Friday, November 6, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1086 - 1090


CHAPTERS 1086 - 1090


“Hey there miss, what a coincidence. We meet again.” It was the hooligan who harassed Silvia on the bus. He brought along some people with him this time. It seemed that he had been following Silvia.

“Yeah, what a coincidence!” Silvia smiled and answered calmly. She masked her fear really well.

“It’s late. It’s dangerous to go home alone. Let us take you home." The hooligan approached Silvia slowly and gave his accomplice a look. He was signalling for the others to surround Silvia.

Silvia smiled and said sweetly, “Well, I was just getting worried that I won’t be able to get home in this storm. I guess I’ll have to ask for some favours."

Silvia agreed quickly, and her expression was calm. She didn’t show any panic at all, which made the people around her a little worried. Hooligans like them just wandered around the city every day. When they saw young and beautiful girls, they would either cheat or steal from them. If not, they might even kidnap the girls and traffic them elsewhere.

They were committing a crime, but they tried to do it in the dark. They were not bold enough, especially when they were afraid of provoking someone they couldn’t afford to offend.

The hooligan asked, “Are you really alone?

“Yes, I’m alone, there’s no one else. Hey, are you all sending me home together?" Silvia pointed to a direction casually. “My house is over there. It’s not far away. We can walk back together."

“Little girl, what’s your last name?” One of the thugs seemed to have met her somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember where exactly.

Silvia answered calmly, “Don’t you want to send me home? I’ll tell you what my last name is when I get home. Oh no.. I’ll ask my dad to tell you. He likes to make new friends."

The thug who asked the question earlier suddenly leaned into the hooligan’s ear and said, “Brother Billy, isn’t this girl from Shengtian?”

“How is it possible?” Hearing the word Shengtian, the hooligan became very shocked. D*mn it, if they provoked someone from Shengtian, they would die an ugly death.

The man looked back at Silvia, and then he whispered in the hooligan’s ear, “The news of the wedding of the daughter of Shengtian has been going around these days. I saw a photo that day, but it was deleted before I could save it. I vaguely remember that the daughter of Shengtian looked like her”

The hooligan had some doubts. “It’s raining cats and dogs out here. How could the precious daughter of Shengtian hang out alone in the streets in the middle of the night?”

“She must have argued with her family. Brother Billy, the direction she is pointing at." The man gestured for the hooligan to take a look. In that direction, there was Secret Garden, the place where the ultra-rich families of Jiangbei lived. 

“Brother Billy, there are pretty girls everywhere. I think we’d better not take this risk”

Although there were pretty girls everywhere, it was the first time the hooligan saw such a mesmerizing and beautiful girl like Silvia.

The hooligan had been cheating people for a long time. After all these years. It was rare for him to meet such a precious-looking girl. He knew that he could definitely sell her for a good price. Therefore, he was reluctant to let her go easily.

“Brother Billy, think about it. Is money more important than your life?” The man tried to persuade him softly, as he was worried that he would suffer as well. 

“Little girl, what’s your last name?” The hooligan did not want to give up easily. He wanted a clear answer. If she said some other name, he would take her immediately.

At that time, even if he caught the wrong person and someone from the Carter family came looking for her, it was not his fault. She did not say that she was a member of the Carter family.

“Hmm, why are you so curious about my last name?” Silvia was smart. When she saw them whispering, she could guess what they were talking about. When she heard them asking for her last name several times, she guessed that they were confirming her identity.

It was very likely that Andrew sent them over to bully her. It was not enough that he had bullied her, as he still wanted to recruit others to destroy her too. She knew that as long as she said that her last name was Turner, she would be taken away by these people immediately, so she could never say her real name.

The hooligan pursued and asked, “Little girl, tell me. I’ll send you home as soon as you tell me. I promise to send you home safely.”

Silvia smiled slightly and blinked her beautiful eyes again. “Since you are so curious, I will tell you, my last name is.”

“Her last name is Carter!” Suddenly, a cold male voice came from behind the crowd. A tall man then appeared in their sight.

Being involved in gangsterism for so long, they were good at recognizing people. Just by looking at this person, they knew that he was not easy to deal with. When they heard that her last name was Carter, they ran off scattering. 

Andrew Carter came to Silvia’s side and looked at her coldly. He was taller than her and had a powerful aura. Standing in front of Silvia, she felt intimidated but she didn’t want to appear scared. She smiled and said, “Young Master Carter, it’s you! What a coincidence! I didn’t expect to meet you here." 

Seeing the culprit who got her into this mess and the thought of almost being carried away by gangsters, Silvia was furious. Perhaps she was too angry that she could appear ridiculously calm. She could still talk to him like nothing happened.

“Yes, Miss Turner, what a coincidence. I didn’t expect to meet you here." This woman was really looking for death. Not only did she give his phone number to others, she even asked other women to come to him. Was she so eager to push him to another woman?

If he didn’t come in time, would she leave with those gangsters? He thought that this wild woman could really do such a thing.

Silvia blinked and smiled innocently and sweetly. “It’s so late now. Why are you not sleeping with a woman in your arms? What are you doing here?"

Andrew was angry, but he laughed, “The weather is lovely tonight, so I came out for a walk.”

“Yes, the weather is indeed lovely. It’s nice to come out for a walk." Silvia couldn’t wait to spit on him. He was really good at acting. Well, in this windy and rainy weather, he might be able to pick up a few homeless beauties. The weather was really lovely.

“Miss Turner, what about you? It’s so late now. Are you taking a walk outside too?” He was also laughing, but his smile was gloomy and creepy.

“What do you think?” She was furious as she thought about how he could ask so casually. If it weren’t for him, why would she be in such a mess? 

“What do I think?” Andrew sneered, and there was anger in his eyes. He clenched his fist to control himself from snapping her neck. 

“Don’t pretend!”  Silvia was also laughing, but she was gritting her teeth. She knew she couldn’t win over physical fights with him, so she couldn’t act too irrationally now. Deep down, she wanted to beat him up so badly. 

The two of them stared at each other intensely. Tension was building up, and both of them were not willing to take a step back.


The wind was blowing wildly, and the rain became torrential. Even the huge door of the mall entrance could not keep out the wind and the rain.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew over Silvia and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Andrew acted quickly and caught her in time. 

“Get your filthy hands off me!” Silvia shook him off hard. However, she could not keep her balance and stumbled to the ground. “You. you.”

This scuml He must have done it on purpose. He just wanted to mess with her!

“What?” Andrew stood in front of her looking down at her with an aloof gaze. It was as if he was a mighty emperor looking down at his humble servant.

“You.” Silvia got up hurriedly and she was fuming with anger. Her blood was boiling and she felt like she was going to explode from exasperation.

She was so close to blowing up from rage, but Andrew remained indifferent and cold. Silvia thought she was lucky she did not spit blood out of exasperation given the circumstance.

The wind was still howling, and the rain was still pouring. If they did not leave the place immediately, they would probably be stuck there.

Suddenly, something flashed through Andrew's mind, as if there was a voice laughing at his childishness. Had he ever been so idle to stand around arguing with a lady like this?

He shook his head and spoke softly, “Come with me when you’re done making a fuss.”

“Do I have to follow you just because you said so?” Silvia challenged. Did he really think she was his little pet? That he could order her around?!

“You still want to fool around?”

“Yes, why not? Just show me all your dirty tricks. If I admit defeat, I’ll be your slave."

Andrew's face sank, and his anger slowly rose. “Well, if you want to play, then I'll play with you. Tell me, what do you want to play? How many men do you need to serve you?”

“Men? The more, the merrier!” Silvia gritted her teeth. Seeing that he was still so calm and indifferent, she wanted to beat him up.

Silvia did not mean to attack him, but suddenly she became very impulsive and rushed toward Andrew without thinking. She grabbed and hit him again and again. “Andrew Carter, you bastard! Bastard! I will kill you today” 

“Silvia, are you crazy?” Andrew grabbed her hand and looked at her angrily. “I warned you! Stop lashing out at me like an insane person, else you’d better watch out."

Silvia kicked him nonetheless. “I am insane? You’re the one who brought me to this damn place and left me alone at the airport. How dare you say that I am insane? I will hurt you so hard that you’ll be begging me for mercy.”

Andrew was confused by Silvia’s words, so he asked, “Left you at the airport? Weren’t you the one who wanted to play hide and seek with me?"

 “Play hide and seek with you?” Silvia stamped on his foot furiously. “Andrew, you scum! You animal! Are you having fun torturing me like this? What did I do to deserve this treatment?"

She didn’t remember when she had offended him and she didn’t understand why he punished her in such a cruel way. She didn’t owe him anything,

This time, Andrew did not stop her. He allowed her to punch him in the chest repeatedly. When she got tired, he grabbed her and brought her into his arms. “Come on, fight a little harder It’s not like you to admit defeat so soon."

"Andrew! You are so twisted!” Silvia raised her fist and punched his face. He didn’t dodge it, instead, he took the blow firmly, and soon a bruise appeared on his face.

It was the first time in his life that he had been hit by a woman. Andrew's face darkened immediately. If he wasn’t a well-educated, well-mannered young man, he would have sent Silvia flying with a single punch.

However, Silvia had no intention of stopping. She was not satisfied with only one punch and wanted to hit him a second time. However, this time, Andrew did not let her do it. He grabbed her hand, placed her on his shoulder, and carried her into the pouring rain. If she wanted to go crazy, he would go crazy with her.

The rain was very heavy at that time. Instantly, both of them were drenched. The rain was so heavy that they could barely open their eyes.

"Andrew, what did I do to deserve this?” If he wanted to get wet in the pouring rain, why did he pull her along with him? She was not interested in getting drenched by the rain!

Andrew answered in a deep voice, “You want to kill me, don’t you? Now I’ll let you do it. Show me how.”

“If you let me down, you will find out how I would deal with you.” She was furious at how he underestimated her abilities and she wanted to prove him wrong.

Andrew really put her down obediently. As soon as she stood on the ground, Silvia wanted to run off somewhere to take cover from the torrential rain. However, Andrew grabbed her back immediately,

“You.” She was very pissed off already.

“Go ahead. Show me what you’re going to do." Andrew was also losing his mind and they were both testing each other’s limits.

Silvia became impatient. She couldn’t bear his provocation. She grabbed his hand and bit it hard. “I will bite you to death, b*stard.”

She bit him, but he didn’t cry out in pain. Instead, she suddenly burst into tears. The more she cried, the sadder she became. “You left me alone at the airport, didn’t have anything on me. Do you know how scared I was?”

No matter how strong she was and how unwilling she was to admit defeat, she broke down as she had hit her limit. She threw herself into his arms and cried like an abandoned child.

“Why didn’t you call me?” His heart softened at the sight of her crying so hard. He patted her back gently to calm her down.

She was crying so hard that her body was trembling. “My phone is with you. I don’t remember your phone number." Huh! Silvia could still lie at such a time. 

Hence, Andrew did not hesitate to expose her lie. “You said you don’t remember my phone number, but you can remember clearly when you gave it to someone else?”

