Tuesday, July 28, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 692 - 694


CHAPTERS 692 - 693


Jane Ronan looked up at the man holding her drunkenly and muttered, "I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming. Such a handsome man can only appear in a dream." 

She felt that she must be dreaming one of her more sexual dreams. She had been abandoned by her closest family, so God sent her an angel who was much more good looking than Christopher Greyson to save her. 

"Hey hey... you look so handsome. If you smile, don't put on a straight face, you will look better." Jane suddenly raised her hand and pinched his face. It was a dream anyway. In her dreams, she could do whatever she wanted. No one could do anything to her. 

She not only pinched his face, she also opened her mouth and talked to him! Edwin couldn't help but frown at the strong stench of alcohol. He really wanted to throw her by the road to suffer in the cold wind,.so that she would not drink like this in future. 

However, he did not care that she was pinching him. He held her tighter and asked in a low voice, "Do you have a place to go?" Edwin knew that she couldn't go back to her home, but he couldn't take her back with him, so he planned to send her to her friend or someone she could trust. 

"A place to go? Do you mean home?" Jane smiled miserably. "I was just kicked out by my family. I have no home and no family. No one wants me. I will only have myself to rely on in the future." 

Upon hearing her words, Edwin raised his brows even higher.

"My beloved mother doesn't want me, my father doesn't want me, my sister and my fiancĂ© have a child together... They betrayed me together. Am I that much of a failure?" 

Jane thought that she was dreaming, so she just blabbered on about whatever came to her mind. Edwin still didn't say a word. He only knew that her name was Jane Ronan, the second daughter of the Ronan Family. 

Other than that, he didn't know much about her, so he was not clear about her character. "If you don't answer me, it just means you also think I'm a failure." As she spoke, she smiled, but her smile became more bitter. 

"Since I was young, I've been giving in to her, everything has been hers... She would choose the better looking clothes first, when there were snacks, she would taste it first. Only one of us could study abroad, and I let her have the chance, just because she is my sister. I'm willing to give it to her." 

Because she loved her family and sister, she hoped that her parents could rest assured and her sister could be happy, so she was willing to let her sister go. She was willing to do so, and she did not complain at all. 

"But today, she stole my fiance. My father said that I was useless, my mother wanted me to give way to her. I can give her anything, but my fiance?" 

"In fact, what really hurts me is not that my fiance was stolen away from me, but that I have been abandoned by my closest family. I am a useless abandoned child." 

"My father often beats and scolds my mother. My fiance f*cked my sister. You men are all trash." As she spoke, she gave Edwin a look of disgust. Although he looked handsome, he was also a man, so he was definitely trash.

As soon as she started talking, she couldn't stop, Edwin stood by the road with her in his arms, and listened to her drunken speech in the cold wind. After scolding him, she finally thought of the man who was holding her. 

She glanced at him and asked drunkenly, "By the way, what's your name? Who sent you here to comfort me? Do you also pity me? Let me tell you, I don't need you to pity me." 

"Why don't you say anything. Don't you have a name?" She didn't even give him a chance to answer. She added, "If you don't have a name, then i'll give you a name. You're... called... what's your name really?" 

She was so drunk that she couldn't think of a good name. She was anxious and said, "Tell me now, or I will drive you out of my dream." 

"Edwin Carter." Edwin gave her a simple answer, because he simply wanted to tell her, not because he was threatened by her. There were not many people in the world who would dare threaten the big boss of Shengtian Corporation. 

It was very hard for others to meet him. However, today he was listening to a drunkard talking nonsense. 

"Edwin Carter? You're Edwin Carter?" She said with a silly smile, " I've always liked the surname Carter, because my idol is also called Carter."

"Idol?" He raised his eyebrows and asked. "Prince Carter the Fourth! He is my Prince Charming. Have you seen his palace? Haven't you gone to London? I've been to London to look at the palace he lived in." 

Speaking of her Prince Charming, she was so excited that she forgot about everything else. She began to ramble on.

Edwin asked gloomily, "What do you like about this Prince Charming of yours?" 

"What do I like about him?" She thought for a moment and said, "He's dominant, especially when he wears his armor, and... why do you care about what I like?" 

Jane burped and continued, "I don't need to talk to an imaginary person like you. You won't understand even if I tell you. If there is a chance in the future, when I go to London again, I will try to dream of.you and take you out for a walk." 

"Dream?" She bantered with him for a long time. She.had just assumed he was an imaginary person.

Edwin suddenly felt a little angry. He loosened his hands and wanted to let her go. Even if she was not heavy, it was tiring to hold her for such a long time. 

However, as soon as he let her go, her body moved sideways and threatened to collapse to the ground again. He instinctively reached out his hand to hold her steady. 

At this moment, a sad thing happened. Jane began to vomit. Fortunately, she didn't eat dinner and didn't vomit much. 

But for Edwin, the germaphobe, it was absolutely unbearable. "You!" His face became dark, but he didn't know what to do with her, because she fell asleep in his arms and closed her eyes

"Young Master!!" When Uncle Watson finished dealing with the two rascals, he came back and saw what had happened. 

Good heavens! Someone was going to die today! He didn't dare to look. She vomited so much on the Young Master's body. 

The Young Master was notoriously germaphobic. It would not end well for this little girl. However, what stunned Uncle Watson even more was that the young master did not throw the girl away. 

Instead, he picked her up again and said, "Back to the hotel." Uncle Watson was in a state of shock. He stood still. Edwin looked back at him and said, "Drive back to the hotel." 

Uncle Watson was frightened and quickly replied, "Yes, yes, yes.." 

There were.so many strange things that happened that night. Was this man really their young master? The one who never meddled in other people's business? The one who was scared of germs?.


On the way back to the hotel, Uncle Watson looked at Edwin in the backseat from the rearview mirror. He wanted to say something several times but did not dare to. After all, if the young master wanted to do anything, it was not something he, a driver, could control. 

Besides, the young master was young and strong. It was reasonable for him to take the girl home. 

In more than half an hour, the car stopped outside the hotel. Edwin got out of the car with a frown and walked to the hotel with Jane Ronan in his arms. 

"Chairman Carter .." Seeing Edwin come back with a woman in his arms, Sienna Henry, who was waiting at the hotel, greeted him immediately. 

She was much more surprised than Uncle Watson. It was only half a day that she wasn't with Edwin, yet the chairman came back with a woman at night. This was something that they had never dared to think about in the past. 

"Get someone to prepare a set of clean female clothes and send them to my room." Edwin said coldly and walked to the elevator with a straight face. 

"Chairman .." Sienna wanted to say something, but Edwin had already entered the elevator. The elevator door closed and blocked her from him. She could not even see Edwin's back. 

Back in the room, Edwin went into the bathroom with Jane in his arms. Their clothes were all dirty and reeked of alcohol. They couldn't wear these clothes anymore, so they had to take a shower and change their clothes.

However, they were a man and a woman. There was no relationship between them. Of course he could not just take off her clothes. 

She couldn't sleep if she was in dirty clothes, she couldn't even take a bath. However, he couldn't be the one to take off her clothes and help her wash up. 

After thinking about it, he decided they would bathe together with their clothes on. He turned on the hot water and held her in his arms under the shower. After washing, Sienna came back with their clean clothes. 

Edwin said coldly, "Go to the room and change her clothes." Sienna came to Edwin's room. It was the room that Edwin had slept in. She looked around and found a woman she couldn't recognize, lying in Edwin's bed in wet clothes. 

It was Chairman Carter's bed. Siena lowered her eyelids and didn't dare to look around or change her expressions. She helped the woman change out of her wet clothes as fast as she could. 

"Chairman Carter it's done." After changing, Sienna went to the living room to report to him. 

"Get someone to come in and clean up." Edwin's tone was still cold and direct. He turned his.back to her and did not even look at her. 

"Chairman Carter, that woman... "

"That's my business." Before Sienna could finish her words, he interrupted her. 

He had a few special assistants loyal to him, who were his best assistants at work. He would listen to their suggestions in work, but his private life was his own business, he didn't want others to gossip about it. 

"I'll go and get the staff now." Sienna knew that she was prying, so she hurried off. 

The hotel staff quickly rushed to clean up the room and.change the bedding. When they left, Jane had already fallen asleep on the big bed that Edwin had slept on. 

Looking at her defenseless sleeping posture, Edwin frowned again with anger in his eyes. If he didn't catch up with her tonight, would she be lying on the bed with the two rascals now? Thinking of this, his eyes darkened. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. 

After getting through, he said, "I need you to look after someone for me. As long as she's in Kyoto, you have to ensure her safety." 

"Who on earth is this person who you want to protect, Chairman Carter?" It was a man's voice on the other side of the phone. He wanted to know too much. 

"You should know about the Ronan family who is quite close to the Greyson family. She's the second daughter of the Ronan family. If anything happens to her, I will come to you." Edwin said and hung up immediately. 

"So Sophie is your daughter, am I not your daughter then?" A woman's voice started to mutter... 

"Just because she is pregnant with a child of the Greyson family, you want to side with her and abandon me? Are you two really my parents?" 

"Is this what you use your daughter for? Haha... It's ridiculous."

"You don't want me anymore, then I don't want you all too in the future. Don't accuse me of being ungrateful in the future..." 

As soon as he hung up the phone, Edwin heard Jane's voice behind him. In her sleep, she was ranting about her family members in a low voice. 

Although she said that she didn't care, in fact, she cared about her family. If she really didn't care, she would not be dreaming about them, and she would not be so sad. 

