Wednesday, October 7, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 911 - 917


CHAPTERS 911 - 917


Time flew by very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a week had passed just like that.

Serene Silas was discharged from the hospital today, and Janell Joy originally wanted to bring her home. Unexpectedly, her Brother Lucas had arranged a residence for Serene and asked someone to take care of her.

Not only did he hire special personnel to take care of her, but he also personally ordered the domestic helper over there, "Miss Silas is in poor health. You have to take good care of her these days."

She hoped that Brother Lucas could help Serene out, but when she saw how Brother Lucas could take care of another woman so thoughtfully, Janell Joy began to feel jealous again.

She felt that she was really a strange woman. She was extremely confident, but she always lost that part of herself in her relationship with Brother Lucas.

Perhaps it was because Brother Lucas had a fiance in name and she was entangled in an awkward relationship, that was why she feIt insecure.

"Janell Joy, don't worry, I am totally fine." Seeing Janell Joy being so silent, Serene thought she was worried for her, so she gracefully spun twice in front of Janell Joy, proving that she had really recovered.

"Sister Serene..." Serene's body was now fine, but what about the wound in her heart? Could Jackie heal Sister Serene's wound in her heart?

In the past week, Jackie had not appeared, nor had there been any news of him. Sister Serene didn't seem bothered, but Janell Joy could see that in fact, Sister Serene had been thinking about Jackie in her heart.

"Janell Joy, what's wrong?" Serene asked gently.

"Sister Serene, when I am not by your side, you must take good care of yourself. Don't get hurt again." Janell Joy gave Serene a big hug.

"Yes! My dearest Miss Carter!" Serene said with a smile.

"Sister Serene, you're mocking me!"

"Our President is here, I don't have the courage to laugh at the person he loves." When Serene said this, Nathaniel came right towards them.

"Hmm?" Nathaniel continued, "Who bullied my Janell?"

"Who's your Janell?" Janell joy rebuked. Since they were not officially a couple yet, he should not say such flirty words and make others misunderstand!

"Are you not? But everyone knows that you are my girl." It was rare to see Janell Joy's shy face, so Nathaniel wanted to continue teasing her.

"Don't go too far, Nathaniel." She shot him a warning look. Now, she would tolerate as there were others. If there were only the two of them, he would have to see how she would get "revenge" on him.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll stop." Nathaniel rubbed her head and took her hand. "Serene, we'll go first. We'll come to see you another day."

"Mm, okay." Serene sent them off to the door and watched their car leave. Then she turned back to the house.

As soon as she turned around, she bumped into something. She hurt her nose badly and she cringed in pain.

She covered her painful nose and looked up to see a masked face.

She was so frightened that she took a step back, but the next moment, she fell into the man's broad and strong arms. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not escape.

In the past, when she did not know that this man was the Jackie she had been thinking about every day and night, it would make her sick whenever he touched her.

Now, she knew that he was the man she was thinking about every day and night. Although he changed his face, he was still the same man deep down. When he touched her, it didn't feel as disgusting as before, and she was even willing to let him touch her, actually.

When his body temperature and breathing gradually merged with hers, she seemed to have felt a sense of familiarity that had been gone for a long time.

In the past, when they were together, when he would make her angry and she would throw a tantrum, he would hold her in his arms and kiss her in spite of her struggle and resistance.

For a long time, Jackie had always been very domineering. He was so overbearing that she couldn't even mention another man's name in front of him.

However, he also doted on her and treated her preciously. As long as he was around, no one could hurt even a strand of her hair.


He definitely didn't know that he would be the one who hurt her the most in the end.

She wasn‘t too saddened when she was being used by the Silas family, because they didn't love her and she didn't love them anyway. She could disregard their doings and their mistreatment of her.

But Jackie was different to her.

Jackie was the only person she could rely on over the years and the person she loved deeply. In her opinion, even if everyone in the world could betray her and bully her, Jackie would never, absolutely not!

For a long time, she firmly believed in Jackie and his love for her. However, he still let her down, and he betrayed her love for him...

Thinking of this, Serene bit her lips hard and pushed away the man who was holding her with her greatest strength. "Get out! Don't let me see you! You devil!"

Jackie froze, and he looked at Serene coldly. His masked face seemed icy and unapproachable.

His gaze was cold, but Serene seemed to be able to see the gentleness in his eyes that she was familiar with.... Her heart suddenly ached for him.

It was as if someone had took her heart out and tried to crush it, the grip getting tighter and tighter. She found it hard to breathe and she felt as if her heart was about to be crushed.

She didn't look at him, and she didn't want to be influenced by his gaze. She turned around and tried to avoid him.

However, she knew that Jackie was definitely not a person who would give up easily. Therefore, before she could turn around, Jackie pulled her back with his long arms.

Jackie held her shoulders with both hands and stared at her. He didn't blink and didn't say anything.

"Let go of me! Don't touch me! If you touch me, I will feel dirty!" Serene punched him and shouted with all her strength.

"I was wrong! I misunderstood you because I didn't find out the truth!" Jackie said loudly and very clearly. "I'm sorry!"

He was an extremely proud man. She had never heard him say these words out loud before, and it was not easy for him to say it out loud this time.

Serene understood him and knew how difficult it was for him to say these words. Serene‘s heart throbbed again and she was in a panic because of the pain.

" I'm sorry?" Serene smiled, but tears ran down her face. Did he think that a simple 'sorry' was enough?

Did he know how much psychological trauma he had given her?

For a whole week, every time she fell asleep, she had the same nightmare; a nightmare where she was raped by a man with a mask and a face that couldn't be seen clearly.

"Serene, I'm sorry!" Jackie said again. His voice gradually crumbling as he repeated his apologies.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" Serene roared at him, and her tears rolled down her cheeks like floodwater. She couldn't control herself.


Jackie was speechless. 

He was stunned as he looked at her quietly. What was he sorry for?

He was sorry for too many things.

Even If he had to spend the rest of his life to compensate her, he wouldn't be able to make up for the damage he had done to her.

"You're sorry, sorry?... If saying 'sorry' has any use, why would there be a need for law and order? So when the rapists say sorry, will the victims just forgive them?"

Not giving Jackie a chance to speak, Serene shouted over and over again as she was wiping her tears, as If she was venting the grievance she had suffered from him during this period of time.

Hearing that she compared him to a rapist, Jackie sighed and looked down, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

In fact, Serene was right. Not long ago, he imprisoned her and didn't give her any freedom. He even did whatever he wanted with her. Those actions were diabolical to say the least! Comparing him to a common rapist was already being kind to him.

"Go! I don't want to see you! I beg you, please let me go! I really don‘t want to see you again, not even a glance." She couldn't forget how kind he used to be to her, so she couldn't accept that the person who raped and tortured her, was actually the person whom she loved.

During the time in the Misty Mountain, whenever she was bullied by him, she would call out Jackie's name in her mind, imagining that the man on top of her was him.

She had never expected that the man was indeed her Jackie...

Jackie's tall body stood in front of Serene like an unmovable mountain. No matter how she pushed him, she couldn‘t push him at all. After a long time, Jackie gently opened his mouth and said, "I'm sorry!" It was still these words he could utter.

"I asked you this. What are you sorry for?" Serene didn't know what was In her mind. She just had to get an answer from him.

Jackie was speechless.

Once again, Jackie could not answer her question, because he owed her too much, so much that he was too guilty to say anything.

Serene bit her lips and asked aggressively, "Can't you say it? Well, tell me, who are you? What is our relationship? Why do you have to say sorry to me?"

"I have not known who I am for a long time, and I can't even find the courage to live... But I have never forgotten that I still owe someone a promise. I said that I would give her happiness, but I haven‘t done it yet. I hope she can give me a chance to continue to do the things that I haven't accomplished." He spoke every word slowly and surely, and Serene heard every single word he said.

Serene remembered clearly. It was snowing heavily that day, and the snow engulfed every patch of land, like a thick fluffy cloud.

A man, with a silly look on his face, took her hand and ran into the thick snow. He ran to the top of the snowy pile and held her hand as he shouted to the sky, "God be my witness, I, Jackie Leves, swear here today that I will love Serene Silas for the rest of my life and give her happiness. I will absolutely not allow anyone to hurt her again."

Such a childish thing did not look like what the usually calm and rational Jackie would do, but for her, he did do such a childish thing.

Just as Serene looked at him in a daze, he suddenly turned his head and caught her gaze. He smiled and said, "Serene, from now on, you will be my woman. I will take care of you, and I will never let anyone hurt you again."

"Okay.” Although his words sounded ambitious, Serene did not care about that at all. She let out a wide smile. "With you around, I won't be afraid." She put her slender hands into his hands. "Jackie, I will give you happiness from now on too."

They promised each other that they would make each other happy. However, not long after, a huge tragedy separated them.

She was waiting for him to come back, while he was recovering on a sickbed, and was looking forward to coming back to find her.

They were not together, but they were thinking about each other.

However, no one had expected that another tragedy had taken place one day before Jackie planned to come back.

Jackie asked Daryl to secretly investigate the extermination of the Leves family. After half a year of investigation, he finally got a clue. The information that he obtained pointed at Serene for being involved in the homicide.

In this one year, his source of support and strength became the culprit of the extermination of the Leves family. When he received this information, Jackie felt like his world had collapsed.

"Can you give me another chance?" Without waiting for Serene's answer for a long time, Jackie clenched his fists and asked cautiously.

Serene looked at him. He had changed his face and voice, but the way he looked at her did not change, which made her see the tenderness that she was so familiar with.

"Is that okay?" He asked again in a more cautious tone, as If he was worried that he might scare her if he spoke louder.

Serene did not answer him. Instead, she stretched out her hands, slowly approaching him, and finally touched his half masked face.