“What do you mean I gave your phone number to someone else?” Silvia would never admit to it even if Andrew beat her to death. She didn’t know what he would do to her if she did.

“Huh.” He sneered.

“You left me at the airport on purpose. If I called you, you wouldn’t care about me. Why should I embarrass myself?” No matter if he believed her story, she would not admit to it anyway. She wanted to put all the blame on him. Besides, he was the one who made her suffer.

“Okay, don’t cry. Let’s go back to the hotel.” This time, Andrew was the one to blame. Before he had clarified the situation, he had assumed she had run away, leading to this misunderstanding.

He did not think about how she did not have any forms of identification on her. and she was not an idiot. Why would she run away? He realized that he had been prejudiced against her.

“If you promise that you won’t harm me again, I’ll go back with you." She would admit defeat this time. When they got back to Madison City, she would teach him a lesson properly! She knew that it wasn’t the right time to go against him now.

Andrew had no choice but to say, “If you listen to me, and naturally, I won’t do anything to harm you.”

Silvia reached out her hand and said, “Pinky swear!”

Andrew did not play along and he responded, “You’re so childish!”

Silvia asked, “Do you still want to harm me then?”

Andrew extended his pinky reluctantly and hooked it onto hers.


Back at the hotel.

Andrew checked into a luxurious suite with two bedrooms and one living area. He slept in the master bedroom, so this implied that Silvia could occupy the other room.

Both of them were drenched to the skin. The moment they returned to the hotel, they went to their own rooms and took a hot bath.

Silvia’s hair was quite long, so it took her some time to shower and to dry her hair. When she came out wearing the childish cartoon pajamas that he had prepared for her, Andrew was already waiting in the living area. He didn’t wear pajamas and only wrapped himself with a bath towel. She didn’t know if he was trying to show his solid abdominal muscles deliberately.

What attracted Silvia’s attention more than his muscles was a scar near his heart. It did not look like a deep cut, but Silvia could still see it at a glance. The wound was so close to his heart, it was probably almost fatal.

Andrew felt his mood lift when he caught Silvia staring at him. He asked in a lighter tone than usual, “What are you looking at?”

Silvia sat down far away from him and crossed her legs as elegantly as she usually did. “I think you’re good-looking, so I decided to look at you."

Her tone was a little aggressive, but the content of her words sounded pleasing. Andrew pointed to the side and said, “Drink the medicine in that glass.”

Silvia got up and stepped back immediately. “Are you trying to polson me?”

Andrew asked in a deep voice, “Silvia, are you suffering from some form of acute paranoia?” 

Silvia sat back and said, "I have to be careful when I’m around someone like you. I might be sold off at any time.”

Andrew added, “Do you really think of me that badly?”

Silvia shrugged her shoulders and responded, “What do you think?” 

She was right. He forced himself on her and kept her by his side. He was indeed a bad person. He kept quiet. Silvia looked at the glass and asked, “Well, Andrew, I don’t think you would really add poison to this.”

Jayden answered calmly, “The medicine helps prevent colds.”

"I’m very healthy, it’s not easy for me to catch a cold. I don’t need this." Silvia didn’t believe that he was so caring. Anyway, she didn’t think she needed medicine. She rubbed her belly as she answered, “I prefer eating than taking medicine."

Her stomach seemed to play along, making a low grumble, and then she said, ” I only had that meal on the plane. I haven’t eaten anything since. I am starving."


Before Andrew could respond, the doorbell rang. He got up and opened the door, and then he pushed the dining cart into the living area. “After you’re done, the waiter will take it away.”

Silvia’s eyes lit up at the sight of the delicious food. “Did.. Did you prepare this for me?"

Andrew did not answer her. He turned around and walked to the bedroom. Behind him. Silvia spoke up cheerfully. “Young Master Carter, aren’t you eating? Wow. thank you so much!”

He did not respond to her again, but he was thinking about something. Why was she so happy? He only prepared dinner for her. How could she be satisfied so easily? Well then, why wasn’t that 'woman’ touched by his actions before?

He had done so many things for her, he even nearly sacrificed his life to her. However, she still treated him like an enemy and never took him seriously. How could she be so cruel?

He had asked himself this question many times, but he had never found an answer.

Perhaps the answer had been in his heart for a long time, but he didn’t want to admit it.

Ahem, ahem

Every time it rained, Andrew's old wound would hurt and his body would become weak. As he had been drenched in the rain earlier when he went to look for Silvia, hence, his condition had gotten more serious,

He coughed for a long time, showing no signs of stopping. Silvia, who was eating happily in the living room, vaguely heard the coughing coming from the bedroom.

Did Andrew catch a cold?

Silvia thought scornfully of him. He was a grown-up man, how could he have such a weak body? He was even weaker than a skinny girl like herself. She continued to enjoy the delicious food in the living area. After she ate her fill, she asked the waiter to take the dining cart away.

When she was about to go back to her room to rest, she heard a few strong coughs coming from the main bedroom again, which sounded quite serious. Silvia went over and knocked on his door.

There was no response. She twisted the door handle nonetheless, and fortunately, the door was not locked. She opened the door and walked in. “Mr. Carter, did you catch a cold?’

“Who let you in? Get out!” The lights in the room were not turned on. Silvia could not see him, but she only heard his gloomy roar.

"Do you think I’d want to come in willingly?” It was all because Silvia had heard his serious coughing. So, she was worried if something had happened to him, she could be charged with murder.

Silvia slammed the door shut after leaving the room and turned back to the door to hell, “You can hide inside and cough alone. Even if you cough to death, no one will help you.”

Andrew was unpredictable and hostile, and he would scold and hurt her all of a sudden. Silvia thought that he should be destined to be lonely for the rest of his life.

When Silvia returned to her room, she crawled into the bed and was ready to sleep. However, she could not fall asleep even though she was obviously very tired. Her mind was in a mess.

Andrew coughed so hard that she could hear it from her room. If anything untoward happened to him, would Silvia be deemed as those jinxed women from old wives’ tales that would bring misfortune wherever they went?

Although she really wanted Andrew to die, he couldn’t die on her watch. She knew she would suffer for the rest of her life if that happened. After thinking about it again. Silvia plucked up the courage to come to Andrew's room again.

She placed her ear on the door to listen to the noise from inside. After listening for a long time, she couldn’t hear any coughing coming from the room.

Perhaps he had fallen asleep. It seemed that he was not seriously ill since he was able to sleep, so she thought of going back to sleep too. Silvia turned around and left. 

After a few steps, she thought of something. Not long ago, he coughed so badly and she knew that he did not take any medicine. Why did he suddenly stop coughing? Could it be. that he was dead?

Silvia was stunned at the possibility of that. Suddenly, she felt chills down her spine. It felt gloomy and terrifying!

Oh no.!

If the person in the room was dead, should she call the police? “No, I have to see what’s going on. If he’s still breathing, I’ll have to call 911 to save him!” Silvia thought to herself. Although she hated him, she could not bear not to save his life.

Silvia opened the door and walked in. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over her. The wind was so strong that it almost threw her out of the room. She grabbed the door handle to stabilize herself.

“Are you looking to die?!” Andrew was coughing so heavily, but he still opened the large, French windows in the room. It was still raining so heavily outside.

“Please, if you want to die, please die somewhere else at another time. Don’t die when I’m with you, okay?” Silvia said to herself.

The lights were still turned off. Silvia searched in the dark for a while before she found the switch. She turned on the lights and looked around, only to find that there was no one on the bed.

Where did he go?

Silvia glanced around and spotted the sofa beside the window. Andrew was sitting quietly on the sofa, looking out of the window, as if something was attracting him from that direction.


“Hey. Young Master Carter?” Silvia approached him carefully as she was very fearful, but Andrew still did not notice her.

He appeared to be too engrossed in the view outside his windows that it seemed like his soul had left his body. Perhaps that was why he seemed unbothered by the strong wind, and also why he didn’t notice Silvia’s voice.

At that split second, Silvia suddenly felt a twinge of heartache for Andrew. It was the tiniest flash of heartache, so tiny that Silvia did not even realize it.

Silvia glanced at him and ran over immediately to close the windows. She turned around to Andrew's side. “Andrew, do you want to die?”

This time, upon hearing her voice, his eyes lit up. However, when his gaze fell on her face, the light in his eyes slowly faded away, and finally, there was silence again.

Silvia was not her. Silvia was not the girl he had been waiting for.

The bitterness built up in Andrew's heart. He knew that no matter if he was sick or dead, that girl he was missing, would not care about him at all.

He had known this fact for a long time, but every time he thought of it, he would still feel disappointed. 

He didn’t know what he was looking forward to. He didn’t know what he was still holding on to He didn’t know why he tortured himself so badly.

He was tired of this life. He didn’t want to think about anything related to that person anymore. Andrew closed his eyes slowly, wishing that everything was over.

“Andrew, can you hear me?" Silvia raised her hand and waved it in front of his eyes. He didn’t look too well and Silvia was worried.

He was right in front of her, but she felt that a part of him was gone. He was like a body whose soul had been taken away and he was just living in limbo, floating between life and death.

Silvia guessed that he must be going through some emotional pain, so deep down that no one else could help him with. She knelt beside him and patted him on the back of his hand gently with her gentleness. 

“Andrew, you only live once, there is no second chance at life. This is a quote from a video game that I played.”

“After reading this quote, I have always told myself that I should care about my family very much. Look at me, my father died in a car accident, others are trying to take over his company, my mother is lying sick in bed, and was fcking raped by an a*hole like you. But yet, I never thought of dying."

"As long as you are still alive, there is hope. When you die, there will be nothing left except for your bones. Think about it, one day, you will end up six feet under, lying in the dirt. At that time, what else can you do?”

Silvia sighed and continued, “Take it easy. Things will get better. Nothing is more important than your life.” Silvia said a lot in one breath and shared her insights with him. She didn’t expect that Andrew had fallen asleep on the sofa.

"This bastard!”

She shared such an important life principle, but he had actually fallen asleep. He did not even hear a single word she had said, so it was impossible for him to even remember them.

Silvia gritted her teeth and fought the urge to kick him, but soon, she realized something was off. When he exhaled, his breath was unusually hot. Silvia touched his forehead immediately. This time, she felt that her hand was almost burned by his forehead.

Andrew was drenched in the rain with her in the evening, and the wind was blowing strongly in his room. Silvia realized that he must be battling a fever. “Gosh, Andrew, I can’t wait to throw you out of the window.” Silvia scolded as she supported him to lie on the bed.

He was tall and had an athletic figure. When she supported him, she felt his weight on her body and thought that she was about to get crushed. When she placed him onto the bed, Silvia lost her balance and stumbled over.

In the end, she fell into his arms.

Just as she was about to get up, he held her in his arms suddenly and said, “Don’t go!”

Silvia tried to push his hand away. “Are you mad? I’m not going to get burned alive by you."

“Don’t go!" Andrew repeated the words. His voice was very weak, but he still held her tightly.

"I’m not a fever patch. What’s the use of holding me?” Silvia thought sarcastically, perhaps Andrew lacked maternal love since he was young. Every time he got sick, he would treat Silvia as his mother.