Edwin walked over to her, pulled up the quilt to cover her, and sat on the bed. His eyes fell on her fair and clean face, and he couldn't turn his eyes away. 

What was the difference between her and other people? Why did he want to follow her? Why would he be so patient to listen to her ranting about other people? Why would he take her back to the hotel and let her sleep in his bed? 

Edwin couldn't figure it out, and he didn't intend to think about it anymore After sitting with her for a while and seeing that she didn't make any more noise, he went to the study next door and continued to work.

Because of the time difference and jet lag, he did not sleep the whole night. He dealt with his work until dawn, and then he went to the company for a meeting. 

When he returned to the hotel after the meeting, the woman who occupied his bed for the night had already left. She left nothing behind. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a little lost. 

This was the first time that Edwin saw Jane. He remembered this woman deeply, he remembered that she was drunk and scolded him and vomited on him. 

What about her? She didn't remember him at all. Maybe she really thought he was just an imaginary person who appeared beside her last night. She had a dream, and after she woke up from it, he no longer existed. 

Later, Edwin heard from the person who was protecting her that Sophie Ronan was framing Jane. She couldn't stay in Kyoto. Therefore, she was forced to go to Jiangbei. A few years later, Edwin met her in Jiangbei... 

Recalling the past, Edwin only felt a sharp pain in his heart. It was as if tens of thousands of ants were biting at his heart. His world was dark. 

At that time, Jane had experienced such.a huge betrayal, she was accused of seducing her brother-in-law. Now, she couldn't even step foot in Kyoto.

Yet, she didn't fall down. She struggled and survived step by step until she met him. After she met him, it was the beginning of her bad luck. She had experienced all the misfortune. 

However, Edwin still firmly believed that the current Jane was still the same person as before. Strong and brave.

Through pure effort, she would wake up. Because she knew that Edwin and her child were waiting for her to wake up. She knew that their family was incomplete without her. She would never want to see Janell without a mother. 

"Jane, you will wake up, right?" Edwin held her hand and asked softly. Two drops of warm tears rolled down from the corner of Jane's eyes. It was her answer to his questions..


"Jane, you heard me, didn't you?" Edwin was ecstatic when he saw tears rolling down from the corner of Jane's eyes. 

Jane! Jane! Jane! 

Edwin repeatedly called out for Jane, however, she did not provide him with any responses apart from the tears that she had just shed. Jane remained still. 

Edwin's aggressively.palpitating heart slowed down and turned cold, as if it was being drowned by.collapsing icy- cold glaciers which dampened his boiling excitement.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and murmured, "Jane, are you really that reluctant and unwilling to wake up to see me?" 

"It's been three months. It's been three whole months. How long more do you want to sleep for? Do you want to sleep for a lifetime?"

Suddenly, Edwin growled. At this very moment, he looked exactly like a wild beast going berserk, losing its rationality. However, he did not appear to be dangerous, instead, you could tell that he was in immense sorrow. 

Jane had been lying on the hospital bed for the past three months now. He stayed by her bedside throughout this time, and every minute and second was pure suffering for him. 

They both had the same thought. He really wished that he was the one who got hurt that day, and he was the person lying on the hospital bed now. 

He went mad! He roared furiously! Being aloof and reserved, these were not what Edwin would normally do. He had never done such a crazy thing like this in the past 30 years. 

Despite witnessing Jane's injury, he was still able to stay calm and send Jane to the hospital as fast as he could, striving for.the shortest time to bring her medical attention. 

As for today, Edwin's emotions broke out because he had been holding it in for too long. He was exhausted and had a rough.time. He was on the verge of breaking down. He wanted to vent his emotions this way to let Jane know that he missed her very much, and hoped that she would come round soon and stay by his side safe and sound. 

"Jane, did you hear me? I'm talking to you! Are you going to sleep for another three months? Three years? Or thirty years?"

Edwin felt as though he was going crazy. If Jane did not get up soon, he would definitely go crazy. He could not bear the fear of losing her.

Maybe Edwin's desperate roar was too sorrowful for anyone to hear. Deep down, Jane could hear his words clearly, and even feel his pain in her heart. 

"Don't be sad, Edwin!" Jane tried hard to open her eyes and her mouth to speak out. She wanted to caress Edwin's face desperately... 

She wanted to tell him not to worry and be sad anymore. She would try.her best to wake up and return to the family's side. However, no matter how hard Jane attempted, her efforts were in vain. 

She was unable to move, or to open her eyes and say anything. She could only feel worried and helpless when she heard Edwin's frustrating vents. 

As Jane wanted to wake up so badly, she used all her strength to do so. Just as she was trying her very best, she felt increasing discomfort and tightness in her chest. 

Eventually, it seemed that she let out a deep breath which choked her and she let out a subtle cough. 

"Cough..." Jane let out a cough suddenly. For Edwin, it was the most pleasant sound he had ever heard in his life. 


This time, Edwin did not.dare to overreact. He was worried that it was just his hallucination. Maybe Jane did not make a single sound at all. It was all in his mind. He imagined that Jane coughed because he wanted to hear her so badly. 

Since he was unsure, he became cautious and lowered down his voice. He was so nervous that his mind was messed up. 

"Edwin!" Jane tried to call for Edwin too. She wanted to tell him that she could hear his every.word, but she was struggling to respond. 

"Jane, don't worry. I know you can hear me,.and that's enough." Edwin was so excited that he could not speak in complete sentences. 

"Just, lie down, I'll ask the doctor to come and see you right away." 

Hurriedly. Edwin called for the doctor. The doctor immediately conducted a complete physical examination for Jane. 

After the check-up, the doctor said excitedly, "Chairman Carter, your wife's condition has apparently improved, it's much better than yesterday. Her brain is working actively and her physical condition is much better. The chances of her coming out of her coma are now greater." 

Although Jane had not yet awakened, the possibility of her waking up greatly increased, which was also gratifying to hear.

The doctor continued, "Chairman Carter, if you continue talking to your wife, it will further improve her brain activity and accelerate her recovery." The doctor found Jane's recovery condition to be incredible. 

Initially, when he received Jane's case, she was on the brink of death. Because of her serious injuries, she could succumb to her injuries any time. 

However, when they were operating on her, a miracle happened. Her tenacity allowed her to pull through the most critical and dangerous period. Her injuries were too serious and she had profuse bleeding. 

After the surgery, her health condition did not seem well too, but Jane once again managed to pull herself through. 

She kept herself strong and her condition stable. This rate of recovery got stuck in a plateau that lasted for three months. Superficial injuries on her body healed in the past three months, but her overall health condition was still weak, so she could not get up yet.

Yesterday, when they did a routine examination, her health condition was the same as usual, without any significant improvement.

However, during the physical examination just now, her physical condition was very much improved. Her brain activity was active, and her heart rate was normal. These vital signs were similar to a healthy person. 

The attending doctor had been operating for decades and encountered a lot of patients and cases before. He rarely came across patients who were in such a bad situation at the beginning, yet could survive until the end. 

Initially, the doctors were still wondering what kind of motivation would make a frail woman so persistent? After observing throughout the months, the answer was self evident. Her husband and daughter motivated her a lot. It was their love and her love for them that allowed her to hold on until now. 

Edwin felt more relieved as he believed that Jane might come round anytime. He took a hot towel, sat beside Jane's bed and wiped her forehead. 

While wiping, he said, "Jane, I know that you can hear what I'm talking about, so please listen to me carefully. On the 20th of May, we will have our wedding ceremony, so you must wake up before the day comes." 

His tone sounded very domineering, which was very similar to the tone he used to issue orders to his subordinates during work. His instructions were not intimidating but stern. 

Jane could hear everything, from the doctor explanations to what Edwin said... 

She really wanted to answer Edwin's question so that he would not be so sad. She really wanted to raise her hand to touch his face. It was probably due to her strong perseverance, she broke through the limits of her body.

She thought about caressing Edwin so badly that her hand really moved..

Monday, July 27, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 689 - 691


CHAPTERS 689 - 691


Jane, can you hear me? Jane, can you feel me? If you can hear me or feel me, just say something. Just move your eyelashes or your fingers. Don't let me feel so lonely while I'm waiting for you. 

He thought. He was so lonely, he felt like he had been abandoned by the whole world. 

"Jane." Edwin held her hand to his lips and kissed her gently. Deep inside his heart, he kept calling her name. He hoped that she would respond to him. He hoped that he could hear her gently call out to him - Edwin!

But after waiting for three long months, her eyes were still closed tightly and she still lay quietly, not willing to open her eyes to look at him. Was this the punishment she had given him? The punishment for faking their divorce when he knew that she had been threatened. 

She must have known the truth, so she punished him in such a cruel way, letting him know how sad she was at that time. 

"Daddy!" Suddenly, the door was pushed open. Janell poked her head into the room and softly called out to her father. 

Hearing Janell's voice, his heart, which felt like it was immersed in an ice cellar, melted. He hid the pain in his eyes and turned to look at the door with a gentle expression. 

"You' re here." Janell rushed to her father's arms and wiggled. She looked up at her mother lying on the bed and said, "Daddy, I miss Mommy." 

She wanted her mother to wake up, wanted her mother to tie up her beautiful braids, wanted her mother to hold her in her arms and kiss her, and she wanted her mother to accompany her to kindergarten. 

When her mother came back, she had always done.these things for her. After her mother was injured, it was her Little Aunt and.grandmother who took care of her. 

Although her grandmother and aunt could tie her.hair just as well, it was never as good as how her mother did it. She wanted her mother.to do a lot of things with her, but her mother had been sleeping all the time. 

