and as real as ours. Edwin, I hope you won’t be stubborn anymore. Open your heart, get to know him. He is really a man worthy of a woman’s trust.”

“Jane, I will listen to you on other matters, but you have to listen to me on this.” With an absolutely stubborn attitude, Edwin did not intend to give in to Jane this time.

The reason why Edwin was so firm was probably also because Jane would praise Nathaniel a lot whenever she mentioned him.

He was upset that she would praise any man other than him!

Jane was really angry. “Edwin, I can listen to you on anything else, but I hope you can listen to our child on this matter.” 

Edwin glanced at her and started being cold again. If there was something that couldn’t be agreed upon, he would choose to stay silent. He would not back down on this matter, and any further discussion would not be effective.

“Edwin..” This person was really hard to communicate with.

Jane also gave him a stern look. She didn’t speak anymore. She would definitely be in a cold war with this man if he continued.


In the hospital. At the VIP luxury ward.

Looking at Nathaniel’s swollen face, Janell felt so distressed that her heart was in pain.

She stood beside him and kept telling the doctor and nurse, “Doctor, please use the best medication to treat him. Miss, please be careful when you apply the medication. Don’t hurt him.”

The doctor and nurse answered carefully, “Miss Carter, don’t worry. We will use the best medication we have and we will take care of Mr. President well.” They were terrified. This was their President. Even if they had a tiger’s courage, they would not dare to give the President any medicine that was subpar. 

The doctor and the nurse had reassured her, but Janell Joy was still worried. Seeing that the nurse was about to apply some cream medication on Nathaniel’s face, Janell Joy immediately blocked her. “Miss, why don’t you give me the medication and I’ll apply it for him.”

The nurse instinctively looked at Nathaniel. After receiving a nod from Nathaniel, she agreed. She handed the medication to Janell Joy and then briefed her on how to apply it. After that, under the instruction of the President, she left the room.

Janell Joy took the medication and gently applied it to Nathaniel’s face. “Brother Lucas, if it hurts, you can yell, don’t keep it in. There is no one else here, so nobody would laugh at you.”

These words sounded very familiar, as if he heard it somewhere before.

Nathaniel thought for a moment and remembered what she said. It seemed that she also said the same thing when she helped him treat his wound during the earthquake disaster the last time.

How important was he in this silly girl’s heart? Nathaniel thought that it might be far beyond his expectations.

He was so important to her, but he could not protect her again and again. Not only did she get kidnapped because of him, even the people close to her were injured.

He really deserved it!

Feeling her warm fingertips gently touching his face with the cooling ointment, Nathaniel felt very warm in his heart. For a moment, he wanted to give up everything just to be with her.

With this thought in his mind, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her to sit on his lap. He held her tightly in his arms and said, “Janell, Janell...”

Janell Joy struggled, but she was worried that she would affect his wound. She held back and said, “Brother Lucas don’t move. Let me help you with your wound first.”

Nathaniel held her in his arms, unwilling to let go. “Janell, don’t move. Let me hug you for a bit.”

Just now, when he rushed to the hotel to meet her, as he realized that she was not there when he arrived, he felt that the world was going to collapse. He was afraid that he would never find her again. 

After Nathaniel found Janell Joy, he didn’t get to hold her properly in his arms. In order to save Andrew, they rushed to the hospital. After that, they began waiting outside the operating room. He couldn’t hug her nicely then as she was in a frantic and worried state. 

At this moment, she was in his arms and he could feel her heartbeat. His worried heart gradually went back to normal.

Janell Joy wanted to break out of his arms. “Brother Lucas, your wound is more important.”

Not only did Nathaniel not let go of her, but he even held her tighter. He said, “Janell, don’t worry. I won’t die from this tiny wound.” 

“Brother Lucas, I won’t allow you to say that.” When it comes to his life, Janell Joy was easily triggered. Her eyes bulged with pain, and tears swirled in her eyes. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. I don’t want anything to happen to my brother. I want everyone to be safe.”

She spoke too fast and said something wrong, which made Janell Joy sad. Nathaniel was also so anxious that he was at a loss. “Janell, I’m really fine. Don’t worry about me too much.”

Janell Joy raised her head and forced her tears back. She murmured, “Your face is already swollen, how can it be fine?”