To tell the truth, at present, he was really acting like a child. He did not have his usual overbearing and tyrannical aura. He was not as vicious as usual. He had become as quiet as a newborn baby.

“Don’t go!” Andrew still held her tightly in his arms, and repeated the same line. 

“Okay, I won’t go. Son, don’t worry. I will be with you." Silvia rubbed his head lovingly. If he lacked maternal love, she would just have to play along and pretend to be his mother.

Sure enough, when Andrew heard Silvia’s nurturing tone and words, he stopped talking and went to sleep obediently. 

“If I have a son like you, I would definitely lose my life.” Silvia thought how funny this scene was. No matter how strong this person was, as long as he was sick he would be as fragile as a child.

She looked at Andrew attentively and thought that he was really good-looking, He had well-defined facial features, a perfect figure, and a pleasant voice.


What was she thinking about? Even if he was handsome, It couldn’t cover the despicable truth about him.

If it weren’t for her goodwill and kind heart, she would have taken advantage of this time to teach him a lesson. She would make him beg for her mercy. After some time, it took a lot of effort for her to get out of his arms. Silvia contacted the hotel staff hurriedly to ask for a doctor.

The doctor gave Andrew a jab after measuring his body temperature. He also gave Andrew some fever medication and requested Silvia to monitor his medicine intake. The doctor also ordered that she should measure his body temperature in half an hour. If the fever does not subside by then, he would need to go to the hospita.l

After seeing the doctor off, Silvia returned to his room and touched Andrew's forehead. She felt that his fever seemed to have subsided, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

She sat down beside his bed and said, “Andrew, did you hear that? If you don’t get better, you need to go to the hospital. Look at the storm outside, it’s probably flooding out on the streets. If your fever doesn’t get better, you’ll suffer even more in this weather. Think for yourself."

"Andrew, what on earth are you hiding in your heart?” Silvia looked at him curiously. “Is your family broken? Or did your girlfriend run off with another man?”

After thinking about it for a while, Silvia hypothesized that family issues might be a more possible reason for his depression. Over the years, the legendary “Mr. Carter” was gossiped about around Madison City. However, no one had ever mentioned him having a wife before.

Silvia thought that it was very likely that Mr. Carter divorced his wife and raised his son alone. However, he was so busy with his career that he ignored his son. As a result, Andrew grew up without his parents’ love. Hence, he gradually grew into the twisted and bitter man as he was now.


"Andrew, even if your parents don’t love you, you have to love yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself, you will get hurt.”

Silvia thought that Andrew was really stupid at times. He was foolish enough to push the limits of his body and risk his life. To be honest, Silvia hated people who behaved this way the most. If Andrew were really her son, she would definitely regret her decision of giving birth to him.

Although she hated him, she was still worried that his fever would worsen. Hence, she measured his body temperature from time to time. She stayed by him for a few hours.

It was getting late, and Silvia was feeling sleepy. It didn’t take long for her to climb up his bed and lay down beside him. Therefore, when Andrew woke up and opened his eyes, he noticed a woman lying next to him. She had wrapped her arms and feet around him, like a koala bear.

What caught Andrew's attention the most was how unsightly Silvia looked while she was asleep. Maybe because she was dreaming, she was drooling and her saliva was all over his chest.

He looked at her with disgust and wanted to push her away from his body. However, she seemed to be clinging onto him with some strong adhesive. The more he pushed her away, the more she clung to him.

“Dad, your fried chicken tastes the best.” In her sleep, Silvia suddenly licked and opened her mouth to bite Andrew's chest.


This damned woman, how long had she been hungry? How could she bite him as if he was a piece of fried chicken?

Andrew's face darkened and he pushed her away from his body. Silvia woke up and looked at him feeling extremely confused.

After looking at him for a while, she suddenly remembered that she was taking care of him and monitoring his fever. Without thinking much, she leaned forward and wanted to touch his forehead. However, before she could do so, Andrew stopped her. “Why are you on my bed?"

Silvia was slightly stunned. She stayed up late to take care of him and she just wanted to check on his current condition. However, this heartless man thought that she wanted to take advantage of him. Her kindness was being mistaken as an act of hostility.


Did he think that she would willingly sleep with him just because he was good looking? She didn’t have any thoughts about him at all.

Silvia then got off the bed. She looked at him coldly and said, “Young Master Carter, don’t worry, I’m not as despicable as you. I won’t take advantage of you when you’re unconscious."

Andrew didn’t know what to say.

Silvia turned around and poured a cup of warm water. She put it on the bedside table and spoke coldly, “The doctor advised for you to drink more water.”

Andrew still kept quiet.

Silvia turned around and went out of the room regardless. “You don't have to thank me. I helped you because I just don’t want to be charged with murder.”


After leaving the room, Silvia slammed the door shut. It was not enough for her to just slam the door Silvia raised her foot and kicked the door hard. She shouted, “Andrew, don’t forget that I am your legal wife. Even if I sleep with you, it is reasonable and also, within the law."

She was really pissed off.

He was such a heartless bastard. So, even if he was standing butt naked in front of her, she would not have any improper thoughts of him. Silvia went back to the room angrily and nestled in the soft quilt. “B”stard, you can suffer on your own. Let’s see how capable you are.”

Suddenly, she thought something was odd. Usually, a bunch of people followed Andrew wherever he was in Madison City. However, he didn’t bring any of them to Jiangbei during this trip.

What on earth did he want to do?

Why did she care so much about him? Silvia was even angrier at herself. She was angry that she always thought about him and she was so worried about him.


A new WhatsApp message popped up on her mobile phone. Silvia opened it and saw that it was from Prince, who was in Madison City, “Boss, where have you been?"

Silvia thought for a moment and replied with just a word, “Honeymoon!”.

Soon, Prince replied the message. “Boss, I would trust you if you told me you’re flying in the air. However, if you told me that you’re on your honeymoon, might not even trust that despite being held at gunpoint.”

Silvia replied, “Brat, what do you mean by that? Explain yourself!”

How could he look down on her? When she gets back, she would definitely teach Prince a lesson!

Prince replied, “Boss, apart from Felix, is there any man in this world who likes you? I’m not looking down on you deliberately or mocking you, but you really don’t act like a woman.”

Hearing the name Felix, Silvia paused and her eyes started to grow hot, with tears welling up. She admitted that Prince was right. Besides her father, Felix treated her the best in the world.

She would probably never meet another man like Felix. No man would love her as much as he did. Silvia did not reply to his text, so Prince called her shortly after, “Boss, I don’t want to reopen old wounds. But, I just think it’s time to let go of the past.”

Silvia took a deep breath. “I know."

Even if she didn’t let go of it, even if Felix were still alive, so what? There was a damned Andrew between Silvia and Felix now.

Prince asked again, “Boss, what have you been up to these days?”

Silvia replied, “I'm out of town for a break. I should be back in a few days."

Prince continued. “That Norman Turner and his people have been caught. You have avenged for Uncle. It’s great that you’re away and taking a break now. However, please come back earlier. Lemur and I are still waiting to celebrate with you”

Silvia said listlessly, “He got what he deserved. There’s nothing to celebrate.” 

Prince said, “We are celebrating the fact that you got back the company that your father worked hard for. We are celebrating that you are officially taking over Wateria Corporation.”

Silvia was very surprised, “I will take over Wateria Corporation? Prince, where did you hear the news? I haven’t heard about this."

Prince smiled, “Boss, the Public Relations Department of Wateria Corporation has held a press conference. When you come back, you will officially take office. The news was made public, so why are you still pretending in front of me? Aren’t we buddies?”

Silvia was stunned.

She really didn’t know anything about this. She only knew that the evidence of the murder caused Norman to be arrested by the police. As for other things, she did not have the chance to follow up much and she came to Jiangbei with Andrew right after.

If this was true, then the only person who could easily control this matter must be Madison City’s legendary “Mr. Carter.”

Silvia had no chance to meet that “Mr. Carter” yet, and he wouldn’t help her for no reason, unless Mr. Carter was entrusted by someone else.

Amongst all of Silvia’s acquaintances, Andrew was the only one who could meet Mr. Carter and ask him for help. However, Andrew was a bad person. It was impossible for him to help her.

Then, who on earth was it?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1081 - 1085


CHAPTERS 1081 - 1085


The original novel had many fans, and the novel’s author was the screenwriter for the adapted film. A famous director came on board and many talented and good-looking actors and actresses were involved in the movie too. Even during its production period, the movie had garnered a lot of attention.

Silvia was a huge fan of the original novel. During the early phase of the production of the film, she even visited the production site with her friends. Before the movie was released, she watched the trailer many times and any videos related to it, including the behind the scenes footage. She even promoted the movie to her friends and family. She was a big fan and was extremely excited for its release.

Since she liked it so much, Felix had bought two tickets online a few days before the movie was released. He invited her to go to the premiere on the midnight of August 8th.

They grew up together and Silvia secretly had a crush on him. Since he invited her to watch a movie together, of course, she agreed almost immediately.

The weather was good that day, but it suddenly rained at night. Silvia rode the subway on that day without an umbrella so she was drenched in rain. Obviously, she knew she couldn’t meet him looking like that. When she arrived at the entrance of the cinema, she sent Felix a text message, saying that she needed to rush her thesis and that she could not attend the premiere.

Soon, she received his reply, “It’s okay. The thesis is more important. We can watch it again next time. If there is anything you need help with, please tell me.”

Reading the text he sent, Silvia was very sad. She knew that she should not lie to him, but it was too late for regrets now as she had already sent the message. She couldn’t just appear in front of him and have her “lie” exposed. This would leave a bad impression, After thinking for a while, Silvia went to a nearby cafe and sat at a place where she could see the entrance of the cinema. She sat there quietly. 

When the movie was over, she saw Felix coming out looking disappointed. She knew that she must be the cause of his disappointment. Many couples were holding hands around him. He was the only one walking alone out of the cinema.

She couldn’t bear to see him being sad. When she saw him walking out alone sadly, she didn’t care about her appearance anymore. She rushed out and stood in front of him.

When he saw her, his eyes widened and lit up. Silvia would never forget that look. Surprise!

She pulled an exaggerated face at him and said, “Brother Felix, are you happy? Are you surprised?” Silvia stuck out her tongue and whispered, “It’s raining, so I got wet”

Felix saw how drenched she was and asked sternly, “Why are your clothes wet?”

He took off his T-shirt and handed it to her. “Please change to this. I’ll take you home after you do.”

She smiled stupidly and said, “Okay.”

So, that night, she had missed the premiere. The next day, he bought tickets online and watched the movie with her again. He had always cared so much for her and had always been there for her since they were children. However, he suddenly disappeared from her life during the best years of their lives, and she could no longer find him.

Silvia’s heart would ache at the thought of him. Suddenly, she burst into tears. Then, a large hand reached over and switched off the screen. Silvia’s eyes were still full of tears, but she could sense that Andrew approached her. “What are you trying to do?”

He handed her a piece of tissue and said, " Wipe off your tears. In this world, nothing can be solved by crying.”

