Tuesday, September 1, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 736 - 740


CHAPTERS 736 - 740


The setting and design of the presidential office looked quite classic, with a design almost similar to that of the presidential offices which Janell Carter had seen before. 

The office looked elegant, luxurious, and well-maintained. Janell looked around and found that there were no cameras in the office, so they would not be discovered for the time being.

But Samantha Lesley was worried. The thought of being grounded in the house for a month by her brother really scared her off. She pulled Janell's sleeve and said, "Janell, let's hide behind the bookshelf, shall we? I am worried that my brother will come in with Mr. President. If he sees us, we will be doomed." 

"Okay." Janell agreed immediately. Her main purpose was to meet their Mr. President and ask him if he was her Brother Lucas. If there were many people, she might be kicked out before she could open her mouth. 

Hiding behind the bookshelf, Samantha was trembling in nervousness, but Janell was calm as usual. She held Samantha's hand and said, "Samantha, don't be afraid. I'll take responsibility if anything happens. I won't let you get punished because of me." 

"But my brother is really scary when he loses his temper." Her brother usually treated her very well. He gave her everything she needed and more. But if she made a mistake, her brother would not spare her easily. 

Janell was about to say something to comfort Samantha when she suddenly heard the door being opened. Then she heard footsteps, which seemed like there were several people walking in. She immediately kept quiet and was ready to judge the situation fiest before making her next plan. 

"Mr. President, the inauguration ceremony went very well, and the nation's degree of satisfaction towards you is as high as 80%." It was Jason Lesley who spoke up. 

Hearing the voice, Samantha was so scared that her legs went limp, as if she had been caught red- handed by her brother. "Janell, what should we do? I am so scared!" She mouthed her words to Janell. 

Janell grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring look, but Samantha was so frightened that she could not stand still and limped, so her body fell on the bookshelf. 

"Who is it?" Jason roared, and guards immediately barged into the room with guns in their hands and rushed towards Janell and Samantha. 

"Brother, it's me. Please don't shoot." Compared to being killed accidentally, Samantha would rather be punished by her brother.

"Samantha, you are too mischievous. Bring her to me..." Jason was about to lose his temper, but he saw Janell standing beside Samantha. 

"Mr. Lesley, we mean no harm here. We just want to see what kind of person the President is, as he was able to win the love and respect of the people." Janell came out from behind the bookshelf and stood in front of Samantha, then he looked at Jason calmly. 

As he saw Janell, Jason knew that he could not take any action. He waved his hand and signaled the guards to leave, and then looked at their Mr. President. 

Janell also looked at their Mr. President and smiled, "Mr. President, you love the people as if they are your own children. You won't punish the people who love you, will you?" 

What a smart girl. She was flattering and giving Mr. President a high-hat as soon as she opened her mouth. If Mr. President really wanted to punish them, it would seem like he did not love the people as if they were his own children. 

Janell looked at Nathaniel Cooper attentively, and he also looked at her. His Janell's voice sounded very pleasant, and he could vaguely remember her voice when she was young. He imagined how she had called him "Brother Lucas" softly. 

His Janell's smile was so beautiful, and it was different from the adorable and child-like smile she had when she was a child. She looked elegant and exquisite now, and she still had that scar on her forehead. 

He knew that she had sneaked into the North Palace with Samantha, and he had asked the guards not to make things difficult for them. But he never expected that she was so courageous and dared to sneak into his office... 

She appeared in front of his eyes so unexpectedly. From the moment he first saw her, his heart was already in a turmoil. But due to his experience from working in the political scene, he was good at putting on poker faces already. 

He placed his hands behind his back, clenched them quietly, and spoke in a low voice, "What if I punish you both for trespassing the President's office?" 

"You won't!" Janell answered with absolute certainty. 

"Oh?" He snorted and squinted at the pink rosy face that still looked childish. "Why are you so sure that I won't punish you?" 

If he really wanted to punish them, they would have been taken away long ago, and he would not ramble with her anymore. 

"Because you are..." Perhaps it was not only because he was a good President who was respected by the nation, but also because she thought that he was her very familiar Brother Lucas. Her Brother Lucas was her hero and her shield. How could he hurt her? 

"Jason, bring them back. But do remind them to not make such mistakes again in the future." 

Undoubtedly, he wanted to pinch her face like he did when she was a child, and tell her that Brother Lucas had not care enough for her yet, so how could he hurt her? 

But now, he wore a different name, and his every move would affect the whole country. There were many things that could not be done at will. She was no longer as small as she used to be. Instead, she had grown up to be a lady.

Both of them could never return to the old days. What he could do for her now was to protect her when she remained in Country A. 

"Brother Lucas?" Janell suddenly shouted these two words out, which made Nathaniel's body stiffen, and he almost blurted out the two words, " Little Jane."

"My name is Janell Joy Carter. My family and those people closest to me, they used to call me Little Jane, so does my Brother Lucas.." 

She slowly introduced herself. Her clear and pure eyes were full of anticipation as she looked at him and asked carefully, "Are you Little Jane's Brother Lucas?" 

It was just a short question, but it took her almost all the strength from her body to ask that. She asked him very cautiously Because she was too afraid to hear him say "No". 

"No!" he replied. 

He answered firmly and confidently, without a second of hesitation.

"Are you really not Little Jane's Brother Lucas?" Janell asked again. 

"No!" He answered even more clearly. 

Janell's bright eyes darkened in an instant. She did not understand why she would feel sad when this stranger told her that he was not her Brother Lucas. 

In the past few years, except for the times when she missed her Brother Lucas, she had never been so sad. Her heart seemed to turn empty all of a sudden. 

Looking at her gloomy face, Nathaniel clenched his fists behind his back, but he smiled and said, "Little girl, I won't punish you today. Please don't go around and call someone random as your brother. It's not a good practice."


"Sorry! It's my fault!" Janell Carter blinked and soon hid her disappointment. With a confident smile on her face, she said, "Thank you, Mr. President, for your mercy, and for not punishing us for trespassing your office." 

She looked at him, but she no longer looked eager and hopeful. She looked at him like a stranger. 

Seeing Janell's change of expression, Nathaniel's heart sank, but he still said calmly, "Little girl, go home early. If you are alone outside, your family will worry about you." 

She smiled slightly out of courtesy instead of showing her bright smile. She answered politely, "Thank you, Mr. President. You are really a good President who cares about your citizens." 

Yes, in his mother's eyes, he was a filial and good son. In the people's eyes, he was a good President who loved the people as if they were his children. But he was not Janell's good brother! 

She had waited for a long time and battled through the odds just to look for him. It had not been easy for her to come to his side, but he could not reconcile with her. 

When she was very young, he had promised her that he would definitely stay by her side and protect her as she grew up. In the end, he chose to return to his own country and take up the responsibility that he had to fulfill, so he abandoned her. 

When she was very young, he also told her that when she grew up, he wanted her to bring the necklace he had given her and find him. Now that she finally appeared in front of him, he denied being her Brother Lucas... 

This little girl had been clever since she was a child. She was able to see people and things clearly. He expected that she might recognize him when she saw him. But when she asked him to confirm her doubts, he was still stunned. 

When she saw him for the last time, she was less than five years old. Now, more than ten years have passed. How could it not be shocking that she could still recognize him at first glance after more than 10 years? 

No one knew how much he wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her that he was her Brother Lucas and that he had been waiting for her all these years. But the responsibility on his shoulders involved the progress of the entire nation. 

In the past, he could not do whatever he wanted, and now it was still the same. He could only wait until he completed the two main tasks at hand and he could completely ensure her safety. 

Perhaps he would tell her the truth, then. "Yes, Little Jane, I am your Brother Lucas!" He would say. 

"Then I'll leave first." Janell nodded to the President. She walked away without turning back. She walked away confidently and held her head high. It was as if she did not mind that she recognised the President wrongly.

She knew that she had mistaken him for someone else. This man named Nathaniel Cooper was just the new President of Country A. He had nothing to do with her Brother Lucas. Because if he were her Brother Lucas, he wouldn't lie to her face when he met her. 

All these while, she had been so sure that her Brother Lucas would never do anything that would make her sad. When Brother Lucas was by her side, although she was still very young back then, she still remembered clearly how he treated her. 

As soon as Janell turned around and walked away, Nathaniel looked at her carefully. Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out to grab her, but just as he was about to do so, he held back. 

"Little Jane, give me a little more time!" He spoke silently in his heart as he watched her walk away helplessly. 

"Janell, wait for me." Samantha Lesley hurried up to catch up with her, but Janell walked too quickly and she was shorter than her, it took her quite some time to catch up with her. 

"Janell, don't be sad. Mr. President is not your Brother Lucas." 

"I'm not sad.." Janell did not want to admit that she was sad because she couldn't let a stranger's words affect her. She did not like this side of herself, but she could not control her emotions well. This had never happened to her before. 

"Janell, don't worry. As long as your Brother Lucas really does exist, you will be able to find him." Samantha comforted Janell innocently. 

Upon hearing this, Janell was a little uneasy. "Samantha, what do you mean? Do you think that my Brother Lucas is just someone that I made up?" 

Samantha waved her hand and said, "Janell, I didn't mean that..." 

Janell continued, "Then what do you mean?" 

Samantha bit her lips and blurted, "Janell, I'm not trying to dampen your enthusiasm in locating Brother Lucas. To be honest, you don't even have a photo of Brother Lucas whom you kept mentioning every day. Back then, you were still very young. There might be a possibility that he might not be real." 

Janell was so distressed that she gritted her teeth and yelled out, "Samantha!" 

Samantha continued, "Besides, if your Brother Lucas really loves you like how you have claimed, how did he not visit you at all throughout the past decade?" 

Janell bit her lips and balled up her fists. Her lips and palms bled a little, but she acted as if she could not feel any pain 

Samantha carried on, "Maybe, he loves you very much, but he did not bother to visit you all these years. What do you think is the reason behind it? Janell, your Brother Lucas might not even be in this world anymore." 

Not in this world anymore! Janell raised her eyebrows and squinted at Samantha. "My Brother Lucas must have his reason for not coming to see me. And I believe that he will remember me. Samantha, if you do not think before you speak in the future, try me." 

Janell had actually pondered Samantha's assumptions before, but she always justified for her Brother Lucas. Perhaps he had been occupied by other things over the years, so he could not visit her. 

As she saw how sad Janell looked, Samantha worried about her. For a moment, she did not watch her words and just blurted out all her thoughts. It seemed that the more Samantha spoke, the sadder Janell looked. 

Samantha regretted a lot. "Janell, I did not mean what I said entirely. Don't take it to heart. Don't worry, I will accompany you to find your Brother Lucas." 

"That's okay." Janell brushed off Samantha's hand and said, "Thank you for your hospitality these two days. I'll move to a hotel after this." 