One year ago, when the tragedy happened to the Leves family, she heard the news and got there immediately. She saw how the mansion of the Leves family was burned down. There were more than a dozen burnt bodies in the house, and no one could tell who died and who survived. Later, after the forensics were done, it turned out that the dead bodies were all members of the Leves family.

However, Serene couldn't tell who survived and who did not. So, Serene didn't know whether Jackie was still alive or dead from that big fire.

Since she didn't know, she persuaded herself that he would be fine since he was so smart and skilled. He would definitely have escaped and be fine.

She was waiting for him for a whole year with this belief.

Now that he finally came back, it didn't matter if he changed his face, or even if he did something to hurt her...

She still had no way to blame him.

Most of the time, her body was more honest than her thoughts. Before she could say anything, her hand had already touched his face. She could only Imagine his pain in the past year.

"Serene..." He said.

"I'll give you happiness too." This was the answer she gave him.


"Janell?" Seeing Janell Joy Carter lowering her head, Nathaniel Cooper reached out and patted her head, but the little girl did not respond and kept pouting.

"Janell, what's wrong?" Nathaniel held her face and asked again.

"Nothing." Janell Joy said sullenly.

"Nothing?" All her emotions were reflected on this girl's face. How could it be possible that it was nothing?

"I just suddenly feel depressed, I feel a little uncomfortable." Janell Joy looked up and met Nathaniel's gentle gaze.

Nathaniel understood what she was thinking and knew what she was worried about. He stroked her head and said softly, "Janell, can you give me some more time?"


"Brother Lucas, I'm just a little scared." Janell Joy Carter said.

"What are you scared of?" Nathaniel Cooper replied with a question.

"I'm scared that, just like when I was a child, I would wake up one day and not see you again." When she was a child, she went through two traumatic experiences. As a result, she was afraid of darkness, and she was afraid that she couldn't find her Brother Lucas after she wakes up.

These days, Brother Lucas was clearly with her, but her heart was inexplicably in a panic. She always felt that she would lose him.

"No! I will never leave you alone like that." Nathaniel took her into his arms and lowered his head to kiss her forehead gently.

She had this worry, so did he. She certainly did not know that he was more afraid that she would disappear from his sight too.

"By the way, Brother Lucas, has Jackie figured things out? Would he secretly come and cause trouble to Sister Serene?" As they talked, Janell Joy thought of Serene Silas again. If she did not see Serene live a happy life with her own eyes, she would feel bad to be with her Brother Lucas.

Nathaniel rubbed her head and said, "Jackie is already at Serene's place. How could he not figure things out?"

"Jackie is at Sister Serene‘s place? Really? Brother Lucas, are you sure you're not just comforting me?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"Hehe, of course not.“ Janell Joy smiled awkwardly. "Jackie, that big idiot, he actually figured it out so quickly?"

"He is not an Idiot, but the evidence he got led him to a dead end. With someone reminding him of the truth, he could see things quickly. He will shoulder the responsibility that he should and protect his woman well from now on." Nathaniel looked at Janell Joy tenderly. "Janell, don't worry about Serene anymore."

Janell Joy smiled and said, "Well, I will only care about you in the future. Not others!"

"Janell, I'm sorry!"

"Brother Lucas, are you crazy? Why did you suddenly apologize?" Janell Joy was confused.

"I made you suffer." Nathaniel said again.

As the almighty Miss Carter of Shengtian, Janell Joy had been well taken care of by her family since she was a child. When did she ever need to worry so much and suffer so much? However, since she came to Nathaniel's side, trouble had been following her.

"Brother Lucas!" Janell Joy smiled brightly. "It doesn't matter if I am suffering now, as long as you take extra care of me in the future."

"Okay." After saying that, Nathaniel lowered his head and kissed her, stopping the little girl from saying what she wanted to say.


The annoying ringtone suddenly rang. B*stard, how could someone call her at this time?

Janell Joy clenched her fists and couldn't wait to tear up the person who called to harass her at this time.

She wanted to ignore It, but the annoying ringtone kept ringing, so she couldn't enjoy Brother Lucas's kiss. She had to push him away. "Brother Lucas, wait for me. Let me attend to whoever's calling me and beat him up, and then we'll continue."

"Mm, okay." Nathaniel tried not to laugh. The little girl was so adorable that it made him want to swallow her up in one bite. Her words were hilarious.

However, when Janell Joy saw the caller name on the screen of the phone, she immediately became frightened.

The phone call was from her dearest father. Hence, she needed to play nice. Immediately, she put on a lovely smile and said softly, "Dad, I miss you so much. Do you miss me too?"

However, no one spoke on the other side of the phone.

Janell Joy knew that her prideful father was still angry with her. The last time he called her, she didn't pick up the phone. She called him back, but he didn't pick it up either.

Every time she encountered this kind of situation, she would try a little harder. No matter how angry her father was, he would not be able to withstand her pestering and he would surrender. However, she did not do that this time around. She had forgotten everything since she was so busy these days, so her father might be even angrier with her.

Janell Joy immediately said something pleasing to her father, “Dad, don't be angry at me. Even though I didn't call you, I've been thinking about you every moment I get."

There was still no sound from the other end of the phone. She could even imagine how cold her father's face looked.

Her evil father would only bully her. He

treated her so differently than her mother did sometimes.

Janell Joy was dissatisfied with her father now, but she didn't dare to say It out loud. She just pulled an ugly face, but she still said sweetly, "Dad, are you going to ignore me for the rest of your life?"

There was still no response. As expected, he was coId-blooded! He was indeed arrogant!

She had to remember this grudge. When her mother argued with him in the future, Janell Joy would surely not side with him anymore. She would definitely add oil to the fire.

"Cough -" Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, the prideful man on the other end of the phone deliberately coughed to show that he was listening.

When her father gave the signal, Janell Joy knew that her cold father was slowly melting.

Her beautiful eyes blinked, and there was a cunning light flashing in her eyes. She put on a pitiful look, "Dad... you don't like me anymore. Brother Lucas also has another woman behind my back, and all of you don't want me anymore. I am just a poor child that nobody loves."

"That kid got another woman behind your back?" Hearing his daughter's aggrieved voice, Edwin Carter couldn't be more nervous. 

He said in a low voice, "Janell, don't cry. I will bring you home immediately. As for the person who betrayed you... Nick, find someone to beat him up."

This was the arrogant, cold, and very proactive Edwin Carter.

Earlier, he was still showing his temper at his daughter, but when he heard that his daughter had been bullied, he immediately ordered to send his men to beat up the person who made his daughter sad.

No matter who the other party was, even if he was the leader of Country A, if he made his daughter sad, Edwin would not let him go.

Because in his point of view, his daughter was his world. The President was nothing compared to his daughter.

These days, every time he thought of how Nathaniel had stolen his lovely daughter‘s heart, Edwin was so angry that he wanted to send someone to assassinate that brat.

Janell Joy was scared out of her wits after listening to her father's words. Did her father have to be so protective of her?

She quickly explained, "Dad, no, no, I'm messing with you. Brother Lucas didn't betray me."

Edwin was very unhappy. "You're still protecting him?"

"No, he really didn't betray me. It's because you were not talking to me, I deliberately teased you. Dad, I am your most lovely, beautiful, and smart daughter. Have you ever seen me stoop low for others?" 

Besides having to deal with her father, there was also another sharp gaze staring at her.


Janell Joy Carter felt chills run down her spine when she saw the look In the eyes of the person next to her. She turned her head and saw Brother Lucas looking at her coldly.

Both her father and Brother Lucas were not men to be trifled with, so why was she so courageous to mess with both of them?

She smiled at him and didn't say anything. She continued to talk to her father, ”Dad, look. If you don't talk, I will feel anxious, and I feel like a child that no one loves. Dad, I am your lovely and sensible little daughter, please talk to me."

In comparison, her father was more Important. Janell Joy decided to comfort her proud father first. As for Brother Lucas, she had a lot of ways to comfort him later.

”Mm." Edwin Carter scoffed, she didn‘t know If he meant his word.

Jamel Joy pouted angrily and shrugged helplessly. To face such a cold and arrogant father everyday, It must be hard on her beautiful and gentle mother.

If her Brother Lucas was like her father, she would definitely collapse one day.


"Tell the boy next to you, what I said earlier was definitely not a joke."


Then, Edwin just hung up.


She was so pitiful. She was like a poor unloved child. After so many days, her father was still angry with her.

Her father didn't even say goodbye to her and hung up her call so heartlessly.

She looked at Nathaniel next and pouted, "Brother Lucas, it's all your fault!”

"You said that I've been seeing other women behind your back?" Nathaniel also held grudges. He did not forget how the little girl badmouthed him.

"Brother Lucas, I know that you like me so much. How would you possibly cheat on me? Tell me, who said that? I'll help you deal with her." Janell Joy smiled ingratiatingly and was ready to act dumb. As long as she behaved coyly, Brother Lucas would never punish her.

"I don't need your help. I will personally “take care' of the naughty little girl who said that I‘ve been seeing another woman." He deliberately emphasized on the word "take care", which made Janell Joy feel a little frightened. She was worried he might mean something else...

Brother Lucas just went up to her and kissed her hard, and his hands were wandering around her body. This was a first, and she was stunned. She was so nervous that she did not know what to do. She was ready to just accept whatever Brother Lucas wanted to do.

When Brother Lucas finally let her go, Jamel Joy was so shy that her body turned red. She lowered her head and didn't even dare to look at him.

She swore that she would never dare to provoke him again in the future. Brother Lucas was a huge wolf in sheep's skin!

She was just a naive girl. How could he use such a shameless way to "take care" of her?

"Do you like it?"

Suddenly, she heard his familiar, seductive voice.