“It’s none of your business!” Silvia grabbed the tissue and wiped her tears. Then, she glared at him. Such a meddlesome person, what did he know?

Andrew didn’t know why Silvia cried. He didn’t know what she was afraid of. He didn’t know what she liked, but he had become her legal husband nonetheless. Meanwhile, the happy boy who knew Silvia deeply, understood her profoundly, and cared about her unconditionally completely disappeared from her life. The more she thought about it, the more she questioned her life.

At this moment, the senior flight attendant personally brought a meal and said politely, “Madam, we will be flying for 8 hours in the air. The flight is very long. This is the meal we prepared for you. we hope you like it. If you need anything more, please let us know.”

“Oh, thank you!” Silvia thanked her. Slowly, she realized that no one else was offered the food. “Is this specially prepared for me? Because of that matter just now?" 

The senior flight attendant glanced at Andrew quietly. He did not tell her that he had specially ordered someone to prepare it for her. The flight attendant did not want to expose anything, so she just played along. “Yes. We hope that it would calm your anger.”

Silvia was angry but she was angry at Andrew's accusations, not because of the flight attendant. She smiled and said, “I’m not angry at all. I’m sorry for the trouble.”

The senior flight attendant answered politely. “It’s our priority to serve our passengers.”

Silvia smiled and did not continue to speak. She turned to Andrew and asked, “It looks good. Do you want some?”

“No." He had breakfast in the morning, but she didn’t. He asked someone to prepare it for her before he got on the plane. 

“If you don’t eat it, then I will enjoy it on my own. " Needless to say, she was really hungry. She got the meal at the right time.

In the past, Silvia had always thought that meals on flights were never tasty. However, presently, the food tasted good. Maybe, the cabin crew was worried that she was going to cause a scene again and gave extra attention to her.

After eating, Silvia did not pay attention to her image at all. She stretched her body and burped in front of Andrew comfortably. “I’m full. Please ask the flight attendant to take these things away later. I am going to take a nap”

She adjusted the height of the chair, picked up the thin blanket to cover her body, and fell asleep.

She fell into a deep sleep really quickly. She even snored, completely ignoring the man sitting next to her.

She might have ignored him, but his eyes did not look away even after she had fallen asleep. He didn’t move his gaze for more than half an hour, and his mind was unfathomable.

Silvia had slept in the same position for a long time and got too tired. She adjusted her sleeping position slightly and continued to sleep. but when she turned the blanket on her body slipped down

Andrew reacted quickly. When the blanket fell, he grabbed it and covered her with it.

Perhaps because she didn’t sleep well in the seat, Silvia couldn’t find a comfortable position to sleep. She tossed and turned several times in her sleep, and the blanket fell down every time. She had been sleeping throughout the flight. She didn’t know that Andrew would put the blanket back on her every time her blanket fell off.

She didn’t know that she moved around so much when she was asleep. She slapped Andrew accidentally across his face, which made him grit through his teeth and he wanted to strangle her to death.

If he wasn’t sure that she was dead asleep, Andrew would even suspect that she was pretending to be asleep, and her purpose was to seek revenge on him. “Brother Felix.” In the dream, she suddenly muttered a name, which caught Andrew's attention and he did not look calm anymore.

Andrew's face darkened. He warned her in a deep voice, “Silvia, don’t you dare say his name again.” As if she was responding to Andrew, Silvia called out again, “Brother Felix…


“How dare you.. " Andrew wanted to use something to shut her mouth. After looking around, he couldn’t find anything. When she was about to speak it out loud again, Andrew lowered his head and kissed her instantaneously.

Her lips were soft and tasted a little sweet. Andrew initially only wanted to cover her mouth, but after tasting her lips, he lost control for a moment and couldn’t stop himself from kissing her deeply.

Silvia was very calm in her sleep, unlike how she behaved when she was awake. She even kissed him back subconsciously. She was so gentle and cute that she looked like an adorable little lamb.

Not only did she look gentle and cute, but she also looked so approachable and lovable. She had such bouncy cheeks that made Andrew feel like taking a bite on them. He approached her cheeks. He pecked on her cheek gently and slowly.

Although she was asleep, Silvia was not satisfied. She tried her best to get closer to him, hoping that he could give her more. Andrew's lips moved downwards and pressed against her lips again, kissing her gently.

Silvia reciprocated his affections. He did not expect that a kiss could turn out like this, so gentle yet so addictive. Both of them were so immersed in each other, like they were the only beings in this universe. Andrew enjoyed the kiss and was unwilling to stop. He only let go of her when he felt that she was almost suffocated by his kiss.

Looking at her red and swollen lips, he had an unprecedented sense of conquest. He liked seeing her like this. Usually, she was like a ferocious wild cat, but now, she was resting quietly in his arms like a defenseless kitten.

Silvia was lying in Andrew's arms and she looked relaxed and content. She lay close to him, as if he was her safe haven. This scene gave him a strong urge to be her protector. He wanted to take her under his wing and protect her.

Unexpectedly, while he was deep in his fantasy, her beautiful lips called out the name of another man again, “Brother Felix.” 

Andrew's expression darkened instantaneously. He looked frightening. This damned woman!”

He was a prideful man. It did not matter if he had true feelings for her, he could not stand the thought of her thinking about other men while being in his arms.

He reached out his hand to press against her lips instinctively, not allowing her to speak again. He didn’t want to hear the name from her mouth, despite the man not having such an intimate relationship with her before.

However, in her dreams, Silvia appeared to have let her guard and fear down. She thought about him deeply and appeared so comfortable in his embrace. 

Suddenly, she moved Andrew's hand to her face. “Brother Felix, I like the way you kissed me earlier."

She had been waiting for a long time. In the past he only kissed her on the forehead usually. He did kiss her lips once but it was only a gentle peck. However, what happened earlier was the first time that she felt such a powerful, possessive, and deep kiss.

Perhaps she had a wild spirit deep down. When she felt such a sensual kiss, she did not think of running away or being shy. She just wanted to be her true self as she expressed her affection and enjoyed this kiss.

Andrew was extremely triggered by her words. His self-worth took a hit. He squinted his eyes at her, as if he was going to devour her out of anger.

This damn woman!

They had registered for marriage and he had taken care of her. However, she was thinking of another man. How could he not be angry?

Andrew stared at Silvia angrily. The thought of her having a tryst with her beloved man in her dreams made him angry. He pinched her nose to wake her up. Silvia was still deep in her dreams when Andrew pinched her nose. 

Suddenly, she struggled to breathe and woke up. She didn’t know where she was for a while. She blinked her big bright eyes and asked, “Who are you? Who am I? Where am I?"

Andrew gritted his teeth and told her, “You are flying in the sky!”

Silvia nodded stupidly. “Oh. Are you flying too?”

This silly woman!

As long as Silvia didn’t think of other men, Andrew couldn’t care less about her. He closed his eyes to rest. Not long after, she fell asleep again. She had no idea that she had provoked him just a moment ago.

What annoyed Andrew after was how Silvia could not stay still when she slept. She turned over and clung onto him, holding him tight like a koala bear. Instinctively, he wanted to push her away but he did not do so. He patted her back gently, pulling her into his arms as she snuggled in his chest.

After flying for nearly eight hours, the plane arrived at their destination. They were heading to an international metropolis, Jiangbei!

Due to the time difference, although they set off at noon in Madison City, it was also noon when they arrived in Jiangbei. The blazing sun was hanging high in the sky.

Silvia didn’t like traveling in the summer because the weather was too hot in most parts of the world.

On such a hot day, Silvia couldn’t wait to jump in a pool to calm herself down. She really wanted to stay in the pool for a few hours until she was satisfied.

As she saw how bright it was outside the plane, Silvia could imagine the heatwave even though she was still enjoying the cold air in the plane.

The plane didn’t stop at the terminal directly. They had to take a bus to the terminal building. When they got off the plane and got onto the bus, they had to take a short walk.

Silvia was so annoyed at how hot it was. “Young Master Carter, aren’t you afraid of the heat?" Andrew ignored her and walked quickly to the bus, leaving her far behind.

Andrew sat in the first row of the bus. He did not speak a word since he got off the plane, and he kept thinking about the Carter family.

This time, it was the first time he returned to Jiangbei since he left the Carter family three years ago. Returning to the city where he had been adopted and raised, he had a lot going through his mind.

Andrew knew that the Carters had respected his decisions and did not look for him on the surface. However, as long as Andrew stepped into Jiangbei, even if they didn’t look for him, the news of his return would have reached them.

Therefore, Andrew returned using a fake identity. He tried to keep a low profile. He got on a regular commercial flight and went through customs like an ordinary passenger. He did not arrange for any special treatments. 

Before he was ready to face the Carter family, he didn’t intend to meet them yet. He didn’t intend to let them know about his current situation. 

“I’m going to the bathroom. Wait for me at the baggage claims." When the bus arrived at the terminal building, Silvia got out of the bus in a hurry and walked to the nearest bathroom. She didn’t notice that Andrew didn’t hear what she said at all.


Andrew was immersed in his own thoughts and kept moving forward. When he came to his senses, the person beside him had already disappeared. He looked around but he couldn’t find Silvia.

Andrew thought about how stupid and gullible Silvia was. Her passport was with him, and she didn’t have any money with her. Did she think she could escape? Andrew picked up his mobile phone and called Silvia. He realized that her mobile phone was also in his bag. “This silly woman, she’d better run far away. If I caught her, I would skin her alive.”


Silvia had been holding her urine in for nearly an hour. She felt so happy when being able to use the washroom. She was suffering, and now she felt relieved.

Silvia zipped up her pants and was about to open the toilet door when she heard a familiar voice talking on the phone. " I have so many doubts about that man. I gave him a card with my number on it, but he asked me to apologize to his wife. It’s my first time giving out my card. How could I be so unlucky to meet such a scumbag?”

This familiar voice was no longer gentle and sweet but sounded a little harsh. "I saw that he was good-looking and seemed kind and sweet. I just gave him a card, but he asked my superiors to fire me because his wife was unhappy. A man who was afraid of his wife, despite having good looks, what else could he achieve in life? B*stard! Scum! I curse that he would suffer from erectile dysfunction, and that he can’t sleep with any woman in his life.” 

It was the flight attendant, Audrey. The person at the other end of the phone was probably comforting her. Silvia then heard Audrey say, “Well, well, you are right. Maybe the man was indeed sexually dysfunctional. Or maybe he doesn’t like women at all. The woman beside him is just a cover-up, that’s why he obeyed her."

It was probably Audrey’s first time encountering such a situation. She was so angry that Silvia could feel her anger through the toilet door. 

Silvia sighed. Audrey was a staff member in the service industry who had been professionally trained. How could she talk this way when she was still in the airport? It would mean big trouble if she received another complaint. 

Silvia had never done much good in her life, but this time, she wanted to be a good person and help Audrey. She opened the door and came out. When Audrey saw her at a glance, she appeared to be at a loss. “You, what are you doing here? Are you eavesdropping on me?”