All these years, her faith in Brother Lucas and her hope that he had been waiting for her keep her grounded. Brother Lucas could not visit her because of many reasons, and it was not that he did not want to see her. Due to her faith and hope, she went on a journey to look for Brother Lucas hopefully.

"Janell, don't be angry..." Samantha was so upset that she almost cried. 

"Samantha, I'm not angry at you." Janell smiled. "But I have my own plans. I can't disturb you guys all the time."


"Janell.." No matter how Samantha Lesley called out for her, it could not change Janell Carter's determination to move out and stay in a hotel alone. 

The reason why she was so determined was not because she was angry at Samantha, but because she carried a secret in the bottom of her heart. It was a secret that no one knew. 

Samantha's words earlier reminded her of that secret. Over the years, she did wonder if Brother Lucas was a character that she imagined in her mind. Maybe, he did not exist. 

Since she had this thought before, that was why she was so angry when Samantha said that, and she was unable to control her emotions for a moment. 

These past few years, her mother had always said that she was someone who had learned how to control her emotions since a young age. She always acted much more mature beyond her years. 

At home, her grandparents, parents, Little Aunt, and Uncle Victor, all doted on her as if she were a treasure. They allowed her to be capricious. However, she was not capricious at all, instead, she was rational and thoughtful. 

Over the years, she had been so sensible and thoughtful. She never needed her parents to worry about her, but this time, she might have let them down. 

After all, it was not Samantha's words that hurt her, but her failure in reconciling with Brother Lucas made her doubt herself. The more Janell thought about this matter, the more upset she felt. It was as if someone had grasped her heart and caused such excruciating pain that she almost suffocated. 

At this moment, she touched the necklace hanging on her neck. This necklace was given to her by Brother Lucas, and it was also the most powerful evidence to prove the existence of Brother Lucas. 

As long as Brother Lucas existed, what could stop her from finding Brother Lucas? Gradually, Janell felt that the dark clouds over her head had dispersed, and the sky was clear again. 

Everything was still so beautiful. It did not matter if she failed once. It could not stop her from looking for Brother Lucas.

When she just came out of the East gate of the North Palace, a car quickly drove to Janell's side and stopped. A man in a suit came out from the back seat of the car. 

Janell glanced at him, turned around and ran in another direction. She did not want to talk to him. The man quickly caught up with her. "Janell, where do you want to go?" 

Janell covered her ears and pretended not to hear anything. She knew it was Andrew Carter who was looking for her. Only her family called her "Janell" like how they used to refer to her as "Little Jane."

Everyone else, her friends included, called her by her proper name Janell Joy now that she had grown up. She ran faster and farther. 

"Janell, do you still think you are a three-year-old child? You can leave as you wish? Have you ever thought about how our family will worry about you?" Andrew's voice echoed from behind. 

Janell stopped running, then she turned around and looked at him provocatively. "Andrew, this is my matter, you have nothing to do with it." 

Andrew emphasized, "I am your brother." 

"You're my brother, so you can control my freedom?" Janell snorted and added, "Andrew, don't think that I don't know what you have done these years." 

"I control your freedom?" Andrew raised his eyebrows. "Over the years, father entrusted me to take care of you and our little brother. I think I did a good job as your brother." 

"Andrew, do you think that as long as you keep mum, no one will know about what you have done?" Janell chuckled, "People will find out eventually. If you don't want people to know what you have done, then don't do it." 

Andrew raised his eyebrows and appeared slightly unhappy. "Janell, what have I done?" 

"Just pretend! Keep pretending! You can continue pretending to be a good grandson in front of our grandparents, pretending to be a good son in front of our parents." 

Janell looked at him coldly. "Andrew, I'm telling you, you can hide it from all of them, but you can't deceive me." 

Andrew's face turned gloomy, "Come back with me." 

Since she thought that he was a villain, he would just let her be. There was no point explaining his stance and defending himself to someone who was biased towards him. 

Janell continued, "Andrew, you can erase the traces Brother Lucas left in his house in Jiangbei, but you will never erase the traces left in my heart." 

Andrew reached out and grabbed her. "Janell, what nonsense are you talking about?" 

Janell shook her hand off and continued to say, "Whatever you have done, I know about all about them, so save your act for our family. Don't pretend to be a good brother in front of me. I will feel sick when I see it." 

Yes, throughout all these years, she had been in discord with Andrew. The more she looked at him, the more she disliked him. It was not because his brother was problematic, but he was just too perfect that it was unbelievable. 

However, his perfect image was probably just an act for the family. When she planned on going back to Jiangbei to find the only photo of her with her Brother Lucas, Andrew went back first and destroyed that photo. 

The evidence which proved that Brother Lucas did exist was destroyed by Andrew mercilessly. How could she remain calm? 

Andrew clenched his fists and said, "I'm here to bring you home." Regarding the incident that Janell brought up, if he did not deny, that meant that he was guilty of it. 

"I will explain to the family. You don't have to worry about me. I will not leave until I find my Brother Lucas, so don't bother trying." Janell turned around and wanted to leave, but she was grabbed by Andrew as soon as she took a step. 

Andrew held her delicate wrist and spoke sternly, "Dad and Mom are very worried about you. You have to go back with me." 

"Andrew, didn't you hear me?" Janell wanted to cast Andrew's hand away, but he was so strong that she could not get rid of him. 

Janell got agitated. She calmed down, clenched her fist, and raised her other hand to punch Andrew right in his face. She had been practicing Taekwondo since she was a child. 

Recently, she had just gotten her Black Belt in Taekwondo. Janell was trained extensively in Taekwondo, but she was still young and she was also a girl. Compared to Andrew, who also received his Black Belt recently, she was way more inferior. 

As soon as Janell waved her fist, he reached out and held her fist. He gently pulled her into his arms, and she was encircled in his arms and could not break free. 

"Andrew, let me go!" Janell raised her foot and tried to trample him hard. However, when she was about to step on him, he moved slightly and dodged her attack again. 

At this very moment, a team of guards armed with guns rushed over and surrounded the two of them. A car stopped next to them. Jason Lesley got out of the passenger seat and walked towards them. 

He did not pay attention to Andrew, but spoke to Janell respectfully, "Miss Carter, Mr. President is in the car. He wants to thank you for helping him today. We're wondering if you could do us a favor." 

Janell knew that Jason was helping her to get rid of Jayden. She knew it was impossible for the President to be with him. She immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I can." 

After all, he was in a foreign country, so Andrew had to let go of her and watch Janell get into someone else's car. 

Janell was "fleeing", and after obtaining her freedom, she hastily got into the car. She did not expect that the President would be in the car as well!


Janell saw a still figure sitting in the backseat with her. She backed off slightly and wanted to get out of the car. However, just as she took half a step back, she saw Andrew staring at her menacingly, waiting for her like a predator. 

She was trapped! 

After thinking a lot, Janell chose to stay with the President as he seemed approachable. She wanted to get rid of Andrew first.

Well, he donned a nicely ironed black suit and looked smart. He looked exactly like a typical gentleman at first glance. In reality, was he really like what he looked like from the outside? 

Janell was very sure that he was not like how he portrayed himself. His eyes betrayed him. There were too many things hidden in this man's eyes. Janell could not figure out what kind of secrets he had been hiding. 

Anyway, he was not her Brother Lucas. She did not need to care about what he was hiding in his eyes. She would be fine as long as he did not renege upon his words and convict her and Samantha Lesley's offence of trespassing his office earlier. 

Nathaniel Cooper was sitting on the right side of the car, and Janell was sitting on the far left. She sat very close to the door, trying to stay as far away from him as possible. 

"Hmph-" She snorted in a low voice without looking at him. She looked proud but a little cute. It seemed like she was deliberately mad at him. 

Why should she be angry at a stranger? 

She did not know either. Maybe she was angry that the President might be concealing his true identity. She just wanted to be angry at him! She puffed out her cheeks and looked like a child. 

Her face was still as pink and cute as it was when she was a child... In fact, she was just a child who had not grown up yet. 

"Sit a little closer." Finally, after the man stared at her for a long time, he spoke out. His voice sounded deep and gentle, which was pleasing to hear. 

"Hmph, I don't want to sit closer..." He was not her Brother Lucas. Why should she listen to him? 

"Come here!" He raised his voice a little, but he was not angry. Janell obediently moved slightly towards the middle. 

As soon as she moved slightly over, she leaned against the door again. She hated herself so much. Her ego forbade her from listening to the man's words, but deep down, she wanted to just get close to him. 

However, before Janell could move away, the man suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist. "You're sitting so far away. Are you scared of me?' 

"It hurts!" Janell cried out in pain and blinked her eyes. She looked so pitiful as if she was about to cry in front of him. 

"What's wrong?" The man let go of her hand and saw that her wrist turned red. Her skin was delicate and fair. 

Her skin had turned red from being held tightly by Andrew earlier. Now that he had grabbed her again, her skin looked even redder. 

When she was caught by Andrew, Janell did not cry out in pain because she didn't want to show that she was weak in front of him. "What happened to me has nothing to do with you. You are not my Brother Lucas, will you still care about me?" Janell withdrew her hand and arrogantly turned her head away. 

"Sit closer." He ordered her again. The President had strong charisma, as if he could strangle her to death if she dared to disobey him. 

"No, I don't want to!" She did not want to listen to him. She turned away and looked out of the car window. She admired the buildings of the city as the car drove swiftly by. 

This man was not related to her at all. Why did she get into his car in the first place? Why should she care if he really ignored her? 

Janell tilted her head slightly and wanted to see the President through the corner of her eye. At one glance, she saw a bottle of ointment in his hand that came out of nowhere. She did not want to get close to him, so he took the initiative to get close to her. 

Regardless of her struggle, he forcibly held her hand and gently smeared some ointment on Janell's wrist with his fingertips. The ointment was very cooling and instantly eliminated the burning pain on her wrist. 

Looking at his caring look, it seemed like he felt sorry. Janell's nose suddenly twitched, and she felt a lump on her throat. "Why are you treating me so well?" 

After asking this question, Janell clenched her fists quietly and gulped nervously. She hoped that his answer would be the one she had been looking forward to hear. "Because. I am your Brother Lucas. I want to treat you well, and I can't bear to see you get hurt." 

He thought silently. He knew he could not tell her the truth yet. He put out the same smile he showed the whole nation on the podium earlier. "Because I am the President. It's my duty to protect my people." 

"I'm not one of your people. I don't need your concern." As she did not hear the answer she wanted to hear, Janell pulled her hand back and angrily took a tissue to wipe off the ointment on her wrist. 

He did not stop her either. After she vented her anger, he applied the ointment on her wrist with his finger once again. After that, she wiped it off with a tissue again. 

They repeated this for a few more times and they did not seem impatient. It seemed that they were deliberately trying to spend more time with each other. 