No matter how much she called her, her mother did not wake up. Was it because she was not as.cute as she used to be so her mother didn't want to see her? Was that why she didn't.want to wake up? 

Thinking of this, Janell's big eyes became dark, "Daddy, Mommy doesn't want me anymore?" 

Because she didn't have a mother when she was born, her heart has always been more sensitive than other children. She thought that her mother had abandoned her. 

"Silly girl!" Edwin kissed her pink face and said gently, "Mommy loves you the most, how could Mommy not want you?" 

"Then why is Mommy not waking up?" She asked pitifully. It felt like if he did not give her the answer she wanted, she would burst into tears. 

"Because Mommy was injured when she tried to save us, she was badly injured, that's why Mommy.." Speaking of this, Edwin felt a tight squeeze in his heart, which made him feel a little breathless. 

"Mommy was injured.because she loves Daddy and I? So it's not because Mommy doesn't want me anymore?" She was small, but she was very smart. She understood her father's words.

"Little Cutie, you're right." Edwin rubbed her head and hugged her tightly. In the past three years when Jane was not around, it was this little kid who gave him the strength to go on. 

Now, while waiting for Jane to wake up, every day that passed felt like utter torture. And still it was Janell who accompanied him, who made him firmly believe that she would wake up.

His baby was so sensible because her mother was also a caring person. She had inherited all the best personalities of her mother. 

"Daddy, Little Aunt said I can stay with Daddy for a little longer today." She repeated what her.aunt had told her. 

After the New Year celebrations, Janell went to a kindergarten in New York. Angela Carter and some bodyguards took her to and from her kindergarten every day. 

After the explosion, Father Carter, Mother Carter, and Angela all rushed to America as soon as possible. It was the first time in decades that they had not celebrated New Year's Eve in their own country. 

At that time, when he heard the news, Victor James also wanted to come. But because of his unique status as a member of the military, it was not easy for him to exit the country. 

He only came to visit after the New Year. After staying for a few days, his work forced him back to Jiangbei before he could help Edwin with anything. 

Father and Mother Carter would visit Jane at the hospital every day. They wanted Edwin to go back and have a good rest, but Edwin didn't leave.

Jane had been admitted to the hospital for three months, and Edwin stayed in the hospital for three months. For the past three months, he had not walked out of the suite. 

He gave his men full responsibility to take care of his business at Shengtian. He put all his mind on Jane. If Jane did not wake up, he wouldn't have the mood to do other things. 

Angela was responsible for picking up Janell every day. She would take her to the kindergarten in the morning and then take her to the hospital in the afternoon, so that Janell could chat with her father and mother in the hospital. 

As for Edwin's feelings for Jane, Angela felt that no one could see it more clearly than she did. During the few years when Jane was missing, Angela watched Edwin go through it with her own eyes. 

And for the past three months, she had been watching Edwin stay beside her. Every time she saw Edwin looking blank and sad, like his soul had left him, Angela would tear up silently. 

She felt sorry for her brother, but she couldn't think of any way to help him. Sometimes, she would think that if she could choose, she would change positions with Jane, so that Jane could wake up and reunite with her husband and daughter.

But that was only in Angela's imagination. She couldn't help with anything else, so she could only watch her brother feeling sad. 

In the past, in her memory, her cold brother would always look distant and unfriendly, someone not to be messed with. No matter where he went, he would be the strong person everyone looked up to. 

There was nothing in life that could stump him. Until a few years ago, Jane suddenly disappeared from his life... At that time, Angela knew that her cold brother was not a "God". He was just an ordinary human, flesh and blood. He could get hurt and feel pain too! 

When others were in pain, they would have someone by their side. When he was in pain, he could only lick his wounds alone. No one could help him. 

Because for a long time, it had become a habit for him to support the whole family. Everyone was accustomed to being protected by him. And no one could protect him. 

When he was injured, he would hide his wounds and would never let anyone worry about him..


After Angela sent Janell to the hospital, she didn't accompany her to the ward because she was afraid she might be too sad and cry if she saw her brother.

Her cold brother was forbearing enough. How could she cause more trouble for him? So she stood outside and quietly guarded the three of them. 

Since he was a child, he had taken care of her. When they grew up, he was still taking care of her. Angela had never done anything for him. So at this moment, she wanted to stay there and guard the family of three. 

She couldn't do more for them, at least she could help them keep the peace. She also believed that her sister-in-law would definitely feel her brother's affection beside her and wake up. 

As the doctor said, Karen's brain could still react to external stimuli. As long as they regularly talked to her, she could wake up sooner or later. 

Even if it was only a possibility, Angela believed that her sister in-law would wake up. She was sure of it. 

Thinking of this, Angela leaned against the door and listened to the voices in the ward quietly. 

"You miss Mommy huh?" Edwin put Janell next to her mother and sat down, then said, "Tell Mommy what you really want to say. Although she can't answer you for the time being, I'm sure she can hear you." 

Edwin had always believed that even though Jane was not awake, she could feel them and hear them. Therefore, he would spend every day with Janell by her side, telling her many stories. 

He believed that as long as they persisted, Jane couldn't bear to let them be sad any longer. She would definitely make it. She had endured the hardest three months. She would definitely wake up and be with him and their Janell. 

"Mommy, Daddy said that you've slept for three months, and I've grown taller. Daddy said that you have to wake up quickly, or you won't be able to carry me if I grow taller." 

Janell remembered what her father had said. Her father told her that she was her mother's most precious treasure. As long as she came to accompany her mother every day, her mother would wake up. 

She rubbed her eyes and said, "Mommy, I don't want to be a child without a mother anymore. Wake up quickly." 

While she was talking, Edwin noticed out of the corner of his eye that a finger on Jane's left hand seemed to move slightly.

However, when he took a closer look, he realized that the hand was still stationary, as if it was just his imagination. His heart beat heavily again. In just a few seconds, he felt like he had experienced the ups and downs of life again.

Edwin said, "Janell, what did you learn in kindergarten today?" 

She thought for a moment and said, "I learned the Little Bear Dance. When Mommy wakes up, I'll dance for Mommy to see." 

He said, "Our baby is so smart. You've mastered the little bear dance so quickly, when Mommy wakes up and sees that our baby is so good, she will be very happy." 

She replied, "I also made a new friend." 

Edwin replied exaggeratedly, "Wow, you made a new friend. Is it a boy or a girl?" 

Janell did not like to make friends with other children of the same age. She would either feel like the other children were not good looking, or she would think that other children were not as smart as her. So Edwin was genuinely curious. 

"It's a little boy. His hair is blonde, and he looks like a doll." This was the description that she could think of. 

Edwin pictured a small boy with blonde hair and fair skin. He stroked her head and said, "Well, one day, you will grow up and get to know more and more friends in the future." 

"But I don't want many friends, I only want Mommy and Brother Lucas." As for Andrew, she didn't want to get too close to him. 

These days, Andrew would come to the hospital after school. He would sit with them for a while and then go home with Janell. 

"Mommy heard your wish, and she will wake up." Edwin pinched her pink face and ignored the other person she had mentioned. 

That Lucas. He had disappeared for more than half a year, but the little girl was still obsessed with him. Edwin didn't know whether it was a good thing or not. 

In life, the greatest pain was when you miss someone dearly. But it was a pain Edwin was willing to endure. To miss a person, and to feel pain in the heart... 

Maybe this was what separated humans and animals. It proves that someone is of flesh and blood, not a cold blooded animal. 

When did Edwin stop being that emotionless, cold blooded animal? 

If he had to think back, it wasn't after he registered his marriage with Jane. It was when he saw her for the first time. 

Some things you remember for a lifetime. Sometimes it's love at first sight. Maybe it was that one glance, that one time, he always remembered that stubborn, beautiful girl. 

The first time he saw Jane, it was snowing on Christmas Eve. On that day, happy Christmas songs could be heard all around. The melody was so lively that many people hummed along when they heard it.

On that day, when he had returned to Kyoto, he had originally planned to put an end to the relationship which had never existed. He was always like this. He didn't like to put things off no matter what, and he wouldn't be bound by any thread. 

However, before he could end that relationship in person, something happened. The elder sister had a child with the fiance of the younger sister, yet the two families sided with the elder sister and kicked the younger sister out. 

He didn't know whether it was out of sympathy or some other feeling, but when he saw Jane, who was in a thick jacket, kicked out of the house, he asked the driver to follow her. 

He never liked to meddle in other people's business, yet he followed her to the bar by chance and saw that she was getting drunk alone. 

Edwin still remembered that day like it was yesterday. Jane sat alone in the corner, downing glass after glass. Many malicious eyes were already locked on to her, but she didn't realize the risk. She drank the alcohol like it was water. 

Next to her, there were two men discussing together, "Look at that drunk girl. She probably has just been dumped by her boyfriend.

The other man said, "Just nice. We don't have any female companions. We can make her play with us later." 

"Look at that chick. Tsk tsk, she was born to seduce men.".


"Let me go first, let me warm her up." The men rubbed their hands, as if Jane Ronan was food on their plates. 

"Why do you have to go first? You went first last time, this time it should be me." The other man said discontentedly. 

"You chose to let me go first previously, but now that the girl is pretty, you want to go first? You wish."

None of them were willing to concede. "How about.. let's go together!" The man suggested again. 

The conversation between the two men became more and more disgusting. Their eyes were fixed on Jane, and they wished they could throw themselves at Jane immediately. 

Edwin had heard all of what they had said. The more he listened, the more he frowned. His fingers tightened around his glass.

She was just a stranger who had nothing to do with him. For some reason, when he heard other people insulting her, he got angry and wanted to tear the two sloppy men into pieces.

