Wednesday, August 12, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 714 - 716


CHAPTERS 714 - 716


"If I could guess it, I wouldn't have asked you." Jane tilted her head and looked at Edwin ruefully. But she was wearing a blindfold, so Edwin wasn't able to read her expression. 

"Well, it's better that you can't figure it out." If she managed to guess what was going on, then there would be no surprise, and it would have been a waste of effort trying to hide it all from her. 

Jane didn't know how to respond. "Why the hell is he so annoying? I want to punch him so bad!" 

The carriage went along the coastal road of the island and finally pulled over after half an hour. The motorcade that was following the carriage also stopped. It was a majestic sight. 

Jane still did not know what Edwin was up to today after arriving at their destination. Without her vision, she could only hold onto Edwin's hand tightly. Edwin became her eyes at that moment. 

Edwin appeased her and patted her hand. He helped her out of the carriage and whispered in her ear, "Jane, I'm going to take off your blindfold now." 

"Okay," Jane replied gently. 

For some reason, Jane suddenly felt a little nervous. She didn't know what she would see after taking off the blindfold. 

When Edwin uncovered the blindfold, Jane closed her eyes by instinct. She took a deep breath, and then slowly opened her eyes. 

What appeared in front of Jane was a majestic and beautiful church. The church was surrounded by a plethora of flowers, which made it look like a mystical fairyland. 

With that dreamy setting, Jane could not believe her eyes. It looked like a beautiful dream come true. She was standing on a long red carpet, and the red carpet led directly to the entrance of the church. 

The two sides of the red carpet were also surrounded by guests and reporters from all walks of life. 

As she looked ahead, Father Carter, Mother Carter, Angela, Robert, Laura, John Alex, and their baby were standing in the middle of the red carpet with smiles on their faces. 

Of course, the ones who had Jane's attention the most were Andrew and Janell. They stood out in front of the crowd. The two children were wearing a suit and a dress respectively, and each of them were holding a bouquet of flowers. They looked extremely adorable. 

When they arrived, the media aimed their cameras on them. Flashlights were everywhere as the cameras tried hard to record every single moment of this wedding of the century. 

Robert, who was wearing a black suit, took a step forward. He held Janell in one hand and Andrew in the other. Then, he walked slowly toward Jane. 

Watching them getting closer and closer, Jane wanted to say something but her emotions left her speechless. And everything in front of her slowly became blurred. 

How could Edwin do this? Why didn't he inform her about this wedding in advance? How could he allow her to cry in front of so many guests and the media? 

Just when Jane's emotions were making her all flustered, a familiar hand gently wrapped around her waist and pulled her to his side. 

He said, "Jane, this is our wedding. I've owed you this for five years now. I'll make it all up to you today. I hope you won't blame me." Edwin's voice was still deep and seductive as usual. 

It sounded so enchanting and charming. She was basking in her excitement and joy, so why would she be blaming him? She never even expected a wedding ceremony. 

Right now, the dreamiest wedding ceremony appeared in front of her eyes, and she was the bride. She became too emotional to know what to do next. She didn't know how to face this sudden situation because she had not prepared for it. 

"As long as you're with me, you can just follow me." Edwin assured Jane in his familiar, deep voice again. 

Jane calmed down a lot hearing what Edwin had just said. She was not ready for this, but she had Edwin. 

"Yes!" She nodded. "As long as he's here, I'll just follow him." He was her eyes. He was the direction to guide her forward. He was everything to her! 

Edwin raised his hand and gently held Jane's face. He lowered his head and kissed away her tears. "From today on, everyone will know that you are my wife. And from now on, whoever's brave enough to cause you hurt, I will not spare that person, including myself." 

Edwin did not speak loudly, but every word he said was clear as day. His short speech was captured by all the photographers in the room and was also streamed live on the internet. 

He wanted the world to hear his vow. Jane was his wife, that someone he would protect with his life. Whoever was brave enough to come after her again would suffer the consequences at their own expenses! 

Edwin would not share his tactics to deal with those who messed with his loved ones. Ed Yates's incident was a good example after all. 

"I won't cry!" Jane didn't want to cry, but she couldn't hold back her tears. She was moved by what Edwin had just done. 

"Good girl, stop crying!" Edwin reached out his hand and gently wiped away her tears with his thumb. "If you cry, my heart will ache." 

"I am happy!" Jane bit her lip and tried her best to control her tears. She didn't want Edwin to experience heartaches because of her again. 