Finally, Janell was tired and stared at him with her red eyes. "You know what? My Brother Lucas is good to me. If he knows that you bullied me, he will not let you go." 

When she talked about her Brother Lucas, her eyes looked as bright as the stars, and her face was full of pride, as if her Brother Lucas was her knight in shining armour. 

Upon hearing her words, Nathaniel's hands froze slightly as he tried to keep the bottle of ointment away. After a moment of silence, he said, "Perhaps your Brother Lucas isn't as good as you think. Perhaps he has abandoned you for others." 

"Watch your words, he's not like that!" Janell was so angry that she bit her lip and said, "I don't care who you are, but if you insult him again, I will not let you go." 

Brother Lucas was so perfect in her heart. She had been thinking of him since she was a child. No matter what, she would not allow anyone to speak ill of him. 

Nathaniel fell silent. He spoke the truth, but she thought too highly of him. In fact, he was not worthy of her efforts and sacrifices to look for him. 

"Mr. President, can you do me a favor?" Perhaps she still held a little hope and hoped that he would admit that he was her Brother Lucas. 

"Tell me, I will try my best to help you." Apart from reconciling with her, he could help her with everything else. 

Janell removed the necklace from her neck. She held it carefully in her palm and said, "You are the President of Country A. You probably know a lot of things. Have you ever come across this necklace with such a special totem before?"


Janell Joy Carter looked at Nathaniel Cooper and noticed every slight change in his expression. This was her last hope. If she showed him the necklace and he denied it again, he probably wasn't her Brother Lucas then. 

Nathaniel did not deny it immediately, so this gave Janell some hope. While waiting, Janell was so nervous that she gulped several times and unconsciously approached him a little. "Mr. President, this necklace was given to me by my Brother Lucas. Brother Lucas told me that after I grew up, I could come to him with this necklace." 

He might be hesitating, but it did not matter. She would try harder to remind him of something that he might have forgotten. He might be able to recall their special relationship. 

"Silly girl, this is just an ordinary necklace. Your Brother Lucas asked you to bring this necklace along to find him, but this is what an adult would say to lie to a child, how can you take it seriously?" 

After a dreadful wait, Nathaniel finally responded. His tone was very monotonous and he did now show any expressions, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him. 

"An adult lying to a child?' Janell took back the necklace and put it back on her neck. "A person like you will never understand what a promise means to a child." 

"Maybe... I really don't understand." His hands balled into fists tightly. God knew how much strength he needed to mutter out those words that he knew would hurt her tremendously, but he had to seem relaxed. 

Janell bit her lips and said with certainty, "Maybe some people would think that children don't understand anything and they can't remember anything, but my Brother Lucas wasn't that type of person." 

Over the years, Janell had heard a lot about this. Even her father would sugarcoat matters with her, but she firmly believed that Brother Lucas was not joking with her when he made his promise. 

"Little girl..." 

"Don't call me that." She was 18 years old. She was an adult. Her family would not address her as a little girl, so how could he? Did he really think that he was her Brother Lucas? 

Janell bit her lips, turned around and wanted to open the door. However, the door was locked as the car was still moving, so she could not open it at all She was so anxious that she hit the driver's seat and exclaimed, "Stop the car. I want to get out." 

She did not want to stay with this man as he demoralised her efforts to find Brother Lucas. If she stayed for a second longer, she might lose control of the emotions welling up in her body and furiously beat him up. 

"Bad guy!" How could he say that about her Brother Lucas! 

"Janell, this is not your home, and these people around you are not your family. No one will tolerate you if you cause trouble." He glanced at her and said coldly. 

"Of course, throwing a tantrum is my own business. It has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to tolerate me too. Now I want to get out of the car. Tell him to stop the car and let me go." 

Similarly, Janell also stared at him and replied to him coldly. Nathaniel pressed the dial button next to his seat, then he spoke in a deep voice, "Stop the car."

Hearing his order, the car decelerated almost immediately and slowly came to a stop. Janell glared at him, opened the car door and was about to get off. However, as soon as she got out of the car, she saw that Andrew's car was not far behind. It was obvious that he would never let her go and insisted on bringing her home. 

She would definitely be caught by Andrew after getting out of the car. However, she did not want to stay with that man in the car for another second longer either. 

This time, Janell could neither get out of the car nor return to the car. She desperately wished that she could fly away and flee the scene, She bit her lips and hesitated for a moment. 

Karen Joy chose to get out of the car this time. She would rather be taken home by Andrew than having to look at this man's face again. 

After making up her mind, she heard the man's voice behind her. "We're near Samantha's house. You need to stay at her place during your time in Country A, and you are not allowed to stay in a hotel." 

"Are you ordering me? On what grounds?" This man was not her Brother Lucas. What rights did he have to order her? 

But... if she did not stay at Samantha Lesley's place, she might be taken away by Andrew. It seemed that Janell had no other choice but to stay in Samantha's home. 

"Janell!" Samantha popped out of nowhere and rushed over to hug Janell. 

"I'm so worried that you will ignore me. Fortunately, you're back." As she spoke, she noticed the car behind Janell. The car door was not shut, and the President was looking at them with his broody eyes. 

Samantha smiled shyly and said, "Brother Nathaniel, thank you for sending Janell back. We will stay away from trouble in the future." 

The Lesley family had a good personal relationship with the Cooper family. Nathaniel also maintained a close relationship with the siblings of the Lesley family in private. 

Since childhood, Samantha hung out a lot with her brother and Nathaniel, so he naturally treated her as a little sister. In private, she would address him as her brother. 

"Alright." Nathaniel nodded. "Head back first." 

"Okay, we'll go back first. Samantha held Janell's hand and started running, as if she was afraid that she would be taken away by a big bad wolf if she ran too slowly. 

Watching them safely return to Samantha's house, Nathaniel added, "Jason, make sure your security guards at home watch her carefully. As long as she doesn't want to leave Country A, no one is allowed to force her to leave." 

"Understood." Jason Lesley answered respectfully and immediately made a phone call and instructed the guards. 

After they entered the house, Nathaniel looked around the housing area for a long time before asking the driver to return to the President's office. 

As soon as he returned, Aaron Paul, who was so anxious that his forehead was drenched in sweat, hurriedly greeted him and whispered, "Third Young Master, it's your inauguration ceremony today. Many people are watching you. If you make any mistakes this time, you may get caught by others. Then all our efforts these years will be in vain." 

If he had known that the little girl of the Carter family would come to Country A, he would definitely find a way to stop her, because the child was the only weakness of their President. 

Throughout these years, in order to climb up the political ladder, Nathaniel had put in a lot of effort, and he could not let that little girl ruin anything 

"Everyone is here?" Nathaniel knew that what he had just done was inappropriate, but he did not regret it. He owed his Little Jane too much, so it was impossible for him to watch someone forcing her to do something which she was unwilling to do. 

"Everyone has been waiting in the conference hall." Everyone was waiting for their President to discuss national affairs patiently. The media reporters were all present, but their new President slipped away quietly. If this news was spread out, the image he had established all these years would collapse instantly.

Nathaniel did not speak another word. He took the lead and walked towards the conference hall. Aaron followed him obediently. Although he had a lot to say, he just kept quiet. 

"Mr. President..."  Along the way, many people greeted Nathaniel respectfully. Nathaniel nodded and responded one by one. Throughout his way, he wore a warm smile on his face, looking like a well-deserving Mr. President..

Monday, August 31, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 731 - 735


CHAPTERS 731 - 735


The story of Janell and Lucas is officially ready to go! I look forward to seeing my companions who are looking forward to Janell and Lucas's story. 

It all began in Broadway, New York, the United States of America. 

The familiar hustling and bustling, the big city, and the famous streets. People from all over the world lived their own wonderful stories here every day. 

Today, there was a major event that was going on in one of the concert halls. It was a celebration of the 18th birthday of Shengtian's global leader's daughter. The stage, the lights, the props, the actors, the audience, everything was ready. 

The Carter family had already been waiting for a long time in the VIP seats. After today, the apple of their eyes would become an eighteen-year-old young lady. They were excited to watch their little loved one dance to the public. 

However, at this moment, the bodyguards who often followed the eldest daughter of the Carter family came in a hurry and handed a letter to the First Young Master of the family. 

They said gingerly, "First Young Master, she left a letter, and she went missing." 

"What?" The First Young Master put on a gloomy look. He was obviously angry, but he quickly concealed his emotions. He quickly opened the letter, and there were a few short sentences written on the letter, "Daddy, Mommy, I have become a grown up today, and now, I want to see the outside world alone. Don't worry, and don't miss me! Love, Janell." 

Although the letter was brief, you could tell how happy she was when she wrote the letter. 

"Get someone to chase her right away." Andrew Carter raised his hand and checked the time. "We must bring her back before the banquet starts." 

"First Young Master, she left for the airport three hours ago. Now she's on the plane heading towards the capital city of Country A." Another bodyguard rushed over and reported the news he just received to his master. 

"You guys.." When Andrew heard this, he was very angry. He specifically asked them to keep an eye on her, but he didn't expect that she could still run away. 

"If she wants to be free, then just let her be. When times get hard, she will know the love of her parents and family." An adorable little boy suddenly interrupted his words. Any stranger would know that this young boy seemed wise beyond his age! 


Country A, Capital International Airport. 

The huge electronic screen at the arrival hall showed that flight HH389 from New York to Country A had arrived on time. However, after waiting for half an hour, Samantha Lesley still didn't see the person she was waiting for. 

Not only did she not see the person she was waiting for, but she couldn't get through to the person's phone too. She was getting worried. Samantha waited and waited. When she was about to head to the information counter to ask for help, the guest she was waiting for finally arrived. 

The guest was a tall, young girl. She was wearing a white T- shirt and denim jeans. She had a cap on her head, and donned a pair of sunglasses. Samantha couldn't see her eyes. She only knew that even though her guest wore casual clothes, she still couldn't hide her elegance. 

It was the elegance of the rich! Yes! 

Samantha admitted that Janell Carter looked like a typical young lady from a respectable family. She always appeared calm as she knew how to mask her emotions well. She treated everyone politely and spoke eloquently. She ticked all the checkboxes of a perfect young lady. In fact, that was only the side that Janell was willing to show to others. 

"What does she really look like?" Samantha thought of these words to describe her. A little devil! Yes, she was just a little devil! 

Janell would always mess with people terribly, but no one had ever suspected her of her mischief. It was not because her family was rich, but because this girl was too good at disguising her deeds. 

Even Samantha, who would always help her run errands, would doubt if Janell meant her words when she asked her to do those bad things. 

"Hi, Janell, I'm here!" Samantha waved at Janell and tried to jump, hoping that Janell could see her in the crowd. However, things didn't happen as she wished. Samantha was not noticeable, yet Janell was too noticeable. 