Silvia responded calmly, “Miss Audrey, this is a public space. You were talking so loudly on the phone. Do I need to eavesdrop on you? You were simply allowing me to listen to your conversation.”

Overwhelmed by anger, Audrey stammered, “You… You…"  

Silvia continued to speak while washing her hands, “You should act smarter when you’re talking bad about someone. If the person you’re talking bad about was in the toilet aren’t you going to get a complaint again?"

Although Silvia was the main reason Audrey was dismissed from her post, Audrey thought that what she said was quite reasonable.

Audrey had been so angry that she didn’t pay attention to her surroundings. Hence, she had bumped into the culprit who had caused her trouble!

If this petty woman complained about Audrey again, she would most definitely never be able to work in the industry again.

Silvia felt happy deep down as she heard how others spoke badly about Andrew. When she was happy, she couldn’t hide her smile, which made Audrey angrier. “What are you laughing at? Do you think it’s fun making a fool of me?” 

Silvia shrugged. “If I said that I was laughing because I thought you were cursing him well, would you believe it?"

Audrey had an impulse to tear up the woman in front of her. Silvia looked pure and lovely, but every word she said was infuriating,

“Don’t glare at me." Silvia explained to Audrey patiently. “In fact, we are not a couple. The reason why he was messing with you was because he wanted to frame me, so you would hate me. He just wanted to make life hard for me."

“Why would he do that?’" Audrey was the victim. Naturally, she wanted to understand the matter. Maybe, she could persuade the senior flight attendant to reconsider her dismissal.

“Why? A person like him needs no reason for his actions. He just does whatever he likes.” The more Silvia said, the angrier Audrey became. “Look, you gave him your card today. It’s okay if he doesn’t accept your offer, but he embarrassed you and cost you your job. Don’t you think he’s twisted?”

What was even more twisted was that Andrew had turned the situation around and blamed it on Silvia! Audrey agreed with what Silvia said. She changed her mind about being mad.with Silvia. 

Audrey nodded as she answered, “Yes, he is twisted. He could have just kept quiet, but he made me lose my job.”

“However, he has a rich father and he’s indeed handsome. That’s why he’s so arrogant.” Silvia walked toward Audrey and whispered, “Do you still want to date him? If you want, I’ll give his phone number to you.”

Audrey gritted her teeth and said, “Pooh! I don’t want a b*stard like him even if you gave him to me. However, I’d like to ask him out on a date.”

It was the first time that Audrey had taken interest in a male passenger. She gave her name card like how her colleagues did for the first time, but she got rejected and had a complaint filed against her. She felt so discontent.

Silvia was puzzled. “Why?”

Audrey said harshly, “I will get him and then dump him later. Only in this way would my anger be vented!”

“This is a good idea! A twisted man like him needs to be punished!” Silvia clapped her hands excitedly.

Silvia and Audrey spoke like they were best friends. They planned on creating an alliance together just to punish evil men.

Silvia added, “Many rich kids like him would act so playfully and arrogantly. They won’t be interested in women who are easily attainable. If you want him to be interested in you, you need to keep your distance and make him itch. Then, it would be easy to approach him.”

Audrey rolled her eyes at Silvia. “Do you think I need you to teach me this old fashioned trick? Let me tell you this, many men have fallen for my charm over the years. It’s just that I have high standards and did not fancy any of them."

Silvia reminded Audrey of her reality, “But you failed today." 

When she thought of this, Audrey was angry again. “Stop talking. Give me his phone number. I know what to do next.”

" I like how bold you are." Silvia gave Audrey Andrew's phone number happily. When Audrey left, Silvia gave her a little tip, “He is unpredictable. You have to pay attention to every step he makes. If you can’t get him, just beat him up badly!"

Silvia fantasized when Audrey could snatch Andrew away from her. Then, Silvia would be free. After Silvia left, Audrey picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Andrew immediately. “Honey, in half an hour, meet me in BIGO Cafe at No. 88. Peace Road. See you!”


Andrew was about to contact the airport staff to search for Silvia when his mobile phone rang. He noticed that he received a text message from a strange number. When he read the text, he instinctively thought that Silvia was playing hide and seek with him.

“You want to play, I’ll play along." Andrew did not continue to look for her in the airport. He came out of the airport building, took a taxi and went straight to BIGO Cafe at No. 88, Peace Road.

Silvia followed the signboards and came to the baggage claims area. The belt was still turning around, but there were only a few people left. Most of the baggage has been taken away.

She looked around and did not see Andrew. She guessed that he might have gone to the washroom, so Silvia found a seat and sat down to wait for him. However, ten minutes had passed. Soon, half an hour had passed, and she still did not see Andrew. Only then did Silvia realize that he might have left her behind, all alone.

However, she still did not give up and went to the information counter to broadcast a message to find him. After half an hour, she still couldn’t find him. Silvia was disappointed.

She knew that Andrew must have planned for this to happen. He brought her out and left her at the airport. He probably wanted to starve her to death. She would not let him get what he wanted.

She would live well and give him a great shock!

Silvia went out of the airport angrily. She wanted to take a taxi, but her mobile phone was not with her, and she didn’t have a penny in her pocket.

Some private drivers offered her a ride because she was a pretty girl, but she didn’t dare to take up the offer. She was in an unfamiliar place. It was possible that she might be kidnapped.

Silvia walked to the bus station and planned to take the bus to the downtown area. Unexpectedly, it was not cheap to ride the bus. It cost at least 20 dollars.

Silvia looked around and wanted to ask for some money from anyone who seemed kind, but everyone seemed to be looking at her as if she was a thief.

At times like this, although beautiful women had more advantages, only people with ulterior motives would help them out. Otherwise, no one would care about her.

Silvia realized that begging for money did not work anymore, so she needed to try something else.

The airport seemed to be bustling. It was reasonable to say that it would be quite easy to find a job here, but she had to figure out how. Silvia observed around and decided to help out at the fast food restaurant that had a large number of customers. However, the management wanted to see a health certificate even for temporary staff members.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, Silvia finally got a dishwashing job in one of the restaurants. She could earn 15 dollars an hour. If she worked for two hours, she would have 30 dollars. That would be enough for her to go to the city by bus.

"Andrew Carter, you bastard. If I ever see you again. I will tear you apart!” Silvia thought furiously in her heart.


After three whole years, this was the first time that Andrew had returned to the Jiangbei despite it being the place he was so familiar with. The airport didn’t change much, and the roads in the city didn’t change much either. The high-rise buildings on both sides of the road still looked the same. It was still the city he was familiar with.

As he looked around him, he seemed to see familiar figures in front of him. His grandparents, parents, and siblings. They were all his closest relatives, the ones he could not let go of in his heart.

He knew that they were living well at present, and he also knew that they were looking forward to his return. But he couldn’t go back. He couldn’t bear to watch the woman of his dreams marry someone else.

If he didn’t hide far away, he worried that he might do something he would regret. It was very likely that he had already caused a mistake.

Just as he was immersed in his memories, the taxi arrived at the destination, and the driver reminded him to get off.

After paying the fare and getting off the car, Andrew looked up and saw the eye-catching sign of BIGO cafe at a glance. It was on the sixth floor of a tall building by the road.

Andrew walked into the building, took the elevator, and went straight to the sixth floor.

“Welcome!” The waiter approached him enthusiastically. When he saw the person in front of him clearly, his eyes lit up. “Sir, table for one?”

Andrew responded, “I’m looking for someone."

He looked around. The cafe was not big, and he could see the entire place at a glance. There were a few tables with sitting customers, but he couldn’t find Silvia.

“Are these all the customers?” He did not raise his voice, but he sounded stern. The waiter got scared and nodded quickly.

Andrew had long thought that Silvia, the stupid woman, might deceive him. However, he still came over. Her passport was with him, and she was not familiar with this city. He was worried that something would happen to her.

Andrew took out his mobile phone and searched for the message he had just received. He dialed the number, but there was no answer.

“That d*mned foolish girl.” Andrew held his mobile phone tightly, almost breaking it.


Andrew realized that he received a text again. He opened it quickly and realized that it was from that same number.

“Dear Mr. Carter, you’ve arrived at your destination. You must be very sad, not being able to see me. If you want to find me, come to Mira Bookhouse in Central City."

It was the first time in his life that he had been tricked like this. Andrew was furious. However, he did not waste any more time. He rushed to the next location set out in the message immediately.

He convinced himself that he was anxious because he couldn’t wait to find her, tie her up, and punish her.

In the taxi, Andrew took out his mobile phone. He thought of using his private investigators to search for Silvia, but he gave up in the end.

He understood that he was in Jiangbei now. Any sudden movement would alert the spies of the Carter family and the James family. They would then know that he had come back. He didn’t want to let them know. Andrew closed his eyes bitterly. After a while, he opened them again, and he felt much calmer.

If Silvia wanted to run away so badly, he would let her go. She would only grow up after going through hardship. As expected, Andrew rushed to Mira bookstore in Central City but still could not find the person he was looking for. At the same time, he received a third message.

“Dear Young Master Carter, are you angry that you didn’t get to see me again? Well, you can get us a hotel room. Send me the address and I will come to you. You could punish me then.”

Andrew clenched his fists, and his expression was so ugly that it looked like he was going to kill someone.

Grandover Hotel was the only seven-star hotel in Jiangbei. It was a business under the Shengtian group. Shengtian Corporation Inc logo appeared under the hotel’s signboard, and it was very eye-catching. The precious daughter of the Shengtian Group, Janell Joy Carter, was about to hold her wedding in Grandover Hotel in a few days. The hotel was not open to the public for the few days before the wedding. They only welcomed relatives and friends of the Carter family.

Of course, Andrew did not think about staying in the Grandover Hotel. He had already booked the hotel next to it. The room he booked had a strategic location. From the balcony, he could have a panoramic view of Grandover Hotel.

He didn’t have the courage to attend her wedding, so he wanted to take a look at it from a distance.

After checking into the hotel, Andrew sent the address and room number of the hotel to “Silvia” immediately. Then, he went to take a bath.

He couldn’t wait to teach this wild woman a lesson!


Silvia’s family was moderately wealthy. Her parents took good care of her since she was a child. They hired servants to take care of her daily routine and wellbeing. She had lived comfortably for 20 years and she never had to do chores before.

This time, she had been washing dishes for two hours without taking a break. It was far beyond her expectations. She was so tired that her hips ached, her back was sore and her legs were cramping.

Getting 30 dollars from her hard work, Silvia thought that this money was more precious than thousands of dollars. Finally, she knew that it was not easy for most people in the world to earn their living.

For the sake of life dreams, no matter how tiring the work was, everyone would work hard to fulfil their tasks. Sitting on the bus to the city, Silvia clutched the remaining 10 dollars in her hand. She kept cursing Andrew in her heart. She was so angry that she even cursed him to choke to death on his drinks.

“Miss, you’re not from Jiangbei, are you?'’ A wretched man, who didn’t look like a good person, approached Silvia suddenly. He sat down next to her and stared straight at her chest.

If she encountered a hooligan like this in Madison City, Silvia would have slapped him. However, she was in a foreign city, so she had to restrain herself a little. If she offended the local bullies, she might get into trouble.