“It’s really fine.” He buried his head in her neck and breathed in her unique scent. “As long as you’re with me, this pain is really nothing. And I don’t think it’s wrong for your father to beat me up. I really deserve it.”

Mentioning that, Janell Joy also blamed herself. “Brother Lucas, my father hit you just because he cares about you. Please don’t blame him for that.”

Edwin and Nathaniel didn’t like each other. After all, Janell Joy, who was caught in between, was in the most uncomfortable situation.

If she stood on her father’s side, she didn’t want Brother Lucas to get hurt. If she stood on Brother Lucas's side, she didn’t want to see her father disappointed and sad. She was really in a pickle.

“No.” If Nathaniel really thought that Edwin was wrong, Nathaniel would not just stand still. More importantly, Edwin was his future father-in-law, of course, he wouldn’t fight back.

“Brother Lucas, I’m sorry!” In the end, it was her fault. If she was a little bit stronger, everything that happened would not have happened today.

“Sister.” Little Precious suddenly pushed the door open and came in. Seeing this scene, he turned around and was about to leave, but Janell Joy stopped him. “Little Precious, did something happen to Brother?”

Little Precious shook his head and said, “Brother is fine. Mom and Dad are watching him, so they asked me to accompany you… But I feel like a third wheel here.”

What was this little one talking about?

In the past, Janell Joy would have scolded him, but today she had no mood to say anything mean, “Little Precious, I have applied the medicine to Brother Lucas already. Let’s go together."

“Sister, are you sure that you were treating the wound?” He was doubtful because they were holding each other so tightly, how was that treating the wound?

“I am helping Brother Lucas.” Janell Joy quickly jumped off from Nathaniel’s body and applied the medication for him seriously.

At this time, because of Little Precious, Nathaniel could only endure what he wanted to do to Janell Joy.

Little Precious was standing beside them. Nathaniel wanted to get close with him, but when he realized that this little kid was as cold and serious as his father, Nathaniel gave up the idea.

As time went by, there was no news from the doctors after they entered the operating room. The people outside the operating room did not know the situation in the operating room, so they could only wait anxiously.

Everyone knew that the longer the operation took, the more critical the situation would be.

Seeing that the operating room had been silent, even the usually calm Edwin could not sit still. He took a cigarette from his assistant’s hand, wanting to go for a smoke, but when he saw his wife and children beside him, he threw the cigarette into the trash can.

Not knowing how long it took, the lights of the operating room were finally turned off. Before the door of the operating room opened up, the group of people immediately gathered around.

The group of doctors just came out with Doctor Jim. He walked to them, took off his mask, and said, “Mr. Carter, the operation was successful. However, because the surgery duration had been delayed, we cannot guarantee when Young Master Carter will regain consciousness.”

Hearing the first half of the doctor’s words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Then, the second half of the sentence made everyone’s heart plummet into an abyss again.


The doctor said the operation was very successful, but they still couldn’t guarantee when he would get up.

Janell Joy instantly felt like her entire world was shattered. “No, no, no… I don’t want anything to happen to him. I want him to wake up.” 

She shook her head and murmured, and then her body went limp and she fell straight to the ground. Fortunately, Nathaniel was standing behind her. Before she was about to hit the ground, he reached out to hold her in time.

Nathaniel held her in his arms and felt very sorry for her, “Janell..”

Janell Joy was afraid and worried. She was so worried that she was going to cry, but she had been crying for hours already and she was exhausted from it. 

“Brother Lucas, I don’t want anything to happen to him. He must be fine!” 

Nathaniel patted her on the back and comforted her softly, “You have to trust your brother’s strength. Since the operation has been successful, he will definitely wake up.” 

“I don’t know.” At this moment, all kinds of comfort could not ease Janell Joy’s fear and uneasiness. She was thinking about all sorts of things. What if…

What if Andrew couldn’t wake up for the rest of his life…

No, no, no. She didn’t want any ‘what if to happen. She wanted Andrew to wake up and to be alive and well. Even if Andrew would still poke his nose into her affairs after he woke up, Janell Joy vowed to let him be. She would gladly listen to him in the future. She would not mind anymore.

She wanted to wait for him to wake up so that she could tell everyone that he was her brother. He was her protective older brother, the only one she had in her life! 