In the short distance that Janell walked over to the exit, a lot of people cast their eyes on her. She hated people who would stare at her, but she didn't show it. She just raised her hand and adjusted the sunglasses that could cover almost half of her face. 

Samantha understood her and knew that it was a sign of her being annoyed. As she imagined the consequences of annoying Janell, Samantha couldn't help but shudder. She.rushed through the crowd and came to Janell's side. 

"Janell, where have you been? I waited for you for a long time and couldn't get through to you. I was so worried." 

"I sneaked out from home. Do you think I can take my mobile phone with me?" Janell glanced at Samantha through her sunglasses. How can she still be so ignorant after being her friend for so many years? 

Because she had been kidnapped before when she was a child, her dearest father had installed a tracking device on her mobile phone. No matter where she went, her dear father would know. 

She was not stupid. She clearly knew that the mobile phone was equipped with a GPS. Did Samantha want Andrew to grab her back to New York after just half a day? 

"Oh.." Samantha scratched her head and smiled awkwardly. "How could I forget about this?" 

"What else can you forget?" Janell didn't know why such a high IQ person like herself would become friends with a fool like Samantha. 

Perhaps they became good friends because Samantha was always so innocent and simple-minded, so she couldn't bear to see Samantha get bullied. "Ha ha.." 

Samantha couldn't refute any of her words, "Let me guess, you couldn't get anything when I asked you to help me find the person right?" Janell did not expect Samantha to help her find the person she was looking for. 

The reason why she contacted Samantha in Country A was because she needed a place to stay. If she went to the hotel, she would be taken back by Jayden very soon, so it was wiser to stay in Samantha's place. 

Samantha replied, "Janell, you don't remember what the man looks like, and you don't even remember his full name. Even if you ask a famous detective to find him, he may not be able to find him either." 

Hearing Samantha's words, Janell's face turned gloomy. She felt a little painful and powerless. She was right! Samantha was right. The Brother Lucas whom she missed so much was just a person who lived in her memory. 

She did not know what Brother Lucas looked like and she did not know his name. She did not know where he was. Everything about him was so unfamiliar to her. 

She only vaguely remembered that Brother Lucas was very tall and looked good when he smiled. He liked to hold her in his arms and kiss her... 

She still remembered that Brother Lucas asked her to bring the chain he gave her and find him when she grew up. As for the other memories about him, they had long since disappeared from her memory..


As she recalled what Brother Lucas had said, Janell Carter clenched the necklace that had a special totem around her neck unknowingly. 

In the past, she did not notice that in the very centre of the totem, there was a tiny engraving of the word Lucas. Because she remembered that this chain was given to her by Brother Lucas, so she had been wearing it all these years, treating it as her treasure. 

No matter what kind of clothes she wore, she would always wear this necklace. Due to her popularity, she even started a vintage trend in school. However, none of the necklaces those people wore had the same pattern as the totem that Janell had. 

Janell noticed something unique about the pendant, so she searched everywhere for information about the totem. She searched through the library in the school, the books in her house, and all the bookstores in New York, but she couldn't find anything. 

Since she could not find any relevant information from books, Janell searched tirelessly on the Internet for a hint. Finally, she found a piece of information about this totem on an antique website. 

With only a short explanation, it stated that the totem was a symbol of authority in Country A. This meant that Brother Lucas, who gave her the special necklace, must be in Country A. Therefore, on the day when Janell turned 18 years old, she couldn't wait to come to Country A to find Brother Lucas.

"Janell, but it doesn't matter, as long as you try very hard, you can achieve anything. You're so adamant on looking for Brother Lucas, you will definitely find him." Even though she couldn't help, Samantha knew she needed to be supportive. 

"You fool, are you comforting me?" Janell took off her sunglasses, revealing her big watery eyes, and said firmly, "Of course I can find my Brother Lucas." 

However, there was no plan at the  moment. In such a big country, it was not easy to find a man with just a necklace. Therefore, she knew she couldn't rush through the search process and needed to be safe. 

Although she was young, she inherited her father's good genes. Since she was a child, she always planned ahead and did things efficiently. 

She was being a little stubborn to come over to find Brother Lucas this time. She did not think much about the consequences of coming over, but she did not regret doing so. She was already eighteen years old and she could be responsible for her actions. She knew what she was doing.

At a loss, Samantha scratched her head again. "Janell, I'm worried about you." 

Janell put her hand on Samantha's shoulder and said, "Don't think too much. I haven't eaten for more than ten hours. Find me a place so I can eat my heart out." 

"I know what you like to eat. I have already arranged it." Samantha did not know how to find Brother Lionel, but as an experienced foodie, she was very good at looking for good food. 

In the capital city of Country A, Samantha would always try her best to look for great food no matter near or far. "Silly girl, you've finally done something that can satisfy me. Let's go." 

Janell dragged Samantha and ran away. Her elegant vibe earlier turned into a youthful and lively vibe that she should have at her age. 


In the North Palace of the capital city of Country A. 

The North Palace was located in the center of the capital city and it was heavily guarded. There were special forces patrolling for 24 hours in the surrounding areas. It was where the President of Country A worked. 

In the past few days, security was even tighter. It was said that a lot of special forces were dispatched to guard in front of the president's office, and they would ensure the safety of the President at all times. 

The current President was stepping down soon, and a new President was about to take office. After the national election, the third son of the previous President won the position of being the next President by winning over 60% of the people's votes. 

The new President would be sworn in the day after tomorrow. This was a global news, hence security needed to be tighter. 

Just as a group of people were busy arranging procedures for the transition of presidency, a young man rushed into the president's office without even knocking. When he opened the door and saw that the President was in a meeting, it was too late to turn back. He had to say respectfully, "Mr. President." 

Before he could finish speaking, the President waved his hand to stop him. Mr. President signed a document, stamped it with a personal seal, and handed it to a secretary beside him. "Go ahead with the inauguration ceremony. Get busy." 

"Yes." The secretary took the document and led a group of people to leave the room. As soon as the staff left, the President immediately looked at the man who just walked over and said, "Speak." 

The man quickly said, "Samantha has brought Miss Carter back to the Lesley family home safely." 

"Alright, you did a good job." The President nodded, but he didn't say much.

The man added, "I have arranged for the most elite people to protect her as you ordered. During the time when she is in Country A, her safety will be ensured." 

After listening to the man's words, the President's eyes squinted a little. The man didn't know what Mr. President wanted to say, so he plucked up the courage and asked, "Mr. President, just tell me if you need anything." 

The President smiled and asked calmly, "Jason, how long have you been working under me?" 

Jason Lesley answered without hesitation, "Five years and two months." 

"Five years and two months?" The President repeated his words and said, "Five years isn't a long time, but I've assigned this special task to you. Do you know why?" 

Jason Lesley nodded and said, "It's all because of you, Mr. President, that our family can still serve the country. You have done us a great favor, and we will never forget that." 

The President said, "Regarding the incident a few years ago, the Lesley family was framed. I stood out to talk about it, to give your family justice, not because I am biased. I didn't do much of the saving, but your own family did. Everyone knows the Lesley family's integrity well." 

The Lesley family was framed during the time when the eldest son of the former President was the most powerful. At that time, many people knew that the Lesley family had been wrongly blamed, but only the Third Young Master stood up and spoke on behalf of the Lesley family. 

At that time, the Third Young Master helped to clear the injustice of the Lesley family, but he was also sentenced to confinement by his eldest brother for half a year. 

From that time on, the Lesley family decided to follow the Third Young Master's orders and requests loyally. They wanted to repay his kind deeds. 

Jason suddenly understood that their young and promising Mr. President didn't want the Lesley family to repay his kindness, but he trusted them because of their nobility and loyalty. He entrusted the Lesley family to protect the person he cared about the most.


After realizing his family's importance, Jason Lesley said excitedly, "Mr. President, don't worry. I will protect Miss Carter well, and I will not let any information get leaked out. If she ever lost a strand of hair, you can have my life." 

"I trust you and your family." The President nodded with satisfaction, "Then you should go back first. Please have Samantha take good care of her for me. You must remember that she must have a lamp on when she sleeps." 

When Janell was almost four years old, she was caught and locked up in a sealed bucket. Since then, she had been particularly afraid of the dark. After so many years, she was still afraid. He remembered this detail very well, so he repeated the same detail to Jason too. 

Jason was the right hand man of the President, and Samantha was his younger sister. She went to New York to study three years ago, and she happened to become Janell Carter's classmate. 

Surely, this couldn't be a coincidence. All of this was arranged by the President. She placed his closest comrades to be alongside Janell, so he could get updates about her too. 

More than a decade had passed. He had grown to be a mature man, and now he was the new President of Country A. His Janell had grown from being a little toddler to a graceful young lady. 

Besides, she remembered what he had told her before. If she wanted to see Brother Lucas, she could come to him with the special necklace that he had given her after she grew up. She was finally here, but he couldn't see her due to many complications. He couldn't meet her, so he could only protect her silently behind her back. 

After Jason left, Aaron Paul came in. Seeing their new President staring at him in a daze, he was worried and said, "Third Young Master, the day after tomorrow is your inauguration ceremony. Everyone will be watching you. You can't make any mistakes." 

No one else knew what the Third Young Master's intentions were, but Aaron, who had always been with him and was several years older than him, knew that the Third Young Master had been worried about the child throughout all these years. 

He always prepared something for her birthday every year and asked someone to send it to her. However, because the gifts were sent anonymously, his gifts would drown in the pit of all her other birthday gifts. 

He had sent gifts to her for more than ten years now. Even if she had never opened up his gifts, he still sent them to her every year. He never missed her birthday and this year was no different. 

However, Janell's birthday gift that was sent to New York lately was ignored again. This time, Janell flew to Country A alone before her birthday celebration. 

Lucas didn't respond to Aaron. His eyes were still looking at the photo on the desk. It seemed that he was so absorbed that he didn't hear Aaron's words. 

Aaron added, "Third Young Master, when the child grows up, she will have her own life, and she will fall in love with other men. Maybe she will meet a man who can protect her for the rest of her life soon." 

"So what?" Lucas looked at the photo of Janell and questioned Aaron without even looking at him. No matter how old the child was, no matter who she would meet in the future... As her big brother, couldn't he protect her? 

"Nothing." Aaron coughed and said, 

"Your fiance, the daughter of the Silas family, is definitely going to attend the inauguration ceremony with you. I just want to remind you of that fact." 

As a man who had been taking care of the little girl for more than ten years, Aaron wouldn't believe that he would have no feelings for her if she appeared in front of him looking like a beautiful young lady. 

"You guys can just arrange everything for me. I know what I should do and shouldn't do." 

He had been holding back for so many years now. Would he lose his cool at such a critical moment? He knew better than anyone how bumpy the road to climb to the peak of authority was. He knew what he needed to do. 