Since Silvia couldn’t afford to offend him, she chose to avoid him. There were not many people on the bus, so she switched to another seat. The wretched man followed her closely. “Is this your first visit to Jiangbei? I can be your tour guide and take you to places."

While speaking, the wretched man put his hand on her thigh. Silvia’s temper was flaring up as he had crossed his boundaries. She slapped his hand off and said, “You must be tired of living. You’re looking for death!”

Silvia used to fight alongside Prince and Lemur a lot, so she knew how to protect herself well. When she spoke with such anger and power, the wretched man retreated.

These hooligans were all the same. They would pick on the weak, but when meeting with resistance, they would flee immediately.

The wretched man ran away in a flash. Silvia calmed down and looked at the beautiful scenery and tall buildings on both sides of the road.

She sighed in her heart, Jiangbei was a fast developing metropolis city. It was a city of dreams and looked so filled with life. Not long ago, Silvia and her parents had planned to come to Jiangbei together. However, due to the long distance and her father’s busy career, they did not get to set foot in Jiangbei even until her father died in the accident. 

At present, Silvia finally arrived at this city, but she was in a mess. This was a lesson that she could not forget for the rest of her life.

“Dad, I encountered a little setback, but it doesn’t matter. I can overcome it." She spoke to her deceased father in her heart, but in fact, she was also encouraging herself.

She was just in a foreign place without her passport and any money with her. So what? She knew she would not be beaten down like this. She would survive this ordeal and make Andrew, the scumbag, look at her differently,

It took about an hour for the bus to reach the downtown area of Jiangbei.

Silvia got out of the bus and looked around. She was surrounded by tall buildings, which were either office buildings or shopping malls. She was unfamiliar with this place, so she had no idea where to go.


Her stomach began growling at such an inconvenient time, reminding her that it was time to eat. However, she only had ten dollars in her pocket, so she might not be able to afford anything in this city

“Forget it. I wouldn’t die of hunger by skipping a meal. It’s better to keep the money for emergency use, Silvia thought to herself. Even before solving the problem of starvation, another problem arose. It was getting dark and she had very little money with her. She could not afford to stay in a hotel.

Silvia tried to find a temporary job in the mall, but they asked for her passport and to go through the regular recruitment process. It would take at least two or three days to complete all these tasks.

If she waited for another two or three days, she would probably starve to death on the streets. Andrew would probably die of laughter seeing her suffer.

At present, she did not have any forms of identification, no mobile phone, no money, and no bank card. There was no way for her to ask for help from her friends in Madison City.

As she stood beside the busy street, Silvia had even thought of busking on the streets. Unfortunately, she remembered that she was a terrible singer that could scare the pedestrians away.

“Silvia, don’t be afraid. There must be a way” She was a little worried now, but she kept on cheering herself up.

“Janell Joy, why are you standing there in a daze?” 

Suddenly, a woman stretched out her hand and pulled Silvia’s arm. The woman continued speaking while walking, “Your Brother Lucas is not a little boy anymore. He won’t run away even if you don’t accompany him for a few days."

“No. Who are you?” Silvia shook off the woman’s hand and stepped away from her in a hurry, “A human trafficker?”

“What?” The woman was in a hurry and did not look at Silvia clearly. After getting a good look at Silvia, the woman realized that she had spoken to the wrong person, “Oh! I’m sorry, I have mistaken you for someone else."

“You’ve mistaken me for someone else? Silvia obviously did not believe such a childish excuse. “You human traffickers. You’ve done a lot of evil things. You’ll suffer later."

" I really mistook you for someone else. I just glanced at you and thought you looked a lot like Janell Joy. However, after seeing you closely, you do not look like her at all. " 

The woman looked at Silvia skeptically. Not only were Silvia’s clothes similar to Janell Joy’s, but there was also some resemblance in their appearances. That was why the woman had mistaken her for Janell Joy.

*That’s alright." Silvia didn’t care much about the truth anymore as she needed to minimize contact with strangers. She also had bigger problems at hand.

Silvia turned around and left, but the woman came up to her again. “Miss, do you have something you need help with? Tell me, maybe I can help you!"

“I’m fine." Silvia never believed that a stranger would treat her well for no reason, especially in a foreign city. She had to be careful. 

Silvia quickened her pace and walked toward the crowded shopping mall. She thought that she could be safe in a crowded area.

Silvia walked around the mall aimlessly. Seeing that it was getting late and that she couldn’t figure out where she could go for the night, she was in a dilemma,

Just when she thought that her luck could not get any worse, it started raining heavily outside the mall

Silvia heard that a typhoon was coming up on an island hundreds of miles away from Jiangbei the next morning. Jiangbei had already issued a typhoon warning before this. This rain would probably last for an entire day.

At this time, the mall began to play some music to indicate that the mall was closing. The announcements were also made to ask shoppers to leave the mall. 

Silvia reflected that since she met Andrew, she had been living a terrible life. It was one unfortunate event after another.

Silvia walked out of the mall, appearing dejected. The wind was so strong that she was almost blown away. Fortunately, there was a small area at the entrance of the mall that could shelter her from the rain.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 1076 - 1080


CHAPTERS 1076 - 1080


Silvia jumped away quickly. She wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes, and said arrogantly, “Andrew, I’m going to teach you a lesson this time. You need to know that I’m not someone to be trifled with.”

This woman!

How bold she was, to assault him!

Silvia saw the pained look in Andrew's eyes and felt very relieved in her heart. She proudly puffed out her chest, looked at him with contempt, then she left.

However, Silvia never expected that before she was able to walk out of Andrew's study, he stepped forward and grabbed her.

She asked in surprise, “You. You’re fine?”

Just a moment ago, his face was so pale that he must have really been in pain. How could he go after her in just a few seconds?

“I’ll also let you know what it means to be a person not to be trifled with!”

Andrew swept her up and carried her on his shoulder. He strode towards her room.

Silvia was hanging on his back, kicking and beating him anxiously, “Andrew, are you still a man with dignity? If you are, then don’t force a woman against her will. Use your money and power, oh no. use your personal charm to win the woman you want, and then she would be willing to submit to you. Isn’t that a sense of accomplishment?”

“You know men so well. It seems that you’ve met a lot of men before." She probably didn’t even notice that there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Andrew, you bastard. You should know the best if I have had other men before!” When he tortured her to death that day, didn’t he know it was her first time? 

“Now that technology is so advanced, any restoration surgery is simple, Who knows if you had undergone surgery before?” Andrew said mercilessly. His tone was so vicious that Silvia felt like shooting him to death.

“Are you hearing yourself? How can you say such irresponsible words after you’re done having fun?!” He hinted that she was faking her virginity and that pissed her off. She was really pissed off.

“If I am Irresponsible, why would I marry you?” This was the most important reason behind him marrying her.

“F*ck you! I pray that you die a terrible death.” Silvia didn’t want to argue with him anymore. If she continued, it would be a waste of her time and effort.

Soon, he carried her to her room.

After entering the room, he kicked the door open and then locked it. This time, Silvia was really scared. She was so scared that she began to stammer. “You.. you… why did you lock the door?”

“If we didn’t lock it, someone may rush in at any time. Do you want others to watch us do it?" He spoke deeply and slyly, and each word pricked Silvia’s fragile heart like a needle.

Silvia struggled desperately. “Don’t. dont. Andrew, if you force me again, l’ll kill myself in front of you."

Andrew smiled faintly as he spoke seriously, “If you die, I will make sure that your mother will accompany you and you both will meet your father in heaven. After all, you are gone. Your mother will be lonely if she is left alone in this world. I think she is also willing to go to heaven with you.”

“You.” Andrew was terrifying. What a horrible man. He looked like the devil coming out of hell, which made Silvia tremble in fear.

He threw her on the bed, and she bit her lips and closed her eyes. As long as she did not look at his face, she could imagine the face of another person instead of the person violating her

But for a long time, there was no movement around. Silvia opened her eyes slowly and saw Andrew standing in front of her like a mountain, motionless.

She looked at him, and he looked back at her.

After a long silence, Andrew asked, “Are you done making a fuss?” 

Silvia, like an angry little wife, nodded obediently and sensibly. “Yes."

Then go to bed early.”


He turned around and left. She looked at his back until he walked out of the room, and then Silvia breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he did not force her again.

There was no one else in the room. Silvia relaxed her body completely and lay in the bed with her arms spread across the bed.

What should she do to make Andrew let go of her?

Perhaps, she could look for his father, the old man who was said to be a legendary figure in Madison City. She thought that he was the only one who could control Andrew.

However, after living here for many days, not only did she not get to meet the legendary Mr. Carter, no one else ever mentioned him before.

Previously, Silvia had mentioned this person to Auntie Cherry deliberately, but she looked confused. She looked genuinely clueless.

Gradually, Silvia fell asleep while ruminating on her thoughts. When she fell asleep, she saw Andrew in her dreams, who looked down at her like a King.

"Silvia, be my woman and I will give you everything you want. Otherwise, I will make you wish that you were dead.”

“Why? Why me? Please enlighten me!” Even if she was sentenced to death, she wanted to know why. She was chosen by him inexplicably. She wanted to know why.

However, the answer he gave her still made Silvia gnash her teeth with hatred. "Never needed any reason for anything I did. It has always been a matter of my wishes.

Silvia was speechless. It seemed like she was digging her own grave.

He added, “Silvia, remember what I told you just now. Even if I die, you’re stil my wife. In this life, you’ll be mine, dead or alive!

…Silvia, even if I die, you are still my wife! In this life, you’ll be mine, dead or alive!”

Silvia woke up from her sleep suddenly and broke out in a cold sweat. Andrew's words affected her so much. She could not ward them off. After waking up from the fright, Silvia lay on the bed and couldn’t fall asleep. Her mind kept replaying Andrew's threatening words.

D#mn it!

What kind of evil deeds had she done in her past life? What did she do to deserve this? Was it because she was pretty? There were many other prettier women, why her?

If it was not because of her appearance, what else could it be? Was it because of her figure?

As she thought further, Silvia lowered her head and looked at herself. She was not as curvy as others and looked as skinny as a stick. She had to wear a push up bra to make herself look curvy.

How could her body be attractive to that perverted man?

However, although she was not curvy, she was pretty and looked healthy. She had a rosy complexion, which made her look irresistible. Was this why Andrew had chosen her?


Soon, Silvia tried to tell herself that wasn’t possible. He did not touch her before that horrifying incident. How could he know if touching her felt good?

Another possibility had been ruled out. Silvia was more confused. She felt powerless as she could not figure it out. If she had known that she would feel so helpless one day, she would have improved her intelligence, so that she would not have fallen into a dead end like now, unable to extricate herself.

“What’s the reason then? Why? God, please tell me. Silvia rolled around on the bed with the quilt in her arms. Suddenly, an idea flashed in her mind.

The reason why she was in contact with Andrew was because of the black market auction the last time. The auction had something to do with Norman as he kept thinking about taking Wateria Corporation over. So, could it be possible that Andrew chose her because he had his eyes set on Wateria Corporation?