She freed herself from Nathaniel’s embrace and took a step forward. “Doctor Jim, no matter how much it costs, and no matter the consequences it will take, I want my brother to wake up.”

Doctor Jim had an uncomfortable look on his face. “Miss Carter, this…”

Edwin suddenly said in a cold voice, “Jim, you can’t even guarantee if he could wake up. Can you even say that this was a successful operation?”

As soon as Edwin said that, Doctor Jim was speechless. 

Jim was sweating all over. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, “Chairman Carter, I have tried my best to operate with my team here. As for the rest of his recovery, it has nothing to do with the medication, and it all depends on his strength and willpower.”

Edwin asked again, “Willpower?”

Doctor Jim assured him, “Yes. If he has a strong willpower and a strong desire to survive, then he will definitely wake up.

Edwin suddenly smiled coldly and said in a low voice, “Jim, who do you think I am? You can fool others with these tricks, but how dare you try to fool me?”

Jim broke out in a cold sweat. He said in a panic, “Chairman Carter, how could I have the courage to fool you?”

Edwin continued to say, “You doctors would always leave it up to willpower when you don’t have 100% confidence in the treatment. Let me tell you this, the Carter family has never believed in fate. I don’t care whatever method you use, I want the results that I want.”

Well, this was the almighty Edwin Carter. He was the leader of the largest financial group in the world, Shengtian Corporation Inc. He had been in charge of Shengtian for two decades and had been in the business industry for so long. He had been through all kinds of situations before.

That doctor said that Andrew's recovery was dependent on fate, was Edwin a person who looked like he believed in fate?

Of course not!

Jim also knew that. As he was clear with Edwin's status and power, he was forced to admit, “Chairman Carter, you are asking for something very difficult to guarantee.”

In the past, Jim had never worked with Edwin before, but he had heard of Edwin's name long ago. He was very familiar with this big shot.

It was precisely because he was familiar with Edwin and that he knew what Edwin cared about most was not Shengtian, but his family. That was why Jim had the courage to say that. 

“What do you want?” Edwin frowned and looked at Jim. Jim did not say anything, but Edwin already saw the desire in Jim’s eyes. 

A man with eyes full of desire, what he wanted was nothing more than money, and that was the easiest thing for Edwin to obtain.

As long as someone could guarantee Andrew's wellbeing, Edwin would definitely remunerate Jim with more than the necessary fee. Moreover, if that person needed any help in the future, as long as he asked the Carter family for help. Edwin would definitely help.

However, it was obvious that Jim was not a smart person. Before the Young Master of the Carter family could wake up from the coma, he wanted to get more from Edwin. 

Edwin did not like this kind of person, and if that person would cause trouble for him at a critical moment like this, it would definitely not end well for him.

“Chairman Carter, I really have no other way, how could I request anything from you?” Jim was still pretending. After all, it was absolutely impossible for him to take advantage of Edwin with direct confrontation.

“I’ll give you one last chance,” Edwin said calmly, but the way he looked at Jim was terrifying.

Edwin would never go against his own words. If he had said that this was his last chance, then it would be so. It was impossible for him to give anyone another chance.

Jim was very clear about that too. He didn’t request for anything, and it was Edwin who proposed it anyway.

He covered his mouth and said in a soft voice, “Chairman Carter, I heard that you won the bid for the Pink Luminous Pearl in Dubai last year.”

It turned out that this was what Jim wanted.

Edwin understood immediately,

He smiled and said, “You want it?”

Jim then said, “My mother is very interested in rare treasures in the world. She is already very old and she won’t have many years left to live. I want to make her happy as much as I can.”

At this time, he was using his mother as a shield. He was really a despicable man. Edwin had seen through this person thoroughly.

The Luminous Pearl was a very unique and rare pearl, and Edwin bought it at a price of 19 billion dollars. As for why he bought it, it was a very simple reason… it was because his wife liked it.

During that period, Edwin went to Dubai on a business trip and he had Jane with him.

During that business trip, their hotel was the venue for a luxurious auction. When Jane saw the Luminous Pearl on a poster, she exclaimed and said that it was beautiful. Edwin then took her to the auction that night. After bidding for the Luminous Pearl, he gave it to her personally.