Janell Joy loved hearing his voice. She looked at him and nodded stupidly. Soon, she felt that something was wrong and shook her head hard, "No, I don't like it."

She was not a masochist, so how could she enjoy Brother Lucas's "punishment"?

Earlier, his hands were... She was too embarrassed to think about it.

Janell Joy touched her blushing face. She could imagine that she was probably blushing as red as a tomato.

"You don‘t like it?" Nathaniel asked again. Janell Joy felt that Brother Lucas was approaching her again. She could feel that his breath near her earlobe, which was tickling her.

She felt that her face was getting even redder… She must have looked very funny and ridiculous.

Nathaniel carried her up to sit on his thighs. He was strongly expressing how much he wanted to love her.

"Brother Lucas... Please don't do this!" Janell Joy exclaimed and put her hands on his chest. She was so scared that she didn't dare to move.

For a long time, she had underestimated how strong a man could be when he wanted a woman. He was so strong that she couldn‘t refuse him at all. She felt immersed in his aura.

"Little girl, there is no next time." Every part of his body was yearning for hers. He wanted her to become his woman so badly.

But in the end, his rationale still defeated his impulse. How could he eat her up before he even publicly declared their relationship?

Janell Joy calmed herself down. Fortunately, Brother Lucas was not so cruel, but there was a trace of unspeakable disappointment in her heart after he pulled away.

She didn‘t know why either.

At the same time, Edwin Carter, who had just hung up the phone with his daughter, also had a bad time.

When he hung up her call, he didn't expect his wife to be standing at the door of the study and staring at him.

He felt a little guilty and asked, "it's late, you're not going to sleep?"

Jane Ronan still did not speak and she just stared at him. Edwin Carter put down the document In his hand and walked over to her. "Jane, what's wrong? What happened? Why are you not talking?"

Jane pressed her lips together, but did not say a word.

Edwin stretched out his hand to hug her, but she stepped back to avoid him. "When I'm not talking, you can sense that something's happened? You're feeling anxious aren't you?"

"Yes." Edwin answered honestly.

"You know that it's not a good feeling, so why would you ignore Baby Janell? She is alone in a foreign country, and her parents are not by her side. You called her but didn't talk to her. Don't you know how upset she will be?"

Most of the time, Jane wanted to give him a long lecture. Obviously, he loved his daughter more than anyone else, but he treated his daughter poorly at times. One day, if his daughter really ignored him, he would have to hide in a corner and cry. She would not pity him then.

“I..." Edwin was speechless.

Jane rolled her eyes at him and said, "You don't know? Do you think that after she has her Brother Lucas, she wouldn't care about her father? Mr. Carter, don't you think you are too childish? Our Baby Janell is your child too, you're the one who raised her, how would she not care about you?"

" I just don't like that boy, who is he to steal my precious daughter away?" Janell Joy was his child that he raised lovingly. She had just grown up and she ran so far away to find that boy so soon. Every time he thought of it, Edwin felt as if his heart was soaked in jealousy.

Jane did not agree with Edwin's point of view. "What's wrong with Lucas? I think he's a good boy. He doted on our Janell since she was a little baby. The last time I saw him, he still cared for Janell a lot. These days, he has protected our Janell well, I'm getting more and more satisfied with him."

Edwin looked at Jane with dissatisfaction, she looked like a typical mother-in-law who was happy with her son-in-law.


"What are you looking at? Do you think I'm wrong?" In this matter, Edwin Carter was very stubborn. Although Jane Ronan had persuaded him many times, he still did not like Lucas.

Edwin remained quiet.

Jane said in a gentler voice, "You're not talking again? So you disagree with me?"

Edwin still kept his peace.

Jane added, "Mr. Carter, if you are not happy, just say it. Let's have a good talk. You being silent like this, are you mad at me?"

Edwin replied, "No, I'm not." 

Jane asked, "You‘re not what?" 

Edwin said, "I think you are right."

Hearing Edwin's words, Jane did not know how to react. “If you are unhappy, just say it directly. I am not an unreasonable woman."

Edwin said lightly, “Are you not?"

"What?" Jane raised her eyebrows and suddenly smiled gently. "Apparently I am an unreasonable woman in your eyes."

Edwin realized that he had said something wrong and immediately explained, "I didn't mean that."

Jane smiled even more gently, and her beautiful eyes were shining very brightly. "Mr. Carter, tell me, what did you mean?"

Edwin did not answer her.

In front of Jane, he couldn't just debate his way out of anything.

Jane smiled and said, "Hmm? Are you going to explain yourself, Mr. Carter?"

Edwin did not want to.

Jane finally said, “Mr. Carter, get busy with your work. I'm going away with your son for a few days. Goodbye!"

After that, regardless of Edwin's expression, Jane turned around and walked out of the doon

She came to her son‘s room and said, "Son, pack up. Let's go find your sister."

Little Precious raised his head, he frowned and asked, "Mom, has Little Aunt been chatting with you lately?"

Jane was stunned. “I'm inviting you on a trip, why did you suddenly mention your Little Aunt?"

Little Precious said seriously, "As far as I know, only Little Aunt would do something as childish as running away from home. My mom is gentle and forgiving, she would never do such a thing."

Jane rubbed Little Precious' face and said lovingly, "Little Precious, are you saying that your mother is childish?"

Little Precious shook his head and said, "I'm saying that my Mom is gentle and forgiving, but my Little Aunt is childish."

Karen chuckled and said, "Little one, your mouth is smarter than that evil Dad of yours."

Her son looked as cold as his father, but his emotional intelligence was much higher than his father's. He knew how to please people with his words.

Little Precious said again, "Mom, moreover, could you really bear leaving dad all alone, by running away from home?"

He didn't wait for his mother's reply, he only stared at her conflicted look. Little Precious already knew that his mother absolutely didn't want to part with his father.

Besides, even if his mother really wanted to run away from home, would his father let her?

See, what did he just say? As soon as his mother arrived at his room, his father was just behind her.

Jane tried to reason her stance. "Your father accused me of being unreasonable. if I didn't get mad at him, he will continue to bully me in the future."

Little Precious winked at his mother, indicating that there was someone behind her.

Jane was still a little angry. She knew that Edwin had already caught up with her, but she didn't want to look back at him.

Edwin walked to her side and reached out to hold her hand. "I was just joking with you. Do you have to make it such a big deal and run away from home?"

Jane kept quiet. She did not appreciate a "joke" like this.

Edwin said softly, "Even if you are unreasonable, even if you have all kinds of bad qualities, why does it matter?"

Jane rolled her eyes at him and said, "How could it not matter? It's related to my reputation, okay?"

Over the years, she had been working hard to be a woman worthy of him, so she didn't want him to dismiss her efforts.

Edwin added, "No matter what you are like, you are still my wife. You are the woman I like and the woman I want to take care of for the rest of my life."

Jane pouted and smiled like a happy child. "Good that you know to say nice words to make me happy. Okay, I will forgive you this time."

Edwin stroked her head and asked, "You're not angry anymore?"

Jane pretended to be confused, "Who's angry?"

Edwin shook his head. No wonder their daughter would always play dumb and innocent whenever she was in trouble, because she learned this trick from his wife.

It was said that a woman's marriage is truly blissful if she could still laugh silly like a child after many years of marriage.

In addition, if a woman could still throw

childish tantrums in her marriage after so long, then she must be someone whom her husband really cherished.

For so many years, Edwin showered her with unconditional love and care. She understood his love, hence, she cherished their relationship even more.


There was no need for him to talk about what the Leves family had gone through in this year. Serene Silas knew the gist of it.

But knowing that his face had been destroyed by the fire, and knowing that Old Master Leonard had spent a lot of effort to reconstruct his face, and that he took care of Jackie for nearly a year so that he could recover, Serene still felt so sad and pained that her face turned pale.

They had removed the burnt skin and surgically grafted the skin from his thigh onto his face. It was as if he was being reborn.

An ordinary person would not be able to endure that kind of pain.

"It must have really hurt!" After stroking Jackie's face for a long time, Serene choked and said these three words. As soon as she spoke, her tears fell even more quickly.

"It doesn't!" Jackie shook his head and reached out to hold Serene's hand on his face. In order to comfort her, he emphasized, "It really doesn't hurt."

"How can it not hurt!" Serene wiped her tears and bit her lips to control her crying.

"It's all in the past." Jackie said again. He was calm when he thought about the wounds he had suffered, but Serene's tears were something unexpected to him. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know how to.

After a long time, Serene finally calmed down. “The fire was so huge that most of your family were killed. How could it not hurt you?"

Besides the physical pain, the despair and pain in his heart must be the most terrible. When he was so desperate and scared, she was not by his side.

A year ago, she tried her best to look for him, hoping to stand beside him to bear the pain of the incident with him.

However, Jackie seemed to have vanished from the world. She could not find him no matter how hard she tried.

"At least I still have you!" Jackie stretched out his hand and wanted to hold her in his arms, but he thought of the evil things he had done to her before. He stretched out his hand and stopped halfway, as he did not dare to do anything else to make her feel uncomfortable.

“ I'll be with you from now on." Over the past month, Jackie had hurt her deeply. She hated him and even thought that she would not forgive him for the rest of her life.

However, every time she thought of the living hell he lived through this past year, she could not bear to blame him.


"Ser..." Jackie Leves opened his mouth, but he was so emotional that he couldn't call out Serene Silas' name.

He looked at her quietly. He quietly observed her smooth forehead, her beautifully shaped eyebrows, and her dark eyes...

She was the Serene he knew. She had not changed at all, but he mistakenly thought that she was the culprit of the extermination of the Leves family because of the fake information he received. He didn‘t investigate further and even imprisoned her and hurt her so deeply.