"Let's go." The two men exchanged glances and stood up at the same time, walking towards Jane. 

The two men sat down in front of her. One of them reached out to grab her hand eagerly. Just as she was drinking happily, she was suddenly grabbed by someone. 

She frowned in disgust, pulled back her hand, and glared at him, "F**k off! Don't ruin my mood!" 

Even though she glared at them fiercely, she had been drunk for quite some time already. Her stare was not scary, but soft and flirty. 

"Hey, she has a temper." One of the men smiled obscenely and reached out at Jane again.

"It's boring to drink alone. Let the two of us drink with you, and we promise you a good time."

However, before the man could touch Jane, Jane splashed the alcohol on the man's face. She burped and said angrily, "I'm in a bad mood. You'd better get out of my way, or I'll make you suffer!" 

She was full of anger and could not find anyone to express it to..She could not find someone to vent her anger. Only alcohol could help her. Alcohol could numb her nerves, and alcohol could temporarily make her forget that she had been betrayed by the people closest to her. 

"Haha." Thinking of what happened to her, her father's cruel eyes, her mother's hesitant look, and the couple who betrayed her, she wanted to just grab the bottle of alcohol and finish it all. 

"F*ck!" The man felt humiliated. He got up and grabbed Jane, trying to take her away by force. 

"F*ck off! Let me go!" Jane wanted to push him away, but she was too drunk. 

"F*ck off? We'll bring you somewhere... and then we'll f*ck in bed!" The man said in a disgusting tone into her ear. 

The bar was loud and noisy. Things like this happened almost every day..No one knew whether they knew each other or not, so naturally, no one meddled with their argument.

So the two men forced her to go with them. Anyway, she was drunk. No matter what happened that night, she might not remember it at all. 

Even if she remembered, at daybreak tomorrow, everything would have already happened. She couldn't make any accusations. Because this could be just drunken sex, a one night stand, who would care? 

They could still take the opportunity to threaten her, control her in the future, and make her work for them. However, they had never expected that before they could achieve their goal, they turned around and saw a tall man standing behind them.

The man looked sharp and handsome in a silver-gray suit. He didn't say anything and did nothing. He only looked at them, and his cold eyes under his gold rimmed glasses frightened them. 

Just one glance from someone like that was enough for people to look away in fear. The two men were rascals, little rascals that only did petty crime. They didn't dare to offend the big shots. 

The two of them exchanged glances and tried to avoid the strong man. However, when they walked to the side, the man stepped in front of them and blocked their way. 

One of the men pretended to act brave and said, "Boy, get out of the way. Don't meddle in other people's business!" In.their minds, they had gone through all the young masters of rich families and powerful people in Kyoto. None of them looked like this guy. 

This man looked posh and dressed rich, but in fact, that could be only on the surface. On the inside, he might just be an empty can, or perhaps a gangster of lower status than they were. 

After thinking about it, the two men became confident and started to act like the hooligans they were. They didn't say much and tried to beat him up. 

However, their fists could not even touch the man's clothes, Instead, they let out screams of pain. Before their fists reached him, the man had stepped hard on the back of one man's foot, and then trampled hard on the other man's foot.

He wore glasses and a suit. He looked gentle, but the strength of his foot was as heavy as iron. Their toes were flattened under the sheer force. Feeling the pain, they loosened their hands and let go of the drunk Jane, who didn't have any sense of direction anymore. 

Her body collapsed to the left. Edwin Carter leaned to her side to catch her intoxicated and limp body. 

"Young Master…why don't you hand her over to me?" Uncle Watson rushed over and saw what had happened. 

The young master had a pet peeve, he never allowed women to be close to him. But at this moment, seeing Edwin holding a woman he didn't know in his arms, Uncle Watson could not believe it. 

"Take care of the two of them." After saying these words coldly, Edwin held Jane by the waist and strode away.

"Did I see something wrong?" Uncle Watson's voice came from behind, which sounded like he was in awe.

Even Edwin couldn't believe himself. He couldn't believe that he would follow a woman he didn't know, couldn't believe that he would meddle in other people's business, and couldn't believe that he would be carrying the woman in his arms. 

In the past, except for his mother and his sister Angela, there was no other woman who could get close to him. Therefore, Angela always thought of him strangely and always assumed that he was gay.

He was very clear about his sexual orientation, but he never cared enough to explain it. He always knew that it was not that he didn't like women, but that he hadn't met a woman who he could fall in love with, a woman he wanted to take care of for the rest of his life. 

He walked out of the bar with Jane in his arms. Suddenly the cold wind blew on Jane's face, and she came back to her senses. She moved, but before she could figure out where she was, she moved again. Then, she realized that she was in someone else's arms..

Saturday, July 25, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 686 - 688


CHAPTERS 686 - 688


He knew that even if he could make Edwin come to him, the possibility of killing him was very low, but Ed still did it because he had never expected that he would be able to go back alive. 

"Oh... then I'd like to see what other things you have up your sleeve." Edwin stopped and looked back with a faint smile at Ed, who was kneeling on the ground. 

Edwin rarely smiled at strangers. If he smiled, it was most likely a sneer. No one wanted to see him smile like this. Because it could make one's blood run cold. 

"Since you are so excited, how can I let you down?" Ed tried to stand up and wanted to be on equal footing with Edwin, but before he could stand up, he fell back down heavily. 

His blood seemed to flow faster out of where he was shot. If it continued to flow like this, Edwin wouldn't have to kill him. He would just bleed to death. 

However, Ed was not afraid, because Edwin and his family would be buried together with him. 

Three people for one! It was well worth it. 

At this moment, he didn't need to do too much. What he needed to do was to delay Edwin and make the three of them stay there for a few more minutes. That would be more than enough.

He would take Edwin and his family to another paradise. Although he might die in the process, and his body might be obliterated, it wouldn't really matter. They will be dead anyway.

He would no longer be the Young Master of the Yates Group, Edwin would no longer be the chairman of Shengtian. 

Who cares how they looked? When they arrived at Satan's hell, everyone would be little demons. It would be a new start, nothing else would matter. 

"Edwin, I used to treat you as my good friend, but changes are inevitable. God really makes fools of people. Who made you so excellent? So excellent that even I, a man with great ability, envy you?" 

Ed was injured at several places, his whole body was bleeding, his whole body was in pain, and his consciousness was getting blurred.

However, he was still forcing himself to provoke Edwin. He came here today not only for himself, but also for his mother and the whole Yates Family. 

Even if Old Mr. Yates had a lot of extramarital affairs and even several other children, he was still Ed's father, and the man that Ed's mother cared about most in her life. If anything happened to Old Mr. Yates, his mother wouldn't have survived. 

Therefore, even if Old Mr. Yates had done unspeakable things to him and his mother, Ed still shouldered the heavy responsibility of stabilizing the Yates Group in critical times.

And also, Ed was adamant to go on this path, because it was his greatest wish to defeat the seemingly almighty Edwin. 

"Edwin..." Ed kept going. He was purposely stalling for time. Knowing what he was doing, Edwin had an idea. 

Suddenly. he realized something and shouted, "Jeremiah, open the door!" As soon as Edwin gave the order, the sound of an electric saw immediately came from outside. His men cut a hole through the iron wall to let them escape. 

"Edwin, it's too late. You don't have time to get out of here... Let's all die here today... Hahaha." Ed laughed and lay on the ground face down, ready to go to another, more tranquil, realty.

"Chairman Carter!" Jeremiah Sam immediately grabbed Edwin and his family and helped them escape.

"Ask everyone to leave immediately. No one is to be hurt!" Even though he had figured out that Ed had installed a time bomb, he was still calm. 

He turned to look at Jane beside him and said, "Jane..." 

He wanted to say something to comfort her, but as he turned his head and looked at her gentle eyes, she smiled at him gently and said, "With you around, I am not afraid of anything." 

Yes, she was not afraid of anything as long as Edwin was there! Even if there was a mountain of swords and a sea of flames in front of her, she would not be afraid as long as Edwin and Janell were by her side. Edwin needed to hear that. He needed Jane's strong and defiant attitude. 

He smiled at her. No matter what kind of thorny road was in front of them, as long as she and their daughter were there, nothing could be too difficult for him. 

Edwin patted the little child in his arms and said, "Baby Janell.." 

"Daddy, can I come out yet?" She had been obeying her father's orders. If her father didn't give the order, she would stay still in her father's arms. 

"Yes my baby, you can come out now." Hearing her soft voice, Edwin felt a warmth seep in his heart. 

"Daddy, I knew that you would come to save Mommy and I, I was not afraid!" She didn't remember how scared she was before her father came. However, when her father came, she was not afraid at all. 

"You have always been so brave. I am very pleased!" At the same time, he held her with one hand and held Jane's in the other. They quickly evacuated the place. 

"Edwin, don't waste time and energy. Be just like me, accept all this and let's go to another paradise." Behind him, Ed's voice was still like a fierce ghost, but they ignored him. 

They only had sights for each other, they could only hear what each other said. In this world, as long as they had each other, nobody else mattered. 

"Edwin, Edwin, you are too f*cking self-righteous. Do you really think that I am bluffing you?" Ed was so angry that he punched the hard floor and shouted with hatred. 

He sat up on the floor and suddenly laughed crazily. "Ha, ha, ha, ha... Edwin, I must make you pay for your stupidity and arrogance." Ed roared as he counted, "Three, two, one... boom..." 

His voice was drowned out by the roar of the explosion. As Edwin and his group of people were on the only way out, there was a loud explosion.