Finally, Robert arrived in front of them with Andrew and Janell. Robert smiled and said, "Our most beautiful bride. There are so many cameras from everywhere in the world looking at you right now. Aren't you afraid that your makeup will be a mess when you cry?" 

Jane glared at him warningly! 

"Daddy!" Janell let go of Robert's hand suddenly and threw herself to her father. 

Early this morning, all the elders in the family had told her over and over again that she was not allowed to ask for hugs from her father as he was busy. She was supposed to be the most beautiful flower girl for her parents' wedding. 

However, as soon as she saw her parents, she couldn't stand still anymore. She had already forgotten what the adults had asked her to do, and threw herself into her father" s embrace with the flowers in her hand. 

Edwin caught her little body that was running his way and picked her up to kiss her. "My baby, what's wrong?" 

"I miss the both of you." She leaned over to kiss her father, and then moved to kiss her mother as well. "You look so beautiful." 

"Thank you for your praise, baby!" Jane smiled with tears in her eyes. To Jane, being praised by her daughter was more precious than anyone else's praise. 

"I'm as beautiful as you!" The little fellow was really a genius. It turned out that she was just praising herself instead of her mother. 

Jane rubbed her little head and said, "No, you're the most beautiful one of all." 

After getting the praise of her mother, Janell turned to look at her father, hoping that her father could praise her too. "Mommy is right. You're the most beautiful." 

Edwin pinched the little fellow's face and said, "But today, mommy is the star. You have to listen to what grandpa, grandma, and little Aunt says." 

"But I don't want to." She had been around her grandparents since early in the morning, so she really wanted to be with her father and mother now. She didn't want her parents to only see each other in their eyes and ignore her completely!.


Edwin said patiently, "You're going to be the most beautiful little flower girl today. You can't cling on me today." 

"But I want to be with Mommy and you!" Janell spoke firmly. She held her father's neck tightly with both of her small hands, and did not show signs of letting go. 

"Baby.." Edwin was helpless. He really didn't know what to do with this little fellow. Since he raised this child so lovingly since she was born, he could not bear to turn down her requests. 

"Edwin, leave her to me." Jane reached out to hug Janell and kissed her. "Then, you can be with me." 

"Okay." Janell nodded vigorously. She loved to be with her parents. 

"Mr. Carter, please go to the front and wait for the bride." The emcee of the wedding interrupted the family. 

"Mr. Michael, you will hand the bride over to the groom later." Jane's father had passed away. So it would be the most appropriate for her eldest brother, Robert, to walk Jane down the aisle and hand her hand over to Edwin. 

Everything was ready. Everyone stood in their positions. Edwin walked to the other end of the red carpet, waiting for his bride. 

As the Wedding March started to play, everyone's eyes were fixed on the bride. Jane held Janell with one hand and Robert with her other. They walked toward Edwin on the other side of the red carpet. 

After a walking few steps forward, twelve helicopters flew over from the top of their heads. The planes formed a heart shape that hovered in the air and scattered flower petals down to the ground. 

All of a sudden, it was raining flowers. The petals were fluttering in the air. Along with the flowers on the ground, everyone was immersed in a sea of flowers. 

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" A guest exclaimed in admiration. If a woman had a man who could host a wedding like this in their lives, that would be a life with no regrets. 

"Yeah, it's too beautiful. It's a pity that I would never live a good life like this." 

"Chairman Carter is handsome, and the bride is also so gorgeous. They are truly a perfect match." 

The show did not end here. When the bride approached the groom slowly under her older brother's lead, eleven of the planes threw out long banners at the same time, and each had a long line of messages. 

From Edwin meeting Jane for the first time to their separation... everything was detailed and shown to the public. Kevin told everyone their story. 

However, the ribbon that the leading aircraft released at the very end was what caught everybody's attention the most. All the other banners were red, but this one was in white. 

The banner read, "No matter life or death, I'll always be with you. I will hold your hand and grow old with you!" Edwin was never the kind who was good at expressing his feelings, and it was even more difficult for him to say it out to the public. So, he came up with this special way to express his love for Jane. 

When this long banner was released, Jane had walked down the aisle and finally came to Edwin's side. She looked at him with eyes as gentle as a dove. In fact, no matter how breath-taking the set up was, the beauty of everything else still wouldn't come close to the beauty of the man in front of her. 

There was only Edwin in her eyes, and without a doubt, Edwin only had her in his eyes too. 