"Jackie, I will be with you from now on!" Serene took the initiative to hold his hand instead.

Her hand was very thin and small. Her delicate hand appeared so small in comparison to his.

"Okay!" His response was brief, but it took him a lot of energy to say so.

From now on, with her by his side, he suddenly felt much calmer. No matter how difficult the road ahead was, he had enough courage to go on.

"Have you... eaten?" After looking at each other for a long time, the two looked a little awkward, and Serene broke the ice.

"Not yet." He shook his head.

"Then I'm going to cook. You wait for a while." Serene rolled up her sleeves and was about to go into the kitchen, but she was grabbed by Jackie as soon as she took a step.

He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. "Serene, let me hug you."

At this moment, he still did not dare to believe that she had forgiven him just like that. He thought that she would not forgive him and might even hate him forever. However, she was so kind and did not fault him at all, she even felt sorry for what he had gone through.

He had always known that she was a kind soul, but… Thinking of what he had done during this period of time, he felt extremely remorseful. He could only hug her tighter and tighter.

Serene was much shorter than he was. When he hugged her in his arms, her head fitted perfectly on his chest.

Breathing him in, Serene greedily rubbed her face against his chest. Over the past year, her anxious heart finally found a harbor to rest on.

She came back to life again.

She was no longer the Serene who lived like a walking dead. Instead, she found the strength to carry on now.


After escaping from Brother Lucas's evil hands, she returned home. As soon as she entered the door, Janell Joy Carter received a phone call from Yaya.

Yaya told Janell Joy excitedly that she had passed the interview and was ready to treat her for a celebratory meal. 

It was Yaya‘s treat, so Janell Joy decided to go anyway. She picked up her backpack again and rushed to the place that Yaya had suggested.

When she arrived at the place, Yaya, Burly, and Shane had already arrived. Burly said, "Our Yaya is so brilliant, as long as she wants something, there's nothing she can't do."

Shane, who had always liked to rain on others' parades, spoke really sweetly today, "Yes, our Yaya is the best.“

"Yeah, Sister Yaya is the best. It's my honor to have you as my friend." Janell Joy joined everyone's compliment competition as soon as she entered the room.

"Little Jar is here." The three of them her and greeted her enthusiastically, "Let's order. Let's pick the most expensive food. Our Yaya will have a job and a salary soon, so this bill will not affect her too much.“

"Then I won't show any mercy." Although Janell Joy said she would pick expensive dishes, she did not actually do so. In her heart, her friendship with the group was very precious and priceless.

Each of them picked one of their favourite dishes. Yaya ordered another two dishes generously because she was ecstatic. She said boldly, ”Waiter, please give me another bottle of the most expensive red wine in your restaurant."

Burly quickly stopped her and said, ”Waiter, don't listen to her. You can just serve us our dishes later."

Yaya was dissatisfied. "Burly, why did you stop me? Are you afraid that I can't afford it and that I would borrow cash from you?"

Burly said again, "Yaya, you only passed an interview, you didn't find a pot of gold."

They were all children from the countryside. Usually, they lived frugally. When they came out to eat, they always tried their best to pick the cheapest places.

Today, they chose a high-end restaurant and she wanted the most expensive wine, was Yaya planning to pay for her debts over a long period of time?

Yaya nodded and said with a smile, "You're right. I really found a pot of gold."

She had successfully gotten the job and passed the entry assessment. She would begin her job as the secretary of the general manager tomorrow and see the man she wanted to see every day. If that wasn't a pot of gold, what else could it be?

Shane asked, “What kind of company is it? Is it really as good as you said it is?"

"Hehe..." Yaya glanced at Janell Joy bashfully and said, "In fact, you all should have heard of this company before."

"Shengtian Real Estate, the subsidiary company of Shengtian Corporation Inc?" Seeing Yaya‘s blushing face, Janell Joy guessed that she must have gone after Andrew Carter.

"Yes, congratulations, you're right!" Yaya said.

”Sister Yaya, are you really going there?" Janell Joy was a little surprised. At least to her, Andrew was not that charming of a man, for someone to give up their passion to serve as his secretary.

Of course, that was because Janell Joy didn't know much about Andrew's charm. Well, her heart was filled with Brother Lucas, so how could she think about other men?

In the past few years, there were too many women who wanted to be the secretary of the Young Master of the Carter family, but many of them failed to do so. In the end, they all did not pass the interview. Yaya was lucky enough to get the job at the first try and pass the entrance assessment.

"I think we have to work hard to get what we want. We can't always rely on luck." The more she spoke, the more excited she became. "Look, I've succeeded in my first step. I'll continue to work hard in the future."

"Shengtian's subsidiary?" Burly and Shane were still shocked. Both of them opened their mouths in surprise.

Burly said again, "Yaya, are you sure it's Shengtian Real Estate? How can such a large financial group recruit a non-professional? Are you sure you got the right job and it's not a scam?"

Shengtian Corporation Inc was a multinational conglomerate. Its big boss had been ranked top of the richest people in the world for many years. So far, no one else could challenge his ranking and status.

"Sister Yaya, make sure you read things clearly and don't get cheated." Janell Joy's words had another implied meaning, as she was afraid that Yaya would be lost in Andrew's charm.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Andrew didn't seem to have any hidden intentions or plans...

If Yaya could get together with Andrew, and Andrew could also fall in love with her, that would be great. Yaya was such a nice girl. It would be nice to be her sister-in-law in the future.


The group of friends ate very happily together.

When they left, Yaya gave Janell Joy Carter a big hug. "Little Jar, I don't want to hide it from you. I wanted to work there to pursue your brother. But no matter what happens between your brother and l, I hope we can be friends for the rest of our lives."

Janell Joy smiled and said, "Sister Yaya, of course, as long as you don't fault me, you will always be my good friend.”

Previously, Janell Joy was a little worried that Yaya was so impulsive and worried she would blame her if she could not get what she wanted. Now, what Yaya said completely eliminated Janell Joy's internal worries.

On the way home, Janell Joy sighed again. The biggest joy of coming to Country A was to meet Yaya and her friends.

In this superficial world, it was really difficult to have sincere and innocent friends like Yaya and the two boys.

"Janell Joy..."

Hearing a crisp and tender voice calling her name, Janell Joy looked up and saw the little master of the James Family, Levi James, standing at the elevator.

Seeing that the seven-year-old little one was here alone, Janell Joy did not feel strange. She stepped forward and pinched his face. “Little one, I am older than you, you have to call me sister. You can't just call me by my name directly."

Levi corrected her, "Janell, I am your elder.”

Janell Joy pinched his face hard and said, "You brat, you are my Little Aunt's son, so you are my cousin. How could you call yourself as my elder, do you want to be punished?“

Levi said again, "But yet, my father is your Great Uncle. He is your father's uncle! So am I not your elder?" Janell Joy was taken aback by his words.

This little one was only seven years old, but he was good at refuting her. It was really not that easy to fool him.

Janell Joy rubbed his little head and sighed. "What a complicated relationship. Forget it, since you are still a little kid, I won't argue with you.”

"What do you mean you won't argue with me?" Levi didn't want to accept her concession, so she decided to debate with Janell Joy.

"You are a little man, can't you forget about arguing and just call me sister?" He didn't want Janell Joy to just surrender, but Janell Joy was insistent.

Levi pouted and said, "Dad is right. The women in the Carter family really like to take advantage of the men."

His mother often snatched his sweets, and she did take advantage of him, and so did Janell Joy. Well, she looked sweeter and lovelier than his mother.

They were relying on their lovely and innocent faces to dazzle the men in their family.

"Oh, brat, so that's what your father taught you behind my back!" Angela Carter suddenly jumped out and patted Levi's head while looking unhappy.

Levi dodged Angela's hand. "Mom, you‘re playing runaway again. Don't you think it's tiring? I'm tired of it. I think Dad is tired of it too. Be careful, one day he will really decide to ignore you."

Angela put her hands on her waist and pretended to say ferociously, "Brat, if you are tired of it then go home. Don't follow me here! You are not allowed to refute me, if you refute me again, I will sell you away to another family."

Levi silently complained, "What a heartless mother. But it's not your fault. It's my fault that I ran too fast when l was getting reincarnated. I didn't lodge myself in the right womb."

Angela said, “Brat, you‘re despising your own mother."

Levi said, "How would I dare despise you." 

Angela said, "That's more like it."

Levi added, "If possible, I really want a kind and virtuous mother like Janell Joy's mother.”

Angela was angry as she said, "You brat, don't... don't follow me then. I will no longer acknowledge you as my son."

Levi said, "Very well. I don't want others to know that you‘re my mother too."

Angela kept quiet.

She was so angry with her own son that she couldn't say anything.

One of them was more than 30 years old, while the other was only seven years old. How could they quarrel for such a long time? Janell Joy really admired their patience.

The mother and son duo would probably not stop quarrelling for a while, so Janell Joy coughed softly and said, "Little Aunt, Levi, if you two want to quarrel, go on, I'm going home first."

"Janell, you can't leave. You have to stay here to be the judge." This time, the mother and son spoke in unison, like they were best friends once again.

"Okay, I won’t go.“ Janell Joy had foreseen this, so she said, "Since you two have run away from home and came here, then come and stay with me.“

"My Baby Janell is the best." Angela hugged Janell Joy tightly. "Let's go. Let's go to your place.”

After returning home, Janell Joy served some water for Angela and Levi and asked, "Little Aunt, how did Great Uncle offend you this time?"

Angela took a sip of water and said, "Take a guess."

Janell Joy thought for a moment and said, "You thought he cheated on you?"

Angela rolled her eyes at her and said, "Guess again."

Janell Joy thought about it again and said, "Little Aunt, does he think you're not as loving as you used to be?"