Through the deafening explosion, a fiery light shot up into the sky. It was several meters high. Ed was lying on the ground, looking out from the door that Edwin's men had made. 

He could see people being blown up into the sky. After a beautiful rotation in the air, they fell down. 

"Hahaha... Edwin, Edwin, I finally beat you once. I told you not to leave, but you insisted on leaving. If you had been blown up, what should I say to you?" 

Ed laughed with tears in his eyes. He seemed to have won this battle, but it didn't feel like he had won anything either..


Three months later. The cold winter had passed. Now everything came back to life, and the spring flowers bloomed. It was the best season of the year. 

New York.

In a luxurious private hospital. At the entrance of the hospital, the door was heavily guarded. Without the approval of the superiors, even a fly couldn't enter the building. 

Luis George got out of the car, passed through security, walked in and entered the elevator, and went straight to the high-end ward on the eighth floor. 

Standing in the elevator, he watched the numbers on the elevator rise. In a few seconds, the elevator had reached the eighth floor. 

He stood in the elevator, took a deep breath, tidied his neat suit, and then stepped out. He walked out of the elevator, turned right, and walked to the end of a corridor. 

Next to it was a luxury suite. Room number 8. Looking at the thick, heavy door, he stood still and took a deep breath. He waited for a few seconds before slowly raising his hand and knocking on the door. 

He waited for a few seconds until he heard a deep voice from inside the room, beckoning him to "come in".

Then he pushed the door open and went in "Chairman Carter!" 

Luis looked at the man standing by the window, wearing a white shirt and pants, his back facing the door. Luis greeted Edwin Carter with respect. 

"Oh?" Edwin stood up straight, his body motionless. He looked out of the window into the distance, looking at nothing and everything at the same time. 

"Chairman Carter we have finished all the tasks according to your orders." Luis handed over the document in his hand, but Edwin still did not look back. 

Luis maintained his posture as he was waiting for Edwin to take it. After a long time, Edwin withdrew his gaze from the window and turned around.

Under the golden frames of his spectacles, his eyes were as sharp. Very quickly, the piercing quality dissipated away. 

"Everything is done?" he asked. His voice was low, but it carried a certain authority. 

"Ed Yates is a hard nut. Even if we beat him to death, he won't tell us the truth about what he did, but his mother is different. His mother adores him. He still has a little conscience and doesn't want to see his mother suffer." 

Speaking of this, Luis stepped forward and handed the document to Edwin with both hands. 

Edwin still didn't take it. Luis maintained his posture. His heart was pounding furiously. He didn't know if the director was satisfied with what he had done. After all, the victim of this incident was not anyone else, it was the woman that their chairman treasured the most, his wife.

It had been three months since the explosion in New York, but the effects still plagued them until today.

On January 5th in New York, a warehouse near a container in the suburbs was blown up by a bomb. The fire spread and burned for two days and two nights, burning up the whole warehouse completely.

This incident immediately attracted the attention of the authorities. When they knew that this incident was related to the chairman of Shengtian, the authorities immediately classified this incident as a terrorist attack. 

In a terrorist attack, even if Ed Yates had nine brains, he could not escape punishment. 

Three days later, the authorities announced that the mastermind behind the incident had been captured and would be sentenced to death. 

However, Ed, who should have been sentenced to death, did not die. The authorities automatically handed him over to Edwin. After all, no matter how bad the impact of this incident was, it could not be compared with the impact it had on Edwin.

Shengtian international influence was very great. Even the government had to give Edwin some face. 

After a long while, Edwin reached out to take the documents When he opened it, he laid eyes on the many gory photos in the folder.

After turning several pages, he found that every picture was full of blood, bright red blood, and severed bodies of human beings. No, they were no longer human. At least not completely human. 

There was one photo that was very special. It showed a limbless Ed, lying on the ground, squirming as hard as he could.

The expression on his face looked very grim. He looked like he wanted to end his own life immediately, but he didn't even have the ability to kill himself. 

He wanted to knock his head on the wall, but he couldn't. Because everything in his surroundings were soft, if he knocked on something, it would be as if he was knocking on cotton. 

He thought of biting his tongue to commit suicide. That would be even worse. His teeth had been pulled out one by one, and there were none left. He couldn't bite his tongue even if he wanted to.If he could, he really wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide. 

After reading all this, Edwin's face did not change at all. There was only a dark light flashing in his eyes, like a bloodthirsty demon.

"Did he admit that he sent people to kill George Michael?" Edwin asked. His tone was still as indifferent and cold as usual, without too much emotion. 

"Yes, he admitted it himself and confessed to the crime. We have verified it. It's true." Luis replied respectfully. His tone sounded calm, but his heart was trembling. 

He had been by Edwin's side for more than a decade, and he had always thought that he knew the Chairman well. 

However, after this incident, he realised that he never really knew the chairman at all. The chairman always had a cold look, but he used torture very efficiently.

And for Luis, as someone who did many unspeakable deeds for the chairman, he admitted he was beneath the chairman.

 After a long silence, Edwin gave another order. "Get someone to keep an eye on him. If he dies, you deal with it." 

"Yes." Luis immediately accepted the order. He sighed with relief. Fortunately, he was only loyal to Edwin and never had any other thoughts. Otherwise, he might end up like Ed. 

He thought of what Ed was going through. A "living hell" couldn't give it enough justice. He was neither dead nor alive.. 

No matter how many years he could live, he no longer had the ability to speak or move. He was a living corpse who only had one breath left. 

Every day, he would have to endure all kinds of pain until he could no longer bear it and end his life. 

"When you settle everything with Ed, I want you to fly to Santorini on the Aegean Sea and keep an eye on the wedding preparations. Don't make any mistakes." 

After that, Edwin waved his hand, indicating for Luis to leave. Luis obeyed. He gently closed the door behind him, not daring to make a sound. 

After closing the door, he let out a long sigh. His chairman's temper was getting stronger and stronger. The chairman's tone had never changed when he talked to him, but it made him feel scared. 

He patted his chest to make his heart rate return to normal, and then he went to do what he was asked to do..



In the room. As soon as luis George left, Edwin Carter's facial expression changed instantly. He became gentle, yet not entirely. His eyes were glazed with pain from blaming himself. 

For a long time, he had always been able to plan everything at work. No matter what tricks his opponents used, he could always figure out their tricks and keep ahead. 

For many years, he had been standing at the highest point and looking down on everyone, but he had miscalculated again and again on matters regarding Jane. 

The more you cared, the more chaotic it would be, was this what they'd always say? Because the more he wanted to protect Jane, to protect her from any harm, other people would put in a lot more effort to hurt her. 

A few years ago, her belly was ruthlessly sliced open and her child was taken away. He was not with her, so she had to bear so much panic, helplessness, and fear alone. 

This time, he was by her side. He could protect her, but she had been severely burnt under his care. At this moment, when he thought of the day of the explosion, he could still feel a wound in his heart. 

At the most urgent moment, he instinctively wanted to protect his wife and child. He hugged Janell to protect her, but failed to save Jane... 

At the moment of the explosion, Jane shook off his hand. Just like many years ago, Christopher Greyson sent his men to hit them with a car, but she chose to protect him. 

Although she was petite, she did not hesitate to use her body to block the flames that were spreading over Janell and him. 

Before she went into a coma that day, she gritted her teeth and said to him, "Edwin, I'm sorry! All this bad luck is my fault. Just let me end it." 

She said, "Edwin, I'm sorry! I'm so selfish,  so selfish. I'm afraid of losing you, so just please let me go.

She added, "Edwin, I know I chose to divorce you. But in fact, I didn't want to. You don't.know how much I like you, I like you so much that you are more important than my own life. Because I left you, I didn't know what else I could do. I can only make myself work. Only work can make me feel less pain, only work can distract me from the pain of losing you." 

She said, "Edwin, if it's possible, can you engrave Mrs. Carter on my tombstone?"

Because being Mrs. Carter was the happiest time of her life. She wanted to leave the world with this identity. However, she did not know that the divorce agreement was fake, and the two divorce certificates were fake. 

She had always been Mrs. Carter, Edwin's wife, and it would never change in this lifetime. 

She added, "Janell, I'm sorry! When you were young, Mommy was not with you, and now I can't stay with you anymore. But you must grow up healthy, Mommy will guard you from far away." 

In the end, she said that the person she was most sorry for was the baby in her belly. Because of her selfishness, the baby did not have a chance to come into this world. The baby didn't have the chance to see the beautiful sun, the rivers and the mountains. 

She had a lot of things to say to Edwin, but there was only darkness left in her world. Moreover, she could feel the life of the child in her belly fading little by little.

"Baby, I'm sorry!" She said to her baby. However, she believed that her baby could understand her. The baby's thoughts should be the same as hers. 

They would protect the baby's father and sister together. At least they had to let their father and sister live well and let the two of them have a good life with their blessings. 

She said that she was selfish and she didn't want to live alone, so she gave them the chance to live. What she said most were the words "I'm sorry". 

She didn't know, those were the words he hated the most, especially when they were from her. He needed her. He needed her to stay with him. He needed her to enjoy striving in the business world with him. 

She said she wouldn't know what to live for if he wasn't with her. But she should know that without her, what would he be living for? 

Edwin clenched his hands by his side and gritted his teeth, trying hard to calm the rolling pain in his heart. After a long silence, Edwin shifted his gaze from the door of the room to inside the room. 

In the room, Jane was lying on the big hospital bed, in a coma. The wounds on her body were almost healed, but there was still no sign of her waking up. She was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, looking quiet and serene. 