He looked at Jane's shy face lovingly. His gaze was so focused onto her, as if it was going to look through all of her. Jane was the beautiful bride of the day. Right at this moment, she had finally gone through all kinds of challenges in life, and remained by his side despite it all.

"Mr. Carter!" The usherer next to him coughed lightly, trying to remind Edwin to come to his senses because they needed to move on with the ceremony. 

Edwin regained his composure and took a small step forward. He knelt down on one knee and looked at Jane and Robert. "Brother, with your blessing, I will protect her with my life from now on, forever and always." 

For the first time, Edwin addressed Robert as his brother because Robert was the only biological family member of Jane. Robert's blessings would also imply that it was their parent's blessing. 

By taking Jane's hand away from Robert's grip, it also signified that he had accepted the responsibility of taking care of Jane. 

"Okay." Robert nodded with satisfaction and helped Edwin up. He handed Jane's hand to Edwin and said, "I'll pass

Jane over to you today on behalf of my father. I hope that she will live blissfully in the future." 

Edwin held Jane's hand and kissed her gently. "Jane, are you willing to come with me?" 

"Yes!" Jane nodded vigorously. She had walked through storms to reach this far. 

After receiving the bride, Edwin took her hand and was ready to walk forward. But Janell, who was still holding Jane's left hand, did not want to let go of her.

Was it because she was too young and too short? Nobody saw her, and her parents did not kiss her. 

Janell was very disappointed to be ignored again. She did not want to leave them. Instead, she pouted and tried different ways to get the adults' attention. 

The first person who noticed her temper was not Jane, nor was it Edwin, but instead it was Lucas, who was sitting amongst the crowd. He dressed differently and he had makeup on, so no one could recognize him. Yet, he did not look away from Janell all this while.

He wanted to go over badly and pick Janell up. He wanted to reassure her. Other people could ignore her, but Brother Lucas would never do so to her. But he knew he couldn't, and he wasn't supposed to... 

Janell was also another eye-catcher today, and a lot of people were looking at her. 

"Janell, what's wrong?" After Jane took a few steps forward, she realized something unusual about Janell. 

"I can't walk anymore." Janell said pitifully after looking at her mother, then her father. In other words, she wanted her father to carry her. 

Edwin was never a person who cared much about rules so he picked Janell up immediately and said, "Okay, since you can't walk anymore, I will carry you." 

She became the bright star again. She held her father's head happily and gave him a sweet and soft kiss. Finally, the family of three walked down the aisle and came up to the priest. 

Under the witness of their family, friends, guests, and media, the priest began his speech. He finally got to the point after giving a long opening speech. 

The grey-haired priest looked at the new couple standing in front of him and asked in a heart-warming tone, "Jane Ronan, do you take Edwin Carter as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" 

As soon as the priest finished speaking, everyone else held their breaths and were ready to listen to Jane's "Yes, I do". 

However, Jane did not say a thing for a long time. She turned her head slightly and looked at Edwin, who was standing next to her..


Edwin took a big gulp of air, out of anxiety, absolutely eager to hear Jane say "Yes, I do" more than anyone else. 

However, Jane did not answer. She looked at him without showing much expression. Jane did not answer for a long time, and guests started whispering. Just as Edwin wanted to say something, Jane moved her hand slightly and let go of Edwin's hand. 

The moment Jane pulled her hand away, Edwin could feel something poke through his heart. Yet, in the next second, Jane held his hand tightly again and gave him a bright happy smile. She looked at the priest and replied firmly, 

"Yes, I do!" Edwin's racing heart settled down finally. Under Angela and Laura's lead, a warm applause sounded behind them. 

The priest looked at Edwin, who was carrying their child, and asked again, "Edwin Carter, do you take Jane Ronan as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" 

Edwin nodded without hesitation. "Yes, I do." Besides this life, he wanted to be with Jane in their next lives too. He wanted to protect her and to love her, forever and always! 

As soon as Edwin responded, an enthusiastic applause lasted for a long time in the church. 

The priest asked again, "Olivia Carter, Stephen Carter, as Edwin Carter's parents, do you bless their marriage?" 

Father Carter replied, "Yes, I do!" 

Mother Carter was so moved she had already started crying long ago. She wiped off the tears of joy and nodded, "Of course I do!" 

The priest added, "Then I'm officially announcing." 

"Grandpa, you still haven't asked me yet." Before the priest could finish his words, a soft and tender voice suddenly interrupted him. 

"Oh.." The priest responded very quickly. With a smile on his usually serious face, he added, "Janell Carter, do you bless your parents to be an officially wedded husband and wife?" 