”Guess again." 

"He's sick of your bad temper?" 


"Then what is it?" Janell Joy really couldn't guess it, because she knew that her Little Aunt was always coming up with odd reasons to run away from home.

Angela put down the glass of water angrily, and said, "He lied.“

Janell Joy was doubtful. "How could Great Uncle lie to you? What did he lie to you about?"

Angela held her face and said, "The old bastard, Victor, said that my skin was better than when l was 18 years old."

Upon hearing Angela's words, Levi, who was sitting next to her, immediately rolled his eyes. His mother was really the weirdest lady in the world.

His father said those things because he wanted to praise his wife. He didn't understand how could she feel offended and got so angry that she ran away from home.

His father was also one that could tolerate such an unreasonable woman. Levi wondered, if he were to marry a wife like that in the future... No, he would never marry such an unreasonable wife. He needed a gentle and kind woman who could take care of his family.

Janell Joy's reaction was similar to Levi's. She answered calmly, "Little Aunt, Great Uncle was praising you. What were you thinking about?"

"I wasn't thinking about anything, that old b‘stard Victor was insulting me.” Angela took Janell Joy‘s hand and put it on her face, saying, "Janell, try and touch my face, how does my skin feel?"

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

LM CHAPTERS 904 - 910


CHAPTERS 904 - 910


"Hmm, then you can go now. You are not welcome here, and Sister Serene will not be willing to see you either," Janell Joy Carter said.

If Jackie Leves really did not want to see Serene because of this matter, she would try her best to persuade her to leave this man, because a man like this was not worthy of a woman's love.

"That's great. I don't want to see her either," said Jackie as he clenched his fists. He turned around and left.

As she saw how he was about to leave, Janell Joy suddenly shouted, "Jackie, you coward! You're an irresponsible man! You coward!"

As he heard her words, he paused for a moment. He continued to move forward and reached out to grab the door handle.

Janell Joy roared again, “That woman loves you so much that she almost lost her life when she went against the orders of her elders. And you actually dislike her for being "dirty" because she was raped? It was something she didn't want either!"

Jackie opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Janell Joy interrupted him again, "Jackie, let me tell you this, a man like you doesn't deserve a woman's love. You should get out of here. The farther you get, the better. Don't show up in front of Serene, that way no one will hurt her.”

Janell Joy spoke very fast, but she still uttered every words clearly. Jackie heard every word of hers.

Seeing that he hadn't left the room yet, Janell Joy seemed to see some hope and said, "You can go now. Anyway, since Sister Serene lost her beloved man, she's no different than a dead person. But from now on, I will convince her to cheer up, I will convince her to not cry for a man who is not worthy of her, because it is not worth it."

"You self-righteous woman, what do you know?" Jackie turned around, looked at Janell Joy, and said coldly, "You don't know anything. What right do you have to shout at me? I'm not worthy of her, then is she worthy for me to treat her well?”

"Yes! You are right. I don't know anything." Janell Joy nodded and admitted, but soon she changed the subject. "I don't know if you have her in your heart, but I know you are the only one in her heart."

"You don't know how much she had suffered for you this year. This year, she got engaged to Brother Lucas because she didn't want to be used as a pawn by her family. She thought about you in everything she did, and you still don't know that. In the end, you are the one who knows nothing!"

Jackie was speechless.

Janell Joy added, "You don't know that when you were not here, Sister Serene lived like a walking dead. Oh... Now just because she was raped, you don't even want to see her. Do you think she wanted to be raped? She is more disgusted and horrified by it than you, okay?"

The more she said, the angrier Janell Joy became. She clenched her fists and couldn't wait to punch this man to death.

Sister Serene had suffered so much for him. What right did he have to judge her?

"I'm not..." Jackie wanted to explain what happened, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"You're not a coward? I thought you are not responsible? Aren‘t you disgusted with her?" Janell Joy tried to clarify. The more she said, the more emotional she became. "If you're not, then you should go and hug her."

"..." Jackie stammered. 

Hug her?

His face was the one that Serene didn't want to see the most. If he went to hug her, it might scare her and traumatize her.

Janell Joy said angrily, "Cat has bitten your tongue? If you don't dislike her, why don't you go and see her? Don't you know how powerful your hug is at this time? For Sister Serene, a simple hug from you might be her whoIe world."

Janell Joy was not sure if this was true, but she knew how precious a hug from Brother Lucas was for her when she was afraid.

Jackie remained speechless.

He couldn't answer Janell Joy because she was absolutely right. He could not refute at all.

He also wanted to give Serene a hug, but there were too many things that had happened between them, and they could never return to the past.

The lives of the Leves family that were sacrificed and those things that happened in Misty Mountain these past few days would be something that Serene couldn't process yet.

Since they couldn‘t overcome their obstacles now, so it was destined that they could never return to the past.

"You're so quiet, so am I right?" Janell Joy bit her lip, and her tone suddenly sounded a little sad.

The matter had nothing to do with her, but she felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry. It was as if she was holding her pain inside.

"You can say whatever you want." This was all in the past, he didn't want to say anything more.

Janell Joy shook her head, showing that she didn‘t understand. “Jackie, why? You obviously love her, why don't you want to give each other a chance?"

She could tell that he still cared about Serene. Janell Joy did not understand why he did not want to give them another chance. Was her chastity that important?

"Ha..." Jackie sneered and did not intend to explain. He opened the door.

Then, he saw a woman he loved and hated at the same time stood outside the door.

She stood outside the door looking at him with her pale face, as if she was looking at a stranger.

Jackie opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word because he was too nervous. His head was in a mess and he didn't know what to say.


The sound of the palm hitting on his face was particularly Ioud in the silent corridor, and the sound echoed. That showed how hard the slap was.

Serene slapped Jackie really hard. Jackie could have easily avoided that slap...

But he didn't dodge it. Perhaps it was not because he was slow, but he didn't expect that she would be quietly looking at him at the door. He was so shocked that he forgot to dodge.

"I hate you!" Three words, as cold as frost, slowly came out of Serene's pale lips.

Jackie's heart missed a beat.

He clearly knew that she would hate him when she knew the truth, but when he heard her words, it still hurt tremendously.

Subconsciously, he wanted to grab Serene, but before he moved his hand, he saw her smile again.

She smiled with tears in her eyes, but her words did not match her facial expression, “I will never ever forgive you!"

She told herself. Her Jackie, had died a year ago.

That perfect Jackie that she loved would always be in her mind.


"Never forgive me?" Jackie Leves grabbed Serene Silas, who turned around and was about to leave, and looked at her with a gloomy look.

"Let go!“ Serene gritted her teeth as she endured the pain in her heart, and said these two words to him so coldly.

A year ago, the Leves family was exterminated, and no one heard about Jackie. She had been waiting for him to come back, waiting for him to return to her side, waiting for him to fulfill the promise he had made to her.

However, what did he do to her?

Serene did not dare to think about it. Every time she thought about it, her heart would ache so much that she would turn numb.

What did she do to make him take revenge on her in such a cruel way?

Serene couldn't understand.

"Serene, who do you think you are? What makes you think you can choose to not forgive me?" Jackie grabbed her wrist so tightly that it could almost break her wrist.

"Who am I? Who do you think I am?" Serene bit her lip so hard that it pierced through the skin, and blood seeped into her mouth. However. she still continued to bite her lips as tears welled up in her eyes.

He asked her who she was?

"Serene, you can't escape from me for the rest of your life. You can only marry me, Jackie, and be my woman," Jackie spoke confidently.

It was not long before he said these words that he asked her who she was.

Who was he and what did he become?

She did not know the answer. She only knew that the old Jackie would never torture her in such a cruel way.

"Serene, your hands are stained with the blood of so many lives, and you owe me more than a dozen lives. Do you think you can leave as you wish?" She would hate him and not forgive him anyway. He wanted to just keep her by his side forever until she dies, and so both of them would suffer together.

Serene gritted her teeth and asked, "My hands are stained with blood? I owe you more than a dozen lives? Tell me, how did I do this?"

"Do you need me to tell you? Do you want me to show you the evidence, only then will you admit it?" Jackie sneered and told her all the evidence that Daryl Leves had found.

Every word she heard, Serene's face became paler. Jackie still held on to her tightly as he told her, but she couldn't say a word.

It turned out that he thought she drugged the Leves family's food, and it turned out that he thought she betrayed him and killed more than a dozen people in his family...

It turned out that he had never really trusted her.

If he really knew her, even if he knew just a little, he would not make such a stupid assumption.

"Your face looks so upset, you are not speaking, that's because I am right. Are you thinking of a way to refute me?" Jackie said casually, but in fact, he was nervous and sweating.

He gave this woman a chance. If she said no, he would send his men to investigate and find the real murderer.

He was waiting for her.

However, Serene suddenly smiled and said, "Yes, I am looking for an excuse to get away. But since you have seen through my mind, I don't want to pretend anymore. You are right. On the night of the Leves family's accident, I poisoned your food. They were burned to death because of me."

"Shut up!" Jackie roared. How was she so fearless?

If she dared to say one more word, he would sew her mouth with a needle so that she could never speak again.

"I haven't finished speaking. Young Master Leves, you don‘t want to hear me out anymore?" Serene curled her lips and smiled charmingly. "Jackie, Jackie, you are a fool. I'm just a woman, but you got fooled so easily."

"You..." Jackie was so irritated by her that he lost his mind. He wanted to slap her, but when his hand reached near her face, he took his hand back.

Damn it! He had so much hate!

It was not because he hated Serene, but because he hated himself.

Serene, the vicious woman, admitted the fact that she had committed the crime, but he still couldn't hurt her.

He should have killed the culprit who killed his family, but he couldn't do it.