If it weren't for the fact that her face was very pale, so pale that there was no trace of blood on it, he would probably think that she was just sleeping. 

A lot of times, Edwin thought she was asleep. He felt like as long as he waited a little longer, she would wake up. She would open her eyes and look at him, smile at him gently, and call out his name-Edwin. 

Other than her, almost no one called his name like this. The elders in the family and his classmates and friends all called him Leon, but she was the only one who would call him with that tone - Edwin. 

He didn't know when he had fallen in love with this name, he liked to hear her call that name. Every time he heard her call him, he always felt that their relationship was closer. 

It seemed like only she could call him that and he only belonged to her. Just like how he always calls her name, he would feel like she belonged to him and him only. 

"Jane" He said in a hoarse voice. It took him almost all his effort to call Jane's name. He came to her bed and sat down, holding her hand carefully in his palm. 

"Jane, is your heart really that cruel? You don't want me, but don't you want our Janell? Can you bear to see that she is only four years old yet she doesn't have a mother anymore?" 

"After Janell was born, until she turned three years old, she had never seen her own mother. When she saw other children in their mother's arms, she kept blinking her beautiful big eyes and asked me silently, 'Why do other children have mothers? Why doesn't she have a mother?"

"Every time this happens, I can't even look into her clear eyes because I don't know what to tell her." 

Speaking of the past, Edwin felt the pain in his heart becoming more and more intense, like endless waves of sharp stabs. It was so painful that he could not speak without long pauses. 

"Jane, I'm going to set our wedding on the 20th of the next month. I'll leave twenty days for you to prepare. Don't miss it." 

The wedding had entered the final stage of preparation. 20th of May was the date Edwin had chosen. The weather would be perfect, and the venue was her dream destination.

It would be the day he could finally show her how much he loved her. And he would love her, forever! 

Even if Jane did not wake up, he would carry her to their wedding. She had been absent from his life for so many years. This time, no matter what, she would not miss their long-awaited, star-crossed wedding..

Friday, July 24, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 681 - 685


CHAPTERS 681 - 685


As the main pillar of Shengtian, once Edwin Carter disappeared, no one would be able to stabilize the situation in Shengtian. At least for the moment, no one would be able to.

The real purpose of kidnapping Jane and Janell was to threaten Edwin. If Ed Yates had guessed it correctly,  Edwin would never refuse his request. 

Having been observing in secret for so many years, he had already known how important Edwin's wife and daughter were to him. Jane and the child were definitely the two people whom Edwin would protect with his life. 

Therefore, he had seized Edwin's achilles heel this time, leaving no room for Edwin to escape.

"You want my life?" Edwin sneered and said in a fierce tone, "Well! If you have the ability, I will let you take my life."

Just like what Ed Yates had thought, Edwin agreed to his request without hesitation.

"Edwin, you really did agree!" Even though he had guessed that Edwin would agree, Ed Yates was still extremely surprised when he heard Edwin's reply. How much would a man love a woman that he was willing to exchange his life for her safety? 

At present, he could not answer this question, because he had not found someone who could make him do the same thing as Edwin did for Jane. 

"Edwin, no! Don't agree to his request!" When Ed Yates said that Edwin had agreed, panic instantly shot through Jane's whole body. Because she knew that Edwin would not refuse Ed Yates' offer. 

She dared not think about what would happen if she were to lose Edwin. If she had to make a choice between completely losing Edwin and losing her own life, she would not hesitate to choose the latter. 


As soon as Jane spoke, Ed Yates slapped her and cursed, "Bitch, I don't want you to talk. You'd better shut your mouth." Ed Yates slapped her hard. 

Jane felt a burning pain on her face, so painful that she felt like her teeth were about to fall out. 

"Ed Yates, if you dare to touch her again, I will let the whole Yates family pay for your behavior." 

Knowing that Jane was slapped was more painful than stabbing a knife into his heart. He turned around and looked at Jeremiah Sam with a piercing gaze. 

Jeremiah immediately understood. He took out his phone and informed Luis George. Jeremiah sighed. This time, Ed Yates not only destroyed the entire Yates group, but he had also sent his closest relatives to their deaths. 

Their Chairman Carter had never been a person who would sit and wait for his doom... As for Ed Yates, he would soon receive the punishment he deserved. 

"Really?" Ed Yates asked with a smile. At the same time, he slapped Jane again. "I'd like to see what the result will be if I touch her." 

After being slapped twice in a row, Jane's pale face was swollen. However, she gritted her teeth tightly and did not want to make a sound. 

She did not want Edwin to worry about her. She didn't want him to agree to Ed Yates' request! 

"Ed Yates!" Edwin's roar came through the phone and reached Jane's ear. 

She took a deep breath and said, "Edwin, don't worry. I'm fine. I'm really fine. Please think about yourself and Janell before you do anything, okay?" 

"Jane, don't do anything. Wait for me!" Edwin said. He only needed her to believe him and wait patiently with Janell for him. As long as he could see them, there was nothing that could stop him. 

"Oh... seeing the two of you so deeply in love makes a single guy like me uneasy. I would be sorry for myself if I didn't do something to separate the both of you!" Ed Yates smiled sinisterly.

He had two trump cards in his hand, they were Edwin's lifelines. He didn't need to worry that Edwin would do anything to him! 

"Ed Yates, I agree to your terms. Don't hurt her." If he continued to debate with Ed Yates, it would only make Jane suffer. Edwin had to give in. 

Since he was born, he had always been the absolute leader who stood at the top and looked down on everyone. He had never compromised with anyone. 

This was the only time! 

The only reason was because the other party had taken hold of the two people he cared about the most. They were more important than his life. He would rather yield, than let his wife and daughter get hurt because of his arrogance. 

"Leon, we are both classmates after all. If you talk to me nicely, how will I have the heart to hurt your family?" Ed Yates smiled with satisfaction. "So, I say, we still need to assess the situation clearly, don't you think so?" 

"What do you want me to do?" At the same time, Edwin gave Jeremiah another look and asked if he had found the exact location of Ed Yates. 

"I'm at 19th Brookside Street. Be here before 3 p.m., otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences." After that, Ed Yates hung up the phone. 

Ed Yates felt very happy when Edwin compromised just now. Edwin really thought that he would dare to attack him without making any preparations. 

In fact, Ed Yates had prepared for this for many years. He couldn't place people in the core position next to Edwin, but he could always infiltrate from some inconspicuous positions. 

For example, it was certainly not so easy for them to sneak into the villa area where Edwin lived this time. It took him two days to exchange identities with Edwin's second level subordinate. The capture of hostages went smoothly as he had expected. 

In the midst of his happiness, Ed Yates saw Jane sitting on the ground. He had to admit that this woman was really beautiful. Even though she was in a distressed situation, her face was still lovely and attractive

While he was looking at Jane, Ed Yates felt a warm current flowing through his body in an instant. The desire in his heart was screaming to break free. He swallowed and slowly squatted down in front of Jane. 

He gently opened his mouth and said, "Jane.." He reached out to touch her face. Before he could touch her, Jane slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me!" The rising desire in Ed Yates' heart cascaded. He could not help but be angry. 

He grabbed Jane's hair and sneered, "Jane, do you know? You're blessed because I like you. Don't turn me down." 

"Bad guy, don't bully my mother!" Janell got up and tried to push Ed Yates away, but her strength was too weak. Not only did she not push Ed Yates away, she even knocked herself to the ground.

"Little rascal, if you.haven't spoken, I have almost forgotten about you." Ed Yates shoved Jane aside and squatted in front of Janell. He lifted her up. 

"Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this?".


"Big bad guy! You're a big bad guy!" Janell roared angrily, "Don't bully my mother. Don't bully me." After all, she was still too young, and she didn't know how dangerous this man was. 

Before Jane could steady herself, she turned around and grabbed Janell. She held her tightly in her arms and said, "Ed Yates l, let her go, vent your anger on me instead." 

Before Janell was born, she could not protect her. This time, even if she had to lose her life, she was adamant to protect her daughter. 

"Ha.." Ed Yates smiled and slowly stood up. He looked at the two people on the ground arrogantly. "I have a good idea. Why don't you play an exciting game with me?" 

Jane held Janell tightly and looked at Ed Yates alertly. "What do you want? She and her child were in Ed's hands, and this person was already crazy.

No one would know what kind of crazy things a madman would do. Therefore, she had to think of a way to escape before Ed went completely berserk. She had to protect her two children. Their family could not be incomplete. 

"What do I want?" Ed pretended to think about it, and then he sneered evilly, "I want you!" 

He squatted down again, approached Jane, and slowly said in her ear, "You are pregnant with Edwin's child. If I f*ck you now, do you think he will still want you?" Jane gritted her teeth and did not dare to say anything, because she knew that any words might trigger Ed into doing something crazy.

At this time, she had to be calm. Only when she was calm could she think of a way to escape, so she shouldn't argue with Ed. 

"Nothing to say? Because you don't know whether Edwin will still want you or not. Right?" He really wanted to see what kind of expression Edwin would have on his face when Edwin saw his woman being raped by him when he arrived. 

Edwin definitely wanted to shoot him dead, but he couldn't.. because the two people Edwin cared about the most were in his hands. Ed had Edwin's fatal weakness in his hands, Edwin would do whatever he wanted him to do and his arrogance would be crushed. Just thinking about it made Ed feel extremely happy! 

"Do you think that I will let you go just because you don't talk? Or do you want to wait for Edwin to come and let him see how I play with you, and then let him shoot himself in the head." 