Edwin never spent money recklessly. However, for him to spend nearly 20 billion dollars just like that, it was clear that he would do anything to make his wife happy.

If this Luminous Pearl was not something that Jane liked, Edwin did not mind giving it to Jim for a few days. After that, he would have plenty of ways to get it back.

However, it was something that Jane liked. Therefore, no matter how hard Jim wanted it, he wasn’t going to budge.

Jim had even coveted the gift Edwin had especially bought for his beloved Jane. So, a menacing gaze flashed in Edwin's eyes, but it disappeared very quickly and no one noticed it.


Jane only wanted to save her son. When she heard Jim said that he wanted the Luminous Pearl, before Edwin could say anything, she said in a hurry, “Jim, as long as Andrew will recover, I will send the pearl to your mother immediately.”

Everyone knew that the Luminous Pearl was priceless. Many rich and famous people had the money to buy it, but even so, they could not get their hands on it.

Jim did not hold much hope that Edwin would give him the Luminous Pearl. But just as he heard Jane say these words, he was so excited that his eyes turned bright.

“Mrs. Carter, do I have your word?” He was in a hurry to get the answer from Jane as he showed his despicable face.

Seeing his face, Jane frowned and said, “Doctor Jim, you don’t have the basic ethics that a doctor should have, but I will never fool around with my son’s life.” No matter how rare the Luminous Pearl was and how much she liked it, it was nothing compared to Andrew's life.

If that Luminous Pearl could save Andrew's life, Jane would trade it in a second. In her opinion, no matter how expensive it was, it was not more important than Andrew's life.

She only wanted to save Andrew's life, thus she ignored everything else. And of course, she also didn’t notice Edwin's look on his face.

Everyone knew that the leader of the Shengtian doted on his wife. He would never disobey his wife. If his wife wanted the stars in the sky, Edwin would get them for her.

Therefore, what Jane said gave Jim a lot of courage, and it also made him see hope from Jane's real emotions.

Jim then added, “Mrs. Carter, then it’s a deal. Send the pearl to my residence, and I will treat Young Master Carter wholeheartedly.” 

“Luis!” Edwin suddenly shouted at Luis George. His loud voice frightened Jim and made him tremble slightly. He instinctively took two steps back to keep a distance from Edwin.

Luis immediately stepped forward and reported respectfully to Edwin, “Chairman Carter, I have already asked our men in New York to locate Doctor Jim’s family. Our men will take good care of them and let them know that Doctor Jim will return as soon as Young Master Carter recovered.” Anyone who was sane in the mind would know that Luis was threatening Jim. It was an upfront threat.

Jim was so angry that his face turned blue. He glanced at Edwin and Jane. “Mrs… Mrs. Carter, can you ask Chairman Carter what he means by that?”

Jane was worried about Andrew's safety and she was even worried that this would delay Andrew's treatment time. She moved to Edwin's side and tugged at his shirt. 

She looked at Edwin with pleading eyes and said, “Edwin, that Luminous Pearl is just an object, it’s more important to save Andrew's life.”

“Shh!” Edwin grabbed Jane's hand and held it tightly in his palm. Instead of answering Jane's question, he glanced at Luis again. 

Luis understood his master’s order. He said, “Dr. Jim, your son is 21 years old this year. And he’s studying at the University of California?”

When he heard a stranger suddenly mentioning his son, Jim knew that things were not going well. He panicked and asked, “What, what do you want to do?”

Luis took out his phone as he smiled and said, “Your son looks much better than you, and it would be a pity if he loses his life at such a young age.”

Jim was furious, but he couldn’t vent his anger. He could only stare at Luis angrily and said, “You, you.. You are just an assistant, how could you threaten me?”

“What do you think threatening is to me? It’s not like I’ve never done anything worse.” Luis shook his head and sighed. “In this world, the laws of the animal kingdom have never changed. The allocation of power.. the food chain is always the same. But some people just don’t understand it, so they would do stupid things such as playing around with the tiger.”

After saying this, Luis slowly realized that it was not good to describe his master like this. He only hoped that his master wasn’t listening to him seriously.

As soon as he had this idea in his mind, he felt a cold and sharp gaze swept over his body. Oh no, his master was really upset this time!