Very likely!

Besides this thought, Silvia could not think of another reason. This was the most reasonable explanation.

However, there was also another question. The Carter family was already the richest and most powerful family in Madison City, why would he be interested in a small company like Wateria Corporation?

Was there something that Wateria Corporation had that they didn’t have?


It must be!

Silvia bit her lip. She needed to investigate further. She couldn’t let Andrew, that inhuman person, cheat her in vain.

It was already very late when Silvia had that explanation in mind. The moment she felt slightly more relaxed, she became so sleepy She pulled up the quilt and covered her head with it. She couldn’t wait to sleep soundly. When she fell asleep, she would forget about all the troubles for a while.

It felt so good when sleeping. Not only could she forget about the worries, but she could also see the person she always wanted to see. Like before, he was wearing a simple casual outfit, which were a beige T-shirt and beige pants. He looked well-groomed and cheerful.

He stood at the gate of the school. In the crowd of people, Silvia saw him at a glance. Of course, he also saw her. Their eyes met, and they smiled at the same time.

Silvia blinked at him and ran to his side quickly “Mr. Felix Xavier, who are you waiting for?

As he heard her teases, Felix smiled gently and said,  “I’m waiting for my girlfriend.” He paused deliberately as he saw how excited Silvia had gotten.

Silvia asked, “Who is your girlfriend? Is she beautiful? How is she compared to me?

The smile on his face became more gentle. “Of course, my girlfriend is extremely beautiful. In my heart, her beauty is unparalleled." 

Hearing his answer, Silvia smiled like the happiest child on Earth. “Mr. Xavier, I will pass this message to your girlfriend."

He smiled and played along with her. “Well then, please ask her this too. I want to invite her to have dinner with me. Would she agree?"

She locked her arm with his and said, “I’ll answer this question on behalf of your girlfriend. She’s willing to go out to dinner with you”

He smiled and raised his eyebrows. “Excuse me, Miss Turner, are you planning to take my girlfriend’s place and have dinner with me?”

Silvia replied frankly, “If you don’t mind, I’ll be honored.”

“Ouch. Boss, why are you showing off like this. You should think about single people like us!” Prince and Lemur appeared beside them suddenly, and the two looked uncomfortable.

“Prince, Lemur, you two are jealous, aren’t you?” Silvia rubbed her hands. “Why are you still around us? Go away now.

Prince and Lemur backed off at the same time. “Felix, please look carefully at the woman before you. Don’t get attached to a fierce lady.”

Silvia raised her fist and said, “You two.. you’re really looking for death!” 

“Boss, take care of your image. Remember to be gentle in front of Felix. Men always prefer gentle women!” Prince and Lemur tried their best to escape and did not forget to diss their lovely boss first.

No matter how strong a woman’s character was, she could not resist being gentle in front of the man she liked. She would hide her flaws, hoping that he would only see her excellent side.

Silvia, of course, was worried that Felix would hate her because she was not feminine enough. “Brother Felix, do you think I’m too fierce, like what they.said?

Felix did not answer her question. "Silvia, give me your hand."

Silvia insisted on getting a satisfactory answer, otherwise, she would not feel at ease. “Brother Felix, answer my question first.”

Felix still did not answer Silvia’s question, but insisted on getting her hand. “Come on, give me your hand.” 

Silvia hid her hand behind her back. “Humph, Brother Felix, if you don’t answer my question, I won’t give you my hand. Let’s see what you can do."

Felix smiled helplessly and stretched out his hand to touch her smooth forehead. His gentle voice softened. “Oh come on, listen to me!”

Silvia pouted and said, “Brother Felix, you’re cheating!” When she did not listen to him, he always spoke to her in such a gentle way.

When she heard his voice, naturally, her heart would melt. How could she reject him? She gave her hand willingly,

Felix held her hand and held it tightly in his palm. “No matter what you look like, I like you. So Silvia, just be yourself, don’t care what others say”

Besides, in his heart, she was different from her past. She was neither rude nor gentle. Instead, she was cute in her own way. She was lively, daring, energetic, and beautiful. She was a treasure that many people could never get in their lives.

He couldn’t wait to buy a safe to hide her so that no one else could see her. He didn’t mind her blunt personality at all. However, Felix didn’t say it out loud.

Silvia had strong self-confidence. If he praised her again, she would be flying in the air out of conceit. He was worried that she would leave him one day.

Hearing Felix’s words, Silvia was so excited that she no longer cared that she was at the school gate and there were a lot of people around. She threw herself into his arms and said, “Brother Felix, I don’t care about how others think of me, but I care about what you think of me because you are special to me”


He was the person she liked and cared about. He grew up with her. She cared about his opinions on her.

He kissed her forehead with a smile and said, “Okay, silly girl, I’ll remember that I’m not just anybody to you. I’m your man." She snuggled in his arms, raised her head slightly, and wanted him to kiss her.

When he lowered his head, his lips were about to kiss her, but.


An annoying knock on the door woke Silvia up. It pulled her back from her beautiful dreams to the cruel and cold reality.

Silvia knew that she was not actually at the gates of the school. It was impossible for her Brother Felix to be here. She was still in the wolf’s den and might be eaten by the beast at any time.

Suddenly, Silvia felt that she had lost all her vitality, and her heart was empty. She said helplessly, “Brother Felix, you must be alright. You must live well.” 

Even if it was impossible for them to be together, she hoped that he could live a good life.


The annoying knock sounded again. It seemed that if Silvia did not open the door, the person who knocked would not leave. How could there be such an annoying person? Silvia was already not in a good mood, especially since someone interrupted her dream of being with Brother Felix. Her heart was burning with anger.

She got out of the bed quickly, rushed to the door, and opened it. She wanted to shout, but when she saw the man standing at the door, she backed down. His demeanor was as cold as ice, and her anger was instantly extinguished by his cold.


There must be a problem with this man. He was Silvia’s destined nemesis, the devil sent by God to punish her.

When she was filled with fiery anger, he was as cold as ice! He instantly extinguished her fury, and she could not do anything about it. Silvia leaned against the door helplessly. 

“Young Master Carter, don’t you have anything to do? Why are you knocking on my door so early in the morning? Is there something so important that you have to tell me now?”

“Early in the morning?” Andrew raised his hand and looked at the time. He frowned and said, “It’s already nine o’clock in the morning.

Did Silvia really think that Andrew had come over willingly?! He had come knocking on her door because Auntie Cherry couldn’t wake her up! He had a lot of things to deal with. Waking Silvia up would definitely not be on his list of priorities!

Silvia yawned as she responded, “Young Master Carter, are you waking me up just to tell me that it’s nine o’clock in the morning now?”

What’s wrong with this guy? She was not stupid. She did not need him to tell her the time. The only thing she wanted to do was to send him away!

No, she wanted to send him far, far away!

Silvia’s head was groggy and she just wanted him to leave her alone. She went back to bed to catch more sleep. She said, “I know. It’s already nine o’clock in the morning. Go on with your day. You don’t have to take care of me.”

This infuriating woman!

Andrew's face darkened again. He said coldly, “I'll give you half an hour to pack up. We’ll set off for the airport in half an hour.”

“Oh, I see." She closed the door and walked back to her bed in a daze. “Young Master Carter, goodbye!”

After returning to the bed, Silvia plunged into the quilt. It took only a few seconds for her to fall back asleep.

What else could be happier than lying on her soft, warm bed and having a beautiful dream about her beloved man?

No, nothing else!

However, this time, she barely got back to her dream and was interrupted by someone else. Why was that so? There was only one word to describe it. Miserable.

She was fast asleep and someone splashed her with water. Wasn’t that miserable?

“You.. you." Silvia was so angry that she couldn’t utter a complete sentence. Her chest was heaving in fury.

Auntie Cherry appeared in front of Silvia and she was about to explain, but Andrew waved his hand to gesture for Auntie Cherry to leave.

In fact, there was no need for Auntie Cherry to explain. Silvia knew that Auntie Cherry did not have the guts to splash water onto her. Silvia could easily imagine what had happened. It must be Andrew.

This man!

“Andrew. you. What are you doing?" She was drenched in water. And at that time, the man was carrying her way.

Did he want to carry her out and embarrass her?

"Andrew, let me go! If I make a fool of myself, I will take you with me. If you don’t believe me, you can try” Silvia kicked and warned him, but her efforts were in vain against the almighty Mr. Carter.

Since she couldn’t threaten him, Silvia softened her tone again and said, “Young Master Carter, I know I was wrong, Please forgive me this time. I wouldn’t do it again."

Although she didn’t know what she had done wrong. It wasn't a big deal for her to admit to them as she did not want to embarrass herself further. 

“If you don’t keep quiet, I will cut off your tongue.” How could he not know that this woman could speak so much that he really wanted to cut her tongue off. 

Silvia quickly covered her mouth and did not dare make a fuss again. She believed that this man would do whatever he said. When she heard his threatening words, she could feel a pain in her tongue.

Silvia did not know that half an hour had passed. Young Master Carter, who had been waiting for her, kicked the door open. When he saw her lying on the bed and sleeping soundly like a big baby, he wanted to kill her on the spot. If he killed her and sold her off, she would no longer need to disturb his life and delay his plans.

Andrew threw her into the car. Silvia remembered that he had mentioned the airport to her earlier. “Young Master Carter, are we going to the airport?

Andrew sat next to her, glanced at her disgustedly, and did not answer. Silvia knew that she probably looked very ugly at this time. She did not wash her face for days, nor did she groom her hair well. Her body was still very wet. She looked like a homeless beggar. It was an unruly sight! 

Silvia was very perceptive. Knowing that Andrew didn’t want to get too close to her, she moved aside consciously and said, “Young Master Carter, where are we flying to? Are we going on our honeymoon?” 

She kept on talking, and Andrew felt annoyed by her voice. He turned his head sideways to warn her with a sharp look and asked her to shut up. However, Silvia was a tough person. She forgot the pain when her wounds were healed. At this time, Andrew did not show his temper, so she did not know how terrifying he was when he did.

She ignored his warning and continued on. “I know it’s impossible to be going on our honeymoon, but I just want to know where we are going. If you don’t tell me, I'll be afraid. When I’m afraid, I will chatter a lot.” 

She planned to disturb his peace, to annoy him, to make him sick of her. Then he would let her go.

“You can continue. Let’s see how long you can speak! If your throat is dry, you can have some water!” He did not stop her, but instead passed her a bottle of water. Things did not play out as Silvia expected.


After giving her the bottled water, Andrew looked straight ahead again. No matter what Silvia says, he ignored her.

Silvia snorted and said silently, “How could you be so arrogant if you need help one day, don’t blame me for being merciless."

“Ouch." Silvia felt a strong pinch on her arm. This man was really abnormal.

How could he pinch her for that?

She glared at him fiercely, but he looked at the front of the car indifferently, as if the person who had just pinched her was not him. There were only two of them in the back seat. Who else could it be other than him?

Did he really think that she was so foolish?