"Janell, this is the room that I specially asked someone to prepare for you. Maybe it's not as comfortable as your own room, but I think it's not that bad." 

Samantha Lesley took Janell Carter into the room that her helpers had cleaned up. Looking at the cartoon decorations, she liked it very much, and she believed that Janell would also like it. 

"Alright, my dear Samantha, thank you for being so thoughtful!" Janell gave Samantha a big hug. "It's all thanks to you that I can receive such a high-class treatment in a foreign place." 

In fact, she didn't really like the colour pink that was painted in the room, but these were all thoughtfully prepared by Samantha for her. As her guest, she was very appreciative. 

"Haha. Janell, don't worry about it. In New York, you also took good care of me." Samantha was secretly very happy to be praised by Janell. "There are so many people in the world, and you are the only one who can skip grades with me and finish college in advance. If I don't treat you well, then who else?" 

Janell inherited her father's high IQ, and she finished her course at a well-known college at a young age. Samantha was a clueless person in life, but she was a straight-A student when it comes to academics. 

Therefore, only she could keep up with Janell's learning speed. "Well, we're good classmates." 

Samantha said, "Janell, if you're afraid of sleeping alone at night, I can sleep with you." 

"Scared? Have you ever seen me afraid of anything?" Even if she was really scared, Janell would never show her vulnerable side to others.. If she could not overcome her little fears, how could she find her Brother Lucas? 

"Then, take a shower and rest early. I'll be in the next room. If you need anything, call me." Samantha answered calmly. 

"Alright, you should rest too." Janell threw herself in bed and rolled around comfortably. "Brother Lucas, I'm here to see you. You must recognize me." 

Sometimes, she was really scared. She was worried that if she stood face to face with her Brother Lucas, they wouldn't be able to recognize each other. 

Janell did not want to think about it too much. Since she was here, she was sure that she could find Brother Lucas. In fact, sometimes, she also did not understand why she needed to find a person whose face she couldn't even remember. 

Perhaps there was a voice in her heart that kept telling her to find him, to make up for the times he wasn't with her when she was little. 

She should be very tired after travelling for a whole day, but after she took a shower, she didn't feel sleepy at all. There was always a pleasant boy's voice in her ears that said, "Janell, don't be afraid, Brother Lucas will protect you and beat up all the bad guys.".


Janell Carter held a pillow in her arms and patted it, "Brother Lucas, I've grown up and I'm no longer an innocent child anymore. I don't need you to help me take out the bad guys. I just hope that I can find you as soon as possible. I've been missing you a lot." 

As for what she would do after telling Brother Lucas that she missed him, Janell wasn't sure. She turned over and looked at the ceiling. Maybe Brother Lucas had already gotten married and had children. His children might have already grown up too. 

As she thought about the possibility of Brother Lucas having his own family, Janell's heart suddenly twitched. She felt so downhearted. Was she being too selfish? 

She did not want to see Brother Lucas getting married and having children. She hoped that he would wait for her to grow up. But she knew that might be impossible. For the entire night, Janell thought about too many things, so she could only fall asleep after midnight. 

The next morning, she only woke up in the afternoon. When she woke up, she thought she was at home. She habitually reached out to pick her phone so her little precious brother could sing her a wake-up song. 

She was used to doing this so that she would feel energised. However, she stretched out her hand and touched around her side table for some time, but she could not get hold of the phone. 

Then she remembered that she was in a foreign land and could not see her cute brother. She was wondering if the Little Precious back home missed his sister? 

He would probably think of her. Although he was only eight years old, he always put on a proud and cold look like their father. 

She guessed that he would not miss her. If her Little Precious did not miss her, her grandparents and parents would definitely worry about her. She left her mobile phone at home, thus they could not get in touch with her. 

Would they wonder if something bad had happened to her? She thought that she needed to call her parents and tell them that she was safe so that they could rest assured. 

Ruffling through her untidy hair, Janell lay on her bed lazily for a few more minutes before she got up slowly from the bed. 

"Janell, are you awake?" Samantha Lesley knocked on Janell's door right on time. "It's already noon. If you don't get up now, the sun will go down soon." 

"Dear Miss Lesley, are you my mother?" Janell opened the door in her unkempt state and let Samantha in. 

"Haha.." Samantha wore her usual silly smile and said, "My brother is at home today and wants to have lunch with us." 

"Your brother?" Janell pondered for a moment. He was like the parent of the family, so she had to present herself well, as to not leave a bad impression on him. Samantha's parents passed away early, and she was raised by her older brother. Naturally, her brother was like a father to her. 

In front of strangers, Janell dressed up very well and acted like a pleasant young lady. She showed her elegance well. When she saw Jason Lesley, who handled affairs for the President, she did not lose her confidence at all. 

"Hello, Miss Carter! Welcome to our place." This was the person whom their Mr. President wanted to protect. Jason treated her so well as though he was dealing with Mr. President's wife. 

"Hello, Mr. Lesley!" Janell smiled politely. "I hope I didn't cause you any trouble." 

"Not at all, not at all." Jason reassured her, "You are Samantha's classmate, and her home is also your home. You don't need to worry about anything." 

"Thank you, Mr. Lesley!" She did not intend to be polite, but after all, he was still a stranger, so she had to be courteous. 

After lunch, Jason still lazed around at home. Samantha asked, "Brother, isn't the new President's inauguration ceremony tomorrow? Don't you need to help out?" 

"Yeah, I'll be going over later." The President gave him an off day. His task was to take care of the distinguished guest in his home, so he did not have to go to work. However, since his silly sister asked him about work, and he did not know how to answer her, hence he had to pack up and leave. 

A few days ago, the national elections in Country A stirred up the headlines. Janell knew about it, but because it had nothing to do with her, she did not pay much attention to it. What she was concerned about was how to find her Brother Lucas in the shortest time possible. 

After Jason left, Janell took out her notebook and came up with different plans to search for Brother Lucas. 

Samantha approached her and blabbered non-stop, "Janell, tomorrow is the inauguration ceremony of the new President. Let's just go and see what it's like. I'm telling you, you must see our new President. He is young and handsome. Many girls dream of meeting him." Thinking of their new President, Samantha almost drooled. 

"Wipe your drool!" Janell shot Samantha a look. She couldn't care less about 'handsome' men out there. Her father, her uncle, and her brother Andrew Carter, were all extremely handsome men. She did not believe that anyone could be more handsome than them. 

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" Samantha nudged her and said, "Janell, let's go. It's just a day's time. I won't hold you up looking for your Brother Lucas." 

"I'm not going." Janell declined immediately. She was not in the mood to do anything else apart from finding Brother Lucas.

Upon hearing Janell's rejection, Samantha was a little disappointed, but soon she cheered up again. "Janell, let's go. Think about this. There will be so many people attending the ceremony tomorrow. People from all walks of life. Who knows you might bump into your Brother Lucas." 

"Well then, let's go." The more people there were, the more information and clues she could get. She did not have high hopes of finding Brother Lucas tomorrow, but it was also good to find some clues. 

The inauguration ceremony of the President was a grand occasion that occurred every few years in Country A. On this day, many people with high ranking positions would come to the capital city, and the newly-appointed President would make a declaration in front of the whole nation. 

Early in the morning, cars were forbidden from entering and exiting several streets near the North Palace. Pedestrians had to go through strict security checking before entering the speech arena. The land and air forces prioritized security in all aspects to ensure that the ceremony could be carried out safely and well. 

Because of Samantha's special status, Janell did not have to squeeze through the crowd outside. She could watch the young and handsome new President from a close distance. 

"Janell, put this work pass on properly. Don't lose it. Otherwise, you might be arrested." Samantha began to nag like an old woman again. 

"Do you think I'm as careless as you?" She understood that the work pass served as her identity. She would not be so absent-minded as to lose something that proved her identity. 

The inauguration ceremony had not started yet. Janell looked around and saw that everyone was busy. Meanwhile, Samantha and her looked like the only fools who were out of place.. 

Samantha suddenly exclaimed excitedly, "Janell, look, that's our new President." 

Janell looked in the direction where Samantha pointed, but she only managed to catch a glimpse of the new President with his back turned..


There was a group of people following behind the new President. Janell Carter's view was obstructed by the group of people behind the president, so she could only catch a glimpse of his back. 

"Janell, he's handsome, isn't he?" Samantha Lesley's eyes sparkled as she looked at him. She was almost drooling, and she looked like a fangirl. 

"Samantha, wipe your drool again." How could a back view fascinate this girl so much? Janell really wanted to see this new President's face and see if his looks could beat her father's. 

Samantha really lifted her hand to wipe her drooling saliva. She grabbed Janell and said, "Janell, come with me. I know a position where we can see the President clearly." 

"Samantha, slow down!" Janell slowed down. With this work pass, she had to look like a staff member. It would be easy for people to notice she was out of place if she was shoving and barging around. 

"Oh, Miss Carter, besides me, no one will notice you here. What kind of image are you still trying to maintain?" 

Samantha was anxious and keen to see her Prince Charming. They passed through the lobby on the first floor of the office building, then sprinted up to the second floor along the spiral wooden stairs. 

After a while, they stopped at the end of the corridor on the left side of the stairs. Samantha opened the door and led Janell in. "Janell, come in. If we look down from the window, we can see the position where Mr. President would deliver his speech." 

Janell walked towards the window and looked up. Sure enough, she saw a podium on the opposite side, and Mr. President was standing in front of the towers of the North Palace. 

There were many high ranking officials by his sides. Seeing that man and his handsome face, a vague image of a boy suddenly appeared in Janell's mind. 

That boy often held the little girl in his arms and gave her pecks on her chubby cheek. "Janell, 'll be leaving now. When you grow up, take my necklace and look for your brother Lucas." 

"Brother Lucas?" Janell could not help but exclaim the name that had been buried deep in her heart for many years. 

She stared at the President's every move. He waved his hand at the crowd below the tower. With a warm smile on his face, he began his speech. 

Janell did not listen to his speech. She fixed her eyes on his face as if she wanted to find something from his face. A face that she had not been able to remember clearly. 

She vaguely remembered that there was a beautiful voice that said to her. "Janell, you have to be good." "Janell, don't be afraid. I will protect you." "Janell..." 

The indistinct face in her memory gradually morphed into the face of the new President, and in her mind, they were the same person. "Janell, our President is so young and excellent, and his fiancée is also not bad. They're the perfect match for each other." Samantha did not notice Janell's unusual behavior. She was dancing with excitement. 

The word "fiancée" was like a bucket of cold water poured onto Janell's head, and she was suddenly brought back to reality by the cold splash. She gently shifted her gaze and looked at the graceful and elegant woman standing next to Mr. President. 

They stood hand in hand, appearing before the whole nation. The new President and his fiancée were such a dazzling couple. Just looking at them from afar was enough to make anyone admire how perfect they were. 