Serene smiled and said, "Hit me! Why don't you hit me? Slap me to death, then you can avenge the lives of the Leves family. What are you hesitating about?"

"Serene, do you think I won't?" Jackie held Serene's wrist and squeezed her bones, as if he wanted to crush her.

Serene said again, "You are the Young Master of the Leves family, what is there you can't do? Isn't killing me what you want to do to avenge the Leves family lives?"

"You... really deserve to die!" Jackie pulled Serene and threw her to the wall. Then he reached out and grabbed her neck. "Serene, it's stilI not too late for you to beg for your life."

"That will never happen." Serene let out a subtle smile as she spoke up, and she slowly closed her eyes.

To her, death was really not such a terrible thing.

Before this, she reached the Gates of Hell several times. Every time, she was prepared to die. But every time, she never did. She hoped that she could succeed this time.

"Jackie, are you stupid?" Originally, Janell Joy didn't want to intervene, but if she didn't intervene, Serene would be strangled to death by Jackie, that stupid man. She had to step forward.

Jackie stopped, and he appeared lost.

Janell Joy added, "Even an outsider like me can understand what Sister Serene just said was because she was upset. Her beloved man didn't trust her, she was disappointed, she wanted to die, but you couldn't hear through it. I really don't know whether you really loved her and really understood her at all."

Jackie was speechless.

Janell Joy continued, "If you really didn't understand her in the past, please let go of her now and try to know her. See if she really is a woman worthy of your love and care."

Suddenly, Jackie had finally pieced the puzzles together. He seemed to have realized something and released his hand in a hurry. "l..."

He still didn't know what to say. He just lowered his head and looked at Serene, who almost died in his hands, hoping that she could speak. All he needed from her was just a sentence.

As long as she asked him to trust her, he would trust her.

When Jackie finally let go, Serene breathed hard and coughed for a long time. After a while, she said, "Janell Joy, thank you for your kindness! I know you care for me and want the best for me, but for the extermination of the Leves family, I will assume full responsibility over what happened."


"Sister Serene, this man is already crazy, and you want to go crazy together with him? If you speak nonsense, he will really kill you. I beg you, don't fool around, okay?" Janell Joy stamped her feet anxiously, and she really wanted to pull them together and beat them up.

There must be some misunderstanding between them. Whenever there was a misunderstanding, communication was the most important thing. At this time, they should sit down and have a good talk.

They loved each other deeply. As long as they communicated, then there was nothing that could not be solved.

However, both Jackie and Serene were very stubborn. Neither of them was willing to give in.

Seeing that they were getting fiercer, Janell Joy panicked. She was really worried that these two would go into an irredeemable situation.

"Janell Joy, stop talking. I know very well what i am doing." Serene turned around and smiled at Janell Joy.

She assumed that the Jackie she was waiting for was dead, so she would be able to see him once she died. Therefore, death was something she wanted.

"Do you really know what you are doing?" Janell Joy asked her loudly.

"I know. At the worst. I will die. We will have to die sooner or later anyway. No one can escape that." Serene spoke flatly. She really had no hope for life anymore.

"Die? You want to die? Dying is very easy, but it's also what a coward would do." Janell Joy was really anxious and said rudely, "I don't understand. Stay alive and well, and help your beloved man find out the real murderer, isn't that better?"

When Janell Joy said these words, Serene and Jackie felt extremely shocked at the same time, and both of them chose to be silent.

Seeing that they did not speak, Janell Joy added, "Do you two have to misunderstand and hurt each other, only then will you feel comfortable? Do you want the enemies hiding in the dark to laugh at you fools for harming each other?"

Janell Joy turned to look at Jackie and said, "And you, you don't even trust the person you love. What right do you have to say that you love her? You only knew how to take advantage of Sister Serene's kindness. If it were me, I will definitely kill you."

If Brother Lucas didn't trust her, she would definitely discuss matters with him. If Brother Lucas still didn't trust her, she would kill him.

He would always say that she was his Baby Janell. If he didn't even have trust for her, how could she still be his Baby Janell.

As soon as she spoke out boldly, Janell Joy felt a little embarrassed when she saw that both Jackie and Serene were staring at her.

She scratched her head and stepped forward to help Serene. "Sister Serene, you haven't recovered yet. Let's go back to your room to rest first. Take some time to think about things calmly and carefully. I think that self-righteous man would also calm down and think. After all, people always say that impulsiveness is a devil. We should all calm down, then everything that was a misunderstanding would be resolved."

Janell Joy said loudly so Jackie could hear too.

She knew that Jackie was not really that foolish. The reason why Jackie misunderstood Serene was because he cared for her a lot. He cared about her too much, he lost his sense of rationality, and he couldn't even think properly.

Now that the two of them met up, they just needed some time. As long as the two of them had time to calm down and think, everything would eventually be okay.

At present, what Janell Joy wanted to do was to help Serene go back to the ward to rest. It was better to leave Jackie to Brother Lucas.

After all, they were good brothers. After they cleared things off, they would definitely work together to manage those enemies hiding in the dark.

Janell Joy was very sure that for those enemies, their good days were coming to an end.


On the way back to the Misty Mountain.

"Young Master..." Daryl Leves drove the car straight to Misty Mountain. He was silent on the way, and finally decided to speak up. "The girl from the Silas family personally admitted that she was the culprit who poisoned the Leves family. Why didn't you kill her off? Don't you want to avenge Mr. and Mrs. Leves and the rest?"

Serene, the hateful woman, admitted that she was the culprit. Why did their Young Master protect her?

Could it be that the woman knew how to control minds?

Under such circumstances, their Young Master still protected her, it indirectly showed how difficult it was for them to get rid of Serene.

"Are you doubting me?" Jackie raised his eyebrows and glanced at Daryl coldly. "After working with me for so many years, don't you know what kind of people I hate the most?"

"I know, but I still want to say... Young Master, obviously I can just turn a blind eye to this. But every time I think of how Mr. and Mrs. Leves treated me so well, and how they were burnt to death, I would rather be punished by you than keep my peace." Daryl straightened his back and said with righteousness. For the sake of the Leves family and the innocent lives of more than a dozen people, he could put his own safety aside.

"If you really want to avenge the death of the Leves family, then arrange your men to investigate what happened a year ago again and see who was behind it." Jackie swore that he must take out the person hidden behind the scenes and let them taste what it was like to be burned alive.

"Young Master, don't be so stubborn. The Silas girl has personally admitted that she was the one who poisoned everyone. How can that be wrong?" Daryl was emotional and did not think much before he spoke. Even Jackie could hear the hatred for Serene from his tone.

"It's my business, who are you to tell me what to do?" Jackie looked at Daryl fiercely and said in a colder voice.

"Yes... I crossed the line." Daryl was reluctant to stop, but he couldn't afford to piss him off.

If their master found anything wrong, they would have no chance to harm Serene again in the future.

"By the way, what has Nina been doing these days?" Jackie asked again.

In the past, that woman was always trying to stay close to him. But since Serene's accident, he didn't see her at all.

"Nina?" Daryl glanced at Jackie from the rear-view mirror. He saw that he had his eyes closed and seemed to be asking casually, but he was not sure if he had his intentions. He thought for a while and answered according to his plan, "Nina was not feeling well these two days and has been lying in bed."

"When you get back, ask her to pack up and leave Misty Mountain. I don't want to see her anymore." Jackie gave such a simple order.


Daryl Leves knew why Jackie Leves wanted Nina to leave, but he didn't want to believe that Jackie knew what Nina had done, so he asked with a fluke mentality, "Young Master, why... why do you want Nina to leave?"

Jackie opened his eyes and also looked back at Daryl from the rear-view mirror as he said coldly, "Don't you know the reason yourself?"

"Young, Young Master... You just gave the order. Forgive me for being stupid, but I can't figure out why you want Nina to leave.." Daryl was so scared that his hands, which were holding the steering wheel, trembled slightly, but he still clenched his teeth and didn't want to disclose any information.

Because Daryl knew that as long as he did not admit it, Jackie could not find any evidence to prove that Nina had something to do with Serene Silas' escape.

As long as there was no definite evidence, their master would forgive Nina on the account that Nina was loyal to him for so many years.

"Who set the trap in the mountains? We just went down the mountain and Serene already escaped from the back door of my study. She was in the room for the whole month, so how could she know that there is a small door to the back mountain in my study?" Jackie calmly expressed his doubts.

On the day of the incident, Jackie noticed this odd detail. But because he was too worried about Serene's safety, he had no time and energy to think about why Serene would escape.

At this moment, Jackie knew that Serene was safe, and he saw her injuries, so the first thing he wanted to do was to deal with those men who were behind it.

Jackie would definitely not have any traitors around him.

"Young Master, I'm afraid this is the strength of Miss Silas... At that time, she was also the one who poisoned the food under your nose. Nobody even realized it was her." As long as Jackie did not expose his doings or found any evidence, Daryl would not admit it.

"You have been with me for many years, this is the first time that I know of your eloquence. It's such a waste of your talent if you continued to work for me instead of others." Jackie snorted coldly. He hated this kind of backstabbers the most.

"Young Master, I." Daryl shivered again. Although he liked receiving praises, this was not how he wanted to hear it.

This matter was related to Nina's wellbeing. It was definitely an important matter. He could not surrender just because of his master's threat.

"Don't explain anymore. Go back and get her out of there. I don't want to see her anymore." In the end, Jackie didn't want to keep a person who was a threat to Serene. 

He knew Nina's personality well. Previously, when she had done something to Serene, he already decided that he wanted Nina out of there. However, Daryl pleaded and thought that this woman was also loyal to the Leves family, that was why he let her stay.