Ed made a gesture of shooting, and a sound effect. "Bang-his head exploded, and his brain splashed all over the ground. Dead!" Jane bit her lips and remained silent, because her attention was not on Ed at all. 

She was scanning around secretly, hoping to find a way to escape. Jane did not speak, but Ed couldn't care less. He reached out and touched Jane's slightly bulging abdomen, making small circles. "I haven't had sex with a pregnant woman. The feeling must be super awesome!" 

Jane endured and tried not to irritate this madman, but she couldn't stand Ed's hand moving on her abdomen, so she inadvertently slapped him away. 

"What? Are you reluctant?" He shifted his evil and disgusting gaze from Jane's face to Janell, who was in her arms. "Have you read the recent news on pedophiles?" 

"How dare you!" Jane's arm, which was holding Janell, trembled slightly as she glared angrily at Ed. Her eyes were sharp and firm, like a fatal sword. 

It was a mother's instinct to protect her daughter. She could die, but she would not tolerate anyone hurting her child. 

"I dare not? I've already brought you two here. What else! I wouldn't dare to do? Hmm?" Ed reached out to touch Janell but before he could reach her, he was slapped away by Jane. "Ed, get lost!"

The slap was extremely forceful, which was beyond her expectation. Ed was surprised too. 

"Bad guy! I won't be afraid of you! Mommy won't be afraid of you! Daddy will save us!" Janell looked up from her mother's embrace, stared at Ed with her big bright eyes, and said bravely.

Janell was just a four-year-old child. How couldn't she not be afraid at all? However, she firmly believed that her father would come to save her mother and her, which was why she was so brave when facing Ed.

"Little rascal, you are brave! A well-protected child like you will never know how cruel the outside world is. Today, I will discipline you on behalf of your father who doesn't know how to educate you properly." 

Ed moved his hand and tried to snatch Janell away from Jane. However, Jane refused to let go of her daughter. She shouted, "Ed, if you want to vent your anger on someone, you can direct it to me. What are you to bully a child who doesn't know anything?" 

But Ed had gone mad. He couldn't hear Jane at all. He just wanted to vent his anger, resentment, and hatred. All this was because of Edwin who had caused the Yates family to suffer the greatest attack in the family history at such a short time. 

The Yates family was completely defeated. Therefore, those who were related to Edwin, especially those who were close to him, were all his enemies. 

He wanted Edwin to have a taste of how it was like to watch helplessly, as the person he loved the most died. 

He grabbed Janell's hand and she cried out in pain. "Bad guy, bad guy, let go of me!" Jane hugged Janell while Ed grabbed Janell's arm and pulled it with great force. If it went on like this, Janell's arm might be ripped off by him. 

Jane's heart ached. She did not want to see Janell in pain, so she released the hand that was holding Janell. As soon as Jane let go of her, Ed lifted Janell up. 

He raised Janell up high and said, "Little rascal, I'm a big bad guy. Do you know what a bad guy will do when he catches a child?" 

"Big bad guy, waaa..." Janell cried out in pain because her arm was almost ripped off by the force just now. 

"When the bad guy caught the little girl, he would sell her off, or.." Ed looked at Janell's face, which was a resemblance of Edwin's, and his eyes glimmered with coldness and evil. 

"Little thing, don't blame me if you can't grow up. Blame your father. He is too cruel and won't spare anyone a chance to live, so you can only be the sacrifice." 

In the past, Edwin was always the most popular person in school. Wherever Edwin was, no one would pay attention to Ed. 

Edwin's parents had been in love with each other for decades, but Ed's father changed his wife as quickly as he changed his clothes. His father even had several illegitimate children out there....


Edwin Carter had taken over Shengtian at a young age and led Shengtian to a new glory. But what about Ed Yates? 

He had yet to enter the core management of the Yates Group, and the illegitimate children of his father were still fighting with him for the inheritance.

When he was still struggling to find the woman who should be his, Edwin had married this woman a step ahead of him. Now their child was already a few years old. 

He and Edwin were born into rich and powerful families, but why were their encounters completely different? Was this fate? 

However, Ed Yates was not a person who believed in fate. He believed that as long as he was willing to work hard, he could also have everything that Edwin had. 

It was this kind of persistence that made him observe Edwin's every move all these years. His persistence became a mental illness. 

However, when he had worked so hard for so many years, and was getting closer and closer to Edwin. He thought he was about to replace Edwin. But just as he was ready to have a good fight with Edwin, Edwin retaliated, leaving him almost no chance to fight back. 

The Yates Group, whose former glory were said to be comparable to that of Shengtian, was completely crushed by Edwin's attack in such a short time, that it seemed like the Yates Group's glory had never existed before. 

All of this was done by Edwin and his team. It was Edwin who made him lose everything. How could he not hate him?

"Big bad guy!" Janell wiped the tears off her face as she pursed her lips. She was so afraid that her little body trembled uncontrollably, She missed her father and Brother Lucas. If her father and Brother Lucas were here, they would definitely defeat the bad guy! 

"You're right, little thing. I'm a big bad guy!" Ed Yates patted her little pink face and said with a smile, "But, little rascal, what else can you do to me except calling me a bad guy?" 

Janell pursed her lips. She did not want to cry, but big tears rolled down her cheeks. She was still afraid. 

Looking at Janell's crying face, Ed Yates was exhilarated. He said, "Little rascal, let me tell you. If I let go of your hand, you will fall on the hard floor and may shatter into pieces. When your father arrives, what he may see is just a broken doll." 

Ed Yates imagined the scene where the little girl falls to the ground covered in blood. He laughed crazily and shook his head. He sighed and said, "It's a pity that such a pretty child would die just like that." 

"Daddy, mommy, Brother Lucas..." Janell's mouth twitched as she sobbed and called out the person she trusted the most. They were her strongest backers and the people who could make her feel safe.

"Little thing, cry louder. If I see that you're pitiful, I might not have the heart to smash you into pieces." Ed Yates' tone was like that of a gruesome killer. 

"Go to hell!" Jane shouted. The moment Ed Yates finished his sentence, Jane's voice came from behind him. At the same time, a stick landed heavily on his head. 

"You-" Having been hit on the head, Ed Yates could only feel heaviness in his head. His vision went black. He couldn't see anything nor hear anything. 


He fell back heavily, and before he fell, he loosened his grip on Janell's hand, Janell plunged to the ground. 

Jane threw away the stick in her hand and caught Janell immediately. Because Janell was heavier now and Jane was pregnant, it was very difficult for her to catch Janell. 

She almost fell to the ground with Janell in her arms. Fortunately, she just staggered when she caught Janell and balanced herself in time!

"Mommy!" Janell plunged into her mother's arms in fear, and her two little hands clung to her mother's clothes tightly. Her little body was still trembling because of the shock.

"Baby, don't be afraid. I am here. I will never let anyone hurt you again." Jane held Janell tightly and kissed her forehead again and again. She was overwhelmed with emotions, as if she had found a lost treasure. 

Yes, Janell was the most precious treasure in her life. As long as Jane was there, she would not let anyone hurt her baby.

"Mommy, I'm not afraid!" Although Janell was so afraid that she was trembling, she still comforted her mother sensibly. 

"Baby, I will take you out of here first. We'll go find daddy." 

Ed Yates was knocked unconscious by her, but she didn't know how long he could stay unconscious, so she had to leave with Janell as soon as possible. 

Jane ran out as if she was running for her life with Janell in her arms. She ran for a while with Janell in her arms, but before she could run out of the big, empty house, her hands were too weak to hold Janell. 

"Mommy, will daddy come?" Janell had always believed that her father would come to rescue them, but she had waited for a long time, and yet her father did not show up. She began to lose faith. 

"Baby, he won't abandon us, but we can't just wait for him to save us. We have to find a way to save ourselves if possible. In this way, we can save a lot of trouble for him." 

Jane gently stroked Janell's head, smiled at her gently, and said, "Baby, I can't hold you any longer. Come on, hold your hands around my neck. I will carry you up higher." 

Jane could put Janell down if she couldn't hold Janell any longer. However, Jane didn't want to let go of Janell. She was afraid that if she was careless, Janell would be taken away again. 

Four years ago, someone had cut open her belly to take her daughter away, she would not allow it to happen again. 

"Okay." Janell nodded her little head adorably and stretched out her hands to hold her mother. 

"Good girl!" Jane said. She was obviously weak, but in order to escape safely with Janell, her body seemed to be charged with infinite power. She ran faster and faster. 

However, when she painstakingly ran to the door with Janell, she found the door locked with a large bronze padlock. The padlock was very sturdy, about the size of Jane's two fists. It was impossible for Jane to open it by force with her strength. 

This meant without the key, Jane could not open the door at all. They could not get out of here. 

"Baby, stand right here and wait for me. I will go back to find the key." Since Ed Yates had brought them here, Ed had to have the key to open the door. 

Jane was going to find the key and take the risk that Ed might wake up at any time. Therefore, she had to leave Janell here. She could not let the little girl go back with her and face any danger..


"Mommy.." Janell was afraid that she would be left alone. As soon as Jane turned around, she reached out and grabbed her shirt. 

"Baby!" Janell held her face and kissed it. "Don't worry. Mommy will be back soon." 

"I think you want this!" Ed Yates's voice came from behind her. Jane looked back and saw the key to the door in his hand. 

After fleeing for so long, they couldn't even escape from the empty house. They were once again in Ed's hands. 

Jane wanted to stab him with a knife so badly. Ed dangled the keys in his hand and said with a smile, "I have the keys. Come and get it, then you can open the door and escape." 