"Samantha, what's the name of your new President?" Janell grabbed Samantha and asked anxiously. "Mr. President's name is Nathaniel Cooper, and his fiancée is Serene Silas. She also comes from an influential family." Samantha replied. 

"Nathaniel Cooper?" Janell repeated this name in her mind. There was no "Lucas" in his name, so was he related to her Brother Lucas? 

The new President of Country A, and Brother Lucas from her memory. how could she suddenly think that the new President was her Brother Lucas? 

Perhaps in her heart, her Brother Lucas indeed had the looks of a President. He was handsome and had great facial features. Whenever he smiled, his smile was like a warm sun in a chilly winter and he could radiate warmth. 

Seeing Janell in a daze, Samantha reached out and waved her hand in front of her eyes. "Janell, what's wrong?" 

"Samantha, I want to meet your new President. I have something to ask him." Janell was not a person who would flinch in case of trouble. On the contrary, she was a little lady who would never give up until she achieved her goals. 

Instead of worrying a lot, she wanted to ask him directly. If he was her Brother Lucas, then he would definitely remember her. Even if he did not have a vivid memory of her, since they spent a great deal of time together before, he would remember her anyhow. If she remembered him at such a young age, her Brother Lucas would definitely remember her too. 

"Janell, do you really think our new President is your Brother Lucas?" Samantha's eyes widened and her face was full of disbelief. 

Had this girl gone crazy looking for her Brother Lucas? As long as she saw a man who was pleasing to her eye, she would think that he was her Brother Lucas? 

"Don't ask so many questions. I must see him today." When she needed a job done, Janell became dominant and acted like a leader. 

"The only person that might help is my brother, but my brother will definitely not let me mess things up." Samantha scratched her head in awkwardness. 

"Janell, the new President is definitely not your Brother Lucas. Just give up already." Their new President was the third son of the former President. Very few people had seen his face since he was a child. His family shielded him so well. How would he be able to travel and wander in foreign countries and get to know the young Janell Carter? 

Janell changed the subject and said, "Mr. President will go back to his office later right?" 

"Of course. After the speech, they should have a meeting to attend." While speaking, Samantha felt that something was wrong. "Janell, no way, I don't have the guts." 

"Well, I know you don't have the guts. I can go by myself." Janell ought to do things right away once she had decided to do it. She was very persistent. 

"Janell, how are you going to get in?" Samantha realised that she was causing trouble again, and it was a big, big trouble this time. 

"Don't we have work passes? We can always think of a way to sneak into the President's office." Brainstorming for ways had always been Janell's forte. "Well then, this is my turf, so I can't let you take the risk alone." 

Samantha closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "It's no big deal. At most, my brother will ground me at home for a month." 

During this period, all the attention was focused on the President who was delivering his speech. The security inside the North Palace was relatively lax, but it was still not easy to sneak into the President's office. 

On the way to the President's office, there was a guard after every few steps. It was absolutely impossible for them to sneak in. Fortunately, the work passes they had came in handy. The guards did not ask anything after seeing the work passes.

They walked all the way to the President's office effortlessly.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 726 - 730


CHAPTERS 726 - 730



The three words "I love you" were very simple. Many people could say it out loud, but for Edwin Carter, it was as precious as a thousand bars of gold. So far, he had not said it out loud to Jane Ronan. 

Edwin was not good with expressions or words. He always used actions to show his love for Jane. However, Edwin would occasionally overhear the secretaries chatting in the office. 

They would say that if a person loved someone, the person must let them know. If the words "I love you" were not said, he or she might not understand the person's feelings for the rest of her or his life. 

After listening to the secretary's conversation unintentionally, Edwin had been wondering whether Jane understood his feelings for her. 

Jane was wise sometimes. There were many things that he didn't need to say, yet she could understand him. However, in terms of emotions, Edwin couldn't understand her. He didn't know if she could read his mind, 

After thinking about it, Edwin decided to tell Jane that he loves her, but he couldn't say it out loud. Hence, he came up with a brilliant plan. Well, Edwin felt that he was quite smart and even felt a little bit proud. But when he looked down, he saw Jane wiping her tears quietly. His heart sank. "Jane, what's wrong?" 

She was fine earlier. Why did she suddenly burst into tears? Did he do something wrong? 

"Edwin, you are really annoying." Jane punched him and wiped her tears. "Why do you always do things that would make me cry?" 

"You are crying about something so small, don't you think you are silly?" Edwin took her into his arms and whispered, "Silly girl, don't cry." 

He did such a little thing for her, and she was so touched that she didn't know what to do. She needed to know that she was his wife, and he would do anything for her. He had always known Jane's personality. 

When a person treated her a little better, she would be so touched that she would cry. She would gladly give her life to the person. "I don't want to cry either, but I can't take this." 

Like Janell, Jane buried herself in Edwin's arms and wiped all her tears and snot on his white shirt. 

"We're on a honeymoon. On such a romantic day, I want to look beautiful and I want you to remember my beautiful face, but you made me cry." 

Jane pretended to be fierce and said, "I must look terrible now. You can't look at me, or I will end your existence!" 

She didn't allow him to look at her, but he held her head and forced her to look up at him. Look at her tearful, red eyes, Edwin sighed and said, "If you continue to cry, you will really look terrible. What should we do when no one wants you anymore?" 

"Do you think i'm like Janell? You think you can fool me by saying that?" Jane pursed her lips. The more she thought about it, the more she felt offended. She added, "I don't look terrible at all." 

"Your eyes are swollen from crying and tears are flowing all over your face. Are you sure you don't look terrible?" Although he said that she looked terrible, Edwin didn't mind at all. 

Jane was so aggrieved that she wiped her tears. "No matter how ugly I am, I am still your wife. People all over the world know that I am married to you now. Edwin, let me tell you, I am bound to you for the rest of my life. You can't abandon me." 

"Now you're finally speaking some truth." Edwin felt amused. "You're my wife. In my eyes, you are always the most beautiful lady in the world." 

Yes, this was the benefit of holding a wedding. This silly little woman could proudly claim that she was his wife. She was his wife! 

These few words from Jane, were as simple as it could get. Yet every time he heard these words, Edwin felt warm in his heart. "But you have never praised me for looking pretty." 

For a long time, there had been a lot of people who complimented Jane, but what she wanted to hear most was the praise from Edwin. 

"Didn't I already say it just now?" He blurted it out earlier. Now that he was asked to say it again, he couldn't say it. 

"Are you going to say it or not?" Jane followed what Edwin always did and threatened him as he threatened her. 

However, instead of threatening Edwin, she let Edwin take advantage of her. He hugged her, grabbed her hand and placed it on his body, he then said in a hoarse voice as he moved her hand lower and lower down his body, "Touch me and see. It's the best proof that you are most beautiful." 

"Rascal!" Jane scolded him and wanted to move her hand away, but she was held tightly by Edwin. 

"Jane, it's time for us to make up for our wedding night." 

"Edwin, uh.. We haven't. had dinner…" Jane's voice became weaker and weaker, and she made a whining sound in the end. 

After a long time, Edwin said, "I'm done with food, I'll take care of you now." 

Jane was taken aback. Sure enough, men must all be the same. When this man wore his smart outfit and glasses, he was considered as well-dressed and elegant... However, as soon as he took off his clothes, he turned into a wolf, a hungry wolf! 

There was a lot of action done last night, so when Jane woke up, it was already late in the morning. At the thought of sleeping in the hotel during the honeymoon, Jane felt so resentful that she wanted to bite Edwin. 

However, the man who worked hard the night before was still dressed neatly as usual, sitting by the window and reading the newspaper. 

When he saw that she had woken up, he looked at her and said with an evil smile, "I'm sorry! I didn't control my strength well last night. You must be tired." 

Jane didn't know what to say. This man was unbelievable! She quietly pulled up the quilt and was prepared to hide under the quilt like a turtle. However, as soon as she moved, Edwin got up and came over. 

"Is there's something wrong?" He sat down on the edge of the bed, and his voice no longer carried a sense of banter, but instead he sounded worried. 

Jane turned over and ignored him. Edwin reached under her nightdress, and Jane quickly grabbed his hand and said, "Edwin, don't you go too far." 

Listening to her crisp voice, Edwin understood that she was not hurt, but shy. He let out a laugh. "Get up quickly. After lunch, I'll take you to a special place."

"Where are we going?" Her shyness was immediately replaced by curiosity. Jane seemed to have forgotten that she had wanted to hide in the quilt and disappear. 

"It's a secret!" Edwin pretended to be mysterious. 

"You're not going to give me another wedding, are you?" Jane smiled and said, "Edwin, even if you are rich, you can't spend money like this. Save it for our children." 

"You'd better worry about yourself." Since she didn't want to move, Edwin pounced on her again. After that, when they went out in the afternoon, Jane's legs were so weak that she could hardly walk!.



Jane glared at Edwin fiercely with every step she took, secretly blaming him for being so wild earlier. She didn't want to talk to Edwin. 

Edwin smiled and said, "I heard that Old Master Anthony likes women who are educated, polite, gentle, and considerate." 

Jane glared at Edwin and thought, "What's that got to do with me?" Old Master Anthony! 

Jane was a little slow, and it took a long time for her to understand the implied meaning. She was so excited that she clutched the corner of Edwin's clothes and asked, "Edwin, are you referring to Master Anthony, the famous fashion designer?" 

Master Anthony was a legend in the fashion industry. He taught many apprentices and they became famous designers too. He was very well-known and appreciated by the industry. 

A big shot like him had already retired a long time ago and no longer accepted any apprentices. He wouldn't be willing to meet any Tom, Dick, or Harry. Therefore, Jane did not imagine ever meeting Old Master Anthony in her lifetime. 

"Who else do you think I was referring to?" Looking at Jane's excited expression, Edwin was very satisfied with his little surprise. 

Edwin was probably only willing to present his wife to another man just this time. Old Master Anthony was extremely well-respected in the industry. Edwin understood that it would be an honor for anyone to meet him. As he was in his old age and had retired, he wouldn't want anyone whom he didn't know to just visit him so casually. 

When Chairman Carter  approached him to request for a meet, it did not work. So Edwin asked his men to seek out the granddaughter of the Master who had been lost for many years, in exchange for this opportunity to meet him. 

"Is it really the Master Anthony?" Jane got into Edwin's arms and snuggled hard against him. "Mr. Carter, you have quite the guts." 

"It's not just my guts, I have his granddaughter to thank too." Edwin rubbed her head. "Well don't be jealous later." 

"How can I be jealous?" Jane was a little confused. Would she be jealous if Old Master Anthony liked Edwin more? 

Edwin was her husband and if Old Master Anthony liked Edwin, she would be very happy. How could she be jealous? 

Jane reassured herself confidently at the moment, but when she arrived at Old Master Anthony's house, she understood what Edwin meant earlier. She saw Annette. The pretty French lady from the airport that day. "Why is she here?" Jane did feel a little jealous. 