Luis didn’t dare to vent his anger from his master, so he had to vent his anger on someone else, therefore, Jim was the best choice.

Before Jim opened his mouth, Luis said again, “Doctor Jim, as for what you should do, it’s your own decision to make. By the way, don’t make it sound like a threat. You’re the one who caused this whole thing, so you’re the one to bear the consequences.”

Luis was only Edwin's special assistant. He did things according to Edwin's instructions. Jim knew that it was useless to talk to him any longer. Therefore, he looked at Jane again and wanted to use Jane as a shield by attacking her kindness and using a mother’s love to his advantage.

Jim said, “Mrs. Carter, I understand that Young Master Carter is not your biological son. So, is that why you don’t care about his life?” Jane was worried about Andrew's condition, but after Edwin held her hand tightly in his palm, she was no longer so worried. She knew that Edwin already had it all planned out, and he would never let their child be in danger.

As long as Andrew was fine, Jane could think rationally. She smiled at Jim politely and said, “Doctor Jim, the way I raise my son is my personal matter, you don’t have to worry about that.”

After thinking for a while, Jim said in an evil manner, “Mrs. Carter, you’re not answering me directly, does that mean I’m right?”

Jane pursed her lips and smiled gently. “I think my son knows best about how I treat him. I don’t need to explain it to an outsider. Besides, I have to remind you that no matter how good a person’s medical skills are, he won’t be able to have a long career if he is unethical.”

After listening to Jane's words, Jim’s face turned blue. He didn’t know whether it was because he was angry or because he had a little conscience, he suddenly realized it was not right to take advantage of people when they were in need.

Jim didn’t want to give up, but he couldn’t do anything anymore. He was not a match for Edwin. It was so easy for Edwin to do despicable things to him.

This time, he made the wrong move and thought that Edwin would be threatened. He thought that he could take advantage of him, but in the end, he lost so badly.

Now, he was even more clear that even if the Young Master Carter had recovered, he would not be able to see his son again.

Edwin had always been calm and composed. He was well prepared for everything he did, and he would not allow anything unexpected to happen.

It was the same this time. Not only did he bring a team of doctors with Doctor Jim from New York, he also invited a group of doctors he was familiar with that he trusted dearly,

Since Edwin had arranged for the team of trusted doctors to work with Jim’s team of doctors, Jim would not have the opportunity to do anything untoward to Andrew.

Andrew's condition was slightly better than they expected. Although there was no sign of him waking up soon, his vital signs were still strong.


Doctor Jesse and his team were old friends of Edwin who had been working with him for many years. His team was assigned to perform a detailed examination on Andrew.

After their examination, he concluded, “Chairman Carter, although this surgery has been delayed for too long and it even caused great harm to the Young Master’s body, fortunately, the Young Master’s physical condition is very good. We’ll give him the best medicine we have. In a few days, he will wake up.”

In the medical world, Jim was a master at surgery, while Jesse was an expert at post- surgery recuperation. They each had their own strengths, but Jesse was more ethical as a doctor than Jim was.

Jesse would tell Edwin everything he knew about Andrew's condition, as he should. He wouldn’t hide anything from him, and he wouldn’t exaggerate any symptoms. Moreover, he wouldn’t even think of taking advantage of Edwin.

Edwin said his usual answer, “As long as it helps with his injury and he can wake up as soon as possible, no matter how expensive the medicine is, just use it at will. I have only one request, which is for him to regain consciousness.”

Jesse said, “Don’t worry, Chairman Carter, I will use as much as I can to help the Young Master.”

Edwin nodded and didn’t say anything else.

With Jesse’s reassurance, Jane was really relieved. She stepped forward and said, “Thank you, Doctor Jesse! Thank you very much! Sorry for troubling you with this.”

Jesse replied politely, “Mrs. Carter, it’s our duty as doctors to save lives. You don’t have to thank me.”

Moreover, he wasn’t saving Young Master Carter for nothing. He also received his wages in advance and even extra allowances for his travels to Country A, which were exclusively high.

Shengtian was one of the top financial conglomerates in the world. If the boss needed to fund their employees’ travel, they would be seated in private planes enjoying the best care and treatment possible. Hence, Dr. Jesse had no reason not to put all his efforts into ensuring Andrew's wellbeing.