She wasn't that naive. Ed wouldn't really give it to her that easily. She instinctively hid Janell behind her. 

"Come on, come and get it. I saw you running very fast just now." Ed slowly approached her. "Where is your bravery? Didn't you hit my head just now? Show me that you are not fully incompetent, show me you can still attack me." 

He took another step forward, and she took two steps back with Janell. After a few steps, they were forced into a dead end, and there was no way back. 

"Run! Keep running! Show me how far you can run!" Ed approached Jane and slapped her. But this time, he did not hit Jane's face. Instead, his hand was cut by a sharp weapon. 

"Ed, I'm telling you, don't push me too far!" Even a rabbit would bite if it was cornered. And Jane was no rabbit. She was strong and persistent. If it weren't for the fact that she had too much to worry about, she would have already gone all out and fought with Ed. 

At this moment, knowing that Ed would not let them go, she didn't attack him. "Wow, not bad. You actually carried a knife with you. I'm starting to like you more and more." 

Looking at the bloody knife wound in his palm, Ed was still smiling, but his smile was gloomy and creepy. 

He added, "I knew it, Edwin always liked a fighter. This looks more like the real Jane. What should I do? I seem to like you more now." 

Jane bit her lip and said fiercely, "Ed, get lost. Otherwise, I won't show you mercy." 

Now, Ed was a madman. A madman would not only talk nonsense, but was also very unpredictable. Since he wanted to talk nonsense, Jane would play along. If she could buy more time, there would be more chances for Janell and her to leave safely.

"Janell, run to the back. The farther away from here, the better." Knowing that Ed would not let go of them, Jane decided to go all out. She would fight back. She wanted Janell to get away, for her to go somewhere safe. She just needed to buy them some time for Janell to wait for Edwin to get here. Janell would be safe then. 

"You want to run away?" Ed knew that Janell was the easiest hostage to control. As long as he caught this little thing, he would not have to worry about Edwin and Jane. 

Therefore, as soon as Janell started running, Ed gave the mother up, turned around and caught hold of Janell instead. He had turned around.

Jane saw the opportunity. She raised her knife and stabbed it into his back with all her strength. Although Jane had injured him before, Ed was not too flustered about it because the injury was very light. He wanted to feel the pain, he wanted to see blood. 

However, this time, Jane ruthlessly stabbed him in the back. If Jane was a bit more precise, she would have stabbed his vital organs. She would have killed him.

Ed turned back and looked at Jane coldly. "Bitch, you have to pay for what you've done." He approached Jane. 

She waved the knife in her hand to stop him. At the same time, she looked at Janell in the corner of her eye to see how far she had gone. As long as Janell leaves this dangerous area, she was confident that she could hold him down until Edwin comes to save them.

Ed was not afraid of the knife. He grabbed her wrist and twisted it. Jane's wrist was in pain and her hand felt weak. The knife fell to the ground with a clang. 

Ed pushed Jane backward and bent down to pick up the knife. He forced Jane to a dead end again. He held Jane's shoulder with one hand and pressed the knife against Jane's slightly bulging belly with the other hand. 

"Jane, whatever happens later, it's all your fault." Jane covered her belly with her hands. She wanted to escape but Ed held her down so tightly that she could not move at all. 

He was stronger than she thought. She thought that as long as she tried her best, she would be able to stab Ed twice. Even if she could not kill him, she could seriously injure him. 

Ed said in a strange tone, "I heard that your first child was cut out prematurely. The child is lucky. Not only did she not die, she grew up nicely. Look at her face, she is a healthy child." 

Jane felt panic in her heart. Ed was a vicious animal. What did he plan to do? 

Ed continued, "Jane, if I take out the child from your belly right now, will it be as lucky as her? Will it survive and grow up healthily?" 

He knew that Jane's baby was only about four months old. At four months old, maybe it had just begun to look human, or maybe it had not. If the child was taken out now, there was no chance of survival. The vital organs hadn't formed yet. 

He would be taking out a dead baby. He wanted to threaten her, to scare her. He was savouring every bit of her fear! 

"You wouldn't dare!" She gritted her teeth and said. 

"Try me!" Ed didn't want to waste his breath and sneered maliciously. He raised his hand and was about to cut open Jane's belly.


As soon as he raised his hand, there was a gunshot, along with a bullet piercing through his hand, leaving a small hole with blood splattering all over the place. 

"Daddy!" Seeing her father suddenly appear out of nowhere, Janell was so anxious and started to rush over. 

"Baby, stand still, cover your eyes with your hands, and then turn around." Edwin's voice was low and pleasant to the ear, like a cello playing in the air..


To Janell, her father had descended from the sky. He had come down from the roof of the building hanging on some ropes. To her, he was like Superman. When she and her mother needed him, he descended from the sky like a superhero. 

The spacious building was an abandoned corrugated iron warehouse. The walls and the roof of the house were made of corrugated iron sheets. The sound proofing was very poor, yet it was very solid. If it was touched, it would make a loud sound. 

It had been a few minutes since Edwin arrived, but the only door of the room was locked from the inside. He didn't know what was going on inside, so he didn't dare to break in. So he asked his men to check out the situation and found that there was a hole on the roof. 

He immediately decided to hang onto a rope and slide down. He dealt with Ed Yates and saved Jane and his daughter. 

"Daddy!" She saw her father and ran towards him on her small legs, without another care in the world. Edwin caught her small body rushing towards him. 

He held her in his arms and said softly, "Janell, you stay in Daddy's arms and cover your ears. No eavesdropping or peeking." He was going to teach Ed a lesson. 

It would be bloody and horrible, but he had to protect his daughter, so that his daughter's world could still be pure and beautiful. He couldn't let her see anything gory. 

Being held in her father's arms, Janell was no longer afraid. A bright smile appeared on her little face as she said, "Okay." Janell agreed sweetly. 

She immediately placed her small hands over her ears and obediently nestled in her father's embrace. It was so warm and sturdy that it could shield her from any storm and danger. As long as her father was there, her world would be full of sunshine.

"Leon, you're here!" Ed exclaimed, sounding like he didn't feel the pain at all. He looked back at Edwin with a smile and said calmly, as if he was reminiscing their good old days with his old classmates instead of having kidnapped his wife and child. 

The two sides were on the verge of a war Edwin's eyes swept over Ed Yates and soon fell on Jane. His eyes fell on her body and stayed on her. 

Jane's hair was messy, and there were clear slap marks on her face. Every part of her was showing what Ed had done to her. 

Looking at Jane, the anger in Edwin, which had never been so violent before, skyrocketed. How could he not be angry when his most beloved treasure was hurt so badly by Ed Yates. 

"Edwin, I'm fine. Don't worry." Looking into his eyes, she knew what he was thinking. He must be blaming himself and feeling guilty. 

He was blaming himself for not protecting his wife and children. She knew that Edwin had arranged for someone to guard them. No one would have thought that Ed would actually find out where they were staying now. 

Not only that, he went to their house and kidnapped her and Janell. After the incident with Sienna Henry, Edwin investigated all the suspicious people around him, but it still wasn't enough. Many people were trying very hard to defeat him. 

"Leon, you must be angry to see your wife being beaten up like this! But so what if you are angry? I have already hurt her. That's a fact. If you're as strong as you say, beat me up like what I did to her and avenge her." 


As Ed Yates ended his sentence, Edwin took out the gun and shot him again. He didn't hit any of his vitals this time. Instead, he shot Ed on the knee, which made him fall to the ground with a thud. 

Edwin walked over to him. He had won. He didn't even look at him as he walked past him. Edwin came by Jane and held her head with his right hand. He pushed her head towards him, and let her lean on his shoulder.

"Edwin .." Jane did not cry. When she was beaten by Ed, she did not even think about shedding a tear. However, when Edwin appeared in front of her and she called out his name, her tears rolled down uncontrollably from the corner of her eyes. 

"Edwin, I thought I would never see you again." She laid on his shoulder and sobbed softly, her tears soaking his shirt.


"I'm sorry! This time, it was my fault. I made a mistake, and he came to hurt you and Janell." Kevin wanted to say these words, but he was never good at expressing these things. 

After calling her name, he didn't know what to say. He just held them tightly to comfort them. 

"Leon, I've always treated you as my classmate and my good brother, but look at you..." Ed, who was kneeling on the ground, added. He shook his head and said, "It's you who broke your promise, don't blame me for being too cruel." 

However, even though he was making a fuss, Edwin did not pay attention to him. He patted Jane's back gently, trying to calm her down. He held Janell tightly with his left hand, making her feel safe. 

"Edwin, do you think you can leave this place with your wife and daughter after you hurt me?" Ed laughed crazily. His laughter echoed throughout the empty house, like the voice of a ghost.

"Let's go!" Edwin kissed Jane's forehead and held her in his arms. He wanted to get the mother and daughter out so that he could deal with Ed. 

"Edwin, go ahead. Try and see if you can take the two of them away from here." Whatever Ed said, Edwin ignored him. 

Finally, Ed was furious, and he was at his breaking point. He had kidnapped the two people who were the most important to Edwin. Shouldn't Edwin be listening to him? Why was the reality completely different from what he had imagined? 

He had said so much, but Edwin still ignored him. However, it didn't matter. Even if the situation was different from what he imagined, he could still end Edwin's life. 

He continued to laugh wildly and said, "Edwin, since I've made you come here, I never thought about letting you leave this place alive. As long as you die, everything will go on as planned." 

Kidnap the two most important people in Edwin's life, and then bait Edwin to come here so that he can kill him. It was a risky plan. But before it happened, Ed had already thought about everything that could go wrong..