"She is Old Master Anthony's granddaughter. The Old Master promised to see us because of her efforts." 

Edwin held Jane's hand tightly and said, "I'm a little flattered that you feel a little jealous, but just to clarify, I have had no romantic relationship with her before and will not have any relationship with her in future." 

"I know." She knew that, but she was still jealous at the thought of Annette flirting with Edwin through her body language and non-verbal cues. 

"Silly girl." Edwin chuckled. "You know but you're still jealous. I really don't know what to do with you." 

"Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter, welcome." Annette came up to welcome them. This time, she did not stare at Edwin anymore, but glanced at Jane politely.. 

"Yes." Edwin nodded without saying much. 

"Hello!" Jane smiled politely. 

"Grandpa has been waiting for you two. Please come with me." Annette smiled and politely led the way.

Walking into the yard, Jane saw Old Master Anthony in the living room. Old Master Anthony looked much younger than his actual age. Although he was almost a hundred years old, he looked very well. 

"Since you two are here, then make yourselves at home. Have a seat." He spoke in fluent English. 

As he spoke, he looked at Jane and Edwin attentively. "Thank you for helping me to get my granddaughter back. It's a blessing to have her by my side at this old age." 

"You're welcome, Old Master. Thanks for agreeing to my request too." Edwin was a merchant. A businessman would never agree to deal at a loss. It turned out that Edwin thanked Annette because of this matter. Jane held Edwin's hand silently and thanked him for doing so much for her. 

"My dear, come with me." The Old Master looked at Jane, and with the help of Annette, he got up and walked to the courtyard. 

Jane looked at Edwin instinctively. Edwin nodded to her and said, "Go ahead. Don't worry, I'll wait for you here." 

Jane followed the Old Master into the courtyard. "Grandpa, I'll be leaving first." Annette helped the Old Master take a seat and left shortly after. 

As soon as Annette left, the Old Master pointed to the seat opposite and said, "My dear, so sit down." 

"Thank you!" Jane sat down properly. 

She was completely starstruck and was almost stuttering in nervousness. "I've seen some of your previous design drafts. They're all quite good." Old Master Anthony did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point. 

"Thank you for your kind words." If Old Master Anthony could say that it was pretty good, then it would be absolutely excellent by the standards of others. After all, the student that the Old Master was most proud of was the fashion design genius, Ivan. 

The praise he had received from the Old Master back then was only "fair enough". With such a comparison, she knew how much Old Master Anthony favored her. 

Jane was almost overjoyed when she heard his remarks. She had worked so hard for so many years, and more and more people were wearing the clothes she designed. Now that she had Old Master Anthony's recognition, how could she not be excited? 

"The secret talent we usually talk about, is actually love. When we are designing, the most important thing is love. You have to love your work, love the people around you, and love this world, then you will be able to design clothes that everyone likes." 

Old Master Anthony's words made perfect sense to Jane. Because of the love in her heart, the clothes she designed would give people warmth, and people could feel her passion from her clothes. 

For a long time, she always believed in both passion and love. She always designed to her heart's satisfaction and worked very delicately through all her pieces. She earned her achievements. 

"Look at how happy you are. What did the Old Master say to you?" After leaving Old Master Anthony's residence, Edwin held Jane's hand, who was as happy as a bird. 

"Not going to tell you." Jane smiled and ran forward. 

At this moment, she saw a familiar figure from the corner of her eye. She turned around and saw the person she was once so familiar with, Sophie Ronan. 

Sophie wasn't alone, she was holding a child. Sophie also saw Jane too. They looked at each other, but Sophie quickly looked away and entered a taxi in a hurry..



"What are you looking at?" Edwin came over and asked worriedly when he saw Jane staring at the distance. 

"Nothing." Jane shook her head, unwilling to tell Edwin, because she knew that Edwin had something to do with Tyrion Corporation's fall from grace. Tyrion Corporation went under and Mr. Tyrion committed suicide. Mr. Tyrion got what he deserved and that was enough.

As for Sophie Ronan... Jane was happy for her when she saw that Sophie was alive and had a young child with her. 

Regardless of the child' s background, Jane was still happy for her. Although Sophie had done a lot of bad things to her in the past, it was all in the past. Jane almost forgot how much pain she had suffered in the past. 

Time has passed, and Jane was not willing to hold grudges. She was only able to meet Edwin and appreciated him because of all the bad people in her past anyway. 

"Then let's go for a walk again." Jane did not want to say more, and Edwin did not probe further. This was a way for him to show her respect. 

"Okay, let's go boating by the Seine River." Jane took the initiative to hold Edwin's arm and leaned onto him. She was as happy as a child. 

"Okay." Edwin liked to see Jane as happy as she was now. She was carefree and happy around him. 

After staying in Paris for a few days, Edwin accompanied Jane to Milan. They were on their honeymoon, but Edwin was willing to accompany Jane as she studied fashion design too. 

They had been travelling for more than two weeks now, and they could only see Janell through the phone using video call. Jane was beginning to miss her tremendously. 

Janell also looked pitiful as if she didn't have her father and mother's love during this time. Therefore, under Jane's insistence, they returned to New York earlier than planned. 

After returning to New York, Jane devoted herself to her design work. She hoped to start her own personal studio that promoted her own work. She wanted to launch her designs publicly. 

The headquarters of Shengtian was in Jiangbei, and the focus of Edwin's work was in Jiangbei too. However, for his wife and children, he flew often between Jiangbei and New York. He had never complained that he was tired. 

Everything was going smoothly for the young Carter family. The whole family lived a busy yet fulfilling life, and they lived lovingly everyday. 

After a few years. Angela Carter looked at the negative sign on her pregnancy test, her pretty face turned gloomy instantly and she was almost crying with anger. 

"Victor, you... tell me now, did you bribe the doctor when we went to the hospital for a check- up?" They had been together for so many years now, but she wasn't pregnant yet. 

They went to the hospital for a full check-up, and found that they were both physically fit and healthy They didn't have any problems with their body, they didn't use contraception, yet they still couldn't get pregnant. 

What the hell was going on? Victor James, who was cleaning his new gun, answered casually, "We went to the hospital for the examination together. What do you think I could have done?" 

"If you didn't do anything, why can't I get pregnant? Besides, you are so powerful, if you did anything, would I have known?" 

Angela was sure that she couldn't get pregnant because Victor must have done something behind her back, She squeezed to his side, looked at him, and said, "Victor, if you are impotent, just tell me honestly. I won't dislike you for that." 

Angela wanted to have a little child for years now. Janell was already ten years old, her sister-in-law's second baby would be due anytime soon, but her belly was still flat. 

Her period was late this month. She thought she got pregnant, so she rushed to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test kit. After a simple test, she was still not pregnant. 

Victor did not take her concerns seriously. "Why does it matter if we have a child or not?" 

"Why does it matter?" Angela bit her lip. 

"Yesterday, someone said that I am a hen who doesn't lay eggs. Am I not supposed to care?"

Truth be told, Angela didn't care about what others said. She was more worried for Victor's family. Victor was the only son in his family, and yet, he didn't have a child. The James family tree would soon be a barren one. 

In the past, Angela had never thought about these too much. But as she got older, she became more mature. In the past, she thought that as long as they lived together happily, it would be fine. But now, she had to think about Victor's family. 

"Do you really want a child that much?" Victor put down his gun and pulled Angela into his arms. "Then let's have one." 

"We have been trying hard to get pregnant, but we kept failing. Do you think we can have a baby just because you said so?" Angela glared at him and stepped on him angrily. 

Victor responded, "My parents passed away early, and I lived in the military base all year round. You have your own career too. How can we take care of our children if we can't even take care of ourselves?" 

Angela answered immediately. "Don't worry, we can hire a nanny. I will try my best to work less after we have the baby" 

As for the future, Angela planned it all out. After she gave birth to the baby, she will put her focus on the family. After all, she liked Victor so much. She was willing to sacrifice her acting jobs for the child for Victor's sake. Nothing else was impossible. 

Victor stroked Angela's head and opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but he didn't have the courage to. 

Angela's parents' death was like a thorn stuck in his throat. From time to time, the mere thought of him would hurt him still. It always reminded him that his father was involved in her parents' death. 

"Are you still worried about what happened to our parents, Victor?" Angela guessed that this was the reason why Victor didn't want to have children, but she was not sure. 

Two years ago, she went back to Country A to investigate what had happened to their parents that year. Victor's father and her parents were from different countries. They were both serving their own country. They were national heroes and were great people in their own ways. 

She knew that her parents wouldn't blame her for being with Victor if they were alive. However, Victor replied to her question, "Yes" 

"Victor, I'm already f*cking married to you, why do you still care about this. Why are you such a douche?" As she spoke, Angela had a thought in mind, "Victor, did you deliberately avoid impregnating me all these years?" 

Victor replied solemnly, "Yes." 

Angela was so angry that she gnashed her teeth and stomped her feet. "You bastard!" 

Victor grabbed her and said, "You like me because I'm a bastard." 

Angela bit him and responded,"Bastard, if you won't let me have a baby, I'll fight you." 

Victor replied, "Let's try now." 

Victor was a person who would never say sweet words to Angela, but he loved Angela with his own clumsy ways. Now that he knew Angela had let go of the past, what else would he be worried about?.



Jane was expected to be due in these few days. As early as a month ago, Edwin forced her to put down the work in her hands and wanted her to stay home. 

Edwin also handed his job and tasks over to his subordinates a month ago. He followed Jane everywhere, for fear that Jane and the child would be in danger. 

Their first child, Janell, was taken out from her belly prematurely. The second child was lost because Jane had been injured and went into a coma. This was their third child. Edwin insisted on staying by Jane's side and waiting for the arrival of their child. He would not allow any accidents to happen again. 

Initially, Edwin did not intend to have a child anymore. He even arranged to do a vasectomy like his father did. He didn't know who leaked the news, and Jane came to the doctor's office to stop him just in time.

After they came back from their honeymoon, Jane worked hard to take care of her own body. She had been thinking about giving birth to another child every day and night. As she found out that he actually wanted to do the vasectomy behind her back, Jane was so angry that she ignored Edwin for half a month. 

At that time, Jane broke into the operating room and did not say a word. She just looked at him with tears in her eyes, and Edwin came down from the operating table obediently. 

"Mommy, I'm back." When Janell came back from school, she immediately came to the hospital to visit her mother and the child in the belly. 

"Okay, come here." Jane waved her hand gently. 

Janell immediately threw herself into her mother's arms and put her little head on her round belly. She followed what her father did every day and listened to the baby carefully, "Mommy, the baby is talking to me." 

"What did the baby say?" Jane asked with a smile. They didn't check for the gender of the child. They wanted to be surprised. 