He thought that Nina could change, but he didn't expect that just as he left, Nina had set up a trap to frame Serene. If it weren't for Serene's luck, she would have fallen into Nina's trap already.

Jackie was sure that he would not allow any person who tried to harm Serene to be around them anymore.

"Young Master, Nina grew up in the Leves family and had been by your side for many years. She is loyal to you. She is young and a lot of times, she just did not consider the consequences of doing these things. Please have mercy on her." Knowing that their master had seen some things and that he was really angry, Daryl had to change his strategy and tried to persuade Jackie so that he could let Nina go again.

"She is young? Then when she tried to kill Serene with poison, did she ever think that Serene is still younger than she is?" Jackie could accept an excuse, but if he were to accept the same excuse again, he would be stupid.

Nina was already 26 years this year. Serene was only turning 23! If Nina could harm a girl younger than her, how could he say that she was young and ignorant?

"Young Master, Nina definitely did not do these things for herself. She did this for your own good. She was afraid that you will be deceived by Serene, that vicious woman. She was afraid that history would repeat itself like when the Leves family were burned alive a year ago." One of his tricks failed, so Daryl thought of another trick, which was also a trump card to deal with Jackie.

Because they all knew that the death of his family was definitely his weak spot. This was a painful event he would forever remember.

As long as he was reminded him of this matter, he would want to get revenge for the Leves family and get rid of Serene, the culprit.

"After you go back, pack up your luggage and leave with her." Jackie closed his eyes and said coldly. "Stop lying, or else you can get out of the car now."

"Young Master, you would rather get rid of us who have been by your side for many years for that vicious woman?" Daryl stopped the car on the side of the road and thumped his chest anxiously. He was really anxious.

"That's my woman. Who are you to speak ill of her?" Jackie said out loud again, and his tone sounded even colder. It was so cold that it pierced through Daryl's bones.

"Young Master, that woman killed the people of the Leves family, and she made you lose touch with reality. Why can't I speak ill of her?" Daryl's eyes were fuming with anger, and he was more anxious. "I want to kill her. Only by killing that woman can I avenge the people of the Leves family. Then, you can return to being yourself."

"If you kill her, you can avenge for my family?" Jackie suddenly smiled, and his laughter echoed in the narrow space of the car. "If you really want to avenge them, then you wouldn't just hand me such a weak evidence."

At that time, when Jackie saw that the evidence was pointed at Serene, his brain didn't even think rationally. He just stupidly thought that Serene was taking advantage of him when he was with him and believed that she had poisoned his family.

Now that he had time to calm down and think about it, it didn’t take much time for him to realize the loophole in the evidence in his hands.

Daryl surely knew that there were loopholes in the evidence. It was very likely that he had seen through it, but he chose to remain silent, because he also believed that Serene was the culprit behind the poisoning.

"Young Master, I... " Because he hated the Silas family secretly, and he found evidence that showed how Serene poisoned their food, so Daryl just jumped on the bandwagon.


Anyway, as long as they were against the Leves family and were involved in the death a year ago, Daryl Leves hated them so much that he wanted to kill them as soon as possible to avenge for the family.

"Think about it yourself." If it wasn't because Daryl had been with him for many years and was loyal to him, Jackie would never allow such a dangerous time bomb to be by his side.

Serene was his woman. It didn‘t matter how he treated her, but he would never allow other men to bully her and would never allow others to say anything about her.

He was such a selfish man.

"Yes." Daryl had to accept his fate, because he didn't want to leave Jackie, or at least he couldn't leave until he found the real murderer who killed the Leves Family.


Lying quietly on the hospital bed, Serene couldn't fall asleep, and the thoughts in her mind were messy and chaotic, like a bunch of horses galloping in her mind all at the same time.

She had never dreamed that the devil she feared the most would be her Jackie, the man she was thinking about every day.

When she first heard the truth, she was so stunned, as if she had been struck by lightning. She could not calm her turbulent emotions down for a long time.

Jackie was the person she loved the most in her life, and also that devil was the person she hated the most in her life. Destiny messed with her once again.

Destiny! Destiny! This damned destiny!

They really thought highly of Serene. She was just a little girl, and she was just trying to live her life. Why did her destiny keep messing around with her?

The person she loved the most had become the person she hated the most. She didn't even know how she should feel right now.

He accused her of killing the people of the Leves family; he accused her of betraying their relationship; he accused her of being a vicious woman...

She kept telling herself that this person was the devil, not the Jackie she loved, but when she heard of his accusations, she still felt so much pain as if thousands of arrows were piercing through her heart.

That was the person she trusted and relied on the most. He was the person who helped her survive. How could he not believe her?

Thinking about it, her tears rolled down the corners of her eyes and dripped on the hospital's quilt, staining it all over.

"Jackie... How can you not believe me?"

Although she had said that she would not forgive him for the rest of her life not long ago, Serene still hoped that Jackie could trust her.

No matter how much he changed, no matter what he had become, no matter what he did to her, he was still her Jackie.

He was the one person she would never forget.


"Brother Lucas , isn't Jackie your best friend? Why don't you persuade him?" Seeing that Jackie left hurriedly and when she saw Serene's sad gaze, Janell Joy felt very upset too and whined to Brother Lucas.

"You have already said what I wanted to say to him. What else can I say?" Nathaniel rubbed Janell Joy's head, looking at her with an affectionate gaze, as if she was the only person in the world.

"Brother Lucas, are you blaming me for being a busybody?" Janell Joy knew clearly that Brother Lucas didn't mean that, but she just wanted to throw a little tantrum on him.

Because she knew that besides having her family, there was also Brother Lucas who also doted on her unconditionally, so that she could still fuss around at will.

"You helped me so much that I can't even thank you enough. Why would I blame you?" Originally, Nathaniel was angry at this girl for not knowing the seriousness of the matter. But when he realized that she was not an impulsive person, and saw that she had her reasons and grounds for acting that way, he trusted her.

After that, he understood more clearly that this girl was cleverer than he thought. Although she was young, she saw through a lot of things.

Nathaniel was impressed by the genes of the leader of Shengtian, Edwin Carter. With such a powerful father, only could he give birth to such an excellent, smart, and sensible daughter.

"Brother Lucas, are you complimenting me?" Janell Joy lay on his arms, and her small head rubbed against his chest as if she were a kitten. "If it's a compliment, don't just say it. You should reward me more."

"Okay," Nathaniel promised her. Then he held the back of the little girl's head and pushed her towards him. He kissed her lovingly and inviting her to reciprocate.

Bad Brother Lucas!

Janell Joy punched him playfully. How could he see through her little thoughts at a glance? She did want him to kiss her... but she didn't expect him to be so direct.

He was so direct and quick, as if... as if she was a little pervert. In fact, she was still an innocent child that didn't know anything.

After a long time, Nathaniel let go of her. He gently stroked her red and tender lips and showed a flirty smile. "Are you satisfied with this reward?"

"Brother Lucas, you are so annoying! I have decided, I'm going to ignore you temporarily." Janell Joy blushed and glared at Nathaniel with a wronged look.

Brother Lionel was really bad!

Couldn't he just act that way and play things cool? Didn't he know that she was also embarrassed?

It was rare to see Janell Joy's embarrassed and shy look. Nathaniel laughed out loud. After laughing, he held Janell Joy's head and gave her another deep kiss. "Mm, this time, | just really want to kiss you. Are you happy now?"

What was that?

Janell Joy was even angrier. She was so angry that she stepped on him. But when she was about to step on his foot, she stopped in time.

She didn't want to hurt Brother Lucas at all. Even if she stepped on him, he wouldn't feel any pain at all, but she just couldn't do it.

"Alright, don't be angry anymore. I won't tease you anymore." Looking at her angry look, Nathaniel was in a good mood. It was also the first time he laughed so happily in this period of time.

"Brother Lucas, does it still hurt?" Janell Joy did not care about the kiss.She changed the topic and asked another question.

Nathaniel was stunned. "What?"

Janell Joy reached out and touched his face. "You still have the bruises on your face. It must be very painful when you were beaten." She pouted and said, "In the future, no matter who the person is, if anyone dares to hit you, you must return the favor. If you let yourself get hurt again, i will ignore you."

Of course, when Janell Joy said this sentence, she absolutely did not know that her Brother Lucas's second injury in his entire life, would be because of her father.


"Mm." Looking at Janell Joy Carter's distressed look, Nathaniel couldn't resist touching her gently again. "I promise you, I will try not to let myself get hurt in the future."

A little external injury was nothing to him as a grown up man. In the past, he survived from more serious injuries. For a long time, he really didn't think his life was that precious.

However, it was different for him now. Janell Joy would worry about him, so he could not do anything that would worry her.

In Nathaniel's memory, his parents' marriage was political. There was not much affection between them, only political interests.

Therefore, he had never seen his parents show affection towards each other, so he had always believed that relationships among people in this world were all based on interests. Love meant nothing in his world.

It was not until he knew the Carter family and saw that Edwin Carter doted on a woman so much that he realized that the world still had love.

It was a very lucky thing to have a woman to love and to be loved by a woman. It was probably life's greatest blessing.

For him to have Janell Joy like him so much, he must have done something right in his past life.

"What do you mean you will try?" Janell Joy was very dissatisfied with Nathaniel's answer. She pouted and said, "Brother Lucas, do you think I'm being unreasonable?"

"How could that be?" Of course, he knew that she was concerned about him.

"Then why won't you talk to me properly?" Janell Joy acted like she was very hurt. She pressured Nathaniel to give her the right answer.

"Then I promise you that I will never let myself get hurt anymore." Nathaniel shook his head helplessly and had to agree to this little girl's request.