Janell nodded vigorously and answered, "Yes, I do! I want my daddy and mommy to be together forever!" 

There was another round of applause from the crowd, and the priest continued, "Then, please allow me to announce officially that the bride and groom can now exchange rings, and the groom may kiss the bride." 

The groom was still holding a third wheel in his arms. The third wheel was staring at them with her gorgeous big eyes. How was he going to kiss the bride? 

Perhaps they had been married for a while now and understood each other's thoughts, Edwin and Jane approached Janell at the same time and kissed one side of her cheeks each. This was a one-of-a-kind wedding. 

The groom was unable to kiss his bride. However, their joy and happiness were something that everyone in the room could witness. Under the witness of the guests, Edwin and Jane's wedding ceremony was completed successfully. 

"Jane." At this moment, Edwin couldn't think of anything else. All he could think about was their "wedding night" tonight. 

"Hm?" Jane blushed a little under his gaze, but she did not shy away from him. 

"We won't be attending the wedding reception. My parents can take care of the guests." He put Janell down and said, "Good girl, go to your Little Aunt, okay?" 

Janell had received enough attention at the wedding. She was sensible enough to stop bothering her parents and went with her Little Aunt. 

Under everyone's gaze, Edwin carried Jane up by the waist and left At this moment, nothing could stop the excitement of him wanting to return to their wedding suite immediately, 

Edwin left with Jane in his arms. Father Carter and Mother Carter were busy attending to the guests in the wedding reception, and Angela was responsible for taking care of Janell. 

Just then, another helicopter flew across in the sky. The helicopter hovered in the air for a while, and then a ladder was thrown out. A man came down quickly along the ladder. 

Soon, Angela could see who the man was clearly. It was the man who betrayed her, Victor James. Angela looked at him from afar, then turned around and left with Janell in her arms. 

She didn't want to see him at all. She had almost forgotten about what happened over the last two days. But she felt sick and disgusted again as soon as she saw him. 

"Sister, brother-in-law, sorry I'm late." The main purpose of his attendance was not to attend Edwin's wedding, but he wanted to capture Angela. 

"You should know Angela's feelings for you better than us. She' s always had a bad temper, so you should compromise a little. If you guys want to stay together for a long time, you must learn to understand each other more." Mother Carter knew the real reason Victor was here. 

She pointed at the direction where Angela left. "Go and chase after her. Communicate and talk things out, okay?" 

"I know," said Victor seriously. He ran after her without saying anything else. 

Victor was a soldier and he could walk and run very fast. As Angela was restricted from holding Janell, he managed to catch up with her in no time. 

"Uncle!" Janell had not seen Victor for a long time so she threw herself into Victor's embrace excitedly. 

"Baby, don't talk to this bad guy." Angela turned around with Janell in her arms and walked in another direction. She didn't even want to look at Victor. 

"Angela, how long will you be f*cking mad at me for?" He had even put his ego down and came to see her from Jiangbei, but she was still ignoring him. 

"Victor, can't you f*cking understand human language? I've told you very clearly, I don't like you anymore. We have broken up, and we have nothing to do with each other anymore." 

He had done something so disgusting. Yet, without any explanation for what he's done, he claimed that she was mad as soon as they met! 

"Ha- ha-ha-ha... Angela laughed bleakly. "I guess our relationship was a mistake from the very beginning. He clearly didn't like me. I was the one who kept on pestering him. He had only accepted me out of pity." She thought silently. 

"Try saying that again!" If she dared to talk irrationally again, he would tear her into pieces. "Miss Carter, are you guys going to fight?" 

These two were in a heated argument at the moment, yet Aaron Paul decided to disturb at such a bad timing. 

As Victor saw Mr. Paul, his repressed anger was ignited immediately. He grabbed Angela and yelled, "No wonder you wanted to break up with me, because this guy came back to you again!" 

As Victor roared out loud, Angela's heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar that instant, frozen and shattered into pieces. He was the one who had cheated on her. 

How blind was she before this to have fallen in love with such an irresponsible man? She was on the edge of breaking into tears. 

However, she smiled and said, "Exactly, I'm going to marry him back in Country A. He is the one that I was arranged to marry anyway. If I don't marry him, who else should I marry?" 

"How dare you!" Victor held Angela's wrist so tightly he could almost crush her. He looked at her as fierce as a sharp sword. 

Janell, who was in Angela's arms, was scared to tears..

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