"The baby said I am so beautiful and the baby wants to meet me soon." Yes, she would soon be an elder sister. She felt so happy as she knew she would have a baby to pamper soon. 

"Did the baby ask you to send a message to me? Does the baby want to see Mommy and Daddy?" Jane smiled and rubbed Janell's head. 

A few years passed in the blink of an eye. Janell was ten years old now, and she looked even more beautiful and lovely than before. Not only was she beautiful, but she also had a sweet mouth. She could make her grandparents laugh everyday. 

"Okay, I'll listen to her again." Janell listened carefully again, and then cheekily said to her mother, "The baby said that she only wants to see me." 

"The baby doesn't want to see me? I feel so sad." Jane pretended to be very sad, but she couldn't resist smiling at Janell's answer. 

When she was pregnant with this baby, she was worried that Janell would not accept it. However, she did not expect that when her little girl heard that she would have a little brother or sister, she was happier than anyone in the family.

Before the baby was born, Janell had already bought a lot of toys in advance. She said that she would give them to her younger brother or younger sister. 

"Mommy, I'm just kidding with you. Obviously, the baby wants to see you first. You must be exhausted being pregnant for 10 months." 

This was their Janell. Even though she was young, she spoke eloquently. She could empathize with her mother very well. 

"Mommy, Janell." Andrew also came over. Now, he was already sixteen years old. He had grown up so much and grew very tall. Although he was just a little shorter than his father, he was definitely the tallest among his peers. 

He was also good-looking. In addition, he was the adopted son of the Carter family. At such a young age, a lot of people had been eyeing on him. 

"Andrew." Jane waved her hand and said with a smile, "Come here and sit with us." 

"Brother, you're back." Janell greeted him in a very polite voice. 

When Andrew was about to sit down, Janell quickly got up. "Mommy, I'll see what Daddy is doing in the study." 

Andrew's eyes darkened as he watched Janell run away. This little girl was so nice to everyone, yet she was never nice to him. Over the years, he had been working hard to improve their relationship, but Janell's attitude towards him had not changed at all. 

In front of the elders, in order to maintain her lovely and sensible image, she would talk to him obediently. But when the two of them were alone, she would talk to him in an impolite way. She probably had never treated him as her elder brother. 

"Andrew, thank you for giving in to Janell all these years. She is sometimes a little stubborn, so i'd like to apologize on behalf of her!

She loved all her children well. As a mother, she could understand the children's thoughts too. 

"Mommy, she is my younger sister, and I am the elder brother. Isn't it normal for me to give way to her?" He had persuaded himself to play the role of a good brother all these years. 

"Andrew, you are our child. In our eyes, you and Janell are equal, so if you have anything to share, just tell us and don't keep it to yourself." 

Jane and Edwin had always regarded Andrew as their own child, so she hoped that Andrew could also trust them like his own biological parents. If there was a problem between the siblings, they didn't want Andrew to just keep quiet. 

"I know, Mommy. Don't worry" All this while, Andrew was always a sensible child in front of his parents. 

"Alright, then carry on with your tasks." Jane tried to get up from the bed, but suddenly, she felt a burst of pain in her stomach and quickly sat back. 


"Andrew, call Daddy over quickly. I think I'm due soon." 

There was still a week left before the baby's due date. Was the baby so eager to come out and meet everyone? 

"Jane, don't move. I'll ask the doctors and nurses to bring you to the delivery room right away." Edwin did not dare to go too far. When he was working, he was working in the office outside the ward. He needed to make himself available for Jane at all time. 

He called for the doctor quickly. The medical staff who were responsible for Karen's delivery were always on standby outside the room anyway as they waited for her delivery. 

The doctors and nurses were all very experienced and trained. They moved Jane to the delivery room quickly and professionally. 

"Jane, don't be afraid. I will accompany you and the child all the way." This time, Edwin was excited and worried at the same time because he could stay with Jane and witness the birth of their child. 

Even though he was well prepared, he was still worried that Jane could not stand the pain. He had proposed a C-section before, but Jane felt that going through a C-section might not be good for the child, and she wanted to have a natural birth. 

Soon, they arrived at the delivery room. The doctor looked at Edwin and said, "Chairman Carter, sorry, but you'll have to wait outside. This.." 

Edwin shot a cold look at the doctor. The doctor shut up immediately. How could she forget how much the chairman cared for his wife? It was absolutely impossible for him to wait outside while his wife suffered..



"Wah, wah, wah..." After being in his mother's belly for ten months, the baby finally came to this brand new world. The first thing the little baby did was to cry out loud. These newborns always used the most unique way of telling the world that they have arrived! 

The doctor said happily with the baby in her arms, "Chairman Carter, congratulations, Mrs. Carter has a newly born baby." 

However, Edwin did not even look at the child. He stroked Jane's sweaty hair and leaned over to kiss her. "Jane, I'm sorry!" 

All the pain she suffered today was because of him. Ten thousand apologies were not enough to express the guilt in his heart. 

Jane shook her head, pressed her dry lips together, and said, "I'm really happy to be able to give birth to our child again." Compared to the fear of being cut in the belly when she gave birth to Janell, she felt much better this time as Edwin accompanied her all the way. 

Edwin didn't say much, but she could feel his strength and warmth when he held her hand tightly. The process of labour was extremely painful, but it became bearable with his love and support through the entire process. 

"Silly woman." He rebuked her in a soft voice and gently kissed her again. He kissed the sweat and tears on her face. His movements were gentle, as if he was protecting his treasure. 

Jane raised her head slightly and looked at the child in the doctor's hand. "Doctor, can I see my child?" The doctor wrapped the baby up and brought the baby over. 

Before the doctor got close to Jane, Edwin reached out to take the child immediately. He held the child towards Jane and said, "The child is healthy and cute. When he grows up, he will look more like you." 

"I hope that our child will look more like you." Since the baby was a boy, she hoped that the child would look like his father. 

The baby must be as tall and handsome as his father. Then in the future, she would not have to worry about the child's luck in the love department. 

Jane really wanted to hold the child, but since she just gave birth to the baby, she felt extremely tired and physically drained. She held her hands back in disappointment. 

"Don't rush. When you are better, you can hold him every day." Edwin wanted to give the child back to the doctor, but when he saw Jane's eager look, his heart ached. She must be worried that the child would be taken away. 

Many years ago, when she gave birth to Janell, she couldn't remember anything when she woke up. She didn't even see what her child looked like. Now, she was afraid that the past would repeat itself. 

She was afraid that after the doctor took the child away, she would never see their child again, Edwin assured her gently, "Jane, I will get someone to take good care of the child. We can go back to the ward to rest. The doctor will bring the child to us in a while." 

"Edwin, why don't you stay with the baby? I'm still afraid." The trauma that had been buried in the bottom of her heart was not something that could be forgotten easily.

Edwin wanted to stay by Jane's side badly. He was also afraid of the past. No one would believe that a strong man like him would be afraid. But at this moment, he was really scared. He was afraid that if he left her and came back, Jane would disappear from his life completely just like she did many years ago.

Edwin was not afraid of anything. Even if everything collapsed in front of him, he could still remain calm, but Jane was his only weakness in his life. He was afraid that she would disappear in front of his eyes again. 

Edwin had his own concerns, but he could not show them to Jane. He wanted Jane to be rest assured, so he had to accompany the child. 

When Jane came out of the operating room, Father and Mother Carter, Angela and Laura were waiting outside the room. When they saw that Jane was pushed out, they all gathered around and looked at the doctor holding the child, then they looked at Jane. 

"Jane, are you okay?" Laura glanced at the child and focused on Jane. 

"Laura, I'm fine. Thank you for taking the time to come and see me." Jane smiled weakly at Laura. 

Edwin's eyes swept over the people in front of him, and finally spoke to Laura, "Laura, please look after Jane for me." 

Edwin trusted his parents. But he remembered how Jane still went missing while his parents were around. Therefore, when it came to caring for Jane, Edwin was more willing to entrust Jane to Laura. 

He knew that Laura was devoted and loyal to Jane. In the years when he was searching for Jane, Laura was also trying her best to find Jane. She was the only person who had the same belief as he did. Both of them believed that Jane was still alive! 

"Jane is worried about the child, you can go and accompany the child. I will keep an eye on her." 

Jane was worried. As her best friend, Laura understood both their personalities very well. Since Jane was pregnant, she had been going for check ups regularly to ensure the child's health. 

As she had a natural birth, the child was in good health. He didn't need to be put in an incubator like Janell was, as she had been born prematurely. 

After cleaning the child, the doctor quickly brought the child to Jane so that they could reunite with each other. Looking at the little baby lying next to her, Jane's heart melted. She really wanted to reach out to touch him, but she was afraid that if she touched him a little, she would poke through his tender little face. 

Therefore, Jane could only look at the child with eager eyes and tried to reach out to hold him several times. She was not brave enough to carry the child. 

Although Janell was ten years old now, it was the first time that Jane had seen her own newborn baby because she missed out on Janell's infant years. 

As she witnessed how tiny and fragile her baby could be, she felt so happy that she felt like she conquered the world. 

"Jane, please sleep for a while." Edwin tried to persuade her several times, but she just shook her head as she did not want to close her eyes. In fact, after giving birth to the baby, she felt so tired and painful that she almost fainted, but she still refused to sleep or rest. She felt that she needed to be strong for her newborn child. 

"Mommy, I will accompany you and the baby here. Don't worry." Janell was sensible and knew how to comfort her mother. 

"That's right. Janell and I are here with you. What are you worried about?" Edwin stroked her forehead and spoke gently.

"Alright, I'll just sleep for a while." Jane looked at Edwin, then looked at Janell, and then she looked at the new member of their family. 

In a trance, she felt like the child was smiling at her. Slowly, she felt less worried and less scared. They were the closest people in her life. With them by her side, she knew she would be fine. 

After reassuring herself, Jane felt a little relieved and closed her eyes to sleep. She closed her eyes, but she still couldn't fall asleep. Her mind was playing scenes from her past, and she recalled everything that had happened over the years. 

The sudden marriage, finding out that her newly married husband was a big boss of a company, the people who abandoned her came to find her, then her mother committed suicide, and her father was killed... 

She thought about all the things that had happened in the past, and she would still be sad. However, she would not be afraid anymore, because she had Edwin and their children. 

As she thought about it, she slowly calmed herself down and gradually fell asleep. She said that she was not afraid anymore, but she was still holding on tightly to the blanket that was used to wrap the baby when she slept. 

Her actions still revealed that she was worried and afraid deep down. Edwin reached out his hand and gently touched her forehead. He held her tightly with his other hand as he tried to reassure her... 

Perhaps Jane could sense Edwin's comfort, her frowning eyebrows gradually relaxed and her grip from holding the blanket loosened a little. 

In this life, he had her, and she also had him. And that was enough!.