Hearing this answer, Janell Joy smiled with satisfaction and said, "Brother Lucas, if you promised me, you have to remember it. You are not allowed to break your promise. Otherwise, I will be very angry

In the end, Janell Joy was just worried that her Brother Lucas would be beaten up by others.

He was the President, the leader of the country, and her beloved Brother Lucas. Even her, couldn't bear to hurt him, how could he be beaten up by others?

It was true that Jackie was his good brother. How could his brother hit people without any reason?

Anyway, Janell Joy firmly remembered what happened. She would definitely find a chance to avenge Brother Lucas in the future.

She may be petty, but she was a woman with principles. She acted this way only for the people she loved.

He didn't stay for a long time, because there were still a lot of national affairs waiting for Nathaniel to deal with. He went back to the North Palace shortly after.

Before leaving, Nathaniel told Janell Joy to go back to the ward to rest for a while. While taking care of Serene, she must not get sick too.

Janell Joy nodded lightly and sent Nathaniel away with a smile. In fact, she was feeling sad in her heart.

She thought that Brother Lucas would stay with her all the time, but she knew that it was impossible, so she could only watch him leave pitifully.

As soon as Brother Lucas left, Janell Joy felt that her heart left too. She couldn't do anything as she lay in the lounge. She couldn't sleep and eventually, she received a phone call from Samantha Lesley, who hadn’t contacted her for a long time.

"Samantha..." Janell Joy said weakly.

"Janell Joy, are you in the hospital?" Samantha's voice came from the phone.

Samantha heard that Serene was injured, so she came to the hospital to visit her. But because she didn't have any special pass, she was stopped by the bodyguards, so she had to call Janell Joy for help.

Seeing her classmate and friend whom she hadn't seen for a long time, Samantha pulled Janell Joy's hand and said, "Janell Joy, what were you busy with these days? Why didn't you look for me?"

"What else can I be busy with?" Janell Joy said dejectedly. Apart from doing things related to Brother Lucas, she really didn't know what else she could be doing.

The main reason why Janell Joy insisted on staying in the hospital to take care of Sister Serene was because of Brother Lucas too.

As Serene still had the title of being the President's fiance, Serene's every move would be closely watched by the public, so Janell Joy could not let anything happen to her again.

"Oh..." Samantha snorted and scratched her head stupidly. "I came to see Sister Serene, but she has fallen asleep, and I don't want to disturb her."

"Sit here for a while. When Sister Serene wakes up, let's chat with her." Because they had known each other for many years, Janell Joy didn't treat Samantha as courteously as she treated others. She was lying on the couch as she spoke to Samantha casually.

Samantha looked at Janell Joy. After waiting for a while, she said, "Janell Joy, a very good friend of mine has opened a new themed leisure club. If you have time, come with me to support my friend."

"Okay." Janell Joy agreed immediately, but suddenly thought of something. "I'm afraid I can't go so soon. I won‘t have time until Sister Serene recovers."

"Janell Joy, how long have you known Sister Serene? Why are you so kind to her?" Samantha's tone sounded a little bitter.

Back then, it took her a long time to gain Janell Joy's trust completely. Sister Serene and Janell Joy had only met twice, so how could they be so close to each other?

She knew she wasn't smart enough. She couldn't figure it out, so she asked directly.

"Because Sister Serene is very kind." This was Janell Joy's answer.

The answer that Janell Joy couldn't say out loud was that Sister Serene was Brother Lucas's fake fiance, and because she took Brother Lucas away from her, she needed to treat her well to compensate for that.

Before Brother Lucas openly admitted their relationship, she hoped that Sister Serene could reconcile with her former lover first and hope that she and her lover could live a good life together.

Samantha murmured, "I really want to become as brilliant as you."

"Little girl, what are you thinking about?“ Janell Joy stared at Samantha. "How many times do I have to tell you this? Everyone is unique and irreplaceable. l have my own good qualities, you have yours too. Do you understand that? Don't look down on yourself again."

"Hehe, I know now." Samantha giggled. "Janell Joy, among my friends, you're the kindest to me. Although, when I stand next to you, I look like a clown, I'm still very happy."

"Samantha!" Janell Joy was angry and poked her forehead, "Did you already forget what I just told you?"

"Hey hey... I remember! Janell Joy, don't be angry!" Samantha reached out and scratched her head, showing her signature silly smile.


On Misty Mountain.

Nina, who was still lying on the bed pretending to be ill, got up as soon as she heard that Jackie Leves wanted her to leave. She stared at Daryl Leves with wide eyes in disbelief and asked, "Uncle Daryl, did you make a mistake?"

"How could it be a mistake?" Daryl shook his head and sighed. "Nina, listen to me. If it doesn't belong to you, you'd better stop desperately hoping for it."

"What do you mean by 'desperately hoping'. I've known the Young Master since I was a child. When did that Silas girl know him? It was that shameless woman that took away what belonged to me. Why would you ask me to let go?" Nina thought that Jackie should belong to her, but Serene suddenly got in between them and ruined everything.

If it weren't for Serene's interference, she might have married Jackie a long time ago. They might even have had children together already.

However, that d*mned woman, Serene, appeared in front of Jackie. She attracted his attention, and he no longer had eyes for others.

Daryl said, "Yes, the Silas woman knew the Young Master later than you did, but Young Master likes her. How can you change this?"

Nina said, "As long as she's gone, as long as she is no longer in this world, Young Master will notice me sooner or later. If he is given some time, he will definitely see that I am good. He will know that I am the woman who can accompany him down the road."

Daryl was embarrassed to hear Nina's ridiculous remarks. He could not refute it, so he had to change the subject. "Nina, pack up and leave earlier. This will be better for everyone. Don't be so stubborn."

Nina was unhappy. "Uncle Daryl, why did Young Master ask me to leave? I grew up in the Leves family and have been with him for more than 20 years. How can I just leave like this?"

Daryl shook his head and sighed. "Don't you know what you have done? We all know how important Serene is in Young Master's heart. If you want to get rid of her, you have to bear the consequences."

Nina was so anxious that her eyes turned red. "Uncle Daryl, I've been careful about that matter. I didn't leave any trace. How did Young Master know it was me?"

Looking at Nina's expression, Daryl was also worried. After all, he watched this child grow up since she was young. He said, "You know what kind of person Young Master is too. Especially since Serene was involved, do you think he will not know about what happened? Since he knows now, how can he still tolerate you?"

Seeing that Daryl was forcing her to leave, Nina was furious and shouted, "Could it be that you deliberately told Young Master these things so that you can stay by Young Master's side? Uncle Daryl, you watched me grow up, how can you betray me?"

Before she figured out the truth, Nina shouted at Daryl, as if Jackie was the fool and Daryl played tricks behind their back.

She was so anxious that she said such words, and forgot that Daryl was the only person who stood on her side. If Daryl didn't support her, she couldn't do anything.

Listening to Nina's nonsense, Daryl frowned unhappily, but since he had known her for a very long time, he did not want to argue with her again.

He said, "Nina, pack up. It's better if you leave like this. If you continue to cause a fuss, Young Master will send someone to kick you out."

"Are you threatening me?" Nina put on her coat angrily, turned around and rushed out. She was very quick. When Daryl wanted to stop her, she had already run out of the room.

Daryl was older than Nina, and he knew more about their master's character. If she really offended their master, Nina would not be able to bear his punishment.

Nina made one mistake before, but their master could still let her go because she had been loyal to the Leves family for so many years.

If it happened a second time and if their master knew about it, he would definitely not be merciful.

Daryl was more mature, so he could see it clearly. He knew that their master will take action on Nina this time. But Nina was still naive to think that as long as she refused to admit her doings or tried to put on a pitiful face, their Young Master would still let her off the hook like how he did the last time.

It was not until she rushed into Jackie's study and saw the piercing, cold gaze from Jackie, did Nina realize that she had made a big mistake this time.

"Young Master, I... l" She stammered and couldn't even say a complete sentence. She shouldn't be so impulsive and she should have thought of a solution before looking for him.

But now that things had escalated and she had nowhere to go. As long as she clenched her teeth and held on, maybe she would have a chance to stay by Jackie's side.

"Speak." Perhaps because Nina grew up in the Leves family and worked for him for so many years, Jackie gave her a chance to explain.

"Young Master, I don't want to leave. I want to stay by your side and continue to take care of you," Nina spoke as she knelt on the ground. This was the only way she could think of at this point in time.

Jackie looked at her and did not speak. No matter what she said, he was firm on his decisions.

Nina raised her head slightly and glanced at him quietly, "Young Master, I‘ve been with you for many years, and I've been taking care of your meals all this time. I don't feel at ease to hand these things over to anyone else. Please give me another chance."

"So you're saying I can't survive without you?" Jackie raised his lips and looked like he was smiling, but that smile looked so cold that it sent shivers down her spine.

Nina panicked and said hurriedly, "Young Master... I, I didn't mean that..."

Jackie said coldly, "Daryl, send her away."

Daryl heard the command and walked into the room. He wanted to drag Nina away, but Nina shook off his hand and rushed to Jackie's side as she yelled, "Young master, no, you can't... I like you. I want to marry you. How can you be so cruel to me!"

Seeing that her last hope was destroyed, Nina couldn't care less anymore and shouted out the secret that had been long buried in her heart.

"You like me, but I don't like you. I won't ever fancy you in this life, and I won't in the next life too. Don't think too much." Jackie spoke so calmly and indifferently that it was scary. He had completely dismissed Nina's feelings for him.

Nina was so desperate that she lay softly on the ground. She wanted to cry but she couldn't. In her heart, she repeated Serene's name again and again.

Jackie added, "Send her away. She absolutely cannot appear here again!"

Nina had feelings for him, so she would hurt Serene because of her jealousy. Therefore, Jackie must absolutely get rid of this potential grenade and spare all future trouble.