Silvia certainly didn’t know that in the eyes of Young Master Carter, she was a

complete moron who only knew how to eat and sleep. Of course, because Silvia didn’t know what he was thinking. She was cursing him in her heart. She cursed that he would die one day from stupidity!

Half an hour later, the car arrived at Madison International Airport. Silvia thought that Andrew would take her directly to the plane, but he took her to the VIP lounge instead. Someone in the lounge had already prepared a set of beautiful clothes for her.

Silvia glanced at the clothes and could only describe them as “beautiful”. The clothes looked pretty but were not the style she fancied.

The pink-colored outfit would suit a young, teenage girl more, and not herself. Silvia was already a twenty-year-old adult, and she preferred mature designs and plain colors.

This time, without Andrew's nagging, Silvia already knew what to do. After all, she wanted to change her wet clothes more than he did, otherwise, she would be too ashamed to go out.

After changing her clothes, Silvia adjusted her hair simply. For a girl like Silvia who was born pretty, without makeup, she could still charm a lot of people. Silvia was very satisfied with her appearance. Unexpectedly, after she exited the dressing room, Andrew did not even look at her and then dragged her onto the plane.

The plane was not the luxurious private plane that Silvia imagined rich people would take. They were flying on a normal plane, but with business class seats, It seemed that this wealthy Young Master was quite down-to-earth. 

Andrew ushered her to her seat. As soon as she sat down, a flight attendant welcomed them. “Sir, my name is Audrey. Today, I will serve you on your flight. If you need anything, please let me know anytime.”

The beautiful flight attendant bent slightly, and she walked seductively in front of Andrew. She discreetly stuffed a card into Andrew's hand. Her phone number was written on it.

"F*k!” Silvia was so surprised that her jaw dropped. How could the flight attendant be so daring? She gave her number to a man when his wife, Silvia, was sitting beside him!

Although Silvia didn’t want to, she needed to admit that she was Andrew's wife. As she was reminded by this fact, Silvia became angry thinking that others were stepping over her just because Andrew did not think highly of her? 

Silvia suddenly felt a heavy load on her chest. She was so upset that she felt out of breath. She wanted to get off the plane to get some air.

She would like to see how Andrew, a man who was cruel, promiscuous, and rude, would hook up with the flight attendant just now. 

Silvia turned her head and leaned against the chair, sulking silently. Andrew suddenly waved his hand and called the senior flight attendant over. “Are you in charge of the cabin crew?”

The senior flight attendant nodded and gave a courteous smile. She replied, “Yes, sir. What can I do for you?

Andrew's eyes darkened and he said coldly. "The flight attendant over there.” He pointed to the attendant who had just given him the card and said, “Ask her to come over.”

Silvia kept quiet.

They barely settled down, yet he was asking for the seductive flight attendant to service him. Silvia rolled her eyes as she found Andrew to be someone who was unbelievably vile!

She didn’t understand him. Since Andrew wanted to sleep with different women, why did he want to get married to Silvia and even bring her out with him?

If Andrew were single, it would be more convenient for him to do anything he wanted. He could commit any lascivious deed openly! 

Silvia felt that he was trying to make her feel disgusted on purpose. 

Being in the service line, as long as the passengers didn’t ask for anything unreasonable, the flight attendants would try their best to meet their demands as quickly and as best as they could.

The senior flight attendant smiled politely and said, “Sir, please wait a moment. I’ll ask her to come over right away.”

The senior flight attendant spoke into her walkie-talkie. “Audrey, come here right away."

The cabin of the plane was not big, and it didn’t take long for Audrey to come over. Thinking that the man she gave the card to was looking for her, she was a little excited.

However, when Andrew spoke, the smile on Audrey’s face gradually disappeared. “Miss Audrey, please apologize to my wife now. Do it in front of your senior flight attendant."

Silvia was very surprised.

When Andrew said wife, was he referring to herself?

If that was the case, Silvia felt that the suffocating feeling that she had earlier, had disappeared. She felt delighted and smug.

After the initial smugness, Silvia then realized how useless she was. Since she had been disrespected by others, it was normal to receive an apology. Why was she feeling smug over that?

The senior flight attendant was used to receiving all kinds of complaints. She asked politely, “Sir, can you tell me how Audrey had offended your esteemed wife?"

Silvia nodded vigorously and said to Andrew, “Yes, yes, tell her. You must provide strong evidence, if not, you’re just framing her.”

Inexplicably, Silvia suddenly looked forward to Andrew's answer. She nodded fervently, like a nosy passer-by. 

Andrew did not explain, but he passed the card that Audrey had given him to the senior flight attendant. “Is this evidence enough?”

He was talking to the senior flight attendant, but obviously, it was for Silvia.

Silvia replied, “What kind of evidence is this? I don’t care if she has handed you a card at all."

Andrew smiled gently and said, “Alright, don’t speak out of spite. I will definitely have them provide a satisfactory explanation on this matter.” 

Before she could speak her words, he pinched her waist. Silvia closed her mouth obediently and stared at him with wide eyes. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn’t figure out what was wrong at the moment.

Silvia wanted to explain further, “No… I.”

The senior flight attendant was smart, so she knew what was going on as soon as she got the card. Audrey was trying to cast a net to lure in a wealthy man. Instead of catching a big fish, the fish broke her net instead!

Audrey’s face turned red and then pale. She had never expected that her plan would fail and that her behavior would be reported to her superior.


Audrey’s heart was full of resentment and hatred towards Silvia. How dare this woman pretend to be so naive and innocent?

If it weren’t for this scheming b*tch, Audrey didn’t believe that there would be a man who would reject her advances. Although there was a flash of discontent and anger in Audrey’s eyes, she still maintained a professional smile and said, “Madam, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to do it on purpose.”

This marriage between Silvia and Andrew was not a normal one at all. It was a big mistake for them to get together. Silvia had no feelings for Andrew, and he didn’t like her either. The two of them were forced together because they had made a mistake.

Silvia didn’t hate the woman who wanted to hook up with Andrew, she even hoped that he would hook up with someone else. The reason why Silvia was angry just now was because she had been disrespected. Now that Silvia had gotten an apology, she would not care too much anymore.

She shook her head. “It’s okay.”

Before Silvia could finish her sentence, she was interrupted again by Andrew, who was domineering and cunning.

He grabbed Silvia’s hand and looked coldly at the flight attendant. “Miss, because of the card, my wife misunderstood me and even wanted to divorce me. Is it enough for you to just say that you didn’t mean it?”

“When did I say…" What nonsense is this! Did Silvia say she wanted to get a divorce because of the card? Come on, she never intended to get into this marriage anyway.

This time, it was still the same as the previous two times. Before Silvia could speak, Andrew pinched her waist again and succeeded in making her shut up. This man was so dominant that no one could understand him!

“Sir, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have..” For a moment, Audrey panicked and didn’t know how to answer. She bit her lip and put on a pitiful look. She knew that every man would naturally want to protect a weak and beautiful girl like herself.

However, Audrey was disappointed again. Andrew not only did not sympathize with her, but even threw a look of disdain at her.

This made Audrey know that the man in front of her was making things hard for her deliberately. If she wanted to blame someone, she could only blame herself for choosing the wrong target.

Audrey didn’t expect that Silvia, who looked silly and naive, was able to secure such a difficult and cunning man.

In fact, these flight attendants could usually deal with ordinary guests calmly. However, the man in front of them made them feel at a loss despite looking calm and collected. They couldn’t figure out his thoughts, so they didn’t know how to deal with him.

Audrey could only ask for help from her superior, hoping that she could speak for her so that the matter could be resolved.

The senior flight attendant disapproved of Audrey’s unprofessional conduct, but she had to do something to save the situation now. If the passenger's complaints were not handled properly, it would not only affect Audrey’s performance, but it would have a bad influence on the whole team. 

As Audrey’s superior, she had to stand out and speak on Audrey’s behalf. However, before the senior flight attendant could speak up, Andrew's fierce glare made her shut up.

Under their gazes, Andrew adjusted into a comfortable sitting posture. He held Silvia in his arms and pulled her close. He said slowly, “I think it is not your first time doing such a thing.

Audrey lowered her head and did not dare to say anything. Andrew raised his eyebrows and looked at the senior flight attendant with his sharp eyes. “Do you intend to keep on your team, this flight attendant that would damage your company’s image and reputation?”

In just a few words, Andrew gave a full display to the imposing manner of a powerful person. It was intimidating and frightening.

Silvia looked around and wanted to retreat to the side unconsciously. The two flight attendants were so scared that they didn’t even dare to make a sound.

After being silent for a while, the atmosphere eased a little. The senior flight attendant nodded repeatedly and said, “Sir, don’t worry. I will report this matter to senior management and take this matter seriously. We will provide a good explanation for you and Madam."

The senior flight attendant kept a smile, but her smile was no longer a professional smile. Her smile appeared weak and flustered.

“Yes” Andrew said calmly, “I hope I can get the follow-up report on this matter.” 

The senior flight attendant wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and nodded repeatedly. “Of course. We will send you the follow-up report within three days.

Andrew waved his hand and motioned them to leave. The two flight attendants fled in a hurry as if they had gotten a special pardon. Before they had gone far, Andrew spoke up to Silvia. His voice was neither too loud nor too soft, but it was enough for the two flight attendants to hear it.

He said, “You’re always acting childishly. Are you happy now that we made a fuss?"

“What?” Silvia suddenly realized that Andrew was not on her side. He was setting her up so others would despise her. He was the one who had offended the flight attendant, but he had pushed the blame on her for being mean and jealous. This man was really vicious.

Even if the two flight attendants did not think too much about Silvia just now, with Andrew's words, they would probably hate Silvia down to her bones now. Silvia let out a long sigh. She was really unlucky to have met Andrew in this life.

How unfortunate!

Did he want to mess her around until she met her demise? He didn’t care about her feelings at all. He didn’t even look at her. He regarded her as an invisible person all the time.


He was narrow-minded, cruel, and ruthless. He was a monster who did all kinds of evil things!

She glared at him fiercely, grinding her teeth so hard that they made a grinding sound. She had already imagined that she was drinking his blood and eating his flesh. However, Andrew appeared to be in a good mood. He was so delighted that he was smirking.

The plane took off on time. After flying into the blue sky, Silvia looked at the boundless sea and clouds outside. Her mood suddenly became better.

She also thought it over. Things had already reached this point. She couldn’t change her fate for the time being. Hence, it was better to accept it. One day, when she became stronger, she would get out of her predicament. When she thought about this, she became in a better mood. Regardless of the annoying guy sitting next to her, Silvia started to hum happily.

“What are you feeling happy about?” Seeing her become happy, Andrew also felt relaxed. He asked her this question casually.

“Why am I happy? It’s none of your business." Silvia didn’t even look at him. She put on her earphones and turned on the TV on the plane. She chose to watch a movie about a campus romance.

Andrew's face darkened. He turned his head away awkwardly and no longer looked at her.

The film on Silvia’s TV screen began to play. When she saw the beginning of the movie, many familiar images popped into Silvia’s mind.

On August 8th in the previous year, during summer vacation, this movie was released. It was adapted from a youth novel and was very popular when it was first released.