Although both of them were doctors, the difference between Jim and Jesse was distinctive. However, the crafty and cunning Jim was taken away already. It was not known whether he could still be a doctor in the future.

In comparison, the sensible and principled Jesse would never lack funds or opportunities in future. If he faced any troubles, Edwin would definitely get help for him. 

“Alright, then that’s done. When can we go in to see our child? I would like to speak to him,” Jane said softly. They had been in Country A for two days already, but Jane had not seen her son yet. She was really worried about him.

Jesse said, “Mrs. Carter, Young Master Carter is still in the intensive care ward. Sorry, but you’ll have to wait for one more day. When he gets better, he would be moved to the general ward. Then you can go in and see him.” 

“Alright, thank you!” She was disappointed that she could not enter the ward to take a look at her child. But for the sake of Andrew's recovery, she knew she needed to be patient.

“Chairman Carter, Mrs. Carter, I have to check on Young Master Carter for a while. I’ll excuse myself.” After updating Edwin and Jane, Jesse left them alone.

After seeing the doctor off, Jane looked through the window at Andrew who was lying on the bed. He was lying quietly on the bed with a pale face, and he did not look as high-spirited as he used to be.

Looking at him, Jane felt very sad. Her heart was beating aggressively, and she felt so sad that she wanted to cry.

“Edwin, our Andrew.”

“Don’t worry!” Edwin gently wiped Jane's tears from the corners of her eyes with his finger. “When Andrew's condition is stable, we will take him back to New York for treatment.”

The medical facilities were more advanced in New York compared to Country A. Edwin had already planned to take Andrew back to New York for his recuperation so that it would be convenient for his family to take care of him.

“Okay. No matter what happens, you must help him get better. He’s our child, a member of our family that we cannot lose,” Jane said. 

“Jane, what kind of person do you think I am?” Jane had mentioned more than once that Andrew was their child, she also mentioned that Andrew could not be in trouble, which made Edwin feel quite flustered.

Did Jane think that Edwin never treated Andrew as his own son. If he didn’t treat Andrew as his own son, would he be willing to have a random person wandering around the house all day? 

Obviously, Edwin would not allow that. If there was someone he did not like, no matter how persistent Jane was, he could come up with a way to remove that person without making Jane sad.

Jane asked, “Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?”

Edwin insisted, “Answer me.”

After being together with her for a long time, Jane understood Edwin a lot more. When he asked a question and insisted on hearing the answer from her, he must be upset with her.

Edwin was really petty sometimes. She would always upset him unknowingly, then, he would put on a gloomy face.

After thinking for a while, Jane said, “You’re a good person. You’re a good son, a good husband, a good father, and a good boss. You’re the best person that I know.”

Jane praised Edwin nonchalantly, but it did not make Edwin happy. Instead, it made his face appear gloomier, and his expression looked like he wanted to ignore her.

Jane thought about it again, trying to recall what she had just said wrong and made him angry, but she couldn’t figure it out She shrugged helplessly and said, “Edwin, you are already a father of three children, how can you still throw tantrums like this?”

Edwin glanced at her and turned his head away indifferently.

Sure enough, he was angry!

He was always like that.

Jane shrugged helplessly. She reached out to hold his waist and snuggled into his arms. “Edwin, do you know that every time you get angry with me, I feel so scared.”

Jane spoke softly and sadly and appeared really scared. When Edwin heard that, he couldn’t show his gloomy face anymore, so he instinctively hugged her and said, "I’m not angry with you.” Even if he was really angry with her, he would not admit it because he did not want her to be scared.

Jane raised her head slightly and looked at him, “You are not angry with me? Then why did you ignore me?”

Jane understood Edwin so well that she knew how to deal with him. This man would be defenseless against her. For so many years, he was like this every time.

Edwin said awkwardly, “I didn’t ignore you.”

He already said that he didn’t ignore her, and he was even hugging her and talking to her nicely. Hence, Jane had no reason to make things difficult for him.

She was a smart woman. She knew when to pretend, and she also knew when not to expose him. She smiled and said, “In this whole world, you’re the kindest to me. You always prioritize me.”

This was the undeniable truth. Jane would always mention it just to let Edwin know that she knew Edwin treated her well.

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